Shelly Manne To Lecture, Play Records Here Tuesday m r' ' ' ' ' • • • '• •,,••• vs.

HILBILRN MtNALIRunoff ElectioSn Today, Tomorrow A runoff electkin is neces­ Magazine Polls Show sary tonight and'tomorrow due to results of the Associated Stu­ dents election Monday and Druminer li Favorite Tuesday in which 767 votes ""•^ b.v drummer SheH.v Maiine wHl bo presented Tues- were cast. in Ubrary 131. by instructors and students in the The campus top spot is one courses In the general educatton program. , of the three offipes In which a b, won many major Jaz/ polls In 1956, 1957 and candidate faUed to receive the those of Down Beat, Metronome and PUyboy, wiU necessary majority In order to also play records. fill the post. Booths wUl be i In 1955 Manna organized his open from 6 to 8:30 t>.m. to­ JBwn group called "Shelley night and 9 ajn to 5:30 tomor- iManne and His Men." They have played concerts and TV Out of the four cancUdates, accompaniments. Including mu­ Bob HUbum and Mel ManaUs aic for the Peter Gunn show, garnered enough votes to put which thoy do now. them in the runoff election lor Motion picture work l>y Associated StudenU president. Manne Included the films Ann Iverson and Jean Lam­ ••Guys and Dolls." -The Man bert are the female studenU Iwith the Golden Arm," "I Want who are in the runoff race for to Live" and "Five Pennies." Manne took his first profes­ president of the Associated Wo­ sional ]ob when he was IS. play- men Students. Judy AUison and inij on a ship tjotwoon New Bobl>i Weaver are vying for the "ark and Le Havre. He left Ihe Other unfUled office, sophomore .1 to join Bo»>by Byrnes' Band. class secretary-treasurer. later leaving Byrnes to replace Results of the election are aa follows (names preceded by txl ;Dave Tough with Joe Marsala's USING PfNVMOl—Valley Slote ttudifitvex- shire, Barbara Frietiman, Art Schneider, Flor­ group. lace a runoll. Names in boM- •rcise tfieir voting rights ddurini g itha alactiont ence AAolcblm, Al Soss and Ken Bahr (in face have lieen elected): During the WorW War II election committee years, he played with Bob As­ Monday and Tuesday. A totai of 767 stu­ t>ooth). Mike Kerinedy, Aaaactalad Stadfata PreaMesst SHEUY MANm—To lecture ter, Raymond Scott, WIU Brad­ dents voted. A runoff will ba hald tonight and chairman, and Pat Wiamer show students the x-Mel ManaUs 243 on jdzz. J ley arid Les Brown. He aras tomorrow. Voting (I. to r.) ora Diana Aii- procedure. x-Bob HUbum ....214 drafted into the Coast Gtiard Paul Treat r,.... 304 lor 3M years. Panorama City RotorY dlu^Otfen Ed Burke .' 85 VALLEY STAir AaMKlatod Stadesita Scholanhip To Shidy Abroad For Year Vice PresUent to atisdy for oae Mar alkoad la betag offered Bin SkMU ..{'..498 tea W|H> araa gradnaled la J^ehnwry or srOI be graduate Ross Figgins ...../itn- ad In June. Tlie ranorama CHy Botary iCIob la orTeriag the AWS PreaUent' > •ckutanhlp. I x-Ann Iverson ...164 x-Jean Lambert ....'. 101 Ntudontfi Intemtled In thr scbiAanthlp iihoald contact Dr. Pris Helm 74 •ownH tlrnilng, aMMnUle dean of studehta, bi D. No sUpula- tlomi were iiMMlr i-onrerhlng the Krholarshlp, except that UM AMS Prealdent Vol. 3, No. 26 SAN FEtNANOO VALLEY STATf COLLMt Thais.. A^ SO, nS9 be a Febmaiy or Jane gnMnale at 1908. Pete Caaaldr 190 Barry McDonald 129 AMS Vk« PreaUcsit FredBkduon ...... 259 .y Bepeesenfaittveaat-iLarge Dancing Qrlll Team Announces Six Additions Gary Kock I^....375 Six new inembers wore added Bon WaBaee 348 to Matadoi^tas, women's dance- Jon Krainock 3U drtll team, last Thursday. They Betty Anstead ...307 ue M^rcia Rootiand. Carol Anna Lee Tashjian 300 KiU. Barbara Friedman. Vickl 3ruce Briggs .., 251 Franklin. Sharon PhlUIps and SenkN- CUaa PrealdHit Marlene Rocco. DUic WMttfagta '.ISO -Tryouts were held April 9 Jonior Claaa Prealdent and pnjspective members were' Steve GoMatone 49 •riected on the basis of dancing Gary G. Gsch'wind 40 abUity, poise and appearance. Julor Claaa Vfce President The women were put on a two- Joanna Mc&eBsie ...... 83 week probationary period and Joalor Claaa the final selection was made Secrelary-Treasarer last week. Judging the tryouts Marilyn Belnaald 83 were Mrs. Sophia DeSlIva, Sophomore Claaa PresMent ilance instructor, and the. active Ijw Walton 69 memtiers of Matadoritas. Bob Georgius 66 Active members of the''group Sophauore Claaa Vksa Prealdeiit Include Renee Petersen, caji- Jerry Bodily 101 taln; Georfla Rabuska. lieuton Gary Martino 34 ant; Lynn ChappeU, secretarj; ' Sftpboeaore Claaa Joan Monsour, treastirer; Irene Secretary-Treasarer Cooke, historian; Edna Madden,., pubUdty arid activities chair­ x-Judy Allison .' 