arXiv:2010.05196v2 [math.AG] 17 Oct 2020 group problem aefrcertain for case some C projectivization ierrpeetto of representation linear where 1.1. hoe 1.2. Theorem result: main our is Here 1.2]). 1].I h rsn ae,w osdrapriua aeo the of case particular a consider we G paper, present the In [12]). representation aiycntutosfor constructions nality n := oeta variety that Note hnsuyn ainlt rbe for problem rationality studying When e words Key classification 2020 MS /G AINLT FQOINSB IIEHEISENBERG FINITE BY QUOTIENTS OF RATIONALITY TNSA RSI N LAKRHMNV IHA PEDXBY APPENDIX AN WITH KARZHEMANOV, ILYA AND GRISHIN STANISLAV H k G x ntepeetppr esuyrtoaiyo h quotient the of rationality study we paper, present the In stypically is n se[,Term2.1]). Theorem [3, (see 1 o h ffiespace affine the for ) ealta for that Recall . eggroup berg Abstract. x , . . . , eeae ytoelements two by generated ξ esneggop utet o ar oi variety. toric pair, log quotient, group, Heisenberg : : ): x n i p n osdrtequotient the consider and Variety omabssin basis a form 7→ rusi 2].A h aetm,for time, same the At [22]). in groups - H tbyrational stably epoertoaiyo h quotient the of rationality prove We n ω any , C − 40,1M5 43,14J81. 14E30, 14M25, 14E08, : i n x H C /G X finite i n n n η , ). /G is ≥ C srtoa when rational is ,atn on acting 1, n rational G IG-CAGKANG CHANG - MING ihnn-Abelian - non with , 1. n C hti h product the is that , variety : n ≥ x Introduction GROUPS i u oacoc of choice a to (up ,eupe ihalna cino nalgebraic an of action linear a with equipped 1, ,η ξ, 7→ o every for C C x hc c on act which , 1 n i n +1 /G i t reuil representation. irreducible its via C X n G /H a enn-rtoa e .ti sthe is this g. (e. rational - non be can ( := i n is ∈ n . C G P n Abelian Z ti esnbet ast the to pass to reasonable is it n /H a efudi 1](e also (see [19] in found be can n ω /n, − ω C 1 n C /H k hsi h nyirreducible only the is this o h nt Heisen- finite the for connected n × n sflos( follows as := se[].Sm ratio- Some [7]). (see ( c.[9 Proposition [19, (cf. C e n 2 /G π esneggroup Heisenberg C √ n srtoa for rational is ) − n G 1 /G ) , h quotient the Schr¨odinger ( Noether’s The group Hn is a central extension of Z/n ⊕ Z/n by Z/n ∋ [ξ, η] and so the n−1 action of Hn on P factors through that of Z/n ⊕ Z/n. Thus Theorem 1.2 is a natural generalization of linear Abelian case mentioned above. Let us also point out that the case of central extensions of the cyclic groups has been treated in [23]. Our result confirms in addition (a stronger version of) Conjecture 15 in [5]. Actually, stable rationality of X can be proved via a direct argument by considering diagonal action of Hn on V × V , with linear action of Z/n ⊕ Z/n on the second factor. Note also that Theorem 1.2 is evident when n ≤ 3 and the case n = 4 has been treated in [19, Theorem 5.2] (compare with [3, Lemma 3.1]).

1.3. Let us outline our approach towards the proof of Theorem 1.2. One may observe that the quotient Cn/G is a toric variety for Abelian group G. In our case n−1 of G = Hn, its action on P is also Abelian, and so it is reasonable to expect that X is toric as well. This turns out to be (almost) so. Namely, one employs an instance of the toric conjecture after V. V. Shokurov, characterizing toric varieties (with Picard number 1) in terms of the log pairs: we construct a Q - divisor D on X satisfying the assumptions of Proposition 2.2 below and reduce rationality problem for X to that for a cyclic quotient of Pn−1 (the latter n−1 is rational by the discussion in 1.1). In turn, the explicit action of Hn on P allows one to find appropriate invariant divisors descending to the components of D, which is done in 2.3. Our point was, more generally, to develop a geometric approach to the Noether’s problem for central extensions of Abelian groups (cf. 3.1 below). Thus the case of n C /Hn is a special corollary of this approach. On the other hand, after our paper appeared online, Professor Ming - chang Kang has kindly communicated to us an algebraic proof of Theorem 1.2 (see Appendix after Section 3).

