A Publication The Explorer Of The Kansas Knights of Columbus

VOL. 24 NO. 3 http://www.kansas-kofc.org March 2020 STATE DEPUTY’S MESSAGE March 29th is Founder’s Day. Don’t forget that our “Unplanned” do so. It is a true story that exposes what founder, the Venerable Father Michael J. McGivney, really happens in Planned Parenthood clinics and the wanted our Order to be a society of Catholic men, es- actual process of . This movie leaves nothing tablished in every Parish, that would to the imagination. support and defend our Priests, but also provide a financial safety net for The Knights of Columbus mourns the loss of Past Catholic men and their families. For Supreme Knight Virgil C. Dechant, who passed away 138 years, the Knights of Columbus in his sleep at the age of 89 during the early morning have been doing just that. Let hours of February 16, 2020. He was the Order’s prospective members, especially longest-serving supreme knight, holding the office young family men, know what the from 1977 to 2000. His extraordinary leadership of the Order can provide for them. If they joined the Knights order has promoted Father Michael J. McGivney’s of Columbus to participate in the works of the Order, dreams to new heights. Please pray for Ann as well as let them know about the fraternal benefits that mem- the family in your prayers. May he rest in peace. bership avails them, including the Order’s solid insur- ance and financial programs. Everyone joins for a In summary for the month of March, I ask you to focus reason. We simply have to let our members and on your Lenten Journey, prepare for the state conven- prospective members know what we have to offer! tion, and conduct a successful spring membership drive. Let’s meet our membership goal! Don’t be afraid We are now in the last third of the fraternal year and to share what you do so that others can also enjoy the four very busy and important months remain. During many benefits of membership. You might just find this time, we started our Lenten journey with Ash your next grand knight, your next district deputy, or Wednesday. We will be preparing for the state conven- even your next state deputy. Mostly, don’t be afraid to tion in Wichita, May 1-3. And we will be recruiting and put your “Faith in Action” as “The future starts today.” holding the new exemplification of Charity, Unity and degrees to bring new knights into the Order Vivat Jesus, to experience the benefits of membership. I thank all Grand Knights that have adjusted and are scheduling Dale A. Weber the new degree. With the ease of the new degree please State Deputy schedule the new exemplification of Charity, Unity and Fraternity in your area as soon as possible. CALENDAR OF EVENTS Kansas can boast that we have one of the highest, if not, the highest percentage of knights per Catholic pop- MARCH: ulation in the United States. While this is good, it Feb 29–Mar 1 76th Annual Men’s Bowling means that we must work even harder to grow the Tournament in Olathe (3rd weekend) Order. The “easiest” members have already joined. 1 State Free Throw Contest in Salina What is left to recruit from is the men who will join but 7 Patriotic Degree Exemplification -Garnett will require more effort. Don’t be afraid to make that 8 Major Degree: Council 3273 - Larned effort! 10 Deadline for Council Knight of the Year to District Deputy I remind everyone of the State Council efforts to further 10 Deadline for Council Family of the Year to promote the Pro-Life cause; the Kansas Knights is District Deputy bringing Abbey Johnson to the Wichita State Conven- 14-15 Special Olympics Basketball Tournament - tion, Saturday May 2, 2020 at 1:00pm to Century II Topeka convention center. Abbey is the ex- Planned Parent- 15 Deadline for Council Vocations Poster hood director that the movie “UnPlanned” was cen- Contest winners to District Deputy tered around. Please if you haven’t seen the movie Continued on page 2 20 Deadline for District Knight of the Year to STATE CHAPLAIN’S MESSAGE Diocesan Judge Father Jarett Konrade, State Chaplain 20 Deadline for District Family of the Year to Diocesan Judge A few thoughts for Lent 2020… 20-21 Special Olympics Basketball Tournament - Hays 1. We know Lent is a season about joining in the 21 Patriotic Degree Exemplification – Clonmel- desert experience of Jesus, where we fast, practice ab- Schulte stinence and sacrifice in special ways for the good of 22 Major Degree: Council 1777 - Marysville our own spiritual lives. But do we understand why 25 Knights of Columbus Day of the Unborn Child Catholics are so focused on “doing” and “not-doing?” 25 Deadline for District Vocations Poster Contest In St. Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians, St. Paul re- Winners to Vocations Chairman minds us, “Brothers and sisters: It is written, the first 29 Founder’s Day, 138th Anniversary of Knights man, Adam, became a living being, the last Adam a life- of Columbus giving spirit. But the spiritual was not first; rather the 29 5th Sunday Rosary Prayer Service and or natural and then the spiritual.” The “doing” of the sea- Corporate Communion son of Lent is focused on the fact that we as humans are, like Adam, first “natural” and secondly “spiritual.” APRIL Fasting, abstinence, and sacrificial practices are meant 1 Deadline to submit council History Reports to to help us curb our earthly passions of the flesh, to open State Historian our hearts to the “spiritual” conversion of the Holy 1 Deadline to fulfill Adopt-A-Seminarian Spirit. Pledge 1 Submit RSVP Refund/Plaque Applications to 2. Why is it that we use e-mail, internet, and cell- Supreme phones in just about