BIS-CD-4 STEREO trlelDl Total playing time: 58'27

PERGAMENT, Moses (1893-1977) E Vir"tr (Song).Text: Eric Blombere 1srr,u1 3'38

LUNDQUIST, Torbjiirn Iwan (b. 1920) E Afton (Evening). Text: Bo Setterlind QuerigaKi)rJiirbund) l'43 CARLSSON, Bengt (1890-19s3) E Intet ir som vintans tider (Nothing ComparesWith Waiting). 3't2 Text: Erik Axel Carlfeldt (Gchrurc)

WELIN, Karl-Erik (b.1934) E Femdikter(FivePoems). Texts:BoSetterlind (NaturGRultur, Cantusl) 5'21 4/1. Att leva (ToBe Alive) 0'24 4/2. Kristus har dott for mig (ChristHas Died For Me) 0'56 413. Mtn lycka dr ofrinkomlig (My HappinessIs Unavoidable)1'09 414. Han som dog (He That Died) 1'52 4/5. Bland mdnniskor (AmongPeople) 0'45

NILSSON, Bo (b.1937) @ Ayiasma. Text: Gunnar Ekelof lwlhetmnarcenl 3'35 E Der Gliickliche (The Happy Man). Text: Hans Bethge (withetmHarcen) 2'lO SALMENHAARA, Erkki (b.1941) E I(uun kasvot (Faces of the Moon). Texts: Pertti Saarikoski 6e4 7'Ol 7/1.1. l',42- 7t2.II. 1'06- 7t3.II. 1'02- 7t4.IV. 3'03 RAUTAVAARA, Einojuhani (b. 1928) E Ludus verbalis (WordGame). Text: EinojuhaniRautavaara ' (Bre;tlopJ)3',34 - B/1. I. Personalia0'34 - 812.II' Temporalia 1'44 - 8/3. III. Qualitativa 0'38 8/+. IV. Quantitativa 0'29

NYSTEDT, Knut (b.1915) g'27 E De Profundis (Out of theDepths). Text: The Bible (Asswiated M6;c Publishers, lrc., Neu York)

OLSEN, Sparre (1903-1984) @ ntst din nes-te(Love Your Neighbour). Text: Bjornstjerne Bjornson l'56 (Nusk Mwikfulag)

VILLA-LOBOS. Heitor (1887-1959) 'Bendita E From sabedoria'(Proverbs). Texts: The Bible (Mu Erchi.g,e*i"1 6't2 1llt.L 3',00- 1l/2.II. t',74- 11/3.IV. 0',33- lll4.vI. 1',15

JOHANSON, Sven-Eric (b. 1919) E Dilemma. Text:Lennart Odlander' 1srral) l'32

PERGAMENT, Moses (1893-1977) E Nu samlar Gud i sin hand (Now God Gathersin his Hand). '',41 Text: Bengt Anderberg (Eiks^4.6;k AB)

FINZI, Gerald ( 1901-1956) 4',31 E Coa is Gone Up. Text: Edward Taylor (Bose2u Haukes) Lulei Chamber Choir (Lutei kammarkor) Einar Isacson, conductor Moses Pergament was born in but emierated to sweden in the second decade of the 20th century. with the exception of itudy periods in other European countries he remained there until his death. He was active in almost all branchis of mrrsica.l activity, but his re putation re sts on his work as a and musicologist. visan ishis tribute to swedish folk-music, in this case the sons from 197 3 Kristallen denJina. Torbjiirn Iwan Lundquist first achieved fame as a composer of film music. His setting of ,4foz won first prize in a competition organized by the Swedish choral Union in 1957. Bengt carlsson was a Finnish composer and choir conductor who also played the viola in the Philharmonic orchestra until 1923. He was known'as the talented and energetic conductor ofseveral choirs in Helsinki, for which he wrote a number of highly personal compositions. Kark-Erik Welin is not only one of the best-known of contemporary Swedish but also enjoys international renown as an outstanding interpreter of modern organ music. Bo Nilsson spent much of his life in the far north of sweden, far from centres of musical activity. He studied in Stockholm, however, and spent some years rn Darmstadt. Aliasma and Der Gli)cklicheare very demanding ]or the singers: for instance, the women's and men's voices must sing in different keys. Ayiasma rc scored for five-part chorus and flute. The Finnish composer Erkki salmenhaara wrote his first piece for mixed choir, Kuun kasuot,in 1960-64. is among the foremost Finnish composers of his generation. Ludus aerbalisis a relatively early work, a spirited drimatisation of various aspects of German grammar. Knut Nystedt could be described as the leading Norwegian composer of the period immediately after the second world war. His choral music has e*erted considerable influence in the Nordic countries. This settine of psalm 130 was

