SOCIAL PREFERENCES OR SACRED VALUES? THEORY AND EVIDENCE OF DEONTOLOGICAL MOTIVATIONS Daniel L. Chen and Martin Schonger∗ Abstract Recent advances in economic theory, largely motivated by ex- perimental findings, have led to the adoption of models of human behavior where decision-makers not only take into consideration their own payoff but also others’ payoffs and any potential consequences of these payoffs. Investi- gations of deontological motivations, where decision-makers make their choice not only based on the consequences of a decision but also the decision per se have been rare. We provide a formal interpretation of major moral philosophies and a revealed preference method to distinguish the presence of deontological motivations from a purely consequentialist decision-maker whose preferences satisfy first-order stochastic dominance. JEL Codes: D63; D64; D91; K00 Keywords: Consequentialism, deontological motivations, normative com- mitments, social preferences, revealed preference, decision theory, random lot- tery incentive method ∗Daniel L. Chen,
[email protected], Toulouse School of Economics, Institute for Advanced Study in Toulouse, University of Toulouse Capitole, Toulouse, France; Martin Schonger,
[email protected], ETH Zurich, Law and Economics. First draft: May 2009. Current draft: January 2020. Latest version available at:∼dlchen/papers/Social_Preferences_or_Sacred_Values.pdf. We thank research assistants and numerous colleagues at several universities and conferences. This project was conducted while Chen received fund- ing from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation (Grant No. 2018-11245), European Research Council (Grant No. 614708), Swiss National Science Foundation (Grant Nos. 100018-152678 and 106014-150820), Ewing Marion Kauffman Foun- dation, Institute for Humane Studies, John M.