every way except for those which 1 Deadline for Diocesan Knight of the Year are most important? Have you ever e-mailed your loved Winners to Fraternal Chairman ones special words of encouragement or prayers that 1 Deadline for Diocesan Family of the Year you find inspirational? (And I’m not talking about for- Winners to Family Director wards that say “If you don’t pass this on then you obvi- 1 Deadline for Scrapbook entries of Best single ously don’t love God.”) Have you ever text messaged activity in areas of Faith, Family words of accountability or of failure in holding yourself Community & Life to appropriate Director accountable? One of the greatest reasons that some of 1 Deadline to submit Culture of Life Report us will not stay faithful with sacrifices or “giving things Form to Life Director up” this Lent is because we won’t find someone to help 1 Deadline to submit EVANGELIUM VITAE keep us accountable. AWARD applications 1 Deadline to submit essay contest winners to State Youth Chairman 3. If, during the rest of the year, you would nor- 4 New Ceremonials Degree: Council 10044 - mally eat bologna sandwiches and chips on Friday Hays evenings, don’t say, “Oh, it’s Lent” and load the family 18 Major Degree: Council 12858 – Wichita- in the car to go for an extravagant seafood dinner. I’m St Anne pretty sure that’s not what the Church originally had in 18 Patriotic Degree Exemplification in Topeka mind when calling its members to refrain from meat on 19 Major Degree: Council 15134 – Wichita Fridays during Lent. I am not saying, Catholics cannot 25 State Sporting Clay Shoot in Augusta eat at a restaurant on Fridays during Lent, but make sure 26 Major Degree: Council 10786 - Osawotomie Friday’s don’t become a time to treat yourself and/or 30 –May 3 The 119th Annual State Convention your family. The intention should be “not eating meat” will be held in Wichita as a form of sacrifice in commemoration of the day of our Lord’s passion and death. Congratulations Knights 4. If at some point during the 40 (47-7 Sundays = The Kansas Knight of the Month for January is Brother 40) days of Lent you fail with your original sacrifice or Larry Verderhoff of Council # 10834 in Lansing! Con- resolution, do not give in to the temptation to say, “Oh gratulations Brother Larry! well, I don’t know what I was thinking in trying to give that up; maybe I’ll try again next year.” Tell the person Supreme Family of the Month winner for January who is keeping you accountable and with greater re- solve; try again. Council 834 – Horton, The Tim Ross Family Continued on page 3 2 5. On this last topic, I was recently converted. council does not lose its tax-exempt status. The Even though Sundays are not officially counted in the Supreme council has provided communication on the 40 days of Lent, the season remains a full flowing en- subject as follows: tity. In other words, Sundays within Lent are not days to indulge ourselves in order to start over again on As you know, the Knights of Columbus, including all Monday. Some may argue this point, but I’m pretty its subordinate councils and assemblies, is a tax-exempt sure Jesus didn’t take 24 hour breaks while he prayed organization, recognized by the Internal Revenue Serv- and fasted in the desert. ice as a fraternal under Section 501(c)(8) of the Internal Revenue Code. Notwithstand- ing our tax-exempt status, each council and assembly DISTRICT MASTER MESSAGE is required to file an annual informational tax return Scott A. Maurath, District Master - Kansas (IRS Form 990) with the IRS. In addition to our filing requirement, each council and assembly is also respon- Garnett, Clonmel - Schulte and Topeka EXEMPLIFI- sible for conducting its affairs in a manner that is con- CATIONS sistent with what is expected of tax-exempt organizations. Failure to do so may result in a council There are three Exemplifications of the Patriotic De- or assembly losing its tax-exempt status. Also, we sug- gree scheduled for this Spring. They are in Garnett on gest you visit the IRS's home page on tax-exempt or- March 7th, Clonmel – Schulte on March 21st and ganizations. It is an excellent resource for council and Topeka (Biennial Meeting) on April 18th. More in- assembly officers who have questions or need informa- formation on these degrees can be found at kansas- tion regarding their federal tax obligations: kofc.org or by contacting me. http://www.irs.gov/charities/index.html?navmenu=me nu1 Worthy grand knights please encourage your member- ship to join the Patriotic degree. Ask them these four Make certain that your council does not become liable simple questions. 1.) Do they support their Church? to the IRS by NOT reporting! The due date for submit- 2.) Do they support their country? 3.) Do they support ting this form is May 15th! life from conception until natural death? 