54 man and Tterry Marable, ward­ x-Bobbi Weaver .., 49 robe mistress. Carolyn Smith 28 Matacknitas organized \ait te- mester under the name of Mat­ adorettes. The 18 original mem­ bers, selected under adviser Dr. Lola Sadlo, assistant professor itrad Awaided of physical education, Iater| ITie State Department of ^b> changed the name. lie Works recently awarded a Costumes were sriected and $1384A)0 contract to buUd a made last semester. They ca«i- two-story speedi-drama buUd­ slst of black velvet caprls Md ing at Valley State. vests trimmed in gold sequins Hte buUdbig wiQ have a 400- and braid, and a black saths •eat theater and a 21j0«eet mu­ cape Uned in red. White blou» sh; bal^ Tdevlalon and radio ea are worn widi the coatume^ •tudkia, a aoenery ahop, stor> Last semeBter tha group age apao^a and aqu^psaent mardMd at baakettall garaea DANONO DOUS—AAambea ef the Matadoritas line up fbr Cooke, Renee Petersen, Jean M^iMOur,| Lynn Chappell and rooms arm also'be leatured. and In the Bethlehem Star Pa­ the Sundial photographer at lltey take time out durs. lliey are shunned by woHdng stutlents, so­ off^. The vacancy was caused cial minded stiidents and intellectuals alike. by jthe resignatton of the for­ mer presioMit Anne Schomer. Every school particularly the newer Instituttons. has dlfll- "Sfn. Schomer resigned in or­ culty In creating sufficient interest or reward to gamer the moat der] to divote more time to qualified students for ^hool government positions. graduate itudies. Other officers The mere raising of the 2,0 grade point qualification for elected injclude Maudie Jones, members of the Executive Board wouM probably not solve ftt- vic*-presidient; Hennie Goresky, istlng problems and may even create new ones. Basically, the sect«tary;{ and Jean Harris, desire to secure more quaUfled students In official poaltions is treisurer. I constructive and well-bitended- However, why not attack the problem from a different angle T One councU seat remains to be {filled aind will be taken care School athletic activities are sponsored and financed by the of lit the next meeting. May 14. school. Student assistants employed on campus are paid a small iShe society has set Friday, but gratefuUy accepted salary. What is there to prevent Valley Juiie 5, for the first semi-annual State from displaying equal attention and provkling equal reward Stiident-Fi culty Banquet Plans to those involved in student government? for the evening's program are now being made by the execu­ Why Isn't It poasible that a 4naU salary, say $30-60 a month. tive counci. b< paid,to Elxecutive Board members In resvard |or their labors? Thi.-* «mall pay wouU at least Increase the Incentive to hold such liie last meeting saw the close of tlie society"s member­ positions. The revenue might be raised from surpluses derived ANNA NOLTE-^-New presi­ from pa>TOents of student body lees. Perhaps a rechecked and ship drlvCj rebalanced expenditure budget might provM« necessary funds. FJormer members continuing dent of honor society. in the society are: Miml Gold­ Gloria Hatfield, ' Jack Hayya. Increase the incentive and the tntereat. and then raise the en, : Betty HoUenljerg, Kenneth quaUficatlons. Otherwise, we have a futile plan for Increashig the «^^,iFyouitiv(»#is]9iiriiip'yiiHyoMciUdn'dM*sf$» Kearsley, Vtola Le Roy, Mary Norma Hayya, Maudto Jones, difficulty in flUIng poslUons which few, « any, atudenta have McEdwards, John McGrath, NeUIe MiUer, Anna Nolte, Dor­ the slightest interest in now. lairj Agovtao Anite Schomer, and Sonia Von othy Oser, SUnley Parr, Urania Euer. PeUlas, Roger Roy, Margaret Students HeM Not New iremljers are: Grace Schloaser, Burton Siskin, Veron­ Bai|ghmar, Thelma Black, Boyd ica Stange, Morton Stein, El- Dramatic Arts Offers Bollard, ConsUnce Coddington. wood Stricklln, Charlotte SegaL To Evaluate Courses, Faculty LucUie Diffy, Scott Edwards, Henniennj e G>r^ky, Kden Gorog Ridiard Schmutz, Clarice Ure- LOS ANGELES (IPI—A Fac- But we do feel that It would be Paiklinadlii e Halote, Jean Harris, I da. and Betty Young. Teen ^Summer Serie^ ulty' Senate resolution opposing a help to them to have an ac- An opportunity for Villey the basis of age and experience the Associated Students of the | curate statement of student teenagers to study and partici­ so that the studoits may re­ University of Southern Cilifor- opinion, rather than the scat- pate In dramatic