Minutes subject to approval at the next meeting


Open Forum: The Chairman of the Neighbourhood Watch Group attended the meeting to update the Parish Council of the group’s progress; The group now has a bank account, they have registered as a group with the Neighbourhood Watch Official Team, they are now wanting to generate new members and are looking into a Facebook or Whats app group, soon they’ll be holding a public meeting – Watch this space!

17144) Attendances and apologies: Present: Parish Councillors: S Jones, R Morris, D Camp, J Morrison and D Keith. Clerk: Miss S Lockwood. Two members of the public. Apologies: Cllr J Melen, PSPO Kevin Bradley, County Councillor N Rushton and District Councillor D Stevenson.

17145) Code of Conduct - Councillors’ Declarations of Interest RESOLVED: None.

17146) To approve the minutes of the previous meeting of the Council RESOLVED: The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 2nd October 2017, having been previously circulated, were signed by the Chairman as a true and correct record of that meeting.

17147) Any matters to be raised with the County Councillor. RESOLVED: Thanks to LCC regarding the new traffic controls at . Clerk to report the following: Missing signs at Wilson and Moor Lane, Tonge. Report the temporary sign ‘logs for sale’ near Donington Park as it’s a distraction to motorists.

17148) Any matters to be raised with the District Councillor. RESOLVED: None.

17149) Police Matters (a) Police Report RESOLVED: Email full details to members. Crimes read out.

Crime Prevention advice: - “Lock up and light up”. The daylight hours are now reducing as we near the winter months and we would like to remind residents to take steps to reduce the attraction of their properties being in darkness and appearing to be easy targets for burglary. If your property appears occupied then it is less likely to be targeted. There are a number of devices you can obtain to assist you in keeping your property lit during the hours of darkness such as appliance timers and “fake TV” type devices. Please make use of your home alarm systems and look out for your neighbours. Remember to enter / update your property on www.immobilise.com

GOOD NEWS: - Inspector Bhakta’s autumn 2017 update Welcome to my autumn update with a round-up of what has been happening in and around North West since my last blog and what exciting things we have coming up. Tackling vehicle crime travelling criminals have been targeting vans to steal tools. North West Leicestershire Community Safety Partnership has supported the purchase of PIR’s (mini alarms). Our PCSO’s have been handing these out as part of vehicle crime prevention packs to our Trades people. We have also offered a tool marking service. We are grateful to Harlow’s, Taylors & Wickes Builder Merchants that have hosted us.

1 Monday 6th November 2017 We are promoting were possible take tools into the house, if not park doors tightly against a wall or another vehicle, to make it harder for thieves.

We understand how distressing and inconvenient vehicle crime can be. The more security you put in to your vehicle the less attractive it will be. Protect your vehicle with recommended products. For more help and advice visit our website at https://leics.police.uk/advice-and-information/crime- prevention/vehicle-crime You can report suspicious incidents on 101, if you know who is stealing or selling stolen property call us. Or you can report anonymously to Crime Stoppers at: https://crimestoppers-uk.org/?gclid=CNaVsKCL8tUCFYO77QodjCQLnw

Denying criminals use of our roads On Monday 2/10/17 & Tues 3/10/17 we ran Operation Humous to deny criminals the use our roads. Our Neighbourhood officers worked with other agencies at several locations across Leicestershire, including North West Leicestershire. We arrested 7 people, for burglary offences, theft of motorbike, thefts and damage. We also seized a further 7 vehicles with either no insurance or tax.

Tackling Anti-Social Behaviour On the Evening of Sunday 8/10/17 and overnight Our Special Constables ran Operation Urge. This paid attention to reported anti-social behaviour due to ‘car cruisers’ around the area and also young people gathering in cars at Ashby. A few young people were advised about the community concerns, requested to be considerate, albeit on this occasion those we spoke to did not appear to be involved in ASB. This summer we have issued 48 ASB advice and/or warning letters to young person’s causing a disturbance near to the Bath Grounds in Ashby. We continue to discourage the purchase and use of off road bikes. Often it is young people ‘trespassing’ on land and committing traffic violations by riding on paths and roads. NWLDC kindly included an article in their tenancy magazine and with the help of our volunteer we have been delivering leaflets in areas affected, where we believe some riders are locals. We have given Section 59 notices (seizure of vehicles used in manner causing alarm, distress or annoyance) to 4 offenders.

