Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-17728-4 — Roman Geographies of the Nile Andy Merrills Index More Information


Acoreus, , , , –, , ,  funeral of,  Actium, Battle of monument of at La Turbie,  poetic responses to, , , , , , Res Gestae of, , –,  ,  surveys of empire, –, , , , , ,  triumphal celebration of, , , , , , Triple triumph of, , , , , , , , ,  , –,  Aelius Gallus, , , ,  Aethiopiae forma, –, , see also: expedition Balbus, Cornelius. See Cornelius Balbus, L of Nero; Pliny: Aethiopiae forma Bion, , ,  Agatharchides, , , ,  bugonia, , ,  , M. Vipsanius,  ‘map’ of, –, –, –, , , , , Callimachus, , –, , ,   Callisthenes,  modern reconstructions of, –,  Campana reliefs, – Pliny and, –, –, ,  canals. See Euripus ornamental canals Alexander, , , –,  Canopus, , , ,  Alexander of Ephesus,  Cataract, First, , , , –, , , Alexandria, , , , , , , , , ,  , , ,  Egyptian religious traditions surrounding, tourism at, ,   Anaxagoras, ,  noise of,  anthropomorphic representations of rivers, , Roman visual art and, , ,  –, , –, , – tourism at, , , , , –, , coins and, , , ,   fertility figures in Egyptian religion,  Catullus,  mosaic images of,  Cestius, Gaius, – poetry and, – Chaeremon, , –, , , ,  Pompeian paintings of, , –, , , chorography, , ,   and,  triumphs and, –, , ,  relationship of to geography, – see also: Vatican Nile; Hapiˆ and, , – Antonine Itinerary, , –,  Vitruvius and, – Antony, Mark, , , , ,  Cicero, , , ,  Anubis, , , , , , ,  Claudius, , ,  Aphrodisias,  Claudius Balbillus, Ti, ,  Apis, , ,  Cleopatra, , , ,  Aristotle,  Roman poetic representations of, , , , lost work on the Nile floods, ,  –, , , , ,  Artemidorus papyrus,  Cloaca Maxima. See Rome: sewers Augustus, , , , , ,  Cornelius Balbus, L Egypt and, , , , , ,  triumph of, , –, , , 


© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-17728-4 — Roman Geographies of the Nile Andy Merrills Index More Information

 Index

Cornelius Gallus, C, ,  Etna, ,  cosmogony, cosmogonies, – Eudoxus, , ,  Egyptian, , –, , – Euphrates, River, , , , , , ,  Epicurean, , , – Euripus ornamental canals Stoic, –, , , – Pompeian examples of, , ,  Creation. See cosmogony, cosmogonies Roman attitudes towards, ,  crocodile, crocodiles, , ,  Roman examples of,  appearances in Roman visual art, , , , expedition of Nero, –, , , –,  , , , , ,  Aethiopiae forma produced by, –,  conflict with pygmies in Roman art, , , Pliny and, , –, , , –,  , , , ,  Seneca and, , –, , –, ,  ritual feeding of at Arsinoe, ,  Tentyritae and, ,  Fasti triumphales, –, – cursus publicus,  Florus, , , ,  food. See dining Danube, River, , , ,  Forma Urbis Romae. See Severan ‘map’ of Rome Delos, ,  formae, ,  Democritus,  Description de l’Egypte´ , ,  Gaius Caligula, , ,  Deucalion, , , , ,  gardens, , –, , –, , , –, dining, –, –, , , –, , ,   Germanicus Caesar, , , –,  Dio Cassius, , ,  Diodorus Siculus, , , , ,  Hadrian, , ,  Dionysius Periegetes, ,  Hapi,ˆ ,  Domitian, ,  Hecataeus of Abdera, , ,  doxographies,  Heliodorus,  Egyptian philosophy within,  Herodotus,  Lucretius and, – Egyptian geography of, , , , , , Seneca and, –,  , , ,  wide use of, –, –,  Ethiopian geography of, ,  dwarfs. See pygmies Nile geography of, , , , , , , , , , ,  Edwards, Amelia, – hieroglyphs, ,  Egypt, Roman occupation of, , ,  Homer, , , , , , ,  Egyptian religion, – geographical authority of, , , ,  chauvinistic attitudes towards, , , , Horace, , ,  –,  Horus, , , ,  Greek and Roman accounts of, –, , Hostilius Mancinus, L, , ,  –, –, –,  nature of spread throughout Mediterranean, imperial geographies, modern, , ,  , –, –, – Ingold, Tim, ,  primordial Nun and,  Isis, , –, ,  see also: Apis; cosmogony, cosmogonies: association with Nile cults,  Egyptian; Hapi;ˆ Horus; Isis; Nun; association with Osiris and Serapis, , , Osiris; Serapis – ekphrasis, , , – poetic representations of, –, –, , El Alia Mosaic, – , ,  elegy, elegies sacred water in the worship of, – Egypt within, –, –, –,  spread of cult, , – geographical themes within, – traditions surrounding, – Empedocles,  visual representations of, , , –, , enargeia, , ,   Epicureans, Epicureanism. See Lucretius itineraries, , –, –, –, –, , , , , , , ,  , –, , –,  Cicero’s boredom with,  in military archives, –

