Biological Invasions (2006) Ó Springer 2006 DOI 10.1007/s10530-006-9001-0

Biological and ecological characteristics of : a gammarid study

Simon Devin & Jean-Nicolas Beisel* Laboratoire Biodiversite´ et Fonctionnement des Ecosyste`mes, Universite´ Paul Verlaine – Metz, LBFE – Campus Bridoux, Avenue du Ge´ne´ral Delestraint, 57070, Metz, France; *Author for correspondence (e-mail: beisel@; fax: +33-0-3-87-37-84-23)

Received 3 November 2005; accepted in revised form 9 February 2006

Key words: biological invasions, biological traits, ecological traits, , profiling invader


Knowledge of characteristics helpful in screening potential invaders and in elaborating strategies to limit their success is highly desirable. We focused on gammarid amphipods from Western Europe and to discover biological and/or ecological traits that may explain successful invasion by these species. Two typologies were considered: an analytical one, with groups built on the basis of biological or ecological similarities, and an empirical one, with groups constituted a priori according to a species’ invasive status and its fresh or brackish water origin. The results obtained are discussed in the light of three hypotheses that may influence invasiveness: biotic potential, species size and euryoeciousness. The analysis revealed a particular ecological profile for invaders, with a strong influence of salinity tolerance, but no typology was found based on biological characteristics. Invasiveness cannot be predicted from a limited number of criteria, and is the result of a combination of several characteristics. Invasive species therefore exhibit a particular ecological profile rather than a biological one, contrary to most classical explanations.

