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• Edinburgh Recommendations

ATLAS Edinburgh Group 1 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

Entrance Service Work CERN Accomodation

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AtlasEdinburghDockerGuide BenjaminWynne 2021-04-21 - 18:39 TWeederTopics AlbertoMengoni 2021-03-04 - 13:35 AtlasEdinburghGroup YanyanGao 2021-01-22 - 18:08 AtlasEdinburghShifts MaximKonyushikhin 2020-06-18 - 14:30 AtlasEdinburghCovidWFH BenjaminWynne 2020-03-20 - 14:28

This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghGroup Topic revision: r99 - 2021-01-22 - YanyanGao

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback Introduction

Please put helpful ideas or requests for ideas here The VPN is slow, please help

If all you want inside the VPN is to ssh to another machine, you can connect to the PPE gateway machine using ssh instead: ssh -Y [email protected]

From there just ssh to another machine as normal, including to your desktop machine if you know its name. ECDF should be available, and LXPLUS may work better this way. You should also be able to access all of our disk space.

Please don't run code on the gateway itself. How do I keep my ssh session running?

If you have a patchy connection and need to keep some program running on a remote machine, I suggest you ssh to the PPE gateway (see above) and then start a screen session: just type screen

This will give you a fresh terminal, from which you can connect to the machine you want to run your code (remember not to run anything on the gateway itself.

To suspend the session press CTRL+A and then CTRL+D. Not those three buttons simultaneously, but CTRL+A first, and then CTRL+D.

You can now disconnect from the PPE gateway and go about your merry life. When you want to reconnect to your session go back to the gateway and type screen -r

To terminate a screen session type CTRL+D.

Fun 2 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki You can have multiple suspended screen sessions at once, but the management gets irritating fast. I suggest you just have one at a time, or investigate the documentation to learn more.

PRO TIP: screen doesn't save terminal output nicely, so make sure to send verbose program output to a logfile.

-- BenjaminWynne - 2020-03-20

This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghCovidWFH Topic revision: r1 - 2020-03-20 - BenjaminWynne

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback Introduction

Please put helpful ideas or requests for ideas here The VPN is slow, please help

If all you want inside the VPN is to ssh to another machine, you can connect to the PPE gateway machine using ssh instead: ssh -Y [email protected]

From there just ssh to another machine as normal, including to your desktop machine if you know its name. ECDF should be available, and LXPLUS may work better this way. You should also be able to access all of our disk space.

Please don't run code on the gateway itself. How do I keep my ssh session running?

If you have a patchy connection and need to keep some program running on a remote machine, I suggest you ssh to the PPE gateway (see above) and then start a screen session: just type screen

This will give you a fresh terminal, from which you can connect to the machine you want to run your code (remember not to run anything on the gateway itself.

To suspend the session press CTRL+A and then CTRL+D. Not those three buttons simultaneously, but CTRL+A first, and then CTRL+D.

You can now disconnect from the PPE gateway and go about your merry life. When you want to reconnect to your session go back to the gateway and type screen -r

To terminate a screen session type CTRL+D.

You can have multiple suspended screen sessions at once, but the management gets irritating fast. I suggest you just have one at a time, or investigate the documentation to learn more.

PRO TIP: screen doesn't save terminal output nicely, so make sure to send verbose program output to a logfile.

How do I keep my ssh session running? 3 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki -- BenjaminWynne - 2020-03-20

This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghCovidWFH Topic revision: r1 - 2020-03-20 - BenjaminWynne

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback New version!

It's been a long time coming, but there's now a neat copy of my Centos7 container

Old version below

So, you thought you should try out Docker

Yep, me too. It's buzz-wordy software and you don't want to be an old stick-in-the mud, right? It's a way to get a particular software environment set up quickly, and it's not clunky like a Virtual Machine, so you reckoned you could use it to run software on your own machine rather than dealing with LXPLUS or whatever.

Good news! It works! And I wrote a quick guide on how to use it, so you don't have to work this out for yourself.

Just tell me what to do already

OK, here's the zero-explanation recipe. First you'll have to install Docker. For me (using Ubuntu) this was just sudo apt install

But obviously this part will vary depending on your Operating System. The official guide is here

Now you need to start a Docker container. We want the CERN SLC6 environment, like you get on LXPLUS: docker pull cern/slc6-base mkdir MyDockerTest cd MyDockerTest mkdir workdir docker run --privileged -i -t -v $PWD/workdir:/workdir cern/slc6-base /bin/bash

You might need to run the Docker commands as root (i.e. sudo docker whatever).

Good news: now you're in a Docker container, as the root user, and it's pretending to be SLC6. Bad news: most of the software you want isn't there. Docker is lightweight because it comes with the bare minimum of things. First we need CVMFS, the networked filesystem that provides most of our software. The following assumes you work on ATLAS: yum install yum install cvmfs cvmfs-config-default yum install gcc.x86_64 echo ',,,,' > /etc/cvmfs/default.local echo 'CVMFS_HTTP_PROXY="DIRECT"' >> /etc/cvmfs/default.local cvmfs_config setup cvmfs_config probe

How do I keep my ssh session running? 4 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki Assuming you got an "OK" message at the end of each of the CVMFS tests you're good to go! Set up your software environment as if you were on LXPLUS: export ATLAS_LOCAL_ROOT_BASE=/cvmfs/ source $ATLAS_LOCAL_ROOT_BASE/user/

For LHCb you'll need to do this last part differently, obviously, as well as putting some different CVMFS repositories into your setup earlier. Also note that ATLAS software seems to need a local version of GCC as well as the one from CVMFS, so I installed that in the earlier section too.

How do I keep my shiny new container?

Docker has "images" that define an operating system or software environment, and "containers" that are one running copy of a particular image. While your container is running, open a new terminal on your host machine and try this: docker container ls

Again, you might need to try "sudo docker" instead.

Which will hopefully give you a result like this

CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES bb169f195cdc cern/slc6-base "/bin/bash" About an hour ago Up 9 minutes boring_hopper

The name at the end is the interesting part: it's a random name for the container you just made. Make a note of it! Mine is "boring_hopper" but yours will be something else.

You can now quit your running container with "exit" as though it was an SSH session, and restart it with docker start -ai boring_hopper

With your own container name instead of "boring_hopper".

I re-run the cvmfs_config commands (setup and probe) from earlier each time I restart my container, but I get the feeling it's not necessary.

Is that everything?

Hell no. There's a huge amount of functionality here that I haven't even looked at. A big part of Docker is the website DockerHub which is where you got your SLC6 environment from earlier. You can download different images, upload your own creations, and there's lots of other stuff too. Have fun!

One thing you might have noticed earlier is that I made a directory called "workdir" that exists on your host machine, but is mounted in your Docker container as "/workdir". I like to do all my work in this folder so I can access any code bits I want from the host machine later.

Missing Docker software

Try this if needed yum install zlib zlib-devel uuid uuid-devel freetype

I actually had to copy libuuid and uuid.h from LXPLUS, since the versions I got from yum weren't compatible with Gaudi.

Just tell me what to do already 5 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki Recently when building the whole of Athena, I also found that I needed yum install mesa-libGL-devel libxml2-devel patch

-- BenjaminWynne - 2017-11-01

This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghDockerGuide Topic revision: r6 - 2021-04-21 - BenjaminWynne

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback New version!

It's been a long time coming, but there's now a neat copy of my Centos7 container

Old version below

So, you thought you should try out Docker

Yep, me too. It's buzz-wordy software and you don't want to be an old stick-in-the mud, right? It's a way to get a particular software environment set up quickly, and it's not clunky like a Virtual Machine, so you reckoned you could use it to run software on your own machine rather than dealing with LXPLUS or whatever.

Good news! It works! And I wrote a quick guide on how to use it, so you don't have to work this out for yourself.

Just tell me what to do already

OK, here's the zero-explanation recipe. First you'll have to install Docker. For me (using Ubuntu) this was just sudo apt install

But obviously this part will vary depending on your Operating System. The official guide is here

Now you need to start a Docker container. We want the CERN SLC6 environment, like you get on LXPLUS: docker pull cern/slc6-base mkdir MyDockerTest cd MyDockerTest mkdir workdir docker run --privileged -i -t -v $PWD/workdir:/workdir cern/slc6-base /bin/bash

You might need to run the Docker commands as root (i.e. sudo docker whatever).

Good news: now you're in a Docker container, as the root user, and it's pretending to be SLC6. Bad news: most of the software you want isn't there. Docker is lightweight because it comes with the bare minimum of things. First we need CVMFS, the networked filesystem that provides most of our software. The following assumes you work on ATLAS: yum install yum install cvmfs cvmfs-config-default yum install gcc.x86_64 echo ',,,,' > /etc/cvmfs/default.local

Missing Docker software 6 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki echo 'CVMFS_HTTP_PROXY="DIRECT"' >> /etc/cvmfs/default.local cvmfs_config setup cvmfs_config probe

Assuming you got an "OK" message at the end of each of the CVMFS tests you're good to go! Set up your software environment as if you were on LXPLUS: export ATLAS_LOCAL_ROOT_BASE=/cvmfs/ source $ATLAS_LOCAL_ROOT_BASE/user/

For LHCb you'll need to do this last part differently, obviously, as well as putting some different CVMFS repositories into your setup earlier. Also note that ATLAS software seems to need a local version of GCC as well as the one from CVMFS, so I installed that in the earlier section too.

How do I keep my shiny new container?

Docker has "images" that define an operating system or software environment, and "containers" that are one running copy of a particular image. While your container is running, open a new terminal on your host machine and try this: docker container ls

Again, you might need to try "sudo docker" instead.

Which will hopefully give you a result like this

CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES bb169f195cdc cern/slc6-base "/bin/bash" About an hour ago Up 9 minutes boring_hopper

The name at the end is the interesting part: it's a random name for the container you just made. Make a note of it! Mine is "boring_hopper" but yours will be something else.

You can now quit your running container with "exit" as though it was an SSH session, and restart it with docker start -ai boring_hopper

With your own container name instead of "boring_hopper".

I re-run the cvmfs_config commands (setup and probe) from earlier each time I restart my container, but I get the feeling it's not necessary.

Is that everything?

Hell no. There's a huge amount of functionality here that I haven't even looked at. A big part of Docker is the website DockerHub which is where you got your SLC6 environment from earlier. You can download different images, upload your own creations, and there's lots of other stuff too. Have fun!

One thing you might have noticed earlier is that I made a directory called "workdir" that exists on your host machine, but is mounted in your Docker container as "/workdir". I like to do all my work in this folder so I can access any code bits I want from the host machine later.

Missing Docker software

Try this if needed yum install zlib zlib-devel uuid uuid-devel freetype

Just tell me what to do already 7 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki I actually had to copy libuuid and uuid.h from LXPLUS, since the versions I got from yum weren't compatible with Gaudi.

Recently when building the whole of Athena, I also found that I needed yum install mesa-libGL-devel libxml2-devel patch

-- BenjaminWynne - 2017-11-01

This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghDockerGuide Topic revision: r6 - 2021-04-21 - BenjaminWynne

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback About this document

This document is an attempt to help you understand what the Grid is and how to use it. It will not tell you how to do anything specifically, but I aim to give you some sense of direction so that you can start to find your own solutions.

I will not:

• Provide "recipes". There are hundreds of these already. Most of these are out of date, and none of them will help you understand what you are doing. • Attempt to be comprehensive. If a useful tutorial for a piece of software exists I will link to it, not replicate it. • Claim to know all the answers. These are the few useful pieces of information I have gleaned in 18 months of frustration.

I assume:

• You have an lxplus account, accessed via ssh. Unless I state otherwise, and code I include is to be used in this manner, and may not work otherwise. • You have a Grid certificate installed in your LXPLUS account. • Your Grid certificate is registered with the ATLAS virtual organisation.

This is a work in progress. What is the Grid for?

The Grid is required to store the vast amount of data produced by the LHC experiments - this much is obvious. The important point is how you interact with this data: the Grid is not there to move data to your analysis, the Grid is there to move your analysis to the data. Consequently, any use of the Grid can be reduced to two fundamental steps:

• Finding the data you want. • Sending your analysis to the data.

The software that sends your analysis to the data may incorporate finding the data first. Once your analysis has completed, its output will also be stored on the Grid.

Missing Docker software 8 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki Exploring the Grid

The computers that make up the Grid are spread over many countries. Ideally this would only be a curiousity - unfortunately this means that different Grid computers tend to behave in different ways. The only advice I can give is to try and design your analysis to be flexible about the environment that it is run in, or failing that to know precisely what it is that your analysis depends upon, and check that it is there.

Data is stored on the grid in data sets (i.e. folders) containing data files with some common origin or purpose. These files are primarily in ROOT format. The only tool you really need for finding and examining data sets is DQ2. On LXPLUS it is set up as follows:

This sets up your basic grid environment source /afs/

This sets up DQ2 source /afs/

This will create a temporary encrypted token (called a Grid proxy) allowing you to access the Grid. It will require you to type in the password you used when setting up your Grid certificate. voms-proxy-init -voms atlas

Now you have access to useful DQ2 commands such as:

• Search for data sets with

dq2-ls "Pattern to search for" • Find where a data set is stored with

dq2-ls -r "Data set name" • Download a data set with

dq2-get "Data set name" • Click here for more information

Note that dq2-get should be used with some thought. As stated above, the purpose of the grid is to move your analysis to the data, not the data to your analysis. Conseqently you should only really download a data set if it contains the output of your analysis, or if (for whatever reason) you don't want to run your analysis on the Grid. This is understandable given the difficulty of using the Grid! Using the Grid

Physics analysis software

Before tackling the topic of using the Grid, it is worth mentioning two pieces of software that will be relevant to your analysis.


Most data on the Grid is stored in the ROOT file format, and within these files as tables of data (TNtuples) and histograms (TH1 and derived classes). ROOT provides software libraries to create and access these files and the objects within them, as well as a vast number of statistical functions and methods of numerical

Exploring the Grid 9 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki analysis. When used as a simple library in this way, ROOT is extremely useful. However ROOT has many quirks, most obviously in the user interface called CINT. This interprets syntax very similar to C++, and so can run programs using the ROOT library. It may seem tempting to use CINT to run analysis code but it is almost certainly a bad idea, as the restrictions and strange behaviour of this interpreter will make all but the simplest tasks very frustrating.


• Use ROOT libraries linked to your analysis code. • Refer to the reasonably good documentation - simply Google search for the name of a ROOT class to bring up the appropriate page. • Use the TBrowser object to explore .root files.


• Write code to run in CINT.


ATHENA comprises the bulk of ATLAS analysis software. It contains methods for generating simulated data and for reconstructing the properties of particles from data, as well providing tools for performing your analysis. However, if ROOT is quirky and occasionally frustrating, ATHENA is a nightmare. Development is (at the moment) very fast, and code that worked with one version of the framework may well not work with newer versions, or may work differently. Consequently at Grid sites there are many versions of ATHENA available, and you should specify the version you require. To make things worse, different Grid sites have different versions available, and if you need a very new or very old version you are probably out of luck.

While ATHENA should be the tool for use in all analyses, I have had no success with it on the Grid, and so can offer no help at this time.

Running your analysis on the Grid

There are many tools to help you do this, some are very complex, some are unreliable, some simply awkward. However, there is a tool called PANDA that I (and others) have found both intuitive and reliable. To set up PANDA on LXPLUS run the following (first you probably need to have set up the Grid environment and created a Grid proxy as described above): source /afs/

There are two aspects to PANDA:


If your analysis does not require ATHENA (and the associated headaches) then the command "prun" is perfect for you. It will find the input data set(s) you specify, move your analysis code to the Grid site where the data is stored, compile your code, run it, and then store the output on the Grid. All your code needs to do is accept a comma-separated list of the names of files in the data set. It took me less than a day to have this command running to my satisfaction, and I need do little more than direct you to the excellent tutorial page.


The command "pathena" can in theory be used instead of "athena" in most situations, running the job on the Grid instead of locally. I have not tested this, although I have heard many encouraging things about it.

ROOT 10 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki -- BenjaminWynne - 16-Mar-2010

This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghGridGuide Topic revision: r1 - 2010-03-17 - BenjaminWynne

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback About this document

This document is an attempt to help you understand what the Grid is and how to use it. It will not tell you how to do anything specifically, but I aim to give you some sense of direction so that you can start to find your own solutions.

I will not:

• Provide "recipes". There are hundreds of these already. Most of these are out of date, and none of them will help you understand what you are doing. • Attempt to be comprehensive. If a useful tutorial for a piece of software exists I will link to it, not replicate it. • Claim to know all the answers. These are the few useful pieces of information I have gleaned in 18 months of frustration.

I assume:

• You have an lxplus account, accessed via ssh. Unless I state otherwise, and code I include is to be used in this manner, and may not work otherwise. • You have a Grid certificate installed in your LXPLUS account. • Your Grid certificate is registered with the ATLAS virtual organisation.

This is a work in progress. What is the Grid for?

The Grid is required to store the vast amount of data produced by the LHC experiments - this much is obvious. The important point is how you interact with this data: the Grid is not there to move data to your analysis, the Grid is there to move your analysis to the data. Consequently, any use of the Grid can be reduced to two fundamental steps:

• Finding the data you want. • Sending your analysis to the data.

The software that sends your analysis to the data may incorporate finding the data first. Once your analysis has completed, its output will also be stored on the Grid. Exploring the Grid

The computers that make up the Grid are spread over many countries. Ideally this would only be a curiousity - unfortunately this means that different Grid computers tend to behave in different ways. The only advice I can give is to try and design your analysis to be flexible about the environment that it is run in, or failing that to know precisely what it is that your analysis depends upon, and check that it is there.

PANDA with ATHENA 11 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki Data is stored on the grid in data sets (i.e. folders) containing data files with some common origin or purpose. These files are primarily in ROOT format. The only tool you really need for finding and examining data sets is DQ2. On LXPLUS it is set up as follows:

This sets up your basic grid environment source /afs/

This sets up DQ2 source /afs/

This will create a temporary encrypted token (called a Grid proxy) allowing you to access the Grid. It will require you to type in the password you used when setting up your Grid certificate. voms-proxy-init -voms atlas

Now you have access to useful DQ2 commands such as:

• Search for data sets with

dq2-ls "Pattern to search for" • Find where a data set is stored with

dq2-ls -r "Data set name" • Download a data set with

dq2-get "Data set name" • Click here for more information

Note that dq2-get should be used with some thought. As stated above, the purpose of the grid is to move your analysis to the data, not the data to your analysis. Conseqently you should only really download a data set if it contains the output of your analysis, or if (for whatever reason) you don't want to run your analysis on the Grid. This is understandable given the difficulty of using the Grid! Using the Grid

Physics analysis software

Before tackling the topic of using the Grid, it is worth mentioning two pieces of software that will be relevant to your analysis.


Most data on the Grid is stored in the ROOT file format, and within these files as tables of data (TNtuples) and histograms (TH1 and derived classes). ROOT provides software libraries to create and access these files and the objects within them, as well as a vast number of statistical functions and methods of numerical analysis. When used as a simple library in this way, ROOT is extremely useful. However ROOT has many quirks, most obviously in the user interface called CINT. This interprets syntax very similar to C++, and so can run programs using the ROOT library. It may seem tempting to use CINT to run analysis code but it is almost certainly a bad idea, as the restrictions and strange behaviour of this interpreter will make all but the simplest tasks very frustrating.


Exploring the Grid 12 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

• Use ROOT libraries linked to your analysis code. • Refer to the reasonably good documentation - simply Google search for the name of a ROOT class to bring up the appropriate page. • Use the TBrowser object to explore .root files.


• Write code to run in CINT.


ATHENA comprises the bulk of ATLAS analysis software. It contains methods for generating simulated data and for reconstructing the properties of particles from data, as well providing tools for performing your analysis. However, if ROOT is quirky and occasionally frustrating, ATHENA is a nightmare. Development is (at the moment) very fast, and code that worked with one version of the framework may well not work with newer versions, or may work differently. Consequently at Grid sites there are many versions of ATHENA available, and you should specify the version you require. To make things worse, different Grid sites have different versions available, and if you need a very new or very old version you are probably out of luck.

While ATHENA should be the tool for use in all analyses, I have had no success with it on the Grid, and so can offer no help at this time.

Running your analysis on the Grid

There are many tools to help you do this, some are very complex, some are unreliable, some simply awkward. However, there is a tool called PANDA that I (and others) have found both intuitive and reliable. To set up PANDA on LXPLUS run the following (first you probably need to have set up the Grid environment and created a Grid proxy as described above): source /afs/

There are two aspects to PANDA:


If your analysis does not require ATHENA (and the associated headaches) then the command "prun" is perfect for you. It will find the input data set(s) you specify, move your analysis code to the Grid site where the data is stored, compile your code, run it, and then store the output on the Grid. All your code needs to do is accept a comma-separated list of the names of files in the data set. It took me less than a day to have this command running to my satisfaction, and I need do little more than direct you to the excellent tutorial page.


The command "pathena" can in theory be used instead of "athena" in most situations, running the job on the Grid instead of locally. I have not tested this, although I have heard many encouraging things about it.

-- BenjaminWynne - 16-Mar-2010

This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghGridGuide Topic revision: r1 - 2010-03-17 - BenjaminWynne

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback

ROOT 13 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki Edinburgh Group Administration

Here's who has overall responsible for the different areas we are working on. Names in brackets have secondary responsibility.

Physics and Operations

• H-->bb: Victoria, Wahid (Phil) • H-->4l: Phil, Robert (Christos) • HLT: Victoria • L1Track: Christos • Pixel Hardware: Stephan (Andreas K) • Simulation: Phil • Generators: Andy B • Distributed Computing: Wahid • Future Computing: ?


• Travel Claims: Victoria (Phil) • PhD students: their supervisor (Victoria for general issues) • MPhys students: their supervisor (Victoria for general issues) • Shifts: Victoria (Phil) • New staff recruitment: Christos • Student requirement: Victoria • CERN specific issues: Phil

-- VictoriaMartin - 31-Oct-2012

This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghGroupAdministration Topic revision: r2 - 2012-11-01 - VictoriaMartin

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback Edinburgh Group Administration

Here's who has overall responsible for the different areas we are working on. Names in brackets have secondary responsibility.

Physics and Operations

• H-->bb: Victoria, Wahid (Phil) • H-->4l: Phil, Robert (Christos) • HLT: Victoria • L1Track: Christos • Pixel Hardware: Stephan (Andreas K) • Simulation: Phil • Generators: Andy B • Distributed Computing: Wahid • Future Computing: ?

Edinburgh Group Administration 14 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki


• Travel Claims: Victoria (Phil) • PhD students: their supervisor (Victoria for general issues) • MPhys students: their supervisor (Victoria for general issues) • Shifts: Victoria (Phil) • New staff recruitment: Christos • Student requirement: Victoria • CERN specific issues: Phil

-- VictoriaMartin - 31-Oct-2012

This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghGroupAdministration Topic revision: r2 - 2012-11-01 - VictoriaMartin

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback

CERN Accomodation

This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghGroupCalendar Topic revision: r5 - 2011-06-01 - KarolineSelbach

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback

CERN Accomodation

This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghGroupCalendar Topic revision: r5 - 2011-06-01 - KarolineSelbach

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback General Information

ATLAS simulation mailing lists (e-groups)

• ATLAS simulation e-group forums

ATLAS simulation meetings

• Simulation meetings

ATLAS simulation TWiki page

• AtlasSimulation

Zach Marshall's Twiki page

• ZacharyMarshall

Administration 15 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

Tracking of particles in Electromagnetic Field -- JamesHenderson

Tracking of particles in Electromagnetic Field

Geant4 Links

CUDA and parallisation Links

Geant4 Volume Studies -- Ben Jones

Muon mass studies with Geant4

Stepper Dispatcher work


Useful Talks

Simulation Performance -- Zach Marshall (open EB 17/09/09)

-- PhilipClark - 2009-09-22

This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghGroupCoreSimulation Topic revision: r5 - 2010-07-30 - JamesHenderson

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback Links to CUDA and other GPU parallisation resources:

• NVIDIA's CUDA training page

• Illinois University Parallel Course

This university course link has some very helpful video lectures, linked in 'Syllabus/ Lectures' and under 'Materials'.

• NVIDIA's Online Seminars Page Previously recorded seminars can be found at the bottom of the page.

• Italian GPU HPC course suggested by Gene Cooperman

• OpenCL Video Lectures As far as I can tell, to date OpenCL only runs on Apple Macs as it was developed by Apple.

• Advice on integrating C++ with CUDA

• CuPP Home Page - Framework for C++/CUDA integration

• Jens Breitbart paper on CuPP

-- JamesHenderson - 30-Jul-2010

This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghGroupTPCudaLinks Topic revision: r2 - 2010-08-09 - JamesHenderson

Tracking of particles in Electromagnetic Field -- JamesHenderson 16 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback Links to CUDA and other GPU parallisation resources:

• NVIDIA's CUDA training page

• Illinois University Parallel Course

This university course link has some very helpful video lectures, linked in 'Syllabus/ Lectures' and under 'Materials'.

• NVIDIA's Online Seminars Page Previously recorded seminars can be found at the bottom of the page.

• Italian GPU HPC course suggested by Gene Cooperman

• OpenCL Video Lectures As far as I can tell, to date OpenCL only runs on Apple Macs as it was developed by Apple.

• Advice on integrating C++ with CUDA

• CuPP Home Page - Framework for C++/CUDA integration

• Jens Breitbart paper on CuPP

-- JamesHenderson - 30-Jul-2010

This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghGroupTPCudaLinks Topic revision: r2 - 2010-08-09 - JamesHenderson

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback Some useful links involved with Genat4 and GPU porting:

• Geant4 Home Page

• G4 Tutorials

• G4 Source Code Browser

• ParGeant4 Home Page - Parallel Geant4 Version make by Gene Cooperman (Institute for Complex Scientific Software)

• CERN's ParGeant4 page - clear explaination

• Mixing C and C++ - useful for combining G4 (C++) and CUDA (C)

• G4 (4.9.3.p01) Directory Reference

• G4 Application Developers User Guide

Useful Talks 17 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

• G4 Software Reference Manual

-- JamesHenderson - 30-Jul-2010

This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghGroupTPGeant4Links Topic revision: r2 - 2010-08-09 - JamesHenderson

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback Some useful links involved with Genat4 and GPU porting:

• Geant4 Home Page

• G4 Tutorials

• G4 Source Code Browser

• ParGeant4 Home Page - Parallel Geant4 Version make by Gene Cooperman (Institute for Complex Scientific Software)

• CERN's ParGeant4 page - clear explaination

• Mixing C and C++ - useful for combining G4 (C++) and CUDA (C)

• G4 (4.9.3.p01) Directory Reference

• G4 Application Developers User Guide

• G4 Software Reference Manual

-- JamesHenderson - 30-Jul-2010

This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghGroupTPGeant4Links Topic revision: r2 - 2010-08-09 - JamesHenderson

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback Useful resources

- Numerical Recipes in C

- Will Hossack's Java example page including Runge-Kutta integrator examples


Schedule for next 2 weeks (30/07 - 14/08)

• Read around and understand Runge-Kutta 4 (RK4) integration method and its computational implementation.

Useful resources 18 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki 1. Consider attempt to integrate a self-regulating stepsize control into RK4 functions. eg. Variable stepsize depending on difference between k2 and k3 (2nd and 3rd gradients calculated). 2. Adaptive step-size achieved through error analysis during RK4 loop

• Research and work through Electromagnetic equation of motion involving RK4 method. • Understand RK4 in reference to a parabolic path. • Understand errors in all of above (accuracy of method). • Write and run through C++ program showing electron trajectory in simple EM field.

1. C++ RK4 integrator up and running using Lorentz differential equation to track particle in EM field. Seems to be accurate to 0.07% in 14 million steps.

• Create simple EM field Geant4 example in vacumn (or very low density gas) and run electrons through it to compare trajectories with previous C++ code. • Port current C++ RK4 version to CUDA.

1. Above involves deciding how to change RK4 algorithm to parallel, what to put in CUDA kernal. 2. Investigate speed ups from port.

• Fully understand G4ClassicalRK4 and G4ConstRK4 and Richardson Extrapolation error correction method in G4MagErrorStepper, as well as ( 1 << IntegrationOrder()) section in MagErrorStepper (possible bitwise operator?) • Investigate and understand Nystrom RK4 method for time indep fields and read ATLAS paper on Nystrom method.

-- PhilipClark - 30-Jul-2010

This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghGroupTrackingParticles Topic revision: r7 - 2010-11-11 - MatthiasStein

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback Useful resources

- Numerical Recipes in C

- Will Hossack's Java example page including Runge-Kutta integrator examples


Schedule for next 2 weeks (30/07 - 14/08)

• Read around and understand Runge-Kutta 4 (RK4) integration method and its computational implementation.

1. Consider attempt to integrate a self-regulating stepsize control into RK4 functions. eg. Variable stepsize depending on difference between k2 and k3 (2nd and 3rd gradients calculated). 2. Adaptive step-size achieved through error analysis during RK4 loop

• Research and work through Electromagnetic equation of motion involving RK4 method. • Understand RK4 in reference to a parabolic path. • Understand errors in all of above (accuracy of method).

Schedule for next 2 weeks (30/07 - 14/08) 19 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

• Write and run through C++ program showing electron trajectory in simple EM field.

1. C++ RK4 integrator up and running using Lorentz differential equation to track particle in EM field. Seems to be accurate to 0.07% in 14 million steps.

• Create simple EM field Geant4 example in vacumn (or very low density gas) and run electrons through it to compare trajectories with previous C++ code. • Port current C++ RK4 version to CUDA.

1. Above involves deciding how to change RK4 algorithm to parallel, what to put in CUDA kernal. 2. Investigate speed ups from port.

• Fully understand G4ClassicalRK4 and G4ConstRK4 and Richardson Extrapolation error correction method in G4MagErrorStepper, as well as ( 1 << IntegrationOrder()) section in MagErrorStepper (possible bitwise operator?) • Investigate and understand Nystrom RK4 method for time indep fields and read ATLAS paper on Nystrom method.

-- PhilipClark - 30-Jul-2010

This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghGroupTrackingParticles Topic revision: r7 - 2010-11-11 - MatthiasStein

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback General Information

ATLAS simulation mailing lists (e-groups)

• ATLAS simulation e-group forums

ATLAS simulation meetings

• Simulation meetings

ATLAS simulation TWiki page

• AtlasSimulation

Zach Marshall's Twiki page

• ZacharyMarshall

Tracking of particles in Electromagnetic Field -- JamesHenderson

Tracking of particles in Electromagnetic Field

Geant4 Links

CUDA and parallisation Links

Schedule for next 2 weeks (30/07 - 14/08) 20 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

Geant4 Volume Studies -- Ben Jones

Muon mass studies with Geant4

Stepper Dispatcher work


Useful Talks

Simulation Performance -- Zach Marshall (open EB 17/09/09)

-- PhilipClark - 2009-09-22

This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghGroupCoreSimulation Topic revision: r5 - 2010-07-30 - JamesHenderson

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback Links to CUDA and other GPU parallisation resources:

• NVIDIA's CUDA training page

• Illinois University Parallel Course

This university course link has some very helpful video lectures, linked in 'Syllabus/ Lectures' and under 'Materials'.

• NVIDIA's Online Seminars Page Previously recorded seminars can be found at the bottom of the page.

• Italian GPU HPC course suggested by Gene Cooperman

• OpenCL Video Lectures As far as I can tell, to date OpenCL only runs on Apple Macs as it was developed by Apple.

• Advice on integrating C++ with CUDA

• CuPP Home Page - Framework for C++/CUDA integration

• Jens Breitbart paper on CuPP

-- JamesHenderson - 30-Jul-2010

This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghGroupTPCudaLinks Topic revision: r2 - 2010-08-09 - JamesHenderson

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback Links to CUDA and other GPU parallisation resources:

• NVIDIA's CUDA training page

Geant4 Volume Studies -- Ben Jones 21 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

• Illinois University Parallel Course

This university course link has some very helpful video lectures, linked in 'Syllabus/ Lectures' and under 'Materials'.

• NVIDIA's Online Seminars Page Previously recorded seminars can be found at the bottom of the page.

• Italian GPU HPC course suggested by Gene Cooperman

• OpenCL Video Lectures As far as I can tell, to date OpenCL only runs on Apple Macs as it was developed by Apple.

• Advice on integrating C++ with CUDA

• CuPP Home Page - Framework for C++/CUDA integration

• Jens Breitbart paper on CuPP

-- JamesHenderson - 30-Jul-2010

This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghGroupTPCudaLinks Topic revision: r2 - 2010-08-09 - JamesHenderson

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback Some useful links involved with Genat4 and GPU porting:

• Geant4 Home Page

• G4 Tutorials

• G4 Source Code Browser

• ParGeant4 Home Page - Parallel Geant4 Version make by Gene Cooperman (Institute for Complex Scientific Software)

• CERN's ParGeant4 page - clear explaination

• Mixing C and C++ - useful for combining G4 (C++) and CUDA (C)

• G4 (4.9.3.p01) Directory Reference

• G4 Application Developers User Guide

• G4 Software Reference Manual

-- JamesHenderson - 30-Jul-2010

This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghGroupTPGeant4Links Topic revision: r2 - 2010-08-09 - JamesHenderson

Useful Talks 22 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback Some useful links involved with Genat4 and GPU porting:

• Geant4 Home Page

• G4 Tutorials

• G4 Source Code Browser

• ParGeant4 Home Page - Parallel Geant4 Version make by Gene Cooperman (Institute for Complex Scientific Software)

• CERN's ParGeant4 page - clear explaination

• Mixing C and C++ - useful for combining G4 (C++) and CUDA (C)

• G4 (4.9.3.p01) Directory Reference

• G4 Application Developers User Guide

• G4 Software Reference Manual

-- JamesHenderson - 30-Jul-2010

This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghGroupTPGeant4Links Topic revision: r2 - 2010-08-09 - JamesHenderson

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback Useful resources

- Numerical Recipes in C

- Will Hossack's Java example page including Runge-Kutta integrator examples


Schedule for next 2 weeks (30/07 - 14/08)

• Read around and understand Runge-Kutta 4 (RK4) integration method and its computational implementation.

1. Consider attempt to integrate a self-regulating stepsize control into RK4 functions. eg. Variable stepsize depending on difference between k2 and k3 (2nd and 3rd gradients calculated). 2. Adaptive step-size achieved through error analysis during RK4 loop

• Research and work through Electromagnetic equation of motion involving RK4 method. • Understand RK4 in reference to a parabolic path. • Understand errors in all of above (accuracy of method). • Write and run through C++ program showing electron trajectory in simple EM field.

Useful resources 23 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki 1. C++ RK4 integrator up and running using Lorentz differential equation to track particle in EM field. Seems to be accurate to 0.07% in 14 million steps.

• Create simple EM field Geant4 example in vacumn (or very low density gas) and run electrons through it to compare trajectories with previous C++ code. • Port current C++ RK4 version to CUDA.

1. Above involves deciding how to change RK4 algorithm to parallel, what to put in CUDA kernal. 2. Investigate speed ups from port.

• Fully understand G4ClassicalRK4 and G4ConstRK4 and Richardson Extrapolation error correction method in G4MagErrorStepper, as well as ( 1 << IntegrationOrder()) section in MagErrorStepper (possible bitwise operator?) • Investigate and understand Nystrom RK4 method for time indep fields and read ATLAS paper on Nystrom method.

-- PhilipClark - 30-Jul-2010

This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghGroupTrackingParticles Topic revision: r7 - 2010-11-11 - MatthiasStein

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback Useful resources

- Numerical Recipes in C

- Will Hossack's Java example page including Runge-Kutta integrator examples


Schedule for next 2 weeks (30/07 - 14/08)

• Read around and understand Runge-Kutta 4 (RK4) integration method and its computational implementation.

1. Consider attempt to integrate a self-regulating stepsize control into RK4 functions. eg. Variable stepsize depending on difference between k2 and k3 (2nd and 3rd gradients calculated). 2. Adaptive step-size achieved through error analysis during RK4 loop

• Research and work through Electromagnetic equation of motion involving RK4 method. • Understand RK4 in reference to a parabolic path. • Understand errors in all of above (accuracy of method). • Write and run through C++ program showing electron trajectory in simple EM field.

1. C++ RK4 integrator up and running using Lorentz differential equation to track particle in EM field. Seems to be accurate to 0.07% in 14 million steps.

• Create simple EM field Geant4 example in vacumn (or very low density gas) and run electrons through it to compare trajectories with previous C++ code. • Port current C++ RK4 version to CUDA.

Schedule for next 2 weeks (30/07 - 14/08) 24 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki 1. Above involves deciding how to change RK4 algorithm to parallel, what to put in CUDA kernal. 2. Investigate speed ups from port.

• Fully understand G4ClassicalRK4 and G4ConstRK4 and Richardson Extrapolation error correction method in G4MagErrorStepper, as well as ( 1 << IntegrationOrder()) section in MagErrorStepper (possible bitwise operator?) • Investigate and understand Nystrom RK4 method for time indep fields and read ATLAS paper on Nystrom method.

-- PhilipClark - 30-Jul-2010

This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghGroupTrackingParticles Topic revision: r7 - 2010-11-11 - MatthiasStein

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback Edinburgh Activity

The Edinburgh group's work on Atlas Distributed Computing has so far focused in three areas:

1. Supporting sites involved in DDM with a focus on UK and /or DPM centres.

We have built expertise in the widely used storage resource (SRM) solution DPM and used this to support sites in the UK through UK (GridPP) pages and discussion forums. In addition we are developing and maintaining dpm tools to assist sites in supporting ATLAS specific requirements, such as a recent tool to replicate files within the new ATLASHOTDISK spacetoken, and ongoing work to determine missing or corrupted files within ATLAS spacetokens at DPM sites. We are also building capacity within the UK to support the alternative SRM StoRM. Other work in this area included supporting the development of tools to check file integrity - including the checksums of ATLAS data at UK Tier 2 sites.

2. Developing monitoring tools for DDM monitoring

Edinburgh have begun working within the DDM dashboard "sandbox" to develop new plots to aid DDM operations. It is expected that these will be integrated into existing plans for DDM monitoring development .

3. Supporting general ADC operations through shifts and other distributed production support.

Members of the group are undertaking ADCoS shifts - now as "senior" shifters. We expect, through experience gained, that we will play a significant role in supporting ADC operations in the future either as ADCoS "experts" or through direct support to sites in, for example, optimising their storage systems for ATLAS analysis. Useful Links

ADC Twiki page

HNT Operations

-- WahidBhimji - 2009-09-25

This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghGroupDistributedComputing Topic revision: r3 - 2012-03-07 - AndrewWashbrook

Schedule for next 2 weeks (30/07 - 14/08) 25 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback

-- AndrewWashbrook - 07-Mar-2012

This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghHNTOperations Topic revision: r1 - 2012-03-07 - AndrewWashbrook

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback

-- AndrewWashbrook - 07-Mar-2012

This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghHNTOperations Topic revision: r1 - 2012-03-07 - AndrewWashbrook

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback Edinburgh Activity

The Edinburgh group's work on Atlas Distributed Computing has so far focused in three areas:

1. Supporting sites involved in DDM with a focus on UK and /or DPM centres.

We have built expertise in the widely used storage resource (SRM) solution DPM and used this to support sites in the UK through UK (GridPP) wiki pages and discussion forums. In addition we are developing and maintaining dpm tools to assist sites in supporting ATLAS specific requirements, such as a recent tool to replicate files within the new ATLASHOTDISK spacetoken, and ongoing work to determine missing or corrupted files within ATLAS spacetokens at DPM sites. We are also building capacity within the UK to support the alternative SRM StoRM. Other work in this area included supporting the development of tools to check file integrity - including the checksums of ATLAS data at UK Tier 2 sites.

2. Developing monitoring tools for DDM monitoring

Edinburgh have begun working within the DDM dashboard "sandbox" to develop new plots to aid DDM operations. It is expected that these will be integrated into existing plans for DDM monitoring development .

3. Supporting general ADC operations through shifts and other distributed production support.

Members of the group are undertaking ADCoS shifts - now as "senior" shifters. We expect, through experience gained, that we will play a significant role in supporting ADC operations in the future either as ADCoS "experts" or through direct support to sites in, for example, optimising their storage systems for ATLAS analysis. Useful Links

ADC Twiki page

Useful Links 26 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki HNT Operations

-- WahidBhimji - 2009-09-25

This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghGroupDistributedComputing Topic revision: r3 - 2012-03-07 - AndrewWashbrook

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback

-- AndrewWashbrook - 07-Mar-2012

This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghHNTOperations Topic revision: r1 - 2012-03-07 - AndrewWashbrook

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback

-- AndrewWashbrook - 07-Mar-2012

This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghHNTOperations Topic revision: r1 - 2012-03-07 - AndrewWashbrook

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback Edinburgh Information, including pub and restaurant recommendations

A Map!

A Custom Google Map

Getting to, and around, Edinburgh

Getting to and from the Airport

Take the tram or Airlink number 100 bus from the airport. The tram stops on Princes Street and St Andrews Square. The bus terminates at Waverley Bridge, next to the Edinburgh Waverley train station. Check the current ticket prices here .

Taxis are also available and cost £20 - £25 to get to the city centre.

Arriving and leaving by train

All mainline trains arrive into Edinburgh Waverley.

Useful Links 27 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

Local Buses and Trams

Transport for Edinburgh runs a comprehensive bus service around Edinburgh.

• Transport for Edinburgh operate a "flat fare" system - the same fare covers any distance (except on the Airlink airport bus service, and on the tram to the airport). • The current fare can be found here . • A day ticket is available, which is better value for money if you plan to make more than two trips in one day. • Tickets are available from the driver when boarding the bus or using the Transport for Edinburgh app . Note that no change is given when paying by cash, except on the Airlink service.

• Pollock halls is served by Lothian buses 2, 14, 30 and 33. Alight at "Royal Commonwealth Pool". Services leave from Princes Street and North Bridge. • Ten Hill place is served by Lothian buses 3, 5, 7, 8, 14, 29, 30, 31, 37 and 49. Alight at "Surgeons' Hall".

• Online Edinburgh bus tracker • Mobile online Edinburgh bus tracker


The central part of Edinburgh is very compact, and easily traversed on foot.


We find these apps useful!

• Lothian buses apps . One for the bus maps/times etc and one to buy bus tickets! • Edinbus - the orignal bus tracker for Apple • My Bus Edinburgh - the orignal bus tracker for Android • World Heritage City app • Edinburgh (not so) Secrets £1.49, but all good recommendations!

Eating and Drinking

We use The List a lot. Reviewers are not anonymous, but they do give good description of the establishment.


Near Pollock Halls / Ten Hill place

• The Old Bell • Cask and Barrell • The John Leslie • The Southern • The Auld Hoose - good ales, rock jukebox and for a tenner you can get the biggest bowl of nachos ever seem - feeds 3 super hungry people or 4-5 normal people. (NE) • Holyrood 9A (BHS) Also great selection of burgers - include 4 vegetarian options! (VJM) • The Bow Bar Big selection of real ale and single malts. No music. (VJM) • Royal Dick at Summerhall Fringe atmosphere, 365 days a year. Food too. Half way between Appleton Tower and Pollock Halls (VJM) • Pear Tree Bar Nice selection of beers (YY)

Local Buses and Trams 28 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

• Brew Dog name says it all! (YY) • Ushers great selection of draft beers and nice fish and chips (SO) • The Blind Poet Upstairs from Ushers, with lots of Open Mic nights including excellent monthly poetry (events calender on the website) (XH) • Boteco Great bar to dance senorita (AT)


• Budget-friendly recommendations from the Guardian. I've not tried them all, but the ones I have I like (VJM)

Near Appleton Tower

• Tanjore Small, budget-friendly South Indian (Tamil). Dosa for around £7. They have no licence, BYO wine and beer, no corkage. (VJM) • David Bann Edinburgh's best vegetarian resturant. Omnivore-friendly. (VJM) • The Tower in the National Museam of Scotland. £££ modern European. Booking essential. Seems to be the current favourite place of the Uni to celebrate Higgsteria. Also PPE Christmas dinner 2013! (VJM) • Spoon One of my favourite places in Edinburgh, but lots of people disagree with me ("food is a bit odd"). (VJM) • Mother India's Cafe Indian Tapas. The food is good, but personally I don't like the atmosphere. But don't listen to me, everyone else loves it! (VJM) • Howies The place we went for dinner during the Atlas UK Higgs meeting. European/Scottish (VJM) • Kalpna All-veggie Indian, a favourite of our theory colleagues. (VJM) • Vittoria The Standard Italian, friendly service, even for big groups (VJM) Definitely one of the best pizza places in town (CL) • Kim's mini meals, 5 Buccleuch St, Edinburgh EH8 9JN, One of the best korean restaurants, family run, no reservation, close at 8:30 (YY) • Cafe lucano , decent little italian restaurant, home-made pasta, best tiramisu in town (YY) • Tasty noodles, 36 Buccleuch St, Edinburgh, UK EH8 9LP, tiny Chinese restaurant, specialise in home-made noodles and dumplings (YY)

Near Pollock Halls / 10 Hill Place

• Blonde Small, but perfectly formed, slightly funky modern European near Pollock halls. Main courses about £14. (VJM) • Stac Polly Modern Scottish. There are two venues, the bistro of which is just around the corner from the Holyrood 9A pub. (BHS) • Kismot Trip Advisor's No. 1 UK Curry House 2013 . They do a wide selection of curry from mild to extremely hot (they have hospitalised people in the past), including some unusual options (Irn Bru'nha anyone?). (NE) • The Salisbury Arms Large but homely pub that does a great Sunday roast, and more (XH)

(Slightly) Further Afield

• The Witchery Multiple-award winning restaurant just in front of the castle. Booking essential. (BHS) • Wildfire Specialises in Scottish steak and seafood. Really fantastic steak, and if you phone about 3 or more days in advance they say they can get any size and any cut of meat you would like. Booking recommended. (BHS) • Hanams Kurdish and Middle Eastern. They have no licence, BYO wine and beer, no corkage. (VJM) • Steak Edinburgh . Three restaurants for meat-lovers (fancy steak, more affordable steak, and burgers). "Where beauty meats the beast" (CL)

Near Pollock Halls / Ten Hill place 29 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

• Ghillie-Dhu . Restaurant/ pub that also has a ceilidh every Friday! (TMB) • El-Cartel One of the best mexican food place in town, fish taco! (YY) • Cafe Andaluz Good Tapas near prince street (YY)


Near Appleton Tower

• Brew Lab , 6-8 South College Street . Different beans and different brewing methods; cake, pastries sandwiches; slightly student-y vibe. (VJM) • Press Coffee . Probably the closest good coffee place to Appleton Tower, popular with academics (VJM) • Kilimanjaro Run by the same guys as Press Coffee, same good coffee, more studenty-feel. En route between Pollock Halls and Appleton Tower.(VJM) • Hula Smoothies too! Very close to the Grassmarket Hotel (VJM)

Further Afield

• Wellington Coffee Run by the same guys as Press Coffee, best place for coffee when on Princes Street (VJM) • Artisan Roast IMHO Edinburgh's best coffee roaster. Very chilled out (VJM)

Whisky shopping

• Don't buy whisky at the airport, it'll be overpriced at best and disappointing most of the time • Go to WM Cadenhead near the bottom of the royal mile, and either pick something from the "big board" or just ask the big ginger guy what he's drinking and get that


• An interactive google map with hotels around the Pollocks Halls area • (Recommended:) The TripAdvisor page with all Edinburgh hotels ♦ If you are interested in B&B rooms or budget options (e.g. for students), make sure to check the accommodation options given by TripAdvisor on Minto St/A701 (click on "Open-Map" option).


