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FACE TWENTY-FOURt We ' WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1957 lEui^utng U tralh Average Daily Net prenn Run For Uia Week Ended The Weather November t, 18S7 •f D. a. Wmtbw Bwmm St. Gerard's Mothers Circle srill meet tomorrow evening at I:1S lUiuy, windy, mild tonight. Frl- About Town at the home of Mrs. James Welch, 12,674 Bmy, min oepoalonall.r modermte to ' n * Oatta^c prayer mMtinr for 25 Arccllla' Dr. Mrs. Eugei.e N. Member of the Audit henvy bate tonight, Frtdav morning. woman of the Covenant CongieRa- Kelly will be the co-hostess. Bureau of CIrrntatlon Low tonight #0-53. High Frldny ttonal Church will be held tomor­ nenr 60. row at 1;1B at the home of Mrs. The Manchester Golden Age M anchester—‘A City of Village Charm ill Arthur H. Green, ^6 Lenox St. Club will meet in Otbnge Hall at 2 ■X o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Re­ ICra. Earl Peterson, chairman of freshments will be sen’ed. VOL. LXXVII, NO. 19 (TWENTY-ElGHT PAGES—-TWO SECTIONS^ MANCHESTER, CONN„ THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14. 1957 (Ctaaained Adrertielng on Page 28) the annual membership potluck of PRICE FIVE CENTS the American Legion Auxiliary Hie instruction group of the Sfo)i.S oit4ftcr9 P)—• have to be eliminated entirely, the , ! speech. i vote against It. Indian sources In the face of French objiK* GIRLS’ DEPT__SECOND FLOOR President declared. He departed After outlining some individual i„ hia addre.sa, the President in- ' also expressed strong dlssatiafac-. tions, the United States An­ and i tlon with the western proposal. I from hia prepared text to add: apeciflr defense costs, the dicated aome areas in which in­ nounced today it is sending "And pressure groups will wall in. President said: creased spending loomed: I New Plan .Sei6i Falling Little Or No Sewing angiiiah" "There has been much diacua- 1. The stepped up dikper.aal of If thus appeared likely that'thei 500 M-1 rifles and 50,000 Permanent Finsh Permanent Finish In a nationwide teleW.slon-railio i "*°n lately about whether Soviet ^ new plan would fail to achieve its : rounds of ammunition to address, the President also called technological break - through! In Intended purpose •— to avert a Gives you support Washable Flocked (ContlnneT on Page Three) Tunisia and that Britain is Washable Glitter Flocked • for a atepped-iip educational lyo- •___ I breakdown of U.N. disar.mamcnt delivering other arms. NEW OLDSMOBILE Organdy Apron Length gram of training acientiata to meet ' talks. The Soviet Union had de- Organdy Aproft Length the Rvisaian threat. He suggested: ; dared It would not take part Ih ;. the program Include such Incen-! j future meetings of the )2-nation j ; By THE ASSOCIATED PBESS tives as fe.llow.ship grants to pro­ j commission unless it Is expanded : I The United States and Brit- TRADE-INS vide more science teachers. But he' Administration Cool : to give wider geographic represen- , I ain have told France that they In floral and Chrialmaa pat­ did not go into detail on hia sug-; I tation. intend to go ahead with the K O L O S . $1S$5 ’» MERC. MK terns. All colors. Other or- geatlon. I Countries proposed In the Japa-1 delivery of about 1.500 rifles . **S8” 8-door, S-tone. organdy apron lengths 79o Eleven beautiful patterns. Eisenhower also called for great-1 nese-Canadian resolution were Ar- ^ Custom 2-door. Radio, heater, I Helds you ui length. •r concentration on basic reaearch. 1 l.gentina, Au.atralia, Belgium, Bra- j and 50,000 rounds of ammoni* ' -overdrive. ---- \ end In sa.vlng '"nie warning lies in the | To Standby Controls , zil, Burma. CzechoTilOVSKIS;' DVdU. * tion to Tunisia. ^ fast rate of Increase of the Soviet i Italy. Tunisia and Yugoslavia. This was reported today in tha ’SSFACK $1495 ’51 BeSOTO $245 effort” in that field of science. " I India, in an effort to make the 1 wake of dispatches from Paris re- CBppm Hardtop. Custom 4-door. Flocked Nylon Apron .36" A.B.C. Beautiful Making the second.of a scries of Washington. Nov. 14 iTl — The sary to pre.aerv-e our free enter- composition of yie enlarged com­ I porting that the new government Lengths—Two Different "chins up" talks designed to bol- adminl.stration gave a cool recep- prise system against the forces mission acceptable to the Soviet iof French Premier Felix Gaillard Bordered Cotton ater United States confidence m uon today to a proposal that Con- of panic and ninaway inflation' Union, had urged substitution of ■ had objected strcnoualy. Tunisia ’54 PONT. $995 ’55 NASH $1395 Patterns In Each Length in .Apron Patterns free world defense capabllltlea, El- ____ _ , , . . . that inevitably come with great several other countries - - includ- border! Algeria where French aenhower said Rusaia'a rhallenge, C hM taia *'8'’ 4-door. Rambler 4-door. RAH, stand­ $ 1 O O Of emergencles." ; Ing Egypt, Mexico. Austria and i forces are locked in civij war with ard transmlasion. is being met and will continue, to ' providing wage, price, credit and Sees Ead of IntlaMon Poland — for some of the pro- ' Arab rebels. I 4 ^ ^ Two Patterns 5 9 c Yard be met. , rationing controls. But Sen. Bennett (R-Utah) said "'c»tern nations. A declaration of U.S. policy was ’SIGHEV. $995 aiDSH^r No sewing at all Just rut One yard makes sn apron. Peril for Free Man Sen. Capehart (R-Ind) sugge.at- *" *" IntenieW that "controla '"Meanwhile, the Assembly also expected from the State DapiUA- 4-door, RAH, Power Glide. ’54 OLDS. 51795 them out. No Ironing either. Smart florals, provincials and He cautioned that the Sovlet:,rt.theactionvesterdavataT-day‘ - won't aolve the problem," and *'*‘1 before it a 24-nation reaolu-. ment during the day. "98" Holiday Coupe, 3-tone, PANTIE GIRDLE Four patterns. Christmas patterns. Unions recent achievements in de- ; conference o f '1.200 buaineaamen- added: tion calling for new disarmament This huge hole In a north end Seattle boulevard, caused by a broken main trunk aewtr, continued 'nu'aateaa Ike’s EragnuU full power. velopment of weapons of the fu-1 members of the National Defense "Every business man I ' negotiation! baaed on the latest expanding slowly to^y. The hole grew to about 1J50 feel long an(| 75 feet wide. (AP Photofax), ThU new and bitter d l ^ t a m r ' Executive Reserve. talked to agrees that the steam i '*’**1**'" P*'opo»*i» arms for Tuntaia. thresitenB t o i i ^ ' , ’55BUICK $1795 The reanlution. vyhich cleared the set' President Ei^how er's J OsetniT’ Hardtop. Fully equip­ ’55 FORB $1495 I Government officials attending Jiaa gone out of inflation. By the ped. A Q O S S A R D Original! ; the sessions Indicated clearly, time Congress convenes again I 82-nation political committee 57-0- gram to draw the Atlontio alHanea ' Custom ranrh Wwgon, radio, TREAT YOURSEI.F TO REAI. COMFORT! Science Study ; however, the administration would think we will have had at least last week, was certain of Assembly' cloeer together. s; ; heater, standard tipnsmltsion. PRACTICAL AND COLORFCL Subteen Bulky approval. The State Department baa bw i Another Gottord eriginoll Helonco-back.d tlat- , neither recommend nor request one month when living costs have FBI/Names Slayer Eaith ■ i the standby power. not gqne up." Reds Stand Firm | abuzs with pr^anitions for.'.^he X, ■ ’53BUICK $995 lie bandi follow th . body's natural structure, gently REST N BED PILLOWS WITH ARMS By Decree Hit The compromise plan appeared; Dec. 16 North AUsuitie Super 4-door. Radio, {leater, *52 CHEV. $695 Won't Ask for Powers Bennett called Iniitead for limited mold you o "sire smoll.r" without bones or stays. $8.98-$9.98-$11.98 SWEATERS "Unquestionably the admlnlstra- spending. He said that if more headed for trouble, however.' r\ £ rr> n . i Perils Seattle meeting in Faria which liaadi DyAaflow. Power ateeriug. Do luxe 4-door. Radio, heater,, A Soviet spokesman told a i JP>v*^enta olan to attend, -Mated -gleee...... - ...... - -Power GHde, 2-tone.---- Nylon no t elastic ghros positive control. Elastic and ^Inefficieni!. J)flB,wquW-APCept,atamlby authop4>'"”''*’5' * * l?qr .tnJaaUe der, THREE-WAY PILLOWS The smartest in fishions. bulky ■‘kn'rt. 'fur,ilo‘''jieck' Ity if Congress voted it." one high velbpment and other ^elfenae needs, i'ej(9)rtw' '''h(? d^Iegatloh’^^ not m JL lVO -Ba trolm en. Homesf Streets Today the department was tSra YOUR OLDSMOBILE DEALER nylon jersey crotch. White only in medium length, sweaters, long sleeves, also In cardigans. Ivy League mobilization official said, adding; as President Eisenhower said in a agree with the political makeup of: with concern over a French S3.98-S4.98 style, wool and orlons, red and white. Sizes 10 to 14. Williamsburg, Va Nov. 14 i4»)A "But we won’t j« k for it This radlo-TV tqlk last night .the extra the proposed additions. They re-| threat to take the Tunisian arma 24-32; long length 25-34. *^'7 SI 2.50 Whether for yourself or gifts, they make a most welcomed Price The federal government "cannot amoimt ought to he shaved off portedly include only on* Soviet Washington, Nov. J4 (AP) — Seattle, Nov. 14 Iff*—Seventy- question before that very same administration la. committed to a Ttoa FBI said today fingerprints five persona were evacuated today meeting. decrea the study of sclenct," Hilnry pol|e-,.et set inm the!the' „„ """ t„ . ear were identified in oidamobU^:When the :.;;:‘Toirn” abandoned car, a 1957 muddy hole whose edges hav* passenger plane disappeared last Heald aald there are only a lim­ range commercial jet flights are rolled off Boeing ■ | western province of Dinar del Rio, curled toward the threatened Friday. production line last week, and the sources said, and more than 50 to- ed several loaded revolvers and homes takes in even aidewalks and LASSIE LOVES gift giving. ited number of people In America not far off. HOG equipped to be creative scientists. The Boeing KC13S which landed pl.nea are scheduled for delivery to ; bacco warehouses have been bum- rifles identified as haring been retaining walla. ALBANIA n u p BAN EABED THE LOOK OP LVXUHY "We need to identify them and give here yesterday after fijing, 5,024 commercial airline.! by 1959. Pan ed there. stolen two days earlier from a Workmen just managed to save Washington, Nov. 14 (A P )^ them a chance to develop," lie mile.'i fropi Buenos Aires In jiiat A.merican World'lAirwaya is plan- , Cane field workers in Orlente News Tidbits hardware store in Bradford. Pa. tons of steel, beams and a 525,000 Tile United States today eased ...ESPfCtAUY IN added. < over 11 hours proved that its civil­ ning to be one of the first fo fly made no attempt' to extinguish Wetzel, the FBI said; has an ar­ crane sent to the scene only ea- it* travel ban on C'ohimualst HEAVENLY MARLAINt, Heald said the "principal job of ian counterpart, the new Boeing blazes rffter one field foreman whb Culled from AP Wirea rest record dating back to 1933 terday. The ateel Ixeams were to Albanir, saying some Americans the college Is Intellectual, and edu­ 707, will be able to barr.v a full (Continued on Page FIDoea) had tried to fight a fire was re- ' and including such bffenaes aa a'a- have been used to shore up tha may go there I* they have oom- A MAGNIFICENT passenger load 5,0’ Work- t In eariy aftemon, and were a SLEEVES AND POCKETS, * f 4 1 mitea • and tobacco the island’s major i •» '"cet today to ; ahadfS under . the levelB reached hollow-ground co.rving knife to Improvement of curricula, better When the plane landed at Wash­ t»y PETUR STDLER In a heavy bunt of opening AND THE SMART use of the physical plant, and effi­ ington National. Airport, It stllj car­ Waahlngtoivti»-iUaN- i4~Settlhg crop.s--wlll cau.se so much la ^ r I‘‘*‘'“** cleanup orders from End of Waterbiiry Firm their giant Boeing k 6 i 35 jet AFL-CIO. trading. 'The high speed, ticker the tmollett faring knife. SCALLOPED EPPECT cient and productive use of (lew ried enough fuel to fly another 1,000 unrest and dissa.tlafactlon among laggeG in reporting transactions . tdactUpg. aids, such aa television." milei. Thia would Keep it weli over tanker plane dbwn”at Washington owners and bu.slnessmen that they f-ocmer IVesIdent Truman *ays i In tlw Initial biiylng. rush. ALONG THE WIDE, the requirement for aurplua fuel National Alrportjresterday. an Air will turn on Batista. , nation ahould stop worrying about %vaterbury. Nov. 14 (4’> -^fi-'l^tp So with the closing although Deoutiful ivory finiih. Force crew led By- Gen. Curtis'E. Widelv di.stribuied, bulletins cali-i •n‘*.c'>"centrate f y ' ' ciai* of the United Auto Workers they Insisted to us thai thia was SHAVL COLUR. _ , . 1 . „»et by-the CIvU“ Aerohiutica au- only one factor." ALLEN FOB GOVERNOR ' Novelty corded collar Scientist Explains fthoritiea. ^ ^ ^ LeMay esUbliah'ed a record for ing for burning of augar and to-i today were aeeking to organize a Hartford, Noi’. 14 UPe—Ilar^ AVAILABLg IN EXCniNO ■ r . I Col, Clarke Newlon, Alr'Force In- later crew*^ to ahoot at. Thev bacco efons anneared to have been! if“"chlng Regulus- guided mia- , ^ ( . o m m l t t e e to explore the Wrenn said that Chase ha(| 're­ and pockets odd a In fop handle or clutch styles, also covered the .5,204 mllee from Bue-! printed in Miami, Fla. Govern fused to reconsider Ua closing or­ ford Rcpublicaa Town Chairman NEV SHADES. K norlliasA zi* Sl14kl*tnar#k 'formation aervlce officer who made der even if the union agre^ to Patrick J. ItoPkaqoale said today LOOK fashion touch to o very new styles in plastic calf, all fitted O ltlM the night, aald that the KC155 gave that he feels former Lt. Govethor' Sizes 6 to ig. a n d rision of the Chase Brass A Cop­ drop Us demands for- a 7 centa pretty % step-m by "ths smoothest, most comfortable seconds. I lations, acquitted hy I'.S. clmilt [ uage increase and fuPire cbet-of- Edward N. Allen would be the Waahington. -tiov. li (M^ — A ride” of any aircraft he:'a ever rid­ ; been no repoi ts of crop sabotage in Court of .Appea|p. . . . Govern­ per Co. part}'* “best 'bet’’ to lead tiM Be sure fo see Hale's "End of REMEMBER...THE Mcrdeof with change purse dr xipptir com- den. He- aald that the plane gave a This was the first non-stpp jet Cliase announced the closing of living increases. scientist told Congress today that ment lift* ben on taking of news the SO-J'eap-old,plant-yesterday. It 'The loss of the company, laid ticket In the 1958 gnbernatoriql UNING OP EVERY LASSlt luxury cotton print a public tendency tb regard acien­ smooth, vlbratlohless ride, and al­ flight between the Argentine capi- (Contlniied on Page ISvelve) photograph.*—in public areas of r-old election. “I believe that he is ana partrnents. ■ ^ tiata as "tong hairs" and "egg­ most "no sensatlpn of moving." lol and Washington, and was made employes more than 700, |( , Mayor Edward V. Bergin, would Model Year" CLEARANCE od guaranteed washable, Fedefal buildings. be a serious loss t the economy, of the few men in thJ stake that IS GUARANTEED FOR heads'' is One reason for a short­ 'Ncwjon also noted that .with ita at an average speed of 469.5 miles New York State Atty. Lefko- Glenn P. Bakken. Chase preil- could unify the Republican pre,-shrunl^ond wrinkle- ageengineers and-scientifle per­ equipment, the plane was carrying an hour. dent. said the shutdown would he of the city. party," added the Hartford GOF THE UEB OE THE CO. Monday, this same ship and U.S. to Deport Man witz . to Initiate court action "It has long been_ part of the ■ resistant. In colors sonnel. a greater load than a commercial chairman, "and I’m hopeful that, in another .section of today's ■^Dr. B. D. Thomas, director of i airliner would carry on such a trip, crew established a distance record backbone of Waterbiiry industry,” he can be persuaded to run.’’ AS ADVERTISED IN ' you'll love. Sixes 12 to 20 Battcllb Memorial Institute, (Jo-' and added. "We could have gone on for non-r«fueled jet flight flying- .Held' for T re a s o n ^ ooUecUon facketeering ' economic conditions forced the he said. ! John A.' Roosevelt announce* Rex Brown, executive secretary OCTOBER CHARM ondl2y2to22l4. lumbus. 0„ aald lack of public | to Weatover If we’d wanted to; from tVeatover Air Force Base, ------I fomialioD of new political I'liib to closing M-.ACAPAGAL GAINS IN R.ACE Herald. , . aympathy,.even more than a lack j there was more than enough fuel.’* Chicopee, Maas., to Buenos Aires Washington. Nov. 14 ippt.—A build un Republican Party in New The news was greeted with dis­ of” the Waterbury Chamber of .5Ianlla. ^'ov. 14 (AP)—Liberal 8 6 9 .9 6 of financial rewart)*,' la responsible ' Newlon also, pointed out that on -r 6,.326 milesin 13 hours. 2 min­ Geiman-bo'.'n Chicagoan convicted ; ■york City. may by employes, 'union officials, Conrmerce, said the news was "a Congressman Di- sdado MScapagal citv snd business leaders. shock to.all of us." SPORTSWEAR DEPT__SECOND FLOOB for failure to attract young pMple ' Its flight to Buenos Alrea. the utes and' 51 seconda. On this of treason dui'ing World War Hi Efforts resume tiMlay to head off^ Increased'his lead In the contest HALElS APPLIANCE DEPARTMENT Into aolentlflc pursultir...... jKCl35 had flown a long . route out flight, the plane flew a dogleg „ „ leave.*.a federal prison todav for Hugh Wrenn, president of Local Brown said the announcement fo (Philippine vice president today. threatened strike of 20.000 Chrya- 195S. said the uniOn would try to. | ahould be a "rallying point fpr HALE’S FASHION DEPT.—SECOND FLOOB Testifying be fore . the. Senate-;------, over the oofan and had landed with-'SPurae out over the ocean to in-1 deport.vtlon to hia native land. He ler stamping division workers set Counting of Tuesday's vote* con­ G tam Stomps GhfM With Cosh Saks House Subcommittee ■ on _Econotpic | * - —sufficient fuel • ------reserve. »•-He —-Jsaid Crease the. distance, breaking the can never return to the United for 6 p.m. today...Two Turkish organize a citizens committee to ' bualneaa and profeaslonal inter- tinued to show victory for Presi­ Stabilization, he asserted in a | commercial airliners would be old distance record set by', a French States as a free man. Bubmarinea ')>*•< southward help keep the plant open. . j eala,” tb rev-erae what he called dent carlo* Garcia. prepared atstement; : firing a-direct route, like the route .Mistral bomber. Immigration ageiUs arranged to through Suez Canal. The closing' order climaxed re-' "an unfavorable (rend." *'A siin’ey In one of our Mid- which the plan# flew on Its return The huge jet tanker, powered take Hans Max Haupt. 63. from White House spoke.am.an denies cent wagt^iscusalons between the • A spokesman fOr the Scovlll IKE PLANS GEORlilA VAU'ATIO.N western'states conducted a few trip. , , by four Pratt and Whitney . J-57 i the Federal correctional Institution rumor that Sherman Adams plans company antj the union Manufacturing Co. sold the closing Washington. Nov. It CTV—Preat e We Give S } ; ^ Green StSBips weeks ago showed that 10 per cent Boeing Aircraft official said engines, left Buenos Aires, at 4:27 at Danbury, Conn., where he has to, resign... American Playwright Wrenn called the closing a “well- would -not have any effect on his ' Ident and 5Irs. Elsenhower hope TkJ^IULCcOU With Cash Sales. of' lirit' - * and ■ aeconi) year college that the flight w as a legal night (ESTi and arrived In Waahington been imprisoned for the past 13 Thornton Wilder awarded honor­ planned maneuver by. the absentee company that could be- anticipated to go to Augusta, Ga„ tomorrow MANCNitTiR Conn* . students did not even know that under CAA reqiitrementa, and said at 8:34. It was the first U.S.- years. About five hours later, ary doctorate of philosophy degree owners of the Chase plant to shut at this time, but he added;' - (or a vacation lasting .until about The JW HAkCcoits Russia had launched a satellite. that the 320 model of the plane built jet allowed to land at the Haupt will leave New York on a at Frankfort University, Germany, down an old-fashioned and outmod- "It will have -kn affect on every­ the middle of next week. White COINiR MAIN ood OAK STREETS e Ample FREE Parking at "This survey indicatea that this would-)>• able to, make the trip .Washington airport. Crew mem- nonstop flight to Frankfurt, Ger­ Man who threw bomb Into cd>plant and escape the responsi­ one in Waterbury one way or an­ House Freaa Secietary Jamea C. MlLJ //M . M a n c h m s t e r Co m m - presumably well'qducatcd grouii with a full payload of 180 paaoeng- bera reported that the KC135 many, Israeli parliament tells court he bilities they have to the community other. TTiere is little else to say Hagerty,. announcing thia to^y, IFAIKING AT REAR OF OUR STORE Rear Of Our ^tote. does, not have i in up-to-date era and'atiU have'--tha 1,000 miiq .bucked 46-mlle-an-bour headwinds Haupt whs convicted of treason didn’t aim for aai’one In particular and to the atate.", • exce;pt that we are sorry." said the vacattoa plana were stHi CpRNCR MTAIH and OAK S T R I^ - knoadedge of eurn^nt events nor k fuel reaervei on most of the return trip. In 1944 for liarborlng hia son, Her­ ,.Alr Force lieutenant may have Ha accused the company, an af­ Scorill; alqng with Chase and the tentative but adviaed repoftert . ' ' ■ ■ I — ^weeiiiiei I II d\ e— Ml i very pwound uaderitandlng PaWW lliFFGW M b g te a a LeMay end tha crew were greet- bert, a Nazi saboteur executed in t« resign service In order to donate- filiate of Keanecott Copper Co., 6f American Brass Co., is one of the te bring Uielr aultcaoee when they Hie.KCliRl and Ua dvlHan eoun- kidney to critically ill twin broth­ wishing to give the "liapresaloB big three tnduatries In this cKy of oeme tn th* While Houae lemof- (Oiy fcitiai Ml Fago twaiKg-lkrqfi) tatj^.»qf l y ftfiil by four Fratt that uMoh wages liad aomathiag about KM,000. (OeaNkaed ea Paga (Oeattaned ea Page XwgBtir^aTM) er. J S ; / '••V 1 r ■■ ' A '( ■ ■ .' t X'X . ' "-aV .A-- ( A. ■V ' r I ■ . ; ' J'

,PAGB TWO MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1967 MANCHESTER EVENING „HERALP, MANCHESTER, CONN. THXmSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1967 PAGE T H R U the executive committee; and Columbia f ^ \ members a t-la m , institutional Hartford Women Local Merci^ants representative C. I^ sco tt Hodges. Laramie present scout commission­ Free in Slaying Ike for Big Increase er, conducted a brief memorial Sheinwold ob Bridge STATE In Stamp Contest PTA Endorses Town Stand service for Scouters who had, died MORE FUN K, — — Hartford. No.. lA (A P) — Mrs. NOW Tlmi SAT. Four lo(toI bualnezsu ara partic­ since the last annual meeting, by ThufieFrIeSat OenttaiHnis F rea 6 tM . For Light at Four Corners reading a tribute to them. Local Robbie W. Wright of Hartford, COUNT VDUB TRICKS South dealer ipating in a United Trading boys who attended the Jamboree, who thrust a kitchen knife into IN m OOSIN O SUIT Both sides vulaerabls AT Stampa conteat 4n which the flrat also attending the meeting, which her huaband'a heart and killed By Alfred Sheinwold NORTH MIKE STANKO'S prize la an expense paid holiday Oalumbia, Nov. 14 (Special)—i ’Mrs. Carl Gosline. Mrs. Chester built its theme around the Jam­ him seven months ago, has been A Q 8 (Continued from Pag- One) in Pari*. QUALITY USED CARS Which suit should you try to nfed can come about only through The merchant* are Edmund’* 111* Parent-Teacher Assn, has OudmundMn. Mrs. George Peder­ boree, were: Steven Fletcher, Al­ freed of a manslaughter charge. «et up when you are playing a no- V 10 ( len Blum, Vincent Sledjeski and Strategic Air Command bases. cutting or .deferring entire cate­ Market, 99 Summer St., Lukas fon e on recoitl as endorsing the ac­ son, Mrs. Harlan Smith. Mrs. Jo­ State's Atty. Albert S. Bill rec­ trump hand ? As a generM rule, # A 10 I T 4 OAK GRILL IN STOCK. ALL YEARS. MAKES and seph Forostofiki, Mrs Gibson Por­ Dan Osmond. ommended yesterday to Superior iE K » 0 S 2. Improvements of the warning gories .of-activities. Market, 81 North St., ’fhirnpike tion of the October town meeting you work on the longest suit In the so Oak SL, Manchester ''Th4a/Wlll be one of the har(ieat Market. ISI W. Middle Tpke., and ter and Mrs. Earl Gardner. Grand Juror Ro-appointod Court Judge Elmer S. Ryan that combined hands. M'KST KA8T eystem for any possible enemy at­ MODELS. PRICED FROM $25 to $4,500 AAJ8I8 AI74 Reaervattons OaU MI 0-8094 w B i ir tack. and .most distasteful taska that the Laundry Ml**, 381 E. Center St. which voted to contact the State Lions Plan Dsnre Atty. Elizabeth Dennis Hutch­ prosecution be dropped. He said West opened the six of spades, Traffic Oonuniaston and ask for a- ins. local Trial Justice, has an­ the death blow anparently had n K i r Of ( 841 3. Development or an active m li- conrlhg session of Ck>ngress mu8t The conteat, which began la*t " The second project—for raising and Boyth gratefully played low" ♦ JOlt #Q8 Thun., *Mu$ical Bingo* PLUS week, continue* through Nov. 23 traffic light, at Columbia Center, a funds for the erection of the Com­ nounced re-appointment of Chaun- been struck in self-defense. Judge from the dummy in order to let 8ile defense against missiles. J ______BROS. • Lincoln-Mtrcury Ryan nolled the charge. •a ’ 0 * Q J 7 4 4. Additional money where Cu*tomer* patronizing these local point where Rt. 87 crosses Rt. 6A. munity Beach House, planned by cey M. Squier as the prosecuting the trick ride around to his king- SOUTH Fri,, ‘Balloon Dance* THE grand Juror and Ward Ro.se- The 37-year-olc. woman claimed needed in the development of longi' merchants will be asked to name 315 CENTER— MI 3-5135 They voted to write a letter to the Lions Club, Is a round and ten. He won the first trick with the 4 K 10 2 Sat., ‘Dine and Dance* ' DKERSLAVLR range mUsiles. the United Stamp Kangaroo and MORIARTY The Cbmmission asking again for a square dance in Yeomans Hall Dec. brooks, a.s’ alternate, to serve for her husiiand, Luby Wright. 25, ten of spades and looked around V A Q i 2 PTA Hears Talk struck her and choked her and 5. A pay raise for miiitary per- complete a limerick. Many prize* light at this dangerous point. 7. Cards Brothers will furnish! coming year, for a suit to set up. « K 6 8onnel. , . are offered and at least one win- These are heavily traveled high music and the prompter. John Him Catholic I-adiea Plan Fair then threatened to kill her when Tile obvious choice was between A 2 8 2 Moslo and Songs By I Of the U.S. satellite and mis- By Mrs. Woods. iter le guaranteed in every store ways, which divide the town at a heads the committee and has as as A pre-Christmas fair is being she attempted to leave their apart­ clubs and diamonds. He had eight South West North East Wally Fields and the Quartet ment. After the slaying she quick­ Alles program, Elsenhoofer said: giving the stamps. Entry blanks central point. Both must be cross­ ■slstants John I.aCrolx, Eugene planned by the Catholic Ladles clubs in the combined hands and 1 NT Pan 2 NT Pass Parents and teschers ’ enjoyed may be obtained at the four stores. Advertise in The Herald-—It Pays ly called police and subsequently Pats Pass "We intend to carry forward our ed many times a day by children Dente, C. Prescott Hodges, Lincoln Society of St. Columba'a Church, only seven diamonds. Nevertheless, programs in a way' that win do a varied menu at Robertson's pot- going to and from school and admitted it. diamonds was the suit to work on. Opening lead— 4 8 Moseley and Arnold SIhvonen. to be held in the church hall Dec. credit to our iclentlflc tradition luck last night. pedestrians going to churches Sweet Sixteen Parties 7 from noon until 6 p.m. The choice depended on the and Insure our security over the Xtrs. Floyd Mitchell and Mrs. post-office and stores, and commu- Betty Ann Elliott and Marilyn Mrs. Chester Gudmund.oon is count of tricks. South could ex­ years ahead. This, again, will in- John Bald.vga and their hospitality ' nlty buildings. Naumec, both Juniors at Windham general chairman; and Mrs. Clar­ pect to win two spades, one heart, Zoners Will Hear vole substantial costs. committee were in charge, assist­ Chntest Winner St. John’s Church two top diamonds, and two top High School- celebrated their six­ ence Grant, publicity chairman. "Now, all these new costs, ed by the room mothers who acted Jean Smith, a pupil of grade six, In charge of booths are: Mrs. clubs. These came to only seven Ga^ Station ^id PIZZA — PIZZA — PIZZA ~ PIZZA — PIZZA teenth birthdays last week. In hon­ Will Bless Stand tricks, and left him needing two which in the aggregate will reach as hostes.ses. Dry flower arrange­ was presented with a 85 award by Peter Morin and Mrs. Arthur , a very cnnsirierable figure, must be .Howard C. Bates, president of the or of the occasion, Marilyn's par­ additional tricks. The clubs could ments made by Gi-ade 5 were used ents. Mr. and Mrs. John Naumec. Pepin, fancy work and aprons; added- to our current annual ex­ as centerpieces and etchings done association. Jean chose the name Mrs. Theodore Sanden, white ele­ A votive stand will be blessed In provide only one additional trick; An application for a apecial ex­ Year-’round penditures for security. There is "The PTA Newsletter" for the gave a party for her at the Moose the diamonds could provide both of ception to erect a gasoline station by Grade 6, under the direction of Hall in Wlllimantic Friday night. phants: Mrs. Francis Minor, And­ a ceremony at 4 p.m. Sunday at St. Chianti Restaurant no immediate prospect for any -Mls»> Hazel Lutz, were displayed. newly instituted newssheet which over. plants: Mrs. Louis Soracchl, the needed tricks. on Center St. will be discuaaed at Thirty-two young people were John's Polish National Catholic a public hearing of the Zoning cordially invites you to visit our newly redeco­ mashed reduction In these recur­ Following the supper, Mrs. Ffor- will go out to all townspeople prior dried arrangements: Mrs. Thomas Church. Queen Drop* ring costs." to each meeting. Her's was one of pre.sent. Mr. and Mrs. Robert El­ Board of Appeals Nov. 26. rated restaurant and our beautiful new rose ence Woods, prinbipal of Robertson O'Brien, jewelry; Mrs. Charles The stand was donated by Mr. South therefore cashed the king Klaenhower did not estimate how more than 200 entries from the liott. Hebron Rd. entertained their Donnelly. Andoyer. food; Mrs. The hearing will also serve as a room. .school, spoke on the "fine arts pro­ daughter at Chestnut Lodge in Col­ and Mrs. Stanley Opalach in mem­ and ace of diamonds. When the State hearing on the application by much defense spending will haw to gram listing the varied programs school children. Judges, Chester H. Robert McBride, Andover, toys; ory of their daughter, Janice Opa­ queen dropped, declarer led the ten Zipcoats of be increa.sed after paring the b:idg- Nelson, principal of Windham chester with 40 guests. and Mrs. Martin Sauer. Andover, lach. Clarence J. Jeffers for permis­ in art, music and crafts offered of diamonds from dummy to force sion to build the station on prop­ et wherever possible on non-mili­ the children and explaining the High School and John D. Clarke, Scoutmaster Honored raffle and Mrs. Walter Wheaton out the Jack. The rest was, of W E AGAIN ARE RE.SIIMING OUR Members and friends of the pafr erty east of 937 Omter St. in Busi­ tary categories. But he did say: preparation given the pupils by the principal of the Regional Techni­ Wilbur Fletcher, scoutmaster will have charge of a silver tea. course, Just a matter of cashing Ish are invited to attend the cere­ ness Zone II and Residence Zone A. PIZZA ON THURS..FRI.-SAT. "By whatever amount savings teachers preceding each event to cal School, said there were a large for Troop 62, who was assistant Personals mony. good tricks. number came in with this name, scoutmaster for two patrols from Also scheduled to be heard at the TO EAT HERE OR TO TAKE OUT fail to equal tlie additional roats help ;them understand what ■ they A son. Michael Joseph, was born Officiating at the vespers and If South's queen of hearts were dual hearing l.s an application by of security, our total expcnditi:res are to see. Mrs. Woods said "The but according to nilea the first to Eastern Connecticut at the Na­ to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Naumec blessing will be the Very Rev. L. the king, he wobid start with a TASTE ’N COMPARE Imported get his entry in would be the win­ Glidden's Gulf Service at the south­ will go up. j Fine Arts Program gives a bal-' tional Jamboree in Valley Forge, of Rt. 6, Hop River Sunday, at Dabrowaki of Bridgeport, Pastors total of eight tricks, needing only ner of the contest. Pa., this past summer, was honor­ east corner of W. Middle Tpke. and "Our people will rightly demand lance to the push of modern living Windham Communlt.v Memorial Louis Kaezorowski of New Britain, one additional trick for the game. Broad St. in Business Zone II for a The meeting voted to sponsor a ed Tuesday night at the 42nd an­ In that case, he would Uckle the It. They will not sacrifice security and helps stimulate and develop supper for a coming Court of Hon­ Hospital. Mrs. Naumec is the Peter Styezynski, of Thompsdn- repairer's license. The station Is worshipping a balancecl budget. nual meeting of the Eastern Con­ former Stefanla Szalankiewicz of clubs rather than the diamonds. CHIANTI RESTAURANT an interest in cultural things." or for Boy, Scouts. The PTA spon­ necticut Boy Scout Council, in St. ville, and D. Kent Kulawascz, qf St. owned by the Gulj; Oil Co. "But we do not forget, eithep, During the business meeting, Willlmantlc. John's. If the clubs failed to break favor­ 14 DEPOT SQUARE MI 8-0108 sors all Scout groups. Mrs. William Joseph's parish Hall in Wllltman- ably, he might atill have time to that over the long term a balanced conducted by Mrs. Norinand Rich­ British Tweeds Mr. and Mrs. Luther Buell, have Jacobs and Mrs. Carl Gosline vcd- tlc. With two other men who try for the diamonds. budget is one lndispena;i.ble aid in ard. president, reports weVe given unteered to head this work. served in the same capacity, closed their home on Erdoni Rd. keeping our economy, and therefore by Norman .Southcrgill, PTA Coun­ for the winter. They left Wednes­ Dally Question PIZZA — PIZZA ~ PIZZA ~ PIZZA ~ PIZZA TTie PTA will also cooperate Fletcher was introduced to the As dealer, you hold: Spade K 10 our total security, strong. " cil delegate; and Mrs. Floyd Mitch­ Posters Point Up MAHHC Fund Drive again this year with the Mother s meeting and presented with a day for Sarasota, Fla., where they Defense spending in the current ell, hospitality fhainpan. March on Polio. maintain a winter residence. Local Stocks 2, Heart A Q 5 3, Diamond 8 5, Jo Anne Kenneally, 14-year-old (laughtei* of Mr. and Mrs. John Kenneally of 21 Willard Rd„ delivers certificate of appreciation of bis Club A K 3 2. What do you say 7 fiscal year ending June 30 will ex­ The attendance award was won a poster for the coming Manchester Association for the Help of Retarded Children's fund drive to Mrs. Frances Malek, chairman assignment at the Jamboree. Answ'er; Bid one heart or one ceed $.78 billion, the target orig­ by Mrs. Edytha Coffin's Ggade 2, Mrs. Madeline Malheny, owner of Mari Mads at 691 Main St. The drive starts Monday, Many at an unheard Manchester Evening Herald o f the refreshment committee New officers named to the (Coun­ Quotations Furnished by club. The choice is a matter of STATE inally fixed. As for the next fiscal local business establishments are displaying posters reminding the public o f the drive. named the following second grade cil include the following from thU Columbia correspondent, Mrs. Coburn A MMdlebrook, Inc. partnership style. It would be dan­ year. Sen. Bridges (R,N.H.) e.slF mothers who assisted with the town; Roland Laramie and George Donald R. Tuttle, telephone A c a ­ gerous to bid one no-trump with a mated after a conferenee with wrork this month: Mrs. Leo Cohen, Bank Stocks Hospital Notes H. Reama, members-at-large oii demy 8-S585. worthlels doubleton. Eisenhowcr-tecently that the mis­ Connell.v, VVa Manchester Trust . . 60 65 MPERSCM siles program may'increase spend­ Conn. Bank and (Copyright 1957, General Fea­ Croix, 36 Clinton St.; Mr.s. Alice tures Corp.) ing In that field by one to 82 bil­ Trust Co...... Patients Tndav; 80S. Hutchinson. 24 Bigelow St.; Mrs. of price! 35 38 oox oma ona awo' w«.a iOr~ lion. , First National Bank ■ t[)5yfR0GRAIIIS AD.MITTED YESTERDAY; Nel­ Ida MHe King, 41 Edwards St.; HAVE YOU EVER WISHED All lusiuo-z Ts-Aie Jn his speech, El.sonhower said son Quinby, 88 Tanner St.: Mrs. of Manchester . ... 27 82 Robert Johnston, 113 Waddell Rd.; Hartford National the kind of defense needed for free Mary.Scranton, 160 Tolland Tpke.; Mrs. Elsie Luurtscma and daugh­ YOU HAD MORE SKILLS? B lilEWI M il M881 a C lT t i world security "requires tax Misa Mary Van Tries, .1 S. Grove TONIGHT ON CHANNEL 18 Bank and Trust Co 20 81 caoKt sun susAE satesExt ter, 33 Ridgewood St.: Mrs. Su­ LoFOND msNr ur id jueMfnM* money lots of It." St , Rockville; Mrs. Evel.vn Smyth, zanne Risley and son, Talootville; Adults develop new talents in the Kl Fire Insurance Conipanlea ,7.1 Dov^r Rd.: mV«. Ilah Carlson, "Video Everyday He added: Mrs. Martha Stapleton and son. Y W C A ’s Craft and Hobb.v cthsses, the Aetna F ir e ...... 47H 50 "During the last five fiscal years 58 (Thestmil St.; Mrs. Marian Mac- BROTHERS Andover; Mrs. Anna Pclrolo and Green Thumb group and Homemak­ Hartford Fir# ...... 115 125 All Rights Reserved— we have spent $211 billion on o:ir cinl. Coventry; Ijiwrcnce Allen. daughter. Stafford Springs. National F ir e ...... 52 65 STEAK HOUSE H. T. Dlckeason 4 Co- Ine. sec:irity—an average of over $42 Coventry: Mis. Ethel Hennequln er’s Club. Phoenix ...... 51 >, MONSON. MASS. billion a vear Including our ow*n^^ Cottage St.: Anthony Pastula, 54 H . ' ao XT^~«U 0» . T -..I- RT2 ! n . • IJfe and Indemnity Ins, Cos. armed services, mutual military 62 North St.; latuis Niewinskl, Staf­ INVEST IN,PEOPLE Home of Thi#e Suns of Fun ford Springs; Miss Betty Smith, 19 Safety Group Named Aetna Casualty ...... 125 135 Tel. CO 1-5884 aid. and the. Atomic Energy Com­ SUPPORT THE-YWCA mission." Hannaway St.: Adelafd Parent, El­ Aetna Life ...... 178 188 Hartford, Nov. 14 (Ah--The Con­ I LED THREE LIVES C . n f i Why not arrange your special As fo f next year's budget, the lington; Sirs. Matilda Sorensen, 65 GOAL $.1,000 with Richard Carlson V allU Conn. ..General ...... 235 245 parties here. This Ig why: We i Lockwood St.: Frederick Demute.- necticut Safety Commission today Hartford Steam Boiler 60 64 4.V//-OP.CHE STR A Yos, WeVe Got President called for careful sen:- have special party rates, also tiny, of alt military spending pro­ Florence St.: George Mearman, released the names of members of Traveler* ...... 70 73 Transistor Radios! 137 Loomis St : Cfharlcs Chorzem- bus arrangementa We reduce grams with a view to .saving "ever.v a special advi.sor.v committee on Public VtiUUes the price of all banquet meala pa. 137 Pearl St. $ 4 0 V A LU ES ^ ta n e k The radio iwfth “ the heart dime that can pos.s:bl.v be saved.' community safety organization. Conn, Light St Power 16>4 18 H 50c for those who come by bus, AD.MITTED TODAY; Mrs Nellie Conn. Power ...... 36H 38 H every night except Saturday. hEAram woN that beats forever." See He said needlc.sa duplication and g^paub. 188* Hlllstown R d.: Mrs. The committee, scheduled to Hartford Electric Lt. 60 62 ELECTRONICS them! Hear them toaighti apy ob.solote programsjnjist be R„,endahl, 94 Bissell St.; r’ cet for the first time on Nov. 21 THURSDAY NIGHT IS AvallaMe for Auto lastaN Hartford • Gas C o . ... ■. 33 >4 36 »4 TENDEfttblX NIGHT a r . i William Johnson, 47 Alexarider St.; in Hariford. Includes Herbert Eve­ So. New England LABORATORIES latlon or In Portables. ' a Rl<'hard Bradley. South Windsor, rett of New Britain, William 1956 MERCURY FRIDAY NIGH IS [lYDlMcPHATTER trying to f:nd .s.ivmga In the for- , qjiR-pH YESTERDAY; A ton to THE BIO SHOW Tel. 31 33 Bastian of Groton. Albert PhlllijJs SEA FOOD NIGHT elf^ aid prograin He noted the ■ g^r. and Mrs. Thomas Darcy, El- of New Haven, Henry Hansen jo t Here'iS'S hardtop model that is absolutely like new. 5:30 Robert Taylor, Lana Manufacturing Companies 277 BROAD U.S. Is linked with 42 coin\tnes iinetdn ~ r WHh Turner. Ven Heflin in Arrow. Hart, Heg. 41 >4 44 H SATURDAY NIGHT the State Rural Safety Council; Driven only-10,9,00 miles by one person. Equipped with ■'Johnny Baser'* GAY NINETY TIME lAVERN BAKER. by WBUry assistance agreomdptar 'gtRTHS tODATl'A d*u*gMer to Frank Bradley of Bridgeport, Gor­ Associated Spring 3014 33)4 ilii:5KTU7k' t'TTJX.TJia lO O X Bristol B r a s s...... Also see our Big Sunday After­ RADIO anrf Mid thtx, country rould not Mr.^and 5Us. LeRov.Nblapil. South don,irahoy of Hartford, J'ack'Cluett Mercomatic drive, de hixe radio, heater, directional 9 11 T f I [ V I S I 0 N po.s81bJ[y aUtion iu Lroops all Windsor; a son to ilrrand Mrs, AI- ,118 128 noon Family Show P.Mh of Greenwich. lx>uise Qlram of' lights, back up lights, white wall tires, fully under­ w o o l Dunham Bush ...... featuring our Sunday Family ChAsacI i How ftATea. over the world 'to prevent the 'hert Rowett 173 Woodbridge St Winsted and J. Richard Burke of 7>4 8 'j overflow of communism. " , Di-SCHARCED YESTT-RDAY: Em-Hart ...... 46 >a Food Special, 99c — |das our CkaBsel 18 Hmrtlord. €•«■. Plalnvllle. coated, numerous other factory installed accessories, p M d . 48>s dmaiiel M SBriactloM. Mate. The President made it plain the Edward Hare. 68 Drive B: Mrs. Fafnir Bearing ...... 57 regular menu. ('kaaaH 88 P^w BritAfa. Coaa. Charles Bishop, assistant direc­ 60 CALL US TODAY savings w1H have- to come through Mary Peak, 10 Beech St,; Mrs. beautiful black and yellow finish with flawless chrome Landers. Frary, Clk. 12 14 Treasure chest gift to all Mm iDlAMOMMl Chaaaol H Halyoka, Masi. tor of the Connecticut Safety.Com­ M fi-ln CkaaBol n Waterbary. Coaa. For Informstion About sharp whittling and possibly even Josephine Kozinski, RF'D 1, Rock­ mission, will serve as^staff repre­ trim. See this new used car today, it won’t stay long, Associated Spring . . 30 33. children. Children’s Balloon Pa­ outright elimination of some civil­ SEVEN OXXOCK N. B. Machine ...... rade at 8:80 P.M. Good, clean ville: Mr?. Mary Davisorf, 204 sentative to the advisoTy commit­ lintrsl REPORT—srtthREPORT—with 27'4 30 <4 ian activities. ; Green Rd.^ Mrs. Delphine Bous- 7:00 North and Judd .... . 27 fun for all the famUy. Call early < S> BANDSTAND tee. $2395 Charles Norwo^ 30 BIO PAYOFF Alluding to that field, Eisen-, quet. 89 Hackmatack St.; Mrs. Rusaell Mfg...... 17 19 for reservatlona CO 1-6684. MATINEE TREATBM I S 24-H«nr hower said; Stanley Steam ...... 34 <4 lOalarl Mary Ackerman, 104 Woodbridge 37V4 f:M ( I) MY HKBO ''We shall have to make some St.: Mi.ss Judith Bobbins, 25 West­ 165 165 Sonrlea <1M> THE VEHDICT IS YOVB8 tough choices. minster Rd.; Mrs. Marv Ddlaney, Seei Our BROS. Lincoin-Mercury I Torrlngton ...... 22% 24 >4 «;M 418) BBIOHTU DAk U.S. Env'lp com.. ( l> KABTOON KAPEB8 "Some programs, while desir­ 15 Waddell Rd.; Gall P a 11 o t t 1, 17'4 19t4 able, are not ab.solutely essential. DOXUT SPECIAL 315 CENT'ER— MI .l-.’il.lS U.S. Env'lp pfd. 11 ^ < •) AMEBICAN BANDSTAND e PREBOUM GRADE Overbrook Rd., Vernon; . William MORIARTY 13 UtlEEN FOR A DAY In this I have reached a clear con­ Ferguson. 38 Scarborough Rd.; On Page 6 43 46 (4«) O P ^ ROV8E f u e l o il s • Tough tweeds were bom in the clusion Mrs. Grace Dlrgo. Stafford HOME .3IAID BAKERY and The above quotations are not to 4:U 8BCBET STORM 4:M <18> EDGE OF NIORT •'While some savings . may be •IPri.bK-'l . Haberern. East rO FnSE B.AR * British Isles, and these are amongst .1 C DOUGLAS EDWARDS be construed as actual markets. ( UTTLE RASpALS squeezed out tlirnugh the rvringer Hartford: Mrs. Elizabeth' Neu- . IU WITH Tlffi NEWS ( 8) BANDSTAND 699 -MAIN .ST*., JrlAXCHESTER 7 RECORD HOP (44) LOONEY Tt’NES WYMAN'S method, savings of the kind w'e bau.fr, 107 Harlan Rd.; Mrs. Ruth Britain’^ btetl FffinOus'TIuddei^eld UConn GeU Grant (SS> DO YOU TRUST YOUR WIFE? OIL COMPANY TWeeds, woven of hard-wearing; FEATURING THE LATEST HITS 4:M (S3-M) MODERN ROMANCES XA MAIN ST.—TEL. MI 8-1601 Stoers, Conn., Nov. 14 IJP)—The S:ff < S) CISCO RID PRE-^)Q^IDAY CLEARANCE OF Supple yams^fabulous coats in FRIDAY, NOV. 15 - PA.C. BALLROOM ( 8-U> WOODY WOODPECREm OREEN STAMPS University of Connecticut has re­ (18> I LED THREE LIVES H'OC ceived an Atomic Energy Com­ VniAG E STREET, ROCKVILLE THE FIRST SHOW MAHRESiES, BOX SPRINGS and fabulous fabrics! Or choose from mission grant of 89,193 for lU con­ . COMEDY TIME tinuing study of "analytical chem­ (44) POPKVK equally renowned all-wool worsted DANCim I F.M. to MIONIOHT l:S4 ( S) RIO ADVENTURE HOLLYWOOD BEDS. SERGEANT PRESTON - istry at low concentrations." EVERYONE WELCOME! ( 8-5S) MICKEY MOUSE CLUB ]1:15 P.M. Tonight on Chtmiiel I f gabardines. Donegal-type tweeds with ' OF THE YUKON-»ith I^esldent A. N. Jorgensen said ADMISSION eOc. (18) THE BIG SHOW I !! S ^ Y *^ Rieberd Simmont ' ■ today that the research project, **Johaay F^ffpr** COMPARE and SAVe 20 to 50% POPEYE 18:U ( 8) o : (U) POLICE CALL y plaid zip-liner! Handsomely tailored, John T. Stock o f the university's 4:U ( t) COLLEGE CLASSROOM "Aaaa” in chemistry department staff. 4:M ( I) NEWS. SPORTS * WEATH­ It:tf ( 8) "BM^lgPOHTEB AND ER Early Bird Specials ^ J raglan or set-in sleeves. Greys, Principal purpose of the pro­ <«-»•>, J[*!»E WYMAN OHOW gram Is to develop new analytical < 8) THE NEWS TODAY A blues, browni and heathers in "WEATHER ____ ea?’* ** Praa- Two Complete Hollywood Bods methods for the determination of (II) PRONE TOUR ANSWER THE WAR AGAINST MRS. HADLEY (T«ln Size) Both For 100.00 regulars, shorts and longs. 8;00 harbourmaster tracing quanUUes of material and DINNER-DANCE uiS !il88'i%24*s'-‘' ^ith Barry SuJlivta to elucidate certain electro-chemi­ Open Every Day—Thurs. tUl I ( 8) HORLD'S BEST MOVIES Full .S ize Inneropring Mattress. cal phenomena in solution. Sponsored by. YOUNG O.O.P. of MANCHESTER "Pamle Heart'* (JI) BIO NEWS (2 only). 19.95 Complete Alteratlens Included (48) WBATHEH \ ROSEMOUNT RESTAURANT— Bolton Potterton's (U) NEWS Smooth Top Crib Mattress 11:88 ( 48) JHERLOCE HOLMES Food by Pogoni Cor. Church St.— ISO Center St. 11:18 (*7" X .82"). 8.88 TV — APPUANOE8 U :il liSV’lSA'fci* SATURDAY. NOV. IS— 7 P.M. MIM.ION. DOLLAM MOVIE Scaly Hollywood Bed Frames. (- RECORDS — RADIOS 6falaal Mra. 'M Frank Blnalra Babert Ivrra Sftoli Diniior — SoMJps Fumishod Hadler" 7.95 ^ CLIMAX! MlUi Qaynor Q. ilakaaaa (28) TONIGHT Sca/rmt John Drew A* 9 A Contribntion $4JS0 Per Perum—Music by MeKay 8:88 <22) SPOaTSCAST 11:28 (M) TONIGHT Salem staple 4-Drawer Chest. Barrymore in'Two Tein O.JU •THE "SHORT 8ttt ( ft HPOSTSCOPK TOWN CBIER II:U F»»V»BWS on Tuesday" (22> NEWS 11:48 24.95 JOKER CUT TO (88) INDl'BTBY ON PARADE 12:88 QuilMined 22 oz. Meltoii 1:80 ( 8) WESTERN MAR8HAL IS WILD" HELL" (8) STATE TROOPER t > : Is VlstavIsUa l;4S. S:U. lt:H US) 1 0 ’VL4H;a REPORT FRIDAY. MOV. U iV- l!SS. t;SS (22) WEATHER A LOCAL NEWS 539 5laln (28) NEWS A WEATHEB U;88 I I) NBW8 Street ■CN.. "MARINE RAlOESa'' THE M ^CXESTBR REG18TEBED NURSES’ ASSN, (4«) NEWS A WEATHEB (ft-48) ROTEL 4XMMOPOIJTAN Suburban Coats preaents (81) SPORTS POODS Sleep Center HI 9-6335 1:U (U ^ ) iraDOLAS EDWARDS. NEWS • . NifY ^ PLAYHOUSE *0 (22) HroHuaHTa !.K THE MANCHESTER COMMUNITY PLAYDIS (22-88) IT cot ' a D 5J*^P“S O'Cooser (88) HEW8 ______.4lU ^ DaridWayne. -'ayne, PeterPete Lorre is ■ ■ la (88) JOHN DALY. NEWS <1!! WD-DAY M ow i ° MSSEU STREET 1)88 ( l^ > CIECD8 BOY 'The Jei-Pilot Coueh" "Tke. Da«c)sr Bsiw’' 'I'aa ('8) a f t e r DINIOER MOVIE TAVERN "Alrag Csmr Jasrj" —p (1A48) 80T. PRE8TON 57 BISSELl S t. ■ (IM8) TIC TAG DODGE $ 2 2 V a lu e s (Cator) TE L.^ t-glM T N r 8:88 ( 80S) SOBRO 1956 CADILLAC EL DORADO "Earra Saves A PrirsA" 418-48) HARBOCRMA8TER D4YCLEJININ6 Long-wearing Melton (50% virgin wool— STILL LOW PRICED "Esamr Dsksaws" Offered to the buyer looking for the ultimate in the 50% reprocessed wool) in a sturdy 22 oz, weight ELEVEN O CLOCK 8 :8. REPORT—with i r n n Pick Up and Dalfvtry Cadillac family of fine cans. This stunning Hardtop Jack Borden 'I .U U PIZZA that’s guaranteed to keep the winds out and J»h« Drew Barrysaara atsn. Seville has just been traded on our* magnificent Mark SMALL warmth in! Fully-lined with warm, rayon .2t-88)'"Di’?N5¥" •• ^****'" III Continental. Equipped with power steering, power Items 16c lEacb O w C 8:88 ( 8) OB. HUDSON SBCHET Fisher satin-finish quilted linings—filled with 100% JOURNAL brake.8, power windows, si.x-way power seat, .selecto- 6c Extra on Orders to Go. ( tj PAT BOONE SHOW DRY CLEANSERS, Inc. reprocessed wool! Newest splash-weaves in .Osaata: Jsra P. Margsa, 826 Brosd S t— Dial |MD1 D -m i Jaal Gray aad Rabcrt matic radio with front and rear speaker, dual under­ Lamasrat MILLION DOLLAR MOVIE m ti» nud.t of th. nations light, medium and dark grey, and navy. ; (22-88) PEOPLE’S CHOICE < 1:28 (11) MEWS seat heaters, autronic eye; tinted glass, back-up lights, Sizes 34 to 48. '*■ MKLION DOLLAR ENia ascNOLn , J (88) PRO WHESTUim 1:88 (18) AS THE WORLD TURNS proparationii for war Mra. Hadley fights td^ maintain the luxuries / 11*1S MOWE—Van Johnm, 8:88 (8) PRO. FOOTBALL RIGE (22) MEWS directional lights, premium whitewall tires, gold y I 11 • I «l F ^ .B ^ e r l?.‘The War LIGHTS "An electrliying evening la the liviag theater." ( I8) 0.8A. <*•> ROWABD MILLEE SROW Asaiaa Mrs. Hadley" i i i j i i i j i "(^ratlas Rlsa Ejt'aa" • — (CaUf) ^ of pre-war days. . . and tomorrow at 5:30.p.m. on THE BIG SHOW, sabgr wheel (Covers. The exterior o f this fine car is Directed by Faith Fallow * (18-48) PLAYHOUSE 88 l.'af WITH BITTY 2*»5to JJXaaaar, DAvM finished in .sea nii.st green and alpine white to match HELD O'VER! tnd WEEK! JFarae. Paler Larrea aad *“• {i2VliATOlKs®“ ®‘ Clark Gable, John Hodiak and Van Jobfistm with an honored^ eaat Ineludingt Gdl^ardas caelar la "Tka Jat-Pfs^ed Casck" the genuine leather apd pylon interior. Showroom con­ Mary Ann Hhndlay Trodl Rocknagel . Fredarick Malln (its; R SE £»%<». in COMMAND DECISION. Ricky Oentileora CoUlea Ferry Eve Fetoom ' dition throughout Attractively priced at $ 4 2 9 5 . Owr 3l> \' a»rs of (.'oniiniifiiin L'ii'>li’iui r Edytha Coffin Mary dandet Nancy RosmH -iitlt/tu ii--n * / , ’ '" I " '" ’''' ' ■ lOW ERS SCHOOL AUDITORIUM O P E N E ROY MOTORS, INC. CMTILEVItlON BROS. Lincoln-Mercnrr k •K# on WHCT., ehmttitll I 'n m m rm rsr' Friday aad Sotordoy eveeiags—Rev. IS add 14 li. sl. r \i:Ui,,r|.. ,| Ii. - I'j ,, ,,||. ||. . MORIARTY 81^ .CENTER— MI $-6185 b s .'U SMM.VS, luo I OCX (lox- I. (ROUTES B aad IB) OBE n u m n O N HABTfOBD AS U SLSe-CMMIs*i 16# (taalMMad) flM X # rRasa# IW # Show " ' '11.11. Ill) s •! \ M . V, f, I M. , .. RERUN TURNPIKE AT ROUTE 72 OVERPASS , i- * t ' , • . ■// ‘ a ■ i . I .1 / /.V ■ V V »-r^r , ’ h-'


MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1957 P A G E F I V E WARDS^ MONTOOMBnv WARD WARDS^ PRE-HOLIDAY MONTOOMCRV WARD 824.828 MAIN ST. TEL. Ml 3.SU1— MANCHESTER ■ / PRE-HOLIDAY 824.828 MAIN STREET TEL Ml 3.5161— MANCHESTER TERRIFIC BARGAINS IN WARDS BIG STORE-WIDE SALE \ CLEARANCE CLEARANCE 5-year guarantn JR. BOYS’ FLANNEL PANTS •loetric blankets SIZES 6-10. REG. 2.98. lAlll 1.88 sale! any 2 for *5 ■M. Sf.*l 94 50% OFF BOYS' A U WOOL save an Wards best seiers daring this big ir e ^ id a y sale! SWEATERS — Award Typ« Sola prica at haight of SIZES 4-tA REG. SaS. . I f season! 8 0 % Acrilan. . . 1.18 mochina-washabla. UL REG. S.Bfl 2 ^ 0 tog. Twin, one control.

REG. 4. “ 3.18 MEN'S UNLINED DRESS GLOVES Reg. 3.98 Boxed IDEAL FOR DRIVING. REG. 2.98. 1.97 wv- m ^'Snowmates" set MEN’S LONG SLEEVE SPORT SHIRTS sms SIZES SMALL. MEDIUM, LARGE. s TO ax REG. 2.98 and 3.98. 128 PIAIDS AND STRIPfS abound in lOWOlCAl In quoNly to 3.95 COLORFUL prints. Fully Sonferizad Sanferixad cotton twill DAYS MEN'S JACKAREE JACKETS ibis coKagioia ddrt eoHaetien. lutien- brond-nama ddrts. Now, parmonent ond woshobla. Adjusiabla woist. Of pinwola corduroy sus­ do¥»n oenofi. AAony'eelots. All sizot. SIZES SMALL AND MEDIUM. eogor s to ^ WMto and eotors. Jodfot or puKovor. Stock op newl pender slacks. Full flan­ ONLY REG. 3.98. 2.18 nel lining. Matches shirt. MEN'S LONG SLEEVE PUUOVER SWEATERS lOO^r ORLON. SIZES SMALL. MEDIUM. LARGE. REG. 7.98. 4.28 Choose - Jetspun - Saran Plastic - Fiber Women’s wormlined mo< SAVE $10 TO $18- ENTIRE STOCK REDUCED 25% 2-Pe. SLEEPOl ...-...... 1.49 Soft suadana, wool REGULAR tl.SB— BEST QUALITT JETSPUN 2-Pe. SLEEPER...... 1.69 S / l U f eollor— ot Words low 2.98 USUAL 59.95 TO 79.95 QUALITY Burn and ahoek raaistont — Wide selection 2-Pe. PAJAMAS...... Rugged cotton prical laothar solas. tio — a-a .o f b e a u tifu l 1957 potterna and cotora. ...1.98 • AH pur* whito, IrantloMnll Trimmed with heavy weight ortiflclol 2-Pc. 80YS’ FLANNa PAJAMAS ...... 2.19 sotoon poHka with OVER leather — Double itltehed reinforced seemt. 10“ 3-Pe. SLEEPER...... S-t-r.e-t-c-h orgyles • 4 or 6 axtra cup* Indudodl . . .2.39 Dynol.linod hood REG. ZI.BO— B E S T Q U A L IT T S A R A N P L A S TIO boxer-Uned j e a n s ...... 66 pcs. for 8 . ..1.98 $2 Long-wearing cotton- 2 Pr. • Ouaranto«d op«n stock on oil I rag. 39.95 Todo/s toughest and longest weoring sect BOYS' UNED JEANS...... 2.29 nylon bland. Regular 1.00 CAN cover fabric — New cor upholstery alyting — GIRLS’ LINED JEANS...... 2.29 91/4-1 l;lorga 1 1 Vi-14. WONTBINO Wards graotasl china sola I Sova 2 5 % more thon usual— ond Heavy weight artificld! leother dhd rayon 100-PC. SET, SERVICE FOR 12 trim. FLANNa SHIRTS...... 1.19 8.98 sat your lovaliait holiday table I All flna quality— oil wifli 22K FIT gold or platinum trim. Naw patterns included. Othar 66-pc. and "Moytima”, "Moss Rosa" (above), M i FLANNEL SHIRTS...... HIAVY ouav LININb R E G U L A R l!l.9tl— B E S T Q U A L IT T F IB E R .. .1.69 100-pc. sola ta ts ...32.44 to 51.44 just 2 of 9 pottarm at this prica, • FLANNEL SHIRTS ...... Durable, water repellent, plastic coated to , . .1.39 Maximum protaction for MOST 195 Sdve 20% I Child's slipper lock in their bright fast colors — A special FLANNEL SHIRTS ...... 1.79 young boyil Wotar ra- CORDUROY CREEPERS...... Soft laothar, fluffy volue at this low price. ...1.69 pallant, wind-raiistant BEAUTIFUL IMPORTED STAINLESS CARS! CORDUROY CREEPERS...... 1.98 and ruggadi Fur-lika Mouton collar, wool 2.38 linedi Tan. 6vbig 3. i m . i.ee CORDUROY OVERALLS...... 1.98 Dynal hood xipi down to 24-PC. SET— SERVICE FOR 6 Clear Plastic Seat Covers in Stock CORDUROY OVERALLS...... form collar. Boys' favor- ...2.49 ita colors. 4 to 10. CORDUROY SLACKS ...... 1.98 Boys’ 1.59 flonnol shirt Make Wards Your Soof Cover Headquarters JEANS...... 1.69 Worm, comfortable, 1.33 BIRDSEYE DIAPERS ...... 2.29 t Ih rugged eotton flait- -Crapa” ”M o " nal. Jr. sixes 4 to 13. ro9. 5.50 rag. 7.95 MRDSEYE blAPERS ...... SANfOtlZU . . 2.79 Gleams like sllvarl Never needs polishing; won’t rust, COnON SWEATERS...... 1.19 stain or pit. 50 PCS. GRAPE for 8— hat salad forks, extra teaspoons, serving spoons; In chest. Sola . . . 9.44 Boy’s reg. 2.98 joons ant Structo Steel full flannel lined DON’T MISS THESE SAVINGS ON HOLIDAY NEEDS @ t BIG electric live action" toys GUIDED MISSLE UUNCHER train set Sturdy vat-dyad denim. t r Sanferixad, machine Rugged steel truck and cob . . . — _ _ • ,A.cart; 55 pt«««B In oil woshobla.ialnforcad ot plastic louncher shoots missiles into ? Q S oir. Oliva drob finish. 13' long. w e W W • N«w whiiHing station strain points. 6 to 12. FINE TWEED AND "HYDRAULIC’’ DUMP TRUCK ROASTER-REO.2.49 BAKE 'N* TAKE PAN 19e EA. BAKEPANS ANGEL CAKE PAN Corrias raolly big loads "cross coun- _ ^ _ CASHMERE BLEND try." Staal body; tractor-grip tiras. m Q K ^ 7 if bought O Q f i g Mua enamel, holds 20- m Rag. 1 .39, oluminum 9* pi« and coka pant. gM0 Rag. 1.69. 9* iquore. lb. fowl, 25-lb. roost. Price sloshed 24% on 1.99 Sliding covor, 9* iq. 9 9 C Pura olumlnum. 2 for 4bOC Rustproof— >oluminuni. 1.44 Troilar roisas to dump. 2 0 ' long. S w e w O s t a t e l y 4 0 FLEECE SUBURBAN COATS 3.95 CARVING SET HEAVY-DUTY DUMP TRUCK stretch nylons 5-lB. FRUIT CAKE ™ a '' 3*pc OGt In lovaly gift chait. Bokery freihl Light Movfs loads of groval from tha pit _ Smoking angina pulls tandar and four < ■ • S Cotaiin Ethorn hond- mm bottvr, wall f)ll«d with to tha "job." 2 0 ' body roisas, ■ 7 0 6 othar cars ovar 211' of track. 50-wqtf REG. Igi. Forgud knife, fork. 3*44 not*, fruit. Wi gift cor- 1.99 19.98 ton. ' i unloads automatically. Tail-gota. f c a W transformar, ramota-eont^- cevpligg, 17.88 1 switchas, and all aquipmant shown hala STEEL CATTLE TRANSPORT Luxury tolloring and suparb fabrics abound In thaso mako for raotiSlic railreoding fun I Rag. 96c. .Carol Brant Little cowhands haul the whole herd. ^ hbndsoma suburban coats. Buriy twaads in axeitlng T S danlar,. 40. gauge Rear doors swing open for loading, m U x naw combinations. Soft blands of 1 0 % coshntara,. , dress sheers. Fatife, Rubber tires; hub cops. 21' long. 9 0 % worm wool. Laothar buttons, sida vants. Soval . __ ^ioo Vltards big YoHocHon: lavarqga, tall fk 8-12. oloctric, bottory, windup SALE! COLORAMA TRIKES ROjU) CONSTRUCTION GRADER Front wheels staar; scraper blade ro- _ ^ _ totes. Boked-enomel on sturdy steel. s U l E Rubber tires; "Diesel motor." 19'. A w e B rW FAMOUS FARM TRUCK SET 6 realiitic metal trucks 'With rubber lO-INCH WHEEL tires and 9 plastic animals . . . a YOU DONT NEED CASH TO SAVE--0PEN A WARD ACCOUNT TODAY whole barnyard for collectors! Hore's flashy "flite lino" design with the CobffulShoetingStM'Sltd ColorfulTrail Breoker Sled look of a modern jet plone. Many exclusive Junior doctor or nano kit W ard features— basket, horn ond streamers Straomlinad hordwd. C*. A O Patented "T'sfaaring A AO Tot’s tobk ond,dioir sot Offkiql-looking kit 1 O f t included at no extra cost. Rugged steel tub­ deck; sturdy steal 3 * 7 0 for quick tofSM. Slop- V « 7 0 | -with lots of moka-bo- ■•70 Sturdy tubular steal ing frame rides on ball-bearing front wheel. bMOt.ModaNidiMi(j|B. a# M p i ing streeesllned dadc. m -MCH ^ takas hard knocks.' liova oquipmant. lAdi 6.77 Semi-pneumatic tires, tough treaded rubber. Contour seals, bocks. iM. f.aa Larger Sizes sale-priced Toy Dm I Typewriter FfMiwi table u m I < Wiggling Tnr^ puR toy Yoongstor^s Arcliory Sot 12" WHEEL, Re^. 17.95...... 16.88 Raaoialad Matai— 7 ABB Fopa M SMd out of . f # bicludW big torgol, A A A Choose Reg. 19.95 SMd pr«M to patoL' 3.44 16" WHEEL, ...... 17.88 shaR to dalgtoadtol I p O O 42-kidi bow, 4 biidi A A ■saowii toiPlBw tfpt. ★ GOLD ★ GREEN 20" WHEEL, R«g. 20.95...... 18.88 ★ INAROW

T ^ . M i •..Si .-ITT.- k .* ■ • W I

. \ • ' 1 /■.

■■ ■ 1-■'


and still Is our aim, to .keep only leave. In dignified disgust, before opportunity for recreation, but It Hal Boyle minutes late every morning, when IHanrl^PBtpr one proposal under direct United any open battle became necessary. Idle Claims Drop also has proven to be a th e r ^ y aa COURON ~ COUPON — COUPON — COUPON every other man In office can State Tech School Bailey has another obvious rea­ Developer Readies Estate Lot Nations consideration—our own Connecticut well as educational aa many o f the make It by 9 o'clock sharp— 5 min­ Skytmteh Schedule Sopnittg lipraid son for not Wanting to have things In Town to 432 children who have participated in utes. proposal aa presented at London. P lans O pen H ouse rUBUUlHKP BT nUB hapfien tod fast. He has a state elec- the past have learned to swim. A . OPEN FOR BUSINESS Why Getting to Work It is now 9:15, and our hero ia For ^Neglected^ Millionaires ■imtAi.n PRIMTOro CO.. INC. So long as that la ths only thing Yankee U«n coming up next year. In every- blind boy has even progressed to ao worn out and upset he has to Friday, Nov. IS. u b im u aiTMt 'State election he has won, no mat­ The total number o f unemployed (WATCH FOR OUR GRAND OPENING) The State Technical Institute, at to be considered, ind so long as the extent w’here. he can Jump off sneak down to drugstore counter Midnight—2 a.m...... Haaclicatar. * '^ n . By A. H. O. ter who the candidate, a magnifi­ in Manchester fell from 455 to 432 661 Main St., Hartford, will hold ...... Voiuateera Needed. tBOMAS r / kkoubon it remains tailored to“ encounter the diving board. for second bicarbonate of soda. By BEN FT'NK ^nity Golden Isles. There's no place 2 a.m.— 4 *.m ...... WALTER R rEROUSON X. cent Democratic plurality la Hart­ during the week ending Nov, 9. for HOME MAID BAKERY Tires Businessman open honse on Tueeday, from 7 to .'.Votmiteeni Needed. continued Russian sejection, it Much of the credit for thla prog­ Our tired businessman la already Miami. Fla. (/Pi—Pity the poor here for the guy who wants to 4 a.m.— 6 a.m...... ^ PubitsiMn ford has played a key part. He will 9:30 p.m...... VolunteeVa Needed. ^touaded Oetobtr L u n One city election which en­ a drop o f 4 per cent, according to ress goes not only to Miss Madden and COFFEE BAR ao tired, merely from the ordeal millionaire. There’s almost no pay a thou.sand bucks down and 8 a.m.— 8 a.m...... Olive Chartier. makes a perfect disarmament plan, not want to have Hartford In the 69* MAIN STREET MANCHESTER The ptibllc is invited to viMt the tirely as the pollticiana;.|Stanned it figures released today by the Con­ but her outstanding group of teen­ N ew York (/P) — Everyone is dering why suit* get tighter around of getting to work, that he will 60 a month. It costa $12,000 and up 8 a.m.— 10 a .m ...... PuMUbcd B n i7 Wr«Rin« BxeMI as these things go.. midst of civic turmoil, with the place for him to live any more. institute to see the educaUonal ...... O live Chartier. kuidAn mad HoUdmjrm Bnterid ml tom necticut Labor Department. age instructors who volunteer fam iliar writh the tired, business­ stomach every yoar--6 minutes. have to loaf on the Job all day That's the authoritative opinion Just for a lot—with cash on the 10 a,m.— N o o n ...... Louis R. Cali. Russia responded to this strat­ and aa observers predicted it was Democrats labeled aa lU villains, in New claims in Manchester fell facilities which the State Is pro­ nomt O ttiet a: Hmactiriter Conn., aa their time to help these children. man, wh* returns horn* at the end Time spent trying to get chil­ merely to get up enough strength of a fellow who has studied the barrelhead—and nothing worth Noon— 2 p.m...... Louis R. Call. lacood CUPS Hall Matlpr. that In Hartfordj^^where the old the months leading up to next from 99 to 69. while continued less than $50,000 can be built on viding for technical level educa­ egy o f ours by announcing that it These instructors have formed a of th^day exhausted. dren to breakfast table— 10 min­ to make the long voyage home at rich man's housing situation from 2 p.m.— 4 p.m...... ; ...... '.Garry Stitliffe, J. Victor Marcin. SUBSCRIPTION RATBB year’s voting. claims rose from 356 to 363. SPECIAL utes. the lot. tion. A ll classrooms and labora­ Parabla Id Adraaea would withdraw from the work of political order^'Instinctively find­ group called the lOH, which stands "irdu’re working too hard,” his dusk. 4 p.m.— 8 p.m...... So, if Bailey’s sense o f timing DONUT Beverly Hills to Westchester Coun­ tories will be open for observation, ...... W, J. Lemire, J. Schelbenfplug. The number of women unem­ friends tell him. " I t ’s killlnr you." Time spent waiting at breakfast the disarmament sub-committee ing its way toward policies which for Instructors of Handicapped, ty. Six months after Layne ordered 6 p.m.— 8 p.m...... Wayne Garland. Tear .... had a double machine result If not and Btralegy has anything to do ployed fell from 364 to 337, with (COUPON GOOD FRIDAY, But it isn't the work he does at table for burnt toast to arrive—5 samples of student work w ill be to Kontha ... aa«B**aw^«* and have elected their own officers. "The forgotten man of today. Is an array of earth-moving- and 8 p.m.— 10 p.m...... Olive Ray. altogether unless some changes with events in Hartford, there will' women comprising 53.8 per cent ths office that makes the tired minutes. on display, and the institute's eve­ rtire* Montha B double machine intent, finally They submit a report to Miss Mad­ NOV. 15 ONLY) the one you would least suspect,” canal-digging machines into the 10 p.m.— ^Midnight ...... Joseph Marcin. J. Victor Marcin. toe MooUi ... were made, ^^’e immediately de­ probably be a year before the o f the unemployed in the Manches­ businessman so tired. It's the ning schdbl program will be in op­ routed the forces of civic virtue. den at the conclusion of each swim Time spent silently grimacing at says H. B. Layne, 46, head of a. swamp, three aeawalled and per- raak.T ...... Democrats really show their fangii. ter area as compared with 5.'i.7 per stress and strains of ..mind and Reserve Notes eration. Bkywatch Poat located on top of Manchester Police Station. daslr OopT .. nounced this as a faithless Ru.s- For 10 years the Citizens Charter period regarding the progress of burnt toaat— 30 seconds. big land developing and building factly manicured islands have ^ e n Committee, organized to protect There Is one potential catch in cent the previous week. body ho must undergo before he ^ulpturcd and 14 more’ are to be The institute'* day school Volunteer! may register at Civil Defense Headquarter*, Municipal lian desertion of the cause of dis­ their handicapped child and meet Time spent listening to wife ex­ firm. "He's the one who desperate­ courses in electrical, mechanical, MUJIBCR or Hartford's new city manager form this. The actual candidates who Other flgiires in the report gets to the office. /carved out of the morass. . nufi AflSOClATBD PRId98 armament. which would have been once a month to discuss the vari­ A REG. 6.1C plain that, if he doesn't like way Wheeled vehicle operation and ly needs shelter in the $75,000-and^ and tool technology train engi­ Building, on Monday Wednesday or Friday from 1-5 p.m. m of government, had been generally came into office In this Democratic showed an Increase in partial pay­ It U said that former President In the center of the first island, T Aaaodeted Prets !• •xclualTclp ous ways to Improve upon the pro­ Doz. ------.-bread is toasted, he can go out In maintenance was the main topic of up home class. / neering technicians for employ­ MitltlMl to tli« UM of ropubUcatJoB of a good propaganda charge, If we succesafiil In wrlthstanding the .sweep have the appearance of be­ ments from 17 to 2.*>. and a ri.se in Harry Truman prides himself on Layne built himself a $100,000 aU o«ws dUpatches crautad to I*., or gram and methods of instruction. ~ D A IL Y 7:00 A A f. to 10 P J I. kitchen and toast his own— 3 min­ atudy at Ihl.s week's meeting of ment as electronic technician*, de­ could hav# made It stick In the natural urge of the politicians to ing true political primitives, a lit­ Korean veterans claims from 3 to the fact he can rise, dress and be utes. "The truth Is that builders A r t home and has moved into it. He not othrrwlja credited In tfila paper If there are any parents who SItN D A Y 7:00 A A f. to 1 P.M. sign engineer draftsmen, and tool cal occupation* Issued by the U.8. vide* additional technical educa­ ajid AiPo the local oewe pebUahed here take back the city which had been tle rough and hungry, and per­ 8, while Interstate claims dropped e CLOSED MONDAYS e able to meet the problems of ths the Headquarters Battery of the taking ca!re. o f the low and M e d ­ also maintains a home in Spring- world mind. Perversely, however, from 29 to 21. have children who are handicapped, HOURS Time spent trying to read newa- and die designers— three occupa­ Department of Labor. tion to more than 650 .adult* who A l l ilfh u f it repubUcatlon of apeclal haps quite capable of smaahing day writhin 10 minutea. paper 2 minutea. 384th Field Artillery BatUllon. Ad­ ium priced home m arked but field, Ohio, from where he directs dUpatchea herein are alao reaenred. not all other nations Judged that takeb away from them by the re­ either physically or mentally, and tions which are on the list of crlU- •TTie evening school program pro­ attend classes after working hours. their own way past any timing ALL BAKING DONE ON THE PBEMlBEg The average business employe, Time spent trying to explain to ignoring the luxury market.'^’ his northern operations. He has Russia, by this threat, was killing form of 1947. But this time the old ministrative training was also un­ Fun eernce client of N. E. A. Beri^ and strategy Bailey may have in wish to enter them in this activity, however, isn’t that efficient. Here wife why it is necessary for him to Rich Squeezed C m built more than 5,000 low-cost lee. Inc order won a clear and smashing they may contact the Recreation dertaken. Instructors were Capt. disarmament any deader than it victory Thi.s time the Republicanf mind. Swim Program COUPON — COUPON — COUPON — COUPON li the schedule of our typical o f­ read at breakfast table -4 minutes. One of the main rMMons for dwellings up there. Pubtlahere Repreaentatteea: The Department at the F,ast Side Rec­ George M. Blake of Manchester the short.nge of fine homes, Layne lullue Matbewe Sp^al Airency — New already was. Some of them even party, for the first time. Joined the fice hero after the alarm clock Time spent bawling out children quick Kespons* Vorir Chica^ .Detroit and Boatoo. reation Center. and Lt. Peter H. Searl of Hartford. says, has been the "squeezing out" thought that the only rhancs of Democrats in entering a partisan Starts 4th Year bugles him awake at 7 a.m.: for dawl p.m. Friday. large the disarmament aub-com- On the front of the Sunday cal­ Department staff Will again direct try to the state's economy will be at Fort Dix, N. J. Besaw will re­ ments. It's the same in Evanston, Friday and candidates. And now the fun be­ bed, yswnlng, scratching and none. diaries Schrager, head o f the For Tuesdae^i p m. Monday the program. Fach child entering obserx'ed next May 4-11. III., and Nob Hill. -San Francisco. For Wednesday—1 p m Tuesday. mlttee. TTie move Itself, being led gins. endar of the Trinity Church In wondsrlng why stayed up until 1 Time spent In bolting own food— turn to the local unit at the end of Chicago-based construction com For Thursday—1 p m Wedneaday. the pool is assigned an instructor Committees will be set up In "W here can the millionaire go If by nations like India and Yugo­ But it will probabl.v be slow fun. Burlington. Ontario, Canada, there a.m., watching that (iunib 193r) 2 minutes. Ihe active duty training period to jiany wlllch bears his name, bought For Friday—1 n. m. llmrsday. w'ho stays with the child during communities throughout the state fulfill the remainder of his military he wants to live with neighbors FOr Saturday— 1 n. m. FTWlay. Although the outcome of this elec­ is one of the mo.st beautiful and movie on television- a minutes. Time spent kissing wife goodby half a million dollars worth o f land slavia and Canada, represents a the swim period. The program is to plan appropriate local observ­ obligation. He is one of many area on his own financial level? Ctasalfled deadfiire- 10:8U a.m. saeb tion Is Inevitably a struggle be­ Tlmd spent doing pushups, deep at door— 1 second. in a single transaction. day of DubPcAtloo axeept Saturwy —> defeat for our policy. We are now most meaningful prayers I have designed to give these children an ances. V for Very knee bends, and reaching over to Time spent running to bua stop youths who have taken advantage "H e can buy other people's " I don’t think Golden Isles alone t a r n tween the six Democrats and City ever read. I would like to share it fighting to keep the number of touch floor with knees only part­ — 2 minutes. of the Keser\’e Training Progiani. houses in the ‘good’ places like will solve the problem of the home­ Manager Carleton Sharpe, and also with all of my fam ily and friendk Thursday, November 14 ly bent — 30 seconds. Grosse Point, Mich., or Bedford less weslthy,” Layne says. "But additions to the committee as small inevitably a struggle to rip dowm In the Manchester area." Exciting Time spent waiting In Una to get Recent Openings Time spent admiring result* In Village, N.Y. But if he wanta to it's a step in the right direction.” as possible. W> are still, therefore, some of the safeguards against "Grant. O God. that because we on bus—6 minutes. Many of the openings which have bedroom m irror—5 minutes. Time spent fighting three erect his own home, there Is prac­ The Vandals acting as If something were going politics Imbedded In the Hartford meet together for worship, life it u recently been made available to 75mo spent showering. Including stronger, younger men for scat on tically no land available in estab­ Satur reform charter, the full flowering may grow greater for some who Exits! the battalion include positions lor Next In value to prevention of a to be lost if the disarmament ques­ period spent crawling around on bus— 5 minutes. lished areas for the wealthy." of this struggle Is likely to take have contempt for It: simpler for Middle East Today non-commissioned ' officers with tion got wider discussion and con­ llles looking for soap -4 minutes. Time spent guiltily trying to PtiUlng his theory to practice, crime elands Its prompt solution, some time. some who are confused hy it; hap­ prior military seivlce. The unit Is ^ BREAKFAST and ^ THE WOMEN'S CM’B OF MANCHESTER 75me spent shaving, bru.shlng avoid gaze of standing middle-aged Layne has taken a sorry looWnK , g , s and credit for such solution g o ^ sideration. Bgt all the world can Tw’o strategy conaiderations also accepting enlistments of men pier for some who are tasting the PreApnts teeth and drinking sodium bicar­ lady so won’t have to get up and coastal swamp a few miles north L A see that nothing could be more have to be present In the mind of bltterne.ss of It; safer for some who with no previous service between LUNCHEON SPECIALS today to the Manchester and Ehist bonate—4 minutea. give her his seat— 25 minutes. the ages of IT and 26. Information Democratic State Chairjnan John are feeling the peril of It: serener of there and Is turning It into one^ EUBDV AAV AT A Hartford police departments in the dead end than disarmament dis­ Time spent studying face In Time spent running frofii bus can be obtained at the weekly of plushest home and apartment I P CYtKT VAT Al ^ Bailey, as he attempts to rule the for some who are thi;obbing with matter of the Broad St. vandalism. cussions as they have been held HARRY B. ELLIS, Author, Lectur«r 29.98 bathroom mirror looking for signs stop to office building— 6 minutea. meetings of the battalion. held developments in the nation. ' new political roost he has helped the fever of it: holier for some for a t old age— 5 minutes. Time spent explaining to boss every Tuesday at the Manchester Appropriately, he has named The apparent solution is wel­ in the past, with each aide usually build. whom life has lo.st all dignity, '> Arthur Dnif Storts j MONDAY. NOV. 18— 8 P.M. T5me spent dressing and won­ reasons why has to show up 10 Parkade. his SSb-acre, multi-island commu- i f e k A A . A . ▲ ▲ A A . come, not only because the young firm on proposals It knows the One Is that It would be a little beauty and meaning, and greater, T a k i n jf a back- hoodlums involved deserved to be other will not accept, and with too crude for the Democrats to try deeper, richer for us all because, above all, we have met with Thee." \^MASONIC TEMPLE , viewpoint on fa.sh- caught and punished, but because the outside world powerless to to i ^ n g the ax on Sharpe im- — Amen. ion. we find this nreak in and 'le ir both of them pTBtBXt will Open\^ the Public— Guest Fee, 75o U brings the cHfne useir into to m e have to be created, and It should, Marjorie Keith Hanlon worsted- wool, m v E i perspective. to get on with the necessary busl- strategy-wise, be some pretext shark.akin sheath This was not, glaring as It was I ness o f humanity. I f we are for which has the semblance of a com­ Canyon Rockg Very Old scores a fflamorous in its details, some new break­ disarmament, we have nothing to munity Issue, in which the Demo­ TRIMMED victory. And the down in society, but rather the act lose by the widest kind of discus­ crats could claim to be defending Flagstaff, Ariz.—Exposed In the the interests of the people, or the ^ SHOP NOW-PAY LATER subtle smoothne.s., sion, and if Russia is ss hypocriti­ Grand Canyon is one of the most o f Individuals who had some time future of Hartford, against the of the fabric is ac­ cal as we say she is. nothing could complete sections of rocks known. IVY-STRIPE pre\iously begun functioning on arbitrary will of one obstinate man. Forming the wall of a narrow "EARLYBIRD" cented by a satin the wrong side o f the law. It bring that fact out more clearly To trap and goad Sharpe Into such gorge In the lower pari of the can­ midriff, buckled in poses no sensational new problem. than the same kind of discussion. a corner will take time and careful yon are some of the oldest rocks back. (Iray or Rather, it underlines and empha- Yet we let Russia pose ss the one nudging, and the painstaking in­ known to geologists, dating back COATS fliction of a lot of minor injuries beige. Size.s 10-16. aixes our continuing problem. willing to open the discussion door to the first geologic era. Also visi­ and insults. Best result of all for ble in the canyon are groups of There is no miraculous or sudden to everybody, and we let ourselves the Democrats would, of course, tilted rock layers of the second i/OAvoid last-minute A ruth. Phone M Benbficial Snoiv. ! be seen trying to lock the discus­ be for Sharpe to pull up stakes and cure for this problem. We have to geologic era. Tell us how much cash:}i»u want, than coma in M\e with it, and work with it, and sion door against sverybody. Even' for It in I risir to office. fVe like to say “YesI" guard against it, and seek to re­ if the goal involved is not disarma­ ■ ■■■■■ LOANS I’P TO $600—LOANS LIFE-IN8UBED AT LOW COST duce It by all the means at our ment, but propaganda, this is disposal, ranging from as much lousy propaganda. aoc M A IN rr., T i m I n ., O w r W M lw erth’e. M ANCH ESTER poUcs vlgilsnce as wa can muster Mltchelt S-41M • Aik ter the Y t * MANattr O fiN THUStOAT tVtNINCS UNTU • PM. to the rong-range attempt to pene­ Hiller’* Lepiry IMM aW. It MWaSl nt fa ) aaw • tmm 6t SM8 666N ohM ftmEAf i9f*M h Tw o efayt only! trate and cure' the conditions in ...... I «l dur society which throw up some West Germany today Is engaged hoodlums. In two enormous projects. In one. Bage-AOen, Ikat Hartford, la open It’s got everything to put it the rebuilding of a shattered, ruh- Tuesday through Satiirdav 9:80 A..M. We shall not master this prob­ in the high-fashion league— lem until church and state, achool ble-stren’n land, she has achieved a BENEFICIAL FINANCE CO. to B:S0 P.M.; Friday until 8:50 P.M. and family, police and social*agen- spectacular success Where she had except a high price (and been a burning, bleeding country cies, and all the responsible ele­ YOUR HEATING SYSTEM who wants that)l The new ments of our society. Including 12 years ago, today she is the rich­ every last Individual of us In his est nation in Western Europe. narrow look in Ivy stripe* But the other project is not sus­ CONVERT TO OIL HEAT NOW! or her personal establishment of . . . with velvet collar, values, succeed In obtaining a ceptible to this kind of success. Call Us! W ell Be Pleased To Submit An Estimate. wiser grip on the destinies and di­ For It concerns the repair o f the ROTARY or PRESSURE BURNERS 5-button front, push-up national aoul. It is the effort being rections of those we bring into our sleeves, tab trim pockets. world. made by West Germany to purge COMPLETE HEATING WOULD YOUR INSURANCE herself of the shame and guilt The Broad Bt. vandals were STEAM—HOTWATER—WARM AIR—AIR CONDITIONING Rich blend of 80% reused she still feels as a result o f H it­ merely some from a whole night- and reprocessed wool, wandering flotaam of youth which ler’s persecutions of the Jews. is continually on the prowl looking And this effort is being pushed NEW! NEW! NEW! 20% furry alpaca. Rayon for acme vlident and pointless vigorously. The reparations she is taffeta lined, warmly thrill. Night In and night out, the paying to Oie Jewish state of Israel HOT WATER HEATER police, for their part, do a rather is a part of that effort. So was the OPERATING ON NO. 2 FUEL OIL interlined. Gray tones. remarkable Job of sitting on this West Berlin city government's de­ in situation. But only society itself cision to build a Jewish Community Hdtwater aa you like It! Goaraateed and at Sizes 8-18. can reduce the problem to propor­ Center. So, too, was the presenta­ the most economical cost to you. S t o r e s . tions which are always manage­ tion of a medal by the West Ger­ able. The church beat, the family man government to the chairman "OIL HEAT IS CLEAN HEAT" beat, the school beat, the standard- of the West Berlin Jewish com- COVER W l SHOW JUST TWO COAT8.. .RUT W I MAVl HUNORIDI TO CHOOSIFROMI adults-themselves-follow best also j munity for his work In rebuilding have to 'be manned, In 24 hour that community and "the good \iny FOGARTY BROTHERS, INC. fashion. deratandlng between Jewish ahd .119 BROAD STREET— MI 9-45.19 vandals caUsU’S \ sTnas"*'V on* s'*®'*!, non-Jewish people. ” ■ ■■■I ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■«■■ IT? Not Even Good. Propaganda The laying of the cornmunity center'! cornerstone and the pre­ SPORTY It is not really likely that cur­ sentation of the medal both oc­ rent nianeuverings in the U.N. curred, symbolically, on the 19th over the future size of that or­ anniversary of "Crystal Night." KNIT-TRIM ganization s sub-committee on dis­ TTiat waa the November night in armament have anything decisive 1938 when Hitler Storm Troopers FRIDAY to do with prospects for die- burned down over 170 sj-nsgogues ZIBELINE armament itself. More probably, I Germany and then went on \ txroad S'” ’ be ---- these maneuvers add up to the to wreck and loot Jewish shops. I aame thing Uie only thing that TTie new community center Is | Nighty - Niner CAR COATS 12 \fan> of disarmament talks rising on the former site of West } have pr''duced so far propaganda. Berlin's largest synagogue, which Nevertheless, even If It ia only was burned on Crystal Night. on Sale Friday 9 to 9 p .m . propaganda involved, it la the Rus­ Wekt Berlin's Lord Mayor Willy sian maneuvers which are coming BrjuidX may have been speaking for closer to appealing to the mind a ll. of Germany when he said at of mankind than ours. And the DID YOUR AGENT TELL YO U - the cornerstone laying: "W ith the proof of this is that after having erection of this center, we want tried tt) take a hard and fast posi­ to show that we are trying to wipe tion, we ourselves are finding It Two days only I out the ahame of Crystal Night, The total ^nst .for Vandalism and Malicions Mischief on huHd> advisable to do aome conciliatory Studebaker-Packard a^m 04m c€6 tAe a/jp(^ntment It was this night that was followed 1 " •hiftlng. not to please Ruaila, hut by the murder of peoples, seta that ings or stock for 820,000 would be a grand totifl of 82 per year, It'll be loveat first sight... to please some of our own friends. the German people are still suf- I Whe.;; the London disarmament BOLAND MOTORS INC. when y(Ri see this new faring from today." | talks broke up last summer, that or iess per yearcouid cover: litreamlihe model with automatically headed the problem But the erection of a community ! 369 Center Sts, Manchester tapered slaves, knit trim back to the United Nations. And center, the presentation of a medal Punch Bowl Sets Crime iossrs (inniiey, stock, property) many people thought that would to a Jewish leader, even the pay­ collar and pcKkets. . . in a be a good' thing, holding that If ment of reparations to Israel can- i b. Destruction of money and securities ■ '* ___ more nations could get into the not. in themselves, wipe- out the I vibrant blend of 768 reused discussion pie pressure of world legacy of national guilt and shame, I 4 ’9 8 Disappearance of money and securities oA an c (e a /e t ^ Studebaker-Packard cd/i4 am i ImAd and reprocessed w(x>l, opinion might force the big pow- the cruelest legacy left to his peo- | erti out of the deadlock they are pie hy Hitler. Thts can be wiped o«it j •Is avalhtble In multiples of $250 up to $1,000. 208 mohah', 4% other fibers. seemingly always so careful to only after It has burned into th® They're here —the most varied lin e test-drive the cars that make Studebaker- Warmly quilt lined, too. preserve aintwig themselves, lest hearts o f the German people Uiat-. Why be without one any longrer ? Bij? Accounts receivahic can be covered for “ aii ri$ks” for a low of fine cars in town—from America's Packard for '58 today’s best automotive they have to do some actual dis­ totalitarianism, the ghettoes,. the I 7-quart 13V-*-inch bowl and 12 cups in So smart in black, light gray, lowert-priced, full-sized automobile, the^^ buy . . ..to learn first-hand about the armament some day. concentration camps and gas feather■ design, with chrome hooka and preniiiiin. Statisties show IO % -60% remain uncoliected when or bankers gray. 8-18. Back at the United Nations, Rus­ chambers, the wars of conquest •• i plastic laddie. Cash and carry; no phone famous Studebaker Scotsman . . . to the extra craftsmanship that assures unsur­ that theae thing! must never be records are destroyed. sia proposed that the problem be orders. brilliant new Packards and supercharged passed motoring economy while you drive attbmlUed to all 82 members of the spawned again m Germany. United Nations, for full debate, Golden Hawks. You are invited to see and . . . ^ o rd -p ro v en value when you sell. Um *ur and for a free consideration o f all Church in 2 Wart c*nv*nl*nt dUwimament proposals. Our ma­ La Bonne~Silverstein Associates^ Incorporated l* y -A w * y neuver then becam* ona o f trying Clisraw, S. C. — SL David's to preee'rve, unchnnged nnd un- ■tdsc^ieJ Church at C h e r a w , ballt in 1778, waa used aa a hos­ DYNAMIC INSURANCE (D) Studebaker-Packard n * * x lr « enliugodi the jurtadletlon of' ths pital in two wgra. I t aerved thia small aub-commlttaa which had purj^s for BrtUab troop* during ■ CORPORATION been functioning during the Lon­ ths Revolutionary W ar and also O F MANCHESTER 153 MAIN STREET . MANCHESTER, ^NNECTICUT waa uaed by the Confederatea dur­ don talks. And, rathw than have a MiteheU S.115S (ROUTES B and 15) lull United Nations discussion of ing the Civil War. Veterans of eight ways are buried In the ■ ■' 1 AT ROUTE 72 OVERPASS aO propqsala, it bacama our aim. church cematery. 1 BERLIN TURNPIKE t: V • ' j f * 0 '"-J»i^-->y/ li* nr*', 't-::^-f- I ■* V '■


% 4 ''-' - “ : 5*31 FOODS CONNED SOODS Everybody knows there just isn’t anything finer than “YOR” GARDEN quality - in either frozen foods or canned goods. NOW you can buy both in this big double-barreled event SPECIALS- MAKE YOUR OWN ASSORTMENT! at startling savings. You can make your own assortment, too, within any price bracket.