4.) Do they honor their deceased brother knights? All these ques- Grand Knights, also remember that your council has tions and much more are what the Patriotic degree of until May 1, 2020 to comply with the Order’s Safe En- the Knights of Columbus stand for!!! vironment requirements. Please ensure that you along with your Program Director, Family Director and Com- Please don’t hesitate to contact me if your council munity Director have completed the training and that would like to start a new Assembly to represent its the Family and Community Directors have passed Parish or would like to host an Exemplification of the background checks. Eligibility for the Star Council Patriotic Degree (as a council or assembly) or has any Award depends upon completion of Safe Environment other questions about the Patriotic degree. requirements. For additional information or help completing this re- quirement visit WWW.KOFC.ORG/SAFE. STATE SECRETARY’S MESSAGE Jamey C. Roth, State Secretary STATE MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE Attention grand knights: You should have received Patrick W. Burnett, State Membership Director report forms for Credentials, 50-year members and Necrology from State Secretary Jamey Roth. They “Thank you for all you do for our beloved Order.” should be completed immediately and sent back to Those are the words that Virgil C. Dechant wrote on Jamey as the due date was March 1, 2020. District the inside cover of my book, The Fraternalist. Many Deputies, please double check to insure these forms of you probably see those same words as you open your are submitted from all your councils. copy of the book as well. This man that gave so much of himself to the Order, was thanking us for what we do. Could there be a more eloquent way to describe STATE ADVOCATE’S MESSAGE the life of Virgil C. Dechant? One does not have to Michael J. Grothoff, State Advocate read The Fraternalist to understand the impact of the life that was Virgil’s. He has touched so many people Grand Knights: Don’t forget that every council needs throughout his lifetime that none of us can began to to complete and submit the IRS Form 990 so your Continued on page 4 3 comprehend the magnitude of his legacy. Over the past of the four (4) programming areas – Faith, Family, weeks, many of my brother Knights have shared their Community and Life. You will find examples of poten- “Virgil” story with me. We all have them! Most in- tial activities in each programming area inside the back volved him stopping what he was doing to take a pic- cover of the Program & Membership Guide and on the ture with them in a hallway at a State Convention, or “Faith in Action” page on the Supreme website. Infor- his perfect choice of words when addressing a room mation on the new and required programs is also avail- full of people. Others have more intimate stories, but able in the “Faith In Action” guidebook. All councils we all have our story about Virgil. He was never too should have Form SP-7 completed and submitted to busy. Never too important. He was always The Fra- your district deputy prior to the state convention. ternalist, and took the time to show kindness to every- DD’s are requested to bring these to the convention. one he met. This is one of the many reasons why he is If possible, councils should also submit this form to loved by so many people. Our Past Supreme Knight Supreme thru your “Officers Online” account before has been called home. We all knew this day would the convention. come, but that does not take away the sadness and pain that his passing leaves behind. To his wife Ann, and Your council’s Knight and Family of the Year should the rest of the Dechant family please know that your have been chosen by now, as these need to be submitted beloved Virgil’s legacy will ALWAYS live on through to your district deputy by March 10, 2019. It is very every member of The Knights of Columbus. From important we recognize those chosen for this exem- now until the end of this fraternal year, every degree in plary title. Be sure to submit your entry to your district Kansas will be dedicated in the name of Virgil C. deputy on time. District Deputies, please be sure to Dechant. It is our turn to use those words that he wrote complete the lists of Council Knights & Families of the on the inside cover of my copy of The Fraternalist… Year and submit to the Family Director and Fraternal “Thank you for all you do for our beloved Order!” Vir- Chairman by March 20, 2019. gil you will never be forgotten! For one final time, I say to you… “Vivat Jesus!” All scrapbooks should be in the finishing stages and need to be received by the appropriate State Director before April 1, 2019. All reports required by Directors STATE PROGRAM DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE and Chairmen with an April 1 deadline must be re- Gary L. Wondra, State Program Director ceived prior to April 1, 2019 to be eligible for awards at our Convention. How is your council progressing in its quest for the Star Council Award? The four requirements for the Star Council Award are 1) achieve the membership quota, FAITH – John Schulz 2) achieve the quota, 3) complete and submit (Columbian Award Required Program: Spiritual Re- three forms to the Supreme Council office, 4) council flection Program) must be compliant on the Safe Environment Youth Pro- tection requirements. Two reports are available now on Adopt a Seminarian the home page of the state website to track your coun- Faith Director John Schulz advises all councils to fulfill cil’s progress and status. These reports will be updated their seminarian pledges soon if they have no already on a regular basis, so check back often! done so. All councils must report their pledges for the Adopt a Seminarian program to John. There are still The Annual Survey of Fraternal Activities (Form 1728) seminarians in need of additional financial support. If is one of the most important documents a council can your council has pledged at least $500 to a single sem- prepare each year. The Supreme Council needs this re- inarian, please complete the RSVP form and submit it port from every council in order to document our tax- to Supreme to receive your $100 refund. In addition, exempt status. A big thank you is extended to all continue to give moral and prayerful support to your councils who have filed this form in a timely manner. adopted seminarians. This is truly “Faith in Action.”

