Jump 10 - Gargoyles Chapter 1: Not So Human Anymore

One thousand years ago, superstition and the sword ruled.

It was a time of darkness. It was a world of fear. It was the age of gargoyles.

[Insert epic music]

Stone by day, warriors by night. We travel the worlds that are and might not be.

Now here in Manhattan …

The light of the sun did not dramatically set with the last vestiges reaching out in defiance. The light just darkened behind the clouds as a light rain started. But even in the year of alternate reality 1994 the lights of the New York nightlife shown bright. Bright enough to see by. High atop a privately owned skyscraper a set of large humanoid statues cracked and shuttered. Shards of stone shrapnel flew in all directions. And so it was that the group of travelers awoke and Wanderer landed flat on his face. The … only thing that saved him from falling off the building was the fact that he was in the middle of a large patio.

“My legs! What happened to my legs?!” Then he saw his hands. “What the fuck!” That was when Wanderer’s tail and wings started to spasm wildly. All of his senses were heightened. He now had new appendages and no idea of where he was.

Someone moved nearby. No, something moved with a familiar aura. Red clawed feet appeared in his sight. Then the clawed hands reached out to roll him over. “Quit being such a drama queen. Your legs are just fine. You’re not human now. You’re a .

“Tanny,” she wore a warm smile as her eyes tried to memorize his face, “Why are you naked?” That was just before Tanthia moved even closer to get a good, long sniff of him.

“She isn’t the only one baring it all.” Medusa who was now tannish orange with white hair didn’t hide that she got her own eyeful combined with her own long sniff. It was polite of her not to get as close.

“Why is everyone naked?!” They weren’t even acting ashamed, but Medusa’s wings folded around herself in some kind of cloak.

In the background Dr Krieger was ecstatically playing with his tail and wings. And as such he wasn’t paying much attention. “We have much to discuss, my mate. Come in out of the rain, dry off and we can get dressed.”

It was a very nice penthouse. Lavish in every way with a line of chests near the door. Medusa and Tanthia had to carry him inside as Wanderer’s tail was throwing off his balance. Granted that the tail was there to grant him balance, but if you give a human a new set of legs and a tail their balance will be off.

Inside they found that even Wanderer had a new chest. Inside there they found an altered version of his aura guardian outfit, hat, crown, and even a strange crystal on a string. Now with everyone clothed in various outfits. Tanthia is more of a flowing white robe, Medusa in some leather armor, and Dr Krieger in a lab coat.

It was about now a human woman in a maid outfit appeared with a bow. “Not now, Rachel. Cancel all my appointments. I have so much to discuss with mate.” The woman bowed before leaving without a word. “Where do we begin?”

“I’m going to say with that. What the fuck, Tanthia? I know you were rich in the last world, but again?”

“Honey, I’m still rich. Except this time I own my own company. Centuries of our clan hoarding treasure and as it was just the three of us now, we just had to use it. So I started a small business that quickly took off. The thing practically runs itself.”

“And that lady doesn’t care that you three are ” … “Monsters,” Medusa finished. “Rachel is a good girl. Pay a person enough and they’ll do anything.”

Dr. Krieger sat across from him. “Alright, I think I’ve adapted to the memories. Now, Wanderer, what about Mitsuko? Did she make it?”

The sudden new form had driven thoughts of Krieger’s plaything out of his mind. “Oh, right.” A thought was all it took to open up a portal.

Out shot Mitsuko in her anime holographic mini wedding dress. And screamed about demons. Wanderer thought it would take time to calm her down but she was actually okay with Krieger looking like a demon. Thinking about how Krieger must of programmed her Wanderer didn’t even want to … ask.

“Now, you said ‘our clan’ meaning more. Why are there only ” Wanderer didn’t have to finish. … The sorrow in the room was palpable.

Medusa looked down. “They were smashed in their sleep. We only survived because we were away at the time. We found them shattered.”

They talked for hours. Talked about the physiology of this new race. Of how gargoyles turned to stone during the day to absorb sunlight and how their personal possessions would also turn to stone. Except for this one particular clan. Something about this clan was different from all the other clans. Any clothing or items held would not petrify with the gargoyles. And when waking up at sunset clothing would become ripped and tattered by the stone shrapnel while items would be heavily damaged. It just became easier to have foot lockers to store their personal items.

