Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae (2003), vol. 73: 145-167.


Jan GOLONKA1, Andrzej SL^CZKA1 & Frank PICHA2

1 Jagiellonian University, Institute o f Geological Sciences, Oleandry Str. 2a, 30-063 Krakow, ~ 650 New Haven Court, Walnut Creek, CA 94598, U. S. A.

Golonka, J., Sl^czka, A. & Picha, F. 2003. Geodynamic evolution of the orogen: the West Carpathian and Ouachitas case study. Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae, 73: 145-167.

Abstract: Twelve time interval maps have been presented which depict the plate tectonic configuration, paleogcography and lithofacies for the circum-Carpathian area from the Late through and for the circum-Ouachita region from Late Cambrian through Early . The following geodynamic evolutionary stages can be distinguished in these two orogens: Stage I - rifting of off the major continent, forming oceanic basins (-Early in the Carpathian region, Cambrian- in the Ouachita region); Stage II - formation of subduction zones along the active margin, partial closing of oceanic basin, development of deep-water flysch basin associate with this rifting on the platform () with the attenuated continental crust (- in the Carpathian region, Early Carboniferous in the Ouachitas); Stage 111 - collision, perhaps -continent, with the accompanying conver­ gence of two large continents, development of accretionary prisms, Eocene-Early Miocene time in the Carpathian region, Late Carboniferous in the Ouachitas; and Stage IV - postcollisional, (Miocene-Present-future? in the Carpathians, Permian-Triassic in the Ouachitas). Both, Carpathians and Ouachitas are accretionary prisms formed in response to terrane-continent and continent-continent collision. The paleogcographic approach we have taken shows how these mountain belts were constructed through the orogenic cycle, which reflects complex plate tectonic processes. Carpathians and Ouachitas record complete and homologous Wilson cycle.

Key words: Plate , paleogeography, orogen, accretionary prism, Wilson cycle, Ouachita, Carpathians.

Manuscript received 12 March 2003, accepted 5 November 2003


The aim of this paper is to compare the plate tectonic mas, 1989). The history of the whole circum-Carpathian evolution and position of the major crustal elements of the realm is more complex (e.g., see Golonka et al., 2000, Carpathians, and within a global 2003a), if we concentrate however on the West Carpathians, framework and to show the relationship between tectonic the orogenic cycle is also clear and evident. Thus, these two processes and sedimentary record during their orogenic cy­ orogens could provide a good example to compare the mod­ cles. The Carpathian and Ouachita Mts are geographically ern and ancient orogens. distant. The age of the formation of each orogen is also quite Twelve time interval maps have been presented which different. The Carpathians mountain belt formed during depict the plate tectonic configuration, paleogeography and and Cenozoic time, while the Ouachitas formed lithofacies for the circum-Carpathian region and adjacent in the ; their tectonostratigraphic history, how­ areas from the Late Carboniferous through Neogene and for ever, displays striking similarities. the circum-Ouachita region from the Late Cambrian Both orogens have been the subject of numerous classic through Early Permian. sedimentological studies of the deep-water flysch deposits The maps were constructed using the following defined (Ksiqzkiewicz, 1954; Dzulynski & Slqczka, 1958; Dzu- steps: lyriski et al., 1959; Dzulynski & Walton, 1965; Cline, 1960, 1. Construction of the base maps using the plate tec­ 1970; Lowe, 1976, 1989; McBride, 1975; Morris, 1974, tonic model. These maps depict plate boundaries (sutures), 1989; Moiola & Shanmugan, 1984; Pescatore & Sl^czka, plate position at the specific time and outline of present day 1984; Shanmugan & Moiola, 1995; Picha, 1996). The coastlines. Ouachita orogenic belt was also a subject of a tectonic syn­ 2. Review of existing global and regional paleogeo- thesis from the point of view of Wilson cycle (Viele & Tho­ graphic maps. 146 J. GOLONKA ET AL.

100 km



Tertiary Molasse Zone Flysch Belt B Klippen Belt Pre - Neogene of inner Neovolcanic areas ' Neogene basins orogenic zones

Fig. 1. Tectonic sketch map of the Alpine-Carpathian-Pannonian-Dinaride basin system (after Kovac et al, 1998; simplified)

3. Posting of generalised and paleoenvironment the rotation of crustal (basement) elements, rotation of database information on base maps. blocks separated by dextral faults (e.g. Marton et al., 2000) 4. Interpretation and final assembly of computer map or rotation of thrust sheets (e. g. Muttoni et al., 2000b). files. Measurement in flysch deposits could also indicate the ar­ The maps were constructed using a plate tectonic rangement of magnetised grains (domains) by turbiditic cur­ model, which describes the relative motions between ap­ rents. For example, the magnetic declination of Podhale proximately 300 plates and terranes. This model was con­ Flysch in Poland records perhaps the sedimentological ar­ structed using PLATES and PALEOMAP software (see rangement of grains (see the maps of sedimentological Golonka et a/., 1994, 2000, 2003a) which integrate com­ transport in the Carpathian flysch, e.g. Ksiazkiewicz, 1962) puter graphics and data management technology with a changed by the crustal rotation of the Inner Carpathian plate highly structured and quantitative description of tectonic re­ to the present position. The crustal rotation in a range of lationships. The heart of this program is the rotation file, 20-30° agrees with the general geodynamic evolution of the which is constantly updated, as new paleomagnetic data be­ area (Golonka et a l, 2000). come available. Hot-spot volcanics serve as reference points Information from several general and regional paleo- for the calculation of paleolongitudes (Golonka & Bocha­ geographic papers was filtered and utilized (e.g., Ronov et rova, 2000). Ophiolites and deep-water sediments mark al., 1984, 1989; Dercourt et a l, 1986, 1993, 2000; Ziegler, paleo-oceans, which were subducted and included into fold- 1988, 1989; Stampfli et a l, 1991, 1998, 2001; Stampfli, belts. Magnetic data have been used to define paleolatitu- 2001; Kovac et a l, 1998; Plasienka, 1999; Neugebauer et dinal position of continents and rotation of plates (see e.g. a l, 2001; Golonka & Ford, 2000; Golonka et a l, 2000, Van dcr Voo; 1993; Besse & Courtillot 1991; Krs et a l, 2003a). The authors of this paper also used unpublished 1996). An attempt has been also made to utilise the paleo­ maps and databases from the PALEOMAP group (Univer­ magnetic date from minor plates and allochtonous terranes sity of at Arlington), PLATES group (University of (see e.g. Patrascu et a l, 1992, 1993; Pechersky & Safronov Texas at Austin), University of Chicago, Institute of Tec­ 1993; Beck & Schermer 1994; Channell et al., 1992, 1996; tonics of Lithospheric Plates in Moscow, Robertson Re­ M auritsch et al., 1995, 1996; Feinberg et al., 1996; Krs et search in Llandudno, Wales, and the Cambridge Arctic al., 1996; Marton and Martin 1996; Marton et al., 1999, Shelf Programme. The plate and terrane separation was 2000; Haubold et al., 1999; Muttoni et al., 2000a, b; Gra- based on the PALEOMAP system (see Scotese & Lanford, bowski, 2000). The nature of rotation indicated by paleo- 1995), with modifications in the Tethys area (Golonka et magnetism measured in sedimentary rocks in allochthonous a l, 2000, 2003a). The calculated paleolatitudes and pale­ terranes remains somewhat uncertain. It could be caused by olongitudes were used to generate computer maps in the Mi­ WEST CARPATHIANS AND OUACHITAS 147

European platform general Inner Carpathian

+ + + === Alpine-Carpathian foredeep Inner Carpathian Paleozoic and Mesozoic

Outer Carpathian flysch Neogene Volcanics

Pieniny Klippen Belt Neogene of Pannonian and Vienna Basins

Fig. 2. Geological map of West Carpathians and adjacent areas. (Modified from Wessely and Liebl, 1996). Abbreviations: ZG - Zglobice-Wieliczka Unit, CA - Chamahora-Audia Unit, PC - Porkulec-Convolute Unit

crostation design format using the equal area Molweide pro­ known as the Outer or Flysch Carpathians (Mahel, 1974; jection. Ksi^zkiewicz, 1977; Sl^czka & Kaminski, 1998). At the This paleogeographic approach shows how a mountain boundary of these two ranges lies the Pieniny Klippen Belt belt was constructed through the orogenic cycle, which re­ (PKB) (Fig. 2). The Inner Carpathians are regarded as a pro­ flects complex plate tectonic processes. Some unsolved longation of the Northern Calcareous Alps, and formed part questions and problems could be answered by a comparison of the Apulia plate in regional sense that is a promontory of between one and another orogen. the African plate (Picha, 1996). They are divided into the Tatric, Veporic and Gemeric nappes (Fig. 2) that are the prolongation of the Lower, Middle and Upper Austroalpinc TECTONIC SETTING nappes respectively (Pescatore & Sl^czka, 1984). The Inner Carpathians nappes contact along a Tertiary strike-slip boundary with Pieniny Klippen Belt (Fig. 2, 3). The Pieniny WEST CARPATHIANS Klippen Belt (PKB) is composed of several successions The Carpathians form a great arc of mountains, which (mainly deep and shallow-water limestones), covering a stretches more than 1 300 km from the Vienna Forest to the time span from the Early to Paleogene (Golonka & Iron Gate on the Danube (Fig. 1). On the west the Carpathi­ Sikora, 1981; Birkenmajer, 1986). This strongly tectonized ans are linked with the eastern Alps and on the east pass into structure is a terrain of about 800 km long and 1 to 20 km the Balkan chain. Traditionally the Carpathians are subdi­ wide, which stretches from Vienna on the West to the Mara- vided into the West and East Carpathians (Mahel, 1974). mures (or Poiana Botizii area, NE Romania) on the East The West Carpathians consists of an older range known as (Fig. 2). The PKB is in the western part of the area thrust the Inner or Central Carpathians and the younger one, over the Outer Carpathian nappes (Fig. 3), in Poland and 148 J. GOLONKA ET AL.


