





Copyright 2014, Ellery D. Poole All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any information storage and retrieval system now known or to be invented, without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer who wishes to quote brief passages in connection with a review written for inclusion in a magazine, newspaper or broadcast.

Published in the United States by eBooks2go and Gantec Publishing Solutions 1111 Plaza Drive, Suite 300, Schaumburg, IL 60173 eISBN: 978-1-61813-142-3 Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Sample

Free This book is dedicated to my beloved Brother, Edward Stanley Poole, who is no longer with us in the flesh, but forever with us through spirit. Blessings, to my mother Juanella F. Poole, the matriarch of our family. Thank you for your enduring support throughout the years.


Free Contents

A Note from the Author Acknowledgements Prologue

Chapter 1 Death in the House of Windsor Chapter 2 Unwelcomed Visitors Chapter 3 A pact with the Devil Chapter 4 Knocking on Heaven’s Door Chapter 5 Buried Alive! Chapter 6 The Witch of Wall Street Chapter 7 The Sleeping Prophet Chapter 8 Dishonorably Disgraced Chapter 9 The Dog’s from Hell Chapter 10 To Kill a Holy Man Chapter 11 The Cannibalistic Pedophile Chapter 12 The Court Case of the Cannibalistic Pedophile Chapter 13 A Gateway to Heaven Sample Chapter 14 A Ghoulish Harvest Chapter 15 Project Frankenstein and its “Circle of Death” Chapter 16 The Curse of the Suicidal Song

Glossary About the AuthorFree Prologue

Mystery readers and readers interested in the occult are often fascinated with strange phenomena and the occurrence of unexplained happenings. The following pages are an anthology of mysterious events that are based on actual accounts, which have been thoroughly researched in order to avoid any inadvertent errors or discrepancies. Far too often the media and other supposedly reliable news sources have only covered the surface of many breaking news events, which have often left the reader and viewer questioning the crucial facts surrounding these events. Therefore, the pages of this anthology, will provide you the reader and viewer with just that, the facts, which heretofore were often vague and unexplained. Throughout the course of this book, you will observe the bizarre, ironic, and mysterious occurrences of several unexplained happenings. Discover the true-life story of Edgar Cayce, a simple farm boy from Kentucky, who was proclaimed by many to have been the greatest psychic the world has ever known. Step into the mind of a deranged serial killer, a heartless predator who deliberately fed the mutilated body parts of one of his innocent victim’s to unsuspecting family members and friends. A man who could easily be mistaken for Hannibal Lecter named, “Nathaniel Bar- Jonah.” Also examine the unexplained circumstances surrounding the failed assassination attempt of Pope John Paul II. You will learn about the tragic story of two elderly brothers who literally buried themselves alive in a dilapidated brownstone mansion, once located in Harlem, New York, infamously known to many as the “Hermits of Harlem.” You will also learn of an astonishing, U.S. documented face- to- face encounter with extraterrestrial beings at the Sutton farmhouse in Western Kentucky, which was officially investigated under the United States Air Force’s secret classified code name, “Project BlueSample Book.” If your interest has yet to have been truly captured, you will surely become mesmerized by the spin tingling story of legendary blues guitarist Robert Johnson and the mysterious curse of the infamous twenty-seven club in, “A pact with the Devil.” Could the untimely deaths of several renowned music artists such as Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Kurt Cobain and Amy Wine house, all of whom died at the age of twenty-seven share a common bond with Johnson’s mythological deal with the devil at the cross-roads? Then discover the intriguing dramatic real-life story of Doctor Howard Storm, a former atheist, who upon his death, miraculously returned to the land of the living to tell us what truly awaits us on the other side. Another chapter includes the testimonies of four Japanese survivors Free of the horrific bombing of Hiroshima. Take a glimpse into the aftermath of it’s heart-wrenching “Circle of Death.” Also turn back the pages of time and bear witness to an era within American history when our nation was deeply engaged in the civil rights struggle and learn about the unbelievable hate crime of Sergeant Isaac Woodard, a recently discharged U.S. Army Veteran who was deliberately blinded by local law enforcement officials, in 1946. So, as you will discover, much of reality lies beneath the surface of news reports and our usual perception of reality. These are just a few of the many unexplained mysteries that you will encounter within the pages of The Mysterious Chronicles of the Unexplained. Sample

