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e'~ @esto J.M. "Buddy" Phillips, Executive Director Florida Sheriffs Association

Welcome to this —our Annual Guide to Government —a Though many people testifying special edition of The ShertJfs Star magazine. before legislators represent a nar- If you are a member of the Florida Sheriffs Association, you are row special interest, the "special interest" of our Sheri6's is the pub- probably like most of your fellow members who look forward to hav- lic safety of the citizens of this state. Period. And, thankfully, at least ing this up-to-date compilation of information on state agencies, leg- according to Senator Silver, legislators recognize this. islators, local oScials and other public officials whose work affects I was recently reviewing statistics from the Department of Cor- us every day. rections which proved —from the time that the Sheriffs became For those who are new to our readership, I'd like to point out aggressively involved —the percentage of time a prisoner serves has that the front part of this magazine is the guide every Florida citizen increased. Several of the gubernatorial candidates who visited FSA's needs to lmd their way around state government. The last 14 pages Mid-Winter conference also credited the Florida SheriS for making oÃer you an inside look at legislative affairs as they relate to public an impact, especially when it relates to the decrease in the crime safety, and a few other articles I'm certain you' ll lmd of interest. rate. The Florida Sheriffs have led the fight in introducing strong leg- Though much has been accomplished through coordinated islation over the last several years. And our work is now beginning representation, as you' ll read in the following stories, there is still a to pay off. lot to be done. Prevention programs, such as DARE and the Youth It might come as a surprise to many citizens that the Sheril'fs Ranches, are a pressing need. But I am confident, that with the help actively participate in the legislative process, but they are there to and support of our membership, you will be reading success stories represent you. on these topics in the coming year. In the story on page 62, Sen. Ron Silver points out that when the Sheriffs appear in the halls of the Capitol, they do not come across as J.M. "Buddy" Phillips self-serving. are there representing the citizens of Florida. They Executive Director

N0. January / February, 1998 42, 1, FLDIDA8 - Executive Director, Florida Sheriffs Association Shne ~ ~ Edttortal Cmtssltnnt, Carl Stanffer Ex~ Prorlrtcttora/Isststartt, Lynn Meek Directory of Shee Legislative March/April, May/June, July/August, ~ ~~/February, J Irararaa ,hy Iha1kaida ShcriS Associahon, a non-proin corpora- Florida's U.S.Scnahlrs ~74519:(street address, Z617 Mahan Drive). The sub- allll Rcprcserthuxves *i' slil~va~~lk'm'jijj""' -h IFPS /195-980. Second class postage paid at = ~Release send address corrections to Directory of County Offidals iie~ «i~ ~-'3617-z919.~t o 1998by Fhmda Sherills of Florida (Iiograplahas) ...... Directory of Law Enforcement ~~ : --='-%1=-=:; .:2585 Fax (850j 878-8665 Sheriffs' Mid-Winter Conference ...... Sheriff' Legislative Preview ...... ,...-- % REGISTRATION AND PRANDIAL INFORMATON MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE DF Numbers A COPY OF THE OFRCIAI. ~ Sheriffs' Telephone / FAX CONSUMER SERVICES BYCAtLING 14tM85 73SETOLL FREE, WITHIN THE STATE. REBISIRATION DOES NOT BtPLY and Addresses ...... Inside Ihlcic Cover ENDORSEMENT, APPROVAL, OR RFCOMMENDATIGN BYTHE STATE. ifI

Presi dent's %esseg8 FSA's Leadershi Inspires Innova&wj', : p '' '" '-, ", ', Achievemen t and New Direction . , ':,';. I

A message from Everett Rice, President

Florida Sheriffs Association a

While preftatfug ttus letter, i was struck with the thought of how far we as gherig's and the Florida Sheriffs Association have progressed over the past 10 to 12 years. Even though many'of us come from vastly different law-enforcement environments —in terms of jurisdicfion, size, demographics and issues —one thing is clear: Our unity in leadership is what has made the Florida. Sheriffs Association a successful agent of innovation and change in the Florida criminal justice system. The leadership of our Florida Sherdls extends far beyond the boundaries of our home counties. From the tip of the Panhandle to Key%est's southernmost point, our liard work has had an impact. Our accomplishments over the past fewyearst aloite are many:

9 A successful legislative campaign to pass the 85 percent sentencing rule for Florida state prisons, ~ The elimination of Sentencing Guidelines and the restoration'of minhnum mandatory sentencing rules.

-', '. I;:. ';.'. ..Aw ;, , :,.". .:. ..:. Enhanced penalties for violent and career criminals.

'f'fI"'--:. "'," -" ' W~Ij, ,', . '+ IIgarwtlciyation in the creation of the Florida Department ofJuvenilejustice.

') ',:""", II:-,'; g'I;':,:;,+~t~gta successful push to build more state prison beds.

'" "" ~s' ~ccunty of our citizens, our deputies and om detention o5cers is at the forefront in each of ", +',"~@t,.our leadership, perseverance and the support of our constituents, these 'tp,.F85 commendable, our future challenges are considerable. As our state' s ~r' '~,', 4emaiids for quality, professional law enforcement, 4e also musct ~ggf:, status of the Ofhce of sheriff. '"gIe&cestche' ahead. Our deputies increasingly face a better a, more eScient, computerized information net- ~' ', , ", Qeour, vlg8ance on penalty and sentencing issttes. ' ' ~g~ because our members have been lead- attd we sher8s will con- , ~,ahead, as

'and , ce,te,yoq, look forward to ' , ";. Mt' "y~t, gf ~ ', t't' i ju „wut titjffwitffitttu, ,jw ff,stt'ftrggf t,

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THE SHERIFF'9 STAR 4 JANUARY/ FEBRUARY 1998 3 'Pz J|IIfMU'I LE IBID.2', '54$„QQ4ief' 64)VO~QQ&~'r. thC I,/~

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' i!I;f~1' ~jf', vi Adm ~) -,

' ' ' ' ': -'. "."'"". - ", :,', ' ', ", ", '. : ;:, 6-.':, Juvenile .. . . il', , '! *', Homes . ~!'=, ,, :;, corrections , ,ri, Juaftoe, ;„:,, fjl, I Human "". "': '. ' . ', ', '*,', ",",".'.:", ",:. ', OPerations ..:.„'i' ,,';. . . 'iiu'll)',, „,', Rswxtiurod Hotels 8 ResfabrahIS" ", , , , OPeratlons: , „' i lnfoffnadcn j ' , ' ', ", - ';:- "i' '. ". ;~.",:;.';::, "4 Pari. Mutuel Wagedng . "'I, Health Servkes ', t. Management 8, Budget. ';;. , .';.;: ' ':, ' '" " ' . '"';.". programming & Pkutidng '!:,"l.'i! „"„I, ', professions, Management 8 Budget , . Information services Real Estate Programs: Motor Pool ' ". Labor & Employment Security ~@' Regulation r „fi Admission, , I, (Vehicles/Aircraff) Technology & Release Authority . Administrative Services +' t,„' Personnel Management Adult Services Blind Services Services

Children & Families Interstate Compact Labor, Employment & Training ',, Purchasing Administration Planning & Research Safety Retirement

' Alcohol, Drug Abuse & Probation&ParoleServices Workers'Compensation State Employees' Insurance Mental Health Unemployment Compensation '" Developmental Services 4", Environmental Protection Vocational Rehabilitation Military Affairs ,x ' " Economic Selt-Sufficiency D/visions Adjutant General !'~'!i!i Family Safety & Preservation Administration & Technical J&, Lottery ': 'r,';, Mental Health Selvices , D/vrkions Tourism, Trade and !i' . Sub-Distdct Administration Air Resources Management «i, Administration , Economic Development Envkonmental Resource .';: i . Corporate Sales ytsimflng 'ifrinanctat Management eportation Enforcement & Contract Management ;, Dept, of Citrus ;, , Ldw |gem!as , ~ Rfsouices Rmkmrce ! '0;. ,~ONION/Market Research -,,", IIbtfpIIunfdations & !' " „.,Pffsd Qrvks Business Unit ;. Effcn&parka ...', .;,.j(;.~~at , 8uuitsuslress Unit ' i~hg .IR Business , '-," 'ii I!'"i&'„' ~ , '&i'Sales

ii!„ I'- ';

i Ii !,iii iii!r!'8!'

' Administration, Governor and at least S"':,"',:;" Law Enforcement Revenue Cabinet Members Divisions "'i" i::,'i' Programs ' """, ' Governor Criminal Investigations ;:,-'„",, Administrative SONices' ' Treasurer Highway Safety & Criminal Justice Child Support Enforcement Comptroller Motor Vehicles Information Systems Compliance & Education DMsions Criminal Justice, General Tax Administration I' ' -':, Florida Highway Patrol . Stamlards 8 Training , Information Services :;4yeutlve Clemency, , of Licenses "".:,, ffuman Resources rations & Account " ffoard"} IJtw Erdorcement "'i''I': Ifjfmagement Services


THE SHERIFF'S STAR 4 JANUARY / FEBRUARY 1998 ' O'CXf ',1 " " '. ';,. &et Members

Otnlrrnfffaf~', is the nleasurer Depaltlnent fE' Omcer.~ Depak@lnt 0, "'. Consl'Imal' ~'jij'" ',;j il Pubffc infirm~":l'. "I'j!:I'I, Diviskrns Statewide Divisions Administration ~'' ' ' ' ': " """'":".'«j, & ' ", '" '«i«=!/;, ;;.'"«I, Administraffon ;«. , Victim ServkBS p Agent & Agency ~;:, JI Agricultural Envi~ Insurance Consumer S~"fhf, ;,Ij Services &' Comptroller Public Schools Insurance Fraud ". """! Animal . , ";~ Department of Vocational Education Insurer Services Industry , &j... ;, ' ;: Consumer Services .. . 'v&„. Banking &Finance Universities (Board of Regents) Legal Services Dairy Industry Divisions Rehabilitation and Liquidation Food Safety Account ing/Auditing , . Secretary of State Risk Management Forestry Adminis tration ,. Department of State State Fire Marshal '; Fruit & Vegetables Banking jj. :,. Divisions Treasury Marketing Finance Administrative Services Plant Industry Informs tion Systems Corporations

Standards Secudd 8S ,'«!:P Cultural Affairs

-' ', Resources ; At(@nay General Ofntth fsskmer of Education ~:, „~', ', Of Affairs of Education ';:,:, information Services, ;,, , „;,".. 4' t Legal l, j~ &t .

I , itlt 'I"., ;j, Of tha + I ,,'jr"$'„; I, tt f "Ssioner

' j jiiljairifiii, ' I tj j jj 'ilf j

Elder Affaire Fisherle ' ';, '. t::. ', „'=;:, orcement' ', ', Divisions . "„, Divisions Administration Law Enf :.; ; „, .„g, i., „,, External Affairs Wildlife Administration & Public Management Services Auditing and Information Programs Parole Commission Financial Analysis ":.', aery, Benefits & Assistance '. Communications f , , Administrative Services Affairs , Gtanss & Fresh Water Fish, , ;„,gsmency Administration Consumer ' ', CE'mmlsefon I, , -Flakfi sefvlces j:;:; Electric and Gas I,, :, ',jjf'i' anefai Counsel . 8 & Rlxerding ffve Services I'~4, Granting +Regulatory Review af Services 8 ff,'I f

' ', ' 93@IIf,, :Ii) ',

:, . f , Houee4enate, :,;:;„',„',„;„„, ":,: Auditor General. „:,:: . .ItjjGI . Supreme Court Support ", Standing Committees:, :;;.::;P, ;,j. Clerk '""i ,„.:,, Joint Legislative State Courts Administ/fabr 4', &, Judicial Administratwe ~fj'l~" Marshal Commission , f'I Joint Administrative . . '!. Management Commftte8' , ,ij, Procedures Committee Office of the Public Counsel District Courts of Appeal Florida Board of Bar '&t" &' Joint Legislative Committee on Examiners &: "'ll . Intergovernmental Relations Commission on Ethics Orcult Courts . . . Judicial Qualifications t, ",:;:. Commission Jpftnt Legislative Information f,@Mnty Coults I, . ' ;,';, ='~'~y Resource ry«j li ' ' I jf(i'!jv f i Itljtj'ji

INee fvt


GOVERNOR Office Location ...... Capitol Building Telephone Number . . ...850/488-4441 LAWTON CHILES (D) LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR

Born Lakeland, FL, April 3, 1930 Education BS KENNETH H. "BUDDY' Degree, 1952, LLB Degree, MACmV (D) 1955, J.D. Degree, 1967, University of Florida; holds Born Ocala, FL, March 22, 1933 Edu- honorary degrees from cation Marion County Public Schools, many universities Wife Davidson, University of Florida, BS-BA, Rhea Grafton Chiles Chil- 1954, LLB, 1961 Wife Anne Selph dren four Professional MacKay Children four sons Church Career practicing attorney, Presbyterian Military three years as 1955 to 1971;instructor, Florida Southern College, 1955 to 1958; pilot in U.S. Air Force Career Florida Director, LeRoy Collins Center for Public Policy, 1989-90; Eminent House of Representatives, 1968-74; , 1974-80;prac- Scholar, Manning Dauer Chair, Department of Political Science, ticed law and managed family's cattle and citrus businesses; U.S. University of Florida, 1989-90 Political Career Florida House of House of Representatives 1982-88; Chairman, Florida Democratic Representatives 1958-66; Florida Senate, 1967-70; U.S, Senate, Party's Campaign Committee; spokesman for Washington-based 1971-89; elected Governor, 1990, re-elected Governor, 1994 Democratic Leadership Council; elected Lieutenant Governor, " Awards Child Advocate of the Year, 1995; Outstanding Political 1990 and 1994 Honors chosen "Most Valuable Member, Florida Advocate for Young Children Award, 1996; one of 10 national House and Senate, numerous times. " "Heroes for the American Family, 1996; spokesperson "Help Omce Location ...... Capitol Building Them Thrive, Birth To Five" Campaign. Telephone Number ...... 850/488-4711 SPA

Criminal Justice Wife Marta Prado Children two Career attorney ATI'ORNEY GENERAL for Broward County SherifFs 0$ce, 1972-73; Assistant State Attor- ney; Assistant Broward County Administrator, 1974; County and BOB BUTfERWORTH (D) Circuit Judge, 1974-78; Appointed Broward County Sheriff, 1978; elected Sheriff 1980; appointed Executive Director, Fla. Dept. Born Passaic, NJ, August 20, 1942 Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, 1982; Mayor of Sunrise, FL, Education BS-BA Degree, University of 1984; practiced law; elected Attorney General in 1986, 1990 and Florida; JD Degree, University of 1994. Law School; advanced studies, interna- 05ce Location ...... Capitol Building tional law, U. of Miami; adjunct profes- Telephone Number (Tallahassee) ...... 850/487-1963 sor, Nova University Graduate School of (Ft. Lauderdale) ...... 954/712-4600

6 THE SHERIFF'8 STAR 4 JANUARY / FEBRUARY 1998 STATE TREASURER, INSURANCE SECRETARY OF STATE COMMISSIONER AND FIRE MARSHAL SANDRA B. MORTHAM (R) SILL NELSON (D) Born Erie, PA, January 4, 1951 Educa- Born Miami, FL, September 29, 1942 tion graduated from Largo (FL) High with St. Peters- Education BA Degree, Yale University, School honors, 1969; College, AS Degree, 1971; 1965;JD Degree, University of Virginia, burg Junior BA 1968; honorary degrees from Rollins Eckerd College, Degree, 1989 Allen Children two Church College, Bethune-Cookman College, SPouse Career financial consul- Florida Institute of Technology and Presbyterian dental Largo Com- Embry-Riddle University Wife Grace tant; hygienist; City missioner, 1982-86; Vice Mayor, 1985-86; Florida House of Repre- Children two Military Captain, U. S. L sentatives, 1986-1994; elected Secretary of State, 1994; active in Army, active duty 1968-70, reserve, 1965-71 Career practicing many Republican Party organizations Honors numerous legislative attorney, 1970-79;Florida House of Representatives, 1972-78; U.S. leadership and education awards: Florida Medical Association, House of Representatives, 1979-91;Chairman, Space Subcommit- Stop Turning Out Prisoners, Florida League of Cities, Florida Asso- tee, 1985-91; trained and flew with space shuttle crew, 1986; ciation of Exceptional School Administrators Recognition Award, described experiences in a book titled Mission, 1988; author of four-time recipient of the Florida School Boards Association "67" articles published in scientific periodicals; returned to practice of Award, three-time recipient of the Florida Association of School law, 1991;elected State Treasurer, 1994. Administrators Raymond B. Stewart Gavel of Authority Award, 05ce Location ...... , . . . ..Capitol Building Florida School Boards Association Outstanding First Term Legisla- Telephone Number ...... 850/922-3100 tor, 1988 House Freshman Class Most Erective Concerning Educa- tion Issues Award, and others; Allen Morris Most Respected Legis- COMMISSIONER OF AGRICULTURE lator; listed in Who's Who in American Politics; Who's Who of American Women. BOB CRAWFORD (D) 05ce Location ...... Capitol Building Telephone Number ...... 850/414-5500 Born Bartow, FL, January 26, 1948 Education Wife COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION Nancy Sue Children two Church Bap- tist Business Career owner of real FRANK T. BROGAN (R) estate and securities investment firm Political Career Florida House of Rep- Born Lafayette, IN, September 6, 1953 resentatives 1976-82; Florida Senate, Education University of Cincinnati, ' 1982-90; President of the Senate, Magna Cum Laude; Master's Degree in "... : . "ri Commissioner of Agriculture 1990 and 1994; 1989-90; elected " Education, Florida Atlantic University; chosen "Most Effective Member of Florida Senate, 1987-88; doctoral course work at Nova Universi- received awards from Florida Farm Bureau Federation, Citrus ty Wife Mary Church Catholic Career Mutual, Phosphate Council, Fruit and Vegetable Association. teacher, assistant middle school princi- 05ce Location ...... Capitol Building pal and principal; Superintendent of Telephone Number...... 850/488-3022 Schools, Martin County, FL, six years; elected Commissioner of Education, 1994 Honors nominated Commissioner of Educa- by" tion for "Superintendent of the Year, 1991; Chairman, Depart- .tfifftfr frraud, we all pay ment of Education's Classrooms First Committee; Chairman, Mar- -, .IIitfiIrst Insurttnce fraud is committed, we all pay. Fkj~' &. tin Children's Services Council; Chairman, Martin County insurance Commissioner estfrna County qa.fraud, ts a $6.2 billion industry. It costs evsrty ~,lrrr„f~ Task Force on Drug and Alcohol Abuse; held leadership positions ""', l'year, paid mostly through increased insurance ~ in charitable fund-raising campaigns. i"ij)+'Suispect insurance fraud, report your suspf6oA5' 05ce Location...... Capitol Building '~'s office. Telephone Number...... 850/487-1785

THE SHERlFF'S STAR 'wC JANUARY I FEBRUARY 'I 999 7 STATE COMPTROLLER Children four Church Methodist Military 39 years of U.S. Navy and Marine Corps service; U.S. Naval Academy graduate; advanced to the rank of Lt. General (three-star) commanding Fleet Marine R. F. "BOB"MILLIGAN (R) Forces-Pacific and Marine Corps bases-Pacific; retired in 1991 Career Highlights for three years served as private consultant and Born Teaneck, NJ, December 27, 1932 advisor to organizations in the public and private sector; elected Education BS Engineering Degree, U.S. State Comptroller, 1994; serves as the state's chief f'inancial oificer Naval Academy; MS in Business Admin- and consumer watchdog. istration, University of Rochester; com- Office Location ...... Capitol Building pleted doctoral studies in economics, Telephone Number .850/488-0370 University of Maryland Wife June


os ws ~IB Administration, Animal Industry Gainesviffe, 32614-7100 Alcoholic Beverages Mental Health* State Board of Dr. Leroy Coffman, (352) 372-3505 8 Tobacco* *(Mailing Address: John Bryant Assistant Director Richard Boyd, Director 1940 N Monroe St Secretary Tom Herndon 407 S. Calhoun St., Standards (850) 488-3227 Tallahassee, (850) 488-8304 Executive Director Rm. 335 Ben Faulk, Director 32399.0750) * 180'I Hermitage Blvd. Tallahassee, 32399-0800 3125 Conner Blvd. , Budget 8 Planning, (*Address same as P. O. Box 13300 (850) 488-7747 Rm. 137 Office of Children & Families, above. ) Tallahassee, 32317-3300 Tallahassee, 32399-1650 Cynthia Burt, Director Department of (850) 488-4406 Consumer Services (850) 488-0645 (850) 487-1196 Citrus, Department of J. R. Kelly, Director Edward A. Feaver AgriCulture & 407 S. Calhoun St., Attorney General Certified Public Secretary Daniel L. Santangelo Consumer Services, Rm. 235 (See Legal Affairs) Accountants 1317Winewood Blvd. Executive Director Department of Tallahassee, 32399-0800 Martha Willis, Director Tallahassee, 32399-0700 P. O. Box 148 (850) 922-2966 Auditor General 2610 NW 43I'd St., (850) 487-1111 Lakeland, 33802-0148 Bob Crawford Suite 1A (941) 499-2500 Commissioner of Dairy Industry Charles L. Lester Gainesville, 32606 Samara Navarro' Agriculture Dean Elliott, Director Auditor General (352) 955-2165 Deputy Secretary Community Affairs, The Capitol, PL-10 3125 Conner Blvd. , G-74 Pepper Bldg. (850) 487-1111 Department of Tallahassee, 32399-0800 Rm. 31 P. 0. Box 1735 Hotels & Restaurants" (850) 488-3022 Tallahassee, 32399-1650 Tallahassee, 32302-1735 Dorothy Joyce, Director Melissa Jacoby* James F. Murley (850) 487-1450 (850) 488-5534 (850) 488-1133 Executive Staff Director Secretary Office of Agricultural (850) 488-4306 William E. Sadowski Bldg. Law Enforcement Food Safety Banking 8 Finance, Land Sales, 2555 Shumard Oak Blvd. Don Steverson, Director Dr. Dan S. Smyly, Director Department of Condominiums & Dennis L. Croft' Tallahassee, 32399-2100 545 E. Tennessee St. 3125 Conner Blvd. , Mobile Homes Asst. Secretary for (850) 488-8466 Tallahassee, 32308 Rm. 181 Robert F. Milligan Bob Ellzey, Director Administration (850) 922-6507 Tallahasssee, 32399-1650 Comptroller Warren Bldg. (850) 488-7851 G. Steven Pfeiffer* (850) 488-0295 The Capitol, Plaza Level 202 Blount St. Assistant Secretary Larry Strong Tallahassee, 32399-0350 Tallahassee, 32399-1030 PROGRAM OFFICES (850) 488-8466 inspector General Forestry (850) 488-0370 (850) 488-1631 2940 E. Park Ave. , 2nd Earl Peterson, Director Alcohol & Substance StePhanie G. Kruer' Floor 3125 Conner Blvd. , Business & Pari-Mutuel Wagering* Abuse* General Counsel Tallahassee, 32399-0800 Rm. 228 Professional Deborah Miller, Director Ken Decerchio, Assistant (850) 488-0410 (850) 488-6200 Tallahassee, 32399-1650 Regulation, (850) 488-9130 Secretary (850) 922-0135 Department of (850) 487-2920 Lynn Ekholm* DIVISIONS Professions* Dir. of Admin. Servs. Fruit & Vegetables Richard T. Farrell Dorothy Faircloth, Developmental Services* (850) 488-0860 Administration Dr. Eugene A. Laurent, Secretary Director Charles Kimber, Mike Gresham, Director Director Henry Osborne, Deputy (850) 487-9501 Assistant Secretary Mary E. "Molly" Payne*

407 S. Calhoun St., P. O. Box 1072 Secretary (850) 488-4257 Public Information Rm. 509 Winter Haven, 33882-1072 Delane Anderson, Deputy Real Estate Administrator Tallahassee, 32399-0800 (941) 291-5820 Secretary Henry Solares, Director Economic Self- (850) 488-8466 (850) 488-5321 1940 N. Monroe St. 400 W. Robinson St. Sufficiency* Marketing & Development Tallahassee, 32399-0750 Orlando, 32801-1772 Linda Dillworth, Assistant Benjamin Starrett* Agricultural Environmental Nelson Pugh, Director (850) 921-2306 (407) 245-0800 Secretary Dir. of Strategic Planning Services 407 S. Calhoun St., (850) 488-3271 & Policy Coordination ' Steve Rutz, Director Rm. 435 DiviSIONS Regulation' (850) 488-8466 3125 Conner Blvd. , Tallahassee, 32399-0800 Bill Reeves, Director Family Safety & Rm. 130 (850) 488-4031 Administration* (850) 488-0062 Preservation' Anne Peery* Tallahassee, 32399-1650 Tom Clemons, Director of Linda Radigan, Assistant Dir. of Florida (850) 488-3731 Plant Industry Administration Technology, Licensure Secretary Communities Trust Richard Gaskaffa, Director (850) 487-9510 & Testing* (850) 488-8762 (850) 922-2207 P. O. Box 147100 Pat Parmer, Director (850) 922-4435

8 THE SHERIFF'S STAR A JANUARY I FEBRUARY I 998 Charles Anderson* Comptroller Suite N-909 1114Turlington Bldg. 1317 Winewood Blvd. Internal Auditor (See Banking) Orlando, 32801 Tallahassee, 32399-0400 Recreation and Parks Tallahassee, 32399-0700 (850) 487-4658 (407) 245-0840 (850) 488-8961 Fran Mainelia (850) 488-3907 Corrections, (850) 488-6131 Ralph Cantral* Department of Region IV Betty Coxe, Director Medical Quality Admin. of Florida Coastal Carl D. Berry Division of Human State Lande Assurance Zone Office Harry K. Singletary, Jr. 1400 W. Commercial Blvd. , Resource Development Percy W. Mailison Gloria C. Henderson, (850) 922-5438 Secretary 2nd Floor 203 Turlington Bldg. (850) 488-2725 Director 2601 Blairstone Rd. Ft. Lauderdale, 33309-3752 Tallahassee, 32399-0400 1940 N. Monroe Street Tony Riordan' Tallahassee, 32399-2500 (954) 202-3800 (850) 487-3663 Technical Services Northwood Center Federal Resource (850) 488-7480 (Vacant) Tallahassee, 32399-0782 Administrator Region V Environmental (850) 488-2955 (850) 488-7176 (850) 488-8466 Michael Berg* Joe Papy Protection, Asst. to the Secretary 4520 Oak Fair Blvd. Department of Waste Management Health Care Douglas P. Buck* (850) 488-7480 Tampa, 33610 John Ruddell Administration, Dir. of Housing & (813) 744-8555 3900 Commonwealth Blvd. (850) 487-3299 Agency for Community Bill Thurber' Tallahassee, 32399-3000 Development Deputy Secretary Education, Water Facilities Douglas M. Cook (850) 488-7956 (850) 488-7860 Department of Virginia B. Wetherell Mimi Drew Executive Director Secretary (850) 487-1855 2727 Mahan Drive Rosa Morgan' Stan Czerniak" Frank T. Brogan (850) 488-1554 Ste. 3116 Chief of the Bureau of Assistant Secretary Commissioner of Ethics, Tallahassee, 32308 Community Assistance Office of Security & Education Paul D. Moses Commission on (850) 922-5527 (850) 488-7541 Institutional Mgmt, PL-08, The Capitol Deputy Secretary (850) 488-8181 Tallahassee, 32399-0400 (850) 488-2960 Bonnie Williams Elizabeth Dudek' Tom Pierce* (650) 487-1785 Executive Director Assistant Director Chief of the Bureau of Nancy Wittenbergr' Kirby B. Green III 2822 Remington Green Cir. Ste. 3116 Community Asst. Secretary Admin. Wayne Pierson Deputy Secretary Suite 101 (850) 922-5760 Development (850) 488-3800 Deputy Commissioner (850) 488-7131 P. O. Drawer 15709 (850) 922-5434 for Planning, Budgeting Tallahassee, 32317-5709 Christy Gregg, Director* Eugene Morris* & Management Nevin Smith (850) 488-7864 Administrative Services Jim Tait' Bureau of Information Ser- 1702 The Capitol Executive Services Dir. Ste. 200 Dir. of Energy Policy & vices Tallahassee, 32399-0400 (850) 488-2955 Executive Clemency, (850) 488-2964 Technical Assistance (850) 488-0420 (850) 488-6539 Office of (850) 488-6764 DISTRICT Marilynn Evert' Dr. Charles Mathews* Robert Bedford DIRECTORS Mrs. Janet H. Keels External Affairs Charles Pattison* Assistant Secretary Deputy Commissioner for Coordinator Ste. 3107 Dir. of Resource Planning Health Services Educational Programs Bobby Cooley 2601 Blairstone Road (850) 922-5766 & Management (850) 922-6645 514 Turlington Bldg. Northwest Bldg. C, Rm. 229 (850) 488-2356 Tallahassee, 32399-0400 Pensacola Tallahassee, 32399-2450 Paul Martin* Wilson Bell (850) 488-2601 (850) 444-8300 (850) 488-2952 General Counsel Jim Quinn* Assistant Secretary Ste. 34158 Chief of the Bureau of Office of Education & Michael Olenick Richard Garrity Fire Marshal- (850) 922-5873 State Planning Job Training General Counsel Southwest (See Insurance) (850) 488-4925 (850) 488.2288 1702 The Capitol Tampa Marshall Kelley, Director' Tallahassee, 32399-0400 (813) 744-6100 Game & Fresh Water Health Quality Assurance Tom Beck* Harry Dodd (850) 487-1 830 Fish Commission Ste. 205 Chief of the Bureau of Assistant Secretary Vivian Garfein (850) 487-2527 Local Planning Office of Executive Joyce Hobson, Director Central Dr, Allan L. Egbert (850) 488-9210 Services Division of Administration Orlando Executive Director Rufus Nobie" (850) 488-9940 914Turlington Bldg. (407) 894-7555 620 S. Meridian St. Inspector General Joseph Myers* Tallahassee, 32399-0400 101 Bryant Bldg. Ste. 31308 Dir. of Emergency Mgmt. Marsellas Durham* (850) 487-2310 Peggie Highsmith Tallahassee, 32399-1600 (850) 921-4897 (850) 41 3-9969 Assistant Secretary South (850) 488-2975 Office of Community Sherry Plymale, Executive Ft. Myers Richard T Lutz Director* Craig Fugate* Corrections Staff Director (941) 332-6975 Victor J. Heller Medicaid Chief of the Bureau (850) 487-3865 PL-08, The Capitol Assistant Exec. Director Ste. 2423 of Preparedness Tallahassee, FL32399- Ernest Frey (850) 488-3084 (850) 488-3560 and Response Fred Schuknecht* 0400 Northeast (850) 413-9837 Inspector General (850) 488-0080 Jacksonville Commissioners: (Vacant), Director' Office of the Inspector (904) 448W00 Mr. James L. "Jamie" Dwision of State Health Shirley Collins* General Liza McFadden, Director Adams, Jr. Purchasing Chief of the Bureau (850) 488-9265 Business/Community Carlos Rivero-de Aguilar Dr. Quinton L. Hedgepeih Ste. 2318 of Recovery and Involvement Southeast Mrs. Gilbert W. Humphrey (850) 922-6463 Mitigation (*Address same as above. ) 126 Turlington Bldg. West Palm Beach Mr. Thomas B. Kibler 3-9950 Ms. Julie K. Morris (650) 41 Tallahassee, 32399-0400 (561) 681-6600 ('Address same as above. ) REGIONAL (850) 488-8385 Eve Rainey' DIRECTORS DIVISION Governor Highway Safety & Chief of Compliance Brewser Brown, Director DIRECTORS Motor Vehicles

Planning & Support Region I Communications Hon. Lawton Chiles (850) 413-9926 Richard Kirkland PL-08, The Capitol Administrative Services The Capitol Fred 0. Dickinson III 4610 Hwy. 90 East Tallahassee, 32399-0400 Myra Williams Tallahassee, 32399-0001 Executive Director Pamela Duncan* Marianna, 32446 (850) 488-9968 (850) 488-8587 (850) 488-4441 (850) 488-6438 Legislative Specialist (850) 482-9533 (850) 922-1740 David Armstrong, Interim Air Resources Management Health, Department of Joe M. McCaskill Region II Director Howard Rhodes Deputy Executive Director Frank J. Koutnik* Joe Petrovsky Division of Community (850) 488-0114 James Howell (850) 488-2276 Emergency Mgmt. Policy 5700 SW 34th St. Colleges Secretary Aifministrator Suite 401 1314Turlington Bldg. Law Enforcement 1317 Winewood Blvd DIVISIONS (850) 41 3-9937 Gainesville, 32608-5373 Tallahassee, 32399-0400 H. M. "Mickey" Watson Tallahassee, 32399-0700 (352) 955-2035 (850) 488-1721 (850) 488-5757 (850) 487-2945 Administrative Services (*Address same as above. ) Bill Snuggs, Director Region III Joseph Stephens, Marine Resources Children's Medical (850) 488-1404 George Denman Director Ed Conklin Services 400 W. Robinson St. Division of Work Force (850) 488-6058 Eric Handler, Deputy Development Secretary

THE SHERIFF'S STAR N JANUARY I FEBRUARY f 998 Madison BUSINESS Capitol Police Driver Licenses (850) 922-3180 Woodrow W. Harper* 107 E. St. SUPPORT Timothy D. Kerns Sandra Lambert, Director Deputy Secretary 201 Caldwell Bldg. 32399-0206 213 Capitol Bldg. (850) 488-5310 Division of Agent & (850) 488-1850 Tallahassee, Agency Services (850) 921-3893 Jim Murdaugh Tallahassee, 32316-0 99 Human Resources 487-2700 Florida Highway Patrol John Hale, Director Susan G. Bisbee* (850) Vocational Rehabilitation Administrator (Vacant), Director Room 131-A, Larson Bldg. Executive Staff Director Bibb-Allen, (850) 488-481 4 Division of Facilities (850) 922-5319 Tallahassee, 32399-0318 (850) 921-5900 Tamara (850) 922-3135 Director Development Jerry Hendry Williffm A. D r. Information Systems Janet Ferris* 2002 Old St. Augustine Rd Scaringe, General Services 4030 Administration Insurance Consumer General Counsel Bldg. A Esplanade Way, 32399-0696 Administrator Ste. 335 Randy Esser, Director Services (850) 921-4129 Tallahassee, 488-0059 (850) 488-9953 Tallahassee, 32399-0950 (850) 488-6264 Marta Arrington, Director (850) Room 518-A, Larson Bldg. Perry Turner (850) 488-1817 Workers' Teddy Payne Motor Vehicles Tallahassee, 32399-0321 Inspector General Compensation Director Finance 8 Accounting Facilities Management Charles J. Brantiey, (850) 922-3130 (850) 921-6344 Jimmy Glisson, Administrator Philip Maher, Director Director 2728 Centerview Dr. (850) 488-2821 4030 Esplanade (850) 488-6084 Insurance Fraud Rex Uberman, Deputy Suite 300 Forrest Bldg. Way, Ron Poindexter, Director Secretary for Operations Tallahassee, 32399-0680 Ste. 380 488-251 4 Mailing Address: Tallahassee, 32399-0950 All addresses: Room 649, Fletcher Bldg. (850) 921-6291 (850) P. O. Box 1489 488-2074 Neil Kirkman Bldg. Tallahassee, 32399-0324 (850) Tallahassee, 32302-1489 Tallahassee, 32399-0500 (850) 922-3116 Elaine W. Bryant Law Enforcement, Assistant Secretary for Department of Human Relations Legal Affairs, Commission Insurance, Insurer Services Management and Department of Department of Karen Asher-Cohen, Budget James T. Moore' Ron McElrath, Director Director (850) 487-9575 Commissioner 325 John Knox Road 488-8771 Robert A. Butterworth Bldg. F. Room 240 Bill Nelson Room 319-B, Larson Bldg. (850) , Attorney General Tallahassee, Treasurer and Insurance Tallahassee, 32399-0326 George Hinchliffe 32399-1570 The Capitol, PL-01 Commissioner (850) 922-3140 Assistant Secretary for Robert E. Cummings (850) 488-7082 Tallahassee, 32399-1050 The Capitol Programming and Assistant Commissioner 487-1963 Human Tallahassee, 32399-0301 Office of the Deputy of Planning (850) 488-8771 (850) Resource Management (850) 922-3100 Legal Affairs (850) 921-4188 Dan Sumner, Deputy of Daryl G. McLaughlin Statewide Prosecutor Patsy Barber, Director Commissioner Melanic Ann Hines 4040 Esplanade Pete Mitchell Legal Affairs Susanne Casey Assistant Way, Ste. 360 Chief of Staff The Capitol, LL-26 Executive Services (850) 488-8771 Lottery, Tallahassee, 32399-0950 The Capitol, PL-11 Tallahassee, 32399-0307 Director Department of 922-5449 Tallahassee 32399-0302 (850) 922-3103 (850) 921-3048 EXECUTIVE STAFF (850) (850) 922-3104 Marcia Mann, Division of Legal Services (*Address same as above. ) Michael M. McHargue Secretary Information Technology General Magnolia Grove Complex Program David Rodriguez, Deputy Don Dowdell, Director Inspector 250 Marriott Dr. Linda Nelson, Director Chief of Staff The Capitol, LL-26 Labor and (850) 488-1497 Tallahassee, 32399-4000 4030 Esplanade The Capitol, PL-11 Tallahassee, 32399-0307 Employment Security, Way, 487-7777 260 Tallahassee, 32399-0302 (850) 922-3110 Department of Michael Ramage (850) Ste. Tallahassee, 32399-0950 (850) 922-3104 General Counsel Division of Legal Services Doug Jamerson (850) 488-8323 Management Services, (850) 487-2914 Department of Susanne Murphy, Deputy Dennis Silverman, Asst. Secretary Retirement Insurance Director 2012 Capital Circle, S.E. Jamie McLaughlin Bill Lindner, Secretary McMullian Commissioner Room 612, Larson Bldg. Suite 303 Hartman Bldg. Executive Investigations A J Director 4050 Esplanade Way, Cedars Executive Center Room 101, Larson Bldg. Tallahassee, 32399-0333 Tallahassee, 32399-2152 (850) 488-5565 Ste. 250 Tallahassee, 32399-0305 (850) 922-3110 (850) 922-7021 N. Monroe St., Bldg. C Tallahassee, 32399-0950 Tallahassee, 32303 (850) 922-3101 Gary Yates Rehabilitation and DIVISIONS Research & Planning (850) 488-2786 (850) 488-5540 488-8771 Candy Crawford, Deputy Liquidation (850) Cecil L. Mills* Fleet Fire Marshal/Insurance Belinda Miller, Director Administrative Services State Management Secretary Consumer Services Woodcrest Office Plaza Altha Manning, Director John Ridgeway Deputy Harrison W Rivers Dir Information Officer (850) 488-3341 4050 Esplanade The Capitol, PL-11 John Knox Road 2012 Capital Circle, S.E. Chief Way, Tallahassee, 32399-0306 Bldg. L, Room 200 Suite 310 Hartman Bldg. (850) 488-6041 Ste. 360 Derick Daniel* Tallahassee, 32399-0950 (850) 922-3101 Tallahassee, 32303-0334 Tallahassee, 32399-2161 (850) 922-3179 (850) 488-1188 Uz Hirst Deputy Secretary (850) 488-4904 Officer (850) 488-2786 Don Pride, Director Public Information Division of State Communications & Public Risk Management Blind Services (850) 488-8771 Group *(Mailing address same Insurance Affairs R. J. Castellanos, Director Randy Touchton, Director as Secretary) Charles Slavin, Director The Capitol, PL-11 Room 308, Hermitage Bldg 2551 Executive Center, W. POLICY Tallahassee, 32399-0301 Tallahassee, 32399-0336 Suite 200 Lafayette Bldg. DEVELOPMENT 4040 Esplanade Way, & DIVISIONS Ste. 101 (850) 922-3108 (850) 922-3120 Tallahassee, 32399-2950 OVERSIGHT (850) 488-1330 Tallahassee, 32399-0950 Administration 921-4605 Norma Meier, Director State Fire Marshal Gerald Bailey (850) George Haynie, Director Office of Information Charles D. Clark, Director Jobs and Benefits Performance 4050 Sewices Room 664, Fletcher Bldg. Kathy McLeskey, Director Measurement Esplanade Way, Division of State Ste. 160 B15BLarson Bldg. Tallahassee, 32399-0340 1320 Executive Center & Customer Service Dir. Purchasing Tallahassee, 32399-0950 Tallahassee, 32399-0316 (850) 922-3170 Drive (850) 487-2901 George C. Banks, Director (850) 488-0968 4050 Esplanade (850) 922-3184 Suite 300 Atkins Bldg. Way, Treasury Tallahassee, 32399-0667 Donna Uzzell Ste. 335 Administrative Hearings Tallahassee, 32399-0950 Jean Whitten, Director Bud Cain, Director (850) 488-7228 Information Program Dir. 488-3961 Sharyn Smith, Director 488-7303 Office of Budget & Room P-1, The Capitol (850) (850) DeSoto Bldg. Strategic Planning Tallahassee, 32399-0343 Safety 1230 Apalachee Pkwy. G43A Larson Bldg. (850) 922-3165 Theresa B. Frederick, Rod Caswell Military Affairs, Tallahassee, 32399-1 Tallahassee, 32399-0303 Director Investigations/Protection 550 Department of (850) 488-9675 (850) 922-3181 Juvenile Justice, 2002 Old St. Augustine Rd. Program Dir. Department of Suite 45 Building E (850) 487-1806 Maj. Gen. Ronald O. Technologies DIVISIONS Tallahassee, 32399-0663 Applied Harnson Calvin Ross, Secretary (850) 488-3044 Leon Lowry Linda Nelson, Director The Adjutant General 4030 Esplanade Francis Administration 2737 Centerview Drive Professionalism Program Way, St. Barracks Dir. Ste. 260 P. O. Box 1008 Ken Nipper, Director Tallahassee, 32399-3100 Unemployment Tallahassee, 32399-0950 32085-1 Room 146, Larson Bldg. (850) 488-1850 Compensation (850) 487-0491 St. Augustine, 008 488-3595 Tallahassee, 32399-0313 Kenneth Holmes, Director (850) (904) 823-0100

10 THE SHERIFF'8 STAR 6 JANUARY I FEBRUARY I 998 414-5215 Law Enforcement Point Public Service PROGRAMS 5050 W. Tennessee St., Deputy Program Director (850) of Contact Commission Bldg. i Harold Bankirer Planning and LTC Jorman Redding Administrative Services 305 Blount Street 325 W. Gaines Street Engineering Frank Carlile Robert F. Ensslin, Jr. William D. Talbott Linda Frazier Tallahassee, 32399-0979 Turlington Bldg. 414-5220 Armory Executive Director Program Director (850) 488-3338 Tallahassee, 32399-0100 (850) P. O. Box 1008 Capital Circle Office 137 Carlton Bldg. (850) 922-6026 COUNCILS St. Augustine, 32085-1008 Center Tallahassee, 32399-0100 Dale Walker AND (904) 823-0430 2540 Shumard Oak Blvd. (850) 922-9221 Deputy Program Director State, COMMISSIONS Tallahassee, 32399-0850 5050 W. Tennessee St., Department of Parole Commission (850) 413-6055 General Tax Bldg. I FL Transportation Administration 305 Blount Street Sandra B. Mortham Commission Jane Mathis Florida Parole Members: Steve Hammond Tallahassee, 32399-0979 Secretary of State Commission Julia L. Johnson Senior Program Director (850) 488.3338 The Capitol, PL-2 Executive Director 2601 Blairstone Road Chairman 5050 W. Tennessee Street Tallahassee, 32399-0250 (850) 488-8995 Bldg. C Susan F. Clark Bldg. D-1 Information Services (850) 414-5500 Tallahassee, 32399-2450 J. Terry Deason Tallahassee, 32399-0100 Gerald Johnson Highway Beautification (850) 487-1980 Joe A. Garcia (850) 488-2841 Program Director Transportation, Council Diane K. Kiesling 113Carlton Bldg. Department of Gary Henry Members of Commission: Jim Evers Tallahassee, 32399-0100 Staff Coordinator Revenue, Program Director (850) 921-4444 Thomas F. Barry, Jr. (850) 922-7210 Edward M. Spooner Department of 5050 W. Tennessee Street Secretary Chairman Bldg. D-5 Jon W. Winter Haydon Burns Bldg. Transportation Judith A. Wolson L. H. Fuchs Tallahassee, 32399-0100 Deputy Program Director 605 Suwannee St. Disadvantaged Vice Chairman Executive Director (850) 488-5163 113Carlton Bldg. Tallahassee, 32399-0450 Commission Ann Hutchinson Jimmie Henry 104 Carlton Bldg. Tallahassee, 32399-0100 (850) 414-5205 Jo Tallahassee, 32399-0100 Glenn Bedonie (850) 488-3171 Executive Director Public Counsel, (850) 488-5050 Program Director ASSISTANT (850) 488-6036 Office of the 5050 W. Tennessee Street Child Support Enforcement ' SECRETARIES James A. Zingale Bldg. D-3 Program Director Veterans' Affairs, Jack Shreve Deputy Exec. Director Tallahassee, 32399-0100 Patty Piller Distnct Operations Florida Department of Public Counsel 104 Carlton Bldg. (850) 488-0320 325 W. Gaines Street Nick Serianni 111 W. Madison St. Tallahassee, 32399-0100 Turlington Bldg. (850) 414-521 0 Carlos Rainwater Room 812 (850) 488-5846 Property Tax Tallahassee, FL 32399- Executive Director Tallahassee, 32399-1400 Administration 0100 Finance and P. O. Box 31003 St. Petersburg, 33731- (850) 488-9330 John Everton (850) 488-8726 Administration Program Director Chris Speer 1003 (813) 893-2440

Sheriffs Make an Appeal for Citizens to Get Involv8d. . IA-SO, . . .