arts wlU be of­ nla plan for "Profesaor Evalua- tered and unreliable opinion of susa n Hayward, Burl Ives ceive' training without competi­ fered this summer In the slx- tton" expresses the disapproval the few StudenU who do speak Week session of Teenage Dra­ tion from superiors or without of any actton taken by the ma Workshop offered by Val- up. And these do not represent being hrid back by those less ASSC, to conduct an evaluation the majority of the student pesenre Academy's Oscar leyStote. of the university curriculum or conipetent. Dr. Schlosaer saM. body," he added. ~ By BOB HILBUBN The third annual program Besides Dr. Schlosser, the the taculty. and" Davkl Niven. over Spencer will begin June 22. It Is spon­ Barbara Myers, chairman of Tracy, as the best actor, were workshop staff bicludes Dr. It states that studenU are ^usan HaywKil was a good sored l>y the CoUege Founda­ not qualified to evaluate either the committee on t>rofessor choice for best actress of the questionable choices. tion and the Diviston ot Lan- Fred McMahon, aasUUnt prp- curriculum or faculty and it evaluatton, said that, she felt year and the Motion Picture Some people argue that guage and Literature. The-, .feasor of speech, acting instruc­ haarttly recommends ttiat aU that the "main reason, the pro­ Academy deserves congratuU- "Gigi" won iu nine Academy sitorkshop Is the only one of Its tor; Margaret Schlosser, voice faculty members refuse to par­ fessor evaluation plan ran Into tions on its selection. Her per­ Awards because of a low crop kind in the United States and and dictton, Instructor; Jean ticipate In such an evaluation. difficulty was because of it^ ti­ formance In "I Want to Live" of motion pictures—artlsticaUy 100 junior and sentor high tle. Evaluation sounds as If the was the best by an actress this speaking. f adiool students wiU have an Klenes, stage movement and ASSC Pinsklent Scott Fitz- StudenU were going to eval- ye4r. dan?e instructor: PoUy Napicw, Randolph, speaking for the stu­ A question may be in order opportunity to participate, said iiate tbe professors on a per­ j ^irl Iv>s deserved an Oaear to the producers in HoUywood Dr. William E. Schloaaer, asso­ cos.uraer; Zekla Wolfe, make­ dent liody. said that ''a motion sonal baaU. We actually never was brought up in tlie ASSC for his nile of a toiq^, hard- who proudly support the' slo­ ciate professor of drama, and up; and Tony Enisworth, stage­ intended to evaluate, but mere­ boijed rancher in "Big Coun­ gan, "Movies' are ibetter than director of the VaUey SUte craft InstructoB, to form the profesaor evalua- ly to acquire a croas-section of tton plan. We merely intended try." His portrayal was out- ever." Are they really? theater. student oplniaa. Tills would be stahdingf Instructton in acting, .voice t oexpreaa the atudenU' opin­ about cartain areas of dass Of the more than 200 films ahd diction, stage movement, Mort Scdil Appeals tons so the untveratty adminis­ content; namely testing, grad­ ut, in recapping a Sundial reksised in 1958 only a handful stagecraft, costuming and At LA. State tratton and taculty wiU know ing and class dlsrtission- icle twjo weeks ago, the se- are worthy of saving for film makeup wUl be givea during how StudenU fael about their tion of "Gigi" as be«| ptoture museums. The' rest:, eeeeh! education. Dr." Paul Hadley. chairman of the sessions. Classes wUl meet Tickeu are avalfart>le to Val­ the student schoUrshlp stan­ five days a wedc ley Sute studenu for the ap- "Contrary to what some dards committee, personally felt 'StudenU wUl Have a chance peariwce of Mort Sahl at Los memben ot Faculty Senate that "thia question does not Ito to 'participate in four produc­ Ang^ sute College tamer- think; the plan aras not to rank within the scope of our author­ tions for children foUowing the raw leveidng at 8 o'ctock. professors in order of their per- ity, but I agree that it is a suf­ 19^9 Prom To Host theme of "Faraway Places," All The price ia $1 and tkketo sonaUty or student preference. ficiently sensitive questimt to students wiU take part in the are in G-6. Sahl wiU appear In We realize," be aiplalned. "that nterlt thoughtful attentton by productton program. the ^ynuiasium on the San Ber­ they know more abowt educa­ both student and faculty mem­ Classes wiU be organized on nardino Freeway at E>utem tton than we do, it is their ]oh. bers.' )t Orchestra CHARU8 EICHHORN CUy Bdltor CharUej Bamet and his or­ Final Week Of Inauguration-Dedkation Planning Begins chestra have