A . G Ž v o š ej t a u ų . . t o g g g . g . . ž ių g s a ė K r o n t i 21 Žygimantų g. t n . k g Legend a s g n . o ž . i i g k g š a R i ų i u V 14 o č c t e s - i o o š p K Šermukšnių g. k m m N i . a l Small Ghetto . . T u J O g g e T . r s A o i . i o l s J i o s

u o Kaštonų g.

- n Big Ghetto . T 6 e g i i l 1 t o V s

o g . u . i

a r A . i g G e a d n Exhibition „Malina“ i m s B J. Lelevelio g. e l s i n a tr i i M o a č ė s g. o p r . g. n alo V V e k A r s r i

d . K u g . . Tourist K Š ų g . k k o i V u i r p A 1 k Information Centres o . s v s g G e e a d i . l VILNIUS TOURISt o m g l i i n b . o p k r . o T u s d r y i l n v t V Jewish Culture and i r o i g . information and Information P l S g . . T a u i m t K Information Centre ėn S

18. k a . l g n A G e io d i m centres: Centre s i n g. A o p . o r . S l m i e to a Places of Interest n o g s g o . J Vilniaus g. 22 (Main Office) Mėsinių g. 3A/5 T



r Didžioji g. 31 (Town Hall) [email protected] o g. itės 1. Lithuanian Jewish Community g vila . L a b d ar ių g. R ad 2 O d m in ių g. g . r os Vi . o l Rodūnios kelias 2-1 (Vilnius Š v e n t a r a g i a r b o n i

2. Jewish State g B a


s M o

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g a

Airport) +370 5 261 6422

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i Museum. Holocaust Exhibition r Is 14 i M l n ų ž r a o 1 l B n a

e i

r n . d d g n a i r a

g j

V . i www.jewishcenter.lt o d t

i l

i 3. Former House of the Board of s n ų o o S

g . Š . S g g P n k a .

i p L. Stuokos-Gucevičiaus g. o . . y g t


+370 5 262 9660 u i

P m 2 .

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[email protected] n 4. Vilnius University g .

č ų g e e Š

i i . os i v. M ž l . a m k l y k o l i l k y 3 4 o o e j g g.

o A g . i

s P R L 5. Small Ghetto (1941) o o k a n g P a l t

y e n o n t r u o M B B

. o i v n i . g . Š f a c www.vilnius-tourism.lt 6. Former Great a u s k o Š s o g . V i n K a l v r K . . I g e r atų . gn te o v L i t i www.vilnius-events.lt 7. Monument to the Vilna Gaon o R g n u . s

U ų Šv. Jono g. g 8. Monument to Tsemakh Shabad K la i p ė d o s g . 3 . J T M o n e . a g o o a B t k r a l

9. Big Ghetto (1941–1943) a o t ū

s . a a . n g g L n

a g

. ų v n ų g . i č i k o io a i o u p P ž 10. Vilnius Choral Synagogue u s i n Š v a r c o g g U 12 n . g . y m . o o l D I šga n yto jo g. i a m

11. Vilna Gaon Jewish State G B

o 17 o 7 . U k ž u g g p i . š o g . Museum. Tolerance Centre i t S 6 . j o g. g t i P k ų ų k o a u a i g T r d l p i o y ž . 12. First Seat of the YIVO . Ž i ų g . g d i o i l s k g v u M . . V i Kėdainių g. D A P 13. Vilna Gaon Jewish State i 5 n r . a g d a u s n S a v i č i a a Vilni c . Museum. Memorial Museum of u 14 4 A u k š t a i č i ų g i Augustijonų g. g V š o k i n o V Paneriai g n o . g ų k r i i g e Šv. Mikalojaus g. č ų . i ų g g 14. Memorial Plaques (4) . . . s g M o a y d ir 15. Jewish Cemetery L o n i D B io i . o g. . 5 d g g . g Žemaitijos g. A š m e n o s g. i e r o k s ž m š 16. Former Jewish Cemetery k o o Š z i a t k i e n i č u o e v d a o K . Š r u M T j . g a l . i g i v . 11 ų g 17. The sign on Jewish Street u g Š a g N . ų 14 . 9 i 8 n i 18. Buildings Vilniaus g. 25 and 27. L s . i ė g . g o g . u s g n M E t o n ų i a in ų m b a č ė k S u 19. Romai Printing House s . g n . i g

