Downloading and installing Db2 Developer Community Edition on Enterprise Roger E. Sanders Yujing Ke Published on October 24, 2018

This guide will help you download and install IBM® Db2® software, Data Server Manager software, Data Studio software (optionally) and a sample database – all packaged in a Docker container – on . After completing the following steps, you will have a Db2 v11.1.3.3 database named SAMPLE that can be used to develop and test applications.

Table of Contents 1 Introduction: What is Db2? ...... 1 2 Prerequisites ...... 2 2.1 Hardware ...... 2 2.2 Software ...... 2 3 Installing Red Hat Enterprise Linux ...... 2 4 Downloading the Db2 Developer Community Edition software ...... 4 5 Preparing the server for Db2 installation ...... 9 5.1 Download and install Docker for Linux ...... 9 5.2 Configure the server to start Docker automatically on boot ...... 10 5.3 Create a Db2 instance user ...... 11 5.4 Create a Docker group and add the Db2 user to it ...... 11 6 Installing the Db2 software ...... 12 7 Testing and validating setup ...... 23 7.1 Querying the Db2 SAMPLE database ...... 23 8 Summary ...... 29 9 References ...... 29

1 Introduction: What is Db2?

IBM Db2 is an enterprise-level, high-performance relational database management system (RDBMS) that is designed to make the storage, management, and retrieval of data simple. Data is stored in the form of tables consisting of rows (records) and columns (fields) and can be retrieved or modified by any number of applications that are running concurrently. Access to, and manipulation of data in a Db2 database is accomplished using Structured Query Language (SQL) to store (INSERT), retrieve (SELECT), and manipulate (UPDATE and DELETE) data in a RDBMS. SQL also provides facilities for defining database objects like tables, indexes, and views, and for restricting data access.

Docker is software that aids in the delivery and deployment of other software by bundling the required components in containers; IBM Db2 Developer Community Edition is a Docker container that has everything needed to set up an environment for Db2 database application development. 2 Prerequisites

• Basic understanding of Linux concepts 2.1 Hardware

• An Intel-based X86 server capable of supporting a 64-bit Operating System • Minimum of 8GB of RAM • Monitor • Keyboard • Mouse 2.2 Software

• Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.5.0 – Developers can get free Red Hat Enterprise Linux Developer subscription for development purposes by registering and downloading through • Db2 Developer Community Edition * – Free, fully functional version of Db2 intended for development, test, and small production environments, packaged in a Docker container. (Get information on Db2 Direct and Developer-C Editions.)

A list of the most current versions of Db2 and Linux operating systems that have been tested (together) can be found at the System requirements for IBM DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows web site.

3 Installing Red Hat Enterprise Linux

(Duration: Up to 60 minutes) Less-experienced users of RHEL should choose Server with GUI as the base environment as part of the “Software Selection” step of installation. You should also choose the following Add-Ons for the Selected Environment:

• Hardware Monitoring Utilities • Java Platform • KDE • Performance Tools • Development Tools • Security Tools • System Administration Tools

A root user account is created during installation of RHEL; note the password for this account. 4 Downloading the Db2 Developer Community Edition software

(Duration: 5 minutes)

Follow these steps to download the Db2 Developer Community Edition software (web page appearance may vary):

1. Open a web browser and go to the IBM Db2 Direct and Developer Editions web page. (Figure 1).

Figure 1. IBM Db2 Direct and Developer Editions Web Page

2. Click the Try free developer edition button. This will open the IBM Db2 Developer Editions download page (see Figure 2).

Figure 2. IBM Db2 Developer Editions download page

3. Click Try free edition for IBM Db2 Developer Community Edition. This will open a Sign Up for IBM Db2 web page (Figure 3). Figure 3. IBM Db2 Developer Community Edition Sign Up page

4. If you already have an IBM ID, click the Sign in link and then enter your IBM ID and password. 5. If you do not already have an IBM ID, enter the information requested, along with a password; then click Continue. 6. Answer the questions on the Complete your profile page (Figure 4) and click Continue. Figure 4. Complete your profile page

7. A Downloads page will open (Figure 5). Click the Download now link next to "IBM Db2 Developer Community Edition for Linux x86 (SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12, Fedora 25, Ubuntu 16.04+)." Figure 5. IBM Db2 Developer Community Edition Downloads page

8. Save the resulting file (ibm-db2-developer_community_edition-1.2.1- x86_64.AppImage). You now have the software needed to install Db2 Developer Community Edition on your machine. 5 Preparing the server for Db2 installation 5.1 Download and install Docker for Linux