This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghGroupEdinburghRecommendations Topic revision: r31 - 2015-12-04 - BenjaminWynne

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback Edinburgh Information, including pub and restaurant recommendations

A Map!

A Custom Google Map

(Slightly) Further Afield 30 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki Getting to, and around, Edinburgh

Getting to and from the Airport

Take the tram or Airlink number 100 bus from the airport. The tram stops on Princes Street and St Andrews Square. The bus terminates at Waverley Bridge, next to the Edinburgh Waverley train station. Check the current ticket prices here .

Taxis are also available and cost £20 - £25 to get to the city centre.

Arriving and leaving by train

All mainline trains arrive into Edinburgh Waverley.

Local Buses and Trams

Transport for Edinburgh runs a comprehensive bus service around Edinburgh.

• Transport for Edinburgh operate a "flat fare" system - the same fare covers any distance (except on the Airlink airport bus service, and on the tram to the airport). • The current fare can be found here . • A day ticket is available, which is better value for money if you plan to make more than two trips in one day. • Tickets are available from the driver when boarding the bus or using the Transport for Edinburgh app . Note that no change is given when paying by cash, except on the Airlink service.

• Pollock halls is served by Lothian buses 2, 14, 30 and 33. Alight at "Royal Commonwealth Pool". Services leave from Princes Street and North Bridge. • Ten Hill place is served by Lothian buses 3, 5, 7, 8, 14, 29, 30, 31, 37 and 49. Alight at "Surgeons' Hall".

• Online Edinburgh bus tracker • Mobile online Edinburgh bus tracker


The central part of Edinburgh is very compact, and easily traversed on foot.


We find these apps useful!

• Lothian buses apps . One for the bus maps/times etc and one to buy bus tickets! • Edinbus - the orignal bus tracker for Apple • My Bus Edinburgh - the orignal bus tracker for Android • World Heritage City app • Edinburgh (not so) Secrets £1.49, but all good recommendations!

Eating and Drinking

We use The List a lot. Reviewers are not anonymous, but they do give good description of the establishment.

Getting to, and around, Edinburgh 31 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki Pubs

Near Pollock Halls / Ten Hill place

• The Old Bell • Cask and Barrell • The John Leslie • The Southern • The Auld Hoose - good ales, rock jukebox and for a tenner you can get the biggest bowl of nachos ever seem - feeds 3 super hungry people or 4-5 normal people. (NE) • Holyrood 9A (BHS) Also great selection of burgers - include 4 vegetarian options! (VJM) • The Bow Bar Big selection of real ale and single malts. No music. (VJM) • Royal Dick at Summerhall Fringe atmosphere, 365 days a year. Food too. Half way between Appleton Tower and Pollock Halls (VJM) • Pear Tree Bar Nice selection of beers (YY) • Brew Dog name says it all! (YY) • Ushers great selection of draft beers and nice fish and chips (SO) • The Blind Poet Upstairs from Ushers, with lots of Open Mic nights including excellent monthly poetry (events calender on the website) (XH) • Boteco Great bar to dance senorita (AT)


• Budget-friendly recommendations from the Guardian. I've not tried them all, but the ones I have I like (VJM)

Near Appleton Tower

• Tanjore Small, budget-friendly South Indian (Tamil). Dosa for around £7. They have no licence, BYO wine and beer, no corkage. (VJM) • David Bann Edinburgh's best vegetarian resturant. Omnivore-friendly. (VJM) • The Tower in the National Museam of Scotland. £££ modern European. Booking essential. Seems to be the current favourite place of the Uni to celebrate Higgsteria. Also PPE Christmas dinner 2013! (VJM) • Spoon One of my favourite places in Edinburgh, but lots of people disagree with me ("food is a bit odd"). (VJM) • Mother India's Cafe Indian Tapas. The food is good, but personally I don't like the atmosphere. But don't listen to me, everyone else loves it! (VJM) • Howies The place we went for dinner during the Atlas UK Higgs meeting. European/Scottish (VJM) • Kalpna All-veggie Indian, a favourite of our theory colleagues. (VJM) • Vittoria The Standard Italian, friendly service, even for big groups (VJM) Definitely one of the best pizza places in town (CL) • Kim's mini meals, 5 Buccleuch St, Edinburgh EH8 9JN, One of the best korean restaurants, family run, no reservation, close at 8:30 (YY) • Cafe lucano , decent little italian restaurant, home-made pasta, best tiramisu in town (YY) • Tasty noodles, 36 Buccleuch St, Edinburgh, UK EH8 9LP, tiny Chinese restaurant, specialise in home-made noodles and dumplings (YY)

Near Pollock Halls / 10 Hill Place

• Blonde Small, but perfectly formed, slightly funky modern European near Pollock halls. Main courses about £14. (VJM) • Stac Polly Modern Scottish. There are two venues, the bistro of which is just around the corner from the Holyrood 9A pub. (BHS)

Pubs 32 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

• Kismot Trip Advisor's No. 1 UK Curry House 2013 . They do a wide selection of curry from mild to extremely hot (they have hospitalised people in the past), including some unusual options (Irn Bru'nha anyone?). (NE) • The Salisbury Arms Large but homely pub that does a great Sunday roast, and more (XH)

(Slightly) Further Afield

• The Witchery Multiple-award winning restaurant just in front of the castle. Booking essential. (BHS) • Wildfire Specialises in Scottish steak and seafood. Really fantastic steak, and if you phone about 3 or more days in advance they say they can get any size and any cut of meat you would like. Booking recommended. (BHS) • Hanams Kurdish and Middle Eastern. They have no licence, BYO wine and beer, no corkage. (VJM) • Steak Edinburgh . Three restaurants for meat-lovers (fancy steak, more affordable steak, and burgers). "Where beauty meats the beast" (CL) • Ghillie-Dhu . Restaurant/ pub that also has a ceilidh every Friday! (TMB) • El-Cartel One of the best mexican food place in town, fish taco! (YY) • Cafe Andaluz Good Tapas near prince street (YY)


Near Appleton Tower

• Brew Lab , 6-8 South College Street . Different beans and different brewing methods; cake, pastries sandwiches; slightly student-y vibe. (VJM) • Press Coffee . Probably the closest good coffee place to Appleton Tower, popular with academics (VJM) • Kilimanjaro Run by the same guys as Press Coffee, same good coffee, more studenty-feel. En route between Pollock Halls and Appleton Tower.(VJM) • Hula Smoothies too! Very close to the Grassmarket Hotel (VJM)

Further Afield

• Wellington Coffee Run by the same guys as Press Coffee, best place for coffee when on Princes Street (VJM) • Artisan Roast IMHO Edinburgh's best coffee roaster. Very chilled out (VJM)

Whisky shopping

• Don't buy whisky at the airport, it'll be overpriced at best and disappointing most of the time • Go to WM Cadenhead near the bottom of the royal mile, and either pick something from the "big board" or just ask the big ginger guy what he's drinking and get that


• An interactive google map with hotels around the Pollocks Halls area • (Recommended:) The TripAdvisor page with all Edinburgh hotels ♦ If you are interested in B&B rooms or budget options (e.g. for students), make sure to check the accommodation options given by TripAdvisor on Minto St/A701 (click on "Open-Map" option).


Near Pollock Halls / 10 Hill Place 33 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghGroupEdinburghRecommendations Topic revision: r31 - 2015-12-04 - BenjaminWynne

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback Monte Carlo event generation and tuning

We are involved in development, use and maintenance of event generators and related tools in Atlas. In particular...

Rivet MC validation tool

Rivet is a standalone library and command line program for generator-independent validation of simulated events against a large (and growing) number of historically important experimental analyses. Data is primarily supplied via direct export from the HepData . Rivet is used by Atlas and generator authors for continuous validation of generator physics performance, and as part of the Professor and Atlas generator tuning programmes.

Herwig++ event generator

Herwig++ is the successor to the venerable HERWIG MC simulation programe. H++ is a globally improved version of HERWIG, including

• Improved parton shower • Much-improved hadron decays • Built-in QED radiation (cf. PHOTOS) and tau decays (cf. TAUOLA) • Built-in multiple partonic interactions model for underlying event (cf. JIMMY), plus hotspot and non-perturbative extension to allow UE simulation at min bias scales (< ~2 GeV) • Generalised new physics modelling (MSSM, UED and Randall-Sundrum models as standard) • POWHEG positive-weight NLO matrix element-parton shower matching for selected processes

We maintain the Athena interface to Herwig++, coordinate the various validation and tuning efforts within Atlas, and act as a contact point for Atlas members with H++ physics or technical questions.

Herwig++ NNLO studies - IanBruce

Herwig++ NNLO studies

Professor tuning framework

Professor is a system for tuning of event generator parameters (and other complex high-dimensional systems) based on deterministic fitting of bin-wise response functions to correlated changes in parameters. Professor tunes of Pythia 6 helped to drive the Atlas MC09 production tune, and are among the best-performing tunes of Pythia 6 for hadron collider processes from min bias to Drell-Yan, based on existing data. The current Pythia 6 default settings are based on Professor results. Professor is in use within Atlas for studies of early data MC retuning, among other uses.

-- AndyBuckley - 2009-09-30

This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghGroupEventGenerators Topic revision: r2 - 2010-07-30 - PhilipClark

Accommodation 34 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback Monte Carlo event generation and tuning

We are involved in development, use and maintenance of event generators and related tools in Atlas. In particular...

Rivet MC validation tool

Rivet is a standalone library and command line program for generator-independent validation of simulated events against a large (and growing) number of historically important experimental analyses. Data is primarily supplied via direct export from the HepData database. Rivet is used by Atlas and generator authors for continuous validation of generator physics performance, and as part of the Professor and Atlas generator tuning programmes.

Herwig++ event generator

Herwig++ is the successor to the venerable HERWIG MC simulation programe. H++ is a globally improved version of HERWIG, including

• Improved parton shower • Much-improved hadron decays • Built-in QED radiation (cf. PHOTOS) and tau decays (cf. TAUOLA) • Built-in multiple partonic interactions model for underlying event (cf. JIMMY), plus hotspot and non-perturbative extension to allow UE simulation at min bias scales (< ~2 GeV) • Generalised new physics modelling (MSSM, UED and Randall-Sundrum models as standard) • POWHEG positive-weight NLO matrix element-parton shower matching for selected processes

We maintain the Athena interface to Herwig++, coordinate the various validation and tuning efforts within Atlas, and act as a contact point for Atlas members with H++ physics or technical questions.

Herwig++ NNLO studies - IanBruce

Herwig++ NNLO studies

Professor tuning framework

Professor is a system for tuning of event generator parameters (and other complex high-dimensional systems) based on deterministic fitting of bin-wise response functions to correlated changes in parameters. Professor tunes of Pythia 6 helped to drive the Atlas MC09 production tune, and are among the best-performing tunes of Pythia 6 for hadron collider processes from min bias to Drell-Yan, based on existing data. The current Pythia 6 default settings are based on Professor results. Professor is in use within Atlas for studies of early data MC retuning, among other uses.

-- AndyBuckley - 2009-09-30

This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghGroupEventGenerators Topic revision: r2 - 2010-07-30 - PhilipClark

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback

Professor tuning framework 35 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki Exotic Searches at Edinburgh

Analyses & tools

Right-handed W (WR) and heavy neutrinos NR

• Working twiki • MC samples from Run-1 survey: txt file

VV->JJ (diboson fully hadronic channel)

• MC samples from Run-1 survey (common with VZ): pdf file

VZ->Jll (diboson semileptonic channel)

• MC samples from Run-1 survey (common with VV): pdf file

Boosted jet performance

• Working twiki


• xAOD Analyser, see the dedicated twiki page: EdinburghVVXAOD • Statistical tool, see the dedicated twiki page ExoticStat • Old instructions on exotic signal productgion (WR, VV, VZ) ♦ Generators: Generator-page twiki (summary in text file) ♦ Simulation ( pdf file

Useful links

• ATLAS Edinburgh meetings on indico • ATLAS Edinburgh Exotic searches e-group page (access to email archives, meeting minutes, etc)

-- ChristosLeonidopoulos - 29 Jul 2014

This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghGroupExoticSearches Topic revision: r11 - 2016-10-22 - ChristosLeonidopoulos

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback;def=topic_access;param1=VIEW;param2=access%20not%20allowed%20on%20topic

This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghGroupExoticSearchesGenerators Topic revision: r3 - 2015-03-17 - XantheHoad

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback;def=topic_access;param1=VIEW;param2=access%20not%20allowed%20on%20topic

Exotic Searches at Edinburgh 36 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghGroupExoticSearchesGenerators Topic revision: r3 - 2015-03-17 - XantheHoad

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback This page documents the boosted jet performance studies.

Physics studies

Look at performance of chose tagger(s) for sensitivity in prototype analysis.

Background Rejection studies

Jet mass responses

Try smaller R jets ?

MVA performance

Try and revive our TaggerMVA code once 'single tagger' studies completed. Just quickly to see if BG rejection can be improved upon with multivariate.

Technical details

Synchronising with UGeneva

Compare latest bg rejectoin numbers with bug fixes. If not matching use their mass windows etc. directly (very sensitive to those values).

MC event weights

• QCD ♦ event weight are calculated by xsec * filter_efficiency * mc_event_weight / NEVENTS. Note that the NEVENTS are the number of events processed in the grid. This is not essentially the same as the generated events, as you might have 0.1% unfinished grid jobs. ♦ In the Edinburgh ntuple, this corresponds to evt_scale1fb * mc_event_weight[0] • Signal MC ♦ Need to apply jet pt reweighting to match to the QCD jet spectrum, this is done by the leading ungroomed CA 1.2 truth jet pt Binning

• Ungroomed CA 1.2 truth jets |eta|<1.2, and present studies in different bins of this jet pT

Truth matching

• applying a W parton matching ∆R < 0.75R and is matched to truth groomed jet (∆R < 0.75R, where R is the jet radius parameter)

68% mass window

• How is this being determined?

Useful links 37 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki documentations


• Reina's summary Reina's summary on mass/d2 responses

-- YanyanGao - 2015-03-18

This topic: Main > BoostedJetPerformance Topic revision: r3 - 2015-03-27 - YanyanGao

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback This page documents the boosted jet performance studies.

Physics studies

Look at performance of chose tagger(s) for sensitivity in prototype analysis.

Background Rejection studies

Jet mass responses

Try smaller R jets ?

MVA performance

Try and revive our TaggerMVA code once 'single tagger' studies completed. Just quickly to see if BG rejection can be improved upon with multivariate.

Technical details

Synchronising with UGeneva

Compare latest bg rejectoin numbers with bug fixes. If not matching use their mass windows etc. directly (very sensitive to those values).

MC event weights

• QCD ♦ event weight are calculated by xsec * filter_efficiency * mc_event_weight / NEVENTS. Note that the NEVENTS are the number of events processed in the grid. This is not essentially the same as the generated events, as you might have 0.1% unfinished grid jobs. ♦ In the Edinburgh ntuple, this corresponds to evt_scale1fb * mc_event_weight[0] • Signal MC ♦ Need to apply jet pt reweighting to match to the QCD jet spectrum, this is done by the leading ungroomed CA 1.2 truth jet pt Binning

• Ungroomed CA 1.2 truth jets |eta|<1.2, and present studies in different bins of this jet pT

documentations 38 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

Truth matching

• applying a W parton matching ∆R < 0.75R and is matched to truth groomed jet (∆R < 0.75R, where R is the jet radius parameter)

68% mass window

• How is this being determined? documentations


• Reina's summary Reina's summary on mass/d2 responses

-- YanyanGao - 2015-03-18

This topic: Main > BoostedJetPerformance Topic revision: r3 - 2015-03-27 - YanyanGao

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback This page documents the details of the common xAOD ntuples for the VV exotic analysis at University of Edinburgh.

Instructions and developments


• Please contact either Ben Wynne or Yanyan Gao for comments/questions • Instructions: VVXAOD README ♦ Default: AthAnalysisRelease ◊ ⋅ 20.7, supports since VXAOD-00-00-44 and trunk ⋅ 20.1, supports tag up to VXAOD-00-00-43 ♦ Option of Derivation release, only use this if you need to remake the fat jets ◊ Latest tag VVXAOD-00-00-16, matching share/ ◊ do not support trunk, make sure put the right tag in the installation script before executation • See the ChangeLog for the details of changes.

On-going developments for release 20.7

Instructions on the PC recommendations link to release 20 recommendations

• electron and photon ♦ ElectronRun2 ♦ Photon ID Run2 ♦ calibration ♦ Electron selections ♦ Electron calibrations

Truth matching 39 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

♦ Photon calibrations ◊ Photon calibration does not work in the EXOT12 error message is missing auxdata x ♦ Electron trigger efficiency ◊ Off for the moment as the package does not compile for 2.4.9 (ElectronEfficiencyCorrection-00-01-52) • muons ♦ calibrations ♦ selections ♦ efficiency scale factors • MET Met20p7 • small R jet calibrations • large R jets JetMet2016 ♦ recommendations have not available yet • jet cleaning • overlap removal, implemented but not yet tested • b-tagging ♦ btag recommendation ♦ need to use MV2c10 instead of MV2c20 (change in the configuration file is needed)

Notes for developers

Please stick to these procedures for bookkeeping.

• Any change on the trunk must be tagged • For a new tag make sure the following changes are applied ♦ Document the changes in ChangeLog ♦ Update version in cmt/versions ♦ Update version at the top of the src/TestAlg.cxx • Example for tagging command (note does not work for institute code for some reason) svn cp svn+ssh:// svn+ssh:// -m "loverly comments"

• Any new release must be paired with installation script, see example:

• Before checking out a specific tag check the version of the package in the release by -s PACKAGE. If the version in the release is higher than the recommended, do nothing.

Show details Not needed Special instructions for Edinburgh PPE machines

Before doing any asetup commands on the PPE machines you have to asetup an old release first. I do not know why. Try something like this: asetup 17.8.0,here asetup WhatYouActuallyWanted,here

More on running locally at PPE machines:

List of files on ECDF (this should be changed to the FAX method but those paths don't seem to work with athena at the moment while this does. ) dq2-ls -f -p -L UKI-SCOTGRID-ECDF_LOCALGROUPDISK mc14_13TeV.147914.Pythia8_AU2CT10_jetjet_JZ4W.recon.AOD.e2743_s1982_s2008_r5787/ | grep srm | sed 's/srm:\/\/\/\/\//g' > xrootdfilelist


On-going developments for release 20.7 40 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki setupATLAS localSetupEmi voms-proxy-init -voms atlas --valid 48:0 localSetupXRootD cd VVAnalysis/ asetup 17.0.2,slc5,here asetup 19.2.0,here cd VVXAOD/share/

Execute over all the files in the list. For this changed to svcMgr.EventSelector.InputCollections = [os.getenv('FNAME)] (athena -c FNAME=$line also probably works) while read line ; do export FNAME=$line ; athena >& /Disk/ecdf-nfs-ppe/atlas/users/wbhimji/xAODOutputs/`echo "$line" | cut -d '.' -f 11`.log; mv output.root /Disk/ecdf-nfs-ppe/atlas/users/wbhimji/xAODOutputs/`echo "$line" | cut -d '.' -f 11`.root; done < ~/xrootdfilelist

Output ntuple Contents

• Cross-sections ♦ Check with AMI for the value and update the python script cross-sections code ♦ Follow the share/ to add the weights after the ♦ branches are evt_scale1fb, evt_kfactor, evt_filtereff, evt_nEvts calculated by mcweight calculation code • Physics objects follow instructions from the data15 Data 15 CP Recommendations • Electrons (calibrated) ♦ Impact parameters ♦ Likelihood ID: el_id_medium, el_id_tight, el_id_tight ♦ Isolation: el_iso_loosetrackonly, el_iso_loose, el_iso_tight • Muons (Calibrated) ♦ Selected muons ♦ Likelihood ID: el_id_medium, el_id_tight, el_id_tight ♦ Isolation: el_iso_loosetrackonly, el_iso_loose, el_iso_tight • Ungroomed Large R jets both LCtopo and truth = AntiKt10LCTopo, CamKt12LCTopo = • groomed Large R Jets both LCTopo and Truth ♦ Jet substructure variables, check the wishlist from Run-1 CP group Run-1 W-tagging variable list

Show details Hide details Implemented

Angularity Dip12, Dip13, Dip23, DipExcl12 PlanarFlow PullMag, PullPhi, Pull_C00, Pull_C01, Pull_C10, Pull_C11 SPLIT12, SPLIT23, SPLIT34 Tau1, Tau2, Tau3 TauWTA1, TauWTA2, TauWTA3 WIDTH ZCUT12 ECF1, ECF2, ECF3

** You can calculate the c2 d2 from the ECF1->3 oss << "Energy Correlator observable C2 ECF(3,beta)*ECF(1,beta)/ECF(2,beta)^2 for "; oss << "Energy Correlator observable D2 ECF(3,beta)*ECF(1,beta)^3/ECF(2,beta)^3 for ";

-- YanyanGao - 08 Aug 2014

This topic: Main > EdinburghVVXAOD

Notes for developers 41 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki Topic revision: r110 - 2016-06-21 - YanyanGao

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback This page documents the details of the common xAOD ntuples for the VV exotic analysis at University of Edinburgh.

Instructions and developments


• Please contact either Ben Wynne or Yanyan Gao for comments/questions • Instructions: VVXAOD README ♦ Default: AthAnalysisRelease ◊ ⋅ 20.7, supports tag since VXAOD-00-00-44 and trunk ⋅ 20.1, supports tag up to VXAOD-00-00-43 ♦ Option of Derivation release, only use this if you need to remake the fat jets ◊ Latest tag VVXAOD-00-00-16, matching share/ ◊ do not support trunk, make sure put the right tag in the installation script before executation • See the ChangeLog for the details of changes.

On-going developments for release 20.7

Instructions on the PC recommendations link to release 20 recommendations

• electron and photon ♦ ElectronRun2 ♦ Photon ID Run2 ♦ calibration ♦ Electron selections ♦ Electron calibrations ♦ Photon calibrations ◊ Photon calibration does not work in the EXOT12 error message is missing auxdata x ♦ Electron trigger efficiency ◊ Off for the moment as the package does not compile for 2.4.9 (ElectronEfficiencyCorrection-00-01-52) • muons ♦ calibrations ♦ selections ♦ efficiency scale factors • MET Met20p7 • small R jet calibrations • large R jets JetMet2016 ♦ recommendations have not available yet • jet cleaning • overlap removal, implemented but not yet tested • b-tagging ♦ btag recommendation ♦ need to use MV2c10 instead of MV2c20 (change in the configuration file is needed)

Output ntuple Contents 42 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

Notes for developers

Please stick to these procedures for bookkeeping.

• Any change on the trunk must be tagged • For a new tag make sure the following changes are applied ♦ Document the changes in ChangeLog ♦ Update version in cmt/versions ♦ Update version at the top of the src/TestAlg.cxx • Example for tagging command (note does not work for institute code for some reason) svn cp svn+ssh:// svn+ssh:// -m "loverly comments"

• Any new release must be paired with installation script, see example:

• Before checking out a specific tag check the version of the package in the release by -s PACKAGE. If the version in the release is higher than the recommended, do nothing.

Show details Not needed Special instructions for Edinburgh PPE machines

Before doing any asetup commands on the PPE machines you have to asetup an old release first. I do not know why. Try something like this: asetup 17.8.0,here asetup WhatYouActuallyWanted,here

More on running locally at PPE machines:

List of files on ECDF (this should be changed to the FAX method but those paths don't seem to work with athena at the moment while this does. ) dq2-ls -f -p -L UKI-SCOTGRID-ECDF_LOCALGROUPDISK mc14_13TeV.147914.Pythia8_AU2CT10_jetjet_JZ4W.recon.AOD.e2743_s1982_s2008_r5787/ | grep srm | sed 's/srm:\/\/\/\/\//g' > xrootdfilelist

Setup setupATLAS localSetupEmi voms-proxy-init -voms atlas --valid 48:0 localSetupXRootD cd VVAnalysis/ asetup 17.0.2,slc5,here asetup 19.2.0,here cd VVXAOD/share/

Execute over all the files in the list. For this changed to svcMgr.EventSelector.InputCollections = [os.getenv('FNAME)] (athena -c FNAME=$line also probably works) while read line ; do export FNAME=$line ; athena >& /Disk/ecdf-nfs-ppe/atlas/users/wbhimji/xAODOutputs/`echo "$line" | cut -d '.' -f 11`.log; mv output.root /Disk/ecdf-nfs-ppe/atlas/users/wbhimji/xAODOutputs/`echo "$line" | cut -d '.' -f 11`.root; done < ~/xrootdfilelist

Output ntuple Contents

• Cross-sections ♦ Check with AMI for the value and update the python script cross-sections code

Notes for developers 43 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

♦ Follow the share/ to add the weights after the ♦ branches are evt_scale1fb, evt_kfactor, evt_filtereff, evt_nEvts calculated by mcweight calculation code • Physics objects follow instructions from the data15 Data 15 CP Recommendations • Electrons (calibrated) ♦ Impact parameters ♦ Likelihood ID: el_id_medium, el_id_tight, el_id_tight ♦ Isolation: el_iso_loosetrackonly, el_iso_loose, el_iso_tight • Muons (Calibrated) ♦ Selected muons ♦ Likelihood ID: el_id_medium, el_id_tight, el_id_tight ♦ Isolation: el_iso_loosetrackonly, el_iso_loose, el_iso_tight • Ungroomed Large R jets both LCtopo and truth = AntiKt10LCTopo, CamKt12LCTopo = • groomed Large R Jets both LCTopo and Truth ♦ Jet substructure variables, check the wishlist from Run-1 CP group Run-1 W-tagging variable list

Show details Hide details Implemented

Angularity Dip12, Dip13, Dip23, DipExcl12 PlanarFlow PullMag, PullPhi, Pull_C00, Pull_C01, Pull_C10, Pull_C11 SPLIT12, SPLIT23, SPLIT34 Tau1, Tau2, Tau3 TauWTA1, TauWTA2, TauWTA3 WIDTH ZCUT12 ECF1, ECF2, ECF3

** You can calculate the c2 d2 from the ECF1->3 oss << "Energy Correlator observable C2 ECF(3,beta)*ECF(1,beta)/ECF(2,beta)^2 for "; oss << "Energy Correlator observable D2 ECF(3,beta)*ECF(1,beta)^3/ECF(2,beta)^3 for ";

-- YanyanGao - 08 Aug 2014

This topic: Main > EdinburghVVXAOD Topic revision: r110 - 2016-06-21 - YanyanGao

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback;def=topic_access;param1=VIEW;param2=access%20not%20allowed%20on%20topic

This topic: Main > EdinburghWRSearches Topic revision: r81 - 2017-07-11 - XantheHoad

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback;def=topic_access;param1=VIEW;param2=access%20not%20allowed%20on%20topic

This topic: Main > EdinburghWRSearches Topic revision: r81 - 2017-07-11 - XantheHoad

Output ntuple Contents 44 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback This page documents the details of the common statistical tool.

-- YanyanGao - 2015-03-19

This topic: Main > ExoticStat Topic revision: r1 - 2015-03-19 - YanyanGao

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback This page documents the details of the common statistical tool.

-- YanyanGao - 2015-03-19

This topic: Main > ExoticStat Topic revision: r1 - 2015-03-19 - YanyanGao

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback Exotic Searches at Edinburgh

Analyses & tools

Right-handed W (WR) and heavy neutrinos NR

• Working twiki • MC samples from Run-1 survey: txt file

VV->JJ (diboson fully hadronic channel)

• MC samples from Run-1 survey (common with VZ): pdf file

VZ->Jll (diboson semileptonic channel)

• MC samples from Run-1 survey (common with VV): pdf file

Boosted jet performance

• Working twiki


• xAOD Analyser, see the dedicated twiki page: EdinburghVVXAOD • Statistical tool, see the dedicated twiki page ExoticStat • Old instructions on exotic signal productgion (WR, VV, VZ) ♦ Generators: Generator-page twiki (summary in text file)

Exotic Searches at Edinburgh 45 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

♦ Simulation ( pdf file

Useful links

• ATLAS Edinburgh meetings on indico • ATLAS Edinburgh Exotic searches e-group page (access to email archives, meeting minutes, etc)

-- ChristosLeonidopoulos - 29 Jul 2014

This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghGroupExoticSearches Topic revision: r11 - 2016-10-22 - ChristosLeonidopoulos

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback;def=topic_access;param1=VIEW;param2=access%20not%20allowed%20on%20topic

This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghGroupExoticSearchesGenerators Topic revision: r3 - 2015-03-17 - XantheHoad

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback;def=topic_access;param1=VIEW;param2=access%20not%20allowed%20on%20topic

This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghGroupExoticSearchesGenerators Topic revision: r3 - 2015-03-17 - XantheHoad

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback This page documents the boosted jet performance studies.

Physics studies

Look at performance of chose tagger(s) for sensitivity in prototype analysis.

Background Rejection studies

Jet mass responses

Try smaller R jets ?

MVA performance

Try and revive our TaggerMVA code once 'single tagger' studies completed. Just quickly to see if BG rejection can be improved upon with multivariate.

Technical details

Software 46 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki Synchronising with UGeneva

Compare latest bg rejectoin numbers with bug fixes. If not matching use their mass windows etc. directly (very sensitive to those values).

MC event weights

• QCD ♦ event weight are calculated by xsec * filter_efficiency * mc_event_weight / NEVENTS. Note that the NEVENTS are the number of events processed in the grid. This is not essentially the same as the generated events, as you might have 0.1% unfinished grid jobs. ♦ In the Edinburgh ntuple, this corresponds to evt_scale1fb * mc_event_weight[0] • Signal MC ♦ Need to apply jet pt reweighting to match to the QCD jet spectrum, this is done by the leading ungroomed CA 1.2 truth jet pt Binning

• Ungroomed CA 1.2 truth jets |eta|<1.2, and present studies in different bins of this jet pT

Truth matching

• applying a W parton matching ∆R < 0.75R and is matched to truth groomed jet (∆R < 0.75R, where R is the jet radius parameter)

68% mass window

• How is this being determined? documentations


• Reina's summary Reina's summary on mass/d2 responses

-- YanyanGao - 2015-03-18

This topic: Main > BoostedJetPerformance Topic revision: r3 - 2015-03-27 - YanyanGao

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback This page documents the boosted jet performance studies.

Physics studies

Look at performance of chose tagger(s) for sensitivity in prototype analysis.

Background Rejection studies

Synchronising with UGeneva 47 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki Jet mass responses

Try smaller R jets ?

MVA performance

Try and revive our TaggerMVA code once 'single tagger' studies completed. Just quickly to see if BG rejection can be improved upon with multivariate.

Technical details

Synchronising with UGeneva

Compare latest bg rejectoin numbers with bug fixes. If not matching use their mass windows etc. directly (very sensitive to those values).

MC event weights

• QCD ♦ event weight are calculated by xsec * filter_efficiency * mc_event_weight / NEVENTS. Note that the NEVENTS are the number of events processed in the grid. This is not essentially the same as the generated events, as you might have 0.1% unfinished grid jobs. ♦ In the Edinburgh ntuple, this corresponds to evt_scale1fb * mc_event_weight[0] • Signal MC ♦ Need to apply jet pt reweighting to match to the QCD jet spectrum, this is done by the leading ungroomed CA 1.2 truth jet pt Binning

• Ungroomed CA 1.2 truth jets |eta|<1.2, and present studies in different bins of this jet pT

Truth matching

• applying a W parton matching ∆R < 0.75R and is matched to truth groomed jet (∆R < 0.75R, where R is the jet radius parameter)

68% mass window

• How is this being determined? documentations


• Reina's summary Reina's summary on mass/d2 responses

-- YanyanGao - 2015-03-18

This topic: Main > BoostedJetPerformance Topic revision: r3 - 2015-03-27 - YanyanGao

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback

Jet mass responses 48 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki This page documents the details of the common xAOD ntuples for the VV exotic analysis at University of Edinburgh.

Instructions and developments


• Please contact either Ben Wynne or Yanyan Gao for comments/questions • Instructions: VVXAOD README ♦ Default: AthAnalysisRelease ◊ ⋅ 20.7, supports tag since VXAOD-00-00-44 and trunk ⋅ 20.1, supports tag up to VXAOD-00-00-43 ♦ Option of Derivation release, only use this if you need to remake the fat jets ◊ Latest tag VVXAOD-00-00-16, matching share/ ◊ do not support trunk, make sure put the right tag in the installation script before executation • See the ChangeLog for the details of changes.

On-going developments for release 20.7

Instructions on the PC recommendations link to release 20 recommendations

• electron and photon ♦ ElectronRun2 ♦ Photon ID Run2 ♦ calibration ♦ Electron selections ♦ Electron calibrations ♦ Photon calibrations ◊ Photon calibration does not work in the EXOT12 error message is missing auxdata x ♦ Electron trigger efficiency ◊ Off for the moment as the package does not compile for 2.4.9 (ElectronEfficiencyCorrection-00-01-52) • muons ♦ calibrations ♦ selections ♦ efficiency scale factors • MET Met20p7 • small R jet calibrations • large R jets JetMet2016 ♦ recommendations have not available yet • jet cleaning • overlap removal, implemented but not yet tested • b-tagging ♦ btag recommendation ♦ need to use MV2c10 instead of MV2c20 (change in the configuration file is needed)

Notes for developers

Please stick to these procedures for bookkeeping.

Talks 49 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

• Any change on the trunk must be tagged • For a new tag make sure the following changes are applied ♦ Document the changes in ChangeLog ♦ Update version in cmt/versions ♦ Update version at the top of the src/TestAlg.cxx • Example for tagging command (note does not work for institute code for some reason) svn cp svn+ssh:// svn+ssh:// -m "loverly comments"

• Any new release must be paired with installation script, see example:

• Before checking out a specific tag check the version of the package in the release by -s PACKAGE. If the version in the release is higher than the recommended, do nothing.

Show details Not needed Special instructions for Edinburgh PPE machines

Before doing any asetup commands on the PPE machines you have to asetup an old release first. I do not know why. Try something like this: asetup 17.8.0,here asetup WhatYouActuallyWanted,here

More on running locally at PPE machines:

List of files on ECDF (this should be changed to the FAX method but those paths don't seem to work with athena at the moment while this does. ) dq2-ls -f -p -L UKI-SCOTGRID-ECDF_LOCALGROUPDISK mc14_13TeV.147914.Pythia8_AU2CT10_jetjet_JZ4W.recon.AOD.e2743_s1982_s2008_r5787/ | grep srm | sed 's/srm:\/\/\/\/\//g' > xrootdfilelist

Setup setupATLAS localSetupEmi voms-proxy-init -voms atlas --valid 48:0 localSetupXRootD cd VVAnalysis/ asetup 17.0.2,slc5,here asetup 19.2.0,here cd VVXAOD/share/

Execute over all the files in the list. For this changed to svcMgr.EventSelector.InputCollections = [os.getenv('FNAME)] (athena -c FNAME=$line also probably works) while read line ; do export FNAME=$line ; athena >& /Disk/ecdf-nfs-ppe/atlas/users/wbhimji/xAODOutputs/`echo "$line" | cut -d '.' -f 11`.log; mv output.root /Disk/ecdf-nfs-ppe/atlas/users/wbhimji/xAODOutputs/`echo "$line" | cut -d '.' -f 11`.root; done < ~/xrootdfilelist

Output ntuple Contents

• Cross-sections ♦ Check with AMI for the value and update the python script cross-sections code ♦ Follow the share/ to add the weights after the ♦ branches are evt_scale1fb, evt_kfactor, evt_filtereff, evt_nEvts calculated by mcweight calculation code • Physics objects follow instructions from the data15 Data 15 CP Recommendations

Notes for developers 50 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

• Electrons (calibrated) ♦ Impact parameters ♦ Likelihood ID: el_id_medium, el_id_tight, el_id_tight ♦ Isolation: el_iso_loosetrackonly, el_iso_loose, el_iso_tight • Muons (Calibrated) ♦ Selected muons ♦ Likelihood ID: el_id_medium, el_id_tight, el_id_tight ♦ Isolation: el_iso_loosetrackonly, el_iso_loose, el_iso_tight • Ungroomed Large R jets both LCtopo and truth = AntiKt10LCTopo, CamKt12LCTopo = • groomed Large R Jets both LCTopo and Truth ♦ Jet substructure variables, check the wishlist from Run-1 CP group Run-1 W-tagging variable list

Show details Hide details Implemented

Angularity Dip12, Dip13, Dip23, DipExcl12 PlanarFlow PullMag, PullPhi, Pull_C00, Pull_C01, Pull_C10, Pull_C11 SPLIT12, SPLIT23, SPLIT34 Tau1, Tau2, Tau3 TauWTA1, TauWTA2, TauWTA3 WIDTH ZCUT12 ECF1, ECF2, ECF3

** You can calculate the c2 d2 from the ECF1->3 oss << "Energy Correlator observable C2 ECF(3,beta)*ECF(1,beta)/ECF(2,beta)^2 for "; oss << "Energy Correlator observable D2 ECF(3,beta)*ECF(1,beta)^3/ECF(2,beta)^3 for ";

-- YanyanGao - 08 Aug 2014

This topic: Main > EdinburghVVXAOD Topic revision: r110 - 2016-06-21 - YanyanGao

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback This page documents the details of the common xAOD ntuples for the VV exotic analysis at University of Edinburgh.

Instructions and developments


• Please contact either Ben Wynne or Yanyan Gao for comments/questions • Instructions: VVXAOD README ♦ Default: AthAnalysisRelease ◊ ⋅ 20.7, supports tag since VXAOD-00-00-44 and trunk ⋅ 20.1, supports tag up to VXAOD-00-00-43 ♦ Option of Derivation release, only use this if you need to remake the fat jets ◊ Latest tag VVXAOD-00-00-16, matching

Output ntuple Contents 51 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

share/ ◊ do not support trunk, make sure put the right tag in the installation script before executation • See the ChangeLog for the details of changes.

On-going developments for release 20.7

Instructions on the PC recommendations link to release 20 recommendations

• electron and photon ♦ ElectronRun2 ♦ Photon ID Run2 ♦ calibration ♦ Electron selections ♦ Electron calibrations ♦ Photon calibrations ◊ Photon calibration does not work in the EXOT12 error message is missing auxdata x ♦ Electron trigger efficiency ◊ Off for the moment as the package does not compile for 2.4.9 (ElectronEfficiencyCorrection-00-01-52) • muons ♦ calibrations ♦ selections ♦ efficiency scale factors • MET Met20p7 • small R jet calibrations • large R jets JetMet2016 ♦ recommendations have not available yet • jet cleaning • overlap removal, implemented but not yet tested • b-tagging ♦ btag recommendation ♦ need to use MV2c10 instead of MV2c20 (change in the configuration file is needed)

Notes for developers

Please stick to these procedures for bookkeeping.

• Any change on the trunk must be tagged • For a new tag make sure the following changes are applied ♦ Document the changes in ChangeLog ♦ Update version in cmt/versions ♦ Update version at the top of the src/TestAlg.cxx • Example for tagging command (note does not work for institute code for some reason) svn cp svn+ssh:// svn+ssh:// -m "loverly comments"

• Any new release must be paired with installation script, see example:

• Before checking out a specific tag check the version of the package in the release by -s PACKAGE. If the version in the release is higher than the recommended, do nothing.

Show details Not needed

Instructions 52 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki Special instructions for Edinburgh PPE machines

Before doing any asetup commands on the PPE machines you have to asetup an old release first. I do not know why. Try something like this: asetup 17.8.0,here asetup WhatYouActuallyWanted,here

More on running locally at PPE machines:

List of files on ECDF (this should be changed to the FAX method but those paths don't seem to work with athena at the moment while this does. ) dq2-ls -f -p -L UKI-SCOTGRID-ECDF_LOCALGROUPDISK mc14_13TeV.147914.Pythia8_AU2CT10_jetjet_JZ4W.recon.AOD.e2743_s1982_s2008_r5787/ | grep srm | sed 's/srm:\/\/\/\/\//g' > xrootdfilelist

Setup setupATLAS localSetupEmi voms-proxy-init -voms atlas --valid 48:0 localSetupXRootD cd VVAnalysis/ asetup 17.0.2,slc5,here asetup 19.2.0,here cd VVXAOD/share/

Execute over all the files in the list. For this changed to svcMgr.EventSelector.InputCollections = [os.getenv('FNAME)] (athena -c FNAME=$line also probably works) while read line ; do export FNAME=$line ; athena >& /Disk/ecdf-nfs-ppe/atlas/users/wbhimji/xAODOutputs/`echo "$line" | cut -d '.' -f 11`.log; mv output.root /Disk/ecdf-nfs-ppe/atlas/users/wbhimji/xAODOutputs/`echo "$line" | cut -d '.' -f 11`.root; done < ~/xrootdfilelist

Output ntuple Contents

• Cross-sections ♦ Check with AMI for the value and update the python script cross-sections code ♦ Follow the share/ to add the weights after the ♦ branches are evt_scale1fb, evt_kfactor, evt_filtereff, evt_nEvts calculated by mcweight calculation code • Physics objects follow instructions from the data15 Data 15 CP Recommendations • Electrons (calibrated) ♦ Impact parameters ♦ Likelihood ID: el_id_medium, el_id_tight, el_id_tight ♦ Isolation: el_iso_loosetrackonly, el_iso_loose, el_iso_tight • Muons (Calibrated) ♦ Selected muons ♦ Likelihood ID: el_id_medium, el_id_tight, el_id_tight ♦ Isolation: el_iso_loosetrackonly, el_iso_loose, el_iso_tight • Ungroomed Large R jets both LCtopo and truth = AntiKt10LCTopo, CamKt12LCTopo = • groomed Large R Jets both LCTopo and Truth ♦ Jet substructure variables, check the wishlist from Run-1 CP group Run-1 W-tagging variable list

Show details Hide details Implemented

Angularity Dip12, Dip13, Dip23, DipExcl12

Notes for developers 53 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

PlanarFlow PullMag, PullPhi, Pull_C00, Pull_C01, Pull_C10, Pull_C11 SPLIT12, SPLIT23, SPLIT34 Tau1, Tau2, Tau3 TauWTA1, TauWTA2, TauWTA3 WIDTH ZCUT12 ECF1, ECF2, ECF3

** You can calculate the c2 d2 from the ECF1->3 oss << "Energy Correlator observable C2 ECF(3,beta)*ECF(1,beta)/ECF(2,beta)^2 for "; oss << "Energy Correlator observable D2 ECF(3,beta)*ECF(1,beta)^3/ECF(2,beta)^3 for ";

-- YanyanGao - 08 Aug 2014

This topic: Main > EdinburghVVXAOD Topic revision: r110 - 2016-06-21 - YanyanGao

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback;def=topic_access;param1=VIEW;param2=access%20not%20allowed%20on%20topic

This topic: Main > EdinburghWRSearches Topic revision: r81 - 2017-07-11 - XantheHoad

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback;def=topic_access;param1=VIEW;param2=access%20not%20allowed%20on%20topic

This topic: Main > EdinburghWRSearches Topic revision: r81 - 2017-07-11 - XantheHoad

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback This page documents the details of the common statistical tool.

-- YanyanGao - 2015-03-19

This topic: Main > ExoticStat Topic revision: r1 - 2015-03-19 - YanyanGao

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback This page documents the details of the common statistical tool.

-- YanyanGao - 2015-03-19

This topic: Main > ExoticStat Topic revision: r1 - 2015-03-19 - YanyanGao

Output ntuple Contents 54 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback Before you start

• To be able to view, or edit all of these pages, please join the atlas-edinburgh e-group • It helps everyone if we can keep these pages up to date, so please feel free to add new tips and correct mistakes, also to document your work as much as possible. ♦ Please avoid re-recreating documentation though, instead it is better to link to the official ATLAS docs, and if necessary, update those too! • In case it is useful, you can also get a full pdf (with subpages) of the entire AtlasEdinburghGroup TWiki with this link. ♦ Note: if your own topics need such a link, just copy the PDF link (top right of all pages) and add ?pdfrecursive=on to the url.

Bureaucratic details

You'll need to fill in the ATLAS registration form using the link below, get it signed and give/fax to the ATLAS secretariat . Register as an external user until you are able to come to CERN to register as a user. This will initiate computing accounts being created etc.

• Registration and Access

If you want to do anything distributed-computing-ish, you'll need a grid certificate from here

• National Grid Service

You will need Virtual Organisation membership (but you'll need the certificate first to access it, and it won't work if you're not registered with ATLAS)

• ATLAS VO Registration Service

Here is a useful list of upcoming ATLAS meetings (one of which may require traveling to CERN and you register as a user at that point)

• ATLAS meetings

This page has useful forms for when you go to CERN (e.g. reserving a open desk space, bicycle, registering laptop etc)

• Forms and services

The UK liaison office are always on hand to help with the logistics of being at CERN.

• UK liaison office

Getting Started

Linux tutorials

For those of you who are new to linux, these tutorials are a good source for learning the basics (tutorial 1), then improving on the skills learned in the first tutorial in the second and third. The exercises provided at the end of each section give the user a chance to consolidate the skills previously learned.

Before you start 55 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

• Some very good unix/linux tutorials

Note: when asked to complete the exercise at the end of the first unix tutorial, click on the following link: and save "murder.tar" to your local machine, this can then be accessed as required. (This can be repeated for the exercise at the end of the second section by clicking on: and saving "mcgfiles.tar")

ATLAS software

To get going with the software follow the ATLAS Computing workbook

• Atlas.WorkBook

To learn about root, you many find this basic tutorial useful

• ATLAS Root Basic Tutorial

You should familiarise yourself with the ATLAS Twiki, in particular the computing portal where you will find Computing, Physics and Software workbooks.