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-17728-4 — Roman Geographies of the Nile Andy Merrills Index More Information

Index 

modern scholarship surrounding, , , influence of Seneca upon, , –, , , –, – , , –, , , , , normative aspects of, , , , ,  –, –, ,  Julius Caesar within, , –, – see also: Antonine Itinerary; Peutinger Map Nile digression of Book X within, –, , –,  Janni, Pietro, , –, ,  political nature of, , –, , , Jordan, River, ,  –, – Josephus, Flavius, , ,  Pompey’s death within, , , , –, Juba II , ,  natural historical writings of, –,  rivers within, , , –, – Nile itinerary of, ,  Nero and, , –, , – Julius Caesar, , ,  philosophical background of,  Egypt and,  Lucian of Samosata, , – geographical surveys associated with,  Lucretius, –, , , , , ,  Lucan’s representation of, , , , , Epicureanism of, –, ,  , ,  influences upon, –,  compared to Alexander, – interest of in the Nile, , , , –, , compared to Nero, , – –, , –,  River Nile and, , , –, , – theories of Nilotic floods, –,  triumphal processions of, –, , , , Lydus, John, , ,  , ,  Juvenal, , –, , , ,  Manetho,  itinerary structure within work of, – Manilius, Marcus, , , ,  maps, Roman, , , , –, –,  Kipling, Rudyard,  as tokens in triumphs,  authority of, , , , – landscape paintings, ancient, , , –, , see also: Agrippa M. Vipsanius: ‘map’ of;  Artemidorus papyrus; formae; Peutinger animals within, , , –, , , , Map; Severan ‘map’ of Rome , –, ,  Memnon, statues of, , –, , ,  comparison of Roman and modern Memphis ‘orientalisms’, –, , –,  landmark in Nile geographies, , , , late antique forms of, – , , , , , , , , modern interpretations of, –, , , , ,  –, – synecdoche for Egypt, , ,  Nile within, , , , , , , , – temple complex at, , , , , ,  origins of, , , , –, – visitors to, , , ,  political implications of, , –, –, , mensa Isiaca,  , , , – Meroe,  religious aspects of, –, –, , , confused with Philae by Seneca, ,   Ethiopian expedition and, , , , , sacral-idyllic art and, –, , , , , , , , ,   landmark in Nile geographies, , , , , topothesia in, , , – , , , , , , , , , visuality and, –, , –, ,  ,  landscape paintings, modern, , , , , Metius Pompusianus,   Livy, , , , ,  Nero,  Lucan,  Chaeremon and,  Civil War, – interest of in Egypt, –, , , , , Acoreus within, –, , ,  ,  apocalyptic themes within, , – Lucan and, , –, , , , –, Cato within, , , ,  – Cleopatra within, , , ,  see also: expedition of Nero Egyptian gods within, ,  Nicolet, Claude, –, , , 