Free Chapter 1 Death in the House of Windsor

Conspiracy theories surrounding the Mysterious and sudden tragic deaths of the “” Princess and her devoted companion Dodi Al Fayed. Location: The Pont del’ Alma tunnel in central , France. Accident or an Elaborate Conspiracy? uckingham Palace…the Changing of the Guards…the River Thames…the Clock BTower of London…Scotland Yard… and the Queen with the Royal Family. You might ask yourself what do all of these iconic people and historic landmarks have in common? All are iconic symbols signifying one of the mightiest countries in the world, Great Britain. Great Britain is a place where many an urban legend has remained shrouded in mystery. And one particular mystery that still haunts this great land up until this very day is the mysterious death of Princess Diana. On the Sunday Morning of September 1, of 1997, the world would awaken to learn of the shocking deaths of Princess Diana and her beloved friend , seemingly at the hands of the paparazzi From the moment the Prince of Wales (Prince Charles) first showed an interest in Lady Diana Spencer and proposed marriage in 1981, the European media, and paparazzi developed a growing obsession to pursue and photograph the future Queen of England’s every movement. An obsession which would continue for the next seventeen years. However, soon after the births of the couple’s two sons, who would eventually become heirs to the British throne, and after fifteen years of marriage with allegations of maritalSample infidelities as early as 1990, Prince Charles and Lady Diana announced their legal separation, which eventually led to divorce in February of 1996. Let’s take a look at some of the suspicious circumstances that led up to the horrible automobile accident in 1997. In this chapter, we will also look at two of the best known conspiracy theories that were fueled by an assortment of alleged allegations that would question those theories. The Automobile Accident Upon returning from a holiday getaway, the Princess of Wales, Diana, who was accompanied by her newly acquainted companion, Dodi Fayed, made a brief stop in Paris, to enjoy two days’ rest while en route to London. From the moment the lovers’ jet firstFree touched the ground, they were followed by the press. None-the-less, the two continued on their way and stopped at a Paris town house that was owned by Dodi’s father, Mohamed Al-Fayed, before finally reaching his father’s private villa. While there the couple would change into casual clothing, rest at ease, and spend the entire weekend intimately. Later on during the evening, their limo driver and bodyguard escorted the couple to the magnificent Avenue of Champs-Elysées, where the two would stroll through this lavish district and window-shop unrecognized. Like normal tourists, the wealthy couple, one being a Royal heir to the throne and the other of Muslim decent, freely mingled amongst the crowds while gathering no particular attention. Next, the couple decided to have dinner at the Ritz hotel, which also belonged to Dodi’s father, Mohamed Al Fayed. Once inside the Ritz hotel, the two refreshed themselves in a roomy suite, which was always reserved for Dodi on any occasion, and proceeded down-stairs to dine. Although the couple wasn’t very hungry, they ordered a small portion of fish with a little white wine and hot coffee. But, for some unclear reason, the pair suddenly became nervous and wanted to immediately drive back to his father’s private villa. Did the couple realize that they were being followed? No one clearly knows, but without question the paparazzi were sure to follow. (A single photograph could turn into thousands of dollars.) So, with this being the case, Dodi Fayed organized counter tactics with the hotel’s staff and ordered a limousine chauffeur to drive his vehicle a few kilometers and return back to the hotel. And quite certainly the motorcade of photographers trailed on their motorbikes. But, through intuition, the news reporters felt something was a fowl and returned to the hotel’s courtyard to lay in wait. At approximately twenty minutes after midnight, the couple had decided to make a swift exit out the back entrance of the Hotel Ritz and jumped into a second awaiting Mercedes 600 limousine, which was driven by the head of security at the hotel, a man by the name of Henri Paul. With their bodyguard accompanying them, the party of three quickly exited the hotel and, were driven down the narrow street of Rue Cam bon toward the Pont de l’ Alma tunnel. As the vehicle quickly left the hotel, the large crew of paparazzi grew in number and started to give chase with a determined desire to obtain photographs of the celebrity couple. But, the limousine driver Henri Paul would have none of it on this night, and sped away. He clearly stated that, “They won’t catch me tonight.” He wanted to outrun the paparazzi at all cost, increasing the vehicles’ speedometer to more than 180 kilometers, as he entered into the mouth of Pont de l’ Alma tunnel. The speed limit into the tunnel wasSample 80 kilometers an hour. Immediately after he entered the tunnel, the entrusted driver suddenly and carelessly lost control of the large vehicle while slamming head