• ATLAS Twiki pages


If you want to install the ATLAS software on your laptop or home computer, you can try to use the CERN VM (Virtual Machine) within Virtual Box or VMWare. However, you should ensure that the machine you use is not slow (e.g. due scheduled virus scans, conflicting software etc) and that you have a good network connection. The virtual machine will also give you access to Linux and you can use this to gain familiarity it (if you have not used Linux before). The instructions are in a state of flux, and don't always work, if you find you have to do anything special then please add to the Tips and Tricks section.

• ATLAS CERN VM instructions • Tips and tricks

Geant4 software

Geant4 VM instructions

• Geant 4 VM instructions

If you want to use the local PPE Linux installation

1. Find out what shell you are using echo $SHELL, check it is bash 2. These following lines can be added to your .bash_profile file in your home directory 3. source /Disk/lochnagar0/general/geant4/geant4.9.3.p01/ 4. export ROOTSYS=/opt/root/5.18.00 5. export PATH=/opt/root/5.18.00/bin:$ROOTSYS/bin:$PATH 6. export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:$ROOTSYS/lib:/opt/root/5.18.00/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH 7. export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$ROOTSYS/lib 8. unset G4UI_USE_XM 9. unset G4UI_USE_TCSH 10. You may need to re-login to get the bash_profile working

Or, you can copy my own bash_profile from the attachments at the bottom of the page - save into home directory with filename .bash_profile

Linux tutorials 56 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki Latest Geant4 User tutorial

• Geant4 Feb 2010 tutorial

GPU software

Go here AtlasEdinburghGPUComputing

• bash_profile: Bash profile for use on linux machines for GEANT4

This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghGroupGettingStarted Topic revision: r16 - 2012-02-20 - WahidBhimji

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback Before you start

• To be able to view, or edit all of these pages, please join the atlas-edinburgh e-group • It helps everyone if we can keep these pages up to date, so please feel free to add new tips and correct mistakes, also to document your work as much as possible. ♦ Please avoid re-recreating documentation though, instead it is better to link to the official ATLAS docs, and if necessary, update those too! • In case it is useful, you can also get a full pdf (with subpages) of the entire AtlasEdinburghGroup TWiki with this link. ♦ Note: if your own topics need such a link, just copy the PDF link (top right of all pages) and add ?pdfrecursive=on to the url.

Bureaucratic details

You'll need to fill in the ATLAS registration form using the link below, get it signed and give/fax to the ATLAS secretariat . Register as an external user until you are able to come to CERN to register as a user. This will initiate computing accounts being created etc.

• Registration and Access

If you want to do anything distributed-computing-ish, you'll need a grid certificate from here

• National Grid Service

You will need Virtual Organisation membership (but you'll need the certificate first to access it, and it won't work if you're not registered with ATLAS)

• ATLAS VO Registration Service

Here is a useful list of upcoming ATLAS meetings (one of which may require traveling to CERN and you register as a user at that point)

• ATLAS meetings

This page has useful forms for when you go to CERN (e.g. reserving a open desk space, bicycle, registering laptop etc)

Geant4 software 57 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

• Forms and services

The UK liaison office are always on hand to help with the logistics of being at CERN.

• UK liaison office

Getting Started

Linux tutorials

For those of you who are new to linux, these tutorials are a good source for learning the basics (tutorial 1), then improving on the skills learned in the first tutorial in the second and third. The exercises provided at the end of each section give the user a chance to consolidate the skills previously learned.

• Some very good unix/linux tutorials

Note: when asked to complete the exercise at the end of the first unix tutorial, click on the following link: and save "murder.tar" to your local machine, this can then be accessed as required. (This can be repeated for the exercise at the end of the second section by clicking on: and saving "mcgfiles.tar")

ATLAS software

To get going with the software follow the ATLAS Computing workbook

• Atlas.WorkBook

To learn about root, you many find this basic tutorial useful

• ATLAS Root Basic Tutorial

You should familiarise yourself with the ATLAS Twiki, in particular the computing portal where you will find Computing, Physics and Software workbooks.

• ATLAS Twiki pages


If you want to install the ATLAS software on your laptop or home computer, you can try to use the CERN VM (Virtual Machine) within Virtual Box or VMWare. However, you should ensure that the machine you use is not slow (e.g. due scheduled virus scans, conflicting software etc) and that you have a good network connection. The virtual machine will also give you access to Linux and you can use this to gain familiarity it (if you have not used Linux before). The instructions are in a state of flux, and don't always work, if you find you have to do anything special then please add to the Tips and Tricks section.

• ATLAS CERN VM instructions • Tips and tricks

Geant4 software

Geant4 VM instructions

• Geant 4 VM instructions

Bureaucratic details 58 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki If you want to use the local PPE Linux installation

1. Find out what shell you are using echo $SHELL, check it is bash 2. These following lines can be added to your .bash_profile file in your home directory 3. source /Disk/lochnagar0/general/geant4/geant4.9.3.p01/ 4. export ROOTSYS=/opt/root/5.18.00 5. export PATH=/opt/root/5.18.00/bin:$ROOTSYS/bin:$PATH 6. export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:$ROOTSYS/lib:/opt/root/5.18.00/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH 7. export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$ROOTSYS/lib 8. unset G4UI_USE_XM 9. unset G4UI_USE_TCSH 10. You may need to re-login to get the bash_profile working

Or, you can copy my own bash_profile from the attachments at the bottom of the page - save into home directory with filename .bash_profile

Latest Geant4 User tutorial

• Geant4 Feb 2010 tutorial

GPU software

Go here AtlasEdinburghGPUComputing

• bash_profile: Bash profile for use on linux machines for GEANT4

This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghGroupGettingStarted Topic revision: r16 - 2012-02-20 - WahidBhimji

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback;def=topic_access;param1=VIEW;param2=access%20not%20allowed%20on%20topic

This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghGroupHLT Topic revision: r5 - 2013-02-15 - AndrewWashbrook

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback;def=topic_access;param1=VIEW;param2=access%20not%20allowed%20on%20topic

This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghHLTDataPreparationTiming Topic revision: r6 - 2013-02-22 - AndrewWashbrook

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback;def=topic_access;param1=VIEW;param2=access%20not%20allowed%20on%20topic

This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghHLTDataPreparationTiming Topic revision: r6 - 2013-02-22 - AndrewWashbrook

Geant4 software 59 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback;def=topic_access;param1=VIEW;param2=access%20not%20allowed%20on%20topic

This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghHLTEdMeetings Topic revision: r45 - 2016-05-22 - ChristosLeonidopoulos

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback;def=topic_access;param1=VIEW;param2=access%20not%20allowed%20on%20topic

This topic: Main > ATLASEdinburghHLTEdMeetings2013 Topic revision: r1 - 2014-10-14 - ChristosLeonidopoulos

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback;def=topic_access;param1=VIEW;param2=access%20not%20allowed%20on%20topic

This topic: Main > ATLASEdinburghHLTEdMeetings2013 Topic revision: r1 - 2014-10-14 - ChristosLeonidopoulos

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback;def=topic_access;param1=VIEW;param2=access%20not%20allowed%20on%20topic

This topic: Main > ATLASEdinburghHLTEdMeetings2014 Topic revision: r1 - 2015-02-08 - ChristosLeonidopoulos

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback;def=topic_access;param1=VIEW;param2=access%20not%20allowed%20on%20topic

This topic: Main > ATLASEdinburghHLTEdMeetings2014 Topic revision: r1 - 2015-02-08 - ChristosLeonidopoulos

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback ATLAS Edinburgh Meetings in 2015

Summary of 25SEP-15 meeting


Attendance at future events:

GPU software 60 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

• ATLAS UK HLT meeting, 3-4 Nov (RAL): Ben S, Ben W, Christos (PLEASE REGISTER) • Technical Interchange Meeting, 9-12 Nov (Berkeley): Ben W • TDAQ week, 30 Nov-04 Dec (Embra): Ben W, Yanyan, Victoria, Christos (PLEASE REGISTER)

Other news:

• Ben S has accepted a new job at Annecy! Congrats Ben! • Happy birthday Yanyan!

Online operations (Yanyan)

• Busy with online shifts • Had discussion at CERN with Joerg & Anna on dynamic pre-scaling scheme. Latest mood is not to implement this year. A less ambitious plan it to have software calculate rates and notify trigger to push new set of (pre-calculated) triggers. Install by February?

Future framework (Ben W)

• Busy with event views; Level-1 reader algorithm to be creating views (corresponding to RoIs) • Next on to-do list: algorithms scheduler (currently: static) and sequence concept.

Cool DB (Ben S)

• Version 1.2 in the pipeline. Gave presentations & tutorials at CERN • Need to discuss deployment & commissioning plan over next month with Joerg/Martin.

Displaced vertex tracking and triggers (Christos)

• Trying to get tracking CP conveners to agree on authorship task

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 23 October (11:00 AM UK) **NOTE UNUSUAL TIME**

Summary of 28AUG-15 meeting

Online operations (Yanyan)

Busy with online shifts

Cool DB (Ben S)

First version of Menu-Aware-monitorng interface to COOL DB released to the masses; TrigHLTMonitoring-00-07-02 to be included in next T0 release

Future framework (Ben W)

• Have been working with event views, in the context of roadmap for demonstrator (to be delivered by end of year) • Will be attending November TIM meeting at Berkeley ( )

Displaced vertex tracking and triggers (Christos)

Have been discussing with Physics coordination about R&D trigger studies coupled with GPU proof-of-principle prototype. This is currently organised under Tracker CP umbrella, and can be followed through:

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 11 September (10:30 AM UK)

News: 61 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki Summary of 31JUL-15 meeting

Rulebook and online operations (Yanyan)

Mostly busy with on-call shifts

Dynamic-prescaling: not much happening till end of the year(?)

Future framework (Ben W)

Have been working with trigger elements (event-views equivalent on storegate) and trying to make them work in athena; Effort to reduce # of views by keeping ~same trigger elements but by introducing versioning

Next steps:

• minimal set of working test by end of September • full mini-HLT demonstrator (read L1 info, create 2-3 event views, run real trigger algorithms) by end of year

Interface of menu-aware monitoring () with DB (Ben S)

• v0 version is (almost) ready: have oracle DB running at CERN; uploaded default T0 monitoring configuration • Last(?) remaining problem: how to deal with old configurations (made by Tatsiana, obsolete by now): talk to Joerg for a safe solution

GPU HLT demonstrator (Andy)

Have started working on this, profiling to follow

T0 monitoring (Christos)

Mostly quiet period; small monitoring updates by some slice groups

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 13 August (10:30 AM UK)

Summary of 03JUL-15 virtual meeting

Rulebook and online operations (Yanyan)

Mainly working on rulebook bug fixes/improvements, as a menu expert, and online operations. Will be at CERN this coming week for online on-call shifts and menu work.

Future framework (Ben W)

Working on EventViews. Big framework design/development workshop next week, will present latest progress on Athena integration.

Interface of menu-aware monitoring () with DB (Ben S)

At CERN this week, meeting with trigger, trigger-DB experts and monitoring customers. Good progress on the MaM has been made: working on suggestions to underlying code made by Joerg. Prepared proposal covering extra features for MaM version 2.

Summary of 31JUL-15 meeting 62 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

T0 monitoring (Christos)

Updating monitoring categories for muon and egamma as requested by DQ and trigger groups.

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 31 June (10:30 AM UK)

Summary of 05JUN-15 meeting


Ben W, Ben S, Andy, Christos

Minute scribe: Christos

Future framework (Ben W)

Have been busy discussing Views prototypes at various meetings in the last 2 weeks

Interface of menu-aware monitoring with DB (Ben S)

Working on implementation/storing of diffs of monitoring configurations wrt default one (to be taken from release); Have been discussing technical details with Alex Martyniuk (trigger monitoring DB expert)

Expect to have first prototype released to T0 monitoring experts for testing in a week

T0 monitoring (Christos)

Updating tests and recipes to incorporate new 13 TeV data as input

Summary of 22MAY-15 meeting


Ben W, Ben S, Tim, Yanyan, Christos

Minute scribe: Christos

Future framework (Ben W)

Has been working on Views prototypes; gave status report at TDAQ week, see:

Will be focusing on multi-threaded work.

Interface of menu-aware monitoring with DB (Ben S)

Aiming to have 1st prototype ready in time for Trigger Offline Monitoring meeting (29 May).

Menu-expert (Yanyan)

Has been taking trigger online on-call shifts; busy with operations

T0 monitoring (Christos) 63 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

Triggering on displaced vertices and GPU (Ben W)

Has prepared trigger menu running on cosmic data as input for Tims tests

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 5 June (10:30 AM UK)

Summary of 08MAY-15 meeting

Attending: Ben W, Ben S, Tim, Andy, Yanyan, Christos

Minute scribe: Christos

Future framework (Ben)

• See talk from Thursdays ATLAS UK HLT meeting:

Interface of menu-aware monitoring with DB (Ben S)

• See talk from Thursdays ATLAS UK HLT meeting:

Future framework (Andy)

• Busy with CHEP/other conferences & proceedings writing • FSTF: plans for HLT profiling

Menu-expert (Yanyan)

• Taking menu-expert training course

Triggering on displaced vertices and GPU (Tim)

• No progress recently • Next steps: ♦ Find signal MC sample with displaced vertexes ♦ Confirm that vanilla tracking algorithm can reconstruct signal tracks by augmenting beamspot uncertainty ♦ Use FastTrackFinder to find all tracks originating from PV; then run displaced-track finder using GPUs with orphan tracker hits

Offline Trigger (and Menu-aware) monitoring (Christos)

• Migration of python configuration for Menu-aware monitoring successfully completed; Provides central monitoring functionality for slice groups & DQ

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 22 May (10:30 AM UK)

Summary of 24APR-15 meeting

Attending: Ben W, Ben S, Tim, Victoria, Christos

Minute scribe: Christos

Triggering on displaced vertices and GPU (Ben W) 64 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

Future framework (Ben)

• EventViews (aka: trigger elements) prototype is in place (looks quite nice) . • Still working on comments for draft note ( ) • Hope to use semi-realistic trigger menu (in discussions with Francesca Pastore) to show performance numbers with athena at June workshop at CERN

Triggering on displaced vertices and GPU (Ben W, Tim)

• Have implemented python-based event display to visualise signatures & debug displaced tracking (Tim) • Next steps: ♦ Find MC sample with displaced vertexes ♦ Confirm that vanilla tracking algorithm can reconstruct signal tracks by augmenting beamspot uncertainty ♦ Use FastTrackFinder to find all tracks originating from PV; then run displaced-track finder using GPUs with orphan tracker hits

Interface of menu-aware monitoring with DB (Ben S)

• New activity by Ben: interface menu-aware monitoring with DB; expect to work in collaboration with Yanyan (rulebook) and Christos (offline trigger monitoring) • Working on python scripts for managing monitoring configurations (use the one from release as baseline configuration, and manage changes wrt default one) • Next steps: release prototype to slice experts

Offline Trigger (and Menu-aware) monitoring (Christos)

• Working on redesign of python class to provide central monitoring functionality for slice groups & DQ (with help from Tim);

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 8 May (10:30 AM UK) (TBC)

Summary of 20MAR-15 meeting

Attending: Ben W, Ben S, Tim, Christos

Minute scribe: Christos

Software performance (Ben & Andy)

• Stewart (Martin-Haugh) has requested some help from us on profiling and interpretation of Cuda output; (Ben promised that) minimal time is devoted on this

Future framework (Ben)

• Work continues on the EventViews (aka: trigger elements) prototype. Current focus is on static polymorphism of code (aka: templates) • Also working on comments for draft note ( ); Comments still welcome

Triggering on displaced vertices and GPU (Ben S, Tim)

• Discussion on simple tracking algorithm demonstrating proof-of-principle • Goals for next meeting:

Future framework (Ben) 65 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

♦ Implement python-based event display to visualise signatures (Tim) ♦ Investigate potential tracking options from Run-1 and/or the market (Ben S)

Offline Trigger (and Menu-aware) monitoring (Christos)

• Redesign of python class to provide central monitoring functionality for slice groups & DQ (with help from Tim); Proposal sent to Data Quality group

Next scheduled meeting: TENTATIVELY on Friday 24 April (10:30 AM UK) (TBC)

Summary of 06MAR-15 meeting

Attending: Ben W, Yanyan, Andy, Tim, Christos

Minute scribe: Christos

Future framework (Ben)

• Work continues on the EventViews prototype. We have some more test cases, and an example that satisfies all tests thus far.


• GPU work for CHEP using Nvidia Kepler and (Release Candidate) Cuda 7; project is on decision forests & machine learning; Relevant for trigger algorithms on GPUs? • FSTF: Performance measurements for low-power CPUs with Glasgow • Some help offered to Stewart on profiling jobs

Rulebook (Yanyan)

• Monitoring triggers implemented separately in cosmic menu • Validation of pre-scale calculations • Discussions for involvement with jet trigger performance group (relevant for VV exotic search)

Offline Trigger (and Menu-aware) monitoring (Christos)

• Discussions with Data Quality group on access to trigger monitoring categories • Redesign of python class to provide central monitoring functionality for slice groups & DQ (with help from Tim)

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 20 March (10:30 AM UK)

Summary of 20FEB-15 meeting

Attending: Ben W, Yanyan, Andy, Christos Apologies: Tim

Minute scribe: Christos

Future framework (Ben)

• Discussions with Tomasz (Bold), John (Baines) on how to go about HLT framework prototype; Opinions on how to get started vary between from storegate and athena (Ben John) and from scratch (Tomasz). Will probably try both approaches

Triggering on displaced vertices and GPU (Ben S, Tim) 66 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki


• Started new role as co-convener of the ATLAS Future Software and Technology Forum. Looking for people to join effort; Run-2 preparations understandably a major distraction

Trigger menu & dynamic prescales (Yanyan)

• Working on rulebook script for the Run-2 data-taking. In particular: ♦ Commissioning of current script (introducing new trigger tools and CTP) at M8 ♦ Development of tools for prescale calculation for MC15 in preparation for physics

Offline Trigger (and Menu-aware) monitoring (Christos)

• Migration of trigger chains from source code to python configuration files complete • Next steps include interface with DB, and preparation for adaption of functionality by DQ groups • Also helping with online monitoring (why?)

GPU algorithm proof-of-principle for displaced vertices (Ben, Andy, Tim)

• No progress recently

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 6 March (10:30 AM UK)

Summary of 06FEB-15 meeting

Attending: Ben W, Yanyan, Christos

Apologies: Andy, Tim

Minute scribe: Christos

Future framework (Ben)

• A draft of requirements report available for comments: ? • Ben & Tomasz Bold to look at providing trigger demonstrators in new software framework

Trigger menu & dynamic prescales (Yanyan)

• Taking trigger online on-call shifts for M8 • Work on rule-book script continues

Menu-aware monitoring (Christos)

• Preparations for M8

GPU algorithm proof-of-principle for displaced vertices (Ben & Tim)

• No progress recently

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 20 February (10:30 AM UK)

-- ChristosLeonidopoulos - 2016-01-15

This topic: Main > ATLASEdinburghHLTEdMeetings2015 Topic revision: r1 - 2016-01-15 - ChristosLeonidopoulos

Andy 67 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback ATLAS Edinburgh Meetings in 2015

Summary of 25SEP-15 meeting


Attendance at future events:

• ATLAS UK HLT meeting, 3-4 Nov (RAL): Ben S, Ben W, Christos (PLEASE REGISTER) • Technical Interchange Meeting, 9-12 Nov (Berkeley): Ben W • TDAQ week, 30 Nov-04 Dec (Embra): Ben W, Yanyan, Victoria, Christos (PLEASE REGISTER)

Other news:

• Ben S has accepted a new job at Annecy! Congrats Ben! • Happy birthday Yanyan!

Online operations (Yanyan)

• Busy with online shifts • Had discussion at CERN with Joerg & Anna on dynamic pre-scaling scheme. Latest mood is not to implement this year. A less ambitious plan it to have software calculate rates and notify trigger to push new set of (pre-calculated) triggers. Install by February?

Future framework (Ben W)

• Busy with event views; Level-1 reader algorithm to be creating views (corresponding to RoIs) • Next on to-do list: algorithms scheduler (currently: static) and sequence concept.

Cool DB (Ben S)

• Version 1.2 in the pipeline. Gave presentations & tutorials at CERN • Need to discuss deployment & commissioning plan over next month with Joerg/Martin.

Displaced vertex tracking and triggers (Christos)

• Trying to get tracking CP conveners to agree on authorship task

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 23 October (11:00 AM UK) **NOTE UNUSUAL TIME**

Summary of 28AUG-15 meeting

Online operations (Yanyan)

Busy with online shifts

Cool DB (Ben S)

First version of Menu-Aware-monitorng interface to COOL DB released to the masses; TrigHLTMonitoring-00-07-02 to be included in next T0 release

GPU algorithm proof-of-principle for displaced vertices (Ben & Tim) 68 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

Future framework (Ben W)

• Have been working with event views, in the context of roadmap for demonstrator (to be delivered by end of year) • Will be attending November TIM meeting at Berkeley ( )

Displaced vertex tracking and triggers (Christos)

Have been discussing with Physics coordination about R&D trigger studies coupled with GPU proof-of-principle prototype. This is currently organised under Tracker CP umbrella, and can be followed through:

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 11 September (10:30 AM UK)

Summary of 31JUL-15 meeting

Rulebook and online operations (Yanyan)

Mostly busy with on-call shifts

Dynamic-prescaling: not much happening till end of the year(?)

Future framework (Ben W)

Have been working with trigger elements (event-views equivalent on storegate) and trying to make them work in athena; Effort to reduce # of views by keeping ~same trigger elements but by introducing versioning

Next steps:

• minimal set of working test by end of September • full mini-HLT demonstrator (read L1 info, create 2-3 event views, run real trigger algorithms) by end of year

Interface of menu-aware monitoring () with DB (Ben S)

• v0 version is (almost) ready: have oracle DB running at CERN; uploaded default T0 monitoring configuration • Last(?) remaining problem: how to deal with old configurations (made by Tatsiana, obsolete by now): talk to Joerg for a safe solution

GPU HLT demonstrator (Andy)

Have started working on this, profiling to follow

T0 monitoring (Christos)

Mostly quiet period; small monitoring updates by some slice groups

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 13 August (10:30 AM UK)

Summary of 03JUL-15 virtual meeting

Future framework (Ben W) 69 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

Rulebook and online operations (Yanyan)

Mainly working on rulebook bug fixes/improvements, as a menu expert, and online operations. Will be at CERN this coming week for online on-call shifts and menu work.

Future framework (Ben W)

Working on EventViews. Big framework design/development workshop next week, will present latest progress on Athena integration.

Interface of menu-aware monitoring () with DB (Ben S)

At CERN this week, meeting with trigger, trigger-DB experts and monitoring customers. Good progress on the MaM has been made: working on suggestions to underlying code made by Joerg. Prepared proposal covering extra features for MaM version 2.

T0 monitoring (Christos)

Updating monitoring categories for muon and egamma as requested by DQ and trigger groups.

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 31 June (10:30 AM UK)

Summary of 05JUN-15 meeting


Ben W, Ben S, Andy, Christos

Minute scribe: Christos

Future framework (Ben W)

Have been busy discussing Views prototypes at various meetings in the last 2 weeks

Interface of menu-aware monitoring with DB (Ben S)

Working on implementation/storing of diffs of monitoring configurations wrt default one (to be taken from release); Have been discussing technical details with Alex Martyniuk (trigger monitoring DB expert)

Expect to have first prototype released to T0 monitoring experts for testing in a week

T0 monitoring (Christos)

Updating tests and recipes to incorporate new 13 TeV data as input

Summary of 22MAY-15 meeting


Ben W, Ben S, Tim, Yanyan, Christos

Minute scribe: Christos

Rulebook and online operations (Yanyan) 70 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

Future framework (Ben W)

Has been working on Views prototypes; gave status report at TDAQ week, see:

Will be focusing on multi-threaded work.

Interface of menu-aware monitoring with DB (Ben S)

Aiming to have 1st prototype ready in time for Trigger Offline Monitoring meeting (29 May).

Menu-expert (Yanyan)

Has been taking trigger online on-call shifts; busy with operations

Triggering on displaced vertices and GPU (Ben W)

Has prepared trigger menu running on cosmic data as input for Tims tests

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 5 June (10:30 AM UK)

Summary of 08MAY-15 meeting

Attending: Ben W, Ben S, Tim, Andy, Yanyan, Christos

Minute scribe: Christos

Future framework (Ben)

• See talk from Thursdays ATLAS UK HLT meeting:

Interface of menu-aware monitoring with DB (Ben S)

• See talk from Thursdays ATLAS UK HLT meeting:

Future framework (Andy)

• Busy with CHEP/other conferences & proceedings writing • FSTF: plans for HLT profiling

Menu-expert (Yanyan)

• Taking menu-expert training course

Triggering on displaced vertices and GPU (Tim)

• No progress recently • Next steps: ♦ Find signal MC sample with displaced vertexes ♦ Confirm that vanilla tracking algorithm can reconstruct signal tracks by augmenting beamspot uncertainty

Future framework (Ben W) 71 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

♦ Use FastTrackFinder to find all tracks originating from PV; then run displaced-track finder using GPUs with orphan tracker hits

Offline Trigger (and Menu-aware) monitoring (Christos)

• Migration of python configuration for Menu-aware monitoring successfully completed; Provides central monitoring functionality for slice groups & DQ

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 22 May (10:30 AM UK)

Summary of 24APR-15 meeting

Attending: Ben W, Ben S, Tim, Victoria, Christos

Minute scribe: Christos

Future framework (Ben)

• EventViews (aka: trigger elements) prototype is in place (looks quite nice) . • Still working on comments for draft note ( ) • Hope to use semi-realistic trigger menu (in discussions with Francesca Pastore) to show performance numbers with athena at June workshop at CERN

Triggering on displaced vertices and GPU (Ben W, Tim)

• Have implemented python-based event display to visualise signatures & debug displaced tracking (Tim) • Next steps: ♦ Find MC sample with displaced vertexes ♦ Confirm that vanilla tracking algorithm can reconstruct signal tracks by augmenting beamspot uncertainty ♦ Use FastTrackFinder to find all tracks originating from PV; then run displaced-track finder using GPUs with orphan tracker hits

Interface of menu-aware monitoring with DB (Ben S)

• New activity by Ben: interface menu-aware monitoring with DB; expect to work in collaboration with Yanyan (rulebook) and Christos (offline trigger monitoring) • Working on python scripts for managing monitoring configurations (use the one from release as baseline configuration, and manage changes wrt default one) • Next steps: release prototype to slice experts

Offline Trigger (and Menu-aware) monitoring (Christos)

• Working on redesign of python class to provide central monitoring functionality for slice groups & DQ (with help from Tim);

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 8 May (10:30 AM UK) (TBC)

Summary of 20MAR-15 meeting

Attending: Ben W, Ben S, Tim, Christos

Minute scribe: Christos

Triggering on displaced vertices and GPU (Tim) 72 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

Software performance (Ben & Andy)

• Stewart (Martin-Haugh) has requested some help from us on profiling and interpretation of Cuda output; (Ben promised that) minimal time is devoted on this

Future framework (Ben)

• Work continues on the EventViews (aka: trigger elements) prototype. Current focus is on static polymorphism of code (aka: templates) • Also working on comments for draft note ( ); Comments still welcome

Triggering on displaced vertices and GPU (Ben S, Tim)

• Discussion on simple tracking algorithm demonstrating proof-of-principle • Goals for next meeting: ♦ Implement python-based event display to visualise signatures (Tim) ♦ Investigate potential tracking options from Run-1 and/or the market (Ben S)

Offline Trigger (and Menu-aware) monitoring (Christos)

• Redesign of python class to provide central monitoring functionality for slice groups & DQ (with help from Tim); Proposal sent to Data Quality group

Next scheduled meeting: TENTATIVELY on Friday 24 April (10:30 AM UK) (TBC)

Summary of 06MAR-15 meeting

Attending: Ben W, Yanyan, Andy, Tim, Christos

Minute scribe: Christos

Future framework (Ben)

• Work continues on the EventViews prototype. We have some more test cases, and an example that satisfies all tests thus far.


• GPU work for CHEP using Nvidia Kepler and (Release Candidate) Cuda 7; project is on decision forests & machine learning; Relevant for trigger algorithms on GPUs? • FSTF: Performance measurements for low-power CPUs with Glasgow • Some help offered to Stewart on profiling jobs

Rulebook (Yanyan)

• Monitoring triggers implemented separately in cosmic menu • Validation of pre-scale calculations • Discussions for involvement with jet trigger performance group (relevant for VV exotic search)

Offline Trigger (and Menu-aware) monitoring (Christos)

• Discussions with Data Quality group on access to trigger monitoring categories • Redesign of python class to provide central monitoring functionality for slice groups & DQ (with help from Tim)

Software performance (Ben & Andy) 73 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki Next scheduled meeting: Friday 20 March (10:30 AM UK)

Summary of 20FEB-15 meeting

Attending: Ben W, Yanyan, Andy, Christos Apologies: Tim

Minute scribe: Christos

Future framework (Ben)

• Discussions with Tomasz (Bold), John (Baines) on how to go about HLT framework prototype; Opinions on how to get started vary between from storegate and athena (Ben John) and from scratch (Tomasz). Will probably try both approaches


• Started new role as co-convener of the ATLAS Future Software and Technology Forum. Looking for people to join effort; Run-2 preparations understandably a major distraction

Trigger menu & dynamic prescales (Yanyan)

• Working on rulebook script for the Run-2 data-taking. In particular: ♦ Commissioning of current script (introducing new trigger tools and CTP) at M8 ♦ Development of tools for prescale calculation for MC15 in preparation for physics

Offline Trigger (and Menu-aware) monitoring (Christos)

• Migration of trigger chains from source code to python configuration files complete • Next steps include interface with DB, and preparation for adaption of functionality by DQ groups • Also helping with online monitoring (why?)

GPU algorithm proof-of-principle for displaced vertices (Ben, Andy, Tim)

• No progress recently

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 6 March (10:30 AM UK)

Summary of 06FEB-15 meeting

Attending: Ben W, Yanyan, Christos

Apologies: Andy, Tim

Minute scribe: Christos

Future framework (Ben)

• A draft of requirements report available for comments: ? • Ben & Tomasz Bold to look at providing trigger demonstrators in new software framework

Trigger menu & dynamic prescales (Yanyan)

• Taking trigger online on-call shifts for M8 • Work on rule-book script continues

Offline Trigger (and Menu-aware) monitoring (Christos) 74 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

Menu-aware monitoring (Christos)

• Preparations for M8

GPU algorithm proof-of-principle for displaced vertices (Ben & Tim)

• No progress recently

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 20 February (10:30 AM UK)

-- ChristosLeonidopoulos - 2016-01-15

This topic: Main > ATLASEdinburghHLTEdMeetings2015 Topic revision: r1 - 2016-01-15 - ChristosLeonidopoulos

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback;def=topic_access;param1=VIEW;param2=access%20not%20allowed%20on%20topic

This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghHLTEdMeetings Topic revision: r45 - 2016-05-22 - ChristosLeonidopoulos

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback;def=topic_access;param1=VIEW;param2=access%20not%20allowed%20on%20topic

This topic: Main > ATLASEdinburghHLTEdMeetings2013 Topic revision: r1 - 2014-10-14 - ChristosLeonidopoulos

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback;def=topic_access;param1=VIEW;param2=access%20not%20allowed%20on%20topic

This topic: Main > ATLASEdinburghHLTEdMeetings2013 Topic revision: r1 - 2014-10-14 - ChristosLeonidopoulos

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback;def=topic_access;param1=VIEW;param2=access%20not%20allowed%20on%20topic

This topic: Main > ATLASEdinburghHLTEdMeetings2014 Topic revision: r1 - 2015-02-08 - ChristosLeonidopoulos

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback;def=topic_access;param1=VIEW;param2=access%20not%20allowed%20on%20topic

Menu-aware monitoring (Christos) 75 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki This topic: Main > ATLASEdinburghHLTEdMeetings2014 Topic revision: r1 - 2015-02-08 - ChristosLeonidopoulos

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback ATLAS Edinburgh Meetings in 2015

Summary of 25SEP-15 meeting


Attendance at future events:

• ATLAS UK HLT meeting, 3-4 Nov (RAL): Ben S, Ben W, Christos (PLEASE REGISTER) • Technical Interchange Meeting, 9-12 Nov (Berkeley): Ben W • TDAQ week, 30 Nov-04 Dec (Embra): Ben W, Yanyan, Victoria, Christos (PLEASE REGISTER)

Other news:

• Ben S has accepted a new job at Annecy! Congrats Ben! • Happy birthday Yanyan!

Online operations (Yanyan)

• Busy with online shifts • Had discussion at CERN with Joerg & Anna on dynamic pre-scaling scheme. Latest mood is not to implement this year. A less ambitious plan it to have software calculate rates and notify trigger to push new set of (pre-calculated) triggers. Install by February?

Future framework (Ben W)

• Busy with event views; Level-1 reader algorithm to be creating views (corresponding to RoIs) • Next on to-do list: algorithms scheduler (currently: static) and sequence concept.

Cool DB (Ben S)

• Version 1.2 in the pipeline. Gave presentations & tutorials at CERN • Need to discuss deployment & commissioning plan over next month with Joerg/Martin.

Displaced vertex tracking and triggers (Christos)

• Trying to get tracking CP conveners to agree on authorship task

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 23 October (11:00 AM UK) **NOTE UNUSUAL TIME**

Summary of 28AUG-15 meeting

Online operations (Yanyan)

Busy with online shifts

GPU algorithm proof-of-principle for displaced vertices (Ben & Tim) 76 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

Cool DB (Ben S)

First version of Menu-Aware-monitorng interface to COOL DB released to the masses; TrigHLTMonitoring-00-07-02 to be included in next T0 release

Future framework (Ben W)

• Have been working with event views, in the context of roadmap for demonstrator (to be delivered by end of year) • Will be attending November TIM meeting at Berkeley ( )

Displaced vertex tracking and triggers (Christos)

Have been discussing with Physics coordination about R&D trigger studies coupled with GPU proof-of-principle prototype. This is currently organised under Tracker CP umbrella, and can be followed through:

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 11 September (10:30 AM UK)

Summary of 31JUL-15 meeting

Rulebook and online operations (Yanyan)

Mostly busy with on-call shifts

Dynamic-prescaling: not much happening till end of the year(?)

Future framework (Ben W)

Have been working with trigger elements (event-views equivalent on storegate) and trying to make them work in athena; Effort to reduce # of views by keeping ~same trigger elements but by introducing versioning

Next steps:

• minimal set of working test by end of September • full mini-HLT demonstrator (read L1 info, create 2-3 event views, run real trigger algorithms) by end of year

Interface of menu-aware monitoring () with DB (Ben S)

• v0 version is (almost) ready: have oracle DB running at CERN; uploaded default T0 monitoring configuration • Last(?) remaining problem: how to deal with old configurations (made by Tatsiana, obsolete by now): talk to Joerg for a safe solution

GPU HLT demonstrator (Andy)

Have started working on this, profiling to follow

T0 monitoring (Christos)

Mostly quiet period; small monitoring updates by some slice groups

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 13 August (10:30 AM UK)

MaM Cool DB (Ben S) 77 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki Summary of 03JUL-15 virtual meeting

Rulebook and online operations (Yanyan)

Mainly working on rulebook bug fixes/improvements, as a menu expert, and online operations. Will be at CERN this coming week for online on-call shifts and menu work.

Future framework (Ben W)

Working on EventViews. Big framework design/development workshop next week, will present latest progress on Athena integration.

Interface of menu-aware monitoring () with DB (Ben S)

At CERN this week, meeting with trigger, trigger-DB experts and monitoring customers. Good progress on the MaM has been made: working on suggestions to underlying code made by Joerg. Prepared proposal covering extra features for MaM version 2.

T0 monitoring (Christos)

Updating monitoring categories for muon and egamma as requested by DQ and trigger groups.

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 31 June (10:30 AM UK)

Summary of 05JUN-15 meeting


Ben W, Ben S, Andy, Christos

Minute scribe: Christos

Future framework (Ben W)

Have been busy discussing Views prototypes at various meetings in the last 2 weeks

Interface of menu-aware monitoring with DB (Ben S)

Working on implementation/storing of diffs of monitoring configurations wrt default one (to be taken from release); Have been discussing technical details with Alex Martyniuk (trigger monitoring DB expert)

Expect to have first prototype released to T0 monitoring experts for testing in a week

T0 monitoring (Christos)

Updating tests and recipes to incorporate new 13 TeV data as input

Summary of 22MAY-15 meeting


Ben W, Ben S, Tim, Yanyan, Christos

Minute scribe: Christos

Summary of 03JUL-15 virtual meeting 78 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

Future framework (Ben W)

Has been working on Views prototypes; gave status report at TDAQ week, see:

Will be focusing on multi-threaded work.

Interface of menu-aware monitoring with DB (Ben S)

Aiming to have 1st prototype ready in time for Trigger Offline Monitoring meeting (29 May).

Menu-expert (Yanyan)

Has been taking trigger online on-call shifts; busy with operations

Triggering on displaced vertices and GPU (Ben W)

Has prepared trigger menu running on cosmic data as input for Tims tests

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 5 June (10:30 AM UK)

Summary of 08MAY-15 meeting

Attending: Ben W, Ben S, Tim, Andy, Yanyan, Christos

Minute scribe: Christos

Future framework (Ben)

• See talk from Thursdays ATLAS UK HLT meeting:

Interface of menu-aware monitoring with DB (Ben S)

• See talk from Thursdays ATLAS UK HLT meeting:

Future framework (Andy)

• Busy with CHEP/other conferences & proceedings writing • FSTF: plans for HLT profiling

Menu-expert (Yanyan)

• Taking menu-expert training course

Triggering on displaced vertices and GPU (Tim)

• No progress recently • Next steps: ♦ Find signal MC sample with displaced vertexes ♦ Confirm that vanilla tracking algorithm can reconstruct signal tracks by augmenting beamspot uncertainty

Future framework (Ben W) 79 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

♦ Use FastTrackFinder to find all tracks originating from PV; then run displaced-track finder using GPUs with orphan tracker hits

Offline Trigger (and Menu-aware) monitoring (Christos)

• Migration of python configuration for Menu-aware monitoring successfully completed; Provides central monitoring functionality for slice groups & DQ

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 22 May (10:30 AM UK)

Summary of 24APR-15 meeting

Attending: Ben W, Ben S, Tim, Victoria, Christos

Minute scribe: Christos

Future framework (Ben)

• EventViews (aka: trigger elements) prototype is in place (looks quite nice) . • Still working on comments for draft note ( ) • Hope to use semi-realistic trigger menu (in discussions with Francesca Pastore) to show performance numbers with athena at June workshop at CERN

Triggering on displaced vertices and GPU (Ben W, Tim)

• Have implemented python-based event display to visualise signatures & debug displaced tracking (Tim) • Next steps: ♦ Find MC sample with displaced vertexes ♦ Confirm that vanilla tracking algorithm can reconstruct signal tracks by augmenting beamspot uncertainty ♦ Use FastTrackFinder to find all tracks originating from PV; then run displaced-track finder using GPUs with orphan tracker hits

Interface of menu-aware monitoring with DB (Ben S)

• New activity by Ben: interface menu-aware monitoring with DB; expect to work in collaboration with Yanyan (rulebook) and Christos (offline trigger monitoring) • Working on python scripts for managing monitoring configurations (use the one from release as baseline configuration, and manage changes wrt default one) • Next steps: release prototype to slice experts

Offline Trigger (and Menu-aware) monitoring (Christos)

• Working on redesign of python class to provide central monitoring functionality for slice groups & DQ (with help from Tim);

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 8 May (10:30 AM UK) (TBC)

Summary of 20MAR-15 meeting

Attending: Ben W, Ben S, Tim, Christos

Minute scribe: Christos

Triggering on displaced vertices and GPU (Tim) 80 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

Software performance (Ben & Andy)

• Stewart (Martin-Haugh) has requested some help from us on profiling and interpretation of Cuda output; (Ben promised that) minimal time is devoted on this

Future framework (Ben)

• Work continues on the EventViews (aka: trigger elements) prototype. Current focus is on static polymorphism of code (aka: templates) • Also working on comments for draft note ( ); Comments still welcome

Triggering on displaced vertices and GPU (Ben S, Tim)

• Discussion on simple tracking algorithm demonstrating proof-of-principle • Goals for next meeting: ♦ Implement python-based event display to visualise signatures (Tim) ♦ Investigate potential tracking options from Run-1 and/or the market (Ben S)

Offline Trigger (and Menu-aware) monitoring (Christos)

• Redesign of python class to provide central monitoring functionality for slice groups & DQ (with help from Tim); Proposal sent to Data Quality group

Next scheduled meeting: TENTATIVELY on Friday 24 April (10:30 AM UK) (TBC)

Summary of 06MAR-15 meeting

Attending: Ben W, Yanyan, Andy, Tim, Christos

Minute scribe: Christos

Future framework (Ben)

• Work continues on the EventViews prototype. We have some more test cases, and an example that satisfies all tests thus far.


• GPU work for CHEP using Nvidia Kepler and (Release Candidate) Cuda 7; project is on decision forests & machine learning; Relevant for trigger algorithms on GPUs? • FSTF: Performance measurements for low-power CPUs with Glasgow • Some help offered to Stewart on profiling jobs

Rulebook (Yanyan)

• Monitoring triggers implemented separately in cosmic menu • Validation of pre-scale calculations • Discussions for involvement with jet trigger performance group (relevant for VV exotic search)

Offline Trigger (and Menu-aware) monitoring (Christos)

• Discussions with Data Quality group on access to trigger monitoring categories • Redesign of python class to provide central monitoring functionality for slice groups & DQ (with help from Tim)

Software performance (Ben & Andy) 81 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki Next scheduled meeting: Friday 20 March (10:30 AM UK)

Summary of 20FEB-15 meeting

Attending: Ben W, Yanyan, Andy, Christos Apologies: Tim

Minute scribe: Christos

Future framework (Ben)

• Discussions with Tomasz (Bold), John (Baines) on how to go about HLT framework prototype; Opinions on how to get started vary between from storegate and athena (Ben John) and from scratch (Tomasz). Will probably try both approaches


• Started new role as co-convener of the ATLAS Future Software and Technology Forum. Looking for people to join effort; Run-2 preparations understandably a major distraction

Trigger menu & dynamic prescales (Yanyan)

• Working on rulebook script for the Run-2 data-taking. In particular: ♦ Commissioning of current script (introducing new trigger tools and CTP) at M8 ♦ Development of tools for prescale calculation for MC15 in preparation for physics

Offline Trigger (and Menu-aware) monitoring (Christos)

• Migration of trigger chains from source code to python configuration files complete • Next steps include interface with DB, and preparation for adaption of functionality by DQ groups • Also helping with online monitoring (why?)

GPU algorithm proof-of-principle for displaced vertices (Ben, Andy, Tim)

• No progress recently

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 6 March (10:30 AM UK)

Summary of 06FEB-15 meeting

Attending: Ben W, Yanyan, Christos

Apologies: Andy, Tim

Minute scribe: Christos

Future framework (Ben)

• A draft of requirements report available for comments: ? • Ben & Tomasz Bold to look at providing trigger demonstrators in new software framework

Trigger menu & dynamic prescales (Yanyan)

• Taking trigger online on-call shifts for M8 • Work on rule-book script continues

Offline Trigger (and Menu-aware) monitoring (Christos) 82 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

Menu-aware monitoring (Christos)

• Preparations for M8

GPU algorithm proof-of-principle for displaced vertices (Ben & Tim)

• No progress recently

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 20 February (10:30 AM UK)

-- ChristosLeonidopoulos - 2016-01-15

This topic: Main > ATLASEdinburghHLTEdMeetings2015 Topic revision: r1 - 2016-01-15 - ChristosLeonidopoulos

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback ATLAS Edinburgh Meetings in 2015

Summary of 25SEP-15 meeting


Attendance at future events:

• ATLAS UK HLT meeting, 3-4 Nov (RAL): Ben S, Ben W, Christos (PLEASE REGISTER) • Technical Interchange Meeting, 9-12 Nov (Berkeley): Ben W • TDAQ week, 30 Nov-04 Dec (Embra): Ben W, Yanyan, Victoria, Christos (PLEASE REGISTER)

Other news:

• Ben S has accepted a new job at Annecy! Congrats Ben! • Happy birthday Yanyan!

Online operations (Yanyan)

• Busy with online shifts • Had discussion at CERN with Joerg & Anna on dynamic pre-scaling scheme. Latest mood is not to implement this year. A less ambitious plan it to have software calculate rates and notify trigger to push new set of (pre-calculated) triggers. Install by February?

Future framework (Ben W)

• Busy with event views; Level-1 reader algorithm to be creating views (corresponding to RoIs) • Next on to-do list: algorithms scheduler (currently: static) and sequence concept.

Cool DB (Ben S)

• Version 1.2 in the pipeline. Gave presentations & tutorials at CERN • Need to discuss deployment & commissioning plan over next month with Joerg/Martin.

Menu-aware monitoring (Christos) 83 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

Displaced vertex tracking and triggers (Christos)

• Trying to get tracking CP conveners to agree on authorship task

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 23 October (11:00 AM UK) **NOTE UNUSUAL TIME**

Summary of 28AUG-15 meeting

Online operations (Yanyan)

Busy with online shifts

Cool DB (Ben S)

First version of Menu-Aware-monitorng interface to COOL DB released to the masses; TrigHLTMonitoring-00-07-02 to be included in next T0 release

Future framework (Ben W)

• Have been working with event views, in the context of roadmap for demonstrator (to be delivered by end of year) • Will be attending November TIM meeting at Berkeley ( )

Displaced vertex tracking and triggers (Christos)

Have been discussing with Physics coordination about R&D trigger studies coupled with GPU proof-of-principle prototype. This is currently organised under Tracker CP umbrella, and can be followed through:

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 11 September (10:30 AM UK)

Summary of 31JUL-15 meeting

Rulebook and online operations (Yanyan)

Mostly busy with on-call shifts

Dynamic-prescaling: not much happening till end of the year(?)

Future framework (Ben W)

Have been working with trigger elements (event-views equivalent on storegate) and trying to make them work in athena; Effort to reduce # of views by keeping ~same trigger elements but by introducing versioning

Next steps:

• minimal set of working test by end of September • full mini-HLT demonstrator (read L1 info, create 2-3 event views, run real trigger algorithms) by end of year

Interface of menu-aware monitoring () with DB (Ben S)

• v0 version is (almost) ready: have oracle DB running at CERN; uploaded default T0 monitoring configuration

Displaced vertex tracking and triggers (Christos) 84 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

• Last(?) remaining problem: how to deal with old configurations (made by Tatsiana, obsolete by now): talk to Joerg for a safe solution

GPU HLT demonstrator (Andy)

Have started working on this, profiling to follow

T0 monitoring (Christos)

Mostly quiet period; small monitoring updates by some slice groups

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 13 August (10:30 AM UK)

Summary of 03JUL-15 virtual meeting

Rulebook and online operations (Yanyan)

Mainly working on rulebook bug fixes/improvements, as a menu expert, and online operations. Will be at CERN this coming week for online on-call shifts and menu work.