L _____ Outer Carpathians ^ L Inner Carpathians

I_____i_____i_____i_____i_____I Fig. 3. Generalized cross-section across Carpathian-Pannonian region (Picha, 1996)

Eastern is separated from the Outer Carpathians by OUACHITA FOLDBELT a Miocene subvertical strike-slip (Birkenmajer, 1986). The Ouachita Mountains in and The Outer Carpathians are built up of a stack of nappes and are a surface expression of the Ouachita belt (Fig. 4), which thrustsheets changing along the Carpathians, built mainly of continues in the subsurface to the southwest, surfacing once continual flysch sequences up to six kilometers thick repre­ again in the Marathon region of West Texas near the Mexi­ senting the time span from the uppermost Jurassic up to the can border (Arbenz, 1989; Viele & Thomas, 1989). The Lower Miocene. All the Outer Carpathian nappes are over­ continuation of the foldbelt beneath the surface into Mexico thrust onto the southern part of the North European platform is at least uncertain and speculative. Structural, lithofacies covered by the autochtonous Miocene deposits of the Car­ and Pb isotopic data (e.g. Dickinson & Lawton, 2001) do pathian Foredeep on the distance of 70 km, at least (Książ- not support this continuation. To the east, the Ouachita oro- kiewicz, 1977; Pescatore & Ślączka, 1984). During over­ genic belt converges with the southern Appalachian belt in thrusting movement the northern Carpathians nappes be­ the area of the central Mississippi uplift (beneath a thick came uprooted from the basement and only their basinal Mesozoic cover). Our knowledge of this junction remains parts were preserved (Fig. 3). A narrow zone of folded Mio­ speculative (Thomas, 1977, 1989). cene deposits was developed along the frontal Carpathian Structures in the exposed part of the Ouachita orogenic thrust i.e. and Zgłobice Wieliczka Unit in the Northern Car­ belt are folds and thrusts vergent toward the North Ameri­ pathians (ZG - Fig. 2) and Subcarpathian (Borislav-Sam- can craton with major decollements thrusts visible espe­ bor-Rozniatov Unit) of the Ukrainian and Romanian parts cially along some parts of the orogenic front (Fig. 5). In of the Eastern Carpathians (Fig. 2; Książkiewicz, 1977; most of the Ouachita Mountains, the structures trend east, Pescatore & Ślączka, 1984; Kruglov, 1989). but curve strongly to the southwest at the western end in The deep structure of the Polish Outer Carpathians and Oklahoma and slightly southeastward at their eastern end in its basement, that is southern prolongation of the North Arkansas. European Platform, has been recognised by deep boreholes Among the structures there are several anticlinoria such as well as by magnetotelluric, gravimetric, magnetic, geo­ as the Broken Bow (BRU), Benton (BU) and Potato Hill magnetic, and deep seismic sounding profiles (Ślączka, (PH - Fig. 4) uplifts, where older rocks of the Ouachita fa­ 1976; Oszczypko et al., 1989; Picha, 1996; Guterch et al., des are exposed (Arbenz, 1968, 1989; Viele & Thomas, 2001). Tens of deep (up to 4500 meters) boreholes, which 1989). reached the Carpathian substratum allowed, recognise depth Generally all the exposed rocks in the Ouachita Moun­ of Carpathian thrust plane, its minimal range as well as tains are strongly allochthonous and have been thrust as far character of substratum. Generally the thrust plane of the as 80 kilometers northward from their former position. The Carpathians deep slowly to the south in their western part. overthrust surface is steep in the northern part of orogen, Seismic data provides similar value of the thrust plane southward it is nearly horizontal. The major elevated zone depth. The position of the crust-mantle boundary (Moho) can be distingushed here (e.g., zone drilled by the Hassie has been recognised along several seismic (Guterch et al., Hunt Carl Neely well on Fig. 5). The slope of the southwest 2001). The depth to the Moho discontinuity generally surface is strongly dependent on the basement configuration ranged from 30^10 km at the front of the central part of the (Lillie et al., 1983; Golonka, 1988). Carpathians and increases to 50 km south of the Nowy Sącz. The orogenic belt faces northwestward and northward South of PKB this value decreases to 36-37 km. Depth of toward the craton where variable thicknesses of Paleozoic consolidated basement beneath Carpathian is situated at rocks lie on the Precambrian basement. Positive basement depth of 10-18 km. The thickness of the lithosphere in the areas include: the Nashville dome, Ozark Uplift, the Ar- Polish Carpathians varies from 160 km near Kraków to 100 buckle (AM) and Wichita Mountains (WM) (southwestern km in the PKB. Oklahoma) and the of Central Texas (Fig. 4). WEST CARPATHIANS AND OUACHITAS 149

Foreland basins, synorogenic shelf-delta Mesozoic-Tertiary strata of Gulf Coastal Plain clastic wedge Synorogenic deep-water clastic wedge Foreland tectonic features, includes Precambrian of Ouachita Mountains and Marathon region and Paleozoic rocks Subsurface Ouachita rocks: includes both Uplifts of pre-orogenic, off-shelf strata pre- and synorogenic strata

__ Phyllite, slate, marble, quartzite of subsurface interior metamorfic belt

Fig. 4. Map of the Ouachita foldbelt (after Viele, 1989, Viele & Thomas, 1989, Arbenz, 1989, modified). B-B’ - Location of cross- section (fig.5). Abbreviations: AM - Arbuckle mountains, ATF - Appalachians tectonic front, BRU - Broken Bow Uplift, BU - Benton Uplift, WM - Wichita Mountains

В В’





BASEMENT metamqrphic z o n e


Fig. 5. Generalized cross section across Ouachita foldbelt between Arbuckle Mountains and Sabine Uplift, based partially on seismic reflection line GC36 (unpublished, courtesy of Mobil Exploration and Producing Technical Center, Dallas, Texas) 150 J. GOLONKA ETAL.

