Where To Put All This Stuff Where Do I Put All My Stuff? Where To Put All This Stuff ‹Fully describe all sources Death Certificates, Obituaries, - author(s), title, publisher, year published Marriage, Children's Birth Certificates - where found, e.g. “Aunt Matilda’s attic” Town and Church Records ‹Design a short form for all sources to minimize Family Bibles, Letters, Photos distraction when embedded in a report Copies of Original Documents (e.g. Census) ‹Put paper copies in file cabinets/boxes Newspaper clippings - one drawer/“family” (mother/father) Military Pensions, e.g. Mexican War - if overflow, break “family” in two Copies of books, web pages, etc., etc., etc. - “place” drawers town/state/country - drawers: town vitals & city directory ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ‹Remember to refile! ‹Warning: 43 and piles

Alternate Ways to Organize Designing a Short Form of a Source ‹Decide how inclusive to be ‹Identify each type of document by code, e.g. a=all vitals, b=birth, c=christening, cd=city directory - impossible to do it all* d=death, f=family book/bible, g=genealogy, i= burial - only your surname k=confirmation, m=marriage, n=newspaper, o=obit, - back to year 420; back only to g-grandparents t=transaction(e.g.deed), v=pension, w= will, x=tax - include lines of spouse or kids’ spouses ‹Every family surname has a special 2-letter code http://udel.edu/~tdoherty/ancestry.pdf ‹File by family of each g-grandfather ‹Every given name in surname has unique 1-3 letter code ‹File by family group ‹Every place has a special 2 or 3-letter code - father, mother, children http://udel.edu/~tdoherty/tpdsources-abv.pdf ‹Every source type has a special 4 to 5-letter format - when child moves out, start new family group (commonly used sources 1 to 3 -letter format) ‹File web material in family folders followed generally by volume#(if one):page# *no matter how far back you go … http://udel.edu/~tdoherty/tpdsources-abv.pdf that person also had a mother and a father! ‹System extended to folders on computer © Spring 2013 Thomas P. Doherty ALL Class site: http://udel.edu/~tdoherty/mystuffsoftware13s.pdf Short Form Examples of SourcesSources** Use of Short Form Sources ‹M-oNa2 is a Nathaniel Melcher Jr. obit Jonathan5 MELCHER was born 27 Mar 1769 in M- = Melcher, o=obit, N in caps because he’s a direct ancestor Kensington NH and died there 6 Apr 1841 [#gM-m:5, ‹MHvjb is John B. Melchior pension #dNH]. He married Eunice CRAM 30 Nov 1791 in MH = Melchior, v=vet, j lower case because not a direct ancestor Hampton Falls [#vaHF:51, hNHb:144]. As a yeoman ‹cdBOp is Boston city directory by Polk (p) no year or page given in short form source if assumed in context and husbandman, Jonathan owned land in that part of Hampton Falls which was later called Kensington ‹gGLa:77 is Gilman Genealogy by Ames p.77 [DeedsRock 145:459]. In Feb 1805 Jonathan sued his ‹bMEo:272 is Owen’s History of Bath Maine p.272 father to collect $887.47 [SuperRock #24776]. In ‹MAm is a letter from Aunt Mary Alice MacMillan September of that year, Eunice (Jonathan’s wife) filed ‹roo7:163 is Ancestral Roots by Weis, edition#7 p.163 for divorce on grounds of “extreme cruelty” and ‹n9:55 is NEHGR v.9 p.55 (article on Starbuck) because “her life has been greatly endangered,” she ‹P-6L is Louis Pronovost 1861 St Maurice QB census being supported by several sworn affidavits citing *add additional characters when need to distinguish, e.g. see physical and verbal abuse [SuperRock #26159]. http://udel.edu/~tdoherty/tpdsources-abv.pdf

Preserving the Originals Genealogy Thursday: Fall 2013 offerings Contact: Tom Doherty ([email protected]) ‹Get a Scanner: 300-1200 dpi, color slides 4800+ as .tif

