This page intentionally left blank. THE JOURNAL OF FREDERICKSBURG HISTORY Volume Fifteen Historic Fredericksburg Foundation, Inc. The Lewis Store 1200 Caroline Street Fredericksburg, Virginia 22401 Copyright 2016 by the Historic Fredericksburg Foundation, Inc. Unless otherwise listed, all images were produced by the authors or their agents on behalf of the Historic Fredericksburg Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved. The Journal of Fredericksburg History (ISSN 1093-2771) is issued by the Historic Fredericksburg Foundation, Inc. The Foundation’s mission is to preserve, protect, and revitalize the distinctive historic environment and cultural resources of the Fredericksburg area through education, advocacy, and financial support. For information on membership, please write to the Foundation at 1200 Caroline Street, Fredericksburg, Virginia 22401, call the office at 540-371-4504, or email us at
[email protected]. Additional details on the organization can also be found on our website, Contributions to the Historic Fredericksburg Foundation are tax-deductible. Historic Fredericksburg Foundation, Inc. Board of Directors President: Emily Taggart Schricker Vice President: vacant Secretary: Barbra Anderson Treasurer: G. Scott Walker Paul Eakin Mary Maher Richard Hansen Leslie Pugh Regis Keddie, III Honorary Board Member Doris Buffett HFFI Publications Committee & Journal Editorial Board Kerri S. Barile (Editor in Chief) Linda Billard (Technical Editor) Barbara P. Willis (Content Editor) Nancy Moore (Content Editor) William Shorter (Graphics Editor) Carthon W. Davis, III Sean P. Maroney John Hennessy Scott Walker Renee Johannesen This page intentionally left blank. FOREWORD The Underside. Merriam-Webster defines the Underside as a “part of life, a city, etc., that is hidden and usually unpleasant” or “that which is purposefully hidden from view.” Like many American cities, Fredericksburg’s past has many tales that reflect the Underside—the backroom deals that brought about monumental projects or scandals that were known by many residents but never shared.