17e And speaking of prices ■* just take a look below! The values are amazing, especially when YOU SAVE 12-OZ PKG YOU SAVE l i e 14 0Z PKG RASPBERRIES rP E A S they bring you guaranteed “YOR” GARDEN excellence. YOU SAVE 17e lO-OZ PKG YOU SAVE 13c lO-OZ PKG


YOU SAVE Sc 4-OZ CXt^l YOU SAVE Be 12-OZ CAN TOMATOES LEMONADE RMULAI er PMK LEMONADE 19-OZ CANS 4 9 < MAKE YOUR MAKE YOUR GREEN BEANS-WHOLE OWN ASSORTMENT OWN ASSORTMENT J ^ F O R $ | o o 9 CHUCK ROAST ^ 15W-OZCANS 4 9 . YOUR HRST NATIONAL SUPER MARKETS APRICOTS 400 Needle Seamless BONE IN CHERRY PIE 1M1 MAIN ST., 2TT E. CENTER ST. WHOLE PEELED ^ 17-OZ CANS 5 3 . , Tender i^ d Flavorful SPECIAL MANCHESTER Cut from Heavy W e k ^ n Corn-Fed Steero Made of Rich ORANGE JUICE Buttercrust. With A NYLONS EACH OPEN TILL 9 P.M. WCH^N VITAMINS ‘ 46-OZ CAN 45. Delicious Cherry Filling Pair and a Spare ... EVERY WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY FRIDAY READY-TO-COOK 2'A TO 3'A LB AVERAGE LB iiW -oz Same Wear as Two Pair NABISCO COOKIES on..MM. CELLO PKG ^ BAKED FRESH DAILY IN OUR OWN BAKERY SPECIAL TUNA Light Meat Chicken-of-the- ChickeDDS Educator Butter Cookies 27c Sea 6*4 Oi Can 2 for 59« W%-OZ Chlcken-of-the-Sea l o a F 2 | < Pet Instant Dry Milk ll Ol M( 33c SWISS CREME COOKIES C aLO FKG Old Fashioned Potato Bread Dietetic 6>, Oa Can 31* MILDLY CURED U $ 2 V A L U E Price $' : Pream *•«' '*« 2?c ' °i 49c Corned Beef Hash"^rwcAN 35c CAN SDiioked Butts 1.19 Klear 01 CAH 89c PI 53c Roast Beef HasK'*“’nio:cAH 37c Peter Pah Peaiiut Apple 'N Spice Broil - A - Foil PKG or S 59c Boned Chicken chi'jVii >hoimi 39c Smeetky ^ A . Crunchy ^ A . ^aran VVrap is-tteoxi 29Hc ormel Spam '»«icAN4 5 q LEAI^ ^ ood *Vaiu$6! 18-OZ JAR 59. 12-OZ JAR a P 12-OZ JAR SLICED BACON , &■ f 59. 1 I w ' Doughnuts YOUR BEST BREAD BUYI Octagon Soap » lOc Codfish Cakes2lc SPECIAL ' Borax IC-MIAI TIAM I LI NtG 19c Victor Shrimp o i c a n 59e LIRK SAUSAGE MILDLY SEASONED LB 59. Sliced Cod CRANBERRY SAUCE I tS^ . 39. Betty Alden WHITE BREAD i Boraxo •'*'* *o** * 02 can 19c BOX OF 6 2 5 * Lanolin Ammonia'°'*"i:.oi can 23c i4 y j- o z ^ C _ ii SLICED Hi-Hp Crackers tunihm i-unco36c Pai son's Ammonia m-oj m 25c Cod Fillet ONE PIE PUMPKIN CANS 1S0Z.- ^ ^ BRAUNSCHWEIGER MIDGET U 45 2 ENRICHED LOAVES ^ ^ Keebler ciia.ciac«u itoLncc36c Plastic Starch 25c 2 •2'J'^ .?25. Junket wiEifi Mi« 2* o'**«29c Elastic Starch ouit* 2 ’’ O' *»os 27c ONE PIE SQUASH ^ River Rice Mines 17c WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTlTIE^ Metal Polish NOXON $.Qt III 20c STRAWBERRY PRESERVE mi..... 35. riiiiitfiiwMWWWBrrniff m n~'~'iriwBiiMBiw>MMumMNWWji^^ ...... MT' REG 9 7 K asco D og M e a l .o563c ',ox‘1.25 BEAUTY SOAP Red C ap . Refresh>R^ 2 7 c Z e s t BARS Z/C D r e f t detergent LGE PKG 3 3 c LGE PKG 3 4 c detergent LGE PKG 3 4 c B d b o CLEANSER 2 Ca n s 2 9 c 2 CANS 3 9 c I v o r y S o a p 2 i S s 3 1 c I v o r y S n o w

D a s h DETERGENT LGE PKG 3 8 c BEAUTY SOAP Dash Dog Food 2 'cans 3 1 c Z e s t J o y SUDSMAKERei 12-OZ CAN 3 9 c 2 JiK 37c DHERGENT LGE PKG 3 5 c L e s t o i l 14-OZ BTL 3 7 e 32-OZ BTL , 6 5 c I v o r y S o a p . 3 2 9 c k a v a 2 2 3 c

Spic & Span 1-LB PKG 2 9 c Com et Cleanser 2 CANS 29c C r i s c o sh orten ing iil 36c 97c Pard Dog Food 2 oS$ 31e DETERGENT C lorox QT BTL 19c W GAL 35c I v o r y S o a p 4 S 2 7 c C a m a y S o a p 4 ; : ^ 3 9 c LGE PKG 3 3 c

Duz Blu Dot ICE PKG 34c Oakite LGE PKG 3 7 c SM PKG 1 9 c F l u f f o »h o rt» jin g 36c c’i! 97c Fritos 'H'" >4g 2 9 c DETERGENT C l o r o x g a u o n 5 9 c Ivory Flakes LGE PKG 3 4 c C a m a y S o a p 2 ! i K 2 9 c LG! PKG 3 3 c

■I •

t •. - , l f / . . -

• " I. . \^r', • ' fl ■.

. /


YOU CAN PUT YOUR TRUST IN "Soper-RIjlit" QasIHy ME/LTSI Value isn’t just price alone. It’s what you get for whiit you pay! When you join the throngs whoVe made Jane Week-End Special! Parker White Enriched Bread their SUPER-RIGHT HEAVY CO RN-FED STEER BEEF! bread, there are certain important tHings of which you can be sure. Finest , ingredients, skillfully blended and enriched with vitamins and minerals. Unquestioned freshness sealed in by cellophane. Plus its typical AftP

money>eaving price. SUPER-RIGHT, TENDER NEW JANE PARKER TREAT! OVEN-READY s o f t -m e a t e d ' REGULAR

M N I P A R K I R UeHT-1M4l. I U0 HT-.S4 S. U0 H T -I4 S. DARK DARE P O U N D 69* Biglaiiiily^SizrPies MS. MS. POUND PORTERHOUSE Fruitcake ’3” ALL BEEF HAMBURG LB 35« One bhe tells you why Jane Parker Fruit Cake is a traditional favor, FROZEN, MEDIUM SIZE PKG or SIRLOIN ite on millions of holiday manus. A grand final# for festive meelst Ground Beof 3 1.00 Shrimp R ie U L A I t r i m ’- i o n i i n M N I P A K f R Sliced Bacon * 55" FRIED-CAP'N JOHN All One Low Pricel Frankforts SKINLESS^^HB 55" THIRI IS ONLY OMI MIC! FOR THISi lee secoods all around! Lutcknu TINDM, JUICY SUPIR-RIOHT STIAKS AT A4 A> baked with ftnatt ingredienti and brought td^you Spanish Bor Cake » Sc(iIIp p Spk°g'39‘ AND THAT IS THI ADVIRTtSID PRICI. Lfi evofi*froah. Your family will rav«...and yoisll Mvel Spicy, raisin-rich, dark cake? A real taste-teaser.. . 'purse-pleaeer, tool Honey Ham Loaf 49" / FOR DEPENDABLE QUALITY AT EASY-TO-TAKE SAVINGS WITH'TOMATO SAUCE OR BOSTON STYLE NONE PRICED HIGHER F o r Thnnhsmvin^ ALMOST A CENTURY OF EXPERIENCE AAIX'N JjAATCH SAU! A Special Section — A Tnankigiving Dinner BRINGS YOU THE COFFEE THAT’S ANN PAGE FINE FOODS! Take yourj>lck of these fla w Ann Page Beans 2 ±25" ; Bananas YELLOW RIPE LBS wHh 15 recipes for everything from soup to fa%t>ritM . . . and take J’our ■hare of seniational aavinp. A iP FANCY WHITE MEAT , I m AAAINE-WINTER-KEEPING, a INi 1-WINTER.KEEWN( U. 8. NO. 1 nuts. •- 50 Stuffing Rpcipes — 5 Harvest Cen­ Mix 'em or matcl^ ’em . . . stock terpieces in Noveiyiber IV up now at A4PI NONE PRICED Tuna Fish 2^%59 • Potatoes HIGHER I Y 5 0 .S .U 9 W o l D a y lO c PKG OF a FROZEN f Kleenex Tissues 400 W FOR / 12 0Z E m p e r o r G r a p e s NomFtic»HkiH« 2 i h 29^ lONA-SaEa Q (^ A&P premium-quality Coffe* reflects the quality, fresh-' 1 QT U O Z a B&M Squash CANS ness, roasting and scientific grinding of almost a hundred Pineapple Juice a&p CAN H FOR Hot House Tomatoes , p39^ \ 1 5 H O Z years’ "know-how’’ . . . it’s fairly "Alive” with Flavor! ■» Mix 'am or CELLOTKG OF 12, 19c; SUPERB ASST. OF 50's, B9c; SUM STYLE ■ "Ihat same “ know-how” is reflected in the price, too . . . 1 QT 14 0 Z J , C u c u m b e r s . NbF»j>KteM>»M»« -r- 3 fo# !9 * W ax Jean s C A N S d C # Custom Ground A&P Coffee costs you fair less than others ANN PAGE BLENDED A&P Orange Juice CAN ^ FOR ' match 'am PKG 2 of comparable quality! Tr>-it! Christmas Cards OF 25 I I c e b e r g L e t t u c e NOMMicioHioHei .., h£^!9® OUR FINEST/QUALITY 12 OZ 1 QT 14 OZ a your ohoicf Grapefruit Juice A&P CAN 4 FOR Nabisco Graham Crackers , upko 37^ I Mushrpoms It49‘ for tniy« A Pumpkin 2 ans23 BOHLE 1 LB U O Z a Educator Saltiiies , 1,^x0 29*^ l . A&P Prune Plums CAN 4 FOR I DOMESTIC, TASTY NUT-LIKE FLAVOR O W aihKJ-SLICED »r HALVfS Educator Butter Cookies ioozeac 27V Just the thing for tasty, satisfying pancakes or wafilaal 1 LB jp cosioj* Del Monte Pineapple Juice 29^ Nutley Margarine .PKG J FOR LB r-sivtwANN rPAGE rwf\BPURE WHOLETTnWbS GRAPE b ; Swiss Cheese a P Peaches cZ 21' 6 R 0 « N » lO'/j OZ a A p r i c o t N e c t a r HfA»TSDiu«HT can 3 9 for every cheese use CqmpbelPs Soups MEAT CAN 0 FOR OUR FINEST QUALITY 12 OZ CHIESI LB ! LB # ...... A&P'S OWN PURE VEGETABLE Chad-O-Bit FOOD LOAF CLASS c a n for 1 Gropefruit Sections A&P O SHORTENING-IT'S DIGESTIBLEh A a P Peas FR O ZE N 4 55' Preserves I SHARP-AGED 1 LB I V d e x o TIN“ 3 0 ^ A4P-OUR FINEST QUALITY Made from plump whole Concord grapes with seeds removedl A&P Applesauce CAN I FOR LB 6KOZ ^ Q C ANN PAGE NtW FO(k 1 LB 11 OZ 0 AtP's OWN. A ll njiaosf > Cheddar Cheese A&P Souerkraut CAN O FOI PURE VECrABlE Oil Mixed Nuts SALTID VAC. TIN 15'/s OZ I d e x o l o ■ MARVEL PERAAANENT TYPE A4P-OUR FINEST QUALITY Cut Green Boons IONA CAN I FOR or 5S^ PT2 9 ' 1 GALLON 15 O Z Ketchup a m A WHOLE KERNEL U B 1 OZ a ! Anti-Freeze CAN Asparagus ALL GREEN CAN A C i r v u r n or c r ea m style c a n O for I hi o il id laartawad Ora SO.# Ow. 14 4 •MMllw M Oto ■n, a A pure tomato ketchup made of fine quality ingradiantal I YOUNGSTERS FAVORITE TOY OUR FINEST QUALITY SLICED 1 LB A A& P Beets OR yVHOLE CAN O FOR LARttE .A A q 1 LB 13 OZ ANN PAGE ORANGE LB JAR Blue Dot Dux BlUnWHIlIITWAtHEB PKG w r a EA 1 IB A ^ a A&P Pears V • CAN' lono Tomotoes CAN O FOR I IDEAL FOR CHRISTMAS GIVING CelaaN^alffialiv* M REG SUPER-RIGHT Palm pliyeSoap^ Predmf * 9 CAKES 3 9 ' 2.^jrs 2 7 Frozen Lemonade P. L ' ^ N 10 FOR Cruiser each 1.99 Corned Beef Hash 29 U O 1 OZ I A G oldoni Fluff 0 SHOtTININa CAN Grand on toast...wonderful with crackers and cream chaeael Iona Green Pens CAN I V FOR SULTANA-SMALL or LARGE ■ " P i Roth's Choppttes a r I PineappI* FROZEN ANN p a g e pint jar 8 0 Z l A KEF, VEAl OR PORK Ntw-lmprpved A&P Tomato Sauce CAN I X for 10HOZ c n c [■ saof^ v *1 A t i Pineonola Juice 2 3 5 ' STUFFID O X L O 0 11^ 3|C Oiives REPRIGEgATOR JAR Dash D og ^ Food FORTIFIED WITH IIVER 2 C A N S W I Sandwich Steaks SWIFT FROZEN 1ZOZ.FKG 8 3 ' Waldorf Toilet Tissue ROLL 12 FOR ' - r A N N PA G E 5 CENT i ) C C , B OZ 4 0 ^ 22 OZ 13 OZ aanc Chunky Chocolate 6 PKGS 4 6 3 PKGFKG w' T f Mayonnaise 33' Lux Liquid Detergent CAN O T F CAN 6 9 ' ADVANCED DETERGENT FOR IIBBOZ Cashm ere Bouquet Soap 4 cim 39^ 2 ca«1 2 7 ' A d AUTOMATIC WASHER V r 3 2 ' Noodies pkc29’ Deftly seasoned spread... makes good aandwichei even better! 3 IB nw c PKO / O S p r y FOR BAKING AND FRYING t^iN* 3 6 ' CAN MILD a MiUOW RICH A FULL-BOMID VIGOROUS a WINiY I4 0Z sym c S% GIANT 4 P ie WORTHMORE-OLD FASHIONED ANN PAGE * 4l0HPzCans' Vel liquid Dotergont ^ 39' .69' I Ajax Cleanser 2 CANS d 6 3 j t CANS O e a 1-LB. BAG IvLB. BAG 1-LB. BAG W is k IIQUID SHORTENING’ PINT 3 9 ' QUARTS 7 1 ' HAIFGAL 1 .3 7 I Florient Deodorant Chocoiate Drops 'pk? 29’ F o b ■■ .ACOlOArefAlMOllVIPtOOUa PKO 3 3 5 7 9 ' :01CATE CAN 6 9 ' fttH t'l .M fjt •luiil, . .. null Kit Tomato Soup 41' AIMOUrS FROOUCn aoRox SILVER DUST RLUE RINSO ILUE \WHEATGERM SALADA TEA SAGS ALL CONDENSEO AU FLUFFY A superi> soup! Equally good aa a tangy, ready-mada saucal « • ^ * Cwaad iMf Hull iuate IS* V ABmTPtODUa MBTSSHMie-t , THI FAVOUra OF MIUIONS # THI NEW DimCfNT BIUU WHIU IT WASHES Tr**t n « iM 4S* MaFMgg^ *^79* dMffMi Nob n«cARS9* V If* WIN. )5* lAUie 59* lf1iiU}3* * MB a Hi 24* —* IF «i 93* MaFU]f= MII2.49 V. uuwfwSA* URU FM 33*, 3 a 14*2.13 3 a h i ' 2 . 3 l ' „ ^ Vliwe le« H |e 4«Mef1* aa » aa me aa H M. 1i sm m mm am ^ ^ wm' M aa aa aa » aa aa'aa aa aa MB a . M « aa « w aa « « « aa ’« a R aa aa- aa aa aa .aa aa f. / i,..- M I J 4. . I'

' L. i-' 'mes, Streets Sugar Fields Of Two Patrolmen (O m « tT M i r i H * O m ) Mail for Santa (Conllnii (Contlmied from Pag* One) (Continued Irom Oa^ . In 1936 and 1937 he was enn- Franc* has aoM tlm* •(« afnad Starts to Arrive mitted to the New York School of to d«liT«r arna to Ttiniaia itdelf. place yesterdajNvere twisted the provinces of Camaguey, Las N. y„ for violation of a 6-year pko- Industry st Rochester as a juvenile TO* Onlt*d StatMi - with 0>* Four letters addressed to • c.opper wire • wlf battonarjr sentence following h)s •uppoTt of Britain. Itad told Bour Villas; MatanziPt or Hayanar------diflinquent andJrom December 1940 "S an ta CTaus, N orth Pole" were j crumbling of the aid release from Attica Prison. N. Y., to August 1942 he served time at guiba within 'the past two monthr posted at the Manchester Post I restarted . Sugar cane harvesting usually that aome weatern country would In December 1964. This confine­ Elmira Reforrnatory for burglary. Office thi.s week. Postmaster j A member of the city efigl is fully under way by Dec. 1.5 and ment was for burglary-and grand aupply the armi he wanted. ^ j staff said 8.000 cubic yards o grinding'begins a month later,'but He entered Attica Prison in April Alden E. Bailey said today. larcen.v com m itted in 1949. 1944 to serve a 5-to-lO y ear sen­ Arms from Weet—of R«i)i As in the past, such letters t bad been sucked away. some alarmed owners were consid­ Secretaty of State DuUe* was Wetzel escaped from the Willard tence for car theft and was pa­ will be fonvarded to Recreation The danger to police and work­ ering. starting operations as soon H ospital Oct. 21. New York au­ report^' to be convtnoed that un- Superintendent James Herdic, men was increased by a broken as possible. roled In June 1949.’ lem Bourguiba got them frtun the thorities had sent him to the in­ Wetzel’s brother, William A. I' who promi.ses that he "will ace gas main which sent lip shimmer­ . TTie rebels also called for a “gen­ stitution for observation after an ^ Jff. West he would eventually be com ­ that Santa receives them." ing clouds of gas. eral revolutionary strike" about Wetzel,L,37, Is under a death sen­ pelled to take Commimiat arms ,The hole was in a neighborhood arres.t on Sept, 26. tence in the Mississippi State Bailey added that letters with Dec. 15. Hoover urg4d anyone having In­ through ' Elg>pt or Syria. a return address are almost cer­ of homes In the J15.000 to $20,000 About 1.600 troops meanwhile Penitentiary for the slaying of MV The arrangement for France to class a few blocks north of the formation concerning his where­ Edgar (Sonny) .McGraw, a fellow tain to receive a reply from Ole patrolled the coast in Pinar del abouts to contact the nearest FBI $000 MARKETS send the arms apparently fell Saint Nick. I'niverslty of Washington. H arold A. I'nMVO^th Rio . Province. Tliere have ibern prisoner, in April 1953. through when Premier Gaillard Water backed Up in swers also office. He cautioned that Wetzel His attornc.VB have until Nov. 21 Last year, about 200 letters rumors that reinforcements of may be armed “and should be con­ got arotmd to this'':aspect of the threatened a number of other arms and -men would be landed to file for a rehearing before th* to Santa Claus were received at sidered extremely dangerous." U.S. Supreme Court which prevl- AlgTfian crisis. the local post office. .streets In the area, including there from Mexico to open a Sec­ Britain and the United States Rosevelt Way, a main north-.smith ond front for Castro. The .Mr The fugitive, a native of Fayette, ousl.v upheld the death aentence. then told Gaillard they would feel artery. Backed up water gu.shed ord Pair Force by day and the Navy by N.5'„ is 5 feet 10 Inches tall, Gov, J. P. Coleman ordered the .'A';* aa&mrn&ii bou^ by the earlier commitments from storm sewers in the area night kept a sharp lookout. ■ weighs 160 pounds, has blue eyes, Missiasippi National G uard to made to Bourguiba to provide him scn'cd by the broken trunk sewer. Castro launched his insurrec­ brown hair, and a scar on the right the state penitentiary at Parch-, with what oificials here consider In the University Village Shop- tion from Mexico over a year ago. side of his upper lip. The FBI said m an Oct. 22. following Frank a relatively small amount of arms. Obituary ' ping Center a multlmilWon dollar Charged Breaks Several times since then Mexican he attended Waterloo, N.Y., High Wetzel's escape from the Willard. Ztl The French objections to th* development a few blocks f.om the authorities have reported .arrest­ School for four years, but was not N. Y„ institution. SAVE TRIPLE S BLUESTAUPS 'United States and Britain supply­ j crater, water spouted three and ing armed forces they said were graduated, and later was employed- Authorities ssid Frank Wetzel ing aims to Tunisia may come up I tour feet into uic air from storm Manchesfbe and East Hartford planning to join the rebel leader. as a farm hand at Geneva, N.Y. He had boasted he would go to Mis- for boMrtifHl FREE Gbrfsinas Mfltf In the Dec. 16 North Atlantic Deatlia I sewers. police combined^lprrcs yesterday to was dc.scribed as a neat, dresser and sLssippi and set William Wetzql Treaty meeting in Paris. I A new milk and dairy foods U.JV. Faces capture and arre.st'i.wo East Hart­ a nonsmoker. free. ' FVench spokesmen said the Gail' plant (Carnation) which opened ford youths charged w th Ir.eaking FRESH DRESSED — EASTERN SHORI lard government may take the Rev. Adolph I'lkas only this sum m er a t the village wa.s .question to NATO, rather than try threatened along with the stores and entering a dozen MAtjeheater MMH Invites to settle it among the Big Three Rockville—The Rev. Adolph Ul- in the shopping cenUrr. Fight over stores late Monday night ano^rly Former Cashier tit GratiCs * \yHOLE governments through diplomatic kaa. 64, a native of New Britain City officials said the trunk Tuesday morning. channels Bids on Wing « r •uid former pastor of Trinity Lu­ sewer could have broken years ago. The arrest followed an 8-hour Plneau to See Dulles with the underground hole grad­ Charged with Embezzlement Foreign Minister Christian Phi' theran Church'here, died Tuesday Arms Talk stake-out by Capt. Walter R. Cas- invitation for bids on the ■V. CUT UP In Elast St. Louis, HI. ually growing until the great mass .aclls and Patrolm an John Hughes aau said the French'would regard above collap.sed. conathuctlon of Manchester Me­ any U.S. or British arms deliveries He recently retired a s pastor of (Continued from Page One) of -Manchester and Detectives Ed­ m orial H M pital's $'2,300,000 wing M ary W. Rogowski, 36, o f .Colo­ Stale Policeman Waller Smiegel, At first believed to be localized, win Tully and Fred Frazer of East Slate Policewoman Margaret as contrary to Atlantic solidarity. Emanuel Lutheran Church. Staun­ the cave tn soon proved to have went out ttxjay. nial Rd., Bolton, wa* arrested yes­ Plneau plans to fly to Washing­ bloc member—either Poland or H artford. In an InvitiKjon Issued by Ray­ Jacobsen and Sgt. Edward Winzier ton. III.) and held pastorates in widespread effect.s. A Junior high terday at her home on a warrant ton Saturday night to consult with Clifford R. Dorr, 19,. of 1247 mond W. Goslefxchalrman of the o f the Manchester P.oliee Depart­ READY L ivlngaton and •Collinsville, III., school 10 blocks aw ay w as clo.sed Czechoslovakia—and would have charging her with embezzlement by President Elsenhower and Secre- and In Wildrose, N. D.. sipce leav­ pro-western Tunisia represent the Burnside Ave., and Harold A. Uns- hospital's bulldin^xommittee, it ment. k it c h e n g a r ^ taiy of State Dullea when water started backing up in worth, 18, of 75 Olrmslead St., are | was stated that the sealed bids will agent. She is accused of embezzling • FitzGerald siiid that Mr*. TO ing thia city In 1923. His wife, the its ba.sement, reaching a depth of Middle Bast. Pineau told the National Aasem-' late Marie Woltowitz Ulkaa of New being held here in connection with | be opened and read in the Ntirses’ more than $2,000 fro m ' the W. T. Rogow.sk). a cashier at the store fo u r feet. The Russians have announced Grant store at 813 Main St., be­ froni F ebruary 1955 to this p ast COOK! bly'a Foreign Affairs Cbmmittee Britain, died nearly three years vandalism at 10 Broad Street | dining hall Dec. 12 at "4^ p m. mntMEATT«tt that France "regretted this Anglo- •g o . Green Lake, a mile long and half they will not negotiate on either business establl.shments and stores; Plana and specifications rjyay tween Feb. 1 and July 19. •luly, is charged with using the ' Amarican initiative.” mile wide body of water a mile to on W. Middle Tpke. and Hartford | be obtained from the archllec - Married and the mother of one I firm's coupon system in commit- He leaves • daughter. Mrs. Louis the 12-nation commission or its 5- child, Mrs. Rogowski was released In London, a BritM Foreign Villiocco: three sons. William and the east, began to rise rapidly yes­ Rd. Bond has not been set as police ; Ebbets, Frid, and Prentice of Hart- I ting the offense. He .said she al­ nation subcommittee ns presently ikst night on a 110,000 property legedly Is-sued the coupons to close Office spokesman said Britain had Harold Ulkaa, all of Collinsvdle, terday as water backed up in a organized. Thia would render are still investigating the ca.se in ' ford, upon payment of a $75 fee boiilK.^ted by a relative. She is out accounts and then traded ths s t d ^ y e r s not yet supplied any military storm sewer which normally car­ 111., and Theodore Ulkas>of Lawn­ pointless the western call for new order to* recover all of the stolen, Elmer A. Weden. chairman of SOUD aquipment to newly Indepen^dt ries away the lake's outflow. articles. the hospital's board of directors, schediJtcd to appear in Town Oeurt coupon* for ra.sh. dale, Calif.; three sisters. Mrs. arms galks and cripple the whole Nov. 18 ______Tl^ala but that the qucatlon of Harold Bowen, Mrs. John Back- City officials said the damage Manchester Police Chief Herman | said, "We hope construction will PACK such shipments "has been and stW coaid be even much more wide; U .^ disarmament machinery. The warrint was Issued by Town by agent, one of four specific » ' hau Mrs. Norman Koss. all O. Schendel related events leading i start early in March. Within two 2 59 There were also rumblings of la under consideration.” spread If rains which have been years' lime we should have a hos­ Court Prosecutor John R. f"tzGer- embezzlement charges covered by BONELESS BRISKET of Nelv Britain; and a brother, dissent from India, which originally to the capture of the two youths There have been consultations almost continuous for several days this way: pital with 300 beds ready for ald on the complbint of Attv. Rob­ Sec. 869.'! o f the General, Statutes, Fred Ullcaa of Kensington. proposed enlarging the commission ert Kelly, assistant secretary of she will face a possible maximum with all interested parties in recent do not let up soon. The forecast is Cash Register Found occupancy" months, he added. Funeral servicea will be held in by 10 nations. India's plah, which the W. T. Grant Stores Co., New I penalty o f a $1,0)00 fine or 10 y e a n ,1 Collinsville, III., tomorrow. for some relief. Tuesday afternoon, an unyentl- The hospital wing , will take a -Pineau announced the cabinet's the Russians openly favor, would year and a half to build, according York. The arrest was made by I Imprisonment. Little actually was known how add both Poland and Czechoslovak­ fied source reported, finding a SOUD ^tpoaition to arms for France's w idespread the tremble m ight Jjc cash register in a railroad freight to Weden. / former protectorate following an Thoma* F. Kelley ia the commls.sion as.well as Com­ The proposed wing-is T-shaped, MIATI Thomas F. Kelley of Gardiner, because ww.-kmen have not yet been munist Yugoslavia and pro-Soviet gondola located on a siding in East all-night series of meetings and able to reach the primary source - Hartford. From railroad officials. five floors high, with a capacity CORNID Ib.i Maine, father of Thomas F. Kelley. E gypt. No Opposition Heard by PUC axchanges between Premier Gail­ the broken storm sewer. A city Capt. Cassells learned the approxi­ of 44 beds per floor. There will be lard and British and American 24 Drescher Rd.,'died at his home Canadian delegation, w-ho work­ three elevator wells in the vl ng. RIB PORTION C I U COLONIAL yesterday morning. engineer said, howcvfr, “It looks as ed out the western offer with the mate spot where the freight car anvdh^. had been located previously. The 'Two more floors of beds can He was born In .Gardiner on if wt are in for real, serious trou- United States. Britain and France, To Proposed Water Firm Sate FANEURHALL U.S. Ambassador Amory H o u s­ June 29. 1867. bte,' cash register came from the Man­ be added when they are needed." ton delivered a note to Gaillard conferred with Indiait representa­ chester Millwork Co., one of the said Weden. Originally, it had been SMOKED PORK LOINS ‘ ORDER YOUR SLICED BACON yesterday sUting the United StaUs Besides his son in Manchester, tives last night in an effort to planned to have the wings only- he leaves his wife, Mrs. Marv victimized- stores. The State Public Utilities Com-' complete planned Improvements, FRESH SLICED BRAISE OR BOIL wanU to go ahead with arms de­ reach some agreement before the Wednesdav morning. Cassells, four floors high. This would have — VACUUM THANKSGIVIP Walsh Kelley; another son, Joh'n issue reached the Assembly floor. mission hearing on the Highland which would eliminate the need for liveries to Tunisia. By doing ao. Three Girls Held Hughes and the two East Hartford cost in the neighborhood of $1,700,- the well, by early next fall. The re­ the Americans hope to stave off B.' Kelley of Augusts. Maine: a Refuse tb Be Sponsors 000. Then it was estimated that by (Park Water Co. application to sell PORK LIVER *‘Z9 daughter. Mrs. Victor H. McCourt- officials searched the area and mainder of the company a personal TURKEY SHORT RIBS of BEEF Tunisian acceptance of Soviet-bloc The Big Three made known they found some of the stolen items in the time the wing had been com­ out to the town for a dollar wa* property, as well as its franchise, FRE^H CAUGHT GRAND UNION ney of Augusta: three grandsons, F<>r Sign Haiiiagc would .support the western com­ MXSOirSCOE® t k t k t arms offered by Egypt. pleted, it would already have been and two great grandsons. A hole covered over with boards at wound up this morning in a 2-hour would be sold to the town for a F O R , ^ , The U.S,.. not,e aroused spe<^a- promise plan but would not serve the rear of the Seven Up plant on outgrown. Plans were changed to se.ssion. , dollar. Funeral services will be held- to­ T hree'' 'lO-year-did • girls, two a s 'sponsors.' 'Cite idea a p p a re n tly tloh that Premier ' Bourguiba of morrow morning at 9 o'clock in St. Tolland .St, East Hartford. Liquor, Include an exlra floe.p.initially with No oppenition. a* auch, developed BULLHEADS ' “O” ®'^39 PERCH FILLETS from Manchester and the other was to .save as much face as they expansion possibilities to push the '■'Fhe wittiesspes-who testified to­ i H ^ O N I Tunisia haa received new offers Joseph's Catholic Church. Gardi­ beer, cigarettes and articles of during the hearing, which was held day. were Wells C. Dennison, vice 'V from Egypt qr Commumht-bloc from Coventry, were arrested by could hy keeping their names off wing to seven floors. WCELSlORs? FROZEN. » ve xwvra. jx M ner. police today and charged with de­ clothing were found about 10 a m. In the PUC hearing room in the president of the company; General countriea. an obvious sop to the Soviets. The four men then patroled the In order to underwrite the cost of State Office Building in Hartford., Arrangements are in charge of stroying more than $200 worth of Russia demanded earlier that the the expansion the Manchester Me­ Manager Richard Martin, and Fred The French are reluctant to see the Staples Funerals ervice, Gardi­ area. However, former Town Director Thrall, superintendent of the Wa­ COD FILLETS ’^41" any arms flow into TunUla for fear town highway signs. arms negotiations he ^tended to morial Hospital Building Fund was ner. Chief Herman O. Schendel iden­ About 6 p.m. yesterday, the two Helen Fitzpatrick, stating Khe rep­ ter Department. they will funnel on to the Algerian include all 82 U.N. members. She ytiuths, both formdr Inmates at the formed. Through piiblic and pri­ tified the three girls as Patricia later indicated she would go along resented "several citizens and The.v alt testified today that tha E jlar or DR'P rebela. Cheshire Reformatory, returned to vate cam paigning, oil but $600,000 fUktoraers of the Manchester Wa­ Mis* .Agues Armstrong Hllle of 63 Oak St., Dolores Lewie with the Indian rompromiae. was raised. However this figure plant improvements envisaged by Following delivery of the Amer­ Miss Agnes Armstrong of Bel­ the scene and were captured. ter Department.” appeared, .say­ llie town in the Highland Park ican note, Gaillard called off a of 179 Birch St., and Alice Haynes Tile commission presently con­ became a stumbling block, when it fast. Ireland, is dead. of Dunn Rd.. Coventry. sists of the United States, Britain, First Break became necessary to start active ing she wanted t- ask some quea- siTa would greatly lnrrea.se the scheduled speech and ■ hurriedly Her brother, Thomas Armstrong Local police officials had been (lons. quality of sei'vire. convened his cabinet. Later he Schendel charged lljat the trio, France, Canada and the Soviet proceedings toward building the of 14 Ashland St., received a on Halloween night, painted black, working round-the-clock on the But when it became evident that Hill Extend Main SEEDLiSS conferred with Houghton and the Union—which make up the sub­ wing in oi-der to qualify fo r a loan cablegram announcing her. death about 20 reflectorized atop, yield committee—and Australia, China, case since the breaks were discov­ from the Hill-Burton Fund. This her questions were concerned with The- town intends to extend a 6- British chargt d'affaires. Sir yesterday. ered by Hughes about 1:20 a.m. the town’s wisdom in agreeing to or 10-inch water main from its NEW LOW PRICE George Young, and speed signs in the Highland Columbia, Quba, Iraq, the Philip­ government grant amounts to Besidu her brother here, she P a rk area. Tuesday. Police said that the Pike purchase the company. Commis­ Highland St. line and. with the The American embassy called pines and Sweden. The latter group $275,000, MAR6AMNE Stoketyr^ S d e / leaves another brother, William, of The arrests were made following Package Store at 278 W. Middle sion Chairman Eugene Loughlin aid of a pumping station to be the meeting "a very small affair get In as members of the Security "It is hoped that many more peo­ QUARTERS Schenectady. N. Y.; three sisters an investigation by Patrolman Council. Tpke. was the first store hit, about ple will contribute or will increase stopped her. built off Highland St. near Gard­ ALLSWEET .... a family squabble.” There 11:30 p,m.. .and it was here that He said her questions should ner, bring in water from its exist­ rene in Belfast, and several nieces and Samuel M altsnpo who compared a The subcommittee ended long their contributions,’' said Weden. C R A K f l l U l f wece indications the United States nephews. specimen of paint taken from the the first break was discovered. A have been directed to the town’s ing water supply. Many soctlona of might be willing to delay the arms negotiations in deadlock last Au­ ■'It had been neccssiarv to borrow iCHIMMEL «m. C T c signs With a paint specimen taken gust after Russia rejected the check of the area by Hughes found money to complete the funds at this Board of Directors, who approved the Highland Park Co. line are as Alellveriei. but the British were re­ from the vehicle allegedly driven the other break-ins. tim e " the purcha.se propo.sal in February. amall as H of an inch, with the ported demanding quick supplies western disarmament proposals. TOMATO JIICE 2 by Miss Lewie on that night. The Some observers believe Russia Damage by the vandals in the 12 Of the $1,700,0(4) which Is avail­ The Commi-ssion's Interest. Lough result that water pressure tn some for Bourguiba, thus far a ataunch stores was estimated fo run into lin said, "goes tn the Highland fxtremely low EJEUY ••■■frfttd o r the W est...... • Funeral* Mir is owned by the glrPs parent. ivill vote again.st any western- able to the hospital, the public has Scheiidei said that paint could backed cohipromise plan' b'n' gen­ thousands of ■ dollars'. T he •value of • contributed about'$810,000. Park customer" have no juris- "''erage FOR A U YOU C O O K One source categorically denied not be removed from the .signs and eral principles, but that she will the property taken ' from them, diction over the Town 'Water De- ! Pi V*homeowner would • rumor circulating in the French Lenlle H. Hale that the town has arranged to pur- return to the negotiations if the however, was considerably less and partm ent," be billed about $21 a .year.. Thia la parliament that Egypt already is the average rate paid now by Man- OH bt 3 / The funeral of Leslie H. Hale, cha.se new ones at a cost of more plan is approved and the com­ many valuable items were not j Mrs. Fitzpatrick did manage to ’ shipping Soviet-supplied, arms to Nike Missileman rhest'er Water Department c u s fo m - 69 l i u i T 00CKTAIL2 -* 4 5 ’ th an $200. mission is enlarged. Russia's main taken. gel into the reconl a copy of an . ^ Tunisia for relay to the Algerian proprietor of the L. H. Hale Super FOIL WRAPPl 1 0 4 The three girls will ^answer to complaint has been that the other Chief Schendel said today, "This engineering atudy. m ade in 1951, efs, but about $5 higher than the FULL SOUD H BOSC . || A A # rebels. Store, was held at 2 o'clock yester­ Highland Park customers have STOKRY day afternoon at the Holmes Fu­ the charges in court Saturday. four members of the subcommit­ case was solved by the cooperation Suffers Injuries concerning the coala the town Plneau reported that Egypt may tee—where the actual negotiating of the two police depar^ents, been paying. Thrall said the. town pkB$. SLICES I have already made a toHen ahip- neral Home, TTie Rev. Fred R. Ed­ would Incur if it purchased the would be willing to maintain the MBBAGE 3 *^ 1(r PEARS 2 *^29* gar, minister of the South Meth­ is done—are lined up against her Manchester and East Hartford, and A Nike missileman was being company. Later, she said ahe waa JACKS 23' HALVES ment of some 2,000 arms' — pre­ 3 Fall Case Settled and that progress is Impossible. the diligent efforts of the men as­ lower coat until the planned plant FAIRMONT-^FROZE sumably rifles and amall arms — odist Church, officiated. Burial was operated on for crush Injuries to satlafied that ahe was able to bring PEACHES FRESH CRISP A | | C # signed to the case," Several men ^Improvement* are completed. Mk, SktF d ^ SALAD MUST to Tunisia. It Is also known that in East Cemetery. H artfo rd . Nov. 14 (jP>—-The estate his left hand thia afternoon. the report to the Commission's at­ TTie coat to be assessed Highland Bearers wgre Harold Modean, worked since the breaks were first Richard Bradley, 19, who i* ata- tention. Communist Czechoslovakia has of Albert Roberta of Hartford, a discovered and without sleep, he Park customera for the improve STOKEIY voiced a willingness to supply George Rock. Lyndon Wilmont and window cleaner whet lost his life tioned at Battery C of the 11th Shortly■ ,,, , before, , the . hearing be- , ments would be based on a 6-lnch MOLE Sli^EIHB « 45* ESCAROLE 2 *^29 AVOCADOS 2 ” 29' added. Bourguiba's fledgling army. Lymton Wilmont In a fall, will receive $9,800 as a Ruth Milieu AAA Mls.slle Battalion, was work­ gan, officiala of the town and the | pipe, even If the 10-lnch pipe now SWEET 'N TENDER The stores broken Into, vandal­ ing the elevator in one of the un­ company signed an agreement being considered, la installed. Mar- The United States reportedly of­ result of the settling of a Superior ized and, in most cases, robbed, j fered to help Tunisia obtain arms FLU RT.ART8 UP AGAIN Court suit growing out of the ac­ derground pits a^ the launching W'hlch would govern the tran sfer • tin said. The cost of the sm aller SLICED BEETS DIAMOND M REODING Acs. | | | | 4 were Barrett Plumbing Supply from other western nations after Cleveland, Nov. 14 (.T) —Dr. cident. Som e P hrasee CSu-ry T heir area in Glastonbury. He caught hia of certain company propertiea In line would be about $28,000. Of iiiEB cmA Z ’ I P E M b O HEALTHPUL p4f. 7 X p I.eroy E. Burney, I". S. Surgeon Own Loud Warning .Signals Co., M fthchester MlllWork Co., hand between the elevator and one 35 Egypt made its first offer last Roberts fell ‘from a third floor ^ II* *^1*"*'.^*'* !'**’**• Case Broa, paper com pahv TENDER LEAF pkg. YAH CAMP WAUHITS SWHTS summer. Pineau in Septem ber General,1 said today that Asian window of the Arkay Building. 470 ------^ New England Laundry, Sparkle of the pedestals. The extent of the plication to sell tlie company. : and the Dennison family would pay I I SUGAR RIPE PITTED asked that France’s allies delay flu may haie started its second Capitol Ave.. on Aug. 1. 1956. Think twice before making a re­ Cleaners, Stanek Electronics Co., injury had not been determined Under the agreement, the com- more than half. There is a 25 per Clarke Motor Sales, Fogarty RANDOM ^ deliveries to Tunisia until ; trip around the world. Here where he had been at work. mark that begins with any of the wljpn TTie Herald went A press. pany would quitclaim its reservoir cent overlap in the control by the { PBUNES DATES WB6HTS following phrases, fo r they are Bros., Williams Oii Co.. Fisher - - wTth a capacity estimated vari-' Dennison famllVof. the paper com- TUIMIS "SS* France could gel an agreement 1 to attend a meeting of . the . The estate, through the Hartford PORK* BEAUS with the new North African na- ■ American Public Health Assn., law hrm of Rogtn, Nas.sau A Cap- really danger sighals: Dry Cleansers and Manchester Tire ously at from 600,000 to 900.000 i pany and the water company tion. I Dr. Burney said in an Intemleiv lan. had sued the A.rkay Cqrp.. “I 'shouldn't be repeating this Co., all on Broad St.: Westown gallons—to the town. It would also _____ - ___ _ ■ __. NABISCO In addition to a settlement of he had learned officially that owners of the building. 'The local but ...” Pharmacy on Hartford Rd. and About Town transfer the company's pumping South Africans registered 78.172 administrative and economic dif- ' Japan, had been hit by a second firm of Cooney *, Cooney repre- A second thought will make you the Pike Package Store on W. equipment and permit the town motor vehicles-during 1956 W'lth rtiiH 37’ - WILSON’S ask yourself, "if I know I shouldn’t Middle Tpke. use the company's well f o r a i more than 31.400 of them'Coming ferences, the French want strict ! wave of the disease, with SOO,- .sented the defendant in negotiating Members of the -Barnard Junior ®kfeguarda that any arms fur­ 000 new cases. a settlement. repeat It, why be stupid enough 5-year (Mriocl. from G reat B ritain and 19,300 ■I I to go on in spite of that little CHINESE STUDENTS BIOT High PTSO are reminded of the Actually, the town expecU to from the United States. CAmis i/oAikti’ nished the Tunisians won't slip open hoii.se program tonight at across tte Algerian frontier. warning signal?*’ Penang, Malaya, Nov. II IT)— I CORNED BEEF , "I think the world of Janice Some 1,500‘‘Chinese high school 7 :30 a t the school. MILD but . . students fought police toilay in a riot sparked by an education min­ GFS Spon.sora of St. Mary's O R R O A S T If you feel at ah' kindly toward Episcopal Church will meet tomor i i 3’ Home Builder Held a person, why Introduce the "but” istry order expelling over.age row at 7:30 In the parish h'all to! Police Arrests that leads criticism of the one you students because of Communist NU-TAST REEF hear a report by Ml$s Eldna Fox i profess to like? activity by some of them. Be­ NEW OLDSMOBILE "There may not be a word of tween 30 and 40 students were in­ of Hartford,, Diocesan president, on the National Council meeting ' - * ■ Jam es T. Brennan, 48. of New­ truth in it but . ; .” jured by police trying to disperse 2 69 ARMOUR'S CALO For Embezzlement the crowd with truncheons and which ahe attended. Mias Gall j ington. was-arresled by Patrolman If there is' the slightest pos­ KRAFT Robert Lannan early this morning sibility the bit of gossip yoii are rattan sticks. Eagleson will also give a talk on her trip to Alaska the past eum- m A O E - I N S GHIU with BEAMS GAT tr DG8 FGGD and charged with dnying while New Haven. Nov. 14 A newa. He said dozens of hdme buyers about to pass aloiig might not be under th* influence of an in­ Haven lawyer and home builder lost sums ranging front $25 to true, why risk being a parly to IKE AIEETS WITH NSC mer. Hostesses will be illss Hazel SLICED PHMERTO toxicant, Lanrtan said that the ac­ has been arrested and charged with $5,000.' ’ - spreading a false rumor? Washfngtop, Npv. 14 (A5— Greenaway, Miss Hgnnab JeHsen, ’SfiOLDSs $1995 ’^2MCRCk $495 15V20Z. cused was dnving ")n an erratic 57 coilnls of emhczzlenient and one Ullman said that the charge of "I know you haven't asked for President Elsenhower met with Mrs. Matforie Kelsey and Mrs, KRAFT' the National Becurity Council A gnes MCDowgll. r* "88” 2-door, 2-(one. V Custom 2-door. Radio, heater, cans manner” on N. Main St. near De­ of theft-for allegedly mlsusing^heft against Harris 'involved my advice byt . . ." overdrive. , ' PHILADELPHIA pot Square. Brennan is scheduled $76,679 collertcd in the construc­ $3.0W, which Harris ts acc'used of If your advice hasn't been asked, (N.SC) toda.r for another-session CREAM CHEESE BRAND 38® to appear, in Town Court on Nov. tion of housing developments In taking from the deposit of. one of don’t give it. , of budget planning .keyed to pos­ Marilyn J. Haupt. “daughter of 80. 'SS PACK * S im Ansoiiia and Cheshire. the corporations. , "I Imow I am wasting my breath sibly expanded defense spending Jfl-8. A nna H aupt, 89 Birch St., and ’5 1 M 0 T 0 $245 jurLminL vnivnj i7t rcnLlVpfnley CLOTHES fINI 5& 21C and cuts In non-military Ite '/, the late Rudolph Haupt, has en­ Clipper Hardtop. GERBER ALL PURPOSE KRAFT PLANTER'S ALL VEGETABLE I ib. The accused man. Nelson Harris, He listed the four corporations but. . Custork 4-dooi;, • KARO 4- . . . fDUCATOR CRAX was arrested ,veslerday on a,bench as Harris Developing Associates. If you you are convinced lliat It has the. second such meeting tered tt)e Grace I>iwns . Career ; KEEBLER SALTINES l'^'29c Brazilian Ore Tcstctl this week. wairsnl tsSTiCd by Superior Q o u rt Inc.; Wpodbridge Manor, Inc.; what you are g c flp K in* say w on't School for airline hostesses. Baby Foods Corn Syrup Mazoia Oil Italian Dressing Cocktail Peanuts Crisco CAREY'SlaAnLl J MAFLE SYtUF bot 57c MILADY /cot^rVi^^EM JJ^.33c ^R io. de Janeiro Researchers Judge Charles ,.S. House Linda Homes, Inc., and PauI-Lei-_ do a bit of good, whj' bother say­ '54 PONT, $995 ’55 NASH $1395 RED lA IEL BLUE LABEL n ADK'C KUOGET FAC pk«. OOr HArn.s was released under bond lie. Ilfs. ing Jt? That’s hpw nagging be­ Chieftain "8" 4-door. - . 7'/] at- 0 0 # URnA J CHIWING GUM HU STARKIST TUNA FIES d I^:W. *27e from the Illinois Institute of Tech- -Rambler 4-door, RAH, stand­ SUDSr Qf* OCft nology in Chicago are s;onductmg : »‘^*’«duled for A t a result of the bankruptcy gins. ’;l 2J9 ‘J 29° '. ‘, " ard transmission. 5 "; 52' Cil- Sr bat* 35' WV SUPERFINE LIMA6RANDS 'irlSc PARSON'S AMMONIA bot. experiments in Brazil to determine action, all of the Cheshire'develop­ Zip Your Lip Town Has No Claim on Land 25' 2^l:r45' Jt the economic potential of "low- I arrest climaxed a 10-mon‘Ui ment and mooji of the Ansonia "If I tell ypu something will ^ u ’SSCHIV. $995 grade" iron-ore reserves in the '"'■'“ t'gati'on by the office of project were'sold at auction on the promise hot-to get mad?” 4-door, RAH, Power Glide. ’54 OLDS. $1795 UNDERWOOD BLUE DETERGENT 99-44/ 100% PURE SAFEST POSSIBLE PURE MILD)'‘ DRY DETERGENT Minas''Gerais State, where the ! ® •'tbraharn S. Ullman, 'order of U.S..-bankruptcy referee That's taking an unfair advan­ Near School^ Crockett Says “98" Holiday Coupe, 2-tone, MeCORMICK'S highest'concentration of Brazilian Ullman said the investigation Robert B. Tr4vethan. The remain­ tage, for by your remark you ad­ full power. , Doviled Ham Rinso ivory Soap - Ivory Snow Ivory Flakes Dash. Iron ore is located. The so-called arose from an. action brought by der of the Ansonia development Is mit that what you are going to ^SSBUICK $1795 low-grade” ore in Brazil is said the creditors of four corporations also expected to be auctioned. say is likely to cause resentment The town has no lejfal claim to* Boarxl of Elducation membera 1, ftftp G». 7 0 * Ig. AA0 bnqtiM 4.33 headed by Harris,, TTie .proceeds are to be shared and anger. Century Hardtop. Fully eqnlp- ’55 FORD $1495 to be equal in quality to much of property behind the Green School protested against Removal of the c m e b e c o b s pkq.‘W Pl9. ^ In U.S, District Court last win­ by .the ^creditors of the bankrupt "If 1 w-ere you . . .” ' ped. Custom ranch wwgon. radio, 2’'^^35‘ pLg-wO. pi'E'lv ,;;34'^ ;5T .5 '^ ' the high-grade ore in the rest of on Lawton Rd. in the opinion of reservation when the Director^ 2 .i31’ 84 81 the world. The economic feasibil­ ter, the, creditors won an action to corporations, persons who put You Aren't, so why bother point­ considered the proposal approv^ heater, standtfd trnaamtsslmi. have the corporations declare!^ in­ deposits in the, homes and several ing out what you think you would Town 'Counsel Charles Crockett. by the Town Planning Commission ity of processing and shipping this HORAL OR SPICE DEODORIZER ora from Minas Gerais to the coast voluntarily bankrupt. • construction firms. do If you were another person? Oockett’s oplrtlon will be given In A ugust. ’53BUICK $995 FOR LOVELIER SKIN THE BEAUTY SOAP CONDENSED DETERGENT GENTLE TO YOUR SKI^l LIQUID DETERGENT DOES EVERYTHING i UCpUID DETERGENT *00 mUes »w«y U being considered: The corporations were- Involved If convicted of embezzlement, '.'Maybe .I shouldn't bring up-the to the Board of Directors Tuesday The Directors postponed iaetJon Super. 4-door. Radio, beater, ^GHEY. $695 in the building of a housing devel­ Harris faces a jnaximum of 10 subject but , , night when they consider granting to check on the town’s legal right DioniNow. Power ' steering, De luxe 4-door. Radio, heater,' Floriant CasliMert Bouquet Cashmere Bouquet All . Lux Toilet Soap W isk Duz Joy NEPAL FSEMIXB QUITS opment in Cheshire and another in years In prison or a $1,000 fine Why deliberately Introduce a a quitclaim deed to the p roperty to the property w ith Crockett tinted glaaa. Power Glide, t-tone. Ansonia. 12 K «ti— (In, N epal, N*v, U A P ) bn each count. If convicted of the subject that niay prove to be a owner. George Rlsley. .# ’ In a letUr to General Manager : YOUR OLDSAJOBILE DEALER ■*4>r. K -1 . Blwgli, • forgiven rebel , The bankruptcy peUtion flled In charge of theft, he fac4i a max­ painful one? Risley Is seeking remcAal of the Richard Martin, Crockett said, "I 4r 3ir 2r 2y ”r 43' lT t9^ 14T t 73’ ,S ' S CI' cir i^ec* who ewM took pelHlonl aqrlom in court auted that Harris controlled imum sentence of five' years In ”1 know it's non* of my business phrase, "reserved for school pur­ am of the opinion that since Green 34 98 per cent of the four obrpora- prison, ’ r but 1 can't help '(vondering .. poses" 4(rom' )ria' deed to the .land Manor never executed a deed to Me* Chi**, qqit ptesnier today, tidns. lh a aMsaawoaoMwt af Us reelgna- Ths grlevanca eommltUe of the You can' help wondering out bought from Green Manor Ekitatea, said property to tha Town of Man- /O L ! - 5T)L' ' » Ullman said Harris accused of New Haven Bar Aaan. racently loud. Ahd that's all you havs to Inc. chestei;, that the Town, therefore, MfjNOIESTER MOTORS Msa wnb inade la a radie btoad- emblezzing money paid to the charged Harris with “profaMlonal do to keep from asking personal 'Ha haa agreed with the Town 1^1 B A T P a a d Oar T fftp ifsr -- . 4.' - 9 'J'N' • « aU by t U m g Atalieadra. who par- dld-rtiot' acquire .such an Intefeat The Illustrated Home Library ENCYCLOPEDIA onthebook-a-weekplan • this week Vol.10-99' corporations ti deposits and mort- miseonduet” In connection with questions. Planning (3ommlaaion to give the that a future’ sal* of such land by V OWEN EVENINQS U N T IL t dsaai M qih Shtaa ynars after the gjges on homes or advanced on « u w m n oENTfOR 9 t ^ MANcmarm—«a M m i M iwreM e< IM*. two other real aatata transactions (All rights reserved, NBA Serv-' town a 20-foot atrip f o r« path be­ Orean Mqnor would Ifaya tha Town In U04 and 196«. 1 lee, lac.). . hind th* achool In exehapge. with any remnlalng lagti tqtarait" -i • 7 "

■Z. ■ i .'.'i * r-* ■ . 7 -■ .V I. , Ti"' ^ ,• 'Z.