To finish out the fraternal year there is one remaining Vocation Poster Contest form that is required to qualify for the Star Council “Put out into the Deep” is the theme for the 2019-2020 Award. The form is the SP-7 Columbian Award Ap- Vocations Poster Contest. All councils should involve plication. Has your council implemented any of the their youth by sponsoring this contest. Winning coun- new “Faith In Action” programs? It is not too late, but cil level posters in each division must be submitted to you must act soon. To receive the Columbian award, your district deputy by March 15th. Guidelines for this councils must complete one required activity in each contest may be found on page 27 in the Program and Continued on page 5 4 Membership Guide. All guidelines must be followed cil is interested in hosting the 2021 tournament that re- to prevent a poster from being disqualified. quest should be to me no later the January 21, 2020. Contact Tom Smith at 785-817-5688 or Spiritual Reflection Program [email protected] with any questions. Do not forget about fulfilling the mandatory require- ment program in the Faith Category: a Spiritual Reflec- tion Program. You can find out more information on COMMUNITY- Doug Wietharn page 26 of the Program and Membership guide and on- (Columbian Award Required Program: Helping Hands) line at www.kofc.org. Just search for Spiritual Reflec- March 1,2020 is International Wheelchair Day. Some- tion Program. time this month encourage your council to hold a “Wheelchair Sunday” at your parish to collect funds to FAMILY- Paul Haverkamp provide people in need with a wheelchair. You can get (Columbian Award Required Program: Consecration to more information about “Wheelchair Sunday” by vis- the Holy Family. iting the American Wheelchair Mission’s website at www.amwheelchair.org. The program is a great way FAMILY ACTIVITIES - After your council has se- for you to use this opportunity to change the lives of lected a family, complete the "Family of the Year those people with disabilities. The gift of a wheelchair Awards Entry Form" and submit it to the appropriate can answer the prayers of those in need. Remember District Deputy. Your council's "Family of the Year" that as a featured program, the Global Wheelchair Mis- will then be eligible for the District, Diocesan, and sion activity will count for two credits toward the State Knight of the Year honors. Winners will be rec- Columbian Award. You only have this month to work ognized at the state convention. Nominations have al- on scrapbooks. Please send them in early once you get ready started rolling in so pick a FOY from one of your them completed. monthly family nominations and submit to your DD before March 10, 2020. Finally, the scrapbooks need Webmaster- Doug Wietharn to be submitted to me by April 1, 2020. All councils It is vital that we keep the website information as cur- are encouraged to prepare a scrapbook containing pho- rent as possible. This insures that state, council and as- tos and a detailed description of a favorite family ac- sembly officers have access to the most current details. tivity. Three scrapbooks will be chosen from the entries It enables us to share Knights of Columbus events, to be recognized at the state convention. The one news items and plans with our membership. The Web- judged best will be forwarded to Supreme for consid- master reminds all councils, assemblies and members eration in international awards. Don’t miss your oppor- to send him updates as soon as possible. Please forward tunity to participate! For any questions or help please these to Webmaster Doug Wietharn at give me a call and or email me with any questions or [email protected] as soon as possible. even better, just to say hello, Paul Haverkamp, Family Life Director, at [email protected] or (913)796- Youth Activities-Gary Shinliver 2003. Youth Activities Chairman, Gary Shinliver would like to thank all the members across the state that helped at Council Activities- Athletic Events- Tom Smith the Council, District, and Regional Free Throw Con- Council Activities tests that took place during January and February. This youth activity would not be possible without the con- All Councils are encouraged to be creative in planning tinued support of its volunteers. Don’t forget to file council activities. Make