Twice a year, many Florida residents receive a letter from their local legsit services, Beeauife. FfftA"ffnWqI Sheriff. But it's not to tell them they' re in trouble with the law. Instead, the State, the reault ia a Signltierjjt(t 'fl'pet, Sheriffs are inviting their constituents to become members of the Florida residents who want to take 9proaofjjfe,

Sheriffs Association. who are not already membets, ffIsty. ,jp(it', 4, " ' FSA is a not-for-profit 501(c)3 corporation made up of the 67 Sheriffs of $20 annually. Members teeeive'bitt(~'~, ',, Florida, business leaders and citizens throughout the state. zine, including this annual edition, End, :,Tytp', ~sat)a'f', The majority of Sherfffs will tell you that they personally credit the work of which details what's happening inside'thfi"Florida ~, the Florida Sheriffs Association for many positive trends related to public FsA is both founder and an acffve partner ef tf19Vbu@ lawmakers on the of thtOuigIj iiaf„. , ;-. safety in our state. Through FSA, they are able to convince to es prevention juvenile delinquency, t '' " '- "" "."':""'".'I, 'iiiij'!&i itf but@ mot prison beds, increase the minimum of time served and, more camping facilities and community-baaed servkxss.

', which pre- FOr their dOnatiOn, membere alSO teeeiV9 an:ftoiiipztW„. ',,"irseenffyi to modify Sentencing Guidelines, previously

theiy'tel ", , yf(tt'tfftf criminals from ever seeing the inside walls of a shield and bumper sticker to show 9 $fifftjRjtIQ':, ejI,, , many career +f~., „, "" " "'i'i" i enforcement in their community I ii" ~i"it Ii) )~i&Iij'j4i~g;fp NxRritt reports that Ftorida actually saw a decline If you are not already a member and ate lntenss&Kl jl)i~.;Q', „, haven't ' ". ', ,"~'~fjutek to point out that state prisoners are now Florida sheriffs Association but received ziti taffy"IO, i!f their sentences, as compared the mail, you can pick up an FSA membeiship broehffte, @I:yoIIi , i~+9'ifff 71 peteent of „,~If.,flop. Thtfre are more prison beds to County Sheriff's Office. Or, you can mail your name, addtetfs sttjd '~j:,9htf, frvlfft tile Sentencing Guideline legis- check for $20 to: Membership, Florida SherNs Association„PO; Boff ~pg. sbifor penalties from the start. 12519, Tallahassee, FL 32317-2519. ~ te4lvfft'the'I'asf our chief law The cost of mailing the Sheriff's letter is paid for the Florida Sheriffs few years, by much work to be done. Flori ~ Association, which is headquartered in Tallahassee. The National Charftiee ,,, :ffi(itt fheBI Iesftft BI'9:,nfttfori„, cffmlnals broke into Information Bureau recommends that at least 60 percent of a group's artnual , 'fjfIQQIrff'Q. ii~.'+'9tfffer $'I'.8 blleir Worth Of prop- budget go to the purpose for which the money was raised. The Florida Sher- I+%,777,9ggrevated assaults. iff's Association's track record far exceeds that minimum. More than 80 per- FSA's law I',W 'If9;~'Of Rorkla are cent of annual revenue goes right into programs that enhance „, ;,, not tele- , , irt the crlmi. enforcement in all counties throughout the state. FSA does employ marketers or professional fund raisers and welcomes the scrutiny of all and Fterkla citizens on financial matters.

THE SHERIFF'S STAR A JANUARY / FEBRUARY f 998 11 t Senators in alphabetical order

'Members of the Florida Senate are listed in two ways —first in alphabetical order by name; and then in numerical order by districts. If you ate looking for a Senator and you don't know the name or the district number, perhaps you can identify the district by consulting the map on page 15. Honorable Toni Jennings Honerable Ihsberso ~ nore:;Lasfpbone nnmber nader each name O raffabaesee opec namber) (PA/ace President President Prb'Nsnpore — enure ri rrirm er i' Telephone (850) 487-5229 Telephone - (850) 487-5106.

sankhead, w. G. camfdEN, NiNer criat, chortle, Jr. (R) Forman, Howard c.(D) Harris, Katherine (R) Jones, Daryfl. .(D) . "Bill" (R)' "Skip" (D}. . 20th District 32nd District 24th District 40th District Sufte Suite 340.N Suite 101 Suite 401 Ih District 33rd District ' 1210 Centraf Avenue 4000 Hollywood Blvd. 3131 Tamiami Trail 9300 S, Dadeland Blvd, P, O. Box 41624, , 10094 McNabb Road 360 Jacksonville 32203-1624 Taniarac 83N1 st, Petersburg 33701 Hollywood 33021.6744 South Miami 33156 {904)359-1014&1-800- (954)348*2813 {813)893.64t)3 (954)983-3200 Sarasota 34239-5101 (305) 442-6901 . Elected to Senate, 1988 365-8683 Elected to 258-0941 I Elected to Senate, 1996 Elected fo Senate, 1992 (941) House, 1990 Elected tc House, (850) 467.5094 (860) 487&75' (660) 487 5103 Elected to Senate, 1994 Elected to Senate, 1992 1978-88 (850) 487-5081 (850) 487-51 27 Elected to Senate, 1988 Cases, Roberto (R) (VACANT), . Orant, John (R) .(850) 487-5030 39th District 17th District 13th Diatrfct Holzendorf, Betty S.(D) Kirkpatrlck, George (D) 4821 W. 4th Avenue f850) 467-6044 Suite A 2nd District 5th District Sronson, Charlie {R) Hialeah 33012 St{)'W.Waters Avenue 616 N. Ocean Street 1103 N. W. 13th Street ,16fff'Dfstnct (305) 827-4040 Dfaz45afart, Marie (R) . Tampa 33604 Jacksonville 32202-3083 Gafnesvf lie 32601 i 377-3800 2„,. .. i Elected to House, 1982 37th Dishict (813)9754f658 904) 3594890 (352) suite Elected te House, 1960. fected to House, 1988 Elected to Senate, 1980 '0+.'Qe:Tree, Drive Elected to senate, 1988 215 ~r Beach {850)487.5106 8890 Coral Way Elected to Senate, 1986, Elected te Senate, 1992 (850) 487-5020 Miami 33185 1992 (850) 487.5024 Chllders, W. D. (R) (305) 227.7690 (850) 487.6088 Klein, Ronald J. ', "Ron" , Dietifot Elected to House, 198S Horne, Jim (Rj ht, ,1,994:, , 1st (D) 2889,Michigan Avenue Elected to Senate, 1992 Gutman, Alberto 8th District 28th District (850) 487-5130 "Al" (R) Suite 403 Suite 305A .-'~00, 34th District 2301 Park Avenue 33336, Congress ' ]0„8afiaIe,;1970 Dudley, Fred R. (R) Suite 300 Orange Park32073 , Avenue Yegg, „, r: 25tfl District 1800 S.W. 27th Avenue (904) STt4900 Defray Beach 33445 ~ " f:"', ~ ''I'P~, ":„", - . ~. l1I'. ejli. ,":~:;~ ',I, 1718Cape Coral Pkwy. Miami 33145 Elected to Senate, 1994 (86'I) 274Jf?77 (305) 442.6990 (850) 48?-5027 Elected to House, 1992 '- Coral 33904 Elected tc House, 1984 . Elected to Senate, 1996 . '. , , ~ ,~', „;i, ;!',;, :,':;:„;:,, :({I41).432-5?98 Elected to Senate, 1992 (VACANT) (850)487 5091 487-5109 29th District .';:.;~tp House, 1982 (850} (m) 467-5097 Kurth, Pabfy Ann(D) ' ' ", ';i-.",-:-, ',. . Hargrett, James i 15thDJ{strfct ;., 'fl'~l, . ;$124 j, ;,, j+, Jennings, Toni {R) Suite 1.B ', , .;:I)j".:.'„,;, :. , 21,st District 9th District 2174 Harris Avenue, i' ~~"i" P 0 Box11025 1032 Wilfred Drive N.'E. 0 Orlando 32803-2571 Palm Bsiy 32905 (407) 898-1861 (407) 984 4951 1p Elected to House, 1976 Elected to Senate, 1990 Elected to Senate, 1980 (850) 487-5053 (850) 4S7-5229

12 THE SHERIFF'9 STAR A JANUARY/ FESRUARY l998 )f8) Sectors Meadows, Roseln, Tom {D) 9spR4e ff', tB', o~ u/pbubettcul order Matthew J. (D) 35th District eosttuued 30th District 1241 Okeechobee Road N. State Road 7 Bldg, Suite 4 2453 A, ', 'th Lauderhill 33313 West Palm Beach d (954) 714-3400 3340'I -6953 Elected to Senate, 1992 (561) 837-5400 +91& (850}487-5112 Elected to Senate, 1994

Mvers, Nf liam G. 1994 t(I~~ 27th Distnct "Jim" (R) III) I S Ite 301 31st District 50 Kindred Street 2000 E. Oakland Park L ES))i I'~~ny Blvd, (561) 288 3133 Ft. Lauderdale 33306- Elected to House, 1978 1195 Elected to, 8acate, 1982 (954) 566-8600 B'~ 33509 (8%)487.5088 Elected to Senate, 1 976 (850}487-51 00 ') me~, Jm (R) 12th DfetdcI Stiver, RonaM A. Suite 101: "Ren" (D)

8II O', Rfb,8fande,t 38th 0fstnct Avenue . .. Suite 90'l

2u 49 I OrlandO 32809 2999N.E. 191StStreet M Av „u (407) 84)1 83 ', ', Av'ehtufa 33180 Eiected to Senate, 1994 NS) 938 8858 Brademon 34205 I (850) 487-M47 RI848d tc @u88, 1978 (941) 741-3099 ktkNll8) 1992 1ggp El~ I (850) 4P~21 (850) 487-5078 Honorable Haniel %ebster Honorable Luis C. Morse I, SumvaII, Donald C, «R} 22nd Dlsvtlfct Speaker Pro Tempore ' Suite 8% . TelePhOne- Telephone— ettStern ii iium ', 6r Er office 8050 seminole {850)488-1450 (850) 488-4202 '', Seminole 33772 1, W, D, CfIffdefa, +' ~, &I, I) ' ' ' ", „", (813) 547-7801 2, Betty S. HOI)rendolf, , , , '. '-, ouse trt o itttm er '--';, 8 0 8 ", ';,';, '„'-,-;;,-,'4~4&",„", senate, 1992 ciuf'nc'y'II«))", -,.", , Elected to 3. Pat Thomas, , ,

t 487.5065 4. Charlea Wilmama„)LhqjQ@, {t@ri"t!jg„;tgj5)ilff -, (850)

', 'I, Rept'&eet@tkves gn 0~/~& ':. -';:;:.-. omas glyh~eg~ ':-:;;;. , " . 6. Jim Horne, Granjje Pyk ('fthm .. ;, , . „. ;, ,

"Bill" =, '"-;.-", 8. W. G. Bankhead, J~@ei(R);, :,, ":", ', Members of thte Pluridn House of Representatives are , . Tallahassee 32399-11IC0 Toni Jennings, Odando '-':, ', ' 9. . ';:-",. ::;;-. 1 g72 nfpbnbstfcnf (R): , , Elected to House, listed in two ways —ffrst in order by name I di' ' ''- """""Ã' an)d then in numeric@ otrdnf by trict If you me 11 Anna Cowln L esb'urg (R) (8 . don't 12. John OstalkIewicz, Orlando (R) looking for n House member. gftd you know the 13. John Grant, Tampa (R) Turner, William H. (D) member's name or distgict) perhaps yuu cnft iderttffy the 14. Buddy Dyer, Orlando (D) 38th District district by consulting the mnp oft page 15. 15. Patsy Ann Kurth, Palm Bay (D} (Plsase note: Lust phone number seder eucb whee ts tbe 16. Locke Burt, Ormond Beach (R) g,ff,'g, , 125th Street ":, ':, , i' 11N number) 1 7. (Vacant} ~ T~ee oPce 18. Charlie Bronscn, Indian Harbour Beach (R) 19, Jack Latvala, Palm Harbor (R) Albright, George {R) (353) M3.1204 Bab h r, Sh@{R) 20, Charlie Grist, Jr., St. Petersburg (R) District . ' 24th District Elected to House, 1996 25th - "Jim" Hargrett, Tampa f' ":;'i" " 21. James (D) .-: 111 S,E. 25th Avenue I (850) 488-0805 301 W. Wiard Avinue 22, Donald C, Sullivan, Seminole (R) "84471-9179 Eustls 32728&24 "Tom" Brandcn 589-1 23. Thomas Anthony Lee, (R) 732'1313 I Arnall, Joseph (352} 998 iitr!$';:Jti t-"ft. I "Joe" 24. , Sarasota (R) , 'tc'Rttuse) 1988 (R) Elected to House, 1986 25. Fred R. Dudley, Cape Coral (R) (850) 488 0348 : Bradenton , 28. John McKay, (R) "Doc" Myers, Stuart 2320 S.Third Street Ball, Randy (R) 27, t William G, (R) ','. ';,', '. 29th District "Ron' ;;.„;,, . . „. . .. Jacksonville Beach ,, Sf). Ronakl J. Klein, Delray Beach (D) "p),,, .;,3 $04057 400 South St.

249 1990 I Titusville 32780 j:;:fiifltgthiIItlf. J, Meadows, Lauderhill (D) ) , ' ' ', . ', '„, ';, HOuee, 1988 (407) 363-5151 'i, ,t, ."I')~A. "idirn" Scott, Ft. Lauderdale (R) , , „;, „,„„ fp ', Elected to House, 1994 j~;::-f;,, ', Forman, Hoffywml (D) , D,

, Oampbatt, Tamarac (D) ~ ';:4)' @) , Miami ~,', (R) j~i, . '.". t'-, 80IYOfO) Bflulo A. ~, .. , i::: '- ', , ((D) 4r Ri '. i(D) . jeht)ifNstnct ~'t, , , ' , ;"t, «R)} ,"j,~i. ,, ;;,!i:ii, ;, 8Qlfl'1l) ' Atye)ntura (D) ". I.","If&;:O';W,1st Street .) ,%~j.'f992

THE SHERIFF'S STAR 4 JANUARY I FEBRUARY 1998 13 a Winter Park 32792-7495 2326 Miami 33174 Elected to House, Elected to House, 1996 488-9175 e (407) 623-1360 (850) 872-7757 (305) 229-6240 1986-92 (850) 0 II l4 Elected to House, 1994 Elected to House, 1990 Elected to House, 1994 Re-elected, 1994 488-2742 488-9696 (850) 488-361 6 (850) 488-4791 Healey, Edward J. (850) (850) "Ed" Coavo& (D) Brown, Shirley (D) Constantine, Lee (R) Dockery, Paula (R) Fuller, James B. 86th District 69th District 37th District 64th District "Jim" (R) Suite 2-D RePresentattttes tn 3003 S. Congress alpbabetteal order 2888-D Ringiing Blvd. Suite 1268 P.O. Box 2646 16th District Lakeland 33806 2602 University Blvd. W Avenue conttnned Sarasota 34237 378 Whooping Loop , (941) 361-6180 Altamonte Springs (941) 284-4525 Jacksonville 3221 7-2113 Palm Springs 33461 Elected to House, 1992 32701-3442 Elected to House, 1996 (904) 448-4770 (561) 434-3950 Betancourt, Annie (D) (850) 488-7754 (407) 331-9675 (850) 488-2270 Elected to House, 1992 Elected to House, 1986 116th District Elected to House, 1992 (850) 488 4171 (850) 488.0175 Suite 103 Bullard, Larcenia J. (D) (850) 488-2231 Edwards, Lori (D) 10691 N. Kendall Drive 1 1 8th District 65th District Futch, Howard E. (R) Heyman, Sally A. (D) Miami 33176-1591 Cutler Ridge 1 Bldg. Cosgrove, John F. (D) 201 S. Main Street 30th District 105th District (305) 279-7337 Suite 302 119th District Auburndale 33823-3403 P. 0. Box 33198 Suite 205 Elected to House, 1994 10700 Caribbean Blvd. 201 W. Flagler Street (941) 965-5510 Indialantic 32903-0198 17101 N. E. 19th Avenue (850) 488-5047 Miami 33189-1230 Miami 33130-1510 Elected to House, 1992 (407) 722-5353 N. Miami Beach 33162- (305) 253-3421 (305) 373-5315 (850) 488-2721 Elected to House, 1992 3159 Bitner, David I. (R) Elected to House, 1992 Elected to House, 1986 (850) 488-9720 (305) 919-1888 71 st District (850) 488-5430 (850) 488-9550 Effman, Steven W. (D) Elected to House, 1994 Suite S 98th District Garcia, Rodolfo (850) 488-1028 2811 Tamiami Trail Burroughs, Jerry (R) Grady, George A. (D) 400 N.W. 73rd Avenue "Rudy" Jr. (R) Port Charlotte 33952- 1st District 1 2th District Plantation 33317 110th District Hill, Anthony C. 5135 Suite F 823 U.S. Hwy. 17 (954) 321-9855 368 West 21 st Street "Tony"(D) (941) 575-5858 4000 U.S. Hwy. 90 Yulee 32097 Elected to House, 1992 Hialeah 33010-251 9 1 4th District Elected to House, 1992 Pace 32571-1909 (904) 225-5035 (850) 488-0590 (305) 888-0866 Suite 1 (850) 488-0060 (850) 494-7393 Elected to House, 1977 Elected to House, Spe- 5600 New Kings Road Elected to House, 1994 (850) 488-6920 Eggelletion, cial Jacksonville 32209-21 33 Bloom, Elaine (D) (850) 488-8188 Josephus, Jr. (D) Election Oct. , 1989 (904) 359-6500 106th District Grist, Victor (R) 94th District (850) 487-21 97 Elected to House, 1992 488-6893 Suite 504 Bush, James III (D) 60th District 431 5 N. State Road 7 (850) 300 71st Street 109th District 11814-0 North 56th Lauderdale Lakes Gay, Greg (R) Miami Beach 33141- Suite 405 Street 33319-4856 74th District Horan, Debbie (D) 3038 Capital Bank Building Temple Terrace 33617- (954) 486-7005 Suite 307 120th District (305) 864-8648 3550 Biscayne Blvd. 1652 Elected to House, 1992 3501 Del Prado Blvd. Suite 201 Elected to House, 1974, Miami 33137-3854 (813) 987-6731 (850) 488-8234 Cape Coral 33904 3132 Northside Drive 1986 (305) 325.2867 Elected to House, 1992 (941) 338-2396 Key West 33040-8003 (850) 488-0690 Elected to House, 1992 (850) 488-3087 Fasano, Mike (R) Elected to House, 1992 (305) 294-7191 (850) 488-0625 45th District (850) 488-7433 Elected to House, 1994 Boyd, Janegale (D) Crow, Larry (R) 8217 Massachusetts (850) 488-9965 1 0th District Byrd, Johnnie B.Jr. (R) 49th District Avenue (VACANT) 140 E. Dogwood 62nd District 1102 Pinehurst Road New Port Richey 34653- 101st District Jacobs, Suzanne (D) Monticello 32345 121 N. Collins Street Dunedin 34698-5425 3111 (850) 488-0145 88th District (850) 342-0286 Plant City 33566 (813) 298-1674 (813) 848-5885 Suite 5 Elected to House, 1996 (813) 752.5863 Elected to House, 1994 Elected to House, 1994 Goode, Harry C., Jr. (D) 990 S. Congress Avenue (850) 488-7870 Elected to House, 1996 (850) 488-9240 (850) 488-8528 31st District Delray Beach 33445- (850) 488-0807 P. 0. Box 1656 4653 Bradley, Rudolph Gulp, Faye (R) Feeney, Tom (R) Melbourne 32902-1656 (561) 433-3666 "Rudy" (D) Carlton, Lisa (R) 57th District 33rd District (407) 984-4848 Elected to House, 1992 55th District 70th District Suite 113 P.O. Box 622109 Elected to House, 1986 (850) 488-1662 Suite 904, The Tower 2127 S. Tamiami Trail 4302 Henderson Blvd. Oviedo 32762-21 09 (850) 488-2528 424 Central Avenue Osprey 34229-9695 Tampa 33629-5608 (407) 977-6500 Jones, Dennis L., St. Petersburg 33701- Elected to House, 1996 Greene, Addie L. D.C. (941) 966-2606 (813) 272-2920 (D) (R) 3842 Elected to House, 1994 Elected to House, 1994 (850) 488-0468 84th District 54th District (813) 893-1840 (850) 488.1171 (850) 488-2770 Suite 104-B 8940 Seminole Blvd, Elected to House, 1994 Fischer, Margo (D) 330 Clematis Street Seminole 33772-3850 (850) 488-0925 Casey, Bob, M.D. (R) Dawson-White, Muriel 52nd District West Palm Beach (813) 547-781 0 22nd District "Mandy" (D) 6961st Avenue, N. 33401-4602 Elected to House, 1978 Brennan, Mary (D) Suite L 93rd District St. Petersburg 33701 (561) 837-5252 (850) 488-9960 51 st District 4401 N. W. 25th Place Suite 209 (813) 893-1700 Elected to House, 1992 Suite 7 Gainesville 32606-6569 33 N. E. 2nd Street Elected to House, 1996 (850) 488-8632 Kelly, Everett A. (D) 6251 44th Street, N. (352) 334-1700 Ft. Lauderdale 33311 (850) 488-5719 42nd Dtstnct Pinellas Park 33781 Elected to House, 1992 (954) 467W1 7 Hafner, Lars A. (D) 123 N. St. Clair Abrams (813) 528-1076 (850) 488-0887 Elected to House, 1992 Flanagan, Mark G. (R) 53rd District Ave. Elected to House, 1990 (850) 488-1 084 68th District Suite 201A Tavares 32778 (850) 488-61 97 Chestnut, Cynthia Suite C-2 1301 66th Street, N. (352) 742-6116 1978 Moore (D) Dennis, Willye F. (D) 4301 32nd Street, West St. Petersburg 33710- Elected to House, Bronson, Irlo 23rd District 15th District Bradenton 34205-2700 5542 (850) 488-5991 "Bud" Jr. (D) Suite 108 8671 Lem Turner Road (941) 755-2283 (813) 381-0053 79th District 101 S.E. Second Place Jacksonville 32208-2666 Elected to House, 1994 Elected to House, 1988 King, James E. "Jim", P. 0. Drawer 422469 Gainesville 32601-6591 (904) 924-1560 (850) 488-4086 (850) 488-9337 Jr. (R) Kissimmee 34742-2469 (352) 955 3030 Elected to House, 1992 1 7th District (407) 933-2307 Elected to House, 1990 (850) 488-741 7 Frankel, Lois (D) Harrington, Suite 108 Elected to House, 1982 (850) 488-5794 85th District Lindsay M. (R) 9485 Regency Square (850) 488-8992 Diaz De La Portilla, Suite 290 72nd District Blvd. Clemons, Scott (D) Alex (R) 1645 Palm Beach Lakes Suite 2110 Jacksonville 32225-81 45 Brooks, Bob (R) 6th District 115th District Blvd. 115Tamiami Trail (904) 727-3600 35th District P. 0. Box 2326 Suite 301G West Palm Beach 33401 Punta Gorda 33950 Elected to House, 1986 Suite 7 Panama City 32402- 1405 S.W. 107th Avenue (561) 681-2597 (941) 575-5820 (850) 488-4388 6586 University Blvd. continued cn page 16






STY tBO !T 'Jf f 'ff ' Yi!itif +COO\OR

I 1 „..., .....„,Parle of Escambia, Okaloosa, Santa Rosa 43 ....,...... Citrus and parts of Hernando and Marion „",ORAHOO ;.~i 24...,..., ...Parts of Eacambia 44 ...... Parts of Hernando, Lake, Pasco, Polk and Sumter PASCO :i~j, .,. .,...;Parts of Eacambia, Qkafoosa, Santa Rosa 45...... ,..Parts of Hernando and Pasco ; 4, ,;.. . Holmes, Washington and parts of Okaloosa and 46 ...... Parts of Pasco 5..„..„„.... HILLSSO

474!....,..Parts of,Hillsborough and Pinellas POLK f 8...... ,...„.Parts cf Bay 49-54...... Parts of Pinellas 7...,....„....Calhoun, Gulf, Jackson, uberty and parts of Bay, 55...... Parts of Manatee and Pinellas ' ' ':Ip, Gadeden, Leon andWalbm 5640...... Parts of Hillsborough HNHli -if-'kf 8 ...... ,...... Parts cf Gadsden and Lecin 61 ...... Parts of Hillsborough and Pasco , ' ' SOTS . 62 , .. Paris of Hillsborough 9 ...... ,Parts Of Leon ...... TIH , Frankly, Jeffeson, Taylor, Waku@and N46...... ,Parts cf Polk 10...... Uwy, S ' 4WIL paits {4Alachua, Dixie, G8@rist, twn@xI Me@n 88 ...,...„...Parts of Hillsborough and Polk

' Sueinnee . ,Parts 6f Hillsborough, Manatee and Sarasota ',, 11 ...... Columbia, Hamilton, Lafayette, Madison, 87,,...... SHORT SACHS and parts of Dixie and Gilchrist 88;„, ,...Parts of Manatee ' 12 ...... Baker, Bradford Nassau, Union and part of Dwal 89.70...,...Pste 6t Sarasota ii ' ' 13...... Parts of Clay and 5ival 71 ..., .„....Pirts of Chaihtte and Sarasota , COLUBI 1417 ....,.,Parts of Duval 72 „....„....QAW; Hardee and parts of Charlotte and Lee

18...... Parts of Duvai and St. Johns 73.„.„,.....Parts of Lee DAN 19...... ,..Parts of Clay, Duval and St, Johns 74,....„„...Parts of Ctwlotte, Lae and Sarasota 2 ..„„..., ..Parts of Clay, Flagter, St, Johns and Yolusia 75 ...,....„,.f'arts cfCol5ei ed Lee 21,...„...,..Putnam and parts of Clay and Marion 76 .....„..„.Pa% of Collier . and parts of.Collier, and Highlands I!RRR2PS,,Y, ...Parts of Alachua and Marion 77 ..„.„...,Glades; Hendry ' Of Marion 78....„„....Parts of Highlands, Me(In, Gkeechobee, Palm Beach and St. Lucis .; AY;, ."--,PJaerte '. ;-;. LakeLMadon, Seminole and Volusia 79 ... , ...... ,Parts of Okeechobee and Ceceola e ;:,5,;, ..,T, „@Ifpof, . OO o ", ;+~,4"„:HI...;,gspge qf,gfagfer, Lake and Yolusia 80.„...„....Parts of fndian River and 8, LAe C 81 ...,...... Parts af Martin and SL Lucis ~0o estop "' 82 ...... ,Paits of Martin and Palm Beach ", River and orange 83.89...... Parts of Palm Beach , ~J lftffsn 8ancf. Volusia 90 ...... „...Parts of Broward !jet,'~le 91 ...,...... Parts of Broward and Palm Beach 92.100.....Parts of Broward 101 ...... Parts of Broward and Dade '""". f/4j'", ,";"j'-". 102...„....,Parts of Collier and Dade ', ')~6P""I "."'"'ri. " 103-119...Parts of Dade ':" "' I". ', ', ', ,.",',!-". 1$...... Monroe and paris of Dade ,



cr o~ oy v%

, and Sumter 25. . .. Parts of Collier and Lee 'i~eit'L"Seminole 26. . .. Desoto, Hardee and parts of Highlands, ""U Hillsborough, Manatee and Sarasota mVbfuss 27. ... Parts of indian River, Martin, Palm Beach

28. ... Pets of Broward and Palm Beach ': ' ' i, ': '28., '„,Hendry and parts of Broward, Collier and 'Plilm Beach of Broward and Palm Beach


~„yf,.~!J ~J Lee, Martin, "I',~IY ~WWT !P

THE SHERIFF'S STAR A JANUARY / FEBRUARY 'I 998 15 ssssds Atlantic Avenue R. "Rick", + 140 S. Minton, 0. Putnam, Adam H. (R) Sanderson, Starks, Bob (R) Ormond Beach 32176- Jr. (D) 63rd District Debby P. (R) 34th District 0 4 78th Djstrict 441 Florida National Dr. 91 District Suite 143 s s 6621 6 st (904) 676-4000 2300 Virginia Avenue Lakeland 33813 4800 N. E. 20th Terrace Interlachen Corporate 1994 Room 211 701-1000 Suite South Bldg. Center saoaids Elected to House, (941) 401, (850) 488-9873 Fort Pierce 34982-5632 Elected to House, 1996 Ft. Lauderdale 33308- 1211 Semoran Blvd. (561) 595-1380 (850) 488-9890 4572 Casselberry 32707-6442 ln Rebresentattees Mackenzie, Anne (D) Elected to House, 1992 (954) 958-5500 (407) 623-1116 alphabetical order 99th District (850) 488-5588 Rayson, John C. (D) Elected to House, 1982 Elected to House, 1990 contlnned Suite 105 90th District (850) 488-0635 (850) 488-5843 1000 S. Federal High- Morroni, John (R) Suite 111 Kosmas, Suzanne (D) way 50th District 950 N. Federal Hwy. Saunders, Burt L. (R) Sublette, William E. 28th District Ft. Lauderdale 33316- Suite C Pompano Beach 33062- 76th District "Bill" (R) 1055 N. Dixie Freeway 1237 2331 Belleair Road 4325 3301 E. Tamiami Trail 40th District New Smyrna Beach (954) 524-1000 Clearwater 33764 (954) 467-4268 Admin. Bldg. , 3rd Floor Suite 210 32168 Elected to House, 1982 (813) 538-7240 Elected to House, 1990 Naples 33962-4902 2901 Curry Ford Road (904) 427-4466 (850) 488-0245 Elected to House, 1992 (850) 488-0260 (941) 41 7-6220 Orlando 32806-3359 Elected to House, 1996 (850) 488-1540 Elected to House, 1994 (407) 897-0888 (850) 488-6653 Mackey, Joseph Reddick, Alzo J. (D) (850) 488-4487 Elected to House, 1992 R., Jr. (D) Morse, Luis C. (R) 39th District (850) 488-9770 Lacasa, Carlos (R) 11th District 113th District 725 Gwendolyn Ave. Sembler, Charles II (R) 117th District P. O. Box 1541 Suite 302 Orlando 32805 80th District Tamargo, Deborah (R) Suite 616 190 N. 7th Street 807 S.W. 25th Avenue (407) 297-2071 P. 0. Box 2380 58th District 3191 Coral Way Lake City 32056-1541 Miami 33135-4867 Elected to House, 1982 Vero Beach 32961-2380 P.O. Box 153157 Miami 33145-3210 (904) 758-0480 (305) 643-7590 (850) 488-0760 (561) 778-5077 Tampa 33684 (305) 569-2600 Elected to House, 1986 Elected to House, 1984 Elected to House, 1990 (813) 881-0561 Elected to House, 1994 (850) 488-9835 (850) 488-4202 Ritchie, Buzz (D) (850) 488-0952 Elected to House, 1997 (850) 488-6506 3rd District (850) 488-9460 Maygarden, Jerry L. (R) Murman, Sandra L. (D) 507 E. Fairfield Drive Silver, Barry (D) (VACANT) 2nd District 56th District Pensacola 32503-2757 89th District Thrasher, John (R) 66th District Suite A6 304 Plant Avenue (850) 595-8686 Suite 59 19th District (850) 488-9465 7201 N. 9th Avenue Tampif 33606 Elected to House, 1988 9070 Kimberly Blvd. Suite 302 Pensacola 32504-6658 (813) 272-2884 (850) 488-0895 Boca Raton 33434 2233 Park Avenue Lawson, Alfred J. "Aj", (850) 494-7330 Elected to House, 1996 (561) 470-5955 Orange Park 32073 Jr. (D) Elected to House, 1994 (850) 488-9910 Ritter, Stacy Joy (D) Elected to House, 1996 (904) 777-2110 8th District (850) 488-8278 96th District (850) 488-1 302 Elected to House, 1992 311 House Office Bldg. Ogles, Mark R. (R) Suite 301 (850) 488-1304 Tallahassee 32399-1300 Meek, Kendrick B.(D) 67th District 7880 N. University Dr. Sindler, Robert B.(D) Elected to House, 1982 104th District Suite 212 Tamarac 33321 38th District Tobin, Jack N. (D) (850) 488-1798 Suite 408 1101 6th Avenue, W. (954) 718-0077 409 South Park Avenue 95th District 111 N. W. 183rd Street Bradenton 34205-7705 Elected to House, 1996 Apopka 32703-5261 4800 W. Copans Road Lippman, Frederick Miami 33169 (941) 746-6767 (850) 488-21 24 (407) 880-441 4 Coconut Creek 32789 "Fred" (D) (305) 656-3671 Elected to House, 1992 Elected to House, 1988 (954) 975-0088 100th District Elected to House, 1994 (850) 488-6341 Roberts-Burke, (850) 488-2023 Elected to House, 1982 Sujte 330 N. (850) 488-7088 Beryl (D) (850) 488-3164 4000 Hollywood Blvd. Peaden, Durell (D) 108th District Smith, Kelley R. (D) Hollywood 33021-6754 Melvin, Jerry (R) 5th District Suite 705 21 st District Trovillion, Allen (R) (954) 983-9700 4th District 598 N. Ferdon Blvd. 7900 N. E. 2nd Avenue 222 N. Third Street 36th District Elected to House, 1978 P. O. Box 1540 Crestview 32536-2753 Miami 33138 Palatka 32177-3710 1360 Palmetto Avenue (850) 488-0465 38 Miracle Strip Pkwy. (850) 689-0556 (305) 325-3086 (904) 325-8384 Winter Park 32789-491 6 Sound Office Complex Elected to House, 1994 Elected to House, 1994 Elected to House, 1990 (407) 623-1355 Littlefield, Carl D. (R) Suite 1A (850) 488-4726 (850) 488-4233 (850) 488-0665 Elected to House, 1994 61st District Fort Walton Beach (850) 488-0660 38108 Meridian Avenue 32548 Posey, Bill (R) Rodriguez-Chomat, Spratt, J. R. "Joe" (D) Dade City 33525-3838 (850) 833-9319 32nd District Jorge (R) 77th District Turnbull, (352) 523-5025 Elected to House, 1994 Suite 103 114th District 205 S. Commerce Ave. Marjorie R. (D) Elected to House, 1992 (850) 488-1170 1802 S. Fiske Blvd. Suite 1750 Sebring 33870 9th District (850) 488-5744 Rockledge 32955-3007 825 Brickell Bay Dr. (941) 385-5251 211 House Office Bldg. Merchant, (407) 636-5693 Miami 33131 Elected to House, 1996 Tallahassee 32399 Livingston, Sharon J. (R) Elected to House, 1992 (305) 377-7123 (850) 488-3457 Elected to House, 1994 Ralph L. (R) 83rd District (850) 488-4669 Elected to House, 1994 (850) 488-0965 75th District Suite 260 (850) 488-2831 Stabins, Jeff (R) Suite 112 824 U.S. Highway 1 Prewitt, Debra A. (D) 44th District Valdes, Carlos L. (R) 12811 Kenwood Lane North Palm Beach 46th District Rolas, Luis E. (R) 7497 Forest Oaks Blvd. 111th District Fort Myers 33907-5645 33408 5445 Gulf Drive 102nd District Spring Hill 34606-2400 Suite 201 625-5101 New Port Richey 34652 A 688-2011 71 75 W. 8th Street (941) 278-7474 (561) Suite (352) S. Elected to House, 1994 Elected to House, 1992 (813) 843-021 2 6011 W. 16th Avenue Elected to House, 1992 Miami 33144-4671 (850) 488-2047 (850) 488-0322 Elected to House, 1994 Hialeah 33012-621 3 (850) 488-6641 (305) 267-01 34 (850) 488-5522 (305) 827-2720 Elected to House, 1988 Logan, Willie, Jr. (D) Miller, Lesley J., Jr. (D) Elected to House, 1988 Stafford, Tracy (D) (850) 488-4092 103rd District 59th District Pruitt, Ken (R) (850) 488-1 683 92nd District Suite 21 P. 0. Box 5993 81st District City Park Mall Villalobos, J.Alex (R) 490 Opa Locka Blvd. Suite 103 Suite 110 Saficy, R. Z. (R) 128 S.E. 1st Street 112th District Opa Locka 33054-3563 1302 N. 19th Street 2400 S.E. Midport Road 48th District Ft. Lauderdale 33301- Suite 202-A (305) 681-0008 Tampa 33675-5993 Port St. Lucie 34952- Suite B 1924 2350 Coral Way Elected to House, 1982 (813) 272-2831 4806 28051 U.S. 19 North (954) 467-4510 Miami 33145-3500 (850) 488-0766 Elected to House, 1992 (561) 335-8000 Clearwater 34621-2647 Elected to House, 1990 (305) 222-4160 (850) 488-5432 Elected to House, 1990 (813) 725-7908 (850) 488-0880 Elected to House, 1992 Lynn, Evelyn (R) (850) 488-8749 Elected to House, 1988 (850) 488-7897 27th District (850) 488-5580 Suite 202

16 THE SHERIFF'S STAR A JANUARY / FEBRUARY 0 998 Daniel os Wallace, Rob (R) Webster, (R) Wise, Stephen R. (R) , ;T District 41 st District 13th District l 47th s 10031 N. Dale Mabry 358 West Story Road P. O. Box 7914 Hwy. Ocoee 34761-3006 Suite 4B Tampa 33618 (407) 656-0066 5655 Timuquana Road (813) 632-6830 Elected to House, 1980 Jacksonville 32238-0914 Elected to House, 1994 (850) 488-0256 (904) 573-3925 Reptese8tatfives fN I{}BB~"' (850) 488-0275 Elected to House, 1988 1. Jerry Burroughs, Pace(R) Westbrook, Jamey (D) (850) 488-51 02 2. Warner, Tom (R) 7th District JerryLMaygardtm, ~(R) 3. Buzz Rttchte, Pensacola . 82nd District P.O. Box 5986 Riebarth, Earl (R) {D), 64; ~.; Mayfair P(aza Marianna 32447 26th District 4, Jerry Melvin, Ft. Walton Beach(R) 482-9910 N. Blvd. 957 S. Federal Highway (850) 224 Woodland 5. Durell Peaden, Crestview (D) Stuart 34994-3702 Elected to House, 1996 DeLand 32720 " 6. SCOtt W. ClemOnS, Panama City (D) 87. LkbkI}' @)sit'„'~h, g&'-, ',„,, &,',v (561) 223-5010 (850) 488-2873 (904) 943-7900 ) 7. Jamey Westbrook, Bascom 66, Mark . .t„', ,i-,'tjjtn Elected to House, 1992 Elected to House, 1994 (D) G, Flanagan, ~~+:.. 'Al" :-':!::'" 'II'"",', (850) 488-8832 Wiles, Douglass F. (850) 488-0580 8. Alfred J. Lawson, Jr„Tallahassee (D} 69. Shkfey Biewn, 'Bttf~'g". ",. "Doug" 9. MarjorieR. Turnbull, Tallahassee(D) 70. UsaCarffon, ".""", '':,'7.'-','.p='.' (D) '~'@ , , District Wasserman Schultz, 20th 10. Janegale Boyd, Jr., Mongcello {D) 71. Davkf f. Dave Debbie (D) P.O. Box 2161 "Randy" 11. JOSeph R. MaCkey, Jrn Lake City (D) 72, Lfndeay liii, ~tG~i'";i-, , 97th District St. Augustine 32084 ~, 12. George A. Grady, Yulee 73. J; KabhAmoltf, FL 13090West State (904) 823 4660 (D) Myef)t @ Road 84 Elected to House, 1996 13. Stephen R. Wise, Jacksonville (R) 74. Greg Gay, Cape Coisf'{R} Davie 33325-3243 (850) 488 2977 14. Anthony c. "Tony" Hill, Jacksonville (D) 75. Ralph L Uvtngston, FL' jitlyehi(R} . (954) 424-6947 15. Wiilys F. Dennis, Jacksonville (D) 7b. Burt L. saunders, NapMs(R} Elected to House, 1994 16. James B. "Jim" Fuller, Jacksonville (R) 77. J. R. 'Joe" Spratt, LaBege(O) 487-1588 (850) "Jim" "Rick" 17, James E. King, Jr., Jacksonville (R) 78. O. R, Minton, Jr., Nt. Pjbrce (D) ' "Joe" "Bud" 18. Joseph Arnall, Jacksonville Beach (R) 79. Irlo Bronson, lgssimmtm (0) 19. John Thrasher, Orange Park (R) 80. Charles Sembler II, Vem Beach (R) n 20. Douglass F. "Doug" Wiles, St. Augustine (D) 61. , port St. Lucie (R) 21. Kelley R. Smith, Palatka (D) 62. Tom Warner, Stuart (R)

