AV017/3 Brook

Woodllands Schooll Hedges LWS

DE088/3 St Edmunds Churchyard AV013/3 Lower Vicarwood Pond Palm Court Junction AV010/3 Nutwood & Darley Wildlife Site LWS Lower Vicarwood Pond 2

Kedleston Road Marsh LWS River Derwent LWS Road Hedge LWS Markeaton Lane Meadow LWS A38 Haslams Haslams Lane Brook Course Osierbed and Gravelpit Woods LWS Beech Wood LWS

Mackworth Brook LWS Bowbridge Wood LWS AV015/3 DE056/3 AV007/3 All Saints Churchyard Broadway Stream Brun Lane Pond Darley Park LWS AV009/3 Kedleston Road Junction Markeatton Park LWS Gold Lane

MMaarrkkeeaatttoonn BBrrooookk SSyyssttteemm LLWWSS

DE072/3 Kingsway Junction King Street Markeaton Junction Railway Cutting LWS

Radbourne Lane Hedge LWS Land off Kingsway PLWS Friargate Station LWS DE071/3 Mickleover School Meadow LWS Hackwood Farm Pond DE081/3 A38 Roundaboutt LWS Old Cemetery Mackworth Park

Mickleover - Etwall Bramblle Brook and margiins LWS Trail ( ) LWS Legend Inglewood Avenue Meadow LWS DE073/3 Brook Scheme boundary

2km buffer DE087/3 A38 Rykneld Recreation Ground Non-Statutory Designated sites

Local Wildlife Site (LWS)

Notable habitats

BAP - Wood pasture DE082/3 Old Hall Wood BAP - Lakes, ponds

BAP - Lowland fen Bunkers Grassland - Derby PLWS Bunkers Wood LWS BAP - Open mosaic

BAP - Traditional Riichmond Cllose POS PLWS orchard

Semi-natural grassland Hell Brook & Hell Brook Copse PLWS Potential LWS (PLWS)

Other site of interest

0 250 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 FIRST ISSUE GSB C01 Metres SW 25/03/19 By Revision Details Date Suffix Check Notes: Purpose of Issue Development Consent Order Number Designed Drawn Checked Approved Date Client SW GSB HP PB 25/03/19 Highways 1.THIS DRAWING IS TO BE READ IN CONJUNCTION WITH ALL OTHER DCO APPLICATION TR010022 Internal Project No Suitability Floor 5 60533462 D7 Two Colmore Square RELEVANT DOCUMENTATION. Project Title Drawing Title 38 Colmore Circus Scale @ A3 Zone FIGURE 8.4 Birmingham 1:20,000 A38 B4 6BN 2.DO NOT SCALE FROM THIS DRAWING, USE ONLY PRINTED NON-STATUTORY DESIGNATED AND THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN PREPARED PURSUANT TO AND SUBJECT TO THE DIMENSIONS. TERMS OF AECOM'S APPOINTMENT BY ITS CLIENT. AECOM ACCEPTS NO Drawing Number Rev A38 LIABILITY FOR ANY USE OF THIS DOCUMENT OTHER THAN BY ITS ORIGINAL NOTABLE NATURE CONSERVATION CLIENT OR FOLLOWING AECOM'S EXPRESS AGREEMENT TO SUCH USE, AND Highways England Pin | Originator | Volume DERBY JUNCTIONS ONLY FOR THE PURPOSES FOR WHICH IT WAS PREPARED AND PROVIDED. 3.ALL DIMENSIONS IN METRES, ALL CHAINAGES, LEVELS AND SITES KINGSWAY AND MARKEATON HE514503 -ACM -EGN- C01 COORDINATES ARE IN METRES UNLESS DEFINED OTHERWISE. A38_SW_PR_ZZ -DR-LE-0053 JUNCTIONS Location | Type | Role | Number This map is based upon Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office © Crown copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Highways England 100030649 2019