First Presbyterian Church of Farmington 26165 Farmington Road Farmington Hills, MI 48334 (248) 474-6170 The Church of the Open Hands ______

December 23, 2018 Fourth Sunday of

Prayer of Preparation Ann Weems When the Holy Child is born into our hearts there is a rain of stars. A rushing of angels, a blaze of candles. This God bursts into our lives. Love is running through the streets.

We Enter into God’s Presence *Please stand in body or spirit Welcome & Minute for Mission – S.O.S. Chris Davis Congregational Life Invitation to the While We Are Waiting (v. 1) Holy Spirit 92 Prophetic Reading Micah 5:2 - 5a O.T. p. 865 Prelude Solemn Processional Leon Boellmann Lighting of the The Candle of Love Pam Jusino, Shari Fiore & Fourth Jerry Custer *Hymn 88 O Come, O Come, Emmanuel (v. 1, 7) Confessing Our Separation from God (unison) God of the Loving Heart, you send signs of love in people who care. But often we confess those places in our hearts where we have refused you entrance: people we have refused to love; habits we never get around to changing; good things we have left undone; and ways in which we hurt you, ourselves, and others. Come to us in the light of your Christ. Shine on those places we have hidden from you. Show us new ways to live. Sweep clean the rooms of our hearts, that Christ may find a home among us. Be known among us now and forever! Amen! A Time of Silent, Personal Prayer for Peace


*Song of 406 We Are Standing on Holy Ground

We Hear God’s Word Mindfulness Prayer

Anthem Still, Still, Still arr. Norman Luboff Chancel Choir and Peyton DeSchutter, flute Austrian carol Not for Children Only Prayer cards collected

*Passing of the Peace of Christ Turn to your neighbor and pass the Peace of Christ

Gospel Lesson Luke 1:46 - 55 N.T. p. 57 Reflection Song of Hope Pastor Eddie

We Respond to God’s Word *Affirmation of Faith 121 O Little Town of (v. 4) Song of Invitation Come and Fill Our Hearts Come and fill our hearts with your peace. You alone, O Lord, are holy. Come and fill our hearts with your peace. Alleluia! Joys and Hopes of the People of God & the Lord’s Prayer

Offertory & Signing Wake, Awake, for Night is Flying P. Nicolai of the Friendship Pad

*Doxology All That We Have Jerry Custer *Prayer of Thanksgiving (unison) God of Love, thank you for the promise of the season. This morning, as we draw closer to the blessed birth, we remember Mary and how your blessings come to the world in the most unexpected ways and often through the most unprepared people. Give us eyes this day to see the wealth of ways you have blessed us and the opportunities you have placed before us to be an unexpected blessing to others. May these gifts represent a new spirit of joyous sharing among us, for the sake of all your children everywhere. We pray this in the name of , who gave in love all there was to give for us. Amen.


We Follow God’s Word into the World *Hymn 100 My Soul Cries Out with a Joyful Shout


Postlude Toccata on 'Veni Emmanuel' Andrew Carter

Prayers for the grieving: [Names provided in print edition]. We hold in our prayers: [Names provided in print edition]. We also hold in prayer those in need and those impacted by the recent storms, natural disasters, gun violence and terrorism, as well as those who put themselves in harm’s way to assist them.

Assisting in Worship December 23 December 30 Lector Sharon Cressman Ushers Irwin Moyna Dave Carlson Dot Basmaji Sue Carlson Karen McCullough Jeff Ely Ellen Ely Greeters Manny Sharpe Welcome Center Sally Kirsten Sunday Sextons Rick Fuller Alvine Cooper Ann Collins-Carey Cressman Family Hospitality Time Hosts Last names S - Z Surplus Sunday

Christmas Joy Offering: This Presbyterian special offering will be collected the last two weeks of December as well as Eve. Half of this offering will provide assistance to current and retired church workers in their time of need and to develop our future leaders at Presbyterian-related schools and colleges equipping communities of color. The other half will be used locally to support Freedom House Detroit, a temporary home for indigent survivors of persecution from around the world who are seeking asylum in the United States as well as victims of human trafficking. Carol Sing for First Sunday after Christmas: Enjoy a casual morning of your favorite Christmas carols. Besides a wonderful selection of some of our most beloved carols, we will also be take carol requests as part of our worship. Dec. 30 Hospitality Time is Surplus Sunday! You are invited to bring your leftover Christmas goodies to share with your First Pres friends for our Hospitality Time after worship.


Important year-end information regarding contributions: Please be aware that the last bank deposit for contributions for tax year 2018 will be Wednesday, Dec. 26, 2018. This means contributions must be received in the church office before Monday, Dec. 24, 2018 or in the offering plate on Sunday, Dec. 23. Any monies received in the mail after these dates will not be counted or deposited until after the end of the year and will be counted as 2019 contributions.

