Minutes of a meeting of the Hock Parish Council held at The Elizabeth Hall, Hook, on Monday, 29th April, 1968, at 8 p.m.

PRESENT. The Rev. D. R. Howe. Mr. B. A. Berry. Mr. C. E. C. Hebert. Mrs S. B. McKenzie. Mr. P. G. Pugh. Mr. J. Spiers. Mr. F. L. Webb. (Clerk.)

APOLOGIES. An apology for absence because of illness was received from the Chairman of the Council, Mr. C. E. T. Gregory.


In the absence of Mr. C. E. T. Gregory the Vice- Chairman of the Council presided over the meeting.

MINUTES. The minutes of the meeting held on 26th March, 1968, having been circulated, were confirmed and signed as a correct record.

WAYLEAVE - CARLETON CLOSE. The Clerk reported that,following legal advice from the County association of Parish Councils, a draft wayleave had been drawn up to meet the requirements of the Council and the owner of 19 Carleton Close on whose land a lighting column is erected. It was Resolved that a wayleave of the undermentioned terms be completed :-

"I, Eric Ryall of 19, Carleton Close, Hook, being the owner and occupier of land situate in the Parish of Hook at 19, Carleton Close, Hook, hereby consent to the Parish Council of Hook erecting a lighting column on that land for the purpose of street lighting and using, maintaining, repairing, replacing, altering, renewing, inspecting, and removing any such lighting column, and to the Council entering on the land at all reasonable times by themselves, their agents and servants, for any of the purposes aforesaid in consideration of which the Council shall pay to me the sum of £2 in permanent settlement.

Signed ......

Land Owner


For the Parish Council of Hook. COMMON LAND - CORPUS CHRISTI COLLEGE.

The Clerk reported the receipt of the following letter from the agents of the Corpus Christi concerning land recently conveyed to Mr. H. Buckland :

" Dear Sirs,

Corpus Christi College, Oxford. Hook Common - Common Lend.

Thank you for your letter dated 20th April. It happens that we have just written to the County Council about Hook Common in connection with the Common Land and Village Green legislation and without prejudice to future correspondence or dis cussions, we consider the College own this land and may convey the freehold if they so wish. But perhaps you can confirm that you believe this to be the case.

You are right in saying that the sale was subject to a covenant that the building would not be permitted and presumably the Solicitors acting for Mr. H. Buckland would be in touch with this office, in the event of the owner wishing to vary the terms of the sale.

Yours faithfully, Smith-Woolley & Co.”

ROAD SIGN - JUNCTION OF HOLT LANE WITH LONDON ROAD. Mr. P. G. Pugh reported upon his visit with Mr. C.E.T. Gregory to the site and offered to again examine the siting of the signs in question.

BOUNDARY FENCE - CAR PARK. Mr. B. A. Berry offered to report that the boundary fence of the ear park is in need of repair.

M.3. MOTORWAY - REPORT OF INQUIRY. It was agreed that the report received from the Ministry of Transport regarding the Inquiry held recently at be circulated and that the matter be discussed as soon as all members have had the opportunity of perusing it. It was agreed, meanwhile, that the Clerk ask the County Council for details of the works to be carried out to the northern portion of the A.32 Road to cater for the necessary safety precautions envisaged at the time of the haulage of the gravel to the motorway site, and to enquire the expected time of the commencement of such works. CHARITY OF CHARLES, DUKE OF BOLTON, (NEWNHAM.) Resolved that the Reverend D. R. Howe be appointed Representative Trustee for Hook, the Representative Trustee for the Parish Council of Hook together with that of Newnham and one ex officio Trustee making the complement, to distribute in December each year two thirds of the annual income of the above Charity to people in Newnham and to hand over to the Vicar of Hook the remainder to be given at his discretion to people in that parish. The annual income of the Bolton Charity is £6.


It was agreed that a meeting of the above committee, consisting of the members at present serving on the Commons Registration Sub-Committee, be held at The Grange on Monday, 6th May, 1968, at 8 p.m.


The Clerk was asked to write to the Traffic Superintendent of the Aldershot Police complaining of the speed with which traffic persistently travel through the built-up area of the village.


Information is received from the Hartley Wintney R.D ..C., of the detailed scheme prepared by the Consulting Engineers for improving and enlarging the Drainage System in the Hook/Odiham area and to provide for the sewering of Rotherwick. The tota1 cost of the Scheme is estimated at approximately £499,664 and if, as Expected, the Rural District Council adopts the Scheme, it will then be forwarded for the approval of the Ministry of Housing and Local Government.

PRECEPT. Resolved that a precept be made upon the District Council for a sum of £170 for General expenditure and £420 for Street Lighting.


Resolved that cheques be drawn and signed in payment of the undermentionod accounts :

Postmaster General. £4. 0. Od. Basingstoke. R.D.C. £3. 3. 4d. Elizabeth Hall. £3 O. Od . Southern Electricity Board. £69. 1.10d.


It was agreed that the above meeting be held at the Elizabeth Hall, on Monday 20th May, 1968, at 8 p.m.