been engaged to pUy at the 1959 Valtoy SUte The last week of taaugura- ot the ceremonies, Tlie tavttattona were sent out Wlggina, aasistant professor of Prjom. May 22, at the Bel-Air tion planning begins today she iMldt by tha State Board of Educa- music artU provide music for Bay Clubi when the student inaugural ttoa Ihe faculty and the stu-' the combined, ceremonies. Bamet has tong been noted The iiuiugural cerctnany, which denu of the oollege- committee meeU at 1 p.m. ta WUUam L. Blair, preakient of for leadiing one of the finest wUl ibe combined with the dedl- dwce bands in the cotmtry. His F-1. Ragiatratloo fbr the delegatesi the State Board of Education, catton of the new Library, Is wUi be^ at 9 ajn. in F-1. and Dr. Roy E. Simpson, su- recordings Include some of the Almoat 200 studenUT have Thursday, at 9:30 ant., on the Att StudenU are tavllad and patlnteitdent of pubUc Instruc­ great svi^g riasidrs. such as signed up to help with the cere­ athleUc fldd, east of the cam urged to attend ttie ceremonies, tton and atate director of edu­ "Cherok^' and "SkyVlner." monies, according to Mrs. Bar­ pus. sakl Lra Wolfson. executive catton. adU charge Dr. Ralph Dancens and non-dancers bara Montgomery, student ac­ deen. Prator, ooUege presklent with alike aiie mthnstastic about More than 200 repreaenU- a ipeech^ Bamet's 'Outfit Tito' aaxophon- tivities adviser. tive} of coOefea, unlveraitlea To taegta the cerenHniaa, iMe- to^s stock ta trade hRcomply- AU tuAto wiU assist are re­ and learned sodetiea through­ galea ta academic gowns trom Prator wUl reply wtth hto In­ ing with I audience rcqoisU and quested to attend the meeting out the nation have been tavit­ coOegea. untvefsitiea and Icera- augural addreas. feeUng ojut hta crowds, so that today in 9rder to get their In- ed to participate ta the ad aodetles wlU march to ,a pro- I>r. . Burton Vaiache, chlet of he ptaysl an evening of weU- monies. casskm. With them wUl be the diviston ot CiUfonta ^tate fealaiv^ed,: pleastag entertain- !ltruction sheeta and review the members of the Stato Board ol CoUegee, wUl present the U- m^t Educatton, the CoUege Advlaory hrary.' Along wtth Norman Granz, VAlliY OTATI Board, taculty and student of "Jaa at the Phllliarmonic" body. He wUl be answered by Stan­ ley MdOdnry, oollege Ubrar- fame. Bamet has compUed The Reverend Or. llaynard st^ne lO-tttne tavorites, includ­ CHAHJE BAINfr—Orches­ 8UHDIAL Galger, archlvtat tor the okl ing "Deep Purpto," "Southern for the ceremony tra to ploy at prom. Published weekly by the Aaoctated Stttdenta df the Siu Tmt- Mission Santa Baitara and his­ Ftted" and •Charleston AUey," rndSt VaUey StataCoUegft 181U Nocdboft St. Northridge. QsU- torian for the Order of St Fran­ wfU be Dr. Jamea, W. Brock, as­ tato a popular Mercury album. a five-piece band which played SSa- The Stindial otSko is ta F-3, Ext 8. cis, Will preaent the tavocation. sistant profeasor of drama, and Many of the tap-flight names aboard a trans-Atlantic Uner. BXUtoiials appealing ta the Sundlal reflect only the opintona Rabbi Aaron Wlae of the Vallay I>r. John C. Gowan. aaaoctote ta the mitsic world have'at one He later studied jazz in New «I the writers. Letters to the editar must be aigned and are limit Jcwiah Center and IVanple wlU profeeeor of education. Honor­ time or another lieen associated Orieans before getting another ed to 200 word«>- i.«,--i r..w«« give tke prayer of dedication. ary marshals win be Dr. Pru­ with Bamet's group. He has group together^ Tha bMMdtotton wttl be ottared dence Boetwick. profeasor of Editor ' •• ^Mtjtal alcjgno helped guide the caaeers of In 1939 his big break came- \iy Reverend Calvta A. Duncan, education, and Dr. Maurice Lena Homei Dlz^ GUlespto, He was heralded nationally Ctty.Edltor *••••* .•"•• **"fe5*™!" peat presklent of the West Val­ Dance, profeeeor of economics. Red Norvo, Kay Starr, Chubby while playing at the^New Yoric Sporta Editor >«.>e sung. ticing oralskUls are invited to I P-m., AWS executive meet­ be featured by VaUey State's The "Hebraique Suite," by Join next semester's Forensic ing, J-Z chofan In tpe second annual Emest Bloch, is the intermis­ Society. 1 pjn.. Sophomore Class Spriijg Concert at the Theatre sion music. InstrumentalisU. ' "Experience proves that stu­ meeting, J-3. Joel Lish and Dave Zea wlU be denU who are active in college Intinie on ilay 7, 8 and 9 at TOMOBBOW featured. Lish will play the vio­ forensics Improve their chanc­ 8:30 pjn., ai part of the TJovwi 9 a.m.