The story of the clan’s destruction was saddening. Krieger was of the older generation while the girls were something called rookery sisters. The explanation was that they hatched in the same group of eggs and how gargoyles never know their parents as they are raised by the entire clan. It just caused more questions on his part. But the story went that the trio had seen out scouting when a blizzard hit, forcing them to shelter in a cave for the day. By the time they returned nothing but rubble remained of their friends and family. What eggs had been in the rookery were broken open. None had survived. After that they had performed the proper funeral rites before leaving for New York.

Why New York? Apparently it was a big place with an active nightlife. A place that three gargoyles could go mostly unnoticed if they kept their heads down. Then they used the gold and artifacts they had saved to start a business. Rare books and artifacts. That simple start lead them into rare coins and ancient lore. While most people only saw the front as items others saw the more secretive side of dealing in more mystical information.

Medusa draped herself across a couch. “So, what now, Wandy? Are we going to pretend to be gods again? Because we all remember how well that worked out.”

“Absolutely not. I just want a decade of peace and quiet. Unlike you lot I didn’t get any new memories of how to control his body. So I think ” but Wanderer wasn’t allowed to finish as a ball of fire … burst into flames for the briefest of moment.

With the fires dissipated Wanderer and a new female gargoyle stood. “Don’t think about it.” The new Wanderer said dropping a rather large metallic chest. As for the new woman, she held an egg. It was enough to get everyone to their feet. Tensions rose. “Time is cyclical here. What was has always been and don’t bother trying to change things. It won’t work.”

A sniff of the newcomer was enough set Tanthia’s eyes glowing, but not at the newcomers. Her rage was directed towards Medusa. Fang Face’s part was purest confusion.

Wanderer pinched the bridge of his nose. “Alright. I don’t have the experience with this body to know what you two are sniffing, but cut it out. You ” … “I think the correct term is ‘other me.’”

“Stop being an asshole and start talking.” Wanderer had to pull Tanthia in his lap to stop the growling and posturing. It helped her become much more affectionate as she started stroking his brow ridges. It gave Wanderer the feeling that it was highly inappropriate.

“If you say so, dipshit.” The older him held up a small amulet. “Phoenix Gate. Garneted paradox time travel. It creates only stable time loops. Pretty self explanatory.”

That was enough to get the scientist’s attention. “Paradox time travel? But how? I have so many questions!”

“Yeah, don’t ask me,” new Wanderer said putting the Gate back into a pouch. “The ass-hat that that stated this time loop didn’t care to explain it and so I don’t know it.” A glance at a watch and, “3 … 2 1 ” … … The flash of light and another Dr. Krieger appeared. “I know what you are going to say, but I had to give myself these samples. Otherwise I wouldn’t have had them for my research.” After the newcomer dropped his even larger case the ball of phoenix fire engulfed him and it was just the original crew and the two others.

“Yeah, like I said, you can’t change the past, because it already happened. Pain in the ass. You remember season 3, episode 52 of Red vs. Blue? It was just as big a cluster fuck as that. It might have taken a while, but this chest has everything you need to complete all of your plans for the next decade. It doesn’t explain anything, but then the asshole that gave me my chest didn’t explain anything either. Now if you’ll excuse us we need to finish up our preparations for the next world.”

It was the newcomer's first time to speak. She had spent the entire time watching Krieger and Mitsuko. “Kono chīsana otoko o wasurenaide kudasai.”

“Right,” the older Wanderer said tossing the egg to his younger self. “The dog is going to hatch in about half an hour. I know you’ll give it a good name, because I did. Now I have to go return this blasted thing back to where I got it. I am not making the same mistake of unleashing this on another universe. Come on, let’s get out of here and into a universe where the metaphysics make sense.”

Krieger and his waifu’s eyes were both wide. “Mitsuko? But how ?” … … A wink and flashing a peace sign and spoke only a single word, “Supoirā.”

“Oh, one last thing. Watch out for the Weird Sisters!” The Phoenix Gate activated in the timeliest of fashions to whisk the older thems away.

* * * * * Location Unknown * * * * *

Lights flickered around and through large glass tubes. Some had forms inside while others were empty. Anton Sevarius looked up from an email from David Xanatos in shook as a ball of fire appeared for the briefest of moments before dissipating to reveal a dark blue gargoyle. His armor was torn and blood stained. Of course this was the first time the man has seen such a creature, but something like this was what the message had been about. “Father,” the newcomer said setting down a suitcase.

“Father?” It was a common question in the situation.

“I would say so. I am Pariah, one of your creations. Your best if I say so myself.” Setting down a suitcase onto the table the gleam of gold danced across the scientist’s face.