Cititnnn nntnhnntna::Snnhetvnn~' 22. Bob Casey, M.D., Gainesville (R) 83. Sharon J. Merchant, N. Palm Beach (R) 23. Cynthia M. Chestnut, Gainesville (D) 64. Addie L Greene, W. Palm Beach (D} The only publidy available computers~table{{96~5 24. George Albright, Deals (R) 85, , W. Pall Beach(D) "Ed" citizens to perform their own Rorida etatewkte crknbtaf~ 25. Stan Bainter, Eustis (R) 66. Edward J. Healey, Palm Springs (D) been released. 26. Earl Ziebarth, DeLand (R) 67. William F. Andrews, Delray Beach (R) " ' Called "U.CHECK'M, the SOIIWare WcrkSWIth@tntkWnfa98 ', 'iiIijIr. 6,„.. .; , 27. Evelyn Lynn, Ormond Beach (R) 86. Suzanne Jacobs, Delray Beach (D) line. Reports can be turned around in 48 hours, and no ttdemez~, )b~';".I($1 28. , New Smyrna Beach (D) 89. Barry Silver, Boca Raton (D) ' seftwar'e age~wtfi produced by N'Dustries, Inc. out of Brooksvie, Ifte 29. Randy Ball, Titusville (R) 90. John C. Rayson, Pompano Beach (D) direogy' fram' uSerS tc Send and reCeiVe Criminal hiatOrlee ihe Came(jt(jian bf )btI' 30 Howard E. Futch, Indialantic (R) 91. Dsbby P. Sandersdn, Ft. Lauderdale (R) Department of Law Enforcement. Partners charles Norton and Dehkte 31, Harry C, Goods, Jrn Melbourne (D) 92. Tracy Stafford, Ft. Lauderdale (D) mark. ated the software to eliminate middle man ups when performing ebracktk';~ 32, , Rockledge (R) 93. Muriel "Mandyn Dawson-White, the 99 cost of the software, the only addmonal cast is gt6 per check.a fee fhtE la St ~ 33. , Oviedo (R) Ft. Lauderdale (D) directly to the state. 34. Bob Slarks, Casselbeny (R) 94. Jossphus Eggelletion, Jrn " "The and fbtr- purpose of this software was quite simple necessary, says Chtfrtes I „35. Bob Smoke, Winter Park {R) Lauderdale Lakes (D) 's "U-GHECK'M ~ ton, N'Dustries, Inc. president and founder. was written by two doctor 36, Agan Trorigfon, Winter Park (R) 95. Jack N. Tobin, Coconut Creek (D) for the to the public better protect ate degreed computer specialists company help I, Lse Constantine, Altamonte Springs (R) 96. Stacy Joy Ritter, Boca Raton (D) " themselves. 38. Robett 8, 'Bob" Indler, D.v,M„Apopka (D) 97. , Davie (D) Norton, who is an Officer of the Court and Sheriff's Deputy, says more than 2,t)00 ,38.. Afzo. Jn R@kgck, Orlando (D) 96. Steven W. Effman, Plantation (D) inmates were released from Florida prisons last year, and many people want to know if , ,::W~ E. "Bgl'Bubkttte, Orlando (R) 99. Anne Mackenzie, Ft. Lauderdale (D) The crim. ':. these ex conwtcts are employed in their area. public has the right to perform I ;..'41vi'„:.; "Fred" ~~,Doses (R) 100. Frederick Lippman, Hollywood (D) come into contact with in the State of Florida. inst background checks on anyone they (D) 101. (Vacant) child care workers and others can be checked out with Baby.sitters, new neighbors, fLL'. ~~,..Dunnsgoh (R) 102. Luis E. Rojas, Hialeah (R) eery Ikffe effort, he says. {R) 103 Wilfie Logan Jr Opa Locka(D) " "My main concern is the fact that I want to know who I'm dealing with, says Denise ij„'i@ii",i;,i~~MSISPI)rt Riohey (R) 104. KendrlCk B. Meek, Miami (D) "It hire contractor to perfrom work at my home, I don't want them to be ,Neigbors, I a ')}",~"WpcfrRlbhey (D) 105. Sally A. Heyman, N. Miami Beach (D) . Cemrtobtd rapist. I think parents need to know who their children are being surround- 9 " ', &ij~;t '0}, : 106. ElaineBloom, MiamiBeach(D) , „„:,, „., ;;~, , fm Does school perform criminal histories? Is your babysitter y i:",eff by a dagy bash. your f'; 107, Bruno A. Baneiro, Jrn Miami (R) Ii;, n 'Iif"44~~(Rr), "rejig''w'bo they say they are?" ' Roberts. : itd .$t ', „'{R}"'-' 108, Bet}ft Burke, Miami (D) Neighbors no one should take tfffs easy to use and affordable, says {R) 109 James Bush III Miami (D) r: business or family, 110. Rodoffo "Rudy'Garda, Jr„Hialeah(R)

i ';ii! 1-8003203266 or Pitiqi, riie''~' ~bet M call for UCH EGIN is 3626440320. 11t. Carlos L Vakfes, Miami (R) ' ', „',i., . ":{D), -112 J, Alex Vllialobos, Miami(R) „, "' f5' LutaC. MOrse, Miami(R) „' "~pl in your neighborhood? ,„1'l4n, dorge Chomfd, Miami (R) , ~Igtor {D), . Prxttlla, Miami Q5; , &DbE~De La (R) pf'Law:Entorsement htB made bold moves to inform the "(rydb wt(jht to find out It someone you know has a record

fer free information. Ths num. ;": '-",". :, . ';;:. ", "-,'g, ;~'J.'~ MbtnI(D)


Supreme Court matllug address: Ah@OR B. HARDING SupreIne Court Buitdtng, 500 South Duval Street, , Tallahassee, Elorlda 32399-1925 Telephone (850) 488-0125 Born Charlotte, North Carolina, October 13, 1935 Education Bachelor of Science and CHIEF JUSTICE Bachelor of Laws Degrees from Wake Forest GERALD KOGAN University, 1957 and 1959; Master of Laws in Judicial Process, University of Virginia, 1995; Born New York City, May 23, 1933Education U.S. Army Infantry and Judge Advocate Gener- University of Miami, BA and JD Degrees Mili- al Schools Church Presbyterian/tiilitary assistant staf'f judge advo- tary active duty, 1955-57; Special Agent, cate, Fort Gordon, GA Career Assistant County Solicitor, Duval Counter Intelligence Corps; graduate of Army County Criminal Court, 1962-63; private practice, 1964; Juvenile Intelligence School Career private practice, Court Judge, 1968; Circuit Judge, 1970; Supreme Court Justice, 1957-60; Assistant State Attorney, Dade County, 1960-67; private 1991 Honors awards from American Academy of Matrimonial practice, 1967-80; circuit court judge, 1980-87; appointed to Lawyers, Young Lawyers Section of Jacksonville Bar and Daniel Supreme Court, 1987; special counsel to Florida Legislature's Memorial Home (a psychiatric treatment center for disturbed Select Committee on Organized Crime and Law Enforcement; youth); served on Supreme Court's Matrimonial Law, Gender Bias served on faculty of American Academy of Judicial Education; Study and Bench Bar Commissions; Chair, Florida Court Education adjunct faculty member University of Miami, Nova University and Council; Chair, Committee on Law Related Education; Past Presi- FSU law schools, dent —Rotary Club of Riverside, Jacksonville, Tallahassee; former- ly Dean, Florida Judicial College, BARBARA JOAN PARIENTE LEANDER J. SHAW, JR. Born New York, New York, December 24, 1948 Education Boston University, BS, 1970; Born Salem, Virginia, September 6, 1930 George Washington University, JD Degree, Education West Virginia State College, BA 1973 Church Jewish Career Broward County „ Degree; Howard University, JD Degree; hon- US District Court Law Clerk; 18 years in pri- orary Doctor of Laws Degrees from West Vir- vate practice, specializing in civil trial litiga- ginia State College, Nova University and Wash- tion; appointed Fourth District Court of Appeal, 1993; Supreme ington and Lee University; Honorary Ph. D. , Court since 1997;Honors andAwards Recipient, Legal Aid Society Public Aifairs, Florida International University Church Baptist Mil- Civil Litigation Pro Bono Award, 1993; Order of the Coif, George itary U.S. Army, Korean conflict Career private practice; assistant Washington University, 1973; Scarlet Key, Boston University, 1970 College of Law professor, Florida ARM University; Assistant Public Activities Appointed by Supreme Court to Board of Directors, The Defender and State Attorney; Judge, Industrial Relations Commis- Florida Bar Foundation, 1995-1997;Chairperson, 15th Judicial sion and District Court of Appeals; appointed to Supreme Court, Circuit Grievance Committee, 1991-92; Founding Member and 1983; Chief Justice, 1990-92 Honors past member of the National Master, Palm Beach County Chapter, American Inns of Court, 1988- Conference of Chief Justices; Board of Directors for the National 93; Member, Florida Bar Civil Rules Committee, 1981-87;Board of Center for State Courts and the American Judicature Society; chair- Directors, Academy of Florida Trial Lawyers, 1981-1987;Mentor, man of Governor Chiles' Criminal Justice Task Force and co-chair- Take Stock In Children college scholarship program; volunteer man of the Florida Supreme Court Racial and Ethnic Bias Study judge, Palm Beach County Youth Court.

18 THE SHERIFF'S STAR 4 JANUARY / FEBRUARY 1998 Commission; and the Judicial Fellows Commission, having been appointed by the Chief Justice of the ; member, Florida State University College of Law Board of Vicitors; chairs Florida's 33602 Sentencing Guidelines Commission. First District Tampa, Mailing Address: First, Second, Third, (813) 272-3430 P. 0. Box 3315 Fourth, Eighth and W. Palm Beach, 33402- BEN F. OVERTON Fourteenth Judicial APPELLATE JUDGES 3315 Circuits Chris W. Altenbemd (561) 697-7200 John R. Blue Monterey Campbell APPELLATEJUDGES Born Green Bay, Wisconsin, December 15, Mailing Address: 1st District Court of Paul W. Danahy, Jr. John W. Dell 1926 Education BS-BA and JD Degrees, Uni- Appeal Building Richard Harlan Frank Gary M. Farmer 301 Martin Luther Carolyn K. Fulmer Hugh S. Glickstein versity of Florida; Master of Laws, University of King Blvd. Oliver L. Green, Jr. Robert M. Gross Virginia; honorary Doctor of Law Degrees Tallahassee, 32399-1850 Stevan Travis Northcutt Bobby W. Gunther (850) 488-6151 Jerry R. Parker Larry A. Klein from Stetson and Nova Universities Church David F. Patterson Mark E. Polen Episcopal Military retired reserve officer, APPELLATE JUDGES Peggy A. Quince George A. Shahood Michael E. Allen E. F. Threadgill, Jr. W. Matthew Stevenson Advocate General U.S. Army Career Special Assistant Judge Corps, Edward T. Barfield James W. Whatley Barry J. Stone Attorney General, Circuit Court Judge 10 years; appointed to Robert T. Benton (Vacant Position) Anne Cawthon Booth Third District Martha C. Warner Chief 1976-78 Honors first chair- Supreme Court, 1974; Justice, Marguerite H. Davis Eleventh and Sixteenth Judicial Circuits Fifth man, Florida Institute for the Judiciary; chairman, Florida Appel- Richard W. Ervin III District James E. Joanos Fifth, Seventh, Ninth U. Constitution Bicenten- late Structure Commission; chairman, S. Charles J. Kahn, Jr. Mailing Address: and Eighteenth Judicial nial Commission of Florida, 1986-92; U.S. Delegate to Romania, L. Arthur Lawrence, Jr. 2001 SW 117th Ave. Circuits Stephan Pierre Mickle Miami, 33175-1716 assist in drafting a proposed constitution, 1990; Fellow, American Charles E. Miner, Jr. (305) 229-3200 Mailing Address: Bar Foundation. Philip J. Padovano 300 S. Beach St. William A. Van APPELLATE JUDGES Daytona Beach, 32114 Nortwick, Jr. Gerald B. Cope, Jr. (904) 947-1500 HARRY LEE ANSTEAD Peter D. Webster John G. Fletcher James R. Wolf David M. Gersten APPELLATE JUDGES Mario P. Goderich John Antoon II Melvia B. Green Warren H. Cobb Born Jacksonville, Florida, November 4, 1937 Second District Sixth, Tenth, Twelfth, James R. Jorgenson James C. Dauksch, Jr. Education graduated from Andrew Jackson Thirteenth and Twentieth David L. Levy Gilbert S. Goshorn, Jr. Joseph Nesbitt Bachelor of Judicial Circuits Jacqueline R. Griffin High School, Jacksonville, 1956; Alan R. Schwartz Charles M. Harris Arts and JD Degrees from University of Flori- Mailing Address: Robert L. Shevin Earle W. Peterson, Jr. P. O. Box 327 Rodolfo Sorondo, Jr. Winifred J. Sharp LLM Degree from University of Virginia; da; Lakeland, 33802-0327 Emerson Richardson graduate of trial judges education program (941) 499-2290 or Fourth District Thompson, Jr. 801 E. St. Fifteenth, Seventeenth National College of the State Judiciary and numerous Twiggs offered by Suite 600 and Nineteenth Judicial other judicial education programs Church Catholic Career 13 Circuits years as trial and appellate lawyer; elected to Fourth District Court of Appeal, 1976, and served until appointed to the Florida Supreme Court on August 29, 1994; author of numerous articles relating to legal education, constitutional law, appellate practice and various First Judicial STATE ATTORNEY STATE ATTORNEY Circuit Curtis A. Golden William N. Meggs other topics; Chairman, Florida Supreme Court Commission on Escambia, Okaloosa, Pensacola Tallahassee PUBLIC DEFENDER PUBLIC DEFENDER Professionalism. Santa Rosa and, Walton Counties Jack Behr Nancy Daniels Pensacola Tallahassee ADMINISTRATOR CHARLES T. WELLS 850/436-551 5 Second Judicial Third Judicial Circuit Circuit CIRCUIT JUDGES Franklin Gadsden Columbia, Dixie, Born Orlando, Florida, March 4, 1939Edu- G. Robert Barron Jefferson, Leon, Liberty Hamilton, Lafayette, and Wakuila Counties Madison, Suwannee School, Orlan- Frank L. Bell cation William R. Boone High Kenneth B. Bell and Taylor Counties do; University of Florida, BA Degree, 1961,JD Nicolas P. Geeker ADMINISTRATOR Nancy Gilliam 850/488-1357 ADMINISTRATOR Degree, 1964 Church Methodist Military U.S. Jack R. Heflin 904/758-2163 T. Michael Jones CIRCUIT JUDGES Army Reserves (Ret. Career private practice, ) John P. Kuder Nikki Ann Clark CIRCUIT JUDGES 1965-68; trial attorney, U.S. Department of Lewis R. Lindsey John E. Crusoe James Roy Bean Laura Melvin P. Kevin Davey Paul S. Bryan Justice, Washington, D.C., 1969; private practice, 1970-94; Edward P. Nickinson III Kathleen F. Dekker E. Vernon Douglas William L. Gary Thomas J. Kennon, Jr. appointed to Florida Supreme Court, 1994Honors Phi Beta Sigma; John T. Parnham Paul A. Rasmussen J. Lewis Hall, Jr. John Weston Peach University of Florida Hall of Fame; Florida Blue Key President; Thomas T. Remington Teny P. Lewis STATE ATTORNEY Kim Anthony Skievaski Charles D. McClure Jerry M. Blair County Aid Society for Award of Excellence by Orange Legal pro Joseph Q. Tarbuck George S. Reynolds III Live Oak bono service Activities served on many committees and boards of Terry David Terrell N. Sanders Sauls PUBLIC DEFENDER Jere Tolton L. Ralph Smith, Jr. Dennis Roberts The Florida Bar, Orange County Bar and Orange County Legal Aid K. L. Williams F. E. Steinmeyer III Lake City Society; active in numerous religious and civic organizations.

THE SHERIFF'S STAR 4 JANUARY I FEBRUARY 1998 19 Richard Gary PUBLIC DEFENDER Cindy S. Lederman Robert H. Bonanno i Fred A. Hazouri Sixth Judicial Weinberg Joseph W. Durocher Ellen L. Leesfield Jack Espinosa, Jr. ' John J. Hoy ~

Circuit Joseph G. Will Orlando Barbara S. Levenson Katherine G. Essrig , Kathleen J. Kroll

Pasco and Pinellas STATE ATTORNEY Steve Levine Donald C. Evans I Jorge1.abarga Counties John Tanner Tenth Judicial D. Bruce Levy ' Gasper J. Ficarrotta ' Hubert R. Lindsey Daytona Beach Circuit Peter R. Lopez Barbara Fleischer ' Mary E. Lupo rth Judicial Fo ADMINISTRATOR PUBLIC DEFENDER Hardee, Highlands and Richard V. Margolius Florence Foster Kenneth Anthony Circuit 813/464-4470 James B.Gibson Polk Counties Lauren Levy Miller ' William Fuente Marra Cia , Duval and Daytona Beach Celeste Hardee Muir Dick Greco, Jr. ' Karen L. Martin

' Na sau Counties ADMINISTRATOR Thomas Petersen Gregory P. Holder Michael D. Miller CIRCUIT JUDGES , W. Douglas Baird Eighth Judicial 941/534-4690 Roberto M. Pineiro Cynthia A. Holloway Marvin Mounts, Jr. AD MINISTRATOR I I 'Richard Bob Barker Circuit Victoria Platzer Claudia Rickert Isom , L. Oftedal

/630-2564 ' 90 Bruce Scott Boyer Alachua, Baker, CIRCUIT JUDGES Alan L. Postman Perry A. Little i John L. Phillips ' W. Lowell Jr. Bradford, Gilchrist, Daniel True Andrews Juan Ramirez, Jr. Vivian Corvo Maye Stephen A. Rapp Bray, , CI CUIT JUDGES James R. Case Levy and Union Charles B. Curry Steven D. Robinson Manuel Menendez, Jr. , GaryL. Vonhof Aa on K. Bowden Wayne L. Cobb Counties Charles A. Davis, Jr. Jeffrey Rosinek Bob Anderson Mitcham Richard i. Wennet Alb E. Brooke ' an Charles W. Cope Robert L. Doyel Arthur Rothenberg James S. Moody, Jr. John D. Wessel Fred eric A. Buttner , David Alan Demers ADMINIST RATOR Julian Dale Durrance Leslie Rothenberg J. Rogers Padgett STATE ATTORNEY A. Carithers, Jr. Hu gh I Joseph G. Donahey, Jr. 352/374-3648 Ronald A. Herring Eleanor Levingston i SamD. Pendino Barry Krischer Ka en K, Cole Brandt C. Downey III Donald G. Jacobsen Schockett i Daniel L. Perry West Palm Beach "Mack" McCarthy Crockett Farnell CIRCUIT JUDGES J. David Langford Mare Schumacher ' Susan Sexton PUBLIC DEFENDER Crenshaw, Jr. ' ' Dee Anna Farnell W. 0. Beauchamp, Jr. Dennis P. Maloney Lawrence A. Schwartz Robert J. Simms Richard Jorandby La ce M. Day Philip J. Federico Robert P. Gates Randall G. McDonald Robert N. Scola, Jr. I Ralph Steinberg West Palm Beach Br an Davis ' J. Marion L. Fleming Chester B. Chance Cecelia M. Moore Bernard S. Shapiro Ralph C. Stoddard E. Davis ' He nry George W. Greer Nath C Doughtie Dick Prince Sidney B. Shapiro Thomas E. Stringer, Sr. Sixteenth Judicial ter L. Dearing ,' Pe Raymond O. Gross Maurice V Giunta Robert E. Pyle Paul Siegel Chet A. Tharpe Circuit bert Mallory Foster R Catherine Moore Martha Ann Lott Susan W. Roberts Stuart M. Simons Edward H. Ward Monroe County ter Fryefield Pe J. Harlan Stan R. Monis Wm. Bruce Smith Fredricka G. Smith James D. Whittemore Law rence Page Nelly N. Khouzam Elzie S. Sanders J. Tim Strickland Arthur H. Taylor STATE ATTORNEY ADMINISTRATOR addock Lauren Carroll Laughlin Frederick D. Smith (Vacant Position) David L. Tobin I Harry Lee Coe 305/292-3423 Johnson Jean M. John C. Lenderman Larry G. Turner Robert A. Young Thomas S. Wilson, Jr. Tampa W McCaulie Gregg Walt Logan STATE ATTORNEY STATE ATTORNEY STATE ATTORNEY PUBLIC DEFENDER CIRCUIT JUDGES

aries O. Mitchell, Jr. ' C Richard A. Luce Rod Smith Jerry Hill Katherine F. Rundle Julianne Holt MarkH. Jones D nald R. Moran, Jr. ' Stanley R. Mills Gainesville Bartow Miami Tampa Richard G. Payne B mard Nachman Bonnie S. Newton PUBLIC DEFENDER PUBLIC DEFENDER PUBLIC DEFENDER Steven P. Shea

I Parsons ' 8 Thomas E. Penick, Jr. C. Richard Parker J. Marion Moorman Bennett H. Brummer Fourteenth Sandra Taylor ck M. Schemer ,' J R. Timothy Peters Gainesville Bartow Miami Judicial STATE ATTORNEY , J hn H. Skinner ' Kirk Frank Quesada i Circuit C. Zuelch Jr. A C. Soud, Peter Ramsberger Ninth Judicial Eleventh Judiciel Twelfth Judicial Bay, Calhoun, Gulf, Key West B ad Stetson Rondolino Circuit Circuit Circuit Holmes, Jackson and PUBLIC DEFENDER Anthony I L Haldane Taylor and Osceola Dade County DeSoto, Manatee and Washington Counties 'Rosemary Enright Susan F. Schaeffer Orange , ederick B. Tygart , F Mark I. Shames Counties Sarasota Counties Key West Mi chael R. Weatherby Maynard F. ADMINISTRATOR ADMINISTRATOR David C. Wiggins Swanson, Jr. ADMINISTRATOR 305/375-5278 ADMINISTRATOR 850/747-5327 ~ Seventeenth W illiam A. Wilkes Ray E. Ulmer, Jr. 407/836-2050 941/951-5700 Judicial STATE ATTORNEY CIRCUIT JUDGES CIRCUIT JUDGES Ctrcutt (Vacant Position) ' Ha rry L. Shorstein Craig C. Villanti CIRCUIT JUDGES Jerald Bagley CIRCUIT JUDGES , N. Russell Bower Broward County Jacksonville David Seth Walker John H. Adams, Sr. Jennifer D. Bailey Durand J.Adams I Russell A. Cole, Jr. PU BLIC DEFENDER William R. Webb Joseph P. Baker Stanford Blake Robert B. Bennett, Jr. Dedee S. Costello ADMINISTRATOR Louis 0. Frost, Jr. STATE ATTORNEY Theotis Bronson Philip Bloom Robert J. Boylston i Clinton E. Foster 954/831-7741 Jacksonville Bernie McCabe Jay Paul Cohen Joel H. Brown Scott MacKenzie i Glenn L. Hess Clearwater Ted Coleman Gisela Cardonne Brownell Michael C. Overstreet CIRCUIT JUDGES ifth Judicial PUBLIC DEFENDER Richard F. Conrad Thomas M. Camey Stephen L. Dakan Judy Markham Pittman Robert Lance Andrews , Ci rcuit Michael Michael B. Chavies Nancy K. Donnellan Don T. Sirmons Paul L. Backman F. Cycmanick , Bob Dillinger ,

Cit rus, Hemando, ', Clearwater Daniel P. Dawson Jeri B. Cohen Peter A. Dubensky William L. Wright i Arthur M. Birken ake, Marion and Bob Evans Manuel A. Crespo Janette Dunnigan STATE ATTORNEY George A. Brescher

mter Counties ' Su William C. Gridley Amy N. Dean Deborah Ford-Kaus JimAppleman Miette K. Burnstein Seventh Judicial , ' Circuit Donald E. Grincewicz Amy Steele Donner Thomas M. Gallen Marianna Robert B. Carney DMINISTRATOR Flagler, Putnam, James Charles Hauser Ronald C. Dresnick Lee E. Haworth PUBLIC DEFENDER Patricia W. Cocalis

' 52/620-3582 ' St. Johns and Volusia Anthony H. Johnson Marqarita Esquiroz Paul Edward Logan Herman D. Laramore Geoffrey D. Cohen Counties Frank N. Kaney Joseph P. Farina Bob McDonald Marianna 'James I. Cohn , IRCUIT JUDGES Lawrence R. Kirkwood Richard Yale Feder Andrew D. Owens, Jr Robert Collins , 0. arven D. Angel ' ADMINISTRATOR Walter Komanski Alex Ferrer James S. Parker Fifteenth Judicial l William P. Dimitrouleas Michael Blackstone ' 904/257-6097 Cynthia Mackinnon Eugene J. Fierro Harry M. Rapkin Circuit i Richard Eade , Do n F. Briggs Roger J. McDonald Leon M. Firtel Becky A. Titus Palm Beach County ' J. Leonard Fleet rbara Gurrola Ba CIRCUIT JUDGES A. Thomas Mihok Gill Sherryl Freeman STATE ATTORNEY RobertJ. Fogan Ma rk Hill Jay John M. Alexander Jeffords Donalson Ronald M. Friedman Earl Moreland ADMINISTRATOR i John A. Frusciante

T. MichaelJohnson ' Stephen L. Boyles Miller Michael A. Genden Sarasota 561/355-2431 Mare H. Gold Wr lliam G. Law, Jr. ' Shawn L. Briese Belvin Perry, Jr. Norman Gerstein PUBLIC DEFENDER Renee Goldenberg T. Lockett Jerry John V. Doyle Charles N. Prather Carol R. Gersten Elliott C. Metcalfe, Jr. CIRCUIT JUDGES Barry E. Goldstein , Raymond T. McNeal Glick S. James Foxman Renee A. Roche Leonard E. Sarasota Ronald V. Alvarez , Charles M. Greene Victor Musleh J. Gayle S. Graziano Jose R. Rodriguez Murray Goldman Moses Baker, Jr. Mel Grossman Th D. Sawaya I omas Dorothy Russell Stanley M. Goldstein Thirteenth Thomas H. Barkdull III Patti Englander Kim C. Hammond J. , Singbush Wr lliam Jack R. Michael Hutcheson Maura T. Smith Jon I. Gordon Judicial Howard C, Berman Henning G. Richard Singletary William C. Johnson, Jr. George A. Sprinkel IV Maynard "Skip" Gross Circuit Virginia Gay Broome Harry G. Hinckley, Jr.

ck Springstead I Ja Patrick G. Kennedy R. James Stroker Henry H. Hamage Hillsborough County Lucy Chernow Brown StantonS. Kaplan Ha le R. Stancil ' Robert K. Mathis W. Rogers Turner Gerald D. Hubbart Catherine M. Brunson Kathleen A. Kearney Wi lliam T. Swigert , David A. Monaco Bob Wattles William Johnson ADMINISTRATOR Richard B. Burk Julie Koenig Patricia Thomas Arthur W. Nichols III Alice Blackwell White Martin D. Kahn 813/272-5894 James T. Carlisle Lawrence L. Korda Richard Tombrink, Jr. ' Richard B. Orfinger Reginald Karl Sandy Karlan Harold J. "Hai" Cohen Susan Lebow STATE ATTORNEY , Julianne Piggotte Whitehead Robert Paul Kaye CIRCUIT JUDGES Walter N. Colbath, Jr. John T. Luzzo Brad King , K. Jr. STATE ATTORNEY Alien Kornblum Diana M. Allen Roger Bye Colton Thomas Michael Robert Rouse, , Ocala Edwin P. B. Sanders Lawson Lamar Maria M. Korvick F. Dennis Alvarez Jack H. Cook Lynch IV

UBLIC DEFENDER ' C. McFerrin Smith ill Orlando Judith L. Kreeger James D. Arnold Edward H. Fine Joyce Anne Maines- oward Babb John W. Watson III Maxine Cohen Lando Rex Martin Barbas Edward A. Garrison Julian 8rooksville Lester Langer Debra K. Behnke

20 THE SHERIFF'S STAR A JANUARY/ FEBRUARY f999 Melanic G. May Kenneth R. Lester, Jr. PUBLIC DEFENDER Catherine Pooler Hendry Frances S. King Wilham H. Overton John A. Miller Jere E. Lober Diamond R. Litty Reginald A. Richardson LaBelle Sandra E. Stephens Steve Rushing D. Sloan Estella May Moriarty John Dean Moxley, Jr. Stuart Bonnie Rippingille James Radford W. Smith M. Rodriguez Martin W. Herbert Moriarty Frank Pound, Jr. Jose Michael J. Samuels Hernando Stuart Polk Leroy H. Moe Tonya B. Rainwater Twentieth Judicial Caryn Schwartz Brooksvl lie David Harper Barrow Dale Ross Edward J. Richardson Circuit Sheldon Ronald Peyton Bush Hyslop Stewart R. Hershey Charles L. Brown Sheldon Mark Schapiro J. Preston Silvernail Charlotte, Collier, Schwartz Timothy Coon Seidlin Gene Stephenson Glades, Hendry and Larry Victoria S. Sigler Highlands Monroe J. Michael Hunter Mark A. Speiser Leonard V. Wood Lee Counties Roger A. Silver Scoring Key West Anne H. Kaylor Leonard L. Stafford STATE ATTORNEY Scott J. 6:.' erman Olin W. Shinholser Ruth Becker Harvey A, Kornstein Jeffrey E. Streitfeld Norm R. Wolfinger ADMINISTRATOR Samuel Joseph Siom Wayne M. Miller Michael E. Raiden Carols Y. Taylor Viera 941/335-2299 Berk s Soto Hillsborough William R. Ptomey, Jr. Victor Tobin PUBLIC DEFENDER Linda Singer Stein Tampa Susan Vernon Putnsm Linda Vitals James F. Russo CIRCUIT JUDGES Raph iel "Ray" Charlotte W. Anderson Pslarka Howard M. Zeidwig Viera Isaac Anderson, Jr. Steiiihardt James M. Barton II Nassau Peter T Miller STATE ATTORNEY Franklin G. Baker Jeffrey David Swartz Marva L. Crenshaw Fernandlna Beach Michael J. Satz Nineteenth William L. Blackwell Teretha Lundy Thomas James V. Dominguez Robert E. Williams St. Johns Ft. Lauderdale Judicial Ted Brousseau (2 Vacant Positions) Ronald N. Ficarrotta Sl. Augustine Venzer Okaloosa E. PUBLIC DEFENDER Circuit John S. Carlin Ellen Sue Frank A, Gomez Peggy Ready Deborah White-Labora Elizabeth Lynn Hapner Creslvlew Charles J. Tinlin Alan H. Schreiber Indian River, Martin, Darryl C. Casaneuva David H. Young Walter R. Heinrich Keith Brace Ft. Lauderdale Okeechobee and R. Thomas Corbin Manuel A. Lopez T. Patterson Maney St. Lucis St. Lucie Counties Lynn Gerald, Jr. DeSoto Elvin L. Martinez Fl. Pierce Hugh D. Hayes Eighteenth Arcadia Joelle Ann Ober Okeechobee James W. Midelis ADMINISTRATOR William C. Mclver Judicial Don T. Hall Raul C. Palomino, Jr. Okeechohee Dan L Vaughn Circuit 561/462-1472 Daniel R. Monaco Christine K. Vogel Shirley M. Brennan 1homas J. Walsh, Jr, Brevard and Seminole William J. Nelson Dixie Counties CIRCUIT JUDGES R. Wallace Pack Cross City Holmes Orange Santa Rosa Cynthia G. Angelos Donald E. Pellecchia Marshall M. Clements Ben/lay Or/ando Milton ADMINISTRATOR Ben L. Bryan, Jr. Thomas S. Reese Robert Earl Brown C. Jeffrey Arnold Michael G Allen 407/633-21 71 Mare A. Cianca Jay B. Rosman Duval Deb Blechman Colic Nichols, Jr. Burton C. Conner James H. Seals Jacksonville Indian River Jerry L. Brewer CIRCUIT JUDGES Cynthia L. Cox Hugh E. Starnes Roberto A. Arias Vero Beach Stephan Wooding Carter Sarasota Arnold David Carolyn Barco Freeman Nancy F. Alley John Emmett Fennelly James R. Thompson Harold C. C. Morgan Sarasota June Cameron Joe Wild James E. Glatt, Jr. Barbara Seymour Benson Dwight L. Geiger Sherra Winesett Briggs Blackburn Janis Mary Halker Preston DeVilbiss, Jr, Newman D. Brock Robert A. Hawley, Jr. STATE ATTORNEY Mallory D. Cooper Jackson James E. Henson Judy Goldman Warren W. C. Burk Paul B. Kanarek Joseph P. Eleni Elis Derke Mar/anna Thomas R. Kirkland Emanuel LoGalbo, Jr. Alan A. Dickey Scott M. Kenney D'Alessandro Emmett Fewell Woodrow W. Hatcher Frederick J. Lauten H. Eaton, Jr. Robert R. Makemson Ft. Myers 0. Ferguson III W. Michael Miller Seminole I. Evander Larry Schack PUBLIC DEFENDER Kerry Hugh M. Fletcher Jefferson Renee A. Roche Sanford Thomas G. Freeman Charles E. Smith Douglas M. Midgley Linda F. McCallum Monffcello Stan W. Strickland Carimine M. Bravo Charles M. Holcomb STATE ATTORNEY Ft. Myers John A. Moran Robert R. Plaines Alan Collier Todd Ralph E. Eriksson Edward M. Jackson Bruce H. Colton James A. Ruth Fredric M Hitt Bruce W. Jacobus Ft. Pierce Brent D. Shore Lafayette Osccols Donald Lee Marblestone Lawrence V. "Larry" Sharon Howard Tanner Mayo K/sslmmee John R. Sloop Johnston III (Vacant Position) Harlow H. Land, Jr. Carol Engel Draper Alfred Washington, Sr, Ronald A. Legendre Sumter Lake Margaret T. Wailer Bushnell Escambis Tavares Thomas D. Skidmore Pensacola Richard W. Boylston Palm Beach David B.Ackerman Donna F. Miller West Palm Beach Suwsnnee Wilham James Green Peter D. Blanc Live Oak Thomas E. Johnson Lee Nelson E. Bailey William R. Slaughter II Alschua Gary R. Cowart Clay Green Cove Springs G. J. Roark III Ft. Myers William A. Bollinger Gal nesvl lie Robert F. Diaz L. Thomas McAnnally William Pierpont White, James R. Adams Gory J. Ciklin Taylor Jeanne Dawes Martin R. Dishowitz Richard R. Townsend Jr. G. Keith Cary Barry M. Cohen Perry Crenshaw Leonard Feiner Gehl John W. Dommerich Stephen M. Cohen Stephen Murphy Aymer L. Curtin Peggy "Bill" Herring Collier Flsgler Leigh Frizzell Hayes Jeffrey J. Colbath Phyllis Diane Kotey William W. Naples Bunnell Radford R. Sturgis Sheree Davis Union Ysleta W. McDonald ffona M. Holmes Cynthia A. Ellis Sharon Buck Atack Edward Joseph Volz, Jr. Cunningham i.ake Butler Peter K. Sieg Alfred J. Horowitz Joel T. Lazurus Eugene C. Turner Peter M. Evans David L. Reiman Brenda C. Wilson Frankffn Leon Susan Lubitz Baker Ginger Lerner-Wren Apalachlcola Tallahassee Elizabeth T. Maass Volusia Macclenny Joseph A. Murphy III Columbia Van Russell Augustus D. Aikens, Jr. Sandra K. McSorley DeLsnd Joseph Monroe Williams Jerry Pollock Linda Raspolich Pratt Lake City Thomas H. Bateman III Paul 0. Moyle Thomas E. Bevis Julian E. Collins Gsdsden Judith W. Hawkins Robert V. Parker Hubert L. Gnmes Bsy Mary Rudd Robinson Quincy Donald S. Modesitt Nancy Perez H. Pope Hamrick, Jr.- Panama City Ronald J. Rothschild Dade Richard L. Hood Deborah Dale Pucillo Henderson William A. Cooper, Jr. Louis H. Schiff Miami Levy Robert Steven Schwartz Peter F. Marshall Elijah Smiley Steven Gary Shutter Alfonso Leo Adderly Gilchrist Bronson Michael McDermott Thomas F. Welch Peter B. Skolnik Jay Spechler Cecilia Maria Altonaga Trenton Joseph E. Smith Pasco Mary Jane Nettles- Mercedes A. Bach Edward Philman Dade City Henderson Bradford Lisa G. Trachman Beth Bloom Liberty Robert P. Cole John Roger Smith Siarke Zebedee W. Wright Linda Dakis Glades Bristol Mare H. Salton Stasia Warren Johnny R. Hobbs, Jr. Robert S. Zack Sharon L. Zeller Kevin M. Emas Moore Haven Kenneth L. Hosford William G. Sestak Freddie J. Worthen Marvin H. Gillman Jack E. Lundy Brevard Harvey Leon Goldstein Madison Pineffas Wakuffa Tl lusvl /le Calhoun Wendell Mitchell Gulf Madison Clearwater Crawfordvllle John C. Adkins Blounlslown Graham Port Sl. Joe Wetzel Blair Michael F Andrews Jill C. Walker Philip Fougerousse Philip J. Knight Andrew S. Hague Robert M. Moore Henry J. Andringa Kenneth Friedland B. Karan Manatee William 8 Blackwood Walton Peter Haddad Charlotte Amy Shelley J. Kravitz Hamilton Bradenlon Patrick K. Caddell DeFunlak Springs Lisa Davidson Kahn Punla Gorda Kenton H. Haymans Mark King Leban Jasper George K. Brown, Jr. Thomas B. Freeman David W. Green Alii B. Majeed Myriam Lehr David E. Bembry Mare B. Gilner Walter Atherton William T. McCluan W. Wayne Woodard Marilyn Milian Doug Henderson Fullerton III Washington Tem-Ann Miller Hardee Karl B. Grubs Chl pley Broward Citrus Edward K. Newman Wauchu/a Merlon Paul A. Levine Allen L. Register Fl. Lauderdale Inverness Ann Mason Parker Robert Earl Collins Deals Myra Scott McNary Fred J. Barman Mark J. Yerman Nancy J. Pollock John Edrington Futch Robert J Morris Jr


Born Coral Gables, FL, November 9, 1936 Edu- Born Philadelphia, PA, October 29, 1940 cation BA Degree, University of Florida, 1959; Education University of Florida, Marketing and Law Degree, Harvard, 1962 Wife Adele Children Business Degree, 1966 Wife Priscilla Children Four Career Florida House of Representatives, Two Church Catholic Career 16yearsin bank- 1966; Senate, 1970; elected Governor 1978 and ing, Fort Myers; U.S. House of Representatives, '82; elected to U.S. Senate 1986 and '92 Back- 1982-88; elected to U.S. Senate, 1988 and 1994 ground Father, Ernest R, "Cap" Graham, was former State Senator in Honors Chairman ofthe Board, Cape Coral Hospital, 1975-77; Found- Florida and unsuccessful candidate for Governor; maternal aunt, Mrs. ing Chairman of the Board, Palmer Drug Abuse Program, 1979-80; Ina S. Thompson, of DeFuniak Springs, was Ilrst woman to attain "Little charter member, Fort Myers Rotary Club; 1992 Courage Award, Amer- Cabinet" status as Florida's Motor Vehicle Commissioner in the 1950s ican Cancer Society; Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation's Betty Committee Assignments Energy and Natural Resources; Environment Ford Award Background Grandson of Connie Mack, legendary man- and Public Works (ranking member of Clean Air, Wetlands, Private Prop- ager and owner of Philadelphia Athletics baseball team Committee erty and Nuclear Safety Subcommittees); Finance Committee; Veterans' Assignments vice-Chairman, Joint Economic Committee; Finance; Alfairs; Select Committee on Intelligence Address 524 Hart Senate Omce Banking; chairman, Senate Republican Conference Address 517 Hart

Building, Washington, D.C., 20510Phone (202) 224-3041. Building, Washington, DC 20510 Phone (202) 224-5274.

0 ~

1st District 2nd District Escambia, Holmes, Okaloosa, Santa Rosa Calhoun, Dixie, Franklin, Gadsden, Gilchrist, and Walton Counties. Part ofBay County. Gulf, Hamilton, jackson, Jegerson, Lafayette, Leon, Liberty, Madison, Suuannee, taylor, Wakulla and Washington Counties. Portions ofBay and (R) Columbia Counties.

Born Atlanta, GA, April 9, 1963 Education AB Degree, University of Alabama; JD Degree, Uni- F. , JR. (D) versityofFlorida Wife Melanic Children Two Church Southern Bap- tist Career Attorney; elected to U.S. House of Representatives, 1994, Born Valdosta, GA, June 6, 1945 Education Florida State Univer- 1996 Honors Board Member, Navy League; Executive Board Member, sity, Bachelor's in Accounting Wife Cissy Children Three Church Escambia/Santa Rosa Bar Association; Board Member, Emerald Coast United Methodist Military Rifle Platoon Leader, US Army, served Pediatric Primary Care; American Jurisprudence Award for Constitu- tour of duty in Vietnam Career Fifth generation farmer, Florida tional Law, University of Florida College of Law Committee Assign- House of Representatives since 1989, served as Chair of Govern- ments National Security (Military Installation Subcommittee, Research mental Operations Committee, Chair of the House Rules and Cal- and Development Subcommittee); Government Reform and Oversight endar Committee and Chair of the House Democratic Conservative (Government Management Information and Technology Subcommit- Caucus; elected to the U.S. House or Representatives 1996 Com- tee; Natural Resources, Economic Affairs and Regulatory Ai'fairs Sub- mittee Assignments National Security Committee and Small Busi- committee) Address 127 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, ness Committee Address 1237 Longworth House OIIice Building,

D.C, , 20515 Phone (202) 225-4136. Washington, DC 20515 Phone (202) 225-5235.