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-17728-4 — Roman Geographies of the Nile Andy Merrills Index More Information

 Index

Nile, River encyclopaedism of, –, –, –, ancient theories of flooding, , , , –, – , , , , –, –, , –, fabulous material in work of,  –, , , –, , –, , imperial themes in the writing of, –, –, , , , ,  –, , –, , – ancient theories of origins, , , –, , landscape painting within, –, –,  , , , , , , , , , modern studies of, –, – , , , , , , – monuments as source for, , –,  modern understanding of,  Nile in the writing of, , , – religious significance of, , , , , , generative properties of,  , –,  linear nature of, –,  seven mouths of, , , , –,  personifications of, , –, –, , travel and tourism along, , , , , , –, – , , – uncertain origins of, , – Nilometers,  western course of, ,  Egyptian examples of,  obelisks in, , – other Mediterranean examples of, – sources of, , –, , , , – Pompeian example of, , , , – triumphs in the writing of, , –, –, Praeneste Mosaic representation of, –, ,   Pliny (the Younger),  Nun (primordial waters of Egypt), ,  villa prospects in the writing of, , ,  Plutarch obelisks, , –, – Egyptian cults in the writing of, , –, Ocean, ,  ,  in triumphs, , , , ,  triumphs in the writing of, , , – sublime qualities of, ,  poetry of Chios, ,  didactic geographies and,  Osiris, , , , ,  geographical themes within, , , , –, Nile cults and, , – – poetic representations of, –, ,  river catalogues and, ,  traditions surrounding, – see also: Actium, Battle of: poetic responses to; visual representations of, ,  Callimachus; Catullus; elegy, elegies; Ovid, , , , , ,  Homer; Horace; Juvenal; Lucan; cosmogony in poetry of, –, , , , Lucretius; Ovid; Propertius; Virgil , ,  Pompeii, ,  influence of upon Seneca, ,  Baths,  Nilotic themes in Amores, –, ,  House of Actius Anicetus [I..],  peculiar political position of,  House of Octavius Quarto [II..], , , philosophical themes in the writing of,  – House of the Ceii [I..], –, –, , triumphs in poetry of, , , , –, ,  –, , , – House of the Duke d’Aumale [VI..], , ,  Patara Monument,  House of the Ephebe (House of P. Cornelius Petronius, Publius, , , ,  Tragus) [I..-/], –, , , Peutinger Map, , , , ,  , , , , , , ,  Philae, , , , , , , , , , , House of the Faun [VI..], , ,   House of the Pygmies [IX..], , ,  Philostratus, Imagines,  House of the Sculptor [VIII..],  Philostratus, Life of Apollonius, – House of the Surgeon [VIII..], , ,  Pliny (the Elder), , , , , – Praedia of Julia Felix [II.], –, , , Acta triumphorum and, ,  , , , , ,  Aethiopiae forma and, , –, ,  Temple of Isis, , , – Agrippa ‘map’ and, –, , –, , , , Temple of Mercur y,   Villa of the Mysteries, , , 

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-17728-4 — Roman Geographies of the Nile Andy Merrills Index More Information