20 S u b a č ia u s g. . n t ų A i g 19 d l l ū e 10 ų 20. Building Karmelitų g. 5 A g i M P R m . . u i r g n r l a 6 g š A. Strazdelio g. i a s o d n K č r o r ų o i o 21. Monument in place of the d s p i V i o s a l a j u g i v i s k V i u . r D g Ž Aguonų g. . ų a g g . . former Šnipiškės (Shnipishok) A r Š v o ų t p Š v ų g o e . u g Jewish cemetery g . r n . o . t k K g . R u g ų š o s a u k a r d o j D ų . s a . n M u g in ių g ų alt o g a Š p K g N e . . . t V . S RESTAURANTS g a . n s v a o Š a z i li j o n ų g . l B g Š ė k v . l y i i g o

t g. Gėlių Aušros Vartų g. J g r L . u ų g i a J 7 . g a d p a . 1. RISHON a o g b R ų s i S l o l o g j o P u Amatų g. n r s y . s D

Tilto g. 3 k l g i i o m .

g o . 2. BEIGEL SHOP g . g. K a u n o R a Pylimo g. 4 m y bė 15 V. Šopeno g. s 3. BEIGELISTAI | OLD TOWN g.

. S ein g . Literatų g. 1 g S ų g o . . . i g t el s g. o g o n k A l k ū n ė . n o ž i a u t e g K n i l ų e e 16 o G ų


p o g g p e S . t u

o . i S g g č Vokiečių g. 9 . s r u g. v o L i ės a s i l Punsko g. Š e P p o d e ja m l p r i n e k 5. CAFE IN JEWISH CULTURE AND M a i P a l . M n g i o os v g u . INFORMATION CENTRE . š r g a

o Jewish Cultural P a V n e d ri i Mėsinių g. 3a/5 ų g. T y A 13 . z g e . o n 6. FELICIE g g h i ų i e a e r A . a n . S n u g P l g z o g io ų o n Aušros Vartų g. 9 i el g d i r k . t a d žin S o Heritage in Vilnius le e

7. BEIGELISTAI | HALĖS g G . . g Published by “Go Vilnius“ December 2016 ų Pylimo g. 58 k g. . L g n i n o s i e o o n p Publishers accepts no responsibility for changes, typesetting or p e s i te e l j k S P u a . a l Š v n printing errors. N i o

g .