“And what pleasure do I owe this little family visit?”

“This,” Pariah tossed a bag next to the suitcase. Inside Sevarius found severed hand and an eye. “These belonged to a powerful gargoyle, perhaps the most powerful. I want you to make a clone for me. Or should I say make me. I remember that you once told me how it was I that appeared to commission my own cloning. I trust these will be enough to get the procedure started.”

“My boy, it is indeed, but I have to ask you to tell me more.”

Pariah let out a deep laugh. “As it is, as it was and as it will ever be.”

* * * * * Xanatos Tower * * * * *

Elsewhere in Manhattan a different group of gargoyle awoke from a thousand year sleep. But they don’t matter for this story yet. …

Gargoyles Drop-In (Free)– You wake up in your chosen location with whatever you happen to have on you ​ during the end of your last jump. No memories or loyalties to help out or get in the way. Age: 5 – born 1938 Gargoyles (50CP) – Winged humanoids of great strength and durability, they are fiercely loyal to ​ their clan and allies. Naturally territorial, they watch over their territory during the night, dealing with invaders and criminals alike. Gargoyles come in a wide variety of forms, mostly resembling demons and occasionally animals, though they loathe the comparisons. Gargoyles turn to stone during the day, rendering them vulnerable to malicious humans, but healing them of most injuries and poisons. They don't age while sleeping. Location: 8. Jumper's Choice – You lucky devil. Where do you want to go? ​ 1. Manhattan Island, New York – The city in the United States with the highest population and ​ the new territory of the Manhattan Clan. New York has a thriving business sector with Xanatos Industries and Cyberbiotics both calling it home. Spacious sewers and the rooftops of skyscrapers await you. Perks

Durable (free: gargoyle) Free – Catch a sword with your hands, take a laser to the gut, whatever ​ your masochistic heart desires. Your skin is now tough as good hard leather armor, with the feel of suede. Clan-Brother (discount: drop-in) Free – Through strange circumstances you've found yourself ​ allied with a clan of Gargoyles. You can count on them when you need them, and they'll have your number as well. In future jumps, this translates to increased luck in finding and working with non-humans of any sort. Unstoppable Guardian (discount: gargoyle) 100 CP – When something you care about is ​ threatened, nothing can stand in your way. You gain a major boost in willpower when your eyes start to glow. You can easily intimidate most regular human or animal opponents. Gargoyle Strength (discount: gargoyle) 150 CP – Most Gargoyles are already strong, but you're ​ a cut above the rest. Bend steel bars and crush solid stone in your hands, if you strain yourself you can even throw a car a few yards. Technosorcery (discount: human) 400 CP – Combining magic and technology is a no brainer for you. You can handily blend the two to create amazing effects like broadcasting spells over telephone lines or melding creatures together through sorcerous surgery. Very little in the field of technomagic is beyond your reach with this skill. Advanced Gliding (discount: gargoyle) 200 CP – Your gliding skills make eagles look like ​ penguins. You can detect every updraft and downdraft as second nature, and your aerial acrobatics are amongst the most impressive of your kind. Frankly, you may as well be flying. Even if you're in a form that doesn't have wings, anytime you find yourself piloting a flying machine, it seemingly defies physics. Lucky Sleeper (discount: gargoyle) 300 CP – For some reason, few will target you when you're ​ unawares. Maybe you're just too darn cute. Enemies have second and third thoughts about taking you out while you're sleeping or just doing more important things. A truly determined foe will power through it, but they're more likely to just wait for you to wake up to try and kill you. Now you no longer have to worry about assassins while conducting open heart surgery or someone smashing you when you turn to stone.

Items: Sun Amulet Medallion (discount: Chaclxchel starting location) 300 CP – Created by ancient ​ Mayan sorcerers, when worn by a gargoyle this medallion stops them from turning to stone during the day, with no drawbacks. It is connected to the recently stolen Sun Amulet, and if that amulet is destroyed then the medallion is nothing more than a pretty rock on a string. Companions Import Companions (discount: drop-in) 200 CP – Bring in up to eight of your companions and ​ give them a race, an origin from this Jump, and 400 CP to spend in this jump. The companions receive discounts appropriate to their origin and race. You can also use this option to create custom companions, so long as it's used for no more than 8 companions total. Companion drawbacks: All companions get +100 from Without Why? And +100 from Single-Shot Humility Spell Failure (for all!) - Must be gargoyle, +100 CP – In ancient Rome the Magus of the time cast a spell so that anything a gargoyle was holding that they considered theirs would turn to and from stone with them, rather than be torn apart by stone shrapnel. Unfortunately, you aren't descended from any gargoyle. Anything your holding or wearing when you turn back to flesh is damaged by the stone shell exploding and possibly destroyed.