Remark 1.4. We show in Proposition 2.2 that X is actually a cyclic quotient of Pn−1/G for a linearized Abelian group G. Thus X resembles the so - called fake e e weighted (see [13]). Note however that X need not be toric. Let us 2 consider the first non - trivial case n = 3. Here the group H3 acts on P preserving 3 3 3 1 the Hesse pencil Et : x + y + z + txyz =0 | t ∈ P and on the smooth cubic

Et the H3 - action coincides with the one of the group of 3 - torsion points Et[3] 2 (see [1]). The quotient surface X = P /H3 has 4 singular points of type A2 and so can not be toric. One may also observe that the algebra of invariants of H3 in 2 C[x,y,z] is generated by polynomials xyz, x3 + y3 + z3, x3y3 + y3z3 + z3x3 and x3y6 + y3z6 + z3x6 (cf. [1, Section 6]).

2. Proof of Theorem 1.2

2.1. We will be using freely standard notions and facts about the singularities of pairs (see e. g. [15, Chapter 5]). All varieties are assumed to be normal, projective, over C, and all divisors are Q - Cartier with rational coefficients. Our proof of Theorem 1.2 is based on the following:

Proposition 2.2 (cf. [14], [20], [10]). Let V be a d - dimensional variety with a d+1 boundary divisor D = X diDi, where Di are prime Weil divisors, such that the i=1 following holds: • the Picard number of V is 1,

• the log pair (V,D) is log canonical,

• KV + D ∼ Q 0,

• diDi ∼ Q dj Dj for all 1 ≤ i, j ≤ d +1, • there exists a finite, ´etale in codimension 1 cyclic cover p : V ′ −→ V such ∗ that p (diDi) ∼ Q Wi, 1 ≤ i ≤ d +1, where Wi are distinct Weil divisors on V ′. Then V ′ is a toric quotient Pd/G for a finite Abelian group G with linearized e e action on Pd. In particular, if Γ ≃ Z/mZ is the Galois group of p, then V = V ′/Γ is birational to Pd/Γ (hence V is rational).

Proof. We follow the proof of Lemma 3.1 in [20]. Namely, after repeated finite, p ´etale in codimension 1 cyclic covers V ←− V ′←− ... ←− V we obtain a new log e pair (V, D = ϕ∗(D)), where ϕ : V −→ V ′ is the resulting morphism, such that all ∗ ∗ e e e ϕ p (Wi) are Cartier. Furthermore, we have

∗ ∗ K e + D ∼ Q ϕ p (KV + D) ∼ Q 0 V e and (V, D) is log canonical, i. e. V is a log Fano (note that ϕ∗p∗(D) is ample). e e e ∗ ∗ e The Fano index of V is ≥ d + 1, since −KV ∼ Q D and ϕ p (diDi) ∼ Q ∗ ∗ e e d ϕ p (dj Dj ) for all 1 ≤ i, j ≤ d + 1. This implies that V = P and ϕ coincides e with the quotient morphism by some finite group G (the Galois group of the field 3 e extension C(V )/ϕ∗C(V ′)). Also, by construction G leaves invariant d + 1 hyper- ∗ ∗ e d e planes ϕ p (Wi) in P , whence it is Abelian. ∗ d ′ Further, if T := (C ) ⊂ V is the open torus with coordinates z1,...,zd, then ∗ ′ for some N ∈ N we have: Np (diDi) ∼ the closure Wi of (zi = 0) ⊂ V , 1 ≤ i ≤ d, ∗ f −1 ′ and Np (dd+1Dd+1) ∼ the closure Wd+1 of (zd+1 := (z1 ...zd) = 0) ⊂ V . In ∗ f ′ ′ particular, since each p (diDi) generates the Q -Picard group of V and V \ T = d+1 ′ [ Wi on the toric variety V , up to twist by a character we may assume that Γ i=1 f either preserves all the zi or permutes them cyclicly. In both cases, compactifying T by Pd, we obtain that T/Γ is birational to the rational variety Pd/Γ. 

n−1 2.3. We now turn to the variety X = P /Hn from Theorem 1.2. Let π : Pn−1 −→ X be the quotient morphism.