Traffic matters The Traffic Management Department lead on Community speeding concerns. On occasions they ask for support at some locations where it is assessed not requiring enforcement vans. Our Specials have been providing further support to address community concern over speeding. They have completed checks in High Street/ Hill Top Castle Donington (B6540), Rawdon Road Moira, Ryecroft Road, Hemington, B5324 Belton, Bosworth Road , Atherstone Road/ Burton Road Measham, Road , Spring Lane Swannington, B586 Measham Road Moira, Pisca Lane Heather, Mill Lane Heather and Leicester Road Ashby. Speeding concerns can be report at [email protected]

Public Safety: On 7/9/17 the Police, NWLDC licensing department and the Driver Vehicle Standard Agency (DVSA) ran checks on taxi and public service drivers near to Airport. A total of 138 licensed vehicles were inspected. One vehicle was seized as the driver was uninsured. Four vehicles received prohibition notices. Two drivers were reported for no road tax and another was issues with a fixed penalty notice for a tyre significantly below the legal limit. Notifications were also issued regarding minor defects.

2 Monday 6th November 2017 Domestic Abuse Tackling Domestic Abuse is a national priority for the Home Office, Police, Neighbourhood Watch and Crimestoppers. Neighbourhood Watch is working with Crimestoppers to raise awareness about domestic abuse and what our supporters and volunteers can do to help prevent and report it. We would be grateful if you could spend just 3 minutes completing this survey, the results of which will help us to signpost people to the right place to report their concerns. Your responses are completely anonymous. You can complete the survey by clicking on the link below. https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/NWN-DV-Survey

Halloween, Trick or treat Halloween can be a lot of fun. We do ask our young people and parents to respect that not everyone wants to take part. Some people can also find it frightening, particularly the elderly. We know we can count on the support of our shops not to sell eggs and flour to young people planning to use it for the wrong purpose. Many will be display posters to this effect. If you don’t want trick or treaters at your house you can collect a sign for your window from NWLDC police desk or down load & print one off from our website. https://leics.police.uk/information-and-advice/library/posters

Educating North West Leicestershire Stephenson College, Youth Service Impact Team, the police and North West Leicestershire Community funded and provided workers to run a 10 week Girls Project. It introduced attendees to work related education whilst offering education on risky behaviours. Those that successfully completed the course culminated in an awards ceremony and a parade of their artistry in the use the ‘make-up’ techniques they had learnt. I had the honour of presenting certificates to ‘Stars’ that could have been cast from West end show. Their commitment was rewarded with some professional beauty products. Importantly all of the girls that attended and applied for a course successfully secured a place that includes work placements. Research shows that those involved in apprenticeships are less likely to become involved in crime.

The staff that arranged and ran this course were nominated for the Police & Crime Commissioners Neighbourhood team of the year award and were highly commended runners up. Well done Janet Pallett (King Edward), Helen McNulty (Impact), Matt Suffolk, Elena Chambers & Luke Broughton (Police) and Jane Harwood Stephenson College.

Thank you to Storey Arms public house, Who hosted a beat consultation and engagement event. PC Jason Underwood was very pleased with the support from local councillors and residents. He provided crime prevention information to 25 people and gave information on how to join Neighbourhood Watch https://leics.police.uk/advice-and-information/information-zone/neighbourhood-watch

Coalville Police Station The new extension being added to LFRS building to accommodate Police Officers is progressing well.

3 Monday 6th November 2017 New officers: I am pleased to welcome some new police community support officers to the team: PCSO Tiffany Lloyd, PCSO Samuel Carter, PCSO Lynette Rose, PCSO Dale Collington, PCSO Robin Benson.

