Research in Astron. & Astrophys. Vol.15 (2015) No.?, 000–000 (Last modified: — December 6, 2014; 10:26 ) Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics Pulsating Components in Binary and Multiple Stellar Systems — A Catalog of Oscillating Binaries ∗ A.-Y. Zhou National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100012, China;
[email protected] Abstract We present an up-to-date catalog of pulsating binaries, i.e. the binary and multiple stellar systems containing pulsating components, along with a statistics on them. Compared to the earlier compilation by Soydugan et al.(2006a) of 25 δ Scuti-type ‘oscillating Algol-type eclipsing binaries’ (oEA), the recent col- lection of 74 oEA by Liakos et al.(2012), and the collection of Cepheids in binaries by Szabados (2003a), the numbers and types of pulsating variables in binaries are now extended. The total numbers of pulsating binary/multiple stellar systems have increased to be 515 as of 2014 October 26, among which 262+ are oscillating eclipsing binaries and the oEA containing δ Scuti componentsare updated to be 96. The catalog is intended to be a collection of various pulsating binary stars across the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram. We reviewed the open questions, advances and prospects connecting pulsation/oscillation and binarity. The observational implication of binary systems with pulsating components, to stellar evolution theories is also addressed. In addition, we have searched the Simbad database for candidate pulsating binaries. As a result, 322 candidates were extracted. Furthermore, a brief statistics on Algol-type eclipsing binaries (EA) based on the existing catalogs is given. We got 5315 EA, of which there are 904 EA with spectral types A and F.