During Lent many people ‘give up’ things or ‘turn away’ from things that they do too much of SAINT PAUL’S PARISH, SHANKILL eg: too much eating, too much TV or time playing computer games. Lent is a time for turning REMEMBER THEM, O LORD 24-HOUR NUMBER FOR ALL away from things that distract us from God. It is a time for drawing closer to God.

SICK CALLS AND Resources to help people at home mark the beginning of Lent and enter into the spirit of this As parisp arishhiioonneerrss wewe ofofffeerr ouourr sisinncceerree EMERGENCIES holy season, log onto the link: https://www.armaghprays.com/lent-2021 As pAs p arisaris hhiioonneerrss wwee ooffffeerr oouurr ssiinncceerree OUR PARISH BULLETIN sssysyyymmmmppppaaaatttthhhhyyyy,,,, ppprprrraaaayyyyeeeerrrrssss aaanannndddd sssusuuuppppppoooorrrrtttt tttotooo ttththhheeee fffafaaammmmiiiillllyyyy TEL: (028) 3832 3161 Lenten Services at St Paul’s (((all(all VirtualVirtual)))):::: We extend a warm welcome to all who attend our church. We hope you will find mmmemeeemmmmbbbbeeeerrrrssss ooofofff ttththhhoooosssseeee wwwhwhhhoooo hhhahaaavvvveeee dddidiiieeeedddd rrrereeecccceeeennnnttttllllyyyy:::: • our parish community a place where your life of faith will be nourished. Your Parish web: www.lurganparish.com Divine Mercy will be said on Tuesday and Friday morning at 9.45am • prayers, your presence and your talents are most welcome! Facebook : @lurganparish Holy Hour each Wednesday from 7pm to 8pm during Lent RECENTLY DECEASED May God bless all of us. Parish App: Parish365 • Stations of the Cross will be said immediately after the 10am Mass each Friday during Lent. Sarah Walsh, Beechcourt/Rectory ParkParkPark OUR PARISH CLERGY Download App Store or Google Play Maurita Breen, Pier Rampart,

Canon Liam Stevenson, PP VF Fr Colum Wright, CC Saint Vincent de Paul, William Street: Gerald Fitzpatrick Fr Jozef Wozniak, S.Chr St Paul’s Presbytery (028) 3832 5725 DAYDAYDAY OF PRAYER FOR SURVIVORS AND VICTIMS OF ABUSE ––– CANDLE OF Valley Nursing Home fffofooorrrrmmmmeeeerrrrllllyyyy CCCyCyyypppprrrreeeessssss GGGaGaaarrrrddddeeeennnnssss 1st SUNDAY 66-70 North Street 54 Francis Street, ATONEMENT Elizabeth (Lily) Sharkey SAFEGUARDING CHILDREN AND Lurgan BT67 9AH Lurgan BT66 6DL As you know, at the request of Pope Francis, the Bishops of have designated formerly Manor Park/Castle Lane OF LENT Telephone: (028) 3832 3161 [email protected] ADULTS WHO REQUIRE PROTECTION : Jim Harte, Hill Street the First Friday of Lent as a National Day of Prayer for survivors and victims of abuse. Jim Harte, Hill Street Telephone: (028) 3832 7173 Dromore Diocesan This year the Day of Prayer took place on Friday, 19 February. Prayers were offered Ann Kerr, Annesborough Road, Kinnego Designated Liaison Person Kenny Haddock, Edward Street at Masses on that day for those who have been hurt by abuse in the Church. 21 FEBRUARY 2021 Our Parish Deacon: Rev Kevin Devine (028) 3832 3161 Mrs Patricia Carville. Tel. 077 8991 7741 A Candle of Atonement was lit and burned continuously throughout Friday in St May they rest in Peace Saint Paul’s Parish Safeguarding Paul’s Church. Representative and Parish Sacristan PARISH ANNIVERSARIES Ms Fionnuala Hamill. Tel. 07563 293429