∗ Lemma 2.4. n 1 π is ´etale in codimension 1 and KP − ∼ Q π (KX ).

Proof. The first assertion follows from the fact that every 6= 1 element in Hn has ∗ 1.1 n 1 non - multiple spectrum (see ). Then the equivalence KP − ∼ Q π (KX ) is the usual Hurwitz formula. 

n−1 Identify x0,...,xn−1 from 1.1 with projective coordinates on P . Put fk := k n−k ∗ k ∗ X xi xi+1 for 1 ≤ k ≤ n. We have ξ fk = ω fk and η fk = fk. Hence i∈Z/n n polynomials fk are Hn - invariant.

2 n n Lemma 2.5. n 1 The linear system L ⊂ |OP − (n )| spanned by f1 ,...,fn and n (x0 ...xn−1) is basepoint - free.

Proof. It suffices to show that f1,...,fn and x0 ...xn−1 span a basepoint-free (m) linear system. Fix an arbitrary m ≥ n and consider the polynomials fk := k m−k (m) X xi xi+1 for various 1 ≤ k ≤ m. Let L be the linear system spanned by i∈Z/n (m) (m) m−n+1 (m) f1 ,...,fm and x0 ...xn−1 . Then we claim that L is basepoint-free (note that m = n corresponds to our case). Indeed, for n = 2 this is trivially true, whereas for n> 2 we restrict to the hyperplanes (xi = 0) and argue by induction. 

Let B1,...,Bn be generic elements in the linear system L from Lemma 2.5. We n n−1 may assume the pair (P , X Bi) is log canonical. i=1 4 ∗ Further, put Di := π(Bi), 1 ≤ i ≤ n, so that Bi = π (Di), n n

n 1 ∗ (2.6) KP − + X Bi ∼ Q π (KX + X Di) i=1 i=1 n (cf. Lemma 2.4) and the pair (X, X Di) is also log canonical. i=1

q p Lemma 2.7. π factorizes as Pn−1 −→ X′ −→ X, where q,p are both degree n, ∗ 2 ´etale in codimension 1 cyclic covers, p (diDi) ∼ Q Wi, 1 ≤ i ≤ n, for di := 1/n and some distinct Weil divisors Wi.

Proof. Note that the field extension C(Pn−1)/π∗C(X) is Galois with the group S := Z/n ⊕ Z/n. Restricting to the field of ξ - invariants yields an intermediate field π∗C(X) ⊂ F ⊂ C(Pn−1). Note that extension C(Pn−1)/F corresponds to the quotient morphism q : Pn−1 −→ X′ for X′ = Pn−1/ hξi and the cyclic subgroup hξi⊂ S. Finally, C(X)/F is also Galois, corresponding to the quotient morphism p : X′ −→ X = X′/ hηi. n Further, consider the divisors B0 := ((x0 ...xn−1) = 0) and Hi := (xi = 0), n−1 1 0 ≤ i ≤ n − 1, so that B = n H . We have B ∼ Q H for all i and hence 0 X i n2 0 i i=0 1 q ( B ) ∼ Q q (H ) ∼ Q nq(H ) ∗ n2 0 ∗ i i because q∗(Hi)= nq(Hi) for Hi being ξ - invariant hyperplanes. This implies that

∗ 1 1 1 1 p ( D )= q(B )= q (B ) ∼ Q q ( B ) ∼ Q q(H ) =: W n2 i n2 i n3 ∗ i ∗ n3 0 i−1 i for all 1 ≤ i ≤ n. 

1 n Put D := D . Then it follows immediately from (2.6) and Lemma 2.7 that n2 X i i=1 the log pair (X,D) satisfies all the assumptions in Proposition 2.2 (for V := X). Thus X is rational and the proof of Theorem 1.2 is complete.

