Multiplicity of Voices in Community Development through Radio in Fanteakwa District, Ghana Manfred K. Asuman Geopat Consultancy Ghana Africanus L. Diedong (Corresponding Author) Department of African and General Studies, University for Development Studies, Wa Campus, Ghana
[email protected] DOI// ABSTRACT The study examines community radio as a channel for development through people’s participation in development activities in the Fanteakwa District of Ghana. The study argues that participation of people is necessary for development. The study employed the concept of participatory development communication and the empowerment theory to help understand the role of community radio in development. Mixed method research design was used for the study. Data was collected through survey questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. Purposive sampling and multi-stage sampling techniques were used to select respondents. It was found that participation is highest amongst people whose preferred channel of contribution to development initiatives is Radio Listenership Clubs. Though community radio station is serving the community, more needs to be done to properly integrate it into the lives of the people. Another finding was that community radio is not necessarily owned by the community, but can be the result of an individual’s entrepreneurial effort.I t is concluded that the integration of participatory approaches in radio programming and ownership is relevant because they are more people-centred and can be sustainable. A legislation on community broadcasting is recommended in order to define the role of individual entrepreneurs andNGO ’s in establishing community radio stations. Keywords: Community Radio, Community Development, Participation, Empowerment, Fanteakwa District CC-BY License | 178 Ghana Journal of Development Studies, Vol.