The negative areas are: the Black Warrior, Arkoma, Fort Inner Carpathian and European Platform (Golonka et al., Worth and Val Verde basins (Viele & Thomas, 1989) (Fig. 2000, 2003a). Pelagic limestones of Triassic pebbles in the 4). exotic sequences in the Pieniny Klippen Belt (Birkenmajer, The Arbuckle and Wichita structures are foreland struc­ 1988; Birkenmajer et al., 1990) and Magura Unit (Sotak, tures related to the Ouachita . Generally there are 1986) could have originated in this embayment. The embay­ two uplifted zones - Arbuckle and Wichita Mountains with ment position and its relation to the other parts of Tethys, the exposed Precambrian and Lower Cambrian crystalline Vardar Ocean and Meliata-Halstatt Ocean(PD, Fig. 7B) re­ rocks, separated by the Ardmore and Anadarko basins main quite speculative. (Ham, 1950, 1969). They are characterized by a system of The Triassic shallow water limestones, marls and dolo­ faults trending east and southeast, as well as uplifts and gra- mites with numerous reefs (Kiessling et al., 1999) prevailed bens. Structural relief from uplift to basin floor is as much in the Inner Carpathians platform areas and were under- as 9 km (Lillie et al., 1983; Golonka, 1988). The faults are Iayed by the Upper Permian and Lower Triassic clastic de­ high angle, often overthrust. These structures continue posits. The sedimentary sequence rests on metamorphic and southward beneath the overthrust, allochthonous Ouachita granitic rocks of the Late Paleozoic age. orogenic belt. Based on seismic and well data there are two The above mentioned period of sedimentation was fol­ uplifted zones, separated by a depression zone (Golonka, lowed by the Jurassic opening of the Ligurian--Pi- 1988) (Fig. 4). The northern uplift is the continuation of the eniny Klippen Belt/Magura Ocean (Figs. 7B, C). This open­ Arbuckle Mountains. It is bordered on the north by the Ana­ ing resulted in the rifting of Alpine-Inner Carpathian ter­ darko basin. The depression zone is related to the Fort ranes off Eurasia. Several basins separated by carbonate Worth and Ardmore basins. The axis of the uplift trends platforms developed in the Carpathian region. A local northeast through Oklahoma and Arkansas beneath the Po­ with the andesitic volcanics developed also along the south­ tato Hills. ern margin of the North European platform (Sl^czka, 1998). Stampfli (2001) recently postulates a single Penninic Ocean GEODYNAMIC EVOLUTIONARY (Pe, Fig. 7B) separating Apulia and Eastern Alps blocks STAGES from Eurasia. We proposed a similar model for the Pieniny Klippen Belt Ocean in the Carpathians. The orientation of Four main geodynamic stages can be distinguished dur­ the Pieniny Klippen Belt Ocean was SW-NE (see discus­ ing the evolution of the both, the Carpathians and Ouachitas sion in Golonka & Krobicki, 2001). This ocean was divided regions. These stages are marked by the general changes in into the northwestern (Magura basin, Mg - Fig. 7C) and the development of basins and orogens (Table 1 and 2). The southeastern (Pieniny Basin - Fig. 7B, C) basins by the mi- stages usually can be divided into more local substages. doceanic Czorsztyn Ridge (CR - Fig. 1C). The deepest part of the southeastern basin is documented by extremely deep water Jurassic-Early Cretaceous deposits (pelagic lime­ STAGE I - SYNRIFT stones and ) of Zlatna unit (Sikora, 1971; Go­ This stage is characterized by rifting of terranes off the lonka & Sikora, 1981) later described also as Ultrapieninic major continent and formation of oceanic type of basins unit or Vahicum (e.g., Plasienka, 1999). The transitional (Table 2). slope sequences between deepest basinal units and ridge units are known as Pieniny, Branisko (Kysuca), Niedzica The West Carpathians (Triassic/Jurassic-Early and Czertezik successions (Fig. 8). The shallowest ridge se­ Cretaceous) ± 135 My quences are known as the Czorsztyn Succession. Dark The basement of most of the plates that play an impor­ Lower Jurassic shales (Table 1) in this succession are fol­ tant role in the Mesozoic-Cenozoic evolution of the lowed by -earliest Cretaceous crinoidal and circum-Carpathian area, was formed during the Late Paleo­ nodular limestones and Cretaceous variegated marls. Sedi­ zoic collisional events (Golonka et al., 2000, a). Moesia, mentation of pelagic limestones, marls, cherts, cherty lime­ Eastern Alps (EA), Inner Carpathians (IC), Tisa (Ti - Fig. stones and some syn-rift turbiditic deposits occurred during 7A) and adjacent terranes, were sutured to the Eurasian this period in the basinal areas, whereas on the uplifted parts (Laurasian) arm of Pangea (Figs. 6, 7A), while Adria and more shallow, calcareous sediments developed. The deepest adjacent terranes were situated near the (Afri­ part of the northwestern basin is represented by extremely can) arm. The equatorial position of the Bohemian Massif, deep-water condensed Jurassic-Early Cretaceous deposits adjacent to the Carpathian plates, agrees with the global (pelagic cherty limestones and radiolarites) of the southern Pangean model of Golonka (2000, 2002). The Paleotethys Magura (or Grajcarek or Hulina) unit (Golonka & Sikora, Ocean was located south of Eurasia and was established in 1981; Birkenmajer, 1986; Golonka et al., 2000, 2003a). The southern and central Europe during Permian-Triassic time. paleogeographic extent of the Magura Basin remains some­ The Meliata-Halstatt Ocean (Me - Fig. 7B) formed as a re­ what enigmatic and speculative. Also speculative is exis­ sult of rifting of the Tisa terrane from Eurasia during Trias- tence of oceanic crust below the whole Magura basin. The sic time. The Vardar (Va)-Transylvanian (Tr) Ocean sepa­ transitional slope sequence is known from some outcrops rated the Tisa (Bihor-Apuseni) block from the Moesian- located north of the Czorsztyn Ridge (such as Zawiasy and Eastem European Platform (Sandulescu, 1988; Sandulescu Stare Bystre in Poland) (Golonka & Sikora, 1981). Ridge & Visarion, 2000). There is a possibility of existence of the sequences as well as transitional slope sequences are also embayment of Vardar-Transylvanian oceanic zone between called Oravicum (e.g., Plasienka, 1999). WEST CARPATHIANS AND OUACHITAS 151

T able 1 Comparative stratigraphic chart


Time Ouachita Arbuckle Time Magura-Pieniny Outer subbasins

Clastic red beds of Clastic red beds of Wagle

Triassic Wagle Mills Fluvial and continental strata Fluvial and continental strata Mills Formation Formation Plio-Quat.

Brackish , shales and Fluvial-deltaic and Fluvial-deltaic and Continental shales and sandstones with limestones. Marine, fine grained and Stage IV Stage IV (20-0 Ma) Permian

Stage IV Stage IV (290-225 Ma) continental strata continental strata marine intercalations clastic sediments; limestones, evaporites

M. M. Miocene including salt, locally olistostromes

Basal conglomerates passing upwards to brackish and marine sandstones, shales Medium- and thin-beddcd sandstones and marls, locally salt. Olistostromes. Poorly sorted sandstones (Malcov Fm.) and dark gray shales, Poorly sorted Sandstones, shales and gray marls

sometimes limestones sandstones and dark Early Miocene (Krosno beds) (Atoka Fill). Olistostromes gray shales, Sandstones, shales and gray marls with enormous blocks of sometimes limestones (Krosno beds), olistostromes. Dark Medium- and thin-bedded sandstones limestone, chert, and black (Atoka Fm). brown bituminous shales and cherts (Malcov Fm.) Flysch, marls, proximal shale; black shales and \ Limestone, shale and (Menilite Shales, locally

Oligocene turbidites (Magura Fm.) thin-bedded sandstones sandstone submarine fans (Mszanka, Cergowa,

(Johns Valley). Flysch and (Wapanucka Stage III (55-20 Ma)

Stage Stage III (325-290 Ma) Kliwa sandstones), olistostromes olistostromes (Jackfork limestone) Late Late Carboniferous sandstone) (325-290) Globigerina marls Flysch, Variegated Globigerina marls Flysch, Variegated shales, proximal turbidites (Ciężkowice shales, proximal turbidites (Magura Fm.) Eocene sandstone)

Thick bedded, coarse-grained turbidites Black shales and Flysch (Ropianka),variegated shales, and fluxoturbidites (Istebna, sandstones (Springer marls Ciężkowice), marls (Węglówka),

Flysch with tuffs, shales Paleocene Fm.) dark-colored variegated shales. and cherts (Stanley shale). Caney shale. Black shales, cherts Sycamore limestone. (Woodford chert) Thick bedded, coarse-grained turbidites Black shales, cherts Flysch (Ropianka), calcareous turbidites and fluxoturbidites (Godula, Istebna),

(Woodford chert) Stage II (100-55 Ma) Stage Stage II (365-325 Ma) marls, radiolarites, green and red shales flysch (Ropianka), marls, (Węglówka, Frydek) L. L. Cretaceous

Black shales, carbonate turbidites Black shales, cherty Black shales, turbiditic sandstones, Black shales, cherts (Cieszyn, Sinaia), turbiditic sandstones, limestones, cherts marls, pelagic cherty limestones, cherts (Woodford chert) coarse-grained submarine fans, (Arkansas ) (radiolarites), nodular limestones Devonian olistostromes (Bucegi-Soymul) E. E. Cretaceous

Turbiditic sandstones, siltstones and shales Limestones and shales Pelagic cherty limestones, cherts Carbonate turbidites, black shales and (Missouri Mountain Shale, (Hunton) (radiolarites), nodular limestones marls Blaylock Sandstone) Late Late Jurassic

Turbiditic sandstones and limestones, graptolitic Limestones, shales, cherts, dolomites, shales, coarse-grained submarine Crinoidal limestones, cherts cherts (Hunton, slides (Blaylock, Polk (radiolarites) Sylvan, Viola, Stage Stage I (235-100 Ma)

Stage Stage I (500-365 Ma) Creek, Bigfork, Womble,

Simpson, Arbuckle) Middle Jurassic Blakely, Mazarn, Crystal Mountain, Collier)

Dark shales, pelagic limestones, Arbuckle Group, Collier graptolitic shake turbiditic sandstones and limestones Honey Creek with lenses and beds of

limestones, Reagan Cambrian limestones of a distal transgressive turbiditic character sandstone Pelagic limestones Triassic 152 J. GOLONKA ET AL.

Table 2

Tectonostratigraphic comparison


Time Tectonic events and elements Sedimentary style Time Tectonic events and elements Sedimentary style

Thrusting and inversion, Final Thrusting and inversion, Final formation of Arkoma foreland Marine and continental molasse. formation of Carpathian Marine and continental molasse. basin. Formation of Volcanics. Continental red beds foredeep. Formation of Volcanics post-orogenic extensional basins Pannonian extensional basin Perm.Triassic (290-225 Ma) M. M. Miocene-Future(20-? Ma)

Convergence of South America Convergence of Africa and and North America, Sabine - Eurasia, Alcapa - Eurasia Flysch, olistostromes, pelagic Eurasia collision, thrusting and Flysch, olistostromes. Marine collision, thrusting and shales, carbonates and biogenic inversion with the continuing and continental molasse. inversion with continuing siliceous deposits. Marine and formation of accretionary Volcanics formation of accretionary continental molasse. Volcanics. prisms. Incipient formation of prisms. Incipient formation of Carbonates on ridges Arkoma Carpathian foredeep Late Late Carboniferous (325-290 Ma) Eocene-Early Miocene (55-20 Ma)

Subduction zones along the active margin of the Subduction along the active Magura-Pieniny ocean, Inner margin of the Ouachita ocean. Paleozoic-Triasic Carpathian terrane moving Enigmatic Sabine terrane Mesozoic-Cenozoic north, partial closing of oceanic moving north, partial closing of Flysch, olistostromes, pelagic Flysch, olistostromes, pelagic basin, nappes with northward oceanic basin. Development of pelagic shales, carbonates and shales, carbonates and biogenic polarity in the Inner main flysch basin on the biogenic siliceous deposits. siliceous deposits. Volcanics Carpathians, development of platform (passive margin Ma) Volcanics main flysch basins on the with the attenuated crust and platform (passive margin) with beginning of formation of attenuated crust and beginning accretionary prisms of formation of accretionary Early Early Carboniferous (365-325 Ma) prisms Late Late Cretaceous—Paleocene (100- 55 Ma)

