MTH 561/661 Fall 2018 Abstract Algebra I Drew Armstrong Contents
MTH 561/661 Fall 2018 Abstract Algebra I Drew Armstrong Contents Week 1 Quadratic and Cubic Equations, Lagrange's Method 1 Week 2 Permutations, Definition of Groups and Subgroups, Main Examples, Statement of Galois' Theorem 10 Problem Set 1 18 Week 3 Subgroup Generated by a Subset, Intersection and Join of Subgroups, Cyclic Groups, The Circle Group 28 Week 4 Orthogonal and Unitary Groups, Dihedral Groups, Definition of Isomorphism 34 Problem Set 2 42 Week 5 Posets and Lattices, Galois Connections, The Correspondence Theorem, The Fundamental Theorem of Cyclic Groups 52 Week 6 Equivalence Modulo a Subgroup, Lagrange's Theorem, Quotients of Abelian Groups 64 Problem Set 3 74 Week 7 Normal Subgroups, Quotient Groups in General, The First Isomorphism Theorem 81 Week 8 Definition of Automorphisms, Definition of Group Actions, Cayley's Theorem, The Center and Inner Automorphisms 92 Problem Set 4 99 1 Week 9 Direct and Semidirect Products of Groups, Isometries of Euclidean Space 108 Week 10 Simple Groups, The Jordan-H¨olderTheorem, Proof that Sn is not Solvable The Orbit-Stabilizer Theorem, Free and Transitive Actions 119 Problem Set 5 132 Week 11 The Class Equation, Groups of Size p and p2, The Sylow Theorems 142 Week 12 Proof That A5 is Simple, Classification of Finite Simple Groups 148 Problem Set 6 156 Week 1 What is \algebra?" The meaning of the word has changed over time. Here's a historical sketch: In this course we will discuss \modern" (also known as abstract) algebra. But in order to motivate this, I will first talk about pre-modern algebra.
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