-- which which dpidpi dependsdepends onon enlargementenlargement sizesize andand ifif paperpaper oror electronicelectronic ‹ 2011/2012 Lecture/Lab: (10:30-11:45am Th) ‹Digitize everything (front, back, envelopes)! - Room 214 PC: Carol Callaghan ‹Genealogy: Your Family Roots Lecture: Jack Worton (12:30-1:45pm Th) ‹Store electronically, update technology frequently! ‹Genealogy Computer Workshops*(2-3:15 pm Th): very brief lecture -- on on CD/DVD/nextCD/DVD/next technologytechnology home & away (e.g. web) - Room 202 PC: Carol Callaghan , Suzanne Milazzo - Room 214 PC: Tom Doherty, Jane McKinstry, Suzanne Milazzo ‹Searchable and easy to retrieve - Room 219 Mac: Dick Cook, Linda McMeniman, Susan Kirk Ryan offers 2 workshops per room: 1. using LLL computers, 2. students with own laptops ‹Make multiple copies to share with family In reality, both workshops are in the same room with 2-3 teachers + volunteers. - If you know someone who wants to take this course, encourage them ‹Post some on Web to find more relatives to apply now for UDelNetID# and password, so have for fall courses - give some, get some back - Those using their own wireless laptops increase odds of taking course. - give some, get some back -Class Web Site: http://udel.edu/~tdoherty - changes soon after this semester ends -- be be thethe placeplace toto visitvisit forfor aa surnamesurname - Strongly recommend taking both lecture course and a workshop ---- display display databasesdatabases ‹Genealogy Interest Group (3:20-4:20pm Th, Room 219): Linda McMeniman, Susan Kirk Ryan ---- describe describe brickbrick wallswalls ‹Discard all but original letters, photos, docs, etc

© Spring 2013 Thomas P. Doherty ALL Class site: http://udel.edu/~tdoherty/mystuffsoftware13s.pdf Which Is For You? Why Use Genealogical Software? ‹Any software is better than none at all ‹The easiest way to keep track of your family tree - All convert to any other with GEDCOM, but not perfect. - Only enter your family information once - GEDCOM 5.5 is smoother conversion - Can electronically search for person, place, date, etc. ‹Some factors to consider - All provide many reports which include images/photos - How easy is it to learn? - Any changes you make, automatically update all reports - How good is technical support? - Easy to share reports/data with family members - How easy is data entry? - All convert to any other (GEDCOM), so start with any. - Prefer data entry on individual, family or evidence basis? Review Four Different PC Genealogical Softwares ‹PAF (Personal Ancestry File): http://www.familysearch.org/eng - How easy is data conversion from different gen software? - for PC, Price is right: FREE - used by many –no longer updated - Quality, variety and customization of reports/charts? ‹Reunion (Mac): http://www.leisterpro.com - How easy is it to share with family and relatives? - also FREE version: some rate better than PAF; updated - How versatile is it (data entry, charts, reports) – can you ‹FTM (Family Tree Maker): http://familytreemaker.com - PC & Mac versions, top selling, 2011 interacts with ancestry.com do what you want to do? ‹TMG (The Master Genealogist): http://whollygenes.com - Can you enter different dates/places for any given event? - for PC, “Gold Standard” (for professionals & serious amateurs) - Create timeline: integrate person with world/local events?