4 chosen by an international jury for performance at the World Music Festival in Stockholm in 1966. Sparre Olsen was also Norwegian. His works exploit his native folk music in characteristic manner. The voluminous cruvre of Heitor Villa-Lobos also includes some choral pieces. Bendita Sabedoza consists of six-part settings of quotations from the Book of Proverbs. The style is experimental and employs new forms of scale as well as polytonality. Sven-Eric Johanson has written more works than any other contemporary Swedish composer. In his setting of Dilemma (1968) the womens'voices sing the 'nasty' ,nice' words whilst the mens' voices perform the words in the declamatory text typical of its era. Moses Pergament wrote many pieces for solo voice and choir, including a setting of Kol Nidre (BIS-CD-1). Nu samlar Gud i sin handis for eight-part choir. Gerald Finzi received his first musical training at York Minster. He became a professor at the Royal Academy of Music in London and an expert on early English vocal music. At the time of the present recording the Lulei Chamber Choir was the leading choir in northern Scandinavia. It was founded in 1964 by Hans Ljungberg and conducted by Einar Isacson from 1966 onwards. Isacson himself comes from the far north, and after studies in Stockholm he returned there as a church organist. Einar Isacson directed the choir with great success. Most of the singers had professional musical training and Isacson was thus able to Programme modern Lhoral repertoire as well as early music. In the 1960s and 1970s the choir was so .rr...rrfrrl that it was invited to perform in the Nordic countries, the U.S'S'R'' Great Britain, Italy, the and elsewhere. It also made frequent radio and television broadcasts. Moses Pergament wurde in Finnland geboren, emigrierte aber in den 191OerJahren nach Schweden. Mit Ausnahme von Studienperioden in anderen europiischen L2indern blieb er bis zu seinem Lebensende dort. Er war in naheiu allen Musiksparten tdtig, aber sein Ruf entstammt seinem Wirken als Komponist und Musikschriftsteller. visan ist seine Reverenz an die schwedische volksmusik. in diesem Falle das 1973 entstandene Lied Kistallen denJina. Torbjiirn Iwan Lundquist wurde zunichst als Filmkomponist bekannt. sein satz von AJton brachte ihm den ersten Preis in einem 1957 vom Schwedischen chor- verband veranstalteten Kompositionswettbewerb. Bengt carlsson war ein finnlindischer Komponist und chorleiter; au{serdem spielte er bis 1923 Bratsche im Stadtorchester Helsinki. Er wurde als talentvoller und energischer Dirigent mehrerer chore in Helsinki eeschatzt, fur die er eine Anzahl von hochst personlichen Werken schrieb. Karl-Erik welin ist nicht nur einer der bekanntesten schwedischen Komponisten der heutigen Zeit, sondern genielSt auch internationalen Ruhm als hervorrasender Interpret zeitgenossischer Orgelmusik. Bo Nilsson verbrachte den Gro{lteil seines Lebens in hohen Norden Schwedens. von den musikalischen Zentren weit entfernt. Er studierte allerdines in stockhorm und besuchte mehrereJahre Darmstadt. Altiasmaund Der Gli)tklirheverlangen viel von den Siingern, so mrissen beispielsweise die Frauen- bzw. Minnerstimmen in ver- schiedenen Tonarten singen. A\iasma ist frir fiinfstimmigen chor und Flote gesetzt. Der finnische Komponist Erkki salmenhaara schrieb in den Jahren 1960-64 als erstes Werk fiir gemischten Chor Kuun kasuot. Einojuhani Rautavaara ist einer der fiihrenden finnischen Komponisten serner Generation. Ludus uerbalisist ein relativ frrihes Werk, eine seistreiche i)ramatisieruns einiger Aspekte der deutschen Grammatik. Knut Nystedt kdnnte als frihrender Komponist Norwegens in der unmittelbaren Nachkriegszeit bezeichnet werden. seine chormusik hat in den skandinavischen Lindern einen grofSen Einflufl ausgeiibt. Dieser Satz des 130. psalms wurde von o aus- einer internationalen Jury zur Auffuhrung am Weltmusikfest 1966 in Stockholm gewiihlt. Sparre Olsen war ebenfalls Norweger. Seine Musik niitzt auf charakteristische Weise Material aus der Volksmusik seines Landes aus. Das enorme Schaffen von lleitor Villa-Lobos umfa{$t auch einige Chorwerke. Bendita Sabedoriabesteht aus sechsstimmigen Sitzen von Zitaten aus dem Buch der Sprichworter. Die Schreibweise ist experimentell und verwendet neuartige Skalen und Polytonalitit. irgendein anderer zeit- Sven-Eric Johanson hat mehr Werke geschrieben als genossischei schwedischer Komponist. In seinem satz von Dilemma (1968) diirfen die jene Frauenstimmen die ,,netten" Worte singen, wihrend die Herren in diesem fiir Zeit typischen deklamatorischen Text die ,,schlimmen" Worte tibernehmen' Moses Pergament schrieb viele Werke fiir Solostimme und ftir Chor, darunter ernen Satz von iot N;ao (BIS-CD-l). Nu samlar Gud i sin handist fiir achtstimmigen Chor gesetzt. Gerald Finzi erhielt seine anfingliche musikalische Ausbildung an der York Minster ( : Miinster = Kirche). Er war Professor an der Royal Academy of Music in London und Experte der fruhen englischen Vokalmusik. Als die vorliegenden Aufnahmen gemacht wurden, war