Passive margin, deep water Passive margin, deep water Rifting of Eastern Alps, Inner turbidites, pelagic shales, turbidites, pelagic shales, Rifting of Precordilleran terrane Carpathians terranes off carbonates and biogenic carbonates and biogenic off North America. Formation Eurasia. Formation of the siliceous deposit, volcanics? siliceous deposits, volcanics. of the Ouachita ocean Pieniny-Magura, Outer Carbonates on surrounding Carbonates on surrounding Carpathian oceans and basins platform platform Cambrian-Devonian (500-365 Ma) Triassic-Early Cretaceous (235-100 Ma)

During the Late Jurassic (Fig. 1C) the southern part of thonian) were created (Pescatore & Slaczka, 1984). The the North European Platform, north of the Pieniny/Magura Western Carpathian Silesian Basin probably extended in the realm, started to be rifted and small basins (e.g., proto- Eastern Carpathian Sinaia or “black flysch” Basin (San- Silesian Basin in the , SI - Fig. 1C), dulescu, 1984; Krautner, 1996: Krautner & Krstic, 2000). with black, mainly redeposited marls (?Kimmeridgian-Ti- The rifting in the eastern Carpathian was accompanied by WEST CARPATHIANS AND OUACHITAS 153


4-f^+ + + + + + + + + > >

< V V v


EARLY TRIASSIC CENTRAL MELIATA T|SA EUROPE RIFT <------PALEOTETHYS f-rf+ + + + + + + + + + + +> ------+ + + + +/ vv vv vv vv v v vv vv vv vv vv vv vv _ y ____ V ______iZ____ V ______^ ____ V ______V ____ V ______y ____ y ______V ____ V ______V ____ V ______V ____ V_____





OUTER CARPATIAN LATE PALEOGENE OCEAN INNER DINARIDES CENTRAL EASTERN CARPATHIANS HELLENIDES EUROPE MEDITERRANEAN AFRICA + + + + + X /\-4 + + + + + + + / + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 4/ _ 1 1 ł'ł + + ł + łłłt + ł + + t + ł + ł + + + + + + 4-+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ + + + + + + + + + + S V V V V + 4- + 4- + + 4- + 4-4-4- + 4-4-4-4- + 4--t + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ + 4- 4-+- + + + + + + + + + + + + y f , ,—# + 4- + 4-4-4-4-4-4-4- + 4-4-4-4-4- + V V V V < < V v v v v V v 'S/ S-Y V V V V V < < <


Continental crust (including obducted Oceanic crust (including deposits) Upper mantle allochthonous rocks and sedimentary cover)

F ig. 6. Highly schematic (not to scale) plate tectonic profiles (Modified from Golonka et al., 2000). Central Europe - Carpathians Greece 154 J. GOLONKA ET AL.



Active highlands 200 km

Inactive highlands

Non-deposional lowlands

Terrestrial undifferentiated

Coastal, transitional, marginal marine

Shallow marine, shelf


Deeep ocean basin with sediments

Fan, slump, turbidites

Ocean basin, little or no sediments


Sandstone, siltstone

Shale, clay, mudstone Spreading center and transform fault Present day coastline, Biogenic siliceous deposit Active subduction zone , lat/long

| Limestone Normal fault * Volcanoe

Sand and shale (mainly flysch) Reef

Carbonate and shale Strike-slip Organic rich shale

F ig. 7. Paleogeography and lithofacies of the circum-Carpathian area (Modified from Golonka et al., 2000, 2003a). A - Late Carbonif­ erous, B - Early Jurassic, C - Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous. Abbreviations: B1 - Balkans, Cr - Czorsztyn ridge, Du - Dukla, EA - East­ ern Alps, Hv - Helvetic, IC - Inner Carpathians, In - Inacovce-Kricevo basin, Mg — Magura basin, Mr - Marmarosh, Pe - Ligurian- Penninic Ocean, PB - Pieniny Basin, Ra - Rakhov basin, RD - Rheno-Danubian basin, SC - Silesian ridge (cordillera), SI - Silesian basin, Sn - Sinaia basin, St - Śtramberk olistolith, Va - Vardar Ocean, Ti - Tisa, Tr - Transilvanian Ocean

the extrusion of diabase-melaphyre volcanics (Lashkevitsch The rapid supply of shallow-water calcareous material et al., 1995; Golonka et al., 2000). These basins indicate the to the new-born basins could be an effect of the strong tec- beginning of the Outer Carpathians realm development. The tonoeustatic sea-level fluctuations known from that time. opening is related to the closing of Pieniny-Magura (North Black sediments mark the beginning of an euxinic cycle in and South Penninic) basin. In the Carpathian region subduc­ the Outer Carpathian basin that lasted until Albian. The tion developed at the end of Jurassic -beginning of the Cre­ black marls pass gradually upwards into calcareous turbid­ taceous (Figs. 6, 1C) along the southern margin of the nar­ ites (Cieszyn limestones — Sinaia beds) which created sev­ rowing basin north of the approaching Inner Carpathian and eral submarine fans (Table 1). Occurrence of deep-water began to consume the Pieniny Klippen Belt Ocean (Birken- microfauna indicates that subsidence of the basins must majer, 1986). have been quite rapid (Poprawa et al., 2002a, b). During the WEST CARPATHIANS AND OUACHITAS 155







Continental crust E 3 Shale 1 Biogenic siliceous Mantle t ^ I deposit

Basalt j Organic rich shale

r z n Limestone

Fig. 8. Highly schematic (not to scale) profiles showing the evolution of the Pieniny Klippen Belt-Magura ocean during Jurassic-earli- est Cretaceous time early part of the Cretaceous the calcareous turbidites gave des zone of Haig. It implies generally continuos tectonic way to black calcareous shales and thin sandstones passing subsidence of the basins during that period. This subsidence upwards into black, commonly siliceous shales. This type of was equal to the rate of sedimentation. sediments is already known also from the other Outer Car­ In the early Albian within the black shales, widespread pathians basins. During the Hauterivian, Barremian and Ap­ turbiditic sedimentation started, that can be connected with tian several coarse-grained submarine fans developed. The a compressional period very pronounced in the Eastern Car­ supply of clastic material was probably connected with the pathians. In that part of the Carpathian domain the compres­ Early Cretaceous uplift known from the Bohemian Massif. sional movement started during the Aptian and Albian and The main phase of the hypabyssal intrusions and extrusions the inner part of the Carpathians was folded, nappes formed alkaline magma (mesocratic teschenites and leucocratic sy­ and in front of moving nappes coarse-grained sediments enites) was connected with the late period of the North (Bucegi - Soymul Conglomerates) and olistostromes devel­ European Platform rifting. However it can not be excluded oped (Kruglov, 1989, 2001; Sandulescu, 1984, 1988). that magmatic eruptions could have started earlier (Smu­ likowski, 1980), as in the case of the Eastern Carpathians. The Ouachita J'oldbelt (Cambrian-Devonian) ± 130 Ma Lack of changes in foraminifers assemblages through the There are two models explaining the formation of the Early Cretaceous time suggest lack of pronounced changes Ouachita basin. In one model (e.g., Keller and Cebull, 1973) of depth of basins that corresponded generally to Recurvoi- an ocean with oceanic crust was opened during early Paleo- 156 J. GOLONKA ETAL.

M NORTH EARLY CAMBRIAN AMERICA IAPETUS * * *************;■ j i i i i i i i i i • + + + + + + + + + + + + + + v +++++++++++++ V V V V V V V V V V V \ v V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V VV VV VV VV VV VV \







Oceanic crust (including deposits) Upper mantle

Continental crust (including obducted allochthonous rocks and sedimentary cover)

F ig . 9. Highly schematic (not to scale) plate tectonic profiles (modified from Golonka and Sl^czka, 2000). North America-Ouachitas- Yucatan-South America zoic time. According to Thomas & Astini (1999) the Argen­ the upper (southern plate). The fragments of these southern tine Precordillera was rifted from the Ouachita embayment terranes are perhaps included into the Inner Ouachita Fold- of during Cambrian time. This model is preferred belt in Texas. by the authors (Figs. 9, 10A, B; note that North American According to Thomas & Astini (1999) the distribution continent is rotated, see Walker et al., 1995, and for exam­ of synrift rocks and structures indicate diachronous rifting ple Austin, Texas is north of Little Rock, Arkansas). It events along the margin of Laurentia during Cambrian time. agrees well with the global Phanerozoic plate tectonic maps The Ouachita rocks are younger than rocks known from the (Golonka, 2000, 2002). Also the lithostratigraphic se­ Blue Ridge area in Appalachians. The time of rifting and quences (Tables 1, 2) support the geodynamic evolution of formation of the Alabama-Oklahoma transform fault (Tho­ the origin from rift through oceanic passive margin, accre- mas, 1991) could be connected with an emplacement of the tionary prism related to basin closure to thrusting and inver­ igneous rocks in the Southern Oklahoma. These rocks, as sion. In the other model (e.g., Arbenz, 1989) the Ouachita young as 525±25 Ma, are overlain by Upper Cambrian basin was separated from the main (Iapetus-Rheic) ocean by sandstones. For the Late Cambrian beginning of sedimenta­ poorly defined terranes. Present day Sabine uplift may con­ tion in the Ouachita basin (Table 1) we have somewhat arbi­ stitute the remnant of these terranes. Viele & Thomas trarily assumed time around 500 Ma according to the Paleo­ (1989) stated that Carboniferous volcanics formed a part of zoic time scale by Golonka & Kiessling, (2002). WEST CARPATHIANS AND OUACHITAS 157

