Cardinal Ratzinger Is Often the Lightning Rod for Debate on Official Church Teachings

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Cardinal Ratzinger Is Often the Lightning Rod for Debate on Official Church Teachings PITTSBURGH i/) N h» m u ** Ui rt < >- h" 7) Ml /) >• oC aC Friday, November 7, 1986 142nd Year, CXLII No. 32 LU U rn > *o o ■ j ^ F O < -» j ^ 4J JOC Bishops face controversial issues at meeting •°z 1 Key C uria le 3 U J ' 4 > 4 By JERRY FILTEAU cede complete authority to his auxiliary in some among the bishops themselves, however, but be­ 3 .3 *■ key areas of governing the Seattle Archdiocese. tween the bishops and their lay critics. C ardinal Ra\ Some observers consider the response of the 2O °-J ^* WASHINGTON (NC) — Lively controversies will • Election of a new president and vice presi­ face the Catholic bishops of the United States as bishops to the issue a critical factor in determining dent. Ordinarily not controversial, the officer elec­ (2nd of 6-part series on the Roman Curia and they gather in Washington Nov. 10-13 for the fall future directions of the Catholic Church in the tions this year are a focus of heightened interest five of Its key leaders.) meeting of the National Conference of Catholic United States. because of growing concern over apparent divi­ Bishops and U.S. Catholic Conference. • Votes Nov. 12 or 13 on a national pastoral sions within the bishops' conference. Elections By AGOSTINO BONO The documentation of the bishops' agenda was letter, "Economic Justice for All.” as well as an ac­ also will be held for chairmen of several con­ companying pastoral message and a follow-up ference committees. VATICAN CITY (NC) — Soft-spoken and released Nov. 6. Items of particular importance or popular in­ plan to implement the pastoral. With flve-and-a- • Opening-day speeches by the outgoing con­ bespectacled German Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger half hours set aside to discuss them, those three is the Vatican Curia's most controversial figure terest on their agenda include: ference president, Bishop James Malone of • A closed-door session Nov. 11 on the pro­ items occupy about one-third of the total public Youngstown. Ohio, and the papal pronuncio to the — and one of its most powerful. tracted controversy over the recent Vatican action meeting time of the bishops over four days. Most of As head of the Vatican Congregation for the instructing Archbishop Raymond Hunthausen to the controversy over the pastoral has not been (Continued on page 3) Doctrine of the Faith, the church’s watchdog agency on theology, faith and morals. Cardinal Ratzinger is often the lightning rod for debate on official church teachings. Black Catholics Unlike his predecessors, the 59-year-old cardinal is highly prepare for national visible. Since assuming his post in 1981. he has expound­ ed his personal views on con­ congress next spring troversial church topics in several interviews and articles. By PHIL TAYLOR Sometimes, as in the case of liberation theology, he goes Black Catholics met recently for a day of reflec­ public with his opinion on an tion to prepare a list of concerns to be presented to Cardinal issue before the congregation a diocesan coordinating committee in preparation Ratzinger staff has finished its for the National Black Catholic Congress to be held evaluation. next spring in Washington D.C. The cardinal's most controversial comments The days of reflection are being used across the to date were contained in a book-length interview nation to bring together black Catholics, clergy on the state of the church he gave to an Italian and Religious who serve in black communities to Journalist in 1985. The interview, published in formulate a national agenda of concerns and an ef­ English as The Ratzinger Report, was a broad fective plan of evangelization among blacks. commentary on church life since the Second Over 100 black Catholics from the diocese along Vatican Council. with a group of observers from the Greensburg The post-conciltar church “seems to have Diocese met recently at the Martina Spiritual passed over from self-criticism to self- Renewal Center in Ross Township. The event destruction." he said in the book. drew black Catholics from various parishes within “There had been the expectation of a step for­ the diocese. Some of the parishes sending ward. and instead one found oneself facing a pro­ was done last week in the W PXI studios on the representatives included. St. James. Wilkinsburg: gressive process of decadence.” he added. Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament. East When he speaks publicly on a church issue. Mass for shut-ins North Side. Fr. John O'Toole was the con­ célébrant and the choir was from St. Paul Hills: SS. Peter & Paul, East Liberty: Corpus Cardinal Ratzinger almost automatically sets the Pittsburgh Bishop Anthony J. Bevilacqua will be Cathedral Parish, Oakland. Christi. East End: Holy Rosary. Homewood, and tone for any ensuing discussion. the principal celebrant for the Nov. 9 Mass for — Photo by John C. Keenan St. Benedict the Moor. Hill District. The power of his office and his influence at the shut-ins that Is televised at 6 a.m. on WPXI-TV highest levels of the church give him that clout. Channel 11 every Sunday. Taping for the Mass (Continued on page 2) But for a man with such influence. Cardinal Ratzinger is outwardly one of the mildest of characters. Vatican w arns When he speaks, there is little emotion or in­ flection in his soft voice. He peers through thick Pro-life speaker says America glasses set in black hornrims. A slight motion of about ‘pro-hom osexual the hand is the most overt emphasis he gives to a point. m o v e m e n t ’ in docum ent has become a ‘selfish nation’ Besides heading his own agency Cardinal Ratz­ By JOHN THAVIS Judie Brown, president of the "...We can look to Washington reference to those involved in inger is a member of 14 curial agencies — more "rescue missions" (sit-ins at than any other top official — and has a voice in American Life League, said and we can expect men like VATICAN CITY (NC) — A Vatican document, America has become a "selfish Ronald Reagan to save these clinics), saying the participants their policy making. These include seven con­ citing confusion among Catholics over church show total committment to both gregations and the Council for the Public Affairs nation" for its insensitivity of per­ babies, but as I stand here tonight teaching on homosexuality, has warned that mitting abortion and told a I can assure you that Ronald parties involved: the mother of the Church, which handles relations with bishops and other pastoral workers must distance "who is helpless and sometimes governments. gathering of pro-life advocates Reagan will not save any babies themselves from the “pro-homosexual move­ “there is no politician worth his until we make an expression of hopeless:" and the "baby who He also is the only Vatican official Pope John ment" and its “deceitful propaganda." expectation loud enough that he would have no voice." Paul 11 sees on a scheduled weekly basis. (her) salt if he allows the slaughter The document, issued by the Congregation for to continue." understands clearly that She lauded local programs like The cardinal is the pope's chief adviser on the Doctrine of the Faith, was sharply critical of Republicanism is not as impor­ "Mom's House." now in its third theological orthodoxy, even on issues within the Brown was the featured groups inside and outside the church which it said speaker at the 14th annual pro­ tant to us as the life of innocent year in Brookline, which provides jurisdiction of another curial agency. "accept the homosexual condition as though it day care services to children and For example, the Vatican Secretariat for Pro­ life banquet sponsored by People pre-born babies." said the were not disordered" and "condone homosexual Concerned for the Unborn Child, founder and president of the their young student mothers. She moting Christian Unity has charge of theological activity." said organizations which provide dialogue with other Christian churches, but joint the area's oldest and largest pro­ American Life League. It described homosexuality as an "objective life organization. The event, Saying "it's time to understand an alternative to abortion ex­ statements resulting from those talks must pass disorder." It also linked legislation "to protect" emplify the "total committment" Cardinal Ratzinger's scrutiny before becoming which drew more than 300. was what the true values in the pro-life homosexual behavior with increases in anti­ held Nov. 1 at the Marriott Hotel movement are." she added, "we to life found among pro-lifers. official Catholic positions. homosexual violence. are constant in our defense of She also lashed out at sup­ The cardinal's influence is not absolute, in Greentree. It said the use of Catholic church buildings and each and every child created in porters of school-based clinics, however. Mrs. Brown said that having a school facilities by pro-homosexual groups is president in office who has public­ the image and likeness of God. We which may dispense contracep­ Prior to publication of the doctrinal congrega­ wrong, misleading and "often scandalous." It make no exceptions." tives. saying they are only in­ tion’s two documents on liberation theology. ly expressed his opposition to called on bishops to withdraw all support for such abortion has done little to bring it She said those fully committed terested in furthering their own Cardinal Ratzinger criticized theologians of that organizations. financial gain. persuasion for using Marxist concepts in their to an end. "Is it fair to the 10 to the cause of life cannot em­ Homosexuals who "seek to follow the Lord." the million babies who have died brace a political philosophy com­ She also said that the true analysis and for using sociology as a foundation 1 1 -page document said, should be encouraged to problem it is not adolescent for their reflections.
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