-5 p.m-, AS election run­ la and Zea wUl accompany him es for graduate feUowshlps and ta tl^ VaUe|y" program. on the piano as they play the tietter employment," said Dr. offs. CSTA annual executive coun­ Tht thred songs are "TTmln- three movemenU in the suite: Fred R- McMahon, assistant "Rhapsody," "Process" and "Af­ professor df speecli, in extend­ cil, San Francisco. ah,; jrmlnaii," "Niggun" and 2 p.nj., Finance Committee. firmation." ing^ the invitation. "HoWih. Chinitah." Orland9 di 3 p-m., AS Executive Board. As the second half of the pro- VaUey State's Forensic S<^ Lasso's coippositlon of "The SATUBOAY granv the one-act folk opera, clety is not Umited to tech­ Ek:hacha{S{ Song< " and "Hear the Mur­ "Down in the VaUey,'* wiU be niques of debate and oratory. CSTA annual executive coun­ muring WaUrs,|ers,'" by C. Monte- presented. Members of the cast Dr. McMahon said. National, so­ cil San Francisco. uripg 7:30 p.m.-midnight, Spo^U Include Warren Wheatland, Jim cial and political Issues are Stephens, Harlene Stein, Larry Night, James Monroe High treated In group discussion, per- Doerflinger, John Glynn and : suasive and' impromptu speak­ SchooL f.PattisonTo Ron Wallace. ing" and oral interpretation. SUNDAY n Panhellenic tea. Faculty directors are Frances These events are designed to SherriU, assistant professor of 8 p.m., DeUa Sigma Nu sUg lectnre stimulate a sense of competi­ music; Dr. Lola Sadlo, assist­ tion with capable students frotn party. William D. Pattison, as- ant professor of physical edu- other coUeges, he added. < - MONDAY slstatit professor of geography caUon; and Dr. WUUam E. I Dr. McMahon may l>e conUct- 7:30 p.m.. Sorority and fra­ at UCLA. virUl deliver a lecture Schlosser, associate professor ' edin A-6, ternity meetings. entitled, "Burton Hobnes VlsiU of drama. TUESDAY the Mediteijranean." on Friday, Tickeu are available ta G-6. FREE—^Florence Malcolm helps put up posters announcing 1 p.m., ibC, O-ll. May] 8, at 8 p.m.. In F-1. Stcrte Student In the Sports Night Saturday evening at 8 at Jome* Monroe 1 p.m.. Christian Science, I-l. 1:15 pjn.. Junior Class execu­ Ui^n the death of the travel­ Senior Recital High School. A factHty-student volleyball gome wili be tive. er-lecturer in 1958, Holmes' wiU SmANK BEALTT ployed. The event is sponsored by the sophomore class. Re­ Shrily Manne. J beqJ^athedj 20,000 glass slides HOMES —RANCHES Marjorie Kryder will conduct t^' I freshments crre free. James Monroe High School is located at WKDNESOAY '^ to t|ie UCLA Art Library. The INDUSTRIAL a recital Sunday at 3:30 p.m. in 9229 Haskell Ave., Sepulveda. sUd^ are t>hotographs of for­ Alumni, 0-12. 9SU Reseds Blvd. the Theatre Intime. a , I S—itai natn to IM UmiKk eign countries that were paint­ ' Featured at the performance, ed by hand under Holmes' jlirec- DI 4-SS04 which is in fulfillment of a BA tion- Dr. Fattlsbn will project ^ degree requirement in music Budget Deadline State Plans For som^ of them to iUustrate his ior Mrs. Kryder, will be a choir Aild Eighteen lecture. ] from the Sepulveda Methodist Set For May 15 Going Fonnal? Church. Annual UN Entry Df. Pattison, formerly of the May 13 has been set as the University of London and the Bed. Powder Blue nnd White Campus members participat­ To! Faculty List j deadline for turning In budget Five VaUey State students at­ Ubilary of Congress, ;is now en­ Dlimer Jackets ing are Joel Lish and Alice Tuzedoa '• Eighteen new faculty mem­ requests for the aUocatlon of tended the Model UN conven­ gaged In research In developing Fox, violists; Lester Harris and Bine Suite / bers llor next year's staff have next year's student body funds, tion last weekend at SC- the art of tlie travelogue. Mitzi Kryder, cellists; and Beth Ladles' For4uU Gowns been announced by Dr. Howard which are provided by each stu­ Scott Eilwards, Toby Isler, " Stormont, bass violinist. This is the eighth pubUc lec­ Furs Rental ard Fleming, dean of activities.; dent's activity fees. John (Mike) McGrath, Paul The first part of Mrs. Kry- "The 1(8 come from aU comera ture of the 1958-59 season spon­ Budget forms have been sent Treat and Bruce Stark attend­ sored by the Geography Coun­ Tnxedo Bentals der's recital wIU consist of a df th^ nation and the Canal to all organizations and classes ed from VSC. Each participat­ •string ensemble that wiU play Zone. cU. Lectures are held on the sec­ on campus. ing college was given a cotm­ ond] Frtday of each month. ST S-(4«S 14426 Friu St compositions representing var­ They include Donald Ander­ try to