-North America

0 200km

Fig. 10. Paleogeography and lithofacies of die circum-Ouachita area, (modified from Golonka, 2000, Golonka & Ford, 2000. Note: North American (Laurentia) continent is rotated (see Walker et al., 1995). Spreading and transform faults from Thomas & Astini, 1999, Thomas et al., 2002). A - Late Cambrian, B — Early Ordovician, C - Late Devonian, D - Early Carboniferous, E - Late Carboniferous, F - Early Permian. Legend as on Fig. 7

Two different facies were developed in the Early Paleo­ cian age (Arbenz, 1989; Lowe, 1989). The bulk of the for­ zoic (Table 1): a deep off-shelf water passive margin facies mation is bluish-black, graptolitic shale with lenses and in the Ouachita orogenic belt and a predominantly shallow beds of limestones of a distal turbiditic character. The next water cratonic facies in the Ouachita foreland (Ham, 1950, unit is the Crystal Mountain sandstone, which overlies the 1959, 1969; Cline, 1960, 1970; Cline et al., 1959; Flawn et Collier shale. Light gray, well-sorted, fine to medium a l, 1961; Lowe, 1985, 1989; McBride, 1975; Viele & Tho­ grained, quartz cemented, thick-bedded quartz sandstones mas, 1989). with minor shales prevail here. The sandstones are proximal The oldest rock of the deep water or so-called Ouachita turbidites. According to Lowe (1989) they indicate deposi­ facies is the Collier shale of Late Cambrian-Early Ordovi­ tion from submarine sediment gravity flows including both 158 J. GOLONKA ET AL.

high- and low-density turbidity currents. The Mazarn shale sandstone that incorporated much weathered material from conformably overlies the Crystal Mountain sandstone. It is underlying igneous rocks during its deposition. The Honey chiefly dark-gray, laminated, graptolitic shale with numer­ Creek consist chiefly of coarsely to very coarsely crystal­ ous thin interbeded distal turbidites, both quartzose as well line, highly glauconitic fragmental limestone. Thin interca­ as carbonate types. According to Lowe (1989) they were ac­ lated mid-grained limestone and sandstone is frequent. cumulated under low energy deep-water conditions. The Arbuckle Group which overlies the Timbered Hills The Blakely sandstone (Middle Ordovician) which Group is composed of more than 2000 m (in southern Okla­ overlies the Mazarn shale consists of massive to thin bed­ homa) of carbonates primarily limestones with approxi­ ded, well-sorted, fine-grained quartz sandstones and vari­ mately 15 percent dolomites. All Arbuckle carbonates are colored silts and shales deposited by sandy high-density tur- typically similar in lithology, composed primarily of lime­ biditic currents with debris flows and submarine slides stones (fine-grained, stromatolitic, oolitic, or organodetritic (Lowe, 1989). The Womble shale conformably overlies the limestones). The differentiation of the units into formations Blakely sandstone. It consists principally of gray-black and their mapping is based largely on variations in the graptolitic slaty hemipelagic shale (Lowe, 1989; Gleason et amount of quartz sand present and also on color and fossil a/., 2002). Numerous thin-bedded calcareous distal turbid­ content. Locally a distinction of dolomite units is also possi­ ites occur within the lower part, whereas the upper part con­ ble. While several formation names are used in the Ozark tains some turbiditic siltstones, phosphatic breccias, and Uplift/Arkoma Basin area (Gasconade, Roubidoux, Jeffer­ gray-black, well-sorted, pelletal turbiditic limestones. son City, Cotter and Powell formations) the Arbuckle The Bigfork Chert of Middle Ordovician age conforma­ Group is undivided in the wells. Similar shallow-water car­ bly overlies the Womble shale. This resistant unit consists bonate facies of Ordovician age are known in the foreland of gray and black, thin-bedded, highly fractured chert with of Ouachita foldbelt in Texas as the Ellenburger Group and minor interbeded clay shales, siliceous shales and siliceous in Appalachians as the Knox Group. limestones. The limestones appear to be turbidites whereas The Simpson Group unconformable overlies the Ar­ the other rocks are pelagic in origin. buckle Group. The thickness of the Simpson ranges from Conformably overlying the Bigfork Chert is the Polk 1000 to 2000 feet. The basal formation of the Simpson is Creek shale of Late Ordovician age (Lowe, 1989). This thin limestone and dolomitic limestone. The lower part is cream shale unit is black, highly fissile, graptolitic, and carbona­ to brown dolomite, very finely sucrose in appearance, the ceous with a few thin beds of calcareous chert. The Blay­ upper is limestone and usually fossiliferous. The Oil Creek lock sandstone of Silurian and possible partly Late Ordovi­ Formation consists of gray-green and black shales, white to cian age (Lowe, 1989) overlies the Polk Creek shale con­ cream dense to fine crystalline limestone and about 100 feet formably or with a stratigraphic break. The formation con­ thickness sand (important hydrocarbon producing horizon). sists of subequal proportions of olive-gray, thin-bedded, The following McLish Formation contains more limestone. laminated, feldspathic, very fine-grained sandstones and These limestones are usually ostracodal, frequently contain siltstones as well as greenish-gray shales that together com­ coarse brown to gray oolites set in a white to creamy matrix, prise a shaly flysch facies. frequently they become sandy and dolomitic. Occasionally The Missouri Mountain shale (Silurian) is in places some maroon, brown or olive shale can be found. The up­ transitional into the underlying Blaylock sandstone. Vari­ permost Bromide Formation consists mostly of green shales colored shales (or slates) comprise the bulk of the unit. Near with relatively thin white to cream, frequently ostracodal the top are thin interbeded turbidites composed of white, limestones. fine to medium-grained well-rounded, silica-cemented The Viola limestone (Upper Ordovician) conformably quartz sandstones. overlies the Simpson Group. The lower part is dark brown The next stratigraphic unit is the Arkansas novaculite, to almost black and very cherty. There are some beds of al­ which includes rocks of both Devonian and lowermost Mis- most solid brown cherts. The upper part is white to pink, sissippian age (Fig. 10C). This distinctive unit consists coarsely crystalline and contains few fossils. The Sylvan chiefly of novaculite, a light-colored, extremely fine­ Shale represents the uppermost part of Ordovician; it is a grained, homogenous, highly fractured siliceous rock simi­ light green and gray, flaky, splintery, soft shale containing lar to cherts but characterized by a dominance of quartz graptolites. rather than chalcedony. The upper and lower members con­ The Hunton Formation, which overlies the Sylvan tain laminated beds of rounded and angular quartz grains as Shale, is of Ordovician-Silurian age. It consists of marls, well as intraformational breccias of black chert, phosphate dense marly thin-bedded limestones and shales. The Wood­ and coarse quartz grains. Thin, graded, laminated siliceous ford chert (or shale) of Late Devonian and may be Early beds and black shales characterize a middle member. Ac­ age unconformably overlies the Hunton For­ cording to Lowe (1989) breccias within the novaculite indi­ mation. It consists of alternating beds of black sapropelic cate erosion, while Viele & Thomas (1989) argue for deep- papery shale with phosphate nodules and black cherts. marine environment of deposition. Among the lower Paleozoic rocks of the Arbuckle fa­ The cratonic or “Arbuckle” (Table 1) facies overlies cies, the Arbuckle Group and Simpson Group merit special Precambrian and Cambrian igneous rocks. The older sedi­ consideration. Both of them are the potential petroleum pro­ mentary unit is the Timbered Hills Group of Late Cambrian ducing horizons, and additionally some shales within the age. It is composed of the Honey Creek Limestone and the Simpson Group are potential source rocks. Deposition of Reagan Sandstone. The Reagan is a basal transgressive graptolitic shales, pelagic, limestones, flysch deposits, WEST CARPATHIANS AND OUACHITAS 159

marls, cherts, and cherty limestones occurred during this pe­ riod.


This stage is characterized by formation of subduction zones along the active margin, partial closing of oceanic ba­ sin, development of main flysch basins on the platform (passive margin) with the attenuated crust and beginning of formation of accretionary prisms (Table 2).