22 THE SHERIFF'S STAR A JANUARY / FEBRUARY ISSS Two Career School 3rd District Fla. , BA Degree Spouse John Children teacher; Dunellon City Council seven years (mayor two terms); Portions ofClay, Duval, Flagler, Lake, elected to Fla. Senate, 1982 (first woman to chair Agriculture Com- Orange, Putnam, St. Johns, Seminole and Volusia Counties. mittee); elected to U.S. House of Representatives, 1992, re-elected 1994 and 1996Honors Served on Fla. Sentencing Guidelines Com- (D) mission; Reapportionment Committee, National Conference of State Legislators; Southern Regional Education Board; Member, Born Jacksonville, FL, November 1 1, 1946 House Ways and Means Committee Address 440 Cannon House Education BS and Master's Degrees, Florida ARM University; Edu- 05ce Building, Washington, D.C. 20515 Phone (202) 225-1002. cation Specialist Degree, U of Fla. Children One Church Baptist Career Faculty member at Fla, Community College (Jacksonville), 6th District Jacksonville U and Edward Waters College (Jacksonville); elected Baker, Bradford, Sumter and Union Counties. to Fla. House of Representatives, 1982-92; elected to U.S. House of Portions of Clay, Duval, Lake, Marion and Putnam Counties. Representatives, 1992, 1994 and 1996 Honors First woman to chair Duval County legislative delegation; Legislator of the Year awards from Jacksonville Association of Firefighters and Fla. Asso- (R) ciation of Homes for the Aging; Honorary Doctor of Laws Degree 1941 Edu- from Edward Waters College Address 1610 Longworth House Born Washington, DC, April 16, cation Graduated from George Washington University with a B.S. 05ce Building, Washington, D.C. 20515 Phone (202) 225-0123. in Electrical Engineering; recognized as the Air Force ROTC Dis- 4th District tinguished Military Graduate Wife Joan Children Three Church Presbyterian Military U.S, Air Force four years Career Developed Nassau County. Portions ofDuval, firm with Ave motels and Flagler, St.Joh s and Volusia Counties. Stearns House, Inc. , motel management three restaurants in Marion and Alachua Counties, Fla. ; elected to TILLIE POWLER (R) U.S. House of Representatives 1988, 1990, 1992, 1994, 1996 Committee Assignments Veterans' Affairs Committee (Chairman Commerce Committee (Chairman of Born Milledgeville, GA, December 23, 1942 of the Health Subcommittee); Task and Education BA and JD Degrees, Emory Universi- the Medical Records and Genetic Privacy Force; Energy Power Subcommittee; Telecommunications, Trade and Consumer ty Spouse L. Buck Fowler Children Two Church Episcopal Occupa- House Oflice tion Attorney Career Assistant to Congressman, 1967-70; staK posi- Protection Subcommittee) Address 2352 Rayburn 225-5744. tions, White House 05ce of Consumer Affairs, 1970-71;Jacksonville Building, Washington, D.C. 20515 Phone (202) City Council member, 1985-92; elected to U.S. House of Representa- tives, 1992, 1994, 1996Honors Emory University School of Law Dis- 7th District tinguished Alumni, 1995; The Emory Medal, Emory University, 1996; Portions ofOrange, Seminole and Volusia Counties. U.S. Naval Academy Board of Visitors; Women of Vision Award, Prevent Blindness Flotida; President, Junior League of Jacksonville; 1994 JOHN L. MICA (R) awards: Spirit of Enterprise from U.S. Chamber of Commerce; Edu- Guardian of Seniors' Rights, from 60 Plus; Golden Bulldog from Born Binghamton, NY, January 27, 1943 AA Miami-Dade Community Col- Watchdogs of the Treasury; Sound Dollar from Free Congress Founda- cation Degree, University of Fla. Patricia hon; Guardian of Small Business from Nat'I Federation of Independent lege; BS Degree, Wtf Career Business ventures in cellu- Business; National Security Leadership from National Security Caucus Chikfren Two Church Episcopal Address 109 Cannon House OfRce Building, Washington, D.C. 20515 lar telephones, real estate, trade consulting, governmental aifairs and Phone (202) 225-2501. lobbying; executive director of local government study commissions; consultant to Florida's Joint Center for Urban and Environmental Stud- 5th District ies; elected to Fla. House of Representatives, 1976-80; Chief of Sta8 for U.S. Sen. Paula Hawkins, 1980-85; elected to U.S. House of Represen- Alachua, Citrus, Hernando and Levy tatives, 1996 Honors Fla. Good Government Award from Counties. Portions ofColumbia, Marion 1992, 1994, " and Pasco Counties. Jaycees, 1973; one of Florida's "Outstanding Young Men, 1978 Address 106 Cannon House Ofice Building, Washington, D.C. 20515 KAREN L. THIJRMAN (D) Phone (202) 225-4035.

Born Rapid City, SD, January 12, 1951 Education University of

THE SHERIFF'S STAR A JANUARY I FEBRUARY I 998 23 8th District Assignments Chairman, Appropriations subcommittee on National Security. Also serves on subcommittee Parts ofOrange and Osceola Counties. Appropriations on National Defense, Health, Human Services and Education Address 2407 BILL McCOLLUM (R) Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20515 Phone (202) 225-5961.

Born Brooksville, FL, July 12, 1944 Educa- tion BA and JD Degrees, University of Florida 11th District Wife Ingrid Children Three Military Active Portions ofHillsborough County. duty, U.S. Navy, 1969-72; retired from the Naval Reserve after serv- ing 24 years in Judge Advocate General's Corps Career Practicing JIM DAVIS (D) attorney in Orlando, 1973-80; elected to ninth House of Represen- tatives term in 1996 Honors Chairman, Crime Subcommittee; vet- Born Tampa, FL, October 11, 1957 Educa- eran member of the Judiciary and the Banking and Financial Ser- tion Washington and Lee University, BA, vices subcommittees; Co-Chairman of the Republican Platform University of Florida, Juris Doctorate Wife Peggy Children Two Committee in 1992; Co-Chairman of George Bush's Florida cam- Church Episcopal Career Attorney, elected Florida House of paigns in 1988 and 1992 Address 2266 Rayburn House Office Representatives, 1988, 1992, Honors House Majority Leader Building, Washington, D.C. 20515 Phone (202) 225-2176. 1994-1996, 25 awards for work on education spending and accountability, energy efficiency, crime prevention, affordable 9th District healthcare, environmental protection and state budget reform Portions ofHillsborough, Pasco and Committee Assignments Budget Comtnittee and International Pinellas Counties. Relations Address 327 Cannon House Office Building, Washing- ton, DC 20515 Phone (202) 225-3376. (R) 12th District Born Tarpon Springs, FL, July 16, 1930 Edu- Desoto and Hardee Counties. cation BS Degree in engineering, University Portions ofHighlands, Hillsborough, of Pittsburgh; accounting, George Washington University; JD Pasco and Polk Counties, Degree, University ofFla. Wife Evelyn Children Two Church Greek Orthodox Military U.S. Air Force, four years, Korean Con- CHARLES T. CANADY (R) flict Career Businessman, attorney, engineer, steel worker, small claims judge, municipal judge; elected to U.S. House of Represen- Born Lakeland, FL, June 22, 1954 Educa- tatives, 1982 Honors Citizen of the Year, Tarpon Springs Com- tion BA Degree, Haverford College; JD Degree, Yale Law School mittee Assignments Serves on Veterans' Affairs Committee (vice- Church Presbyterian Career Attorney; elected to Fla. House of chair, subcommittee on Health), and Commerce Committee Representatives 1984-90; elected to U.S. House of Representatives, (chairman, subcommittee on Health and Environment) Address 1992, 1994, 1996 Honors Most Effective First Termer, Florida 2369 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, D,C. 20515 House; Legislator of the Year, Fla. Assn. of Realtors; President's

Phone (202) 225-5755. Award, Fla. Public Library Assn. ; Crime Fighter's Award, Flotida Department of Law Enforcement Committee Assignments Chair- 10th District man, Constitution Sub-Committee Address 2432 Rayburn House Part ofPinellas County Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20515 Phone (202) 225-1252.

C. %. "BILL"YOUNG (R) t, 15th District "" Manatee and Sarasota Counties. Born Harmarville, PA, December 16, 1930 Portions ofCharlotte and Hillsborough Counties. Wife Beverly Children Three Church Methodist Military Florida National Guard nine years Career DAN MILLER (R) Insurance executive; elected to Fla. Senate, 1960-70 (Arst minori- ty leader); elected to U.S. House of Representatives 1970 Honors Born Highland Park MI, May 30, 1942 Edu-

Distinguished Public Service, American Medical Association; Most cation BS-BA Degree, University of Fla. ; MBA Valuable Senator, Florida Press Corps; Award of Merit, President's Degree, Emory University; Ph.D., Louisiana State University Wife Commission on Employinent of the Handicapped; Watchdog of the Glenda Children Two Church Episcopal Career Assistant Pro- Treasury Award; Guardian of Small Business Award Committee fessor, Georgia State University; Adjunct Professor, University of

24 THE SHERIFF'S STAR A JANUARY I FEBRUARY 1998 South Fla. ; partner in Miller Enterprises which owns and operates 16th District diversified businesses; elected to U.S. House of Representatives, Glades County. Parts ofHendry, 1992, 1994, 1996 Honors Served on boards of Manatee Memor- Highlands, Martin, Okeechohee, Palm Beach and St. Lucie Counties. ial Hospital, Manatee Mental Health Center and Florida West Coast Symphony; member of Task Force on Substance Abuse; Brother- hood Award, National Conference of Christians and Jews Address (R) 102 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20515 Phone (202) 225-5015. Born Newton, MA, September 8, 1954 Edu- cation Palm Beach Community College Church Roman Catholic 14th District Career Realtor, President of Foley-Smith S. Associates, Inc. ; City Lake elected to Fla. Collier and Lee Counties. Portion of Commissioner and Vice-Mayor, City of Worth; Charlotte County. House of Representatives, 1990; Florida Senate, 1992; U.S. House of Representatives 1994, 1996Honors Legislator of the Year, Fla. (R) Farm Bureau; Distinguished Layman, Fla. Medical Assn. ; Special Merit Award, Cities in Schools; Special Recognition, Fla. Physi-

Born Waterbury, CT, November 26, 1938 cian's Assn. ; Past President, Palm Beach County Legislative Delega- Education BA Degree, Yale University, Magna Cum Laude Wife tion; involved with growth, development and intergovernmental Mariel Children Four Church Presbyterian Career CIAClan- relations entities Committee Assignments Deputy Whip, Agricul- destine Services Oflicer, 1962-72; small-business owner; Council- ture, Science and Banking Address 113 Cannon House Office man and Mayor, Sanibel; mefffber, Lee County Commission; elected Building, Washington, D.C. 20515 Phone (202) 225-5792. to U.S. House of Representatives, 1988 Honors Director, Nation- al Audubon Society; Chairman, State Advisory Committee on 17th District Coastal Management; Chairman, Metropolitan Planning Organiza- Portions ofDade County. tion; Director, Lee County Mental Health Center Address 108 Can- non House Ofice Building, Washington, D.C, 20515 Phone (202) (D) 225-2536. Born Tallahassee, FL, 1926 Education BA 15th District Degree in Biology, Fla. ARM University; Mas- Brevard and Indian River Counties. ter's Degree in Public Health and Physical Education, University of Counties. Portions ofOsceola and Polk Michigaft Career Special Assistant to the Vice President, Miami- Dade Community College; served in Fla. House of Representatives, , MD (R) 1979-82; in Fla. Senate, 1982-92; elected to U.S. House of Repre- sentatives, 1992, 1994, 1996; Member, House Appropriations Edu- Born Amityville, NY, August 31, 1953 Committee Honors Honorary Doctor of Laws Degrees from Uni- Brook, BS Degree in cation State University of New York at Stony versity of Miami, Florida A8rM University, and of New York, Buffalo School of Med- Biochemistry; State University Rollins College; 1995 recipient of LeRoy Collins Lifetime Achieve- Church Zion Christian Military icine, MD Degree Wife Nancy ment Award; recognized as one of the most effective members of Letterman Medical Center, San U.S. Army medical training at Army Fla. Senate; named best in Senate debate by panel of news 1987-92 Francisco; attained rank of Major, 1987; Army Reserves, reporters Address 401 Cannon House Office Building, Washing- internal medicine; Melbourne Career Private medical practice, ton, D.C. 20515 Phone (202) 225-4506. (FL) Internal Medicine Associates; elected to U.S. House of Repre- sentatives, 1994, 1996 (held no previous public offices) Honors 18th District Phi Beta 1978; Alpha Omega Alpha honor medical society; Kappa, Portions ofDade County. co-founder, Space Coast Family Forum, 1989 Committee Assign- ments Science; Banking Address 216 Cannon House Office ILEANA ROS-LEHTINEN (R) Building, Washington, DC 20515 Phone (202) 225-3671.

Born Havana, , July 15, 1952 Educa-

Legalization Drugs AA Miami-Dade Community , -~,flghtthe of tion Degree, there is move try to la jf '~,~ens rfsed to bs aware that a to legalis dnfgg use" l'9 College; BA Degree, Fla. International University; MS Degree, Uni- ,were able to get "medicinal of marijuana okayed by voters ""flQey're'now eying to force the issue on Floridians. Be aware of versity of Miami; post-graduate studies SPouse Dexter Lehtinen II ,"Blgn for Medical Freedom, or you unknowingly be s ,~, ln our state Career Principal of private elementary school; elected to Fla. ,~ uss

THE SHERIFF'S STAR A JANUARY / FEBRUARY 1998 25 House of Representatives, 1982-86; Fla. Senate, 1986-89; elected Fla. ; Degree in British Politics, Cambridge University, England; Law to U.S. House of Representatives, 1989, as first Hispanic (Cuban- Degree, Case Western Reserve University Wife Christina Children American) woman to serve in Congress; re-elected 1990, 1992, Two Career Elected to Fla. House of Representatives 1986 and 1988; 1994, 1996 Committee Assignments International Relations; Fla. Senate, 1989 and 1990; U.S. House of Representatives, 1992, Government Reform R Oversight; chair, subcommittee oq Interna- 1994, 1996 Honors First Republican and first Hispanic elected tional Economic Policy and Trade; vice chair, Western Hemisphere chairman of Dade County delegation in Florida Legislature; awards subcommittee Address 2240 Rayburn House Office Building, for effective legislative service from VFW, Dade County Public Washington, D.C. 20515 Phone (202) 225-3931. Schools, Fair Campaign Practices Committee and Florida Epilepsy Foundation Committee Assignments Rules Committee (vice chair- 19th District man of the subcommittee on the Rules of the House); House Over- Portions ofBroteard and Palm Beach Counties. sight Committee; serves Rules Commitee *decides which legislation may reach the House Floor) Address 404 Cannon House Office (D) Building, Washington, D.C. 20515-0921 Phone (202) 225-4211.

Born NY, New York, January 2, 1961 Educa- 22nd District tion University of Florida, BA Political Sci- Portions ofBrotcard, Dade and ence; George Washington University Law Palm Beach Counties. School, Juris Doctorate Wife Laurie Children Three Religion Jew- ish Career Practicing Attorney; Florida State Senator 1990-1996, E. , Jr. (R) former Chairman of the Finance and Taxation Committees and Criminal Justice Committee; elected U.S. House of Representatives Born Miami, FL, April 19, 1939 Education 1996 Honors Elected President Designate, Florida Senate 1995 BSDegree in Business Administration, Stetson Committee Assignments International Relations and Judiciary University; Master's Degree in Accounting, University of Alabama; Address 1609 Longworth Office Building, Washington, DC 20515 JD Degree, Stetson University Law School Wife Emilie Children Phone (202) 225-3001. Four (grandchildren, four) Church St. Anthony' s, Ft. Lauderdale Career Assistant City Attorney, Chief City Prosecutor, Vice Mayor, 20th District Mayor of Ft. Lauderdale; elected to U.S. Congress, 1980; is a CPA ambassador to New Monroe County. Portions ofBrouard Honors Appointed special Papua, Guinea, by and Dade Counties. President Ford; served on Executive Committee of Republican

YI' National Committee Committee Assignments Ways and Means (D) Address 2408 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20515 Phone (202) 225-3026.

Born New York, NY, April 1, 1957 Educa- tion BA Degree, Swarthmore College, Phi Beta Kappa; JD Degree, 23rd District Yale Law School Wife Lori Children Two Religion Jewish Portions ofBrotcard, Dade, Hendry, Martin, Career Practicing attorney; director and founder, Broward Coun- Okeechohee, Palm Beach and St. Lucie Counties

ty Medicare Information Program; elected to Fla. House of Rep- resentatives, 1982 to 1992; elected to U.S. House of Representa- ALCEE L. HASTINGS (D) tives, 1992, 1994, 1996Honors Board member of Broward Coun- ty Environmental Coalition, Alzheimer's Association, Jewish Feder- Born Altamonte Springs, FL, September 5, ation, B'nai B'rith, Knights of Pythias Committee Assignments 1936 Education BA Degree, Fisk University; Commerce Address 204 Cannon House Omce Building, Washing- attended Howard University School of Law; JD Degree, Florida ARM ton, D.C. 20515 Phone (202) 225-7931. University College of Law Children Three Church African Methodist Episcopal Career Practicing attorney; Circuit Judge; U.S. 21st District District Judge; elected to U.S. House of Representatives, 1992, Honors NAACP, Portions ofDade County 1994, 1996 and Affiliations ACLU, Southern Poverty Law Center, NOW, Planned Parenthood, Sierra Club, Urban LINCOLN DIAZ-BALART (R) League, National Conference of Black Lawyers Committee Assign- ments International Relations, Science Address 1039 Lottgworth 225- Born Havana, Cuba, August 13, 1954 (fled to House Oflice Building, Washington, D.C. 20515 Phone (202) U.S. with family in 1959) Education Degree 1313. in International Relations, New College of the University of South

26 THE SHERIFF'S STAR N JANUARY / FEBRUARY I 998 1 %it Alachua Ron Danzey Commissioners Clerk of Circuit Court (Gainesviiie) Mike W. Gavlak Norman Abramowitz Betty Strif ter Pop. 202,140 Michael Lee Jones Scott I. Cowan Property Appraiser nf'« Sheriff Henrietta B. Swilley Suzanne N. Ronald Schultz ', , Stephen M. Ostrich Gunzburger Tax Collector Clerk of Circuit Court Bradford ffene S. Lieberman Norine S. Gilstrap J. K. "Buddy" Irby (Starke) Lori Nance Parrish Supervisor of Elections Property Appraiser Pop. 24,983 Sylvia Poitier Susan Gill Edward A, Crapo Sheriff John E. Rodstrom, Jr. School Superintendent Tax Collector Bob Milner, Jr. School Board Julian "Pete" Kelly II ttitg&:4' James F. Bishop, Jr. Clerk of Circuit Court Darla L. Carter Commissioners V t v Supervisor of Elections Francis Ray Norman Abraham S. Fischler Gary Bartell z Beverly Hill Property Appraiser Miriam M. Oliphant Roger 0, Batchelor School Superintendent Jimmy Alvarez Robert D. Parks Jim Fowler RobertW. Hughes Tax Collector Donald J. Samuels Vicki Phillips Commissioners Teila N. Pearson Diana Wasserman Brad Thorpe Leveda Brown Supervisor of Elections Lois Waxier School Board Charles S. Chestnut III Terry L. Vaughan Carl T. Hansen Himmel Charles W. School Superintendent Calhoun Sandra C. l0 0 Clemons, Sr. Russell Larramore (Biounisfown) Patience Nave Bobby Summers Commissioners Pop. 12,504 Mark H. Stone Penelope Wheat Jimmy M. Bowen Sheriff Sheila Whitelaw School Board Arthur Gaskins W. G. "Buddy" Smith Judy C. Brashear Herman Johnson Clerk of Circuit Court Clay William H. Cake Eddie J. Lewis Willie D, Wise (Green Cove Springs) Beverly P. Carroll Joseph F. Riddick Property Appraiser Pop. 125,431 ' uf' 'I Darnell Rhea School Board Terrell L Stone Sheriff Barbara J. Sharps Vivian O. Chappell Tax Collector Scott Lancaster Evelyn S. Chastain Barbara A. Davis Clerk of Circuit Court ~*"9'~y' , Jones Supervisor of Elections John Keene o ~, '„ Baker Randy ~co ™";,I (Nfacc(enny) Jimmie L. Scott Martin Sewell Property Appraiser Pop. 20,709 James T. Wainwright School Superintendent Wayne G. Weeks Sheriff Jimmie Suggs Tax Collector ', , ', t'iiv Joey B. Dobson Brevard Commissioners Jimmy Weeks liri, ',, , i, Clerk of Circuit Court (Tiiusviiie) Fred L. Attaway Supervisor of Elections t1 Pj1 Thomas A. Fraser, Sr. Pop. 450, 164 Pack Bowden Barbara A. Kirkman Property Appraiser Sheriff Duane Capps School Superintendent Gary B. Barber Philip B. "Phil" Williams Willie Truman Grant David L. Owens Tax Collector Clerk of Circuit Court S. Donnell Whitfield Commissioners Gene Harvey Sandy Crawford School Board George Anthony Bush i lf I Supervisor of Elections Property Appraiser Volena Barfield Charles R. Griffin John J. Barton Jim Ford Eunice Hill Larry R. Lancaster wfrfui, * School Superintendent Tax Collector Edward F. Holley Patrick D. McGovern Aii,', ",-;, Paula T. Barton James R. "Rod" Columbus Jackson Dale S. Wilson Commissioners Northcutt Ralph Shelton School Board Clifton Barton Supervisor of Elections Richard Fain Tommy Dorman Fred D. Galey Charlotte Charles T. Fields Steve Kennedy School Superintendent (Punta Gorda) Lisa B. Graham Fred Raulerson David E. Sawyer Pop. 129,468 Carol Y. Studdard

Alex Robinson Commissioners Sheriff Carol A. Vallencourt 'l School Board Mark 0. Cook Richard H. Worch, Jr. Earl Dwight Crews Nancy N. Higgs Clerk of Circuit Court Collier O' Alan "Pete" Harvey Randy Brien Barbara T. Scott (Nap(as) Jeanine L. Harvey Truman G. Property Appraiser Pop. 193,036 James P. Raulerson Scarborough, Jr. V. Frank Desguin Sheriff :e Patricia C. Weeks Helen Voltz Tax Collector Don Hunter School Board Vickie L. Potts Clerk of Circuit Court x Bay Roberta W. Bechtel Supervisor of Elections Dwight E. Brock (Panama City) Fran Pickett Judy Anderson Property Appraiser Pop. 142,159 William L. Powell School Superintendent Abe Skinner x Sheriff Paula E. Veibl Max L Schmidt Tax Collector Guy M. Tunnell Rich Wilson Commissioners Guy L Carlton Clerk of Circuit Court Donald J. Coppola Supervisor of Elections Harold Bazzel Broward Adam Cummings Mary W. Morgan Property Appraiser (Ft. Lauderdale) Matthew D. De Boer School Superintendent Richard J. Davis Pop. 1,392,252 Mac V. Horton Robert E. Munz Tax Collector Sheriff Frank Weikel Commissioners Source of Poyuhttlou"' "Ken" Peggy C. Brannon Kenneth C. School Board Barbara B. Berry of Elections Jenne II Sara J. Devos Timothy J. Supervisor Qe„polyulation figures used in this Melanic A. Williams Clerk of Circuit Court David M. Dignam Constantine " , the School Superintendent Robert E. Lockwood Raymond A. Jasica Timothy L. Hancock certled by Legislative Cottt Larry R. Bolinger Property Appraiser Sue Sifrit Pamela S. Mac'Kie rgovernmental Relations to hef, i "Bill" John C. Norris Commissioners William Markham Lee Swift bligh the 1997-98 salaries uf '*.„', Carol Atkinson Revenue Director School Board Nolen Joseph Rosenhagen Citrus Barbara J. Church Mare s Danny Sparks Supervisor of Elections (inverness) Pamela M. Cox ' I', Richard Stewart Jane Carroll Pop. 107,889 Nelson A. Faerber, Jr. Robert M. Wright School Superintendent Sheriff Patricia Anne School Board Frank R. Petruzielo Jeffrey J. "Jeff" Dawsy Goodnight Johnny Brock Clyde C. Quinby

THE SHERIFF'S STAR 6 JANUARY / FEBRUARY 1998 27 DeSoto Howard Dale Frankffn Ronald D. Smith School Board John W. Sanders (Arcadia) Don Davis (Apaiachicoia) James E. Vickers Horace Bates Commissioners Pop, 26,716 Terry L. Fields Pop. 10,378 Craig Watson Mary P. Bembry Ray Lossing Sheriff Alberta Hipps Sheriff W. P. Griffin, Jr. Barbara A. Mills Vernon L. Keen Mike Hogan Bruce E. Varnes Glades Kenneth N. Scaff, Jr. Patricia M. Novy Clerk of Circuit Court King Holzendorf Clerk of Circuit Court (Moore Haven) J. T. Simon Hannah M. Robinson Columbia Mitzie W. McGavic Warren Anthony Jones Kendall Wade Pop. 9,413 Paul H. Sullivan (Lake City) Property Appraiser Dick Kravitz Property Appraiser Sheriff Hardee School Board "Jim" Pop. 52,565 Newton D. Keen E. Denise Lee John James, Jr. James E. Rider (I4/auchuia) John C. Druzbick Sheriff Tax Collector Max Leggett Tax Collector Clerk of Circuit Court Pop. 22,519 Stephen E. Galaydick Frank E. Owens Kathryn J. "Kathy" Hill Jim Overton James H. Harris, Jr. Joe Flint Sheriff James B. Malcolm Clerk of Circuit Court Supervisor of Elections Eric Smith Supervisor oi Elections Property Appraiser J. Loran Cogburn Jerry M. Milby P. DeWitt Cason Ronald A. Turner Ginger Soud Doris Shiver Gibbs Larry R. Luckey Clerk of Circuit Court Sandra K. Nicholson Property Appraiser School Superintendent Jim Tuffis School Superintendent Tax Collector B. Hugh Bradley J. Doyle Crews Adrian H. Cline Terry R. Wood Brenda Mabrey Jim J. Greer Property Appraiser Highlands Tax Collector Commissioners School Board Galloway Supervisor of Elections Carolyn J, Coker (Sebring) H. Ray Walker Robert R. Allen Cheryl G. Donelan Commissioners Holly Whidden Green Tax Collector Pop. 77,996 Supervisor of Elections William R. Avant Gwendolyn E. Gibson Eddie Creamer School Superintendent Zerelda Smith Sheriff Carolyn D. Kirby T. Felton Garner Jimmy A. Johnson Jimmy G. Mosconis Gary L. Clark Supervisor of Elections Howard Godwin School Superintendent Barbara E. Smith Stan Jordan Bavin L. Putnal Commissioners Wm. "Sonny" Coker Clerk of Circuit Court "Luke" Michael 8, Flanagan Joe L. Varnadore Billy Parker Clarence Williams Robert L. Giesler School Superintendent L. E. Brooker Commissioners School Board Linda Sparks Raymond L. Williams K. S. Jones Derrel J. Bryan Property Appraiser Frank Albury Lenora P. Brewer Susan S. Wilkinson School Board Franklin D. Simmons Commissioners C. Raymond Mclntyre James W. Knox Robert Heine, Jr. Jimmy Gander (Vacant Position) Benny W. Albritton Tax Collector James Montgomery Rodney Word Escambia Will S. Kendrick Alvin Ward Minor L, Bryant Charles L. Bryan Zimmie C. Petty Hollingsworth (Pensacola) Katie McKnight School Board E. Milton Lanier Supervisor of Elections Ronald W. Williams Geraldine M. Scott Pop. 286,301 Connie Ard Roehr Kathleen W. Browning Gordon R. Norris Joe A. Campbell School Board James Westberry Sheriff Willie Burghart Speed Elmer G. Close Walter B. Olhff, Jr. School Superintendent Richard H. Anders James V. "Jim" Thomas Gaskins, Jr. School Board Richard R. Farmer Anthony J. Buzzella Dixie Lowman Gadsden Tierney W. Pearce Donnie Autry Commissioners Harvey Campbell (Cross City) Clerk of Circuit Court (Quincyj Mike Pressley L. Wayne Godwin John D. Barrett Keith Hudson Pop. 12,602 Ernie Lee Magaha Pop. 46,322 Jerold Knight Jeri Canale Glenn J. Hunter Sheriff Property Appraiser Sheriff Gulf Bruce Perrine David W. Flowers Dewey H. Hatcher Chris C. Jones W. A. Woodham (Port St. Joe) James L. Stallings James L. Gose Dade Clerk of Circuit Court Tax Collector Clerk of Circuit Court Pop. 13,545 C. Guy Maxcy (Miami) Joe Hubert Allen Matt Langley Bell ffl Nicholas Thomas Sheriff Hendry School Board Pop. 2,043,316 Property Appraiser Supervisor of Elections Property Appraiser Frank McKeithen (LaBeiie) Margaret E. Cooper Sheriff J. Hal Chewning, Jr. Bonnie M. Jones George B. Hamilton Clerk of Circuit Court Pop. 30,157 Robert L. Fitzgerald, Carlos Alvarez Tax Collector School Superintendent Tax Collector Benny C. I.ister Sheriff Jr. (Director of Miami- Joyce H. Davis Jim May W. Dale Summerford Property Appraiser Ronald E. "Ronnie" Ned Hancock Supervisor of Elections Colbert Donna Howerton Dade Police Dept. ) Supervisor of Elections Commissioners Kesley Lee, Sr. Clerk of Circuit Court Mae Seville Tom Banjanin Denny Hutchinson Tax Collector Clerk of Circuit Court Wendy Sue Renfro Harvey Ruvin School Superintendent Mike Bass School Superintendent Eda Ruth Taylor Christine Pratt Property Appraiser Dennis W. Bennett Willie J. Junior Harold J. Henderson Supervisor of Elections Property ApprMiser I Hillsborough Joel W. Robins Commissioners Wilson B, Robertson Commissioners Cora Sue Robinson Kristina A. Kulpa (Tampa) Tax Collector John L. Driggers D. M. "Mike" Edward J. Dixon School Superintendent Tax Collector Pop. 910,855 Richard Gardner Danny Herring Whitehead E. Hentz Fletcher, Jr. Jerry E. Kelley Peggy S. Hampton Shertiff Supervisor of Elections Alton J. Land School Board Bill McGill Commissioners Supervisor of Elections Cal Henderson David Leahy C. W. "Johnny" Jim C. Bailey Carolyn J. Roberson Tommy Knox Lucretia A. Strickland Clerk of Circuit Court School Superintendent Stephenson John DeWitt Sterling L. Watson Nathan Peters, Jr. School Superintendent Richard Ake

Roger C. Cuevas James T. Valentine ElmerJenkins School Board Johnny Stanley, Jr. Edward A. Upthegrove j Property Appraiser Commissioners School Board Barbara N. Morris Bonnie Holt Billy E. Traylor Commissioners Robert Turner Miriam Alonso Paul U. Corbin Vanette H. Webb Catherine S. James Warren J. Yeager, Jr. Cecil 0.Akin Tax Collector James C. Burke Uoyd Jones Walter L. McPherson School Board Ann Fussell Howard Melvin B. Smith Miguel Diaz de la Glenn Osteen Flagler William K. Pitts, Jr. David L. Byrd Charles M, Martinez Supervisor of Elections Portilla Dwayne "Top" Rollison (Burma)i) Willie Ruth Williams Caroline E. Norton William C. "Bo" Pam lorio Betty T. Ferguson Bonnie F. Williams Pop. 39,052 Charlotte M. Pierce Pelham, Jr. School Superintendent Bruce Kaplan Sheriff Gilchrist Mary P, Pridgeon Janet B. Taylor Earl J. Lennard Gwen Margolis Duval Robert E. McCarthy (Trenton) Oscar D. Redd School Board Commissioners Natacha S. Millan (Jackscnviiie) Clerk of Circuit Court Pop. 12,150 Dwayne E. Brown Dottie Berger Jimmy Morales Pop. 728,437 Syd Crosby Sheriff Hamilton Beauford E. Davidson Joe Chillura, Jr. Dennis C. Moss Sherfff Property Appraiser David P. Turner (Jasper) Patrick B. Langford Charles Christian Alexander Penelas Nathaniel "Nat" Glover Guy W. Sapp Clerk of Circuit Court Pop. 13,431 Richard A. Murphy Hart ffl Pedro Reboredo Clerk of Circuit Court Tax Collector Joseph W. Gilliam Sheriff John Perry, Jr. Jim Norman Katy Sorenson Henry W. Cook Suzette Pellicer Property Appraiser J. Harrell Reid Jan Kaminis Platt Javier Souto Property Appraiser Supervisor of Elections D. Ray Harrison, Jr. Clerk of Circuit Court Hernando Thomas Scott School Board Ernie Mastronianni Peggy Rae Border Tax Collector Elaine Rozier (B/ooksviiie) Ed Turanchik G. Holmes Braddock Tax Collector School Superintendent W. W. Welch Property Appraiser Pop. 119,931 School Board Renier Diaz de la Lynwood Roberts Dorm V. Kaupke Supervisor of Elections David H. Goolsby, Jr. Sheriff Glenn Barrington Portilla Supervisor of Elections Commissioners Susan J. Bryant Tax Collector Thomas A. Mylander Carolyn W. Perla Tabares Tommie R. Bell James A. Darby School Superintendent Norma J. Cook Clerk of Circuit Court Bricklemyer Hantman School Superintendent Michael R Des Parte Donald A. Thomas Supervisor of Elections Karen Nicolai Sharon H. Danaher Betsy Kaplan Donald S. Van Fleet George E. Harms Commissioners Carol Tolle Property Appraiser Carol W. Kurdell Michael M. Krop (Interim) John W. Seay Wilbur C. Bush School Superintendent Alvin R. Mazourek Joe E. Newsome Manty Sabates Morse Councilmen Sam Trivett Randy D. Durden Patricia B. Parks Tax Collector Ann S. Olson Demetrio Perez, Jr. George Banks School Board Jimmie Sheffield Commissioners Leona B, Doris Ross Reddick Solomon C. Stinson Richard A. "Dick" Nancy H. Dance Sue Beach Suggs W. J. Driggers Bechtelheimer Frederica S. Wilson Brown James T. Guines Fred W. Wilkerson Greg Godwin Supervisor of Elections Holmes Gwen J. Chandler- Richard N. Marier School Board Lamar Hill Ann S. Mau (Beni(ay) Thompson Joel L. Rosen J. M. Everett Randy Ogburn School Superintendent Pop. 17,412 John Crescimbeni Theda M. Wilson Gary E. Rexroat Lewis Vaughn

28 THE BHERIFF'9 sTAR A JANUARY/ FEBRUARY 1998 Sheriff Jefferson School Board Commissioners Supervisor of Elections Sheriff Rodney L. Walker

' "Bob" C. Dennis Lee (Monfi cello) Tom Chapman Frank Davis Robert Sweat Richard D. Roth ' Clerk of Circuit Court Pop. 13,713 Jimmy Conner Wilbur F. Dean School Superintendent Clerk of Circuit Court Okeechobee , Cody Taylor Sheriff Kyleen Fischer Don Foley Stanley Eugene Danny L. Kolhage (Okeechobee) Property Appraiser Kenneth W. Mary H. Fletcher Don Lindsey Denisar Property Appraiser Pop. 33,643 Jack Faircloth Fortune, Sr Randall E. Wiseman W. S. Yearty Commissioners Ervin A. Higgs Sheriff Tax Collector Clerk of Circuit Court School Board Gwendolyn Y. Brown Tax Collector Edward A. Miller Frances G. Fuller Carl D. Boatwright Lee Ted Alexander Jonathan R. Bruce Harry F. Knight Clerk of Circuit Court Supervisor of Elections Property Appraiser (Fort Myers) Wayne E. Beauchamp Patricia M. Glass Supervisor of Elections Sharon Robertson Debbie A. Wilcox David W. Ward Pop. 383,706 G. Frank Etherldge Lari Ann Harris Harry L Sawyer, Jr. Property Appraiser School Superintendent Tax Collector Sheriff Julia Hails Joe McClash School Superintendent W. C. Sherman E. Myron Hudson Frances H. Walker John J. McDougall Jennifer Shuster Amy E. Stein Michael J. Lennon Tax Collector Commissioners Supervisor of Elections Clerk of Circuit Court Stanley E. Stephens Commissioners Juanette Shirey Rick Crews Donna Sorensen Charlie Green Liberty School Board Keith L. Douglass Supervisor of Elections j Harold Smith Cocroft Property Appraiser (Bristol) Frank Brunner Shirley Freeman Gwen Chandler Jimmy Stafford School Superintendent Kenneth M. Wilkinson Pop. 7,439 Harry G. Kinnan Wilhelmina G. Harvey School Superintendent ' Jimmy White William E. McRae, Jr. Tax Collector Sheriff Joseph C. Miller, Jr. Jack London Danny Mullins Mickey J, Woodham Commissioners Bill Fussell J. L. Bailey Larry Simmons Mary Kay Reich Commissioners School Board Benjamin D. Bishop Supervisor of Elections Clerk of Circuit Court Chuck Wilhoite School Board John W. Abney, Sr. Rickey D. Callahan Clifford Brown Philinda A. Young Vernon Ross Anne Kelly Cohan Clif Betts, Jr, Houston McCormick Jessie E. Cooksey School Superintendent Property Appraiser Marion Andy Griffiths Clois J. Harvey Felton Miller John A. Ward Bruce Harter Jerry W. Shuler (Ocaia] Patrick G. Labrada David E. Hazellief Anthony Register Fred M. Williams, Jr. Commissioners Tax Collector Pop. 229,260 Clarence W. Phillips Gene Woods Ronnie Urquhart School Board John E. Albion Carol K. Stickland Sheriff Debra S. Walker School Board James Boland, Jr. Andrew W. Coy Supervisor of Elections Ken Ergle Linda Gay Carlton Indian River Franklin Hightower Ray Judah Marcia A. Wood Clerk of Circuit Court Nassau Donna Gail Enrico j (Vera Beach) Beverly A. Sloan John E. Manning School Superintendent David R. Ellspermann (Fernandina Beach) Nancy J. Peterson Pop. 102,211 Edward W. Vollertson Douglas R. St. Cerny Jack H. Summers, Jr. Property Appraiser Pop. 51,097 India Riedel Sheriff Shirley Alexander School Board Commissioners Villie M. Smith Sheriff David H. Williams Gary C. Wheeler Washington Katherine Boren L. B.Arnold Tax Collector W. R. "Ray" Geiger Clerk of Circuit Court William F. Gross J. W. Eubanks Thomas" Mac" Olson Clerk of Circuit Court Orange Jeffrey K. Barton Lafayette Lenny W. Moore Kenneth P. Green Supervisor of Elections J. M. Oxley, Jr. (Orlando) Earl Brown Property Appraiser I (Mayo) Patricia Ann Riley Jennings Dee Property Appraiser Pop. 777,556 David C. Nolte Pop. 7,012 Douglas Santini John Troy Sanders School Superintendent James S. Page Sheriff Tax Collector Sheriff School Board John D. Smith Tax Collector Kevin Beary Karl Zimmerman Dwayne B. Walker Leon Ricky A. Bozeman Commissioners Gwendolyn M. Miller Clerk of Circuit Court Supervisor of Elections Clerk of Circuit Court (Tallahassee) Harold Brown Larry Cretul Supervisor of Elections Fran Carlton Kay Clem Ricky Lyons Pop. 221,621 Sidney E. Free Randy Harris Shirley N. King Comptroller School Superintendent Property Appraiser Sheriff Darrel Hayes Steve F. Henning School Superintendent Martha Haynie J. Roger Dearing Tim Walker Larry Campbell Earnest E. Hill Judy Johnson John L. Ruis Property Appraiser Commissioners i Tax Collector Clerk of Circuit Court Parnell Townley Commissioners Richard T. Crotty Fran B.Adams Marilyn V. Wimberley Dave Lang Madison School Board J. H. Cooper Tax Collector Carolyn K. Eggert Supervisor of Elections Property Appraiser (Madison) Cheryl Appelquist John A. Crawford Earl K. Wood Caroline D. Ginn Lans B. Morgan Bert Hartsfield Pop. 18,745 Jan Cameron Nick D. Deonas Supervisor of Elections Kenneth R. Macht School Superintendent Tax Collector Sheriff James Kelly Chris Kirkland Bill Cowles John W. Tippin Milton E. Ceraso John F. Chafin Joe C. Peavy Deana Lindsey Marianne Marshall School Superintendent School Board ' Commissioners Supervisor of Elections Clerk of Circuit Court Leslie Scales School Board Dennis E. Smith Herbert L. Bailey Franklin G. Buchanan ion V. Sancho Tim Sanders James M. Adams Commissioners Wesley Davis Twead Jack Byrd School Superintendent Property Appraiser Martin Jack D. Coker, Jr. Mable Butler Gary Lindsey Mitchel Hart William J. Montford Debra P. Bassett (Stuart) Gail G. Cook Ted B. Edwards

Charles G. Searcy Earnest L. Jones Commissioners I Tax Collector Pop. 114,464 James H. Lear Bob Freeman Dorothy Talbert William D. Shaw Bruce J. Host Wes Kelley Sheriff Jimmy Tipton Clarence M. Hoenstein " School Board Manny Joanos Supervisor of Elections Robert L. Bob" Mary I. Johnson

, Jackson Robert A. Hart Rudy Maloy Linda T. Howell Crowder Okaloosa Tom Staley (Marianna) Carolyn S. Land Bill Proctor School Superintendent Clerk of Circuit Court (Cresfvieiv) School Board Pop. 48,629 Troney R. Lewis Jane G. Sauls Colleen B. Campbell Marsha Stiller Pop. 165,319 Kattie J.Adams Sheriff Henry McCray Cliff Thaell Commissioners Property Appraiser Sheriff Susan Landis Arkin John P. McDaniel E. Rollie Slade Gary Yordon Clyde King Laurel Kelly Charles W. "Charlie" Barton R. Carrier Clerk of Circuit Court School Board Alfred Martin Tax Collector Morris Lydia Gardner Dale Rabon Guthrie Lake John Scott Dailey Ronnie L. Moore Larry C. O'Steen Clerk of Circuit Court Wayne Rickman Donna M. Harper Michael W. Sails Supervisor of Elections Newman "Buddy" William C. Spoone Property Appraiser I (Tavares) Elizabeth "Liz" Alford Pop. 182,309 Maggie B. Lewis Michael A. Woods Peggy S. Robbins Brackin Linda H. Sutherland Tax Collector Sheriff Herbert Fred Yarn School Board School Superintendent Property Appraiser Betty F. Hatcher George E. Knupp, Jr. Thomas W. Young Iff Clyde Alexander Sara A. Wilcox Timothy P. Smith Osceola Supervisor of Elections Clerk of Circuit Court Kenneth D. Hall Commissioners Tax Collector (Kissimmee) Sylvia D. Stephens James C. Watkins Levy Ronnie Ragans Dennis H. Armstrong Chris Hughes Pop. 139,724 School Superintendent Property Appraiser (Bronson) George L. Webb Elmira R. Gainey Supervisor of Elections Sheriff Tim J. Chase Ed Havill Pop. 30,690 Wendell M. Williams Janet K. Gettig Patricia M. Hollarn C W "Charlie" Croft Commissioners Tax Collector Sheriff Donna S. Melzer School Superintendent Clerk of Circuit Court Chanley W. Carter Robert K. McKee Ted F. Glass Manatee Marshal L. Wilcox Walter C. Gordon Larry Whaley Chuck Lockey Supervisor of Elections Clerk of Circuit Court (Bradenlon) School Board Commissioners Property Appraiser J. Milton Pittman Emogene W. Stegall Douglas M. McKoy Pop. 236,778 David L. Anderson William Allen Harrison Robert M. Day Willie E. Spires School Superintendent Property Appraiser Sheriff Henry A. Childers Dennis D. Nicholson Tax Collector Max L. Thomas R. Jerry Smith Francis D. Akins Charles B.Wells Vicki Davis Kathleen A. O'Dell Murray A. Bronson School Board Commissioners Tax Collector Clerk of Circuit Court Tony George Ray Sansom Supervisor of Elections Betty B. Duffee Walton G. Cadwell Donald H. Richburg R. B. "Chips" Shore Hal Kent Wilson E. Gordon Thomas ffl Donna Bryant Sarah A. Grant Rhonda H. Gerber Supervisor of Elections Property Appraiser School Board School Superintendent Kenneth R. Griffin William H. "Bill" Good Connie F. Asbell Charles E. Hackney Monroe Charla Cotton Thomas L McCraley Edwin B. Kilpatrick Catherine C. Hanson School Superintendent Tax Collector (Key West) Don Gaetz Commissioners Virgil Mixson G. Richard Swartz, Jr. Paul D. Johnson C. Kennneth Pop. 83,789 Howard Hill Mary Jane Arrington Burton, Jr. Lloyd Taylor Chuck Dunnick