represent. ious periods of mu^c htotory. "AU those who expect appro­ Vaa Nays son, Minnesota; Bernard Asch- priations from student txxiy Taking the role of Malaya, Admission U free and no Selections will be pUyed from bacher. Michigan; Vem Bul- the Valley SUte delegation was tlckeU are needed to attend. composers Pitoni, Jacob Handl, funds must make their requests lough,- Ohio: Edmund S. Car­ now, so they naay be pUnned included ta aU five committees ^mmaamaammaapam»*m«m»ea*mmemamm»mamaaammm*aa*m—a*ae—e—«e^ Bach, Mozart, Brahms, and penter, Ontario, Canada; Aurel- of the General Assembly- Ed­ Bruckner. for in the regular budget," said io de la Vega, California: AUen Mrs. Margaret Schlosse.--. direc­ wards on the social, humanitar­ The choir wiH then present W. Dlrrlm, Indiana; James N. tor of the finance committee. ian and cultural committees; CATALINAPOOLSl 4 the "Requiem" by Faure. , Egbert, Califomto; E^arto Ftold, "Budget requests will be eval­ Isler, the eponomical and finan­ New York. W Mrs. Kryder will conduct bmh uated on the basis of their re­ cial; McGrath, the poUtical; the string ensembte and the Others are Stan Goeldner,' lationship, representation of the Treat, the special political; and With Swirl-Eze Stark, the trusteeship, I •choir. Iowa; Louis E. Gimnan, Canal college, the cultural develop­ Vortex Action Zone; George R. Hawkes, Call- ment of the coUege, or other "Valley SUte {dans to be & fbmto; Mamoru Iga, Pennsyl- considerations listed*in the offi­ yearty Mitrant ta the Model IJN Qeoning *Mi88 VaUey'To vanto; Marvin Klotz, Ne* cial finance conunittee code," event." sakl WUl Derango, As­ The Original Get Crown On TV York; Robert T. Oliphant, Call- she added. sociated Studenu peaaklent Easy-to-Cora-for Pool fbmla; Norma Pike, Callforniaj Further information aliout Memt>er Buildtag The crowning of "Miss San Dr. Jerome Richfield, Illinois; budget requesU m»y be secured NORTHRIDGE Contractors Association •Femando VaUey" wiU take WUUam Sullivan, Michigan; in G-6. Two Ditploy Pools place May 24. The pagesuit wUl Eari WalUs, California; and Two vacancies exist on the H- LUMBER CO. be televised from 7:30 to 9 p.m. Noel Voge, CaUfomto. nance committee. Interested rbapWO BoOdlx tmrnrm 15x30 Staritght Oval 6719 Reseda Blvd. on KHJ-TV, channel 9. h students may obtain application NTS BeaedaBhnd. $2470 Complete . Winner of the VaUey compe­ blanks from the Associated Stu­ NortkrMm Completion Bon^s DI 5-5110 Students, Facutty denU office, D-8. IMeksMsTiiss tition wiU be entered in the \mtipaammmaaaaapaatitima»ae*e«e*e*»**^******f****************** "Mis{i Universe" contest.. Attend SAM Picnic AppUcatlons for VaUe:|' State entranU are being Uken at ". A chance for the famiUes of BUSOIESSMID FlreDepL . St 5-2151 14436 Friar Street, Van, Nuys. students and faculty to meet ContestanU must be 18 years of was presented at a Society for PBOFESSIOIUU. Police £>epL ST 2-6111 age or oldn*. , • • Advancement of Management DIREaORY picnic recently. The event was at Orcutt Park In Canoga Park. THE SmriMENT SHOP NORTHRIDGE GILMER TV A HI-FI Approximately 60 people at­ CLASSmED nu«aai» — atn» — CM* EQUIPMENT RENTALS Stano, ffl-n Bceotdo It rem hsT* ABTthint to lall or taat* m tended. srtMo) un oniM smuii — a«M»i UMUT BOTUlf fM^Hs TrtnWoa. lUdin hAV« MTTloM to ofTer or Mrvlew wiJA^A. rum; am PWMI —«>•••• an pUo* m duiUtod AU in UM 3ii»iUal by . Vt foe Bttn -: t-ootaeUnf Obnto Loabanl tn U4 or Vir- Blvd., —SAHOteea — DI dnU ORttkt In tte BMT UbMV. Bala: M asiSBeaedaBlTd. Dlt^US atMBeaedaBlvd. DI441S4 c«at» fbr MflwBM of feu UM» (op to 24 wotda). Ad dMuUlM: 4 p^a. Mondu. NORTHRIOOE CYCURY FOSTETS VALLEY PLUMBERS Agcmmm amatam xmim SPORWNO OOOOS SOUTH'S FOR tf NT WtUr Haiun TEXACO soma MK Reseda Bhrd. Dl 5-MM FIUMM Ttm Plekap ual IMIivT TWI Bssida Blvd. PI4-W88 iMUVa DIMMS MIM Nordhoff PI UlSl I NU-ART . DRfSSR'S NURSERY ARNOLD'S BODY SHOP LEROY GEIGER MEDICAL PHARMACY P»w»liH Bail7 M4 rradar Raiair TIBUB ud Oottar lUktr . SpMtallitu la PlTllBtlwM saa OMM SUBM "AU Work Omutod" B<*aUw o< All Stilac lartnawau room or aan haaa. S-*IS4 Baaeda Bhrd. W44M1 Dl S7M Balrd Ave. DIS-ZMS MMN-Sepahnete EM Octal* 1 (at a-Mim. fwi. m "i, ^ , i aixRBMt. 8>4t Uadlw. ST 4-tfa*. Hvt ntat, x/aa Mtiai, •oa* panu paUn. NORTHMDOI HANDY HOMY HAVM IHANDY MARDWARE A PATBONIZB FOI SALE AmjANCI snvici I BID«/SUPPIY CO. THB SVNDIAI.'S 1*50 Bolok am\tttmm. (ootf aaadtttet. BM'I Beasda Bhrd. '^IIB. Ql 4-41l« SW4] Dl 44717 «M71 IMMtU Ndrthi^ke Olt-MM ADVEBTIS^n SAij %t_ owaaa-^ wtm.. NBW I^H DICTIONARY fittanimm. kmir rut, MIMB M iMk nar BMt>- •ftlMAsMrieanLiacsi(i,Csllt|iE«lii4 THI NORTHRIDGER o«t 01 taa «r nu. I>I 4-4T1* TOWN « COUNTRY (14X000) KAUTY SALON A4<«tiilU. niBUM DIS4611 •TMBalrdAve. mVavn