Many famous scholars and Man, the Dutch Ambassador to Lithu- publish a book on the history of the Tsemakh Shabad was a legendary Institute) in one of the apartments of Vilnius ghetto, the founders of rabbis lived and worked in Vilnius; ania Jan Zvartendijk, who in 1940 Jewish theatre and he prepared and personality. The doctor was active of this building. This institute soon the first vegetarian restaurant in that is why over the 700 years of granted around 2,200 visas to conducted several courses on the in various spheres of life, including turned into the largest Jewish sci­ Vilnius, etc. their presence in Jews on the island of Curaçao and thus language and culture. Over charity (he was one of the heads en­tific institution in the world. created a rich and diverse culture. saved their lives. Next to it there is the years of the war, many university of the community for supporting The leading figures of science and 15. Jewish Cemetery Vilnius was called the of a n o t h e r m o ­­n u ­­ment to a Righ ­t e o u s professors and employees helped in refugees), health care (as one of public affairs of the world—A. Ein- , Sudervės kelio g. the North. Man, Sem­po Sugihara, Japanese the efforts to save Jews. One of the the founders of the OZE health com­ stein, Z. Freud, E. Bernstein and oth- The grave of the Vilnia Gaon forms Consul in Lithuania between 1939 most prominent saviours was Ona munity in Vilnius), education and ers — were members of the Honorary the main focal point of the cemetery. 1. Lithuanian Jewish and 1940, who facilitated in saving Šimaitė, librarian and publicist, for however, the first temple was made science (as an active figure in the Rozenhaus) was opened in Septem- Presidium of the Institute. YIVO per- Famous Jewish public figures are Community 6000 Jews in 1940. whom a memorial plaque has been of wood and was subject to various Central Jewish Schools Organisa- ber 1903, on the Jewish New Year. formed a mammoth task in cherish- buried in the cemetery. , Pylimo g. 4, N +370 5 261 3003, installed in the library courtyard; a limitations. In 1633, King Vladislovas tion and one of the initiators of the The building, designed in the Moorish ing Yiddish philology and taking care ywww.lzb.lt 3. Former House of the street in Vilnius is also dedicated to Vaza (Władysław Vasa) granted the establishment of YIVO), public affairs style, has a women’s section and of Jewish heri­tage in Eastern Europe. 16. Former Jewish Cemetery Board of Rabbis this great woman. Between 1866 and privilege for construction of a stone (together with J. Vygodskij he re- premises for the choir on the second YIVO was eliminated in Vil­nius during , Olandų g. , Corner of Šv. Ignoto and 1915, the famous art school of I.P. synagogue in the Jewish quarters; established the Vilnius Jewish Com- floor. This is the only Jewish house the World War II. The cemetery was the place of eter- Benediktinų g. Trutnev was located in the premises however the limitations were not munity) and journalism. of worship that survived after World nal rest of Jewish public and reli- of the University. Many artists and lifted. In its size and splendour, the War II in Vilnius. Several cantors who 13. Memorial Museum of gious figures. sculptors who later earned world synagogue surpassed all other syna- 9. Big Ghetto (1941–1943) are famous all over the world were Paneriai recognition studied in this school, gogues built at that time; it could born in Vilnius. Prayers are held in , Agrastų g. 15 N +370 680 81278, 17. The sign on Jewish Street including Jacques Lipchitz, Naum a c ­c o m ­m o ­date several thou ­s a n d the Synagogue every day according y www.jmuseum.lt , Žydų g. Aronson, Chaim Soutine. people. Later, the synagogue was to the misnagdim tradition. damaged during the wars and fires. The construction of this building at 5. Small Ghetto (1941) During World War II it was severely 11. Tolerance Centre the turn of the 19th century was damaged. The Soviet authorities , Naugarduko g. 10/2 } Mon-Thu funded by architect T. Rostvorovs- destroyed the Great Vilnius Syna- 10.00–18.00, Fri, Sun 10.00–16.00, kis. It used to be occupied by the The Supreme Board of Rab­bis of the gogue, an architectural monument N +370 5 262 9666, y www.jmuseum.lt Tarbut Gymnasium (the former J. Vilnius Great Syna­gogue, which was of glo­bal significance. Einstein Gymnasium). The Lithu- recognised as one of the supreme The Big Ghetto of Vilnius existed anian Jewish Community, which re- authorities of the community, used 7. Monument to the Vilna from 6 September 1941 to 23 Sep- established itself in 1989, unites all to operate in this building. In 1903, Gaon tember 1943 (Ly­dos, Rūdninkų, The Paneriai woods were turned Vilnius Municipality unveiled the Jewish organisations in the country. representatives of the Jewish Com­ , Žydų g. 5 Mėsinių, Ašmenos, Žemaitijos, Dys- into a place of mass killing between latest instalment of its foreign lan- There are around 4,000 Jews living in munity met with the patriarch of the nos, Šiaulių, Ligoninės Streets). There July and October 1941; these atro- guage street art series, by unveiling Lithuania. The community organises Jewish national movement () With Jews gradually settling in were around 29,000 Jews in the Big cious events were repeated again a plaque in Hebrew and Yiddish on cultural, educational and religious Theodor Herzl in one of its halls. This Vil­­nius, their living quarters were Ghetto; most of them were killed in between 1943 and 1944. Most Vilnius Jewish Street (Žydų gatvė), which events; it takes care of the Jewish occasion is marked by a memorial taking shape. During the years of Paneriai. 