Future framework (Ben W)

Working on EventViews. Big framework design/development workshop next week, will present latest progress on Athena integration.

Interface of menu-aware monitoring () with DB (Ben S)

At CERN this week, meeting with trigger, trigger-DB experts and monitoring customers. Good progress on the MaM has been made: working on suggestions to underlying code made by Joerg. Prepared proposal covering extra features for MaM version 2.

T0 monitoring (Christos)

Updating monitoring categories for muon and egamma as requested by DQ and trigger groups.

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 31 June (10:30 AM UK)

Summary of 05JUN-15 meeting


Ben W, Ben S, Andy, Christos

Minute scribe: Christos

Future framework (Ben W)

Have been busy discussing Views prototypes at various meetings in the last 2 weeks

Interface of menu-aware monitoring with DB (Ben S)

Working on implementation/storing of diffs of monitoring configurations wrt default one (to be taken from release); Have been discussing technical details with Alex Martyniuk (trigger monitoring DB expert)

Expect to have first prototype released to T0 monitoring experts for testing in a week

Interface of menu-aware monitoring (MaM) with DB (Ben S) 85 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

T0 monitoring (Christos)

Updating tests and recipes to incorporate new 13 TeV data as input

Summary of 22MAY-15 meeting


Ben W, Ben S, Tim, Yanyan, Christos

Minute scribe: Christos

Future framework (Ben W)

Has been working on Views prototypes; gave status report at TDAQ week, see:

Will be focusing on multi-threaded work.

Interface of menu-aware monitoring with DB (Ben S)

Aiming to have 1st prototype ready in time for Trigger Offline Monitoring meeting (29 May).

Menu-expert (Yanyan)

Has been taking trigger online on-call shifts; busy with operations

Triggering on displaced vertices and GPU (Ben W)

Has prepared trigger menu running on cosmic data as input for Tims tests

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 5 June (10:30 AM UK)

Summary of 08MAY-15 meeting

Attending: Ben W, Ben S, Tim, Andy, Yanyan, Christos

Minute scribe: Christos

Future framework (Ben)

• See talk from Thursdays ATLAS UK HLT meeting:

Interface of menu-aware monitoring with DB (Ben S)

• See talk from Thursdays ATLAS UK HLT meeting:

Future framework (Andy)

• Busy with CHEP/other conferences & proceedings writing • FSTF: plans for HLT profiling

T0 monitoring (Christos) 86 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

Menu-expert (Yanyan)

• Taking menu-expert training course

Triggering on displaced vertices and GPU (Tim)

• No progress recently • Next steps: ♦ Find signal MC sample with displaced vertexes ♦ Confirm that vanilla tracking algorithm can reconstruct signal tracks by augmenting beamspot uncertainty ♦ Use FastTrackFinder to find all tracks originating from PV; then run displaced-track finder using GPUs with orphan tracker hits

Offline Trigger (and Menu-aware) monitoring (Christos)

• Migration of python configuration for Menu-aware monitoring successfully completed; Provides central monitoring functionality for slice groups & DQ

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 22 May (10:30 AM UK)

Summary of 24APR-15 meeting

Attending: Ben W, Ben S, Tim, Victoria, Christos

Minute scribe: Christos

Future framework (Ben)

• EventViews (aka: trigger elements) prototype is in place (looks quite nice) . • Still working on comments for draft note ( ) • Hope to use semi-realistic trigger menu (in discussions with Francesca Pastore) to show performance numbers with athena at June workshop at CERN

Triggering on displaced vertices and GPU (Ben W, Tim)

• Have implemented python-based event display to visualise signatures & debug displaced tracking (Tim) • Next steps: ♦ Find MC sample with displaced vertexes ♦ Confirm that vanilla tracking algorithm can reconstruct signal tracks by augmenting beamspot uncertainty ♦ Use FastTrackFinder to find all tracks originating from PV; then run displaced-track finder using GPUs with orphan tracker hits

Interface of menu-aware monitoring with DB (Ben S)

• New activity by Ben: interface menu-aware monitoring with DB; expect to work in collaboration with Yanyan (rulebook) and Christos (offline trigger monitoring) • Working on python scripts for managing monitoring configurations (use the one from release as baseline configuration, and manage changes wrt default one) • Next steps: release prototype to slice experts

Menu-expert (Yanyan) 87 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

Offline Trigger (and Menu-aware) monitoring (Christos)

• Working on redesign of python class to provide central monitoring functionality for slice groups & DQ (with help from Tim);

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 8 May (10:30 AM UK) (TBC)

Summary of 20MAR-15 meeting

Attending: Ben W, Ben S, Tim, Christos

Minute scribe: Christos

Software performance (Ben & Andy)

• Stewart (Martin-Haugh) has requested some help from us on profiling and interpretation of Cuda output; (Ben promised that) minimal time is devoted on this

Future framework (Ben)

• Work continues on the EventViews (aka: trigger elements) prototype. Current focus is on static polymorphism of code (aka: templates) • Also working on comments for draft note ( ); Comments still welcome

Triggering on displaced vertices and GPU (Ben S, Tim)

• Discussion on simple tracking algorithm demonstrating proof-of-principle • Goals for next meeting: ♦ Implement python-based event display to visualise signatures (Tim) ♦ Investigate potential tracking options from Run-1 and/or the market (Ben S)

Offline Trigger (and Menu-aware) monitoring (Christos)

• Redesign of python class to provide central monitoring functionality for slice groups & DQ (with help from Tim); Proposal sent to Data Quality group

Next scheduled meeting: TENTATIVELY on Friday 24 April (10:30 AM UK) (TBC)

Summary of 06MAR-15 meeting

Attending: Ben W, Yanyan, Andy, Tim, Christos

Minute scribe: Christos

Future framework (Ben)

• Work continues on the EventViews prototype. We have some more test cases, and an example that satisfies all tests thus far.


• GPU work for CHEP using Nvidia Kepler and (Release Candidate) Cuda 7; project is on decision forests & machine learning; Relevant for trigger algorithms on GPUs? • FSTF: Performance measurements for low-power CPUs with Glasgow

Offline Trigger (and Menu-aware) monitoring (Christos) 88 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

• Some help offered to Stewart on profiling jobs

Rulebook (Yanyan)

• Monitoring triggers implemented separately in cosmic menu • Validation of pre-scale calculations • Discussions for involvement with jet trigger performance group (relevant for VV exotic search)

Offline Trigger (and Menu-aware) monitoring (Christos)

• Discussions with Data Quality group on access to trigger monitoring categories • Redesign of python class to provide central monitoring functionality for slice groups & DQ (with help from Tim)

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 20 March (10:30 AM UK)

Summary of 20FEB-15 meeting

Attending: Ben W, Yanyan, Andy, Christos Apologies: Tim

Minute scribe: Christos

Future framework (Ben)

• Discussions with Tomasz (Bold), John (Baines) on how to go about HLT framework prototype; Opinions on how to get started vary between from storegate and athena (Ben John) and from scratch (Tomasz). Will probably try both approaches


• Started new role as co-convener of the ATLAS Future Software and Technology Forum. Looking for people to join effort; Run-2 preparations understandably a major distraction

Trigger menu & dynamic prescales (Yanyan)

• Working on rulebook script for the Run-2 data-taking. In particular: ♦ Commissioning of current script (introducing new trigger tools and CTP) at M8 ♦ Development of tools for prescale calculation for MC15 in preparation for physics

Offline Trigger (and Menu-aware) monitoring (Christos)

• Migration of trigger chains from source code to python configuration files complete • Next steps include interface with DB, and preparation for adaption of functionality by DQ groups • Also helping with online monitoring (why?)

GPU algorithm proof-of-principle for displaced vertices (Ben, Andy, Tim)

• No progress recently

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 6 March (10:30 AM UK)

Summary of 06FEB-15 meeting

Attending: Ben W, Yanyan, Christos

Andy 89 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki Apologies: Andy, Tim

Minute scribe: Christos

Future framework (Ben)

• A draft of requirements report available for comments: ? • Ben & Tomasz Bold to look at providing trigger demonstrators in new software framework

Trigger menu & dynamic prescales (Yanyan)

• Taking trigger online on-call shifts for M8 • Work on rule-book script continues

Menu-aware monitoring (Christos)

• Preparations for M8

GPU algorithm proof-of-principle for displaced vertices (Ben & Tim)

• No progress recently

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 20 February (10:30 AM UK)

-- ChristosLeonidopoulos - 2016-01-15

This topic: Main > ATLASEdinburghHLTEdMeetings2015 Topic revision: r1 - 2016-01-15 - ChristosLeonidopoulos

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This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghHLTKeplerStudies Topic revision: r1 - 2013-02-15 - AndrewWashbrook

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This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghHLTKeplerStudies Topic revision: r1 - 2013-02-15 - AndrewWashbrook

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This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghHLTPerformanceTestbedSetup Topic revision: r2 - 2013-02-15 - AndrewWashbrook

Summary of 06FEB-15 meeting 90 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

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This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghHLTPerformanceTestbedSetup Topic revision: r2 - 2013-02-15 - AndrewWashbrook

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This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghHLTVectorizationTechniques Topic revision: r2 - 2013-02-15 - AndrewWashbrook

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This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghHLTVectorizationTechniques Topic revision: r2 - 2013-02-15 - AndrewWashbrook

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This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghGroupHLT Topic revision: r5 - 2013-02-15 - AndrewWashbrook

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This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghHLTDataPreparationTiming Topic revision: r6 - 2013-02-22 - AndrewWashbrook

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This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghHLTDataPreparationTiming Topic revision: r6 - 2013-02-22 - AndrewWashbrook

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GPU algorithm proof-of-principle for displaced vertices (Ben & Tim) 91 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki;def=topic_access;param1=VIEW;param2=access%20not%20allowed%20on%20topic

This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghHLTEdMeetings Topic revision: r45 - 2016-05-22 - ChristosLeonidopoulos

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This topic: Main > ATLASEdinburghHLTEdMeetings2013 Topic revision: r1 - 2014-10-14 - ChristosLeonidopoulos

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This topic: Main > ATLASEdinburghHLTEdMeetings2013 Topic revision: r1 - 2014-10-14 - ChristosLeonidopoulos

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback;def=topic_access;param1=VIEW;param2=access%20not%20allowed%20on%20topic

This topic: Main > ATLASEdinburghHLTEdMeetings2014 Topic revision: r1 - 2015-02-08 - ChristosLeonidopoulos

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback;def=topic_access;param1=VIEW;param2=access%20not%20allowed%20on%20topic

This topic: Main > ATLASEdinburghHLTEdMeetings2014 Topic revision: r1 - 2015-02-08 - ChristosLeonidopoulos

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback ATLAS Edinburgh Meetings in 2015

Summary of 25SEP-15 meeting


Attendance at future events:

• ATLAS UK HLT meeting, 3-4 Nov (RAL): Ben S, Ben W, Christos (PLEASE REGISTER) • Technical Interchange Meeting, 9-12 Nov (Berkeley): Ben W • TDAQ week, 30 Nov-04 Dec (Embra): Ben W, Yanyan, Victoria, Christos (PLEASE REGISTER)

ATLAS Edinburgh Meetings in 2015 92 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki Other news:

• Ben S has accepted a new job at Annecy! Congrats Ben! • Happy birthday Yanyan!

Online operations (Yanyan)

• Busy with online shifts • Had discussion at CERN with Joerg & Anna on dynamic pre-scaling scheme. Latest mood is not to implement this year. A less ambitious plan it to have software calculate rates and notify trigger to push new set of (pre-calculated) triggers. Install by February?

Future framework (Ben W)

• Busy with event views; Level-1 reader algorithm to be creating views (corresponding to RoIs) • Next on to-do list: algorithms scheduler (currently: static) and sequence concept.

Cool DB (Ben S)

• Version 1.2 in the pipeline. Gave presentations & tutorials at CERN • Need to discuss deployment & commissioning plan over next month with Joerg/Martin.

Displaced vertex tracking and triggers (Christos)

• Trying to get tracking CP conveners to agree on authorship task

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 23 October (11:00 AM UK) **NOTE UNUSUAL TIME**

Summary of 28AUG-15 meeting

Online operations (Yanyan)

Busy with online shifts

Cool DB (Ben S)

First version of Menu-Aware-monitorng interface to COOL DB released to the masses; TrigHLTMonitoring-00-07-02 to be included in next T0 release

Future framework (Ben W)

• Have been working with event views, in the context of roadmap for demonstrator (to be delivered by end of year) • Will be attending November TIM meeting at Berkeley ( )

Displaced vertex tracking and triggers (Christos)

Have been discussing with Physics coordination about R&D trigger studies coupled with GPU proof-of-principle prototype. This is currently organised under Tracker CP umbrella, and can be followed through:

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 11 September (10:30 AM UK)

News: 93 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki Summary of 31JUL-15 meeting

Rulebook and online operations (Yanyan)

Mostly busy with on-call shifts

Dynamic-prescaling: not much happening till end of the year(?)

Future framework (Ben W)

Have been working with trigger elements (event-views equivalent on storegate) and trying to make them work in athena; Effort to reduce # of views by keeping ~same trigger elements but by introducing versioning

Next steps:

• minimal set of working test by end of September • full mini-HLT demonstrator (read L1 info, create 2-3 event views, run real trigger algorithms) by end of year

Interface of menu-aware monitoring () with DB (Ben S)

• v0 version is (almost) ready: have oracle DB running at CERN; uploaded default T0 monitoring configuration • Last(?) remaining problem: how to deal with old configurations (made by Tatsiana, obsolete by now): talk to Joerg for a safe solution

GPU HLT demonstrator (Andy)

Have started working on this, profiling to follow

T0 monitoring (Christos)

Mostly quiet period; small monitoring updates by some slice groups

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 13 August (10:30 AM UK)

Summary of 03JUL-15 virtual meeting

Rulebook and online operations (Yanyan)

Mainly working on rulebook bug fixes/improvements, as a menu expert, and online operations. Will be at CERN this coming week for online on-call shifts and menu work.

Future framework (Ben W)

Working on EventViews. Big framework design/development workshop next week, will present latest progress on Athena integration.

Interface of menu-aware monitoring () with DB (Ben S)

At CERN this week, meeting with trigger, trigger-DB experts and monitoring customers. Good progress on the MaM has been made: working on suggestions to underlying code made by Joerg. Prepared proposal covering extra features for MaM version 2.

Summary of 31JUL-15 meeting 94 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

T0 monitoring (Christos)

Updating monitoring categories for muon and egamma as requested by DQ and trigger groups.

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 31 June (10:30 AM UK)

Summary of 05JUN-15 meeting


Ben W, Ben S, Andy, Christos

Minute scribe: Christos

Future framework (Ben W)

Have been busy discussing Views prototypes at various meetings in the last 2 weeks

Interface of menu-aware monitoring with DB (Ben S)

Working on implementation/storing of diffs of monitoring configurations wrt default one (to be taken from release); Have been discussing technical details with Alex Martyniuk (trigger monitoring DB expert)

Expect to have first prototype released to T0 monitoring experts for testing in a week

T0 monitoring (Christos)

Updating tests and recipes to incorporate new 13 TeV data as input

Summary of 22MAY-15 meeting


Ben W, Ben S, Tim, Yanyan, Christos

Minute scribe: Christos

Future framework (Ben W)

Has been working on Views prototypes; gave status report at TDAQ week, see:

Will be focusing on multi-threaded work.

Interface of menu-aware monitoring with DB (Ben S)

Aiming to have 1st prototype ready in time for Trigger Offline Monitoring meeting (29 May).

Menu-expert (Yanyan)

Has been taking trigger online on-call shifts; busy with operations

T0 monitoring (Christos) 95 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

Triggering on displaced vertices and GPU (Ben W)

Has prepared trigger menu running on cosmic data as input for Tims tests

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 5 June (10:30 AM UK)

Summary of 08MAY-15 meeting

Attending: Ben W, Ben S, Tim, Andy, Yanyan, Christos

Minute scribe: Christos

Future framework (Ben)

• See talk from Thursdays ATLAS UK HLT meeting:

Interface of menu-aware monitoring with DB (Ben S)

• See talk from Thursdays ATLAS UK HLT meeting:

Future framework (Andy)

• Busy with CHEP/other conferences & proceedings writing • FSTF: plans for HLT profiling

Menu-expert (Yanyan)

• Taking menu-expert training course

Triggering on displaced vertices and GPU (Tim)

• No progress recently • Next steps: ♦ Find signal MC sample with displaced vertexes ♦ Confirm that vanilla tracking algorithm can reconstruct signal tracks by augmenting beamspot uncertainty ♦ Use FastTrackFinder to find all tracks originating from PV; then run displaced-track finder using GPUs with orphan tracker hits

Offline Trigger (and Menu-aware) monitoring (Christos)

• Migration of python configuration for Menu-aware monitoring successfully completed; Provides central monitoring functionality for slice groups & DQ

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 22 May (10:30 AM UK)

Summary of 24APR-15 meeting

Attending: Ben W, Ben S, Tim, Victoria, Christos

Minute scribe: Christos

Triggering on displaced vertices and GPU (Ben W) 96 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

Future framework (Ben)

• EventViews (aka: trigger elements) prototype is in place (looks quite nice) . • Still working on comments for draft note ( ) • Hope to use semi-realistic trigger menu (in discussions with Francesca Pastore) to show performance numbers with athena at June workshop at CERN

Triggering on displaced vertices and GPU (Ben W, Tim)

• Have implemented python-based event display to visualise signatures & debug displaced tracking (Tim) • Next steps: ♦ Find MC sample with displaced vertexes ♦ Confirm that vanilla tracking algorithm can reconstruct signal tracks by augmenting beamspot uncertainty ♦ Use FastTrackFinder to find all tracks originating from PV; then run displaced-track finder using GPUs with orphan tracker hits

Interface of menu-aware monitoring with DB (Ben S)

• New activity by Ben: interface menu-aware monitoring with DB; expect to work in collaboration with Yanyan (rulebook) and Christos (offline trigger monitoring) • Working on python scripts for managing monitoring configurations (use the one from release as baseline configuration, and manage changes wrt default one) • Next steps: release prototype to slice experts

Offline Trigger (and Menu-aware) monitoring (Christos)

• Working on redesign of python class to provide central monitoring functionality for slice groups & DQ (with help from Tim);

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 8 May (10:30 AM UK) (TBC)

Summary of 20MAR-15 meeting

Attending: Ben W, Ben S, Tim, Christos

Minute scribe: Christos

Software performance (Ben & Andy)

• Stewart (Martin-Haugh) has requested some help from us on profiling and interpretation of Cuda output; (Ben promised that) minimal time is devoted on this

Future framework (Ben)

• Work continues on the EventViews (aka: trigger elements) prototype. Current focus is on static polymorphism of code (aka: templates) • Also working on comments for draft note ( ); Comments still welcome

Triggering on displaced vertices and GPU (Ben S, Tim)

• Discussion on simple tracking algorithm demonstrating proof-of-principle • Goals for next meeting:

Future framework (Ben) 97 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

♦ Implement python-based event display to visualise signatures (Tim) ♦ Investigate potential tracking options from Run-1 and/or the market (Ben S)

Offline Trigger (and Menu-aware) monitoring (Christos)

• Redesign of python class to provide central monitoring functionality for slice groups & DQ (with help from Tim); Proposal sent to Data Quality group

Next scheduled meeting: TENTATIVELY on Friday 24 April (10:30 AM UK) (TBC)

Summary of 06MAR-15 meeting

Attending: Ben W, Yanyan, Andy, Tim, Christos

Minute scribe: Christos

Future framework (Ben)

• Work continues on the EventViews prototype. We have some more test cases, and an example that satisfies all tests thus far.


• GPU work for CHEP using Nvidia Kepler and (Release Candidate) Cuda 7; project is on decision forests & machine learning; Relevant for trigger algorithms on GPUs? • FSTF: Performance measurements for low-power CPUs with Glasgow • Some help offered to Stewart on profiling jobs

Rulebook (Yanyan)

• Monitoring triggers implemented separately in cosmic menu • Validation of pre-scale calculations • Discussions for involvement with jet trigger performance group (relevant for VV exotic search)

Offline Trigger (and Menu-aware) monitoring (Christos)

• Discussions with Data Quality group on access to trigger monitoring categories • Redesign of python class to provide central monitoring functionality for slice groups & DQ (with help from Tim)

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 20 March (10:30 AM UK)

Summary of 20FEB-15 meeting

Attending: Ben W, Yanyan, Andy, Christos Apologies: Tim

Minute scribe: Christos

Future framework (Ben)

• Discussions with Tomasz (Bold), John (Baines) on how to go about HLT framework prototype; Opinions on how to get started vary between from storegate and athena (Ben John) and from scratch (Tomasz). Will probably try both approaches

Triggering on displaced vertices and GPU (Ben S, Tim) 98 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki


• Started new role as co-convener of the ATLAS Future Software and Technology Forum. Looking for people to join effort; Run-2 preparations understandably a major distraction

Trigger menu & dynamic prescales (Yanyan)

• Working on rulebook script for the Run-2 data-taking. In particular: ♦ Commissioning of current script (introducing new trigger tools and CTP) at M8 ♦ Development of tools for prescale calculation for MC15 in preparation for physics

Offline Trigger (and Menu-aware) monitoring (Christos)

• Migration of trigger chains from source code to python configuration files complete • Next steps include interface with DB, and preparation for adaption of functionality by DQ groups • Also helping with online monitoring (why?)

GPU algorithm proof-of-principle for displaced vertices (Ben, Andy, Tim)

• No progress recently

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 6 March (10:30 AM UK)

Summary of 06FEB-15 meeting

Attending: Ben W, Yanyan, Christos

Apologies: Andy, Tim

Minute scribe: Christos

Future framework (Ben)

• A draft of requirements report available for comments: ? • Ben & Tomasz Bold to look at providing trigger demonstrators in new software framework

Trigger menu & dynamic prescales (Yanyan)

• Taking trigger online on-call shifts for M8 • Work on rule-book script continues

Menu-aware monitoring (Christos)

• Preparations for M8

GPU algorithm proof-of-principle for displaced vertices (Ben & Tim)

• No progress recently

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 20 February (10:30 AM UK)

-- ChristosLeonidopoulos - 2016-01-15

This topic: Main > ATLASEdinburghHLTEdMeetings2015 Topic revision: r1 - 2016-01-15 - ChristosLeonidopoulos

Andy 99 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback ATLAS Edinburgh Meetings in 2015

Summary of 25SEP-15 meeting


Attendance at future events:

• ATLAS UK HLT meeting, 3-4 Nov (RAL): Ben S, Ben W, Christos (PLEASE REGISTER) • Technical Interchange Meeting, 9-12 Nov (Berkeley): Ben W • TDAQ week, 30 Nov-04 Dec (Embra): Ben W, Yanyan, Victoria, Christos (PLEASE REGISTER)

Other news:

• Ben S has accepted a new job at Annecy! Congrats Ben! • Happy birthday Yanyan!

Online operations (Yanyan)

• Busy with online shifts • Had discussion at CERN with Joerg & Anna on dynamic pre-scaling scheme. Latest mood is not to implement this year. A less ambitious plan it to have software calculate rates and notify trigger to push new set of (pre-calculated) triggers. Install by February?

Future framework (Ben W)

• Busy with event views; Level-1 reader algorithm to be creating views (corresponding to RoIs) • Next on to-do list: algorithms scheduler (currently: static) and sequence concept.

Cool DB (Ben S)

• Version 1.2 in the pipeline. Gave presentations & tutorials at CERN • Need to discuss deployment & commissioning plan over next month with Joerg/Martin.

Displaced vertex tracking and triggers (Christos)

• Trying to get tracking CP conveners to agree on authorship task

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 23 October (11:00 AM UK) **NOTE UNUSUAL TIME**

Summary of 28AUG-15 meeting

Online operations (Yanyan)

Busy with online shifts

Cool DB (Ben S)

First version of Menu-Aware-monitorng interface to COOL DB released to the masses; TrigHLTMonitoring-00-07-02 to be included in next T0 release

GPU algorithm proof-of-principle for displaced vertices (Ben & Tim) 100 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

Future framework (Ben W)

• Have been working with event views, in the context of roadmap for demonstrator (to be delivered by end of year) • Will be attending November TIM meeting at Berkeley ( )

Displaced vertex tracking and triggers (Christos)

Have been discussing with Physics coordination about R&D trigger studies coupled with GPU proof-of-principle prototype. This is currently organised under Tracker CP umbrella, and can be followed through:

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 11 September (10:30 AM UK)

Summary of 31JUL-15 meeting

Rulebook and online operations (Yanyan)

Mostly busy with on-call shifts

Dynamic-prescaling: not much happening till end of the year(?)

Future framework (Ben W)

Have been working with trigger elements (event-views equivalent on storegate) and trying to make them work in athena; Effort to reduce # of views by keeping ~same trigger elements but by introducing versioning

Next steps:

• minimal set of working test by end of September • full mini-HLT demonstrator (read L1 info, create 2-3 event views, run real trigger algorithms) by end of year

Interface of menu-aware monitoring () with DB (Ben S)

• v0 version is (almost) ready: have oracle DB running at CERN; uploaded default T0 monitoring configuration • Last(?) remaining problem: how to deal with old configurations (made by Tatsiana, obsolete by now): talk to Joerg for a safe solution

GPU HLT demonstrator (Andy)

Have started working on this, profiling to follow

T0 monitoring (Christos)

Mostly quiet period; small monitoring updates by some slice groups

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 13 August (10:30 AM UK)

Summary of 03JUL-15 virtual meeting

Future framework (Ben W) 101 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

Rulebook and online operations (Yanyan)

Mainly working on rulebook bug fixes/improvements, as a menu expert, and online operations. Will be at CERN this coming week for online on-call shifts and menu work.

Future framework (Ben W)

Working on EventViews. Big framework design/development workshop next week, will present latest progress on Athena integration.

Interface of menu-aware monitoring () with DB (Ben S)

At CERN this week, meeting with trigger, trigger-DB experts and monitoring customers. Good progress on the MaM has been made: working on suggestions to underlying code made by Joerg. Prepared proposal covering extra features for MaM version 2.

T0 monitoring (Christos)

Updating monitoring categories for muon and egamma as requested by DQ and trigger groups.

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 31 June (10:30 AM UK)

Summary of 05JUN-15 meeting


Ben W, Ben S, Andy, Christos

Minute scribe: Christos

Future framework (Ben W)

Have been busy discussing Views prototypes at various meetings in the last 2 weeks

Interface of menu-aware monitoring with DB (Ben S)

Working on implementation/storing of diffs of monitoring configurations wrt default one (to be taken from release); Have been discussing technical details with Alex Martyniuk (trigger monitoring DB expert)

Expect to have first prototype released to T0 monitoring experts for testing in a week

T0 monitoring (Christos)

Updating tests and recipes to incorporate new 13 TeV data as input

Summary of 22MAY-15 meeting


Ben W, Ben S, Tim, Yanyan, Christos

Minute scribe: Christos

Rulebook and online operations (Yanyan) 102 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

Future framework (Ben W)

Has been working on Views prototypes; gave status report at TDAQ week, see:

Will be focusing on multi-threaded work.

Interface of menu-aware monitoring with DB (Ben S)

Aiming to have 1st prototype ready in time for Trigger Offline Monitoring meeting (29 May).

Menu-expert (Yanyan)

Has been taking trigger online on-call shifts; busy with operations

Triggering on displaced vertices and GPU (Ben W)

Has prepared trigger menu running on cosmic data as input for Tims tests

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 5 June (10:30 AM UK)

Summary of 08MAY-15 meeting

Attending: Ben W, Ben S, Tim, Andy, Yanyan, Christos

Minute scribe: Christos

Future framework (Ben)

• See talk from Thursdays ATLAS UK HLT meeting:

Interface of menu-aware monitoring with DB (Ben S)

• See talk from Thursdays ATLAS UK HLT meeting:

Future framework (Andy)

• Busy with CHEP/other conferences & proceedings writing • FSTF: plans for HLT profiling

Menu-expert (Yanyan)

• Taking menu-expert training course

Triggering on displaced vertices and GPU (Tim)

• No progress recently • Next steps: ♦ Find signal MC sample with displaced vertexes ♦ Confirm that vanilla tracking algorithm can reconstruct signal tracks by augmenting beamspot uncertainty

Future framework (Ben W) 103 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

♦ Use FastTrackFinder to find all tracks originating from PV; then run displaced-track finder using GPUs with orphan tracker hits

Offline Trigger (and Menu-aware) monitoring (Christos)

• Migration of python configuration for Menu-aware monitoring successfully completed; Provides central monitoring functionality for slice groups & DQ

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 22 May (10:30 AM UK)

Summary of 24APR-15 meeting

Attending: Ben W, Ben S, Tim, Victoria, Christos

Minute scribe: Christos

Future framework (Ben)

• EventViews (aka: trigger elements) prototype is in place (looks quite nice) . • Still working on comments for draft note ( ) • Hope to use semi-realistic trigger menu (in discussions with Francesca Pastore) to show performance numbers with athena at June workshop at CERN

Triggering on displaced vertices and GPU (Ben W, Tim)

• Have implemented python-based event display to visualise signatures & debug displaced tracking (Tim) • Next steps: ♦ Find MC sample with displaced vertexes ♦ Confirm that vanilla tracking algorithm can reconstruct signal tracks by augmenting beamspot uncertainty ♦ Use FastTrackFinder to find all tracks originating from PV; then run displaced-track finder using GPUs with orphan tracker hits

Interface of menu-aware monitoring with DB (Ben S)

• New activity by Ben: interface menu-aware monitoring with DB; expect to work in collaboration with Yanyan (rulebook) and Christos (offline trigger monitoring) • Working on python scripts for managing monitoring configurations (use the one from release as baseline configuration, and manage changes wrt default one) • Next steps: release prototype to slice experts

Offline Trigger (and Menu-aware) monitoring (Christos)

• Working on redesign of python class to provide central monitoring functionality for slice groups & DQ (with help from Tim);

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 8 May (10:30 AM UK) (TBC)

Summary of 20MAR-15 meeting

Attending: Ben W, Ben S, Tim, Christos

Minute scribe: Christos

Triggering on displaced vertices and GPU (Tim) 104 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

Software performance (Ben & Andy)

• Stewart (Martin-Haugh) has requested some help from us on profiling and interpretation of Cuda output; (Ben promised that) minimal time is devoted on this

Future framework (Ben)

• Work continues on the EventViews (aka: trigger elements) prototype. Current focus is on static polymorphism of code (aka: templates) • Also working on comments for draft note ( ); Comments still welcome

Triggering on displaced vertices and GPU (Ben S, Tim)

• Discussion on simple tracking algorithm demonstrating proof-of-principle • Goals for next meeting: ♦ Implement python-based event display to visualise signatures (Tim) ♦ Investigate potential tracking options from Run-1 and/or the market (Ben S)

Offline Trigger (and Menu-aware) monitoring (Christos)

• Redesign of python class to provide central monitoring functionality for slice groups & DQ (with help from Tim); Proposal sent to Data Quality group

Next scheduled meeting: TENTATIVELY on Friday 24 April (10:30 AM UK) (TBC)

Summary of 06MAR-15 meeting

Attending: Ben W, Yanyan, Andy, Tim, Christos

Minute scribe: Christos

Future framework (Ben)

• Work continues on the EventViews prototype. We have some more test cases, and an example that satisfies all tests thus far.


• GPU work for CHEP using Nvidia Kepler and (Release Candidate) Cuda 7; project is on decision forests & machine learning; Relevant for trigger algorithms on GPUs? • FSTF: Performance measurements for low-power CPUs with Glasgow • Some help offered to Stewart on profiling jobs

Rulebook (Yanyan)

• Monitoring triggers implemented separately in cosmic menu • Validation of pre-scale calculations • Discussions for involvement with jet trigger performance group (relevant for VV exotic search)

Offline Trigger (and Menu-aware) monitoring (Christos)

• Discussions with Data Quality group on access to trigger monitoring categories • Redesign of python class to provide central monitoring functionality for slice groups & DQ (with help from Tim)

Software performance (Ben & Andy) 105 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki Next scheduled meeting: Friday 20 March (10:30 AM UK)

Summary of 20FEB-15 meeting

Attending: Ben W, Yanyan, Andy, Christos Apologies: Tim

Minute scribe: Christos

Future framework (Ben)

• Discussions with Tomasz (Bold), John (Baines) on how to go about HLT framework prototype; Opinions on how to get started vary between from storegate and athena (Ben John) and from scratch (Tomasz). Will probably try both approaches


• Started new role as co-convener of the ATLAS Future Software and Technology Forum. Looking for people to join effort; Run-2 preparations understandably a major distraction

Trigger menu & dynamic prescales (Yanyan)

• Working on rulebook script for the Run-2 data-taking. In particular: ♦ Commissioning of current script (introducing new trigger tools and CTP) at M8 ♦ Development of tools for prescale calculation for MC15 in preparation for physics

Offline Trigger (and Menu-aware) monitoring (Christos)

• Migration of trigger chains from source code to python configuration files complete • Next steps include interface with DB, and preparation for adaption of functionality by DQ groups • Also helping with online monitoring (why?)

GPU algorithm proof-of-principle for displaced vertices (Ben, Andy, Tim)

• No progress recently

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 6 March (10:30 AM UK)

Summary of 06FEB-15 meeting

Attending: Ben W, Yanyan, Christos

Apologies: Andy, Tim

Minute scribe: Christos

Future framework (Ben)

• A draft of requirements report available for comments: ? • Ben & Tomasz Bold to look at providing trigger demonstrators in new software framework

Trigger menu & dynamic prescales (Yanyan)

• Taking trigger online on-call shifts for M8 • Work on rule-book script continues

Offline Trigger (and Menu-aware) monitoring (Christos) 106 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

Menu-aware monitoring (Christos)

• Preparations for M8

GPU algorithm proof-of-principle for displaced vertices (Ben & Tim)

• No progress recently

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 20 February (10:30 AM UK)

-- ChristosLeonidopoulos - 2016-01-15

This topic: Main > ATLASEdinburghHLTEdMeetings2015 Topic revision: r1 - 2016-01-15 - ChristosLeonidopoulos

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback;def=topic_access;param1=VIEW;param2=access%20not%20allowed%20on%20topic

This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghHLTEdMeetings Topic revision: r45 - 2016-05-22 - ChristosLeonidopoulos

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback;def=topic_access;param1=VIEW;param2=access%20not%20allowed%20on%20topic

This topic: Main > ATLASEdinburghHLTEdMeetings2013 Topic revision: r1 - 2014-10-14 - ChristosLeonidopoulos

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback;def=topic_access;param1=VIEW;param2=access%20not%20allowed%20on%20topic

This topic: Main > ATLASEdinburghHLTEdMeetings2013 Topic revision: r1 - 2014-10-14 - ChristosLeonidopoulos

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback;def=topic_access;param1=VIEW;param2=access%20not%20allowed%20on%20topic

This topic: Main > ATLASEdinburghHLTEdMeetings2014 Topic revision: r1 - 2015-02-08 - ChristosLeonidopoulos

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback;def=topic_access;param1=VIEW;param2=access%20not%20allowed%20on%20topic

Menu-aware monitoring (Christos) 107 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki This topic: Main > ATLASEdinburghHLTEdMeetings2014 Topic revision: r1 - 2015-02-08 - ChristosLeonidopoulos

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback ATLAS Edinburgh Meetings in 2015

Summary of 25SEP-15 meeting


Attendance at future events:

• ATLAS UK HLT meeting, 3-4 Nov (RAL): Ben S, Ben W, Christos (PLEASE REGISTER) • Technical Interchange Meeting, 9-12 Nov (Berkeley): Ben W • TDAQ week, 30 Nov-04 Dec (Embra): Ben W, Yanyan, Victoria, Christos (PLEASE REGISTER)

Other news:

• Ben S has accepted a new job at Annecy! Congrats Ben! • Happy birthday Yanyan!

Online operations (Yanyan)

• Busy with online shifts • Had discussion at CERN with Joerg & Anna on dynamic pre-scaling scheme. Latest mood is not to implement this year. A less ambitious plan it to have software calculate rates and notify trigger to push new set of (pre-calculated) triggers. Install by February?

Future framework (Ben W)

• Busy with event views; Level-1 reader algorithm to be creating views (corresponding to RoIs) • Next on to-do list: algorithms scheduler (currently: static) and sequence concept.

Cool DB (Ben S)

• Version 1.2 in the pipeline. Gave presentations & tutorials at CERN • Need to discuss deployment & commissioning plan over next month with Joerg/Martin.

Displaced vertex tracking and triggers (Christos)

• Trying to get tracking CP conveners to agree on authorship task

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 23 October (11:00 AM UK) **NOTE UNUSUAL TIME**

Summary of 28AUG-15 meeting

Online operations (Yanyan)

Busy with online shifts

GPU algorithm proof-of-principle for displaced vertices (Ben & Tim) 108 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

Cool DB (Ben S)

First version of Menu-Aware-monitorng interface to COOL DB released to the masses; TrigHLTMonitoring-00-07-02 to be included in next T0 release

Future framework (Ben W)

• Have been working with event views, in the context of roadmap for demonstrator (to be delivered by end of year) • Will be attending November TIM meeting at Berkeley ( )

Displaced vertex tracking and triggers (Christos)

Have been discussing with Physics coordination about R&D trigger studies coupled with GPU proof-of-principle prototype. This is currently organised under Tracker CP umbrella, and can be followed through:

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 11 September (10:30 AM UK)

Summary of 31JUL-15 meeting

Rulebook and online operations (Yanyan)

Mostly busy with on-call shifts

Dynamic-prescaling: not much happening till end of the year(?)

Future framework (Ben W)

Have been working with trigger elements (event-views equivalent on storegate) and trying to make them work in athena; Effort to reduce # of views by keeping ~same trigger elements but by introducing versioning

Next steps:

• minimal set of working test by end of September • full mini-HLT demonstrator (read L1 info, create 2-3 event views, run real trigger algorithms) by end of year

Interface of menu-aware monitoring () with DB (Ben S)

• v0 version is (almost) ready: have oracle DB running at CERN; uploaded default T0 monitoring configuration • Last(?) remaining problem: how to deal with old configurations (made by Tatsiana, obsolete by now): talk to Joerg for a safe solution

GPU HLT demonstrator (Andy)

Have started working on this, profiling to follow

T0 monitoring (Christos)

Mostly quiet period; small monitoring updates by some slice groups

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 13 August (10:30 AM UK)

MaM Cool DB (Ben S) 109 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki Summary of 03JUL-15 virtual meeting

Rulebook and online operations (Yanyan)

Mainly working on rulebook bug fixes/improvements, as a menu expert, and online operations. Will be at CERN this coming week for online on-call shifts and menu work.

Future framework (Ben W)

Working on EventViews. Big framework design/development workshop next week, will present latest progress on Athena integration.

Interface of menu-aware monitoring () with DB (Ben S)

At CERN this week, meeting with trigger, trigger-DB experts and monitoring customers. Good progress on the MaM has been made: working on suggestions to underlying code made by Joerg. Prepared proposal covering extra features for MaM version 2.

T0 monitoring (Christos)

Updating monitoring categories for muon and egamma as requested by DQ and trigger groups.

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 31 June (10:30 AM UK)

Summary of 05JUN-15 meeting


Ben W, Ben S, Andy, Christos

Minute scribe: Christos

Future framework (Ben W)

Have been busy discussing Views prototypes at various meetings in the last 2 weeks

Interface of menu-aware monitoring with DB (Ben S)

Working on implementation/storing of diffs of monitoring configurations wrt default one (to be taken from release); Have been discussing technical details with Alex Martyniuk (trigger monitoring DB expert)

Expect to have first prototype released to T0 monitoring experts for testing in a week

T0 monitoring (Christos)

Updating tests and recipes to incorporate new 13 TeV data as input

Summary of 22MAY-15 meeting


Ben W, Ben S, Tim, Yanyan, Christos

Minute scribe: Christos

Summary of 03JUL-15 virtual meeting 110 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

Future framework (Ben W)

Has been working on Views prototypes; gave status report at TDAQ week, see:

Will be focusing on multi-threaded work.

Interface of menu-aware monitoring with DB (Ben S)

Aiming to have 1st prototype ready in time for Trigger Offline Monitoring meeting (29 May).

Menu-expert (Yanyan)

Has been taking trigger online on-call shifts; busy with operations

Triggering on displaced vertices and GPU (Ben W)

Has prepared trigger menu running on cosmic data as input for Tims tests

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 5 June (10:30 AM UK)

Summary of 08MAY-15 meeting

Attending: Ben W, Ben S, Tim, Andy, Yanyan, Christos

Minute scribe: Christos

Future framework (Ben)

• See talk from Thursdays ATLAS UK HLT meeting:

Interface of menu-aware monitoring with DB (Ben S)

• See talk from Thursdays ATLAS UK HLT meeting:

Future framework (Andy)

• Busy with CHEP/other conferences & proceedings writing • FSTF: plans for HLT profiling

Menu-expert (Yanyan)

• Taking menu-expert training course

Triggering on displaced vertices and GPU (Tim)

• No progress recently • Next steps: ♦ Find signal MC sample with displaced vertexes ♦ Confirm that vanilla tracking algorithm can reconstruct signal tracks by augmenting beamspot uncertainty

Future framework (Ben W) 111 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

♦ Use FastTrackFinder to find all tracks originating from PV; then run displaced-track finder using GPUs with orphan tracker hits

Offline Trigger (and Menu-aware) monitoring (Christos)

• Migration of python configuration for Menu-aware monitoring successfully completed; Provides central monitoring functionality for slice groups & DQ

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 22 May (10:30 AM UK)

Summary of 24APR-15 meeting

Attending: Ben W, Ben S, Tim, Victoria, Christos

Minute scribe: Christos

Future framework (Ben)

• EventViews (aka: trigger elements) prototype is in place (looks quite nice) . • Still working on comments for draft note ( ) • Hope to use semi-realistic trigger menu (in discussions with Francesca Pastore) to show performance numbers with athena at June workshop at CERN

Triggering on displaced vertices and GPU (Ben W, Tim)

• Have implemented python-based event display to visualise signatures & debug displaced tracking (Tim) • Next steps: ♦ Find MC sample with displaced vertexes ♦ Confirm that vanilla tracking algorithm can reconstruct signal tracks by augmenting beamspot uncertainty ♦ Use FastTrackFinder to find all tracks originating from PV; then run displaced-track finder using GPUs with orphan tracker hits

Interface of menu-aware monitoring with DB (Ben S)

• New activity by Ben: interface menu-aware monitoring with DB; expect to work in collaboration with Yanyan (rulebook) and Christos (offline trigger monitoring) • Working on python scripts for managing monitoring configurations (use the one from release as baseline configuration, and manage changes wrt default one) • Next steps: release prototype to slice experts

Offline Trigger (and Menu-aware) monitoring (Christos)

• Working on redesign of python class to provide central monitoring functionality for slice groups & DQ (with help from Tim);

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 8 May (10:30 AM UK) (TBC)

Summary of 20MAR-15 meeting

Attending: Ben W, Ben S, Tim, Christos

Minute scribe: Christos

Triggering on displaced vertices and GPU (Tim) 112 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

Software performance (Ben & Andy)

• Stewart (Martin-Haugh) has requested some help from us on profiling and interpretation of Cuda output; (Ben promised that) minimal time is devoted on this

Future framework (Ben)

• Work continues on the EventViews (aka: trigger elements) prototype. Current focus is on static polymorphism of code (aka: templates) • Also working on comments for draft note ( ); Comments still welcome

Triggering on displaced vertices and GPU (Ben S, Tim)

• Discussion on simple tracking algorithm demonstrating proof-of-principle • Goals for next meeting: ♦ Implement python-based event display to visualise signatures (Tim) ♦ Investigate potential tracking options from Run-1 and/or the market (Ben S)

Offline Trigger (and Menu-aware) monitoring (Christos)

• Redesign of python class to provide central monitoring functionality for slice groups & DQ (with help from Tim); Proposal sent to Data Quality group

Next scheduled meeting: TENTATIVELY on Friday 24 April (10:30 AM UK) (TBC)

Summary of 06MAR-15 meeting

Attending: Ben W, Yanyan, Andy, Tim, Christos

Minute scribe: Christos

Future framework (Ben)

• Work continues on the EventViews prototype. We have some more test cases, and an example that satisfies all tests thus far.


• GPU work for CHEP using Nvidia Kepler and (Release Candidate) Cuda 7; project is on decision forests & machine learning; Relevant for trigger algorithms on GPUs? • FSTF: Performance measurements for low-power CPUs with Glasgow • Some help offered to Stewart on profiling jobs

Rulebook (Yanyan)

• Monitoring triggers implemented separately in cosmic menu • Validation of pre-scale calculations • Discussions for involvement with jet trigger performance group (relevant for VV exotic search)

Offline Trigger (and Menu-aware) monitoring (Christos)

• Discussions with Data Quality group on access to trigger monitoring categories • Redesign of python class to provide central monitoring functionality for slice groups & DQ (with help from Tim)

Software performance (Ben & Andy) 113 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki Next scheduled meeting: Friday 20 March (10:30 AM UK)

Summary of 20FEB-15 meeting

Attending: Ben W, Yanyan, Andy, Christos Apologies: Tim

Minute scribe: Christos

Future framework (Ben)

• Discussions with Tomasz (Bold), John (Baines) on how to go about HLT framework prototype; Opinions on how to get started vary between from storegate and athena (Ben John) and from scratch (Tomasz). Will probably try both approaches


• Started new role as co-convener of the ATLAS Future Software and Technology Forum. Looking for people to join effort; Run-2 preparations understandably a major distraction

Trigger menu & dynamic prescales (Yanyan)

• Working on rulebook script for the Run-2 data-taking. In particular: ♦ Commissioning of current script (introducing new trigger tools and CTP) at M8 ♦ Development of tools for prescale calculation for MC15 in preparation for physics

Offline Trigger (and Menu-aware) monitoring (Christos)

• Migration of trigger chains from source code to python configuration files complete • Next steps include interface with DB, and preparation for adaption of functionality by DQ groups • Also helping with online monitoring (why?)

