Minutes of the Meeting of AUSTERFIELD PARISH COUNCIL Held on Thursday 15th February 2021 at 7pm.

Councillor’s present: Cllr Cox, Cllr Goodall, Cllr Beckett and Cllr Kallaur.

Also in attendance: None.

Public Participation: None in attendance.

1. Apologies: Cllr Crawford, Council approved the reason for absence.

2. To receive any Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary & Non Pecuniary Interests: Cllr Kallaur: Item 9c.

3. To approve the minutes from the meetings held on 18th January 2021: Council approved the minutes as a true record.

4. To note matters arising from the minutes, not on the agenda: None raised.

5. To discuss matters arising from public participation: None.

6. Ward Councillor’s Report: None in attendance.

7. Carbon Ltd: No updates received.

8. Superfast South : Council resolved for the Clerk to obtain a cost from Openreach before proceeding further with the project.

9. To discuss and review Council and village items: a) Playground equipment and grounds maintenance: 1. Mole issues: Council resolved to monitor the situation. b) Speeding issues: Council noted the disappointing response from DMBC regarding the request for speed monitoring strips and the relocation of the speed matrix signs. 1. Speed matrix signs: Council resolved to contact SYP to request the statistics relating to the number of drivers caught speeding over the last six months. 2. Purchase of slow down signs: The Clerk provided the Council with a quote from Butts of Bawtry for a pavement sign at a cost of £59.98 plus VAT. Cllr Beckett proposed the purchase of 2 signs and Cllr Goodall seconded the proposal. c) Drainage and flooding issues: Council discussed the period of excess rain in January, although there were no incidents of residential flooding DMBC need to be reminded to carry out regular maintenance to keep the drains clear. d) Highways and footpaths: 1. Modification order update: Land to the rear of Bawtry Carbon: No updates. 2. Request for extension of the knee railings on High Street: Council noted the response from DMBC advising that the fencing outside the recreation field is satisfactory. 3. Public consultation: Grass verges: Cllr Goodall advised that DMBC are reviewing their policy relating to the adoption of grass verges. Council agreed to wait until the review is complete before discussing further. 4. Illegal parking: Cllr Beckett agreed to monitor the problem and leave notices on the vehicles causing a problem e) The Green off Low Common Lane: To discuss the registration of the land: No updates. f) Memorial garden: The Clerk advised that work has started on the garden. A quote to install a fence with a gap to allow entrance to the garden had been received at a cost of £845.00. Council resolved to review other options to secure the site. g) War memorial: The Clerk advised that an enquiry had made to Hanson’s for stone, a response has not yet been received. Council agreed to investigate funding options for the project.

10. Accounts and financial matters: To receive and approve: a) Bank statements: Council received a copy of the latest bank statements. b) Cheque and online payments: Council approved the following payments: Online payment S Youngman £87.49 Online payment S Youngman £171.40 Online payment Atabeira £5.00 Cllr Kallaur approved the online payments. c) Purchase of a village banner: Council agreed not to proceed with the matter.

11. Planning: a) Planning applications: . Manor Grove: Erection of single storey rear extension: No objections raised. . Rose Cottage, High Street: Erection of outbuilding: No objections raised. b) Planning decisions: None. c) Any other planning matters: Council noted the response from DMBC advising that the occupier of Bluebell Lodge is not breaching planning regulations. Cllr Beckett raised concerns with the dilapidated buildings and wall next to the Church. Council agreed to raise concerns with the owner.

12. Parish Council Website: Ongoing.

13. Events: a) Christmas: Council resolved for the Clerk to contact DMBC to make arrangements for festoon lighting. b) Easter: Council resolved to make enquiries for an Easter gift for all residents.

14. News items:  Illegal parking

15. Correspondence: • NALC: Chief Executive Bulletins • YLCA: White Rose Update • YLCA: Training events  Doncaster Airport: Community Investment Fund

Meeting closed: 9pm

Next meeting: Monday 15th February 2021