THE SHERIFF'S STAR JANUARY I FEBRUARY 1998 29 Pinellas Howard H. Grisham Supervisor of Elections Clerk of Circuit Court Union School Board (Clearwater) William D. Watts P. Douglas Wilkes, Jr. Gloria R. Hayward (Lake Butler) Rebecca S. Cook Pop. 881,383 School Board School Superintendent Property Appraiser Pop. 13,023 Jerry S. Evans Sheriff Harry Dukes Bennett C. Russell Ronnis Hawkins Sheriff Mike Falk Everett S. Rice Kathi Lee Ferguson Commissioners Tax Collector Jerry Whitehead Michael A. Scott Clerk of Circuit Court Kathleen Jorgensen Bill Campbell Tom Swain Clerk of Circuit Court Jackie Walker Robert Guevara Karleen F. De Blaker Dothea H. Smith Ira Mae Hewatt Supervisor of Elections Regina H. Parrish Kenneth Shipley Property Appraiser Sandra C. Smith William S. Lundin Katherine Lovett Property Appraiser Walton Kenneth Y. Smith Jim Smith H. Byrd Mapoles School Superintendent Steven A. Saunders (DeFuniak Springs) School Board Tax Collector St. Johns Charles J. Williamson Rickard A. Shirley Tax Collector Pop. 34,328 Pete Edwards W. Fred Petty (Sr. Augustine) School Board Commissioners Patsy Jones Elixson Sherif! Tom Greer Supervisor of Elections Pop. 101,729 Carol M. McDaniel Joey A. Chandler Supervisor of Elections Quinn A. McMillian Donna M. Hart Dorothy Walker Sheriff James M. Rigby Robin Cox Babs Roberts Clerk of Circuit Court Judith A. Robertson Ruggles Neil J. Perry Kenneth E. Smith Karen S. Krauss Montpetit Dan Bodiford "Tiny" Deena Stevens School Superintendent Clerk of Circuit Court Doug Waters Billy Rutter School Superintendent Property Appraiser J. Howard Hinesley Cheryl Strickland Edward Hugh Winkles Benny G. Strickland Eugene Dukes William S. Fountain Palm Beech Commissioners Property Appraiser School Board Commissioners Tax Collector (West Palm Beach) Calvin D. Harris Sharon Outland Sarasota Michael T. Foots K. Melanic Clyatt Sue Carter Pop. 981,793 Sallie Parks Tax Collector (Sarasota) Kenneth P. Jones Fred Cox Supervisor of Elections Sheriff Steven M. Seibert Dennis W. Pop. 305,848 Chris Norris Walter W. Jenkins Nelhe Thompson Robert W. "Bob" Barbara Sheen Todd Hollingsworth Sheriff 4nda J. Winchester Mike Pittman School Superintendent Neumann Robert B. Stewart Supervisor of Elections Geoffrey Monge Janet S. Yest M. Wayne Smith John F. Bludworth, Jr. Clerk of Circuit Court School Board Penny Lee Halyburton Clerk of Circuit Court School Board Commissioners Dorothy H. Wilken Lee R. Benjamin School Superintendent Karen E. Rushing Suwannee Richard Cason Van Ness R. Butler, Jr. Property Appraiser Lucile 0. Casey Hugh Balboni Property Appraiser (Live Oak) Alvin A. Griffis Randall Infiner Gary R. Nikolits Barbara J. Crockett Commissioners Jim Todora Pop. 31,424 Dale W. Smith Joel Paul, Jr. Tax Collector Corrine Freeman David J. Bruner Tax Collector Sheriff David C. Stalnaker Gordon Porter "Al" John K. Clark E. Jane Gallucci Jim Bryant Barbara W. Alton K. Sue R. Whitehead William A. Young Supervisor of Elections Susan Latvala Joanne Cody Ford-Goatee Williams, Jr. School Board Theresa LePore Linda S. Lerner Moses "Coach" Floyd Supervisor of Elections Clerk of Circuit Court Volusia Susan B.Adkinson School Superintendent Pat West Howell Marilyn Gerkin W. Randy Henderson (DeLand) Gary R. Billingsley Joan P. Kowal Polk Mare A. Jacalone School Superintendent Property Appraiser Pop. 407, 199 Mark D. Davis "Jack" Commissioners (Barrow) Karen Taylor Thomas H. Gaul Lamar Jenkins Sheriff Edwin L. Hunt Burt Aaronson Pop. 452,707 School Board Commissioners Tax Collector Robert L. Vogel, Jr. Doug Nolin Ken L. Foster Sheriff Thomas L. Allen, Jr. Robert L. Anderson George L. Clerk of Circuit Court Maude Ford Lse Lawrence W. Crow, Jr, Joseph Gordy David R. Mills Burnham, Jr. Diane M. Matousek Washington O' Karen T. Marcus Clerk of Circuit Court Judith M. Ham John G. Neil Supervisor of Elections Property Appraiser (Chi pley) Mary McCarty Richard M. Wsiss Judy Krug Raymond A. Pilon Glenda B.Williams Morgan B. Gilrsath, Jr. Pop, 19,751 W. Newell Property Appraiser Karen R. Stern Shannon Staub School Superintendent Revenue Director Sheriff Carol A. Roberts Edwin H. Coleman School Board J. Wyman Harvard, Jr. Barney J. Kans Fred Peel School Board Tax Collector St. Lucis Larry Helmuth Commissioners Supervisor of Elections Clerk of Circuit Court Paulette Burdick Joseph G. Tedder (Ft. Pierce) Janice K. Mes Barry Baker Deanie Lowe Linda Hayes Cook Jody Gleason Supervisor of Elections Pop. 175,458 Michael W. Murphy Eddy Hillhouse School Superintendent Property Appraiser William G. Graham Helen B. Gienau Sheriff Gina E. Taylor Donald M. Odom, Sr. William E. Hall Ronald E. Wright Gerald Scott Councilmen Tax Collector Robert W. Hayes School Superintendent Robert C. Knowles Caroline G. Zucker County Diane K. Heinz Glenn Reynolds Clerk of Circuit Court Douglas M, Udell Ann McFall Helen Guettler Dorothy B. Commissioners Jo Anne Holman Seminole School Board Freddye C. Moore McEntyre Montgomery Nancy Rouse Property Appraiser (Sanford) Barbara Ceryak Patricia Northey Supervisor of Elections "Pat" Sandra Samal Caldwell Douglas S. Putnam Pop. 329,031 J. M. Holtzclaw R. H. Patterson Carol Finch Griffin Richmond Jerry L Carter Tax Collector Sheriff Vincent M. Jones R. Stanley Rosevear School Superintendent C. A. "Neil" Dorothy J. Conrad Donald F. Eslinger Jessie Philpot Robert E. Tuttle Jerry E. Tyre Pasco Combee, Jr. Supervisor of Elections Clerk of Circuit Court Jerry Taylor James E. Ward Commissioners (Dade City) Janet L. Shearer Gertrude Walker Maryanne Morse School Board Charles E. Brock Pop. 309,936 Marlene Duffy Young School Superintendent Property Appraiser Taylor Judith G. Conte Hulan S. Carter Sheriff School Board William Vogel H. W. "Bill" Suber (Perryj Deborah A. Denys Lenzy Corbin Lee Cannon James W. Miles Commissioners Tax Collector Pop. 19,022 Earl C. McCrary Albert F. Davis, Sr. Clerk ot Circuit Court James A. Nelson Cliff Barnes Ray Valdes Sheriff Jeff Timko John M. Hall "Bummy" Jed Pittman Brenda C. Reddout John D. Bruhn Supervisor of Elections L. E. Susan A. Whittaker School Board Property Appraiser Andrea R. Whiteley Gary D. Charles, Sr. Sandra S. Guard Williams Gary F. Clark Mike Wells Randy Wilkinson Paula A. Lewis School Superintendent Clerk of Circuit Court Wakuffa Larry G. Enfinger Tax Collector Ken Sattlsr Paul J. Hagerty Annie Mae Murphy (Crawfordvi lie) Angia Morris Mike Olson Putnam School Board Commissioners Property Appraiser Pop. 18,022 Frances Pettis Supervisor of Elections (Palafka) John Carvslli Win Adams Eldon Sadler Sheriff Philip Rountree Kurt S. Browning Pop. 70,287 Samuel S. Gaines Grant Maloy Tax Collector David F. Harvey School Superintendent Sheriff Kathryn J. Hensley Daryl Gene McLain Jack Tedder Clerk of Circuit Court John Long Taylor Douglas Karen Knapp Randall C. Morris Supervisor of Elections Brent X. Thurmond Commissioners Clerk of Circuit Court Judi Miller Dick Van Der Weide Molly Hendry Lilliott Property Appraiser David H. Clark, Jr. Edward L. Brooks School Board School Superintendent Ronnie W. Kilgore Ed Collins Property Appraiser Santa Rosa Lawrence M. Furlong Oscar M. Howard, Jr. Tax Collector Ann Hildebrand W. L. Pritchett, Jr. (Milton) Robert C. Goff Commissioners Lucinda T. Daniel Patricia Hans Mulieri Tax Collector Pop. 98,491 Barbara Kuhn Johnny L. Hankerson Supervisor of Elections Sylvia Young Kenneth R. Mahaffey Sheriff Jeanne Morris Vance R. Howell Sherida S. Drum School Board Supervisor ot Elections Jerry D. Brown Sandra J. Robinson Frank Russell School Supenntendent Pam Coulter Donald L. Hersey, Sr. Clerk of Circuit Court Edd Sadler David Miller Harvey Strickland Commissioners Jean Larkin School Superintendent Mary M. Johnson Sumter Dorothy S. Mitchell David M. Buckles Property Appraiser (Bushnell) School Board Warren Grum Marge Whaley Commissioners Robert Burgess Pop. 40,593 Samuel S. Agner, Jr. Maxie Lawhon Kathleen Wolf Charles E. Alford, Jr. Tax Collector Sheriff Brenda H. Carlton Leon E. Nettles Sinclair Eaton Barbara Holley William 0. "Bill" Kenneth R. Dennis J. Wyatt Pope Clyde O. Glisson Farmer. Jr. Delton Daniel Lundy M. H. Stewart Darrsll Whiddon


'"'o, Gainesville e eri6' Stephen M. Oelrich (R)

+I@,n t ig'a, ; Born Pensacola, FL, September 29, gv ' 1945 Education public schools, I

-', Jg!, . Srandon, FL; St. Petersburg Junior I ',„' College (Police Administration); II Florida State University, BS in Crimi- enforce- I nology with certlcate in law ~; ment; Pinellas County Police Academy; Florida Department of .„" Law Enforcement (FDLE) Special Agents School; FDLE Homi- :-', cide Investigation School; National Sheriffs' Institute; FBI National Academy Executive Development Program, 29th ses- ' . sion; FDLE Chief Executive Institute I'ife Rose Mary ChiNren Three (one deceased) Church Methodist Career police officer, St. Petersburg Police Department, 1967-68; Special Agent, FDLE, 1970-82; insurance agent and owner of agency, 1982-93; elected Sheriff, 1992, re-elected 1996Horior (positions held Florida's between 1977-91) President, Florida Special Agents Associa- ixty-sIx of 67 counties have elected Sheriffs as keir chief law-enforcement overs. Dade County tIIqn; board member and Vice Chairman, Crime Trac; board-

has an appointed chief law-enforcement oilicer ',og :@ember, Big Brothers, Big Sisters; National Sheriffs' Assodation (~) whose title is Director of the Miami-Dade Police Depart- Accreditation and Police Executive Com- , "~~and Ethics, '" ment. Sherlms serve four year terms, and have county- ". ''~*~ner, Florida Commision on Accreditation of wide jurisdiction that includes incorporated as well as unincorporated areas. Am Sheriffs and the Director of the Miami-Dade PoRce Department are active members of $0iRIII'fV the-Florida Sheriffs Association.

'," '- . . y) SAY COUNTY

Panama City Sheriff' Guy lbnnell (9)

Born Panama City, FL, August 16,

l .

', ', ', I'. Col- . „„., „., ,~oools; St, John's River Junior !''o, , :@':gg':Ilegeee; Rollloe college, Bg ' fg)IQesrees„Criminal Justice ' "' ", ' ~@,.jive., Patty Children Three Church Baptist, ' ~g:,'Sherll'f's Office, Investigator/Sergeant; ",', ' Is ~„'Iflyestigator; U.S. Naval Investigative ' ' "' " ",",'~p@@q+, K; Chief of Police, Lynn .,

'", " ';„' "~ntjorary i:;i'i')'iegIItteI'::ll'~j~Soo eb',"~~o ', „'fi, '~, 'Fe)

THE SHERIFF'9 STAR 4 JANUARY I FEBRUARY I 998 31 Boys Club; Gulf Coast Community College, Assessment Center and ber); elected Sheriff 1996Honors and Affiliations Member, Bre- Criminal Justice Advisory Councils; Florida Sheriffs Association, vard County Association of Chiefs of Police; Brevard County Bar 1992, 1994; Florida Sheriffs Youth Ranches, 1994; Chairman of Association, Florida Bar; Brevard County Law Enforcement Acade- the Board, Florida Sheriffs Association, 1995; Treasurer, 1996; my Instructor; Adjunct Professor, University of Central Florida; Secretary, 1997. United Way Board of Directors; CRIMELINE Board of Directors; Florida Association of Police Attorneys; Brevard Community Col- BRADFORD COUNTY lege Law Enforcement Advisory Committee; Florida Sheriffs Associ- ation Legislative Committee 1997-1998; Northeast Chairman of Starke Blue Lightning Strike Force Steering Committee; International Sheri8'Bob Milner (D) Association of Chiefs of Police, National Sheriffs Association, Inter- national Narcotic Enforcement Officers Association. Born Jacksonville, FL, June 26, 1953 Education Bradford High School, BROWARD COUNTY Starke; Lake City (FL) Community Col- Fort Lauderdale lege, AA Degree in Police Science and eIjff, Corrections; University of Central Flori- Sheri8'Kenneth C II BA in Criminal da, Degree Justice, Jeune, II (D) Int minor in Public Administration; Correctional Standards, 1974; &:"* j I' Police Standards, 1976; graduate of the Florida Criminal Justice Born New Haven, CT, December 1, Institute Chief Executive Seminar and the National Sher- Itr Executive 1946 Education Palm Beach Junior iffs' Institute; graduate of FBI National Academy, 1997 Wife Carol College, AA, 1966; Florida Atlantic Uni- Children Two Church Church of God Career Florida Department versity, BA, 1968, Florida State Universi- of Corrections, 1974-1984 (four promotions); Florida Depart- ty, JD, 1972 Wife Caroline Children Two Church Episcopal Career ment of Law Enforcement, Reigonal Coordinator for Criminal Jus- State Senator 1978 - 1997; Democratic Leader, 1994-1996, 1996- tice Standards and Training, 1984-1988; Starke Police Depart- 1998. Committee Chairmanships included Appropriations, Rules ment (part-time 1977-1980and 1989-1992);employed by Brad- and Calendar, Judiciary, Judiciary Criminal, Executive Business; ford County School Board as Criminal Justice Instructor, 1988- and Finance, Taxation and Claims. Attorney. Military Sergeant, US 1992; holds dual certification in corrections and law enforce- Army Reserve Honors and Affiliations Constitution Reform Revi- ment; also certified CJSTC Instructor; elected Sheriff in 1992, re- sion Steering Committee; Governor's Committee on Education; elected 1996 Honors elected to Starke City Commission, 1980; Governor's Council on Organized Crime. Numerous Outstanding Past Lt. Governor, Florida District Kiwanis; past county coordina- Legislator Awards. tor for Special Olympics; served on North Central Florida Region- al Council, eight years; elected to Florida Sherif'fs Associ- Planning CALHOUN COUNTY ation Board of Directors, 1996. Blountstorvn BREVIS COUNTY Sheriff' William G. "Buddy" Titusvilie Smith (D) Sheriff Philip B, Williams (D) Born Altha, FL, February 19, 1942 Edu- cation Mt. Dora High School; Two years Born Hickory, NC, November 12, 1956 Chil- Education Public Schools, Swain at Troy State College Wife Sharlyn dren Two Church Church of God Career County, NC and Brevard County, FL; Bre- Chief Deputy, Calhoun County Sheriff's Office, five years; Police vard Community College, AA; University Standards School, Chipola Junior College; breathalyzer courses at of Central Florida, BA in Allied Legal Gulf Coast Junior College; elected Sheriff, re-elected 1976, 1980, Studies; Nova Southeastern University 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996Honors selected Outstanding Farm Fami- College of Law, JD, 1985 Wife Amy Children Two Church of the Year, 1969; Past President, Calhoun County Farm Bureau Methodist Career Police Office/Investigator, Indialantic Police ly and Blountstown Lions Club; Chaplain and Board Member, Florida Department 1975-1980; Narcotics Investigator, Palm Bay Police Sheriffs Association. Department 1980; Sergeant, Indialantic Police Department 1980- 1982; Assistant State Attorney, Eighteenth Judicial, 1985-1992; Assistant State Attorney, Eighteenth Judicial (Felony, Division Chief, Career Criminal Prosecutor and Homicide Response Team mem-

32 THE SHERIFF'S STAR 'wI' JANUARY I FEBRUARY 1998 CHARLOTTE COUNTY Junior College, law enforcement curriculum; Florida Atlantic Uni- versity, BA Degree in Criminal Justice; Master's Degree in Public Panta Gorda Administration; FBI National Academy, 129th session; graduate of Sheriff' H. Richard %orch, Jr. (R) National Sheriffs' Institute and Florida Criminal Justice Executive Institute Children Four Church Methodist Career Clay County Sher- October 1954 Born Baltimore, MD, 26, iff's Office, dispatcher, 1972-73; Boca Raton police oincer, 1974- Education Harford Community College 77; Clay County SO, Sergeant 1977-80, Captain of Patrol 1981-85, AA Degree; University of (Bel Air, MD), Chief Deputy 1985-88; private business 1988-92; elected Sheriff in Baltimore, BS and MS, Criminal Justice; 1992, re-elected 1996Honors and Affiliations member of Rotary Nova Southeastern University, Doctorate and Clay County 4-H Advisors Council; Past President, Clay County Public Administration Children Two in Mental Health Advisory Board; member, American Cancer Society, Church Lutheran Career 1973-79, Harford County (MD) Sheriff's Clay County Unit; Past Chairman, Clay County Juvenile Justice Coun- 1979-86 Charlotte County (FL) Sheriff's Office, patrol Office; cil; Board member, Quigley House, Children's Haven; member, ranks to 1986-88 Monroe County Sherif'f's deputy through Major; Board of Directors, Florida Sheriff's Association, 1996; member, Sheriff in re-elected in 1996 Of6ce, Major; elected 1988, 1992, Financial Development/Public Relations Committee, Florida Sher- Board and Curriculum Review Board, Southwest Honors Advisory i6's Youth Ranches, Florida Criminal Justice Academy; Vice President, Association of Professor, Nova Police Planners and Research Officers; Adjunct COLLIER COUNTY University Graduate School of Administration and Edison Commu- Naples nity College; Graduate School Florida Gulf Coast University; certi- fied Florida police instructor; appointed by Governor to Assault Sheri8'Don Hunter (R) Weapons Commission, and by FDLE Commissioner to Hate Crimes Task Force; member of NSA Criminal Justice Information System Born Tallahassee, FL, October 8, 1951 and Accreditation Committees; member, Florida Law Enforcement Education Florida State University, BS Accreditation Commission. Degree in Criminology, MS Degree in Criminal Justice Planning; FBI National CITRUS COUNTY Academy graduate, 1994 Children Two Church Catholic Career Regional Administrator, Department of Inverness Justice, Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, Florida Sheriff Jeffrey J. Dawsy (D) Region IX, 1976-79; Collier County Sheriff's Office, 1979-81 (Deputy Chief of Administration, 1981-88); elected Sheriff in NY, November 28, t Born Long Island, 1988, re-elected 1992 and ran unopposed in 1996 Honors Crystal River High 1955 Education appointed to selection cpmmittee, U.S. Military Academies, for St. Leo, FL, BA School, St. Leo College, Collier, Glades and Hendry counties; Outstanding Young Men of in Criminal Justice; Nova University, Ft. America Award, 1987; elected to Sheriffs Association's Board of MBA Gail Children Lauderdale, FL, Wife Directors, 1992; Board of Managers, Florida Sheri6"s Self Insur- Career Sheriff, Pasco County Three Church Methodist Deputy ance Fund. Sheriff's Oflice 1978-1981;Deputy Sheriff through Captain, Citrus County Sheriff's Office, 1981-1996;elected Sheriff 1996Military COLUMBIA COUNTY Air Force 1976-1978Honors andA+iliations Outstanding Young American Award 1978; past president, Central Citrus League; past Lake City president and secretary, Inverness Sertoma; Lecanto Education Sheriff'Frank E. Owens (D) Enhancement Council; Leadership Citrus; Vision 20/20; Tri-Coun-

ty Chamber of Commerce; Rotary Flag Born Hammonton, NJ, February 1, Football Coach. 1945 Education Choctawhatchee High School, Ft. Walton Beach, FL; CLAY COUNTY Okaloosa-Walton Community College, t Niceville, FL, AA; Florida State Universi- Green Cove Springs ty, BS Criminology; Georgia Southern, Statesboro, GA, graduate Lancaster Sheriff Scott (R) work, Public Administration; U.S. Treasury Law Enforcement School, Washington, DC Wife Elaine Children Two Church First Green Cove FL, May Born Springs, 29, Assembly of God Career Tallahassee Police Reserves, two years; Education public schools of 1954 U.S. Treasury Special Agent, six years; Chief of Police, Dublin, GA, Green Cove Springs; St. Johns River nine years; Chief of Police, Lake City, 10 years; elected Sheriff

THE SHERIFF'S STAR 4 JANUARY / FEBRUARY I 998 33 1996Honors and Affiliations U.S. Treasury Special Achievement 1992, re-elected in 1996Honors and Affiliations Florida Council Award, 1974; Past member, Georgia Governor's Task Force on on Crime and Delinquency; served on DeSoto County School Board Stress in Law Enforcement; Chairman of the Hamilton/Columbia committees for Drug-Free Schools, Family Services Center, and Juvenile Justice Council. Vocational and Adult Education; Member, Arcadia Rotary Club, Juvenile Justice Council, Domestic Violence Council, 32nd Degree DADE COUNTY Mason, DeSoto County Fair Association, Arcadia Rodeo Association, and DeSoto County Chamber of Commerce and many others; mem- Miami ber, FSA Board of Directors, 1997. Director, Miami-Dade Police Department Carlos Alvarez DIXIE COUNTY Cross City not shown because (Party affiliation Sheri8'Dewey H. Hatcher (D) Director Alvarez is an appointed rather than an elected ogicial) Born Gainesville, FL, May 18, 1955 Education Dixie County High School; Born Havana, Cuba, September 30, 1952 Education LaSalle High Lake City Community College AA; Crim- School; Associate of Arts Degree, Miami-Dade South Community inal Justice Standards Training Wife College; BA Degree in Business Administration, Florida Interna- Judy Children Two Church Baptist tional University, 1974; FBI National Academy, 1986; Senior Man- Career Deputy Sherif'f, Dixie County Sheril'f's Ojfice two and a half agement Institute for Police, 1990 Wife Mirtha Children Three years; elected Sheriff 1996. Church Catholic Career Police Oflicer, Metro-Dade, 1976-1979; Sergeant, 1979-1980; Commander, Technical Services Division, DUVAL COUNTY 1980-1981;Lieutenant, Kendall Station Uniform Squad, 1981- 1983; Lieutenant, Internal Review 1983-1985; Major, Doral Sta- gackson ville") tion, 1985-1989;Division Chief, Central Operations, 1989-1990; Sheri6' Nathaniel Division Chief, South Operations, 1990-1992;Assistant Director, "Nat" Glover, Jr. (D) Department Services 1992-1993;Assistant Director, Police Ser- vices, 1993-1996;Assistant Director, Support Services, 1996- Born Jacksonville, FL, March 29, 1943 appointed Director, Honors and Affiliations Execu- 1997; 1997 Education New Stanton High School; Dade Association of Chiefs of Police; mem- tive Secretary, County Edward Waters College, BS Degree in of Florida Private Investigation, Recovery and Security ber, State Social Science, 1966; University of Council; member, FBI Academy; Florida Police Chiefs Advisory North Florida, Master's Degree in Education, 1987; graduated Association; member, Major Cities Chiefs. from the 130th Session FBI National Academy; completed numer- ous career development and special training courses in anti-ter- DESOTO COUNTY rorism, hostage negotiations and inter-personal relations Wife ll Doris Children Two Church St. Stephen AME Career employed by Arcadia Ff' „, Jacksonville Sherilf's 05ce, 1966; advanced to Director of Police Sheri6' Vernon L. Keen (D) Services, with responsibility for over 1,000 employees in the Jail Division (pre-trial detention facility), Prison Division, Community Born Duette, FL, April 6, 1943 Educa- Corrections Division, and Human Resources Division (which tion Palmetto High School; Florida included personnel at Region V Northeast Florida Criminal Justice Highway Patrol Academy; FBI National Training Center); retired from SheriIFs 05ce February 28, 1995; Academy, and the National Sheriffs' elected Sheriff on April 11, 1995, and is believed to be Florida's Ipstitute; completed over 2,550 hours of first elected black Sheriff in more than 100 years Honors runner- specialIzed Law Enforcement Training, including Disorder Preven- Florida Retail Federation's "Law Enforcement Officer of the up, " tion atld Control, Police Operations and Leadership, Sherilrs Bud- Year, 1976; "D. K. Brown Award" from Bold City Jaycees, 1977; " get and Fiscaj Accountability, Jail Administration, Disaster Response "Law Enforcement Officer of the Year Award, Brotherhood of Management, Human Diver'sity/Domestic Violence Training for Law Police 05cers, 1977; "Citizen of the year" from Omega Psi Phi " Enforcemetlt Executives, and approximately 75 others Wife Linda Fraternity, 1988; "Success Role Model Award, from El-Bethel-El ChiMren Two Church Baptist Career Florida Highway Patrol troop- Divine Holiness Church, 1991; "Sallye B. Mathis Award" from er 1970-85; Tra5c Homicide Investigator, 1972-85; Chief Deputy Jacksonville Branch NAACP, 1991;recognition for outstanding law

(Major), DeSoto County Sheriff's 05ce, 1985-92; elected Sheriif enforcement achievements from Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc, ,

3 THE SHERIFF'S STAR 4 JANUARY / FEBRUARY 1998 1991; recipient of the Martin Luther King Humanitarian Award FRANKLIN COUNTY granted by the Jacksonville Jewish Community; chosen to partici- Eastpoi nt pate in the White House Leadership Conference on Youth, Drug Sheriff' Bruce E. Varnes Use and Violence; received outstanding alumnus awards from the (D) University of North Florida, Edward Waters College and Leadership Born Apalachicola, FL, August 6, 1954 Jacksonville, Inc. Affiliations Trustee Board, St Stephen AME Education public schools Apalachicola; Church (President Pro-Tem); Omega Psi Phi Fraternity; Brother- Lake Community College, Lake City, hood of Police 05cers; Board of Directors, Eartha M. M. White City FL, Police Science Certificate; complet- Health Care, Inc. ; Advocate for a Better Jacksonville; Leadership ed numerous special training and Jacksonville Class, 1989. career development courses including: " When Jacksonville and Duval County were consolidated, Corrections Standards, Police 05cer Standards 5 Training, Diver- the Jacksonville Police Department became the Jacksonville sified Training Case Preparation and Court Presentation, Shenffs 0+ice. Program, FDLE Academy D.A.R.E. Certification for Elementary and Middle ESCAIllBIA COUNTY School Curriculum, Radar Operation, Role of Law Enforcement in the Identification and Investigation of Sexual Abuse and Physical Pensacola Abuse of Children, Advanced Training Certificate, Commission on Sheriff Jim Lowman (D) Criminal Justice Standards R Training, Narcotics Identification and Investigation, Human Diversity, School Resource 05cer Training Born Batesville, AR, September 12, Wife Amelia ChiMren Two Church Assembly of God Career Colum- 1935 Education Little Rock Senior bia County Sherif's 05ce three years; Lake City Police Department High School; Ouachita University eight and a half years; Franklin County Sheriffs 05ce seven and a (Arkadelphia, AR), BA degree in Eco- half years; elected Sheriff 1996 Honors and Affiliations Law nomics/Business; Troy State University Enforcement 05cer of the Year 1979 and 1980; Columbia County (Troy, AL), Master's Degree in Criminal Sheriff's 05cer of the Year 1979 and 1980; Loyal Order of the Justice; completed required, advanced and specialized Police Moose; Veterans of Foreign Wars; 32nd Degree Master Mason; Standards courses (currently certified); certified instructor; has Chairman, Franklin County Juvenile Justice Council (1994-95); attended numerous law enforcement seminars and courses, Franklin County Schools Advisory Committee (1994-1995). including several offered by the FBI Wife Sue Children Four Career 27 years with Escambia County Sheriff's Office; elected GADSDEN COUNTY Sheriff 1992, re-elected 1996 Military U.S. Army 1956-58, first Quincy lieutenant Affiliations Arbitrator, Lemon Law Division, Florida Sheriff William A. Woodham Attorney General's 05ce; Supervisory Committee, Escambia Coun- (D) ty Credit Union (resigned 1992). Born Dothan, AL, May 20, 1941Educa- schools of Ala. FLAGLER COUNTY tion public Dothan, ; Associate of Arts Degree, Chipola Junior Bunnell College, 1963; BS Degree (Criminology Sheriff' Robert E. McCarthy (D) 8I. Corrections), Florida State University, 1965 Wife Karen Children Three Born Jersey City, NJ, February 25, 1947 Church Presbyterian Career State Trooper, Florida Highway Education public schools in Lyndhurst Patrol, 1966; Assistant Counselor, Gadsden County Juvenile Court, and Boonton, NJ; also County College of 1967-71;appointed Sherif'f of Gadsden County on April 14, 1971; Morris, New Jersey Wife Katherine elected Sheriff in 1972, re-elected 1976, 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992 Children Two Church Catholic Career and 1996 Honors Gadsden County's Law Enforcement 05cer of Detective Sergeant, Montville Town- the Year, 1973; honored by Big Bend Law Enforcement Associa- ship, NJ, Police, 1968-1980; Chief of Police, Flagler Beach, FL, tion for "heroic actions" leading to apprehension of kidnapper; 1980-1983; appointed Sheriff 1983; elected, 1984, 1988, 1992 elected Vice President, Chairman of the Board, President of Flori- and 1996Military U.S. Navy, Radio Operator, 1964-1967Honors da Sheriffs Association; elected to Board of Managers, Florida Past President, PBA; Police Oflicer of the Year, Montville, NJ, and Sheriffs Self-Insurance Fund, 1984; appointed to Florida Gover- Flagler County; Scouting Coordinator, Central Florida Council; nor's Commission on Child Support Enforcement, 1985; Presi- Rotary Past President; Past President, Bunnell Business and Pro- dent, Rotary Club, 1986;honored as "Dean of Florida Sheriffs" for fessional Association; Board of Directors and President, American greatest number of years in o5ce among current Sheriffs. Heart Association, Flagler County; Elks Club.

THE SHERIFF'9 STAR A JANUARY / FEBRUARY I 998 35 GILCHRIST COUNTY GULF COUNTY Trenton Port Saint joe Sheri6' David P. orner (D) Sheriff Frank McKeithen (D)

Born Portsmouth, OH, June 15, 1954 Born Panama City, FL, August 1, 1952 Education Trenton High School; Lake Education Vernon (FL) High School; City Community College; Lake City Cor- attended Chipola Junior College (Mari- rections Academy; Santa Fe Community anna, FL) and Gulf Coast Community College Police Academy; FBI National College ( Panama City, FL) Wife Diane Academy - 138th session Wife Patsy Children Three Church Methodist Children Two Church Church of Christ Career Gilchrist County Career Panama City Police Department; Bay County Sheriff's Sheriff's Office 1975-1986; University of Florida Police Depart- 05ce where he served as the Captain in charge of the Criminal ment 1986-1996; elected Sheriff 1996 Honors and Affiliations Invesngation Division; appointed Sheriff of Gulf County on Febru- Law Enforcement 05cer of the Year 1978, 1979 and 1980; Letter ary 8, 1995, by Governor Chiles; elected Sheriff in 1996 Honors of Commendation, 1995; Past Vice President, Police Executive Chosen as Florida's Law Enforcement 05cer of the Year in 1993. Council, 1984; MADD Award ofExcellence, 1994. HAMILTON COUNTY GLAMS COUNTY jasPer Moore Haven Sheri8'J. Harrell Reid (D) Sheriff James K. Rider (D) Born Valdosta, GA, March 31, 1947 , '„'' 1 Born Marion, IN, January 23, 1941 Education Miami-Dade Junior College, Education public schools, Hialeah, FL; AS Degree; University of Florida, BS Metro-Dade Junior College, Miami; St. Degree; North Florida Junior College, Thomas University, Miami, BA Public Criminal Justice Standards Training Administration; Southern Police Insti- Course Children Two Church Baptist tute, University of Louisville, Certified Career Deputy Sheriff, Hamilton County Sheriff's 05ce, 10 years; Florida Police Instructor; graduate of Metropolitan Organized elected Sheriff in 1988, re-elected 1992 and 1996. Honors and Crime Training School; DEA Narcotics Command Training; U.S. Affiliations Accepted by the FBI National Academy in 1990, and Customs Cross-Designated Training; FIU Tactics of Terrorist graduated from the Academy in 1991;Florida Sheriffs Association's Groups, Fiscal Management, Anacapa Sciences; DEA Conspiracy Sergeant-at-Arms, 1992 through present; appointed September, Training, Broward Community College Wife Carol Children Two 1997,to the Medical Examiners Commission by Gov. Lawton Chiles. Church Baptist Career Metro-Dade Police Department 18-1/2 years; Supervisor in Organized Crime Division, Broward County HARDEE COUNTY Sheriff's Department, nine years; elected Sheriff 1996 Honors Wauchula andAffiliations Coordinated FSA Statewide Drug Task Force; U.S. Sheri8'J. Loran Cogburn Justice Department Outstanding Contribution to Federal Service; (D) FSA Distinguished Service Award; Certificate of Recognition from Born Wauchula, FL, May 14, 1953Edu- the Grand Lodge of Florida; F.A.M. for Combating Drug Abuse cation public schools, Hardee County; among youth of Florida; member of Glades County Juvenile Justice Criminal Justice Standards, Manatee Council; Past Master Masonic Lodge, Scottish Rite, Okeechobee Vo-Tech; Polk Community College, Shrine Club, Morocco Temple Shrine, Buckhead Ridge Moose South Florida Community College, Lodge; member, National Sheriffs' Institute; Moore Haven Lions courses: Financial Investigative Tech- Club, Florida Cattleman's Association, Easter Star, Glades County niques (IRS), R.I.C.O. Investigations, Hostage Negotiations R Cri- Youth Livestock, Glades County Chamber of Commerce. sis Management, Forfeitures and Reverse Sting Operations; Certi- fied Instructor, Florida Criminal Justice Wife Shirley Children Two

',:~'t98herfff Nat Glover Church Baptist Career Volunteer, Wauchula Police Department, ' .is donating nearly a quarter of a million dollars for schofarshiffs:thtft Q. Uniform Patrol 1974-1976; Uniform Patrol, Hardee County Sher- through Take Stock In Children. The Sheriff gave away his fkat fahy~r.', ' iff's Office 1977-1979; Volunteer Narcotics Investigator, Hardee toneedy children so they can attend college. County Sheriff's Office 1980-1986; Investigator, Hardee County

36 THE SHERIFF'S STAR 4 JANUARY I FEBRUARY I 99S Sheriff's Offic 1986-1996;elected Sheriff 1996Honors andAffil- Vice President, 1994; President, 1995; elected Chairman, Crimi- iations Eagle Scout 1968; Assistant District Commissioner for Boy nal Justice Standards and Training Commission, 1994. Scouts, Gulf Ridge Council 1979-1980;Drug Awareness chairman, Wauchula Elks Lodge 1987-1988; Silver Star for Bravery, Ameri- HIGHLANDS COUNTY can Police Hall of Fame, 1990; Outstanding Public Safety Employ- Sebring ee Award, Hardee County Rotary Club, 1996. Sherf'df Howard C. Godwin (D) HENDRY COUNTY Born Avon Park, FL, February 10, 1952 LaBelle Education public schools of Avon Park; Sheri8' Ronald E. South Florida Community College (Avon "Ronnie" Lee, Sr. Park), AS Degree in Criminal Justice; University of South Florida, BA Degree in Criminal Rollins Born Clewiston, FL, April 28, 1942 Justice; College, Master's in Criminal courses certifi- Education Clewiston High School; Edi- Degree Justice; completed for cation in Firearms, International SWAT Techniques, Street Survival, son Junior College, Fort Myers, FL, AA; Radar Patti Chil- Florida State University, Tallahassee, BS Interrogation Techniques; Operator Training Wife in Criminology; Florida Real Estate dren Two Church Baptist Career Police Chief, Avon Park, 1980 and Highlands S.O, elected Sheriff in Academy, Fort Myers Wife Cathy Children Two Church Baptist 1981; Deputy, County , 12 years; Career Clewiston Police Department, Patrolman, 1966-1968; 1988, re-elected 1992 and 1996Honors Outstanding Law Enforce- ment Officer of Merit Award, Internship, FDLE Crime Lab, 1971;Detective/Sgt. Clewiston Police Highlands County, 1986; 1981;Lake Department 1972-1973;Chief of Police, Clewiston Police Depart- Placid Award for outstanding service in drug prevention, 1989; Florida Council on Crime and Award for ment 1973-1976; Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office, West Palm Delinquency Outstanding Service, elected Sher!ffs Association's Sergeant-at-Arms, Beach, FL, 1977-1978;Criminal Investigator, Office of State Attor- 1990; 1990 and member of Board of Directors, 1992, and ney, 20th Judicial Circuit, 1979-1996;elected Sheriff 1996 Mili- 1991, 1993 Community Service Award, Rotary Club of tary U.S. Army 1964-1966; United State Marine Corps Reserve; 1994; 1995, Sebring; Civilian of the Year Award, Avon Park Chamber of Master Sgt. Airborne, 1980 to present Honors and Affiliations 1995 Commerce. Delta Tau Kappa Social Science Honor Society; Lambda Alpha Epsilon Professional Criminal Justice Fraternity, President. HILLSBOROUGH

COUNTY v f HERNANDO COUNTY TamPa tti ~ Brooksville Sheriff Cal Henderson (D) Sheriff Tom Mylander (R) Born Tampa, FL, October 26, 1943 Born Baltimore, MD, May 12, 1942 Education University of South Florida, Education public schools of Pinellas BA and MA Degrees in Criminal Justice, County, Florida; attended Santa Ana 1974 and 1978, with honors; FBI Junior College, and graduated from National Academy graduate; FBI Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University; National Executive Institute graduate; FDLE Chief Executive Semi- attended Los Angeles County (Califor- nar Wife Jeanne Children Two Church Baptist Career Tampa nia) Sheriffs Academy; Pinellas County (Florida) Police Academy; Police Department two years; U.S. Border Patrol, one and a half FBI National Academy Wife Sandy Children Three Church years; Central Intelligence Agency, one year; Hillsborough County Methodist Career seven years, Pinellas County S.O., involved in Sheriff's Office, 28 years; elected Sheriff in 1992, ran unopposed development of Aviation Division; three years, Hernando County in 1996Military U.S. Army Staff Sergeant (E6) 1961-64Honors

S.O. , promoted to Administrative Assistant with rank of Major; Past President, Florida Chapter, FBI National Academy Associates; three and a half years, Pasco County S.O. as Administrative Head Vice Chairman, Florida Violent Crime Council; Chairman, FSA and Chief Pilot; elected Sheriff in 1984, re-elected 1988, 1992 and Board of Directors, 1997. 1996Military U.S. Marine Corps Honors Deputy of the Year, ",i" rrfrv'r I' 1976, by Pinellas Park Elks Club; received the Sertoma Club's Ben ttfyotah ,ig'll'igNint predawn rahl, the Florida Department of Insurance arrested 175 suspetds'liI g Franklin Award, 1987; Employer of the Year, 1987; Liberty Bell "'Ai'owners were told to purposefully crash their cars, rfaim physical pain and sana Award, Hernando Co. Bar Association, 1992; elected to Governing f+Qlfdmv iaceived'I a referral to a chiropractor and contracted with a preanangeil attorney, , course, everyone made money. The fraudulent game was ended inditts ~;, Board, Florida Sheriffs Youth Ranches; elected to Sheriffs Associa- dames ts e tip called into a Dade County crime prevention hotline. II was the ~;, that was not run the FBI. tion's Board of Directors, 1989;Treasurer, 1992; Secretary, 1993; ~tdfhtfdnd by

THE SHERIFF'S STAR 0 JANUARY / FEBRUARY 1998 37 HOLMES COUNTY Coast Chiefs and Sheriffs Association; member, Advisory Board, Gulf Stream Council, Inc. , Boy Scouts of America; Past President Bontfay and member, Vero Beach Rotary Club West; Charter Treasurer, Sheriff C. Dennis Lee (D) Indian River County Substance Abuse Council; Past Chairman, Indian River County Correctional Planning Committee, (North and Born Bonifay, FL, May 15, 1958Educa- South) Fire District; Past Vice Chairman, Indian River County Pub- tion Bethlehem High School, Holmes lic Safety Commission and Council on Aging; past member, Vero County, FL; Certified Law Enforcement Beach Airport and Development Commission and Board of Direc- Officer; graduate, WHAVTC Law Enforce- tors, United Way; member, Childrens Services Network Committee, ment class; Corrections; Florida Police Indian River County. Chief Executive seminar; Law Enforce- ment and Firearms Instructor; over 1,200 hours of advance Law JACKSON COUNTY Enforcement classes Wife Leesa Children Three Church Assembly Marian na of God Career Dispatcher/Jailer/Deputy, Holmes County Sheriff's Office, three years; Bonifay Police Department, 12 years; Chief, Sheriff John P. MCDaniel (D) Bonifay Police Department, eight years Military U.S. Air Force, Security Police Law Enforcement section Honors and Affiliations Born Jackson County, FL, October 9, Law Enforcement Officer of the Year, City of Bonifay, 1986; chair- 1940 Education public schools of l; man, Holmes County Juvenile Justice Council. Jackson County; attended Chipola Junior College and Florida A R M Uni- INDIAN RIVER versity Children Three Church Baptist Career drug-enforcement school; COUNTY homicide investigation school; 10 years with fmancial institution; Vero Beach four years, Chief Deputy, Jackson County Sherif's Department; one Sheriff' Gary C. Wheeler (R) year with Sneads Police Department; elected Sheriff in 1980, re- elected 1984, 1988, 1992 and 1996Military Florida National Born Elmira, NY, July 23, 1945 Educa- Guard, U.S. Navy Honors Past Master, Harmony Lodge No. 3; mem- tion public schools at Horseheads, NY; ber, Masonic Lodge, York Rite Bodies, Ambassador Shadi Shrine Central Florida Junior College (Ocala); Temple; Sheriffs Association Board of Directors, 1996; member Elmira College (NY); basic police train- Florida Sheriffs Youth Ranches Governing Board. ing, Corning Community College (NY); graduate, Florida Criminal Justice Executive Institute's Chief Exec- JEFFERSON COUNTY utive Seminar; National Sheriffs' Institute Executive Development Monticello Program; graduate of the 35th Session of the Law Enforcement Sherif'f Kenneth W. Executive Development Seminar at the FBI Academy Wife Donna Children Two Career Horseheads (NY) Police Department, 1966- Fortune, Sr. (D) 70; Ocala Police Department, 1970-72; elected to Indian River Board of County Commissioners, 1986, served as vice chairman Born Toluca, NC, May 25, 1944 Educa- and chairman; private business owner, 1972 - 1992; elected Sher- tion Gardner-Webb College; Tallahassee iff in 1992, re-elected in 1996Honors and Affiliations member, Community College; FHP Academy; Florida Sheriffs Youth Ranches Financial Development/Public Executive Institute (FDLE) Wife Wanda Relations Scenario Committee; Chairman and member, Indian Children Three Church Baptist Career River Community College Criminal Justice Training Institute's Florida Highway Patrol, 12 years and three months; sworn-in as Region XI Training Council; member and Past President, Treasure interim Jefferson County Sheriff, April 16, 1984; elected Sherif in 1984, 1988, 1992, ran unopposed in 1996 Military U.S. Navy

,i:;,tj, a Honors Member, Florida Sheriffs Association Legislative Commit- tee, 1985-86; elected to Sheriffs Association Board of Directors,

; has the t@gest statewide DNA database, with ovei' t2,69k, 1987; Chairman of the Board in 1988; Secretary, 1989 and 1990; is expected to grow to 20,000 and will be the l Treasurer, 1991; Monticello/Jefferson County Chamber of Com- ia also the most productive. Even when law merce President's Award for Outstanding Contribution to Commu- ;~have the ability to to cross reference a DNA sate+' nity, 1996; Chapter 29 Florida Council on Crime and Delinquency Distinguished Service Award Law Enforcement.