GPU algorithm proof-of-principle for displaced vertices (Ben, Andy, Tim)

• No progress recently

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 6 March (10:30 AM UK)

Summary of 06FEB-15 meeting

Attending: Ben W, Yanyan, Christos

Apologies: Andy, Tim

Minute scribe: Christos

Future framework (Ben)

• A draft of requirements report available for comments: ? • Ben & Tomasz Bold to look at providing trigger demonstrators in new software framework

Trigger menu & dynamic prescales (Yanyan)

• Taking trigger online on-call shifts for M8 • Work on rule-book script continues

Offline Trigger (and Menu-aware) monitoring (Christos) 114 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

Menu-aware monitoring (Christos)

• Preparations for M8

GPU algorithm proof-of-principle for displaced vertices (Ben & Tim)

• No progress recently

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 20 February (10:30 AM UK)

-- ChristosLeonidopoulos - 2016-01-15

This topic: Main > ATLASEdinburghHLTEdMeetings2015 Topic revision: r1 - 2016-01-15 - ChristosLeonidopoulos

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback ATLAS Edinburgh Meetings in 2015

Summary of 25SEP-15 meeting


Attendance at future events:

• ATLAS UK HLT meeting, 3-4 Nov (RAL): Ben S, Ben W, Christos (PLEASE REGISTER) • Technical Interchange Meeting, 9-12 Nov (Berkeley): Ben W • TDAQ week, 30 Nov-04 Dec (Embra): Ben W, Yanyan, Victoria, Christos (PLEASE REGISTER)

Other news:

• Ben S has accepted a new job at Annecy! Congrats Ben! • Happy birthday Yanyan!

Online operations (Yanyan)

• Busy with online shifts • Had discussion at CERN with Joerg & Anna on dynamic pre-scaling scheme. Latest mood is not to implement this year. A less ambitious plan it to have software calculate rates and notify trigger to push new set of (pre-calculated) triggers. Install by February?

Future framework (Ben W)

• Busy with event views; Level-1 reader algorithm to be creating views (corresponding to RoIs) • Next on to-do list: algorithms scheduler (currently: static) and sequence concept.

Cool DB (Ben S)

• Version 1.2 in the pipeline. Gave presentations & tutorials at CERN • Need to discuss deployment & commissioning plan over next month with Joerg/Martin.

Menu-aware monitoring (Christos) 115 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

Displaced vertex tracking and triggers (Christos)

• Trying to get tracking CP conveners to agree on authorship task

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 23 October (11:00 AM UK) **NOTE UNUSUAL TIME**

Summary of 28AUG-15 meeting

Online operations (Yanyan)

Busy with online shifts

Cool DB (Ben S)

First version of Menu-Aware-monitorng interface to COOL DB released to the masses; TrigHLTMonitoring-00-07-02 to be included in next T0 release

Future framework (Ben W)

• Have been working with event views, in the context of roadmap for demonstrator (to be delivered by end of year) • Will be attending November TIM meeting at Berkeley ( )

Displaced vertex tracking and triggers (Christos)

Have been discussing with Physics coordination about R&D trigger studies coupled with GPU proof-of-principle prototype. This is currently organised under Tracker CP umbrella, and can be followed through:

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 11 September (10:30 AM UK)

Summary of 31JUL-15 meeting

Rulebook and online operations (Yanyan)

Mostly busy with on-call shifts

Dynamic-prescaling: not much happening till end of the year(?)

Future framework (Ben W)

Have been working with trigger elements (event-views equivalent on storegate) and trying to make them work in athena; Effort to reduce # of views by keeping ~same trigger elements but by introducing versioning

Next steps:

• minimal set of working test by end of September • full mini-HLT demonstrator (read L1 info, create 2-3 event views, run real trigger algorithms) by end of year

Interface of menu-aware monitoring () with DB (Ben S)

• v0 version is (almost) ready: have oracle DB running at CERN; uploaded default T0 monitoring configuration

Displaced vertex tracking and triggers (Christos) 116 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

• Last(?) remaining problem: how to deal with old configurations (made by Tatsiana, obsolete by now): talk to Joerg for a safe solution

GPU HLT demonstrator (Andy)

Have started working on this, profiling to follow

T0 monitoring (Christos)

Mostly quiet period; small monitoring updates by some slice groups

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 13 August (10:30 AM UK)

Summary of 03JUL-15 virtual meeting

Rulebook and online operations (Yanyan)

Mainly working on rulebook bug fixes/improvements, as a menu expert, and online operations. Will be at CERN this coming week for online on-call shifts and menu work.

Future framework (Ben W)

Working on EventViews. Big framework design/development workshop next week, will present latest progress on Athena integration.

Interface of menu-aware monitoring () with DB (Ben S)

At CERN this week, meeting with trigger, trigger-DB experts and monitoring customers. Good progress on the MaM has been made: working on suggestions to underlying code made by Joerg. Prepared proposal covering extra features for MaM version 2.

T0 monitoring (Christos)

Updating monitoring categories for muon and egamma as requested by DQ and trigger groups.

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 31 June (10:30 AM UK)

Summary of 05JUN-15 meeting


Ben W, Ben S, Andy, Christos

Minute scribe: Christos

Future framework (Ben W)

Have been busy discussing Views prototypes at various meetings in the last 2 weeks

Interface of menu-aware monitoring with DB (Ben S)

Working on implementation/storing of diffs of monitoring configurations wrt default one (to be taken from release); Have been discussing technical details with Alex Martyniuk (trigger monitoring DB expert)

Expect to have first prototype released to T0 monitoring experts for testing in a week

Interface of menu-aware monitoring (MaM) with DB (Ben S) 117 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

T0 monitoring (Christos)

Updating tests and recipes to incorporate new 13 TeV data as input

Summary of 22MAY-15 meeting


Ben W, Ben S, Tim, Yanyan, Christos

Minute scribe: Christos

Future framework (Ben W)

Has been working on Views prototypes; gave status report at TDAQ week, see:

Will be focusing on multi-threaded work.

Interface of menu-aware monitoring with DB (Ben S)

Aiming to have 1st prototype ready in time for Trigger Offline Monitoring meeting (29 May).

Menu-expert (Yanyan)

Has been taking trigger online on-call shifts; busy with operations

Triggering on displaced vertices and GPU (Ben W)

Has prepared trigger menu running on cosmic data as input for Tims tests

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 5 June (10:30 AM UK)

Summary of 08MAY-15 meeting

Attending: Ben W, Ben S, Tim, Andy, Yanyan, Christos

Minute scribe: Christos

Future framework (Ben)

• See talk from Thursdays ATLAS UK HLT meeting:

Interface of menu-aware monitoring with DB (Ben S)

• See talk from Thursdays ATLAS UK HLT meeting:

Future framework (Andy)

• Busy with CHEP/other conferences & proceedings writing • FSTF: plans for HLT profiling

T0 monitoring (Christos) 118 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

Menu-expert (Yanyan)

• Taking menu-expert training course

Triggering on displaced vertices and GPU (Tim)

• No progress recently • Next steps: ♦ Find signal MC sample with displaced vertexes ♦ Confirm that vanilla tracking algorithm can reconstruct signal tracks by augmenting beamspot uncertainty ♦ Use FastTrackFinder to find all tracks originating from PV; then run displaced-track finder using GPUs with orphan tracker hits

Offline Trigger (and Menu-aware) monitoring (Christos)

• Migration of python configuration for Menu-aware monitoring successfully completed; Provides central monitoring functionality for slice groups & DQ

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 22 May (10:30 AM UK)

Summary of 24APR-15 meeting

Attending: Ben W, Ben S, Tim, Victoria, Christos

Minute scribe: Christos

Future framework (Ben)

• EventViews (aka: trigger elements) prototype is in place (looks quite nice) . • Still working on comments for draft note ( ) • Hope to use semi-realistic trigger menu (in discussions with Francesca Pastore) to show performance numbers with athena at June workshop at CERN

Triggering on displaced vertices and GPU (Ben W, Tim)

• Have implemented python-based event display to visualise signatures & debug displaced tracking (Tim) • Next steps: ♦ Find MC sample with displaced vertexes ♦ Confirm that vanilla tracking algorithm can reconstruct signal tracks by augmenting beamspot uncertainty ♦ Use FastTrackFinder to find all tracks originating from PV; then run displaced-track finder using GPUs with orphan tracker hits

Interface of menu-aware monitoring with DB (Ben S)

• New activity by Ben: interface menu-aware monitoring with DB; expect to work in collaboration with Yanyan (rulebook) and Christos (offline trigger monitoring) • Working on python scripts for managing monitoring configurations (use the one from release as baseline configuration, and manage changes wrt default one) • Next steps: release prototype to slice experts

Menu-expert (Yanyan) 119 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

Offline Trigger (and Menu-aware) monitoring (Christos)

• Working on redesign of python class to provide central monitoring functionality for slice groups & DQ (with help from Tim);

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 8 May (10:30 AM UK) (TBC)

Summary of 20MAR-15 meeting

Attending: Ben W, Ben S, Tim, Christos

Minute scribe: Christos

Software performance (Ben & Andy)

• Stewart (Martin-Haugh) has requested some help from us on profiling and interpretation of Cuda output; (Ben promised that) minimal time is devoted on this

Future framework (Ben)

• Work continues on the EventViews (aka: trigger elements) prototype. Current focus is on static polymorphism of code (aka: templates) • Also working on comments for draft note ( ); Comments still welcome

Triggering on displaced vertices and GPU (Ben S, Tim)

• Discussion on simple tracking algorithm demonstrating proof-of-principle • Goals for next meeting: ♦ Implement python-based event display to visualise signatures (Tim) ♦ Investigate potential tracking options from Run-1 and/or the market (Ben S)

Offline Trigger (and Menu-aware) monitoring (Christos)

• Redesign of python class to provide central monitoring functionality for slice groups & DQ (with help from Tim); Proposal sent to Data Quality group

Next scheduled meeting: TENTATIVELY on Friday 24 April (10:30 AM UK) (TBC)

Summary of 06MAR-15 meeting

Attending: Ben W, Yanyan, Andy, Tim, Christos

Minute scribe: Christos

Future framework (Ben)

• Work continues on the EventViews prototype. We have some more test cases, and an example that satisfies all tests thus far.


• GPU work for CHEP using Nvidia Kepler and (Release Candidate) Cuda 7; project is on decision forests & machine learning; Relevant for trigger algorithms on GPUs? • FSTF: Performance measurements for low-power CPUs with Glasgow

Offline Trigger (and Menu-aware) monitoring (Christos) 120 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

• Some help offered to Stewart on profiling jobs

Rulebook (Yanyan)

• Monitoring triggers implemented separately in cosmic menu • Validation of pre-scale calculations • Discussions for involvement with jet trigger performance group (relevant for VV exotic search)

Offline Trigger (and Menu-aware) monitoring (Christos)

• Discussions with Data Quality group on access to trigger monitoring categories • Redesign of python class to provide central monitoring functionality for slice groups & DQ (with help from Tim)

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 20 March (10:30 AM UK)

Summary of 20FEB-15 meeting

Attending: Ben W, Yanyan, Andy, Christos Apologies: Tim

Minute scribe: Christos

Future framework (Ben)

• Discussions with Tomasz (Bold), John (Baines) on how to go about HLT framework prototype; Opinions on how to get started vary between from storegate and athena (Ben John) and from scratch (Tomasz). Will probably try both approaches


• Started new role as co-convener of the ATLAS Future Software and Technology Forum. Looking for people to join effort; Run-2 preparations understandably a major distraction

Trigger menu & dynamic prescales (Yanyan)

• Working on rulebook script for the Run-2 data-taking. In particular: ♦ Commissioning of current script (introducing new trigger tools and CTP) at M8 ♦ Development of tools for prescale calculation for MC15 in preparation for physics

Offline Trigger (and Menu-aware) monitoring (Christos)

• Migration of trigger chains from source code to python configuration files complete • Next steps include interface with DB, and preparation for adaption of functionality by DQ groups • Also helping with online monitoring (why?)

GPU algorithm proof-of-principle for displaced vertices (Ben, Andy, Tim)

• No progress recently

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 6 March (10:30 AM UK)

Summary of 06FEB-15 meeting

Attending: Ben W, Yanyan, Christos

Andy 121 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki Apologies: Andy, Tim

Minute scribe: Christos

Future framework (Ben)

• A draft of requirements report available for comments: ? • Ben & Tomasz Bold to look at providing trigger demonstrators in new software framework

Trigger menu & dynamic prescales (Yanyan)

• Taking trigger online on-call shifts for M8 • Work on rule-book script continues

Menu-aware monitoring (Christos)

• Preparations for M8

GPU algorithm proof-of-principle for displaced vertices (Ben & Tim)

• No progress recently

Next scheduled meeting: Friday 20 February (10:30 AM UK)

-- ChristosLeonidopoulos - 2016-01-15

This topic: Main > ATLASEdinburghHLTEdMeetings2015 Topic revision: r1 - 2016-01-15 - ChristosLeonidopoulos

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback;def=topic_access;param1=VIEW;param2=access%20not%20allowed%20on%20topic

This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghHLTKeplerStudies Topic revision: r1 - 2013-02-15 - AndrewWashbrook

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback;def=topic_access;param1=VIEW;param2=access%20not%20allowed%20on%20topic

This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghHLTKeplerStudies Topic revision: r1 - 2013-02-15 - AndrewWashbrook

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback;def=topic_access;param1=VIEW;param2=access%20not%20allowed%20on%20topic

This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghHLTPerformanceTestbedSetup Topic revision: r2 - 2013-02-15 - AndrewWashbrook

Summary of 06FEB-15 meeting 122 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

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This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghHLTPerformanceTestbedSetup Topic revision: r2 - 2013-02-15 - AndrewWashbrook

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback;def=topic_access;param1=VIEW;param2=access%20not%20allowed%20on%20topic

This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghHLTVectorizationTechniques Topic revision: r2 - 2013-02-15 - AndrewWashbrook

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback;def=topic_access;param1=VIEW;param2=access%20not%20allowed%20on%20topic

This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghHLTVectorizationTechniques Topic revision: r2 - 2013-02-15 - AndrewWashbrook

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback Meetings

Talks and minutes are uploaded to the indico pages.

Edinburgh meetings:

2015: 29.04. , 15.04. , 08.04. , 25.03. , 11.03. , 25.02. , 11.02. , 28.01.

2014: 22.10. , 08.10. , 16.07. , 02.07. , 18.06. , 04.06. , 21.05. , 07.05. , 23.04. , 09.04. , 26.03. , 12.03. , 26.02. , 12.02. , 15.01.

2013: 18.12. , 04.12. , 20.11. , 13.11. , 23.10. , 16.10. , 25.09. , 28.08. , 21.08. , 14.08. , 31.07. , 17.07. , 03.07. , 19.06. , 12.06. , 05.06. , 29.05. , 22.05. , 08.05. , 01.05. , 17.04. , 10.04. , 27.03. , 20.03. , 13.03. , 27.02. , 20.02. , 13.02. , 30.01. , 23.01. , 16.01.

2012: 19.12. , 28.11. . 14.11. , 07.11.

Extra Material:

WP1 Pixel module weekly meeting: "FE-I4A wafer probing at Edinburgh", first probing scans and tuning attempts -- Corrinne 31.10.2013

GPU algorithm proof-of-principle for displaced vertices (Ben & Tim) 123 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki Material Studies Hardware Documentation

Single-chip testing

Documentation relevant for testing of single FEI chips is available here.


Documentation relevant for testing of modules for the upgrade is available here.

This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghGroupHardwareUpgrade Topic revision: r10 - 2017-01-16 - LizaMijovic

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback Hardware Documentation

Wentworth Prober

1) Pegasus, Serialno. 307

• Pegasus_OperatingAndServiceManual_v6.2.pdf • Pegasus_CentreOfRotation_AddendumToPegasusManual.pdf • Pegasus_FaultFinding_PegasusController.pdf • Pegasus_ControlPackage_v1.0.pdf • Pegasus_ProbeInstallationAndOperation_Manual_v2.pdf • Pegasus_ComputerAssistedProbe_OperatorsManual_v1.0.pdf • Pegasus_MA-01_FileTransferUtility_UserManual_v2.2.pdf • Pegasus_DualChuckScannerAndProber.pdf • Pegasus_SparePartList_300S_S200.pdf

• Pegasus_Drawing_InterfaceConnections_2375-823-1_1C_MA-01_20-99_ControllerSchematic.pdf • Pegasus_Drawing_InterfaceConnections_2375-823-2_1C_MA-01_20-99_ControllerBoard.pdf • Pegasus_Drawing_InterfaceConnections_2375-823-3_1C_MA-01_39-99_ControllerBackplane.pdf • Pegasus_Drawing_InterfaceConnections_2375-823-4_1C_MA-01_20-38_ControllerBackplane.pdf • Pegasus_Drawing_InterfaceConnections_2375-823-5_1C_MA-01_100_ControllerBoard.pdf • Pegasus_Drawing_InterfaceConnections_2375-823-6_1C_MA-01_100-123_ControllerBackplane.pdf • Pegasus_Drawing_InterfaceConnections_2375-823-7_1C_MA-01_100_ControllerSchematic.pdf • Pegasus_Drawing_InterfaceConnections_2375-823-8_1C_MA-01_124_ControllerBackplane.pdf

2) Labmaster 10.0, Serialno. 174-10903

• Labmaster_ForPegasus_UserGuide_v9.0.pdf • Labmaster_VideoWindow.pdf

Material Studies 124 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

3) TPO 3000 Thermo Chuck

• Temptronics_TPO3000_ThermoChuckSystem_OperatorsGuide_LM02350_revD.pdf

4) Edinburgh files: recipes, scripts, hints

(please provide: date, name, subject)

Paul, 26Sep13 How to operate the prober and edit the probing code Documentation.pdf

To update the documentation: (changes will sync between owners of this folder)

Test Electronics

1) Agilent B1500 Si-Characterisation System

• Agilent_B1500A_ParameticMeasurementHandbook.pdf

• Agilent_B1500A_SemiconductorDeviceAnalyzer_UserGuide.pdf • Agilent_B1500A_SemiconductorDeviceAnalyzer_datasheet.pdf • Agilent_B1500A_SemiconductorDeviceAnalyzer_ConfigurationProcess.pdf • Agilent_B1500A_PulsedIVParametricTest_SolutionSelectionGuide.pdf • Agilent_B1500A_ConfigurationAndSelectionGuide.pdf • Agilent_B1500A_DesktopEasyExpertSoftware.pdf

• Agilent_B1530A_WGFMU_UserGuide.pdf • Agilent_B1530A_WGFMU_ProductionNote.pdf

• Agilent_AppNote369-5_MulitFrequencyCVmeasurements.pdf • Agilent_B1500A_AppNote00_NanotechSolutions.pdf

• Agilent_4156C_AppNote01_UltraLowDCcharacterisationMOSFETwaferlevel.pdf • Agilent_4156C_AppNote02_AutomatedExtractionOfSemiconductorParameters.pdf • Agilent_4156C_AppNote03_EvaluationOfHotCarrierInducedDegradationMOSFET.pdf • Agilent_4156C_AppNote05_MeasurementOfPowerDevicesUsingExternalDCpowersupply.pdf • Agilent_4156C_AppNote06_OptimisingIncomingInspection.pdf • Agilent_4156C_AppNote07_EvaluationOfElectromigrationUsingSWEATprocedure.pdf • Agilent_4156C_AppNote08_EvaluationOfOxideReliabilityUsingVrampAndJrampTests.pdf • Agilent_4156C_AppNote09_EvaluationOfSurfaceStateUsingChargePumpingMethods.pdf • Agilent_4156C_AppNote10_EvaluationOfGateOxidesUsingVoltageStepQuasiStaticCVmethods.pdf • Agilent_4156C_AppNote11_PrecisionMeasurementsOdMetalLineWithdInSubQuarterMicronInterconnectSystems.pdf

• vxiPrograming.pdf: VXI Driver & Coding examples • E2090-90040.pdf: B1500 Remote Error Codes • : Win7 Drivers for B1500 remote control PC

2) Agilent LCR Meter

• Agilent_ParametricAnalysis.pdf

• Agilent_E4980A_DataSheet.pdf

3) TPO 3000 Thermo Chuck 125 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

• Agilent_E4980A_UserManual.pdf • Agilent_E4980A_ImpedanceMeasurementHandbook.pdf • Agilent_E4980A_ImpedanceMeasurements_AccessoriesSelectionGuide.pdf • Agilent_E4980A_MultiFrequencyCVmeasurementOfSemiconductors.pdf • Agilent_E4980A_WideRangeDCcurrentBiasedInductanceMeasurement.pdf • Agilent_E4980A_ImprovingTestEfficiencyOfMEMScapacitiveSensors.pdf

• Agilent_E4980A_driver_IVI-COM_IVI-C_v1.0.11.0_7_3_07.msi

3) Keithley 237 HV Source Measure

• Keithley_237_DataSheet.pdf • Keithley_236_237_238_OperatorsManual.pdf • Keithley_236_237_238_QuickReference.pdf • Keithley_236_237_ApplicationManual.pdf • Keithley_236_237_ApplicationManual_ExampleCode.pdf • Keithley_236_237_238_FAQ.txt • Keithley_236_237_238_FAQ_HowToConnect.pdf

4) Edinburgh files: recipes, scripts, hints

(please provide: date, name, subject)

Paul, 17April2013: B1500_Remote.pdf: Setting up running of remote control of the B1500 via GPIB from Win7 PC

Delvotec 5600 Wirebonder

*1) *

*2) *

*3) *

4) Edinburgh files: recipes, scripts, hints

(please provide: date, name, subject)

Finetech Matrix MA Si-placement system

*1) *

*2) *

*3) *

4) Edinburgh files: recipes, scripts, hints

(please provide: date, name, subject)

USBpix / STcontrol

1May2013, Paul, installation of STcontrol: Installing_STcontrol.pdf

2) Agilent E4980A LCR Meter 126 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki 9May, Bonn Group, STcontrol Scan Documentation: ATL-IP-QP-0144.pdf

1July13 Andrew's config file: andrew_wafer_config_file.cfg.root

4Jun13, IV curve for FEI4A single chip assembly card 3D sensor: IVcurveSensor.xlsx


Power supplies

This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghGroupHardwareUpgradeDocumentation Topic revision: r11 - 2013-09-26 - PaulGlaysher

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback Hardware Documentation

Wentworth Prober

1) Pegasus, Serialno. 307

• Pegasus_OperatingAndServiceManual_v6.2.pdf • Pegasus_CentreOfRotation_AddendumToPegasusManual.pdf • Pegasus_FaultFinding_PegasusController.pdf • Pegasus_ControlPackage_v1.0.pdf • Pegasus_ProbeInstallationAndOperation_Manual_v2.pdf • Pegasus_ComputerAssistedProbe_OperatorsManual_v1.0.pdf • Pegasus_MA-01_FileTransferUtility_UserManual_v2.2.pdf • Pegasus_DualChuckScannerAndProber.pdf • Pegasus_SparePartList_300S_S200.pdf

• Pegasus_Drawing_InterfaceConnections_2375-823-1_1C_MA-01_20-99_ControllerSchematic.pdf • Pegasus_Drawing_InterfaceConnections_2375-823-2_1C_MA-01_20-99_ControllerBoard.pdf • Pegasus_Drawing_InterfaceConnections_2375-823-3_1C_MA-01_39-99_ControllerBackplane.pdf • Pegasus_Drawing_InterfaceConnections_2375-823-4_1C_MA-01_20-38_ControllerBackplane.pdf • Pegasus_Drawing_InterfaceConnections_2375-823-5_1C_MA-01_100_ControllerBoard.pdf • Pegasus_Drawing_InterfaceConnections_2375-823-6_1C_MA-01_100-123_ControllerBackplane.pdf • Pegasus_Drawing_InterfaceConnections_2375-823-7_1C_MA-01_100_ControllerSchematic.pdf • Pegasus_Drawing_InterfaceConnections_2375-823-8_1C_MA-01_124_ControllerBackplane.pdf

2) Labmaster 10.0, Serialno. 174-10903

• Labmaster_ForPegasus_UserGuide_v9.0.pdf • Labmaster_VideoWindow.pdf

3) TPO 3000 Thermo Chuck

• Temptronics_TPO3000_ThermoChuckSystem_OperatorsGuide_LM02350_revD.pdf

USBpix / STcontrol 127 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

4) Edinburgh files: recipes, scripts, hints

(please provide: date, name, subject)

Paul, 26Sep13 How to operate the prober and edit the probing code Documentation.pdf

To update the documentation: (changes will sync between owners of this folder)

Test Electronics

1) Agilent B1500 Si-Characterisation System

• Agilent_B1500A_ParameticMeasurementHandbook.pdf

• Agilent_B1500A_SemiconductorDeviceAnalyzer_UserGuide.pdf • Agilent_B1500A_SemiconductorDeviceAnalyzer_datasheet.pdf • Agilent_B1500A_SemiconductorDeviceAnalyzer_ConfigurationProcess.pdf • Agilent_B1500A_PulsedIVParametricTest_SolutionSelectionGuide.pdf • Agilent_B1500A_ConfigurationAndSelectionGuide.pdf • Agilent_B1500A_DesktopEasyExpertSoftware.pdf

• Agilent_B1530A_WGFMU_UserGuide.pdf • Agilent_B1530A_WGFMU_ProductionNote.pdf

• Agilent_AppNote369-5_MulitFrequencyCVmeasurements.pdf • Agilent_B1500A_AppNote00_NanotechSolutions.pdf

• Agilent_4156C_AppNote01_UltraLowDCcharacterisationMOSFETwaferlevel.pdf • Agilent_4156C_AppNote02_AutomatedExtractionOfSemiconductorParameters.pdf • Agilent_4156C_AppNote03_EvaluationOfHotCarrierInducedDegradationMOSFET.pdf • Agilent_4156C_AppNote05_MeasurementOfPowerDevicesUsingExternalDCpowersupply.pdf • Agilent_4156C_AppNote06_OptimisingIncomingInspection.pdf • Agilent_4156C_AppNote07_EvaluationOfElectromigrationUsingSWEATprocedure.pdf • Agilent_4156C_AppNote08_EvaluationOfOxideReliabilityUsingVrampAndJrampTests.pdf • Agilent_4156C_AppNote09_EvaluationOfSurfaceStateUsingChargePumpingMethods.pdf • Agilent_4156C_AppNote10_EvaluationOfGateOxidesUsingVoltageStepQuasiStaticCVmethods.pdf • Agilent_4156C_AppNote11_PrecisionMeasurementsOdMetalLineWithdInSubQuarterMicronInterconnectSystems.pdf

• vxiPrograming.pdf: VXI Driver & Coding examples • E2090-90040.pdf: B1500 Remote Error Codes • : Win7 Drivers for B1500 remote control PC

2) Agilent LCR Meter

• Agilent_ParametricAnalysis.pdf

• Agilent_E4980A_DataSheet.pdf • Agilent_E4980A_UserManual.pdf • Agilent_E4980A_ImpedanceMeasurementHandbook.pdf • Agilent_E4980A_ImpedanceMeasurements_AccessoriesSelectionGuide.pdf • Agilent_E4980A_MultiFrequencyCVmeasurementOfSemiconductors.pdf

4) Edinburgh files: recipes, scripts, hints 128 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

• Agilent_E4980A_WideRangeDCcurrentBiasedInductanceMeasurement.pdf • Agilent_E4980A_ImprovingTestEfficiencyOfMEMScapacitiveSensors.pdf

• Agilent_E4980A_driver_IVI-COM_IVI-C_v1.0.11.0_7_3_07.msi

3) Keithley 237 HV Source Measure

• Keithley_237_DataSheet.pdf • Keithley_236_237_238_OperatorsManual.pdf • Keithley_236_237_238_QuickReference.pdf • Keithley_236_237_ApplicationManual.pdf • Keithley_236_237_ApplicationManual_ExampleCode.pdf • Keithley_236_237_238_FAQ.txt • Keithley_236_237_238_FAQ_HowToConnect.pdf

4) Edinburgh files: recipes, scripts, hints

(please provide: date, name, subject)

Paul, 17April2013: B1500_Remote.pdf: Setting up running of remote control of the B1500 via GPIB from Win7 PC

Delvotec 5600 Wirebonder

*1) *

*2) *

*3) *

4) Edinburgh files: recipes, scripts, hints

(please provide: date, name, subject)

Finetech Matrix MA Si-placement system

*1) *

*2) *

*3) *

4) Edinburgh files: recipes, scripts, hints

(please provide: date, name, subject)

USBpix / STcontrol

1May2013, Paul, installation of STcontrol: Installing_STcontrol.pdf

9May, Bonn Group, STcontrol Scan Documentation: ATL-IP-QP-0144.pdf

1July13 Andrew's config file: andrew_wafer_config_file.cfg.root

2) Agilent E4980A LCR Meter 129 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki 4Jun13, IV curve for FEI4A single chip assembly card 3D sensor: IVcurveSensor.xlsx


Power supplies

This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghGroupHardwareUpgradeDocumentation Topic revision: r11 - 2013-09-26 - PaulGlaysher

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback Upgrade Pixel Module Testing @ Edinburgh


This page contains information useful for Upgrade Pixel Module Testing @ Edinburgh. We are testing prototypes of the quad-modules that will be used in the HighLuminosity LHC ATLAS detector. We are currently using USBPix (schema below) system for testing.

quad-module testing setup

In addition to running the upgrade module testing hardware, we are also set up to run the legacy Run2 hardware. This is described MIO2ForQM


Main System (linux)

Dell Precision T3400. LAPLAN2 network. Hardware upgrade: PCIe (2-port, single lane) card for USB3 support: Startech PEXUSB3S23.


• DVD unit is faulty. Will scratch/destroy DVD.

USBpix / STcontrol 130 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki Operating System: Kubuntu 16.10, x86_64 CCentOS7 was considered but not (yet) installed. USB installation not supported for CCentOS7. Network install fails (does not start during 30 min waiting time), possible problem with proxy setting/auth on LAPLAN2. Installation from DVD fails due to faulty DVD unit. Option: install CCentOS7 from internal HDD+Grub, once another linux OS has been installed to enabled this.

Startup and env variables: commonly used variables needed at run-time are exported via ~.bashrc / ~.bash_envvars files:

env variables details Hidecommands just read the relevant files to see what is currently defined: cat /home/quadmod/.bash_envvars export SwD=/home/quadmod/files/sw export QT5DIR=$SwD/qt/qt_551/installdir export QWTDIR=$SwD/qwt/qwt-6.1.2 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$SwD/cypress_SDK/cyusb_linux_1.0.4/lib source $SwD/root/bin/

Keeping computer up to date:

Show commands Hidecommands Run this from time-to-time to make sure we have most up-to-date packages (security patches etc.): sudo su apt-get update apt-get dist-upgrade

Software installation log:

Show commands Hidecommands installing basic software:

* texteditor: apt-get install emacs24

* openafs and kerberos: apt-get install openafs-krb5 openafs-client krb5-user module-assistant openafs-modules-dkms

* versioning software: apt install subversion apt-get install git

* root6 sudo apt-get install git dpkg-dev cmake g++ gcc binutils libx11-dev libxpm-dev \ libxft-dev libxext-dev git clone cd root git checkout -b v6-08-00 v6-08-00

== USBPix software and prerequisites

* QT5: ** prereq. apt-get install libfontconfig1-dev libfreetype6-dev libx11-dev apt-get install libxext-dev libxfixes-dev libxi-dev libxrender-dev apt-get install libxcb1-dev libx11-xcb-dev libxcb-glx0-dev ** opengl sudo apt-get install build-essential libgl1-mesa-dev ** openssl apt-get install libssl-dev ** to install QT, one fetches the sources, and runs ./configure ; make ; make install . \ Below the exact commands with costumization and checks:

Main System (linux) 131 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

# fetch and prepare sources mkdir /home/quadmod/files/sw/qt/qt_551/ cd /home/quadmod/files/sw/qt/qt_551/ wget tar -xzf qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.gz cd /home/quadmod/files/sw/qt/qt_551/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.5.1 mkdir -p /home/quadmod/files/sw/qt/qt_551/installdir QT5DIR=/home/quadmod/files/sw/qt/qt_551/installdir # configure in verbose mode and include all the prerequisites STcontrol will need: ./configure -v -openssl -qt-xcb -prefix $QT5DIR -opensource | tee config.out # check if OpenGL was registered fine: grep OpenGL config.out OpenGL ...... desktop <-- if you get 'none' this should be fixed before compiling also check config.out for any other configuration problems make | tee make.out make install

* qwt mkdir /home/quadmod/files/sw/qwt/qwt-6.1.2 wget export QT5DIR=/home/quadmod/files/sw/qt/qt_551/installdir $QT5DIR/bin/qmake make make install l* linux-gpib cd /home/quadmod/files/sw/gpib/ mv tarball to this dir and unzip ./configure make make install

* apt-get install libusb-1.0-0 libusb-1.0-0-dev

===== FPGA firmware upload via JTAG cable: can be done either via xc3sprog or Xilinx tools

== * xc3sprog is a light-weight command line tool for uploads. It is used by STControl internally. prerequisites: apt-get install libusb-dev apt-get install libconfuse-dev apt-get install libftdi1-dev svn co xc3sprog cd xc3sprog cmake . make make install (requires sudo)

In the above, the cmake issues a message that the following package is missing: libftd2xx . The compilation, installation and running the program however work fine without the libftd2xx module. ==

* Xilinx software for JTAG cable FPGA programming

Xilinx software and cable drivers for FPGA programming and configuration via USB programming cable. * * newer Xilinx Vivado in combination with Xilinx and Digilent drivers did not work on first install, * * ==> I used legacy Xilinx ISE and M. Gernoth's XILINX JTAG tools on Linux without proprietary kernel modules ( Useful resource:

Xilinx ISE LabTools: Requires (free) Xilinx registration

Main System (linux) 132 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki steps: 1) Xilinx download page -> 2) ISE -> 3) Lab Tools - 14.7 -> 4) Download installer tarball

1) 2) 3) look for "Lab Tools" section . Lab Tools is a light-weight version of the full design suite. 4) installer tarball is currently common to all platforms

/home/quadmod/files/sw/Xilinx_ISE_LabTools/Xilinx_LabTools_14.7_1015_1/Xilinx_LabTools_14.7_1015_1.tar tar -xf Xilinx_LabTools_14.7_1015_1.tar cd Xilinx_LabTools_14.7_1015_1 sudo su ./xsetup --> in gui installation I and untick all licence, web-talk, cable-driver (etc.) boxes --> I select standard installation location: /opt/Xilinx/14.7/LabTools add this to .bashrc/.bash_envvars: export PATH=$PATH:/opt/Xilinx/14.7/LabTools/LabTools/bin/lin64/


USB-JTAG drivers: sudo apt-get install gitk git-gui libusb-dev build-essential libc6-dev-i386 fxload cd /opt/Xilinx sudo git clone git:// cd usb-driver/ make <-- installs the drivers set up firmware/cable access: ./setup_pcusb /opt/Xilinx/14.7/LabTools/LabTools/ <-- copies LabTools firmware to /usr/share and produces new udev rules for USB JTAG cable /etc/udev/rules.d/xusbdfwu.rules after this one might need to issue udevadm trigger --action=change + plugging out- and in- the cable

Then the device ID changes as follows:

Device: ID 03fd:000d Xilinx, Inc. <-- no firmware Device : ID 03fd:0008 Xilinx, Inc. Platform Cable USB II <-- firmware uploaded fine

After this the JTAG cable will be automatically detected correctly when plugged in-.


Module testing software: USBPix/STControl (legacy C++ software):

(requires gitlab account) -> -> git clone https://[email protected]/jgrosse/USBpix.git == cd USBpix source -gpib no make

PyBar: newer python software for testing: ===> git clone pip install $PWD/pyBAR_fei4_interpreter basil: git clone pip install $PWD/basil

Main System (linux) 133 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki


* eagle software needed for viewing eagle (.sch/.brd) PCB schemas: requires autodesk account to use : get 64bit linux tarball cd /home/quadmod/files/sw/EAGLE /home/quadmod/files/sw/EAGLE/Autodesk_EAGLE_8.0_English_Linux_64bit.tar.gz unzip the tarball tar -xzf Autodesk_EAGLE_8.0_English_Linux_64bit.tar.gz run binary as: ./eagle-8.0.0/eagle

The Qt was crashing when using web-client due to bugs in the noveau graphics server. glxinfo -v | grep -A 5 -i vendor Vendor: nouveau (0x10de) Device: NV86 (0x42f) Version: 12.0.6 xserver-xorg-video-nouveau is already the newest version (1:1.0.12-2).

I thus switched to using the nvidia drivers: computer->system settings -> driver manager changed from Usnig X.Org X server (noveau display driver) to using driver : nvidia-340 - distro non-free recommended

After this eagle runs fine.

Extra System (windows) installation: computer by the microscope SCE-SOPA-00124 Windows7 enterprise, SP1, 64-bit

Software installation log:

Show commands Hidecommands installation: computer by the microscope SCE-SOPA-00124 Windows7 enterprise, SP1, 64-bit

Instructions: sw installation prefix: D:/STControl6_files/sw

======Installing prerequisites: ======

1) Visual Studio 2013 Express (compiler/IDE): * for Windows (Desktop): [-> installer Computer/Store(D)/STControl6_files/sw/VisualStudioExpress2013/wdexpress_full] [-> install files to: Computer/Store(D)/STControl6_files/sw/VisualStudioExpress2013/VisualStudioExpress2013_install ] to install: run installer. After installing, restart the computer. things to note: * Visual Studio 2013 Express provides compiler and "nmake" executable to build your programs * when actually using using, you'll have to configure it as follows: cd D:\STControl6_files\sw\VC vcvarsall.bat

Extra System (windows) 134 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

To see what vcvarsall.bat does, you can open and read it in Visual Studio * When running "nmake" the D:\STControl6_files\sw\VC\bin

2) Qt 5.5.1 LGPL for Visual Studio 2013 Express: [-> installer Computer/Store(D)/STControl6_files/sw/Qt551/] [-> install files to: Computer/Store(D)/STControl6_files/sw/Qt551/Qt551_install] to install: run installer things to note: * QT provides QT Commnad prompt and qmake commands (amongst other) * when running qmake, you'll need to make sure the directory containing "qmake.exe" is in your path: D:\STControl6_files\sw\QT551\QT551_install\5.5\msvc2013\bin

3) ROOT: download installer compatible with your Visual Studio version; for Studio 2013, this is: [-> installer D:\STControl6_files\sw\ROOT5p34p34] [-> install files to: D:\STControl6_files\sw\ROOT5p34p34\root_v5.34.34] to install: run the installer things to note: when running root, you will need to have D:\STControl6_files\sw\ROOT5p34p34\root_v5.34.34\bin in your path

4) Qwt 6.1.2: # [-> installer zip Computer/Store(D)/STControl6_files/sw/qwt612/] [-> extract files to: Computer/Store(D)/STControl6_files/sw/qwt612/qwt-]

To install: open QTcommand prompt. QTcommand promptcomes as part of qt installation. You find and launch it as: Start-> enter "QT" in the search box -> click on the terminal (fig QT_term.png)

QT terminal used for installation of QWT and USBPix

4.1) check that the QT's qmake is in your path by typing in terminal: path and check that it contains the bin directory that points to qmake.exe: D:\STControl6_files\sw\QT551\QT551_install\5.5\msvc2013\bin This should be the case automatically for QT terminal, but if running from another terminal, you might need to add this to your path variable using the usual Windows syntax (set path=...)

4.2) go to QWT's extracted installation directory: cd D:\STControl6_files\sw\QWT612\qwt-6.1.2_install\qwt-6.1.2 qmake

Extra System (windows) 135 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

4.3) set up for using Windows Studio Express's nmake: cd D:\STControl6_files\sw\VC vcvarsall.bat

4.4) check that "nmake" command is in your path variable by typing: path and check that it contains the directory containing the nmake.exe D:\STControl6_files\sw\VC\bin

4.5) with nmake set up, you can install qwt: cd D:\STControl6_files\sw\QWT612\qwt-6.1.2_install\qwt-6.1.2 nmake

5) libusb: zadig and WinUSB drivers (fig zadig.png) Zadig: in sw/Zadig: file named zadig-2.3 = installer double-click and install WinUSB driver (v6.1.7600.16385) driver

zadig setup after installation of WinUSB driver

6) uC firmware software: Download CYUSB: akamai installer FX3 SDK installed in: D:\STControl6_files\sw\cypress_FX3_USB_SDK

Not now, but after you have cloned the USBPix, you program the MMC3, instrucions are on <-- x-check the commands below are up-to-date:

6.1) WindowsExplorer D:\STCeontrol6_files\sw\cypress_FX3_USB_SDK\EZ-USB FX3 SDK\1.3\bin 6.2) execute CyControl .exe 6.3) The board should be detected as FX3 device and I Programm the board, uploading this file to RAM D:\STControl6_files\sw\USBPix\USBpix_git\config\SILABFX3.img

======Installing USBPix and STControl6: ====== medium mode

Extra System (windows) 136 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki download the code archive: [original zip: D:\STControl6_files\sw\USBPix\] [extracted to: D:\STControl6_files\sw\USBPix\USBpix_git] to install

1) open the QT command prompt and go to directory where the files were extracted: cd D:\STControl6_files\sw\USBPix\USBpix_git

2) the tricky part: set up paths you need to set up the installation so that your windows studio, qt, qwt and root are found correctly the configuration of these and other variables usbpix requires is done in: D:\STControl6_files\sw\USBPix\USBpix_git\setup.bat

The file can be open and inspected with visual studio (fig. USBpix_setupbat.PNG), where you see that it will execute (highlighted in fig USBpix_setupbat.PNG): set Path=..%QT5DIR%/bin..

Thus you should make sure the variables such as %QT5DIR% are set up correctly before set Path will be called.

USBPix's setup file opened in Visual Studio

One of the way to do it is to set the variables acc. to your installation before installing USBPix. The variables are set in QT command prompt from which you will be installing STControl, by typing set VARNAME=VARVALUE commands in the command prompt accordingly. with my installation setup this is: Visual studio express: set path to directory that contains bin and lib. Type this in QT command prompt: set VCDIR=D:\STControl6_files\sw\VC QT5: set path to directory that contains bin and lib . Type this in QT command prompt: set QT5DIR=D:\STControl6_files\sw\QT551\QT551_install\5.5\msvc2013 ROOT: set path to directory that contains bin, type this in QT command prompt: set ROOTSYS=D:\STControl6_files\sw\ROOT5p34p34\root_v5.34.34 QWT: set QWTDIR=D:\STControl6_files\sw\QWT612\qwt-6.1.2_install\qwt-6.1.2 to check the values the variables have, you echo their value in the command prompt using commands as: echo %QWTDIR% ...

Extra System (windows) 137 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

3) after you have set up all the paths, you can run the setup in teh QT prompt: D:\STControl6_files\sw\USBPix\USBpix_git> setup.bat watch for any warnings and errors of files not being found. Eg in case the setup complains that vcvarsall.bat can't be found, your path to Visual studio express is likely incorrect. In this case set VCDIR to correct value for your installation and re-run the setup.bat

4) set up for running visual studio's nmake: cd D:\STControl6_files\sw\VC vcvarsall.bat

5) install: cd D:\STControl6_files\sw\USBPix\USBpix_git check that paths to visual studio etc. are correct by inspecting output of: path if all is fine compile the code: nmake and check the installation for any errors.

6) If all went fine, you should be able to open STControl from the QT prompt (fig STControl.PNG) in which you have run the setup.bat by typing: cd D:\STControl6_files\sw\USBPix\USBpix_git\bin STcontrol.exe

When running anew from the fresh QT terminal, you will need to ensure all environmental variables are set correctly. Eg by repeating the set commands (set ROOTSYS=... ) and re-running setup.bat

STControl ran from QT terminal

======Misc windows notes: ======

Extra System (windows) 138 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki uninstalling programs: Start -> Computer -> "Uninstall or change programms"

QT terminal: understands msdos commands to read path: path to set variable set XY= to set path set path= to list directory: dir

MMC3 board, configuration cabling and powering

Board schema link

Configuration uC Firmware

Cypress software for updating the board microcontroller firmware:

Show commands Hidecommands cypress_linux EZ-USB FX3 Software Development Kit --> download the lates SDK for linux. Requires (free) registration. prerequisites: qt4 apt-get install qt4-default

A couple of patches to the code are needed to compile: <-- download and apply the patch patch main.cpp errno.patch The patch has also been copied to: /home/quadmod/files/sw/cypress_SDK/patch/errno.patch export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$SwD/cypress_SDK/cyusb_linux_1.0.4/lib cd $SwD/cypress_SDK/cyusb_linux_1.0.4/ make

./ Open /etc/udev/rules.d/88-cyusb.rules as sudo and change the included rules to: KERNEL=="*", SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="usb_device", ACTION=="add", ATTR{idVendor}=="04b4", GROUP="user_group", MODE="666", TAG="cyusb_dev", RUN+="/usr/local/bin/ A" KERNEL=="*", SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="usb_device", ACTION=="remove", TAG=="cyusb_dev", RUN+="/usr/local/bin/ R" chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/cyusb_linux now open the terminal window for uploading microcontroller firmware: cyusb_linux check the device before uploading the image ( ID [vendor]:[product] should be 04b4:00f3 Cypress Semiconductor Corp.) lsusb Bus 009 Device 002: ID 04b4:00f3 Cypress Semiconductor Corp.<==== ok! connect the MMC3 to the USB3 port and upload the image: /home/quadmod/files/sw/USBpix/config/SILABFX3.img check the device after uploading the image ( ID [vendor]:[product] )

MMC3 board, configuration cabling and powering 139 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki lsusb Bus 009 Device 003: ID 5312:0300

The image is loaded to RAM and needs to be uploaded each time the the system is reconnected.

FPGA configuration

The configuration bit file is:


The FPGA coniguration is automatically uploaded by STControl at initialization time. Notes on manual uploads below.

• Open-source xc3sprog is used internally by STControl, and can be ran standalone as follows xc3sprog -c xpc -v -p 0 /home/quadmod/files/sw/USBpix/config/mmc3.bit

<-- should give output like this: ... Using built-in device list Using built-in cable list firmware version = 0x0012 (18) CPLD version = 0x0012 (18) JTAG chainpos: 0 Device IDCODE = 0x0364c093 Desc: XC7K160T Created from NCD file: KX7_IF_Test_Top;UserID=0XFFFFFFFF;Version=2015.2 Target device: 7k160tfbg676 Created: 2016/01/14 11:02:07 Bitstream length: 53540576 bits done. Programming time 28615.0 ms USB Read Transactions: 7 Write Transactions: 6590 Control Transaction 6598

• Xilinx impact sofware can be used to configure the FPGA as follows: cd /opt/Xilinx/14.7/LabTools source export LD_PRELOAD=/opt/Xilinx/usb-driver/ impact

To access iMPACT suite documentation, click on help -> help topics. Steps to configure FPGA:

• ♦ Boundary Scan <--- select ♦ from pull-down menus:

Output->Cable Auto Connect <-- see bottom status bar to check JTAG cable was detected fine

• ♦ right-click in the middle main window: Initialize chan

(in this step, you can pass the $SwD/USBpix/config/mmc3.bit config file) * right-click no the Xilinx device and click "Program" to program the FPGA. After this, the LED-s should turn orange.