3. Miscellany

3.1. It would be interesting to extend the technique presented in Section 2 to the case of quotients Pn−1/G by other finite central extensions of Abelian groups. This requires, however, analogs of technical lemmas from 2.3, where we have crucially used that G = Hn. 5 More generally, it would be interesting to give a characterization of those finite groups G, for which Pn−1/G is a cyclic quotient of toric variety (cf. Remark 1.4). n−1 Observe at this point that the singularities of X = P /Hn are non - exceptional (cf. [18, Proposition 3.4]), and one might try to look for a similar property, distin- guishing (cyclic quotients of) toric Pn−1/G.

3.2. Initially, our interest was in constructing a mirror dual Y + for Calabi – Yau threefolds Y , studied in [8]. Recall that Y is a small resolution of a nodal Calabi – n−1 Yau V ⊂ P , invariant under Hn, such that there is a pencil of (1,n) - polarized

Abelian surfaces A ⊂ V . The action of Hn extends to a free one on Y and it is + expected that Y = Y/Hn. Indeed, when n = 8 the derived equivalence between

Y and Y/Hn was established in [21], which on the level of Abelian surfaces is the 0 Mukai equivalence between A and Pic (A) = A/Hn (note that Hn acts on A via shifts by n - torsion points). In particular, when n = 5 and V is the Horrocks – Mumford quintic (see [8, 4 Section 3]), V/H5 is a Calabi – Yau hypersurface in (almost) toric variety P /H5. This brings in a possibility for applying Batyrev’s construction of mirror pairs (see [2]) as well as other explicit methods: matrix factorizations, period integrals, etc. (see e. g. [9], [17]). We plan to return to this subject elsewhere.

3.3. As a complement to 3.1, one may try to attack (stable) rationality problem n−1 n−1 for various quotients P /G by considering their classes [P /G] in K0(Var), the Grothendieck ring of complex algebraic varieties, and applying [16, Corollary 2.6] to them. It is important however that [Pn−1/G] be non - zero modulo L := [A1] (see [11] for some examples of varieties Z with [Z] = 0 mod L). n−1 n−1 It is trivially true that [P /Hn] is not divisible by L (for it equals [P ] modulo L by Theorem 1.2) and it would be interesting to find out whether this is always the case for all quotients Pn−1/G. Perhaps the fact that any such variety is stably b - inf. trans. (see [4, Corollary 3.2]) might be of some use here.

Appendix by Ming - chang Kang

The algebraic proof of Theorem 1.2 follows the same lines as in [6]. Namely, n put λ := [ξ, η] and y0 := x0 , yi := xi/xi−1, 1 ≤ i ≤ n − 1 (see 1.1). Then we hλi have C(x0,...,xn−1) = C(y0,...,yn−1). By [6, Theorem 4.1] it suffices to prove 6 hξ,ηi rationality of C(y1,...,yn−1) . Note that the action of ξ on yi, 1 ≤ i ≤ n − 1, is given by ξ : yi 7→ ωyi. n hξi Define z1 := y1 , zi := yi/yi−1,2 ≤ i ≤ n−1. Then we have C(y1,...,yn−1) =

C(z1,...,zn−1). Note that the action of η on zi is the same as the action of τ in [6, p. 686] (by replacing p with n everywhere). i−1 Now define w1 := z2, wi := η (z2), 2 ≤ i ≤ n − 1. Then we have

C(z1,...,zn−1)= C(w1,...,wn−1) and the action of η is as follows: 1 η : w1 7→ w2 7→ w3 7→ ... 7→ wn−1 7→ . w1,...wn−1 The latter action can be linearized exactly as in the middle of [6, p. 687]. Hence we can apply Fischer’s Theorem (see [7]).

Acknowledgments. It is our pleasure to thank A. Belavin, F. Bogomolov, and Ilya Zhdanovskiy for valuable comments. The work was partially supported by the Russian Academic Excellence Project 5 - 100.


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Laboratory of AGHA, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, 9 Institutskiy per., Dolgoprudny, Moscow Region, 141701, Russia E-mail address: [email protected]

Laboratory of AGHA, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, 9 Institutskiy per., Dolgoprudny, Moscow Region, 141701, Russia E-mail address: [email protected] 8 Department of Mathematics, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Tai- wan E-mail address: [email protected]