REPORT THIRTY FIFTH MEETING OF THE FOLLOW-UP COMMITTEE OF THE COMCEC Ankara, 24-25 April 2019 COMCEC Coordination Office OIC/COMCEC/35-19/REP COMCEC Standing Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation of the Organization of the Islamic Cooperation REPORT THIRTY FIFTH SESSION OF THE COMCEC İstanbul, 25-28 November 2019 COMCEC Coordination Office Ankara, November 2019 Address: COMCEC Coordination Office Necatibey Cad. 110/A Ankara-TURKEY Phone : 90-312-294 57 10 Fax : 90-312-294 57 77-57 79 Website: e-mail :
[email protected] TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. P A R T I RESOLUTIONS OF THE OIC FORMING THE BASIS AND GUIDING THE ACTIVITIES OF THE COMCEC I. Resolution adopted at the Third Islamic Summit Conference Establishing the Standing Committees of the OIC chaired by 8 Heads of State …………………………………………………... II. Final Communiqué of the Fifth Islamic Summit Conference Entrusting the Chairmanship of the Standing Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation to the President of the Republic of Turkey ............................................................ ….... 10 III. Final Communiqué of the Thirteenth Islamic Summit Conference “Unity and Solidarity for Justice and Peace” Republic of 11 Turkey………………………………………………………….. P A R T II AGENDA, RESOLUTION AND REPORT OF THE THIRTY FIFTH SESSION OF THE COMCEC I. Agenda of the Thirty Fifth Session of the COMCEC.............. 14 II. Resolution of the Thirty Fifth Session of the COMCEC……. 16 III. Report of the Thirty Fifth Session of the COMCEC................. 17 A N N E X E S 1. List of Participants of the 35th Session of the COMCEC............ 59 2. Inaugural Address by H.E.