The West Carpathians (Late Cretaceous—Paleocene) ±55 My In the beginning of the second stage, during the Ceno- manian and Turanian, compression embraced the Inner Car­ pathians (IC) and several nappes with northward polarity developed. Subduction consumed the major part of the Pi- eniny Klippen Belt Ocean (Fig. 6). Cherty limestones gave way to marls and flysch deposits. With the development of the Inner Carpathian nappes the fore-arc basin was formed between the uplifted part of the IC terrane (so-called Andru- sov Ridge) and the subduction zone. The flysch of the Klappe and Zlatna (Fig.8) succession was fonned in this area. Behind the ridge the Manin succession (Mn - Fig. 11 A) was deposited within the back-arc basin. As an effect of these movements the Inner Carpathians and Alps jointed with the Adria plate and the Alcapa terrane was created. In the Cenomanian period, subsidence was faster than the sedi­ mentation rate (Poprawa et a l, 2002a, b) and uniform, deep-water pelagic sedimentation of radiolarites, green and red shales embraced a greater part of the Outer Carpathians basins. In the Outer Carpathians during this stage several ridges have been uplifted as an effect of the orogenic process. These ridges distinctly separated several subbasins, namely Magura, Porkulec-Convolute, Dukla-Fore-Magura, Sile­ sian, Chamahora-Audia, Skole-Tarcau subbasins (Figs. 2, 11 A). More outer subbasins (Skole, Silesian, Dukla-Fore Magura) reached diagonally the northern margin of the Outer Carpathians and successively terminated towards the west (Fig. 11A). From uplifted areas, situated within the Outer Carpathian realm as well as along its northern margin, enormous amount of clastic material was transported by various turbdity currents. This material filled the Outer Car­ pathian basins. (Dzulyriski & Slq.czka, 1956; Ksi^zkiewicz, 1968). Each basin had the specific type of clastic deposits, F ig. 11. Paleogeography and lithofacies of the circum-Carpa- and sedimentation commenced in different time. It is inter­ thian area (Modified according to Golonka et al., 2000). A - Late esting to note that this sedimentation started earlier in the Cretaceous - earliest Paleogene, B - Oligocene, C - Miocene. outer subbasin (Skole-Tarcau subbasin) and migrated Legend as on Fig. 7. Abbreviations: B1 - Balkans, Du - Dukla, EA diachronously toward the inner subbasins (Bieda et a!., - Eastern Alps, CF - Carpathian Foredeep, Gs - Gosau, Hv - Hel­ vetic, IC - Inner Carpathians, In - Inacovce-Kricevo, MB - Mo- 1963; Sl^czka & Kaminski, 1998). In the Skole-Tarcau ba­ lasse Basin, Mg - Magura basin, Mn - Manin, Mr - Marmarosh, sin (Sk, T c-Fig. 11 A) sedimentation started during the Tu­ PB - Pannonian Basin, PKB - Pieniny Klippen Belt, Pm - Fore- ranian and ended in the Paleocene and deposits were repre­ Magura, Ps - Subsilesian, Ra - Rakhov, RD - Rheno-Danubian sented by calcareous turbidites (Siliceous Marls) and thin- basin, Rh - Rhodopes, SC - Silesian ridge (cordillera), SI - Sile­ to thick-bedded turbidites (Inoceramus-Ropianka Beds). In sian basin, Sk - Skole, Sn - Sinaia basin, SZ - Szolnok, TB - western part of the area these turbidites were terminated Transilvanian Basin, Tc - Tarcau, Ti - Tisa, T1 - Teleajen, Tr - during late /Coniacian by slump deposits. In the Transilvanian nappes Silesian basin sedimentation started during the Late Turo- nian-Early Coniacian and lasted up to the Early Eocene be­ ing mainly represented by thick bedded, coarse-grained tur- 160 J. GOLONKA ET AL.

bidites and fluxoturbidites (Godula Beds, Istebna Beds and shale consists of dark-colored shale, hard and siliceous in Ciężkowice Sandstone). In the Dukla (Du - Fig. 11 A) places but soft and flaky elsewhere. The hard, blue Syca­ (Ślączka, 1971) and Magura (Mg - Fig. 11A) subbasins more limestone can be present at the base of Caney. sedimentation commenced during the Campanian and lasted The Springer Formation consists in the main of barren till Paleocene (Oszczypko, 1992, 1998) and medium and black shales with hard ferruginous and calcareous concre­ thin-bedded, medium grained turbidites (Inoceramus-Rop- tions and contains several sandstone members important for ianka Beds s.I.) prevailed there. On the underwater ridge oil production. The Wapanucka limestone consists of lime­ that divided the Skole and Silesian subbasins (Subsilesian stone, shale and sandstone. The limestone beds are pre­ sedimentary area, Ps - Fig. 11 A) a sequence of red, green dominantly dark gray, commonly siliceous, cherty, locally marls (Węglówka Marls) of Senonian to Eocene and gray fossiliferous and oolitic. The shale is gray, clayey, calcare­ marls (Senonian Frydek Marls) were deposited. Small tur- ous and weatherstained. The sandstones and siltstones con­ biditic fans developed locally in the small basins (Table 1). tain abundant argillaceous material, calcite and glauconite.

Ouachita foldbelt (Early Carboniferous) ± 40-45 My STAGE III - LATE COLLISIONAL During Early Carboniferous (Figs 11, 10D) time the Ouachita basin became a narrowing trough with the flysch This stage is characterized by convergence of two large basins receiving vast amount of clastics (Cline et al., 1959; continents, terrane-continent collision, with the continuing Briggs & Roeder, 1975; Arbenz, 1989). The subduction formation of accretionary prisms (Table 2). probably took place along the southern margin of this nar­ rowing basin north of the approaching Inner Ouachitas (or West Carpathians (Eocene-Early Miocene) 35 My of the enigmatic Sabine terrane) and began to consume the In the circum-Carpathian region the Adria-Alcapa (In­ Ouachita Ocean. According to Arbenz (1989), the earliest ner Carpathians) terranes continued their northward or NE evidence of the constriction of the Ouachita depositional ba­ movement during Eocene-Early Miocene time (Golonka et sin and of extension in the northern region is from the al., 2000) (Figs. 6, 11 B, C) Their oblique collision with the Lower Carboniferous (Meramecian). The northern margin North European plate led to the development of the accre­ supplied the clastic material for flysch deposits. tionary prism of Outer Carpathians. During the compres- The Mississippian and deposits of pre­ sional stage interbasinal ridges (bulges) were reactivated. dominately flysch character are very thick and most wide­ Flysch still continued to be deposited in the subbasins. Nu­ spread rocks in the Ouachita Mountains region (Table 1) as merous olistostromes were formed during this time (Sl^czka well as in the buried Ouachita foldbelt (Cline et al., 1959; & Oszczypko, 1987). Flawn et al., 1961; McBride, 1975; Morris, 1974, 1989; The process of migration of clastic facies from inner to Viele & Thomas, 1989). These deposits overly the wide­ the outer part began, connected with development and mi­ spread Woodford Chert (Shale) of the Devonian-Early Mis­ gration of accretionary prisms. In the inner part of the Outer sissippian age described in the previous chapter. They are Carpathians (Magura subbasin, Mg - Fig. 11A, B) the mi­ divided into the Stanley Shale, Jackfor Sandstone, Johns gration of clastic facies and development of accretionary Valley Shale and Atoka Formations. prisms started already in Early Eocene and lasted till Oligo- The Stanley is dominantly olive-gray to black shale cene (Oszczypko, 1998). In this subbasin, varied lithofacies with subordinate proximal and distal turbidites which are developed. The lateral differences in lithofacies across the very Fine-grained and generally feldspathic sandstones at basin allowed dividing the Magura subbasin into several the base and near the top. Along the southern Ouachitas, sedimentary domains. During the Early Eocene commenced sandstones become thicker, and more numerous; tuffs and the sedimentation of thick bedded, coarse grained turbidites tuffaceous sandstones are prominent at the base; and dis­ (Magura Fm.) in form of several submarine fans. In more turbed bedding, impure cherts, and siliceous shales are rare. distal parts medium- and thin-bedded sandstones and shales Along the Frontal Ouachitas, a thinner Stanley section has developed, passing farther towards the north into variegated less turbidites at the base and only a minor tuff interval, but shales. These lithofacies migrated in time across the Magura more intervals of impure chert and siliceous shale. subbasin towards the north. Sedimentation within the Ma­ The Jackfork consists of gray-black shale and rhythmi­ gura basin terminated generally by accretionary wedges cally interbeded whitish-gray, very fine-grained, quartz-rich represented by medium- and thin bedded sandstones (Mal- turbidite packets. Olistostrome type beds dominate in the cov Fm.) during the Oligocene (Table 1). Frontal Ouachitas of Arkansas, proximal turbidites in the Within the more outer parts of the Carpathians realm, Southern Ouachitas, and thinner bedded distal turbidites and from Dukla (Du) to Skole (Sk - Fig. 11 A, B) subbasins evi­ black siliceous shales in the Ouachitas of Oklahoma. The dence of migration of depocenter appeared at the Eo- proximal turbidites are massive, ridge-forming quartz-rich, cene/Oligocene boundary (Sl^czka, 1969) as an effect of scour-and-fill units with few or no shale interbeds. Distal compressional movements. As the consequence of these turbidites have partial to complete Bouma sequences, better movements, the bottom of the basins started to deform and developed sole markings, greater evidence of trace fossils as initial anticlines locally developed, slump, and coarse well as slope or shock-induced disruptive structures. grained sediments were locally deposited and volcanic ac­ The Mississippian and Pennsylvanian rocks of the cra- tivity increased. Deep-marine connection with Tethys Sea tonic or “Arbuckle” facies are divided into the Caney, was closed and euxinic conditions developed (Sl^czka, Springer, Wapanucka and Atoka units (Table 1). The Caney 1969). In more external basins (Dukla, Silesian, Subsile- WEST CARPATHIANS AND OUACHITAS 161

