
Wednesday, January 8, 1936. WANT ADS— Telephone 3-3131 TIMES-UNION. ALBANY. N. Y. WANT ADS—Telephone 3-3131 Pml LEGISLATURE SPEEDS ACTION ON LEHMAN'S ANTI-CRIME PROGRAM TRAGEDY OF THE ROAD-ONE DEAD IN AMBULANCE CRASH Tfl Famous Glacier Priest Here PUT GANGS 'ON SPOT' Proposals to Destrict Fire- arm'* Introduced in Senate; Others Planned The Legislature cleared the way today for ac­ tion on an anti-crime program designed to rid the State of gangsters and racketeers. Although both houses held only brief sessions for introduction of bills, leaders of both parties worked behind the scenes shaping anti- crime legislation which is expected to be placed before the lawmakers within a week. The Democratic forces have be­ fore them the drastic 60-point pro­ gram presented by Governor Leh­ REV. ROONEY FATHER HUBBARD man, who personally assumed the leadership in fighting crime in the state. One of the most important tasks Glacier Priest Sees Alaska at present Is determining ways and ! means of strengthening the state's public enemy law which, in effect, As 'New Frontier' was declared valueless by the State Court of Appeals yesterday. The Alaska—a naw_frontier, rich IT • that the settlers wet* high court ruled that the law was mineral products and , wjth. vast their opportunity." technically, unconstitutional, but areas of tillable land, a rugged, Father Hubbard's suggestion la' that young men, eager for oppor­ placed such a heavy burden of hardy cewntry—-awaits the pioneer. tunity and willing to work hard, proof upon law jnforcement offi­ For, with strength and self-reli­ be given a 'grub stake' in Alaska. AFTERIPRIVATE ^AMBULANCE AND TRUCK CRASHED IN OLD WESTBURY, L. I. cials that it would be a.most Im­ ance, men could mould Alaska Into If they have the true pioneer spir­ THIS SCENE, reminiscent of the battlefields of France of 1914-1918, was the * at right, is Edward Brett, nursing his Injuries; while Charles Brown, lying on possible to convict persons under a great and resourceful territory. it, they can develop not only them­ aftermath of a crash of a private ambulance (shown overturned) and a truck. Death ground, is motioning for aid to the first-aid group that is working on a more seri­ its provisions. ' Thus Father Bernard R. Hub­ selves, but also the country, the and suffering complete the picture. F. N. Gordon, driver of the ambulance, is being ously wounded victim, Chester Moore. Two others also suffered injuries in the ENACTED LAST YEAR. bard, S. J., "The Glacier Priest," priest believes. placed into another ambulance (background). He died in hospital. Seated on cot, accident. By International. • In Albany today for his lecture in Father Hubbard Is an enthusias­ The law, enacted last year for a tic, energetic, resourceful man. He trial period ending next April, pro­ Page Hall auditorium, enthusias­ sees in Alaska a great, rugged vides that when a person of ill re­ tically described Alaska. country, filled with opportunities, pute consorts with thieves and The physical qualities of Alaska, for those able to grasp them. Court Frees Night Parker 'Doug', Back in U. S., Silent criminals and other persons of evil he said, are much the same as reputation It is presumptive evi­ those which were found by the dence that the consorting is for an earTyTJutcTi^ielfte^^^ in On Ladv Ashley Romance unlawful purpose, and the offender try. The climate, in most sections, is guilty -of disorderly -conductr'*'" t« -totr-more-rigorbus-- than- that - of Sitting in traffic court• J»erO?