first into a concrete post. The crash was horrendous and was followed by an enormous earth- shattering explosion! Next, what one’s eyes would behold was nothing less than a scene of complete carnage, as the paparazzi rushed forward, snapping their-cameras as they flashed. Both the limousine driver Henri Paul and Dodi Fayed were killed in the accident. However despite the loss of the two men’s lives, Princess Diana and her unconscious bodyguard Trevor Rees-Jones, lay injured but miraculously alive within the mangled wreckage.Free It was at approximately 12:26 a.m. when a passing motorist on the opposite side of the tunnel observed the automobile accident and stopped to assist with medical aide. His name was Doctor Frederic Maillez. And he had no clue as to whom the occupants of the vehicle were. But, at first glance he was sure that the driver and the man which was sitting in the rear passengers seats were deceased. It was Dodi Fayed. So, he proceeded to administer medical treatment to the unconscious body guard and badly injured female in the rear passengers’ seat, whom was Princess Diana. The SAMU ambulance and emergency personnel had arrived on the scene at 12:30 am where it would take the crew more than an hour to remove the occupants from the torn wreckage by use of the Jaws of Life…Nonetheless, as soon as the Princess of Wales was removed from the Vehicle, she immediately fell into cardiac Arrest. But, the medical team through the procedures of Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation, were successful at restarting her heart. The time was two o’clock in the morning when the ambulance from the accident scene had finally arrived at the La Pitie-Salpetriere Hospital in Paris, where the Princess was quickly rushed into the emergency room. The Medical surgeons started to operate. And as they’d opened her chest, the Doctors had discovered a torn vein just beneath her ribcage. The hemorrhaging was massive, yet somehow they’d successfully managed to stop the bleeding. But undoubtedly, the surgeons had felt that it was far too late. For the battle to save the precious Princess’s life waged on, until approximately at 3:57 am on the morning of August 31st of 1997, when the struggle ended. The Princess of Wales was officially pronounced dead! And with the Princess’s death, a World wind of wide outrageous accusations along with numerous allegations of which the World had never seen before started to surface. Allegations of a possible pregnancy and a drunken limo driver. Accusations upon accusations had come from witness’s which reported seeing a bright flash just as the Princess’s limousine had entered the tunnel, with allegations of a white Fiat Uno that was used by a “Security Services agency”, to block the path of the speeding Mercedes, thus causing the vehicle to collide into the concrete barrier. But more importantly, the general public wanted to know why the chain of events on that very evening had resulted in a senseless loss of life? And who could be held accountable for it? Could it have been caused by the Paparazzi or the driver Henri Paul? Or could it have been the work of some other unknown source? Inquiring minds would like to know. Conspiracy Theory #1 Sample The Royal Family devised an elaborate scheme in the form of an automobile accident to assassinate Princess Diana. This conspiracy theory centers around the possibility that the British Royal family may have taken part in an elaborate scheme to assassinate Diana, the Princess of Wales, and her lover, Dodi Fayed, in the twilight hours of August the 31st of 1997, in the Pont del’ Alma tunnel in Paris. This scheme has remained the subject of intense speculation ever since a French investigation had come to the conclusion that the couple’s death was the apparent result of a fatal automobile accident. However, the family of Henri Paul and particularly the grieving father of Dodi Fayed,Free Mohommed Al-Fayed, along with several researchers, repeatedly questioned the French authorities regarding what truly occurred on that hot summer’s night in Paris. Mr. Al- Fayed has always believed that Henri Paul was a paid M16 agent for the security service intelligence agency. And Mr. Al-Fayed would stop at nothing in ascertaining the truth. One obvious incentive for murder has to do with the possibility that the Princess of Wales may have been pregnant with the child of Dodi Fayed and that the couple had planned to publicly announce their formal engagement on September the 1, of 1997, one day after the horrible automobile accident. Thus many skeptics were left to believe that such a course of action would have been highly disfavored by the Royal family in knowing that the mother of a future British King (either Prince Harry or William) and an Egyptian Muslim (not a Christian) would be united in Holy matrimony. An act that within itself would be been deemed totally incomprehensible by the Royal Family. Therefore, soon after the events of August 31, 1997, numerous allegations were made. In 2004 a special metropolitan police team inquiry was made by the British Government, that was managed by a then Commissioner Lord Stevens. The criminal investigation, which would be called Operation Paget, was