Wildlife Checklist Brochure
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Audubon National Wildlife Refuge U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service 3275 11th Street, NW Coleharbor, ND 58531-9419 701 / 442 5474 701 / 442 5546 fax Audubon [email protected] http://audubon.fws.gov National Wildlife For State relay transfer service Refuge TTY / Voice: 711 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service http://www.fws.gov Wildlife List For Refuge Information 1 800 / 344 WILD June 2007 Welcome to Audubon National Wildlife Refuge Seasonal Sp Spring (March-May) Audubon National (NWR) was established in 1956 Occurrence S Summer (June-August) Wildlife Refuge to replace wildlife habitat that was F Fall (September-November) flooded when the Garrison Dam was W Winter (December-February) built, creating Lake Sakakawea. The Refuge’s 14,735 acres are situated c common, certain to be seen on the southern and eastern areas of in suitable habitat Lake Audubon, a sub-impoundment p present, but not certain to of Lake Sakakawea. be seen This goose, r rare, seen at intervals of designed by J.N. Audubon NWR is managed for 2 to 5 years “Ding” Darling, optimum protection and enhancement has become the of wildlife habitat with an emphasis Other Codes • denotes a breeding species on symbol of the on migratory birds. The landscape is the Refuge National Wildlife marked by numerous “potholes,” or Refuge System. shallow wetlands, amidst the Bird species listed as “accidentals” grasslands. These areas, along with have been sighted very few times. the many islands of Lake Audubon, They are found at the end of the are sanctuaries for many types of common bird name list. Since most nesting birds including waterfowl, birds are migratory, their seasonal shorebirds, and songbirds. Lake occurrence and relative abundance Audubon is also highly utilized as a are coded as follows. refueling area during spring and fall migrations. Accessibility Equal opportunity to participate Information in and benefit from programs and About This This checklist includes wildlife species activities of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Checklist seen on the Refuge since 1956 - Wildlife Service is available to all 246 birds, 34 mammals, 5 reptiles, individuals regardless of physical 4 amphibians, and 37 fish species. or mental ability. Dial 7-1-1 for a free connection to the State transfer relay service for TTY and voice calls to and from the speech and hearing impaired. For more information or to address accessibility needs, please contact the Refuge staff at 701 / 442 5474 or the U.S. Department of the Interior, Office of Equal Opportunity, 1849 C Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20240 Common Bird Name Sp S F W Common Bird Name Sp S F W Swans, Geese, and Ducks Cormorants Greater White-fronted Goose c r c • Double-crested Cormorant c c c Snow Goose c r c Ross’s Goose p p Bitterns, Herons, and Egrets Brant r • American Bittern c p c • Canada Goose c c c p Great Blue Heron c p c Tundra Swan p c Great Egret r r r Wood Duck p p p Snowy Egret r r r • Gadwall c c c Little Blue Heron r r r • American Wigeon c c c Cattle Egret r r r American Black Duck r r Green Heron p p p • Mallard c c c p • Black-crowned Night-Heron c c c • Blue-winged Teal c c c Cinnamon Teal r r r Ibises and Spoonbills • Northern Shoveler c c c White-faced Ibis r r r • Northern Pintail c c c r • Green-winged Teal c p c New World Vultures • Canvasback c c c Turkey Vulture r r r • Redhead c c c Ring-necked Duck c c Osprey, Kites, Hawks, and Eagles Greater Scaup p p Osprey r r r • Lesser Scaup c c c Bald Eagle p r c p White-winged Scoter p • Northern Harrier c c c r Long-tailed Duck (formerly Oldsquaw) r Sharp-shinned Hawk p p Bufflehead c p c • Cooper’s Hawk r p r Common Goldeneye c c r Northern Goshawk r p r Barrow’s Goldeneye r Broad-winged Hawk r r Hooded Merganser p p Swainson’s Hawk p p p Common Merganser p p r • Red-tailed Hawk p p p Red-breasted Merganser r r Ferruginous Hawk p p p • Ruddy Duck c c c Rough-legged Hawk p p p Golden Eagle p r p r Gallinaceous Birds • Gray Partridge c c c c Falcons and Caracaras • Ring-necked Pheasant c c c c • American Kestrel c r c • Sharp-tailed Grouse c c c c Merlin p r p Gyrfalcon p Loons Peregrine Falcon r r r Common Loon r r Prairie Falcon p r p r Grebes Rails • Pied-billed Grebe c c c Yellow Rail p p p Horned Grebe p p p King Rail p p p Red-necked Grebe p r p • Virginia Rail p p p • Eared Grebe c c p • Sora c c c • Western Grebe c p c • American Coot c c c Pelicans Cranes American White Pelican c c c Sandhill Crane c r c Whooping Crane r r Common Bird Name Sp S F W Common Bird Name Sp S F W Plovers Pigeons and Doves Black-bellied Plover r r Rock Pigeon p p p American Golden-Plover p r • Mourning Dove c c c Semipalmated Plover p p • Piping Plover p p p Cuckoos and Anis • Killdeer c c c • Black-billed Cuckoo p p p Stilts and Avocets Typical Owls Black-necked Stilt r Eastern Screech-Owl r r r r • American Avocet c c c • Great Horned Owl c c c c Snowy Owl p p p Sandpipers and Phalaropes • Burrowing Owl p r r Greater Yellowlegs p p • Long-eared Owl p p Lesser Yellowlegs c p c • Short-eared Owl c c c r Solitary Sandpiper p p • Willet c c p Nightjars • Spotted Sandpiper c c p • Common Nighthawk p r p • Upland Sandpiper c c c Long-billed Curlew r Swifts Hudsonian Godwit r Chimney Swift r r r • Marbled Godwit c c p Ruddy Turnstone p r Hummingbirds Sanderling c c Ruby-throated Hummingbird r r r Semipalmated Sandpiper c c Western Sandpiper c c Kingfishers Least Sandpiper c c Belted Kingfisher p p p White-rumped Sandpiper c p p Baird’s Sandpiper p p Woodpeckers Pectoral Sandpiper p p Red-headed Woodpecker p p p Dunlin p p Yellow-bellied Sapsucker p p p Stilt Sandpiper c c Downy Woodpecker c p c p Short-billed Dowitcher p p Hairy Woodpecker c p c p Long-billed Dowitcher c c • Northern Flicker c c c • Wilson’s Snipe c p c • Wilson’s Phalarope c c c Tyrant Flycatchers Red-necked Phalarope p p Eastern Wood-Pewee p Willow Flycatcher p p p Skuas, Jaegers, Gulls, and Terns Least Flycatcher p p r Franklin’s Gull p p p Eastern Phoebe p p p Bonaparte’s Gull p p Say’s Phoebe p p p • Ring-billed Gull c c c • Western Kingbird c c c • California Gull c c c • Eastern Kingbird c c c Herring Gull p p p Sabine’s Gull r Shrikes Caspian Tern r r Loggerhead Shrike p p p • Common Tern c c p Northern Shrike p p p Forster’s Tern p p p Least Tern r r Vireos • Black Tern p p p Blue-headed Vireo p p Warbling Vireo p p Red-eyed Vireo p p p Common Bird Name Sp S F W Common Bird Name Sp S F W Crows, Jays, and Magpies Wagtails and Pipits • Blue Jay p p p American (Water) Pipit p p • Black-billed Magpie p p p p • Sprague’s