der Kammerchor Lulei der fuhrende Chor Nordskandinaviens. Er wurde 1964 von Hans Ljungberg gegrtindet und ab 1966 von Einar Isacson geleitet. Isacson stammte selbst aus dem hochsten Norden, und nach Studien an der Stockholmer Musikhochschule kehrte er als Kirchenorqanist dorthin zurtick. Einar IJacson leitete den Chor mit grofiem Erfolg. Die meisten Singer hatten eine musikalische Berufsausbildung, und Isacson konnte nicht nur friihe Musik, sondern auch ein modernes Chorrepertoire auffiihren. In den 1960er und ToerJahren war der chor so erfoigreich, da{l er eingeladen wurde, in den skandinavischen Liindern, der Sowjetunion, Gro{lbritannien, Italien, den Niederlanden und anderen Liindern aufzutrelen. Er erschien auch hiufrg in Rundfunk und Fernsehen' Moses Pergament est n6 en Finlande mais il dmigra en Subde dans les ann6es 1910; il y vdcut le reste de sa vie et ne quitta le pays que pour des sdjours d,€tudes ailleurs en Europe. Il fut actif dans presque toutes les branches de la musique mais sa rdputation dipend surtout de son cuvre comme compositeur et(crivain. visan est sa contribution ) la musique folklorique suddoise, dans ce cas-ci, la chanson Kristallen denfina. Elle fut dcrite en 1973. Torbjiirl Iwan Lundquist se fit connaitre grace i son lien avec la musique de cin6ma. Il gagna le premier prix d'un concours organisd par l'Association chorale Suidois en 1957 avec son arrangement d'Afton. Bengt carlsson fut un compositeur et chef de chmur finlandais qui joua de l'alto jusqu'en 1923 d I'orchestre de la ville d'Helsinki. Il fut rema.qu6 comme le chef talentueux et dnergique de plusieurs choeurs d'Helsinki pour lesquels il composa un certain nombre d'euvres trbs personnelles. Karl-Erik welin est un compositeur suddois qui s'est acquis une rdputation internationale comme interprbte sensationnel de musique ^ode.n. por. o.g.r.. Bo Nilsson passa la majeure partie de sa vie dans le grand nord de ra suEde, loin des centres musicaux quoiqu'il ait 6tudi6 i Stockholm et passd plusieurs ann6es ir Darmstadt. A2iasma et Der Glilcklichr demandent beaucoupdes chanteurs, exigeant par exemple que les hommes et les femmes chantent dans des tonalitds diff6rentes. Ayiasma est une composition pour chcur ir cinq voix et fl0te. Erkki salmenhaara est un compositeur finlandais. Ecrite entre 1960 et 1964, Kuun kasoot fut sa premiEre euvre pour choeur mixte. Einojuhani Rautavaara est un des principaux compositeurs finlandais de sa gdndration. Une de ses premiEres cuvres, Ludus aerbitis, est une dramatisation spirituelle de certains aspects de la grammaire allemande. Knut Nystedt pourrait revendiquer d'€tre le principal compositeur de Norvbge des ann6es suivant la seconde guerre mondiale. Sa musique chorale fut particulibrement importante dans les pays nordiques. cet arrangement du psaume 130 fut choisi par un jury international pour 6tre chantd au Fistival -o.rdiul d. musique i Stockholm en 1966. I typiquement du Sparre Olsen est lui aussi un Norv6gien Sa musique exploite riatdriel m6lodique de la musique folklorique de son pays' petit nombre L'imposante production d'Heitor Villa-Lobos renferme un ir six voix de citations du d,cu,rres chorales. Bendita sabedonzest un arrangement nombreux types de Livre des Proverbes. L'6criture est exp€rimentali utilisant de gammes et de la Polytonalitd. d'avoir icrit plus. d'cuvres Sven-Eric Johanson a la distinction l"t i::t ,""tt" de l9bU donne compositeui su€dois contemporain. Son arrangement de Dilemma ,,beaux,, la responsabilitd les mots aux ,ror* d. femme pendant que les hommes ont des "vilains" mots d'un texte d6clamatoire typique de l'6poque et pour chcur Moses Pergament produisit beaucoup de musique pour voix solo N& samlarGudi deKolNidre(BrS-CO-r;' Sontitangementde sin hand requiert un chcur ) huit voix. Minster' Il fut un Gerald Finzi fit ses premidres 6tudes musicales ) York de musique de Londres et un expert en musique f-f.rre,r, ) I'Acad6mie royale vocale anglaise ancienne 6tait le principal Lors de ces enregistrements, le Chaur de chambre de Lulei Ljungberg, il fut dirigd chaur du nord de la Scandinavie. Fondd en 1964 par H4ns Lui-m€me originaire du par Einar Isacson ) partir de 1966. .Srand,no;9l,Ottt' aprEs avoir itudid au lsacson y retourna comme organiste d'6glise paroissiale conservatoire de Stockholm. remporta un grand Dirig€ par Einar Isacson' le Chaur de Chambre de Lulei musical succBs. La majeure partie des chanteurs avait recu un entrainement moderne ainsi que professionnel, pouvait explorer le rdpertoire choral "i teile dans les anndes 60 et ielui de la musique un.i"n.r.. La r6ussite du chcur fut ainsi qu'en Union iO q"lif fut inviid h chanter partout dans les pays nordiques entre autres et on Sovidtique, au Royaume-Uni, en Italie et aux Pays-Bas I'entendit frdquemment b la radio et ir la t6l6vision' IMo.", Pergament: Visan Song Du ar dotter av 6lva och alv, You are the daughter of elf and earth, svart alv och iilva ljus. Black earth and the bright elf. Och din sAngd.r ett skiftandesus And your song is a shifting sigh mellan m

