What’s been happening in the classes this week? Kynance sense of hearing and did a rotation of sound related activities. As part of our topic in RE The children have settled back into work very well after their amazing residential. we have been learning about religious foods and mainly focused on what Jewish people Following on from the arts day last Thursday, we have continued to generate ideas for a eat. We discussed what the word ‘Kosher’ means and why it is important within the Jewish collective story ‘The Sands of Time’. The children have also been recording their special faith. would like to thank Michelle Burley for coming in on Thursday to talk to memories of camp and interviewing the adults that went. All the work will be collected to the children about her farming business and shop in Perranarworthal. create a camp book 2014 which will be kept in the library as a keep sake. Alongside this Gunwalloe the children have been designing artefacts than an imaginary tribe ‘The Moztecks’ might This week in Gunwalloe we have been learning about milk, where it comes from and what have used. In maths, the children have been looking at how to make realistic estimations we use it for. We read the story Oliver’s Milkshake and discussed which animals produce eg. How many litres of fluid might you drink in a lifetime? We have also had a lot of milk and of those animals, which ones we would find in the supermarket for us to drink. singing/script practice in preparation for what will be a fantastic performance in July. A On Tuesday we had a ‘Milkshake Masterclass’ from 2 children in Marazion. The children very busy and productive week! learnt how to make yoghurt milkshakes and what utensils you would need. In Literacy we Porthmeor have written instructions on how to make a milkshake, used our phonics skills to list This week in Maths we have been problem solving using logic and trial and error strategies ingredients that we would use and everyone has been able read back their work to their and also revisited multiplication and division. In Literacy we have studied proverbs and friends. As the nice weather continues the children have been making some fabulous items their meanings and written different sorts of Shape poems. We have taken advantage of the for our garden, making sure the plants are watered daily and using all the outside resources good weather and had an athletics session and games session outside. Many Year 5 children such as sand, water, chalks, bubbles and the PE equipment. Finally this week we had a also had a fun day out with the Green Car Challenge racing at Mawgan Porth. We have special visitor called Michelle in school. She came to talk to the children about the continued perfecting our songs and dances for the Mermaid of . foodstuff she grows, the stall she works at in Perran-a-Worthal and the produce markets Godrevy that she attends. The children learnt all about the local produce grown and asked many questions related to growing, harvesting and selling these crops. This visit will inspire a This week we have been hard at work completing the end of year optional SATs tests. We further art project in which Gunwalloe and Marazion will be taking part in – Watch this have tested the children in mental maths, written maths, spelling, reading and writing. I space! have been delighted with the children's attitude to the tests and early indications show excellent progress made by the class. In History we examined the rebellion of Boudicca 25th Anniversary Barn Dance against the Roman invaders and investigated why the rebellion eventually failed. In Cancer Research and Stithians School Annual Barn dance at Pencoose Farm, Stithians, Saturday 28th Science we have been looking at ways to stay safe during the hot summer days and also June 8pm—11pm BBQ, Bar and Raffle, Adults £5, Under 16’s £2. Come along and support . investigate how harmful the sun can be. We have continued to work on our three on-going Green Car Challenge Stithians Show exhibits: 3D Volcanoes, Roman Shields and Celtic ceramic torcs. In On Wednesday the school attended the Green Car Challenge Race Day at St Mawgan Airfield outside Games we learnt the rules of rounders and put the skills into practice. . The school had 12 drivers competing in 13 races over the course of the day. The car and drivers were all amazing and we were all very proud to be associated with the school team. The Sennen children also had access to a number of activities that were staged in the events tent. Bryony, Siri and This week we have been finishing off our tests (writing and phonics) and again the children Cody won a pneumatic car challenge, designing making and time-trialling their car. Thank you to Ben have excelled themselves. In art on Tuesday we drew flowers and painted them with Watkins for transporting the car to Newquay Airport and the parents who were able to attend the watercolours - congratulations to Gabby who took particular care over hers. On Wednesday event. we used what we knew about minibeasts to create a fact file and what we didn't know we Review of Policies and Procedures found out from the Internet. In science we learnt about animals with backbones and without As a school we regularly review our policies and procedures. If you have an issue you wish to discuss and sorted minibeasts according to their characteristics. In cricket this week, we had to ask please feel free to come into school and talk to me about it. If you do not feel the issue has been some batters to retire after two overs as they were proving so hard to get out! resolved then the complaints procedure needs to be followed. This is available via the website or by asking for a copy at the office. Marazion Photographs We have had a fun and busy week in Marazion this week. In Literacy we have started a The class photographs and team photographs are on display in the entrance hall for parents and Poetry unit and began the week by learning different finger rhymes. We sang ‘A Sailor children to see. Orders need to be in school by Wednesday 25th June to enable them to be processed went to Sea’ and discussed how in this rhyme, there are two different ways to spell ‘see/ and be returned to school for the end of term. sea’. We talked about how words which sound the same but are spelt differently are called Lend Me Your Literacy Congratulations to the following five children are having their writing posted on the Lend Me Your ‘homophones’. We also undertook the national phonics screening test and I am really Literacy site this week- Gully Smith- Laing, William Trinder, Joel Prior, Hayley Watson and pleased with the children's results. Their score will be made available to you in their Florence Manley. forthcoming school report. In Maths we have been learning about time and finding clock times which are an hour and half an hour later. In Science we’ve been learning about our

