Rajya Sabha —— Revised List of Business
RAJYA SABHA —— REVISED LIST OF BUSINESS Friday, March 25, 2011 ——— 11 A.M. ——— GOVERNMENT LEGISLATIVE BUSINESS Bills for consideration and passing 1. SHRI KAPIL SIBAL to move that the Bill to amend the Right of Children The Right of to Free and Compulsory Education, Act, 2009, be taken into consideration. Children to Free and Compulsory ALSO to move that the Bill be passed. Education (Amendment) Bill, 2010. 2. SHRI SHARAD PAWAR to move that the Bill to regulate the import, The Pesticides manufacture, export, sale, transport, distribution, quality and use of pesticides with Management a view to— Bill, 2008. (i) control pests; (ii) ensure availability of quality pesticides; (iii) allow its use only after assessing its efficacy and safety; (iv) minimize the contamination of agricultural commodities by pesticide residues; (v) create awareness among users regarding safe and judicious use of pesticides, and to take necessary measures to continue, restrict or prohibit the use of pesticides on reassessment with a view to prevent its risk on human beings, animals or environment, and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto, be taken into consideration. ALSO to move that the Bill be passed. 3. SHRI M. VEERAPPA MOILY to move that the Bill to provide for the The Commercial constitution of a Commercial Division in the High Courts for adjudicating Division of High commercial disputes and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto, as Courts passed by Lok Sabha and as reported by the Select Committee of the Rajya Sabha, Bill, 2009. be taken into consideration. ALSO to move that the Bill be passed.
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