organized for the sole purpose of investigating these alleged allegations. The inquest began in early 2004 and commenced in October of 2007. The Infamous Letter Allegations were presented during the inquest in December of 2007 where key witnesses were called in to testify that a hand written letter from Princess Diana was presented to her butler, , in October of 1993. The evidence raised many eyebrows during the inquest. The letter said the following: “This particular phase in my life is the most dangerous- my husband is planning’ an accident in my car, brake failure, and serious head injury in order to make the path clear for him to wed Tiggy. A decoy, Camilla most certainly is, so we are all being used by the man in every sense of the word.” The Limosine Driver Allegations were promptly made that Henri Paul (the head of security and the limousine driver who drove the Princess of Wales and Dodi Fayed from the Hotel Ritz that night) could have been in the payment of a national security service, most notably Britain’s M16 intelligence services. This key theory was conveyed during the course of the ongoing criminal investigation, where crucial evidence supported the fact that Mr. Paul was indeedSample in possession of a substantial amount of wealth during the time of his death. During the night of the accident, Mr. Paul was said to have had a blood alcohol level that was three times the French governments’ legal limit at the time. However, to everyone’s surprise, various news sources reported in November of 2006 that an analysis of the blood samples that were supposedly taken from his body by a licensed French pathologist back in 1997 later confirmed that the DNA samples did not belong to Mr. Paul, but to an anonymous suicide victim. The pathologist Dominique Lecomte was reported to have been placed under investigation by the French government for violating the protocol of an ongoing investigation.Free Allegations of Pregnancy Dr. John Burton, a former corner of the Queen’s Household, attended a post-mortem examination of the Princess’s body in 1997, in which he alone examined her womb and found her not to be pregnant at the time of her death. More importantly, in 2004, the investigative team of Operation Paget obtained key evidence from the crash that would be used to dispute any claims of pregnancy by having scientific testing conducted on pre-transfusion blood residue that was retrieved from the foot well of the wrecked Mercedes. Laboratory analysis further confirmed that the sample did not contain the Hcg hormone that is generally found in pregnant women. Could either of these two medical procedures rule out the possibility of pregnancy? It remains to be seen. Allegations of a swift Embalming of the Princess’s body after death This allegation stems around the fact that orders were deliberately given to embalm the body of Princess Diana soon after her death in order to present a false pregnancy test during post-mortem. Shortly after her death, it was widely publicized that Diana’s sisters, Prince Charles, and the then President of France, Jacques Chirac, along with his wife, had all made plans to pay their respects by viewing the body before it was returned to Britain. Hence, this clearly meant that it would have been totally unacceptable for anyone to view the body until it was properly prepared. However, suspicions arose when the hospital staff at the Pitié-Salpetriere Hospital proceeded to embalm the Princess’s body in its post-mortem state through verbal authorization only, which was a direct violation of French protocol by undertaking the embalming before completing the necessary paper work. So, who could have given such a verbal authorization to proceed? The order was given by the local superintendent of police at that time, Madame Martine Monteil. Could the procedure been authorized to conceal a cover-up? Compelling Evidence thru CCTV Footage Around midnight of August 31, 1997, several images were captured on CCTV (close circuit television) cameras that showed a sober Henri Paul exiting the back of Paris Ritz with the couple and their accompanying bodyguard. The images which were captured clearly proved that the driver did not sway. Further CCTV footage confirmed that DodiSample Fayed purchased a ring from Alberto Repossi Jewelers in Paris earlier in the day of the accident. However, various statements from many other close friends and acquaintances, including her spiritual advisor Rita Rogers, stated that the princess was quite adamant about not wanting to marry anyone at that particular time in her life. Shockingly, on the other hand, there was no CCTV footage from the Ritz hotel to the crash site inside of the Place del’Alma tunnel. In February of 2003, Mohammed Al-Fayed submitted a statement to the Minister for Justice during the public inquiry in which he contended that there were more than ten CCTV cameras along the route in which the Princess’s black Mercedes limousine was driven on the night of the accident and fourteen CCTV cameras inside of the tunnel alone, yet there were no video-taped recordings of the vehicle on the night inFree question. This has led many people to believe that there truly was an organized conspiracy.