pTorbjiirn Iwan Lundquist: Afton Evening H?ir oppnar sjrin sitt oga, Here the lake opens its eye, och skidar utan att blinka mot skymgri rymden. And, unblinking, gazesinto shadowy space. I molnen springer sig en reva fram In the clouds a crack appears, pdrlemonkantad, som i tusensndckan. Its edgesmother of pearl. I ogonbrynet tiga h

10 tider Nothing compares with waiting @n""gt Carlsson: Intet iir som vintans Intet ar som vantans tider Nothing compareswith waiting viLrflodsveckor, knoppningstider Weeks of spring floods, days of budding ingen maj en dager sprider Days in May are never sPreading som den klarnande april. Light like April's, blithely fresh. Kom pi stigenssista halka, Walk on the last icy patches skogen ger sin d6vna svalka Woods give dusky shade in swatches och sitt djupa sus dirtill. And a deep, deep sigh enmeshed. Sommarns villust vill jag sk?inka Summer's grossn€ssI would offer for de ftirsta strin som blinka For the year's first blades that Proffer i en dunkel furusinka From their dark and earthY coffer och den fcirsta trastens drill And the song of the first thrush. Intet ir som langtans tider Nothing compareswith waiting vintans ir, trolovningstider. Years of absence,times of budding. Ingen vir ett skimmer sPrider Spring spreadsnever such a glowing som en hemlig hjertanskar. As a secret,Ioving pair. Siillan motas, skiljassnarligt, Seldom meeting, quickly Parting dromma om allt ljuvt och farligt Dreaming danger and delighting livet i sitt skote bar. Life within its bosom bears. Gyllne frukt mA andra smaka Golden fruits may others eat, jag vill driija och forsaka I would tarry, still replete, i min lustgird vill jag vaka, In my Eden rest discreet, medan trdden knoppas dir. (Erik Axel Carlfeldt) While the trees are blooming there.