sian, and Skole; Du, Si, Ps, Sk - Fig. 11 A, B) green and gray 100 km. In response to overriding of the platform by the shales with thin- and medium- bedded sandstones with in­ Carpathians, a peripheral foreland basin formed along the tercalations of red shales prevailed during Early Eocene. moving orogenic front (Oszczypko & Slaczka, 1985, 1989; The sedimentation of thick- bedded turbidites continued Oszczypko, 1998); the basin extended along the Carpathian during the Early Eocene, in Silesian subbasin only. Small folded zone for at least tens of kilometers. Part of the turbiditic fans developed only locally. This type of sedimen­ autochtonous Miocene deposits was detached from base­ tation gave way during the Late Eocene to green shales and ment and included into the accretionary prism. This Carpa­ yellowish Globigerina marls marking a period of unifica­ thian foreland basin (CF - Fig. 11C) is an equivalent of the tion of sedimentation. Arkoma Basin in the Ouachita region. The Oligocene sequences commenced with dark brown In front of the advancing Carpathians nappes the inner bituminous shales and cherts (Menilite Shales) with locally part (in the eastern part also the marginal Subcarpa- developed sandstone submarine fans or a system of fans up thian-Borislav part) of the flysch basin, started to down- to several kilometers long. The main ones were Mszanka warp and tectonic depression formed during the Early Mio­ and Cergowa Sandstones in Dukla subbasin and Kliwa cene. Thick molasse deposits filled up this depression. Gen­ sandstones in Skole-Tarcau subbasin. The upper boundary erally they started with shallow water basal conglomerates of the bituminous shales is progressively younger towards passing upwards to brackish and marine sandstones, shales the north and shales pass gradually upwards into a sequence and marls, locally with olistostromes containing the mate­ of micaceous, calcareous sandstones and grey marls rial derived from the advancing Carpathians. In the eastern (Krosno beds), and they thin upward. The lower part of the Carpathians there were periodically conditions favorable for sequence is generally represented by a complex of thick- precipitation of salt. bedded sandstones that pass upwards into series of medium- to thin-bedded sandstones and grey marls, that terminated Ouachita foldbelt (Late Carboniferous) ± 35 My sedimentation of the whole flysch sequence in the Outer In the circum-Ouachita region the Inner Ouachitas and Carpathians and can be considered as post flysch deposits. Sabine terrane continued their northward movement during The boundaries between these lithofacies are diachronous Carboniferous time (Wickham et al., 1976; Thomas, 1976; across the basins, older in the south and younger in the Ross, 1979; Thomas & Viele, 1983; Viele & Thomas, north. Also cessation of deposition is diachronous across the 1989). According to Viele & Thomas (1989) the Sabine Carpathians due to migration of tectonic activity and forma­ composite terrane is a collage of tectonic elements including tion of trailling imbricate folds and/or accretionary prisms not only Sabine uplift, but also Yucatan and Coahuila plat­ generally from the south to the north. During the sedimenta­ forms. In this case the Yucatan platform would represent the tion of the Krosno beds (Table 1) several slump deposits stable crustal element of Pan-African origin. The Sabine up­ with blocks of shallow water, Paleogene limestones up to lift contains volcanics related perhaps to the south dipping tens of meters long and smaller blocks of metamorphic and subduction. The Sabine terrane collision with the North igneous rocks were deposited from intrabasinal Cordilleras American plate led to the development of the accretionary (Sl^czka, 1969). With the final phase of tectonic movement, wedge of Ouachita Mountains. During the compressional in front of advancing nappes and/or accretional wedges stage flysch still continued to be deposited. Olistostromes of (prisms), huge (up to kilometers in size) slumps (olis- the Maumelle Chaotic Zone formed during this time The tostromes) with material derived from approaching nappes, main collisional activity occurred during Late Carbonifer­ developed (Sl^czka & Oszczypko, 1987). ous-Early Permian in Ouachita Mountains (Figs. 9, 10E, F). During the third stage Africa converged with Eurasia The flysch deposits passed upwards into molasse. (Table 2). A direct collision of the supercontinents never The Late Carboniferous Johns Valley shale is character­ happened, but their convergence lead to the collision of in­ ized by a thin distinctive zone of olistostromes with enor­ tervening terranes leading to the formation of the Alpine- mous blocks of limestone, chert, and black shale in the Cen­ Carpathian orogenic system. The Miocene tectonic move­ tral Ouachitas at Oklahoma. Eastward into Arkansas, the de- ments caused final folding of the basins fill and created sev­ formational zones are replaced by gray-black shales and eral imbricate nappes which generally reflect the original rhythmically interbeded very fine-grained, matrix-rich, basin margin configurations (Figs. 6, 11C). During over­ thin-bedded sandstones that constitute a distal turbidite fa­ thrusting the outer, marginal part of the advanced nappes des. Some slump zones also occur in the southern Ouachi­ was uplifted whereas in the inner part sedimentation per­ tas. sisted in the remnant piggy-back basin. From that, uplifted The lower part of the Atoka formation is probably the part of the nappes big olistolites glided down into the adja­ most nearly classic flysch sequence in the Ouachitas. It con­ cent, more distal basins. That uplifted, marginal part of nap­ sists of a thick sequence of alternating interbeds of dark gray pes probably had a character of accretionary prisms. The shale and gray-brown very fine-grained, laminated, graded nappes became detached from the basement and were thrust subfeldspathic lithic wacke turbidites with common hiero­ northward in the west and eastward onto the North Euro­ glyphs. Upward, shallow-water sedimentary structures and pean platform with its Miocene cover. Overthrusting move­ coal seams indicate basinal filling from the north. ments migrated along the Carpathians from the west to­ The Atoka group of the foreland is more molasse in wards the east. The Outer Carpathian allochthonous rocks, character than flysch. The environment of deposition seems as a result of Miocene tectonic movements, have been over­ to have been a relatively shallow fluvial-deltaic to nearshore thrust onto the platform for a distance of 50 to more than (swamp, marsh with minor marine influence). Some lime­ 162 J. GOLONKA ETAL.

stone beds occur especially in the lower member, but the today. Further development of these processes could be pre­ bulk of formation consists of predominately poorly sorted dicted in the future. sandstones and dark gray shales. The facies boundary be­ tween Atokan rocks of the Ouachita Mountains and those of Ouachita foldbelt (Permian—Triassic) ± 65 My the foreland of the Arkoma Basin and Arbuckle Mountains During and after the main orogenic phase and the sutur­ is sometimes hard to define. Probably due to basinal filling ing of the continents an initial rifting system was initiated in from the north uniform facies formed during upper Atokan Permian?-Triassic time in Ouachitas (Woods & Addington, time. 1973). The basin (equivalent of the Pannonian Basin) devel­ This major tectonic activity was caused by the collision oped south the Ouachitas arc (Arbenz, 1989). Subsidence is of the Inner Ouachitas and Sabine terrane with North Amer­ revealed by Upper Carboniferous and Permian fluvial- ica with the accompanying convergence of Laurasia on the deltaic and continental strata beneath southern Arkansas north and Gondwana (composed of Africa and South Amer­ (Lillie et al., 1983). The rift system was strongly developed ica, including the Yucatan promontory) on the south. To the during the Triassic and the contain Triassic clastic red north of the Ouachitas and partly beneath them was the beds of Eagle Mills Formation. According to Vile & Tho­ Northern America platform with its autochthonous cover. mas (1989) the rifting within the Sabine plate marked the As a result of Carboniferous-Permian tectonic movements, onset of the next Wilson cycle, the Mesozoic opening of the Ouachita allochthonous rocks have been overthrust onto the Gulf of Mexico. Transgressive Jurassic, Cretaceous and Ce- platform for a distance of 50 to more than 100 km. As a re­ nozoic deposits of the Gulf Coast Basin partly covered the sult of Ouachitas overriding the platform, the peripheral Ouachita region. The Sabine terrane as well as possible lat­ foreland Arkoma Basin formed along the moving orogenic est Paleozoic-Triassic basinal deposits could be hidden be­ front. The Ouachita foldbelt was a part of the central Pan- low the thick (locally over 10 km) Jurassic evaporites and gean mountain range, which extended from West Texas to Upper Jurassic, Cretaceous and Cenozoic marine deposits Poland (Keller & Hatcher, 1999; Golonka, 2000, 2002). (Woods & Addington, 1973; Lillie et a l, 1983).


West Carpathians (Middle-Late Miocene) ± 20 My The synrift stage of both orogens lasted approximately During and after the main orogenic phase and the suture 130 to 135 million years. During this stage basin of partially of the continents, an initial rifting or back-arc extention sys­ or fully oceanic character developed. The passive margin tem was initiated in Early Miocene time behind the Carpa­ type of sediments (table 1) were deposited within these ba­ thian arc in the Pannonian Basin. Extension in the Alpine- sins. They were characterized by deep-water turbidites, pe­ Carpathian system continued during the Miocene to Plio­ lagic shales and carbonates with biogenic siliceous deposits cene, forming horst and grabens within the orogen as well as and volcanics. Carbonate sedimentation prevailed on sur­ in its foreland. rounding platforms. The biogenic siliceous deposits are rep­ At the end of the Early Miocene the initial foreland ba­ resented by radiolarites and Maiolica in the Pieniny Klippen sin became overthrust by the Carpathians and a new, more Belt and by cherts and in the Ouachitas. These external foreland basin, developed. This basin and its depo- sediments are very similar in both realms, especially the re­ center migrated outwardly and eastward, contemporary semblance between Maiolica and Novaculite is striking. In with the advancing Carpathians nappes. As a result, the the the synrift deposits are often Neogene deposits show clear diachrony in the foreland area. strongly deformed and located in the suture zone (Pieniny In the west sedimentation terminated already during the Klippen Belt) between two colliding plates. In the Ouachita Middle Miocene and lasted till in the east. Marine, Mts this suture zone is hidden below the Mesozoic sedi­ fine grained and clastic sedimentation of the Carpathian and ments. It is possible that the similar melange-type structure foreland provenance prevailed, with a break during the Mid­ like Pieniny Belt exists also somewhere between the dle Miocene, when younger salinity crisis appeared. Lo­ metamorphosed zone/Sabine Uplift are and the basement of cally, olistostromes were deposited (Slqczka & Oszczypko, the North American craton. 1987) with material derived from the Carpathians as well as The Carpathians and Ouachitas are generally character­ from the inner margin of the molasse deposits. During the ized by the stacks of nappes and thrustsheets built mainly of Middle Miocene part of the northern Carpathians collapsed continual flysch sequences. These stacks are of alloch- also and sea invaded the already eroded Carpathians. tonous character and thrust over the cratonic foreland. The The thrusting of the Carpathian orogene on the platform foreland is dipping gradually we have however the uplift of was diachronous and migrated from the west towards east; the basement in the inner part of the Ouachita allochton. where it terminated during the Pliocene. Part of the This uplift is visible on the fig 5 and well documented by autochtonous Miocene deposits was detached from base­ wells and seismic profiles (Golonka, 1988). An enigmatic ment and formed narrow folded zone in front of the Carpa­ basement uplift exists despite the general south dip of the thians. Finally the Outer Carpathian allochthonous rocks European platform under NW Carpathians that may be overthrust the southern margin of the Eurasian plate, for a caused by the geothermal uplift of the astenosphere, replac­ distance of 50 to more than 100 km. At the end of the Mio­ ing delaminated lithosphere or by mantle plumes, or by the cene begun the vertical, neotectonic movements that last up basement-involved thrust faults (Golonka et al., 2003b). WEST CARPATHIANS AND OUACHITAS 163