(Duration: 10 minutes)

Because Db2 Developer Community Edition is Db2 (along with other tools) in a Docker container, Docker Enterprise Edition (EE) must be installed on the server before Db2 Developer Community Edition can be used. Perform the following steps to install Docker EE:

1. Open a terminal window. (Right-click anywhere on the desktop and select Open Terminal from the menu shown.) 2. Execute the command su - root. When the Password: prompt appears, provide the password created for the root user during installation. The command line prompt should change from $ to #. 3. Confirm that the system has been registered with the Red Hat subscription management service by executing the command subscription-manager repos --list. If the system does not have any repositories available through subscriptions, use the Red Hat Subscription Manager system tool to register the server (ApplicationsàSystem ToolsàRed Hat Subscription Manager). 4. If a Docker repository already exists on the server, remove it by executing the command rm -f /etc/yum.repos.d/docker*.repo. 5. Go to and log in to your DockerHub account. Then, navigate to your “My Content” page. (Once you have created a Docker store account, all of your subscriptions and trials are listed there; if you have not obtained a copy of Docker EE for RHEL, you will need to do so before you continue). 6. Click the Setup button for Docker Enterprise Edition for Red Hat Enterprise Linux and use the Copy and paste this URL to download your Edition button to copy the URL for the Docker EE software. 7. Temporarily store the URL just copied in an environment variable by executing the command export DOCKERURL="DockerURL" where DockerURL is the URL copied in the previous step (in the terminal window). For example:

export DOCKERURL=” ee10d41c-ecfa-4e03-b75f-61f8610d543f”

Note: This variable assignment does not persist when the session ends.

8. Store the value of the DOCKERURL variable (assigned in the previous step), in a variable in the /etc/yum/vars/ file by executing the command echo "$DOCKERURL/rhel" > /etc/yum/vars/dockerurl 9. Store your RHEL major version number in the /etc/yum/vars/dockerosversion file by executing a command that looks something like this, where “x” should be replaced with your major version number: echo "x" > /etc/yum/vars/dockerosversion

For example:

echo "7" > /etc/yum/vars/dockerosversion

10. Execute the following commands to install the prerequisite Docker packages:

a) subscription-manager repos –enable rhel-7-server- optional-rpms b) yum makecache fast c) yum -y install yum-utils d) yum -y install device-mapper-persistent-data e) yum -y install lvm2 f) yum -y container-selinux

11. Enable the extras RHEL repository by executing the command yum-config- manager --enable rhel-7-server-extras-rpms. 12. Create a new Docker EE repository by executing the command yum-config- manager --add-repo "$DOCKERURL/rhel/docker-ee.repo". (Note that you only need to set up the repository once, after which you can install Docker EE and upgrade repeatedly from the repository, as necessary.) 13. Install the latest release of Docker EE by executing the command yum -y install docker-ee.

NOTE: If prompted to accept the GPG key, verify that the fingerprint matches 77FE DA13 1A83 1D29 A418 D3E8 99E5 FF2E 7668 2BC9. If it does, accept it.

14. Start Docker by executing the command systemctl start docker. 15. Verify that Docker EE was installed correctly by running the hello-world image. This is done by executing the command docker run hello-world. You should see a message that contains the following text:

Hello from Docker! This message shows that your installation appears to be working correctly.

NOTE: Additional information about installing Docker EE on a RHEL server can be found here:

5.2 Configure the server to start Docker automatically on boot

(Duration: 1 minute) Most current Linux distributions (i.e., RHEL, CentOS, Fedora, Ubuntu 16.04 and higher) use systemd to manage which services are started when a system boots. To configure your server to automatically start Docker as part of the boot process, perform the following steps:

1. Open a terminal window if you do not already have one open. 2. Execute the command su - root; when the Password: prompt appears, provide the correct password for the root user. 3. Execute the command systemctl enable docker. You should see a message that looks something like this:

Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/multi- to /usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service

NOTE: If you decide you do not want Docker to start automatically when a system boots, you can execute the command systemctl disable docker to stop this behavior.

