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Dextera International Skúsenosti s realizáciou Operačného programu Informačná spoločnosť (2000-2006) v Grécku Seminár „Metropolitné optické siete a OPIS (Operačný program Informatizácia spoločnosti)“, 19. apríla 2007, Banská Bystrica Ioannis Drakopoulos [email protected] Presentation_ID © 2007 DEXTERA CONSULTING. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL 1 Presentation Overview Operational Program Information Society Broadband projects for Greek Municipalities Invitation 93: Optical MAN Invitation 105: Wireless Man Other projects Beyond ICT Policy: Lessons Learned Presentation_ID © 2007 DEXTERA CONSULTING. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL 2 Operational Programs Information Society Greek Population: 10M Slovak Rep. Population: 5M GR OPIS (2000-2006) SK OPIS (2007-2013) Public Expenditure 2.269,6M€, Public Expenditure 1.168,3M€, National Contribution 25% & EU National Contribution 15% & EU Contribution 75% Contribution 85% ESF (25,6%) & ERDF (74,4%) ERDF funded only combined funding 4 Action Lines – Electronization of public administration and 5 Action Lines development of electronic services (63,0%) – Education & culture (14,8%) – Development and renewal of the national – Citizens & quality of life (31,0%) infrastructure of repository institutions (11,6%) – The digital economy and employment (31,8%) – Improvement of broadband internet access – Communications (20,0%) (22,3%) – Technical Assistance (2,4%) – Technical Assistance (3,1%) Presentation_ID © 2007 DEXTERA CONSULTING. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL 3 Current status of OPIS implementation Budget/Allocations/Contracts/Spending Total Budget (in M€) / Data 16.3.07 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 3532,37 1500 2675,97 2402,97 1000 1436,75 500 0 100% 132% 89,80% 53,70% Budget Allocated amounts Contracted Spendings Presentation_ID © 2007 DEXTERA CONSULTING. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL 4 Presentation_ID Budget/Allocations/Contracts Current statusof OPIS implementation 1. 1. 1. © rights reserved. All CONSULTING. DEXTERA 2007 CONFIDENTIAL 600, 800, 200, 400, 000, 200, 400, 0, 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Axis 1: Education & culture (14,8%) T Axis 2: Citizens & o a quality of life t l (31,0%) B u dge t D B Axis 3: The digital a ta as r economy and a k / per e employment Spending dow (31,8%) 16.3.2007 n pe r Axis 4: pr Communications ior (20%) i ty A x e Axis 5: Technical Assistance (2,4%) S C A B ontr pendi udget l l o c a a ted am c ngs t ed ounts 5 Greek strategy for Broadband in the framework of the Greek OPIS 2000-2006 Creation of competitive broadband networks throw out the Greek territory. Interconnection of a significant number of public sector bodies, health, secondary education, University institutions. Increase of competition in the provision of communication services and infrastructures aiming at price reduction. Stimulation of business activities in the areas with available broadband networks. Coverage with broadband infrastructures and services of less developed urban areas or rural areas of the country. Coverage of the long term telecommunication needs for a large part of the Greek population. Stimulation of the demand for Broadband services. Indirect support to broadband content creation industry throw mass broadband penetration to the general population of the country. Presentation_ID © 2007 DEXTERA CONSULTING. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL 6 Measure 4.2 of Greek OPIS Basic targets of measure 4.2 of Operational Program is the development of Broadband infrastructure for local access including: –Small cities –Suburban and rural areas –Leas developed areas of the country Aiming at: Market deliberation and opening Increase of competition Increase the standard of leaving by providing advanced e-health, e-learning and e-commerce services. Creation of new jobs and Increasing of the economic development rate of the areas Finally basic target of Measure 4.2. was the adaptation of the country at the major principals of the initiative: “e-Europe 2005, An information society for all”. Presentation_ID © 2007 DEXTERA CONSULTING. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL 7 Broadband Strategy in OPIS Invitations for the implementation of Broadband Strategy Invitation 84: Penetration Studies -Dissemination Actions. Accomplished Invitation 165: Deployment of Pilot Broadband Cities, Accomplished Invitation 93: Deployment of Municipalities Optical Networks, Under tendering process. Invitation 105: Deployment of Municipalities Wireless Networks. Under tendering process Invitation 147: Funding of private initiatives, Evaluation Presentation_ID © 2007 DEXTERA CONSULTING. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL 8 Invitation 93 Optical MAN for Municipalities The total available funding was 59M Euros for the creation of Optical Metropolitan Area Networks – MAN, in 75 Municipalities of the country. The minimum acceptable number of interconnected Points of Public Interest is 20 but the average from the approved proposals is 45 Points of Public Interest like (Schools, Universities, Tax Offices, Public Hospitals, Municipality Buildings, Libraries, Museums, Chamber of Commerce, Police, Fire Brigade.. The optical MANs of the 75 Municipalities are in total over 735 Km interconnecting more than 2.800 points of public interest across the country, changing in a way the broadband availability map of the country. Allocation of 3M€ at Technical Assistance which is obligatory for the participants in the project. The Technical Assistance contracts were awarded in Regional level. Presentation_ID © 2007 DEXTERA CONSULTING. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL 9 Invitation 93 Optical MAN for 75 Municipalities The target was the interconnection of public buildings in the covered areas (Education, Healthcare, Culture, etc). Basic principal is the stimulation of competition both at the level of network access services as well as at the offered services for the benefit of the consumer – user. The above shall be based upon an Open Architecture Dark Fiber Infrastructure and a cost based operation module. Invitation 93 encourages the long term leasing of a part of the network at the private sector (per meter or per fiber pair) which shall generate income necessary for the development and the maintenance of the network. The projects shall mainly include: – Civil engineering works – Fiber Optics – Network equipment for connected Public Buildings. It is possible to finance proposals for regional MANs for nearby municipalities of 1st degree as far as one of the Municipalities shall be the leader . Municipalities (Final Beneficiaries of the Invitation 93) are the owners of the networks that shall be created. The RFP must be according the guidelines of European Commission as these are mentioned at the resolution:SEC (2003) 895 της 28.7.2003 “Guidelines on criteria and modalities of implementation of structural funds in support of electronic communications”. Presentation_ID © 2007 DEXTERA CONSULTING. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL 10 Invitation 105: Wireless Broadband networks in 120 Municipalities and 20 Local Associations of Towns and Villages. As a complimentary measure to the development of Optical MANs (invitation 93), Special Secretary for the Information Society decided to fund with 42M Euros the creation of wireless broadband networks in more than 120 Municipalities and 20 Local Associations of Towns and Villages. Under the same intervention is expected the interconnections with EDUnet (education network) of schools from remote areas of the country. Using this invitation, small municipalities have the chance to develop Wireless Broadband connectivity (i.e. using Wi-Fi technology) within 10 different points of interest in their territory. Municipalities shall use this wirless network for their interconnection at “Syzefksis”. In total, from this invitation shall be financed the interconnection of more than 1260 schools of primary and secondary education, more than 360 culture & sports centers, more than 1800 public sector buildings and finally more than 320 regional health centers. Presentation_ID © 2007 DEXTERA CONSULTING. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL 11 Funding of private-sector companies for the development of broadband access in the Regional Areas of Greece ( Project Name The project «Funding of private-sector companies for the development of broadband access in the Regional & Funding Areas of Greece» has been included in the O.P.I.S. and is co-subsidized by ERDF at the rate of 70%, with regard to source public participation. The total budget to be made available through this Call amounts to 210,000,000 euros Project The aim of the project described in this Call is to support the development of the necessary infrastructure for Description the provision of broadband services to those regions of Greece, where such infrastructure neither and scope currently exists nor is it expected to be deployed under the current market conditions in the immediate future, or where no competitive conditions are expected to be developed. The aim of the state subsidy is the bridging of the digital divide in those regions. The total budget is distributed as follows in two main axis: 1. the development of broadband access in the regional areas of Greece, though the subsidization of infrastructure development, from now on called “Axis 1” of the project, and 2. The stimulation of the demand for broadband services through subsidization actions of end-users in the Greek Districts, from now on called “Axis 2” of the project. Coverage The entire project covers the whole of the Greece,
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