They are undergoing their training and you will see them about in company with our experienced staff. Why not visit our local Policing page and find out who your dedicated Neighbourhood officer is and how to contact them. https://leics.police.uk/local-policing That’s all for now, whatever your plans have fun but don’t to forget ‘Celebrate Safely’ Helena Bhakta Commander – North West Leicestershire Neighbourhood Policing Area You can follow me on twitter: www.twitter.com/nwleicsnpa or visit our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/NorthWestLeicsPolice/

PREVENT “PREVENT is safeguarding against terrorism, SAFEGUARDING is everyone’s responsibility.”

Working with partner agencies and neighbouring Parish Councils local key members of the community have been invited to attend a PREVENT initiative event which will discuss and explain Cyber/Internet Safety/Child Exploitation and the Prevent Duty in more detail.

Prevent is aimed at stopping people becoming radicalised and to support those at risk and most importantly to provide safeguarding interventions to those in need! In doing this many Prevent qualified individuals provide training to schools in order for teachers to recognise signs of radicalisation and what factors may make certain people more vulnerable. All schools are taught the Fundamental British Values (age appropriate depending on year group) in order to educate and protect ALL generations and encourage them to respect others.

It is important to raise awareness in the local communities, in the exercise of their functions and their need to have due regard to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism. This sounds very high level and convoluted, but there is a proven need locally to raise awareness of Cyber and Internet Safety, Child Exploitation and Radicalisation.

Everyone should have a willingness to understand/learn about these dangers in order to safeguard those most vulnerable. Members of our local Police Force and NWLDC will provide sessions on Cyber/Internet Safety/Child Exploitation and the Prevent Duty with a chance for local groups and people to network and promote their own groups during the break.

The idea is to raise awareness of the need and then to help facilitate and promote the work within the schools through the plays put on by AlterEgo – “Going to Extremes and Chelsea’s Choice” and ensure that as many parents, carers and residents get the chance to access and view this information.

We’d like to meet you We hold regular beat surgeries and engagement events. You can meet us at: Monday 6th November 5pm – St Hardolph’s School (Parents evening) Saturday 9th December 1pm – Belton Beat Surgery at Convenience Store

Crime figures 02/10 Harassment Filed - No further action (NFA)

4 Monday 6th November 2017 17150) Chairman’s Report. RESOLVED: I would like to start by thanking Debbie for her work on reprinting Hand Me Down Hearsays. I am encouraged by the fact that the current book can be scanned and reproduced at a much better price than previously. I still get asked fairly regularly where copies can be bought so perhaps this is something the PC can do.

I would also like to record my thanks to Jim for his efforts to secure a new bridge on the Bull Field footpath, last weekend his determination came to fruition as we now have a splendid new crossing.

I was visited recently by the arboriculturist from LCC concerning the Chestnut tree on Main St. He will be submitting a report which we may have for next month, suffice to say that the tree is definitely not dying, it is suffering from a pest called a leaf miner. This insect makes the leaves fall early but is not a threat to the tree. We may not see as many conkers as usual but it is a dangerous place to retrieve them anyway.

The weekend before last I had several complaints about loud explosions, several parishioners reported the disturbance to the police. The only thing that we could put it down to was fireworks up on the church site. I believe a vehicle was seen and its details have been passed to the authorities. Sam has been working on a planning application for our Heritage Project but getting nowhere fast. I wondered whether Nick could help us with this. We now have all the money necessary and a lot of the design work has been done by Debbie, we are ready to go but discretion dictates that we get planning sorted first.

I had a visit from Adele last week and took the opportunity to ask her if she could once again bring up the subject of grazing sheep on the graveyard. She promised to speak to Rev Mary Gregory but suggested that we might like to attend a PCC meeting to put our case. This seems like a good idea.

Finally I noticed yesterday that the Tesco collection has finished so I am expecting some news on what assistance we have been granted.

17151) Administration & Finance

(a) Clerk's Report. RESOLVED: CLERK’S ADMINISTRATION REPORT - 2nd November 2017.

Project Griffin/Cyber Crime I attended the Project Griffin meeting this morning at Donington Park, Project Griffin is a counter terrorism and crime awareness programme, set up in 2009. There was a lot of information to take in... The first part of the morning was information on Cybercrime - Must haves: Cyber security programme. Standard Operational Procedure's Mandatory access control systems Must be enforced from the top down. EVERYONE has a part to play. Vista or XP computers – massive risk – need to upgrade immediately as they no longer receive security. Anti-virus – you need protection even if it's Apple! Anti-spyware and malware software.

