Effective March 1, 2010 through February 28, 2011 Minnesota Regulations 2010 This document is made available electronically by the Minnesota Legislative Reference Library as part of an ongoing digital archiving project. http://www.leg.state.mn.us/lrl/lrl.asp mndnr.gov 24-hour TIP hotline—1-800-652-9093 (dial #TIP for AT&T, Midwest Wireless, Unicel and Verizon cell phone customers) Cover photo courtesy of PageTrimmed 1/21/09 3:17 PM Page 1 Fishing for the Future Established in 2010, by a group of Minnesota anglers, for Minnesota’s anglers. To unify the states anglers, being dedicated to Education, Preservation, and Restoration, of fishing techniques, fish species, and habitat, in the great state of Minnesota! Join Us TODAY www.mnanglersgroup.com Email:
[email protected] Phone: 507-420-9343 Paid Advertisement Minnesota Can Conservation ’t volunteer w a it f or Minnesota Conservation Volunteer magazine is always in season. DVERTISEMENT Free! SubscribeA today. AID Call 888-646-6367 or visitP www.mndnr.gov/magazine TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Trespass Law ................................................................................................ 2 Definitions ...................................................................................................... 3 NEW Regulations for 2010 .......................................................................... 4 Fishing License .............................................................................................. 5 General Regulations ....................................................................................