-t charged .with, pftSSlag. throug^juL- By DOROTHY KILGALLEN. One high authority declared New England. The territory itself day, Judge Edward S. Kampf red light at Hudson avenue and NEWYORK^Jan^S^-JDouglas Fairbanks, who used to that It seemed to him "that the ls eight times the size of New Broadwayr43r— HUDSON, Jan. 8—Tax roll books court has gone nut of its way York state. It has more coal de­ showed that he can be both a hu­ Edward Eagan, of Troy, also of Wards 1 and 2 are missing from swing from chandeliers in the early movies, is in New York to sympathize with legislative ef­ posits than the combined number manitarian and a strict diciplinari- charged with passing through a the city treasurer's office, Miss today, silent about his heart affairs, through with acting forts to nip crime at Its breeding; in and .. TRIAE BEGINS red light at Clinton avenue and Dorothy Feinberg, city treasurer's spot" an, when he gave one man a sus­ "for good" and rather weary of the public which made him AWAITS PIONEERS LOUISVILLE, Ky, Jan. 8 (INS> pended sentence andrimposed a fine Uorth Pearl street,^?. assistant, testified here today at The court ruling was made a few —Granted a motion for a separate Edward Barbin, of 3J1 Central the trial of M. William Herbs, famous. hours after Governor Lehman had Alaska has minerals, water on five others hearing, Walter Schaeffer, Tardea avenue, charged with,parking in former city treasurer. Mr. Herbs "I won't discuss Lady Ashley •—— specifically recommended that the power, and natural scenery, eclips­ boy, went en trial today for the Ralph McLean, of 125 Winthrop a closed zone, $2. is accused of appropriating illeg­ or my private affairs," the 52- skilng. I am not very good at It— law be continued and enlarged If ing even that of the Alps, Father dancing party murder of Mrs, Eve­ avenue, charged with violating the ally for his own use $3,800 of city year-old film star said on his I had one pretty bad fall, so had it Is found constitutional. Hubbard said. It awaits the strong lyn Slivinski, while Willie "Smoky" 2 to 5 a. m. parking ordinance was arrival on the. Aqultaala. "I hand of the pioneer. Saunders, noted jockey, to be tried funds. don't care what the puSllc says. ever., body—but I enjoyed It" G. O. P. MAPS PROGRAM. given the suspended sentence when- "Alaska needs men of the cali­ after the Schaeffer trial, sat by as 0 |QD Miss Feinberg testified that she Let's call it a day." KEEPS IN TRAINING. he declared he had parked his ma­ The Governor's anti-crime pro- ber of «,i«osej nhv, In covered an interested anectotafr,,,, , had no idea where the missing Dressed in a midnight blue din­ Fairbanks, the histronic pogo pram, the most drastic advanced chine near Memorial hospital, ner coat, ornamented with ruby wagons, crossed the Twenty-six witnesses were sum­ books are. stick of the silent days, revealed he in the state's history, drew no com­ in '49, to reach the rich and un- where his wife is confined, while The prosecution succeeded in in­ and' diamond studs, Fairbanks ment from Republican leaders who moned, including employes at sev­ he spent the night at the institu­ posed vivaciously for hewsreel pic­ still keeps in training and could explolted lands in ," the eral of the n.'ght clubs visited try troducing as evidence 20 other tax are busy mapping their own legis­ priest declared. tion. Judge Kampf, who usually tures as the ship steamed into port. probably chin a balcony or swing lation to put the gangsters "on the the track boys and their girl com­ books over the objection of the de­ from a portiere if he had to. He "But all the heroes are in the panions the night Mrs. Slivinski has imposed a $5 fine for the of­ IN SON'S DEATH fense that they were immaterial. He talked with spirit about ski- spot." movies. We are becoming a soft was run over. Mrs. Agatha Macki- District Attorney Edward H. Best jumping and the Olympics — but brought parallel bars aboard the In the lower house the G. O. P. fense, warned McLean not to re­ James O. Denin, of 77 Lawrence not about Lady Ashley or the j Aquitanla and practised on them nation. We need a new surge of son, Schaeffcr's party Companion. peat the action. said: leaders have been able to make lit­ was expected to be among the first street, a North End trucker, has romance which set what is laugh- every day, besides boxinx !