Tanthia (+700CP) Age: 3 – born 1958 (picture from deviant art – found on Noble-Gargoyle’s page, but has a Noble Maiden watermark.)

❖ Gargoyles – Winged humanoids of great strength ​ and durability, they are fiercely loyal to their clan and allies. Naturally territorial, they watch over their territory during the night, dealing with invaders and criminals alike. Gargoyles come in a wide variety of forms, mostly resembling demons and occasionally animals, though they loathe the comparisons. Gargoyles turn to stone during the day, rendering them vulnerable to malicious humans, but healing them of most injuries and poisons. They don't age while sleeping. ❖ Big Business – You've made your way in this world ​ through hard work and a cunning mind. Big dreams and a copy of “The Prince” book-on-tape are all you need to wrap the world around your finger. “Pay a man enough and he'll walk barefoot through hell”, right Jumper? ● Durable (free: gargoyle) Free – Catch a sword with ​ your hands, take a laser to the gut, whatever your masochistic heart desires. Your skin is now tough as good hard leather armor, with the feel of suede. ● Pragmatism (free: big business)– You have an accurate idea of when someone will be useful in ​ the future, as well as when it's time to cut your losses. Know when to hold 'em, when to fold 'em, and when to run. You'll also never show more of your hand than necessary for a plot to succeed. ● Tech-Adapting (free: human) 100 CP – By spending a few moments examining a machine, you ​ can figure out how it's most basic functions work. Driving vehicles you've never encountered and operating strange computers is never outside your ability. Longer times spent studying a device increases your understanding, obviously. ● CEO (discount: big business) 100 CP – You own a company and it practically runs itself. ​ However, that doesn't mean you don't know how this company works. Business acumen is your forte and any steps you make to advance a company pay off three-fold. Expect to receive bonuses often. This applies to any business you can gain control over, or even just create, provided you aren't intentionally crashing it. ● Quick Thinking (discount:Super snooper) 200 CP – Things have a tendency to go wrong, so ​ ​ you've learned to think on your feet. Whenever a sudden event puts your goals or something you care about in danger, a solution just comes to you. It may not be optimal, but it will work in the short term to keep events spinning. ● Xanatos Gambit (discount: big business) 300CP – You are a master of plans. Dovetailing, ​ back-up plans, and even a bit of off the cuff villainy are as natural to you as breathing. You have plans within plans within plans and no matter what happens, you always seem to come out ahead. ● Loads of money (free twice to big business)– 200,000 American dollars or the local equivalent. ​ You could probably use this to survive for a couple years. Or you could get a job.

Medusa (+700CP) Age: 2 – born 1958 (picture from deviant art – found on Noble-Gargoyle’s page, but has a Noble Maiden watermark.) ❖ Gargoyles – Winged humanoids of great ​ strength and durability, they are fiercely loyal to their clan and allies. Naturally territorial, they watch over their territory during the night, dealing with invaders and criminals alike. Gargoyles come in a wide variety of forms, mostly resembling demons and occasionally animals, though they loathe the comparisons. Gargoyles turn to stone during the day, rendering them vulnerable to malicious humans, but healing them of most injuries and poisons. They don't age while sleeping. ❖ Warrior – You've spent your whole life fighting ​ one thing or another. Whether it was hunting Gargoyles, fighting Vikings, or even just training for anything, you’re a skilled and able-bodied soldier ready to protect your life or end someone else's. ● Durable (free: gargoyle) Free – Catch a sword with your hands, take a laser to the gut, whatever ​ your masochistic heart desires. Your skin is now tough as good hard leather armor, with the feel of suede. ● Warrior's Instincts (free: Warrior) – Whether it's through years of experience or just a gut ​ feeling, you can tell when you're being led-on by your enemies. You'll never again have to worry about overextending your reach and accidentally getting caught with your pants down. Now that will only happen on purpose. ● Weapons master (discount: warrior) 100 CP – You're proficient in the use of most common and ​ many uncommon weapons. Using a sword, spear, gun, flamethrower, or even tentacles you've somehow sprouted to defeat your foes are well within your grasp. Don't expect miracles, however. ● Maneuverability (discount: warrior) 100 CP - Outmaneuver and out fly your opponent and you ​ can get them just where you want them. You can stop on a dime or get multiple opponents to crash into each other. Good for pushing people off cliff edges as well or catching them if you do so accidentally. ● Unstoppable Guardian (discount: gargoyle) 100 CP – When something you care about is ​ threatened, nothing can stand in your way. You gain a major boost in willpower when your eyes start to glow. You can easily intimidate most regular human or animal opponents. ● Advanced Gliding (discount: gargoyle) 200 CP – Your gliding skills make eagles look like ​ penguins. You can detect every updraft and downdraft as second nature, and your aerial acrobatics are amongst the most impressive of your kind. Frankly, you may as well be flying. Even if you're in a form that doesn't have wings, anytime you find yourself piloting a flying machine, it seemingly defies physics. ● Masterful Tactician (discount: warrior) 200 CP – You are a natural leader and a firm believer ​ that there's a way out of every situation. Now you can figure that out in the middle of heated combats. You inherently know how to use all your perks and natural abilities to get out of the current situation, no matter what that is. Works for everything from encounters with the Loch Ness monster to trapped hotels. ● Viking Sword (free: Warrior) – A sword recovered from an ancient battlefield. It's still sharp. ​