5.3 Create a Db2 instance user

(Duration: 2 minutes)

During a typical installation of Db2, an instance user (named “db2inst1” by default) is created and assigned to a group named “db2iadm1”. However, that’s not the case when Db2 Developer Community Edition is installed – an instance user name and password are provided as part of the installation process, but that information is stored in the Docker container – not at the server operating system level. To create a Db2 instance user at the OS level, perform the following steps:

1. Open a terminal window if you do not already have one open. 2. Execute the command su - root; when the Password: prompt appears, provide the correct password for the root user. 3. Create a group named “db2iadm1” by executing the command groupadd db2iadm1. 4. Create a user named “db2inst1” and assign them to the group just created by executing the command useradd -g db2iadm1 -m -d /home/db2inst1 -s /bin/bash db2inst1. 5. Assign a password to the user just created by executing the command passwd db2inst1. 6. When the prompt Changing password for user db2inst1. New password: appears, enter a password for the user account and press Enter. 7. When the prompt Retype new password: appears, type the new password again and press Enter. You should see the message passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.; if this message does not appear, go through the steps again, making any corrections suggested by the error message or messages returned. 5.4 Create a Docker group and add the Db2 user to it (Duration: 2 minutes)

The Docker daemon binds to a UNIX socket instead of a TCP port and, by default, the socket used is owned by the user root. This means that other users can only access Docker using sudo; the Docker daemon runs under the root user’s control.

To prevent having to preface every Docker command with sudo, it’s good idea to create a group named “docker” and add the appropriate users to it. Then, when the Docker daemon starts, it will create a UNIX socket that is accessible by the members of this group.

You can create a group named “docker” and assign users to it by performing the following steps:

1. Open a terminal window if you do not already have one open. 2. Execute the command su - root; when the Password: prompt appears, provide the correct password for the root user. 3. Create a group named “docker” by executing the command groupadd docker. (This group may have been created automatically when the command docker run hello- world was executed; if so, you will see the message groupadd: group “docker” already exists, which you can ignore.) 4. Add the appropriate users to the group created in the previous step by executing the command usermod -aG docker UserName where UserName is the name of the user that is to be added to the group, for each user. For example:

usermod -aG docker db2inst1

usermod -aG docker ibm_admin

5. Close the terminal window and reboot the server. 6. Log back in (as a non-root user who was added to the “docker” group). 7. Open a terminal window and execute the command su – db2inst1. 8. When the prompt Password: appears, enter the password created for the instance owner (db2inst1) earlier and press Enter. 9. Execute the command docker run hello-world. You should see a message that contains the following text:

Hello from Docker! This message shows that your installation appears to be working correctly.

6 Installing the Db2 software

(Duration: 20 minutes) Once Docker has been installed and is running, you need to use the file containing the Db2 Developer Community Edition software that was downloaded earlier to set up Db2. To perform this task, follow these steps:

1. Open a terminal window if you do not already have one open. 2. Execute the command su - root; when the Password: prompt appears, provide the correct password for the root user. 3. Create a directory named “software” in the /home directory and execute the following commands to make the software directory accessible to everyone:

a) mkdir /home/software b) mkdir /home/software/Db2 c) chmod 777 /home/software/Db2

4. Execute the command mv /home/AdminUser/Downloads/ibm-db2* /home/software/Db2 (where AdminUser is the name of the administrative user). This will move the file that was downloaded earlier to the directory created in the previous step. 5. Go to the /home/software/Db2 directory and make the file just copied there accessible to everyone by executing the following commands:

a) cd /home/software/Db2 b) chmod 777 *

6. Open the Applications menu and click the Files icon to open the Files graphical user interface (GUI). Navigate to the /home/software/Db2 directory (Other LocationsàComputeràhomeàsoftwareàDb2). 7. Right-click the ibm-db2-developer_community_edition-1.2.1-x86_64.AppImage file and select Run from the menu shown. If the Install window shown in Figure 6 appears, click Yes.

Figure 6. IBM Db2 Developer Community Edition Install integration page

8. An IBM Db2 Developer Community Edition window displaying the message “HELLO! Thank you for wanting to try out IBM Db2 Developer Community Edition, but sadly the operation system you are using is not supported.” may appear (Figure 7). This means that Db2 Developer Community Edition has not been thoroughly tested with the version of RHEL you are using. Ignore this message and click Continue.

Figure 7. IBM Db2 Developer Community Edition unsupported OS warning page

9. When you see a license agreement window like the one in Figure 8, click I agree and then Continue. Figure 8. IBM Db2 Developer Community Edition license agreement window

10. An IBM Db2 Developer Community Edition settings window will appear (Figure 9). Select Db2 Developer-C Edition ( and Data Server Manager (2.1.5) along with any other items you would like to install, then click Continue. Figure 9. Install settings window

11. If you chose not to make advanced settings changes, an IBM Data Server Manager Credentials and Database Server Credentials window will appear (Figure 10). Enter the user name “db2inst1” in the DSM Administrator Username field and supply a password in the corresponding Password fields. (This is the user ID and password that will be used to log into the Data Server Manager console.) Provide similar information in the Database Server Username and Password fields. (This is the user ID and password that will be used to connect to the SAMPLE database.) Then, click Continue.