PACK fPURTEEK MANCHESTER E V E ^ G HERALD. MANCHKTER. CONN. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1957 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER i4,' 1967 come payable until May 15, seven by the Christian Chlldren'a Fund Robert Horton, the director, stated Section Ttvo THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1957 EIitttTh^Btrr ^nrtting lirralb Pag^ IS to 28 Bolton months after the start of the'peri­ Inc. • 1 Regional Dittrict 8 that volunteers are urgently need­ od. This necessitates borrowdng Wealey Choir .will rehearse at ed for the chorus if plans for the for that period with the added ex­ United' Methodist Church tomor­ PTSA Budget Set Gilbert and Sullivan operetta are EARN EXTRA MONEY ^Hams^ Slate Second Meeting pense of Interest. Increased budg­ row at S;15 p.m. to'proceed. > ets, meaning larger borrowed Junior Choir of the Congrega­ At $800 for Year Dominick Armentano, president Many kt Rites Here jSnnday LeMay’s Plane amounts and larger interest costs; tional Church will rehearse at the of the Senior Class, spoke to the FOR CHRISTMAS KCl 35 Flights Spurt To Form County Radio Club plus rising Interest rates give im­ ehufch af StJJ p.m. tomorrow. I group asking thejr siipport for fii- petus to the Board's desire to put They will be picked up at the front Hebron. Nov, 14 (Special)—A ! ture projects, including a musical For Verplanck Sets Mark for the town on the uniform fiscal entrance of the Civil Defense shel­ budget of 1800 for operations dur­ j program to be pre.sented by the We Are Hiring Bolton, Nov. 14 (Bpedal)—^The^young women reported for Its or- year. ter at the close of school. ing Its flrst year was approved at I school chorus. Many oldtims friends, teachers Mcond meeting to discuM forming ganizatlonal session. In order to avoid the burden of a recent meeting of the Regional Jet Tankers Commercial Jet Age The Men's ChoitS^of St. Maurice District Psrent-Tescher-Student and representatives of Masonic a radio club for Tolland County Mrs. Thomas Johnson, its in­ two tax bills in one year which Church will rehearse tomorrow 8 I Manchester Evening Herald An­ Christinas Saleji Help and ci'vic organizations attended structor, pointed out that the work would fall due on May 15 and July from 7 to 8 p.m. As.sn. dover correspondent, Mrs. Pniil will be held in Uila town tomor' the funeral.service of Fred A. Ver- (Conttnaed Yrom Page One) (OantinDed from Page Om ) 'Of a rhythmic choir ia the Inter­ 1, the Board proposes to borrow The Board of Selectmen will Provisions of the budget an­ Pfanstlehl, telephone Pilgrim {flanck, first superintendent of row n i^ t. meeting ia eched- pretation of religious themes or the necessary funds to eliminate nounced by committee chairmen Now WAXES Hold Fair meet tomorrow at 8 p.m, at the 2-6856. achools In Manchester, yesterday ed Bt*Washlngton National Air­ regular jet flighta to South Amer­ Hied for 7 o’clock at the‘Civil De- music through symbolic movement. one of the-tax-bills. The period to Town HlHr^— ------were as-follows: Publicity. _fl0; tltSERSON PLEASr afternon at o'clock In the Center fenae shelter in the Elementary Its two basic requirements are a be covered by borrowing would not secretarial expenses, $5; recording 2 port by a large group of Air Force | ica. Congregational Church. officials and representattves of die ; At Legion Home School on Notch Rd. personal concept or understand­ be a full year, but the portion of M uchester Kvealag Herald secretarial expenses. $10; refresh­ Skilled tf'orkera Gam The services were conducted by Secretarj' of the Air Force Doug­ John Henley of FemVood Dr., ia ing of the story to be conveyed a year between Oct. 1 and July 1. ments, $26; membership, $80; hos- SMILING r SERVICE press. Gen, LeMay peraonally! Appears on TV .Show .• Bolton correepondent, Doris M. ! pttaltfy. $15; and program. $25. New York- One out of every the Rev. Clifford O. Simpson, min­ Manchester WATER will open las said the Buenos Aires-to-Waah- temporary chairmkn of the club and posture. O’ltalla, telephone Mitchell S-5646. ister of the church, who. in his piloted the KC135 for much p f: Ington flight "la history today. It and la also a member of the com­ The local group aims to present Jeri-Lynne Fraser. 11-year ^old jThe balance of the budget will be three employed Americans today prayer, paid tribute to- the de­ their flrst Holiday Fair Saturday mittee which wilt present proposed daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon used for special projects which is a skilled craftsman or semi­ both trips. will be routine In a few yeara.” its first work, an Interpretation RUBBIAN SUBWAY'S DEEF ceased. Mrs. Russell Peery was or­ Le.May Deoomted at 1:30 p.m. In the American by-laws, a constitution and siig- of the hymn "I 'Yonder as I Wan­ Fraser, Birch Mt. Rd., appeared have not yet been determined. skilled operative compared with one ganist. Legion Home. It will continue to g ^ c d name at the session. Serving on the Kathy Godfrey television Most big-city subways are just \ The group voted to have the out of four in 1910. In the same At an airport ceremony, the SAC GETS 8-IET BOMBER der," at the traditional candlelight show yesterday afternoon. The lo­ Present at the services was' a stocky, cigar-smoking Air Force 9:30 p.m. Sesltle. Nov. 14 (ffl—The Boeing with him on the committee are Christmas service. Choirs of this below the ground, but in Moscow Ways and. mean.s committee spon­ period the ratio of while- collar delegation of more than 100 teach­ Ernest Pesola and William Hand, cal Grade 6 school girl sang "All the average depth sor the production of "Pinafore" workers increased from one out of vice chief of staff was presented Mrs. Elsie Mlnlcucci, vice pres­ Airplane Co. and the Air Force an­ tj'pe usually perform at festival Shook Up” for yesterdays ap­ ia 150 To liS fe^L ers, delegations, from the Kiwshls with an oak leaf cluster to his Dis­ ident. snd Mrs. Mary Little are nounced jointly today the B52E. a of this town; Richard Dibble, South seasons Ih .special services. Mrs. by the Hebron"* Choral Society. five to two out of five. . Club and the Tall Cedars, and rep- Coventry and Peter Dureiko, Rock­ pearance. She will be seen again tinguished Flying Cross. Other serving as co-chairmen of the fair. new model of the 8-jet global Jihrscat said. on Miss Godfrey's evening show, reaentstlvea of the Verplanck Na­ members of the tanker's crew were Mrs. Barbara Thompson, first bomber, has gone into service with ville. She commented that the work of Nov. 23 at " o’clock. tional Honor Society. also decorated. president of the group, will be in the Strategic Air Command (SAC); The initial meeting held two rhythmic choirs apparently finds Jeri-Lynne, who says she has Active bearers were Raymond Meanwhile. Air Force authori­ charge of "Attic Treasures." Mrs. The Improved model is the fifth ' weeks ago aas attended by a group Go.<(Iee. former plant manager at ties were pointing to the record- since Boeing began production of of 16 "ham" radio operators. One Its roots in the traditional Grecian been singing since she was 6-years ! Cheney Bros, and a close associate; Henrietta Ward arid Mrs. Rose dance forms, although it is not old, will appe.ir in the talent show Cliester Botvin making flight as evidence that the Brilliant will serve as co-chslrmen the 200-ton B52s. Major advances of their first actions was to broad­ dancing in the ordinary sense of of the South Methodist Church i G. Albert Pearson, music super­ potentialities of fsr-reachtng air of the snack bar which will be In the B52E are Increased naviga­ en the scope of the club to include Men'.s Club at Waddell School in visor; Chester Robinson, vice prin­ power must not be downrated in tional socmacy, more relisbie elec­ people of both sexes and all ages the word. U uses free form ges­ cipal of Manchester High School; Young Democrats of Manchester open throughout the fair hours. tures and urges Individual creativ­ .Manchester Friday night. j -Will entertain Chester Bowles, the coi^ng missile era. • - Mrs. Violet Yurkshot and Mrs. tronics systems, greater crew com­ who are interested in electronics. Carl Johansson, maintenance su- Air Force Chief of Staff Gen: fort and relocation of some equip­ Prospective members need not ity. It is not an art of set patterns Electronics Club to .Meet j Mrvisor Vtt the hospital, and Fred former governor Oopnecticut, Mary McCarthy will be In charge or poses, she said. John Henley of Femwood D r,; The weaHieri: riaht at a cocktail party on Sttmlay in Thomas D. White said that the of "Ye Stltchery,” where many ment. aspire to be amateur radio opera­ Kohlnaoii and James Stevenson, KCnsis'a achievement is “just one External appearance, speed Rehearsals of the group will be has announced the .second meeting' lifelong friends. the Red Ember Restaurant g t Bol­ styles of aprons and household tors. Their interests may bo limited held each Wednesday evening at of a radio club for Tolland County , Indication of the global capabilities rangq and altitude remain un­ to Hi-Pl or remote control devices. Honorary'bearers were from the ton. of the Unitrtl States Air Force.” articles will be on sale. Mrs. Sally changed from earlier models. The* S:30 p.m. following the regular will be held tomorrow night at the jl The Connecticut statesman, who 'Tyrell will preside at the “Goodby Henley said. Tlie project was es­ choir rehearsal. Civil Defense shelter at 7 o'clock. | Board of Education. Arthur H. lU- In flight, LeMay- told newsmen B52s can fly more than 6,000 mtUn tablished to pfovide a club for Tol­ ing, superintendent of schools, ISd- was Ambassador to' Ipdia. under aboard the plane that even If the Shop,” featuring pastries; Mrs. without refueling at speeds up to Dtscusa Fiscal Year Change A committee appointed at thei Beatrice MscAlplne, ■will have land County. All Interested persons Initial meeting two weeks ago. Will •on Bailey, principal of the high tht Truman Administration, will Air Force didn't have the missiles 650 miles an hour and altitudes of are urged to accept the Invitation The Board of J''lnance lacked a attend the parjty before giving a yst it had the planes. He'',was for­ homemade candy snd otheri, con­ more than 50,000 feet. quorum Tuesday night when half pre.sent a constitution, by-lawa and school, Wilfred Clarke,' Thomas fections for both adults and kid­ of the group to attend its meet­ suggested name for action of the Bentley, principal of ' Hollister lecture at Temple Beth Sholom at merly chief of Strategic Air Com­ The new model win be manu­ ings. its members failed to attend a spe­ 8:15 p.m. mand (SAC), the country’s potent dles. • factured at both the company'! cial session held at the Town Hall. group tomorrow. Local members | ■School, Henry Millei* and Charles Rhythmio CBoIr Formed of the committee include Henley, ' Wigren; repfresentlng the hospital. At the Red Ember, he will meet long-rdnge striking arm. SAC hqs ■ Mrs. Marlon Crossen will be Seattle and Wichita, Kan., plants... The nucleus of a rhythmic choir Chairman William A.. Roberta re­ been alerted idnce Oct. 1 in the found at the "Christmas Shop,” ported to members Richard Morra Ernest Pc.sola and William. Hand. ^ Judge William J. Shea, Judge both local Ydung Democrata and was formed last night at the Oon- School Savings Report Charles House, C. Elmore Wstkini, officers of the State Young Demo­ event of any possible emergencj’. snd Miss * Gladys Seelert at the gragatlonal Church when nine and Norman Preuss on an inter­ But. S.S LeMSy is fond of saying, parcel poat booth, Mrs. Emily view with bank officials regarding Deposits made in the school sav­ Elmer Weden and Edward J. cratic organization. y«-'- Assembly Slates ings system this week by 136 stu- | Thoms. The cocktail party will start at SAC Is always at war." Prscchla will have a supply of borrowing to.finance a change of The huge tanker, capable of re- games of different kinds. the town's fiscal year. denis totaled J 115.27. TWq pupils . A Masonic sen-ice was conducted 4 p.m. There will be dancing from '*■ ‘ bought U.S. Savings stamps- in the i at the grave in East Cemetery by 5 to 9. Rieling jet aU'craft at 35,000 feet, Harvey Ward, husband of Hsn- Auction Friday Treasurer Keeney '^Hutchinson amount of 46, cents, | Masons from the Grand Lodge of Guests will include John Wravel carried a total of 23 people In yes­ ■ ,'7.’ i rietta, has consented to Conduct will be invited to a tt^ d the regular Bulletin Board Connecticut and from the local of Fairfield, 4>resldenl of the Young terday's flight from Buenos Aires, s "Do-l^Yourself" ' booth. He as­ ' Leo P. Colburn will act as auc­ meeting of the Board on Nov. 26 to World Clothing Week ends at ‘ Democratic Clubs of Connecticut;, to addition to a crew of 17 Air sisted the group in ■ directing tioneer Friday, evening for th# auc­ lodge. Those participating were several of '^ e ir succeaiful shows. analjfse the needs for accomplish­ the school tomorrow. Children are Frank L Wilder.-George R. Stur- Edward Gentile of New Britain, Force personnel, seven over the -<■ tion sponsored by Gibbons As- ing the change. bringing in good used clothing, 1 ge.s, Philip J. Jones. Esrle K. Hal­ executive vice president; Marie regular -crew total, the plane car­ Bsmbly, Catholic Ladies of Col­ The Board of Finance proposes shoes and bedding for distribution Johnson of Rockville, secretary; ried newsmen who had hoarded s' Relaxing In civilian clothes after yesterday's record making flight. Col. Clarke Newlon, Air Fore* umbus. ing. (Carles J. Ramage, Clarence Buenos Aires. to change the .’iscal term of the LEAN, FAVORFUL O. Lister and Thom W. Corby, all Claire Gallant of WallingforiL. Art Information sei-vice officer, points out the route the KC135 jet tanker followed on its trip from Additioii Planned The Knights of Coulmbua Homo town to run from July 1 to June 30. past grand masters; and Conrad Powers of Berlin, and Eric Ste­ Experimental Model Buenos Aires to Washington. Newlon said that the flight proved the mllitarj’ valeu of the KC135* will be open after'S p.m. for tbo - which ^ u ld make It the same as The KC135 used in the two rec­ and the commercial value of the Boeing 707. Its' civilian counterpart. (Herald Photo nv Stolen. POPULAR 7-RIB CUT Hahn, grand master; Albert N. venson of Stontngtnn, vice presl- ord-breaking flights is an experi­ For Pl^a Store convenience of anyorie who wlshea the State fiscal year. I-aws cover­ ^ ^ ^ T eaB?’^ ^ ^ ^ Rliwet, deputy grand master; How-j dents; N^te Zeldenberg of New to leave articles for the auction. ; ' ing the mechanics of the change ard J. Martindale. past master;' Haven, chairman of the State ex- mental nudel. partially aound- refer to it as the uniform fiscal > PRESCRIPTION i proofed, with 30 seats, a writing Edward Akerman and Mrs.' Walter John Plela, baked goods. A $90,000 addition",^ adding al­ Funds raised by the' auetkm will and Albert Dewev and R. LsMotte ecutive board; and James Boyd of Keeney PTA Calls Merten's, apron table; Mrs; George Refreshments were served by be used for the scholarship fund ■year. They also provide for pay­ > EXPERIENCE 41 Russell, psjit masters! of Msnehes- Warehouse Point, college organ- desk and bunks. It also had conj- __ . * * most 4,000 square feet, Is being ment of taxes on July 1, at the ^ By Our Pharmaclsta munlcstions facilities .enablinjg It Nsczkowslil. jdr.s. Frank CJonway M;s. Alexander Rydiewicz, Mrs. built for the First *■ Nstli ;ld ^ Stors ■ which is a partial tuition for two opening of the year. ter lodge. to make contacts as much as fiocio Bazaar Success and Mrr. John Cleary, gift table; Michael Swetzes. George Murphy, at 297 E. Center St. In th$ Shop- years at Mt; St. Joseph, and is opoit Roger Negro, president of the mileii away while cruising at '40,- Mrs. Jackston, Mrs. David Cruick- Glenn Wirtl, Mrs. Fred Kurtz. to any local eighth grade girl. Ap­ Taxes for the present fiscal I Arthnr Drus Stores Manchester club. Is treasurer of shanks,. Mrs. Lucille Sullivan snd Mrs. Gene Hampton. Mrs. Edward ping Plaza by the Jarvis Cbnatruc- term, Oct. 1 to Sept. 30. do not be­ 000 feet. Cww members saltr that • The Keeney St. School , PTA tion Co. ' \ plication may be made through tho the State organization. contacts were made with McMurr F.ank Stcmier, Clu$stmRs deep: Akerman and Mrs. William Healy. O.'W. Matthewaon. a sp o k eal^ Ladlas of JColumbin, and an exam­ 431 Elks Greet Arrangements for the party are do Sound, Antarctica, and Thule, bazasr last Saturday hni ' been rations; Mr. and Mrs. Roger Mc­ ination must bo taken a t M t S t being made by a committee c.in- ca^d a success by l^A ofllcial.s. Dermott. William . .tVsIy. r for the Jarvis company said this Greenland, during the flight. ‘ ,Co-chalrmtn of the sffair were Vitamin C Jlearntial morning that the addition will he Joseph. District Officer listlng of Jean Ps.«fiiislini. chsir- Still alert, but sliowing signs of ''T tt Harrington, Mrs. Harriet 130 by 28 feet, and will be added The fund was started Ih 1983, nr.sn; Mary O'D-.vyer. Everett Mrs. Nicholas J.ickston and Mrs. Cros.'?, Mrs. Leon Rix-ard.- . fatigue at the airport, crew mem­ Lou'.s Botti. PTA members who Vitamin C is essential to bone to the west tide of the building. and the giria who have boon award­ More than 400 local and visiting Gamble and K y Joy. bers said that the - KC135 had ge Bernard! and Mrs. Howard The addition wUI have a full cel­ ed the aiholarahip are; Mafia. Tickets may be obtained from worked at the varidiu' booths Miller, white elephant tabic; Mr.-:. growth, sound teeth and gums, and Elks greeted Q. Rene Caron, dis­ given.them a sn\ooth,'VibraUonIess were: Mrs. Allen Ward, Mrs, I3iep- maintenance of muscle tone; In- lar, adding both selling and storage Mloganot^L .SilxabsUi Masur. trict deputy for Connecticut East, Miss Pssqualini and from Town ride: The civilian model of the Edward Royce and Mrs. Robert Gemma Amedeo, Frances Stetnar, ROAST dore Arnold, Mrs. Charles Covey.', ’-—Shah', tovs; Mrs. Botti. Mrs. eluding the heart muscle..It also space to the market, will conform last night oh his offlclal visitation Clerk Edward J. Tomkiel. KC135, the Boeing 76T, ia soon Mrs. Harry Sfalger,-Mrs. Harold . gjiry In design to the existing building, Elisabeth Poniratx and Norecn MEATS IN TOWN...' to Manchester Lsrdge of Elks. to go into service for jet passenger Skrtlyv Mrs. WUiPi^ [keeps the body tissues cemented Geer,C lm ttr \fp«Mrs. NelsonV^lann Richmond.Richmond, Mrs. >* Bi^ikey. Mrs. Edith Prior snd Mrs.' together snd prevents scurvy, according to Matthewaon. Leber,' *. A turkey dinner wss served at vocalists during the musical pro­ service. f :30 before the meeting which con­ gram. After the brief airport cere­ _____\ r Log or vened at 8 o’clock, There were 434 present at the monies, LeMay said he was going lb A class of candidstea wss Initi­ affair, the best attended since thf to "get some much needed sleep.” Rump ated., Ehcnlted Ruler--Maurice lodge was initiated. For the entire crew, the long ■'■V; V e a l R o a s t Gaudrt and his ofHcers exemplified range flight was a tiring one, al­ ,V Uie Initiation ceremony. though they said jjtey were able., I and /'Caron praised the ofllcers and to catch brief naps Bboard the MANCHESTER SALES Ljan. members for the rapid ptogress | i the loci^l lodge has made Ip Con- i Public Records -----nSSW'll.'' itf. OFFERS YOU, OVEN READY ^ fTc'tlcut Blkdom. He tirged mem- I Warranteis , AIR FORCE SHO*n’.4 'FOlI']|^ Fancy, Plump, Tender bers to continue this progress snd . Washington, Ncr^. 14 oPj —<9 Al­ to maintain the high standing the ! Alfred A, Dion and Helen'* . Dion though the KCia5's hemlsptere- ;■ Shank lodge has attained. Thanksgiving Dirincif It CiOvlyTor at HotiTie! ' He reminded the assembly of tlon, the Air Forrr was staging 1 • ■ I 'tiu ... J' ' ' 'T:". ‘ • ' BABY BEEP LIVER, fr^jhly sliced...... Elks Memorial Sunday. Dec. 1. Liicien Grillo to Greenwood In^ other exhibitions of IW distance' Grand Lodge ofticer Arthur Roy . property on Congress St. pabllltlea. ii AV g i ”'/ Thorikigiving pinner Cavey'i* or at of Willlmatnlc also congratulated ' Edwsrd J. Holl to William Les X B52 bombers for Buenos SLICED BACON, leen, sug^ cured . . the lodge on its progress. ssrd, property on Arnott Rd. A lr^Jo take part In sn Argenttne'f ytSSl^ , ^^JlASLuJL^a hema for.a faWiny of four-Is yours FREE \ After the meeting, s smnrgas- j Building Permit air show later in the week. The bord was .served hy s committee ! To Jarvis Construction Co. for six plan^. based at Loring Air when you purchase any Generat Electric Range here~-between now and Thanksgiv* SKINLESS FRANKS. Honor Mai^. ... headed by Ray Horsn. Ben Shsnk- 297 E. Center St. Corp., for sn ad­ Fores Base, LImeatone, Maine, msn entertained with piano selec­ dition to a commerrial building at made an Intfstm stop last night at inq* E*>e; pim your dishes Washad automaticaWy if you h


STORyiOURS: DAILY and SUNDAY 8 A.M. to 7 P.M. *’.A • TERRIFIC 8 UYS IN FURS NOW THURSDAY and FRIDAY 8 A.M.'to 9 P.M. MANCHESTER SALES and H- AT BLAIR'S - BUDGFf PLAN AVAILABLE APPLIANCE CG; % For CMHftooHS Strvica Phona Ml 9-5234 1 STORE OF MANCHESTER, INC. o ’ V RARK/VDE 317 HIGHLAND ST.. MANCHESTER Ml 3-4278 448 CENTIt STRRT i n e WEi>..THURS., i'iUr—leme Ajii. to eiaep jii. l*HDIllVW Y..i. Ttt.MI3.«5» SUNTY OF M R PARlaNO ^ fv'lODll T'rKNPibl . . . ».• .\Ns Hf SIF w n v U I L O * MON., TUBS, SAT.—10.90 A.M. to OtOO PJW.

.. / i‘- Y' I Mi- : t j / ' i’''i .' ■: i ' I -.


WKNB—MO w n c —lose H ebron Daily Radio Womien^i d u b Gue«t 'JArmy Using Group ^h^rapy W D RC-:-ueo tVHAY—aio R ^ . C. A. Hansen w o o o —u a * Eastehi Blaadard Time WPOP— 1410 Gives Sermons In Treating Mental illness Th« following program iched-^*' WHAY—Sludlo Party ulM^ a n supplied by the radfo WTIC—BioRTAphlrR in B^und .. Hebroa, Nov. 14 (Special) — By P. D. IfLDRED ' metnbers of tha group 'talking naBScementa and an-subject to WDRC—Huity Draptr Welcomed to the Hebron and San Francisco ( ^ —The Army about sex. They belabor the\gub- WPOP—Hound Do* Ject excessively, until It is cbaaKs without noUca i:AS— Gilead Congregational CThUrdh pul- la sending more and more men with WHAY—Studio Party emotional disorders back to duty hausted. This takes time, aom( WTIC—Ntcht Un« pita on Sunday, was the ReV.'Carl times aeveral discussion meetings,' WRIT—putter Party WDRC—Rusty Draper with a method of treatment only WcOc-B«c«'ra Hevu« WPOP—Hound Do* A. Hansen, associate superinten­ now coming Into widespread use: before they drop it. 1958 EDSEL 2-DOOR WKNB-PJt. dent of the Connecticut Conference group therapy. . Leading questions from the w n o —Rom Miller WHAY—Xleht Watch therapist prompt the patients to WDRC—Arlhur Godfrey HTIC—Nlirht Une of Congregational Christian The treatment, as used at Let- heater and defroster, oil filter, foam mbber, air WPOP—Waxworka WDRC—The World TonlRtit c:3iurchea, and director of Youth terman Army Hospital here. In­ talk about personal problems, per­ <:1»— WPOP—Hound Do* Work for the state. volves group discussions of the pa­ sonal outlook. The others enter ir. electric clock, undercoatinR. Delivered in Man< WHAY—Platter Party *' WUCC—Keooro R*vu« The theme of hts sermon was: tients' problems "with most of the into It, a surprisingly wise and chestei^ WKNB—Open Mike WHAV—Mpht Wntch understanding group despite their WTIC—Ron Miller « WTIC—NlKhl Line "FYeedom: A Calculated Risk.’' therapy done by tha other pa­ WDRC—The World ToniRht tients." own mental conditions, WDRC^Arthur Godfrey WPOP—Hound D ^ Music was by tha vested choir, and WPOP—Waxworka John Bell,' choir master, sang a .The method has been developing "I think moat of the therapy la 4;W— ;3 i- done by the other patients," Col. WHAY—putter Party WHAY—Mrm Welch solo, "One Sweetly Solemn for perhaps a dozen yean. W nc—Rota Miller WTIC-NiKht Line Thought." The choir sang an an­ "In group therapy the patient Wilkin said. "If a patient la abu­ WDPC—Ruse Neurhton sive and belligerently claims there WDRO—Cal Kolby WPOP—Hound Do* them, "Father of Ixive," by Grub­ learns to recognize his debility and Down WPOP—Waxworka »:«— er. assiata in determining the method is nothing wrong with him, the n s 8 * WHAY—PUtler Party WHAY-Nleht Watch of controlling or offsetting It," ex­ others will tell him where he la WTIC—Nl*hl Line Dinner Meeting Set wrpng and why. w n c —Rota Miller WDRtN—Rues Neurhton The first Men's Churchmanshlp plains Lt. Col. W. R. Wilkin, chief WDRC—Cat Kolby Harry B. EUls . "A t the same time, they will WPOP—Waxworka WPOP—Ilound Do* dinner-meeting of the season will of the Clinical Psychology Service U:M— at Letterman. endorse the correct things he says, ■:ea- WHAY—Ni*ht W’strh be held Tuesday at Ellington, Harry B. Ellis, publisher and as WHAY—Platter Party WTIC—rnmilv Livinir 1M7 "It Is a very useful, for It helps thus helping him to get his think­ w n c —Newa opening at 7 p.m. Frank T. Simp- ing into focuB. In time, it may take WDRC—Hewa Reporter WDRC—Dr. John Walker Powell .ion. Executive Secretary of the sistant overseas news editor of the a patient to work through his prob­ d EDSEL WPOP—United Aut* Worker* Show WPOP—Hound Do* Christian Science Monitor, will be lems, to find himself. It helps to as many as 30 or 40 talks like f:U — Connecticut Commission on Ovil this, his trouble may clear up and ON THE MANCHESTER-VERNON TOWN LINE WHAY—putter Party WHAY—Nithf Watch Rights, will speak on "Unfinished guest speaker for the annual restore him to life as an efflciept, TALCOTTVILLE—OPEN^LL 9—SAT. 6 w n c —Rota Miller WTir—Pamilv Livinp 198T • stable person; one able to cope with he can return to duty." WDRC—Dr, John Walker PoAtell Democracy." The sjieaker Is well "Men's Night” of the Women' WDRC-Cal Kolby informed on the question of civil hla own problems and those of the WPOP—United Auto Workera Show WPOP—Hound Do* Club of Manchester Monday at 8 *;!»-• 10 rights both In the North and world. Men Wear Bootees WHAY—putter Party WHAY—Nl*ht W'atrh South. Reservations ahould be o’clock In the Masonic Temple. His "Patients get to know there are w n c —Roaa Miller WTIC—Time for Miuic made through Roger subject will be "Middle East To­ othen who have problems similar WORO-Cal Kolby \^T>RC_Dr. John Walker Powell Rowley, day." Freeport, N. Y.—Oil-burner re­ WPOP—Waxworka WTOP—Modem Sounds Albert W. Hllding or Doufflai H. to their own. This gives them emo­ pairmen wearing white gloves and ■ ;U — 10:45— Porter. In October 1956. his book, "Heri' tional support, makes them feel white bootees are becoming a fa­ WTIAT-Platter Party UlIAY—Virht WAlch tage of the Desert,” was published w n c —Roaa Miller wnc—UN Radio Review Annual Meeting Slated less isolated. less alone." miliar sight to Freeport house­ WDRC—Cal Kolby WDRC—Rnea N*iiirhton and received excellent press notices A group is operated on a "per­ wives. The servicemen put on WPOP—Waxworka WPOP—Modem 8<^nds Local Congregationalists will be throughout the country. On Nov. Mary’s Weekend Vdues Site- welcomed at yie annual meeting missive” basis under' the tactful tha bootees and glovea after the WHAY—Dateline 1, a new book by the same author, guidance of a therapist, with housewife opens the door. They WHAY—Night Watch of the Connecticut (Council of "Israel and the Middle East,” wiu wriO-Kewa WTIC—Newa Churches, to be held Nov. 22. In individuals saying or doing any-, explain that they wear them to WDRC—Newa Reporter ,WPRC—N^ws A Weather published. thing they want, so long as they keep her house clean. The men'i WPOP—Newa WPOP—Modem Sounds the Westminster Presbj^er- • :U^ 11:15— The meeting will be open to the don't resort to violence. boaa says hu novel Idea has paid ea. WHAY-Datellne lan Church, West Hartford, from public at a moderate guest fee. CHICKEN WHAY—NUrhkWatch 9:30 a.m, to 4 p.m. Members of This "permissive" approach al­ off in word-of-mouth advertising w n c —Strictly Sport* w n c —Snorts FlnAl most Invariably results In aome For Frying: or Broiling. WDRC—Weather and Zalman WDRC—Ruas Nau*hton the local churchea help support that has increased hia business. WPOP—iMarrenc* Walk WPOP—Modem Sounds this council. Champe and Mrs. Will. 'They spent • :sa— 11:SA— WHAY—Serenade WHAY—Ja « Alley Rev. Pimm to Be Honored the night with relatives on Post HAM BURG ...... 3 Hm. 99c w n c —Muale by MeUehrlno WTH —StarllKhf Serenade There will be a service o f Holy Hill, Columbia. WDRC—Mualc a U (Urt* WDRC->»Rua8 Ntu*hl<^n WPOP—Top 40 Time WPOP—Modem Sounds Communion on Wednesday at 7:30, BONELESS CHUCK ROAST ...... lb. 49e • :«»— _ V 11:4^ . in honor for the third anniversary Maacheater Evening Herald He­ WHAY—Serenade WrtAY—Jant Alley of the Rev. Douglas F. Rm m bron oorreapoiident Mlaa Soaan w n c —Three Star Extra wTIC- 6tnrll*hf Grenada WONDERFUL NEW^E ^ WDRC—L«well nioroar WDRC—Russ Naii*hton , rector of St. Peter's, as a minis­ Pendleton, Mephone ACadetny 8- WPOP—Top 40 Tim* ter. 8454. t:i*— • WPOP—Modem Siounds WHAT—Serenade The Rev. Mr. Pimm accepted the that needs NO BAKINGI Bof-B^ue Specials w n c —Dick Burtel call from St. Peter'a in November. WDRC—Amo* and Andy 1955, and officiated for the first Analy$i$ Improved WPOP—Pulton LawU Deaths Last Niffht TtU - time on Nov. 20. He received his WBAT-Serenad* bachelor of arts degree from the A rapid method developed at the CHICKENS w n c —Dick Burtel By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS University of Bridgeport and his University of Wisconsin Is said to WDRO—Amoa and Andy---- Peoria, II bachelor of social theology degfM rmlt the meaaurmg 6T metainn WPOP—Ed P. Morsaa one lime U.S. repreaentative In » :1 A - from the Berkeley Divinity School. solutions a thousand times more CAPONS 5-S'/i Lb. WHAY—Serenade ConKTCs* and former editor and New Haven. He was ordained in dilute than those analyzed pre­ w n c —Haw* of the World publisher of the Peoria Star, died WDRC—Amoe and Andy All Saints Church, Bayside, L. I. viously. The electrolytic method Turkeys, Ducks, Roast Beef made Just riRht for ■ Sunlight through bare branches warms old Cheney Homestead built in 1785. The tallest chimney tops 'Visa’s room. WPOP—Top 40 nm* Wednesday. He waa elected to the He spent several months with the is said to be able to measure one tantalizing dinner. Richly glowing furniture, wide-plank floora give warmth, hominess. Oil painting r^laced \ face of wall dock. House in 1910 and served three OJibwa Indians of the Red Lake part of lead in five trillion parts of *’l?HAT-rSerenade terms. He was editor of the Star WnCee-m* and the World Resei-vatlon in Minnesota and is solution. It is so sensitive that lead WpMV-E. R. Marrow from 1938 to 1949 when he resign­ the only white man to have been absorbed Into the solution from WTOP—Top 40 nm* ed because o f Illness. made a chief of that tribe. Hla In­ We Will Be Open Thanksgiving Day Till 1 P.M. •:4*— the glass walls of a container will WHAY—P.N.H. Hour Longmeadow. Mass.—Dr. Lau- dian name, translated, meana CJhief upset readings. Place Your Bar-B-Cue Orders Now w n c —Siofraphlee In Sound rence-Locke Doggett, 92, president Red Eagle. WDRCiR Q Lewi* emeritus of Springfield (Mass.) Church Bazaar Set Home Today — Museum Tomorrow WPOP—Myatery nm* NEW STORE HOURS: •:U— College, died Wednesday. He be­ The CJhurch Bazaar, to be held WHAT—PJf.H. Hour came president o f Springfield, then in the elementary school gymnasi­ MON. thru 'THURS. 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. By Jt’ OITH AHEARN other corner. On every wall hang is pleasing. A sofa with a dark other side of the wall. When the magician; popular with royalty, The books on the bedroom w n c —Biofranhlee In Sound .. the International YMCA College, paintings memb'ers of the WDRC-R. QTXewl* um tomorrow will open at 2 There are a few homes which f>y walnut friune has pillows made of sitting room was built for Luviha, and eventjially the pet of the Rus­ shelves are old favorites like the WPOP—Myatery Tim* in 1896 and retired in 193S. He was p.m. A turkey dinner is promised, FRIDAY snd SATURDAY 8 A.M. to 9 P.M. give the impression that the people Cheney famliy. heavy white mat^lal with a bright Mrs. Cheney asked that a door sian epurt. He incurred the enmity works of Byron and Tennyson, and' bom In Manchester, Iowa. to be served from 5:.30 to AUCTION! FA R M H O U SE SUNDAY 8 A.M. to 1 P.M. who lived in them had a lot of love 4The pictures were done to a red print. A combination desk and be cut into the little sitting room of thf^oet Robert Browning dur- modern accounts of World War II. TeleTision Pmsrains Athena, Ohio—Clinton M. Mac 6:30 p.m. It Is stressed that this and happine.ss to .share with one great extent by John and Seth bookcase stand in one corner. The from the stalnvay s« that It would in^xfne seance. He caused a wreath Three of the bedrcxima are email klnnon, 68, professor emeritus of Sponsored by (^cney, two of the nine children not be necessary for her to go On Pace Two will be a good opportunity for do­ New England another. One is right here in Man­ maple writing surface is well worn. to settle on Browning's head, which and sunny. One ia a master 'bed­ English at Ohio Univeraity. died ing Christmas shopping. Catholic Ladles of Columbus frozen of George and EleclA Woodbridge through the main living room. Beneflt of Scholarshlpr Fond chester. The shelvep above it are filled with Infuriated the nfan. room with light walls and one of Wednesday. He was a member of There will be si showing ofchlU It has taken the Cheney 'Home­ CTieney. books obviously still In use. The works of the clock had to Narrow Stairway the best viewe of the brook an

No Obligation!

Nothing to B u y! SP A C E TOO' Here'i something really 1 # It's LEAN. CLEAN, new in television—and it's b>' RCA Victor! It's ''I.ean and Clean" styling. Fea­ MimiOII-SHAIIP! tures ''Mfrror-ShaiT>'' pic­ ture ilrat's sharp . . . clear . . . real! it 262 t4|. in. vlawobl* area Now aCA Victor TV rprt'® ★ CanvMiienl “ Higb-Shnrp- a nnd-fnay” tuning makes any room "room­ if New Imprevnd Sainnxad ier!" Saves up to36% floor RdnIHy FM Sound space. See thii new land No. 21T844S if Nnw Suportaniilivo of IT , today! Not exactly aa pictured FLY THE entcod* tuner FINEST Choose from many • -ft

exciting new • JtUtreaia k « ^rvice M a ? -VIA models! • Owned by TWA ixcluslveJy. SPECIAL PURCH JETSTMAM BRAND NEW TABLE MODEL rpMMs moRia MtRintds: UHF-VHF THOUSANDS » DOLLARS -

tiM O m l f m , Bodfof-^rkud »oW« TV1 263 *0. to. vtowoWo oroo. “OM-Teveb* A WINNER SURE IN EVERY StOREI •0 o ff coHtfuL Ebony, owbosenv- or iSmOd •ob'Vrolnod fMdMi, •alr«.21Ti30 Sortok *229^95 QUANTITY UMITED G et entry fo rm 's and details at the following outlets giving United Stamps And remember; United Gives Botfor Gift* for Fewer Stampsl EDMUND'S MARKET GRISWOLP'S Pottertoii% Inc. N SUMMER SntKET - AUKAS' MARKET 81 NORTH SniEET ______MoHcli#$t»r*8Lor9«fR«dlOeTV,RoeofdondApplia»eo$loi» SERVICE STATION 130 CB 4TBIST. CORNM OP CHURCH LAUN PRY MISS TURNPIKE MARKET M l E. CMWr eR SnUOET m w. mDDUB n k s. 'fW lotfo A tabla a fhm finra amathyat, graea, and bfown Pitkin glaaa. , Savera B m i Franklin candla holder. Intha dining'roomaFranklinatoveprovidad haaL ‘Picturaaara bForof iRainbanoif thaChanaFfonlF,-^ - i ^ u -