Diary Dates Monday 23rdJune— Kynance Swimming Stithians Community Wednesday 25th June – Image Theatre production – Stig of the Dump Saturday 28th June—Barn Dance rd Primary School Thursday 3 July – RLG Sports Festival at School – Upper KS 2 in morning Lower KS 2 in afternoon Sports Day – Tuesday 8th July Reserve date 10th July Newsletter Monday 14th July - Stithians Show Key Stage 2 Production – Mermaid of Zennor Tuesday 15th July – Dress Rehearsal 20th June 2014 Wednesday 16th July – 6:00—7:30pm —Evening Performance Learning To Live, Living To Learn th Thursday 17 July – 6:00—7:30pm Evening Performance Desky tha Bewa, Bewa rag Desky! Wednesday 23rd July—Last Day of Term

Menu for week beginning 23rd June 2014

Certificates and Awards Week 3 – Monday Macaroni Cheese Shepherdess Pie Head Teachers Certificates: Green beans and fresh carrots, Vegetable sticks Lemon drizzle cake Tuesday Footballs: William Coles, Poppy Wintrip, Lewis Beef burger in a bun with oven baked wedges Smith, Tameron Hawke, Millie Jewell, Eris Country vegetable pie with parsley potatoes Sweetcorn and garden peas McCullough, Taegen Hawke, Gabby Lea Wurzbach, Coleslaw Chocolate marble sponge with chocolate sauce Abbie Crisp, Harry Oliver. Wednesday Free range roast pork with roast or mashed potato Gunwalloe: Pupil of the Week: Dylan Ingram Lentil roast with roast or mashed potato Most Improved (Science): George Wood Fresh carrots and seasonal cabbage, Salad platter Ice cream and fruit Marazion: Pupil of the Week : Elodie Mildren Thursday Most Improved: Tameron Hawke Organic beef hotpot with new potatoes Vegetarian sausages with new potatoes Sennen: Pupil Of the Week : Harry Oliver Fresh broccoli and roasted vegetables Most improved (Science): Ethan Reed Salad platter Toffee apple crumble and custard Godrevy: Pupil of the Week: Summer Bale-Goldsworthy Friday Most ImprovedEnglish: Millie Burridge MSC fish fingers with chips Porthmeor: Pupil Of the Week: Lamorna Swan Mediterranean quiche with chips or ½ jacket potato Garden peas and baked beans Most Improved Maths: Max Watkins Mixed salad platter Kynance: Pupil Of the Week: Jamie Crisp Chewy muesli fruit bar Most Improved: Lance Yelland Jacket Potatoes available every day with cheese and Beans