Figure 10. Credentials window

12. The Installing DB2 Server Edition window will appear (Figure 11) with a status bar that shows the overall progress of the installation. Figure 11. Installation window

13. When the installation process is complete, an Installation Complete window appears (Figure 12). Figure 12. Installation complete window

14. Click Launch Db2 Developer-C and the Welcome to Db2 Community Edition window will appear (Figure 13). Click Get Started to start Db2 and display the Data Server Manager login screen (Figure 14). When this screen appears, enter the User name and Password provided earlier (Step 11) in the appropriate fields and click Sign In.

Figure 13. Db2 DCE welcome window

Figure 14. Db2 CE Data Server Manager login screen

15. When the Welcome to Data Server Manager screen appears (Figure 15) you can interact with your Db2 database environment via Data Server Manager. Or, you can open a terminal window and work with that.

Figure 15. Data Server Manager welcome screen

7 Testing and validating setup

The following section documents a simple test to verify that the software components used to set up the environment described earlier were installed correctly. 7.1 Querying the Db2 SAMPLE database

(Duration: 5 minutes)

Db2 comes with a sample database that, when created, can be used for a variety of purposes, including development and testing simple applications that interact with Db2. To help you get started, this sample database is created automatically as part of the Db2 Developer Community Edition installation process. (Get information about the Db2 sample database).

Follow these steps to run a simple query against the Db2 sample database:

1. Open the Data Server Manager menu by clicking on the three horizontal bars located to the left of the text IBM Data Server Manager and select RUN SQL (see Figure 16).

Figure 16. Data Server Manager main menu

2. When prompted, enter the User ID and Password (i.e., the Database Server Credentials provided during installation) in the appropriate fields and click OK to connect to the SAMPLE database (Figure 17).

NOTE: This example assumes the instance owner name is “db2inst1”. However, you can specify a different name when installing Db2 – if that is the case, use the appropriate instance owner name.

Figure 17. Operation credentials input window

3. Enter the text “select * from department” in the SQL text entry area of the Run SQL screen and select Run all from the drop-down menu available under the Run push button (Figure 18). Figure 18. Run SQL menu

4. After the SQL statement has executed, you should see a screen that is similar to the one in Figure 19. A green circle with a check mark beside the statement text in the Result area of the screen (bottom left) indicates the SQL statement ran successfully; in this example, the Result Set area of the screen (bottom right) displays the data retrieved. Figure 19. Run SQL screen with results

5. Open the Db2 Developer Community Edition menu by clicking on the three horizontal bars located to the left of the text IBM Db2 Developer Community Edition. Select Open Db2 Terminal (see Figure 20). Figure 20. Db2 Developer Community Edition menu

6. When the How to access Db2 Server directly from your terminal screen appears (Figure 21), click Open Terminal. Then, execute the command shown on the screen (below the Open Terminal button) in the terminal window. In this example, that command is: docker exec -it db2server bash -c “su - db2inst1” Figure 21. How to access the Db2 server screen

7. Execute the command db2 connect to sample (in the terminal window opened in the previous step). When this command is executed, you should see a message that looks like this:

Database Connection Information Database server = DB2/LINUXX8664 SQL authorization ID = DB2INST1 Local database alias = SAMPLE

8. After a database connection is established, retrieve the contents of the table named DEPARTMENT by executing the command db2 “select * from department” (be sure to include quotes around the text that follows db2). You should be presented with fourteen rows of data along with the message 14 record(s) selected. 9. Execute the command db2 connect reset to terminate the database connection. You should see the message DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully. The terminal window should look similar to the one in Figure 22. Figure 22. Db2 server terminal window

8 Summary

If you successfully completed the steps outlined here, you will have a Docker on Red Hat Enterprise Linux environment that can be used to develop applications that interact with the SAMPLE database that is provided with Db2. You can also create other databases and database objects to work with, as well as explore the different features that has Db2 to offer. To learn more about these features, refer to the IBM Db2 Version 11.1 Knowledge Center. 9 References

Db2 database product documentation

Db2 samples on GitHub