• '«w tle headway with their program be­ the pioneer spirit, and to men Salvatore Mance, of 34 Southern been awarded $6,496.90 against "if defense counsel wants me ingty called Continental society to rounds with his valet-trainer, Lu- with courage enough to accept it, to he called. boulevard, charged with parking on to expound before this jury the cause of the delay in organizing The courtroom was filled, thane* New York State for the death of reasons why tax books are ma­ fierce gossiping. He discussed the cien Rocher. the Assembly as a result of the Alaska offers great opportuni­ a crosswalk at State and Eagle his son, James R. Denin, 13. The movies, the Lindberghs, truckin', The actor said the rumor he was ties. even greater interest is rspsrted streets, was fined $2, despite the terial, I will be glad to do so. bitter patronage dispute. Both when the jockey who rode Omaha award was made by the Court ol Documentary proof l In evidence and the weather at sea—but not to be knighted by the crown and State Chairman Melvin S. Eaton . -rhe pertinent question is noi efforts of a friend to have him Claims. s Lady Ashley. whether Alaska Is good enough to a Kentucky Derby victory is put given a suspended sentence. to pave the way for state audi­ become a British subject was only and Speaker Irving Ives reiterated on trial. The boy was riding in the rear tors' testimony." He seemed most willing to talk a rumor. that "all is harmony within the for the people, but whether the Others fined were: of his father's truck when it struck about the movies. "I'm a Calliornlan," he laughed. ranks" at present and prepara­ people are good enough for George Bileck, of 618 Madison William G Magee, Fourth Ward a depression in the approach of taxpayer, testified that he paid $100 "It's about time I quit playing "I can't be knighted. All-nlghted, tions were b«smg speeded to act on Pleads Not Guilty avenue, charged with parking on a in pictures," he said with a tired all G. O. P. measures. crosswalk, $2. i the Troy-Menands bridge. He was taxes March 2, 1934, to Mr. Herbs, yes." 2,000 SETTLERS. j thrown from the truck and Buf­ smile. "I quit acting years ago. Of ex-wife Mary Pickford, who Frank B. Peebles, of Hudson, personally. The - prosecution con­ Meanwhile. Senator Joseph Clark fered a skull fracture. He died tat tended Mr. Magee's $100 was part Now I'm going to quit appear­ used to be the other half of the Baldwin, New York Republican, Father Hubbard briefly described To Drunken Driving next day in Troy hospital. The of the $3,000. The trial started yes­ ing- I've had my fill." team of "Our Mary" and "Our declared there "has been entirely the government colonization proj­ Charged with operating an auto­ award included $6,000 for the death terday. Fairbanks will stay in New York Doug,"' Fairbanks had nothing to too much idle talk about antl-crlme ect in the Matanuska Valley. mobile while intoxicated, Elmer of the boy and $496.90 for funeial four days, then go to Hollywood to say. legislation and not enough action" where 2,000 settlers are engaged in Van Alstyne, of 01 Osborne road, begin production on a new film, as he introduced four bills provid­ farming) and dairying. pleaded not guilty when arraigned expenses. John L. Campbell, dep­ A FASHION PLATE "Marco Polo," which will be fHmed ing for more detailed information "The difficulty with the proj­ in police court here today before AAA JUSTICES uty attorney-general, represented Radio Watch at __ California and China. He will the state. _ < Always sartorially resplendent, on the sale and ownership of fire­ ect," Father Hubbard Mid, "is Justice Edward S. Kampf and was produce and direct the picture him­ Fairbanks is now said to be the arms. Airports Ordered self. « released under $390 bail. A hear­ next-best-dressed-man in London, ing on the charge was set for Jan­ WASHINGTON, Jan. 8 (AP)— "I've always produced and writ­ GUN LAWS OJFFERED. have jurisdiction over the appoint­ Hoover in New York next, that is, to the Prin;e of ment of all fish and game wardens. uary 15. He was arrested yester­ HANG IN EFFIGY In a move to make the air lanes ten my own stories." he declared. Wales. He said he had 35 suits His bills would make the pres­ day by Traffic Officer William "I think Til enjoy directing one." in his wardrobe. ence of"«£ firearm m% vehicle or Legalize lotteries to provide funds DES MOINES, la., Jan. 8 (INS). Mum on AAA Rule safer,jthe Federal Communications for old age relief. Leonard In Washington avenue. Gov. Clyde Herring today received Sylvia, Lady Ashley, whose titled Otherwise he is about the same (.welling "place presumptive evi- NEW YORK, Jenr7 (INS>—De-ieommission today ordered ali^air­ husjiand won a divorce from her dence of ownership by the o^cu? Repeal the ryeajktyal.ty oath bill a threatening telegram demanding dining to discuss the Supreme port ataUorja^lflL maintain "a^Jion.