Genealogical Software: PC and Mac Genealogical Software:: PAF,PAF, LFT,LFT, FTM,FTM, TMGTMG ‹PAF (Personal Ancestry File) 5.2.18: - http://www.familysearch.org/eng/paf/pafonline.asp ‹PAF (Personal Ancestry File): http://familysearch.org/products - Free: use PAF if not sure this hobby is for you - Database is individual oriented, then link individuals - May still be a free add-on graphics package - Features: http://www.familysearch.org/eng/paf/lessons/paf5.html ‹FTM (Family Tree Maker 2011): http://familytreemaker.com ‹FTM (Family Tree Maker): http://familytreemaker.com - Price amazon.com (PC): $33-$84 w-6mo - Database is family oriented for easy entry - Ancestry.com subscription included: $35= 1 mo; $70= 6 mo - Database searches ancestry.com databases for matches - Price (Mac) $56 ?? $61 at http://store.ancestry.com/ProductDetail.aspx?P=P-4845 - Annual updates for a fee ‹Reunion 10 (Mac): http://www.leisterpro.com ‹Reunion 9 (Mac): http://www.leisterpro.com free demo mode - Database is family oriented for easy entry - Price about $99; v. 9.0c (2010); User Forum, iPhone/iPad - Report graphics excellent ‹TMG (): http://whollygenes.com ‹TMG 8 (The Master Genealogist): http://whollygenes.com - ver 7 (2008) - download price about $34 (silver) to $59 (gold) - Database is evidence oriented: - Updates free; charge for major upgrades (4 since 2000) - Current version 7 reports not compatible with Win 7 PCs -- enter all data as is from a source & assign surety levels - Version 8 for Win7 expected sometime in 2011 -- print most reliable data; color-coded flags - TMG’s GenbridgeTM for smooth conversion from PAF/FTM - Longer learning curve, but excellent technical support

© Spring 2013 Thomas P. Doherty ALL Class site: http://udel.edu/~tdoherty/mystuffsoftware13s.pdf OnOn-line-line Guided Tour or DownloadDownload aa DemoDemo Family Tree Maker 2012: OtherOther InformationInformation ‹Family Tree Maker 2012: http://familytreemaker.com ‹PAF (Personal Ancestry File) 202/214: http://familysearch.org/products ‹Import trees from FTM, PAF, TMG, Legacy, others; Export to GEDCOM 5.5 - No tour, so download free software (installed on Rm 202&214 PCs) ‹Fully customized, professional-looking charts and reports - Lessons: http://www.familysearch.org/eng/paf/lessons/paf5.html ‹Error reports find missing and inconsistent information - Also download free charting software (companion basic) ‹Timeline shows historical events (Civil War, WW1, etc.) during individual’s life - Download links: lower right corner of LDS home page ‹Places where individuals resided can be shown on a map - stopped updating PAF; LDS digitizing film collections ‹Place name consistency automatically maintained ‹Can add your own custom-designed facts for an individual or family ‹FTM (Family Tree Maker): http://familytreemaker.com ‹Manages photos, documents, record images (e.g. census) and other media to link - http://familytreemaker.com/Tour/Tour1 them to one or more individuals - Free tech support: phone, email, tutorial, chat, message board + ‹Manages source citations and includes standard source citation templates - Mac version: http://familytreemaker.com/Products/Mac ‹Automatically searches ancestry.com databases for matches to individuals in your ‹Reunion for Mac [on Rm219 laptops]: http://www.leisterpro.com database (green leaf - per TV ads); requires paid ancestry.com subscription - Demo: http://www.leisterpro.com/doc/demo/demo.php ‹ancestry.com subscription ($20/mo or $155/yr): One month free with FTM basic version; premium versions better deal because more subscription months ‹TMG (The Master Genealogist): http://whollygenes.com ‹FTM 2011 is like a razor where each day of ancestry.com is a blade http://www.whollygenes.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?screen=TMGTOUR - ‹Info can be downloaded directly from ancestry.com along with source citations - Download full version to try free for one month ‹Owned by ancestry.com, so well integrated - Technical support: phone, email, on-line forum ‹FTM 2912 installed on all LLL PCs ‹Free technical support by email, phone, web, webinars, tutorials and web forums.

Uniqueness of Family Tree Maker 2012 The Master Genealogist: Person Screen 1. Sync Data (web/PC/iPad); 2. Download data/images from web to your tree

The Green Leaf = Data/Images on Web

color coded by yellow (direct ancestor), green (parentage unknown)

two birth sources | sources** **most likely birth indicated at left of “birth” by * [most likely birth will print in reports]

© Spring 2013 Thomas P. Doherty ALL Class site: http://udel.edu/~tdoherty/mystuffsoftware13s.pdf