Conspiracy Theory #2 The United Kingdom’s M16 Security Services agency was responsible for carrying out the assassination of Princess Diana. Other accusations that suggested that there could have been a covert plot to assassinate the Princess of Wales included the testimony of a former member of the M16 Security Services Agency named . Agent Tomlinson, who was later discharged from the agency and served time in prison for violating the Official Secrets Act of 1989, claimed that the M16 intelligence service was monitoring the Princess prior to her death and that her limousine driver Henri Paul was an M16 agent. He also made reference to a memo which was drafted in 1992 by the M16 Security Services that laid out a plan for the assassination of then President of Serbia, Slobodan Milosevic in an arranged automobile accident. Tomlinson was convinced that the same plan may have been used in the death of the Princess Diana. In response to Mr. Tomlinson’s claims, Operation Paget’s investigative officers were granted permission to review Secret Services files in the M15 and M16 offices. The team of investigators found the memo that Tomlinson was referring to, though the memo proposed to assassinate a key political Serbian figure, not Slobodan Milosevic. The inquiry went on to conclude that the British Authorities had no knowledge of her whereabouts at the time of her death and had found no evidence that her limousine Driver Henri Paul was ever an agent for any secret services agency. The Operation Paget inquiry concluded that the M16 Intelligence Service agency had no involvement in the sudden deaths of Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed. The Allegations of a Bright Strobe Light Richard Tomlinson had made additional claims that a bright strobe light was used in the tunnel as a tactical measure in facilitating the car accident of Princess Diana. This was a tactic that Tomlinson claimed that M16 agents utilized in blinding helicopter pilots. However, upon further investigation, Operation Paget investigators insisted that no such tactic had ever existed and was never a part of M16 tactical training. Two witnesses had reported seeing a bright flash in the tunnel during the night if theSample accident, the first being an American tourist by the name of Brian Anderson and the second Mr. Francois Levistre, who was at the scene of the accident. Mr. Levistre gave testimony of seeing a bright flash in the rearview mirror of his vehicle as he navigated his way out of the Place del’ Alma tunnel. But due to a lengthy criminal past, his testimony was thrown out because it raised an issue of credibility. Although there were two eye witnesses who had reported seeing a bright flash on the night in question, the criminal investigators of Operation Paget concluded in their report that the alleged events never occurred. The Mysterious White Fiat UnoFree Like a thief in the night, the car was there for one short second and then gone the next, or was it? This allegation was also argued by Mohamed Al-Fayed, believing that the Security Services used the vehicle to block the path of the oncoming Mercedes. Evidence at the crime scene (traces of white paint on the wreckage of the Mercedes) suggests that it was, and no one can deny the fact that a white Fiat Uno was involved in the Princess’s automobile accident. After an analysis was performed on the traces of paint which were left on the vehicle, French police were unsuccessful in finding the suspected vehicle. Furthermore, Mohamed Al-Fayed went on to contest that the alleged vehicle belonged to a French photo journalist named Jean-Paul Andanson, who photographed Princess Diana at his estate in July of 1997. During the ongoing Inquiry, much attention was given to Mr. Al-Fayed’s claim, when Mr. Andanson was reported to have died under extremely strange circumstances in May of 2000. He was an apparent victim of suicide. His decapitated body was found in a black burnt-out BMW near a forest in south France. The doors of the vehicle were locked and the keys to the car were nowhere to be found. And a hole was found in his detached head. Although Andanson had often talked to his friend and associates about taking his own life long before the death of Princess Diana, does this sound like something that he could’ve performed all alone? Mr. Andanson’s death was thoroughly investigated by the French authorities, and no evidence was ever found that would link him with any known security services agency-an issue of that Mr. Al-Fayed utterly denies. “In October of 2007, the British Government ended its official Inquiry into the cause of the deaths of Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed, and concluded that the loss of human life was due to unlawful killing resulting from the negligent driving of the Paparazzi and the driver of the Mercedes, Henri Paul. Several members of the global media and general public dispute those findings.”