- as tht Doug_wJho_played in "The under which teachers must pledge that he dose Iowa State college Court decision invalidating the tinuous listening watch" for radio after naming Fairbanks, was on the Mark of ZarrowT7 His British ac­ panif provide that detailed records Admiral Hepburn pier at Southampton waving fare­ be kept by the manufacturers and allegiance to the Constitution. Immediately because the^slx Su­ A. A. A. or comment en politics, calls frow:*tttnersnt^rtTcTaft." cent is very slighti Bait slighter Prohibit experiments on riving preme court justices who doomed Former President Herbert Hoover Unless specifically exempted, the well to him as the ship left. She, too, than you would expect from a Hol­ dealers in firearms; that duplicate To Command Fleet arrived here today. had been in St. Moritz for the sled­ lywood movie stai who had spent date such as the name of the con­ dogs. AAA were hanged in effigy near stations also must "be prepared to Provide preference for trial of WASHINGTON, Jan. S (D«>— the campus at Ames yesterday. render communication service at ding. more than 30 days in Britain. signee, serial number, etc., be sub­ "The sledding wae very nice," mitted to police authorities and separation or divorce cases where Selection of Vice-Admiral Arthur J. The -telegram came from Tren­ OPERATION ON HIP any hour of the day or night." Once %^a while, though, he calls temporary alimony is involved. Hepburn as new commander-in- Fairbanks declared. "So wae the someone "old chap.* would provide for stringent4icense ton, N. J., and was signed "The Principle Bizzarro, 10, pupil in Other technical changes were Permit juries to recommend chief of the United States fleet was the fourth grade at St. Anthony's affected in regulations governing regulations for.dealers in firearms. Musketeers of America." It warned {One of the highry controversial either life imprisonment or the announced by Secretary of tha that "this means business.' school, Troy, was taken to Leonard airport stations by the order to­ death penalty in first degree mur­ Navy Swanson today. Admiral Hep­ hospital today for an operation on day, which is effective February measures of last session—a proposal "Iowa State college must be calling for ratification of the Fed­ der convictions. burn will relieve Admiral Joseph closed in view hanging Supreme her hip, broken when she fell while 15. M. Reeves early In June. playing two weeks ago. She is the eral anti-child labor amendment— Prohibit operation of a motor ve­ court judges in effigy. This means hicle of a cash or trade-in value of t — business. No delay,' the telegram daughter of Mrs. Beatrice Bizzarro, For Best Results Use The Times- LflWLER URGES TAXPAYERS' '35 also made its appearance. of 1462 Fifth avenue, Troy. Assemblyman William T. An­ $200 or less without written proof said. Union Classified Ads. drews, Negro Democrat of New of inspection showing it ls in safe W. Morgans Reveal The Governor meanwhile re­ operating condition. ceived a vigorous protest from the York, introduced the ratification college against inferences that stu­ measure and announced he would Reduce from 100 to 50 the mini­ Daughter's Betrothal BIGGER ARMY fight vigorously for its passage. mum number of savings and loan NEW YORK, Jan. S (INS)—An­ dents were responsible for the dem­ RECORD GOOD onstration, believed to be the first NEW TRIANGLE QUEEN Governor Lehman emphatically associations permitted to enter into nouncement was made today of The United States should have a Albany taxpayers were more declared for ratification of the Fed­ an agreement for creating a fund the engagement of Miss Wendy of its kind in American history. regular army of at least 165,000 en­ Though the effigy hanging oc­ prompt In paying their