•vd. MMTU .i-^^-

Poae 4 VALLIY STATE JUJlDfA^ WMITS., Afwl 10, HS» 'Ill j Orange Invitatioiial Choice For ' Next For Traclksters 'Run For Roses' The Fifth Annual Orange Invitation: il track and field meet By JOITVNY HAMBOR trained crAt. • j looms this Saturday for Valley State's tr ick squad.,. ^ SundfaU Staff Writer jamy closed at 4-1 in the Fu- ^ The annual event is held for all smaO 1 colleges that aren't in It's time for''s tune B(X)k aiid should get stn^g ^ a conference. K is at Chapman College, T-ack time is 1 p.m. with spectacular of the year agairt backing Saturday. ' i thellast event starting at approxiiT»ately I > p.iti. ChurchUl Downs opens itf Silvjer Spoon, the filly that *^ne colleges are ^ntered in~-p r ^^_. " gates" to the finest three-yeaij- caught the fancy of the turf tjhe meet along with State. Pow- olds [in the land Saturda}-. lot woHd in much the sanw^ way as 4r houses" such as Claremont- DialibsBeat the annual renewal of .the Ken- Sil|«y Sullivan did last year, Mudd and Cal "Poly (Pomona), tuck V XieTby,' protubly wtll not start. She fin-; She same two schools who fta- tshtd third In the Stepping i shed first first and second, re­ The first of the "triplip spectively, in the KeUogg-Voor- In Finale crown," the lU-mile test is cori-j Stone, and owner C. V. Whitney will probably send her in the hies Invitational, are favorites. Valle> State ended Its '59 sidered the keynote of these£\-| Other coUeges entered are: son for the sophcmjore crop. Kentucky Oaks^ on Friday in swim s<9sc^ with a 51-35 loss stejad of the .Derby. La Veme, Pasadena, Cal^West- Among this year's hopcfufe | em, Westmont. BIOLA, UC Riv­ to a stiong Los Angeles State .are quite a iew who,are given i Many Entered (ttther horses in the field will erside, and Chapman. squad list Friday afternoon at a chance to grab first prize in An tadividual high point man the Veterans Hospital. this year's Derby.- -inqlude Califomia's Our Dad, R^-al Orbit, Finnegan, New \ trophy will be awarded to the Jerry Seymour captured the Horse To Beat Yotk's AtoU, Dunce. Troliu.'ard freestyle, test fo^ the affair. The yiord Any one of theSe," horses Cal Poly (Pomona) walked finishing second, and the 100- '. around the bam area at Chur- coiild pose a threat to the top itway with the top individual yard fieestyle, finisiiing third. 'chiU Downs ^is that he is the four In the most wide-open Der-- )ey fetate, 27-7/10; Westmont, Accaidy and'Se>'mour teamed horse to beat in the 85th run- by ta years. \eam potats ta posting a 63-1/5 iiirig of the Derby. with K m Eckels and Bill Sloan 'trhe expected big field should to capture the 400-yard relay. The Dancer started his train­ help front runners like Sword Larry Shennum, Valley Gary Johnson placed second ta ing late this year, runnmg only Dancer and State's only entry ta the tri­ diving competition. Dick An­ two races prior to ftaishing sec­ Tdmy Lee, who don't have to angular track meet at Ixtng drewsen took two tliirds. ond to Easy Spur in the Florida worry about - Jam-ups in the Beac-h State Tuesday, liad Derby at Gulfstream Pairk last The Matador team Is now stitch nin. the beat day ta his career as preparing • for the state meet month. When he. met Easy pur Dad, who does most of he captured two flrst places Spur, the Norris iwrse was ik which is scheduled for Friday, hi* running in the stretch, may ta the sprints and set two May 8, at Long Beach State. top siiape but stiU had to strata ;'fii^d the gotag a little rough. new school records. to beat Sword Dancer. pur own personal pick would Sliennum nipped Muegen- The outlook for the state • Now the Dancer is ta top iMJve to be Sword Dancer. Off berg of Claremont-Madd, the meet is promismg, according to shape, and the only question ta hl^ race In the Stepptag Stone tliird school ta the nneet,^ by Coach Byme FemeUu* "The the minds of race fans is wheth- Satur^y, he woukl have to be inches ta the 100-yard dash to 400-yard relay ' is especially . er lie can go the distance. : considered the top candidate In wta In 9-9 seconds. Shennum promising." Leads West tte race. Following him wlU be waa alao pushed by lAuegen- Results of the Los Angeles Leadtag the western invad­ TOmy Lee, Our Dad and Dtmctr' MONTE FRAZER is shown worl(ing out with the shotput in berg ta the 220-yard° dash as