Dr. Krieger (+800CP) Age: 5 – born 1938 1. Personal Drawback: Crash Artist +100 CP - You can't seem to hold onto a vehicle to save your ​ life. Within a day of building or acquiring a car, motorcycle, helicopter, or whatever, it goes up in flames. Doesn't apply to vehicles you've bought with CP. ❖ Gargoyles – Winged humanoids of great strength and durability, they are fiercely loyal to their ​ clan and allies. Naturally territorial, they watch over their territory during the night, dealing with invaders and criminals alike. Gargoyles come in a wide variety of forms, mostly resembling demons and occasionally animals, though they loathe the comparisons. Gargoyles turn to stone during the day, rendering them vulnerable to malicious humans, but healing them of most injuries and poisons. They don't age while sleeping. ❖ Super Snooper – You're a cop, private investigator, or just highly inquisitive. Either way you have ​ just tracked down your local gargoyle clan, and aren't they surprised to see you. Better get to explaining yourself. ● Durable (free: gargoyle) Free – Catch a sword with your hands, take a laser to the gut, whatever ​ your masochistic heart desires. Your skin is now tough as good hard leather armor, with the feel of suede. ● Lucky Badge (free:Super Snooper) – Whether it's a police badge, an old pocket watch, or a ​ book, it may as well be a guardian angel when you put it in your jacket pocket. Small objects like bullets, darts, or even throwing knives will usually hit this instead of you. Not 100% effective, but it happens often enough that you'll thank your stars and garters you remembered to carry your lucky wad of receipts that day. ● Machinist (discount: human) 200 CP – You are an expert mechanic. You can rebuild and ​ improve a helicopter in 12 hours or create a functional motorcycle from spare parts. If honed, this ability will let you make nearly anything from incredibly advanced robots to nanite swarms in only a few months time. ● Mad Biologist (discount:human) 600 CP – You know how to make DNA dance like a Las Vegas ​ Showgirl. Whether you want to clone someone, modify a living person's biology, or some combination of the two, it's all in your grasp now. You just need to find the right samples, the right equipment, and it all works out. ● Handgun (free: Super Snooper) – A 9mm Glock 19. Standard for New York Police Department. ​ ​ ​

Mitsuko Miyazumi (+700CP) ● What? How will Wanderer pull this off?

Gargbeast (discount: gargoyle) 100 CP – You have a dog! Sure, it has leathery skin that's as tough as chain mail and looks like a dragon banged a bulldog, but otherwise it's just like a regular dog. You choose the gender and general temperament. (picture from google)

Drawbacks Without Why? +200CP Humility Spell Failure - Must be gargoyle, +0 CP – In ancient Rome the Magus of the time cast a spell so that anything a gargoyle was holding that they considered theirs would turn to and from stone with them, rather than be torn apart by stone shrapnel. Unfortunately, you aren't descended from any gargoyle. Anything your holding or wearing when you turn back to flesh is damaged by the stone shell exploding and possibly destroyed. My Own Clone! +600 CP - A mad scientist has created a clone of you. It has all of your biological ​ abilities, a powerful and megalomaniacal mind, connections with both the Illuminati and a certain rogue mad scientist, and a bad habit of cloning your companions to serve as their personal slaves. Oh, and if you don't stop their plans, I'm giving them your place in the Jumpchain and you get sent home.