The existence and character of this uplift is a subject of the sic) through formation of the oceanic type of basin with con­ planned deep drilling under the International Continental tinental passive margin (Jurassic), formation of an active Scientific Drilling Program ICDP). margin with subduction zone (Cretaceous), and the collision The postrift-early collisional stage lasted around 55 my of terranes with a continent (Cenozoic). The full continent- in the West Carpathians and 40-45 my in the Ouachita fold- continent collision (Eurasia-Africa) remains to be com­ belt. The main bulk of the flysch sediments containing also pleted in the future. While the Pieniny Klippen Belt Basin olistostromes, pelagic shales, carbonates, biogenic siliceous and Magura Basin were closing, the Silesian and subsequent deposits and volcanics was deposited in the deep water ba­ subbasins were opening. These two processes were closely sins during the beginning of formation of accretionary related. This kind of development is still unknown from the prisms. Distal and proximal turbidites, which form the thou­ Ouachitas. There is a possibility, however, of some other sands of meters of flysch were formed in the similar condi­ similarities as well. tions, between converging plates with the significant role of Both orogens are characterized by thin-skinned tecton­ the subduction process. The clastic material was supplied ics. Sedimentation is similar with characteristic deposits from these converging plates as well as from the ridges like cherty limestones-novaculites, flysch, olistostromes, within the flysch basin. Several of these ridges have been and molasse in the later stages. Internides-extemides rela­ recognized within the Carpathian realm (Golonka et al., tion exists in both orogens: in the Ouachita foldbelt the ex- 2000), the role of the hypotethical ridges within the Ouach­ temides are covered with Mesozoic sediments and are ita domain is still speculative. known only from wells. The both orogens have similar fore­ The formation of the accretionary prisms continued land features - Carpathian foredeep and Arkoma basin in during the third - late collisional stage of the development front of Ouachitas. The Ouachita basement configuration of two orogens. This stage lasted 35 million years. The warrants further investigation of the subject. plates collision caused the final folding of the basins fills and created imbricated nappes. From the uplifted parts of Acknowledgements the nappes large olistolites glided down into the adjacent, more distal basins. The olistostromes are known from the This research has been partially supported financially by the many parts of the Carpathian realm, within the Ouachitas Polish Committee for Scientific Research (KBN) - grants 3 P04D they are mainly known from the Maumelle Chaotic zone. 020 22 and 6 P04D 032 21. We are indebted to Lucyna Duńczyk, MSc. and to Dr. Elżbieta Machaniec for their help in preparing the The flysch deposits were formed in the piggy-back type figures. Critical comments by ASGP reviewers Prof. Dr. hab. Jan remnant basins as well as in the incipient foreland basins in Kutek and Dr. Piotr Krzywiec and by editor Dr. Michał Krobicki both realms. The flysch turned gradually into molasse. The greatly improved the early version of this paper. allochtonous rocks have been overthrust onto the platforms for a distance of 50 to more than 100 kilometers. The postcollisional stage lasted 65 my in the Ouachitas REFERENCES and only 20 My in the Carpathians. 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W obu orogenach można wyróżnić cztery główne etapy roz­ Woods, R. D. & Addington, S. W., 1973. Pre-Jurassic geologic woju odzwierciedlające cykle Wilsona. Etap pierwszy charaktery­ framework, northern Gulf basin. Gulf Coast Association Geo­ zuje się tworzeniem się ryftów, oderwaniem się teranów od głó­ logical Societies Transactions, 23, 92—108. wnych kontynentów i tworzeniem basenów typu oceanicznego. Ziegler, P. A., 1988. Evolution of the Arctic-North Atlantic and W Karpatach Zachodnich etap ten trwał od przełomu triasu-jury the Western Tethys. American Association o f Petroleum Ge­ po wczesną kredę (Fig. 6, 7). W basenie Ouachita trwał on od ologists Memoir, 43: 1-198. kambr po dewon (Fig. 9, 10). Ziegler, P. A., 1989. Evolution o f Laurussia. Dordrecht, Nether­ Etap drugi charakteryzuje się formowaniem stref subdukcji lands, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 102 pp. wzdłuż krawędzi aktywnych basenów, częściowym zamykaniem się basenów oceanicznych, rozwojem basenów fliszowych ze sko­ rupą typu przejściowego, związanych z ryftingiem na platformie (krawędź pasywna). Etap ten trwał od późnej kredy po paleocen w regionie karpackim (Fig. 6, 11 A), we wczesnym karbonie w re­ Streszczenie gionie Ouachita (Fig. 9, 10A). ZACHODNIE KARPATY I GÓRY OUACHITA: Etap trzeci jest etapem kolizyjnym. Prawdopodobnie miała tu STUDIA PORÓWNAWCZE NAD EWOLUCJĄ miejsce kolizja teranów z kontynentem z towarzyszącą konwer­ GEODYNAMICZNĄ gencją dwóch wielkich płyt kontynentalnych (Afryka i Eurazja w przypadku Karpat, Południowa Ameryka i Północna Ameryka Jan Golonka, Andrzej Slączka & Frank Picha w przypadku Ouachity). Etap ten charakteryzuje się rozwojem Praca przedstawia porównanie ewolucji Karpat i Gór Oua- pryzmy akrecyjnej. Trwał on od eocenu po wczesny miocen chita w Ameryce Północnej z punktu widzenia tektoniki płyt i po­ w Karpatach (Fig. 6, 11), w ciągu późnego karbonu w rejonie zycji głównych elementów skorupy Ziemi w obu regionach na tle Ouachita (Fig. 9, 10E). paleogeografii globalnej. Pokazuje ona związki pomiędzy proce­ Etap czwarty jest etapem postkolizyjnym. Trwa on od mio- sami tektonicznymi a sedymentacją w basenach w różnych eta­ cenu po dzień dzisiejszy (i prawdopodobnie będzie się kontynuo­ pach cyklu orogenicznego. wał w przyszłości) w Karpatach (Fig. 6, 11C), zaś od permu po Karpaty i Góry Ouachita są odległe geograficznie, jak rów­ trias w rejonie Ouachita (Fig. 9, 11F) W etapie tym formują się nież różnią się wiekiem uformowania orogenu, Karpaty utworzyły ostatecznie orogeny, tworzą baseny przedgórskie i zagórskie. się w mezozoiku i kenozoiku podczas gdy Ouachita powstały W przypadku Gór Ouachita według Viele i Thomasa (1989) w paleozoiku, jednak ich tektonostratygraficzna historia wykazuje ryfting triasowy oznacza rozpoczęcie się nowego cyklu Wilsona uderzające podobieństwa. związanego z otwarciem się zatoki meksykańskiej. Tego rodzaju Skonstruowano dwanaście map pokazujących konfigurację proces w Karpatach może nastąpić w przyszłości. tektoniki płyt, paleogeografię i litofacje od późnego karbonu po Oba orogeny charakteryzują się tektoniką płaszczowinową neogen dla regionu wokółkarpackiego i od kambru po wczesny typy thin-skin (naskórkowa). Sedymentacja w obu przypadkach perm dla regionu Ouachita. To paleogeograficzne ujęcie pozwala jest podobna z charakterystycznymi osadami jak wapienie rogow­ pokazać jak pas górski został utworzony podczas cyklu orogenicz­ cowe - nowakulity, flisz, olistostromy, czy molasy w późniejszym nego który odzwierciedla skomplikowany proces geotektoniczny. etapie. Sytuacja - eksternidy-internidy istnieje w obu orogenach, Niektóre dotychczas niewyjaśnione pytania i problemy mogą być w przypadku Ouachity intemidy są pokryte osadami mezozoicz- rozwiązane poprzez porównanie obu orogenów. nymi i znane tylko z wierceń. Oba orogeny maję podobne przed­ Karpaty tworzą łuk górski ciągnący się od Lasku Wiedeń­ górza - zapadlisko przedkarpackie i basen Arkoma u przedpola skiego po Żelazne Wrota na Dunaju (Fig. 1). Karpaty Zachodnie Gór Ouachita.