38 THE SHERIFF'S STAR 4 JANUARY/FEBRUARY f998 LAFAYETTE COUNTY New Hampshire State Police, 1969; Norfolk County (MA) District Attorney's 05ce, Narcotics Division Director, 1970-74; Lee County Mayo (FL) Sheriff's 05ce, 1974-88, advancing from Deputy to Major; Sherdf Dwayne B.Walker (D) Sherif of Charlotte County (FL) by appointment of Governor, May, 1985-September, 1986; elected Sheriff in 1988, re-elected 1992 and Born Lake City, FL, February 20, 1960 1996Military U.S. Navy, honorable discharge, 1959Honors Chosen Education public schools of Mayo, Outstanding Lawman for Southwest Florida, 1975, by Fort Myers Florida; North Florida Junior College; News-Press; Deputy of the Year, 1986, by Elks Club; cited for out- completed courses in Special Tactical standing contributions to crime prevention by Florida's Attorney Problems, Officer Survival, Two-man General, 1988;National Accreditation, Commission on Accreditation Combat Bamcades, Narcotics Identifi- for Law Enforcement Agencies, 1991;appointed to Florida Sheriffs cation and Investigation Wife Tammy Children One Church Bap- Youth Ranches Foundation Board, 1990; Law Enforcement Com- tist Career One year as Correctional 05cer, Lafayette County Jail; mander Medal from the National Society of the Sons of the American three years as Deputy, three years as Chief Deputy, Lafayette Coun- Revolution, 1990; accepted national accreditation certiffcation for ty Sheriff's 05ce; elected Sheriff in 1992, re-elected in 1996. Sherilf's oflice in 1991;founding member, Southwest Florida Boy Scout Council; Florida Attorney General's Auto Theft Prevention LAKE COUNTY Authority Board, 1995. Tavares LEON COUNTY Sheri8' George E. Knupp, Jr. (R) Tallahassee , t VA, November Born Harrisonburg, 20, 1 Sheri6' Larry Campbell (D) 1940 Education Edgewater High School (Orlando, FL); Valencia Com- Born Jacksonville, FL, October 22, munity College (Orlando), AS Degree 1942 Education public schools, Leon in Criminal Justice; Rollins College, BS County; Florida State University, BS Degree and Master's Degree in Crimi- Degree in Criminology and Abnormal nal Justice; numerous law enforcement courses Wife Carrie Ann Psychology, 1965; University of Vir- Children Three Church Catholic Career Maitland Police Depart- ginia, Graduate Courses; FBI National ment, six years; Orange County SheriiFs 05ce, 15 years; Seminole Academy 95th Session Graduate, 1972 Military United States County Sheriff's 05ce, seven and a half years; elected Sheriff in Marine Corps Reserves Platoon Sergeant-Tanks, 1959-1968 Wife 1988, re-elected 1992 and 1996 Military U.S. Army Reserves Kathy Children Two Church Episcopal Career Leon County Sher- Affiliations Lake County Shrine Club, Bahia Temple; BPOE; Gold- iff's Reserve, 1961-1963;Deputy SherifflDetective, Leon County en Triangle Republican Club; Eustis Chapter ¹33,York Rite; Eustis SherilFs Oflice, 1963-1966;Special Agent, Florida Sheriff's Bureau Lodge ¹85FRAM; Police Executive Research Forum; Leadership 1967-1968;Aide to Commissioner and State Undercover Narcotics Lake County; American Legion. Agent —Miami, Florida Bureau of Law Enforcement; Chief of Detectives, Leon County SheriiFs 05ce, 1968-1970;Special Agent, LEE COUNTY Florida Bureau of Law Enforcement, Jacksonville Field Office, 1970-1971;Special Agent-in-Charge, FDLE, Tampa Field Office, Ft. Myers 1971-1975;Special Agent-in-Charge, FDLE Miami Field Office, Sheriff John J. McDougall (R) 1975-1977;Deputy Director, FDLE, Tallahassee Division of Opera- tions and Division of Criminal Justice Information System, 1977- Born Boston, MA, July 9, 1942 Educa- 1978; Special Assignment to Florida Statewide Grand Juries and tion public schools of Boston; seven Governor's Council for the Prosecution of Organized Crime, FDLE, years of theological studies, 1962-69, 1979-1980;Undersheriff, Leon County Sheriff's Office, 1981-1996; Franciscan Order, Catholic Church; elected Sheriff, 1996 Honors and Affiliations J. Edgar Hoover graduate of Yale University Drug Depen- Award for Scholastic Excellence; Sons of American Revolution Law dence Institute, 1974, Nanonal Sheriffs Enforcement Commendation Medal; Florida Council on Crime and Institute (1985) and FBI National Academy, 1989;John F. Kennedy Delinquency Award for Distinguished Service in Law Enforcement; School of Government, Harvard University, 1990;FDLE Criminal Jus- Order of Demolay Legion of Honor; Steele-Brooks Center Award of tice Executive Institute; attended seminars and workshops on chief Honor from Tallahassee's African-American Community; Vestry executive, media relations, budgeting, drug law enforcement, ter- Member, Holy Comforter Church; President, Leon Touchdown rorism, violent crimes, TRIAD, crime victims, dignitary protection Club; President, Tallahassee Shrine Club; Director, Marzuq Shrine and corrections Wife Gloria Children Four Church Catholic Career Temple; Master Mason, Jackson Lodge No. 1; Tallahassee Scottish

THE SHERIFF'S STAR A JAN1JARY / FEBRUARY 1998 39 Rite Bodies, 32nd Degree; Member, American Legion, Leon Coun- MADISON COUN fY Juvenile Justice Council; Juvenile Assessment Receiving Center ty Madison Steering Committee; Leon County Domestic Violence Council; Tal- Sherilf C. Peavy lahassee Race Relations Committee; Board of Directors —United Joe (D) Way, Urban League, Salvation Army and Boy Scouts. Born Concord, FL, November 8, 1933 LEVY COUNTY Education public schools of Havana, FL; attended Berry Schools, Mount Bronson Berry, GA, FHP Academy Wife Suzanne Sheri8'Ted F. Glass (D) Children Three Church Baptist Career 16 years with the Florida Highway Born Bonifay, FL, August 23, 1949 Patrol, five years as Corporal supervising FHP station covering Education public schools of Cotton- Madison and Jefferson counties; Madison County Sheriif's Office, , "Yn, dale, FL; attended Tallahassee, Hills- four months; elected Sheriff in 1972, re-elected 1976, 1980, 1984, borough and Central Florida communi- 1988, 1992 and 1996 (without opposition three times) Military ty colleges and Nova University; Florida Military Police, U.S. Paratroops, three years Honors Past Director, Highway Patrol Academy; FBI National Secretary, Treasurer and Sgt.-at-Arms, Florida Sheriffs Association. Academy; certified as Emergency Medical Technician Wife Carol Ann Children Two Church Methodist Career Florida Highway MANATEE COUNTY Patrol, 14 years; elected Sheriff in 1988, re-elected 1992 and Bradenton 1996Military U. S. Air Force, 1967-1971;Airman of the Month Sheriff Charlie Wells twice; received a service commendation Honors Past President of (R) Williston Jaycees and Williston Methodist Men; chosen Citizen of Born Bonifay, FL, November 20, 1944 the Year by Williston Junior Women's Club, 1984; Family of the Education AS Degree in Criminology; Year, 1987; chosen Outstanding Law Enforcement Oflicer of the attended Manatee Junior College, Eck- Year by Williston Jaycees, 1982, and by Landrum Memorial erd College and St. Leo College Wife American Legion Post ¹236,1988; recognized as Outstanding Leslie Children Five (one deceased) Young Man of America, 1984; member, Florida Sherif'fs Associa- Church Baptist Career Florida Highway tion Board of Directors, 1997. Patrol Trooper, 15 I/2 years; Chief of Police, Bradenton, two years; re- LIBERTY COUNTY State Attorney's Investigator, one year; elected Sheriff in 1984, elected 1988, 1992, ran unopposed in 1996 Honors Florida Law Bristol Enforcement Officer of the Year by the VFW, 1972; runner-up for Sheriff J.L. Bailey (D) same award, 1973; Florida Trooper of the Year nominee, 1972; Kiwanis International Medal of Valor, 1973; MADD Community Born Blountstown, FL, October 21, Leader of the Year, 1992; Florida Council on Crime and Delin- 1935 Education public schools, Cal- quency Distinguished Service Award, 1993; Florida Prosecuting houn County; Gulf Coast Community Attorney's Association Furtherance ofJustice Award, 1993;Florida

College, Police Standards; Chipola Network of Victim Witness Services, Inc. , President's Award, 1993; Junior College, Cross Training in Cor- Florida Crime Prevention Association President's Award, 1993; rections Wife Kathleen Children Three member, Sheriffs Association's Legislative Committee and Board of Church Methodist Career Deputy Sheriff, Calhoun and Liberty Directors (Chairman, 1991);elected Sheriffs Association's Secre- Counties, 15 years; Blountstown Police Department, six years; tary, 1992; Vice President, 1993;President, 1994. State Department of Corrections, six years; elected Sherii'f, 1996 Honors and Affiliations Outstanding Officer of the Year, 1974; Calhoun and Liberty County Jaycees.

~'.glwn Sherl Caf Henderson estimated it could tabb'Ifvebfbbrdgg'OkkA'ij!~' tfofffask'Force is to be credited for one of the largest dive team he called on the Florida sheriffs AsscciatioII for assi~ +"Q-' offices, plus the Tampa police department conducted aa

dlsappeaed from her home in Hillsborough Though the child was never found, Sherfff Henderson.~,ffte, "p+p)ijIflffW baby ~. in the offios of Sheriff. 'When the'csff want . ;Office started a land search in the immediate area, dence the brotherhood of sfffttr~~ " ' "" -';r: '.l-'",'.:;", ', ii' ~jetftfn, , a S.rnite radius that needed to be searched. sheriffs answered. They functioned like it waste agency. alii!I@~,,;.

40 THE SHERIFF'S STAR A JANUARY I FEBRUARY 1998 munity Leadership, in recognition of "Exemplary Service and Com- MARION COUNTY mitment to Community;" member of Class IV, Leadership Florida; member, FSA Board of Ocala Directors, 1996, 1997;memer, FSYR Board of Directors, 1997. Sheriff Ken Ergle (R) MONROE COUNTY Born Ocala, FL, December 30, 1952 Education public schools of Marion Key West County; Central Florida Community Sheriff' Richard D. Roth (R) College; graduate of Southern Police Institute, University of Louisville; Born Minneapolis, MN, Novetnber 19, enrolled in numerous law enforcement related seminars and 1938 Education Florida Keys Commu- courses including Special Tactical School at FBI National Academy nity College, AA Degree in Police Sci- Wife Susan Children Three Church Baptist Career 19 years with ence; graduate of FBI National Acade- Marion County S.O. as Dispatcher, Corrections Officer, Civil my; National Sheriffs' Academy Wife Deputy, Patrol Deputy and Investigator; advanced to Sergeant in Sandra Children Two Church Baptist Community Relations Division; Lieutenant in Patrol Division; and Career Monroe County Sheriff's Office since 1965 holding most Director of Technical Services Division, 1973-92; elected Sheriff jobs the department has to offer; appointed interim Sherif in June, in 1992, re-elected 1996 Honors Jaycees Distinguished Service 1990; elected Sheriff in 1992 and 1996Military U.S. Navy, 1958- Award, 1985; Employee of the Year, 1985. 60 Honors Board Member and Past President, Middle Keys Guid- ance Clinic; Board Member, Care Center for Mental Health; past MARTIN COUNTY Board Member, Salvation Army; recipient, Jaycees Outstanding Law Stuart Enforcement Oficer of the Year; recipient, Governor LeRoy Collins Outstanding Alumni Award; recipient, Monroe County people' s Sheri8' Robert Lewis Choice Award for Best Law Enforcement 05cer 1992, 1993, 1996; Crowder (R) member, FSA Board of Directors, 1997.

Born Nashville, TN, October 4, 1945 NASSAU COUNTY Education Martin County High School, Fernandina Beach 1963;Indian River Community College, AA Degree in Criminal Justice, 1971; Sheri6'W. R. "Ray" Geiger (R) Florida Atlantic University, BA Degree in Criminal Justice, 1980; FBI National Academy graduate, 1976; Born Hilliard, FL, April 8, 1939Educa- Senior Management Institute, 1989; numerous law enforcement tion public schools in Callahan, FL; training courses Wife Deborah Children Four Church Episcopal Florida Junior College; Jacksonville Career Dispatcher, Relief Jailer arid Clerk, Martin County S.O. Police Academy; training sessions pro- 1965-67; Patrolman and First Detective, Stuart PD, 1968-69; vided by FBI, ATF, and Secret Service; lnteriiit Sheriff of Martin County, 1972-73; Chief of Security at court security training by FLETC, nuclear power plant, 1973-74; Ctuef investigator, Martin County Brunswick, GA; FSA executive training, budget workshop, career service S.O., 1974-85; Undersheiiff, St. Lucie S.O. , 1985-92; elected training; IPTM, University of North Florida, police/media Sheriff in 1992, ran unopposed in 1996Military U.S. Marine relations seminar; Law Enforcement Training Academy of North- Corps Reserve Honors Leatherneck Magazine award for perfor- east Florida, Division of Science and Administration; U.S. Dept. of mance and achievement in recruit training; listed in Who's Who in Justice (FBI), Southeastern Law Enforcement Executive Develop- U.S. Law Enforcement Leaders, 1990-91, also in Outstanding ment seminar; completed "The Chief Executive Seminar" in June, — Young Men of America, 1975; chosen by Jaycees for Outstanding 1997 Florida Criminal Justice Executive Institute Wife Elizabeth Young Law Enforcement Officer Award in 1970, and Distinguished Ann Children Five Church Baptist Career Jacksonville Sheriff's Service Award in 1972; Civitan Club Award for Exemplary Citizen- Office, 13 years; U.S. Marshal Service, one and a half years; elect- ship, 1972; Florida Governor's Award of Merit for Youth Conser- ed Sheriff in 1992, re-elected 1996Honors and Affiliations class vation Education, awarded by Florida Wildlife Federation, 1962; president in 10th, 11th and 12th grades, also valedictorian, 1957; member, FBI National Academy Associates, International Police basketbaH team captain; Little League baseball and softball coach; Association, International Association of Chiefs of Police, Trea- member, FSA Board of Directors, 1995 through present. sure Coast Chiefs of Police and Sheriffs' Association; member, Police Executive Research Forum; 1994 recipient of Distin- guished Leadership Award from the National Associanon for Com-

THE SHERIFF'S STAR 4 JANUARY I FEBRUARY I SSS 41 OKALOOSA COUNTY Association; Florida Bar; author, numerous Florida Crime Control Laws, including Florida Wiretap and Electronic Surveillance, Pos- Crestview session of Narcotics Paraphernalia; co-author with Dr. Joe Davis Sheri8' Charles W. of the Florida Medical Examiners Act; appointed Special Assistant "Charlie" Morris (R) United State Attorney to conduct Federal Grand Jury investigations in Central Florida; secured first wiretap and search authorized by Court, Born Longview, TX, August 29, 1949 the Governor and issued by the Florida Supreme 1972. Education public schools, Jackson, MS; University of Southern Mississippi, ORANGE COUNTY Hattiesburg, BS Degree, Criminal Jus- Orlando MS De ree Criminal ustice Man- ttce, g, J Sheri8' Kevin E. Beary (R) agement; FBI National Academy, 160th Session; National Sher@s' Institute Executive Development Program; Florida Criminal Jus- Born Buffalo, NY, May 12, 1957 Edu- tice Executive Institute's Chief Executive Seminar Wife Barbara cation Lyman High School, 1975;grad- Children Three Church Baptist Career Police 05cer, Jackson, uated from Liberty University, Lynch- MS Police Department, three years; Chief of Police, two USAF burg, VA; honors graduate FBI National Security Police Squadrons, 18 years; Police Officer, Ft. Walton Academy; graduate, FBI National Exec- Beach Police Department, four years; elected Sheriff 1996Mili- utive Institute Wife Rebekah Children tary USAF, 18 years, Security Police 05cer, rank of Major Honors Four Church Presbyterian Career Melbourne (FL) Police andAgiliations Four Meritorious Service Medals, USAF; Two Air Department, 1975-78; Orange County S.O. , 1978-89; Kennedy Force Commendation Medals; 1995 Police 05cer of the Year, Ft. Space Center Security/Brevaid County S.O. , 1989-92; elected Walton Beach Police Department; Adjunct Professor, University of Sheriff in 1992, re-elected 1996 Military U. S. Army/Florida South Dakota, Park College, University of Maryland, Troy State National Guard, 1983-1989Honors Melbourne Police 05cer of University and Okaloosa-Walton Community College; Certified the Year (Rotary Award), 1976; past president, Florida SWAT Law Enforcement and Corrections Instructor, State of Florida. Association, 1990-92; VFW Law Enforcement 05cer of the Year, 1979; Law Enforcement 05cer of the Year, Sons of the American OKEECHOBEE Revolution, 1993; Commendation/Exemplary Service Award, COUNTY Masonic Lodge ¹364,1994; Business Member of the Year Award, Okeechobee Orange County Chamber of Commerce; President, Central Florida Law Enforcement Association, 1995; President, Children's Safety Sheriff Edward A. Miller " Village and National Safety Council "Green Cross Award, 1996; Oflicer of the Year, National Rifle Association, 1996; co-founder Born Elizabeth, NJ, November 25, and Secretary, Major County Sheriff's Association, 1997;National 1931Education public schools, Union Chairman for Gang Resistance Education and Training, National County, NJ; University of Tampa and Sheriffs' Association, 1997. Stetson College of Law, LLB Degree;

BNDD Enforcement Officers School ) numerous continuing education and law enforcement training OSCEOLA COUNTY Solic- Children 5vo Church Baptist Career Chief Assistant County Kissimmee itor, Broward County 1965-1966;Chief Field Counsel and Special Sheri8'Charles W. Agent Investigator, FDLE 1968-1976; Special Counsel to Gover- "Charlie" ndrs Kirk and Askew; Special Counsel to Criminal Justice Com- Croft (D) mittees of the Florida House and Senate, 1968-1972; appointed Born Orlando, FL, May 1949 Edu- Special Assistant United States Attorney, 1972; Chief Assistant State 27, cation public schools of Osceola Coun- Attorney, 14th Judicial Circuit, 1977-1980; Supervisor/Chief Valencia Community College, Orlan- Felony Prosecutor Okeechobee Attorney's Office, 1985-1988; ty; AS in Criminal Justice; elected Okeechobee County Judge and appointed Acting Circuit do, FL, Degree Rollins College, Winter Park, FL, Bache- Judge, 1989-1996; elected Sheriff, 1996Military United States lor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice; FBI National Academy Marine Corps, 1950-1951Honors and Affiliations Judge Advo- Nell Children Two Church Baptist Career Osceola cate, Okeechobee American Legion Memorial Post 64; Master graduate Wife Sherii'f's Lake County SheriiFs 05ce, 1989-1992; Mason, Okeechobee Lodge ¹237;Amara Shire Temple; Okee- 05ce, 1971-89; re-elected Military U.S. Marine chobee Shrine Club; Marine Corps Association; Fleet Reserve elected Sheriff in 1992, 1996

42 THE SHERIFF'8 STAR 'L? JANUARY / FEBRUARY I 998 Corps, 1967-70, Vietnam veteran Honors and Affiliations Board Pasco Safety Town, Inc. ; Board of Directors for Youth 8I Family Member, Council on Aging, Safety and Community Awareness Task Alternatives, Inc. , West Pasco YMCA and Red Apple School for Force, Criminal Justice Academy of Osceola, and Compact Adviso- Challenged Adults; Chairman, PHCC Law Enforcement Advisory ry Board of Osceola County District Schools; member, Kiwanis, Committee (95-96); elected Class President, National Sheriffs' American Legion Post 80 and Orange Blossom Lodge 80, FRAM. Association 1993New Sherif's Class; First Florida Sherif or Police Chief to sit for State Law Enforcement Certification Exam. PALM BEACH COUNTY PINELLAS COUNTY West Palm Beach Clearwater Sheri8' Robert W. Nenmann (R) Sheri8' Everett S. Rice (R)

Born Chicago, IL, December 8, 1942 Born Salem, VA, September 3, 1944 Education University of Miami, BA Education public schools of Pinellas Degree; FBI Academy, Quantico, VA County; St. Petersburg Junior College, Wife Barbara Ann Children Two AA Degree in Police Administration; Church Roman Catholic Career served University of South Florida, BA Degree in as Special Agent, FBI, 26 years, and as senior supervisor of all FBI Criminal Justice; Stetson University operations in West Palm Beach and seven South Florida counties College of Law, JD Degree; graduate of FBI National Academy, FBI from 1984, until retirement in 1995;elected Sheriif in 1996Hon- National Executive Institute, FDLE Executive Institute Wife Linda ors and Affiliations National and Florida Sheriffs Associations; Children Three Church Methodist Career 18 years with Pinellas Major County Sheriff's Association; International Chiefs of Police; County S.O. as Deputy, Sergeant, Lieutenant, Captain and Chief of Police Execuuve Research Forum; Palm Beach County's Criminal Detectives 1967-85; elected Sherif in 1988, re-elected 1992 and Justice Commission Executive Board, Association of Chiefs of 1996Military U.S. Merchant Marine, 1964-67 Honors past mem- Police, Urban League, Advisory Board for Sports Commission, ber, Board of Directors, Clearwater Bar Association; member Advisory Board, Boy Scouts Gulfstream Council, Northern Palm Florida Bar Association, and Bar Association of U.S. District Court Beaches Chamber of Commerce, and Fellowship of Christians and for Middle District of Florida; elected to Florida Sheriffs Associa- tion's Jews; Kiwanis International; Society of Former FBI Special Agents, Board of Directors; Chairman, Sheriffs Association's Legisla- and Foundation for Florida's Future. tive Committee; Vice President, FSA, 1996; President, FSA, 1997.

PASCO COUNTY POLK COUNTY Dade City Bartow Sheri8'Lee H. Cannon (D) SheriffLawrence W. Crow, Jr. (R) Born Parrish, FL, October 20, 1945 Education public schools of Land Born Glen Dale, WV, July 29, 1942 Edu- O'Lakes and Dade City; St. Petersburg cation public schools, Lakeland, Flori- Junior College, AA Degree; University of da; received Associate Degree in Police Tampa, BS Degree in Criminology; Nova Science, Polk Community College, Southeastern University, JD Degree; 1973; BS Degree, Police Administra- Tampa Police Academy; Drug Enforcement Academy, Washington, tion, Rollins College, 1975 Wife Wanda Children Two Church D.C.; numerous law enforcement and administration courses Wife Assemblies of God Career Lakeland PD in 1962 as a cadet; grad- Jeane Children Two Church Baptist Career Tampa PD, approxi- uated from FBI National Academy, 1979; attended IACP training mately 12 years, Det./Sgt. in vice/narcotics, and criminal intelli- schools; appointed Lakeland Police Chief, 1980; appointed Sherif gence, Selective Enforcement Unit, Sgt. uniform patrol; Pinellas of Polk County, 1987; elected Sherif in 1988, re-elected 1992 and County S.O. uniform patrol; Assistant State Attorney; Chief Legal 1996Military U.S. Navy, 1960-62 Honors chosen outstanding Counsel, Pasco County S.O.; private practice; elected Sheriff in alumnus of Polk Community College in 1984; appointed by the 1992, re-elected 1996 Military U.S. Navy, 1962-66 Honors and Governor to serve on Florida's Criminal Justice Informational Sys- Affiliations David Fairbanks Memorial Award for specialized tems Council. police services; Pasco, West Pasco and Florida Bar Associations; admitted to bar U.S. Middle District of Florida, U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit, and U.S. Supreme Court; President,

THE SHERIFF'S STAR A JANUARY I FEBRUARY I 998 43 PUTNAMCOUNTY ST. LUCIE COUNTY Palatka Ft. Pierce Sheri6'Taylor Douglas (D) Sheriff R. C. "Bobby" Knowles (R) Born Daytona Beach, FL, January 18, 1952 Education public schools of Born Fort Pierce, FL, November 14, Palatka, FL; St. Johns River Community 1940 Education Fort Pierce public College, AA Degree; University of Flori- schools; Indian River Community Col- da, BA Degree in Political Science with lege, AS Degree, Criminal Justice; Flori- a minor in Criminology; graduate of da Atlantic University, BA Degree, Crimi- FBI National Academy Wife Marsha Children Two Church Baptist nal Justice; graduate, Police Academy, also Zonn Institute of Poly- Uniform Patrol 05- Career 20 years with Putnam County S.O. as graph and DEA drug training school Church Presbyterian Career re-elected cer, Detective and Chief Deputy; elected Sheriff in 1988, 1959-61,U.S. Marine Corps, Military Policeman; 1967-1984,Crim- 1992, ran unopposed 1996 Honors and Affiliations member, inal Investigator, State Attorney's 05ce; (Commander of Drug Task Kiwanis Club (Past President), Jaycees (Past President), Masonic Force); elected Sheriff, 1984, 1988, 1992 and 1996Military Flori- Lodge ¹34,Outstanding Law Enforcement Officer, 1978, 1983; da National Guard, 1956-1958; U.S. Marine Corps, 1958-1966, Outstanding Young Man of the Year in Putnam County, 1986; Civic Combat Action Ribbon, Presidential Unit Citation, Vietnamese Cross Betterment Award from Elks Lodge; Putnam County Salvation Army of Gallantry, Vietnam Campaign Medal and Service Medal; U.S. (Chairman); Putnam County Alcohol and Drug Council (Direc- Marine Corps Reserve, 1971-73; U.S. Army Reserve, 1973 - 1992, and tor); elected to Sheriffs Association's Board of Directors, 1992 retired; received Army commendation for heroism, Cuban Resettle- 1994; Past Chairman, Law Enforcement Academy Advisory Council ment Program, 1981; "Advisor" to the Panamanian Police Force, for the St. Augustine Voc-Tec Center; Criminal Justice Standards 5 1990 Honors Past President, Florida Prosecutors Investigators Training Commission; Board of Directors for United Way and Association; President of Treasure Coast Chiefs' and Sheriffs Associ- American Cancer Society; serves on local Juvenile Justice Council. ation, 1989;District Chairman, Boy Scouts of America, 1989;Chair- man, Sheriffs Association's Board of Directors, 1990; Vice Presi- ST.JOHNS COUNTY dent, 1991; President, 1992; Police Executive Research Forum Vice Chairman, FSA State Task Force, 1990; Senate Drug St. Augustine member; Policy Advisory Committee, 1990; Task Force Criminal Justice Sheri8' Neil Perry (R) Training Program Improvement Grant, Phase III, 1990; St. Lucie Distinguished Alumni Award, Indian River Community College, Born St. Augustine, FL, May 19, 1945 1989; Distinguished Leadership Award from FSA, 1993;Governor' s Education BA Degree Nova Southeast- Task Force on Tourist Safety, 1993; Mason/FAAM Cornerstone ern University Wife Syd Children Four Lodge 386; Port St. Lucie Sons of Italy; Port St. Lucie Elks; FSA Leg- Church Presbyterian Career 29 years islative Committee, 1997; FSA Statewide Task Force, 1997. experience in law enforcement, includ- Reserve 05cer, St. Augustine PD, ing; SANTA ROSA 1968-74; Patrol Deputy and Detective, St. Johns County S.O., 1974- 84; graduate, FBI National Academy; graduate, Florida Criminal Jus- COUNTY tice Executive Institute; graduate, U.S. Army Command and General Milton re-elected 1988, 1992 and 1996 Staff College; elected Sheriff, 1984, Sheriff Jerry D. Brown (R) Military Florida National Guard, 1962 to present, currently Colonel Honors Army Commendation Medal, Army Achievement Medal; Mer- Born McDavid, FL, October 9, 1946 itorious Service Medal; Florida Commendation Medal; Outstanding Education Ernest Ward High School, Young Law Enforcement Oflicer, 1979,Jaycees; Lifetime Public Ser- Walnut Hill, FL; Pensacola Junior Col- vice Award, 1989, Democratic Woman's Club; Distinguished Service lege, AS Degree; Troy State University, Sheriffs Association; Past Chairman, Florida Sheriffs Award from BS Degree; Executive Development Youth Ranches, Inc. Past President, Kiwanis Club; Past Chairman, ; Seminar for Police Chiefs; Southeastern Law Enforcement Execu- Florida Sheriffs Association; Past Chairman, Commission on Florida tive Development Seminar (FBI); Executive Development Course, Law Enforcement Accreditation; Chairman, Florida Criminal Justice University of West Florida Wife Darlene Children Three Church Executive Institute; Chairman, Northeast Florida Investigative Support Baptist Career Deputy, Santa Rosa County S.O., 1970-72; Patrol- Center; Vice President, Florida Sheriffs Association, 1997. man to Captain, 1972-85, Gulf Breeze Chief of Police, 1985-92;

44 THE SHERIFF'S STAR A JANUARY / FEBRUARY 1998 elected Sherilf, 1992 and 1996Military U, S. Army 1965-68; Viet- Award from Florida Council on Crime and Delinquency; Service to nam, 1966-67; National Defense Service Medal; Vietnam Service Mankind Award from Sertoma Professional Affiliations Treasur- Medal with two Bronze Stars; Vietnam Campaign Medal Honors er, FSA, 1997;Vice Chairman, FSA Board of Directors, 1995;Chair- and Affiliations past Master Masonic Lodge, 32nd degree, Scot- man, FSA Board of Directors, 1996; Board of Managers, Florida tish and York Rite; past President, First Judicial Circuit Police Sheriff's Self Insurance Fund; National Sherif'f's Association Board Chiefs Association, 1986-87; Florida Police Chiefs Association, of Directors; Central Florida Criminal Justice Association; Semi- Board of Directors, 1987-91; Outstanding Law Enforcement Pro- nole County Community College, Law Enforcement Advisory Com- fessional Award, 1990; First Judicial Circuit Law Enforcement mittee; member, Florida Jail Standards Committee; Vice Chairman, Association, Past President 1993-94; elected to FSA Board of Florida D.A.R.E. Board of Directors. Directors, 1997. SUMTER COUNTY SARASOTA COUNTY Bushnell Sarasota Sheri6'William 0. "Bill" Sheriff Geoffrey Monge (R) Farmer, Jr. (D)

Born Sterling, April 1945 Educa- IL, 2, Born Leesburg, FL, June 17, 1947 Edu- Bachelor's Sociology, tion Degree, cation public schools, Sumter County; Master' s Washington University; Lake Sumter Community College; St. Leo graduated Degree, Criminology, FSU; College, AA in Criminal Justice, BA Cum Pat from FBI National Academy Wife Laude, Criminology; National Sheriffs' Children Two Church Methodist Career eight and a half years Insntute Executive Development Program, Florida Criminal Justice with FDLE; Sarasota County S.O. as Detective , 1977, Captain; Executive Institute; numerous Law Enforcement courses and semi- Director of Police Services, Chief and advanced to Deputy nars Wife Linda ChiMren Three Church Church of God Career FBI Sherilf; elected Sheriif in 1984, and (appointed) 1988, 1992 1996 Washington, DC, one and a half years; Division of Corrections, three Honors Charter President, Sarasota County Criminal Justice Coun- years; Patrolman, Webster Police Dept. , two years; Patrolman, Wild- cil, 1979; President, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, 1982-83; Executive wood Police Dept. , two years; Patrolman, Criminal Investigator, Chief Director, Sarasota County Police Athletic League; President, Rotary Deputy, Sumter County SherifFs 05ce, 22 years; elected Sheriff 1996 Club, 1986/87; 16-gallon blood donor; Medical Examiner's Com- Military U.S. Army 1966-1968Honors and Affiliations Graduated mission, 1987-1997; Florida DARE Board of Directors, 1993- Delta Epsilon Sigma National Scholastic Honor Society; Cum Laude, elected to Florida Sheriffs Association's Board of Directors, 1996; St. Leo College; Lake Sumter Community College Crimmal Justice Treasurer, Secretary, Vice President, 1989; 1993; 1994; 1995; Advisory Committee; Withlacoochee Regional Planning Council President, appointed to Governing Board, Florida Sherif'fs' 1996; Emergency Planning Committee; Region VI Criminal Justice Stan- Vice-Chairman Youth Ranches Youth Ranches, Inc. , 1989; Board, dards and Training Council; Florida Homicide Investigator's Associ- and Chairman, and 1990 1991; 1992 1993. ation; International Homicide Investigator's Association; Florida Division of International Association for Identification; International SEMINOLE COUNTY Association for Idendfication; Past President and Director, Sumter Sanford Fair Association; Past President, Sumter Gideon Camp; South Sumter 4H Livestock Club; South Sumter FFA Sheri6'Donald F. Eslinger (R) Alumnus; County School Dis- trict Vocational Advisory Committee; Church Music Director and Director of Christian Education. Born Detroit, MI, July 13, 1957Educa- tion public schools in Warren, MI; attended Macomb County (MI) Com- SUWANNEE COUNTY munity College; Seminole Community Live Oak College, Sanford, FL; FBI National Sheri8' Alton K. "Al" Academy Wife Mary Children Two Williams, Jr. (D) Church Catholic Career Advanced to Major during 12 years with

the Seminole County S.O. ; appointed Sherwin 1990for a two-year Born Live Oak, FL, March 15, 1943 term; elected 1992 and 1996Honors Outstanding Performance of Education public schools, Suwannee Duty Award from Kiwanis Club of Central Florida; Military Order of County; North Florida Junior College, the Purple Heart for meritorious and conspicuous service; Law Madison, FL, AA Degree; 25th Recruit Omcer of the Year Award, 1984, from 40 et 8; Public Safety Officer School FHP Academy, 1964; 96th Session, FBI National Academy, of the Year, from Chamber of Commerce; Distinguished Service 1974 Wife Diane Children Five Church Church of Christ Career

THE SHERIFF'S STAR 4 JANUARY I FEBRUARY I 998 45 FHP Trooper, 1964-1965;Deputy Sheriff, Investigator, Uniformed VOLUSIA COUNTY Brevard County Sheriff's Office, 1965-1968; Deputy Sergeant, DeLand Sheriff, Suwannee County Sheriff's 05ice, 1968-1975;Investigator, Sheriff' Bob Vogel (R*) Coordinator Drug Task Force and Aircraft Pilot, State Attorney's 05ce Third Judicial Circuit, 1975-1996;Criminal Justice Instruc- 'Election is non-partisan in this county. tor; elected Sheriff 1996Honors andA+iliations Community Ser- ,t vice Award, Junior Woman's Club, 1980-1981;Citation of Appre- Born Pittsburgh, PA, January 29, 1947 ciation for Law Enforcement Officer of the Year Competition, Education Avonworth High School Department of Florida American Legion, 1982-1983;Outstanding (PA); Daytona Beach Community Col- Officer for State Attorney Office, 1984; Past Master, Hayward lege; University of Central Florida, BA Col- Lodge, 445 F8u6I; Past District Deputy Grand Master, 7th Mason- Degree in Criminal Justice; Rollins ic District of Florida; Suwannee County Take Stock in Children lege, Criminal Justice subjects Wife Jean-Marta Children One Partnership Committee, 1997-1998. Church Catholic Career 15 years, Florida Highway Patrol Trooper; investigator for the State Attorney; elected Sheriff, 1988, 1992 and TAYLOR COUNTY 1996Military three years, U.S. Marine Corps; Vietnam combat duty, 13 months Honors Chosen Law Enforcement 05cer of the Perry Year by Martin Marietta, Sea World, Burger King, Rotary, Kiwanis, Sheriff L.K. "Bummy" Lions, Florida Council of Crime and Delinquency, and Elks; hon- Williams (D) ored for excellence by Governor and Cabinet, Federal Drug Enforcement Administration, Civic League, Knights of Columbus, Born Perry, FL, June 28, 1945 Educa- Citizens' Alert, VFW Posts and Kiwanis; FSA Board of Directors, tion public schools, Taylor County; 1996 through present. North Florida Community College, Madison, FL, AA Degree; Lively Vo-Tech, WAKULLA COUNTY Tallahassee Community College and Valencia Community College, Cravfordville Orlando, Law Enforcement Education and Certification Wife June Sheri8' David F. Harvey Children One Church Baptist Career Jailer and Dispatcher, Taylor (D) County Sheriffs 05ce, 1968; Deputy, Sergeant, Lieutenant, Chief Born Tallahassee, FL, November 27, Deputy, Taylor County Sheriff's Office, 1969-1980; Investigator, 1949 Education public schools of State Attorney's 05ce, 1980-1996;elected Sheriff 1996 Military Wakulla County; AA Degree, Chipola U.S. Army, 1965-1967Honors National Defense Service Medal; Junior College, Marianna; BS Degree in Vietnam Campaign Medal; Vietnam Service Medal 2 0/S Bars. Criminology, FSU; graduate credits, Uni- versity of Virginia Wife Rhonda Chil- UNION COUNTY dren One Church Baptist Career Florida Parole Commission, four Lake Butler years; elected Sheriff in 1976, 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992 and 1996; Sheriff Jerry Whitehead (D) graduated from National Sheris' Institute, FBI National Academy, National Institute of Corrections, Police Executive Institute, Chief Seminar Honors Master Mason, Scottish Rite Bodies, Born Lake City, FL, September 27, 1953 Executive Sheriffs Associa- Education Union County High School; 32nd Degree; Marzuq Temple; Chairman, Florida tion's President, Board of Lake City Community College; Police Legislative Committee, 1981; 1984; Standards Training; FDLE Executive Directors, 1989-92; Region III Police Standards Training Advisory Vice Chair- Institute, Budget Preparation, Disaster Council; Florida Council on Criminal Justice, 1979-82, Preparedness; Florida State University, man; selected Outstanding Law Enforcement 05cer for 1980 by Chair- Vicarious Liability Training; FBI National Academy, 1991 Wife Optimists; Outstanding Young Men of America by Jaycees; Florida Sheriffs Self-Insurance Fund; Tammy Children Three Church Christian Career elected Sheriff in man, Board of Managers, 1984, 1988, 1992, ran unopposed 1996Honors member, Florida President, Apalachee Human Services, 1987-89; President, Wakul- Wakulla Juvenile Council on Crime and Delinquency; Past President, Union County la Shrine Club, 1990-1991;Chairman, County Parents' Association and Rotary; Secretary, Florida Sheriffs Associ- Justice Council, 1993-95; 1995 Board Member, Tallahassee Governor Chiles to Florida Correc- ation, 1987-88; Treasurer, 1989; Vice President, 1990; President, Marine Institute; appointed by Founda- 1991;Distinguished Service Award from Florida Council on Crime tions Commission; Board of Trustees, Big Bend Hospice and Delinquency, 1988-89; appointed to Criminal Justice Stan- tion; Chairman, Wakulla United Way, 1997. dards and Training Commission, 1993;re-appointed, 1997.

46 THE SHERIFF'S STAR 6 JANUARY / FEBRUARY 1998 WALTON COUNTY DeFuniaiff SPrings ', Sherl8'Quinn McMillian A (D) Iliiec , „ Born DeFuniak Springs, FL, August 15, 1940 Education Walton High School, IJjw ENFORC DeFuniak Springs 1Vife Rebecca Chil- dren Two Church Baptist Career Wal- ton County S.O. , Deputy and Investiga- f GEMIIS, "= tor, five years; graduate of Police Stan- ~ 4 dards Training, Evidence Technology, Homicide Investigation, Breathalyzer Schools; attended courses in Executive and Civil Lia- Q bility, Time Management, Personnel, Psychological Interrogative fl,off Techniques, and Investigative Hypnosis; attended National Con- ference on Violence at FDLE; also Organized Crime Institute; f elected Sheriff, 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992 and 1996 Military U.S.