MMC3 board powering: can be done via external power source (round VDC connector) or via USB3 directly. To switch between the two is dune using VCC switch located on the board. When powered correctly, the PWR led on the board will light green. Powering via round VDC connector (5V-15V) results in a problem with our particular board, such that FPGA does not configure properly. Please use USB powering. uC Firmware 140 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki Current consumption for VCC powering is ~ 200 mA, whereas USB3 can provide up to 600mA:

Show current as a function of voltage for the board Hidecommands if you are using VCC powering, slowly power the board to about 6V with the external power connection. Make sure the current limit is set to about 300 mA

V A [mA ]prior and after uploading muC image (rec. Dec 2016): 3.85 260 <-- PWR on 4.00 257 267 4.25 246 255 4.50 236 245 4.75 227 236 5.00 217 228 5.25 211 221 5.50 205 214 5.75 200 207 6.00 195 202 [09.01. 183 204]


USB-JTAG cable: Digilent XUP USB-JTAG (6003-410-011) is used with Xilinx ISE LabTools and open-source drivers. When connecting the cable, the lsusb outputs should be:

Device : ID 03fd:0008 Xilinx, Inc. Platform Cable USB II idProduct changes from 000d->0008 when cable firmware uploaded fine which should happen automatically.

Using the board

1) board's VCC switch (magenta) in USB position

2) board powered via USB some software (eg STControl) requires USB3 connection. USB3 ports on cables and computer are the blue ones. The gray ones are USB2. => connect board to USB3 computer ports using USB3 A-to-B cable

3) connect JTAG cable: computer USB3 port --- microsim cable --- cable box --- ribon JTAG cable --- board's JTAG connector

4) check JTAG cable was auto-detected fine: lsusb Bus 009 Device 004: ID 03fd:0008 Xilinx, Inc. Platform Cable USB II <-- vendor/ID info should be 03fd:0008

4) configure FPGA: put this in the terminal xc3sprog -c xpc -v -p 0 /home/quadmod/files/sw/USBpix/config/mmc3.bit

5) upload microController firmware with cyusb_linux put this in the terminal

cyusb_linux select the device and upload this image to RAM (important: not EEPROM/FLASH:)


Powering 141 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki Module testing: running connect the MMC3 board and modules as above.

STControl: cd ~/files/sw/USBpix ./bin/STcontrol

Than follow instructions on STControl wiki

Module testing: hardware

Connect Modules voltages:

• HV can be left unbiased for chip testing. • digital: voltage ~ 1.52 V ; current limit: ~1 A • analog: voltage ~ 1.75 V ; current limit: ~1.9 - 2.0 A check voltages: with volt-meter, check they correspond to the scheme below in the molex connector:

module connector

When plugging the molex into the module, make sure the voltage is off. Turn it on after connector is in place.

Available Modules

• PCB VIB62GH: bare FEI4B chips. Source: Glasgow, Jan 2017. ♦ Powering: digital voltage only, 1.8V. ♦ Status: ◊ broken, not working ◊ [V_analog=0 V, V_digital=1.75 V] : I_digital ~ 40 mA ◊ this module only takes digital voltage and provides analog voltage via the regulators

• PCB 2935-18#Q2: FEI4B chips + Cern Pixel 4 sensors. Source: Glasgow, Jan 2017. ♦ Powering: digital + analog voltage. ♦ Status: ◊ broken, not working ◊ [V_analog=1.8V, V_digital=1.75 V] : I_analog > 2 A, I_digital > 1 A ◊ [[V_analog=0 V, V_digital=1.75 V] : I_digital ~ 500 mA ◊ this module takes both analog and digital voltage.

Module testing: running 142 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

• GLA_AK_1CHIP_Dec2017: Source: Glasgow, Dec 2017. Bare FEI4B chips. This module belongs to UCL's Andreas Korn and is borrowed to us. ♦ Powering: digital + analog voltage. ♦ Status: ◊ working, one chip

Powering mode depends on the wire-bonds to the chip (LDO regulator pads). And on presence/absence of 0-Ohm resistors on the board.

Module PCB schematics:

• Liverpool v2.1 ; WP1 link

On the quadmod machine these were downloaded and unziped to: /home/quadmod/files/doc/module_info/module_pcb_schemas/Design/PixQuad_v2.1 you read them by launching eagle sw: /home/quadmod/files/sw/EAGLE/eagle-8.0.0/eagle and File->Open->Schematic /home/quadmod/files/doc/module_info/module_pcb_schemas/Design/PixQuad_v2.1/PixQuad.sch

viewing schematics with eagle

The Gerber files can be viewed using: gerbv

Than Open layer(s) as provided in: /home/quadmod/files/doc/module_info/module_pcb_schemas/Design/PixQuad_v2.1/Gerber The layer specification in v2.1 gerber-s is encoded in the layer suffix eg for top layer etc.

The gerbv and Open layer(s) can also be used to view assembly .asb and .ast bottom and top files /home/quadmod/files/doc/module_info/module_pcb_schemas/Design/PixQuad_v2.1/Assembly

Available Modules 143 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki Module testing: software

STControl notes

We take the STControl from git here .

Show commands to update and rebuild STControl Hide commands When doing this be careful not to overwrite relevant local changes. git status tells you which files have local changes. It's likely good to make a backup of these files before updating. git pull will warn you in case any local changes cannot be merged seamlessly with the updates

To update to trunk: cd /home/quadmod/files/sw/USBpix sudo su git pull ( check if $ROOTSYS is set; if not source /home/quadmod/.bashrc ) source -gpib no make

Module testing: analysis and reference results

The results obtained with STControl can be viewed with

~/files/sw/USBpix/bin$ ./DataViewer

• MIO2,STC6,SingleChipCard,Nov2017 run • MMC3,STC6,AndreasModule,Dec2017 run


Module testing software

• USBPix twiki • STControl twiki • STControl gitlab wiki

Module testing hardware

Enclustra burn-in card (the MMC3 board mezannine card):

• Enclustra's main page • brief description of the burn-in card • Unit manual available on request from Enclustra.

Technical documentation

• FEI4 share-point • UK WP1 share-point • UK WP2 share-point

Module testing: software 144 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki Related Edinburgh wiki-s

• Running tests with STControl6 + USBPIx2

Reading material for newcomers

• Jennifer Jentzsch's diploma thesis: not public, get link to e-version from supervisors . Clear, simple and short text on how pixel detectors work and main points of module testing. Somewhat out of date and relates to single chip testing. Good starting point for senior honors/summer/master . Chapters 1,2 and 3 are most relevant. • Amir Salehilashkajani's MSc thesis: not public, get link to e-version from supervisors . Technical details on setting up and running STcontrol6 and PyBar testing software. • Malte Backhaus's PhD thesis : Overview of USBPIX testing system, quad-module operation and testing. Higher-level and longer than the diploma thesis from J. Jentzsch. Good starting point for advanced master or PhD students. • J Grosse-Knetter's habilitation thesis . Most detail on USBPIX system, higher level than the PhD thesis from M. Backhaus. Additional reading for master and PhD students. • USBPix3 testing system overview by H. Krueger . Requires CERN rights, get a version from a supervisor in case you do not have them yet. • Rossi, L., Fischer, P., Rohe, T., Wermes, N. , Pixel Detectors From Fundamentals to Applications , modern text-book on pixel detectors. Accessible for free from within the UoE network.

The theses can also be found at: quadmod@quadmodcomp:~/files/doc/theses


• on quadmod computer:


These contain eg. theses and manuals for reference, esp. when they cannot be linked or uploaded due to copyright issues.

--Main.LizaMijovic - 2017-01-16

• uC_firmware_MIO2_pb.pdf: MIO2 uC firmware problem details

This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghGroupHardwareUpgradeDocumentationModTest Topic revision: r136 - 2018-04-27 - LizaMijovic

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback Upgrade Pixel Module Testing @ Edinburgh: the legacy MIO2 board


This page contains information additional information related to the Upgrade Pixel Module Testing @ Edinburgh project. For testing and comparison purposes, we are running the new software suited for the upgrade with the legacy MIO2 board and Run2 detector chips. The MIO2 system consists of an USBPix board

Related Edinburgh wiki-s 145 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki compatible with the lower speed USB2, and an adapter card for the test sample. In our case the test sample is a single FEI4 chip card. A photo of the fully connected system running pixel scan test is below.

MIO2 system running tests on singe-chip card

More notes about the legacy system are also available in the old single chip testing pages

MIO2 board, configuration cabling and powering

We are using MultiIO board rev. 1.04 with the FE-I4 Adapter Card rev. 1.1a. Description can be found in the hardware section of the USBPix wiki .

Configuration uC Firmware

The uC firmware is read from to EEPROM. No action needed.

When plugged in, the board should be detected with vendorID and productID: quadmod@quadmodcomp:~$ lsusb Bus 002 Device 002: ID 5312:0200

A note that we(Jon and Liza) tried to re-upload the uC firmware on EEPROM using SiUSBMan in STControl6 on Windows7 machine. (We used Windows, as EEPROM flashing is not supported on Linux.) Details as posted to the usbpix mailing list are here.

FPGA configuration

The configuration bit file is:


The FPGA coniguration is automatically uploaded by STControl at initialization time. The upload is via the USB cable. No extra JTAG , as is the case for MMC3 board, is required. The path to the FPGA configuration file is passed to STControl in the STControl configuration file.

Introduction 146 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki Powering

MIO2 board is powered via the USB cable. You will be using this board with the FEI4 single chip card, which requires separate powering. This is described below.

Using the single chip sample

The single chip sample obtains power and communicates with the MIO2 system via the wide ribbon cable shown in the figure.

single FEI4 chip card sample. Ribbon cable connects to the single chip adapter card of the MIO2 system.

When the MIO2 system is used with the single chip sample you should:

• connect the ribbon cable (single chip adapter card - to -single chip sample) • connect the external power via the four-pin molex connector on the single chip adapter card. The power will be provided to the USB regulators on the SCA card, which will in turn provide analog and digital power to the chip on the single chip sample card.

MIO2 board powered to provide voltages to the single chip sample. The 4-pin molex connector and cable with colored wires that is connected to the external power source is visible in the right-hand-side next to the wide ribbon cable.

Powering 147 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki Care is required when connecting the external power in order not to damage the system. Molex connector is as follows:

• digital power: blue and yellow (ground) wires. Voltage and current limit: 1.99V, 400 mA • analog power: red and black (ground) wires. Voltage and current limit: 1.99V, 600 mA

Make sure the power is off while plugging the molex connector into the SCA card.

The expected current consumption is as follows:

03rd Nov 2017 STControl off: I_ana=0 mA , I_digi=0 mA STControl all on : I_ana=73 mA , I_digi=89 mA STControl configure all active modules : I_ana=532 mA , I_digi=214 mA STControl pix scan typical values: I_ana=560 mA , I_digi=100 mA

Running module testing

• works on linux only • bring up ./bin/STControl • open STControl config file: /home/quadmod/files/config_files/conf01112017_MIO2_1.cfg.root (see fig for settings it uses) • Initialisation: ♦ 1) Initialise all controllers and DCS objects ♦ 2) All ON ♦ 3) Configure all active modules • After this you can go to Right Pannel -> Primlist Pannel and run primlist file: /home/quadmod/files/primlists/TuningPrimlist.prl.root

MIO2 system STControl6 configuration file settings

Using the single chip sample 148 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

MIO2 system STControl6 configuration file usb controller settings


• figure out what are requirements • offline STControl scan data analysis • get STControl4 references or test all runs fine for Hons. project

-- LizaMijovic - 2017-11-03

This topic: Main > MIO2ForQM Topic revision: r1 - 2017-11-04 - LizaMijovic

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback Upgrade Pixel Module Testing @ Edinburgh: the legacy MIO2 board


This page contains information additional information related to the Upgrade Pixel Module Testing @ Edinburgh project. For testing and comparison purposes, we are running the new software suited for the upgrade with the legacy MIO2 board and Run2 detector chips. The MIO2 system consists of an USBPix board compatible with the lower speed USB2, and an adapter card for the test sample. In our case the test sample is a single FEI4 chip card. A photo of the fully connected system running pixel scan test is below.

Running module testing 149 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

MIO2 system running tests on singe-chip card

More notes about the legacy system are also available in the old single chip testing pages

MIO2 board, configuration cabling and powering

We are using MultiIO board rev. 1.04 with the FE-I4 Adapter Card rev. 1.1a. Description can be found in the hardware section of the USBPix wiki .

Configuration uC Firmware

The uC firmware is read from to EEPROM. No action needed.

When plugged in, the board should be detected with vendorID and productID: quadmod@quadmodcomp:~$ lsusb Bus 002 Device 002: ID 5312:0200

A note that we(Jon and Liza) tried to re-upload the uC firmware on EEPROM using SiUSBMan in STControl6 on Windows7 machine. (We used Windows, as EEPROM flashing is not supported on Linux.) Details as posted to the usbpix mailing list are here.

FPGA configuration

The configuration bit file is:


The FPGA coniguration is automatically uploaded by STControl at initialization time. The upload is via the USB cable. No extra JTAG programmer, as is the case for MMC3 board, is required. The path to the FPGA configuration file is passed to STControl in the STControl configuration file.


MIO2 board is powered via the USB cable. You will be using this board with the FEI4 single chip card, which requires separate powering. This is described below.

Introduction 150 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki Using the single chip sample

The single chip sample obtains power and communicates with the MIO2 system via the wide ribbon cable shown in the figure.

single FEI4 chip card sample. Ribbon cable connects to the single chip adapter card of the MIO2 system.

When the MIO2 system is used with the single chip sample you should:

• connect the ribbon cable (single chip adapter card - to -single chip sample) • connect the external power via the four-pin molex connector on the single chip adapter card. The power will be provided to the USB regulators on the SCA card, which will in turn provide analog and digital power to the chip on the single chip sample card.

MIO2 board powered to provide voltages to the single chip sample. The 4-pin molex connector and cable with colored wires that is connected to the external power source is visible in the right-hand-side next to the wide ribbon cable.

Care is required when connecting the external power in order not to damage the system. Molex connector is as follows:

• digital power: blue and yellow (ground) wires. Voltage and current limit: 1.99V, 400 mA • analog power: red and black (ground) wires. Voltage and current limit: 1.99V, 600 mA

Using the single chip sample 151 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki Make sure the power is off while plugging the molex connector into the SCA card.

The expected current consumption is as follows:

03rd Nov 2017 STControl off: I_ana=0 mA , I_digi=0 mA STControl all on : I_ana=73 mA , I_digi=89 mA STControl configure all active modules : I_ana=532 mA , I_digi=214 mA STControl pix scan typical values: I_ana=560 mA , I_digi=100 mA

Running module testing

• works on linux only • bring up ./bin/STControl • open STControl config file: /home/quadmod/files/config_files/conf01112017_MIO2_1.cfg.root (see fig for settings it uses) • Initialisation: ♦ 1) Initialise all controllers and DCS objects ♦ 2) All ON ♦ 3) Configure all active modules • After this you can go to Right Pannel -> Primlist Pannel and run primlist file: /home/quadmod/files/primlists/TuningPrimlist.prl.root

MIO2 system STControl6 configuration file settings

Running module testing 152 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

MIO2 system STControl6 configuration file usb controller settings


• figure out what are requirements • offline STControl scan data analysis • get STControl4 references or test all runs fine for Hons. project

-- LizaMijovic - 2017-11-03

This topic: Main > MIO2ForQM Topic revision: r1 - 2017-11-04 - LizaMijovic

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback Upgrade Pixel Module Testing @ Edinburgh


This page contains information useful for Upgrade Pixel Module Testing @ Edinburgh. We are testing prototypes of the quad-modules that will be used in the HighLuminosity LHC ATLAS detector. We are currently using USBPix (schema below) system for testing.

TODO 153 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

quad-module testing setup

In addition to running the upgrade module testing hardware, we are also set up to run the legacy Run2 hardware. This is described MIO2ForQM


Main System (linux)

Dell Precision T3400. LAPLAN2 network. Hardware upgrade: PCIe (2-port, single lane) card for USB3 support: Startech PEXUSB3S23.


• DVD unit is faulty. Will scratch/destroy DVD.

Operating System: Kubuntu 16.10, x86_64 CCentOS7 was considered but not (yet) installed. USB installation not supported for CCentOS7. Network install fails (does not start during 30 min waiting time), possible problem with proxy setting/auth on LAPLAN2. Installation from DVD fails due to faulty DVD unit. Option: install CCentOS7 from internal HDD+Grub, once another linux OS has been installed to enabled this.

Startup and env variables: commonly used variables needed at run-time are exported via ~.bashrc / ~.bash_envvars files:

env variables details Hidecommands just read the relevant files to see what is currently defined: cat /home/quadmod/.bash_envvars export SwD=/home/quadmod/files/sw export QT5DIR=$SwD/qt/qt_551/installdir export QWTDIR=$SwD/qwt/qwt-6.1.2 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$SwD/cypress_SDK/cyusb_linux_1.0.4/lib source $SwD/root/bin/

Keeping computer up to date:

Show commands Hidecommands Run this from time-to-time to make sure we have most up-to-date packages (security patches etc.): sudo su

Introduction 154 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki apt-get update apt-get dist-upgrade

Software installation log:

Show commands Hidecommands installing basic software:

* texteditor: apt-get install emacs24

* openafs and kerberos: apt-get install openafs-krb5 openafs-client krb5-user module-assistant openafs-modules-dkms

* versioning software: apt install subversion apt-get install git

* root6 sudo apt-get install git dpkg-dev cmake g++ gcc binutils libx11-dev libxpm-dev \ libxft-dev libxext-dev git clone cd root git checkout -b v6-08-00 v6-08-00

== USBPix software and prerequisites

* QT5: ** prereq. apt-get install libfontconfig1-dev libfreetype6-dev libx11-dev apt-get install libxext-dev libxfixes-dev libxi-dev libxrender-dev apt-get install libxcb1-dev libx11-xcb-dev libxcb-glx0-dev ** opengl sudo apt-get install build-essential libgl1-mesa-dev ** openssl apt-get install libssl-dev ** to install QT, one fetches the sources, and runs ./configure ; make ; make install . \ Below the exact commands with costumization and checks: # fetch and prepare sources mkdir /home/quadmod/files/sw/qt/qt_551/ cd /home/quadmod/files/sw/qt/qt_551/ wget tar -xzf qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.gz cd /home/quadmod/files/sw/qt/qt_551/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.5.1 mkdir -p /home/quadmod/files/sw/qt/qt_551/installdir QT5DIR=/home/quadmod/files/sw/qt/qt_551/installdir # configure in verbose mode and include all the prerequisites STcontrol will need: ./configure -v -openssl -qt-xcb -prefix $QT5DIR -opensource | tee config.out # check if OpenGL was registered fine: grep OpenGL config.out OpenGL ...... desktop <-- if you get 'none' this should be fixed before compiling also check config.out for any other configuration problems make | tee make.out make install

* qwt mkdir /home/quadmod/files/sw/qwt/qwt-6.1.2 wget export QT5DIR=/home/quadmod/files/sw/qt/qt_551/installdir $QT5DIR/bin/qmake make make install l* linux-gpib

Main System (linux) 155 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki cd /home/quadmod/files/sw/gpib/ mv tarball to this dir and unzip ./configure make make install

* apt-get install libusb-1.0-0 libusb-1.0-0-dev

===== FPGA firmware upload via JTAG cable: can be done either via xc3sprog or Xilinx tools

== * xc3sprog is a light-weight command line tool for uploads. It is used by STControl internally. prerequisites: apt-get install libusb-dev apt-get install libconfuse-dev apt-get install libftdi1-dev svn co xc3sprog cd xc3sprog cmake . make make install (requires sudo)

In the above, the cmake issues a message that the following package is missing: libftd2xx . The compilation, installation and running the program however work fine without the libftd2xx module. ==

* Xilinx software for JTAG cable FPGA programming

Xilinx software and cable drivers for FPGA programming and configuration via USB programming cable. * * newer Xilinx Vivado in combination with Xilinx and Digilent drivers did not work on first install, * * ==> I used legacy Xilinx ISE and M. Gernoth's XILINX JTAG tools on Linux without proprietary kernel modules ( Useful resource:

Xilinx ISE LabTools: Requires (free) Xilinx registration steps: 1) Xilinx download page -> 2) ISE -> 3) Lab Tools - 14.7 -> 4) Download installer tarball

1) 2) 3) look for "Lab Tools" section . Lab Tools is a light-weight version of the full design suite. 4) installer tarball is currently common to all platforms

/home/quadmod/files/sw/Xilinx_ISE_LabTools/Xilinx_LabTools_14.7_1015_1/Xilinx_LabTools_14.7_1015_1.tar tar -xf Xilinx_LabTools_14.7_1015_1.tar cd Xilinx_LabTools_14.7_1015_1 sudo su ./xsetup --> in gui installation I and untick all licence, web-talk, cable-driver (etc.) boxes --> I select standard installation location: /opt/Xilinx/14.7/LabTools add this to .bashrc/.bash_envvars: export PATH=$PATH:/opt/Xilinx/14.7/LabTools/LabTools/bin/lin64/


USB-JTAG drivers: sudo apt-get install gitk git-gui libusb-dev build-essential libc6-dev-i386 fxload cd /opt/Xilinx sudo git clone git:// cd usb-driver/ make <-- installs the drivers

Main System (linux) 156 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki set up firmware/cable access: ./setup_pcusb /opt/Xilinx/14.7/LabTools/LabTools/ <-- copies LabTools firmware to /usr/share and produces new udev rules for USB JTAG cable /etc/udev/rules.d/xusbdfwu.rules after this one might need to issue udevadm trigger --action=change + plugging out- and in- the cable

Then the device ID changes as follows:

Device: ID 03fd:000d Xilinx, Inc. <-- no firmware Device : ID 03fd:0008 Xilinx, Inc. Platform Cable USB II <-- firmware uploaded fine

After this the JTAG cable will be automatically detected correctly when plugged in-.


Module testing software: USBPix/STControl (legacy C++ software):

(requires gitlab account) -> -> git clone https://[email protected]/jgrosse/USBpix.git == cd USBpix source -gpib no make

PyBar: newer python software for testing: ===> git clone pip install $PWD/pyBAR_fei4_interpreter basil: git clone pip install $PWD/basil


* eagle software needed for viewing eagle (.sch/.brd) PCB schemas: requires autodesk account to use : get 64bit linux tarball cd /home/quadmod/files/sw/EAGLE /home/quadmod/files/sw/EAGLE/Autodesk_EAGLE_8.0_English_Linux_64bit.tar.gz unzip the tarball tar -xzf Autodesk_EAGLE_8.0_English_Linux_64bit.tar.gz run binary as: ./eagle-8.0.0/eagle

The Qt was crashing when using web-client due to bugs in the noveau graphics server. glxinfo -v | grep -A 5 -i vendor Vendor: nouveau (0x10de) Device: NV86 (0x42f) Version: 12.0.6 xserver-xorg-video-nouveau is already the newest version (1:1.0.12-2).

I thus switched to using the nvidia drivers: computer->system settings -> driver manager changed from Usnig X.Org X server (noveau display driver)

Main System (linux) 157 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki to using driver : nvidia-340 - distro non-free recommended

After this eagle runs fine.

Extra System (windows) installation: computer by the microscope SCE-SOPA-00124 Windows7 enterprise, SP1, 64-bit

Software installation log:

Show commands Hidecommands installation: computer by the microscope SCE-SOPA-00124 Windows7 enterprise, SP1, 64-bit

Instructions: sw installation prefix: D:/STControl6_files/sw

======Installing prerequisites: ======

1) Visual Studio 2013 Express (compiler/IDE): * for Windows (Desktop): [-> installer Computer/Store(D)/STControl6_files/sw/VisualStudioExpress2013/wdexpress_full] [-> install files to: Computer/Store(D)/STControl6_files/sw/VisualStudioExpress2013/VisualStudioExpress2013_install ] to install: run installer. After installing, restart the computer. things to note: * Visual Studio 2013 Express provides compiler and "nmake" executable to build your programs * when actually using using, you'll have to configure it as follows: cd D:\STControl6_files\sw\VC vcvarsall.bat To see what vcvarsall.bat does, you can open and read it in Visual Studio * When running "nmake" the D:\STControl6_files\sw\VC\bin

2) Qt 5.5.1 LGPL for Visual Studio 2013 Express: [-> installer Computer/Store(D)/STControl6_files/sw/Qt551/] [-> install files to: Computer/Store(D)/STControl6_files/sw/Qt551/Qt551_install] to install: run installer things to note: * QT provides QT Commnad prompt and qmake commands (amongst other) * when running qmake, you'll need to make sure the directory containing "qmake.exe" is in your path: D:\STControl6_files\sw\QT551\QT551_install\5.5\msvc2013\bin

3) ROOT: download installer compatible with your Visual Studio version; for Studio 2013, this is: [-> installer D:\STControl6_files\sw\ROOT5p34p34] [-> install files to: D:\STControl6_files\sw\ROOT5p34p34\root_v5.34.34] to install: run the installer things to note: when running root, you will need to have D:\STControl6_files\sw\ROOT5p34p34\root_v5.34.34\bin in your path

4) Qwt 6.1.2: #

Extra System (windows) 158 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki [-> installer zip Computer/Store(D)/STControl6_files/sw/qwt612/] [-> extract files to: Computer/Store(D)/STControl6_files/sw/qwt612/qwt-]

To install: open QTcommand prompt. QTcommand promptcomes as part of qt installation. You find and launch it as: Start-> enter "QT" in the search box -> click on the terminal (fig QT_term.png)

QT terminal used for installation of QWT and USBPix

4.1) check that the QT's qmake is in your path by typing in terminal: path and check that it contains the bin directory that points to qmake.exe: D:\STControl6_files\sw\QT551\QT551_install\5.5\msvc2013\bin This should be the case automatically for QT terminal, but if running from another terminal, you might need to add this to your path variable using the usual Windows syntax (set path=...)

4.2) go to QWT's extracted installation directory: cd D:\STControl6_files\sw\QWT612\qwt-6.1.2_install\qwt-6.1.2 qmake

4.3) set up for using Windows Studio Express's nmake: cd D:\STControl6_files\sw\VC vcvarsall.bat

4.4) check that "nmake" command is in your path variable by typing: path and check that it contains the directory containing the nmake.exe D:\STControl6_files\sw\VC\bin

4.5) with nmake set up, you can install qwt: cd D:\STControl6_files\sw\QWT612\qwt-6.1.2_install\qwt-6.1.2 nmake

5) libusb: zadig and WinUSB drivers (fig zadig.png) Zadig: in sw/Zadig: file named zadig-2.3 = installer double-click and install WinUSB driver (v6.1.7600.16385) driver

Extra System (windows) 159 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

zadig setup after installation of WinUSB driver

6) uC firmware software: Download CYUSB: akamai installer FX3 SDK installed in: D:\STControl6_files\sw\cypress_FX3_USB_SDK

Not now, but after you have cloned the USBPix, you program the MMC3, instrucions are on <-- x-check the commands below are up-to-date:

6.1) WindowsExplorer D:\STCeontrol6_files\sw\cypress_FX3_USB_SDK\EZ-USB FX3 SDK\1.3\bin 6.2) execute CyControl .exe 6.3) The board should be detected as FX3 device and I Programm the board, uploading this file to RAM D:\STControl6_files\sw\USBPix\USBpix_git\config\SILABFX3.img

======Installing USBPix and STControl6: ====== medium mode download the code archive: [original zip: D:\STControl6_files\sw\USBPix\] [extracted to: D:\STControl6_files\sw\USBPix\USBpix_git] to install

1) open the QT command prompt and go to directory where the files were extracted: cd D:\STControl6_files\sw\USBPix\USBpix_git

2) the tricky part: set up paths you need to set up the installation so that your windows studio, qt, qwt and root are found correctly the configuration of these and other variables usbpix requires is done in: D:\STControl6_files\sw\USBPix\USBpix_git\setup.bat

The file can be open and inspected with visual studio (fig. USBpix_setupbat.PNG), where you see that it will execute (highlighted in fig USBpix_setupbat.PNG): set Path=..%QT5DIR%/bin..

Thus you should make sure the variables such as %QT5DIR% are set up correctly before set Path will be called.

Extra System (windows) 160 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

USBPix's setup file opened in Visual Studio

One of the way to do it is to set the variables acc. to your installation before installing USBPix. The variables are set in QT command prompt from which you will be installing STControl, by typing set VARNAME=VARVALUE commands in the command prompt accordingly. with my installation setup this is: Visual studio express: set path to directory that contains bin and lib. Type this in QT command prompt: set VCDIR=D:\STControl6_files\sw\VC QT5: set path to directory that contains bin and lib . Type this in QT command prompt: set QT5DIR=D:\STControl6_files\sw\QT551\QT551_install\5.5\msvc2013 ROOT: set path to directory that contains bin, type this in QT command prompt: set ROOTSYS=D:\STControl6_files\sw\ROOT5p34p34\root_v5.34.34 QWT: set QWTDIR=D:\STControl6_files\sw\QWT612\qwt-6.1.2_install\qwt-6.1.2 to check the values the variables have, you echo their value in the command prompt using commands as: echo %QWTDIR% ...

3) after you have set up all the paths, you can run the setup in teh QT prompt: D:\STControl6_files\sw\USBPix\USBpix_git> setup.bat watch for any warnings and errors of files not being found. Eg in case the setup complains that vcvarsall.bat can't be found, your path to Visual studio express is likely incorrect. In this case set VCDIR to correct value for your installation and re-run the setup.bat

4) set up for running visual studio's nmake: cd D:\STControl6_files\sw\VC vcvarsall.bat

5) install: cd D:\STControl6_files\sw\USBPix\USBpix_git check that paths to visual studio etc. are correct by inspecting output of: path if all is fine compile the code: nmake and check the installation for any errors.

Extra System (windows) 161 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

6) If all went fine, you should be able to open STControl from the QT prompt (fig STControl.PNG) in which you have run the setup.bat by typing: cd D:\STControl6_files\sw\USBPix\USBpix_git\bin STcontrol.exe

When running anew from the fresh QT terminal, you will need to ensure all environmental variables are set correctly. Eg by repeating the set commands (set ROOTSYS=... ) and re-running setup.bat

STControl ran from QT terminal

======Misc windows notes: ======uninstalling programs: Start -> Computer -> "Uninstall or change programms"

QT terminal: understands msdos commands to read path: path to set variable set XY= to set path set path= to list directory: dir

MMC3 board, configuration cabling and powering

Board schema link

MMC3 board, configuration cabling and powering 162 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki Configuration uC Firmware

Cypress software for updating the board microcontroller firmware:

Show commands Hidecommands cypress_linux EZ-USB FX3 Software Development Kit --> download the lates SDK for linux. Requires (free) registration. prerequisites: qt4 apt-get install qt4-default

A couple of patches to the code are needed to compile: <-- download and apply the patch patch main.cpp errno.patch The patch has also been copied to: /home/quadmod/files/sw/cypress_SDK/patch/errno.patch export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$SwD/cypress_SDK/cyusb_linux_1.0.4/lib cd $SwD/cypress_SDK/cyusb_linux_1.0.4/ make

./ Open /etc/udev/rules.d/88-cyusb.rules as sudo and change the included rules to: KERNEL=="*", SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="usb_device", ACTION=="add", ATTR{idVendor}=="04b4", GROUP="user_group", MODE="666", TAG="cyusb_dev", RUN+="/usr/local/bin/ A" KERNEL=="*", SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="usb_device", ACTION=="remove", TAG=="cyusb_dev", RUN+="/usr/local/bin/ R" chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/cyusb_linux now open the terminal window for uploading microcontroller firmware: cyusb_linux check the device before uploading the image ( ID [vendor]:[product] should be 04b4:00f3 Cypress Semiconductor Corp.) lsusb Bus 009 Device 002: ID 04b4:00f3 Cypress Semiconductor Corp.<==== ok! connect the MMC3 to the USB3 port and upload the image: /home/quadmod/files/sw/USBpix/config/SILABFX3.img check the device after uploading the image ( ID [vendor]:[product] ) lsusb Bus 009 Device 003: ID 5312:0300

The image is loaded to RAM and needs to be uploaded each time the the system is reconnected.

FPGA configuration

The configuration bit file is:


The FPGA coniguration is automatically uploaded by STControl at initialization time. Notes on manual uploads below.

• Open-source xc3sprog is used internally by STControl, and can be ran standalone as follows xc3sprog -c xpc -v -p 0 /home/quadmod/files/sw/USBpix/config/mmc3.bit

Configuration 163 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

<-- should give output like this: ... Using built-in device list Using built-in cable list firmware version = 0x0012 (18) CPLD version = 0x0012 (18) JTAG chainpos: 0 Device IDCODE = 0x0364c093 Desc: XC7K160T Created from NCD file: KX7_IF_Test_Top;UserID=0XFFFFFFFF;Version=2015.2 Target device: 7k160tfbg676 Created: 2016/01/14 11:02:07 Bitstream length: 53540576 bits done. Programming time 28615.0 ms USB Read Transactions: 7 Write Transactions: 6590 Control Transaction 6598

• Xilinx impact sofware can be used to configure the FPGA as follows: cd /opt/Xilinx/14.7/LabTools source export LD_PRELOAD=/opt/Xilinx/usb-driver/ impact

To access iMPACT suite documentation, click on help -> help topics. Steps to configure FPGA:

• ♦ Boundary Scan <--- select ♦ from pull-down menus:

Output->Cable Auto Connect <-- see bottom status bar to check JTAG cable was detected fine

• ♦ right-click in the middle main window: Initialize chan

(in this step, you can pass the $SwD/USBpix/config/mmc3.bit config file) * right-click no the Xilinx device and click "Program" to program the FPGA. After this, the LED-s should turn orange.


MMC3 board powering: can be done via external power source (round VDC connector) or via USB3 directly. To switch between the two is dune using VCC switch located on the board. When powered correctly, the PWR led on the board will light green. Powering via round VDC connector (5V-15V) results in a problem with our particular board, such that FPGA does not configure properly. Please use USB powering.

Current consumption for VCC powering is ~ 200 mA, whereas USB3 can provide up to 600mA:

Show current as a function of voltage for the board Hidecommands if you are using VCC powering, slowly power the board to about 6V with the external power connection. Make sure the current limit is set to about 300 mA

V A [mA ]prior and after uploading muC image (rec. Dec 2016): 3.85 260 <-- PWR on 4.00 257 267 4.25 246 255 4.50 236 245 4.75 227 236 5.00 217 228 5.25 211 221 5.50 205 214 5.75 200 207 6.00 195 202 [09.01. 183 204]

FPGA configuration 164 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki Cabling

USB-JTAG cable: Digilent XUP USB-JTAG (6003-410-011) is used with Xilinx ISE LabTools and open-source drivers. When connecting the cable, the lsusb outputs should be:

Device : ID 03fd:0008 Xilinx, Inc. Platform Cable USB II idProduct changes from 000d->0008 when cable firmware uploaded fine which should happen automatically.

Using the board

1) board's VCC switch (magenta) in USB position

2) board powered via USB some software (eg STControl) requires USB3 connection. USB3 ports on cables and computer are the blue ones. The gray ones are USB2. => connect board to USB3 computer ports using USB3 A-to-B cable

3) connect JTAG cable: computer USB3 port --- microsim cable --- cable box --- ribon JTAG cable --- board's JTAG connector

4) check JTAG cable was auto-detected fine: lsusb Bus 009 Device 004: ID 03fd:0008 Xilinx, Inc. Platform Cable USB II <-- vendor/ID info should be 03fd:0008

4) configure FPGA: put this in the terminal xc3sprog -c xpc -v -p 0 /home/quadmod/files/sw/USBpix/config/mmc3.bit

5) upload microController firmware with cyusb_linux put this in the terminal

cyusb_linux select the device and upload this image to RAM (important: not EEPROM/FLASH:)


Module testing: running connect the MMC3 board and modules as above.

STControl: cd ~/files/sw/USBpix ./bin/STcontrol

Than follow instructions on STControl wiki

Module testing: hardware

Connect Modules voltages:

Cabling 165 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

• HV can be left unbiased for chip testing. • digital: voltage ~ 1.52 V ; current limit: ~1 A • analog: voltage ~ 1.75 V ; current limit: ~1.9 - 2.0 A check voltages: with volt-meter, check they correspond to the scheme below in the molex connector:

module connector

When plugging the molex into the module, make sure the voltage is off. Turn it on after connector is in place.

Available Modules

• PCB VIB62GH: bare FEI4B chips. Source: Glasgow, Jan 2017. ♦ Powering: digital voltage only, 1.8V. ♦ Status: ◊ broken, not working ◊ [V_analog=0 V, V_digital=1.75 V] : I_digital ~ 40 mA ◊ this module only takes digital voltage and provides analog voltage via the regulators

• PCB 2935-18#Q2: FEI4B chips + Cern Pixel 4 sensors. Source: Glasgow, Jan 2017. ♦ Powering: digital + analog voltage. ♦ Status: ◊ broken, not working ◊ [V_analog=1.8V, V_digital=1.75 V] : I_analog > 2 A, I_digital > 1 A ◊ [[V_analog=0 V, V_digital=1.75 V] : I_digital ~ 500 mA ◊ this module takes both analog and digital voltage.

• GLA_AK_1CHIP_Dec2017: Source: Glasgow, Dec 2017. Bare FEI4B chips. This module belongs to UCL's Andreas Korn and is borrowed to us. ♦ Powering: digital + analog voltage. ♦ Status: ◊ working, one chip

Powering mode depends on the wire-bonds to the chip (LDO regulator pads). And on presence/absence of 0-Ohm resistors on the board.

Module PCB schematics:

• Liverpool v2.1 ; WP1 link

On the quadmod machine these were downloaded and unziped to: /home/quadmod/files/doc/module_info/module_pcb_schemas/Design/PixQuad_v2.1 you read them by launching eagle sw: /home/quadmod/files/sw/EAGLE/eagle-8.0.0/eagle

Connect Modules 166 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki and File->Open->Schematic /home/quadmod/files/doc/module_info/module_pcb_schemas/Design/PixQuad_v2.1/PixQuad.sch

viewing schematics with eagle

The Gerber files can be viewed using: gerbv

Than Open layer(s) as provided in: /home/quadmod/files/doc/module_info/module_pcb_schemas/Design/PixQuad_v2.1/Gerber The layer specification in v2.1 gerber-s is encoded in the layer suffix eg for top layer etc.

The gerbv and Open layer(s) can also be used to view assembly .asb and .ast bottom and top files /home/quadmod/files/doc/module_info/module_pcb_schemas/Design/PixQuad_v2.1/Assembly

Module testing: software

STControl notes

We take the STControl from git here .

Show commands to update and rebuild STControl Hide commands When doing this be careful not to overwrite relevant local changes. git status tells you which files have local changes. It's likely good to make a backup of these files before updating. git pull will warn you in case any local changes cannot be merged seamlessly with the updates

To update to trunk: cd /home/quadmod/files/sw/USBpix

Module PCB schematics: 167 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki sudo su git pull ( check if $ROOTSYS is set; if not source /home/quadmod/.bashrc ) source -gpib no make

Module testing: analysis and reference results

The results obtained with STControl can be viewed with

~/files/sw/USBpix/bin$ ./DataViewer

• MIO2,STC6,SingleChipCard,Nov2017 run • MMC3,STC6,AndreasModule,Dec2017 run


Module testing software

• USBPix twiki • STControl twiki • STControl gitlab wiki

Module testing hardware

Enclustra burn-in card (the MMC3 board mezannine card):

• Enclustra's main page • brief description of the burn-in card • Unit manual available on request from Enclustra.

Technical documentation

• FEI4 share-point • UK WP1 share-point • UK WP2 share-point

Related Edinburgh wiki-s

• Running tests with STControl6 + USBPIx2

Reading material for newcomers

• Jennifer Jentzsch's diploma thesis: not public, get link to e-version from supervisors . Clear, simple and short text on how pixel detectors work and main points of module testing. Somewhat out of date and relates to single chip testing. Good starting point for senior honors/summer/master . Chapters 1,2 and 3 are most relevant. • Amir Salehilashkajani's MSc thesis: not public, get link to e-version from supervisors . Technical details on setting up and running STcontrol6 and PyBar testing software. • Malte Backhaus's PhD thesis : Overview of USBPIX testing system, quad-module operation and testing. Higher-level and longer than the diploma thesis from J. Jentzsch. Good starting point for advanced master or PhD students. • J Grosse-Knetter's habilitation thesis . Most detail on USBPIX system, higher level than the PhD thesis from M. Backhaus. Additional reading for master and PhD students.

STControl notes 168 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

• USBPix3 testing system overview by H. Krueger . Requires CERN rights, get a version from a supervisor in case you do not have them yet. • Rossi, L., Fischer, P., Rohe, T., Wermes, N. , Pixel Detectors From Fundamentals to Applications , modern text-book on pixel detectors. Accessible for free from within the UoE network.

The theses can also be found at: quadmod@quadmodcomp:~/files/doc/theses


• on quadmod computer:


These contain eg. theses and manuals for reference, esp. when they cannot be linked or uploaded due to copyright issues.

--Main.LizaMijovic - 2017-01-16

• uC_firmware_MIO2_pb.pdf: MIO2 uC firmware problem details

This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghGroupHardwareUpgradeDocumentationModTest Topic revision: r136 - 2018-04-27 - LizaMijovic

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback Upgrade Pixel Module Testing @ Edinburgh: the legacy MIO2 board


This page contains information additional information related to the Upgrade Pixel Module Testing @ Edinburgh project. For testing and comparison purposes, we are running the new software suited for the upgrade with the legacy MIO2 board and Run2 detector chips. The MIO2 system consists of an USBPix board compatible with the lower speed USB2, and an adapter card for the test sample. In our case the test sample is a single FEI4 chip card. A photo of the fully connected system running pixel scan test is below.

Reading material for newcomers 169 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

MIO2 system running tests on singe-chip card

More notes about the legacy system are also available in the old single chip testing pages

MIO2 board, configuration cabling and powering

We are using MultiIO board rev. 1.04 with the FE-I4 Adapter Card rev. 1.1a. Description can be found in the hardware section of the USBPix wiki .

Configuration uC Firmware

The uC firmware is read from to EEPROM. No action needed.

When plugged in, the board should be detected with vendorID and productID: quadmod@quadmodcomp:~$ lsusb Bus 002 Device 002: ID 5312:0200

A note that we(Jon and Liza) tried to re-upload the uC firmware on EEPROM using SiUSBMan in STControl6 on Windows7 machine. (We used Windows, as EEPROM flashing is not supported on Linux.) Details as posted to the usbpix mailing list are here.

FPGA configuration

The configuration bit file is:


The FPGA coniguration is automatically uploaded by STControl at initialization time. The upload is via the USB cable. No extra JTAG programmer, as is the case for MMC3 board, is required. The path to the FPGA configuration file is passed to STControl in the STControl configuration file.


MIO2 board is powered via the USB cable. You will be using this board with the FEI4 single chip card, which requires separate powering. This is described below.

Introduction 170 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki Using the single chip sample

The single chip sample obtains power and communicates with the MIO2 system via the wide ribbon cable shown in the figure.

single FEI4 chip card sample. Ribbon cable connects to the single chip adapter card of the MIO2 system.

When the MIO2 system is used with the single chip sample you should:

• connect the ribbon cable (single chip adapter card - to -single chip sample) • connect the external power via the four-pin molex connector on the single chip adapter card. The power will be provided to the USB regulators on the SCA card, which will in turn provide analog and digital power to the chip on the single chip sample card.

MIO2 board powered to provide voltages to the single chip sample. The 4-pin molex connector and cable with colored wires that is connected to the external power source is visible in the right-hand-side next to the wide ribbon cable.

Care is required when connecting the external power in order not to damage the system. Molex connector is as follows:

• digital power: blue and yellow (ground) wires. Voltage and current limit: 1.99V, 400 mA • analog power: red and black (ground) wires. Voltage and current limit: 1.99V, 600 mA

Using the single chip sample 171 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki Make sure the power is off while plugging the molex connector into the SCA card.

The expected current consumption is as follows:

03rd Nov 2017 STControl off: I_ana=0 mA , I_digi=0 mA STControl all on : I_ana=73 mA , I_digi=89 mA STControl configure all active modules : I_ana=532 mA , I_digi=214 mA STControl pix scan typical values: I_ana=560 mA , I_digi=100 mA

Running module testing

• works on linux only • bring up ./bin/STControl • open STControl config file: /home/quadmod/files/config_files/conf01112017_MIO2_1.cfg.root (see fig for settings it uses) • Initialisation: ♦ 1) Initialise all controllers and DCS objects ♦ 2) All ON ♦ 3) Configure all active modules • After this you can go to Right Pannel -> Primlist Pannel and run primlist file: /home/quadmod/files/primlists/TuningPrimlist.prl.root

MIO2 system STControl6 configuration file settings

Running module testing 172 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

MIO2 system STControl6 configuration file usb controller settings


• figure out what are requirements • offline STControl scan data analysis • get STControl4 references or test all runs fine for Hons. project

-- LizaMijovic - 2017-11-03

This topic: Main > MIO2ForQM Topic revision: r1 - 2017-11-04 - LizaMijovic

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback Upgrade Pixel Module Testing @ Edinburgh: the legacy MIO2 board


This page contains information additional information related to the Upgrade Pixel Module Testing @ Edinburgh project. For testing and comparison purposes, we are running the new software suited for the upgrade with the legacy MIO2 board and Run2 detector chips. The MIO2 system consists of an USBPix board compatible with the lower speed USB2, and an adapter card for the test sample. In our case the test sample is a single FEI4 chip card. A photo of the fully connected system running pixel scan test is below.

TODO 173 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

MIO2 system running tests on singe-chip card

More notes about the legacy system are also available in the old single chip testing pages

MIO2 board, configuration cabling and powering

We are using MultiIO board rev. 1.04 with the FE-I4 Adapter Card rev. 1.1a. Description can be found in the hardware section of the USBPix wiki .

Configuration uC Firmware

The uC firmware is read from to EEPROM. No action needed.

When plugged in, the board should be detected with vendorID and productID: quadmod@quadmodcomp:~$ lsusb Bus 002 Device 002: ID 5312:0200

A note that we(Jon and Liza) tried to re-upload the uC firmware on EEPROM using SiUSBMan in STControl6 on Windows7 machine. (We used Windows, as EEPROM flashing is not supported on Linux.) Details as posted to the usbpix mailing list are here.

FPGA configuration

The configuration bit file is:


The FPGA coniguration is automatically uploaded by STControl at initialization time. The upload is via the USB cable. No extra JTAG programmer, as is the case for MMC3 board, is required. The path to the FPGA configuration file is passed to STControl in the STControl configuration file.


MIO2 board is powered via the USB cable. You will be using this board with the FEI4 single chip card, which requires separate powering. This is described below.

