Shelly Manne to Lecture, Play Records Here Tuesday Dancing Qrlll

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Shelly Manne to Lecture, Play Records Here Tuesday Dancing Qrlll Shelly Manne To Lecture, Play Records Here Tuesday m r' ' ' ' ' • • • '• •,,••• vs. HILBILRN MtNALIRunoff ElectioSn Today, Tomorrow A runoff electkin is neces­ Magazine Polls Show sary tonight and'tomorrow due to results of the Associated Stu­ dents election Monday and Druminer li Favorite Tuesday in which 767 votes ""•^ b.v drummer SheH.v Maiine wHl bo presented Tues- were cast. in Ubrary 131. by instructors and students in the The campus top spot is one courses In the general educatton program. , of the three offipes In which a b, won many major Jaz/ polls In 1956, 1957 and candidate faUed to receive the those of Down Beat, Metronome and PUyboy, wiU necessary majority In order to also play records. fill the post. Booths wUl be i In 1955 Manna organized his open from 6 to 8:30 t>.m. to­ JBwn group called "Shelley night and 9 ajn to 5:30 tomor- iManne and His Men." They have played concerts and TV Out of the four cancUdates, accompaniments. Including mu­ Bob HUbum and Mel ManaUs aic for the Peter Gunn show, garnered enough votes to put which thoy do now. them in the runoff election lor Motion picture work l>y Associated StudenU president. Manne Included the films Ann Iverson and Jean Lam­ ••Guys and Dolls." -The Man bert are the female studenU Iwith the Golden Arm," "I Want who are in the runoff race for to Live" and "Five Pennies." Manne took his first profes­ president of the Associated Wo­ sional ]ob when he was IS. play- men Students. Judy AUison and inij on a ship tjotwoon New Bobl>i Weaver are vying for the "ark and Le Havre. He left Ihe Other unfUled office, sophomore .1 to join Bo»>by Byrnes' Band. class secretary-treasurer. later leaving Byrnes to replace Results of the election are aa follows (names preceded by txl ;Dave Tough with Joe Marsala's USING PfNVMOl—Valley Slote ttudifitvex- shire, Barbara Frietiman, Art Schneider, Flor­ group. lace a runoll. Names in boM- •rcise tfieir voting rights ddurini g itha alactiont ence AAolcblm, Al Soss and Ken Bahr (in face have lieen elected): During the WorW War II election committee years, he played with Bob As­ Monday and Tuesday. A totai of 767 stu­ t>ooth). Mike Kerinedy, Aaaactalad Stadfata PreaMesst SHEUY MANm—To lecture ter, Raymond Scott, WIU Brad­ dents voted. A runoff will ba hald tonight and chairman, and Pat Wiamer show students the x-Mel ManaUs 243 on jdzz. J ley arid Les Brown. He aras tomorrow. Voting (I. to r.) ora Diana Aii- procedure. x-Bob HUbum ....214 drafted into the Coast Gtiard Paul Treat r,.... 304 lor 3M years. Panorama City RotorY dlu^Otfen Ed Burke .' 85 VALLEY STAir AaMKlatod Stadesita Scholanhip To Shidy Abroad For Year Vice PresUent to atisdy for oae Mar alkoad la betag offered Bin SkMU ..{'..498 tea W|H> araa gradnaled la J^ehnwry or srOI be graduate Ross Figgins ...../itn- ad In June. Tlie ranorama CHy Botary iCIob la orTeriag the AWS PreaUent' > •ckutanhlp. I x-Ann Iverson ...164 x-Jean Lambert ....'. 101 Ntudontfi Intemtled In thr scbiAanthlp iihoald contact Dr. Pris Helm 74 •ownH tlrnilng, aMMnUle dean of studehta, bi D. No sUpula- tlomi were iiMMlr i-onrerhlng the Krholarshlp, except that UM AMS Prealdent Vol. 3, No. 26 SAN FEtNANOO VALLEY STATf COLLMt Thais.. A^ SO, nS9 be a Febmaiy or Jane gnMnale at 1908. Pete Caaaldr 190 Barry McDonald 129 AMS Vk« PreaUcsit FredBkduon .......259 .y Bepeesenfaittveaat-iLarge Dancing Qrlll Team Announces Six Additions Gary Kock I^....375 Six new inembers wore added Bon WaBaee 348 to Matadoi^tas, women's dance- Jon Krainock 3U drtll team, last Thursday. They Betty Anstead ...307 ue M^rcia Rootiand. Carol Anna Lee Tashjian 300 KiU. Barbara Friedman. Vickl 3ruce Briggs .., 251 Franklin. Sharon PhlUIps and SenkN- CUaa PrealdHit Marlene Rocco. DUic WMttfagta '.ISO -Tryouts were held April 9 Jonior Claaa Prealdent and pnjspective members were' Steve GoMatone 49 •riected on the basis of dancing Gary G. Gsch'wind 40 abUity, poise and appearance. Julor Claaa Vfce President The women were put on a two- Joanna Mc&eBsie .......... 83 week probationary period and Joalor Claaa the final selection was made Secrelary-Treasarer last week. Judging the tryouts Marilyn Belnaald 83 were Mrs. Sophia DeSlIva, Sophomore Claaa PresMent ilance instructor, and the. active Ijw Walton 69 memtiers of Matadoritas. Bob Georgius 66 Active members of the''group Sophauore Claaa Vksa Prealdeiit Include Renee Petersen, caji- Jerry Bodily 101 taln; Georfla Rabuska. lieuton Gary Martino 34 ant; Lynn ChappeU, secretarj; ' Sftpboeaore Claaa Joan Monsour, treastirer; Irene Secretary-Treasarer Cooke, historian; Edna Madden,., pubUdty arid activities chair­ x-Judy Allison .' 