1996-1997 Calendar
THE UNIVERSITY OF ADELAIDE CALENDAR VOLUME lB 1996-1997 CORRESPONDENCE General correspondence should be addressed to the Registrar. Correspondence about courses (and related matters such as admission, examinations, scholarships and prizes), educational matters generally to the Academic Registrar. Correspondence about financial matters, and matters relating to the buildings and grounds to the Deputy Registrar. Correspondence about personnel matters and staff appointments to the Director, Personnel Services Address: The University's postal address is: The University of Adelaide, South Australia 5005. Tel. 303 4455 (Area code: 08) Fax. (08) 224 0464 ISSN 0810-0349 FOREWORD The University of Adelaide publishes the following official publications: CALENDAR VOLUME I Published biennially in May and available from the Secretariat. Contains general information, including: The University Act, Principal Officers of the University, Statutes, Standing Orders of the Senate, The Elder Conservatorium of Music, Institutions, Foundations and Colleges of the University, Public Lectures and Courses, Service Departments and Divisions of the University, Scholarships and Prizes, Societies associated with the University. CALENDAR VOLUME IA Published biennially in February alternating with Volume I. and available from Secretariat. Contains the almanac, membership of Council, committees, faculties and boards, statutes, scholarships and prizes. CALENDAR VOLUME II, Handbook of Courses Published annually in November of previous year. $30 including postage, student price $12 excluding postage. Contains regulations, schedules and syllabuses of courses. CALENDAR VOLUME IV, Student Guide and Timetables Published annually in November of previous year and available from Student Administration Branch. Contains details of services provided to students together with time-tables of courses. ANNUAL REPORT Published annually in September of the following year and available from the Public Relations & Marketing.
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