sure your activities promote your report #FT-1 with Supreme and send a copy to our participation and the principles of unity and fraternity. State Deputy. We congratulate all youth that partici- pated and those winners that advanced to the State con- Athletic Events test which was held on March 1,2020 in Salina. The 2020 Knights of Columbus State Sporting Clays Congratulations to all the State winners for all 6 age Shoot will be held Saturday, April 25, 2020. The tour- groups for both boys and girls. I personally want to nament will be hosted by Clonmel-Schulte Council thank Doug Mergen and his team for their dedication 3114 at The Lynbrooke Sporting Clays park at 1419 and commitment towards hosting the State contest. SW 120th St in Augusta, Ks. If your council is inter- ested in hosting the 2021 Sporting Clays Shoot, your Pennies from Heaven-Kevin Baalmann request must be to me no later than December 21, 2020 It is time to drop some dimes on the Pennies from The 2020State Golf tournament will be played July Heaven Program!!! Pennies Chairman Kevin Baal- 25th and 26th, 2020 at the Wellington Golf course and mann is challenging every district to come up with at will be host by Wellington Council 2227. If your coun- Continued on page 6 5 least one item for the live or silent auction at this year’s Olympics Basketball and Cheerleading Tournaments. convention! Together we can take the program to new We will have 2 locations for volunteers to assist in. On heights and have one of the best auctions the State Con- March 14th and 15th in Topeka at Washburn Rural vention has ever seen. If you have an item, please con- High School. On March 20th and 21st in Hays at Ft. tact Kevin by phone or email at 785-222-6029 or Hays State University. Vivat Jesus! [email protected]. If an item isn’t an option, pull together and hold one new fundraiser and avoid Fraternal- Heath Ohl the meeting motion to “donate what we did last year”!! All councils across the state should have selected a REMEMBER: deadline for Pennies donations is Noon council Knight of the Year. The deadline to submit the on Saturday of the convention and should be turned in council Knight of the Year application to your district at the Country Store. deputy is March 10, 2020. Don’t be afraid to ask your Knight of the Year to provide you with as much infor- mation as possible and help you complete the applica- LIFE- Matthew Micek tion. The state Knight of the Year is chosen from the (Columbian Award Required Program: Novena For information provided on the application, so please be Life) thorough and complete. Remember to keep a copy of the application for your council files. District Deputies By the time most of you read this article, we will have should submit your District Knight of the Year appli- dedicated 2 more ultrasound machines in Kansas. The cation to the appropriate Diocesan Judge by March 20, dedication at Birthine in Liberal is March 3rd with the 2020. Remember to sign the winning application. I re- machine at Hutchinson’s Open Door PCC being dedi- mind all district deputies to send the list of your council cated 2 days later on the 5th. I want to personally thank and district winners to State Fraternal Chairman Heath all my Brother Knights who have selflessly given of Ohl for them to be included in the Convention Reports their time, talent and treasure in support of the pro-life and for certificates to be presented. Every council movement in Kansas. It is only through the generosity should continue to select a Knight of the Month and of our members and their communities that make proj- submit his name to Heath by the 15th of each month ects like these a possibility. for the opportunity of being selected as the State Knight of the Month. If you select a Knight of the Council's should be working diligently for the Month, but did not send in your candidate for State Columbian Award this year. The Novena for Life pro- Knight of Month selection, please send me your coun- gram is required for councils to qualify for the Award. cils past Knight of Month winners so I can update my Anyone needing more information can access program records. Please send any address changes or correc- materials at http://kofc.org/un/en/programs/life tions to State Secretary Jamey Roth in order to keep /index.html. the state mailing list current.