;;:, =. Army, 1963-65. ., ~'T~4:. ;;. ~la Orlando Station Agent-in- ' 1215 W. Fairbanks Orlando, 32804 , MiAMIFIELD ", (407) 644-6204 WASHINGTON DIVISIDM Stephen R. McDonald Patncia COUNTY Galupo. , Patrol Agent-in-Charge Speal Agent-i&Charge Tampa Station Chiptey 8225 Nyff 87th Ava. 1S218 Sahlman Dr. , Sttite . . G~'8. Sheriff Fred Peel , 300. ~9fson Tampa, 33605 (D) 'Jt(ltdni, 33178 (gg (813) 228 2160 ,~~)887~ West:Palm ~' "", ,'f - Arthur F. Bullock Born Marianna, FL, December 14, , SAC's !Mer R~~n Psftroi Agent-in-Charge 1946 Education Chipley High School; West Palm Beach on) (Vacant) Staffon University of Florida, BS-Agriculture; (58g 885-887'8 . „:4EcMLK; Jr, Blvd. , , ID'E8 , ,.tlp0m 'l18 University of West Florida, MS-Biology; Organiked C48le "Wgtfik' Beach, 38404 graduate, FBI National Academy; gradu- .'Qti. tk(8!tt(81 Force (OCDETF) Sheriff's ' ate, National Institute; National Institute of Corrections; Group Supsviapr , 4'~,"~lee Joseph Benites Certified Instructor, Criminal Justice Standards and Training Wife (305) 71MOfg ~'~IDA Vickey Children Four Church Presbyterian Career Elected Sheriff ',";,. ;„"., , Pttefto Rico Field Oflice and re-elected r"v s. 1976, 1980, 1984, 1988 1996; Inspector General, quent Agent-in- StdwtffvTQ, ', , fb &, Florida Parole Commission; Military Florida National Guard, , ''li'ti)ttai98" '' ., Martinez Major Retired; U.S. Army Rangers Honors and Affiliations Pres- 4)734 2203 M, tj@, ident, Florida Sheriff's Association 1985; Chairman, Board of Tainptt, ~7 Directors, FSA, 1981;Washington County Law Enforcement Officer (813)348'.,1881, of the Year; Appointed by Governor to State Medical Examiners Bradiiy K)tuttsr' Assistant Commission, 1981-1987;Past President, Chipley Kiwanis Club. SBetdtd Agent-lived)targe

Lawrence Mtffftearns' 'i,".. ;:;::, Assistant Special f'I Agent. in Charge Florida Is s good risk ', What is the cost of liability for today's dg)futies? John Hunt, Jr„whci Loseda' sheriffs self Insurance Fund said recently that it each deputy ran inkf gartr! tant Special " ' could incident, in multiplied 245 day' work bs sn one day, by days (ffve , , in-charge :f, ;~. Sheriffs offices would have an estimated 19.9 million potential Iaweulm ftn~;, '. state's insurance claims are relatively low. only about 400 of those incidents ac&fat/~I:. 't 'atklress &

mto dsims, and of those 20 to 25 turn into larger and more serious daims. He credffs ,p:I)bove ) ~ement of the individual sheriffs offices, and says, "These facts towled over'your'fsff' I,;;,,', „~,, ad)usters,

Curb Crime I', '~ sr ; '~'Ifskeep youths off the streets and at home is a growing option for ti.s. cities T;,gtkns. and truancy snd encourage parental discipline, a new survey finds. IO a recent survey, 276 hsd a nighttime curfew. Officials in 90 per. '+':a ourhw agreed that enforcing the ordinance was a good use of a

THE SHERIFFss STAR A JANUARY / FEBRUARY 1998 47 ~ ~ ~ Jackie Olivier, Suite 231, Stop 91 Supervisor Ft. Lauderdale, 33 51 Bureau of P. O. Box 1389 Immigration Inspector (954) 572-6200 David Warren (*Same address as Peter B. Culver Federal West Palm Beach, 4 E. Port Road Resident Agent-in- above. ) Resident Agent-in- Investigation 33402 Room 410 Carol Rusche Charge Charge 833-7517 Riviera Beach, 33404 300 Lock Road 6324 Corporate Court, Cecilia Plicet, Director 4077 Woodcock Dr. JACKSONVILLE (561) 845-6898 Stop 912 SW Area Intelligence Unit Suite 210 DIVISION (561) TAMPA DIVISION Deerfield Beach, Ft. Myers, 33919 909 S.E. First Avenue Jacksonville, 32207 Revenue 33442 433-7773 Suite 636 (904) 232-3566 Thomas J. Murphy Internal (941) (954) 420-4950 Brickell Plaza Bldg. Special Agent-in- Albert R. Robinson Service Edward Charge Special Agent-in- Ted R. Hill Miami, 33131 Hershey Charge Criminal Lloyd Day Resident Agent-in- (305) 536-4467 Resident Agent-in- 7820 Arlington 500 Zack St. Investigation 300 Lock Road, Sto Charge Charge Expressway, , International Suite 200 Suite 610 Division 913 5209 W. Highway 98 William Biossat 300 Pkwy. Jacksonville, 32211 Tampa, 33602 i Deerfield Beach, Panama City, 32401 Resident Agent-in- Suite 424 JACKSONVILLE 33442 763-8418 Charge Heathrow, 32746 (904) 721-1211 (813) 273-4566 (850) (954) 420-4921 299 E. Broward Blvd. (407) 333-7000 DISTRICT I RESIDENT Thomas J. Frasca Ft. Lauderdale, 33301 RESIDENT Ross C. Lawson, Chief i Allen Demeter Agent-in- (954) 356-7383, Edward Magno AGENCIES AGENCIES Resident 1700 Palm Beach Cromwell A. Handy, I Charge ext. 124 Resident Agent-in. Blvd. 6767 N. Wickham Rd. Branch Chief Lakes Blvd. 325 John Knox Rd. Charge 44 Seabreeze , , Suite 310 400 W. Bay St., Stop 914 Suite C-100 Vincent Iglio 12730 New Brittany Suite 300 Melbourne, 32940 Suite 35045 West Palm Beach, Tallahassee, 32303 Resident Agent-in- Blvd. Daytona Beach, 32118 252-0463 (407) 752-6021 Jacksonville, 32202 33401 (850) 942-8802 Charge Suite 501 (904) (904) 232-2963 (561) 616-2120 100 S. Dixie Hwy. , Ft. Myers, 33907 Racetrack 2000 Main St. Joe Henderson Room 300 (941) 275-3662 99 NW , Suite 800 GROUP MANAGERS Joe Bruno Resident Agent-in- West Palm Beach, Road, Suite 303 Ft. Walton Beach, Ft. Myers, 33901 2891 Center Potnte Dr. Charge 33401 Dav&d Cifum 337-7171 (Vacant) Stop 915 7566 Southland Blvd. (407) 659-4606 Resident Agent-in- 32547 (941) 862-1722 6800 Southpoint Pkwy. Ft. Myers, 33916 Suite 103 Charge (850) 402 S. Kentucky Ave. Suite 800 (941) 936-1968 Orlando, 32809 Thomas Howe Marine Trade Center 620 Jacksonville, 3221 6 648-6847 Resident Agent-in- Suite 215 235 S. Main St., Suite (407) BRANCHII Charge 5323 W. Hwy. 98 Suite 204 Lakeland, 33801 (904) 279-1632 32601 (941 682-6114 Carlos Woody, Branch Dennis Johnson P.O. Box 393 Panama City, 32401 Gainesville, ) David D. Leoce Chief Resident Agent-in- Tavernier, 33070 (850) 769-3407 (352) 372-0850 1 N. University Dr. 500 Winderly Place 850 Trafalgar Ct. , Charge (305) 664-2955, Maitland, 32751 2nd Floor, Suite 200 Suite B 340 Stop 920 Pioneer Road ext. 17 Gerald Hochman 207 NW 2nd St., 163 ' Suite 341 (407) 875-9976 Orlando, 32751 Plantation 33324 Merritt Island, 32953 Assistant Special Ocala, 34475 (407) 660-5842 (954) 423-7286 (407) 452-3700 Steven J. Mocsary Agent-in-Charge Resident Agent-in- Ft. Lauderdale District (352) 732-7563 601 Cleveland St. Suite 400 Paul T. Serletti GROUP MANAGERS James White, Charge Office ~ Clearwater, 34615 850 Trafalgar Ct. , Sandra Carter 1111 12th SL, Crown Center Bldg. 5 5323 W. Hwy. 98, , Manager 51 SW 1st Ave. Room 496 1475 W. Cypress Suite 221 (813)461-7055 2nd Floor, Suite 200 1 South A Street ', 32401 Orlando, 32751 Stop 921 Room Key West, 33040 Creek Rd. Panama City, 103 Miami, 33130 785-8751 1800 Second St., E. (407) 660-5839 Pensacola, 32501- (305) 294-5289 Ft. Lauderdale, 33309 (850) ~ Suite (305) 982-5270 5551 (954) 489-1995 930 Thornton Alan Westerman One Pensacola Plaza, Sarasota, 34236 Robert L. 434-6648 ' (850) Roger Edwards Resident Agent. in- Edward H. Fields Suite 210 (941) 955-3325 2203 N. Lois Ave. , 32501 Rm. 308 51 S.W. 1st Ave. Ron Branch Charge Resident Agent-in- Pensacola, 432-3476 3001 N. Tamiami Tr Tampa, 33607-2356 Room 920, Stop 922 Resident Agent-in- 505 S. 2nd St., Charge (850) Miami, 33130 Room 100 95360 Overseas Hwy. Suite 204 (813) 348-1850 Charge 536-5361 Suite 6 227 N. Bronough, Naples, 34103 (305) 111 S. Orange Ave. , Ft. Pierce, 34950 (407) 461-1293 P. O. Box 2930 Suite 6300 (941) 263-8225 (Vacant) ¹108 Jeffrey Karsh Key Largo, 33037 Tallahassee, 32301 125 W. Romana St., Sarasota, FL 34236 ' Immigration & Suite 300 51 S.W. 1stAve. 953-2920 Drug Enforcement (305) 852-7874 (850) 224-4107 ( (813) ' Room 920, Stop 923 Administration Naturalization Pensacola, 32501- Service 5857 i Miami, 33130 John Warr David J. Michael MIAMI DIVISION 432-5075 i (305) 536-5840 Resident Agent-in- MIAMI FIELD Resident Agent-in- (850) M. Pesquera Robert Wallis Charge DIVISION Charge Hector I Mike McDonald Main Special Agent-in- District Director Karen Drennon 2975 S. Horsehow Dr. , 235 S. St. 9450 Blvd. I Kroger Center ¹200 William J. Mitchell Suite 202 Charge 7880 Biscayne Blvd. Koger NW 2nd Ave. Miami, 33138 St. Petersburg, 33702 8245 N.W. 53rd St. Naples, 34104 Special Agent-in- Gainesville, 32601 16320 570-5548 Stop 924 643-4554 Charge (352) 371-2077 N. Miami Beach, 33169 (305) 762-3405 (813) (941) Miami 33166 8400 NW 53rd St. (305) 944-9101 John M. Bulger SOUTH FLORIDA (305) 597-2081 SOUTH FLORIDA Miami, 33166 Harold O. Borah District Director DISTRICT AREA (305) 590-4851 Resident Agent-in- RESIDENT Deputy Rene Munoz Charge AGENCIES 7880 Biscayne Blvd. S. Miami, 33138 Jerry Bandy, Chief Kroger Center Raphael G. Lopez Robert Michelotti 3384 Capital Circle, NE 762-3305 1 N. University Dr. 8245 N.W. 53rd St. Special Agent-in- Assistant Special Tallahassee, 32308 505 S. 2nd Street (305) Suite B-340, Stop 900 Stop 925 Charge/Miami Agent-in-Charge (850) 942-8417 Suite 300 Miami, 33166 34950 James Minton Plantation 33324 , 8075 N.W. 53rd St. 4950 W. Kennedy Ft. Pierce, 461-6142 Officer-in-Charge (954) 423-7280 (305) 597-1989 Miami, 33166 Blvd. Douglas Lamplugh (561) 597-6030 Suite 400 Resident Agent-in- 5509 Gray St., (305) Postal Inspectors BRANCHI , Tampa, 33609 Charge 881 N. Krome Ave. , Suite 113 * Ferris, Branch C. C. Sauvage, Jr. (813) 228-1035 125 W. Romana Street ¹206 Tampa, 33609 Tony 288-1230 Chief J J Slavinski Associate Special Suite 330 Homestead, 33030 (813) Postal Inspector Robert Mangiamele Pensacola, 32501 (305) 248-8677 1 N. University Dr. Agent-in-Charge in-Charge 597-6033 Resident Agent-in- (850) 469-9060 David A. Angotti Suite B-340, Stop 910 (305) P. O. Box 22526 Charge 301 Simonton Street Officer-in-Charge Plantation, 33324 Federal Bldg. 423-7283 Tampa, 33622-2526 (Vacant)* 1818 Austrialian Ave. Room 214 , (954) Room (813) 281-5200 Associate Special Suite 300 Key West, 33040 G18 W. St. GROUP MANAGERS Agent-in-Charge West Palm Beach, (305) 296-3093 400 Bay Jacksonville, 32202 Al Monica (305) 597-6032 33409-6447 (561) 684-8000 (904) 232-3149 7771 W. Oakland Park Blvd.

48 THE SHERIFF'S STAR 4 JANUARY / FEBRUARY 1998 R. B. Cesa (305) 536-4471 Glenn Davis* Room 150C Assistant Inspector- Supervisor-Operations Ft. Lauderdale, 33301 in-Charge Ft. Lauderdale Office (813) 225-7456 (954) 356-7256 P. 0. Box 22526 299 E. Broward Blvd. Tampa, 33622-2526 7th Floor Louis Stefanelli* West Palm Beach (813) 281-5238 Ft. Lauderdale, 33301 Supervisor-Warrants Division J. Lamar Kent, R. Jeffery Canady, (954) 356-7254 (813) 228-2013 Edward Stubbs Agriculture & Consumer Law Enforcement Law Enforcement S. W. McClelland, Supervisor Services, Department Sergeant Sergeant Inspector Ft. Pierce Office Edward Hurley, Jr. 701 Clematis Street of Uniformed Operations Uniformed Operations P. 0. Box 620124 505 S. Second St. Assistant Chief Deputy Room 215 Donald L. Steverson Trenton, 32693 Sanderson, 32 87 Orlando, 32862-0124 Suite 200 Jacksonville, 32201 West Palm Beach, Director (352) 463-3133 (904) 259-7357 (407) 850-6399 Ft. Pierce, 34950 (904) 232-1480 33402 (561) 466-0899 (561) 655-1827 Office of Agricultural Law Enforcement David Layton, Alcoholic Mark Grey Reginald Smith Tennessee Law Enforcement Beverages Postal Inspector- West Palm Beach Supervisor-Operations Key West Division 545 E. St. I Sergeant and Tobacco, in-Charge Offic Jacksonville, 32201 Marshall Harris Tallahassee, 32308 (904) 232-2293 Deputy-in-Charge (850) 922-6507 Uniformed Operations Division of 3400 Lakeside Dr. I 500 Australian Ave. , White Springs, 32096 6th Floor 4th Floor 301 Simonton Street John O'Brien*, (904) 397-2295 Richard A Boyd Miramar, 33027-3242 West Palm Beach, Robert Pastula Room 215 Law Enforcement Director (954) 436-7200 33401 Supervisor-Operations Key West, 33040 F. Marshall, 725 S. Bronough St. (561) 820-8711 Ft. Myers, 33902 (305) 296-3023 Chief Dale Law Enforcement Johns Building United States (941) 337-0002 Easterling*, Sergeant Tallahassee, 323 9- Attorneys Key West Office Fort Pierce Division Tommy Uniformed 1020 301 Simonton St. Ken Hill Lloyd Allgaier Law Enforcement Operations White Springs, 32096 (850) 488-3227 NORTHERN 2nd Floor Supervisor-Operations Deputy. in-Charge Captain (904) 397-2295 DISTRICT Key West, 33040 Orlando, 32801 P. 0. Box 4312 Ross*, DISTRICTS (305) 294-7070 (407) 648-6326 Ft. Pierce, 34948 Don Law Enforcement Marty Hutchins, P. Michael Patterson (561) 467-1723 Captain Law Enforcement Tom Stout, Lt. U.S.Attorney United States (*Same address as Sergeant District 1 Suite 510 Marshals above. ) United States *(Mailing address & Uniformed Operations 4900 Bayou Blvd. 315 S. Calhoun St. Secret Service same as Live Oak, 32060 Suite 210 Ta))ahassee, 32301 NORTHERN SOUTHERN phone Director) (904) 362-4828 Pensacola, 32505 (850) 942-8430 DISTRICT DISTRICT Paul A. Hackenberry Special Agent-in- (850) 494-5970 Daniel J. Horgan Charge David R. Caldwell, J. Russell Smith, Pensacola Office ~, James W. Lockley, Jr. Law Enforcement Rick Mills, I t. U. Marshal U.S. Marshal 7820 Arlington Expy. Law Enforcement 114 E. Gregory St. ii S. Sergeant District 2 Pensacola, 32501- P. O. Box 10229 301 N. Miami Ave. Suite 500 Lieutenant

' Uniformed 2003 Apaiachee 4916 Tallahassee, 32302 Suite 205 Jacksonville, 32211 investigative Operations Live Oak, 32060 PKWY ' Operations (850) 434-3251 (850) 942-8400 Miami, 33128 (904) 724-6711 (305) 536-5346 Brooksville, 34601 (904) 362-4828 Suite 175 754-6753 Tallahassee, 32301 Gainesville Office Ronald J. Wierenga, J. Douglas Davis, Asst. (352) * James A. fassone Special Agent-in- Jack Keith Hudson, (850) 488-4271 104 N. Main St., Sr. A. Denny Chisholm Law Enforcement 4th Floor Chief Deputy Marshal Chief Deputy Charge Law Enforcement Sergeant Cynthia Sellers- First Union Bank Bldg. (850) 942-8400 (305) 536-5346 7820 Arlington Expy. Lieutenant Uniformed Operations Sampson, Capt. Gainesville, 32601 Suite 500 i Investigative White Springs, 32096 District 3 Harry Layne* A. Ralph Zurita Jacksonville, 32211 352) 378-0996 ~ 397-2295 7960 Arlington Supervisory Deputy Assistant Chief Deputy I (904) 724-6711 Operations (904) ~ Winter Haven, 33881 Expressway MIDDLE DISTRICT Marshal (305) 536-5346 ' W. Carl Coates, Suite 600 (Investigations) Eric Johnson (941) 291-5207 Law Enforcement Jacksonville, 32211 Charles R. Wilson (850) 942-8400 John Hackman I Resident Agent-in- Womack Sergeant (904) 727-5550 U.S.Attorney Supervisor-Asset Charge Ray Law Enforcement Uniformed Operations Robert Timberlake Ralph Burnside* Seizure 135 W. Central Blvd. Lieutenant White Springs, 32096 Brad Nelson, Lt. Bldg. Supervisory Deputy (305) 536-7575 Suite 670 Investigative (904) 397-2295 District 4 Suite 400, 500 Zack Marshal Orlando, 32801 300 Parkview Place, St. (Operations) Fred DePompa (407) 648-6333 Operations Tallahassee, 32308 Timothy Rutherford, Suite 1 Tampa, 33602 (850) 942-8400 Supervisor. Court 922-6507 Law Enforcement Lakeland, 33805 13) 274-6000 Support Jack E. Kippenberger (850) ( Sergeant (941) 499-2280 Larry Riffe (305) 536-5904 Special Agent-in- J. Pittman, Untformed Operations J cksonville Office Supervisory Deputy Charge Roger Law Enforcement Live Oak, 32060 Tom Ewing, Capt. SunBank Bldg. Marshal Darrell Williams 8375 N.W. 53rd St. , 362-4828 District 5 Suite 700 P. 0. Box 1150 Supervisor-Court Suite 201 Captain (904) Uniformed Operations 400 W. Robinson St. 200 W. Forsyth St. Pensacola, 32501 Security Miami, 33166 536-5346 591-3660 Old Town, 32680 David Calhoun, Room 709 J cksonville, 32202 ', (850) 469-8270 (305) (305) (352) 463-3130 Law Enforcement Hurston Bldg. , N. (904) 232-2682 Tower (*Same address as Edward Purchase Donald J. Balberchak Sergeant Orlando, Supervisor-Cell Block Resident Agent-in- C. Eddie Edwards, Jr. , Uniformed Operations 32801 0 lando Office above. ) Law Enforcement Hilliard, 32046 (407) 423-6973 201 Federal Bldg. (305) 536.5916 Charge Lieutenant (904) 845-2400 80 N. Hughey Ave. MIDDLE 505 S. Flagler Dr. , Uniformed Operations Bruce Ashley, Capt. Orlando, 32801 DISTRICT Lorenzo Menendez Suite 800 Yulee, 32097 W. Craig Roberts, District 6 (407) 648-7500 Supervisor-Warrants West Palm Beach, Law Enforcement Park Trammel Bldg. Don Moreland (305) 536-4628 33401 (904) 225-5839 Sergeant 1313Tampa St. Ft. Myers Office U.S. Marshal (561) 659-0184 Harold Uniformed Operations Suite 702 Barnett Centre 611 N. Florida Ave. Robert Broadus Barry, , Law Yulee, 32097 Tampa, 33602 Su te 701 Tampa, 33602 SupervIsor James W. Zlotto Enforcement Lieutenant (904) 225-5839 (813) 272-2610 20 0 Main Street (813) 228-2732 (305) 536-5346 Special Agent-in- Uniformed Operations Ft. Myers, 33901 Charge Lake 32025 Jeffery S. Floyd, Al Nienhuis, Capt. (941 337-7700 Larry T. Cooper' Hunter A. Pierce 501 E. Polk St., City, ) 758-5734 Law Enforcement Distr lot 7 Chief Deputy Administrative Officer Room 1101 (904) Sergeant 4100 Center Point SOUTHERN I (813) 228-2852 (305) 536-5346 Tampa, 33602 Uniformed Operations Drive, DISTRICT (813) 228-2636 Ronny Howard, Ft.. Lauderdale Law Enforcement Yulee, 32097 Suite 104 i David M. Jacobs* ' Sergeant (904) 225-5839 Ft. Myers, 33916 Thomas E. Scott Supervisor- Division Uniformed Operations (941) 278-7337 U.S Attorney Judicial/Civil/ Shawn Conboy Live Oak, 32060 99 N. E. 4th St. Admiralty Divisions Supervisor Broward Blvd. (904) 362-1329 Miami, 33132 I (813) 228.2610 299 E.

THE SHERIFF'S STAR JANUARY / FEBRUARY 1998 49 continue (813) 272-2565 Florida Marine , 1104HBevillRoad i Daytona Beach, 32114 Patrol and the , Richard Martell Ft. Lauderdele, Southeast Florida Florida Park Patrol. (904) 947-1707 Jorge Herrera, Maj. Ft. Pierce, 34982 } i 33301-5000 Regional Office District 8 (561) 468-3927 Capital Appeals 32399- 2-4950 Brenda Liberti, District 1 5340 W. Kennedy 8685 N.W. 53rd Tallahassee, (954) 71 Director Maj. James Blvd. Terrace R. E. Blanton, Lt, 1050 (850) 414-3300 Crystal Broughan, 111 Sapodilla Ave. McCallister Suite 110 Augusta Bldg. , District 19 Chief Assistant Suite 211 25102ndAve. , N. Tampa, 33609-2410 Suite 100 2100 S.E. 17th St., Economic Crimes/ Statewide W. Palm Beach, Jacksonville Beach, (813) 871-7201 Miami, 33166 Suite 101 Medicaid Fraud Prosecutor 33401-1885 32250 (805) 470-6783 Ocala, 34471 (561 837-5054 (904) 270-2500 3659 Maguire Blvd. (352) 732-1207 1300 Riverplace Blvd. ) Mary Leontakianakos Suite 405 Suite 151 Allen Nash, Capt. Chuck Faircloth Jacksonville, 32207 Northwest Florida District 2 Orlando, 32803 District 9 Josh Hooper, Lt. 32399- 348-2720 Regional Office I Maj. Ken Clark (407) 897-2892 5080 Cocnut Creek District 20 Tallahassee, (904) 1050 Robert Pappas, j 1275 N, E. 79th Street Pkwy, 1024 S. Florida Ave. , 400 N. Congress Ave. 414-3600 Director i Miami, 33118 Suite C Suite A (850) Comptroller, 4900 Bayou Blvd. (305) 795-2145 Suite 213 Margate, 33063-3942 Rockledge, 32955 Office of Scott Farr Suite 103 W. Palm Beach, 33401 (954) 797-8408 (407) 690-3266 Pensacola, 32503 District (561) 681-6389 Patrick Neimann Robert F. Milligan i 3

N. Lois Ave. (850) 494-7380 i Maj. Michael Long D. L Beck, Capt. Attorney General 2002 Comptroller 2796 Overseas Hwy. 201 W. Broward Blvd. Plaza I District 10 Suite 520 Tjte Capitol, Tampa, 33607 Level Corrections, Suite 100 i Room203 40(j N. Congress Robert A. Butterworth ' (813) 871-7255 Tallahassee, 32399. Department of Marathon, 33050 Ft. Lauderdale, 33301 Ave. , ¹150 Attorney General Prison Inspectors (305) 289-2320 (954) 467-4261 West Palm Beach, State of Florida 0350 Farr 488-0370 33401 The Capitol, PL-01 Scott (850) Dean Fred Schuknecht District 4 2295 Victona Ave (561) 681-6200 Tallahassee, 32399- Anthony Davis Suite 173 1050 28 W. Central Blvd. William H. Huffcut Inspector General Maj. Calvin Suite 310, Empire Assistant Comptroller 2601 Blairstone Road 5110Gandy Blvd. Ft. Myers, 33901 Donald O'Steen, Lt. (850) 487-1963 I Tallahassee, 32399- Tampa, 33611-3036 (941) 338-2327 District 11 Bldg. The Capitol, Plaza Orlando, 32801 Level 2500 (813) 272-'2516 Metro Corp. Center, Richard Doran, Deputy 32399- (850) 488-9265 11655 N W Gainesville Suite B Les Garringer, Asst. (407) 245-0833 Tallahassee, 0350 District 5 Rd. 4041 NW 37th Place Deputy 488-0370 Gary L. McLain* Maj. kent Tjtompson Bldg. 8 Gainesville, 32606 Carolyn Snurkowski, Ceca Dykas (850) Steve Kogan Chief Inspector Naval Coastai Ocala, 34482-1486 (352) 955-2020 Asst. Deputy Tower Ritacco Bureau of State Systems (352) 732-1743 Jerry Curington, Asst. Republic Steve 110 E. 6th SL Director of Financial Investigatiqns Center, Bldg. 432 John Szabo, Lt. Deputy S. Ft. Lauderdale, 33301- (850) 488-2102 I Panama City, 32407- Florida Highway Distriqt 12 Carlos McDonald, Investigations Office of the 8040 Patrol 771 Fentress Blvd. Executive Deputy 5000 712-4600 Edward Sobach* 233-515t) Suite 2F The Capitol (954) Comptroller (850) 101 E. Gaines Chief Inspector (Vacant) Daytona Beach, Tallahassee, 32399- St. Bureau of & Fire Marshal Director 32114 1050 Rocco DeLeo Tallahassee 32399- Insp. 8405 N.W. 53rd St. 0350 Intelligence (850) 488-4885 (904) 274-3451 (850) 487-1963 Suite A-200 (850) 488-5275 (850) 487-401 2 Charles Clark, Director Division of State Lt. Col. Michael Boles Joe Mato, Capt. BRANCH OFFICES Miami, 33166 513-3200 Central Florida (*Same address as Firb Marshal Deputy Director District 13 (305) South Office above. 200 E. Genes St. (850) 486-3195 2'1 89 Cleveland St. Criminal Appeals Regional ) Statewide Prosecution Director Tallahassee, 32399- Suite 266, Belcher Bob Cohen, Environmental 0340 Lt. Col. Paul B. Taylor Plaza Jim Rogers 110 SE 6th SL Ann -1400 Protection, (850) 922-3170 Deputy Director Clearwater, 34625 Tallahassee, 32399- Melanic Hines Suite Department of (850) 488-1939 (813)469-5930 1050 Statewide Prosecutor Ft. Lauderdale, Capitol, PL-01 33301-5000 Billy Smith' (850) 414-3300 The 32399- 712-4800 Division of Law Asst. Director Chief Robert M. Kirby Rodney Russ, Lt. Tallahassee, (954) Enforcement ' Divisien of State Special Operations District 14 Michael Neimand 1050 487-2807 Fire Marshal (850) 488-1435 2601 Jenks Ave. Rivergate Plaza, (850) Northeast Florida Regional Office Col. H. M. "Mickey" I (850) 922-3170 Panama City, 32405 Suite 950 Watson Cjiief Billy Dickson Beth Blechman, Chief Director I (850) 872-41 24 444 Brickell Ave. Len Loving, Salario* Investigations Asst. Statewide 1300 River Place Director j Michael Miami, 33131 j Prosecutor Blvd. Division of Law Bureau Chief i (850) 488.-6582 Craig Parson, Lt. (305) 377-5441 f Collins Bldg. Suite 640 Enforcement Bureau of Firff &Arson District 15 I ' 3900 Commonwealth Investigations Mailing address for 813 S. Ohio Ave. Bob Krauss 107 W. Gaines St. Jacksonville, 32207 32399- 390-4660 Blvd. , MS 600 (850) 922-3173 above: Live Oak, 32060 Westwood Center, Tallahassee, (904) 1050 Tallahassee, 32399- Division of Florida (904}362-2501 7th Floor 414-3700 Florida 3000 (*Same address as Highway Patrol 2002 N. Lois Ave. (850) South Office (850) 488-5600, above. Neil Kirkman Bldg. (Vacant) Tampa, 33607 Regional ) Director ext. 133 Tallahassee, 32399- District 16 (813) 873-4739 Richard Bogle, Chief Paul Brown, FIELD OFFICES 0500 1748 Independence Asst. Statewide 401 NW 2nd Ave. Lt. Col. Eric Miller Blvd. Ceiia Terenzio Prosecutor Suite N708 Suite Empire 33128-1740 Assistant Director 105 Lewis St., FIELD OPERATIONS Bldg. E, Suite 4 1655 Palm Beach 300, Miami, Division of Law Suite 103 Sarasota, 34234 Lakes Blvd. Bldg. (305) 377-5213 28 W. Central Blvd. Enforcement Ft. Walton Beach, Lt. Col. Charles C. Hall (941) 359-5640 West Palm Beach, I Orlando, 32801 Central Florida 3900 Commonwealth 32547-3182 Deputy Director 33401 ' 488-6855 245-0893 Blvd. , MS 605 (850) 833-9125 (850) Dave Banks, Lt. (561) 688-7759 (407) Regional Office Director Tallahassee, 32399- District 17 Gil Robinson, Larrinaga, Chief W. Robinson St. 3000 301 Atrium Chief Christopher Key West Belle Turner Joe 400 488-5600, 200 E. Gaines St. Knight Professional 444 Seabreeze Blvd. Assistant Statewide Hurston South Tower, (850) ext. 176 Tallahassee, 32399- Region I Center Suite 500 Prosecutor 8225 N. LoisAvenue 32801-1799 0342 I (850) 488-6557 1111 12th SL, Daytona Beach, 3221 8 4211 Orlando, 33614 Bureau of (850) 922-3173 Suite 205B (904) 2384990 Tampa, (407) 2454760 878-7337 Environmental Chief Jim Lee Key West, 33040 (813) Region ll Florida Law Enforcement I 9000 Regency Square I (305) 292-6755 Consuelo Maingot West Central Oscar Gelpi, Chief Regional Office Blvd. (407) 897-5959 Republic Tower I (The Bureaus of Suite G-3 Assistant Statewide John Franco, Director I Bob Young, Lt. 110 S.E. 6th St. ' Prosecutor Tampa St. Environmental Jacksonville, 32211 Cjiief Larry Austin District 18 Ft. Lauderdale, 33301 1313 I Republic Tower Suite 615 Law Enforcement are (904) 727-5530 Region III 800 Virginia Ave. , (954) 712-4600 I comprised of the (850) 488-0441 Suite 7 110 S.E. 6th St. Tampa, 33602-3394

50 THE SHERIFF'S STAR 'wC JANUARY I FEBRUARY 1998 EXECUTIVE STAFF FIELD OPERATIONS Paul A. Uravich TROOPS Florida Parole Lt. Col. Randy Tallahassee, 32399- Commission Hopkins* 0100 Director of Public Asst. Division Michael M. McHargue Tom Ring, Dir. Safety Troo pA Director, (850) 922-2676 REGIONAL of Law Enforcement inspector General Pensacola Regional University of South 488-6252 488-1497 470-2000 Florida Maj. Jimmy C. Wright SUPERVISORS (850) (850) (850) Gene Sheffer UPB 002, 4202 Fowler P. O. Box 15729 Central Region Michael Ramage Dennis Williamson, Dr. Ave. Pana ma City, 32406- REGION 1 (*Same address as Investigation Manager 5729 above. ) General Counsel Tallahassee Regional Orlando Executive Tampa, 33620 (850) 488-8323 (850) 488.1040 Center (813) 974-2628 (850) 872-4150 Mike Hamm Administrator REGIONAL 5420 Diplomat Circle Jamie McLaughlin Ken Tucker, Dir. John Conner, Director Troo pB P. 0. Box 861 SUPERVISORS Orlando, 32810 Chattahoochee, 32324 Executive Jacksonville Regional (407) 623-1353 Florida Atlantic Univer- Central Investigations (904) 359-6480 sity Maj. Bill N. Lee (850) 663-4051 "Andy" 488-5565 500 N.W. 20th Street 2402 U.S. 90 West Maj. Charles A. (850) Michael Clark Love Joyce Dawley, Dir. Boca Raton, 33431- Lake City, 32055 REGION 2 Southwestern Region 1061 Gary Yates Orlando Regional 0991 (904) 758-0515 1239 SW SL Investigation Manager & Mike Willis Ocala, 34474-2797 Research Planning (407) 245-0801 Arbor Shoreline Office (561) 367-3502 1-800-342-9620 488-8771 Troo pC 1210 Andrews Circle (850) Park Jim Seweil, Dir. U. Hwy. N. Richard Turkiewicz, Dr. , N. 19337 s. 19 John Ridgeway Tampa Regional Director Maj. Morris E. Leggett Starke, 32091-2132 Everglades Suite 200 Chief Information 878-7300 University of Central 11305 N. McKinley (904) 964-8110 Maj. James Ries (813) Clearwater, 34624 Officer Fla. Drive 551 N. Military Trail (813) 538.7388 Palm (850) 488-6041 E. J. Picolo, Dir. P. 0. Box 25000 amp a, 33612 REGION 3 W. Beach, Ft. Regional Orlando, 3281 813) 632-6895 33415 Myers Anne Paas 6 Hirst 768-4880 823-241 Jim Byrd 1-800-432-2046 Liz (941) Southeastern Region (407) 9 Public Information roo pD 3535 Lawton Rd. , Investigation Manager Suite 160 Northeast Officer Doyle Jourdan Dir 3111 N. University Dr. Richard Coffey, Laurence 488-8771 Miami Regional Director ai. Rick Gregory Orlando, 32803 Maj. (850) Suite 502 470-5500 University of West P O. Box 140193 (407) 897-2990 Rossignol (305) Coral Springs, 33065- POLICY DEVELOP- Florida Orlan do, 32814-0193 Route 7, Box 440 5096 Lake City, 32055 MENT Lottery, (954) 346-2870 11000 University ( 07) 897-5959 REGION 4 1-800-342-8105 & OVERSIGHT Department of the Parkway Pensacola, 32514- ToopE Elizabeth Layman Larry Dunning 7771 W. Oakland Park Northwest Gerald Bailey Division of Southern Region 5750 Performance Security 474-2178 Mj. Rebecca Tharpe Blvd. Maj. Ronald Investigation Manater (850) Measurement 1011 NW 111th Ave. Suite 1210 Walsing ham 8175 NW f 2th St. 3911 Hwy. 2321 & Customer Service Frank H. Carter Kenneth G. Owen, Mi m i, 33172 Sunrise, 33351 Suite 418 Panama 32409- Dir. Director Miami, 26-1831 Director (3 5) 470-2565 (305) 749-1906 City, 331 1658 (850) 487-2901 Capitol Complex (305) 499-5628 University of North Fla. 1-800-342-1676 Tallahassee, 32399- 4567 St. Johns Bluff Troo pF REGION 5 Donna Uzzell 4022 Transportation, Rd. Information Program 487-7730 Jacksonville, 3221 6 Ma Ronald D. Lionel Garcia South (850) Department of Dir. (904) 646-2803 Getman Park Trammel Bldg. Maj. Floyd Buckhalter 3900 Drane Field Rd. (850) 488-3961 Colon F. Benton, Chief Motor Carrier P. O . Box 20009 1313N. Tampa St., Bureau of Jessie Campbell Bra en River Branch Suite 618 Lakeland, 33811-1299 Compliance Office Rod Caswell Investigations Director of Public Bra enton, 34203- Tampa, 33602 1-800-282-8002 Tallahassee 0 09 (813) 272-2642 Investigations/ Capitol Complex Headquarters Safety Fraud Protection Tallahassee, 32399- Florida International (813 751-7647 Insurance Col. Ronald P. Desch, Forestry, Program Dir. 4022 Office Manager University 487-1806 487-7730 'Tamiami Cemnus Troo Division of Ron Poindexter, (850) (850) 1815 Thomasville Rd. Director Tallahassee, 32303. Miami 33199 Leon Lowry Allen Dees, Chief (305) 348-2623 Maj. rady Carrick Larry Wood 111 Gadsden St. 5750 Professionalism Bureau of Security P. O. Box 70 Chief of Forest Tallahassee, 32399- (850) 488-7920 Program Capitol Complex Robert Harris, Director E. Pa atka, 32131- Protection 0324 32399- Florida Gulf 0070 3125 Conner Blvd. (850) 922-3115 Dir. Tallahassee, University Police Coast (850) 487-0491 4022 University (904) 329-3737 Tallahassee, 32399- 1650 Juvenile Justice, (850) 487-7730 E. H. Stevens, Director 17595 S. Tamiami Tr. Department of BUSINESS Suite 200 Troo pH (850) 488-6111 University of Florida SUPPORT Management Building 51, Museum Ft. Myers, 33908 Calvin Services, (941 590-1919 Maj. David Kelly Game & Fresh Ross, Rd. ) Jim Murdaugh Department of 2100 Mahan Dr. Water Fish Secretary Gainesville 32611-

' Human Resources Talla hassee, 32308- Commission Office of the Secretary 2078 Administrator Division of 6199 2737 Centerview Drive (352) 392-5445 Tallahassee, 32399- (850) 488-4814 Capitol Police (850) 488-8676 Col. Robert L. Edwards 3100 Carey M. Drayton, (850) 488-1850 Jerry Hendry Col. Timothy D. Kerns Director Troo p (Turnpike) Director, Division of Law General Services Director of Public Safety Law Enforcement, Administrator Room 213, Maj. Jim Howell Enforcement Florida State 488 9953 The Capitol P. O. Box 16007 620 S. Meridian St. Department of (850) University P. O. Box 20899 W. Paim Beach, Tallahassee, 32399- 031 Westcott Building 32316- 33416 1600 James T. Moore' Teddy Payne Tallahassee, Tallahassee, 32306- Finance & Accounting 0899 (561) 640-2831 (850) 488.6251 Commissioner 1011 (850) 488-8771 Administrator (850) 487-2700 (850) 644-1239 488-2821 Troo pL Chief Wayne Gellner* (850) Bureau Chief Robert E. Cummings Revenue, Charles E. Hobbs, Sr., Mailing address for Department of Maj. Richard Carpen- (850) 488-6257 Assistant Director above: tef Commissioner FloridaA& M 488-8771 P. O. Box 1489 Clara M. Dixon P. 0. Box 8148 Chief Kyle Hill' (850) University Tallahassee, 32302- Northern Region Lant ana, 3465 Bureau Chief 500 Gamble Street Daryl G. McLaughlin 1489 Investigation Manager P. O. Box 389 (561) 588 8545 (850) 488-6253 Assistant 5050 W. Tennessee Tallahassee, 32307 Chief Paul Hoover" Commissioner St. (850) 561-2206 Bureau Chief (850) 488-8771 Bldg. G, Capital (850) 488-6254 Center Complex


on erence ins i' 'jjjtjjll 'lilli, p jIjt "'"'PP'i„

, t essive en a or e ear

The 199S Florida Sheriffs Association Mid-Winter confer- ence was held at the Adam 's Mark hotel in Daytona Beach January 11-14. Itwaswell attended by both vendors and Sheriffs and spun o8' an aggr essive agenda for the year. We' ve assembled ph otos and captions to help give our readers a glimpse of the issues ahead and offer Numerous dignitaries attended the 1998 Mid-Winter insight into the accomplish- conference, including many who were on the cam- paign trail. Lt. Gov. Buddy McKay, a gubernatorial ";' ments highlighted at this past , , candidate, congratulated the Sheriffs for a good „"': January's meetings. decade of improved public safety initiatives. He asked for their continued support, especially in the area of prevention and deterrence. "I believe your hIj Though keeping Sheriffs on rj task during a three-day meeting challenge Is to get out front and sound the alarm, to winnow out programs and get them supported. Peo- can be daunting, FSA president " Everett Rice managed to enjoy ple will listen to you. He said he viewed the state the job. He addresses the Sher- agencies' roles as being a partner and supporting the iffs at a lighter moment during efforts of the Sheriffs. the conference. Glades County Sheriff Jim Rider explained how the FSA Task Force helped him avoid disaster when a shooting between white and black citizens threatened to set off a racial- ly motived riot. "We were a powder keg for a week, " Rider said. Glades County Captain Bob Decks said, Sheriffs often ask their "I've been a cop for 20 years and I've peers for support and never yelled for help. " After being consideration on special severely beaten trying to keep peace their issues affecting In the community, he says he had no counties. Pictured here, choice. FSA's emergency mobiliza- Pasco County Sheriff tion plan brought sheriffs deputies jjl lee Cannon addresses '' , Itjl j from surrounding counties to quell the Sheriffs on special the residents. After the call to the Task Force, men and women in issues Including legisla- green uniforms and patrol cars flooded Glades County. "Every- " tion authorizing the use where you looked you saw green, Decks said. And it worked. alarm model pro- of portable breath test units, a false Demonstrating Iaw and order helped diffuse the situation —includ- among others. gram and a pawn shop program, ing extinguishing a threatened riot by high-schoolers. "I know now that If I have trouble tomorrow, I only need to make one phone call. And that's to the FSA Task Force."

52 THE SHERIFF'9 STAR 4 JANUARY I FEBRUARY 1998 1 I% Volusia County Sheriff Bob Vogel was a congenial host for the conference and told the Beware this petition. ....The Florida Sheriffs Sheriffs this wae the first time in FSA history that the conference was held in his juris- were warned that proponents to legalize diction. He arranged have Sheriff, their families and attend to vendors a dinner at the marijuana and other drugs —under the Daytona Beach International —and the several Speedway during week, Sheriffs were guise of medicinal purposes —are circulat- able to drive the race cars during a worker lunch break. speedway ing a petition to get the amendment on the ballot for the general election. Betty Sem- bler, co-founder of the Drug Free America Foundation asked for, and received, the Sheriff' support to oppose the petition and the effort to get the issue represented in the general election.

The Florida Sheriffs Association was hon- ored to have the president of the National Sheriffs Association, Fred Scoralick (far right), and his wife, Barbara, attending the Mid-Winter conference. FSA executive director Buddy Phillips (far left), and his wife, lunary Jo served as hosts.

Senator Locke Burt received a Legislative Award for his assistance In getting Sentencing Guidelines abolished and overall support for FSA's legislative Issues. In his remarks to the Sheriffs he warned of the movement to have Florida's method of execution changed from elec- trocution to lethal injection. "You' ll hear arguments about cruel and unusual punishment, " he says, history shows the last time the method was changed —from hanging to electrocution —the criminals on death row had their sentences converted to life without parole. He says that the same thing could happen for the 380 men on Florida's death row, because they were sentenced to death by electric chair. If the electric chair is no longer the method used, their sentences will likely be convert- ed. "Electrocution is the method of execution until it's declared unconstitutional, " he said.

THE SHERIFF'5 STAR 'AI' JANUARY I FEBRUARY 1998 53 Miii-Winter Conference centinneti. ..