Fem dikter (Bo Setterlind) Five Poems @Karl-Erik Welin: l. Att leva 1' To Be Alive dark forest Att leva, att kAnna v6rme av mork skog. To be alive, to feel the warmth of the words. Att leva, att hcira figlar i Guds ord. To be alive, to hear birds in God's moon's cross Att leva, att se manens kors med blod. To be alive, to see blood on the Merida! Meridal

11 2. Kristus har diitt fiir mig 2. Christ Has Died For Me Kristus har dott fiir mig. Christ has died for me. Ve, att jag gir i hans spir Let me not complain och mig beklagar. While following in his tracks. Jag vill iita det brod han rdcker fram, I would eat the bread he offers, ita ur Kristi hand i alla mina dagar, Eat from Christ's hand throughour my life. Kristus har dott for mig. Christ has died for me. Andock ir han den som

3. Min lycka iir ofrinkomlig 3. My Happiness Is Unavoidable Min lycka ir ofrinkomlig. My happiness is unavoidable. .Jaghar den av Gud. It comes to me from God. Han for mig in i himlen He carries me in to heaven sisom sin ungdoms brud. Like the bride of his youth. Han ftir mig i en drom, dir stj6rnorna gir He leads me in a dream, where the stars pass. Ljuset iir ett hem som inne i m

4. Han som dog 4. He That Died Han som dog, fick leva. He that died, lived on. Du trampar pi hans ogon. You walk upon his eyes. Han ir som Gud, himmelsk att skida. He is like God, heavenly ro behold. Men svart och hemsk ir d

12 5. Bland minniskor 5. Among People Det finns en trakt i virlden, There is a place in the world go, dit var och en bor 96, To which everyone should som i sitt hjarta godhet soker. Who seeksfor goodnessin his heart. Det ir det landet Kdrlek, It is the land of Love som bara den kan gi To which only he can go. som Herren Gud i lingtan sin m