ST PAUL’S PARISH ST PETER’S PARISH PASTORAL CARE OF THE DEAD AND BEREAVED SATURDAY 20 FEBRUARY Vigil Mass MASS SCHEDULE MASS SCHEDULE DURING THE PANDEMIC Elizabeth Carberry, Richmount Gardens BAPTISMS Olive McGleenon, Lurgan As we know, the practice of not having Requiem Mass in our churches for those who Sunday Sunday died from Covid-19 with their family in attendance was motivated by a concern to limit Vigil 7:00pm (Saturday); SUNDAY 222121 FEBRUARY 9.00AM MASS Vigil 6:00pm (Saturday) the spread of infection among mourners attending such funerals. While this was Henry and Kathleen Doran, Killough Gardens With great joy and thanksgiving, we 9:00am and 10:30am. 8:00am, 10:00am (po polsku) understood and accepted by the vast majority of families who have celebrated a church welcome the following children into our and 12 Noon door service for their loved ones, we as clergy have been acutely aware of the great SUNDAY 222121 FEBRUARY 10.30AM MASS parish community: heartache that family members have experienced. Josephine (Josie) Breen, Edward Street Weekdays Leo Seeley, New Street Weekdays Tilly Alice Bridge Monday to Friday: 10:00am Monday to Friday: 8:00am Toby Joseph McKeag Eleven months into this pandemic, it is apparent that the requirement to self-isolate for Angela Power, Killough Co Down certain people is much more widely understood, accepted and practised by the great Mary Ellen Scullion, Mary Street Saturday: 10:30am Tuesday and Friday: 7:00pm Elliott Patrick McConville majority of citizens. Some doing so at the time of a loved one's death have even Rachel and Mick Breen, Richmount Gardens Saint Paul’s Parish Office Saturday: 9:30am All parents wishing to have a child deferred the funeral in order to protect others. Other families who cannot visit their Philip Goodfellow, Drumlin Drive

Parish Secretary – Patricia McCann baptized in St Paul’s Parish, must contact loved one for weeks while they were ill in hospital have already served a period of Saint Peter’s Parish Office the Parish Office isolation by the time of the funeral and therefore pose no higher risk than the general MONDAY 222222 FEBRUARY Telephone: (028) 3832 1289 Parish Secretary – Mrs Marie Brady by telephone (028) 3832 1289. population. Sister Dympna Mulholland, Convent of Mercy Email: [email protected] (028) 3832 3161 One month’s notice is required. Elizabeth Toman, Edward Street Consequently, the clergy of the pastoral area have agreed a change in our practice Tommy Magill, Springwell Walk [email protected] Baptisms take place on the second and Office Hours regarding Covid funerals. From Thursday 11 February, all funerals may be celebrated Sammy and Rosaleen Mitchell, Wesley Place Office Hours fourth Sunday of each month. Monday to Friday 9.00am to 12.30pm with a Requiem Mass in line with families' wishes across the parishes of St Peter's and Maddy-Leigh Harbinson, Collingdale Monday 10:00am – 1:00pm and St Paul's, , Moyraverty and Seagoe. Arthur Greene, Please telephone or email the Parish 1:45pm – 4.00pm Matthew Marsden, Francis Street Office to let us know of anniversaries Tuesday–Thursday 9.00am – 1.00pm ADORATION CHAPEL Those who attend funerals, immediate family included, are reminded to follow public TUESDAY 23 FEBRUARY or alternatively post them through the Edward Street health advice regarding Covid-19 regulations, even self-isolation if necessary. We will TUESDAY 2323 FEBRUARY and 1:45pm – 4.00 pm Catherine McEntee (MM) Windsor Avenue Private Prayer only readily facilitate deferral of funerals in order to allow family members to self-isolate for Catherine McEntee (MM) Windsor Avenue office letterbox Friday 9.00am–1.00pm Kathleen Lavery, Oakfield Terrace Adoration 9am – 7pm some time if required. Current regulations still restrict numbers attending all funerals to before 12.30pm each Wednesday. Sean Leathem, Boconnel Lane and 1:30pm – 2:30pm 25 people only. Joseph Bailie, Antrim Road

STAY AT HOME FOR THE SAKE OF HEALTH, LIFE AND THE COMMON GOOD We realise only too well that this change of practice may have come too late and be WEDNESDAY 242424 FEBRUARY painful among families for whom Requiem Mass at the time of their loved one's death Jane Creaney, Manor Park Following consultation with the Executive and Public Health Authorities the Catholic Bishops of Northern was not possible. For that reason we are relieved to bring it to an end, based on the Joe Lyness, Cypress Gardens Ireland have suspended public Masses in view of the current pandemic and coronavirus restrictions. The churches will, widespread understanding and personal responsibility for mandatory self-isolation Nan Bailie, Antrim Road when required. however, remain open daily for private prayer (11:00am–4:00pm in St Paul's and 8:30am–5:30pm in St Peter's).