Remember, there are many reports coming due April Publicity- Heath Ohl 1,2020. Among them are the Life report form and the State Publicity Chairman Heath Ohl reminds councils Evangelium Vitae Award application. Grand Knights to publicize the good works of the Knights of Colum- can make submitting these forms easy by taking a bus. Councils should send or email Heath copies of ar- photo of them and texting them to Life Director, Matt ticles on activities and important news worthy events. Micek who's contact information is on the form. Utilize your parish Bulletin, local newspapers, and the Diocese newspaper to publicize your great works! Commitment to Humanities (Tootsie Roll) - Lino Munoz History- Andy Gilner The Tootsie Roll Drive for 2019 has come to comple- History is not for our use now; it’s for the future mem- tion, and we have yet to receive reports from some of bers of our order. If nothing is submitted to the histo- our councils. There are many organizations which sup- rian then there is no history for the future. port individuals with intellectual disabilities that de- The report forms can be found at the Kansas State pend on these funds to help them throughout the year. Council website: www.kansas-kofc.org. The history re- These funds also support the Kansas Special Olympics port can be submitted online. Please file the reports by Basketball and Cheerleading tournaments. Councils, email and retain one copy for the councils’ files. please take time to complete these reports today and The annual history update report for the fraternal year send any outstanding funds to our State Treasurer, Todd 2019-2020 is due by July 1, 2020. Bachamp. I would like to thank everyone who partic- ipated in this wonderful program of our Order. I also invite all councils to join us at the 2020 Special 6 INSURANCE AGENCY MESSAGE

March 2020 - Explorer Insurance Report

The Knights of Columbus agency department is proud to congratulate the following men for achieving the honor of Field Agent of the Month for their respective agencies:

Mahon Agency: John Rodriguez wrote $1,200,000 in protection on members and their families in January.

Schafer Agency: Tyler Meyer wrote $2,090,949 in life insurance protection on members and their families in Jan- uary.

Reed Agency: Adam Bruna wrote $3,820,000 in life insurance protection on members and their families in Jan- uary.

Pierce Agency: John Schibi wrote $700,000 in life insurance protection on members and their families in Janu- ary.

The four agencies combined to write a total of $34.090,885 in life insurance during the month of January Please join us in congratulating the following men for their outstanding performance. These men lead the state or the Knights of Columbus insurance program in January 2020.

David Soukup John Schibi Dan Reed

If you or someone you know would like to join our winning team of Field Agents, please call 1-866-391-8781 for more information.