Ayiasma IBo Nilrro., Ayiasma Den svarta bilden The black picture under silver sdnderkysst Beneath silver, worn out bY kisses Under silvret Beneath the silver klsses den svarta bilden s

13 @Bo Nilrror, Der gliickliche The Happy Man Ihr sagt, da8 ich ein Wilder sei, You say that I am a savage. Nun gut. Ich bin den Vtigeln im Gebiisch befreundet Well, I am a friend of the birds in the bushes und kenne alle Biume. Und die Blumen And I know all the trees. And the flowers auf bunter Bergflur bliihen nur fiir mich, And the bright mountain meadows blmm only for me und das Geraum des Waldes And the vaults of the forest kiindet mir geheimnisvolldie Wunder der Natur. Secretly speak to me of the wonders of nature. Ja, ich bin reichl Dich neid ich nimmermehr Yes. I am richl I shall never envy you again geschmeidigerHofmann in dem seidnen Kleide You polished courtier dressed in silks denn du hast nichts was meinem Gliicke gleicht. For you have nothing to compue with my happiness. (Hans Bethge)

[]f"tki Salmenhaara: Kuun kasvot Faces Of The Moon I. I. Viilenevien puutarhojen kuu. The moon of the cooling gardens. Tarinat kerrotaan, ne eliviit ja ne unohdetaan. Stories are told, they live, are forgotten. Ja kuolema kaantaa kasvot And death always looks aina toisin piin. In another direction. Niiin piirretiSn kuu: Thus one draws the moon: Silmd, silmii, nena, suu. Eye, eye, nose and mouth. Viilenevien puutarhojen kuu. The moon of the cooling gardens. ll. II. Mene jdnen rantaan Go down to the beach ota mukaan hoyhen ja kivi. And take a feather and a stone. Kivi ui. on poikasikoriinrulon piiivi. The stone floats; it is the day of your son's return. III. III. Eridni yonii, kuutamoydna One night, one moonlit night, hevonen, ei kenenkddnratsu, A horse - no man s fleet beast - niiki kuun. Considered the moon. Eriiiinii y

14 IV, IV Yli kattojen purjehtii kuun laiva stntnen. Over the roofs sailsthe moon's blue ship. Taivasta purjehtii eiki loydi satamaa, Sails through the heavensfinding no haven vli kattojen purjehtii. (Pertti Suikaski) Over the roofs sails the moon's blue ship.

Word Game @Einojuhani Rautavaara: Ludus verbalis Nr,1: Personalia No,1. Personal Wer? Er, sie, du und er Who? He, she, thou and he, nobody, who? Jemand, niemand, wer? Someone, ich. I. Nr.2: Temporalia No.2. Temporal Wann? Dann, indem, nachdem, When? Then, while, after, nach, ehe, bevor, erst bis jetzt. After, before, previously, not until now. Zu wellen, dann und wann, ietzt. and Immer, niemals. Always, never. No.3. Nr.3: Qualitativa Qualitative Solcher derartig derselbewie so elner. Such a that type of the same as that one. Sowas, wie? Was fiir? Such, how? What sort? Sowasl Such! No.4. Nr.4: Quantitativa Quantitative \\tnig, mehr, ein wenig, um so mehr. A little, more, a little, much more. Nicht mehr, zu viel, alles, No more, too much, all, noch, bischen, ein bischen. Still (more), bit, a bit. Nicht mehr, zu viel, alles, nichts No more, too much, all, nothing, Genug. (EinojuhaniRautaowra) Enough.