Canon Liam Stevenson, VF THURSDAY 252525 FEBRUARY Some people are asking about Confessions. The Department of Health guidelines are currently extremely strict. Considering Margaret Haughey, Lower North Street this strong advice to ‘Stay at Home’ it is totally inadvisable to schedule confessions at this critical time of battling the Anna Harte, The Brambles, Derrymacash pandemic. We encourage you all to download the app as it greatly enhances our communications with FRIDAY 262626 FEBRUARY The celebration of funerals and marriages may continue with a maximum of 25 people, and baptisms with parents the faithful and we thank you for doing so. Gerard Turley (MM) Thornleigh and godparents ONLY in attendance. During the pandemic there will be no Offertory procession or gifts (including Nora McLearnon, North Street Joseph Lavery, Gratten Street pictures or memorabilia) brought to the Altar. Offertory Collection

FOOD ththth SATURDAY 227777 FFFEFEEEBBBBRRRRUUUUAAAARRRRYYYY (((1(1110000....33330000AAAAMMMM MMMAMAAASSSSSS)))) PLEASE NOTE! AS PER THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH REGULATIONS AND GUIDELINES Sunday 7 February £££1,370.34£1,370.34 Margaret Leathem, Drumlin Drive BANK ththth Sunday 14 February £££ 956.00 Margaret McCaffrey, Beaumont Square NO GATHERINGS ARE PERMITTED BEFORE OR AFTER ANY FUNERALS OR WEDDINGS ON THE Our sincerest thanks to all our parishioners Frank McKeown, Kiln Lane CHURCH GROUNDS. Thank you for your co-operation and consideration. who have forwarded their offertory promise Pauline Lennon, Liscorran Road The door to the parish office area will be open daily from 9am until 11am envelopes every week during this The celebration of Mass at the normal times will be streamed as ever on our webcams, and anniversaries and month's EternalEternal Rest Grant on to them O Lord! Monday to Friday for all donations to lockdown. Eternal Et Rest Grant on to them O Lord! minds will be publicly prayed for as normal at these Masses. www.lurganparish.com/stpauls-webcam be dropped off. Thank YouYou!!!! Thank you for your continued generosity to The parish offices remain open for phone calls and e-mail queries, but not to visitors during the lockdown. your Parish and to your Priests . Prayer for deceased relatives and friends PARISH ENVELOPES CAN BE PUT INTO THE PARISH OFFICE LETTERBOX, LEFT WITH FIONNUALA AAAlAlllmmmmiiiigggghhhhttttyyyy FFFFa aaatttthhhheeeerrrr,,,, sssos ooouuuurrrrcccceeee oooof fff ffffo ooorrrrggggiiiivvvveeeennnneeeessssss aaana nnndddd IN THE SACRISTY, PUT INTO THE BOX AT THE BACK OF THE CHURCH OR INTO THE LETTERBOX Requests for Anniversaries/Month’s Mind sssasaaallllvvvvaaaattttiiiioooonnnn,,,, ggggr rrraaaannnntttt tttth hhhaaaatttt oooou uuurrrr rrrre eeellllaaaattttiiiivvvveeeessss aaaan nnndddd ffffr rrriiiieeeennnnddddssss wwwwh hhhoooo AT FATHER WRIGHT’S HOME. Requests for anniversaries and Month’s Mind notices should be left into the Parish Office have ppppaaaasssssseeeedddd ffffr rrroooommmm tttth hhhiiiissss lllli iiiffffeeee mmmma aaayyyy,,,, tttth hhhrrrroooouuuugggghhhh tttth hhheeee on or before 12 Noon on the Wednesday of the week before if they are to be included in iiininnntttteeeerrrrcccceeeessssssiiiioooonnnn ooofo fff tttth hhheeee BBBBl llleeeesssssseeeedddd VVVVi iiirrrrggggiiiinnnn MMMMa aaarrrryyyy aaaan nnndddd ooofo fff aaaal lllll tttth hhheeee Bulletins will still be published and available from the back of the churches and some of the local shops. the bulletin. sssasaaaiiiinnnnttttssss,,,, cccco ooommmmeeee tttto ooo ssshs hhhaaaarrrreeee yyyyo ooouuuurrrr EEEEt ttteeeerrrrnnnnaaaallll hhhha aaappppppiiiinnnneeeessssss #StaysafePraysafe Most of all STAY at home, PRAY with us and BE NOT AFRAID The minimum diocesan stipend is £10.00 through Christ Our Lord, Amen!