State meet: preparotion for the Sth Annuo! Orange Invitational track he sprinted to victory ta 21JI 400-nitl rafurtag this month the Dodg­ Matador diamond last Friday, frames, however, the visiting ! Los Angeles ^ans are in fpr only to lose 12-4 with the help anchored State's mile relay a,' real treat when the Los An­ ers, who have lieen pUytag nine tallied three times on four squad composed of Higgins, Ru­ heads-up baU, will be put to the of a IShlt attack by State. hits. DAVIS TRAVEL SERVICE geles Dodgers return to the Leftflelder Tom Margozewite ble and Bohanon tb 3:37.9i a CoUseum next i month. O'Mal- test. Besides playing the Beer ThQoughodt th« entire nine new Stat* relay record. AIR—BUS — City Braves, they wUl come and catcher Gary Sampson led ley's team wiU piay every club the Matador attack with three innings, Perlman allowed four This wiis the first time this STEA-MSHIP TOUBS in the National League plus the across hard-hitting Ctacinnati, runs on 10 hits while fanning currently holdtag their own ta hits apiece, as Vaiiey State year that SUte has grabbed a LM b« n»lp Tou run Tont VKmUoo Worid Champion flew York rapped three Pasadena hurlers. six and issuing five free passes. first ta ihe mile relay. One Ckll Co»«i It AB Yankees. '• fourth spot. oato Van Mux Bl«<- In addition to being the big sute's leading hitter, Pete Ken Eckles was tne only oth­ «W Buyi rltttm OaOlO The Yankees amie to tovtnn Retuming to Los Angeles hitter ta the State lineup, Mar­ Casaidy, conttaued his bluing er Matador to grab ti Iirst. This r^mam^a^ May 7, when they are sched­ wUI be the Giants, w}io, ta their gozewitz stole four baseSt pace by smaahtag two long tri­ was in the pole vault when he IMM 4-Bie« uled to play the Dodgers In^ a first series In the Coliseum, caught seven balls ta the out­ ples In four times, at bat to up soared over at 12 ft. 6 in. benefit game, with aU proceeds were taken two games in a pow field and drove ta two team- his average to ,377. gotag to tajured catcher Roy before wtantag the finale. .; males. Une score: I Campanella. Hitters Uke Mays, Alou and The Matadors played three aaa Cepeda, who were held t4 a Vt^timm 001 OM, OSI-^ 4 10 6 NEAB THE CAMPUS! big Innings to help pitcher Bob V.IW »t«. 400 0»r Sl«—11 IS » In the first week of play, mtaimum agatast the Dodders, Perlman to his third win of the starttag May 11, fans wUl be will be looking for the short year. Coach PhU M. Munrqe's Land (•» ••d lUU; ftXm SUM—Pttliun aean, sharp 3-bedroom homp, 3 blocte from coUege and able to see the Phlladriphia fences in the Coliseum. ." shopptag center, 2 blocks to elementary school- Floor-to- PhlUies, Pittsburgh Pirates and Next come the Cliicago Cubs ceUlng brick fireplace, waUto-wall carpeting and drapes the Milwaukee Braves. on the 27th, who open a tl^ee- taduded. Fenced rear yard. Only $15,750 with FHA terms, Power hitters, such as. Aaron game series. The Cubs, wi>ose Golf Squad Travels To Hesperia 10% down. . and Bruton of the Braves, will pitching staff is weak this y^ar, try to put their club Iwck in tl^ WiU try to hold down the fHjed- For bitercoHeglate Tournament first division slot i up Dodger staff, which has I. CLARE HALLACK I iKen blasttag Its opponents with Coach Lawrence F* Young's Occidental, Long Beach State, i«#»a»»««#«ach Young said this tour­ ^ 8902 Rasada Bhrd. geles wUl be watchtag the row, and the last foursome teas nament "forces the opporiunity FTNF «X)OS —COCKTAIL LOUNftB i • ' Dl 3-5070 * Dodgers and so wUl everylmdy off at 1:53 p-m. to meet teams we didn't have 17710 ROSCOE BLVD. ^IBelween uamoia ORS Rgteuu; all over the country—to aee U Coach Young wUl accompany the chance tb meet this season." VOB BfSEBVATIONS — CaU DI »ttU :; . •. ;i they can do It this year. * . \*ee*ee*e—ee«»eeae*e»«e*—ei \ golfers Rog WUUams, Gordy Ha alw reported that the Val­ Munn, Ron Huffman. Dave ley State golf squad has been Keefaver and I>k:k Kilgore. invited to compete in the Little Tnxedo Rentals & Sales Sixty individual entries are Five Toumament next year. It MOBIGI'S For All Your Formal Needs regiMercd. Eleven universitiea tadudaa VaUey State. Los An- and coUegae will vie fbr the g^ sute Univeraity of Cali­ ' WHITE AND PASTEL DINNER JAOOTS team title. fornia at Riverskle, San Diego HOUSE OF FULL DRESS SUITS |^J, Cal Tech. Loa Angeles SUte, State and Lone Beach SUtb, " With Proper Accessories PIZZA, GBEENTS Hen's WMI WnCOMIRS YOU \ The Home ot I iflt BBBBHA BLTD. XHart Scfaaffner ft Itanc dotfaee MWqiiiiisus way.Biisals,.BJi%wn