Annual Meeting scheduled; annual reports due soon: The Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday, Feb. 3, 2019, immediately following worship. Please turn in all reports to be included in the 2018 Annual Report by Monday, Jan. 7, 2019. The 2018 Annual Report will be emailed to members who have signed up through the church website to receive the FYI newsletter, the annual report and other important church information (to sign up for the newsletter and electronic communications, please go to ). A few printed copies of the 2018 Annual Report will be available at the welcome center on Sunday, Jan. 27. Calendar Planning – Better Communications: The Communications Team will host a Calendar Planning meeting January 7, 2019, 7:00-8:30 PM in Room 208-210. In an effort to establish better communications for publication of events and happenings to members and community it is requested that all church leaders participate. Members and friends of the congregation are also welcome. Please bring a list of your group's annual events and the dates they will occur along with a general list of things you expect to see on an annual calendar. Questions? Contact Lorrie McVey. SOS Is coming to First Presbyterian Jan. 13-20: It is hard to believe that this will be our 12th year hosting guests from South Oakland Shelter. We have learned so many things over the years about our guests. We have shared tears and laughter as we heard stories about their lives. We have shared our time and our hearts as we made our church a home for a week. As always, there is an URGENT NEED for volunteers. Sign-up sheets for the many volunteer opportunities are posted on the large bulletin board in the Narthex. Please prayerfully consider how you can help make this ministry a success. A reminder to please bring new or gently used blankets, twin-bed sheets (flat and fitted), towels and wash cloths to church on Sunday, Jan. 6 to donate them for our guests’ use. 2019 Offering Envelopes: Those who have used numbered envelopes in 2018 will automatically receive envelopes for 2019. If you did NOT used envelopes in 2018, but DO wish to have them for 2019, please contact the church office to make your request known. Numbered envelopes facilitate the speed and accuracy of the data entry process, so we do encourage you to use envelopes if you contribute manually on a regular basis. We also encourage the use of monthly electronic debit. If you wish to submit your pledge electronically from your account starting in February, please call Financial Secretary Jerry Scheel to have the form mailed to you. Questions? Contact Jerry Scheel or call the church office at (248) 474-6170.


2019 Worship Flower sign-up available: Please consider giving flowers in memory of a loved one or to recognize a special occasion such as a birthday or anniversary or to the glory of God. An arrangement is $24 and enhances our worship services. More than one arrangement may be ordered for any Sunday. You may take the flowers with you after the worship service or leave them so that they can be delivered to one of our homebound members. The sign-up sheet is available on the kiosk in the area outside Knox Fellowship Hall. For more information, call the church office (248) 474-6170.

Hospitality Time schedule: You are invited to bring ONE food item on ONE Sunday each month. Your Sunday depends on the first letter of your last name. Here’s the upcoming schedule: • Dec. 30: Surplus Sunday = bring your leftover Christmas goodies • Jan. 6: Last names beginning A - D • Jan. 13: Last names beginning E - K • Jan. 20: Last names beginning L - R

This Week at First Presbyterian Sunday, December 23 Third Sunday in Advent 9:00 a.m. Adult Study 10:00 a.m. Worship Service 10:15 a.m. Sunday School 11:15 a.m. Hospitality Time 6:00 p.m. Little Flock Bible Study Monday, December 24 Morning Church office open until noon 4:30 p.m. Family Service with Carols and Stories 9:00 p.m. Candlelight Lessons and Carols Tuesday, December 25 Merry Christmas! Church building and office closed Wednesday, December 26 Church closed Church building and office closed Thursday, December 27 11:00 a.m. Aue / Barrios Wedding Rehearsal Friday, December 28 6:00 p.m. Aue / Barrios Wedding & Reception Saturday, December 29 No events scheduled


Sunday, December 30 9:00 a.m. Adult Bible Study 10:00 a.m. Worship 11:15 a.m. Hospitality Time - Surplus Sunday 6:00 p.m. Little Flock Bible Study Monday, December 31 New Year’s Eve 9:00 p.m. Little Flock Watchnight Service (until 1:00 a.m.)

Tuesday, January 1 Happy New Year! Little Flock Watchnight Service (until 1:00 a.m.) Church building and office closed

Please call the church office at (248) 474-6170 to see if the building is open during the weeks of Christmas and New Year’s.

First Presbyterian Staff Senior Pastor The Rev. Eddie Jusino Ministers Members of the Congregation Pastoral Care Parish Associate The Rev. Craig Aue Pastoral Care Intern Joshua Archey Minister of Music Dr. Gerald Custer Organist Shari Fiore Office Manager Karen Spica Sexton Vanya Georgieva Sunday Nursery Attendants Dawn Johnson & Sandra Lieberman