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Free Glossary

Adversary: a person who opposes or fights against another; opponent; enemy. Agoraphobia: a morbid fear of being in open or public places. Anthology: a collection of poems, stories. Apocalypse: The last book of the New Testament; Book of Revelation. Capitalism: the principles, methods, interest, power, influence, etc. of capitalists, especially of those with large holdings. Demonic: of or like a demon or demons. Ecstatic: of, having the nature of, or characterized by ecstasy. Euthanasied: act or method of causing death painlessly, so as to end suffering: advocated by some as a way to deal with victims of incurable diseases. Flat: an apartment or suite of rooms on one floor of a building. Grey Wolves: Turkish terrorist organization. Hyper center: over or above a central location. Hyper extended: over, above, more than the normal, excessive. Hologram: a three-dimensional playback recording or visual effect. Incarnation: endowment with a human body; appearance in human form. Keloid: a fibrous tumor arising from connective tissue of the skin. Largo: Music played at a slow tempo. Sample Laryngitis: inflammation of the vocal chords. Manipulating: to manage or control artfully or by shrewd use of influence, especially in an unfair or fraudulent way. Medium: a person through whom communications are supposedly sent to the living from the spirits of the dead. Melancholy: a tendency to be sad, gloomy, or depressed. Meretriciously: alluring by false, showy charms; speciously attractive; flashy; tawdry. Metamorphosis: a change of form, shape, structure, or substance; transformation.Free Occult: beyond human understanding; mysterious. Osteopathy: a system of treating diseases emphasizing manipulation (as of joints) but not excluding other agencies. Parthenon: the Doric temple of Athena built (5th century B.C.) on the acropolis in Athens. Peritonitis: inflammation of the peritoneum. Phenomenon: any fact, circumstance, or experience that is apparent to the senses and that can be scientifically described or appraised. Prenuptial: a signed agreement, contract. Prism: a transparent body, as of glass, whose ends are equal and parallel triangles, and whose three sides are parallelograms: used for refracting or dispersing light, as into the spectrum. Presa Canario: a highly aggressive breed of dog. Prophecy: prediction of the future under the influence of divine guidance, any prediction. Recluse: a person who lives a secluded life, solitary life. Reincarnation: rebirth of the soul in a new body. Rheumatism: a disease believed to be causing inflammation and pain of the joints. Serenade: a vocal or instrumental performance of music. Stenographer: the art or process of writing in shorthand. Teleportation: the moving of an object. Transcendentalism: a philosophy holding that ultimate reality is unknowable or asserting the primacy of the spiritual over the material and empirical. Unintelligible: uncontrolled and usually unintelligible speech prompted by intense religious excitement; speakers allegedly under influence of supernatural spirits; long standing tradition in Christianity, of speaking in tongues. Vatican: the papal government as distinguished from the Quirinal, or Italian civil government. Sample

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