5 Monday 6th November 2017 Problems: • Cloud storage – US owned and have very different security rules. i.e. drop box and I cloud. • Do NOT re-use passwords – always try and use three random words.

Staff/colleagues need to understand their responsibilities too. Ransomware – encrypts your computer and locks all files/screen – Advice – Ensure regular back up (non-cloud) NO MORE RANSOME.ORG Facebook – Always set to 'Friends Only' always be careful who you accept as 'a friend' and be a good friend – hide your 'friends list'. (a) Always turn off location settings when posting online – if people can see where you are, they know where you are NOT. (b) Timeline – visible only to you.

Useful links and information:  www.haveibeenowned.com – FREE (return search with your details and always click notify me.)  Search www.pipl.com  Be mindful when logging onto free wi-fi.  GDPR – May 2018 – more information on ICO website.  Samantha Hancock – 07814226278 – .

Project Griffin – To raise awareness of terrorism – reduce threat and vulnerability in the UK. (a) PREVENT (b) PURSUE (c) PROTECT – Strengthen UK defences. (d) PREPARE – To respond to an attack and lesson its impact!

National Priorities  Hazardous materials  Crowded Places  Personal Security  Critical National Infrastructure

Report ALL suspicious behaviour and have trust and confidence in the Police. Threat level in the UK at present is Severe (since August 2014) – an attack is highly likely. Two major concerns:  'Lone Actors' – Have a plan!  Spontaneous Volatile Extremists – No Plan.

As working in isolation, you get no intelligence they are self-radicalised/inspired. Be vigilant – ALWAYS act on your concerns!!!

Prevent Event We would like to invite you, as key members of the local community, to attend a PREVENT initiative event which will discuss and explain Cyber/Internet Safety/Child Exploitation and the Prevent Duty in more detail. Prevent is aimed at stopping people becoming radicalised and to support those at risk and most importantly to provide safeguarding interventions to those in need! In doing this many Prevent qualified individuals provide training to schools in order for teachers to recognise signs of radicalisation and what factors may make certain people more vulnerable. All schools are taught the Fundamental British Values (age appropriate depending on year group) in order to educate and protect ALL generations and encourage them to respect others.

6 Monday 6th November 2017 It is important to raise awareness in the local communities, in the exercise of their functions and their need to have due regard to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism. This sounds very high level and convoluted, but there is a proven need locally to raise awareness of Cyber and Internet Safety, Child Exploitation and Radicalisation. Everyone should have a willingness to understand/learn about these dangers in order to safeguard those most vulnerable. Members of our local Police Force and NWLDC will provide sessions on Cyber/Internet Safety/Child Exploitation and the Prevent Duty with a chance for local groups and people to network and promote their own groups during the break. (If you wish to have a display board please advise when confirming your attendance). The idea is to raise awareness of the need and then to help facilitate and promote the work within the schools through the plays put on by Alter Ego – “Going to Extremes and Chelsea’s Choice” and ensure that as many parents, carers and residents get the chance to access and view this information. The event will be held on Tuesday 14th November at 7pm-9pm at The Spital Pavilion, Castle Donington, DE74 2NQ. Arrival 6.30pm for tea, coffee and networking. As an important member of your local community we hope that you accept that safeguarding is EVERYONE’S responsibility and that you and your colleagues will be able to attend.

Internet banking I have been through the Financial Regulations that the PC adopted and I think it already covers us for using internet banking in the way we need to. HSBC have said I need a signed letter showing this has been discussed in a Chaired meeting. That it has been voted that I have access to the account and the ability to make payments up to £5,000 with only 1 signature (me). This should be signed in accordance with the mandate. This is because when you have on-line banking I would be the one that authorises and makes payments in the name of the Council and I will have to send the letter as it goes against the mandate requiring 2 people to sign to release funds from the account. (This covers both HSBC and the Council) I will to add the procedure that’s agreed to the Parish Council Financial Regulations and I will create a payment sheet for authorisation at a Parish Council meeting to state which payments and the amounts I will be paying by internet banking/cheque and two Councillors can sign this. Following this I will get the Chairman to go onto the online account and check the payments that have been made are the correct amount and to the correct payee. I will also bring along the bank statements showing the payments that went out to the next Full Council meeting.

