Vision, Values and Mission
Vision, Values and Mission Vision Mission elements and objectives To be a pre-eminent university in Africa, driven The mission is made up of the following by the pursuit of knowledge and innovation. elements: q Develop, educate and empower through Values quality teaching and learning, well-round- The North-West University subscribes to the ed graduates who are able to think lat- values of human dignity, equality, freedom, erally and critically in their service to the integrity, tolerance, respect, commitment to country and its people. excellence, scholarly engagement, academic q Develop and sustain high-quality, relevant freedom, justice and transparency. and focused research, supplying innova- tive solutions to challenges faced by the Mission scholarly community, the country, the con- The NWU’s mission is to become a balanced tinent and the world. teaching-learning and research university q Expand the implementation of expertise, and to implement our expertise in an innova- both commercially and community-direct- tive way. ed, for the benefit of the province, the country, the SADC region, the continent This the institution will achieve as it lives its and ultimately the world. values, strives for sound management and q Be a value-driven university, striving to pursues transformation, while being locally make a difference in the pursuit of our engaged, nationally relevant and internation- mission. ally recognised. q Aspire to be recognised internationally as a well-managed and innovative university, with a client focus embedded in quality. This the University seeks to achieve by cre- ating an enabling environment that will enhance and improve its core business and by remaining financially viable.
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