Pipit p p p • American Crow c p c p Waxwings Larks Bohemian Waxwing p p p • Horned Lark c c c c • Cedar Waxwing c c c c Swallows Wood Warblers • Purple Martin p p p Tennessee Warbler p p p • Tree Swallow p c p Orange-crowned Warbler p p • Northern Rough-winged Swallow p p p • Yellow Warbler c c p • Bank Swallow c c c Chestnut-sided Warbler r • Cliff Swallow p p p Magnolia Warbler p p • Barn Swallow c c c Cape May Warbler r Yellow-rumped Warbler p p p Titmice and Chickadees Blackburnian Warbler p • Black-capped Chickadee c c c c Palm Warbler p Blackpoll Warbler p p Nuthatches Black-and-white Warbler p p Red-breasted Nuthatch p p p American Redstart p p White-breasted Nuthatch p p p r Ovenbird p p p Northern Waterthrush p p Creepers • Common Yellowthroat c c c Brown Creeper p p Wilson’s Warbler r • Yellow-breasted Chat p p p Wrens • House Wren c c p Sparrows and Towhees • Sedge Wren c c p • Spotted Towhee p p p • Marsh Wren p p p • American Tree Sparrow c p c p • Chipping Sparrow c c c Kinglets • Clay-colored Sparrow c c c Golden-crowned Kinglet p p p • Brewer’s Sparrow r Ruby-crowned Kinglet p p Field Sparrow p p p • Vesper Sparrow p p p Thrushes Lark Sparrow p p p Eastern Bluebird p p p • Lark Bunting p p p Mountain Bluebird p p p • Savannah Sparrow c c c • Swainson’s Thrush p p p • Grasshopper Sparrow c c c Hermit Thrush r • Baird’s Sparrow p p p • American Robin c c c r • Le Conte’s Sparrow p p p • Nelson’s Sharp-tailed Sparrow p p p Mimic Thrushes • Song Sparrow c c c • Gray Catbird p p p Lincoln’s Sparrow p p Northern Mockingbird r Swamp Sparrow p p • Brown Thrasher c c p White-throated Sparrow p p p Harris’s Sparrow p p Starlings White-crowned Sparrow p p • European Starling p p p p Dark-eyed Junco c c c McCown’s Longspur p p p Sparrows and Towhees continued on next page Common Bird Name Sp S F W Common Mammal Name Abundance Sparrows and Towhees continued from previous page Shrews Lapland Longspur p p p • Cinerus or Masked Shrew p • Chestnut-collared Longspur c c p Snow Bunting p p p Vesper Bats • Little Brown Myotis p Cardinals, Grosbeaks, and Allies • Silver-haired Bat p Rose-breasted Grosbeak r r • Big Brown Bat p Black-headed Grosbeak p p r Lazuli Bunting r Hares and Rabbits • Dickcissel p p p • Eastern Cottontail c • White-tailed Jackrabbit p Blackbirds and Orioles • Bobolink c c c Squirrels • Red-winged Blackbird c c c r • Franklin’s Ground Squirrel p • Western Meadowlark c c c r • Richardson’s Ground Squirrel p • Yellow-headed Blackbird c c c • Thirteen-lined Ground Squirrel p • Brewer’s Blackbird p p p • Eastern Fox Squirrel p • Common Grackle c c c • Brown-headed Cowbird c c c Beavers • Orchard Oriole p p r • American Beaver c • Baltimore Oriole p p p Mice, Rats, and Voles Finches • Deer Mouse c Pine Grosbeak p p p • Northern Grasshopper Mouse p Purple Finch p p p • Norway or Brown Rat p House Finch p p p • House Mouse c Red Crossbill p r p r • Prairie Vole c White-winged Crossbill r • Meadow Vole c Common Redpoll p p p • Common Muskrat c Pine Siskin p p p • American Goldfinch c c c p Jumping Mice Evening Grosbeak p • Meadow Jumping Mouse p • Western Jumping Mouse p Old World Sparrows • House Sparrow c c c c New World Porcupines North American Porcupine r Accidentals Red-throated Loon Dogs, Foxes, and Wolves Harlequin Duck • Coyote c • Red Fox c Reference: American Ornithologists’ Union.