Sub: An Invitation to FABC-OE Seminar to those engaged in Biblical apostolate in Asia

We are happy to invite you to an important Word-event as part of our response to the Church’s urgent and persistent appeal to engage in New Evangelization .

The FABC Office of Evangelization (FABC-OE) is organizing a three-day seminar (BIBA IV):

“Crossing the Borders: Renewed Biblical Apostolate for New Evangelization”

Our Motto and Inspiration: “Let us go on to the neighboring towns, so that I may proclaim the message there also; for that is what I came out to do.” (Mark 1:38)

The venue: Camillian Pastoral Centre, Bangkok, Thailand

Dates: 5, 6 and 7 December, 2013 (Arrival on the 4th and departure on the 7th evening or 8th morning)

The Bishops of Asia have entrusted the FABC-OE with the task of promoting Biblical Apostolate at the Asian level. One of the ways by which the FABC-OE fulfils this mission is by bringing together those whose priority is Biblical apostolate. This seminar’s focus is: Renewed Biblical Apostolate for New Evangelization in Asia. Reflection, discernment and planning together can unleash fresh enthusiasm and new energy, new skills and increased creativity by sharpening our focus on our goal.

To capture the relevance and timeliness of the seminar, let us recall the Spirit’s invitation coming from the universal church and the Church in Asia. We are as it were at the convergence of several streams of significant events, all calling forth a new thrust in mission.

Verbum Domini (from the Synod on the Word of God) calls us to cross the borders in these words: “In no way can the church restrict her pastoral work to the ‘ordinary maintenance’ of those who already know the Gospel of Christ.” In this way Benedict XVI emphasized ‘missionary outreach’ as an inseparable dimension and a sign of maturity of the Biblical apostolate.(VD, 95) In order to achieve this orientation, an urgent task is set before those engaged in Biblical pastoral ministry: “… the synod called for a particular pastoral commitment to emphasizing the centrality of the word of God in the Church’s life, and recommended a greater ‘biblical apostolate’, not alongside other forms of pastoral work, but as a means of letting the inspire all other pastoral work”. (VD 73)

Lumen Fidei (Light of Faith), the first encyclical of Pope Francis – released just a few hours ago today, the 5th July, 2013, urges us to accompany the people of our times: “There is no

human experience, no journey of man to God, which cannot be taken up, illumined and purified by this light [of Christ]. The more Christians immerse themselves in the circle of Christ’s light, the more capable they become of understanding and accompanying the path of every man and woman towards God.” ( 35). The Synod on New Evangelization, the Post-Synodal – expected to be released in October this year, and the X Plenary Assembly of the FABC held 6 months ago in Vietnam, its Final Statement released a month ago – all these invite us to rekindle our faith and transmit the word/faith to those who have not heard the Good News.

In addition, we shall recall what Blessed John Paul II spoke to the Church in Asia about the “importance of the Biblical Word in passing on the message of salvation to the peoples of Asia, where the transmitted word is so important in preserving and communicating religious experience”. For this “an effective biblical apostolate needs to be developed” in Asia. (Ecclesia in Asia, 22.) All these events and their insights are a powerful witness to the Church’s constant reading of the “signs of the times” and spelling out of an adequate response to them. We will have these signposts as guides for our seminar.

The Purpose of the Seminar: It is meant to help us devise the means of “effective Biblical apostolate” by integrating the missionary thrust of new evangelization to all forms of Biblical pastoral ministry in keeping with the orientations of the2012 Synod on New Evangelization and Verbum Domini of the previous 2008 Synod and of Lumen Fidei, FABC X Plenary Statement “Responding to the Challenges of Asia A New Evangelization”. The group sharing and papers presented will focus on concrete ways of implementing such a thrust. The seminar intends to identify practical ways of achieving such a goal.

1. Participants: National/Regional Episcopal Commissions for Biblical Apostolate, Biblical Organizations, Bible groups, and individuals who are involved in a significant manner in the Biblical apostolate.

2. Dynamics: The seminar will be a 4-dimension spiritual journey as outlined in the Final Message of the 2008 Word of God Synod. (i) Voice of the Word - listening to God's revelation through inputs by various speakers and group sharing; and reading the signs of the times for Asia by discerning God’s revelation in the word and in the world of Asia. (ii) Face of the Word - focusing on the face of in the Scriptures and in the Breaking of the Bread. (iii) House of the Word – becoming a house of the word through a deeper communion by lectio divina and other dynamics of community-building and especially by having opportunity to share programs and materials of Biblical Apostolate, creative and effective efforts made in different parts of Asia.

(iv) Roads of the Word - projecting our vision and plan of action to carry out our common mission of the Word - ad intra and ad extra - particularly to go beyond the boundaries and borders of BA.

A detailed programme and schedule will be sent as early as we can. There will be three presentations per day, mainly from morning till noon. The rest of the time (afternoons, and evenings (if any) is for group sharing / discussion and presentation of creative efforts of Biblical apostolate in interest groups. A lot of participation in groups is foreseen. It should be both a learning process and creative contribution to discern the paths of Biblical apostolate for new evangelization in Asia.

3. Financial matters: The FABC OE will provide meals and accommodation (board and lodging) and the cost thereof will be borne by it. No one will be charged for this.

4. Travel: Transportation from the Bangkok airport to the venue and to the airport will be taken care of by the FABC OE for those who need such assistance.

5. A registration fee of USD 20 will be of great help.

6. International travel: The participants are to bear the cost of air travel. If the tickets are purchased early, say, from low-cost (fare) airlines (e.g. Air Asia, etc), it is unbelievably low. We assure you that the seminar will take place and you can confidently purchase your ticket any of the coming days.

7. Those who need visa: (Kindly check this up with your travel agent) You should contact us as early as possible so that letters of invitation can be sent to them. This invitation letter is not meant to be used for the purpose of visa, as one should apply for tourist visa only. We will send you more details on this matter.

8. PLEASE NOTE THAT WE MAY HAVE TO FOLLOW “FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED” POLICY since the Camillian Centre can accommodate only about 70 participants. All that is required at this stage is a reply mail in which you state your firm intent to participate in the event, Our Email ID is [email protected]. Any suggestions on any aspect of the programme and dynamics etc will be most welcome and greatly helpful.

Yours in the fellowship of the Word of God,

On behalf of the Bishops of the FABC Office of Evangelization,

+ Archbishop Thomas Menamparampil, SDB, Chairman

Fr. Jacob Theckanath, Executive Secretary, FABC-OE