I.; ’ V PA G E RIOHTEEM MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. I^ANCHESTER. CONN. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1967, V MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD.^ANCHESTER. CONN- THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14. 1967 PAQE NINETEEN - Sampling of Opinion tk* aacond auceaasiva unit namad C a th o lic Parish for an avangaUat. PravlouBly Rockville hayride w ill be omitted and the Wastport’a Haw parish was dedi- dance will start at 8:30 p.n^,. Forms in Norwalk cstsd to Bt.Luke. Warden to Speak Mark Richmond, warden of Wethersfield State Prison, will ^Public Unconcerned Bridgaport, Nov. 14 (iFV*-Blshop Device Cfeans Blinda That Intarprat Tha Tri-Town Area Seen Ideal Lawrancs J. Shehan astabltahed addre.ss a meeting of the North­ Orandviaw, Md.—A Oiwndvlaw Wishes Of Tha FUaily east PTA Monday evening at the Norwalk's fifth (Jathollc p tiv h , For Industrial school. v o u concern has perfected a new vaeu- Development t h e i designated l{ St. Matthaw^ and um-elaansr attachment for clean­ The warden will discuss the fed­ ; Over Red Sputniks JOHN B. BlfRKE eral pri.son systeip. Hia talk will named the Rev. James F*. McGrath ing Venetian blinds. It consists of Rockville, Nov. 14 (.Special) — a double set of dusters to clean her of any instances of these of­ follow the regular buaineaa meet­ of Stamford first ps4tor. FUNERAL HOME This area i* in a position to attract fenses. ing of the group, scheduled for 8 When it comes to food shopping — there's one wa^ you can ba sure. Shop the POPULAR - (EDITOR’S NOTE—Row doM tho ovcrafo Amorinoa fool aiMmt The site o f tho^^^ew parish is m both sides of the alats at the same p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Cowan time. The duster's deep pile fabric T EL MI s-asas ' large industry, according to Spes'lal City Meeting Tonight - havlas % roupio Of RumUii moonii In oparof Worrinl^ Confldont former 20-ac):e^ estate In West •7 BAST CENTER ST. are in charge of the program. W ay — then you be the judge! Compare the wide selection of nationally known brands. is removable and can be washed. Michael I-ory*. industrial agent (or A special city meeting will be ' that we will do as well, of better 7 Top AP reporter* took Munpllnf* Norwalk acquired by the dlocMs AMBULANCE SERVIOB held today at 7:30 p.m. in City Senior I.Migue Compare the freshness and quality of our meats and produce. Compare the values - la two average rlties In widely separated part* of the country. last weelpior 1125,000 from a Now th# New Haven Railroad. Court room. Five teams have signed up with ■ Here’s what they found). York Olty couple. lk)ry* toured induatrial *llea in The purpose of the meeting Is to the Senior Basketball League, di­ throughout the store — you'll find it costs no more, often less, and you get World Green Ka(her McGrath, a natlva of Se« Our th# area yesterday at the invitation transfer a- sum of money from the rected by Carlton Milanese. They ^Vaterbury, was ordained May 12, DONUT SPECIAL of toe Chamber of Commerce. He administration Miscellaneous ac­ are: American Legion. Zahner's Stdyrips good for valuable free gifts, too. 1M7. Ha served 12 years In New based hi* opinion on the fact that On Page 6 count to the Administration Inci­ Men's Shop, Vetterlin's, Willington, In Wisconsin In Tennessee Haven, three in Meriden and spent there ii no large industry in the im­ dental Account. and Webster’s Real Estate. More SHOP POPULAR. THEN YOU BE THE JUDGE! the last five years in St. John's, HOME MAID BAKERY and mediate vicinity to compete for teams are expected to enter before By RELAf AN .MORIN Anv other business proper to By S A IX PETT Stajnford. ai an aatiiUint paator. COFFEE BAR labor. come before the meeting may also the season opens Dec. 2 at Long­ ~ Shebeyfran. Wis., Nov. 14 (AP) Gatllnburg. Tenn., Nov. 14 t/P)— St. Matthew’* is the tenth pariah •M MAIN ST.. MANCHESTER Vincent A, Choate, executive sec­ be transacted. view School. Another meeting will - __ T he' people in this industrial A full moon hung in the sky like s to.be created by Bishop Shehan and retary, and Seabury l.,ewia, chair­ be held Monday at 7:.30 p.m. at the big silver baH over the Great Following the rity meeting the * community of 4."S,00(i—"The Wurst man of the Induatrial committee Common Council will hold its final Town Halt I -> O ty in the World." a* sansaite Smoky Mountains the other night. Fo A local altuatton frequently “ You have no idqa how we have mi.ased them.” It’s nice A fire of undetermined origin.' keU for (he need, of the town. was hit by a car driven bv Thomas *' p a m n and sdentlsta than we do colors the attitude o f the people. STOPS LEAKS which burned about .V) acres of Cubs Will make a house-to-house F. Tiimickl. 30. of Yantic. Both ~ hut we got a m a r t a r ones. "*“T Instance, In tha whole region Brulnier. The process utiliie* sugar to hear man.v cornments like the.se and we are glad to see WHEN APPLIED OIRICnT land between Valley Falla Rd. and canva.s.s asking for at least one cars received damages estimated Box Mountain Tueada.v evening, " That's whst our sdaiie# teaehar ittnd the National Laboratory at Instead of grapes, and a vegetable our customers again and new ones, too. TO STREAMS OF WATER donation of non-peri.shable food. at more than $200 and both ve­ says.” Oak Ridge, Tenn., one of the cen* extract provides the bouquet, it is was still being wal( heecember the pack will hold hicles had to be towed from the ^ "Tha Intaroontlnental ballistic terg o f atomic reaaarch, the man Administration Cool claimed. The method is said to be Fore.-t Rangeis last night, accord­ a cookie sale to raise mone,v for scene CHICKENS ■ miaBlIes frightens me the moat," on tha street plainly reSects the cheaper than conventional wine­ ing to a county jail spokesman the troop They also plan to col­ Strickland is srhcduled to ap­ atUtude o f sclentuu and technl- MANCHESTER Called out about 4 p m. Tue.sday.; SPLIT FRYING ;; David aald. "It’s time we got our making proces.ses, and can be car­ ROGER OLCOn lect old toys to be repaired and pear in Town ('oiirt on Nov. 23. SUPER MARKETS <• own missiles o ff tha ground and clana wertclng nearby. ried on in any location without the Vernon Compairiea 1 and 2 fought aent to the Mansfield Training "I'm glad the Russians did it,’ the ground fire for some nine : Into outer space. If the next war ,To Standby Controls necessity of having vinevarda near­ 40.3 West Center Street ' Mitchell 3-7853 LUMBER, INC. School in time for ('hristmas. Plane .Srarrli Cnntiniirs Here are Fryers for thrifty buyers! They’re top quality birds— * comes, there won’t he time to build said a man from Kingsport, Tenn. by. hours. Forest Rangers a.*sisted that, This month s pack meeting will younji .. . tender . . . plump and we’re featurinR them at a real low He went on to ssy that, to his opin­ 255 Center .St.,' Maarheeter night and returned last night to be in honor of Armed P'orces Day. ; up. It's time we stopped bickering wet down smoking trees. The areal Honolulu, Nov. 14 (fl-i It has price. Just wait till you taste 'em fried! MM . . . MM . . . - and worrying about money and ion. Amerlcait scientists hsvs not (Coatinoed from Page One) poliUcal and economic m an^ver, with alt cubs in full uniform. Bob­ been given the unhlnderod oppor­ propaganda and aubversion. which burned was about three cat pins will be awarded at the been almost a week since Pan •FULL SHANK HALF Z started bu llin g up our misalle miles into llie woods and had to he ^ program now." tunity to develop rosesreh projects. aatelllte of Russia, that it the I ni* country * chief reliance in ! meeting. American’s Stratocruiser Romance ‘They’vo been pushing the sci­ fought with Indian pumps and way to proceed." he said. countering the many-sided Russian^' Vernon now has 11 dens. Includ­ of the Skies vani.shed with 44 per­ > "I don't think we've really been entists around too long," he said. offensive, th* Vice President said, ‘ hrooius. George Claik, Vernon fire T told how far we've progreased in Eisenhower did not mention con­ ing two which were forned this sona in the Pacific and still no "First, there was that business is an adequate mutual aaaiatancc ' warden, turned in the alarm. ^fail. St’j Ready To Hams»49* missiles," said W. F. Schlundt, trols but did make clear, In his For Better Eating At Everyday Low Prices...... trace has been found of the air­ about (Dr. Robert) Oppenheliper. program including economic aid Flaherty Heads ('hSiiler Deimx’rata Plan Supper liner. f. vice president of the Security Na- Oppenhelmer, qfter. hearings four speech, from Oklahoma City last which enables tree countnea to da- We Give It* .. t.- Altv. Leo B. Flaherty .Ir. ha.s { tioaal Bank. The Young Democratic Club of A Pan American sister ship, FRESH BABY RIB years iao, was barred from access night, that defense spending will fend themselves and maintain their Consumer* b-en elected chairman of the local Wemeu’s ReacUea to Inforinstion on top secret scien­ independence. Pmflt*,<(hnrlng Ro<'kville will hold a buffet supper bound from Honolulu to San increase. New programs, he said. chapter of .\merican Red Cross Nov 30 at th^ Roikville Hotel la there a epedal female resc- tific operations. The two Soviet sputniks, he said, Stamps He is a member of the Vernon Francisco, reported spotting some will Involve sCibstantial cost." Ixmnge. debris in the water late yesterday lb : tlon? "ITien they started calling them This must pe added to prcsei\^ provide an example of Cummuniat Board of F.duc .ition and of the , "I just haven't thought about It techniques. Though without mili­ Candidates for the n iy election but the Coast Giuird aaid the slght7 Pork Roast 'eggheads.' Th# scientist* and col­ spending for defense, which cannot ■m Board of DU'cclors of the* (Tiam- ''dll speak at the event, accordinjf ' much," said Joyce Mentce, asles- lege profeosors were all crackpots tary simificance in Itaelf, the seeing-wa.s of doubtful value. The be cut substantially, he said. ber of Commerce. to Mias Nancy McMahon, preai- airliner di.sappeared...... *... Friday with MfLK-FED FULL CUT woman at Buihilok's Jewelry or maybe dangerofis. Now the Rus- For that reason," Eisenhower launching of the sputniks provides Other chapter officers elected Communist leaders throughout th# ^ dent. Final plans will be com -136 passengers and'a crew of eight Store. "Other women I know alan 'eggheads' have gone ah,ead of added, "the first thing is to search by th- Board are as follows Mat­ pleted at a meeting tonight In Su-’ bound for Honolulu, us. # world with a valuable talking point i iyjj ." don't talk about It. I think It's for other places to cut expendi­ thew P Allen, first vice chair­ porior Court room. i The Carrier Philippine Sea lb 1;, more e man's subject.” "W haf • why I say I'm glad they tures." •to persuade uncommitted govern- .Hl!l ments tllat Russia ha# a "superior SIOPHERE man: Ruth F Foulkes. second ThaiikagH Ing Parly Hef pressed an intensive search along Veal Legs did It." Said Mrs. Arthur Schildbsch. s Eisenhower gave no estlihatea of vice chairman; George R. (?hase. Tho Vernon Square Dance Club the missing airliner s flight route housewife, while buying ribbons In Citea Nickerson Oaa« either increases or decreases in ability to build economic and -\ scientific might." Nixon said, treasurer; Kdllh T. Casati, aa- will hold its annua! Thanksgiving. for the second day yesterday with- TOP GRADE BEEF a gift shop: Similarly, the trial of Col. Nick­ expenditures, but said "our people •istant treasurer; Hope R Rob­ parly Saturday at R p ni. at the out finding a clue, its radar-track­ ^ "Oh. yes, 1 read about it—and erson inevitably eomee into any Nixon appealed to the business- will not sacrifle security wor­ erts. secretary: and Charlotte B Vernon Elementary School. ing planes, helicopters and escort how they’re naming hamburgers conversation about the Soviet sci­ shipping a balanced budget.” men to support this government's 1 efforts, by foreign aid and other­ iiiii Drlggs, as-slslant secretary. Three turkeys wl'll be awarded as vessels will continue the search and drinks and other things after entific feat. Ike to Address Group prize* at the event, Mr. and Mra. lb - sputnik. But I don't think or wor- Nickerson, member of an Army Eisenhower addresses the Civil­ wise, to convince the nfutrsl* that GROCERY STAPLES The Board approved the ap­ down a lane 200 miles wide until Fancy Chuck Roast Ron Wlnthera will serve s* co- they reach Pearl Harbor. . ry about it. After all. you voti rocket development team, was con­ ian Resemstsithii afternoon. Vice the A m erica eystem offers them pointment of Burton R. Lisk as greater promise. chairmen of the refreshment com­ Sweet tall BONELESS BRISKET HEAD C - your government in. Let then take victed recently by court-martial of President Nixon, Secretary of ST PHONE Ml 8-8532 blood program chairman, mittee I — I "We can say to them: You can HFD. r o a d COR. McKEE ST^ Chamber Notes Popular Peas : care of tt. They get paid for it, failing to safeguard milttary se­ State Dulles. Secretary of Defense W S rs Plans .Supper | - after all.'* cret* when he protested a Defense McElroy and Secretary of <3om- have economic progress with i free­ NIBLETS A meeting of the executive bo \d dom," Nixon said. "The (Jommu- •n e v e r a PARKING PROBLEM The ladies of the Vernon Metho- ; Said a very serene lady. Mra Department decision on the Jupiter mercf Weeks spoke in yesterday's I “"V:' ""v™ .' of the Chamber of Commerce and i lb dav-Ione session nlats say. You can have economic I V i LB. CAN. DINTY MOORE di.st Church \<'SC.S will hold s ' You lion I Rood to pay Corned Beef - Arthur Zlmball, attendant In the program. — — t h u r s . u n t il b p . m . school officials to plan a Business- I baked ham supper in the rhiireh White or 1 0 0 0 r Christian science reading room: A Knoxville lawyer. Ray Jenlclna Nixon reassured the reierylsta ^ j Education day has been set for j -ocia.^ room.* Saturday from .5:30|.. . $250 to $300 for Color* HHF.F.T AMERICAN WHITE ' ''A s Chttltlah ScienUaU, w-e don't -:-whb aTio figured prominently in despite Soviet lechnbloglcsl FRIDAY UNTIL T P. W. Nov. 25. Tile da,y wilTbe held some- f 10 7 p.m The menu will be haired ROLLS "There 1* no question but that we B E E F S T E W time in April. T. have any fear. We just know God the Army-McCsrthy hearings three advances, "the Unlttd Stales and can win." ham. baked beans, sc.i.lloped i ■ Is all power and our ever present year* ago—defneded the colonel. its allies are strong enough to meet 46 OZ, CAN LIBBY’S OPEN Planning the event are the fol- [ potatoes, jellied salads, coleslaw, INCONSPICUOUS help. If only we would always A KnoxvIUe taxi driver aaid: and defeat any enemy on any field lowing: Superintendent of Schools' to.s.sed salads, rolls, rake squares, Loaf Cheese 269* ~ acknowledge it end accept it." "I’m not surprised th# Russian's in toe worl 290 NOT MORE THAN l.i TO POUND be long before we come up with ; vised statement on the statu* of LYNN POULTRY FARMS se e th in g better than the Ruaalans. i American scientific development Cranberry Sauce j V Washington, we ! last Thursday night. The next day, Cheiet Frtsh NoHvt Poultiy— Dir*c» From Our Farms to You" * secret. thU reporter heard little com, D Chicken Jumho Shrimp 99* think toe Russian*, will be the | ment on the street. Direct question­ of .Sea Ocean a l “ I?"* ^ moon. I Ing showed a minimum of real un­ Chunk Spray tail cans damn ‘*°**"'< ■ i derslanding of what the Presl- Thoy'n ■hidyiaK slianilatiy. but. damn wh^toer he gets bacK." . dent said. Tomato Cal'siip Hunt 14 Oz. 2 For 3Se '■My opinion." said another bee,r they're fq in g to be aulemnen. -A- -A- Sounded okay to me," was the Fruits - Vegetables ' Sr***"' '** ^ MI 9-8251 DELICIOUS APPLES SUMMER SQUASH , the momtog, I ge* three guvs look- seem more curious- than alarmed PASCAL CELERY TOMATO JUICE '";7„. 29i . Ing up they’ve never been up that about the Soviet auccea*. Few ex- the ^tood echeda they're aMeaded, JUICE SHOULDER VEAL ROAST prees worry over the military po­ SPECIAL ih I S c ; early before. I look up I don’t see They'll prere the rolne oi edu^ b y t h K p iA c e I.g. B« h. 15c 3 iba 29c ALUMINUM FOIL “•"I;,. 19c . a damn thing. tentialities. eutiui in woya that benefit the FANCY, FRESH, NATIVE ''M y name? Leave my name out, , ORANGES SLAB BACON u,$9e WHOLE OR CUT-UE We Have Ju.st Received A Shipment Of Red Bananas and Sweet Juicy Tangerine* GRATED CHEESE Prinre Tumbler 35c The laM lime my name was in a cenuauaMy . . . in a Ugfaer .ela^* ■ i ..jEP*fr I rot married. . That a enough." F EHiabcth ArdM . 4 ard «f Kriay, ia iaereoMd pur« WAYBEST CHICKENS u.43e CH ICKEN S B.C1,9 9 c In the first six months of 1967. ► ehasiaq power, fai drie cul­ d o z . TO BROIL er FRY—2-24 UL AVG. * . . FOWL ft) D io l S o a p Grandma's COSMETICS TO BROIL OR FRY Tenderleaf Tea ' of men's amj bov's new ► tural actiriliee . . . la, better Ur* OVEN READY clothing totaled less than 1,1 bil- i 2 R,.g. Sl7.e 27c / 2 Reg. In Color* 29C Molasses • lion dollars while sales of women iag lor ereryene. ' clothesClothe, totaled. totaled twice .V,— that much. • 1a ^ Art*****" A A* As A O™? As Stores sX A . AS ^< EX'TRA FANCY FRESH FROZEN. CONN. HEN li you want to “buy intdf” a 2 BnthvMIse 37c Packajie of 48 Tea Baq* 5 3 c 12 Ox. 27c 24 Ox. 51c liiH S O U P S T O C K better future, aee what thehe aolee- LARGE PINEAPPLES Each Bien ore etieriag. Their preducta , TURKEYS CtlC MEN’S and BOYS* rb Hershey Instant' ora ea di^ilay at your aaoraat LARGE COCONUTS Each OVEN READY Snowy Bleach W% M Instant Non-Fat 29c 3 / acheoL / Cocoa Mix F E i A Dry Milk FLANNEL SHIRTS MAIN! OUR SOHOOL-COMMUNITY RELATIONS IfMps Nylons White 4 5 C Order Your Holiday Poultry Now! l i Lb. 25c 1 Lb. 45c 12 Qt. Size 9 3 c e«s *1;99 3 f., * 5 .8 5 American Bducofieii W e e k , RUSSET ■ i NOVEMBER 10-16 FRESH NATIVE TURKEYS. CAPONS, LARGE Boya* Sizes. Man’a Sizea. l| POTOTOES^ 16 and up Small Only leoNKMta.M tm puMK anwnr iv ROASTERS, BROILERS. FRYERS. FOWL Rival Dog Food Underwood T rR IB C U T . / Chase and Sanborn Coffee 3 9 c Lb. OVEN READY—CUT gPBQIAL FOR YOUR OOOKINQ KEEPS ' Deviled Ham HARMAC •46 MAIN ST, MORIARTY BROTHERS , iiiii RIB EHD PORK ROASTS 3Sc Tosto (Hid Compart— Guoremtood to Satisfy! 2 c i u i s Foc. 2 7 c , , 1 su cnENnot rtiueet . \ iilil ■j, ■ . Inutant 4 Oz. Jar ^ 1 s 1 3 Small 19c Lane*'33c T i

^ ) , 1 . PAGE TWENTT MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN,. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1967 ■ -. f ItANCHESTER EVENfriG HERALD, MANCHEa'TER, CONN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1967 PAGE TWENTY-ONE tion of eontanta, auoh as aisa, and p.m. Friday in the Btorra Congre­ will meet at 7 p.m. Saturday at Pond Hill School; set-back card from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. and Sat­ Coventry designation, for a man br woman. gational Church Community the Churth Community House to party, 8 p.m., American Legion urday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. in Matthews Named Selectmen to Meet House. drive to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Home; social, 8 p.m., Nathan Hale the Mason Nursei' Hall, adjacent n te Board of Selectmen will The First Congregational Church Kenneth Tedford in East Hartford, Community Center; trial justice to the hospital in Willimantic. Mrs. Wesleyan Trustee Mrs. Bowen Town Leader meet at 10 a.m. Friday in its office Pastor's Council has selected the former club members. Hosts for court, 7:30 p.m,, Robertson School; Robert P. Bowen la the local di­ in the Town Office Building. following as a nominating com­ the meeting will Include Mr. and Cub Scout Pack 65, Den 5, at 7 rector of the auxiliary. Middletown, Nor. 14— Howard 71 EAST CENTER ST. Fellowship tb Meet mittee to present a slate of officers Mrs. Edward Steele and Mr. and p.m, with Mrs. Joseph Locke and The North Coventry Volunteer The Baby Has ^4^: For Hospital Christmas Gifts The First Congregational Church at the annual church meeting in Mrs. William Paradis. Mrs. Cliarles Lowery; First Con­ Fire Department will have its an­ B. Matthews, vies president and Pilgrim Fellowship held a work­ .January; Harmon N. Cochrane. The ' Pond Hill Homemakers gregational Church Junior choir,' nual roast beef banquet at 7 p.m. treasurer of Wesleyan University, DORSEY FURNITURE TEL. Ml 9-7576 shop session Tue.sday evening at Mrs. Kenneth A. Downing, Mrs. Group will meet at 8 p.m. Monday 6:30 p.m., Kingsbury House; Little Nov. 23 in the Church Commu­ has been elected a member of the Oo%’Bntry, Nov. 1< (SpBCial)—-♦ fund for a summer camp project the Ruth B. Quandt Memorial Royal O. Fisher. Mrs. W'. Bryce at the home of Mrs. C7t>rl Hlcking. Scissors 4-H, 3 p.m. with Mrs. F. Hail. nity House Instead of at 8 p.m. In University's Board of Trustees. lira. Robert P. Bowen h u been for some of the patients. Honeywell. Kenneth S. Lyon, The topic of the meeting will be Pauline Little. the Firehouse. The Women's Aux­ Continuing Our 1st Gifts from local Industries or Been Named... named loral chairman for an ap' The group will meet Sunday at 7 Charles Mitchell and Mrs. Herbert "Creative Stltchcry." Leaders will CYO Officers Named iliary to the department will pre­ Announcement of Matthews' interested residents may be left p.m. in the church vestry with Mrs. E. Rose. j>eal for Chriatmas (ftfla for men be Mrs. Hlcking and Mrs. Theo­ New officers of St. Mary’s pare and serve the meal. election was made by Dr. Victor L. and momen at the Norw Ich State at Mrs. Bowen s home on South St. George Hammer of the guidance To Attend Meeting dore A. Seltr. Members have been CYO follow: Edward Maceyka. Bvittcrfleld, president of Wesleyan The hospital has S.134 patients department at Manchester High Hoapital. The deadline i.i Dec. 16. Richard Dublskoa. Frederick a.sked to bring scissors, ruler and president; Shirley Shirsac, vice Manchester Enming Herald University. Letters Including; a eiig^Kcated of which 1.65J an women and School who will talk on dating. In­ Fish and Gerald Humes will be burlap for. the project. president: Arthur Forst, treas­ Matthews has served as vies Dimna Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Foye 12 West vited are fellowship groups from Coventry correspondent Mrs. K. ^ ft list have been sent to local in- 1.481 men. Of the overall number attending a meeting of the T ol­ Mrs, Harmon N. Cochrane has urer; Suzanne Starkel, secretary. president and treasurer of the uni­ St. She was bom Nov. 4 at Manchester Memorial Hospital about 75 per cent or 2,350 are de­ the local Second Congregational Pauline Uttle, telephone Pilgrim diiatriea. Money contributions will land Radio Group at 7:30 p.m. to­ volunteered to be co-leader with The group will have a food sale 2-6231. versity since 1950. He had former­ Her maternal grandmother is Mrs. Mary Lamprecht, 12 West also be accepted if more conveni­ pendent on outside gtfta or money Church and Methodist Youth Fel­ morrow in Bolton Elementary ly been business manager of the lowship of Willimantic. Mrs. Jean F. Roy of the Buttons starting at 10 a.m. Saturday at St., and her paternal grandmother is Mrs, Margaret Fove Hart- ent to the donor. Oiecks or money contributions. School. A charter will be drawn up Tremblay's Super Market. Fea­ University of Chicago. ford. J • The group is Invited to a ^re- and Bowls 4-H (jlub which meets orders should be made payable and Donors are asked not to include and bylaws and constitution pre­ at 3:15 p.m. each Tuesday. tured will be home baked beans, Device Saves Millions A graduate of Wesleyan In 1W28, • • a o o sent to the Patients’ Welfare Fund. matches or any sharp Instniments Christmas dance Dec. 7 from 7:30 sented for adoption. Officers will p.m. to 11 p.m. at the Union Con­ Members of the Green-Chobot cakes, pies and doughnuts. Pro­ Matthews also attended Columbia ..X '’“ “ Ehter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Horton, Norwich State Hospital. Norwich, in gift packages. Nurses and occu­ be elected. Refreshments will’ be ceeds will be used for a Christmas 35 W addell Rd. She was born Nov. f at Hartford Hospital. Her gregational Church. Rockville, to Po.st No. 52 and its Auxiliary and Cleveland — A 342.000 spectro­ University School of Business. He or be given to Mrs. Bowen. Clash pational therapists select the mo.st . served. their guests will attend a dance at party for the group and other so­ meter is saving one American wan qualified as a certified public maternal grandparents are Mr, anti Mrs. Albert Nolan, Lowell, appropriate ^ft for each Indi- ! which about 20 members plan to The group is planning various donations should a l^ be mailed to attend. 9 p.m. .Saturday in the Legion cial activities during the year and railroad an estimated 316.000,000 accountant In New York in 1934. Ma.ss„ and her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Oliver this fund Money contributions vtdual I projects in the field of electronics Home on Wall .St. for its community service Christ­ a year on the overhauling of loco­ He is a member of the American Horton. Lowell, Ma.ss. She has a sister, Pamela Jean 2H. will be used to defray the coat of Starting Nov. 24. the fellowship and anyone interested in this pro­ Institution officials prefer to I meetings will be held in the Ruth Local Grange members will mas program. motives by detecting worn part.s Institute of Accovmtants. Chn.stmas entertainment and par­ wrap gifts and ask donors to in- ; gram as a hobby is Invited to at­ neighbor at EAst Hartford Grange The Women's Auxiliary to the through oil samples. Formerly a Matthews Is married to the for­ 0 . 0 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William L. Palmer. B. Quandt Memorial Hall. tend. DON’T MISS THESE VALUES! OPEN DAILY 9 to 9 ties for patients, as well as to pur­ dude WTapplng paper and ribbon I Friday evening in the hali there. Windham Community Memorial locomotive had to be torn dowh. mer Dagmar A. V. Anderson of 288 Fern St. She was'born Nov. 6 at Manchester Memorial Hos­ chase more television sets and Local 4-H Club members are in- i Club Notices If gifts are wrapped, each should vited to the Tolland County 4-H Tomorrow's Events Hoapital la having its second an­ at a coat of 314.000 to 318.000, and Manchester. They have one son, pital. Her maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. John San­ long plating records and to build a I The Mr. and Mrs. Club of the chez, Denver, Colo., and her paternal grandparents are Mr. and be separate, tagged with a descrip­ Fair Assn, annual meetings at 7:30 | Tomorrow's activities include: nual pre-Christmas sale today, each part examined, to determine Stephen, now a student at Wesley­ second Congregational Church Explorer Scout Post 65, at 8 p.m.. from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m..; tomorrow wear. an University. Mrs. Louis Palmer. Summit St. She ha.a two brothers, William Closeout! Philco Wayne, 9. and Kenneth Michael, 2H; and two sisters, Sharon Polaroid Camoras - - TraRsistor Radio DECORATOR Marie. lO'j, and Patricia Ann, 1. I • • • • • PILLOWS 98c Patricia Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle F. Eastman, Loungo Chair and Decorator Lamiis I~ This Coupon Good for ”1 f” Th>* Coupon Good for 210 Hollistpr St. She was born Nov: 5 at Hartford Hospital. REFRIGERATOR r ' This Coupon Good for r~ This Coupon Good for n Her maternal grandparents are Mr, and Mrs. Charles S. Sarofian, Haverhill. Ma.s.s. She h n s two brothers, Lyle F. II, 2, and Thom­ Complete contest rules may be obtained at our Btore VANITY LAMPS 98c I inn ™^TRIPLE.Sle.s I TRIPLE-S as M., 1; and two sisters, Sharon E., 5, and Laurie J., 4. TRIPLE-S TRIPLE-S • • • • • REG. I XUU BLUE STAMPS . ILUE STAMPS PATRONIZE i A V W DLUC ^iMmra I Gary Janies, son of Mr. and Mrs. EMward Cassell, 120 Grand $269 I with M a wee mlnlmam I s a l wee wsn* porehaae of • $2.00 • AA when ■ | BLUE STAMPS 'I too BLUE STAMPS Reg. $8.95 Hollywood Ave., Rockville. He was born Nov. 5 at Manchester Memorial I presented tot I with a minimum pnrcluuie of $2.00 when ^ with a minimum purrhaae of $2.00 when * Hospital. His maternal grandmother Is Mrs. Edward George, I preaented to: ■ uith a minimum ptirrhaae of uhen n s 8 Burlington, Vt., and his paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. HEADBOARDS $2.50 preaented to: I GRAND UNION these presented to; Edward CoMell, Hurlingtnn, Vt. GUDDEN'S GULF ' I I • a 0 o • I SUPER MARKET BUHRER'S MANCHESTER WALLPAPER Roger Mark, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Hull, 1492 Man­ Manchester Parkade, West Middle Tphe. I SERVICE I I chester Rd.. Glastonbury. ‘-'He was bom Nov. 4 at Manchester . 250 WEST MIDDLE TPKE. SHELL SERVICE and PAINT CO. 653 CENTER STREET 249 BROAD STREET Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. I This eonpon must be,signed the Folke Pcter.son. Springfield. Maas., and his paternal grandparents Mattress Special I Thia coupon miiat be signed by the I SJkVJE ON CHJURS I emtoeaer: MANCHESTER Thin roupon miifit he algned by the Thia coupon miiat be algned b,v the are Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hull, Gainesville. Fla. He has two I cuBtoraprt I ■brothers, Bruce Robert, 5, and Lee Allan, 3. runtomer: cualomer: • « • • • OSTERMOOR BOSTON RdCKERS...... $28.00 Joseph Raymond, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Nowak, 41 SALEM ROCKRIS ...... $28.00 I Niun^ ...... I Name Coolldge St. He was bom Nov. 7 at Manchester Memorial Hos­ Name ...... pital. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. William J. iOUDOIR CH AIRS...... $11.50 I Address ...... | ...... I Sander, Fort I.auderdale. Fla., and his paternal grandparents are ECLIPSE REG. $/l/|.00 OCCASIONAL e n m s .. .$18.75 I Addrptui ...... I Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Nowak, Manchester. He has two sisters, MERCHANTS Addreea I .Addreaa Debra, 4, and Kim, 2. SOUNDSLEEP ‘t ‘t COLONIAL LOUNGE \ L _ Only one offer to s fsmily ...... I CHAIRS ...... V . $30.75 Only one offer to m family Daniel Dederick, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Darton Marchant, ORTHOPEDIC PLATFORM ROCKERS ... $49.00 for the I______OnJ^onej^r famll.v^ _ J L_ Only one offer to a family 22 Shipman Dr., Glastonbury. He was bom Nov. 6 at Manches­ ter Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandmother la Mrs. LOUNGE CHAIRS ...... $ 0 4 .0 0 Oliver F. Kidder, Rochester, N. H., and his paternal grandmother I . I '''i I, is Mrs. Lillian D. Marchant, Saugerties, N. Y. r - Thb Coupon Good for • • • • • I,aurle Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jamee McBrierty, SO This Coupon Good for n Coolidge St. She was bom Nov. 5 at Manchester Memorial Hos­ lEAUTlFUL DECORATOR TRIPLE-S pital. Her maternal grandmother Is Mrs. Margaret H. Clarke, East Haddam. She has a brother, Douglas, 14; and a sister, Hollywood Bed BLUE STAMPS . TRIPLE-S I Marjorie hlastrangelo, 20. ■ r ! | I I * w w b lu e s t a m p s I • • • • « TABLE LAMPS with a mlaimiim pnrehaae ef $2.00 when BIGGEST Kenneth Eugene Jr„ son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Staple- presented tsi I with a minimum purrhaae of $2.09 uhen ■ ton. East Windsor. He was bom Nov. 5 at Manchester Memorial 3 PC. BEDROOM SUITE TRADING STAMP I presented to: ■ Hoapital. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. William KELLBTS R. Wood, East Windsor, and his paternal grandparents are Mr. COMPLETE ^ E. A. JOHNSON * and Mrs. Kainey Stapleton, Kingsport. Tenn. MEN’S W EAR • • • • O REG. $89.95 Includes Bookcase Bed ss~ $ A . 7 5 $78 MAIN STREET I PAINT CO. I Wayne Mlehael, eon of Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Norezyk, 458 I 728 MAIN STREET I lU s coupon must he signed by the I Main St. He was bom Nov. 7 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Mr, and Mrs* Dresser His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Hage, N O W . . . JW enstsmeri I Thli eoupon must be signed by ths I Karlsruhe, Germany, and his paternal grandparents are Mr. and and Chest of Drtswers I customer I • Mrs. Frank Norezyk, New Britain. • • O O *139 Lee Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Luurtsema, 33 BLUEBELL GIVE-AWAY Name Ridgewood St. She was bom Nov. 7 at Mancheater Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. -Emil. FOR LAYAWAY I Addr O. Mulnlte, Wlndsorville. and her paternal grandmother is Mrs. It PLAN Hazel Luurtsema, 136 S. Main St. DESK I Address ...... | • • 9 • • STUDIO COUCH L _ Only on^ offw tn a family _ _ i Barbara lAUiiiie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Patsy Yanish,- Btorrs. She was born Nov. 6 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. In Manchester’s History L . Only one offer to . fsmily______| Her maternal grandparents are Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Hayley, Maple, Richmond. Ind., and her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Mahogany, Joseph Yanlsh, Chester. REG. ALL THIS WEEK NOVEMBER 14 thru 21 - EVERYONE CAN GET • • • • • Blond r TM$ Coupon Good *or | Dean Ollfford, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alton Streeter, Maple St., $109.00 Unfiniahed This Coupon Good for Ellington. He was bom Nov. 7 at Manchester Memorial Hoepl- From r tal. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Clifford I inn ™eiE.s I Kemp. 11 Fox Hill Dr., Rockville, and his paternal grandparents ‘ 76 UP are Mr. and Mrs. Howard Holgerson, West Willlngton. He has I X W BLUE STAMPS TRIPLE-S a brother, Terry Alton. • • 9 • « • With s minimum purrhase of $2.00 when I BLUE STAMPS I presented to: LInila Nerina, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred C. Peirolo, 5-PIECE tvlth s minimum purrhaae of $2.00 vhep Stafford Springs. She was bom Nov. 8 at Manchester Memorial LEATHER TOP presented to: Hospital. Her maternal grandmother la Mrs. Mary Biercyk, GUSTAFSON'S Staffordville. and her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. I SHOE STORE GAUDETS Carl Peirolo, Stafford Springs. KITCHEN SET 9 9 Commode Table I 705 MAIN STREET • • JEWELRY STORE . 4k9ttw>rine Anne, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Harry J; Charette, REG. S29.95-4IOW TRIPLE-S ins MAIN STREET I This coupon must be signed by the 78 Deerfield Dr. She was born Nov. 8 at Manchester Memorial Block Tubular j customer: This coupon must he signed by ths Hospital. Her maternal grandmother is Mrs. Mary Biercyk. A Richard, Holyoke, Maas. She has a brother, Stephen, 21 months. // /O, customer: REG. I N a m e...... $79.95 3 PC. $ 2 3 5 6 I Addreea NOTICE! IAddreea LIVING ROOM SUITE L_ Only one offer to a family _ J WE HAVE CLOSED UP OUR 9-Pc. OVATION CHERRY 3-Pe. ROCK MAPLE Slue Only one offer to family STAMPS a STORE AT 505 MAIN ST. NEWEST STYLE FREE Tlianking you for your pw t patronage, we hope that you will Beautiful Long-wearing favor us with your business at our new location In the MANCHES­ Nylon Covering . BEDROOM SET r - This Coupon Good for n TER PARKADE SHOPPING CENTER-Middle Turnpike. Dining Room Set Double DreMor, Large Cheat, Single or Fun r ' This Coupon Good for ■ n *149 Slae Bed. I 1 nn triple-s by Patronizing these 10 Merchants LYNN POULTRY FARMS I lU U BLUE STAMPS TRIPLE-S BLUE STAMPS $519 with a minimum purchaae of $2.00 when REG. I presented to: I $229 Clip these coupons-Shop with merchants featured — Get 100 Stamps from Each! No Minimum Purchase Required ‘ 418 , TOWNE *149 MANCHESTER PLANNING A NEW NOME? I CLEANERS I ^^8 .MAIN STREET SURPLUS SALES CO. MAPLE C O L p N IA L 169 N. MAIN STREET Thu coupon must be sighed by the In Time for F R E E Christmas Gifts - - - - I ciiatomer: This coupon must be signed by the On this ps^e are 10 coupons «1th the names and addieaaes of Triple-8 Merdsmta. Cut out these customeri BUNK BEDS LOVE SEAT SOFA coupons right now .... take each coupon to ths respective nwrehanL Visit all 10 mer- COMPLETE WITH SPRINGS ehanta — any day this week — November 14 through 21 — and get a grand total'of Name .Address I All Foam I Address REG. Rubber 1000 FREE Triple-S Blue Stamps - - - - $ 1 1 9 .0 0 .Only one offer to a family R EG . $,169 A UOOD START TOWARD I Ol. R CHRISTMAS O U T >->ST. Only one offer to a family *99 Remember, Triple-S Blue Stamps are redeemaSI^lor hundreds of \ V I ‘80 Here Are Your Local faipoiia name Items, many of which you can get for only ONE 3-Pc. PECAN FINISH Triple-S Stamp Stores: DE LUXE A.B.C. AUTOMATIC or TWO books filled with Triple-S Bhie Stamps. And . . . Plan on the best heating. . . automatic' • BUHRER'S SHELL SERVICE Triple-S Books need fewer sitimps, only 1200 in fact! BEDROOM SET 6.»3 CE.N'TEK STREET oil heat and clean-action M o b llh aa tl WASHER So get out those telssors and get busy on Triplr Urrxner, I.andacpe Mirror, Large * KELLER'S MEN'S WEAR Make your home a more comfort­ SECTIONAL SOFAS Cheat, Bookraae. BNI. 873 51AIN STREET THESE COUPONS-RIGHT NOW! able home with aafe, dependable auto­ EACH • GUSTAFSON'S SHOE STORE matic oil heating and new clean-action Mobilheat. foarn Rubber,Sjelf Decks, 705 MAIN STREET . SECTION Here’s the entirely new fuel oilthat actually cleana REG. • TOWNE CLEANERS T Zippere^ Cushions and 348 MAIN STREET aa It heats. $389 • MANCHESTER SURPLUS SALES CO. Adjustable Floor Levelers 189 N. MAIN STREET CIsas artlsa MabllliMt fires *208 ‘ 75 291 • GAUDET'S JEWELRY STORE i more clean heat p*r gatlont 785 MAIN STREET • eeeee.efi » e e # e e e 4 • t A. JOHNSON PAINT CO. 72$\lUIN SnuU&T CALL Mltchel 3-5135 FOR TOP QUALITY * MoBchottw WoRpopor and Point Co. U» BBOAb STREET / /11' '' . SILENT GLOW OIL BURNERS EASY • GRAND UNION SUPER MARKET Maarhsstsr Farkada, West Middle tpke. x V U / / / CREDIT • GUDDEN'S GULF SERVICE MORIARTY BROTHERS DORSEY FURNITURE $$« W EST MIDDLE m U E . SET OVER 1500 VAUIABU GIFTS FREE WITH IRIPU-S SIAMPSI 8/ue 31BCINT1RST. MANCHESTER 71 EAST CENTER STREET, MANCHESTER Ml 9-7S76 TERMS

■s , .1 1.

V • V

t ■ ■ ■ . . . . ■ , ■ PAGE tWENTY-TWO llANp»iESTEB EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN- THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14. 1967 - r I4ANCHESTEB'EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER,. CONN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14. 1967 PAGE TWENTY-THREE ALLEY OOP BY V. T. HAMLIN CROSSWORD PUZZLE OUR BOARDING HOUSE w ith MAJOR HOOPLI Miss Eunice Silvia, of the SUte >00 SIPCOWN. WMlTFl? • StEHILDE! Andover Health Department. Hamilton P’orce Fair Committee CXtMT BWNa >OU EkR Lrm,E. Arrangements in Hebron will be School Menus e held (Tross. A m erican. C ancer Society, fillTk 55 Hail! r~ d Mrs. Donald Dowling, the Infant U nited Service Organizations whole wheet bread and butter, cho­ A tea time will be proidded- hy 14 Route (ab.) H eluh. -Monday at 8 p.m. In the C ongre­ (USO) snd, for the first time, the colate pudding with Whipped Mr*. Samuel Robb Jr. and her'com- Telephone MI S-4026 55 Made thread (S a m D A i^ y gational Church social rooms. cream, milk. i! I ’„ mch t o o 7 Speaker Portrayed Arthritis and Rheumatism Foun­ mittee, who wil' ;b« hosthuet In 56 Caufht in the f! dation. Wednesday—Meat and vegelable Bank! of Outstanding speakers who ad­ There will be a dcmoitstratlon th* Fellowship roon. from 2 to 4 Manchester Delivenr r~ r (Jhristmas toys. Proceeds will Employes at Hamilton Stand­ casserole, buttered spinach, bread p.m. They are planning an assort­ Newfoundland r dressed the club were recalled as and butter, peach crisp, milk. 57 Wrltin* Mrs. CJeorffe Munson portrayed a be used for a Christmas party for ard’s engineering fselllty at SL ment of homemade paltry dellca- ft the children. Petersburg, Fla., contributed 52,- Thursday—Baked meat loaf and ciM and sandwichM to accompany Implement flimily specialist. Typical club gravy, fluffed rice, buttered /vax 18 Mimic § members were depicted by Mrs. Work Progresses 530 which will go to the United coffee or tea. H tr SI Givers Drive in that city. Ninety- beans, bread and butter, plneg'pple £ t 'W », W» I~ T- „ 11-14 It Portenta r •Maxwell B^ H'ltbhinson. Mrs. Wil­ The work on the remodeling of chunks, milk. Mrs..Edwrard Besser, who heads Sense and Nonsense seven per cent of the total num­ HIDE-A-WAY 41 Era SI P i liam Keilev aftd Mrs Paul D. Pfan- the store and post oflilce is m ak­ th* "Bake Shop" committee, eX' LONG SAM ber of employes responded. Friday—Baked macaroni and peeta to hav* a wld* usortment of mSAPF-EAHING STAIRWAY BY AL CAPP and KOR LUBBERS 41 Brazilian i |{lehl. with special songs by Mrs. ing headway quite rapidly and a cheese, buttered beets, hard roll and macaw n 1 ft A Highbrow A man who has .Inly, 1778. Philadelphia, Ju ly 1, partition will soon divide the two baked good* for sale. Orders for TK*T0U»MAN aimmNo,tvcMt w-wK*r OWOFKWtf ABTHOW «VCWTK Hutchinson and Etlgene Schwanke. butter. Ice cream , milk. meeg.LMArn* 45 Heavy 1 found aomething more interesting to June 30. 1783. Princeton. units. ."Duncan Hines" fruit cakes wUl be TI5 MSSUN TMC R-6«CV( « TJ iwouasr » « cu) Rwff ID !7 Flashbacks from various pro­ Senior High 0P M te ALSO /M»CUW~UPt> MB.M CO* 46 Fondle r than women. . June 30, 1783 to Novem ber. ductions by both Mothers’ (!?lub Personals taken at this boo^ MAKES IT EAST M0OOU0MC coNsur HieorswAL b^u. and m Affairs Unit Sets Monday—Barbecued beef on bun m io u iva a c i FORCTBU. THP Foaw e'-opsec’ 50 Amonz P Ann.spolis, Md , N ovem ber and the PTA were presented as Mrs, Gardner Hughes of North Mrs. Richard 'Hurd and Mrs. TO REAON A0AIN, 51 River barrier 783, to N ovem ber 30. 1784. halves, potato chips. Harvard beets, je'OVMuSMvtioourAMf! i By way of refreshing o>ir \ follows: ‘The Mystery bf the Branford who has been visiting 4 Talk Sessions bread and butter, milk. James L* Sure are chairmen of TOUR ATTIO 55 Open«-ork historic minds, there were nine i Trenton, N. J. Novem ber 30, 1784. Maa'aed Girl." Mrs. John Hutchin- her sister, Mrs. Lottie Finance of the "Calorie Corner,” where many $0tKACr— fabric IT r r Tuesday—Meat loaf, mashed po­ capitals in the United Stales be- I to June, 17P0. Philadelphia, June, •on; "Clafl-Can.” Mrs. M. B. H utch­ -Main St. has relumed to her home. confections will be on'sale. Along xs 54 Ocean 1790, to 1800. The' Public Affairs Committee of tato, whole kernnl com, bread and . - -wmim SB A II a fore W ashington, D. C.. was de­ inson: an Arm.v skit by MaxwelL Mrs. David Cochran of Somers Conjure Me a Sputnik butter, milk. with the . usual variety of home­ tS iT % ' movement signated as the permanent seat | the Manchester "YMCA has ached- B. Hutchinson: and "The Same ilj.. Is a patient in the Rockville John Phelps as "Swaml I Ben Had" gazes into his crystal ball Wednesday—Beef stew with po­ made candies, stuffed dates snd 55 CMy in The !! B of government. Thr.se are the nine: i A young couple, on hearing of uled its 4-session speaker program Netherlanda ft Old Shellalagt,” by Thomas (Tty Hospital where she is recov­ during a skit at the Andover Mothers’ Club annual Fathers' Night for the coming season. tatoes and carrots, com bread and candy noveltlu for children will be Raltimore. December 20 ITTfi. to 'I the .urival of a friend'a fourth O'Brien. A Fashion show wound ering Trom a fall. banquet held last night. (Herald Photo by Pfanstiehl). offered. 58 Ruaaian name il H M March. ITTT. Philadelphia, March child, .aent a play pen aa a gift. The meetings, held on the second butter, milk. IT ------flah up the skits as models Steve AIrsin. Robefi A. MaeVarish, Charles Tuesday of each month at the Com­ Thursday — Baked chicken At the "Country Store," wit ere 4 1777, to Septem ber 30. 1777. The "thank you note" left them Leslie Billings, peorge Munson Kibbe, Johii Basch Sr., and John Mrs. Rbckwrell Potter and Mrs. York. Pa. September 30, 1777, to somewhat aaloniahed. vary in length from T to 60 min­ munity T, are open to Y members thighs., cranberry sauce, parsley and iWilllam Kelley paraded Basclt Jr., are In Sebec, Maine, on Police Probing utes and cover a uide range of and the public. Meetings begip potatoes, buttered stringbeana, Malcolm Robertson will be In 'U »- I "Thank you ao much for tha through the audience. a hunting expedition. charge, there will be a variety of pen. ■ It aaid. It la a perfect god- subject matter. with dessert and coffee and con­ bread and butter, milk. k W H- L » The program concluded ae the Christine (jordsen. who makes Two recent additions to the film clude wit)> a speech. Jellies, rellphes and other home pre­ iMz bfUi ' ta*. '. I THERE OUGHTA A LAWI ,«cnd. 1 sit in it every weekend and Into Mysterious Friday—Baked cheese sandwich, . BY FAGALY and SHORTEN Btvaml left for other worlda in a her home In the Virgin Islands, library are "Hemo. the Magnifi­ The purpese of this group la to stewed tomatoes, pickles, milk. served fruit* of treuursd recipes, read, and the children can't get silver Sputnik, accompanied by and was visiting her brother and as well u plants and dried plant JUDD SAXON near me. " cent,” and "Our Sun," produced keep abreakt of th« need for social BY KEN BALD AND JERRY BRONDFIELD harem-girla, Mra. M. B. Hutchin­ family on Somers Rd., has gone to Branford Death originally by . Academy Award action In the community, state ami arrangements. Phone son and Mra. Richard Leon. California and later will go to Oldest Clob Pfoapera "Holiday Bausr” will be held at f j Can, SIR I'm S-YTRy, VOON& lATr BUT X Winner Frank Capra for the Dell world. ------>OOR - T?ieie are two yrayiTB'r exerting •Special lyrics, written both for Hawaii for a vacation. (Tenter Church next Wedneaday MI CAN'T TIE UP MV equipment ANY M om Wills merself E\tBV cwdecwwgout S o THE otit SHE PASSED UP TUfi WiO New Haven. Nov. 14 (7Fi_police System Science Series on national The program for the coming PROCESS LONSER. JUPO HAVE THE AtACHINE c tti one a atrength: one la puahing down the Introduction and flnale, were Sla-VVeds will be guests of Som­ today prewed their Investigation months includes the following: Jan. Port RoyaL Nova Scotia—The from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. JUST JUNIOR IN Nice fresh unoerootnes. but television. These movies. In full S-5144 cleaned and CAME NOME WITH THiS CHEERFUL INFORMATION and the other ia pulling up. ■ung by a chorus of all performers. ers Cburch Saturday, Nov. of the mysterious death of a 40- color, use both cartoon characters 14, two speakers on social services; oldest social club in North Amer­ PoesN'T RESUME TONIGHT SUE WAS JuST TOO 8L8MEO TiRED,' Meet at the church at 6:30 p.m. ica, The Order of The Good Time, WORK.' PRODUC­ Mra. Leslie Btllinga provided the year-olri iBranford contractor fol­ and live actors, to popularize the Feb. 11, Armando Peratt, author •KNIT THE TION AS Aunt Hetty .Sakea alive! I don't musioal accompaniment for the lowing a coroner's statement that scientific workings of the blood of "Take a Number,” and "The formed in' Port Royal 351 years SURFACE SOON AS Vl!UAT?NO , IM nH A U S T iO .' JUNIOR'LL \ believe a woman can be ao fat, program and fo, an intermission flianrhester Evening Herald, El­ theCe was a "strong possibility of Disappearing City:” March U, ago by French colonists, has no WASHING and the sun. GENERAL »VXEaAE5...*i KJSSIBIE.' JUST hA>£ to w ear WNAT i'ncle Hiram What'a that you'r» period following the dinner. lington e/irrespondent, .Mrs, G. F". murd^" in the tsse. Other films in this , science se­ William A. Dickinson HI, trust of­ meetings, no initiation 'fees, and HUMPH.' OR SEW sG I HAnE for school reading now, Hetty? Berr, telephone TRemiint 5-B3IS. ficer of Hartford National Bank, on no dues. But certifleatea of mem­ TON'GHT?,. First Dairy Meeting New Haven County Coroner ries will lie added to the telephone TOMORROW,w ^ Aunt Hetty Why. Ihia paper The proa and cons of federal James J. . Corrigan Issued an film library after national televi­ "Husbands, Wives. Wills,” and bership can be found on walls all T V SERVICE MANCHESTER tella about an Rngliah woman who marketing orders ■will be discussed autopsy repbt^t on the death of sion showings, the manager added. April 8, Mr*. Michael Mclnerney, over the world. In 1808 It had Ifi Day* f t AK A Call loat two thouaand poundi. by I>r. S tew art Johnson at the first Scientist Explains Paul Fontaine yesterday. Some of the many other 'sub­ army wife and teacher, on "A membars; how its international NIghto PtaM Parts LUMBER, WC. Tolland County dairy meeting in C orrigan said An autopsy con­ jects available from the telephone Woman's View of Post War Eu- membership runs in the hundreds TEL. la f-8«m rope.” Two men were sitting In the lob­ the Vernon Grange Hall tonight Engineer Shortage ducted St the State Hospital in com pany film lib rarj’ are the 1955 of thousands. ZM Outer St. NuKdtert«> ■TDRAY.'v by of a blood donor atation. On# at • o’clix-k. Dr. Johnson is an ex­ .Middletown disclo.sed that Fon­ flood*, popular (Tiristmas stories, ' FIZZU»4AL waa an eaatern tourial, the other tension milk marketing specialist taine suffered "extensive battering and such telephone subjects as the an Apache Indian. After ataring a at the University of Connecticut. (Continued from Page One) about the head and many broken laying of the transatlantic tele­ few mlnutea, the totiriat could con­ He will review the problem of hold­ bones." phone cable, and the miraclea of tain hia cunoaity no longer. ing the milk merket supply on an the place of science in our eco­ "T hat undoubtedly caused JX)n- coaxial cables and microwave ra­ COTTON WOODP even keel and present possible solu­ nomic world today " talne's death." Corrigan, satd^ dio or television. BY RAY <;OTTO Tounat Are you reall.v a full- tions. Thom as said th a t In com paring A new film catalogue has re­ blooded Indian* "Murder is a strong possibility" lEdwin Hoffman, vice president American and Russian production Fdntaine's body was found Oct. cently been mailed to various club ///GETTING INVOLVED /./SO IF the NOTORIOUS GAMBLER TONI ^ Indian Well, no, I'm one pint MANCHESTER o t the new Tolland Cotinty,Agrlctil- of trained technologists "It can 28 In s wooded area in Guilford, a ref>cescntatives, and further copies IN A ’ FIX* CAN EK" SCANDELU CONTACTS YOU. JUST REMEMBER abort. YOUR CAREER AND THE LEAGUE RULE THAT 6 e MAN0S “ tural Extension Council, will I’peak hardly be said that we have yeti.short distance from a road where niay'he secured from the telephone BRAND YOU FOR’ THE IMMEDIATE REPORT to the datrj' group at • p.m., ex­ come to grips with the problem." his auto was found several days compa^. This catalogue describes U F tfi,, OP ANY BRIBE OFFER^/NOW Daffynition: A radio announcer plaining the councll'i function re­ "We have not pul Into our social! after his disappeirance Sept. 7. the rribvias and also contains an GET BACK TO WORK AND la a peraon who lalka until he CONCENTRATE ON MAILING garding agricultural matters. ami economic system the incen- ' He was last seen leaving a con- "Educator^ Inde*.” which show’s DOWN THAT title/ s givea you a headache and then triei 'Election of a County Dairy Com­ lives that will attract Ulented , trading job In Hamden, what films stA appropriate for dlf-’ PUBLIC MARKET to sell you something for It. mittee will be held following Hoff­ young men women into scl- tivo boys hunting in the woods ferent age levehi. llacitTtHi man's dlscuaaion. Notices of the ence. he decra^edr found hi# Uecoinpoaed body. It waa The telephone m^Mger aays the 803-805 MAIN STREIET T Six Of One meeting have' been sent to county In Russia, hs continued, the naked except for shoes and a T- only requirement ^ r borrowing! //Utulu Boya make noise dairymen by John H. Elliott, coun­ highesl salary in the nation is paid .,hirt. A pair of trousers turned in- the movies is that th^'group have I And break their toyi. ty agricultural agent. , to the president of the Soviet o„t was found near the feet a 16mm .sound projecCOf snd a ■d.y C£ D. CZO\<, qualified operator.- He Cautions, | w e s r JOC-5T, Bui girls wiggle Ooiinty Group, to Meet i Academy of Sciences. Ddectives have declined to dis- WEEKEND BEST MEAT VALUES TH A T WILL ADD And giggle The Tolland County Women’i In the United SUtes. Thomas close details of their investigation however, that, due to the pppu- s- = // .y larlty of n)sny of the films, gr-! - Jean ronrter Roula. Repubnean Chib- will meet at 8 said, "the salaries paid our public [but they have revealed that two o'clock this evening in the Hebron schoolI teachers are a national dis-| stolen checks bearing Fontaine's rangements should be made well fn, U P TO TEKRtPIC SAVINGS advanr*t , ' library. Local Republican women grace and evidence of public in­ signature were cashed in area BUGS BUNNY art Invited to attend the meeting. difference toward learning. ' banks after the contractor's disap­ Ajuual Meeting Tomorrow "We can il! afford such extrav­ Highest point In West Virginia . FOR YOUR FAMILY! J pearance. is Spruce Knob, which rises 4,860 HOW ABOUT The annual meeting of the Tol­ agant byplay in a competition They aaid pna of tha checks was BUZ SAWYER with' a hostile power that placea feet above the sea level. BY ROY CRANE A40VIN' YER land County 4-H Fair Aasn. will for 52.700, but have not named the AT LEAST YOU, THE AUN WHO SM I be held in the Community House of Bclcncs on a pedestal. " amount of the other. YOU HAVE ONLY A FEW MINUTES HAND, FUPPSY.'? Thomas urged continiied federal ME,COULD HELP ME TO BE MORE I GOT TWELVE the Btorra Congregational Church The -authoritlea also have de­ FRESH DRESSED THEN, CONFOUND tomorrow at 7:80 p.tn. Awards will help In research programs, say­ MAAPORTABLCl ttO K clined to identify the person from YOU, T'U MAKE be distributed for the ad campaign ing; whom th# checks 'Were stolen. myself m ore and cupa will be presented for the . ^The country would gain if our Fontaine, his »econd wife, Vir- COMFORTABLE. agriculture------and homemaking------provision.:laws contained children. FUELOIL NATIVE POULTRY booUls at the felr-am! for the Sears w ^m ade L , ^oved .from Hamden to Branford flock chicks ! dfisXfy--parliculsrly small indus­ last June. The contractor had four iMfdr C i 00 New directors of lha fair , asso­ try—to do scientific research." RANGE OIL FOWLS l*r FRiOAnEE children by his first wife. N A n v i ciation will be elected. The 1957 Mrs. Fontaine told police at the BRIGHTVOOD SA8ALL Fair will be reviewed and sugges- time of her. husband's disappear­ R O A S n N O WHOLE or CUr*UP tln n i will be m ade for the 1958 Reserve Center ance that the believed he had met Drawn Weight Lb. F air. with foul play. Cericb FRESH PORK Sh o u ld er s EngsgeniMit Announced She said he was having financial OIL SERVICE M rs. A ustin M. A nderson of Sets Open H<»iise difficulties and had gone Into bank­ BL'CKLAND CHICKENS [ J J t Lebanon has announced the enga­ ruptcy a short time before. • gement of her daughter. Janet An­ Commander J. Gelzewlch, USN, 24-Hour Burner 8er\1ee derson, tp George WUUam Lange, Commanding Officer of the U.S. M l 8-0075 nr 3U 9-80ZS Small, Lean, Mild, ^Urad, S To 6 Lbs. MORTY MEEKLE DRAWN WEIGHT BY DICK CAVALU Jr., ton of Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Naval and Marine Corps Reserve CHICKEN MICKEY FINN Lange Sr., of Lake Rd., Columbia. Training Center announces that the SNFIT Has Films BY LANh LEONARD I LL BE WITH >T3L) I WOOLO APPRECIATE MISS PHLOX • The Langes formerly resided on Training Center will hold Open SMOKED SHOULDE^ AS SOON AS r A REPLY AT VOOR EARLIEST IS INCLINED , Bunker Hill Rd. in this town snd House Saturday afleiTUKin from 1 MHM? BUT tOU WEU-AM FINISH DICTATING To Loan Groups \ PARTS CONVENIENCE... moved to the neighboring town last to 5 o'clock. Your Choice of Either Lb WERE JUST UPSET n o w ! H9UtL THIS LETTER, TO DOZE OFF ft MAGMM'rr.TOO REALIZE HOW StLLV W A ld U R M M S WHEN SH E sum m er. The public is invited to visit the Cut From Native Fryers' A40RTV Training Center on Reserve Rd. .Some 30 sound m ovies are av ail­ 39c IT ALL SOUNDS WLOX.V Book Fair Report- able without charge from the Bay The Parts You TOMORROW-AFTER Mra. Walton Yerger, library during the open house and observe ehaJrman. has announced that 5188 the various facilities for ‘nstriicting | ^ Telephone Like Best! FOUVE MAD SOME Navy and Marine Corps Reservists. l>briu-> for local SLEEPi wrorih of books were sold in the re­ I Fhk^ Dept, cent PTA Book Fair, The FTA D uring Utc kfterniion m em ber. I planning program* SMALL FRESH HAMS LEGS Lb. 59c of OrgardSed Surface Divisions 3-5 j will receive a third of this amount D. L Hobron, Ityal branch mana­ QCIOK >ZEN MEATY as its discount- for sponsoring the and sis. Construction Battalion 3-2. ger. ' ■ BLOCK IS :.*nd TOth Special Infantry Company, 9 to 10 LBS. EACH sals. The money will be used for The manager says his office will Lhc tha purchase of new books for the tl.S. Marine Corps Reserve will be [ WHOLE Lb. 59c BREASTS on hand to greet guests. The Open ' aaslflt groups In planning and SWORDFISH school library. securing appropriate films. The House will provide an excellent op­ Center Slices Lb. . Lb. Polio Clinic Details portunity for members of the pub­ 16mm films, many in full <}oIor, WINGS A polio clinic for pro-school chil­ lic to view the facilities and ob-' ______dren of (Jolurabla, Hebron and tkia serve the training of reservists a t! Choice Beef Cuts LIVERS Lb. town has bee'n definitely scheduled the Hartford Center. Among spe- Fresh Scallops. for Dec. 2 in Yeomans Hall, Co-' rial features planned for the after- T- BEER.WINES Stewing Oysters .. J lumbia, Tha date - waa announced BONELESS CROSS CUT FOR KhECKS and CAFTAIN' EASY noon will be a General Quarters P • lOllABC Fillet of Pearch MR. ABERNATHY BY LESLIE TURNER Teaterday by Mra. Maxwell B. Drill during which guns will be A A NICE POT ROAST b 69c BY Ra Ls TON JONES AND FRANK RIDGEWAY NOW MB'* c o m m a AROUND!’ BrilJ. CLAIM* ME CAN'T * -Hutchinson, chairman of the MoLh- Fillet of Flounder Backs 3 Lb*. OKAY N0LAM>.RBADY POK. lo ck HKARJ manned and the Combat Informa- T 8.00 d.lll. tO 9*00 p.m . 19c IT'S THE SAME TieTOwIRII ara Club Wall Child Clinic.- tion Center where electronic de- P ^ .;.BUT THIS TIAAE I THINK MORE? OR WILL YOU TRLL TH IM S e v e r y . TTm cUnle will dpen al 9:30 a.m. ridqes''proces* and ploU target In, MR. ABERMATHV h a s 05 WHERE TO PIWO THORW. FRESHLY GROUND HAMBURG OAV. PEED THE SEARCH IT Dr. W. C. Halnaworth .wlll be the formation, will be placed In opera i Arthur OruE Storts j GENUINE IMPORTED KRAKUS eOHE TOO FAR! FOR TH05* 'phyaleian in charge, naKisted by tlo n ., FOR A NICE MEAT LOAF Lb. CAT...PEED THE PAPERGl Window Shades PARROT.. P0I.ISH HAM... lUadt to Order Tender, ‘mUd In Itevnr .. . . extra lu iu Bring, your, old roUeia In and CHUCK BEEF GROUND "'^ToOr children will love every dellrlou* bite. MV* 88o per elude. LEAN Ideal for everything from quick luncke* to full meals. SLICED IN 1 LB. LOT^ .b*1.39 Our Own Make Pure SLICED IN ■/z LB. LOTS ' i Lb. 75c . Pork Sausage Meat MAY ALSO BE PURCHASED IN 8 to 12 LB. CANS $1 1 A THE STORY OF MARTHA WAYNE JEFF CUBB RIGHTLY SPICtiD Lb. 59c AT P e r L b r i.lU n BY WILSON SCRUGGS BY PKTER HOtEMAN THOUSHT I RECOSNlZED'

