Plague of Justinian Arrived in Constantinople, the Brought to Constantinople By: Capital of the Byzantine Empire, in 541 AD

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Plague of Justinian Arrived in Constantinople, the Brought to Constantinople By: Capital of the Byzantine Empire, in 541 AD Worksheet 5 Reading Comprehension English Department Teacher: Macarena Yacoman Palma [email protected] Name: _____________________________________ Grade: 11th grade B Unit: Global Issues: Pandemics Learning outcome: to identify specific information and to infer meaning from context Date: May 5th – May 11th (due date: May 11th) Assessment: Completion and submission of worksheet through Google Classroom Instructions: Read the text and answer items I, II, and III. “How 3 of History's Worst Pandemics Finally Ended” While some of the earliest pandemics faded by wiping out parts of the population, medical and public health initiatives were able to halt the spread of other diseases. Here’s how three of the world’s worst pandemics finally ended. Plague of I. Read the text and choose the correct alternative Justinian No One Left to Die 1. The Plague was caused by: a) a bacterium b) poor health conditions Three of the deadliest pandemics in recorded history were c) a virus caused by a single bacterium, Yersinia pestis, a fatal infection otherwise known as the plague. 2.We can infer that the plague was The Plague of Justinian arrived in Constantinople, the brought to Constantinople by: capital of the Byzantine Empire, in 541 AD. It was carried over a) rats the Mediterranean Sea from Egypt, a recently conquered land b) fleas paying tribute to Emperor Justinian in grain. Plague-ridden fleas c) rats and fleas hitched a ride on the black rats that snacked on the grain. The plague decimated Constantinople and spread like 3. The only thing people knew what to wildfire across Europe, Asia, North Africa and Arabia killing an do was: estimated 30 to 50 million people, perhaps half of the world’s a) stay home population. b) avoid sick people ―People had no real understanding of how to fight it other c) kill sick people than trying to avoid sick people,‖ says Thomas Mockaitis, a history professor at DePaul University. ―As to how the plague 4. According to Mockaitis, the Plague ended, the best guess is that the majority of people in a pandemic ended when: somehow survive, and those who survive have immunity.‖ a) sick people were avoided b) survivors developed inmunity c) most people died II.Read the text and answer True or Black Death False The Invention of 1. _____ The Plague had been Quarantine erradicated eight centuries before 2. _____ People concluded that The plague never really went away, and when it returned 800 proximity caused contagion years later, it killed with reckless abandon. The Black Death, 3. _____ Officials in Ragusa allowed which hit Europe in 1347, claimed an astonishing 200 million lives in just four years. all sailors to enter the port As for how to stop the disease, people still had no scientific understanding of contagion, but they knew that it had something to 4. _____ ―Trentino‖ meant sailors were do with proximity. That’s why forward-thinking officials in Venetian-controlled port city of Ragusa decided to keep newly held in their ships for thirty days arrived sailors in isolation until they could prove they weren’t sick. 5. _____ A quarantine had aboslutely At first, sailors were held on their ships for 30 days, which became known in Venetian law as a trentino. As time went on, the no effect Venetians increased the forced isolation to 40 days or a quarantino, the origin of the word quarantine and the start of its practice in the Western world. That definitely had an effect, says Mockaitis Smallpox III. Complete the sentences with information from the text. You might use the exact words or not A European Disease Ravages the New World 1. For many years, smallpox was ___________ from Europe, Asia and Arabia . Smallpox was endemic to Europe, Asia and Arabia for centuries, a persistent menace that killed three out of ten people 2. The death toll was _________ in the it infected and left the rest with pockmarked scars. But the death New World, compared to the Old World. rate in the Old World paled in comparison to the devastation wrought on native populations in the New World when the 3. Indigenous people weren’t smallpox virus arrived in the 15th century with the first ____________ to the virus. European explorers. The indigenous peoples of modern-day Mexico and the 4. Smallpox __________ 90 to 95 % of United States had zero natural immunity to smallpox and the people in the Americas. virus killed millions. ―There hasn’t been a killing in human history to match 5. Smallpox was finally ended throught what happened in the Americas—90 to 95 percent of the the development of a ____________. indigenous population wiped out over a century,‖ says Mockaitis. ―Mexico goes from 11 million people pre-conquest to one million.‖ 6. Jenner observed a virus called Centuries later, smallpox became the first virus epidemic cowbox, which was __________ than to be ended by a vaccine. In the late 18th-century, a British smallpox. doctor named Edward Jenner discovered that milkmaids infected with a milder virus called cowpox seemed immune to smallpox. 7. In 1980, the WHO announced the Jenner famously inoculated his gardener’s 9-year-old son with ______________ of smallpox. cowpox and then exposed him to the smallpox virus with no ill effect. ―The annihilation of the smallpox, the most dreadful scourge of the human species, must be the final result of this practice,‖ wrote Jenner in 1801. And he was right. It took nearly two more centuries, but in 1980 the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that smallpox had been completely eradicated from the face of the Earth. Remember to use if you need it .
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