Defibrillator Information received - £999 offer price.

Heritage Project Tesco project – will find out what fund we’ve been award at the end of November. Planning – now been passed to officers at NWLDC and I will have further information at the end of the week.

(b) The Parish Council to confirm the notes taken at the Breedon Summer Sunday de-brief meeting. RESOLVED: Notes confirmed and taken as a true record. (c) To approve Parish Council meeting dates for 2018. (d) RESOLVED: All 2018 meeting dates confirmed. All Councillors have a copy of the list. The Clerk to book all dates in with the school for room hire. (e) To confirm to renew the annual membership to Rural Community Council. (f) RESOLVED: The Parish Council agreed to renew the annual membership to Rural Community Council. (g) To agree the Parish Council arrangements when celebrating resident’s significant birthdays and anniversaries. 7 Monday 6th November 2017 (h) RESOLVED: The Parish Council agreed that if a notification of a resident celebrating a significant birthday and anniversary would be awarded on its own merit, on an ad-hoc basis. (i) Cheques approved: Payee Reason Cheque No Amount S Lockwood October salary and expenses 101091 £415.58 NWLDC Green Shoots Scheme Bulbs 101092 £73.14 Grant Thornton UK LLP External Audit 101093 £120.00 RBL Poppy Appeal Wreath 101094 £25.00

17152) Local Council and Community Affairs. (a) Flooding - Cllr D Camp to provide a brief update of actions undertaken by The Flood Working Group since the last Parish Council meeting. RESOLVED: Last Month: • The resilience officer at NWLDC accepted and authorized Breedon’s Flood Plan. • Riparian Ownership letters sent. • Meeting date, provisionally Tuesday 5th December. • Stream Clearance – end Nov/early Dec. – PC agreed to hire 1xskip. • Since storms late October much debris in brook. • Cawrey Homes: Cllr Keith visited and has been advised PC should expected planning application for landscaping soon – replanting trees to restore privacy. • Attenuation upstream and flow monitor has been discussed with LCC. (b) Cllr D Camp to provide an update on the plans proposed for Breedon play area. RESOLVED: So far two quotes received (three asked for), sending out for another. Companies have been given the school children’s wish list to quote from. This project is in it’s very early stages and will be on-going for a while. It is still in the consultation process. (c) Cllr D Camp to provide an update on the plans proposed for the War Memorial and what action needs to be taken in regards to applying for a grant from the War Memorials Trust. RESOLVED: The War Memorials Trust application form is not straight forward, if the Parish Council went down this route the application would have to be supported by a conservation architect advisor - which the PC would need to appoint. The application is in two parts; Renovation of existing building and extras. There are no guarantees that the project would be successful for the grant even if application form was submitted.

LCC also have a ‘pot of money’ for refurbishment works – max £2000, matched funded. The Parish Council proposed it would go down the route with the LCC offer and all agreed to spend £2000 to match fund the re-pointing works, which is the priority, to restore the building. (d) To discuss and confirm what action is required to complete the ‘Welcome Leaflet’. RESOLVED: The welcome letter needs to be on one page, simple for editing and re-printing (as things will change over the years). Cllr Keith and Melen to look into this. To be added onto a future agenda. (e) The Parish Council, in principle, to agree to support a ‘Community’ Facebook page (ran independently) and assist in creating an interest and a following within the community; engaging with community groups to ‘share’ their information on the page. RESOLVED: The Parish Council in principle supported the idea of a Community Facebook page, however, would like a formal proposal in place before it makes a decision.