Index 

Pompey (Pompeius Magnus),  Forum of Augustus, , ,  death of, , , , –, –, , House of Livia,  ,  Iseum Campense, ,  Lucan’s interest in, , –, , , Mausoleum of Augustus, ,   milliarium aureum,  tomb of as object of pilgrimage,  Pompey’s Theatre,  triumphs of, , –, , ,  Porticus ad Nationes, , ,  Pomponius Mela, , , , , , , , Porticus Vipsania, , , , ,  , ,  pyramid of Gaius Cestius, – doxographies of Nile floods, , ,  Quirinal Serapeum,  Pliny’s use of, , – sewers, – , , ,  Temple of Jupiter Capitolinus,  Praeneste Temple of Magna Mater, ,  Nile Mosaic, , , , , , –, , , Temple of Peace, , , –, , , , , ,  , – dating of, –,  Temple of Tellus, , , ,  identification of Nilometer within, –, Villa Doria Pamphili, ,  ,  identification of Temple within, –, , Sempronius Gracchus, Tiberius, ,  ,  Seneca, , , ,  influences behind, –, ,  Egyptian interests of, ,  systems of projection within, –,  Natural philosophy of, , –, –, Temple Complex, – –, ,  Propertius, , ,  Natural Questions, , – Actium in the writing of, –, , , confusion of Meroe and Philae,  – doxographies within, –, ,  allusion to ‘map’ in poetry of, , ,  enargeia within, – Cleopatra in the writing of, , – eschatological themes of, , – geographical themes in the writing of, , Ethiopian expedition within, , –, –, ,  , –, , ,  triumphs in poetry of, , , , –, importance of Nile within, , , , , –,  –, , – Ptolemy (Claudius Ptolemaeus), ,  influence upon Lucan, , –, , , modern studies of, – , , –, , , ,  pygmies influences upon, , – ancient textual representations of, , , Ovidian themes within, , , , ,   ancient visual representations of structure of, –, –,  Campana reliefs, – political prominence of, ,  modern responses to, ,  Stoicism of, , –,  mosaics, ,  Sepphoris Mosaic, – painting, –, , –, –, , , Serapis, , , , , – , – Servius, , ,  relations to textual accounts, –,  Severan ‘map’ of Rome, , , , – difficulties of terminology,  Statius, , ,  pyramids, , , –, , ,  statues. See anthropomorphic representations of absence of in Roman art, , ,  rivers; Vatican Nile Stoics, Stoicism, , , , , –, , , Rhine, River, , , , , , , ,  , , , , , see also:Cicero; Rome,  cosmogony, cosmogonies: Stoic; Seneca Aula Isiaca,  Strabo, , , , , , , , , , , Campus Martius, , , , , , , , , , ,   cosmogony and creation myths within, , Cura Julia,   Fasti triumphales, , , – doxographies of Nile floods, , 

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-17728-4 — Roman Geographies of the Nile Andy Merrills Index More Information

 Index

Strabo (cont.) importance of audience to, , , –, Homeric sympathies of, , , , , –, , ,  –,  maps within, ,  influences upon, – Nile within, , –,  modern studies of, –,  origins and functions of,  pygmies within, ,  poetic responses to, , , –, , –, travel within Egypt, , , , , –, , , , –, ,  ,  tituli within, , –, , –, , ,  visual sources and ‘maps’ in the work of, , Twa i n , Ma rk ,  , , , – Studius, , –,  Varro of Atax, ,  Suetonius, , – Varro of Reate, , , ,  surveyors’ manuals (Roman),  Vatican Nile, , , ,  Velleius Paterculus, , ,  Tabulae Iliacae, ,  Vespasian, , , , , , , , , , Tacitus, , , ,  – on Germanicus’ voyage to Egypt, , –, Vicarello goblets,  – Virgil, , , , , , , ,  on triumphs, ,  Actium in Aeneid VIII, , , –, , , , ,  , , –, ,  Thebes, , , , ,  anthropomorphic Nile of, , –,  hundred gates as topos, ,  Cleopatra in the writing of, , –, , Theophanes, itinerary of,   Theophrastus,  geographical themes in the writing of, , Tiber, River , – paired with Nile, , , , , , –, Georgics, , ,   visuality and the gaze poetic prominence of, – ancient notions of, ,  statue of, , , ,  importance of to understanding ancient Tiberius, , , , , , ,  culture, , , –, – Tibullus, , – modern scholarship on, ,  Tigris, River, , , , , ,  see also: enargeia; landscape paintings, ancient: Titus, , ,  visuality and Arch of, , ,  Vitellius, – triumph of,  Vitruvius,  Tivoli,  De Architectura, – topothesia, – chorographers and, , , , , , , tourism in Egypt, –, – –, –, , ,  triumphs, , , –, –, , , , , description of the Nile within,   Egyptian cults and,  dismembered geographies within, , ,  landscape painting within, , ,  geographical order within, , , –, work of Juba II and, –,  – imagined examples of, , , , – Xenophon of Ephesus, Ephesian Tale, –

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