18 Rūdnininkų St. marks Jews found their death in ten pits can be found in the former Jewish cultural and historical heritage, and plaque. Nazi occupation, the Small Ghetto the place of the main en­­trance into At the end of the 19th century this and two trenches. A museum is now quarter. devotes much time to fighting anti- was created in the quarters (Stiklių, the Big Ghetto; this is indicated in building was occupied by a can­teen open here and a memorial has been Semitism and promoting the Yiddish 4. Vilnius University Gaono, M. Antokolskio, Žydų Streets) a memorial plaque bear­ing the plan for the poor, organised by the Com- created. 18. Buildings ,Vilniaus g. 25, 27 language. Community life is full of , Universiteto g. 3, N +370 5 268 and around 11,000 Jews were herded of the ghetto. The quarter between munity for Cheap Jewish Canteens, Between 1906 and 1909, the violin various events, exhibitions, concerts 7298, y www.vu.lt into it. The Small Ghetto was elimi- Ašmenos, Dysnos and Mėsinių Streets which also worked during . 14. Memorial plaques virtuoso Jascha Heifetz studied in and Jewish celebrations. nated on 21 October 1941 and all the is the first quarter of historical Vil- From 1918, a professional Jewish the- the Vilnius musical school which Jews who lived there were killed. The name of Vilna Gaon Eliyahu ben nius to be under reconstruction. At atre was established here and after was located at 25 Vilniaus St. Public 2. Vilna Gaon Jewish The crossing point of Stiklių, Gaono, Shlomo Zalman (1720–1797)—one of present, the Jewish Culture and 1930 the building was occupied by the and political character Dr. Nachman State Museum. Holocaust M. Antokolskio and Žydų streets is the most prominent Jewish sages Information Centre is operating here. Mūza (Muse) cinema. The building Rachmilewitz lived in the house at Exposition the core of the Jewish quarter and and a world-famous and Tal- Between 1921 and 1951, the present was transferred to the State Gaon 27 Vilniaus Street. , Pamėnkalnio g. 12, } Mon-Thu was home to the glass market that mud analyst — put Vilnius on the Žemaitijos Street was named after Jewish Museum in 1989; in 2001, the 9.00–17.00, Fri 9.00–16.00, Sun 10.00– used to be there in the 17th and 18th map as the Jerusalem of Lithuania. M. Strashun. The books collected Tolerance Centre—which hosts various 19. Romai Printing House 16.00 N +370 5 262 0730, centuries as well as the numerous His former house is marked with a by Matityahu Strashun laid the basis exhibitions and cultural as well as , A. Strazdelio g. 1. y www.jmuseum.lt gabbling Jewish merchants and the memorial plaque and a monument for the largest Judaism library in political events—was established here. The printing house pub­lished over The Centre of Non-state Languages abundance of various goods on sale. in his honour (created by Kazimieras Europe, which was established in One may notice the copper-plated a hundred books in Yiddish and (the former Centre for Judaism Stu­ A famous sculptor of Jewish descent Valaitis) can be found near the house. Vilnius in 1892. The library itself was 12. First Seat of the YIVO ‘Memorial plaques’ embedded in Hebrew. In 1830, the Bible was prin­ dies) of Vilnius University is active M. Antokolski lived in the house at destroyed together with the Great , J. Basanavičiaus g. 16 the pavement of the old Town of ted here and in 1835 publication of in the sphere of preservation and 25 Didžioji Street. 8. Monument to Tsemakh Synagogue. Following the restoration Vilnius to commemorate the memory the started. dissemination of Jewish heritage. Shabad of Lithuania’s independence, the day of the eight honourable residents There is also the Yiddish Institute, in 6. Former Great Synagogue , Rūdninkų g. of elimination of the Big Ghetto of of the city who fell victim to the 20. Building , Karmelitų g. 5 which the Yiddish language is taught , Žydų g. 5 Vilnius (23 September) was declared Holocaust. It was not accidentally Jewish poet Moishe Kulbak—who and is fostered. The Great Vilnius Synagogue—the the Day of the Jewish Genocide in that the memorial plaques were sang of Vilnius in his poetry—lived The Department of Yiddish Language main spiritual and cultural centre of Lithuania. arranged at Rūdninkų, Vokiečių, in this house in the 1920s. The museum acquired its name and Literature was established at the the —existed from Vilniaus, Islandijos, Vasario 16-osios in 1997, in commemoration of the end of 1940, but only survived until the end of the 16th century until 10. Vilnius Choral Streets—as this was the place of resi- 21. Monument , Olimpiečių g. 200th anniversary of the death of the beginning of the war in Lithu- . As of 1573, the - Synagogue dence or work for some outstanding A special memorial in place of the the Vilna Gaon. Near the museum ania. The Head of the Department, ish community in Vilnius had a right , Pylimo g. 39, N +370 5 212 1655 In 1925, Max Weinreich established and meritorious personalities, such former Šnipiškės (Shnipishok) Jewish there is a monument to a Righteous Docent Noach Prilutski managed to to have its own house of worship; The synagogue (by architect David the seat of YIVO (Jew­­ish Sci­entific as famous doctors, the chronicler cemetery place.