Introduction 174 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki Using the single chip sample

The single chip sample obtains power and communicates with the MIO2 system via the wide ribbon cable shown in the figure.

single FEI4 chip card sample. Ribbon cable connects to the single chip adapter card of the MIO2 system.

When the MIO2 system is used with the single chip sample you should:

• connect the ribbon cable (single chip adapter card - to -single chip sample) • connect the external power via the four-pin molex connector on the single chip adapter card. The power will be provided to the USB regulators on the SCA card, which will in turn provide analog and digital power to the chip on the single chip sample card.

MIO2 board powered to provide voltages to the single chip sample. The 4-pin molex connector and cable with colored wires that is connected to the external power source is visible in the right-hand-side next to the wide ribbon cable.

Care is required when connecting the external power in order not to damage the system. Molex connector is as follows:

• digital power: blue and yellow (ground) wires. Voltage and current limit: 1.99V, 400 mA • analog power: red and black (ground) wires. Voltage and current limit: 1.99V, 600 mA

Using the single chip sample 175 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki Make sure the power is off while plugging the molex connector into the SCA card.

The expected current consumption is as follows:

03rd Nov 2017 STControl off: I_ana=0 mA , I_digi=0 mA STControl all on : I_ana=73 mA , I_digi=89 mA STControl configure all active modules : I_ana=532 mA , I_digi=214 mA STControl pix scan typical values: I_ana=560 mA , I_digi=100 mA

Running module testing

• works on linux only • bring up ./bin/STControl • open STControl config file: /home/quadmod/files/config_files/conf01112017_MIO2_1.cfg.root (see fig for settings it uses) • Initialisation: ♦ 1) Initialise all controllers and DCS objects ♦ 2) All ON ♦ 3) Configure all active modules • After this you can go to Right Pannel -> Primlist Pannel and run primlist file: /home/quadmod/files/primlists/TuningPrimlist.prl.root

MIO2 system STControl6 configuration file settings

Running module testing 176 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

MIO2 system STControl6 configuration file usb controller settings


• figure out what are requirements • offline STControl scan data analysis • get STControl4 references or test all runs fine for Hons. project

-- LizaMijovic - 2017-11-03

This topic: Main > MIO2ForQM Topic revision: r1 - 2017-11-04 - LizaMijovic

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback Glues - Shear Tests

Edinburgh test results:

• 07.04.2015: Jon Webster, : Glue Shear Tests - Work in Progress

Edinburgh setup: Glues - Specifications

Loctite 358:

• Loctite 358 specsheet

Loctite 350 UV:

• Loctite 158350 specsheet

TODO 177 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki Loctite 270 Threadlock:

Araldite 2020 Epoxy:

Araldite Instant Clear:

Fuller Epolyte FH 5313:

• Fuller Epolite FH 5313 specsheet

Henkel Hysol EA 9396:

• Henkel Hysol EA 9396 specsheet

Dow Corning SE 4445:

• DowCorning SE 4445 Product Information • DowCorning SE 4445 Safety Datasheet A • DowCorning SE 4445 Safety Datasheet B

-- StephanEisenhardt - 2015-04-08

This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghGroupMaterialStudies Topic revision: r3 - 2015-04-08 - StephanEisenhardt

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback Glues - Shear Tests

Edinburgh test results:

• 07.04.2015: Jon Webster, Spreadsheet: Glue Shear Tests - Work in Progress

Edinburgh setup: Glues - Specifications

Loctite 358:

• Loctite 358 specsheet

Loctite 350 UV:

• Loctite 158350 specsheet

Loctite 270 Threadlock:

Araldite 2020 Epoxy:

Araldite Instant Clear:

Fuller Epolyte FH 5313:

Glues - Specifications 178 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

• Fuller Epolite FH 5313 specsheet

Henkel Hysol EA 9396:

• Henkel Hysol EA 9396 specsheet

Dow Corning SE 4445:

• DowCorning SE 4445 Product Information • DowCorning SE 4445 Safety Datasheet A • DowCorning SE 4445 Safety Datasheet B

-- StephanEisenhardt - 2015-04-08

This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghGroupMaterialStudies Topic revision: r3 - 2015-04-08 - StephanEisenhardt

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback Meetings

Talks and minutes are uploaded to the indico pages.

Edinburgh meetings:

2015: 29.04. , 15.04. , 08.04. , 25.03. , 11.03. , 25.02. , 11.02. , 28.01.

2014: 22.10. , 08.10. , 16.07. , 02.07. , 18.06. , 04.06. , 21.05. , 07.05. , 23.04. , 09.04. , 26.03. , 12.03. , 26.02. , 12.02. , 15.01.

2013: 18.12. , 04.12. , 20.11. , 13.11. , 23.10. , 16.10. , 25.09. , 28.08. , 21.08. , 14.08. , 31.07. , 17.07. , 03.07. , 19.06. , 12.06. , 05.06. , 29.05. , 22.05. , 08.05. , 01.05. , 17.04. , 10.04. , 27.03. , 20.03. , 13.03. , 27.02. , 20.02. , 13.02. , 30.01. , 23.01. , 16.01.

2012: 19.12. , 28.11. . 14.11. , 07.11.

Extra Material:

WP1 Pixel module weekly meeting: "FE-I4A wafer probing at Edinburgh", first probing scans and tuning attempts -- Corrinne 31.10.2013 Material Studies Hardware Documentation

Glues - Specifications 179 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki Single-chip testing

Documentation relevant for testing of single FEI chips is available here.


Documentation relevant for testing of modules for the upgrade is available here.

This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghGroupHardwareUpgrade Topic revision: r10 - 2017-01-16 - LizaMijovic

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback Hardware Documentation

Wentworth Prober

1) Pegasus, Serialno. 307

• Pegasus_OperatingAndServiceManual_v6.2.pdf • Pegasus_CentreOfRotation_AddendumToPegasusManual.pdf • Pegasus_FaultFinding_PegasusController.pdf • Pegasus_ControlPackage_v1.0.pdf • Pegasus_ProbeInstallationAndOperation_Manual_v2.pdf • Pegasus_ComputerAssistedProbe_OperatorsManual_v1.0.pdf • Pegasus_MA-01_FileTransferUtility_UserManual_v2.2.pdf • Pegasus_DualChuckScannerAndProber.pdf • Pegasus_SparePartList_300S_S200.pdf

• Pegasus_Drawing_InterfaceConnections_2375-823-1_1C_MA-01_20-99_ControllerSchematic.pdf • Pegasus_Drawing_InterfaceConnections_2375-823-2_1C_MA-01_20-99_ControllerBoard.pdf • Pegasus_Drawing_InterfaceConnections_2375-823-3_1C_MA-01_39-99_ControllerBackplane.pdf • Pegasus_Drawing_InterfaceConnections_2375-823-4_1C_MA-01_20-38_ControllerBackplane.pdf • Pegasus_Drawing_InterfaceConnections_2375-823-5_1C_MA-01_100_ControllerBoard.pdf • Pegasus_Drawing_InterfaceConnections_2375-823-6_1C_MA-01_100-123_ControllerBackplane.pdf • Pegasus_Drawing_InterfaceConnections_2375-823-7_1C_MA-01_100_ControllerSchematic.pdf • Pegasus_Drawing_InterfaceConnections_2375-823-8_1C_MA-01_124_ControllerBackplane.pdf

2) Labmaster 10.0, Serialno. 174-10903

• Labmaster_ForPegasus_UserGuide_v9.0.pdf • Labmaster_VideoWindow.pdf

3) TPO 3000 Thermo Chuck

• Temptronics_TPO3000_ThermoChuckSystem_OperatorsGuide_LM02350_revD.pdf

Single-chip testing 180 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

4) Edinburgh files: recipes, scripts, hints

(please provide: date, name, subject)

Paul, 26Sep13 How to operate the prober and edit the probing code Documentation.pdf

To update the documentation: (changes will sync between owners of this folder)

Test Electronics

1) Agilent B1500 Si-Characterisation System

• Agilent_B1500A_ParameticMeasurementHandbook.pdf

• Agilent_B1500A_SemiconductorDeviceAnalyzer_UserGuide.pdf • Agilent_B1500A_SemiconductorDeviceAnalyzer_datasheet.pdf • Agilent_B1500A_SemiconductorDeviceAnalyzer_ConfigurationProcess.pdf • Agilent_B1500A_PulsedIVParametricTest_SolutionSelectionGuide.pdf • Agilent_B1500A_ConfigurationAndSelectionGuide.pdf • Agilent_B1500A_DesktopEasyExpertSoftware.pdf

• Agilent_B1530A_WGFMU_UserGuide.pdf • Agilent_B1530A_WGFMU_ProductionNote.pdf

• Agilent_AppNote369-5_MulitFrequencyCVmeasurements.pdf • Agilent_B1500A_AppNote00_NanotechSolutions.pdf

• Agilent_4156C_AppNote01_UltraLowDCcharacterisationMOSFETwaferlevel.pdf • Agilent_4156C_AppNote02_AutomatedExtractionOfSemiconductorParameters.pdf • Agilent_4156C_AppNote03_EvaluationOfHotCarrierInducedDegradationMOSFET.pdf • Agilent_4156C_AppNote05_MeasurementOfPowerDevicesUsingExternalDCpowersupply.pdf • Agilent_4156C_AppNote06_OptimisingIncomingInspection.pdf • Agilent_4156C_AppNote07_EvaluationOfElectromigrationUsingSWEATprocedure.pdf • Agilent_4156C_AppNote08_EvaluationOfOxideReliabilityUsingVrampAndJrampTests.pdf • Agilent_4156C_AppNote09_EvaluationOfSurfaceStateUsingChargePumpingMethods.pdf • Agilent_4156C_AppNote10_EvaluationOfGateOxidesUsingVoltageStepQuasiStaticCVmethods.pdf • Agilent_4156C_AppNote11_PrecisionMeasurementsOdMetalLineWithdInSubQuarterMicronInterconnectSystems.pdf

• vxiPrograming.pdf: VXI Driver & Coding examples • E2090-90040.pdf: B1500 Remote Error Codes • : Win7 Drivers for B1500 remote control PC

2) Agilent LCR Meter

• Agilent_ParametricAnalysis.pdf

• Agilent_E4980A_DataSheet.pdf • Agilent_E4980A_UserManual.pdf • Agilent_E4980A_ImpedanceMeasurementHandbook.pdf • Agilent_E4980A_ImpedanceMeasurements_AccessoriesSelectionGuide.pdf • Agilent_E4980A_MultiFrequencyCVmeasurementOfSemiconductors.pdf

4) Edinburgh files: recipes, scripts, hints 181 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

• Agilent_E4980A_WideRangeDCcurrentBiasedInductanceMeasurement.pdf • Agilent_E4980A_ImprovingTestEfficiencyOfMEMScapacitiveSensors.pdf

• Agilent_E4980A_driver_IVI-COM_IVI-C_v1.0.11.0_7_3_07.msi

3) Keithley 237 HV Source Measure

• Keithley_237_DataSheet.pdf • Keithley_236_237_238_OperatorsManual.pdf • Keithley_236_237_238_QuickReference.pdf • Keithley_236_237_ApplicationManual.pdf • Keithley_236_237_ApplicationManual_ExampleCode.pdf • Keithley_236_237_238_FAQ.txt • Keithley_236_237_238_FAQ_HowToConnect.pdf

4) Edinburgh files: recipes, scripts, hints

(please provide: date, name, subject)

Paul, 17April2013: B1500_Remote.pdf: Setting up running of remote control of the B1500 via GPIB from Win7 PC

Delvotec 5600 Wirebonder

*1) *

*2) *

*3) *

4) Edinburgh files: recipes, scripts, hints

(please provide: date, name, subject)

Finetech Matrix MA Si-placement system

*1) *

*2) *

*3) *

4) Edinburgh files: recipes, scripts, hints

(please provide: date, name, subject)

USBpix / STcontrol

1May2013, Paul, installation of STcontrol: Installing_STcontrol.pdf

9May, Bonn Group, STcontrol Scan Documentation: ATL-IP-QP-0144.pdf

1July13 Andrew's config file: andrew_wafer_config_file.cfg.root

2) Agilent E4980A LCR Meter 182 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki 4Jun13, IV curve for FEI4A single chip assembly card 3D sensor: IVcurveSensor.xlsx


Power supplies

This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghGroupHardwareUpgradeDocumentation Topic revision: r11 - 2013-09-26 - PaulGlaysher

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback Hardware Documentation

Wentworth Prober

1) Pegasus, Serialno. 307

• Pegasus_OperatingAndServiceManual_v6.2.pdf • Pegasus_CentreOfRotation_AddendumToPegasusManual.pdf • Pegasus_FaultFinding_PegasusController.pdf • Pegasus_ControlPackage_v1.0.pdf • Pegasus_ProbeInstallationAndOperation_Manual_v2.pdf • Pegasus_ComputerAssistedProbe_OperatorsManual_v1.0.pdf • Pegasus_MA-01_FileTransferUtility_UserManual_v2.2.pdf • Pegasus_DualChuckScannerAndProber.pdf • Pegasus_SparePartList_300S_S200.pdf

• Pegasus_Drawing_InterfaceConnections_2375-823-1_1C_MA-01_20-99_ControllerSchematic.pdf • Pegasus_Drawing_InterfaceConnections_2375-823-2_1C_MA-01_20-99_ControllerBoard.pdf • Pegasus_Drawing_InterfaceConnections_2375-823-3_1C_MA-01_39-99_ControllerBackplane.pdf • Pegasus_Drawing_InterfaceConnections_2375-823-4_1C_MA-01_20-38_ControllerBackplane.pdf • Pegasus_Drawing_InterfaceConnections_2375-823-5_1C_MA-01_100_ControllerBoard.pdf • Pegasus_Drawing_InterfaceConnections_2375-823-6_1C_MA-01_100-123_ControllerBackplane.pdf • Pegasus_Drawing_InterfaceConnections_2375-823-7_1C_MA-01_100_ControllerSchematic.pdf • Pegasus_Drawing_InterfaceConnections_2375-823-8_1C_MA-01_124_ControllerBackplane.pdf

2) Labmaster 10.0, Serialno. 174-10903

• Labmaster_ForPegasus_UserGuide_v9.0.pdf • Labmaster_VideoWindow.pdf

3) TPO 3000 Thermo Chuck

• Temptronics_TPO3000_ThermoChuckSystem_OperatorsGuide_LM02350_revD.pdf

4) Edinburgh files: recipes, scripts, hints

(please provide: date, name, subject)

Paul, 26Sep13 How to operate the prober and edit the probing code Documentation.pdf

USBpix / STcontrol 183 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki To update the documentation: (changes will sync between owners of this folder)

Test Electronics

1) Agilent B1500 Si-Characterisation System

• Agilent_B1500A_ParameticMeasurementHandbook.pdf

• Agilent_B1500A_SemiconductorDeviceAnalyzer_UserGuide.pdf • Agilent_B1500A_SemiconductorDeviceAnalyzer_datasheet.pdf • Agilent_B1500A_SemiconductorDeviceAnalyzer_ConfigurationProcess.pdf • Agilent_B1500A_PulsedIVParametricTest_SolutionSelectionGuide.pdf • Agilent_B1500A_ConfigurationAndSelectionGuide.pdf • Agilent_B1500A_DesktopEasyExpertSoftware.pdf

• Agilent_B1530A_WGFMU_UserGuide.pdf • Agilent_B1530A_WGFMU_ProductionNote.pdf

• Agilent_AppNote369-5_MulitFrequencyCVmeasurements.pdf • Agilent_B1500A_AppNote00_NanotechSolutions.pdf

• Agilent_4156C_AppNote01_UltraLowDCcharacterisationMOSFETwaferlevel.pdf • Agilent_4156C_AppNote02_AutomatedExtractionOfSemiconductorParameters.pdf • Agilent_4156C_AppNote03_EvaluationOfHotCarrierInducedDegradationMOSFET.pdf • Agilent_4156C_AppNote05_MeasurementOfPowerDevicesUsingExternalDCpowersupply.pdf • Agilent_4156C_AppNote06_OptimisingIncomingInspection.pdf • Agilent_4156C_AppNote07_EvaluationOfElectromigrationUsingSWEATprocedure.pdf • Agilent_4156C_AppNote08_EvaluationOfOxideReliabilityUsingVrampAndJrampTests.pdf • Agilent_4156C_AppNote09_EvaluationOfSurfaceStateUsingChargePumpingMethods.pdf • Agilent_4156C_AppNote10_EvaluationOfGateOxidesUsingVoltageStepQuasiStaticCVmethods.pdf • Agilent_4156C_AppNote11_PrecisionMeasurementsOdMetalLineWithdInSubQuarterMicronInterconnectSystems.pdf

• vxiPrograming.pdf: VXI Driver & Coding examples • E2090-90040.pdf: B1500 Remote Error Codes • : Win7 Drivers for B1500 remote control PC

2) Agilent LCR Meter

• Agilent_ParametricAnalysis.pdf

• Agilent_E4980A_DataSheet.pdf • Agilent_E4980A_UserManual.pdf • Agilent_E4980A_ImpedanceMeasurementHandbook.pdf • Agilent_E4980A_ImpedanceMeasurements_AccessoriesSelectionGuide.pdf • Agilent_E4980A_MultiFrequencyCVmeasurementOfSemiconductors.pdf • Agilent_E4980A_WideRangeDCcurrentBiasedInductanceMeasurement.pdf • Agilent_E4980A_ImprovingTestEfficiencyOfMEMScapacitiveSensors.pdf

• Agilent_E4980A_driver_IVI-COM_IVI-C_v1.0.11.0_7_3_07.msi

4) Edinburgh files: recipes, scripts, hints 184 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki 3) Keithley 237 HV Source Measure

• Keithley_237_DataSheet.pdf • Keithley_236_237_238_OperatorsManual.pdf • Keithley_236_237_238_QuickReference.pdf • Keithley_236_237_ApplicationManual.pdf • Keithley_236_237_ApplicationManual_ExampleCode.pdf • Keithley_236_237_238_FAQ.txt • Keithley_236_237_238_FAQ_HowToConnect.pdf

4) Edinburgh files: recipes, scripts, hints

(please provide: date, name, subject)

Paul, 17April2013: B1500_Remote.pdf: Setting up running of remote control of the B1500 via GPIB from Win7 PC

Delvotec 5600 Wirebonder

*1) *

*2) *

*3) *

4) Edinburgh files: recipes, scripts, hints

(please provide: date, name, subject)

Finetech Matrix MA Si-placement system

*1) *

*2) *

*3) *

4) Edinburgh files: recipes, scripts, hints

(please provide: date, name, subject)

USBpix / STcontrol

1May2013, Paul, installation of STcontrol: Installing_STcontrol.pdf

9May, Bonn Group, STcontrol Scan Documentation: ATL-IP-QP-0144.pdf

1July13 Andrew's config file: andrew_wafer_config_file.cfg.root

4Jun13, IV curve for FEI4A single chip assembly card 3D sensor: IVcurveSensor.xlsx

3) Keithley 237 HV Source Measure 185 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki FE-I4

Power supplies

This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghGroupHardwareUpgradeDocumentation Topic revision: r11 - 2013-09-26 - PaulGlaysher

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback Upgrade Pixel Module Testing @ Edinburgh


This page contains information useful for Upgrade Pixel Module Testing @ Edinburgh. We are testing prototypes of the quad-modules that will be used in the HighLuminosity LHC ATLAS detector. We are currently using USBPix (schema below) system for testing.

quad-module testing setup

In addition to running the upgrade module testing hardware, we are also set up to run the legacy Run2 hardware. This is described MIO2ForQM


Main System (linux)

Dell Precision T3400. LAPLAN2 network. Hardware upgrade: PCIe (2-port, single lane) card for USB3 support: Startech PEXUSB3S23.


• DVD unit is faulty. Will scratch/destroy DVD.

FE-I4 186 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki Operating System: Kubuntu 16.10, x86_64 CCentOS7 was considered but not (yet) installed. USB installation not supported for CCentOS7. Network install fails (does not start during 30 min waiting time), possible problem with proxy setting/auth on LAPLAN2. Installation from DVD fails due to faulty DVD unit. Option: install CCentOS7 from internal HDD+Grub, once another linux OS has been installed to enabled this.

Startup and env variables: commonly used variables needed at run-time are exported via ~.bashrc / ~.bash_envvars files:

env variables details Hidecommands just read the relevant files to see what is currently defined: cat /home/quadmod/.bash_envvars export SwD=/home/quadmod/files/sw export QT5DIR=$SwD/qt/qt_551/installdir export QWTDIR=$SwD/qwt/qwt-6.1.2 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$SwD/cypress_SDK/cyusb_linux_1.0.4/lib source $SwD/root/bin/

Keeping computer up to date:

Show commands Hidecommands Run this from time-to-time to make sure we have most up-to-date packages (security patches etc.): sudo su apt-get update apt-get dist-upgrade

Software installation log:

Show commands Hidecommands installing basic software:

* texteditor: apt-get install emacs24

* openafs and kerberos: apt-get install openafs-krb5 openafs-client krb5-user module-assistant openafs-modules-dkms

* versioning software: apt install subversion apt-get install git

* root6 sudo apt-get install git dpkg-dev cmake g++ gcc binutils libx11-dev libxpm-dev \ libxft-dev libxext-dev git clone cd root git checkout -b v6-08-00 v6-08-00

== USBPix software and prerequisites

* QT5: ** prereq. apt-get install libfontconfig1-dev libfreetype6-dev libx11-dev apt-get install libxext-dev libxfixes-dev libxi-dev libxrender-dev apt-get install libxcb1-dev libx11-xcb-dev libxcb-glx0-dev ** opengl sudo apt-get install build-essential libgl1-mesa-dev ** openssl apt-get install libssl-dev ** to install QT, one fetches the sources, and runs ./configure ; make ; make install . \ Below the exact commands with costumization and checks:

Main System (linux) 187 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

# fetch and prepare sources mkdir /home/quadmod/files/sw/qt/qt_551/ cd /home/quadmod/files/sw/qt/qt_551/ wget tar -xzf qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.gz cd /home/quadmod/files/sw/qt/qt_551/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.5.1 mkdir -p /home/quadmod/files/sw/qt/qt_551/installdir QT5DIR=/home/quadmod/files/sw/qt/qt_551/installdir # configure in verbose mode and include all the prerequisites STcontrol will need: ./configure -v -openssl -qt-xcb -prefix $QT5DIR -opensource | tee config.out # check if OpenGL was registered fine: grep OpenGL config.out OpenGL ...... desktop <-- if you get 'none' this should be fixed before compiling also check config.out for any other configuration problems make | tee make.out make install

* qwt mkdir /home/quadmod/files/sw/qwt/qwt-6.1.2 wget export QT5DIR=/home/quadmod/files/sw/qt/qt_551/installdir $QT5DIR/bin/qmake make make install l* linux-gpib cd /home/quadmod/files/sw/gpib/ mv tarball to this dir and unzip ./configure make make install

* apt-get install libusb-1.0-0 libusb-1.0-0-dev

===== FPGA firmware upload via JTAG cable: can be done either via xc3sprog or Xilinx tools

== * xc3sprog is a light-weight command line tool for uploads. It is used by STControl internally. prerequisites: apt-get install libusb-dev apt-get install libconfuse-dev apt-get install libftdi1-dev svn co xc3sprog cd xc3sprog cmake . make make install (requires sudo)

In the above, the cmake issues a message that the following package is missing: libftd2xx . The compilation, installation and running the program however work fine without the libftd2xx module. ==

* Xilinx software for JTAG cable FPGA programming

Xilinx software and cable drivers for FPGA programming and configuration via USB programming cable. * * newer Xilinx Vivado in combination with Xilinx and Digilent drivers did not work on first install, * * ==> I used legacy Xilinx ISE and M. Gernoth's XILINX JTAG tools on Linux without proprietary kernel modules ( Useful resource:

Xilinx ISE LabTools: Requires (free) Xilinx registration

Main System (linux) 188 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki steps: 1) Xilinx download page -> 2) ISE -> 3) Lab Tools - 14.7 -> 4) Download installer tarball

1) 2) 3) look for "Lab Tools" section . Lab Tools is a light-weight version of the full design suite. 4) installer tarball is currently common to all platforms

/home/quadmod/files/sw/Xilinx_ISE_LabTools/Xilinx_LabTools_14.7_1015_1/Xilinx_LabTools_14.7_1015_1.tar tar -xf Xilinx_LabTools_14.7_1015_1.tar cd Xilinx_LabTools_14.7_1015_1 sudo su ./xsetup --> in gui installation I and untick all licence, web-talk, cable-driver (etc.) boxes --> I select standard installation location: /opt/Xilinx/14.7/LabTools add this to .bashrc/.bash_envvars: export PATH=$PATH:/opt/Xilinx/14.7/LabTools/LabTools/bin/lin64/


USB-JTAG drivers: sudo apt-get install gitk git-gui libusb-dev build-essential libc6-dev-i386 fxload cd /opt/Xilinx sudo git clone git:// cd usb-driver/ make <-- installs the drivers set up firmware/cable access: ./setup_pcusb /opt/Xilinx/14.7/LabTools/LabTools/ <-- copies LabTools firmware to /usr/share and produces new udev rules for USB JTAG cable /etc/udev/rules.d/xusbdfwu.rules after this one might need to issue udevadm trigger --action=change + plugging out- and in- the cable

Then the device ID changes as follows:

Device: ID 03fd:000d Xilinx, Inc. <-- no firmware Device : ID 03fd:0008 Xilinx, Inc. Platform Cable USB II <-- firmware uploaded fine

After this the JTAG cable will be automatically detected correctly when plugged in-.


Module testing software: USBPix/STControl (legacy C++ software):

(requires gitlab account) -> -> git clone https://[email protected]/jgrosse/USBpix.git == cd USBpix source -gpib no make

PyBar: newer python software for testing: ===> git clone pip install $PWD/pyBAR_fei4_interpreter basil: git clone pip install $PWD/basil

Main System (linux) 189 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki


* eagle software needed for viewing eagle (.sch/.brd) PCB schemas: requires autodesk account to use : get 64bit linux tarball cd /home/quadmod/files/sw/EAGLE /home/quadmod/files/sw/EAGLE/Autodesk_EAGLE_8.0_English_Linux_64bit.tar.gz unzip the tarball tar -xzf Autodesk_EAGLE_8.0_English_Linux_64bit.tar.gz run binary as: ./eagle-8.0.0/eagle

The Qt was crashing when using web-client due to bugs in the noveau graphics server. glxinfo -v | grep -A 5 -i vendor Vendor: nouveau (0x10de) Device: NV86 (0x42f) Version: 12.0.6 xserver-xorg-video-nouveau is already the newest version (1:1.0.12-2).

I thus switched to using the nvidia drivers: computer->system settings -> driver manager changed from Usnig X.Org X server (noveau display driver) to using driver : nvidia-340 - distro non-free recommended

After this eagle runs fine.

Extra System (windows) installation: computer by the microscope SCE-SOPA-00124 Windows7 enterprise, SP1, 64-bit

Software installation log:

Show commands Hidecommands installation: computer by the microscope SCE-SOPA-00124 Windows7 enterprise, SP1, 64-bit

Instructions: sw installation prefix: D:/STControl6_files/sw

======Installing prerequisites: ======

1) Visual Studio 2013 Express (compiler/IDE): * for Windows (Desktop): [-> installer Computer/Store(D)/STControl6_files/sw/VisualStudioExpress2013/wdexpress_full] [-> install files to: Computer/Store(D)/STControl6_files/sw/VisualStudioExpress2013/VisualStudioExpress2013_install ] to install: run installer. After installing, restart the computer. things to note: * Visual Studio 2013 Express provides compiler and "nmake" executable to build your programs * when actually using using, you'll have to configure it as follows: cd D:\STControl6_files\sw\VC vcvarsall.bat

Extra System (windows) 190 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

To see what vcvarsall.bat does, you can open and read it in Visual Studio * When running "nmake" the D:\STControl6_files\sw\VC\bin

2) Qt 5.5.1 LGPL for Visual Studio 2013 Express: [-> installer Computer/Store(D)/STControl6_files/sw/Qt551/] [-> install files to: Computer/Store(D)/STControl6_files/sw/Qt551/Qt551_install] to install: run installer things to note: * QT provides QT Commnad prompt and qmake commands (amongst other) * when running qmake, you'll need to make sure the directory containing "qmake.exe" is in your path: D:\STControl6_files\sw\QT551\QT551_install\5.5\msvc2013\bin

3) ROOT: download installer compatible with your Visual Studio version; for Studio 2013, this is: [-> installer D:\STControl6_files\sw\ROOT5p34p34] [-> install files to: D:\STControl6_files\sw\ROOT5p34p34\root_v5.34.34] to install: run the installer things to note: when running root, you will need to have D:\STControl6_files\sw\ROOT5p34p34\root_v5.34.34\bin in your path

4) Qwt 6.1.2: # [-> installer zip Computer/Store(D)/STControl6_files/sw/qwt612/] [-> extract files to: Computer/Store(D)/STControl6_files/sw/qwt612/qwt-]

To install: open QTcommand prompt. QTcommand promptcomes as part of qt installation. You find and launch it as: Start-> enter "QT" in the search box -> click on the terminal (fig QT_term.png)

QT terminal used for installation of QWT and USBPix

4.1) check that the QT's qmake is in your path by typing in terminal: path and check that it contains the bin directory that points to qmake.exe: D:\STControl6_files\sw\QT551\QT551_install\5.5\msvc2013\bin This should be the case automatically for QT terminal, but if running from another terminal, you might need to add this to your path variable using the usual Windows syntax (set path=...)

4.2) go to QWT's extracted installation directory: cd D:\STControl6_files\sw\QWT612\qwt-6.1.2_install\qwt-6.1.2 qmake

Extra System (windows) 191 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

4.3) set up for using Windows Studio Express's nmake: cd D:\STControl6_files\sw\VC vcvarsall.bat

4.4) check that "nmake" command is in your path variable by typing: path and check that it contains the directory containing the nmake.exe D:\STControl6_files\sw\VC\bin

4.5) with nmake set up, you can install qwt: cd D:\STControl6_files\sw\QWT612\qwt-6.1.2_install\qwt-6.1.2 nmake

5) libusb: zadig and WinUSB drivers (fig zadig.png) Zadig: in sw/Zadig: file named zadig-2.3 = installer double-click and install WinUSB driver (v6.1.7600.16385) driver

zadig setup after installation of WinUSB driver

6) uC firmware software: Download CYUSB: akamai installer FX3 SDK installed in: D:\STControl6_files\sw\cypress_FX3_USB_SDK

Not now, but after you have cloned the USBPix, you program the MMC3, instrucions are on <-- x-check the commands below are up-to-date:

6.1) WindowsExplorer D:\STCeontrol6_files\sw\cypress_FX3_USB_SDK\EZ-USB FX3 SDK\1.3\bin 6.2) execute CyControl .exe 6.3) The board should be detected as FX3 device and I Programm the board, uploading this file to RAM D:\STControl6_files\sw\USBPix\USBpix_git\config\SILABFX3.img

======Installing USBPix and STControl6: ====== medium mode

Extra System (windows) 192 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki download the code archive: [original zip: D:\STControl6_files\sw\USBPix\] [extracted to: D:\STControl6_files\sw\USBPix\USBpix_git] to install

1) open the QT command prompt and go to directory where the files were extracted: cd D:\STControl6_files\sw\USBPix\USBpix_git

2) the tricky part: set up paths you need to set up the installation so that your windows studio, qt, qwt and root are found correctly the configuration of these and other variables usbpix requires is done in: D:\STControl6_files\sw\USBPix\USBpix_git\setup.bat

The file can be open and inspected with visual studio (fig. USBpix_setupbat.PNG), where you see that it will execute (highlighted in fig USBpix_setupbat.PNG): set Path=..%QT5DIR%/bin..

Thus you should make sure the variables such as %QT5DIR% are set up correctly before set Path will be called.

USBPix's setup file opened in Visual Studio

One of the way to do it is to set the variables acc. to your installation before installing USBPix. The variables are set in QT command prompt from which you will be installing STControl, by typing set VARNAME=VARVALUE commands in the command prompt accordingly. with my installation setup this is: Visual studio express: set path to directory that contains bin and lib. Type this in QT command prompt: set VCDIR=D:\STControl6_files\sw\VC QT5: set path to directory that contains bin and lib . Type this in QT command prompt: set QT5DIR=D:\STControl6_files\sw\QT551\QT551_install\5.5\msvc2013 ROOT: set path to directory that contains bin, type this in QT command prompt: set ROOTSYS=D:\STControl6_files\sw\ROOT5p34p34\root_v5.34.34 QWT: set QWTDIR=D:\STControl6_files\sw\QWT612\qwt-6.1.2_install\qwt-6.1.2 to check the values the variables have, you echo their value in the command prompt using commands as: echo %QWTDIR% ...

Extra System (windows) 193 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

3) after you have set up all the paths, you can run the setup in teh QT prompt: D:\STControl6_files\sw\USBPix\USBpix_git> setup.bat watch for any warnings and errors of files not being found. Eg in case the setup complains that vcvarsall.bat can't be found, your path to Visual studio express is likely incorrect. In this case set VCDIR to correct value for your installation and re-run the setup.bat

4) set up for running visual studio's nmake: cd D:\STControl6_files\sw\VC vcvarsall.bat

5) install: cd D:\STControl6_files\sw\USBPix\USBpix_git check that paths to visual studio etc. are correct by inspecting output of: path if all is fine compile the code: nmake and check the installation for any errors.

6) If all went fine, you should be able to open STControl from the QT prompt (fig STControl.PNG) in which you have run the setup.bat by typing: cd D:\STControl6_files\sw\USBPix\USBpix_git\bin STcontrol.exe

When running anew from the fresh QT terminal, you will need to ensure all environmental variables are set correctly. Eg by repeating the set commands (set ROOTSYS=... ) and re-running setup.bat

STControl ran from QT terminal

======Misc windows notes: ======

Extra System (windows) 194 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki uninstalling programs: Start -> Computer -> "Uninstall or change programms"

QT terminal: understands msdos commands to read path: path to set variable set XY= to set path set path= to list directory: dir

MMC3 board, configuration cabling and powering

Board schema link

Configuration uC Firmware

Cypress software for updating the board microcontroller firmware:

Show commands Hidecommands cypress_linux EZ-USB FX3 Software Development Kit --> download the lates SDK for linux. Requires (free) registration. prerequisites: qt4 apt-get install qt4-default

A couple of patches to the code are needed to compile: <-- download and apply the patch patch main.cpp errno.patch The patch has also been copied to: /home/quadmod/files/sw/cypress_SDK/patch/errno.patch export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$SwD/cypress_SDK/cyusb_linux_1.0.4/lib cd $SwD/cypress_SDK/cyusb_linux_1.0.4/ make

./ Open /etc/udev/rules.d/88-cyusb.rules as sudo and change the included rules to: KERNEL=="*", SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="usb_device", ACTION=="add", ATTR{idVendor}=="04b4", GROUP="user_group", MODE="666", TAG="cyusb_dev", RUN+="/usr/local/bin/ A" KERNEL=="*", SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="usb_device", ACTION=="remove", TAG=="cyusb_dev", RUN+="/usr/local/bin/ R" chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/cyusb_linux now open the terminal window for uploading microcontroller firmware: cyusb_linux check the device before uploading the image ( ID [vendor]:[product] should be 04b4:00f3 Cypress Semiconductor Corp.) lsusb Bus 009 Device 002: ID 04b4:00f3 Cypress Semiconductor Corp.<==== ok! connect the MMC3 to the USB3 port and upload the image: /home/quadmod/files/sw/USBpix/config/SILABFX3.img check the device after uploading the image ( ID [vendor]:[product] )

MMC3 board, configuration cabling and powering 195 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki lsusb Bus 009 Device 003: ID 5312:0300

The image is loaded to RAM and needs to be uploaded each time the the system is reconnected.

FPGA configuration

The configuration bit file is:


The FPGA coniguration is automatically uploaded by STControl at initialization time. Notes on manual uploads below.

• Open-source xc3sprog is used internally by STControl, and can be ran standalone as follows xc3sprog -c xpc -v -p 0 /home/quadmod/files/sw/USBpix/config/mmc3.bit

<-- should give output like this: ... Using built-in device list Using built-in cable list firmware version = 0x0012 (18) CPLD version = 0x0012 (18) JTAG chainpos: 0 Device IDCODE = 0x0364c093 Desc: XC7K160T Created from NCD file: KX7_IF_Test_Top;UserID=0XFFFFFFFF;Version=2015.2 Target device: 7k160tfbg676 Created: 2016/01/14 11:02:07 Bitstream length: 53540576 bits done. Programming time 28615.0 ms USB Read Transactions: 7 Write Transactions: 6590 Control Transaction 6598

• Xilinx impact sofware can be used to configure the FPGA as follows: cd /opt/Xilinx/14.7/LabTools source export LD_PRELOAD=/opt/Xilinx/usb-driver/ impact

To access iMPACT suite documentation, click on help -> help topics. Steps to configure FPGA:

• ♦ Boundary Scan <--- select ♦ from pull-down menus:

Output->Cable Auto Connect <-- see bottom status bar to check JTAG cable was detected fine

• ♦ right-click in the middle main window: Initialize chan

(in this step, you can pass the $SwD/USBpix/config/mmc3.bit config file) * right-click no the Xilinx device and click "Program" to program the FPGA. After this, the LED-s should turn orange.


MMC3 board powering: can be done via external power source (round VDC connector) or via USB3 directly. To switch between the two is dune using VCC switch located on the board. When powered correctly, the PWR led on the board will light green. Powering via round VDC connector (5V-15V) results in a problem with our particular board, such that FPGA does not configure properly. Please use USB powering. uC Firmware 196 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki Current consumption for VCC powering is ~ 200 mA, whereas USB3 can provide up to 600mA:

Show current as a function of voltage for the board Hidecommands if you are using VCC powering, slowly power the board to about 6V with the external power connection. Make sure the current limit is set to about 300 mA

V A [mA ]prior and after uploading muC image (rec. Dec 2016): 3.85 260 <-- PWR on 4.00 257 267 4.25 246 255 4.50 236 245 4.75 227 236 5.00 217 228 5.25 211 221 5.50 205 214 5.75 200 207 6.00 195 202 [09.01. 183 204]


USB-JTAG cable: Digilent XUP USB-JTAG (6003-410-011) is used with Xilinx ISE LabTools and open-source drivers. When connecting the cable, the lsusb outputs should be:

Device : ID 03fd:0008 Xilinx, Inc. Platform Cable USB II idProduct changes from 000d->0008 when cable firmware uploaded fine which should happen automatically.

Using the board

1) board's VCC switch (magenta) in USB position

2) board powered via USB some software (eg STControl) requires USB3 connection. USB3 ports on cables and computer are the blue ones. The gray ones are USB2. => connect board to USB3 computer ports using USB3 A-to-B cable

3) connect JTAG cable: computer USB3 port --- microsim cable --- cable box --- ribon JTAG cable --- board's JTAG connector

4) check JTAG cable was auto-detected fine: lsusb Bus 009 Device 004: ID 03fd:0008 Xilinx, Inc. Platform Cable USB II <-- vendor/ID info should be 03fd:0008

4) configure FPGA: put this in the terminal xc3sprog -c xpc -v -p 0 /home/quadmod/files/sw/USBpix/config/mmc3.bit

5) upload microController firmware with cyusb_linux put this in the terminal

cyusb_linux select the device and upload this image to RAM (important: not EEPROM/FLASH:)


Powering 197 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki Module testing: running connect the MMC3 board and modules as above.

STControl: cd ~/files/sw/USBpix ./bin/STcontrol

Than follow instructions on STControl wiki

Module testing: hardware

Connect Modules voltages:

• HV can be left unbiased for chip testing. • digital: voltage ~ 1.52 V ; current limit: ~1 A • analog: voltage ~ 1.75 V ; current limit: ~1.9 - 2.0 A check voltages: with volt-meter, check they correspond to the scheme below in the molex connector:

module connector

When plugging the molex into the module, make sure the voltage is off. Turn it on after connector is in place.

Available Modules

• PCB VIB62GH: bare FEI4B chips. Source: Glasgow, Jan 2017. ♦ Powering: digital voltage only, 1.8V. ♦ Status: ◊ broken, not working ◊ [V_analog=0 V, V_digital=1.75 V] : I_digital ~ 40 mA ◊ this module only takes digital voltage and provides analog voltage via the regulators

• PCB 2935-18#Q2: FEI4B chips + Cern Pixel 4 sensors. Source: Glasgow, Jan 2017. ♦ Powering: digital + analog voltage. ♦ Status: ◊ broken, not working ◊ [V_analog=1.8V, V_digital=1.75 V] : I_analog > 2 A, I_digital > 1 A ◊ [[V_analog=0 V, V_digital=1.75 V] : I_digital ~ 500 mA ◊ this module takes both analog and digital voltage.

Module testing: running 198 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

• GLA_AK_1CHIP_Dec2017: Source: Glasgow, Dec 2017. Bare FEI4B chips. This module belongs to UCL's Andreas Korn and is borrowed to us. ♦ Powering: digital + analog voltage. ♦ Status: ◊ working, one chip

Powering mode depends on the wire-bonds to the chip (LDO regulator pads). And on presence/absence of 0-Ohm resistors on the board.

Module PCB schematics:

• Liverpool v2.1 ; WP1 link

On the quadmod machine these were downloaded and unziped to: /home/quadmod/files/doc/module_info/module_pcb_schemas/Design/PixQuad_v2.1 you read them by launching eagle sw: /home/quadmod/files/sw/EAGLE/eagle-8.0.0/eagle and File->Open->Schematic /home/quadmod/files/doc/module_info/module_pcb_schemas/Design/PixQuad_v2.1/PixQuad.sch

viewing schematics with eagle

The Gerber files can be viewed using: gerbv

Than Open layer(s) as provided in: /home/quadmod/files/doc/module_info/module_pcb_schemas/Design/PixQuad_v2.1/Gerber The layer specification in v2.1 gerber-s is encoded in the layer suffix eg for top layer etc.

The gerbv and Open layer(s) can also be used to view assembly .asb and .ast bottom and top files /home/quadmod/files/doc/module_info/module_pcb_schemas/Design/PixQuad_v2.1/Assembly

Available Modules 199 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki Module testing: software

STControl notes

We take the STControl from git here .

Show commands to update and rebuild STControl Hide commands When doing this be careful not to overwrite relevant local changes. git status tells you which files have local changes. It's likely good to make a backup of these files before updating. git pull will warn you in case any local changes cannot be merged seamlessly with the updates

To update to trunk: cd /home/quadmod/files/sw/USBpix sudo su git pull ( check if $ROOTSYS is set; if not source /home/quadmod/.bashrc ) source -gpib no make

Module testing: analysis and reference results

The results obtained with STControl can be viewed with

~/files/sw/USBpix/bin$ ./DataViewer

• MIO2,STC6,SingleChipCard,Nov2017 run • MMC3,STC6,AndreasModule,Dec2017 run


Module testing software

• USBPix twiki • STControl twiki • STControl gitlab wiki

Module testing hardware

Enclustra burn-in card (the MMC3 board mezannine card):

• Enclustra's main page • brief description of the burn-in card • Unit manual available on request from Enclustra.

Technical documentation

• FEI4 share-point • UK WP1 share-point • UK WP2 share-point

Module testing: software 200 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki Related Edinburgh wiki-s

• Running tests with STControl6 + USBPIx2

Reading material for newcomers

• Jennifer Jentzsch's diploma thesis: not public, get link to e-version from supervisors . Clear, simple and short text on how pixel detectors work and main points of module testing. Somewhat out of date and relates to single chip testing. Good starting point for senior honors/summer/master . Chapters 1,2 and 3 are most relevant. • Amir Salehilashkajani's MSc thesis: not public, get link to e-version from supervisors . Technical details on setting up and running STcontrol6 and PyBar testing software. • Malte Backhaus's PhD thesis : Overview of USBPIX testing system, quad-module operation and testing. Higher-level and longer than the diploma thesis from J. Jentzsch. Good starting point for advanced master or PhD students. • J Grosse-Knetter's habilitation thesis . Most detail on USBPIX system, higher level than the PhD thesis from M. Backhaus. Additional reading for master and PhD students. • USBPix3 testing system overview by H. Krueger . Requires CERN rights, get a version from a supervisor in case you do not have them yet. • Rossi, L., Fischer, P., Rohe, T., Wermes, N. , Pixel Detectors From Fundamentals to Applications , modern text-book on pixel detectors. Accessible for free from within the UoE network.

The theses can also be found at: quadmod@quadmodcomp:~/files/doc/theses


• on quadmod computer:


These contain eg. theses and manuals for reference, esp. when they cannot be linked or uploaded due to copyright issues.

--Main.LizaMijovic - 2017-01-16

• uC_firmware_MIO2_pb.pdf: MIO2 uC firmware problem details

This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghGroupHardwareUpgradeDocumentationModTest Topic revision: r136 - 2018-04-27 - LizaMijovic

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback Upgrade Pixel Module Testing @ Edinburgh: the legacy MIO2 board


This page contains information additional information related to the Upgrade Pixel Module Testing @ Edinburgh project. For testing and comparison purposes, we are running the new software suited for the upgrade with the legacy MIO2 board and Run2 detector chips. The MIO2 system consists of an USBPix board

Related Edinburgh wiki-s 201 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki compatible with the lower speed USB2, and an adapter card for the test sample. In our case the test sample is a single FEI4 chip card. A photo of the fully connected system running pixel scan test is below.

MIO2 system running tests on singe-chip card

More notes about the legacy system are also available in the old single chip testing pages

MIO2 board, configuration cabling and powering

We are using MultiIO board rev. 1.04 with the FE-I4 Adapter Card rev. 1.1a. Description can be found in the hardware section of the USBPix wiki .

Configuration uC Firmware

The uC firmware is read from to EEPROM. No action needed.

When plugged in, the board should be detected with vendorID and productID: quadmod@quadmodcomp:~$ lsusb Bus 002 Device 002: ID 5312:0200

A note that we(Jon and Liza) tried to re-upload the uC firmware on EEPROM using SiUSBMan in STControl6 on Windows7 machine. (We used Windows, as EEPROM flashing is not supported on Linux.) Details as posted to the usbpix mailing list are here.

FPGA configuration

The configuration bit file is:


The FPGA coniguration is automatically uploaded by STControl at initialization time. The upload is via the USB cable. No extra JTAG programmer, as is the case for MMC3 board, is required. The path to the FPGA configuration file is passed to STControl in the STControl configuration file.

Introduction 202 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki Powering

MIO2 board is powered via the USB cable. You will be using this board with the FEI4 single chip card, which requires separate powering. This is described below.

