Congressional :Record-Senate
56 CONGRESSIONAL :RECORD-SENATE JANUARY 4 SENATE The message announced that the House had agreed to a concurrent resolution <H. Con. Res. 3), in which it requested WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 4, 1939 the concurrence of the Senate, as follows: The Chaplain, Rev. Z~Barney T. Phillips, D. D., offered the Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concur:.. ring), That the two Houses of.Congress assemble in the Hall of the following prayer: House of Representatives on Wednesday, the 4th day of January Father of infinite love, by whose power alone we are en 1939, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of receiving such communications as the President of the United States shall abled to lift our thoughts above the trivial cares and paltry be pleased to make to them. hopes of life: Quiet our minds of their fretting and send Thou some word of Thine to make a highway to our hearts NOTIFICATION TO THE PRESIDENT that truth may dawn upon us. Thou bindest us to life by Mr. BARKLEY and Mr. McNARY advanced in the ·center sweet and tender ties, loved ones, and friends who inspire aisle and Mr. BARKLEY said: Mr. President, the commit us to be our noblest, truest selves; for these priceless gifts tee appointed on the part of the Senate to act in conjunction we thank Thee. And, as we pause to pay reverent tribute with a similar committee on the part of the House to notify to the memory of our gallant friend and late companion, the President that the Congress is now in session and ready whose kind and courteous ways were known to all, we pray for business has discharged its duty, and the President has that Thou will give to each one of us in the days that lie indicated that he will address a joint session of the Congress ahead the grace to refrain alike· from the unkind word and I a ter in the day.
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