CURRICULUM VITA TUAN VO-DINH Business Address Duke University 136 Hudson Hall, Box 90281 Durham, NC 27708-0281, USA Tel: (919) 660-8520 (Office) E-mail:
[email protected],
[email protected] Citizenship: U.S.A. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND B.S. in Physics Engineering, 1971, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology- EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Federale), Lausanne, Switzerland. Ph.D. in Biophysical Chemistry, 1975, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology- ETH (Eidgenosische Technische Hochschule), Zurich, Switzerland. AWARDS AND ACADEMIC HONORS: 1981, RD-100 Award for Most Significant Technological Advance in Research & Dev (PNA Dosimeter) 1986, Award for Excellence in Technology Transfer, Federal Laboratory Consortium 1987, RD-100 Award for Most Significant Technological Advance in R&D (Fluoroimmunosensor) 1988, Gold Medal Spectroscopy Award, Society for Applied Spectroscopy 1989, Languedoc-Rousillon Medal, University of Perpignan (France) 1992, Scientist of the Year, Oak Ridge National Laboratory 1992, Thomas Jefferson Award, Martin Marietta Corporation 1992, RD-100 Award for Most Technologically Significant Product of the Year (SERODS Technology) 1992, Inventors International Hall of Fame Award, Inventors Clubs of America 1994, RD-100 Award for Most Technologically Significant Product of the Year (PCB Spot Test) 1995, Award for Excellence in Technology Transfer, Federal Laboratory Consortium (SERODS) 1996, Inventor of the Year Award, Tennessee Inventors Association 1996, RD-100 Award for Most Technologically Significant Advance in R&D (SERS Gene