tax bills eral amendment in his annual mes­ to insure shares of savings and loan Morgan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. curred near the campus, there is Waterford Girl Crowned by listed men and 14,000 officers to during 1935 than they were in any sage to the legislature. associations. William Fellowes Morgan, Jr, no definite evidence that it was give the nation adequate national Other bills before the lawmakers Create a commission to study the Mount Kieco, N. Y. to flunmsr other year since 1930, City Treas­ Putnam, son of Mr. and Mrs. EUot done by students Mother at Lodge defense, according to Serg.-Major would: causes, extent and prevention of urer Frank J. O'Brien announced Create a fish and game board In Juvenile delinquency with an appro- T. Putnam of . The mar­ Session A. S. Lawler in a radio address today. the Conaervatlon department to priatlon of $15,000. riage Is to take place in the spring. over WABY yesterday afternoon. Final compilations on tax col­ Lois Van Steenburg of Water- Sergt-Major Lawler acted as lections for 1935 showed a delin­ Fire Department ford ls the new queen of Ionic Tri­ spokesman for the Admiral Cogh- quency of only 8.134 per cent, com­ angle, Daughters of the Eastern lan-Lt, O. P. Johnson impost of the pared to a delinquency of 10.46 per Star. Veterans of Foreign Wars. Hts* cent in 1934. In 1930 the delin­ To Get New Rules She was crowned by HIT mother topic was "An Adequate National quency was only T.55 jhr cent, Mr. at a meeting of the organization Defense.'^ O'Brien said. | —New rules and regulations for the Sergt.-Major Lawler said the V. The total 1936 levy was $7,955,. Albany fire department were being Monday night. Installation serv- Ices F. W. national organization also 624.71, of which the city collected made today by Fire Chief Michael held in the Masonic $7,308,436.13, leaving uncollected J. Fleming. It will be the first temple. favors a National Guard of 210,000 PROCEEDS DAILY $647,138.58. 4 set in a decade. The chapter was formed recent­ enlisted men with more, active ly. Saratoga Triangle conferred courses of training for them than Uncollected accounts have been The chief said that the rules will now is given. He said the organi­ turned over to the county treas­ not be, altered with respect to the the initiatory degree on a class of 28 of the 30 charter members of sation is advocating modernization urer for collection, at a penalty of Reductions are three - quarters, two- movement of fire apparatus to and of the Army's equipment, more pay 10 per cent , from a fire and added that cause Ionic Triangle. of fire apparatus collision is the Delegations were present from for the soldiers and larger peace­ thirds and one - half off regular prices failure on the part of the public Troy, Watervliet, Saratoga, Sche­ time supplies for the Army. He ARGUE COMPENSATION to observe the traffic regulations nectady and Schuylervllle. said: The appeal of Mrs. Susan in most cases—ajl sales f rnal—no exchanges and not any neglect on the part of "We heartily recommend the Rhoades, of Rochesti-, Vt, from the drivers of fhe apparatus. compulsory military training sys­ lower court decisions denying her House Guests tem in aU educational institutions "The rale will be," he said, "that that have retell s< i—d grants claim for compensation from the the fire apparatus will move to the Mr. and Mrs. Harry Henley of Miller Bros. Construct Ion company scene of a,sra at the greatest pos­ the Schenectady road, had with we believe that training in the R. and the Liberty Mutual Insurance Van Heusen Charles Co. sible speed, all safety factors con­ them as their guests for the O. T. (. ahtwild he available to company, was to be • argued this 466-470 Broadway, Albany sidered, and will get there by the week-end, Mr. and Mrs. John every n—JUled student in the afternoon before the Court of Ap­ shortest possible route," Conners of Kingston, , LOIS VAN STEENBURG country." » peals. -i

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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069


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