Duval County Sheriff Nat Glover (right) listens to a presentation on prisoner transportation by Trsnscor America represehta- tlves Chuck Qoggin (left) and Jon Walker. Sheriffs credit the ven- dOrs for helping them keep up with technology by exhibiting at the conferences.

i 90()h'I il I'lli it il I 1 ll)4

Harry Weaver, the first president. of the Rorlda Sheriffs Youth Ranches, has once

,t again taken the heim of acting president following the departure of C.T. O'Donnall. He told the Sheriffs that under his direc- tion the Youth Ranches wouldn't loose any ground ss they searched. for a new

, president- a process he predicted would p !]!, take from six to nine months.

'Em Qn right, Indian River County Sheriff Gary Wheeler listens to s demonstration by Seek productions represenbrtlve Dennis Wayne. Sheriff Wheeler, like other Sheriffs at the INld-Win- ter conference, uses time between meetings to view the latest technology and products avail- able to law enforcement Nore than 80 vendors attended the conference this year.

A teenage Youth Rancher named Surkiey addressed the Sheriffs, tellln'g them he was grateful for what the. Florida Sheriffs Youth Ranches hss meant in his llfs- creclltlng it for helping him turn his life around. "They helped me develop into a better person, to understand who I am snd what I.want to be." A native of Jamaica and transplant to Florida, he says, "I went from having'nothing to liv- ing ln a great place. " Youth Ranch presi- dent Harry Weaver said Surkley Is not Jl only' talented athlete„he ls alsd a proven representative of . ri, Jh leader and an accurate the proven track record of Youth Ra~oh supporters, John Hunt, Sr. with a:birthday cake rso The Sheriffs honored one of their Iong time , programs. ognixlng his 86th birthday, Hunt, chairman emeritus of Hunt Insurance Group, handles th» FSA Self Insurance Fund «nd on behalf of The Sheriffs of Florida.

54 THE sHERIFF's sTAR 4 JANUARY I FEBRUARY 1998 Progressive Sheriff Opens Female "Tent City"

By: Mark Weirlberg

Si Lo. cie Coonty Sfteri+s O//fee

In fast-growing St. Lucie County on Florida's east coast, gov- ernment budgets are tight, and so is space at the county jail. -L i$ To deal with these two prob- e . tc lems, St. Lucie County Sheriff R. C. "Bobby" Knowles has come up with a solution based on his days as a Marine reconnaissance sergeant in Vietnam. "Tents are good enough for tM~)~)l'I'p '„: " '" ' "' ' '"," the people defending this country gr~'i'', Ifjjj!

Bosnia, " Sheriff Knowles says, "so they' re good enough for the lawbreakers of St. " " "I'm an equal opportunity jailer, Lucie County. A few jails in Florida and around the coun- ts St. Lucle County Sheriff Knowles try have male inmates sleeping in tents, But says. "Ifmen are going to stay in Sherif Knowles has taken this one step further with the opening in November of a female " inmate tent area. u ill nomen. " I "I'm an equal opportunity jailer, Sheriff Knowles says. "Ifmen are going to stay in tents at that's not a taxpayer-supported vacation. " " the St. Lucie County jail, so will women. Sherif Knowles charges inmates at the jail The male and female tent cities are inside for their meals. He charges a co-payment for the double razor wire secure perimeter of the medical and dental services. There's no smoking jail grounds. They' re located far apart, so the men and in the jail, and television programming is mostly restricted to women in tents can't see each other. self-help, motivational and educational programs. In August, 1996, Sheriff Knowles opened the 100-bed Convicted inmates —male and female —work in road- male tent city at the county jail. He kept the cost low side cleanup crews seven days a week. Security risks have ($65,000) by using mostly jail inmate labor. The female tent their legs chained together. The work crews wear black-and- city, which can house 32 women, cost about $45,000 and white striped uniforms. also was built with inmate labor. In addition, Sherif Knowles' jail includes an inmate work Not only does the tent city construction deal with the farm that grows food served at the jail and grows plants the growing jail population, it does so at a bargain price for the county uses to landscape roads and parks. taxpayers. The tent cities cost about 5 percent of the cost of The public has overwhelmingly supported the tent traditional bricks-and-mortar jail construction. cities and Sheriff Knowles' other jail policies, "The only criti- The male tent city is used all week long. The female tent cism I've heard about tent cities is from a few who " people cityhas been in use only on weekends so far. As the jailpop- wanted to know why I didn't do it sooner. ulation increases, so will the use of female tent city. Sheriff Knowles has a message for those who don't like their There's another reason Sheriiff Knowles built tent cities stay at the St. Lucie County jail: "If don't like don' t " you it, at the county jail. "Iwant criminals to know that if they break come back. the law in St. Lucie County, they' ll get caught and go to a jail


, r )From right, FSA president Everett Rice and Martin County Sheriff Bob Crowder, congratulate Maj. Bob Siemens for winning Correctional Officer of the Year. His wife, Kate, is also pictured. Bob Siemer: FSA's 199'7 Correctional Officer of the Year

By: TornBerlinger 25, 1997, Siemer was off-duty. He and a friend were enjoying a Director ofOPerational Services day of flshing in a boat on the Indian River. That same morning, Ron a 46-year old Stuart resident was fishing, too, Florida Sheriffs Association Griggs, accompanied by his wife, Char, and their 9-year old daughter, Lindsay. All three were in a boat anchored a short distance At the midwinter conference held January in Daytona Beach, from Deputy Siemer. other- the Florida Sheriffs Association announced that Martin County Everybody on the river that morning was enjoying an Correctional Deputy Robert Siemer was chosen as the 1997 wise normal day when a lightning bolt came out of nowhere and FSA Correctional Oflicer of the Year. struck with a loud bang. Startled by the flash, Char Griggs There were several nominees for the coveted award who ducked down and away from the explosion, then looked back had performed some really amazing feats, and the screening just in time to see her husband going overboard into the river. cotnmittee members agreed that determining only one winner It happened so fast, Char Griggs later told investigators that in proved to be a more di5cult task than usual. she initially thought that her husband might have jumped the Unlike previous years, 1997 seemed to be a banner year river intentionally to avoid the lightening strike. But, peering for life-saving episodes by correctional officers. But, after over the side of the boat, she was shocked to flnd Ron floating careful deliberation, the committee chose Bob Siemer for his lifelessly. husband's "over and above the call of duty" response to a particular inci- Char Griggs reached out, grabbed her limp body, dent he encountered last year. and tried to retrieve him, Fully clothed and soaking wet, Ron It was Siemer's involvement in the following event that was far too heavy and awkward to lift back into the boat. She for caught the eye of the screening panel. held on for all she was worth and began screaming help. woman' At about ten o'clock on the morning of Saturday, August Correctional Deputy Bob Siemer, hearing the s

56 THE SHERIFF'S STAR 4 JANUARY / FEBRUARY I 998 cries and seeing her dilemma from a distance, immediately Siemer continued to administer CPR. sprang into action. Siemer moved his boat close enough to At the boat landing, the Emergency Medical Services team reach over and grab Ron. Together, he and Mrs. Griggs some- had arrived, allowing Siemer to hand off life-saving efforts to how pulled him out of the water. the waiting medical technicians. The EMTs continued CPR on "We got him in the boat and I took one look at him and the way to the hospital. Upon arrival at Martin Memorial North, ' distinctly remember thinking to myself, 'This guy's a goner, they turned Ron Griggs over to emergency room personnel. "He Siemer said. had that look —that unmistakable It was touch and go for a while and several days befo e look. ....we checked his vital signs and there was no heartbeat " Ron Griggs was moved out of intensive care and into a regular and no breathing. hospital room to recuperate. "Just then, with tears streaming down her face, his little In addition to having his heart and neurological system daughter started crying out, 'Mister, please save my daddy completely shut down, Griggs had suffered several serious ' ...please save daddy, and that's all the incentive I needed to burns my " from the lightening strike which also required meriical try as hard as I could to bring him back. treatment. Then, for what probably seemed like a lifefime, Siemer Attending physicians said that all medical standards by " began administering CPR with the assistance of Char Griggs. Ron Griggs "died a couple of times that day, and that if it were "We got a heartbeat a couple of times, but then it would quit." not for a guardian angel with him that inorning, he would neverr At that point, I felt more sure than ever that he was gone, have survived the ordeal. " Siemer said. For being that "guardian angel, Robert Siemer is this Char Griggs called 911for help on her cellular phone, and years' Florida Sheriffs Associanon Correctional Officer of the a few minutes later, Bruce Newbold, a Martin County Sheriff's Year. He was aU smiles when receiving a handsome plaque, a Office marine deputy came by in a patrol boat. Together, the check for $1,000, and a standing ovation from the crowd at the group moved Ron Griggs' limp body into the patrol boat and Florida Sheriffs Association Mid-Winter Conference held Janu- began heading to shore. During the trip to shore, Deputy ary 13 in Daytona Beach.

Runners-up named as well

Ifthe screening committee feels that a particular years' group two-year old Nicole Sexton was saved. of nominees presents a strong enough case, in addition to choos- ing a single winner, a runner-up plaque is awarded to one or two Michael A. Scbocb ofPolk County individuals who performed in a meritorious fashion. This year The other runner-up was not presented with the opportunity there were two runners-up. to save a life in 1997. Instead, Sgt, Michael Schoch saved Polk County residents a significant amount of tax dollars through his Anthony Frangioni ofManatee County innovative techniques and leadership, And, his diligence has On July 23, 1997,Correctional Deputy Anthony Frangioni was earned him a place among the elite of correctional officers in transporting two juvenile inmates to Hillsborough County for Florida. court when he noticed an elderly female driver who appeared to Among many other things for which he was nominated, be intoxicated. Because he already had two prisoners in tow and Schoch created lesson pcs that allow correctional officers to be was outside his county jurisdiction, Frangioni used his cellular trained while in an "on-duty" status. This results in substantial telephone to summon the Florida Highway Patrol to stop and cost-savings by eliminating the need to require ofBcers to be question her. called in foi overtime to cover a shift, while others are away from Unfortunately, no trooper was in the area, so he proceeded to their post receiving in-service or mandatory retraining. call next upon the Hillsborough County SherifFs Oice. Within He has also transformed his skills and experience into lesson seconds of the second call, the woman ran a red light and crashed plans for a total of 46 contact hours of training, 32 of which are in into vehicles which were crossing U.S. 41 at Big Bend Road. the high liability areas. In addition, he is also constantly involved While admmstering first-aid to the elderly woman, someone in public demonstrations of the sherifFs oice Detention Distur- yelled out that there was a child trapped in one of the other vehi- bance Team, a high-profile spedahzed unit that is called in when cles, and that the gas tank had ruptured, spilling gasoline all over unrest or riotous situations arise among an inmate population. the highway. Frangioni broke out the back window of the vehide For these, and many more great deeds that are too numerous and pulled the child to safety. The child did not appear to be to detail, Sgt. Schoch was the recipient of the 1997 Polk County breathing, so Frangioni administered CPR until she began to SheriiiFs OSce Meritorious Service Melal, and found worthy to be breathe on her own. As a result of his valiant efforts, the life of named as a runner-up for the statemde honor.

THE SHERIFF'9 STAR A JANUARY / FEBRUARY I 998 57 FSA Legislative Preview: Public Safety in '98

Florida Sheriffs are often invited to Tallahassee to meet with state agency personnel and Legisla- tors to discuss pending issues. Meeting with state agency personnel (on left) are (from right) Pasco County Sheriff Lee Cannon and FSA president/Pinellas County Sheriff Everett Rice, meeting FSA's with Beth Shields, aide to Senator Ginny Brown-Waite and Maury Kolchakian, director of governmental affairs. Rep. Sandy Murman (D-Hillsborough ), inset, was also In attendance.

In the 199g Legislature, gheriigs of Florida will be working fidentiallity and other provisions wtuch unnecessarily fail to criminals should be eliminated, with key legislators on behalf of Juvenile Justice initiatives. treat juvenile offenders as Four years ago, the Sheriffs helped push for the formation of - legislation the Department ofJuvenile Crime. That was a start, but clem- II. SEXUAL PREDATORS The Sheriffs will support in which would allow for the civil commitment of sexually violent ly more needs to be done to reduce this runaway problem Florida. predators, ln addition to their criminal punishmerit and pub- The following FSA legislative overview includes details lic notification of whereabouts. about this and other areas where the Florida Shetiffs plan to - focus their efforts this session. We' ve also iricluded specific III. DRUG CRIMES The Sheriffs will support legislation which which would legislation that is being initiated or otherwise supported, and would target the use of illegal drugs, and give obtain convictions iri these highlights of the Sheriffs positions on other bills that are in the prosecutors the necessary tools to draft stages. Readers and FSA members are urged to keep serious crimes. tabs on these and other public safety-related bills that might - con- be introduced during the 1998 Legislature. IV. PRISONS The Sheriffs will support the continued struction of any necessary additional state prison beds. Inno- Florida Sheriffs 1998 Crl|ne Package vative methods to build prisons expeditiously and economical- ly should be fully utilized. Work camps and other such con- restrictions on I. JUVENILE CRIME - The Sheriffs will support tougher juve- cepts should be considered. Unnecessary nile crime initiatives, such as the reinstatement of juvenile prison construction or utilization, such as unreasonable space prisons and adult sanctions for serious juvenile crimes. Con- requirements, should be eliminated.

1998 58 THE SHERIFF'S STAR suI JANUARY / FEBRUARY - V. BOOT CAMPS The Sheril'fs will support efforts to enhance 5 - Protecting County Correctional OflKers, County Jail Inmate the existence of and funding for the operation of boot camps. Repeated Rules Offenses: The Sherdfs will seek legislation to The Sheriffs emphasize that the continued funding of boot re-enact part of Chapter 951, Florida Statutes, erroneously camps by the state is necessary in the fight to curb juvenile repealed in 1996, which previously made it a crime to commit crime. Strategic population groups should be identified for repeated violations of the jail rules. Re-enactment of this provi- the most ef'fective use of this concept. Aftercare and educa- sion will promote county correctional offlcer safety. tion components should be incorporated to the fullest extent possible. 6 - Protection of the public from "Bad Cops": The SheriEs will seek legislative changes to require all employment history infor- - VI. CONFLICT CASE COSTS The Sherifs support legislation mation to be given to a Sherif considering hiring a deputy. This allowing for the assignment of a public defender from another will prevent a bad oflicer from victimizing citizens. circuit in conflict murder and capital felony cases to provide flnancial relief to small counties. 7 - Vehicle impoundment for DUI offenders: The Sheriffs will seek legislation to provide VII. CRIME STOPPERS - The that cars in DUI cases would Sheriffs support legislation which be impounded during the would impose an additional offenders' probationary peri- charge on criminal fines to pro- od. Currently, DUI offenders vide funding for Crime Stopper can drive their automobile programs and provide an impor- while on probation. tant and greatly needed supple- ment for law enforcement training. 8 - Conflict Case Costs: The Sheriffs will seek legislation allow- ing for the assignment of a public defender from another circuit in conflict murder cases to provide financial relief to small Sheri8'-supyorted legislation counties.

1 - Increased protection from juvenile crime: The Sheriijfs will 9-Civil process clariflcation: The Sheriffs will seek civil process support juvenile legislation which will enact tougher juvenile clean-up language to accomplish statutory changes that will crime initiatives, reinstitution of juvenile prisons, and allow for allow the Sheriff to serve civil process more effectively and adult sanctions for serious juvenile crimes. Confidentiality and more efllciently. other provisions which unnecessarily fail to treat juvenile offenders as criminals would be eliminated. 10 - Resign to run: The Sheril'fs will seek legislative changes to require law-enforcement oficers seeking public offic to resign 2 - Sexual predators: The Sherifl's will seek legislation to allow from their position upon qualifying to run for the election. for the civil commitment of sexually violent predators, in addi- ton to their criminal punishment and public notiflcation of their Sheriffs' Legislative Positions whereabouts. In addition to pursuing specific legislation, the Florida Sher@s are also asked to take a position as it relates to legisla- 3 - Drug Crimes: The Sheriffs will seek legislation which will tion being considered in the 1998legislative sessions. Here are crack down on the use of illegal drugs, and which would give some highlights: prosecutors the tools needed to obtain convictions in these serious crimes, 1 - The SheriEs will OPPOSE any efforts to privatize the county jails. 4- Boot Camps: The Sheriffs will support legislation to enhance the existence of and funding for the operation of boot camps. 2 - The SheriEs will SUPPORT efforts to criminalize non-pay- Legislation would emphasize the continued funding of boot ment of child support and enable the extradition of deadbeat- camps by the state to curb juvenile crime. parents from other states. continued on page 64

THE SHERIFF'9 STAR A JANUARY I FEBRUARY 1998 59 capacity increased by 50 percent. In 1995, the SheriÃs herald- Heralds ed an e6ort called "Stop Turning Out Prisoners" which man- FSA dated prisoners serve at least 85 percent of their sentences, Then last year, it was time to go after the biggest barrier of all, which was keeping repeat offenders and dangerous criminals Unsung off the street: abolishment of Sentencing Guidelines. Because of the guidelines, Florida had created a revolving "What had is no state door in the criminal justice system, you " Legislation prison time on the front end, and a very minimum sentence, "Then had mechanisms that let them out Kolchakian says. "you on the back end, (i.e. parole, early release because of By: Julie S. Bettinger early " time). "It was a triple whammy, he Editor,EffectiveSheriff's Star crowded conditions, gain " criminals walked in the prison doors they were says. When " October l of this year, Sentencing Guidelines will no facing only one half of their sentence. in 10 years after longer be used to keep criminals out of state prisons. No It reached a crisis point when, 1993 — into effect some criminals longer do crime victims have to fear that their perpetrator Sentencing Guidelines Grst went — won't receive a just sentence, or worse, never be sent to a state were serving only 20 percent of their sentences. the guidelines and prison because of the often abused, very confusing, Sentencing The Florida Sheriffs started studying Guidelines. found that judges, who had to justify any time they departed upward stiffer Though many people haven't yet grasped the wide-reach- from the guidelines, actually departed (giving 2 percent of the time. They departed down- ing sects of this important legislation, which, because of the sentences) only Sheriffs' efforts, passed last year —they will still be a benefi- ward (giving lower sentences) 43 percent of the time. convinced that abolishing Sentencing ciary. The Sheriffs were "truth sentenc- Origination of the Sentencing Guidelines goes back to Guidelines was the only way to truly achieve in " return to assigning appropriate sentenc- 1983, a very liberal time in the state's political history, in which ing, so judges could formula that it had become popular not to punish criminals. Rights of ing based on the crime —not on some confusing didn't offenders were a priority, and there was a rallying cry for truth most of them understand anyway. Sheriffs' delegation was told repeatedly in sentencing. That was a seed for guidelines. But the legislative Kolchakian If the guidelines had, in fact, been used as originally pro- it was doubtful things would ever change. says '"We " moted —Florida would have been the better for it. Instead, proudly today, did it anyway, they became a system of non-punishment and a tool for some Lac@men judges to give offenders reduced sentences —and their for- Lasemakers listening to "not year" legislator's mulas caused much confusion among criminal justice oScials Last year, admittedly a crime by any and Sen. Horne across the state. standards, FSA drafted Rep. Carlos Valdes Jim as sponsors of the Sentencing Guidelines bill. Sarasota County Prelude to a crEsis Sheriff Geoffrey Monge, then president of FSA, logged many In 1996, Florida had the second highest crime rate in the hours at the state Capitol alongside his fellow Sheriffs, with the efforts. country, and law enforcement convinced legislators this was Kolchakian coordinating Sherii'fs' for the guidelines legislation came clearly a result of non-punishment. The passion " victims who were horriQed "The secret to stopping crime is locking the criminals up, across in real-life stories they told of the criminals who were responsible for their agony says Maury Kolchakian, FSA's general counsel and chief of gov- to learn that mur- ernmental affairs. "If you don' t, the crime rate goes up- were back on the street in just a few years. These were " violent offenders. The Sheriifs also pure and simple. derers, rapists, and other their department dedicates Several years ago, the Sheriffs identiiied three major prob- explained their own frustration — their deputies lems contributing to our crime rate: 1) there weren't enough valuable resources investigating a crime scene, learns prison beds to house criminals, 2) criminals weren't being make arrests, the crime is solved. Then the department minimal sentence, much of which given a sti6' enough sentence, and 3) the prisoners were serv- that the perpetrator is given a in the county jail instead of state prison. ing less of their sentences because of gain time and other cred- is served lawmakers listened. its. Fortunately for all Floridians, the By abol- In 1994, the Sheriffs laid the groundwork to have an the Legislature's end, Sentencing Guidelines had been aggressive prison-building program, and the state prison bed ished.

60 THE SHERIFF'S STAR btf JANUARY I FEBRUARY I 998 "By the can "You' taking" away guidelines, judges now sentence the Kolchakian sums up the message to criminals: re maximum, Kolchakian says. "Criminals know that the system is now more " likely to go to prison, you' ll likely serve a longer to take them seriously. He says that everyone is to going pointing sentence, and" serve all (or most) of it, and we have a place the 7 percent drop in crime rate and the abolishment of guide- to put you. lines can only help us reduce crime even more in the future.

Senator dim Horne, R~nge Park, at center, told the audience Rep. Carlos Valdee, R-Miami {atcenter), received FSA's Leg- at FSA'e Mid-WInter conference that the Sheriff's Legislator of Islator of the Year award last summer for sponsoring and the Year award was the most prestigious award he had ever supporting Sentencing Guidelines legislation. FSA and the received, and the only one he had ever really hoped to receive. bill sponsors faced Impossible odds, but because of the He Is pictured here with FSA president, Everett Rice {right) and combined diligent efforts, legislation was successful In FSA's chief of governmental affairs, Maury Kolchaklan. abolishing the guidelines. Valdes ls pictured here with Sara- sota County Sheriff Geoffrey Monge {left) and FSA's chief of governmental affairs, Maury Kolchakian.

Lawmakers who are friends to That was all it took. He was ready to take on the challenge. Still, he had an uphill battle as most of his fellow lawmakers Law Enforcement believed that abolishing the guidelines would be too expensive. He admits, "Inever learned how to take 'no' for an answer. " Getting important legislation properly represented in the Getting the bill considered was one thing. it intact Keeping " Legislature is tricky. It was no different with Sentencing Guide- was clearly another. "I wasn't going to live with a bad bill, " lines. Timing was everything, and so was the believability and Horne says. "I wasn't about to take trash on my bill, His respectability of the backers. backers were nervous toward the end of the session, as Horne In addition to Rep. Carlos Valdes and Sen. Jim Horne, the says he kept sending it back when unnecessary or damaging bill's backers, the Florida Sheriffs Association's pro-law language was added. "I Finally, "he says, sent it to the House enforcement friends in the Legislature came together to make and said, 'This is the last time. It fmally passed. the guidelines effort a success. For his efforts, Senator Horne received the Legislator of Senator Horne, addressing the Sheriffs at a recent confer- the Year award from the Florida Sheriffs Association. He stood ence, said he became convinced early on that the guidelines before the Sheriffs at their January gathering and said, "There' s were the biggest deterrent to criminals receiving just punish- only one award I've ever wanted —and this is the one. " ment. "I believed Sentencing Guidelines had an indirect impact As a " legislator, he says he receives many commendations, in turning prisoners back out on the street, he said. sometimes just for his posiQon alone. But the Sheriffs award is He says as much as he and fellow legislators tried, they differen, he says. "This means so much, and I appreciate " you couldn't understand the formulas used under Sentencing Guide- honoring me this way. In closing, he made a commitment to "We lines, To test the guidelines' validity, he says, came up with the future, "Reducing crime was the No. I issue in my cam- three mythical criminals and asked for o5cials to use the guide- paign, and it's the No. I issue in my heart. I'm always going to lines and assign a sentence. We found out they couldn't figure it be there for " " you. out, either. Not surprisingly, Horne received a standing ovation.

THE SHERIFF'9 STAR A JANUARY / FEBRUARY 1998 61 Criminal Justice Through One Law-Maker's Eyes

By: JN/ie S. Bettinger Editor, Sheriff's Star

Florida State Sen. Ron Silver is celebrating his 20th year in lawmaking. Fortunately, for the safety of our citizens, he became a friend to law enforcement after only two years on the job. "The first contact I ever had with criminal justice was in " 1980, he says, "Iwas appointed to the task force on criminal " justice. Senator Rcn Silver (0-Miami Beach), on left, has been a recip- Silver says it was a cram course on criminal justice, from ient of numerous Sheriffs Association awards over the past top to bottom. He spent the next two years visiting state prisons few years. He's pictured here with FSA Legislative Committee of criminal justice in Florida. "That' s Chairman, Manatee County Sheriff Charlie Wells. and studying the history " where I really got the knowledge. , he says. session. Senate President He became chairman of the Select Committee for Juvenile hold a chairmanship this legislative his because Justice and helped push for the age in which a juvenile could be Toni Jennings expressed her confidence in ability prosecuted from 18 to age 16. "At that time, it was very con- of his knowledge and attitude. Turning Out Prisoners troversial, "he says. He was co-sponsor on the Stop commemorating his work hangs on A resiliency to controversy is one of Senator Silver's great- (STOP) bill and a plaque est strengths. He didn't bow to pressure when fellow legislators his o5ce wall in Tallahassee. other pro-law enforcement leg- were opposing then-Gov. Bob Martinez' proposal to build He says proof that he and e6'ective the last few years is the fact that 9,000 more prison beds in the late 1980s. He was one of the islators have been in few Democrats who supported the Republican Governor. the crime rate has decreased. Silver comes across as a no-nonsense kind of lawmaker, Senator bus pro-lau enforcement record and his practical approach is very appealing. "I' "A —from the Throughout his career, Silver says, ve been very proac- significant amount of dollars are expended crime to the arrests, to the state attor- tive in trying to do something about crime and the problem of processing of the scene, " to the court room repeat offenders. He led the fight to get Sentencing Guidelines ney getting involved, to the public defender, then doesn' t abolished, a movement which started in 1988, but took almost facility, We go to a whole trial and (the offender) That'sawaste ofour resources. The 10 years to become a realty, even serve a sentence. know that are "Ifguidelines were used as they were originally conceived, police and Sheriif making the arrest need to they " weren't this. I wouldn't have a problem with it, he says. "Instead, though, going to be listened to. Before, we doing "We're talking about violent people; repeat offenders. It's they were used as a tool to keep offenders from serving just " sentences, and from ever seeing the inside walls of a state really a common-sense principle. face the tha prison. " In addition, he says, Florida needs to reality "Certain Silver served on the Criminal Justice Committee in 1992 prison is the only answer for some criminals. peopl to become repeat and chaired the committee in the Senate. cannot function in our society and are going " "Ibelieve that we need to have enough He is now Chair of the Ways 5 Means subcommittee which offenders, Silver says. " aS'ects the spending on Criminal Justice. And his influence con- beds to keep the right people in jail. Florida Sheriffs gather- tinues to be recognized. Silver is one of only four Democrats to Silver is a regular attendee at the

62 THE SHERIFF'S STAR 4 JANUARY I FEBRUARY I 99S " ings, ofteri jovial in his remarks, but never failing to leave them Sheriffs' position, Silver says. without a hard-hitting message, This " year, Senator Silver is sponsoring several bills relat- "Sheriffs are a very well listened to group, Silver says. ed to cmninal justice including one addressing " juveniles and "Sheri8s are up here (in the Capitol) every week during the ses- guris. "That's a big issue in our area, he says. "It's the No. I siori. The bottom line is that the SherBs themselves are giving priority for our niayor, and our state attorney. " of their time. What's so beneficial is that lobbyists provide us The public doesn't always understand how intricate tlie with iriformation we need on a hill. But a law-enforcement offi- criminal justice system can be. But he says one snnple request cer, versus a civilian, can talk 8'om personal experience. That' s by a legislator can have far-reaching effects. For example, he why it's so critical that SheriÃs are here. They walk in with their says, linking previous oi'fenders with new crinies and identify- uniforms on and it has a certain aura; they come with a lot more ing them for questioning was difficult because Corrections credibility. wasn't reqtured to have recent photos on file, "Legislators look at them in a di8erent manner. They may Legislators passed a law that required all offenders to be backing legislation because of certain philosophical beliefs, have the most current photos on tile, and to have thertt acces- but wheri the Sherif'f comes in and talks about real-life exlieri- sible to law enforcement. This simple move has been a valu- ences they can win (lawmakers) over. The Sheri8s give the able tool for crimes. " solving reality of what's happening on the street. It's different. Silver says he hopes to continue giving SherBs and law- Perhaps the most important reason for Sherifs to be pre- enforcement oificers tools to promote better public safety in sent during the Legislature is due to the speed at which issues the future. And if his 20-year record is any indication, you can get proposed, discussed, and then voted on. "It's good to have bet he' ll deliver on that proinise. someone on call to meet with a legislator and explain the

Legislation being introduced by Senator Silver:

SB5SSprovides that the unlawful possession of a SB494 provides that if a parent of a child in a firearm by a minor is a third-degree felony rather divorce proceeding is convicted of a capital felony than a first-degree misdemeanor. It would require or a first-degree felony that involved domestic vio- that a minor serve five days in a secure detention lence against another parent of the child, the facility for a first oifense and serve at least 10 days, court may not award visitation rights to the con- btit not more than 30 days, in a secure detention victed parent. The bill would authorize the court facility for a second or subsequent offense. The to make an exception and award visitation rights law would also require that a minor who commits if the child is 16 years of age or older and agrees an offense which involves the unlawful possession to the visitation, if the parent acted in self-defense of a firearm serve 15 days rather than five days, in in committing the act of domestic violence and secure detention for a first offense and at least 21 has been granted clemency or a petition for days but riot more than three months rather than clemency is pending, or if the court finds extraor- 10 days for a second or subsequent offense. dinary circumstances to warrant such visitation. The bill would also provide that the minor The bill would require that the Office of State may not receive credit for time served before adju- Courts Administrator annually report to the Gov- dication and that any community service required ernor and Legislature on the programs and on by the court as a sanction for the unlawful posses- judges who attend the programs. The bill further sion of a jirearm by a minor be performed, if pos- states that the Florida Bar report to the Governor, sible, in conjunction with an emergency room or the Supreme Court, arid the Legislature on the medical facility that treats trauma patients and gun- Florida Bar's continuing legal education on shot wounds. domestic violence,

THE SHERIFF'S STAR A JANUARY / FEBRUARY I $98 63 Sheriffs' Legislative Positions continued kom page 59

3 - The Sheriffs will OPPOSE Police Benevolent Association private investigators, certified process servers, special process (PBA) legislation which proposes changes to the Law Enforce- servers or others to serve civil process or which provide for the ment 05cers Bill of Rights to reduce the ability of the Sheri to appointment, license, and regulation of statewide service of discipline o5cers for wrongdoing. judicial (civil) process.

- 4 - The Sheriffs will OPPOSE any efforts to enact mandatory 8 The Sheriffs will SUPPORT the Automated Fingerprint Iden- accreditation on Sheriff' 05ces, as this can be used as a vehi- tification System (AFIS) and will emphasize the need for quali- cle to impose restrictive policies on use of force, pursuit, con- ty fingerprint images entered into the main database. Further, traband forfeiture, personnel actions, etc. the Sheriffs support the idea of linking all 67 Sheriffs Depart- ments to FDLE's master database so long as quality fmgerprints 5 - The Sheriffs will SUPPORT legislation that will shift the are pursued. financial responsibility to the state Department of Corrections - for transporting, housing, feeding, and providing medical care 9 The Sheriffs will SUPPORT legislation which would set stan- of inmates in the county jail who are picked up for violation of dards and minimum requirements regarding the use of the probation. name "Law Enforcement" for the purpose of soliciting charita- ble donations and to eliminate fraudulent charitable solicita- 6 - The Sheriffs will OPPOSE any legislation which proposes to tion activities. limit the authority of the Sheriff to operate county-wide. 10 - The Sheriffs will OPPOSE tort reform legislation which 7 - The Sheriffs will OPPOSE any legislation which reduces the would remove the sovereign immunity limitations on the liabil- authority of the Sheriff to serve/execute any judicial process. ity of the Sheriffs' 05ce in lawsuits. The Sheriffs will OPPOSE any legislation which grants or expands the authority of private citizens, groups, associations,

Has Your Address Changed Due to 9-1-1 or Have You Moved? Emergency management officials have been working back cover of this magazine. If your address is different in to improve access for emergency vehicles in neighborhoods any way, let us know. Just cut out the current label, paste throughout the state. In cases where street names were sim- it on the outline below, then write your new address next to ilar, they have actually changed the residents' addresses. it and return it to: Unfortunately, this also means that mail often gets re- routed the Post Office, and in some cases is returned by " marked "No such number. The Florida Sheriffs Association We don't want to lose you as a valuable member, but if P.O. Box 12519 not be receiving your address has been changed, you may Tallahassee, FL 32317-2519 your FSA mailings. Or, if you prefei, fax it to: (850) 878-8665 Please take a moment to check the mailing label on the



Area code/phone:


ALACHUA...... Stephen M. Oelrich...... P. O. Box 1210, Gainesville, 32602-1210...... (352) 955-2500 (352) 955-2513 BAKER ...... joey B.Dobson...... 56 N. Second St., Macclenny, 32063-2296 ...... (904) 259-2231 (904) 259-4254 BAY ...... Guy Tunnell ...... 3421 N. Hwy. 77, Panama City, 32405-5009...... (850) 747&700 (850) 769-9692 BRADFORD .....,...... Bob Milner...... P. O. Box 400, Starke, 320914400...... (904) 966-22V6 (904) 9664160 BREVARD...... Phil Williams...... 700 S.Park Avenue, Titusville, 32780-4095...... (407) 264-5201 (407) 264-5360 BROWARD...... Kenneth C.Jenne II...... P. O. Box 9507, Ft. Lauderdale, 33310-9507 ...... (954) 831-8900 (954) 7974936 CALHOUN ...,..„,...... Wm. G. "Buddy" Smith ...342 E. Central Ave. , Blountstown, 32424-2200...... (850) 674-5049 (850) 674-5586 CHARLOTTE ...... Richard H. Worch, Jr. . . ..25500 Airport Road, Punta Gorda, 33950-5797 ...... (941) 639-2101 (941) 639-7054 CITRUS ...... jeffrey J.Dawsy...... 1 S.Park Ave. , Inverness, 344504994 ...... (352) 726-4488 (352) 726-5614 CLAY...... Scott Lancaster ...... P. O. Box 548, Green Cove Springs, 320434548...... (904) 284-7575 (904) 2844710 COLLIER „„...... Don Hunter...... 3301 E.Tamiami Tr., Bldg. "J",Naples, 34112&987 .. (941) 774-4434 (941) 793-9333 COLUMBIA ...... Frank Owens...... P. O. Box 650, Lake City, 320564)650...... (904) 752-9212 (904) 758-2127 DADE ...... Carlos Alvarez ...... Miami-Dade Police Dept. , 9105 N.W. 25th St., Director...... Miami, 33172-1505...... (305) 471-2100 (305) 471-2163 DeSOTO ...... Vernon Keen...... 208 E. Cypress St., Arcadia, 342664410...... , (941) 993-4700 (941) 9934712 DIXIE...„...... Dewey Hatcher...... P. O. Box 470, Cross City, 326284470...... (352) 498-1220 (352) 498-1226 DUVAL ...... Nat Glover...... 501 E.Bay St., Jacksonville, 32202-2975...... (904) 630-2120 (904) 630-2107 ESCAMBIA ...... Jim Lowman...... P. O. Box 18770, Pensacola, 32523-8770...... (850) 436-9625 (850) 436-9491 FLAGLER ...... Robert E. McCarthy...... P. O. Drawer 1880, Bunnell, 32110-1880 ...... (904) 437-4116 (904) 437-7726 FRANKLIN ...... Bruce Varnes ...... 270 Hwy. 65, Eastpoint, 32328...... (850) 6704519 (850) 670-8566 GADSDEN...... W. A. Woodham...... P. O. Box 1709, Quincy, 32353-1709 ...... (850) 627-9233 (850) 875-8868 GILCHRIST ...... David Turner ...... P. O. Box 418, Trenton, 32693-0418...... (352) 463-3181 (352) 463-3183 GLADES ...... Dames "Jim" Rider...... P. O. Box 39, Moore Haven, 334714039...... (941) 946-0100 (941) 9464845 GULF ...... Frank McKeithen...... P. O. Box 970, Port" St. Joe, 324574970...... (850) 227-1115 (850) 227-2097 HAMILTON ...... Harrell Reid ...... P. O. Drawer "A, Jasper, 32052%541 ...... ,, (904) 792-2004 (904) 792-3133 HARDEE ...... A. Loran Cogburn...... 900 E. Summit St., Wauchula, 33873-9606...... (941) 7734304 (941) 7734593 HENDRY ...... Ronnie Lee ...... P. O. Box 579, LaBelle, 33935%579...... (941) 674-4060 (941) 674-4069 HERNANDO...... Tom Mylander...... P. O. Box 10070, Brooksville, 34603-0070...... (352) 754-6830 (352) 7964493 HIGHLANDS ...... Howard Godwin...... P. O. Box 71, Sebring, 338714071...... (941) 385-5111 (941) 382-7296 HILLSBOROUGH ...Cal Henderson...... P. O. Box 3371,Tampa, 33601-3371...... (813)247-8000 (813)2474980 HOLMES ...... Dennis Lee...... 211 N. Oklahoma St., Bonifay, 32425-2296 ...... (850) 547-3681 (850) 547-2290 INDIAN RIVER...... Gary Wheeler...... 4055 41st Ave. , Vero Beach, 32960-1808...... (561) 56&6700 (561) 5694344 JACKSON ...... Aohn P. McDaniel...... P. O. Box 919, Marianna, 324474919...... (850) 482-9624 (850) 482-9017 JEFFERSON ...... Kenneth W. Fortune, Sr... 1180W. Washington St., Monticello, 32344-1127.. . .. (850) 997-2523 (850) 997-0756 LAFAYETTE...... Dwayne Walker ...... P. O. Box 227, Mayo, 320684227...... (904) 294-1222 (904) 294-1190 LAKE ...... George Knupp, Jr...... 360 W. Ruby Street, Tavares, 32778-3826...... (352) 343-2101 (352) 343-9474 LEE ...... „....,...... Aohn McDougall...... 14750 Six Mile Cypress Pkwy. , Ft. Myers, 33912-4406 (941) 477-1200 (941) 477-1030 LEON ...... ,...... ,,...Larry Campbell ...... P. O. Box 727, Tallahassee, 323024727...... (850) 922-3300 (850) 922-3337 LEVY...... Ted Glass ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~...... P. O. Drawer 1719,Bronson, 32621-1719...... (352) 486-5111 (352) 486-5116 LIBERTY...... A. L. Bailey...... P. O. Box 67, Bristol, 323210067, ...... (850) 643-2235 (850) 643-2402 MADISON ...... Doe C. Peavy...... Courthouse, Madison, 32340-2499 ...... ~...... (850) 973-4151 (850) 973-2059 MANATEE ...... ,.....Charlie Wells...... 515 - 11th St. West, Bradenton, 34205-7722...... (941) 747-3011 (941) 749-5401 MARION...... Ken Ergle...... P. O. Box 1987, Ocala, 34478-1987...... (352) 732-8181 (352) 620-7209 MARTIN ...... Robert Crowder...... 800 S.E. Monterey Road, Stuart, 34994&599 ...... (561) 220-7000 (561) 220-7015 MONROE ...... Richard Roth ...... 5525 College Road, Key West, 330404307...... (305) 296-2424 (305) 292-7070 NASSAU ...... W. R. "Ray" Geiger...... 50 Bobby Moore Circle, Yulee, 32097-7220...... (904) 225-0331 (904) 225-9189 OKALOOSA ...... Charles W. Morris ...... 1250 Eglin Parkway, Shalimar, 32579-1234 ...... (850) 651-7400 (850) 609-2086 OKEECHOBEE ...... Edward Miller...... P. O. Drawer 1397, Okeechobee, 34973-1397 ...... (941) 763-3117 (941) 763-7157 ORANGE ...... Kevin Beary...... P. O. Box 1440, Orlando, 32802-144Q...... (407) 629-8400 (407) 836-3709 OSCEOLA, ...... „„...... C. W. "Charlie" Croft. ....400 Simpson Road, Kissimmee, 34744-4494 ...... (407) 348-2222 (407) 348-1161 PALM BEACH...... Bob Neumann...... P. O. Box 24681, West Palm Beach, 3341&4681...... (561) 688-3000 (561) 688-3027 PASCO .....,...... Lee Cannon...... 8VQQ Citizen Dr., New Port Richey, 34654-5599...... (813)847-5878 (813)844-7742 PINELLAS ...... Everett Rice ...... P. O. Box 2500, Largo, 33779-2500...... , ...... (813)582-6200 (813) 5824459 POLK ...... Lawrence W. Crow, Jr. ...455 N. Broadway Ave. , Bartow, 33830-3998 ...... (941) 5334444 (941) 5344329 PUTNAM...... Taylor Douglas...... P. O. Drawer 1578, Palatka, 32178-1578 ...... , (904) 3290800 (904) 329-0448 ST.JOHNS...... Neil Perry ...... 4015 Lewis Speedway, St. Augustine, 320954626. ... (904) 8244304 (904) 829-5882 ST. LUCIE...... Robert C. Knowles...... 4700 W. Midway Rd., Ft. Pierce, 34981-4825...... (561)461-7300 (561) 489-5851 SANTA ROSA...... Derry Brown ...... P. O. Box 7129, Milton, 3257Q-V129...... (850) 983-1100 (850) 983-1103 SARASOTA...... Geoffrey Monge...... P. O. Box 4115,Sarasota, 3423&4115...... (941) 951-5800 (941) 951-5016 SEMINOLE ...... Donald F. Eslinger...... 1345 E.28th St., Sanford, 32773-9399...... (407) 3306600 (407) 33IH)654 SUMTER ...... W, O. "Bill"Farmer, Jr....P. O. Box 188, Bushnell, 33513%188...... ~...... (352) 7930222 (352) 7934220 SUWANNEE ...... Alton K. "Al" Williams. ...200 S.Ohio AveW. L.K. Ave. , Live Oak, 32060-3290 . . (904) 362-2222 (904) 364-1953 TAYLOR...... L. E. "Bummy" Williams ..108 N. Jefferson St., Perry, 32347-3244...... (904) 584-4225 (904) 584-7017 UNION...... Jerry Whitehead ...... Courthouse, Room 102, Lake Butler, 32054-1698 .... (904) 496-2501 (904) 496-3600 VOLUSIA ...... Bob Vogel...... P. O. Box 569, DeLand, 327214569...... (904) 736-5961 (904) 822-5074 WAKULLA ...... David F.Harvey...... 15 Oak Street, Crawfordville, 32327 ...... (850) 9264800 (850) 926-0896 WALTON ...... Quinn A. McMillian...... 72 N. 6th Street, DeFuniak Springs, 32433-1944. . . ..(850) 8924186 (850) 8924195 WASHINGTON ...... Fred Peel...... P. O. Box 626, Chipley, 32428-0626...... (850) 638-6111 (850) 6384184

FLORIDA SHERIFFS ASSOCIATION FLORIDA SHERIFFS YOUTH RANCHES P. O. Box 12519,Tallahassee, FL 32317-2519 Boys Ranch, Youth Villa, Youth Ranches, Youth Camps (850) 877-2165 ~ FAX: (850) 8784665 Boys Ranch, FL 32060 (904) 842-5501 ~ Central Office FAX: (904) 842-2429 ~ ~ ~ ~

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