. ■ X r ■( ( I X I ■ 'r-- . ■' ;■ / ■ / , . ■ ■ : h - " ' . r ' »


THE Championship Fight May Be Next for Maehen Herald By If»lf I Toss of Coin PAT BOLDUC Assistant Sports Editor Out for Month No Squawfe'Here Contender Bostoo—(NEA) —While the Free Ride for Athletes Decided Site Boston CMHoe threaten ta Sports Notes from the LaMial Scene After Slicing make a' shamble* of the Na- Gains TKO Uenal Basketball Aesoclatloa Cited by Facultyman Of Grid Game Although many of the participating 'men and women fa­ Tendon of Leg before the season gets to a full vored last year s system over previous methods of crownihg stswt. Red Auerbach speaks X, On Coast the annual town bowling champions a few new suggestions- more wnnderingly of his bench Lofi AlHieles, Nov. 14 (/P)— f of thing,” Dr. Kaplsn said. "B ut I A toss of the coin decided the Montrefil, Nov. 14 {JP)—It than his starters. think they should got reasonable site of Sunday's third meeting have already been mentioned which several kegler.8 hope may Dr. Joseph Kaplan. UCLA’s San Franci.sco, Nov, 14 (>P) took Maurice Richard to stop “All your trouble la basket­ •uppoh for-their contribution. between the twice-beaten Man­ be incorporated in this year’s tourney. But of course the final ball cornea from the seventh, faculty 'representative in the chester .Merchants and the once- —A title fight, low blows and deci.sion rests solely with the sponsoring Recreation Depart­ Maurice Richard. The fabu­ '1 don't think an athlete should eighth, ninth and JOth men,” Pacific Coast Cohference, has corns out of college with a profit, beaten Holyoke Knights. The two possibilitic.s of retirement ment. lous Frenchman, only 500- Coach Auerbach says. "They're rivals, who have split In two meet- recommended that cdHege ath­ but I also don't think )m should formed bo.xing topics today First off it hss been hinted that Saturday afternoon there la no rea­ goal man in National Hockey the ones that don’t play much letes be given the “full ride" take a lost. He 8h04fid rsbelva the Ing.s this fall, will clash In a 2 League history and off to and they sit It out night after o’clock conte.st at, . .MacKenrIe -'.V. ■ ■ ■ . ) after undefeated lieavyweight the site for both tournaments son why I shouldn't go out further —tuition, books, board and roopi- essentials—board, room, books and should be altered each year be­ on a limb and pick the winner of his best star 8 yet In his night and after a time they tuiUon.” Stadium in Holyoke Kddie .Maehen .slammed and start screaming about It. Then Dr. Kaplan, who also is chair'- bettered Tommy (Hurricane) tween the Y alleys and the West Sunday's big eeml-pro contest be­ 16th season. Is off the Ice, perhaps mah of tho U.S. OommIUee for the '-'-He suggested that reprsssntativa Manchester Manager George ' \ for a month or more, and out of you have trouble. .Mitchell has announced that he .lack.soii into surrender. Side Rec. Or perhaps the fnen’a tween tlie Manchester Merchants IntemaUonal Geophysical Year, of­ groups of athletes and other stu- -V, ■ \ event could be held at the Y and and Holyoke Knights at MacKen- the running for the scoring title "1 should have plenty of It: hopes to play at least two more The ID.'i-pmiml M aehen, a 25- Andy Phillip, Amlo RIsea and fered hia views at a news confer­ denta from Pacific Coast Osofor. the women's tourney at the West zie .Sladlijm in Holyoke. Already because of a freak, self-inflicted ence following a Bruin Varsity Club ence schools might get togbthsr and home gam es at .Mt. Nebo before ■ 1 ^ . ^ , ■ year-old battler from Redding, Injury. Jack Nichols are my deep men F ‘ ^ Side during the ,..3me year and this fall the two grid giants have banquet last night formulatr a aet of standards. the in.’)7-.sea.son reaches its end. <’alif., wants the championship It’s a sad day In Montreal, but and they’re veterans. But do "Well definitely be at home next merely switch the two the follow­ met twice, with the Bay Staters The educator endorsed in part “I’m confident their propoeala bout with h'loyd Patterson. He has ing season. they won’t be hanging any crepe they squawk 7 The other way .Sunday (Nov. 21 i." .Mlleh .slated, an added talking point sines his winning the first time, 26-14, and around. I put them In a gam e tho stand Uksn by Ohio State uni­ would be modest a»fi pracUcaW*. Last winter all competitor., the locals getting even the second elsew here in th e N H L versity faculty men who say a rs- After all. the facunyy people have "and I hope to get Weymouth here televised tight with Jackson last The Se-yeareOJd Rocket, pappy five minutes and they don’t Just depending upon their outcome In a mglit goe.s into flie record as a rolled 8 total of six string,, and the tim e around. 27-14. L ast fall Coach definiUen ot amateurism is needed failed to solve the ptobpHein, to whjf 1 guy of the league, cut the achillea hold a lead. They play their not let the students havir a league game Sunday. I am also inth round TKO, the .same as Pat­ top four then engaged in head-to- Frank Toro’s squad upended the hearts nut and get ns an even in collego sports.' looking for a home attraction for head matches to determine the re­ K nights twice, 13-7 and 18-6, and tendon above his right heel last ’’I don't think thm football play­ Dr. Kaplan called the Ohio f tate terson seored over the Hurricane night as the Montreal Canadleqs btgger edge." the Sunday following Thanks­ July 29. spective champions. This certainly Two years ago Manchester won by ers and other athletes should share recommendation a move fai ihe was a vast Improvement over the padded their first place edge with in the gate recelpta end that sort right direction. giving. Bill it is mighty tough to .lai k.son and .Manager Llppe a 19-7 m argin and holds a 4-1 edge s^rurc a formifJnble opponent,” earlier system of having all entries In the spirited series which has ! a 4-2 victory at Toronto. Bnedhart declared Eddie hit sev­ compete head-to-head. I Richard, tied with little brother Major Golf Tourney Winners in Women^s Division The Merchants, who staged a eral, low blows in taking his 24th p.oriiired excellent action from a lengthy drill la.st night at the One group now favors having spectator’s viewpoint. In 1955 and Henri for the scoring lead with 23 .)'’ ■ T) . ' ' ) '•-'■■‘ -A - V - Highlight of last nlKht's annual banquet of the Women's Division of the Manchester Country Club straight victun'. Maehen said he points, swept in for a second per­ Armory and plan another workout didn’t hit below the belt knowing­ all competing bowlers, both men again last season the Merchants Don’t Pay Mo n letter was the presentation of awards to the various ifolf tournament winners. Victors in the major tour­ Friday at 6:,70 a t the Main St. and women, roll 6-iO strings at snapped seven-game winning iod shot, got it away, missed and neys are pictured above and include, left to riitht, Barbara Williams, 72-Hole I-«w Net Tournament: ly Referee Frankie Carter didn't drillshed, are expected to be st full the Y and an Identical number of streaks compiled by the strong then fell, landing on his skate blade Kay Giblln, Class B SpnnR tourney; Edna Hilinski, Class A Fall Tournament; Connie Kelly and assess any penalties for low punch­ —which sliced Ihto the tendon. BUY NOW! strength Sunday. Quarterback es. strings at the Weal Side, with the Knights and the Holyoke eleven SNOW TIRE SALE Helen Skinner, Henry Hiijfglns tourney, (Herald Photo by Pintoi, Vlnnie Drake, left halfback Alan Klglif Eye ftlosed- man and woman having the high­ had won Us first six starts this Twenty Stitches Webb and linemen Yosh Vincek est pinfall being crowned town With Jackson’s right eye puffed fall before bowing to the high- Twenty stitches were needed to and Dave Wright, all missing last cham pion. scoring .Silk Towners. Since formi close the gash. The foot wss to Shades of Little Rock week as the locals dropped a 19-6 closed at the end of the 10th, Hurricane Reduced to Breeze hy Maehen Brieilhart railed Carter over to A second group prefers having fng three years ago the well-or­ be placed in a cast today. decision to strong North Attle­ all keglera bowl six strings and GOf You Golden Gophers^ Go! NYLON TttbeleM ganized Knights have lost but four The Toronto team doctor, estl- boro, will be on hand for the im­ Tommy (Hurricanel Jackson, right, winces from a hard right thrown by BMdie Maehen in 10th round view the damage and Frankie stopped U. The fight waa ached- theh having the field cut in half for games all to Manchester. I look matinj: Richard would” be out a Minnesota'# football team fell apart after a promising start, but portant meeting with the Knights of their scheduled 12-roiind heavy-weight bout at the Cow Palace in San Francisco last night. head-to-head competion. for another close and well-played month, ate least, said he "Received 1957-MODELS-1958 who have lost only to Manchester uled for 12 mimds. that doesn't stop Cheerleader Joan Pastor from neqrly jumping Maehen won by a TKO when the fight was stopped after this round. Maehen, from Redding, Undoubtedly there are others game Sunday with Manager George a nasty cut. but was fortunate the out of the stadium every time the Golden Gophers get off a good In eight starts this year. Calif., racked up his 24th straight victory. (AP Photofax). "I recommend that the fight be nSK RANCHER Mays Turned Down in stopped. ' said Briedbart. Asked with additional ideas and or siig- MUrhell’s twice-beaten club gain­ tendon wasn’t severed." play or hold line. Bid Nised Win for Title estions. Why not bring them, to ing a hard-fought 20-14 decision. H looks as though the scoring m •IVI A ll ’DY AXD if he would have Jackson retire af­ • • • niL U lf ‘UMOOlUl Mitchell still believes that a ter the two consecutive batterings fim Herdic. aiiperintendent of rec­ title isn’t meant to be Included In convincing victory Sunday would by Patterson and Maehen, Uppe reation, or scribble them on a According to my addition at Richard's already crowded list of Nylon Tubelaa^ leave the Merchanta In a good 42 replied penny (whoopsI 1 mean a two- least five bowling leagues have in­ achievements. He twice has missed lYiMgw To Buy Home on West Coast position to claim the mythical Entry List Numbers cents) post card and mail it to the Black 'H e’ll have to take a long rest. correct standing... Some lime ago by Just one point, first to Max Sub Vacates Bench White New England semi-pro title. Retirement is up to him." sports department of The Herald. in The Herald’s daily bowling col­ Bentley of the Chicago Black • * * 7.50x14 ai.77 S*n FVanciscO, Nov, 14 stuff and rm not even mad about^ requires an owner to dispose of his "Holyoke hss already beaten Tile Hurricane, from St, Albans, umn it was pointed out that the Hawks In 1946-47, and then to a.00xl4 37.77 as.77 It now," the normally exuber­ North Attleboro," George related After witnessing the regular proper method for making cer­ team m ate Bernie Geoffrion In —Willie Mays’ attempt to buy property.” VIUJtCiF, ('IIARMF,R.S For Turkey Day Event N. Y., who weighed hia heavleet 5B0X14 3fi.77 ant "Say Hey Kid" said last night. during a recent office visit, "and a t 201 for this-one-had-^ittle to season final Midget Football tain that the standings are cor­ 1954-55. ToJ*aceJ^a] 9.00K14~ “ 31.77 ■ a house here failed yesterday One of the property owners the two clubs are scheduled to play Standing* " I’d sure like to live In San Gneadiloff said he worked for, .say. Asked w hat he thought Ma- League double-header at Charter rect is to add both the won and The total points crown and the 7.10x14 BLACK because he 7s a Negro. The again one week from Sunday. If w . 1. Pet By EARI, YOST chen roiild do against Patterson, Oak Park nearly two weeks ago lost columns and the figures should assists title are the only leads to Francisco, but I didn't want to Martin Gaewhiler of 148 Miraloma w-e can beat Holyoke by two or .Man. A uto P arts ... .2 8 4 .87.3 Size Oappeble i spectacular 27-year-old San make an Issue about It. Dr., said ’’Certainly I object” to the F.nlry li.st for the 21at ninning of the Five Mile Road Rare has he said only. "It's be a good fight It Is evident that within the next correspond. Leagues which do not escape Richard, and assists juat New York, Nov. 14 (/P)-—Ed Fleming, the Jumping Jack three touchdowns Sunday and Johnson Paint . ___ 22 in .688 Who d win ? I diinno " few years there will be some stiff have the correct standings include Francisco G i a n t s’ center- "I figure If a guy has his own sale Jumped to 42 during the past 72 hours. The bigge.>it num ber of en­ aren't his cup of tea. should the Knights repeat over Fogarty Bros. . ___ 16 16 ..^00 competition for hackfield berths (won and lost records between w||ose jump shots kept Niagara on the fringe of national flelder offered the 137,500 the own­ problems he's got ^o lick them "I happen to have quite a few tries from any one srhool or club came from Coach Llovd Duff of Jack: on went down for a fire The stubby southpaw shooter, he ■North A ttleboro w e’ll have a Garden Grove .. ___ 13 \9 .406 count in the first round when he with' the high school squad. All psrentheses). Thursday House-' atands 5-10 without akatei, holds college powers in recent 'years, came off the bench and made er asked for a new house at 175 himself, and If neijghbora don't pieces of property In that ares and p^retty strong claim to the New Jarvis Realty .. ___ in 22 .313 the University of Connecticut who entered both his freshman and kEW FOR '57 u n i '58 CARS varsity teams. 18 men m all. The. ------—------took a left and a right to the head. four MFL squads boasted several wives (99-93), Mercantile (162- the one season record for goals, Minneapolis a winner for the first time this season in the ICraloma Dr., but 'was turned down want you. what’s the gtmd of buy­ r stand to lose a lot if colored peo­ England crown. " N'asaiff Arms ...... 7 23 .219 outstan d in g backs and the Ones after a wait of several days. The ing," Mays continued. ple move In.” event will lake place two weeks ,, . r, ^ But from then on he remained up- 158). Saturday Night Mixed Dou­ collecting 50 In 1944-45. and also National Basketball Assn, last’’ ’Tickets for Sunday's contest are The top three tpam.8 h!1 Renred ■who still stand out In my mind are night. owner said there was great nelgh- "But talk about a thingMike this Gaewhiler denied that Gnesdlloff from today. | C^Cdon Jordan -Sr of i right although staggered repeat- bles at the Lucky Strike alleys set the record for the Stanley Cup now on sale at Nasslff Arms and .similar 4-0 .shutout virlnrics lajit _. . ... I Hartford, and his son, Philip. edly and wincing visibly tinder elusive Ed Doucette of 'the league Fleming, sent in as a dafenstve GOODYEAR CUSTOM ‘,borhood pressure ,against U>* deal. goes sll over the world, \and it had even worked for him and said 1 1144-13,5). Mixed Doubles a t the playoffs with 12 goals in 1944, his Manchester fans planning to at­ night, w ith M anchester .Auto The I Conn runners have all been ^vill compete, rtiillp was Just 12 j .Maehen s body attack. champion Fireflghtera, fleet-footed Bowling Green (194-190) arid Au­ sophomore year. measure, got hot for 23 pqints as Indians in Move Walter Gneadiloff, who is still sure looks bad for four co^try." he didn’t force the contractor to tend the game are urged to pur­ Parts upending Jarvis Realty, '" ‘^'''’d as individuals and will not ^e took pari in his first ’ r thought my left hooks to the Dave Tomasko of the Smokeaters tomotive (64-621. This year it was evident the the Lakers, wdnless in seven games, flffering the house at the same Mays’ wife Xfarghuerite. u'asn’t do anything. "I told him to use his chase their ducats locally. Johnson Paint defeating Nassiff ! *-s a team Duff reported. I h„n,on derbv here In 1949, and shifty Roger Macsione of the rapped the skidding New York To Vacate Cellar SUBURBANITE Arms and Fogarty Bros, blanking i The Hu.skle varsity i* led by Allen' body and head hurt him the Rocket was out to get the scoring price—^ t not to Maya—said: quite as philosophies! aboutx it. oa-n conscience, but that he'd get a Maehen declared. Blue Devils. Other youngsters who , tip until yesterday afternoon Knickerbockers 124-106 In the only bad name If he went through with Carden-• Grove.- —Top single games Frazier who placed sixth in last Bill M arol of the N orth Med­ title, avoiding brawls and rough "I’m Just a union working man "Down in Alabama where we come impressed, at least on the day I only two teams and a half dozen play for a change In order to have game scheduled. from.” she said, "you know your this." were rolled by -Marlon Thompson year 8 field of 91 runners. Charlie ford Club who WHS 20th last year Jackson needed help getting into N ew York. Nov. 14 (A P )—The and I'd never get another job if his clothes. Back at his hotel room was among the crowd, were backs Individual playcra had signed up as much time as possible on the Vern Mikkelaen led the Inkers place, and that’s something, at The property owner added, "I 116-109 and Ellen Reichert 109. Cohen. I6ih last November, will be and Nate Crav-ener of Cornell Sf>ringfleld Indians have atarted I sold this house to that baseball t'n iv ersily who was l.Mii will both he still was having ice applied. Karl Then and Bill Mondun of the to compete in the Rec Senior Bas­ ice. Oddly, he picked up his first with 26 points, hitting a perfect layer. I feel sorry for him. and If .least. But up here it's all a lot certainly wouldn't like to have a Fur Pieces RE.ST.AI’R.A.N'T I.E.Afil’F. back again along with Dirk Keeler, Flreflghte/s. back Ed Zaglio and thslr more to vacate the cellar In Bob Niederman, George Parsons. he back for another try at winning Down 'nire« Times ketball League, additional evidence penalty of the season, a two-min­ 14-14 from the foul line, aa the SM neighbora say it would be of camouflage. They grin In your Colored family near me.” ■Standings the top prize. ends Bob Friday and Dick Avery of how poorly our senior recrea­ ute stay in the box for hooking, Knicks took their third loss In four the American Hockey League. face and then deceive you." Dirk -Sherman, Cliff Stolba. Don okay, rd do it.” Edward Howden. director of the w L. P it. 1 Patterson hsd knocked the Hur­ of the Blue Deills. and Bob tion program has slipped In recent last night. games, slipping within a game of 7:50x14 Mayor George Christopher de­ Council for Civic Unity, comment­ W alnut . . . Wojtyma and Bob Taborsak. aJI The former winners who have ricane down three times before Blanchard and diminutive Tom They shut out the Buffalo Bioens Preaanre Applied To Lucky 26 10 .722 years. Last winter the Rec League 'The Canadiens, three points last place in the Eastern Division. varsity performers. Sherman la a,*'''^sdy signified their Intentio 4-0 laat night and, in one jump, clared, "\\’hst’s happened is not In ed; Lake House 21 l."> .68.3 Referee Ruby Goldstein called ■ Sheridan, both backs, sniLiineman ahead of the second place New Average Seven Pointa Oneadlloff. a small-scale builder of competing are Johnny Kelley, a , hall after 1:52 of the 10th in their schedule was shortened two full accordatsce with San Francisco'^a. "The..shocking, rejection of Mr. ,Oak„Grill ...... 2121 l.'V .583, Gary Oentllcore of the Smokea'ters. York Rangers-,' whO"Were tied 2-2 Fleming,.averaging, seven points pioved inti) a triple tie for fourth BLACK TUBIUSS and contractor tn the upper middle traditions.” .Miller’s . . ' SttM k aMtR.TO ■ three-time'ctiahTp-,- . anfi ■ fwo-tihie ^Itilv 79‘engagemehl...... » • e weeks because of. lack-of- interest and Mrs. Willie Mays as neighbors 18 18 ..600 1 and because other league members by Chicago In the only other game a game, came on in the second peri­ place with Buffalo and Cleveland. class area, aald two property own­ The mayor said "It’s not Fans Chatterbox winner Dr, Charlie Robbins. Both by a handful of Miraloma Dr. resl- It 22 .389 Rare, sponsored by Nutmeg For­ Despite that beating. Jackson’s Back on Friday, Nov, 1 the od with Instructions to stop Ron Goodyear Onsteoa SubnriMatte ers he works for put pressure on men hold several national cham­ eoiild not compete with strong scheduled, also lost center Don Each team haa 11 pointa, three be­ practice to preclude anyone's IW-1 dents Is nothing less than a civic Ray s .... .8 28 .222 : est. Tall Cedars of la-banon. will appearance here drew 14,107 fans Manchester High cross country Malshall to Injury. He suffered a Soble, who hsd counted 17 points hind third place Rochester. Her- him not to sell to Mays and peigh- New York Noy. 14 I* — The Oak Gill pionships and Kelley Is considered Damato'a Constniction which com­ ing where he wants to, regardless | di.agrace. Regrettably it Is typical take place Thanksgiving morning to the <>)\v Palace. They paid a squad finished second in the an­ sprained ankle when checked Into as the Knicks took a 32-27 lead in shey and Providence are one-two Size bort objected by telephone. secret. to a ^man's ---- heart- V mav w*,be I, rsc;Vserond v^iiu pintplace tr with I a 4-0 win over to be America's greatest mara­ plied a perfect 13-0 won and lost Bhek Whit# of his race." But he pointed out! of practices In a large portion of starts at )0 :h0. The race course has gross of $,56,877 .50. Tlie natlonw ids nual CCIL Field Day Champion­ record en route to gaining cham­ the end boards by George Arm­ the first quarter. Fleming not only w ith 34 and 15, respectively. "Fve never been through this kind that "on the other hand, no law | the private housing market todsv.” through his stomach but the aecret: ihe ChaUerbox Restaurant last been altered slightly. Instead of thon runner. television was blacked out hers. .77 to a w’omam's ship over the New Britain Teach­ pionship honors. And tn the final strong of the Leafs. X-rays were held Soble to Juat one field goal Goalie A1 Millar made 26 aavea $ racing interest — night at the Lucky Strike allev.s '-'torlmg and finishing on -Main St Old' Amos K ujala. who hsd 67 Sid Flaherty, who managas Ma- 7.50x14 27.77 82.77 EJD xlB other than winners ers College course In the Hard­ game for the playoff title the Con­ planned today. and four pointa the rest of the way. as the Indians turned in their first • Of course — -while Bolton I,ake Hou.se lost all "PpoMte the Marv- Cheney Librarv', candles on his birthday cake last chen. said. "Our next move is up ware City: Three days later the In­ but also did a bang-up Job under [four points to Miller's Restaurant. !'•’Is year's eventWill st year, will be hark again. tractors trounced the 11th AA Tied for Cellar ’ shutout of the season. Bob Beckett, 8.00x14 29.77 85.77 *^°a 1** leL ? ^'1'' *!l*‘'* ; 1 . ' 1" Miller's Restaurant. ! <5ls year's event Will start and fin to Patterson, If he wants to fight dians placed eighth In the State Missile Battalibn 81-36. the boards. Sobie's 21 points led TUMSLISS Cooper and Fraser Narracs'nopiTAt least that is the feeling ^ at | There waswa-s no report on the W al- ' '-’'h "uon .Main St , oppositopposite .School St. us. If Patterson v.-ants to fight Marshall opened Montreal’s scor­ the Knicks. assisted by Buddy Boone, scored One# again all money collected Meet over/the same course al­ I have ..aid before and I will Springfield's first goal. A few min­ Briggs Looking for Linebacker 1r I *^-hich^. " Powtucket, I nut Restaurant-Ray’s Restaurant P®''e Headquarters vvilill be at the by the Tall Cedars will enter the Eddie, we re ready to talk business. ing late in the first period and Jean The Lakers, cashing 52 of 66 free 8.50x14 , 32,77 88.77 though each Red and White run­ aay it again, most of the local Bellveau made It 2-0 within two utes later Boone tallied, assisted Advance to Finals I i' ^ ’ match? : nearby East Side Rec o Cedar’s Muscular Dystrophy Fund. If not. maybe we ll go to Europe throw chances while barely out- Sizs Black ner Improved his lipie an average players do not enjoy performing minutes of the second frame. Dick by Beckett. WUts LadiVs Da^v*oroeram I-"’®- Joe Srlvester ’ I-ast year a (’Conn nmne'^r'^'^ap for -some bouts. " of 25 seconds. As a team the In­ In such a one-sided circuit. Since shooting New York, 36-35, frqm 9.00x14 35.77 41.77 To Help Dyer Against Norwich Th t ! 130-^61, C hris Deci 12.')-158-380. >'* Dyson of Winsted. blazed across Maehen, virtually unmarked, Duff finally beat Montreal goalie the field, pulled within a point of That waa all the Indiana needed, Sydney, Australia Nov. 14 i AIT) it. 1^ D lBella 131-3,50. Cy GiorgeUi the line in the most exciting finish dians ran two minutes and 34 sec­ out-of-towners are atlll barred Jacques PlanW, who had 23 saves, but Orvall Tessier and A1 Nichol­ t «.70xlB 16.77 S9.T7 —Ashley Cooper and Neale Fraser said a title fight ie his aim. onds faster in the Slate event, from competing in the loop it Is the Knicks, 62-61 at the-half, then THESE TIRES BRAND NEW — memorat. i?. ' V ia h" i >«-3«3. P aul C orrenti 130. Vosh ' to the 20-year hi.story of the Rond One-Ball Ton rnev but Andre Pronovost and Mprcel son later added two more goala 7.10x11 17.77 12.77 today advanced to the finals of the 'Patterson has something I paramount proof that Coach Paul too easy for one rlub to load up rolled as New York went cold. FACTORY FRESH. UBflTED By PAT BOLDUC The^ nrnv.a'L 1 J27-348, Bill Sheekey 13.5-, Paoe. He fini.shed tw o seconds want." he declared. Bonin put It beyond reach In the Minneapolis, despite the poof for good measure. . QUANTITY SOBOB SIZES. 7.40x15 19.77 15.77 New South Wales men’s singles Phlnney’s boys ran to the fullest and other teams are Juat along for final period. leaving the Leafs In a have L.cn'or.nti'ro 129-361, Gene Phaneuf 128, Bernie ! “ttaad of third plare man. Boh Slated Tomorrow Cus D’Amato, the champ's man­ record, is only three games out o5 It was the only league game — - ■ ' ...... *’• ' 8.00x15 82.77 48.77 tennis championships. Cooper won Before meeting Norwich F’ree Academy Saturday, after­ As f^r rac?ne Bansvige ^342, Paul .Malinguaggi Soharf of Trinilv. and one^serond in ! of their abilities. tile ride. Why not throw . the last place tie with Detroit. by default from Mervjm Rose, who noon at 2 o’clock iti the Rose City; the Manchester High foot­ ager long has frowned on Maehen Team members Included (first league wide open to all Interested first In' the Western Division, scheduled. leadinr ridet ^..” r.n,eTi Charlie Whelen 3.53 and Eddie , P'O"* °f Alan .Shaler of Hamilton as a challenger claiming a title Ron Murphy, an ex-Ranger, was suffering from a heavj- cold. ball squad hopes to improve its pass patt^m.s and Cpach rrin.te.H?r. ?' Paganl 338 were the night’s best i College. The di.stanoe between the Another One-Ball ,‘lvveopstake.s mentioned In parenthesis repre­ players and aelect the teams from scored at 4:20 of the final period Fraser beat Mai Anderson, the cur­ Grinatead to a Lll .3.5 clocking and pinners. * trio when Dvson broke the tape wasgg will he staged tomorrow night light w as once offered to the Cali­ sents the CCIL Meet end the, sec­ a player's pool? The plan la at Walker Briggs is still looking for a second linebacker th go first place in the six furlong fea-, i - fornian’s (amp and turned down. for Chicago’s tie at New York on re n t U.S. champion. 6-3. 3-6, 6-4, MIXKII n o t HI-E.S only 15 yards. ond Is the StateTdeeftlmei Cap­ least worthy of a trial'and cer­ a low, sizzling chop. Marcel Pallle. along with Co-Captaln Joe Dyer. * ture yesterday, Grinstead paid $5. ’ starting at 6 o clock at the Double 6-4. All Americans had been elim­ Standinck I Included in the latest entries , ,, , Flaherty denies any official offer tain Scott Clendanlel (14:30-14:01), tainly will be an improvement over again aubbing for the. injured BiUy MacArdle Helped Pace Also, the Indians hope to work Pimlico Winner Strike alleys on Oak St. Two cash j was made. inated (n the earlier rounds. on their kicking- punts and kick- Towners sport a feeble 27.9 average .Vtarv-John Siinmcii. wa.. one from Billv MacArdle. one Tom Hart (15:15-14.41), Tom Hy- the present system. Better still, Gump 'W’orsley in the Ranger nets, Riilh-Bob O.traiHl^r . prizes will he awarded one for It’s po.-.,ible a Machen-Zora 5 in 16 kicks. Briggs has been unable Movltave took the Pimlico Breed­ of Brown University’s crack cross aon (14:58-14;45). Barry Dougher­ why not allow each team three turned back 31 shots to 28 by Chi­ Smrliu.’f «. WIMl "IMI In the semifinals of the women’s offs which has not been too en­ .Mai-jr,*-J(,lm t.'ii.-tilnx tirst pla.e an.l anSther for high' Folley bout will be next. Promoter doubles, the Auetralian pair of to uncover a kicker to replace big ers Stakes as the Marvland track ..Visi country runners this fall. , He ty (15:31-14:48), Bobby Kwash out-of-towner§ ? An* you liatening cago’s Glenn Hall. It was Murphy’s Brown to Best Mark in Years couraging over the first six games. IJlna-John 11,-clluiirl . ^ i Brnny F'ord said had propAiKd Lorraine Coghlan and Margaret Co-Captsin Danny Renn and guard Norm Hohenthal who Averaged a opened ita 137th m eeting Steve Dai5)'-r{ij„, Mnrilai.n "vjl placed 22nd last Turkey Day. (15:18-15:07) and Jay Boris 115:42- members of the Advisory Park third goal of the season and a neat Milli,-Hlli«- Jarvlfl . . .■am Father-Son Team noiincerl camps Folley fights .lose Hellyer surprised by beating top John Campbell, who have done laudable 41.3 yards in 18 boots last i Brooks rode the Knollwood Stables 15:18). Dougherty showed the big­ and Recreation Commission? Cer­ pass from rookie Bobby Hull set season, including several onside' imlt horne by a half length over UNB;lb’ 444 Once again there will be at offerer! Her, n pcizcs will he Romeco in Alhuquerqiie Dec. 4. gest g*ln, an Improvement of 43 tainly by this time you must be it up. l^vidence, R. 1.—ThaU 4-1 rec-tdld not win this year, against Tufts BE SURE — BE SAFE seeded Angela Mortimer, Britain, most of the punting, show a poor offered depending upon the num- I . ord hung up by Brown University’s (he finished second), MacArdle - -Bale Priea ■ale P riae and Mary Hawton, Australia, 6-4, kicks. M ila d y D a re s . Mii,rion-Wini)toti Sm ith least one father and son team in her of entries. aeconds. aware of what your unnecessary Ranger Dave Creighton anil Ed Slae 2 8 average for 15 boots. As for • • • vartity cross-country teiyn this took first with a winning time of 4N ANY WEATHER B lack W hlU the important kickoffs the 811k Defensively the Red and White M ovltave covered the mile a n d i'L®'*/’:*.''’''*’ Sniitii rule has done to Manchester’s Litzehberger of ’ the Hawks a aixfeenth In 1:47 2-5 and returned Rhnda-iii,,>rp,- Ma.v S in 444 year is the best compiled by the 25:30- five seconds ahead of SulU- w u at its bast against Bristol last Ann-Kmest ilcNali ...... 7 ji ;ix9 Having already predicted a one- once-proiid senior recreation pro­ swapped punches and set off a Bruin harriers since 1947, and Man­ 6,70x15 16.77 3 6 .H .' Saturday, holding the favored $8.80. gram. Or Is it merely a case of van. Since that meet, MacArdle A glance st the standings after Chavez Ravine tourhJown victory for Martchester mele in the last two minutes. chester’s BUI MacArdle, and aopho- and MacDonald haven’t varied FISK RANCHER Rama to only six first downs and The Carle Place Purse at last night's matches at the West High over Norwich Free Academy atubborness ? ? ? 7.10x15 31.77 16LH Jsmacla went to Brouhaha a. the more running mate VlnCe Mac­ their finish very much. PROVED 120 yarda on the ground. In five Side Rec alleys reveal that four Trodifionni Uonfe.sfs Paiis to Lower Donald, of Cochituate, Mass., have 7.60x15 36.77 3 1 .1 1 previous outings the Indians had 3-year old filly sixioted a mile and teams are tied for third place and With such dependable help, Sul­ blossomed into a pair of dependable livan has been free to "shoot the ★ IN ALL WEATHER 5.70x15 given up an average of 199.8 yards a sixteenth In 1H6 2 5 for a $9 five other couples are deadlocked Match Play Event performert. Their dependability 8 .0 0 x 1 5 3 6 .1 1 3 fi.1 1 rushing. Manchester's pass de­ payoff. In the co-featured Raritan for seventh spot. Best scores last I V’o'rki” %nd he has set course rec­ ★ ON ALL ROADS College Grid Map This Week Boom on Bums has eased the pressure |jon (Japtain ords four itmes this year. fense. , much improved against Bay Purse, One Stroke i$3 80l night 'Were chalked up by Mary I Likely to Change Ed Sullivan, who carried a- tre­ won a length and a half triumph Major Hoople Ends Sooner But Sullivan’s great running Windham, was^not put to a teat Sim mons 11.5-111-329, M adeline Mor- New York. Nov. 14 -P) — Tra-* mendous load last season on a Saturday aince the Bell Towners over Necromanrer. One .Strokee ley 106, Millie Jarvis 105. Ruth Os-1 a:;:’ " , ; Virginia Military over the Cita­ team that finished with a 8-3 dual doesn’t detract from the part that - I iranHer Mitii. T.rtu. . Rames dot the college Los Angeles, Nov. 14 (g5-The Long Beach. Calif., Nov.-14 t/Pi— tried but two aerials, completing was timed in 1:12 4/5 for six fur I trander 10.5 10.5, Millie Jarvis 10510 and i del. VMT one of the season's Delegates to the National Conven- meet reqg)xl. the two sophomore’s are playing longs. football map this Week. But back­ surprises and atlll i. unbeaten. deadline for dropping files in the Skein with Point After TP TOP QUALITY one for five yards. ■ Russ Morrison 125 I»s .\ngeles Dodgers' baseball itlon of the Professional Golfers’ Sullivan, one of the "best runners for Brown one bit. Coach Fuqua GOODYEAR I jWxIMIJS Ncgrotrece ($6.80) won ground means little In picking the Wlsconain orer Illinoia: The II- predicts a bright future for the Manchester's strong running at­ winners, getting the right bark- ointment Is today and citizens Association of America today were in Brown_history, waa on hand tack ag ain st B ristol (2,55 yards) Princess Doreen Pur.se st lini win one week, lose the next. two young harriers Judging from SNOW TREADS field would be a much b 1 g g e r protesting the Chavez Ravine real expected to approve a move to again to start the current season, i.79x1$-1195 has lifted Its season's average to Churchill Downs with a 1:10 1 5 f T/”? CJ • They upset Michigan last Satur­ By MAJOR AMOS B. HOOPLE their showing thi#--year. Asked help. estate deal say they are set. to change the PGA match play cham­ but if the Bears' were to enjoy a SUBURBANITE 144.2 yards and Briggs feel., cer­ clocking over a soggy mile cour.se. U x ^ iO n n i5 e n iO rS day. One-Point Forecast tTiamplon successful season, help was needed about MacArdle. Fuqua replied The Golden G ate Field-s feature i So, off we go: unload a whopper. pionship to a 72-hole medaTplay x j tain that halfbacks Bobby McIn­ ■Oregon over Southern C alifor­ Egad, zillions of gentle renders: and h^pcArdle and MacDonald were that he has a "very bright future 7 .1 9 1 $ - 1 4 I 5 went to Mr, Sullivan tH.lOi who ; I" TT 'IT'* 1 ’ A group railed the Committee competition. tosh and Gil Bolssonneault will Texas A & M over Rice: Bear nia: By about a touchdown. A touching tribute has reached there to provide it. 1 at a two-mller" when the spring -95 FIRESTONE TOWN did the six furlongs In 1:10 .3 .5. , lH O O m e F I H a le Bryant' Aggies are No. 1 in ■ the to Save Chavez Ravine for the While po official., would com­ continue their brilliant running me. I can best be expressed by Not 'only have these two boys track season rolls around. 7.10x15- 15.991 Also at Golden Gate Fields ItII I nation. Rice is only second best in Texas Chnstian over Texas: People says it has eollected at ment directly, the change to medal "They've done a tremendous Job ! against the Wildcats who .show but TCL rested last week while Texas i lea.st .51.787 reasons why the quoting the letter itself: play might well conflict In public been Instrumental In helping the I ^Kb5.70x1S was disclosed that Diimptj the Southwest Conference. It is B ruin team coll up the im pressive making a good team out of a fair ; one win as against four losses. was being dumped out of the Cot- ’ "Dodger., ' may not be playing in the Interest with the United States iRd COUNTRY I.09X15- 15J 5 Following Saturday’s journey to Humpty, who set a world’s record I the Rice homecoming game but "You are the world champion record that they now possess, but one,” Fuqua stated. 'The main for the six furlongs with Rirh-d Against Rams ton Bowl pictures in a 6-6 draw forseeable future In Walter O'Mal­ forecaster when it comes to call­ Golf Association Open, which over the Rose City the Indians will be John Crow should pull the Cadets with Baylor. ^ they will be heavily counted on In thing seems to be their attitude. 7.50x1i-”14,95 mond Handicap last week with a through. ley's proposed dream stadium at ing the results by a .single point the yeara has been dominated by the next couple years. Coach They went to run and they want Idle until the Thanksgiving morn­ Michig’an over Indiana: Oh, Chavez Ravine. the -professionals but which Is open ing clash against neighboring East 1:08 clocking, suffered a broken 'Storra—with the last home Oklahoma over Notre Dame: In I mean that game where ypu pre­ Ivan Fuqua looks to them as td win." gam. of the season for the Uni­ Iho.se poor Hooelers. to amateurs. Hartford. The Mlddletovyn contest, bone in his right front foot. The belief that the Sooners have re­ The committee said that befors dicted the score would be Alabama the nucleus of the '58 and '59 8s00x1i-i5.95 Injury occurred during the run­ versity of Connecticut football Skipping over-lhe others in a hur- the 5 p.m. deadline a petition with 14, 13—and that was the A PGA'National Open wmpd be rtiqed out three weeks ago, has covered from their mid.- season ry : cross-country, teams.- THESE SNOW TIRES ning of the Richmond. team coming up on Saturday more than the , required 51.787 actual scorel Fleaae tell us how restricted to professionals Ad un­ MacArdle and MacDonald have FIRST tTME OUT been canceled since the T igers vv'ere siesta. You can see for yourself on Frldav der that title could well draw cen­ His handlers indicated he would against arch-tjval Rhode Island, your TV screen. signature., to force a public elec­ jrou do it.” finished two-three for Brown In ■Weat Point..N. Y. (N*EA)—This 8.50xU->t6.95 unable to switch their Nov. 23 tilt ten seniors will wind up their home Miami over Maryland (N). sure from the USGA, of which the to Ttl'anksgiving. The Manchester- be out of action for at least six tion on, the city's Chavez Ravine The sender signs his name back of Sullivan In almost, every year's meeting was the first time GUARANTEED m jyiths. careers. Kickoff will be at 1:30 Auburn over Georgia: The Au­ „ Saturday deal> wili be filed with the city elec­ PGA membership In convention ' / i / d i East Hartford encounter will be burn-defense Is one of the best. rather Illegibly, but to me IJ looks m eet. . Army wss ever scheduled to play 2 WINTERS AGAINST ALL ROAD HAZARDS p.m. East: Princeton over Yale, Penn­ tion commission. . . here seems well aware. In the only meetx that' SuUivhh played in -East Hartford for the Ohio State over Iowa: ,In the 1 like "Bud WHklngon.’' Of course I a Utah-football team. 9.00x14-17.9$ Heading the list are four start­ sylvania over Columbia, baptmouth , TTie petition, if valid, could force eoutd be wrong,. it might, even be ON A PRO RATA RASIS third conseclitive year. The game past IQ years the home team al­ On your casing or Horkpy at a Glanrp ers. and possibly five. They are left over Cornell Boston College over a special election w.lthln three *Bcn Mllkerson”—heh-heh! O regon 14, So. CkUlonila 7 TIRES MUST BE DISMOUNTED BY FISK TIRE will not be switched to Manchester end Ron Vemet, Lowell, Maas. ways has won In this cnicial Marquette, Brown over Harvard mqnUia, or the referendum could exchange if avaitnble" until the new high school field la series. The Buckeyes do the en­ (Edllor'a Note: On. the ’saine Stanford 30, Oregon State 14 SERVICE B r APRIL IS AND REMOUNTED ' m 77?i. J Wednesday’* Result# Co-captain Lou Mooradian, right Syracuse over Colgate. Penn State go on"' the nekt regular election day Hoople had 12 wrrorig out of 23 Tenneasee 20, Mississippi It ready. P erh ap s In 1958? ! guard. Haverhill,'iftaas.; right end. tertaining this time and hope to ever Holy Cross. < ballot in June. , ALL FULL TREADS Natinaal League clinch the RoSe Bowl bid. Both aelecUone—heh-heh!) , Texas A. and M. 36, Rice 14 BY THE FOUOW ING NOV. 15. Montreal 4, Toronto 2. Ray Manninen, Peabody, Mass,, South: Georgia Tech over Ala­ In either case'. Dodger President ^ AC PRODUCTS LOCKHEED sides moaning aboiit Injuries but I must afiologiicc for one of my Texas Ohrtstlah 21, Texaa IS 100% Cold Rubber WEDNEfiDAT’8 FIGHT Oilcago 2, New York 2 Itle). ami John Livieil, . qilarterback. baman Florida over Vanderbilt, O’MsIIey's plans to begin con­ A AUTO-LITE MALLORY they will heal rapidly. aasoclates, however—Dr. Reggy Oolorado 26, Nebraaka IS I . X ------American League West Haven. Paul Whitley, An­ Furman ov*p Chattanooga, Ken­ struction on a 50,000-seat stadium Schnitkopf, who predicted the No Charge for This Service Michigan State over Minnesota: tucky oVer Xavier. North Carolina on the 300-acrea given the club by Trtnit}'. 1$, W esleyan I t - % tfORG-WARNER McQUAY MORRIS OUARANTEEO^ San Francisco’—Eddie Maehen, Springfield 4, Buffalo.0. dover, Maks., la a possible starter Penn Statq-Weet Virginia score at Connecticut 20; Rhode Island 19 IBS, Redding,, Calif., stopped Tom­ Eastern League at fullback. Ahother key senior. This could be closer than It looks State over Virginia Tech, Virginia the city would be sidetracked, If the Spartans spend too niucii 36 to 7—the actual score was 27 filancheater 7, Norwirh 6 ft /FEDERAL-MOGUL RAYBESTOS m y fH urricane) Jackson, 201, Nevir New Haven 3, Philadelphia 1. Co-captain Lenpy King, Nauga­ over South Carolina West Virginia perhaps completely derailed. to Dr. Reggy has a weakness time remembering their Notre over Wake Forest. William A Mary 6. .Holypke S3, Merchants IS GRANT RINGS, WALKED ^ York, 10.. Waahington 6, Clinton 4. tuck, ' has been hampered by in­ The "Citizens’. Committee ’ was for giving the wrong team th* juries all season and will not be Dame victory and ff Bobby Oox is over Rutgers, Mississippi Southern organized after the sclty council, back to normal. , ^ over Florida State. point after touchdown. m available for the game. by a 10-4 vote, tranaferred the -This week’a big one is NotrS Gonpittfi LI 0f SPEED EQUIPMENT ALL SIZES Other seniors are: (Quarterback Everything fit Stake Midwest: Detroit over Quantico Chavez Ravine property to the ■ InerfBsIs Prize Money ^ Marines, Iowa State over South D am e to b eat Oklahoma, 21 to 20.;' i Mike Noonan, Hartford; end Ron ' Tr^essee over Mississippi; Dodgers in exchange for the Also the Colgate-Syracuse 13 to Dakota. Oklahoma State over Kan­ 22,500-aeat Wrigley Field and Hv\ford, Nov. 14 (P) — An in­ for Anaatsaio, Port Chester, N. Y.; Everything is at stake here—the IS tie is- a b it out of the ordinary CSED TIRES sas, Missouri over Kansas State, other considerations. crease In' prise money has been tackle Herm Renzullo, Torrington: Sugat Bowl . bid and a poesible har-ruhiph! ------' and guard Frank ^mendola. New Southeastern Conference title. Colorado over Nebraska, Purdue ■ The Dodgers still ars faced with annoijnced for next, year’s Insur­ One Ball Sweepstake over Northwestern, Cincinnati over the problem of where to play their Now go on with the forecast; 5.0gx15 Haven. , ' Mississippi hn.sn’t won from Tent ance ..City Open to be held a t the 7 .6 0 ,8 .0 0 , TIREiS Saturday’s game will decide the Tulsa, Houston over Wichita, West 19.58 home games, because the 'Vaie 21, PrtncetoivlS -.i ' 6.70-7.10 nessee since' 1948. The Volunteers Texas State over Drake. Wethersfield Country Club. .The 8.20 1 ^ - ■ Yankee Ctmference championship now have their house in order. Chavez Ravine Stadium, even if Harvard 7, Brown 6 ' 5.70x15 I 7.10x15 I 7.50x18 Southwest: Arizona State over all goes as planned, wouldn’t be ee.yen annual event \vill be worth KACHWE for 1957. Connecticut "and Rhode Navy ovier George Wakhlngtpn; Sswamwo l i . (AiJintfi S2S|000— $3,000 n\pre th an this .95 .95 2 7 Oak SL~~Fn., Fiov. IS , Island have identical 3-0 Cohfer- M ontana State, Texas Western over ready until at least ISKift. Dartaionth 37, CMvell 7 2 for 22.00 | 2 for 25.00 | 2 tar 21.00. Like a letter from, home for the Arizona, Arkansas over Southern year. The datea are July 9-13, The SERVICE Up 4 Up chenleu jence records. The UCopn Huskies tveavy Midahiiimen. Heartened by a 102,000 profes- P en Stata 14. Holy qroaa 7 3 r e s e r v e I STARTING AT 6 P.M. UNTIL ?? Methodist, Texaa Tech over Hardin 1957 tournament, attended by are the defending champions. Army over Tulane: Bob Ander-' Blonal football crowd last Sunday, miaola 30, Wtacomta IS JIQMODERN STORES FOR AUTO PARIS Sim mons. the Dodger brass Is reported think­ meM gaa 37. ladiaaa 0 about 35,000 through five days fif son to do some more galloping. Far West: California over Wash­ play, waa won, by Gardner Dickiii- OUR lUSINESS IS lUILT ON F U lU C TRUST FIRST PRIZE-$40.00 The game haa been switched to ing seriously of using Memorial law a ltoi Ohio Stabs U * CHURCH CORNERS HIALEAH HIOH8 ington, Denver over Utah' State, Coliseum for most or all of their Mlaaottri 36, Kansaa State 14 sqn Jr. of Panama City. West Point. Montana over Colorado State Uni­ home games. «51 PARK STltirr MAIN AND iOUllVAKD 191 CINTfR STRUT All'prioea plva tax nal reeapiwbie cnalag. Duke -over Clemson: . demson .Fnrdae 14, Northwestern 0 H ialeah. FIa (NEA)—Nina of versity, Wyomtpg over New Mexi­ Several major changes would b« HIGH SINGLE-$10.00 the world’E top 13 money-winning hM Harvey White- but Duke has ., Katre Dame 31, Oklahoma 20 GUIDED MISSOES HAR’rPORD lAST HARTFORD AAANCHISTER co, Oregon State fiver Stimford, necessary. However, Biir Nicholas, Georgia Tech 20, Alabama 14 thoroughbreds raced at Hialaah too much of svsrything else. Utalv over Air Force, Washington m . jAckiwi 7.ia ii Y IL JAckiMi TO. MMckall 3-SIM HARTFORD STORB OTHER PRIZES ACCORDING TO THE Lousiana State over Miiiiissippl MBseum general manager, aaid AyfcBMaa 36. So. Methodist SO Long Beach, Calif. (NEA)— Park. They arc Nashua, Citation, State over Idaho, UCLa o v er Ooi- Uiey could be worked out. inetud-' ' Stymie, Armad, Assault, Social Stata: Whan two tsams-are this lege o( Padfle. Anbam lA Oeefgia't Paul Haamey, newest star of the FISK Tire Service, Inc. 911 PARK 8T. AMOUNT OF ENTRIES ing a M(^foot right field foul Une . Ihike 14, OlemMn 7 - playing golf professionals, la aec- Ittsalrismuii n . , 1 f.i. iiuki raui. m mn. ut iuiihitiu train Outcast, Fund, Hound Table and •vently matched, you pick the ' Last week’s Hguras; M 14 91 CENTER ST. — Ml 2*2444 N eedlea ' homo squad. ' wrong .... ninvsrage. — than -Tank## BHaslaalpfi State 36, 1m. SU ta 14 ond only V Georgs Bayer in langtb CHI-6561 stad iu m ’s. ; OriWanria 3A WadfiaitMi ll4 • f f jibe tee. ' , . i S . OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY ( _F--- L, I. ■ : 7 •i ■ ■ .1\ •t J'-'. / ..a", r ■■■ i PAGE' TWENTY-SIX MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., THURSDAY, Na^M BER 14, 1967 . ■■ V ■ ' Y- IIANCHESTEE EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1967 PAGBTWENTY-SBI Auto Driving School 7A ON THE BEACH Based on the Best-Selling Novel hr Nevil Shute j ^ ------Articles for S d s 45 Household Goods 51 Hooschold Goods ' 51 Ciatsifieii MANOTEiSTER Driving Academy WcarliiK Anjwrcl—Purs 57 Saborban For Rent 6(( HoasM For Sale 72 Hooms for Sale 72 Wanted—Real Estate 77 fuaranteea results. Expert initrup- SPACE HEATER Including drum SALE 1-S OFF on wallpaper. Wall Do Touroelf A FSvor Glastonbury and stand. Reasonable. Phone kQ tiles 4c a tile, KentUe, from 7c CHESTER FURRIERS — FUrs re­ ROCKVILLE—Three room,' new $1400 DOWN, new three bedroom MANCHESTER—$U,900^ Six room tlon. dual controlled ear. Call PI Take A Ride To Haittord modeled, repaired.. Capes and WANTED—Real Estate TJ«Htig« 8-7502, each. Green Paint and Wallpaper, apartment, electric range, "refrig­ ranches, ceramic bate, hot water (tepe, one unfinitoed. iV o car ga­ 1 3-734B. Day or evenlna appoint- And See Altert's stoles made, $19.95. Ckdl XII 9-7218 Call Fred TurUngton. Turkbigton Advertisement menu. ^ at the Green. erator, dtspoeal, no pets. $75 heat, H acre, trees. $12,650. Carl­ rage, "extra closet space. Attrac­ Bros. Realty Cte. Xn 8-1807 or Xn BA’THTUB with fauceu and at- Where You Will Find for free ^estimate, at yotfr home. month. TR 6-2506 or TR S-5050. ton W. .lutchins XU 8-5132. CLASSIFIED AEIVt . t h e p r i c e i s RIGHT! tively painted and londscapiKl. 