Using the single chip sample

The single chip sample obtains power and communicates with the MIO2 system via the wide ribbon cable shown in the figure.

single FEI4 chip card sample. Ribbon cable connects to the single chip adapter card of the MIO2 system.

When the MIO2 system is used with the single chip sample you should:

• connect the ribbon cable (single chip adapter card - to -single chip sample) • connect the external power via the four-pin molex connector on the single chip adapter card. The power will be provided to the USB regulators on the SCA card, which will in turn provide analog and digital power to the chip on the single chip sample card.

MIO2 board powered to provide voltages to the single chip sample. The 4-pin molex connector and cable with colored wires that is connected to the external power source is visible in the right-hand-side next to the wide ribbon cable.

Powering 203 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki Care is required when connecting the external power in order not to damage the system. Molex connector is as follows:

• digital power: blue and yellow (ground) wires. Voltage and current limit: 1.99V, 400 mA • analog power: red and black (ground) wires. Voltage and current limit: 1.99V, 600 mA

Make sure the power is off while plugging the molex connector into the SCA card.

The expected current consumption is as follows:

03rd Nov 2017 STControl off: I_ana=0 mA , I_digi=0 mA STControl all on : I_ana=73 mA , I_digi=89 mA STControl configure all active modules : I_ana=532 mA , I_digi=214 mA STControl pix scan typical values: I_ana=560 mA , I_digi=100 mA

Running module testing

• works on linux only • bring up ./bin/STControl • open STControl config file: /home/quadmod/files/config_files/conf01112017_MIO2_1.cfg.root (see fig for settings it uses) • Initialisation: ♦ 1) Initialise all controllers and DCS objects ♦ 2) All ON ♦ 3) Configure all active modules • After this you can go to Right Pannel -> Primlist Pannel and run primlist file: /home/quadmod/files/primlists/TuningPrimlist.prl.root

MIO2 system STControl6 configuration file settings

Using the single chip sample 204 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

MIO2 system STControl6 configuration file usb controller settings


• figure out what are requirements • offline STControl scan data analysis • get STControl4 references or test all runs fine for Hons. project

-- LizaMijovic - 2017-11-03

This topic: Main > MIO2ForQM Topic revision: r1 - 2017-11-04 - LizaMijovic

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback Upgrade Pixel Module Testing @ Edinburgh: the legacy MIO2 board


This page contains information additional information related to the Upgrade Pixel Module Testing @ Edinburgh project. For testing and comparison purposes, we are running the new software suited for the upgrade with the legacy MIO2 board and Run2 detector chips. The MIO2 system consists of an USBPix board compatible with the lower speed USB2, and an adapter card for the test sample. In our case the test sample is a single FEI4 chip card. A photo of the fully connected system running pixel scan test is below.

Running module testing 205 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

MIO2 system running tests on singe-chip card

More notes about the legacy system are also available in the old single chip testing pages

MIO2 board, configuration cabling and powering

We are using MultiIO board rev. 1.04 with the FE-I4 Adapter Card rev. 1.1a. Description can be found in the hardware section of the USBPix wiki .

Configuration uC Firmware

The uC firmware is read from to EEPROM. No action needed.

When plugged in, the board should be detected with vendorID and productID: quadmod@quadmodcomp:~$ lsusb Bus 002 Device 002: ID 5312:0200

A note that we(Jon and Liza) tried to re-upload the uC firmware on EEPROM using SiUSBMan in STControl6 on Windows7 machine. (We used Windows, as EEPROM flashing is not supported on Linux.) Details as posted to the usbpix mailing list are here.

FPGA configuration

The configuration bit file is:


The FPGA coniguration is automatically uploaded by STControl at initialization time. The upload is via the USB cable. No extra JTAG programmer, as is the case for MMC3 board, is required. The path to the FPGA configuration file is passed to STControl in the STControl configuration file.


MIO2 board is powered via the USB cable. You will be using this board with the FEI4 single chip card, which requires separate powering. This is described below.

Introduction 206 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki Using the single chip sample

The single chip sample obtains power and communicates with the MIO2 system via the wide ribbon cable shown in the figure.

single FEI4 chip card sample. Ribbon cable connects to the single chip adapter card of the MIO2 system.

When the MIO2 system is used with the single chip sample you should:

• connect the ribbon cable (single chip adapter card - to -single chip sample) • connect the external power via the four-pin molex connector on the single chip adapter card. The power will be provided to the USB regulators on the SCA card, which will in turn provide analog and digital power to the chip on the single chip sample card.

MIO2 board powered to provide voltages to the single chip sample. The 4-pin molex connector and cable with colored wires that is connected to the external power source is visible in the right-hand-side next to the wide ribbon cable.

Care is required when connecting the external power in order not to damage the system. Molex connector is as follows:

• digital power: blue and yellow (ground) wires. Voltage and current limit: 1.99V, 400 mA • analog power: red and black (ground) wires. Voltage and current limit: 1.99V, 600 mA

Using the single chip sample 207 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki Make sure the power is off while plugging the molex connector into the SCA card.

The expected current consumption is as follows:

03rd Nov 2017 STControl off: I_ana=0 mA , I_digi=0 mA STControl all on : I_ana=73 mA , I_digi=89 mA STControl configure all active modules : I_ana=532 mA , I_digi=214 mA STControl pix scan typical values: I_ana=560 mA , I_digi=100 mA

Running module testing

• works on linux only • bring up ./bin/STControl • open STControl config file: /home/quadmod/files/config_files/conf01112017_MIO2_1.cfg.root (see fig for settings it uses) • Initialisation: ♦ 1) Initialise all controllers and DCS objects ♦ 2) All ON ♦ 3) Configure all active modules • After this you can go to Right Pannel -> Primlist Pannel and run primlist file: /home/quadmod/files/primlists/TuningPrimlist.prl.root

MIO2 system STControl6 configuration file settings

Running module testing 208 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

MIO2 system STControl6 configuration file usb controller settings


• figure out what are requirements • offline STControl scan data analysis • get STControl4 references or test all runs fine for Hons. project

-- LizaMijovic - 2017-11-03

This topic: Main > MIO2ForQM Topic revision: r1 - 2017-11-04 - LizaMijovic

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback Upgrade Pixel Module Testing @ Edinburgh


This page contains information useful for Upgrade Pixel Module Testing @ Edinburgh. We are testing prototypes of the quad-modules that will be used in the HighLuminosity LHC ATLAS detector. We are currently using USBPix (schema below) system for testing.

TODO 209 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

quad-module testing setup

In addition to running the upgrade module testing hardware, we are also set up to run the legacy Run2 hardware. This is described MIO2ForQM


Main System (linux)

Dell Precision T3400. LAPLAN2 network. Hardware upgrade: PCIe (2-port, single lane) card for USB3 support: Startech PEXUSB3S23.


• DVD unit is faulty. Will scratch/destroy DVD.

Operating System: Kubuntu 16.10, x86_64 CCentOS7 was considered but not (yet) installed. USB installation not supported for CCentOS7. Network install fails (does not start during 30 min waiting time), possible problem with proxy setting/auth on LAPLAN2. Installation from DVD fails due to faulty DVD unit. Option: install CCentOS7 from internal HDD+Grub, once another linux OS has been installed to enabled this.

Startup and env variables: commonly used variables needed at run-time are exported via ~.bashrc / ~.bash_envvars files:

env variables details Hidecommands just read the relevant files to see what is currently defined: cat /home/quadmod/.bash_envvars export SwD=/home/quadmod/files/sw export QT5DIR=$SwD/qt/qt_551/installdir export QWTDIR=$SwD/qwt/qwt-6.1.2 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$SwD/cypress_SDK/cyusb_linux_1.0.4/lib source $SwD/root/bin/

Keeping computer up to date:

Show commands Hidecommands Run this from time-to-time to make sure we have most up-to-date packages (security patches etc.): sudo su

Introduction 210 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki apt-get update apt-get dist-upgrade

Software installation log:

Show commands Hidecommands installing basic software:

* texteditor: apt-get install emacs24

* openafs and kerberos: apt-get install openafs-krb5 openafs-client krb5-user module-assistant openafs-modules-dkms

* versioning software: apt install subversion apt-get install git

* root6 sudo apt-get install git dpkg-dev cmake g++ gcc binutils libx11-dev libxpm-dev \ libxft-dev libxext-dev git clone cd root git checkout -b v6-08-00 v6-08-00

== USBPix software and prerequisites

* QT5: ** prereq. apt-get install libfontconfig1-dev libfreetype6-dev libx11-dev apt-get install libxext-dev libxfixes-dev libxi-dev libxrender-dev apt-get install libxcb1-dev libx11-xcb-dev libxcb-glx0-dev ** opengl sudo apt-get install build-essential libgl1-mesa-dev ** openssl apt-get install libssl-dev ** to install QT, one fetches the sources, and runs ./configure ; make ; make install . \ Below the exact commands with costumization and checks: # fetch and prepare sources mkdir /home/quadmod/files/sw/qt/qt_551/ cd /home/quadmod/files/sw/qt/qt_551/ wget tar -xzf qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.5.1.tar.gz cd /home/quadmod/files/sw/qt/qt_551/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.5.1 mkdir -p /home/quadmod/files/sw/qt/qt_551/installdir QT5DIR=/home/quadmod/files/sw/qt/qt_551/installdir # configure in verbose mode and include all the prerequisites STcontrol will need: ./configure -v -openssl -qt-xcb -prefix $QT5DIR -opensource | tee config.out # check if OpenGL was registered fine: grep OpenGL config.out OpenGL ...... desktop <-- if you get 'none' this should be fixed before compiling also check config.out for any other configuration problems make | tee make.out make install

* qwt mkdir /home/quadmod/files/sw/qwt/qwt-6.1.2 wget export QT5DIR=/home/quadmod/files/sw/qt/qt_551/installdir $QT5DIR/bin/qmake make make install l* linux-gpib

Main System (linux) 211 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki cd /home/quadmod/files/sw/gpib/ mv tarball to this dir and unzip ./configure make make install

* apt-get install libusb-1.0-0 libusb-1.0-0-dev

===== FPGA firmware upload via JTAG cable: can be done either via xc3sprog or Xilinx tools

== * xc3sprog is a light-weight command line tool for uploads. It is used by STControl internally. prerequisites: apt-get install libusb-dev apt-get install libconfuse-dev apt-get install libftdi1-dev svn co xc3sprog cd xc3sprog cmake . make make install (requires sudo)

In the above, the cmake issues a message that the following package is missing: libftd2xx . The compilation, installation and running the program however work fine without the libftd2xx module. ==

* Xilinx software for JTAG cable FPGA programming

Xilinx software and cable drivers for FPGA programming and configuration via USB programming cable. * * newer Xilinx Vivado in combination with Xilinx and Digilent drivers did not work on first install, * * ==> I used legacy Xilinx ISE and M. Gernoth's XILINX JTAG tools on Linux without proprietary kernel modules ( Useful resource:

Xilinx ISE LabTools: Requires (free) Xilinx registration steps: 1) Xilinx download page -> 2) ISE -> 3) Lab Tools - 14.7 -> 4) Download installer tarball

1) 2) 3) look for "Lab Tools" section . Lab Tools is a light-weight version of the full design suite. 4) installer tarball is currently common to all platforms

/home/quadmod/files/sw/Xilinx_ISE_LabTools/Xilinx_LabTools_14.7_1015_1/Xilinx_LabTools_14.7_1015_1.tar tar -xf Xilinx_LabTools_14.7_1015_1.tar cd Xilinx_LabTools_14.7_1015_1 sudo su ./xsetup --> in gui installation I and untick all licence, web-talk, cable-driver (etc.) boxes --> I select standard installation location: /opt/Xilinx/14.7/LabTools add this to .bashrc/.bash_envvars: export PATH=$PATH:/opt/Xilinx/14.7/LabTools/LabTools/bin/lin64/


USB-JTAG drivers: sudo apt-get install gitk git-gui libusb-dev build-essential libc6-dev-i386 fxload cd /opt/Xilinx sudo git clone git:// cd usb-driver/ make <-- installs the drivers

Main System (linux) 212 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki set up firmware/cable access: ./setup_pcusb /opt/Xilinx/14.7/LabTools/LabTools/ <-- copies LabTools firmware to /usr/share and produces new udev rules for USB JTAG cable /etc/udev/rules.d/xusbdfwu.rules after this one might need to issue udevadm trigger --action=change + plugging out- and in- the cable

Then the device ID changes as follows:

Device: ID 03fd:000d Xilinx, Inc. <-- no firmware Device : ID 03fd:0008 Xilinx, Inc. Platform Cable USB II <-- firmware uploaded fine

After this the JTAG cable will be automatically detected correctly when plugged in-.


Module testing software: USBPix/STControl (legacy C++ software):

(requires gitlab account) -> -> git clone https://[email protected]/jgrosse/USBpix.git == cd USBpix source -gpib no make

PyBar: newer python software for testing: ===> git clone pip install $PWD/pyBAR_fei4_interpreter basil: git clone pip install $PWD/basil


* eagle software needed for viewing eagle (.sch/.brd) PCB schemas: requires autodesk account to use : get 64bit linux tarball cd /home/quadmod/files/sw/EAGLE /home/quadmod/files/sw/EAGLE/Autodesk_EAGLE_8.0_English_Linux_64bit.tar.gz unzip the tarball tar -xzf Autodesk_EAGLE_8.0_English_Linux_64bit.tar.gz run binary as: ./eagle-8.0.0/eagle

The Qt was crashing when using web-client due to bugs in the noveau graphics server. glxinfo -v | grep -A 5 -i vendor Vendor: nouveau (0x10de) Device: NV86 (0x42f) Version: 12.0.6 xserver-xorg-video-nouveau is already the newest version (1:1.0.12-2).

I thus switched to using the nvidia drivers: computer->system settings -> driver manager changed from Usnig X.Org X server (noveau display driver)

Main System (linux) 213 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki to using driver : nvidia-340 - distro non-free recommended

After this eagle runs fine.

Extra System (windows) installation: computer by the microscope SCE-SOPA-00124 Windows7 enterprise, SP1, 64-bit

Software installation log:

Show commands Hidecommands installation: computer by the microscope SCE-SOPA-00124 Windows7 enterprise, SP1, 64-bit

Instructions: sw installation prefix: D:/STControl6_files/sw

======Installing prerequisites: ======

1) Visual Studio 2013 Express (compiler/IDE): * for Windows (Desktop): [-> installer Computer/Store(D)/STControl6_files/sw/VisualStudioExpress2013/wdexpress_full] [-> install files to: Computer/Store(D)/STControl6_files/sw/VisualStudioExpress2013/VisualStudioExpress2013_install ] to install: run installer. After installing, restart the computer. things to note: * Visual Studio 2013 Express provides compiler and "nmake" executable to build your programs * when actually using using, you'll have to configure it as follows: cd D:\STControl6_files\sw\VC vcvarsall.bat To see what vcvarsall.bat does, you can open and read it in Visual Studio * When running "nmake" the D:\STControl6_files\sw\VC\bin

2) Qt 5.5.1 LGPL for Visual Studio 2013 Express: [-> installer Computer/Store(D)/STControl6_files/sw/Qt551/] [-> install files to: Computer/Store(D)/STControl6_files/sw/Qt551/Qt551_install] to install: run installer things to note: * QT provides QT Commnad prompt and qmake commands (amongst other) * when running qmake, you'll need to make sure the directory containing "qmake.exe" is in your path: D:\STControl6_files\sw\QT551\QT551_install\5.5\msvc2013\bin

3) ROOT: download installer compatible with your Visual Studio version; for Studio 2013, this is: [-> installer D:\STControl6_files\sw\ROOT5p34p34] [-> install files to: D:\STControl6_files\sw\ROOT5p34p34\root_v5.34.34] to install: run the installer things to note: when running root, you will need to have D:\STControl6_files\sw\ROOT5p34p34\root_v5.34.34\bin in your path

4) Qwt 6.1.2: #

Extra System (windows) 214 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki [-> installer zip Computer/Store(D)/STControl6_files/sw/qwt612/] [-> extract files to: Computer/Store(D)/STControl6_files/sw/qwt612/qwt-]

To install: open QTcommand prompt. QTcommand promptcomes as part of qt installation. You find and launch it as: Start-> enter "QT" in the search box -> click on the terminal (fig QT_term.png)

QT terminal used for installation of QWT and USBPix

4.1) check that the QT's qmake is in your path by typing in terminal: path and check that it contains the bin directory that points to qmake.exe: D:\STControl6_files\sw\QT551\QT551_install\5.5\msvc2013\bin This should be the case automatically for QT terminal, but if running from another terminal, you might need to add this to your path variable using the usual Windows syntax (set path=...)

4.2) go to QWT's extracted installation directory: cd D:\STControl6_files\sw\QWT612\qwt-6.1.2_install\qwt-6.1.2 qmake

4.3) set up for using Windows Studio Express's nmake: cd D:\STControl6_files\sw\VC vcvarsall.bat

4.4) check that "nmake" command is in your path variable by typing: path and check that it contains the directory containing the nmake.exe D:\STControl6_files\sw\VC\bin

4.5) with nmake set up, you can install qwt: cd D:\STControl6_files\sw\QWT612\qwt-6.1.2_install\qwt-6.1.2 nmake

5) libusb: zadig and WinUSB drivers (fig zadig.png) Zadig: in sw/Zadig: file named zadig-2.3 = installer double-click and install WinUSB driver (v6.1.7600.16385) driver

Extra System (windows) 215 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

zadig setup after installation of WinUSB driver

6) uC firmware software: Download CYUSB: akamai installer FX3 SDK installed in: D:\STControl6_files\sw\cypress_FX3_USB_SDK

Not now, but after you have cloned the USBPix, you program the MMC3, instrucions are on <-- x-check the commands below are up-to-date:

6.1) WindowsExplorer D:\STCeontrol6_files\sw\cypress_FX3_USB_SDK\EZ-USB FX3 SDK\1.3\bin 6.2) execute CyControl .exe 6.3) The board should be detected as FX3 device and I Programm the board, uploading this file to RAM D:\STControl6_files\sw\USBPix\USBpix_git\config\SILABFX3.img

======Installing USBPix and STControl6: ====== medium mode download the code archive: [original zip: D:\STControl6_files\sw\USBPix\] [extracted to: D:\STControl6_files\sw\USBPix\USBpix_git] to install

1) open the QT command prompt and go to directory where the files were extracted: cd D:\STControl6_files\sw\USBPix\USBpix_git

2) the tricky part: set up paths you need to set up the installation so that your windows studio, qt, qwt and root are found correctly the configuration of these and other variables usbpix requires is done in: D:\STControl6_files\sw\USBPix\USBpix_git\setup.bat

The file can be open and inspected with visual studio (fig. USBpix_setupbat.PNG), where you see that it will execute (highlighted in fig USBpix_setupbat.PNG): set Path=..%QT5DIR%/bin..

Thus you should make sure the variables such as %QT5DIR% are set up correctly before set Path will be called.

Extra System (windows) 216 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

USBPix's setup file opened in Visual Studio

One of the way to do it is to set the variables acc. to your installation before installing USBPix. The variables are set in QT command prompt from which you will be installing STControl, by typing set VARNAME=VARVALUE commands in the command prompt accordingly. with my installation setup this is: Visual studio express: set path to directory that contains bin and lib. Type this in QT command prompt: set VCDIR=D:\STControl6_files\sw\VC QT5: set path to directory that contains bin and lib . Type this in QT command prompt: set QT5DIR=D:\STControl6_files\sw\QT551\QT551_install\5.5\msvc2013 ROOT: set path to directory that contains bin, type this in QT command prompt: set ROOTSYS=D:\STControl6_files\sw\ROOT5p34p34\root_v5.34.34 QWT: set QWTDIR=D:\STControl6_files\sw\QWT612\qwt-6.1.2_install\qwt-6.1.2 to check the values the variables have, you echo their value in the command prompt using commands as: echo %QWTDIR% ...

3) after you have set up all the paths, you can run the setup in teh QT prompt: D:\STControl6_files\sw\USBPix\USBpix_git> setup.bat watch for any warnings and errors of files not being found. Eg in case the setup complains that vcvarsall.bat can't be found, your path to Visual studio express is likely incorrect. In this case set VCDIR to correct value for your installation and re-run the setup.bat

4) set up for running visual studio's nmake: cd D:\STControl6_files\sw\VC vcvarsall.bat

5) install: cd D:\STControl6_files\sw\USBPix\USBpix_git check that paths to visual studio etc. are correct by inspecting output of: path if all is fine compile the code: nmake and check the installation for any errors.

Extra System (windows) 217 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

6) If all went fine, you should be able to open STControl from the QT prompt (fig STControl.PNG) in which you have run the setup.bat by typing: cd D:\STControl6_files\sw\USBPix\USBpix_git\bin STcontrol.exe

When running anew from the fresh QT terminal, you will need to ensure all environmental variables are set correctly. Eg by repeating the set commands (set ROOTSYS=... ) and re-running setup.bat

STControl ran from QT terminal

======Misc windows notes: ======uninstalling programs: Start -> Computer -> "Uninstall or change programms"

QT terminal: understands msdos commands to read path: path to set variable set XY= to set path set path= to list directory: dir

MMC3 board, configuration cabling and powering

Board schema link

MMC3 board, configuration cabling and powering 218 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki Configuration uC Firmware

Cypress software for updating the board microcontroller firmware:

Show commands Hidecommands cypress_linux EZ-USB FX3 Software Development Kit --> download the lates SDK for linux. Requires (free) registration. prerequisites: qt4 apt-get install qt4-default

A couple of patches to the code are needed to compile: <-- download and apply the patch patch main.cpp errno.patch The patch has also been copied to: /home/quadmod/files/sw/cypress_SDK/patch/errno.patch export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$SwD/cypress_SDK/cyusb_linux_1.0.4/lib cd $SwD/cypress_SDK/cyusb_linux_1.0.4/ make

./ Open /etc/udev/rules.d/88-cyusb.rules as sudo and change the included rules to: KERNEL=="*", SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="usb_device", ACTION=="add", ATTR{idVendor}=="04b4", GROUP="user_group", MODE="666", TAG="cyusb_dev", RUN+="/usr/local/bin/ A" KERNEL=="*", SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="usb_device", ACTION=="remove", TAG=="cyusb_dev", RUN+="/usr/local/bin/ R" chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/cyusb_linux now open the terminal window for uploading microcontroller firmware: cyusb_linux check the device before uploading the image ( ID [vendor]:[product] should be 04b4:00f3 Cypress Semiconductor Corp.) lsusb Bus 009 Device 002: ID 04b4:00f3 Cypress Semiconductor Corp.<==== ok! connect the MMC3 to the USB3 port and upload the image: /home/quadmod/files/sw/USBpix/config/SILABFX3.img check the device after uploading the image ( ID [vendor]:[product] ) lsusb Bus 009 Device 003: ID 5312:0300

The image is loaded to RAM and needs to be uploaded each time the the system is reconnected.

FPGA configuration

The configuration bit file is:


The FPGA coniguration is automatically uploaded by STControl at initialization time. Notes on manual uploads below.

• Open-source xc3sprog is used internally by STControl, and can be ran standalone as follows xc3sprog -c xpc -v -p 0 /home/quadmod/files/sw/USBpix/config/mmc3.bit

Configuration 219 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

<-- should give output like this: ... Using built-in device list Using built-in cable list firmware version = 0x0012 (18) CPLD version = 0x0012 (18) JTAG chainpos: 0 Device IDCODE = 0x0364c093 Desc: XC7K160T Created from NCD file: KX7_IF_Test_Top;UserID=0XFFFFFFFF;Version=2015.2 Target device: 7k160tfbg676 Created: 2016/01/14 11:02:07 Bitstream length: 53540576 bits done. Programming time 28615.0 ms USB Read Transactions: 7 Write Transactions: 6590 Control Transaction 6598

• Xilinx impact sofware can be used to configure the FPGA as follows: cd /opt/Xilinx/14.7/LabTools source export LD_PRELOAD=/opt/Xilinx/usb-driver/ impact

To access iMPACT suite documentation, click on help -> help topics. Steps to configure FPGA:

• ♦ Boundary Scan <--- select ♦ from pull-down menus:

Output->Cable Auto Connect <-- see bottom status bar to check JTAG cable was detected fine

• ♦ right-click in the middle main window: Initialize chan

(in this step, you can pass the $SwD/USBpix/config/mmc3.bit config file) * right-click no the Xilinx device and click "Program" to program the FPGA. After this, the LED-s should turn orange.


MMC3 board powering: can be done via external power source (round VDC connector) or via USB3 directly. To switch between the two is dune using VCC switch located on the board. When powered correctly, the PWR led on the board will light green. Powering via round VDC connector (5V-15V) results in a problem with our particular board, such that FPGA does not configure properly. Please use USB powering.

Current consumption for VCC powering is ~ 200 mA, whereas USB3 can provide up to 600mA:

Show current as a function of voltage for the board Hidecommands if you are using VCC powering, slowly power the board to about 6V with the external power connection. Make sure the current limit is set to about 300 mA

V A [mA ]prior and after uploading muC image (rec. Dec 2016): 3.85 260 <-- PWR on 4.00 257 267 4.25 246 255 4.50 236 245 4.75 227 236 5.00 217 228 5.25 211 221 5.50 205 214 5.75 200 207 6.00 195 202 [09.01. 183 204]

FPGA configuration 220 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki Cabling

USB-JTAG cable: Digilent XUP USB-JTAG (6003-410-011) is used with Xilinx ISE LabTools and open-source drivers. When connecting the cable, the lsusb outputs should be:

Device : ID 03fd:0008 Xilinx, Inc. Platform Cable USB II idProduct changes from 000d->0008 when cable firmware uploaded fine which should happen automatically.

Using the board

1) board's VCC switch (magenta) in USB position

2) board powered via USB some software (eg STControl) requires USB3 connection. USB3 ports on cables and computer are the blue ones. The gray ones are USB2. => connect board to USB3 computer ports using USB3 A-to-B cable

3) connect JTAG cable: computer USB3 port --- microsim cable --- cable box --- ribon JTAG cable --- board's JTAG connector

4) check JTAG cable was auto-detected fine: lsusb Bus 009 Device 004: ID 03fd:0008 Xilinx, Inc. Platform Cable USB II <-- vendor/ID info should be 03fd:0008

4) configure FPGA: put this in the terminal xc3sprog -c xpc -v -p 0 /home/quadmod/files/sw/USBpix/config/mmc3.bit

5) upload microController firmware with cyusb_linux put this in the terminal

cyusb_linux select the device and upload this image to RAM (important: not EEPROM/FLASH:)


Module testing: running connect the MMC3 board and modules as above.

STControl: cd ~/files/sw/USBpix ./bin/STcontrol

Than follow instructions on STControl wiki

Module testing: hardware

Connect Modules voltages:

Cabling 221 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

• HV can be left unbiased for chip testing. • digital: voltage ~ 1.52 V ; current limit: ~1 A • analog: voltage ~ 1.75 V ; current limit: ~1.9 - 2.0 A check voltages: with volt-meter, check they correspond to the scheme below in the molex connector:

module connector

When plugging the molex into the module, make sure the voltage is off. Turn it on after connector is in place.

Available Modules

• PCB VIB62GH: bare FEI4B chips. Source: Glasgow, Jan 2017. ♦ Powering: digital voltage only, 1.8V. ♦ Status: ◊ broken, not working ◊ [V_analog=0 V, V_digital=1.75 V] : I_digital ~ 40 mA ◊ this module only takes digital voltage and provides analog voltage via the regulators

• PCB 2935-18#Q2: FEI4B chips + Cern Pixel 4 sensors. Source: Glasgow, Jan 2017. ♦ Powering: digital + analog voltage. ♦ Status: ◊ broken, not working ◊ [V_analog=1.8V, V_digital=1.75 V] : I_analog > 2 A, I_digital > 1 A ◊ [[V_analog=0 V, V_digital=1.75 V] : I_digital ~ 500 mA ◊ this module takes both analog and digital voltage.

• GLA_AK_1CHIP_Dec2017: Source: Glasgow, Dec 2017. Bare FEI4B chips. This module belongs to UCL's Andreas Korn and is borrowed to us. ♦ Powering: digital + analog voltage. ♦ Status: ◊ working, one chip

Powering mode depends on the wire-bonds to the chip (LDO regulator pads). And on presence/absence of 0-Ohm resistors on the board.

Module PCB schematics:

• Liverpool v2.1 ; WP1 link

On the quadmod machine these were downloaded and unziped to: /home/quadmod/files/doc/module_info/module_pcb_schemas/Design/PixQuad_v2.1 you read them by launching eagle sw: /home/quadmod/files/sw/EAGLE/eagle-8.0.0/eagle

Connect Modules 222 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki and File->Open->Schematic /home/quadmod/files/doc/module_info/module_pcb_schemas/Design/PixQuad_v2.1/PixQuad.sch

viewing schematics with eagle

The Gerber files can be viewed using: gerbv

Than Open layer(s) as provided in: /home/quadmod/files/doc/module_info/module_pcb_schemas/Design/PixQuad_v2.1/Gerber The layer specification in v2.1 gerber-s is encoded in the layer suffix eg for top layer etc.

The gerbv and Open layer(s) can also be used to view assembly .asb and .ast bottom and top files /home/quadmod/files/doc/module_info/module_pcb_schemas/Design/PixQuad_v2.1/Assembly

Module testing: software

STControl notes

We take the STControl from git here .

Show commands to update and rebuild STControl Hide commands When doing this be careful not to overwrite relevant local changes. git status tells you which files have local changes. It's likely good to make a backup of these files before updating. git pull will warn you in case any local changes cannot be merged seamlessly with the updates

To update to trunk: cd /home/quadmod/files/sw/USBpix

Module PCB schematics: 223 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki sudo su git pull ( check if $ROOTSYS is set; if not source /home/quadmod/.bashrc ) source -gpib no make

Module testing: analysis and reference results

The results obtained with STControl can be viewed with

~/files/sw/USBpix/bin$ ./DataViewer

• MIO2,STC6,SingleChipCard,Nov2017 run • MMC3,STC6,AndreasModule,Dec2017 run


Module testing software

• USBPix twiki • STControl twiki • STControl gitlab wiki

Module testing hardware

Enclustra burn-in card (the MMC3 board mezannine card):

• Enclustra's main page • brief description of the burn-in card • Unit manual available on request from Enclustra.

Technical documentation

• FEI4 share-point • UK WP1 share-point • UK WP2 share-point

Related Edinburgh wiki-s

• Running tests with STControl6 + USBPIx2

Reading material for newcomers

• Jennifer Jentzsch's diploma thesis: not public, get link to e-version from supervisors . Clear, simple and short text on how pixel detectors work and main points of module testing. Somewhat out of date and relates to single chip testing. Good starting point for senior honors/summer/master . Chapters 1,2 and 3 are most relevant. • Amir Salehilashkajani's MSc thesis: not public, get link to e-version from supervisors . Technical details on setting up and running STcontrol6 and PyBar testing software. • Malte Backhaus's PhD thesis : Overview of USBPIX testing system, quad-module operation and testing. Higher-level and longer than the diploma thesis from J. Jentzsch. Good starting point for advanced master or PhD students. • J Grosse-Knetter's habilitation thesis . Most detail on USBPIX system, higher level than the PhD thesis from M. Backhaus. Additional reading for master and PhD students.

STControl notes 224 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

• USBPix3 testing system overview by H. Krueger . Requires CERN rights, get a version from a supervisor in case you do not have them yet. • Rossi, L., Fischer, P., Rohe, T., Wermes, N. , Pixel Detectors From Fundamentals to Applications , modern text-book on pixel detectors. Accessible for free from within the UoE network.

The theses can also be found at: quadmod@quadmodcomp:~/files/doc/theses


• on quadmod computer:


These contain eg. theses and manuals for reference, esp. when they cannot be linked or uploaded due to copyright issues.

--Main.LizaMijovic - 2017-01-16

• uC_firmware_MIO2_pb.pdf: MIO2 uC firmware problem details

This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghGroupHardwareUpgradeDocumentationModTest Topic revision: r136 - 2018-04-27 - LizaMijovic

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback Upgrade Pixel Module Testing @ Edinburgh: the legacy MIO2 board


This page contains information additional information related to the Upgrade Pixel Module Testing @ Edinburgh project. For testing and comparison purposes, we are running the new software suited for the upgrade with the legacy MIO2 board and Run2 detector chips. The MIO2 system consists of an USBPix board compatible with the lower speed USB2, and an adapter card for the test sample. In our case the test sample is a single FEI4 chip card. A photo of the fully connected system running pixel scan test is below.

Reading material for newcomers 225 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

MIO2 system running tests on singe-chip card

More notes about the legacy system are also available in the old single chip testing pages

MIO2 board, configuration cabling and powering

We are using MultiIO board rev. 1.04 with the FE-I4 Adapter Card rev. 1.1a. Description can be found in the hardware section of the USBPix wiki .

Configuration uC Firmware

The uC firmware is read from to EEPROM. No action needed.

When plugged in, the board should be detected with vendorID and productID: quadmod@quadmodcomp:~$ lsusb Bus 002 Device 002: ID 5312:0200

A note that we(Jon and Liza) tried to re-upload the uC firmware on EEPROM using SiUSBMan in STControl6 on Windows7 machine. (We used Windows, as EEPROM flashing is not supported on Linux.) Details as posted to the usbpix mailing list are here.

FPGA configuration

The configuration bit file is:


The FPGA coniguration is automatically uploaded by STControl at initialization time. The upload is via the USB cable. No extra JTAG programmer, as is the case for MMC3 board, is required. The path to the FPGA configuration file is passed to STControl in the STControl configuration file.


MIO2 board is powered via the USB cable. You will be using this board with the FEI4 single chip card, which requires separate powering. This is described below.

Introduction 226 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki Using the single chip sample

The single chip sample obtains power and communicates with the MIO2 system via the wide ribbon cable shown in the figure.

single FEI4 chip card sample. Ribbon cable connects to the single chip adapter card of the MIO2 system.

When the MIO2 system is used with the single chip sample you should:

• connect the ribbon cable (single chip adapter card - to -single chip sample) • connect the external power via the four-pin molex connector on the single chip adapter card. The power will be provided to the USB regulators on the SCA card, which will in turn provide analog and digital power to the chip on the single chip sample card.

MIO2 board powered to provide voltages to the single chip sample. The 4-pin molex connector and cable with colored wires that is connected to the external power source is visible in the right-hand-side next to the wide ribbon cable.

Care is required when connecting the external power in order not to damage the system. Molex connector is as follows:

• digital power: blue and yellow (ground) wires. Voltage and current limit: 1.99V, 400 mA • analog power: red and black (ground) wires. Voltage and current limit: 1.99V, 600 mA

Using the single chip sample 227 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki Make sure the power is off while plugging the molex connector into the SCA card.

The expected current consumption is as follows:

03rd Nov 2017 STControl off: I_ana=0 mA , I_digi=0 mA STControl all on : I_ana=73 mA , I_digi=89 mA STControl configure all active modules : I_ana=532 mA , I_digi=214 mA STControl pix scan typical values: I_ana=560 mA , I_digi=100 mA

Running module testing

• works on linux only • bring up ./bin/STControl • open STControl config file: /home/quadmod/files/config_files/conf01112017_MIO2_1.cfg.root (see fig for settings it uses) • Initialisation: ♦ 1) Initialise all controllers and DCS objects ♦ 2) All ON ♦ 3) Configure all active modules • After this you can go to Right Pannel -> Primlist Pannel and run primlist file: /home/quadmod/files/primlists/TuningPrimlist.prl.root

MIO2 system STControl6 configuration file settings

Running module testing 228 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

MIO2 system STControl6 configuration file usb controller settings


• figure out what are requirements • offline STControl scan data analysis • get STControl4 references or test all runs fine for Hons. project

-- LizaMijovic - 2017-11-03

This topic: Main > MIO2ForQM Topic revision: r1 - 2017-11-04 - LizaMijovic

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback Upgrade Pixel Module Testing @ Edinburgh: the legacy MIO2 board


This page contains information additional information related to the Upgrade Pixel Module Testing @ Edinburgh project. For testing and comparison purposes, we are running the new software suited for the upgrade with the legacy MIO2 board and Run2 detector chips. The MIO2 system consists of an USBPix board compatible with the lower speed USB2, and an adapter card for the test sample. In our case the test sample is a single FEI4 chip card. A photo of the fully connected system running pixel scan test is below.

TODO 229 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

MIO2 system running tests on singe-chip card

More notes about the legacy system are also available in the old single chip testing pages

MIO2 board, configuration cabling and powering

We are using MultiIO board rev. 1.04 with the FE-I4 Adapter Card rev. 1.1a. Description can be found in the hardware section of the USBPix wiki .

Configuration uC Firmware

The uC firmware is read from to EEPROM. No action needed.

When plugged in, the board should be detected with vendorID and productID: quadmod@quadmodcomp:~$ lsusb Bus 002 Device 002: ID 5312:0200

A note that we(Jon and Liza) tried to re-upload the uC firmware on EEPROM using SiUSBMan in STControl6 on Windows7 machine. (We used Windows, as EEPROM flashing is not supported on Linux.) Details as posted to the usbpix mailing list are here.

FPGA configuration

The configuration bit file is:


The FPGA coniguration is automatically uploaded by STControl at initialization time. The upload is via the USB cable. No extra JTAG programmer, as is the case for MMC3 board, is required. The path to the FPGA configuration file is passed to STControl in the STControl configuration file.


MIO2 board is powered via the USB cable. You will be using this board with the FEI4 single chip card, which requires separate powering. This is described below.

Introduction 230 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki Using the single chip sample

The single chip sample obtains power and communicates with the MIO2 system via the wide ribbon cable shown in the figure.

single FEI4 chip card sample. Ribbon cable connects to the single chip adapter card of the MIO2 system.

When the MIO2 system is used with the single chip sample you should:

• connect the ribbon cable (single chip adapter card - to -single chip sample) • connect the external power via the four-pin molex connector on the single chip adapter card. The power will be provided to the USB regulators on the SCA card, which will in turn provide analog and digital power to the chip on the single chip sample card.

MIO2 board powered to provide voltages to the single chip sample. The 4-pin molex connector and cable with colored wires that is connected to the external power source is visible in the right-hand-side next to the wide ribbon cable.

Care is required when connecting the external power in order not to damage the system. Molex connector is as follows:

• digital power: blue and yellow (ground) wires. Voltage and current limit: 1.99V, 400 mA • analog power: red and black (ground) wires. Voltage and current limit: 1.99V, 600 mA

Using the single chip sample 231 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki Make sure the power is off while plugging the molex connector into the SCA card.

The expected current consumption is as follows:

03rd Nov 2017 STControl off: I_ana=0 mA , I_digi=0 mA STControl all on : I_ana=73 mA , I_digi=89 mA STControl configure all active modules : I_ana=532 mA , I_digi=214 mA STControl pix scan typical values: I_ana=560 mA , I_digi=100 mA

Running module testing

• works on linux only • bring up ./bin/STControl • open STControl config file: /home/quadmod/files/config_files/conf01112017_MIO2_1.cfg.root (see fig for settings it uses) • Initialisation: ♦ 1) Initialise all controllers and DCS objects ♦ 2) All ON ♦ 3) Configure all active modules • After this you can go to Right Pannel -> Primlist Pannel and run primlist file: /home/quadmod/files/primlists/TuningPrimlist.prl.root

MIO2 system STControl6 configuration file settings

Running module testing 232 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

MIO2 system STControl6 configuration file usb controller settings


• figure out what are requirements • offline STControl scan data analysis • get STControl4 references or test all runs fine for Hons. project

-- LizaMijovic - 2017-11-03

This topic: Main > MIO2ForQM Topic revision: r1 - 2017-11-04 - LizaMijovic

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback Glues - Shear Tests

Edinburgh test results:

• 07.04.2015: Jon Webster, Spreadsheet: Glue Shear Tests - Work in Progress

Edinburgh setup: Glues - Specifications

Loctite 358:

• Loctite 358 specsheet

Loctite 350 UV:

• Loctite 158350 specsheet

TODO 233 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki Loctite 270 Threadlock:

Araldite 2020 Epoxy:

Araldite Instant Clear:

Fuller Epolyte FH 5313:

• Fuller Epolite FH 5313 specsheet

Henkel Hysol EA 9396:

• Henkel Hysol EA 9396 specsheet

Dow Corning SE 4445:

• DowCorning SE 4445 Product Information • DowCorning SE 4445 Safety Datasheet A • DowCorning SE 4445 Safety Datasheet B

-- StephanEisenhardt - 2015-04-08

This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghGroupMaterialStudies Topic revision: r3 - 2015-04-08 - StephanEisenhardt

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback Glues - Shear Tests

Edinburgh test results:

• 07.04.2015: Jon Webster, Spreadsheet: Glue Shear Tests - Work in Progress

Edinburgh setup: Glues - Specifications

Loctite 358:

• Loctite 358 specsheet

Loctite 350 UV:

• Loctite 158350 specsheet

Loctite 270 Threadlock:

Araldite 2020 Epoxy:

Araldite Instant Clear:

Fuller Epolyte FH 5313:

Glues - Specifications 234 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

• Fuller Epolite FH 5313 specsheet

Henkel Hysol EA 9396:

• Henkel Hysol EA 9396 specsheet

Dow Corning SE 4445:

• DowCorning SE 4445 Product Information • DowCorning SE 4445 Safety Datasheet A • DowCorning SE 4445 Safety Datasheet B

-- StephanEisenhardt - 2015-04-08

This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghGroupMaterialStudies Topic revision: r3 - 2015-04-08 - StephanEisenhardt

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This topic: Main > AtlasEdinburghGroupHiggsPhysics Topic revision: r91 - 2013-07-15 - BrendanOBrien

Copyright &© 2008-2021 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. or Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? use Discourse or Send feedback


Disclaimer: MakePlots is a small package to simplify working with root trees and creating histograms for a cut flow analysis. This package comes without any warranty. Any particles that may or may not be discovered using this package, fall to into the users responsibility.

Installation localSetupROOT --rootVersion=5.30.04-i686-slc5-gcc4.3 svn co svn+ssh:// MakePlots cd MakePlots

Compile cd src make make pythonmodule

Or use one of the alternative makefiles (e.g. on MacOs X) make -f Makefile.mac

Add the python directory to the PYTHONPATH

Glues - Specifications 235 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki source ../scritps/


Note: Please have a look inside and check section on configuration before trying one of these tools.

To run go into the script directory (also contains some config files) cd ../scripts ./ or


Command line arguments

The script ./ supports commandline arguments

[me@mycomputer]~/MakePlots/scripts% ./ -h Usage: [options] parse root tree, and create cut flow with histograms for each stage

Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -i INPUTFILES, --input=INPUTFILES comma separated list of input files, e.g aa.root,ab.root,ac.root -o OUTPUTFILE, --output=OUTPUTFILE output filename, default: output.root -p PATH, --path=PATH input path (will be prepend to input file) -t TREENAME, --tree=TREENAME name of the input tree, default : OutputTree

---++Configuration for

Setup observable to create histos from class JetObservableList(PyObservableGroup): def __init__(self): PyObservableGroup.__init__(self,"JetObservableList") self.SetPath("jets") self.Add(Distribution(int)("njets",20,0,20))

cut1=PyObservableGroup("jets1") cut1.SetCuts(MinCut(int)("njets",1)) cut1.Add(Distribution(float,0)("jetPhi",100,0,3.1415)) cut1.Add(Distribution(float,0)("jetEta",40,-5,5)) self.Add(cut1)

cut2=PyObservableGroup("jets2") cut2.SetCuts(MinCut(int)("njets",2)) cut2.Add(Distribution(float,1)("jetPhi",100,0,3.1415)) cut2.Add(Distribution(float,1)("jetEta",40,-5,5)) cut1.Add(cut2) class WHObservableList(PyObservableGroup): def __init__(self):

Compile 236 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

PyObservableGroup.__init__(self,"WHObservableList") #self.SetPath("WHplots") self.Add(Distribution(float)("m_H",50,0,200)) self.Add(Distribution(float)("pt_H",50,0,1000)) self.Add(Distribution(float)("mt_W",50,0,200)) self.Add(Distribution(float)("pt_W",50,0,1000)) self.Add(Distribution(float)("EtMiss",50,0,200)) self.Add(Distribution(float)("DeltaPhiWH",100,0.,3.1415)) self.Add(Distribution(float)("WHDeltaPhi",100,0.,3.1415)) self.Add(JetObservableList())

Define your outflow class WHCutFlowConfig(CutFlowConfig): def __init__(self): CutFlowConfig.__init__(self)

self.Add(initSel = "passesTrigger==1&&passesPV==1&&passesHFOR==1&&passesMetCl==1") self.Add(objSel = "njets>0&&nlep>0")

self.Add(leptonVeto = "passesLeptonVeto==1") self.Add(metCut = "EtMiss>25.") self.Add(WmassCut = "mt_W>40.") self.Add(HpT_Cut = "pt_H>200.")

higgsCandCut = "NumberHiggsCandidates>0" self.Add(nFatJetsCut = higgsCandCut+"&&nfatjets>0")

self.Add(addfatjetVeto = "passesFatjetVeto==1") self.Add(bjetVeto = "passesBjetVeto==1")

self.Add(deltaPhiWHCut = "DeltaPhiWH>2.09")

self.Add(WpT_Cut = "pt_W>150.")

self.Add(oneBTag = "higgsJetSubjetFlavWeight[0]>.35||higgsJetSubjetFlavWeight[1]>.35") self.Add(twoBTag = "higgsJetSubjetFlavWeight[0]>.35&&higgsJetSubjetFlavWeight[1]>.35")

add add observable and outflow to your =CutFlowFactory=: cutflow = CutFlowFactory() cutflow.SetObservable(WHObservableList) cutflow.SetCuts(WHCutFlowConfig)

files=['mc11_7TeV.105200.T1_McAtNlo_Jimmy.merge.NTUP_HSG5WH.e835_s1272_s1274_r2920_r2900_p833_SplitPart_ab.root'] cutflow.SetInputFiles(path='/Disk/speyside7/Grid/grid-files/Higgs/OutputFiles/Samples_01-03-2012/',files=files,treename="OutputTree") cutflow.SetOutput("output.root")

cutflow.Initialize() cutflow.Execute() cutflow.Finalize() you will find the corresponding sections in the prepared =./ after running ./ you will get an output root file containing the histograms filled for each step of the cut flow

Optionally you can use =./ to create png files, e.g. to put on a web page.


Command line arguments 237 AtlasEdinburghGroup < Main < TWiki

---+++Configuration for



-- Main.AndreasSchaelicke - 02-Mar-2012

%META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="output-root.png" attachment="output-root.png" attr="" comment="screenshot of TBrowser with output.root - illustration of cut flow" date="1330647248" path="output-root.png" size="46393" stream="output-root.png" tmpFilename="/usr/tmp/CGItemp6553" user="schaelic" version="1"}%