54 man and Tterry Marable, ward­ x-Bobbi Weaver .., 49 robe mistress. Carolyn Smith 28 Matacknitas organized \ait te- mester under the name of Mat­ adorettes. The 18 original mem­ bers, selected under adviser Dr. Lola Sadlo, assistant professor itrad Awaided of physical education, Iater| ITie State Department of ^b> changed the name. lie Works recently awarded a Costumes were sriected and $1384A)0 contract to buUd a made last semester. They ca«i- two-story speedi-drama buUd­ slst of black velvet caprls Md ing at Valley State. vests trimmed in gold sequins Hte buUdbig wiQ have a 400- and braid, and a black saths •eat theater and a 21j0«eet mu­ cape Uned in red. White blou» sh; bal^ Tdevlalon and radio ea are worn widi the coatume^ •tudkia, a aoenery ahop, stor> Last semeBter tha group age apao^a and aqu^psaent mardMd at baakettall garaea DANONO DOUS—AAambea ef the Matadoritas line up fbr Cooke, Renee Petersen, Jean M^iMOur,| Lynn Chappell and rooms arm also'be leatured. and In the Bethlehem Star Pa­ the Sundial photographer at lltey take time out dur<i«g a Georgia Rabuska. Gtaanoone and OCQOM .wfll rade In Van Naya ta practice-session. Pldvfed (I. to r.| ore Edna Madden, Irene be tactadad ta te tadMtac foge 2 . VAUfY STATf SUNOIAL Tbws., April 90, 19S« ^ UTTLE MAN ON CAMPUS Nohe New Pr^ent onor Group Elections PayOfficen? Anna Nalte was ele<;ted prea- Ideat of the honor siMdety In Let's face it: student goverament offkws are thne«onsum- ord^ to IIU a vacancy in the in?; thankless ]ol>s. lliey are shunned by woHdng stutlents, so­ off^. The vacancy was caused cial minded stiidents and intellectuals alike. by jthe resignatton of the for­ mer presioMit Anne Schomer. Every school particularly the newer Instituttons. has dlfll- "Sfn. Schomer resigned in or­ culty In creating sufficient interest or reward to gamer the moat der] to divote more time to qualified students for ^hool government positions. graduate itudies. Other officers The mere raising of the 2,0 grade point qualification for elected injclude Maudie Jones, members of the Executive Board wouM probably not solve ftt- vic*-presidient; Hennie Goresky, istlng problems and may even create new ones. Basically, the sect«tary;{ and Jean Harris, desire to secure more quaUfled students In official poaltions is treisurer. I constructive and well-bitended- However, why not attack the problem from a different angle T One councU seat remains to be {filled aind will be taken care School athletic activities are sponsored and financed by the of lit the next meeting. May 14. school. Student assistants employed on campus are paid a small iShe society has set Friday, but gratefuUy accepted salary. What is there to prevent Valley Juiie 5, for the first semi-annual State from displaying equal attention and provkling equal reward Stiident-Fi culty Banquet Plans to those involved in student government? for the evening's program are now being made by the execu­ Why Isn't It poasible that a 4naU salary, say $30-60 a month. tive counci. b< paid,to Elxecutive Board members In resvard |or their labors? Thi.-* «mall pay wouU at least Increase the Incentive to hold such liie last meeting saw the close of tlie society"s member­ positions. The revenue might be raised from surpluses derived ANNA NOLTE-^-New presi­ from pa>TOents of student body lees. Perhaps a rechecked and ship drlvCj rebalanced expenditure budget might provM« necessary funds. FJormer members continuing dent of honor society. in the society are: Miml Gold­ Gloria Hatfield, ' Jack Hayya. Increase the incentive and the tntereat. and then raise the en, : Betty HoUenljerg, Kenneth quaUficatlons. Otherwise, we have a futile plan for Increashig the «^^,iFyouitiv(»#is]9iiriiip'yiiHyoMciUdn'dM*sf$» Kearsley, Vtola Le Roy, Mary Norma Hayya, Maudto Jones, difficulty in flUIng poslUons which few, « any, atudenta have McEdwards, John McGrath, NeUIe MiUer, Anna Nolte, Dor­ the slightest interest in now. lairj Agovtao Anite Schomer, and Sonia Von othy Oser, SUnley Parr, Urania Euer. PeUlas, Roger Roy, Margaret Students HeM Not New iremljers are: Grace Schloaser, Burton Siskin, Veron­ Bai|ghmar, Thelma Black, Boyd ica Stange, Morton Stein, El- Dramatic Arts Offers Bollard, ConsUnce Coddington. wood Stricklln, Charlotte SegaL To Evaluate Courses, Faculty LucUie Diffy, Scott Edwards, Henniennj e G>r^ky, Kden Gorog Ridiard Schmutz, Clarice Ure- LOS ANGELES (IPI—A Fac- But we do feel that It would be Paiklinadlii e Halote, Jean Harris, I da. and Betty Young. Teen ^Summer Serie^ ulty' Senate resolution opposing a help to them to have an ac- An opportunity for Villey the basis of age and experience the Associated Students of the | curate statement of student teenagers to study and partici­ so that the studoits may re­ University of Southern Cilifor- opinion, rather than the scat- pate In dramatic arts wlU be of­ nla plan for "Profesaor Evalua- tered and unreliable opinion of susa n Hayward, Burl Ives ceive' training without competi­ fered this summer In the slx- tton" expresses the disapproval the few StudenU who do speak Week session of Teenage Dra­ tion from superiors or without of any actton taken by the ma Workshop offered by Val- up.
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