17153) Planning Applications: (a) Planning Applications: consider and respond to the following: 17/01580/LBC - 17/01608/FUL: Conversion and extension of outbuilding and garage block into five residential units for holiday accommodation at Breedon Hall, Main Street, Breedon On The Hill, , DE73 8AN. – NO OBJECTIONS. 17/01342/FUL: New agricultural access at Land At Worthington Lane, Breedon On The Hill. – OBJECT. - At the Parish Council meeting held on 6th November 2017 it was resolved by

8 Monday 6th November 2017 unanimous vote of the members that the above noted application, including the amended access details as published by NWLDC on 16th October should be rejected.

All objections as detailed in the Parish Council letter to the planning department dated 05/10/17 remain and we raise the following additional objections at this time.

Here is a summary of the additional reasons for member’s objections; Setting back the entrance gate 11 m from the edge of the highway has a further negative impact on the proposal.

It provides a convenient parking place for fly tipping activities to take place, of which there have been a considerable number in the Parish recently.

Furthermore, the setback provides ready parking and by definition very easy access to the rear of all properties along Worthington Lane and indeed to those on the Pear Tree Close, and is therefore a security issue.

The provision of a 2.4 m setback for visibility purposes has little relevance when this is considered against typical agricultural tractors and vehicles. Even without any front-loading buckets or other equipment a tractor driver typically is seated between 3 and 4 m back from the front of the vehicle completely obviating any visibility for fast approaching vehicles on the de-restricted road without actually emerging onto the highway for the driver to gain visibility.

For the additional above noted reasons, the Parish Council strongly objects to the granting of this application and would ask that North West Leicestershire refuse the application before it. 16/01120/FULM: Removal of existing buildings and erection of 27 dwellings, a new Village Hall, new Commercial/Retail units, new agricultural building together with associated access at Breedon Priory Nurseries, Ashby Road, Breedon On The Hill, Derby. – NO OBJECTIONS. 17/01505/AIR: Temporary staff car park (Consultation by ) at Land Adjacent Royal Mail Building, Beverley Road, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington. – NO OBJECTIONS. 17/01386/VCIM: Variation of conditions 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8,13, 14, 15 and 18 along with removal of conditions 9 and 19 of of 15/00319/FULM at DHL Cargo Term, Beverley Road, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington. – NO OBJECTIONS. (b) Planning Decisions notified since the previous meeting: 17/01205/TPO: Works to 1 no. Cedar (Protected by TPO T10) at Bridge Cottage, Short Hill, Wilson, Melbourne, Derby, DE73 8AF. – CONSENT TO CARRY OUT WORKS TO PRESERVED TREES. 17/00967/FUL: Change of use of field for paintballing (D2) including erection of netting and ancillary buildings at Land Off Roundabout, Gelscoe Lane, . – PLANNING PERMISSION. 17/01214/FUL: Single storey front extension at 1 Stud Farm Close, Breedon On The Hill, Derby, DE73 8BP. – PLANNING PERMISSON. 17/01238/FUL: Dropped kerb at Paddock View, Main Street, Wilson, Melbourne, Derby, DE73 8AD. – PLANNING PERMISSION. 17/01344/FUL: Erection of a single storey rear extension at 59 Berry Avenue, Breedon On The Hill, Derby, DE73 8AL. – PLANNING PERMISSION.

17154) Representatives’ Reports (a) Cllr J Morrison to provide an update with the progress on the Berry Ave PROW Application and for the Parish Council to formally agree that the Chairman should officially sign the legal document; the deed of Dedication of Footpath M100 from Doctors Lane to Berry Avenue, Breedon on the Hill. RESOLVED: The Parish Council formally agreed that the Chairman should officially sign the legal document; the deed of Dedication of Footpath M100 from Doctors Lane to Berry Avenue, Breedon on the Hill, once received from LCC. 9 Monday 6th November 2017 17155) Correspondence (a) NWLDC Budget Consultation Process – (fwd Cllrs) (b) NWL – Inspectors final report on the Local Plan. - (fwd Cllrs) RESOLVED: To receive the information. All available from the Clerk.

17156) Next meeting will be held on 4th December 2017 at 7pm.

17157) Other matters/items for future Agendas at the Chairman's discretion RESOLVED: None.

Meeting closed 8.55pm

CHAIRPERSON …………...... DATE ………………......

10 Monday 6th November 2017