9*5665. Parents Night tachmenU, 810. Phone MI 8-8158 USED TV SETS—for cottages, rec­ N ee^ redecoration. HOndy to m is, OEPI^ HOURS tonight 8 :80 to 7 :S0. reation room, etc. Good condition t h e QUALETT IS GOOD! XCU8KRAT COAT, % lengffi, eixa "niREE NEW unfurnished rooms VACANT 6 R(X>M cape with ga­ Motorcycles— Bicrcles 18. Good condition, reasonable. XII school, shopidng. R. 8. Olmsted LISTINOS WANTBJD, single and 11 reasonably priced. Potterton’s. 130 t h e Se r v ic e is s u p e r b ! for rent. Centrally located, first rage, central. Vacant 6' roomer two-family houses. Member of 8:15 A . M. to 4:30 P. M. NO MONET DOWN 8-6089. ,. floor, heat, gas hot water and Agency. CH 9-6661. XIr. Towson, Set at School MANCHESTER Cycle Shop IM W. HAND CROCHETED afghan vari­ <3enter St., MI 9-4537. with approximately 2 acres In M l 3-4306, x n 8-0102. XILS. Howard R. Hastinga' Real­ ous colohs/ MI 8-7330. "39 Fairvlew Start Paying In December electricity included in rent. Adults center of town, recently renovated. tor, x n 9-1107, any time. Middle Tpke^ Rel>aira on w makes FRANK’S IS buying and selling WANTED XIAN’S OVBRCXJAT W-40, like new. only. Apply 25 Maple St., Rock- OUatonbury, Nov. 14 (BfwdalV COPY CLOSING TIME of bikes. New and used bikes "They do if oa gloss St. ' - T. J. Oockett, Realtor. Xn 8-1577 PARKER 8T.—Lovely five room I good used furniture and antiques Reliable, Honest, Ferson Lady’s muskrat roat, size 88, rea­ vlUo. or MI 9-6418. —P4u*enU will follow a oondanaad boiight and sold. Columbia's full- btfcks,"exploined | sonable. Call xn 9-2348. ranch, atone front, two or three LISTINCa WANTED-Slngle, two- FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. i \ \ FLORENCE space heater, used at 420 ^ e St. Call anyUme, 9 TO GUARANTEE bedrooms, large kitchen, birch family, three-lamily, buatneos version of their chlldran’a site girl's or boy's I39.M. Order Peter. "They etch it I a.m.-8 p.m. Xa 9-6580. MONTHLY PAYMENTS ROCKVILLE—New 3% room apart­ 216 WOODLAND STREETT — Spic MON. THRU FRl now for Christmas. See ua and oa glott, then fuse I one winter. Origlnallv 180, will TWO WEDDING gowns, one tur­ cabinets, garbage disposal, fire­ property. Have many caoh buyers. room schedule, tonight at 7:M sell for 820. Call Ml '9-7989. $».16 ment. Latest conveniencea, rotor and span six room Cape, two un M ortgam arranged Please call o'clock In the high achool. 10:30 A.M. . save. MI 8-9098. oaotkor brick on lop I quoise eveningeve gown, elze 10.. Also antenna, tile bath, individual heat finished, full shed dormer, up­ place, storm wmdowa and doors, Sf it so thot the writ- [ 3 COMPLETE two hoopsI. Xa 3-6364. Graziadlo, Realtor xn This program for Paranta* JKght lAVATORY and toilet set com­ ONE GAS stova, whit*. $30. Call ROOMS OP BRAND NEW- control. Modem kitchen, range, stairs heated, oluiqinum combina­ attached garage, beautiful Uige SATURDAY 9 A. M. ing's in the middie.*^ I lot. This home is a buy at $18,900. , 109 Henry St. hat been planned ao that taaohan • BOT'S S*’’ bicycle, girl's 28" bi­ plete. excellent condition. 825. MI XC $-824» momlngi or evsnlngg. FURNITURE refrlgeratob. Lwmdromat in base­ tion Storm windows and screens, can acquaint mothen and iathan Declared Moiro,! 9-7977. ment. Ckmvenient location. Heat oversize garage, lovely yard 240 (tell Cleszynskl-Felber Agency, xn ARB YOU (XINSIDBRINO cycle, good condition. Ml 9^0487. "lut the people yrho I BLONDE BEDROOM Wantcd->To Bay 58 with procedures, aims and tone* rOUK OOOPERATIUN WILL CHINA — Eight plsc* settings, LIVINO ROOM fumiahed. Adults. $100 monthly. feet deep, very reasonable in 3-1409 or x n 9-4291. SEtLINQ YOUR PROPERTY? From Peter Holmet, Aestralion lioiten officer oeiigsed to come after, they! "I beliore they’re gone to o lot of trouble about thot. First tion* of a typical achool today, BB AFPBEOIATED PERMAGLAS automatic gaa water L*no(X, “ Peachtree" plus dessert 5-PC. DINETTE SET ‘ OLD GUNS (any condition), TR 612975. TR 6-8228. price. Exclusive with Elva Tyler, We wlU ^ ^ ra lse your property the tlSS SCORFION, Moiro Dovidton ond Comdr. Towers won't know how |0’l steps in reoding," replied Peter. "Whot sort of bodks ere heater, 45 gallons, used about two plates. Pric* $149, valued at $230. a a sses wUl last from 18 to 30 Business Services Offered 13 they, preserring? All about how to moke cobalt bombs?" "Phllco" Elec. Refrigerator swords, war relics, antiques, etc. Realtor. Xn 9-4469. Lota for Sale free and out any obligation. leoraed of the history of World Wor III being Cocked otop rood our stuff. years, offered at 899. Also storm Oall x n $-8472. TWO APARTMENTS, three rooms 78 We also buy property for cash. minutes, following the aohtoule may be... animals. ' asked Moiro. ’’God forbid T eicloimed Peter. They lough^. "Caloric" Comb. Range (one or whole collection). 70 Mill which pupUs brought home yaa- -D ial M l 3-5 T21 REFRIGERATION sales and serv­ Mount Kosciusko, Australia’s highest peok. | |.|!g windows, eight 84x62, three 32x62, "Maytag" Washer St. Tel. xn 8-5717. each, center of Rockville. $to per 77 WEAVER ROAD—Slg room SellIn* or buylto contact by NtA lug. 1t§7 hy WWham IAbpfbw A Iab, HOTPOINT refrigerator, Tappan month. Tel. TR 5-4931. LOTS 128x200 and larger,. $1,200 terday. Parents -will ssawnbla la ice. Commercial, residential, air two 28x62, one 28x54. one 38x42, "Emerson" Television ranch, garage, fireplace, wail to and up. Off Mancheater Road, STANLEY BRAY. Realtor conditioners, freeicrs. A and W one 28X.35, two 24x35—83 each. gas range, both excellent condi­ wall carpeting, amesite drive BRAE-BURN REALTY the auditorium Unit for general "Hoover” Vacuum Glastonbury. Telephone XT 9-6981, Instructiona and a briafing. Refrigeration Co. MI 9-1237, Ml Phone MI 9-4495 after six or Sat­ tion. Hoover cleaner and attach­ Rooms Wlthoat Board 59 aluminum combination storm win after 6 p.m. xn S-627S • Household Services Bonds— StoclM Mortgages 31 ment*. six quart Presto pressure "Mohawk’’ Axminater Rug* ROCKVILLE—Three room apart­ dows, in excellent condition and Library Oro«q> to Blaet Lost and Found 9-2050, MI 9-0055. Help Wanted— Female 35 Help Wanted— Male 36 Articles for Sale 45 urday. "Sealy" Box Spring ment, $45 a month. TR 5-7067. ______Offered 13-A cooker. Sunbeam mlxmaster. RMS WITH light housekeeping. beautifully landscaped. Call Man BOLTON—Two large.wooded lots WE HAVE ALL caohi nu^ The annual meeting and alae> CASH—Available for 2nd mortgage ‘‘Sealy’’ Mattress, Linelsum, LOST—Tla«r kitten',’ four white CLEAN AND paint those glitters I mTOMmTSTS'------Til------Z-----T"" FULL OR part time help for gen­ ALL 'ROUND machinist, able to LOAM, TOP quatlty. Dark, rich, Other Items, Marnte, 42 Maple. Centrally located. Mrs. Dorsey. 14 cheater Msociatca. xn 3-0080, 1^ on Williams Road. Call owner, MI three bedroom house Mth dry cel­ tion of officera of the South OUuk> loans, 85,000 up. Consolidate all j Tables, Cabinets, Pictures, And A Arch-St RCX3CVTLLE — Four room fur­ 9-0384. pawe, white bib. Answers to name now. Avoid costly repairs later. ^’^^^RNTTURE repairing and refln- eral office work. Apply Goodyear work from print, do own set up. no stones. Columbia ConslrucUon Boats and Accessories 46 Few Other Items. nished apartmeiit, second . floor, 3-6821. lar, under $18,000. Please call tonbury Ubrary Aasn. wUI be held MI 3-1883 ishlng: antiques restored. Fuml- debts Into one monthly payment. Tire and Rubber Co., 180 Goodwin Moreland Tool Co., 214 West XIain (terlton W. Hutchins XO 9-5132 os Sunday at 3 p.m. In the Ubrary. of Mitten. Rosedale Section, Bol­ ------ture Repair Service, Talcottvtlle. For each 11,000 (borrowed your Co. Tel. Coventry PI 2-8277 or i ~~ — i-----i------9x12 UVINQ ROOM rug, reason­ Free Storage UnUl Wonted ROOM FOR rent. Inquire State parking space. Tel. TR 5-5450. $2,000 DOWN, new six room Cape, ton Lake, Reward. MI 8-19S7. Street, East Hartford, or phone St., RockvHle. WiUimanUc AC 8-3283 aluminum boat 1958, 714 5H ACREIS IN Bolton, approoci- soon as piMsible. Followrlng the busineae m aethif; GONDER’S T.V. Service, available kO 8-7449. cost only $2.29 per week. Call BU 9-3424. able. Call after 5:30. MI 9-2748. Free Delivery Tailor Shop, 8 Bissell. XU 8-7383. shed dormer, 1\4 baths, birch h.p.. Elgin motor, 8300. Xfl 8-0008 Free Set Up By Our Own mately one acre cleared, (tell President J. Engene Smith o f Wfl- any time. Antenna conversions. Francis J. Wrona. 214 South St DETAIL DRAFTSMAN, tool mak­ „ after 5. After 6:30 x a S-S047. cabinets, one acre, $14,900. Carl 9-S331 after 6. SELLINO YOUR property? Have WEAVING of bums, moth holes XIARLOW’S CAN save you money Reliable Men * Wanted to Rent 68 Umantlc State Teachers' COUege Phllco factorf supervised service. Rockville, TR 5-5167. Eveninga TR PART TIME help, 1-5 p.m. Apply ers and tool designers. Apply KNAPP SHOES. Harrv Mahoney, ton W. Kutchins, Xu 9-5132. ready buyers for one snd two- Peraonals and tom clothing, hosiery runs, 5-4841. on bedroom furniture! Buy any PLEASANT, heated room near will speak about the early develop­ Tel. MI 9-1486. In person 9-n a m. Campress, 5 .Conn. State Employment. Xlonday 358 XIain St. Tel. XU 3-4327. Phone For Appointment URGENTLY needed. Couple with LARGE LOT, 64x855 at 171 Oak St., family bouses. Member Multiple handbags repaired. zipper re­ suite tn stock $229.50 and up, we bath, for gentleman, parking, 54 FIVE ROOM ranch, on % acre lot. B zone. Also Industrial land, (tell Listing Service. Sherwood A. ment of Hartford. Later tea and ELBCTRIC RATORS repaired. South Main St. through Friday, 8:30-4:30. Oiamonds-'-Watcht Hartford CTapel 7-0858 High St. three girls, age nine, three and refreshmenU wlU be served. Parts and euttlna heads for all placement, umbrellas repaired, Include Slumterland box spring AFTER 7 P. M. CH 6-4690 Basement garage, fireplace, base­ x n 8-1990. Beecmer, Realtor. Phone Wesley MORTENSEN TV. Specialized RCA " PERMANENT Jewelry 48 and mattress free! E-Z terms. six months, five or six rooms. MI board radiation, hot water heat, Theater Reopens Remington, Sunbeam, Norelco, men’s shirt collars reversed and Busine.«s Opportunities 32 EXPERIENCED baker or baker's See If Day or Night R(X)M TO RENT near Center, 9-6348. R. Smith. MI 9-8963 or Xn $-6969. televUion service. Ml 9-4641 replaced, kyirlow's Little Mend­ SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR ANTI-FREEZE Marlow's Furniture Department. ceramic tile bate, Yotmgatown XIAN(HBSTER—Lot 100x200 AA TTie Glastonbury Theater m- Schick. Russell's Barter Shop helper. Apply in person. Home LEONARD W. YOST, Jeweler, re­ If you have ho means of transpor­ heat, hot water, gentleman. 87 comer Onk and Spruce. ing Shop. SUNOCO* XIadc Rakcry. 699 Main St. WANTED—Heated garage space kitchen. Complete with modern zone, city water and'sewers; Beau­ SELUNO. Buying, Trading? L.M. opened last night and attendanoa CHUOK'S r a d io and T.V. Service. pairs. adjusts watches, expertly. tation, I'll send my auto for Foster St. Phone XII 3-6331. Goodyear has permanent posi­ $1.!)5 gallon, regular'$3.25 for two trucks. Manchester Bot­ style furniture, stove, refrireralor. tiful trees. Elsie Meyer, Realtor, M.L.'(which means Live Modem waa good, according to Roger Liv­ RIDER, T to 8:80 shift, Pratt and Small appliances repaired. 151 t u r n p i k e STATION FOR LEASE tion open for e.Npericnced switch­ IF YOU have been a successful value Reasonable prices. Open daily. INVITATION TO BID you! No obligation! Ready to move In. Been by ap­ XILS. MI 0-6524. —Multiple List)—all your real es­ ingston. the new owner. North Main St. Ml 8-6517, resi­ Thursday evenings. 129 Spruce FURNISHED, heated room, Bath tling (Company. XII 3-7922. Whitney, Eaat Hartford. Parking Building— Contracting 14 XIodern two bay. limited capital board operator. Typing and filing salesman in any line of work and Buildings To Be Removed with shower. Near bus and center. pointment only, (tell Mrs. Zucker- tate the modem way. The EiUs- The 25-yesr-oM theater, which dence MI 3-8980. required, low rent per gallon. Cus­ also required. 40 hour week and Street. XII 9-4387. A—I ^ B — E— R—T— ’S man, XO 9-6285. Inside gate two. MI 9-5901. arc willing to work we will tsgin Cole’.s Discount Station Sealed bids for the removal of 43-45 ALLYN ST., HARTFORD Private family, parking. XU 9-8408. WANTED—Four room apartment worth Mitten Agency, Realtora, haa been closed for three yeai% ALL "TYPES of carpentry w'ork tom blending coming soon. company benefits. Contact Mr. Dev-' you to scil new and used Buicka 436 Center St. the following structures will be re­ by young couple with eight month Subarban for Sale 76 MI 8-6630. has been completely remodeled. FLOOR SANDINO and rettnlsbing. done, alterationa, dormera. roof­ ®onney or Mrs. lin to arrange for interview at BU under our sales training plan. Lib- i------FRONT ROOM, centrally located, $2500 DOWN, beautiful six room Specialising tn old floors. MI Fuel and Peed 49-A ceived by the State Highway Com­ old daughter. Ground floor pre­ SOUTH CXJVENTRY — 5H room The Interior has been repadntad Aotoisobnes for Sale 4 ing, porches, etc. Cali MI 9-5981. Wetherbee at Hartford BU 9-0291 9-3424. Goodyear Tire-an. ford. Office Building in Hartford. Conn , age. Assume 4%% mortgage, view. Basement garage. Price SHED DORMERS, garages and all Sales, 285 XIain St.. Manchester stoye boards, stove pipe, dampers. | places, furnaces and stoves. Oigllo unUl 10:30 A.M. Tuesday, Novem­ Birch S t R o c k v ille tem has been Installed. In adStlaik teyment or had your credit turned Alterations, additions, garages. TWIN BEDS, mattress and springs, Farms and I,.and for Sale 71 (terlton W. Hutchins, Realtpr. Xd $14,700. (tesh required $3,600. types of carpentry work. Roofing, wicks for all stoves, bed.s, new! Brokers. 2.U 3-5301. ber 26, 1957, then at said office or 9-5132. Madeline Smith, Realtor, XO the sotmd ayatem haa been revteto down? Don’t give up! For a good Re siding specialists. Easy budg­ Help Wanted— Female 35 mattresses, springs, roll-a-wav ------— ------$16. two chest of drawer*. $45, high FURNISHED ROOMS and cabins, deal—not thru a small loan com- siding, gutter work. For free esti­ et terms. MI 9-6495 o r ’ TR at such place at that time desig­ heated, light housekeeping. In­ FOR DIFFERENT sizes and and a wide screen suitable tor mates. call MI 9-8938. or Ml Help Wanted-^ bed, vanity, tables. linoleum rugs, SEASONED HARDWOOD for flra- nated, publicly opened and read chair $8. studio couch with cover BOLTON vicinity, 7% acres, four elnemascifn 2( Heck Oaims 8-8730. Male or Female 37 linoleum by the yard, many items aloud. Bids must be submitted on miles of Hartford. Lawrence rooms, full celliu*, oil heat, small BOLTON—(teventry line. New six dated one. (Formerly Douglas Motors). WANTED— Regi.stered nurse two too ihumerous to mention. This Yeomans, PI 2-8002, xn 9-3547. (^Mns, 160 Tolland Turnpike, 4 to r GARAGES, PORCHES, dormers, days a week. Call MI 9-2358. MANAGER JVANTED proposal forms..In Bid Envelopes 6 p.m. Fiano, Broker. Xa 9-6910. barn. 470 foot frontage, $8,000, for room Cape. Four finished down, M. Ia Aronne, the near maaagar, BBFXJRE YOU BITY'a used car M A M RUBBISH Removal Serv­ recreation and attic rooms built. EXPERIENCED ciicker or similar ' stock is left over from Jones ' provided by the State Highway quick sale. 'Please call H o w ^ R. ceramic tile bath, walkout b4(iM- said the ahow wlU Include tha ice. aeaning atUca, celldra and type die rutting machine operator i k’umlture store. Must be sold for PRE-HOUDAY clearance of mat­ T axR iseD u e see Gorman Motor Sales. Buick Kitchens and bathrooms re­ WANTED — Licensed practical Department, which may be secured tresses, box springs and HsUy- SINGLE OR double light house­ Hastings, - Realtor, XfonenSster. ment, large lot. $18,700. R. F. feature and aeleqted abort auh- yards. Incinerators emptied, ashes wanted. Apply Kaklar Toy Co., 60 ' any price. Come and convince Garden— Farm—Dairy Dimock 1 Od., Realtors. -Sales and Service, 385 Main modeled. Robert M. Alexander. nurse two days a week. Call MI Experienced woman to tn Room 531, SUte Office Building, wood beds, compare and sava 20 keeping room. Suitable for work­ Houses tor Sale 72 x n 9-U07 any time. XD JacU with a special iolddto aiatt- Street. MI 9-4571. O ^ n evenings. removed. Contract service avail­ XII 9-7716. 9-2358. Hilliard St. yourself. 40 Oak St.. 2nd floor. Products 50 Hartford: at the District Highway ing people. Call XU 9-3588. 9-5245, Joeeph Ashford, Xn 9-6818, Rockvlle, Nov. 14 (Special)— nee each Saturday. Children uadar able. Xn 9-9757. to 50%. Howard's Sleep Oonter, MANCHESTER. Lakewood OrCle ------• 4 ______manage local ladies’ ap- Open Saturdays only 10 a m.-4 r-nnwiNc------^.7------i Office at Pond Lily Avenue, New 539 Main. MI 9-6835. WEST SIDE—Six room Cape, four Barbara Woods, Xn 9-7702, or Rob­ Democrat mayoralty candidate EM- 18 attanding even ^ performnoaO 1948 8TUDEBAKER Champion pm COOKING AND eating apples 75o down, two finished up. l ^ e en­ section—Ehccellent six room ranch, ert Murdock, Xn 9-5972. RANGE BURNERS and pot burn­ EXPERIENCED ■------6 1* quart basket. Ixnils M. Bottl. Haven, Ckinn., or at the Connecticut 'wln J. Heck today replied te Mayor must be accompanied by an anntt, •edan. Heater, radio, overdrive. Aluminum Storms and Situations Wanted— State Highway Dept. Office. Dist. WHY PAY more? "Ihayer crib out­ TWO FURNISHED light housekeep­ closed porch, amesite drive, fine breezeway and garage, recreation Herman G. Olson’s comments i ers cleaned and serviced, elao new jiai’el chain. Write giving USED LUMBER, assorted sizes. In- j ^ush Hill Rd. room, a fine adorese for doctor or A I ^ IVER—Small house and ga Paper Drive Sunday 1948 Chevredet convertible. Heat­ SEWING MACHINE _____ Female 38 1. No,0. 500 CApltol Avenue, Hart- fit with wetproof mattress and ing room*. Apply 4 ^ a p e l St. location. For appointment to see eardlng -the- proposed budget and er, rddt^ no down payment, $2 burners. Terms, cash. MI 9-0147. Screens 14-A side and outside doors, windows, ' :— call ths' R. F ; -Dlmock Co., Real executive. Bubetantlal cash need —rage. je - K notly-pln». living and ., Realtors. Xn 9-5245, cheater, xn 9-1107 any time. 9-7702, Or Robert Murdock, xa te Boilers anil furnace repairing. ture bedding, rugs and lamps, E-Z that Heck predicted an increase carrying out U^ge quantlUas o f p iy B:S0. Ray Jackson, MI 3-8325. ian, case supervisors, social work­ complete, also cellar of Build­ couple. Call x n 3-6441 up to 7 p.m. 9-6972. Tel. MI 9-1658 or XU 9-8762. GOOD CLEAN cow manure. De­ terms. Joseph Ashford, xn 9-6818, Bar­ from expenditures only, without p e n Bbonid eontaet Ralph Thtt* er. clerk-typist, bookkeeper, cash­ RECEIVING AND shipping clerk Situations Wanied^Male 39- t.« ovs- - - ing, 10% complete. Rear of bara Woods, xn 9-7702, or Robert PORTER STREET Section— B7ve 1949 PLYMOUTH, four door aedan, FOR THE best In shingle and built livered. Excellent now* for lawne, ROOM AKD ROOMS, private bath, T A L C O rm iL B - VeziMa, $21,900. knowing the amount of receipts. man, chairman o f tha drivsu WATER PUXIPS and Systems com- ier, telephone operator, key punch wanted for permanent position in —------—------/ _____ . THREE OIL BARRELS $3 each ' shrubs, etc. XII 3-7804. MI 9-8731. Unwood Drive, East Hartford Murdock, Xa 9-5972. year old six room (telonlal, large 'good second car, 9100. Call MI up roofing, gutters, leaders, chim­ I Call MI 9-9712. shower, entrance, parking and living room, fireplace, metal New Ctenn. contemporary, ultra Heck replied to Olson's charges Hew Fire OnnwnlialHnerB plately installed and repaired. ney and roof repairs call Coughlin operator, stenographer, salesper­ warehouse. 40 hour week, com­ 159-82 Former property of HAND-MADE crocheted bedspread, phone. Call BA 9-7812. or write 8-5890 after 9:80 p.m. son, cook, housekeeper, maid, WANTED—Part tKne work, NEW SPUrtf LBVFJ,, 1800 square kitchen cabinets, attached garage, modern ranch. % acre w ood^ today as follows: "On the basis of Lyman Matson has been alaetto Also water softeners and filters. x n 8-7707. pany benefits include paid vaca­ SINK DRAINBOARD, white, Iron Wood Construction Co., Frank ^may be- seen at 89 Charter Oak fit. 54 Seston Drive, New Britain. C. A. Re}molds Xn 9-5327. waitress, countergiri, rest room tion, life and hospitalization Insur­ ning or morning. Xn 9-1872.' Household Goods 51 R. feet, Rockledge Section. 2% bates, large porch, hot water heat oil, lot Washer • dryer-retrigerator- four ysara experienca of munici­ ebatrman of the ton Omunteal* 1968 FORD CUSTOM, fopdomatic, enamel, like new, cheap. XII tile bath and first floor lavatory, bullt-ln oven-stove are' included. pal budget-making and consider­ heater, radio, very good. Private ROOFING. SIDING, painting. Car- attendant, hairdresser, baker, to­ ance at no cOst to employe. Ap­ A performance Bond In the AIR-WAY VAC7UUM cleaner, model ROOM NEXT to bath and shower, two-car garage. Reduced to with John Maggl as vtea chairman HILU! TELEVISION Service. bacco warehouse workers, sewing ______' ANTIQUE FURNITURE, ailver, 55. excellent attachments, $25. $24,900. For further information aluminum storm windows and For amotntment to see call the ing all factors involved In this Re­ and Gerald (huison, tha new aaera- sale, 9998. M l 9-8943 after 8 p.m. P*ntry. Alterations and additions. ply Goodyear Tire and Rubber 'am ount of $1,000.00 for EACH In quiet home, parking. XII 9-0087 R. F. Dlmock Cte.. Realtors, xa Available at all times. Philco fac­ Ceilings. Workmanship guaran­ machine operators, presser, as­ Co., 180 Goodwin Street, East Dojrs-^Birds— Pels 41 ' NORGE—15.9 cubic foot chest «oH after 5i60 p.m. Heating and Plumbing 17 TOWN ADVERTISEMENT structures to the ground level. In- SAVE 15% 3-7675. Robert Murdock, xn 9-S972. ther Inforraatlcm or appointment these homes are among the bet­ "It would be Interesting to know (3irtetmas decorations. MI 3-025V tion and also use transcribing meat cutter, furniture finishing, WANTED Good home for on Cktnn electronic how the Xlayor hopes to Justify hte equipment. 40 hour week, company -three ' THREE RTORXl w-indows size eluding ail slabs, gas pumps, A organs and band Instrumente. to see call the R. F. Dimock A ter values In this ares. T. J. The Hartford County YWCA 1998 R a m b l e r station wagon. A-1 paper hanger, plastertr, awning kittens. MI 9-7897. J 58',''x28", six 34 "xSk'-", Inquire SIX ROOM Ca{>e. centrally located Oockett. Realtor, Xa 8-1877 or claim of no increase In taxes," DiaC’S WEATHERSTRIP Com­ benefits Including paid vacations, maker, slitter. ser<'lce station DISTRIBUTION tanks— (above and below ground) Ward Krause. Xn S-5836. WOMAN TO share modern home, Co., Realtors, MI 9-5245, Joseph will observe World FeDowabto bondiUon throughout, 21.000 orlg PLUXIBING AND healing—repairs and pipes as directed: to remove $13,800. Aluminum siding, amesite Ashford, MI 9-6818, Barbara x a 9-6418. Heck stated. Week with supper tonight n t ttm l tnal mUos. 91380.’ MI 9-5385. pany, doors and windows, custom life and hospltalizatloh insurance at man, driver, trailer driver, greas­ references. Write Box O, Herald. drive. This home is on excellent He also commented on the May­ and contract work. Call xn 9-8541. no cost to employe. * Champ breed stock OF SAND all material not suitable for fill; to Woods, MI 9-7702 or Robert Mur­ o’clock at the,First Churto of work, guaranteed. Cali Ml 9-1583 er, machine adjlister, toolmaker Call x n : buy! For appointment to see call dock. x n 9-S9T2. BOLTON CENTER —Some alert or’s- claim for credit tn replacing after 8 p.m. Contact apprentice, mglerial handler, car 3-7839. In accordance with the By-lawa backfill all existing dug W'ells and Christ. Xfembera and frianda wiU be LLOYD’S PLUXIBINO Service^as cesspools; to cap or plug all sewer- Apartments— FIat»— the R. F. Dimock Co., Realtore, buyer Is going to look this house obsolete equlptfient with modem Ante brlvtng School 7-A sures satisfaction, prompt servicer. * XIr. Devlin washepi-'cimslrii.cUon helper. Apply adopted by the Tov.-n meeting of INVITATION xn 9-C245, Joseph Ashford, Xn TWO-FAXOLY duplex $15,900. 5-5. over and make themselves a ter­ served dtahan- typical ot forrign to arranage for inten-iew pipe openings at foundation wall equipment "when in fact," Heck ■ ■ m CH 7-6124. xn 9-5488. Connecticut State Employment March 2, 1945, requiring the prop­ Tenements 63 9-6818, Barbara Woods, Xn 9-7702 Large rooms, two car garage. rific buy on this house. Real said, "he (tha XSayotr) te merely places and the entertainment and LARSON’S , DRIVING School. itonsehold Services BU 9-3424 Service, 806 XIain St.. XIonday-Fri- HOXIE WANTED for three little NOTICE erty ow-ners and tenants to keep cut-off*. The cellar floors must be Informal alngtng wUl have an broken up to permit the drainage TO BIDDERS or Robert Murdock, XII 9-5972. Qiolce location. Shown by appoint­ large rooms, thrse bedrooms. IH pertotuattog a policy estSsbUshed Manchester's otdy« trained and Offered 13-A S. WATSON. PLUXIBING and heat­ GOODYE.AR TIRE & day. 5:30 to 4:30 or Wednesdays 9 kitten*. MI 3-4563. In accordance with the requlre- walks cleah of Ice and snow, and THREE ROOM furnished apart­ baths, all the extras like windows, national flavor. of ail pockets. After inspection by ment. Adults only. 106 Birch St. ment only. R. F. Dlmock A (te.. several years before by a Demo­ ^certified Inatructor. For your safe ing contractor. New installations, North Park St., Rockville, 9:.30 to — menta of the Zoning Regulations to piake same safe by the applica­ PROJECT NO. CX3NN—49 EAST HARTFDRD — Five room Realtors, Xn 9-5245. Joseph Ash­ amesite, two-car garage, good lot ty we 4UW trained to tea ^ proper FLAT FINISH Holland window RUBBER CO. 3:30. . a representative of, the Highway Sealed proposals for the con- after 6, or telepho'ne Baybrook EX two-story single. Aluminum cratic adm&ilstratlon,’’ alteration Work and repair work, 180 Goodwin .St. jn ’I'u'''n of XIanchester. Ctonn.. tion of sand or some other suitable ford, x n 9-8818, Barbara Woods, Owners are getting anxious to Bfanehester Evening BetnH ily. xn 9-6075. shades, made to measure. All xn 9-3808. Poaltiy and Supplies Department, the cellar hole must stniction of Alterations and Addi­ 9-6033. . storm windows and screens, do­ Heck refers to the *^asee’’ May­ East Hartford " '‘ 'I substance, within 12 hours.luurs auafter er xn 9-7703 or Robert Murdock, XO move, so why not lo^ It over and or Olson “precipated by hte un­ CUnatoslbary cerreepoiidtBh R to, metal Venetian blinds at a hew PROJECT ENGINEER— Excellent I hold a public hearing on Xlonday lormatipn of ice. aniLthe dlatrlbu- ba filled with suitable material. tions to the Manchester Memorial mestic hot water, baseboard heaL 9-5972. make an offer. Be surprised how Betty MeNnnann, Idephaim KB*- MORTl^CK’S—Manchester’s fsad- low price. Keys made while you op^rtunity for man capable of Top soil or loam' will not he con­ Hospital. Manchester, Connecticut, THREE ROOM-heated apartment Needs repairs and redecorating. warranted and ilteMl attempted WAITRESSES (Threc)\ one six FOR SALE—Thlrty.flve White Leg- s-ooening. n’xr November 2.5. 1957 at ‘ Hon...... of“ “ aand in oi all mo parts of the for. rent with garage $95 a month, realistic the eeHers will be. T. J. ford 8-1768.-— ^------— -'jr - Ing Driving School offers the moot wait. Marlow's. Miib'nery Dremtnaking 19 administering and supervising, a in) \r In ____ a _1— . ... sidered suitable material. The site Including general Construction, O im er lot. Business A Zone. One- MANCHESTER—Six room Cape dismissal of the senior m'smber o f days, one sLx nights, one three horn'----- ' ------hens.------XII 3-'7804. * v'.uO R-Xr. in ^ e hearing room of, Town shall be In accordance with first floor. (?all Xa 9-9515. Crockett, Realtor, Xa 8-1877 or the city council." refers, to the In driver educatton. Thousands of broad series of development proj­ the XIunldpaT Building on the i the schedules noted below. must be left in good workmanship Plumbing, Heating . and Venti­ car garage with basement. Can te $15,800. Six finished rooms, (tem- x a 9-6418. oatiafled students, 200,000 miles ABSOLUTE Bargain — Upholstgr- nights, For interview apply in. (SOP attempted ouster of James person after 5 p.m. Walnut Res- ects of electrical components and «PpHcatlons. STATE' Trucks and men in the employ manner. lating, Electrical Work, Sprinklers, used for repair work. Owner will pleted gzime room. Detached ga­ accident free instructions, xn Ingr custom made cornices, DRESSMAKINO and vAlteratlona accessories for alrcraTT; alroeaft A b id es For Sale The Contractor shall secure at and Site Improvements, in accord­ carry second mortgage. Price rage, Ideal location, near trans­ SOUTH WINDSOR—Nearing com­ Doherty from the Council in Janu­ U.S. to Deport Man 9-7898. drapes and Slip covers, $79.50 and done, xn 9-3852. • tauriant. 7 Walnut St. 45 H I R I N G ALSO. . of the Town will fill boxes, barrels, SIX ROOM duplex house, centrally ary, 1956, at a meeting when one wirings, ignitions, radio shleld- -I'llerii, east of No. | or (other suitable receptacles If- his own expense all necessary per­ ance with drawings and specifica­ located. Write Box J, -Herald. $11,600. Lawrence F, Fiano, Brok­ portation and shopping center. .R. pletion. oversized, custom nmch. up. Oioice of fabrics. Call Mrs ings. etc. Develop new products mits and shall comply fully with all er, Ml 9-5910. Democrat was absent, ^vlng Olson DRESSMAKING, alterationa, ape- KITCHEN- HELPER w'anted. three Ki5YAL AND Smith-Corona port­ 937 (>nler Street, Business Zone i placed on the lawn In front of tions prepared by Ebtets, Frid A F. Dimock A Cte., Realtors, MI (terefuUy buUt on H sere lot. Held for Treason Holmss, xn 8-7063. to four hours a day. Apply Cavey's and improve old. Electrical knowl­ able and standard typw-rUers. local requlremenU relating to Prentice, Architects, will be re­ PARTLY FURNISHED five room 9-5246, Joseph Ashford, Xn 9-6818, Beautiful kitchen. Attractive the opportunity to break a Ue vote cializing in children'a clothea. MI n and Residence Zone A. Special: houses, near the sidewalks, but not TWO-FAXOLY 6-5, choice location Restaurant. edge eascntlal. Coat conscious. AM makes and adding machines, *-^'.;cuuon^ cep tion 1*is requesiearequested to erect on the sidewalk. Receptacles demolition, including police and ceived by the Mancheiter Memo­ duplex, no bathroom. Call Xn Barbara Woods, xn 9-7702 or neighborhood. Ranity to parkway ort the Republican sponsored aider- Sew Matching Jumpers 9-9140. near hospital. Individual oil heat. man. (Oontlned froin Pngs Ons> V $8J)00 fee paid. Barker Per.sonni-l soli or rented. Repairs on all ga.soline aeiwice station and Cer-should be placed op the lawn the firei protection. rial Hospital on or before four 3-5724. Robert Murdock, Xn 9-5972. and new Amdson bridge. $18,800. Excellent condition. Two car ga­ IF YOUR coat needa rclinlng and WAITRESS and counter girls, ex­ Service, 1383 Main St., Springfield, makes. Marlow s. . j tificate of Approval for game. hllfhl before as trucks start In tha The State of (Connecticut as­ o’clock (4:00) PJd., on TTufraday, R. 8. Olmsted Agency, CH 9-8661, Also charging that the Mayor An Ea$y-To-Knit Classic! perienced. Full or part time also MODERNLY DESIGNED for ef­ rage, amesite drive. Large . lot, MANCHESTER—Vacant, 40 Stone falsely claims personal credit for lM3 after tria]^ .before a military for other alterationa call XII Xlass. RE 7-2687. ______I Glldden's- Gulf Senice. south-1 a.'ea at 7 A.XI. sumes no responsibility for any December 12, 1957 in the Nurses' Mr. Towson, XO 3-4805, Xa 8-0102. commission here. ’ . doughnut sale.". Anply In person, change in the condition of the fortless living. Beautiful new ex­ $18,900. R. F. Dlmock A Co.. Real­ ' St. One-half house, second floor, (Council actions, Heck promises: 9-2735. Reaaonable. “ : east corner Middle Turnpike West 1 Sand will be delivered to all part* Dining Room at the Manchester tors, xn 9-5245, Joseph Ashlord, Atty. Gen. Rogers snnounced Hole-In-One, XIanchester Shopping REGISTERED pharmacigt* full *■ “ '■oad Street. Buslne.ss Zone II. I of town on November 18 19S7 structurea or loss of fixtures or Memorial Hospital, 71 Haynes cellent location in Rockville, twen­ six large rooms, new steam furn­ R(X3CVILLE — O ntral location, "A s mayor, I would work with the or part lime :^-atcady reliable man. ty minutes from Hartfoi^ via Ml 9-6818, Barbara Woods, Xn yesterday that President Basen- Parkadc. I (Special Exception is requested to |, In the event of a snow (storm, equipment during the period of Street, Manchester, (Connecticut, ace. screened porch large attic, one year old. Cape (ted, four fin­ (Council and It* committee* as a / Moving— Trucking Pleasant working conditions, sH time between the inspection and Parkway. All appliances, indivi­ 9-7702, or Robert Murdock, Xn large lot, garage, $9ilOQ for quick ished room s.'two unfinished, full team member In accordance -with hower''bad commuted Haupt's Ufa EXPERIENCED bakerc salesgirl benefits,benefits' Apply' Arthur^Drug' 94'>: ^ uiihlic hearing will held, bv ^ ■"'I Cer-1 delivery will be marfe the folloW- and immediately thereafter pub­ dual heat control and antenna, 9-5972. sentence ttf the time ha already Storage 20 the date the building is removed licly opened and read aloqd. sale. Howard R. Hastings, Real­ basement, Elxcellent financing the principal of the City qharter,” Apply in persbn. Home XIade Bak­ XIain St the Town PUnning Commission of: {"I ilng day. November 19, 1957. laundromat. Ample amesite park­ tor, x n 9-1107 any time. available. Asking $18,800. Mr. has servto. Rogen- aald this was \ ery, 699 Mirin' St. Manohester.'1:7onnecticut, Wednes-' * All Mraona interested may at-.i No deliverie.s of sand will ba from State property by the sue Plans and speclfieationa may be TWO-FAXIILY—8-6, two car ga- ing for two cars, each available done only \to send Haupt back to \ ■- MANCHESTER Package Delivery; - ...... :...... , ceasful bidder. examined at the office of the rage. Prime location. St. James Dunfield. xn 9-4885. Ctenn. Real dav evening. November 20. 1957, at „ i 'I*''’ ' Nov. 15 and Dec. 1. Three rooms MANCHESTER— Spacious center Estate Exchange. AD 8-9661. Germany. HanP^ 'F** naturaUasd Light trucking and package deliv­ WOMAl^^ TO care, for two children 8 P.M. In the ,Hearing Room of the i James Sheekey Contractor's Public Liability and Architect, 862 Asylujn Avenue, Parish. All large rooms, $18,500, hall layout. Custom built, five ery. Refrigenatora, washera' and and bath. Adults $100 monthly. in 1930, but to l09t hi* cltlsanahlp 845f and manage hou.sehold. live in. Munieipal Building, on applies- If™ i*' ^ * 'r'n * n I Town Engineer A Supt. Property Damage, Demolition Hartford, Connecticut, and copies Phone Ml 9-4824, TR 5-5ns. Call the R. F. Dimock Ck>., room ranch in AA ^ n e . Attached Bids ^Sought when convicted of treason. 10-30 stove moi’ing specialty. Folding References room and boftrd plus • Se^TtC TANKS , tion for proposed orders altering i j ,.t Secretary; of Highways Workmen’s Compensation Insur­ thereof obtained upon payment of Realtors. Ml 9-5245, or Joseph garage, fireplace, aluminum chairs for rent. XU 9-0752. ance, and a Performance Bond will It Haupt evab returns to Amar* salary. Call MI 9-1457. Cleaned and Installed f or rgmov-ing afl established build-' | Advt. No» 5023 Seventy-Five Dollars ($75.00) for Ashford. MI '9-6818, Barbara storms and screens. Beautiful lot. Coventry lean soil, he wUl be sent back to I ing line, as follows: | . ______te required for each item as noted each set. which .deposit will be re­ FIVE ROOMS, unfurnished. (Jail Woods, xn 9-7702, Robert Mur Asking $31,500. Elsie Meyer, Real­ On 3 Houses MANCHESTER, Xloving and SECRETARY wanted on part time tn the Proposal Form. dock, MI 9-5972. prison to serve oht hte life term.. trucking (Co. Xn 3-6563. Own^d m SEWERS XIATHER STREET. South side. funded upon return of the docu­ xn 8-4920. tor. xn,s. xn 9-6524. Herbert Haupt vraa one o f eigh t bas's, two or three mornings a I To remov-q or alter, .all or part of A formal contract will te en­ ments in good condition within ten Motorist' Charged Bids on removal orthree houses and operated by Walter B. Per- .week to atari with. Murt know how­ XIaehbie Cleaned • (CENTRAL home or apartment, $1,000 DOWN, SH rooms one floor, SPE(3tAL—$9800. Four room ranch Nazi agents captured after slip­ j an estrbljshcd 30’ building line, tered info by the State with each days of bid opening. in the path of an Etest Hartford rett Jr , Agent for Burnham's Van to tync. have knowledge of book­ succesaful Udder,., which will in­ Write 54" Seston Drive, New Bri­ hot water bkseboard heat, g ora n , full basement. Nicely landscaped ping ashore on the Btest Coast fnm i Service. Service to -18 .states. I starting at a point at the Ipter- Each bidder .must deposit with After 2-Car Crash connection to Rt. *6 will he taken keeping. In.surancr agency back­ • INSTALLATION clude provlsioni renrdlng liqui­ his bl^ security in an amount not tain. Or BA 9-7812. Can te seen two acres, trees. Carlton W. lot. This home Is in perfect condi­ a German submarine. |n all, atx J..a,ection of Woodbridge Street and Hutchins, Realtor. Xn 9-5132. by the State Highway Department of the agents were electromited and ground would be- heinful but not , . SPECIALIST running rasterty tor a distance of dated damagee of Ito.OO per day less tnon ten per cent (10% ) of weekends. tion inside and out. R. F. Dlmock AUSTIN A. CHAMBER.q CO.. lo, Herald. ROOM HOUSE The apparent successful biddir stove and refrigerator, $85. MI Wood*, x n 9-7702 or Robert Mur­ 73, o f Cedar Swamp Rd.. was. Manchester. Developer Ffsink R. Germany. ford CH 7-1423- Town and Country SION. , • . from a surety company author­ cellent condition. Call the R. F. will be ^ven. ten (10) daye from 3-6942. dock, MI 9-5972. charged with reckless drivlngi Wood while Under’ construction, Mrs. Emma Haupt. Herberts M ytin E. Alvol-d. CBalrman ised to do businass in the State Dlmock Co., Realtors, Xn 0-5245 are on Llnwood Dr., Just across the INSURE YOUR Merry Chri.stmas. -date of letter of notification, to of Connecticut; Suqh security shall Tuesday night after a 2-car crash mother, also yrbs convicted of trea* earn .vour Christmas money Drainage Go. Dorothy C. Jacobson, Secretary t h r e e R(X)M apartment, heat, or Joseph Aidifotri xn 9-6818, Bar­ GAXIBOLATI BUILT Ranch. One on R t 44A. Glastonbury town line . In East aon, but her conviction-later w ss LIGHT TRUCKING and small Jobs XIanchester, Conn. M o p e d O n t o submit- necess4U7 performance be made payable to the Manchester hot nrateri garage, $100 a month. bara woods, xn 9-7702, Robert done reasonable. XU 9-7853. selling Avo,n’s national!'- adver­ bond, balMce of purchase price, year old, nice lot 90'x40Q’. Reduced According to Stete Policeman Hartford. ------reversed and the case against bar Ml 9.4143 November 8, 1957 ' ' . ( » Memorial Hospital. Phone MI 9-5229 or Xn 3-7444. Murdock, xn 9-597X for quick sale, $17,800. 9-6422. They are In the p |3i of a high­ tised gift sets. Call MI 3-5195. AdvxNo. 44J6 . ^ location o f new site, and ngme of No bid miay be 'wdthdrawm for a Frank Shay of 'the Stafford dropped. The Justice' Department - propoeed building mover. Failure FURNISHED APARTMENT, suit­ NEW Si x r o o m house. Carter St.. Springs barracks, a car drivisn by way planned to connect the Glas- said it had no information on Mrs. ' period- o f thirty days after the tonbury.Sbtpressway lyith a master Paintine— Paperin? 21 to ^ so may constitute cause for opening Of bids, able, two adults. Inquire after 5 Mancheater. Five rooms, complete 21,000 DOWN Mrs. Joan G. Howland, 32, of Lov­ Haupt's whereabouts. - YOUR LOT ' rejection of bid. p.m. x n 9-7597. full rear dormer, 1%. baths, fire­ W shaye two houses, one In Mad- ers Lone, stopped prior tO making interchange across the Etest Hart- The U.S. Immigration Offles hi PAINTING a n d p’aperHanging. n ie Owner reserves the right to A eeparate proposal form must reject any or all bids and to waive place, basement garage. Go to end ‘ohsster, one In Bolton. Can be pur- a left hand turn into Cedar Swamp foifd line from Manchester." Hartford. (Jonn., said Hatipt would Good clean workmanshhip at rea­ t a n k s of Porter St., Carter St. Short’die- .chased for $1,000 down. Both are Rd., when It was struck by Rt. 6 would run Into this Inter­ be picked up at Danbury a{ 12:80 sonable rates. 30 years in XIan­ SEPTIC I • be. submitted for each itom. any informalities in the bidding if AND > Busliiess . Bids must clg.drly indlcsts It be in his interest to do so. Boslneas Locatloni tance further qn right. Thomas vacant, have new heating systems, Brown's.car. .» • , change before preceding through, p.m; b y Detention O fficer ^ames A . chester. Raymond* FisHe. XU Shannon, Builder, XIl 3-7469, two bedrooms in each. One has a The Howland caF 'was' ' spun the Bouth Ehvd Of Manchester if 9-9237.- ' ■ ' For Sale whsthsr payment Is to be made BY k The successful bidder will be re­ for Rent 64 BU Sullivan and Investigator Fnn(ds the State, or TO the' State. quired to furnish simultaneously 9-1418. two- upon a STATE BANK AND surety bond in the amount of at resulted to both cars. Pan-American flight 73 a t-6:80 'rtlUST COMPANY, or a NA- office, insurance company^ hall, ranee, Lake Street. Large rooms, Brown suffered a bruised chest tlTe connecting link have been made p.m. for the return trip to.-Oe»i-._ Wallpaper book*. Estimates given. Septle 'Tonka.' Dry W^la, Rawer SUNOCO SERVICE ern • cabinet j'S kitchen, least one hundred per cent (100%) etc. Occupancy 8-6 lAontei. In finished recreation room with fire­ *r. J. CROCKETT. Realtor Fully covered by Insurance. CJall TIONAL b a n k , located In the of the contract amount as security and cuts of the chin, and- Mrs. by the town of East Hartford. many. :*• < ‘ ' Llnr* In«taired--Cellar JW.ater- larRe,' landscaped yard center of town. One car garage for place. IH bates, 'combination win­ Office—xn s-isn Howland suffered bruised shiiu. ’ The Linwood Dr. houses on which ' Edward R. Price Xn 9-1003. prooflng Done. / , STATION STATE OF coxmEcncnjT, to for fa w fu l performance of the dows and doors. Will accept build­ TOI KNITI Induties: the order of the TREASURER OF contracC and a payment bond In rent at the Center, (Tail i n 9 -6 ^ , ResIdOnce—MI 9-7751 Brown is scheduled to appear In bids for removal will be taken PqR LEASE with shade trees. Man­ or xn S-7444. ing lot or Industrial land in trade, Justice (teurt tonight. were bought from >the Frank R. - - B 4 8 9 i 5334 -1 WALLPAPER removed $7.50 per THE STATE OF (XJNNECTICJUT. the amount of at least one hundred C3all Builder-Owner xn 8-632i. Kaman May Make SIZES 36-3M0 room. Cleon, quick, modern oper- FOB INFORMATION chester* Green area. Call In an amount not less than $1(M).00 FIVE ROOM ranch attached ga­ Wood (Tonstruction Co. In March, a MklNNIEY BROS. * FuH medsrn baHiroem 1r * hot wafsr hoot per cent (100%) of the contract FOR OFFICE or commercial use, rage, lot l()0'x226’ on Strickland 3-8 yrt, lion. Evening accommodations CALL MRS. WETHERBI^E or 10% of the base bid, whichever amount as security for the pay* Highway Department - spokesman Knit this sleeveless’ classic from Ml 9-1205, after 3 p.m. three roomei ground floor. Main $8,700. FIVE RCK3XIS, (1 unfin- St. (tell after 4:30 MI 9-8654. One-Rotor Copter extended. MI 9-9158. ' , Sewerage Disposal Co. la greater, must accompany * the ment of all persons performing la­ Street neer (jenter. Phone xn ished), excellent condition, alum>- said. jM t right for big and little girls, the softest . of yarn for that 'man BU 94)291 V or weekend. > * Cablnst kifehtn . 1 • Storago (BlWie" Talk, . Photos Set They were among several houses —«rincesa Jumpers .that look alike.! m your life.' He likes to have at Ito-ISt Pearl SL — HI S-8]$08 proposal unlesa the c o n t ^ t o r bor and furnishing materials in 9-5238 or x n 3-7444. inum storms, centrAl. Carlton W. BOV^ERB SCHOOL area. New six ALL PAINTING and papehhanging ah w hava on fils with the High: connection with the contract and Hutchins, x n .8-5132. east of Forbes St. purchased while HarUord, Nov. 14 US)—The Ka­ No 8451 with PAar-O-RAMA is least------one such iweater in hiS guaranteed. Excellent workman­ * Insulatofl | ro6m (two unfinished) Cape Cted. 1 * Cc^lh^lon sink way Department an Annual Bmd for the payment of any sums due STORE for rent Reasonable rent. Hot water heat, oil burner, flre- For PTA Meeting under construction. The purchase man Aircraft Corp. of Bloomflal^ in Sizes 10. 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. SUe wardrobe, and will like-it twice ship., Call JA S-5792 for free" estl» was made etHy In order to avoid which has won a design competi­ 12 32 bust, Mi yards of 39-lnch. tor PropoaaL for the rental or hire of vehicles, 707 Main. Fine location for any MANCHESTEIR—Five room older placei front entry with doset, a* much becau.se you cared enough mate. ----- 1 ond tub. home, good condition, all utlUtieS, tha growth of right-of-way expenses tion for a new utility helicopter for No. 8489 with PATT-O-RAMA is to make it! ■■ N £. Failure to comply with steam shovels, rollers, concrete huainees. tVlll enlarge or remodel.’ back porch, metal hatchwa#^ Im­ A travelogue, with color slides the preceding reqtdrementa mixers, tools, Smd other appliances Apply Samuel Ech'euon. JA 3-7783, near bus, schools and stores'. Good mediate occupancy, priced right and running commentary, will be which would have Increased u con­ the Navy, may eventually, produce In sizes 8. 4, 5, 6. 7, 8 years. Size Pattern No. 5334 contains knit LOCATED IN MANCHESTER, CONN. .finance available, full price $9500. struction had pm eeded," the its first copters without tirai In t^ . 4, 1% yards of 39-tnch. Two pat­ BoRds—-Stockn tVIorigaRes .31 will be cauae f6r rejection of and equipment employed in such or Janitor, MI 3-7913. — for quick sale. Telephone owner given by Max OoodsUne at the directions for size* 36. 38 and 40- the bid and retention of bid construction, Performsnee snd Six room cape—plus garage, good spokesman said. They are being meshing rotora tern*. sUtch illustrations; finishing direc­ , / REAR OF POUCE STATION xa 8-6446. meeting of the Urcoln PTA Mon­ DEBTS HEAVY? Dial CT 6;8897 WANTED... TO BEvSOLD deposit payment bonds must te issued by Hqnses for Rent 65 location,, near bus, schools and day at 8 p.m. at the school. sold now in accontence with the Kaman’s' winning mockup de­ For these patUrna, send 35c for tion*. atorer.. Easily financed, full price, Each, in Coins, your name, ad­ and ask Frank Burke or Jinny Tlie Stats rsserves the right to a surety company licensed to do XCAHCHE8TER-$18.800. six room Goodstine, treaau: er of the PTA. department's policy ot clearing sign employs a alngl* rotor sat Send 25c in Coins, your name. MAIN STREET, CORNER OF.HJCNRr, This property may $jS,900. XIany more homes in all land as soon oa p o ^ b le after pur­ above and just to thb rear of ths dress. sizes desired, and the Pat- Steiicek how a second mortgage EXPERIENCED fsject any and all bida, wholly or business In the State of (^nnecU- NEWLY REDECORATED three Cape, two unflniohed. Large lot has visited (terlabad Caverns, the Pattern Number be-used for residential purposes dr may easily.be converted In tort; to waive technical defei' cut. room apertihent in' Vernon Conn. price ranges. Call Ellsworth Xllt- with trees and .play area, quiet chase to save the expense of cockpit plus a tail rotor, used for toni.Nuniber to SUE BUBNETT. to ANNE CABCrt, THE MAN- on your home to combine biUs MECHANIC Grand, (tenyon and Boulder Dam, can be paid off at a coat of only :for office or professional occupancy. 6lx good sized rooms olua and to make awarda as may be Forms of bid bond, -performance Modern conveniencea. Central lor ten Agency, Realtore. xn 3-6980. street. Seboeri via bus. Attractive guarding, h« said. steering purposes. An of tbs tons- THE MANCHESTER EVENING *='i®NINO HERALD FOB GENERAL large entrance hall, I'.i baths, 2-car garage, G-E heating sys­ and it Is o f these places he‘ will HEBAUD. lUS AVE. AMERICAS, a penny a month-for each dollar deemed tor the beat internt of tbs and payment bonds, and contract cation.'Adults only. Xn 9-2837. neighborhood. R. S. Olmsted Agen­ CMistructton of the connector pany’a past and current beUcop* GARAGE WORK -. . . tem, plus many other features. This choice location should ,en- ' PEH MONTH and down pay­ cy. CT 9-8661. XIr. Towson. XO show pictures and talk. road which would link the expreae- ten have amployad only-tlM twto Nets YORK M. N. Y. YWK M. N. NEW of debt. $1000 can be repaid at Stats. ALL BIDS are incorporated* in the specifiea' ment will buiy this'large five room Pareabs *md frisnds are Iqvited $32.25 per month. , Connecticut hance in value. Inspection by appointment. ARE SUBJECTT TO THE Uons; PTVE ROOM first floor, two bed­ 8-4808, XO. 8-0102. way with the interchange te stUI rotors above tha cockpit The Fall and Winter <87 edition w Bridgop^ FOrosf 7>770V room fla t Central location, • ga-' •vuich, on highway 44-A, school to the mssUng and to hear the Mw^5M-e,EbcchAnge, (18 Lewis St., PROVAL OF THE COMMIS" MANCHESTER ' MBXIORIAL “ a few yean away,” according to If tha mockup daatgn tor tbs ct cur pattern book Basic Fashion Nwriliswork Album? It conUIn* -rage, eulteble for small femUy. bus In front of house, also to lUDen- XCANCHEi8TllR—$14 JOO, five room travelogus. Rsfreahments will be the hltoway departeieat is fiUsd with smart, new styles for COOK'S ROBERT A SMITH. Inc. Haw Hovm UNhfonlty 5^109 SIONER or riNANCB AMQ HOSPITAL new hallcopter, to ba known aa as ®fty-six colorful • pagcjs showing SERVICE STATION Write Box U , Herald. Chester High, very good location. Cape, on DUS line, two blocks from served aftsr4hs meeting. Traffic from the propoeed OUs- HU3K-1,' goes Into prototype tor all slssa; special fenturce. It’s MS M AIN n iB E E T L -S a S-5S41 CONTROL , By: Raymond W. OoelM, Oarage, patk>,