15 @Knut Nystedt: De profundis Out of the Depths De prolundis clamavi ad re Domine, Out of the depths I cry to rhee, O Lordl exaudi vocem meam. Lord, hear my voicel Let thy ears be attentive Fiant aures tuae intendentes To the voice of my supplications in vocem deprecationis meae. If thou. O Lord. shouldsr mark iniquiries. Si iniquitates observaveris Domine: Lord, who could stand? Domine, quis sustinebit? But if there is foreiveness with thee, Quia apud te propitiatio est: That thou mayest be feared. Et propter legem tuam sustinui te Domine- I wait for the Lord, my soul wairs, Sustinuit anima mea in verbo ejus: And in his word I hope. speravit anima mea in Domino. My soul waits for the Lord. A custodia maturina usque ad noctem. More than watchmen for the mor rrrrrs. Speret Israel in Domino. O Israel, hope in the Lordl Quia apud Dominum misericordia, For with the Lord there is steadfast lovc, et copiosa apud eum redemptio. And with him is plenteous redemption. Et ipse redimet Israel And he will redeem Israel ex omnibus iniquitatibus ejus. From all his iniquities. Gloria Patri er Filio, et Spiritui Sancto, Glorv be to the father, md to the son, md to the holy et nunc, et semper! spirit; as it was in the beginning, is now md ever shall et in saecula saeculorum, Amen be, World without end, Amen. De profundis clamavi ad te Domine , Out of the depths I cry to thee, O Lord! exaudi vocem meam. (The Bible; Psalm 130) Lord, hear mv voicel

@ Sprrr. Olsen: Elsk din neste Love Your Neighbour Elsk din neste du kristensjel Love your neighbour, you Christian soul tred ham ikke med jernskodd hel 1'rample him not with iron heel ligger han enn i stovet. When he is lying in the dust. Alt som lever er underlagt Everything living is bound by kjarliehetens gjenskapermakt The regenevative power of love bliver den bare provet. (Bjomstjeme Bjomson) If it only be tried.

16 Bendita sabedoria Proverbs @ H"ito. Villa-Lobos; I. Sapientia foris predicat, I. Wisdom crieth without; in plateis dat vocem. She uttereth her voice in the streets I[. \'as pretiosum IL Lips that speak wisely labia scientia. Are a rare treasure. I\'. Vir sapiens, IV A wise man lortls est. Is strong. VL Dexeteram tuam VI. Make your right hand sic notam fac: Toum! Krown thus: Toum! knouing et eruditos corde And those *hose hearts are in sapientia. (The Bible; Prooerbs) In wisdom.

Dilemma Dilemma @ Sven-Eric Johanson: Skon... Beautiful... 'ferror Terror Underbar. .. Wonderful... Hungersnod Famine Skimrande... Glowing... Apartheid Apartheid Mjuk... Soft... SkYttegrav Trench Rosenrod... Rosepink... Taegtrid Barbed wire Paradisisk... Paradisiacal... Utrotningl (LennartOdlandet) Extermination!

Nu samlar Gud i sin hand Now God Gathers in his Hand @ Mor.t Pergament: Nu samlar Gud i sin hand Now God gathers in his hand kvillens skimrande vdgar The evening's shining tracks flowers med svalnande blom vid renen That are edged with cooling plains of scents and mists De pgir genom fiilt av doft och dimma They walk through To heaven's till himlens Jerusalem. (Bengt Anderberg) Jerusalem.

17 p1J Gerald Finzi: God is gone up God is gone up with a fiumphant shout: The Lord with sounding Trumpets' melodies: Sing Praisesout, Unto our King sing praise seraphicwise. Lift up your Heads, ye lasting Doors, thev sing, And let lhe King of Clory enrer in. Methinks I see Heaven's sparkling courriersfly, In 0akesof Glory donn him ro atrend, And hear Heartcramping notes of Melody Surroundhis Charior as ir did ascend. Mixinc their Musir. makingev ry strinq More ro enravishas lhey lhis rune sing. God is gone up with a triumphant shout... (Eduard Tfuilor)

Lulei Kammarkiir (Lulei Chamber Choir) Conductor: Einar Isacson Sopranos Tenors Signe Edberg Hikan Bergstrrim Anna-Lisa Henriksson Finn Dahl Inger Liljeqvist Bertil Dovelius Inga-Greta Lindberg Olle Hellstom Ann-Sofi Markstr

Lulei Chamber.Choir Einar Isacson. conductor