(7 ‘V f , ■ ; 7 ■V/ ■i- r'- fi r . s.. '■ V . . ' . '■ ri* m i . ■ :.j3- ■ , f f ■ ■ ■ . ■■ " ■ ■ ■ frAOE TWENTY-EIGHT THURSDAY, NOVEM BER'14, 1967 iKmuitpatpr lEurning Upralb Avetagt Daily Net Press Run The Weather For the Week Ended FoTMMt *f C. S^IFsattar BarsM sultant and the wa}-*' a consultant The Hartford Home Economic* Salvation Army Corps Cadets ' Nqs-ember 6, 19^7 >- , IN can-assist teachers in th* teach- will,meet this evening at 8:30 at About Town Club will have Mr*. Jane Cheney, Fair, mlM toalght Vow In 46*. ii^ of reading. director of the Children's Mu­ the atadel. with Mr*. Peter Stevenson, leader. The oped air 12,674 Fair, mild Nnturdaj, Inerwaaing Two hot w pper plate*, apa^hetti seum of Hartford, as guest speak­ Joseph Schauster, chairman, an- service will follow at 7:30, weath­ cioudlfiens late Saturday. High in •nd maathalU, and frankfurters er at the meeting next Tuesday at , Member of the Audit and beans, will be featured Satur­ nounctA) today that K of C mem­ er permitting. A midweek praise PINEHURST____ FANCY GIFT Bureau of Circulation mid oia. _ : 7:30 p.m. at SL James Episcopal service will be held ..at 8 o’clock, day evening at the Christmas Tree bers planning to attend the Mass Church. Zion St.. Hartford. All Manchester—^A City of Village Charm ' . and holy cohimunion for deceased conducted by M ajor and Mrs. F air at the Church of the Aasump- professional home economist* and members Sunday at 8 a.rn. in §t. John Pickup. tioh. Tomorrow, night from 7 to intere.sted homemakers are- w el­ James' Church are requested to 8:S0 it will be pissa. Santa Claus is come to hear Mr*. Cheney discuss FRlilT b a s k e t s ' - VOL. EXXVII, NO. 40 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER„CONN.. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 15, 1957 (Claaaltled Advertlslag m Page IB) PRICE FIVE CENTS assemble at 7:44 at the church. expected to be at the fair at 3 p.m. "Cooking as a Method of Teach­ Ml*, pglore White, patriotic in­ ^tu rd ay to risik the chlldreri. Tickets for the communion break-1 ing." structor bf the Auxiliary to Ander- fast to be served at the K of C sbn-Shea Post. No. 2046, trFW beautiful cello wrapped bankets brimming full of the King David Lodge, No. 31, Home Yellowing the Mas* must be pre.sented flags thla week to Troop finest fruits and delicacies, we are .specialists in custom lOOF, will meet tomorrow night at obtained by tomorrow night. The monthly meeting of the Past .J24, Girl Scouta. at the Bolton Ele­ Police Arrest t:80 in Odd Fellow* Hall. Refresh­ Chiefs Club of Memorial Temple, mentary School, and to 'Troop 65, packed ba.«kets for “ get well gifts," .sympath'y gifts Pythian Sister*, will be held to­ ments will be served after the Tomorrow at # p.m.. a potluck Boy Scouts, at the Highland Park morrow night at 8 o’clock at the and gifts for all occasions. T^msters Tie meeting. will open the family night program Sc'.iool. ’The flags were accepted Five at VConn home of Nonnie Hlldlng. 801 .Main for all Zion Ijitheran Oiurch folks. by Joann Perrett for the Girl Scout St. .“^he will be a.ssisled in enter­ Mis* <3ene%'ieYe Scannell, reading Th* Indies Aid Society, of which l: oop sn ‘hem as. Jack KrufewUz, 19, X enme acquainted with the ECONOM'V ard Q U A L IT Y of .1(12 main st. u In hlTrint. uilr ‘ Bridgeport; Charles Karp. 21. oven ready Ftoiien Pineluirsl Fox De Luxe and Swift But- TILL 9 P.M. today whether the Maria mob develop It, In hearings at a j gtralford; Pierce Robertson. 22;' terball tuiUey*. Evei-y Fox Dc Luxe bird carries the U. S. is involved in the Teamsters McClellan,, the committee chair-1 -loseph Mhsleh, 22. Hart- Grade A stamp. To get the right size, eapeeially on frozen ford, anfi Michael Volpe, 2.'), Unidn generally and is out to man, said "W e’ve got to determine STUFFED turkeys, it will be well to place your order now. THURSDAY If the government is bigger than I ‘^'‘ ‘" ‘=7’ Turkey prire.s have been low all season. Buy them this week­ take over the country. ' hoodlums and crooks, or if they ■lohnson described Knilewitz as ; Says NATQ to Fail ,Ii;l end or for Thank.sgiving . . , wonderful meat value. Sens, McClellan iD-Ark) and Ives ( R -N Y ) exploded Into de­ are running this country." "the bank" for the alleged lottery j and FRIDAY anrf said he was booked on charges ! nunciation of racketeers and hood­ Ives: "W e ’ve got to beat this of pool selling and held In bonds lums after James Ro.settl, presi­ thing if it's the last thing we dft." of X200 for hearing In Mansfield | dent of the Greater New York McClellan: "W e’ve got to, we Justice Court Dec. 5. i Unless Ternis Met Food for Thought Cartment’s Assn., refused to tes­ have to, or the hoodlurhs .are go­ The others, Johpson said, were n tify lest he Incriminate himself. ing to take over the country." ' (' ■' ’ Ives, vice chairman of the Sen-| • Rosetti. a re.sidcnt.of The Bronx, (Continued on Page Ten) Paris, Nov. 15 (A>)-rPremier Felix Gaillard declared today JMP fyoe/fi/yhes/ ate Rackets investigating Coml refused to sn.swer the committee’s by mittee. said that "A ll this test!-1 questions on the ground that he next month’s NATO summit meeting.in Paris (»n not achieve mony la d evelo j^ g a rather sinls- might incriminate hiiii.self. its aims for Atlantic solidarity unless the question of arms . ter note" and referred apecifirally The association he beads Is a Youth Admits shipments to Tunisia is settled first— to France’s satisfaction. to the testimony that the Mafia trade organjzatlon for garbage'and Gaillard protested strongly shipment of nrms to Tunisia b y ’’’*- PLUS S & H GREEN STAMPS WITH ALL CASH SALES Peggy Bell was involved. refu.se collectors in Manhattan, the Britain and the United States and said he intended to main- he auggeated it might be "a good Bronx ^n d Queens. It has beert Slaying Baby Idea" for the committee to find pictured in testimony before the ‘tain pressure to settle the dispute. V out " if the Mafia is Involved in Senate Committee as under the 5 " I t is certaiiV that unftss a clear, unequivocable solution is Grocery Dept. Special Values the Teamsters Union geneially." ; domination of Vincent IlJimmyi Ever I'OHlizr a woman waa re­ Jti Los Angeles found before then (the NATO summit talks next December), He said "W e know there la a'-fot, .Squillante, repiAed godson of slain the fundamental ideas lof the NATO conference and the hopes sponsible for ’ThanU.sgiving? I ’ll of corruption and racketeering in | —'------HALE’S SELF SERVE-MEAT DEPT. BEECHNUT have to admit I didn't until the the Teamsters, and I think we j (Continued on Page Ten) Reno, Nev.. Nov. 16 (Ab - Reno which it arouses cailnot fail to be 'put in doubt.” other day. while rifling through police arrested a 1.5-year-old re­ The iVench, fh vigorous raac-<^ some old books on the subject. form school runaway at a filling tion to U.S. and British arms de- Mrs. Sara .1. Hale, who was station this- morning and say he nverte* to Tunis, earlier walked COFFEE Editor of Ladies’ Magazine and admitted the slaying of a ,22_ 'ouVof a NATO meeting and fired Tuiiisia Issue Ted Says... DRIP or REGULAR GRIND— LB. C A N ...... Godey's Ijidy's Book and ap- month-old ! girl in Los Angi^e* off strong protests to London and paienllv a busy lady. thoughCa Arm^JImts Satellite Monday Wathlngtnn. FOR THE VERY FINE5T day should he set a.'ide uniform­ .lohn Lawrence (L a rry ) Miller 'The token ahlpment o f machine May Lturt Ike’s Holiday Pies ly throiigiiout the nation for ex­ was arrested in a Sout)i Reno fill­ guns, rifllb and ammunition was IN HIGH QUALITY SHURFINE pression of thanks for the bless­ ing station on a tip from a hitph- intended by Prance’s two, big Y O l’I.1, WANT ings of the year. So she set hlker, Police Capt. E)|i'yl Read NATO allies to keep that North Atlantic Uni^ about the rhoie of convincing Firing by Jantiary SEVERAL OF THESE said. African nation from tuhilng to MEAT5 — IT'5 the public through editorials In Young Miller was being sought Egypt or the Soviet bloc for arma. P ill s b u r y both the magazines. In addition Washington, Nov. 15 CiP) — The BLACK PEPPER _I in ronntCLionin connection wiin me with siiiuLxier* the amother- But France, fearful the arms will bitter ‘ French, r British -'American to her editorials, Mrs. Hale also By R LTO N C. F.\Y On Friday, Sefcretaff of Defense . ing of Laura We’tBel, daughtar of find their way to rebels fighting LARGE FULL 4-OZ. C A N wrote personal letters to the dispute over selling guns to Tu- Washington, Nov. 15 i/h- T h ^ McEHroyIcElroy ottered, the Array to be-. A m- Force Capt. and Mrs. CHiarles French rule tn neighboring Al­ nhila today Jeopardized President HALE'5 govei-nois of all the states and ginin preparing for launching aateh ij W ,' Wetzel, at Rolling' Hills es* e O L D E N 2 Xrmv, already speeding’ work on Pierre Sehneiter, left. h*ad of the French delegation, and Edouard Bonnefous, another Fienqh dele­ geria, was not mollified. , ETisenhower’a )iopes - for forging even the President of the United Earth satellites, may be ready lo lltea. Officials said at the time the !( said A K C M - o tp 30 .Years tn prison-and an 58,000 trial. • V tion held by mobater 'Vito Qenor ..F/«n£ll to. ..qulclt; seliftn. LEGS Lh 6Sc ' BREASTS ,h 75c tcatered through'tlie^inlocked back vese and 64 of Kis pals. France's dclegaUoatofheNAJCQ COFFEE observance dates hack to the he thought there was "about a 90 ,m e. H e csuld have received -the 04* said he sought to determine DCfTore Irte 8o>iet bloc could move parlismentsry assembly-- VALUES door. The 65 men were picked up yei- M n T L ti.' per eent degree of probability" for "I knew where the guna‘ werd: death penalty. a fair sentence that would serve In. * snclent Jewish Feast of Taher*- terday at a hilltop tetreat near ly being held at Paris wglq## out nacles, or possibly even before. aucce.ss on the Artpys first try. Laika^s, Death The 55-ye*r-old spy ring master the best Interest, of the country. The* United State* and Britain today in protest against. U))),'^'V.8.- He ha* a gun collection and I Itnok this south-central New York com­ Frcbh Ground Tills week, for budget specials' we are featuring freshly However, the United States Is The closest Mpdari* would come a .22 caliber gun (foreign made) stood stonily before Federal Dia- Abel was convicted on three aald they won aaaurancea from ' British decisioA, annckmcM yester­ /ow o Choice Beef munity just north of. the Pennsyl­ Decaf. chopped ground meats. Remember, please . . . every pound to s forecast was a statement that and the girl was out in front and'I .trict Judge Mortimer W, Byera in counts: Conspiracy to transmit nt^ Tunitia the weapons would not day, to supply weapons to\Tunlsta. one of few Christian nations to Was Painless vania'line. All were released after of ground beef you buy at Pfnehurst is ground from gov- have a yearly festival of after a rocket la complgtelv fabri­ Brooklyn a* the sentence was pro­ tional defense inlormatior to Rus­ reach the handa of amugglers who The decision follow^ about two BONELESS CHUCK ROAST identifying themselves. ply the long, aparsely aettled eimment inspected fresh beef . . , and ground at frequent Thanksgiving. The first New cated, it is not le.ss than 30 days _ __ (Continued on Page Ten) nounced. sia, conspiracy to obtain such' in­ months of negotiations primarily He displayed the same outward \ "We haven’t a thjng on them;” Tunisian-Algerian border. L* 7 5 c interval* UNDER REFRIGERATION. England day of thanks was In from the launching time. I Moscow. Nov. 15 i/P) — A So- formation for triuumission to Rus­ bettifeen Washington and P a r i s ; calm shown during the day* after said SgL Edgars Cfomvell- of-tho .. -Prealdent “Habib Bourguiba -o f aScotTissue, k,., the autumn of 1621. when a Teet Shota In Itecember sia and falling to register as s T>um g T H eK taTlU 'th e Utiited' FIRST CU T I Viet scientist announced today State Police Bureau of Olmlnal Tunisia, in a radio apeech! hailed Lb 79c G«ihPO«m Tlwau* 2 5 aC group of colonists went Into the He also noted that President .. . , a . o . ■, tt his indictment and during his trial. foreign agent. Btates' tried tb. persuade France SAVE 10c ON 2 LB5. Elsenhower had set March for dog in Sputnik II, He said nothing, and after the Abel could have been given death Investigation. "6ut we made It the United States for what tfe foi-esta and shot s number of It. suffocated when the oxygen re­ Bakery Union itself' to meet Pegaident HaMb PRINCE sentence wa* promptly led away on the first count. Instead he was clear we wanted them out of the cidled its "rola of champion of Lucky Laaf Apple SECO N D CU T LEAN CHUCK GROUND iS " turkey* and took them ,home to launching of N a v y * first fully 1»- jj^ „ a t iv e equipment aboard the area." ' Bourguiba's requeijt-for arms. Lh 69c . strumented aatelliie. with teat fir­ j handcurfed by two officers. Ordered imprisoned 30 year* and liberty." he cooked for dinner. When the Earth satellite stopped working. Croswell said the men 'were armed Tha new French government of pually 69c Ib. A D Soft-WOVe * r ings o f small spheres scheduled in In a statement to tne court the flned_ $5,000. Borgulba aaid th* U.S. dbcisibn SPAGHETTI Indians heard of the celebration The scientist, Alexei Pokrovsky. Suspended by only with fat wads o f caah—-no to give arms to Tunisia was taken : Premier Felix G a lll^ agregd but Cranberry Sauea To make your meat loaf better add some Italian Special at Lb. C *■* Lbs. I er^%P Bsiareain tis*u* 2 ^ they entered the settlement car­ December. prosecutor. Asst. U.S. A tty. Gen. On' the Other two counts, the told a news conference there never guns. They vsass.c came azwinffom New York.a ws fv. Tueadaym m and iu UI$$^only hliailthen UlUdid FFrance 1 ttilVV fiM Wa ■■ TIIbmI hot or sweet sausage...... rying several deer. Indians snd The ArntyV'cyllnditlcal. satel- William Tompkins, did not pres* Nydgejjieclfled-lO and 6 year pfia- 2 1 Lb. PkRii. 39c 7 5 c had been any plan to Ijrlng Lai^a ,*jr death. ' J " ' fNew JezBsyvOhtor^lforiUaFYisxi^ M ^ e with Ocean Spray settlers feasted together that llles, said Medariju_wlll-ha out-. D ick to'E arth. He' said she died Labor “Council as, Colorado. Pan'nsylvania, Ihierto SAVE lOc ON 2 LIS. _____ day. fltfH fiilty with instruments and Instead, he urged Judge Byqrs fines 0M 2.OOO, and $1,000 France added an unacceptable If painlessly of oxygen deficiency Rico and Chiba, he added. Oranberriee will weigh about the same as the to impose "a substantial and very « Tn the case of the prison terms. Jjonditlon that Tunlala receive only LEAN ROUND STEAK GROUND when equipment designed to re­ Washington. Nov. 15 (Ab—The "W e broke up th* meeting be- Pjrench arms. ' Vi^e Are Well Supplied To Help ScotTowels 2 For N avy'* 20 pound sphere*. strong sentence in this t-a.se." UsuaUy99clb. 0 ^ - 4% QQ generate oxygen had completed Its AFL-C IO today suspended the '^**'*^*V1^ ,'^°1**** ‘’*1 cause- we were convinced it wa* 39c Until lastweek, L.j Navy-super- Abel's court-appointed attorney, served concurrently-T-thst Is, a t ' The President said Tunisia’s Priict SjMghBtti program. Bakery Workers Union from the being held-for an unlawful pur­ Special at Lb. Mm Lbs. 1 * 0 0 And apcaklng of ahooting your Tlsed Project Vartguard wa* the James-Donovan, pleaded that hi* the Same time -but that Abel position can 'be summarized this Btilletins You Enjoy A Good Fish Dinner , . , . _ There giicir f«nuhad Ibeen speculation that federation. pose," He declared. ’They're all way: Jam dinner, let’s he thankful for th* vrogrem. ^ ^ Client be spared death, contending would be‘^*ubject to the full total SiRce with MMt A F L - CIO president George the pro.secution had failed to in­ hoodlums; there’s no doubt about 1. 'Tunisia balongs to the free from the AP Wire* Cut-Rite convenience* of to^jay. Just put A fter Rusal* fired "lo ft space ■ ministered, with her Ia.sl f o o d , o f the fine*. Meany said actions of the Bakery dicate any specific instance where If.” SAVE 10c ON 2 LIS. W«RMl Pmemr a DC yourself in the plate of the early s.tellites. there wa* cHtlHsm be- ^here also had been speculation or Mothrooms BOILED HAM Workers Executive Board consti­ Abel hsd actually transmitted TJ.S. Atl(ed whether he* thought the -'(Coatinaed on Page Tea) Lb. 69c PINEHURST HAMBURG aettler’s wife yriio had to start cause the- Un ted Stntes had not the Russians intended to (Continued on Page Twelve) men might bAve been discussing with feathejif and all before she tute "failure and refusal to com­ military secrets to Russia. '' X STOCK MARKET SOARS ' Premier moved faster In the satellite field. |^,ring her Back to Earth; and ply” with an Oct. 25 order of the the current U,.S. Senate probe of Usually 45c Ib. could ev'w think of cooking her Donovan aiso argued that If New York, Nov.'IS'(AP)—The 16 Oz. Jar 2 For 75e , even one report here that she had : AFL-C3p Executive Cotincll. garbage-hauling rackets or the re­ LOAF CHEESE Lb. 49c Special at Lb. 2 For f ’ cshly killed bird. Wonder If A’b«L'* life were spared, there slock market roared ahead te a 40c 3,.h *1.19 Scotties ' been parachuted back. . I The council had ordered the cent shooting of raifiteteer Albert Small Leak Floods 29c she would have believed the mad might come a time when this coun­ big gain In response to the gov- SWEET Today’s hews conference - ap- | Baker>’ Union to clean house or |jyam ji„g, BACON IS noon VAr.UF man who might have told her B&O Seeking try w'ould wish la exchange him . 59e first living.thin); to get into otiter to be taken' by today lo eliminate Culled from AP Wires Grotoii. Nov. 16 iAb- $4^60,000,000. .wna added to the Brand Scotkins * r»r turkeys out bf a freezer and To Discontinue , Dfinovan also held out the poa- He said -police did not knoWi POTATOES Mississippi* Brand. popping them right into their space. One aciehtlat said yester-'| what it termed corrupt Influence* qoeted v a lw o f listed atooks, based paesr NsMlas 33c from the union aibUity that at some fifture date ovens without so much, as re­ day Laika would be immortalized I Whether the men were members caused minor flooding In the M the rise*in the average at noon. In the executive board a'ttlon his client might decide to cooper- SNOW CROP TWIN PACK CUT CORN M s moving a pin feather. a plaque near Leningrad honor- i Government budget makers rac- o f the Mafia, an organization of, reactor Compartment o f the atom- TUNA Whole, peeled, golden In heasy SEASON FOR .S’TEW’ BEEF I.S HERE ‘ New York Line which Meany criticized, the Bak­ 'ate vi-ith American authorities by : Ing .Soviet dog heores of World .. , J . ,1 wi. I Ing Dec, 16 deadline to implement “'"‘iT*"***-,, ' , . ; Ic submarine Nautilus, ‘. PRISONERS PROTEST syrup, cooked ready to serve. PINEHURST W ar II. .. ery Union ag-eert to h°*'‘ * *)*"’ divulging details o hU activitle* cutback in non-es- O osw ell aaid aeveral luch m eel-j The: leak waa due to malfunc- Fancy Solid White Meat Baltimore, Nov.-15 (4b- The Bal 6 . ______herc. Wetherafield, Nov. 15 ' FOX DELUXE CHICKEN, TURKEY . sentlal spending. . . . Dr. Ralph Ings had been held In recent years: tioping Of a valve and occurred inmates ef llie Htate’s' Prison Albacore tlmore'and Ohio Railroad, yielding A fter hearing. the defense and •s STEWINBBEEF i^ 79o (Continued on PAge Twelve) (('onllnued on Page Eight) Robey, economic advisor for Na­ in the area of thi* community of while the Nautilus waa moored at '•s to the auto and the airplane, w ants: .refused this noon to como out of or BEEF PIE 2 e., 49c tional Association of Manufactur- 4.000; southwest of Binghamton. 1 the Electric Boat Division pier their cells for lunch. Warden I Cana to quit the passenger business on | ■ era' here. Mark S. Richmond said that ba 7 Oz. 2 Cans 75c the' hlghlv-c'ompetitive Baltimore- IDAS. was in November'1956. he added, , The announcement was made to­ N ew Ye^k line. understood the prisoners refusal 7 rib cut at 32c and whole strips fit 55c lb. .Buy a ' • Southington firemen niah from The-men began filtering into the day, but tha Nautilus’ - skipper, SNOW CROP STRAWBERRIES o. 27e In an announcement yesterday, to eat was a protesU agalnat . Tight Motley Policy Eased town meeting tn fight fire after area Wednesday, he addM. Troop­ Chndr. William AitdyraOn, later strip and we will cut chops for you and fix the the BAO Haid'U .was requesting per­ the death In a cell yesterday of approving. $121,250 for fiew fire­ ers becamb suspicious when they aaid ths incident liad .occurred sev­ Pillsbury" s Borden's balance for roasting. Buying it this way you get mission lo discoittinue 14 pas.senger | ' Joseph Del dobbo. The warden , house. . . . Ten-year old Chicago saw large niiitibers of Cadillacs, eral days ago. A liewsman ■aid no protests had been lodged i three thrift.v dinper-s of wonderfully tender pork grains northeast of Baltimore. ’Ihie boy admits setting 40 to 50 fires at a low price. ' ' road said ,it waa losing about <5 with the admlniatmtion.' 'This CAKE MIXES NonerSuch In last 18 months. (Continued on. Page Twelve) ''(Continued on ,'Page Twelve) afternoon, the prison Bas qofet. millioM a year on them and th a t; BuWness Gets-Revival '* N ew York City Board of ,EdUr F R U ITS AND paasen^ei's using the route declined ' cation authorizes new Bureau of REDS HEED IGY RULES 'about 48 per rent siftce'1946.-- I .Sclcnco and Mathematirs Instruc­ MINCE MEAT PROPERLY TRIMMED SIZZLING TENDER Thus the Bsitimore and Ohio, i Cambridge, Alase.. Nov. IS PkRS. 6 3 c VEGETABLES tion. . . ,_M orr than 1,0()0 attend i4V-Tb* Russians are giving the .(tt. BO. m«or ...t,,™ F F o u i' T jQ w e F '^ B a iik .. D is c o im t $250-per plate fund raising dinner world information on their CHOCOLATE FUDGE Instantly ready to uso. PINEHURST STEAKS RAT^t C I ^ CUTS tnink lines, Joined* a general re- • -«. • . . of Shmuel' Cardinal Stritch in CThi-* Navy Finds 17 Bodies SPICE trertchment movcrpgnt among' thg'| X satellites as sRpulatcit’ by inter­ nation’s railroads. ^ Washington, Nov. 15* (4b .—^The* which the ,J 2 regional Federal'R*-*> -^Bven though.the money mArttet national OMphysical Year W HITE Sirloins, except flat bone ...... Ib. 89c BOLOGNA A to m ic. Energ>’ Commission serve Banks charge their member has been .easing;. Wi^b a -fa llo ff In (IGY) ag'^e'neqtB, a U.S. IGY Vr-LLOW Less than two weks -ago,, the i.Federa'1 Reserve Board gave, the open* fonrth ' oversea* office In- GREEN BEANS Lb. 25 c ^O PPED HAAI. bank* on boirowed funds. :-Banka loan requests, the board’s action olHciaFaald today. Hugh OdI- ORANGE 28 Oz. Jar ^ Flpt or double .bone Sirlbins and N ew Yjork (Jentral and the Penh-f nation’s leveling-off economy an Tokyo. . Tennessee District From Pacific ^irliner 53 c sylvanla anrtpunced they were.,,con- . unexpected shot tn the arm today borrow fiom the reserve System came as a surprise.' , ft abnw, executive director o f the Tender Shorts ... 7 ..ib. 99c hS ALAM l Alty; Oawford tp. complete argu- aidering a merger. TTm-Erie, the by . cutting back its discount rates when they need extra money to Only last week William Me- ■- “ — — — — U.S. National Committee for VM SQ U ASH Abom. or Butternut Lb. 5c meat toda.r ,agaln.st ne>v trial-j[or fOY,-sald the Russians appear'to, the trim, Check the quality, Check the price HAM 'N i^EESE Lackawanna and the Delaware A in four Section* of the enunfrj'. meet tit* demand for loans. A low Chesney Martin, chairman of the Honolulu, Nov. ,15 f AP|.-;-;-Thebin the area working ' under hqli- DOLE HAWAHAN - Hudsbn are doing the same. reserve, board.' expounded on the seven convlcflfd in July of foment­ have told the world ' the news /■ - The immediate effect is.to make discount rate. encourages • them to ing disorder at Clinton. Navy, noting evldenee 6f .Ore to­ copter guidance, the N avy said it PINEAPPLE . PARTY PAR And otiler mergera are in the ,lt easier for banks to obthin mon­ borrow in order^jo make commer­ evils of inflation and gave no hint day. has recovered the bodies of expejtted "to exhaust the posslbil- about their' successful satellite CABBAG E When you redeem your C5c Maxwell wind. cial or personal loans, thus help­ that tight money policies would be Labor '.union spokesman^ says launchings within tivo hours, aa ey for lending .to busatnessea and U.S. District Court Vet-diet declar­ 17 persons w$o ■were killed when fty/of aurvivbr* and recover all . i . .. JUICE House-coupon at Pipehurat you get the SLICED BACON Cite Competition ing to keep the economy rolling at eased, despite scaltereci predic­ available bodies and sigrrificanl ‘ hy the K^Y. the gelierat public. And'it appeared ing, strike benefits tax-free major a Pan American AlW'-aya Strato- UNSWEETENED Brand new -pack 'Of Maxwell House In- 'Tranaportatlon cgperta aald to herald an easing of tight money a brisk pace; tions, of a slight economic down- cruiser, vanished over the Pacific material from the area" by 6 p.fl) EXTRA THIN BACOI^ labor victorj'.,;. .Sen. Humphrey ST.AR TO SEIX RADIO-TV ENDIVE Lb. 19c 'stant coffee ths -jar maiiked "N ew ! Fresh BAO’s propoaal obviously stemmed policies lt)at have (accompanied a WaI7 Street was geheraliy iiir- turn.' C>cean a week ago. >— today.' in O*. C C asi.va he'n push for rreatlon pi Sec­ .Roasted AROMA.’’ Insist on this jar. it’s from competition with'U)e,private 2-year business boom; .prised but pleased wl.tl) the-new*. Marlin told the' American Fi­ Pressed was a relentless ocean Most with Lifejackets '! . . Kaasaa City, Nov. 15 t45—A Tin A c»ji« .D D C retary of Science post In cabinet. new.'., Y-.'U.pton’s'coupon* mailed to ua automobile - and the alclinea. A.apokeaman for the Federal Re­ It wa* called ’'conatructlve." nance ednfererice Inc. that more search for additional bOple* and A ll the bodies found ti-ere shoe­ consent decree was signed In .Pink Seedlees For ■4vlU Xw redeemed. ' ’- President Howard' .15. Simpson than $10 billion of. recent growth ,,Q'a., netfvapaper mailers Federal v. District <3onrt todoy GRAPEFRUIT 3 27c serve Board aaid the action was’ ’’.atimulating.” "forthright and strike ends. ...Civil Rights Cbm- debris that might provide.cliles to less; most wore lifejackets and al| acknowledged thla waa *0. "W e courageous.” and recognition by in the value of the nation's output providing that the Knnaais City . "recognition th|it inflation, at least .mission fages problemm o f’f ’ flnding the fate o f the plane that disap­ had "external injuries and multiple regret the necessity for this ac­ the Federal ftesirve Board that of goods and ^erx-ie'e* represented Star divest Itself of Its radio and. temporarily, ha* cealied to be the staffsff directordirectoi and headquarters. peared with 44 ..eraona on a flight fraetjures,” the Navy .^repotted., M cIn t o s h a p p l e s 3 Lb. 29c tion, but*" 'dedlnlng patronage of dominant, factor in the eeqAomy." "the forces of inflation are reced­ inflation. from San Francisco to Hawaii. “The cause o f de^ith is considered television properties and disobn- "I’m'not blaming anybody," he ^leonittng“ ■ ■ ttnr MMth th birthUrtfiday, ' New tinue 'certain busineea practicm this- service'-'and lU incneas*d He,irm()ha*ized, however, the ing-" ■ , • Three o f the bodies ^ d wrist to be extotuive Injuries and frae- aald. "but inflation got 'Ahead of York, Gov. Harrtman looks for­ which the^ government charged '•■h' ,2lMNlr7Up^ tvages, materials and' other costs board’s, belief thht there . Is no That, however, tvasn’t a unani­ watches stopped at 5:27; The last ture.s." th* Philippin- Sea radioed. us." • * ward to skiing seasbn... Novelist were monopoUalte. The decnw TANGERINES 'L a rg e HIze Doz. 65c nave resulted in a very substantial reaso'n vior imy public alarm that mous opinion. One major bank radio message from the plane, a Qoast Guard Capt. Donald Hac- The tenor of hia remarks w a a Elliot Paul on danger list at Provi­ ‘ Was aa outgrowth of an aatl- loss," he said. a bualness recession ntay lie ahead. official said, "Im aatounded ahd dence, R. I., hospital, ’ ; - I routine - position report, was ' re­ Diarmid aaid the'evidence "indl- t i q ^ i s ^ speechless. . . j I regard, it as whol­ that "ififlatioi) remained a' major tniat suit brought against-tho. "In recent years large sum* .of The' boafd announced late, yester­ Air Force lieutenant given per- ceived at 6:(M p.m-. Erlday. Twelve i cate* ,$he pilot did not have every- ly unwarranted."' threat and the*defense* against it Kanaa-s City Star Co, three yean EMPEROR GRAPES 2 .h. 39c money have been spent by state day that. effectlvW today, the dis­ mie^on to'-stay in aervice despite bodiea had on life jackets. i thing go sour suddenly or he would -and federal- bodies for the con- could not .be dismantled. ago, rbarglng the arganlsMUon count rate wound drop. from the ' Blocks Climb . - Even *s Martin was talking of . •‘•‘•"‘ y transplant...; Justice Felix There waa .’’r a evidence o f! not have had time to ts-arn people StrucUon of highways, bridges an# with attempthig to moaopoliza 24-year high of 3>i per cent to 3 The smtouncement came after continued Inflation. govem m eA i Frankfurter. sUll active In Supre- flre'’ in the . "considerable debris to get into jackets and'get their, I' * .I...... tunnels- which----- .------have improved,------travel per cent at the Federal Reserv’e the New York stock exchaiyce's and monopoUtlhg diaseeninatloa (HMuKitclwR 2,C*ns ecemomists this week were cautl-1'tt* Court, marks 75th birthday... consisting of mall, ctiahiOM. mis- shoes off. I would asatims the pilot, of news and advertlatng In the FREE PARKING REAR OF STORE eonditlons for motdriata. DurlngrBaqks l]h Atlanta, New York... were closed, but in San Francisco piuYv predicting.that the new year : Only token force of Federal ^llaneoua buoy.ant parts," 'tb* air­ ditched the .'aircraft." , • ! Kanana City arep. ROASTBGWHASH SSO the same period a largb segment of Rl(Simoml, and 8t. Lout*. Similar stocks climbed sharply A^tar the would bring some relief frosp rl*-,l ^’’bbhs remalna at Little Roek'a craft. carrier Philippine Sea re­ Removing the shoes is routine j the traveling public also has siib- .action by the eight other reserve news and trading w;aa brisk. ing pricb*. They predicted that the j O n tn il High Sphoql r . . Bigma ported. ■ ' pre-ditching practice for planes at| EISENHOWERS IN GEORGIA •tituted air travel for train travel.” banks lA expected soon. It- wa* only three months, sgo cost of Ih'ing might dip slightly in j O elU Chi Journalism fraternity The bodies were found yesterday sea. ' . , Washington, Nov. IS (4b— The BAO noted the Petmaylvanis ; Demands High that the reserve hanks raised the Januaiy, then level off into a members accuse Federal ageneles as the carrier combed a more than Asked why the big plane. Hon­ rrealdent and Sirs. Elsentaosrer operates 30 .trains psr day each v The action cam* at a time when discount rate from 3 to 3>i per period of comparative stability at | ofneedles* secrecy. 100-miIe square'’ area 953 miles olulu-bound from San Francisco, took off today for Auguata, Gat,, •fOIMilL go. naJW.HAL4 coitt Wzy between Baltlmdre md New: seasonal demand* fo|;^ money are cent. A Federal Reserve spokes- ! Russia's . Marshal Rokossovsky northeast of. Honolulu with a flo­ or near today's rgeord high. had sent no radio call |Mter a rou­ and th eir'flm t visit to the deep', T f« fogs. 64 C0 m t MANCNifTiR Conn* 'York; bus hnes operate 9 0 '''ro'iindj high.'Both businessmen and pur- 'huui. said at the Urn* 'that the Treasury offlciels gave their full appointed ‘to presidium of Geor- tilla pf small boats'picking up de- tine position report at 5:04 p.m.. south Into the Little Rock la- i- trips,dally and. airlines IS tound chasers tend to increase their bor- */i U b . a • • d • • j CHIU ^ booit waa a continuation‘ of the approval to the lower dia'count glmn Communist Party's. Central,' bris from the, "Romance of the MacIMarmid said; tegratloq crieia. They plan to re- C O R N N | t M A IN and O A K STREETS* |Vli». Airlines .Also operate Sl j rowing as the Chrlstm** shopping’ board’s efforts to restrain the ex'- rate*. 'They have reason to believe Committee. 7; (Jeorge Allen sivoml Skies," which vanished with* 30 "S o many ' things eduld -have mala at the Augusta Natteaal ' ... ' ' season Approaches. pension o f credit because T b* m ais In today as head of U.S. Informa- passengers and a crew of eight. Golf Clhh until about the mlddla 1,7^ (OoatbiiHd ea Pag* Eight) ' Th* discount rat* H tha inUrast fight is still against inflation.” (OoBitiiqed oa Psg* Nine) Hon Agency,. ’W ltA small boats from all ship* (Ooatlaued ea Fag* Twel' ef next week. ' V -.f . 7 ' 1 X- t.:--