Introduction without the introduction of new individuals is called an exotic (stage III according to Colautti Research on biological invasions has largely fo- and MacIsaac 2004). If it reaches high densities cused on the impacts of introduced species and and spreads further, it becomes invasive (stage V, on methods of their control. Recently, focus has Colautti and MacIsaac 2004), and impacts the turned to the development of tools to prevent recipient ecosystem. Here, we use this definition invasions. In addition to technical prevention of an invasive species and, following Kolar and methods, such as ballast water treatment, atten- Lodge (2001), we define indigenous (autochtho- tion is given to identify potential future invaders nous) species as taxa restricted to their native from their biological and ecological characteris- ranges. tics (e.g. Ricciardi and Rasmussen 1998; Hayes A species’ traits determine its success or failure and Sliwa 2003). in the transition between the different stages of The invasion process itself may be divided into the invasion process, and only particular trait three to five distinct stages (Vermeij 1996; Kolar combinations are assumed to make a species and Lodge 2001; Colautti and MacIsaac 2004). invasive. Some studies have adopted a quantita- After transport and introduction into a recipient tive approach for determining what these traits ecosystem, any species that maintains a popula- are (Kolar and Lodge 2001). Most deal with tion through local reproduction and recruitment plant or bird invaders, with particular attention for island ecosystems (Kolar and Lodge 2001, Material and methods Lloret et al. 2005). For , their role is more difficult to analyze due to a lack of data on Bibliographic analysis: traits and species studied failed introductions (Vasquez and Simberloff 2001). To the best of our knowledge, studies using We selected 10 biological and 7 ecological traits a quantitative approach are lacking for aquatic (Table 1) and documented features related to the species, but a few empirical descrip- life cycle of taxa (‘maximal size,’ ‘size distribu- tions of potential traits have been proposed tion,’ ‘hatching length,’ ‘minimal size at sexual (Ricciardi and Rasmussen 1998; van der Velde maturity,’ ‘mean fecundity,’ ‘maximal egg num- et al. 2000; bij de Vaate et al. 2002). Biological ber,’ ‘sex-ratio,’ ‘number of generations per year,’ (autoecological) characteristics are suspected to ‘life-span’), aspects of nutrition (‘diet’), different play a major role and have been more frequently conditions (‘salinity,’ ‘temperature toler- investigated than ecological characteristics. All ance,’ ‘altitude,’ ‘longitudinal distribution,’ studies have considered traits individually, poten- ‘microhabitat,’ ‘current velocity’). Traits common tially underestimating a possible cumulative/ to all species, such as respiration mode or loco- antagonistic effect of traits on invasiveness. motion, were not taken into account. The size In this study, we use a quantitative method to distribution variable reflects the distribution usu- investigate a combination of biological and eco- ally observed in field of individual among size logical traits involved in invasion success. We as- class. The mean fecundity is the mean number of sume that an organism’s biological traits reflect eggs observed considering all size classes. The the biotic characteristics and the ecological func- microhabitat variable reflects the distribution at tions of the species, whereas its ecological traits the scale of the bottom substrate. In addition, describe its potential environmental tolerance. ecological traits include the mean density This study focused on gammarid amphipods, fre- observed where the species occurred. quent in biological invasions, paying attention to In order to document the biological and eco- Western Europe and North America, two well logical traits of the highest possible number of documented recipient areas. Gammarids are am- species, all accessible references dating from 1911 phibiotic and constitute a taxonomic group of to 2003 were consulted. In all, eighteen fresh and phylogenetically related species with variable bio- brackish water species were included (Table 2), ecological features (Illies 1978; Sainte Marie viz. almost all gammarids common in Western 1991). We considered species from fresh and Europe (Eastern distribution limit: Germany– brackish water origin. Switzerland–Italy; Illies 1978; Leppa¨koski et al. We investigate two questions: (1) could a 2002), as well as the most common North Ameri- typology based on a combination of biological or can freshwater species (Barnard and Barnard ecological traits be related to the invasive charac- 1983). Among 18 species considered, seven are ter of the species, and (2) does a given trait con- known to be invasive (Dick and Elwood 1993; sidered alone discriminate between invasive and Devin et al. 2005; Table 2). non-invasive species? The results are discussed in the framework of three conceptual hypotheses Fuzzy coding and statistical analysis about invasiveness: Data were retained in an array where lines repre- H1: Invasive species exhibit a higher biotic po- sent the 18 species and columns represent the 17 tential (typically an r-strategy) than non-inva- biological and ecological variables. Each variable sive ones (Lodge 1993; Williamson 1996; van was subdivided into several modalities (Table 1) der Velde et al. 2000; bij de Vaate et al. 2002). with limits allowing an equal distribution of spe- H2: Body size influences invasion success (Roy cies score among them. The affinity (score) of a et al. 2002). species for each modality was assigned using a H3: Invasive species tolerate a wider range of fuzzy coding approach (Chevenet et al. 1994). environmental conditions (Ricciardi and Ras- This procedure standardizes the description of mussen 1998). each species by assigning it a score from 0 (no Table 1. Biological and ecological variables taken into ac- affinity) to 3 or 5 (high affinity) (Table 1) and is count and the modalities defined for each variable. particularly effective for the description of vari- Variables Modalities ables for which several modalities might be simultaneously involved. Bicological traits Two multiple correspondence analyses (MCA) Maximal size (mm) [0–16[ [16–20[ adapted to fuzzy coding were performed on this [20)+[ data set, one for the biological and one for the Size distribution [0–10[ ecological traits (Chevenet et al. 1994). From the (juveniles excluded, mm) [10–13[ MCA performed on this data set, axes represent- ) [13 +[ ing about 70% of the total inertia were kept. A Hatching length (mm) [0–1.5[ [1.5–2[ cluster analysis was then performed on the facto- [2)+[ rial coordinates of the species on the MCA axes Minimal size at sexual maturity [0–5.5[ to define whether invasive species grouped to- (Females, mm) [5.5–6.5[ gether. The multivariate analyses were performed ) [6.5 +[ using ADE-4 software, a package for multivari- Mean fecundity [0–20[ [20–25[ ate analysis and graphic display (Thioulouse [25)+[ et al. 1997). Species classification was done using Maximal egg number [0–30[ Ward’s method applied to Euclidean distances [30–60[ (Statsoft, Statistica 7). ) [60 +[ Inferential analyses were performed to assess Sex-ratio F>M F=M which traits best discriminate (1) groups obtained F2 on the species’ traits among groups obtained with Life span <1 year 1 year the cluster analysis, for each modality of all traits. >1 year The differences were tested modality by modality Diet Detritivorous between groups identified as different in terms of Omnivorous their bio/ecological profile. This approach on Ecological traits groups obtained by cluster analysis is innovative Water salinity ( &) [0–2[ by comparison with studies based on groups built [2–4[ a priori, only depending on invasive status. In a ) [4 +[ second step, Kruskal–Wallis tests were performed Temperature tolerance Psychrophilous Eurythermal between groups defined according to their Thermophilous observed invasive character. If a difference was Altitude (m) [0–500[ detected, a post-hoc analysis was used to deter- [500–1000[ mine precise differences (Statsoft, Statistica 7). [1000)+[ Distribution Rithron Potamon Estuary Results Lentic waters Density (ind/m2) [0–100[ Species classification [100–1000[ ) [1000 +[ Biological traits Microhabitat Organic Sedimentation Eigenvalues of the MCA on biological traits Erosion indicated two factors important to the Current velocity Slow structure of species description data (Figure 1). Medium Species, positioned on the factorial plane Fast according to their biological characteristics, Table 2. Geographic origin, preferences in habitat salinity and invasive character of the 18 gammarid species analyzed.

Species Western Europe North America Freshwater Brackishwater

Gammarus limnaeus xx Gammarus pseudolimneaus xx Gammarus minus xx Gammarus fasciatus xx Gammarus troglophilus xx Gammarus lacustris xxx Gammarus tigrinus xxxx Gammarus pulex xx Gammarus inaequicauda x x Gammarus duebeni xxx Gammarus fossarum xx Gammarus aequicauda x x Gammarus locusta x x Gammarus roeselii xx Echinogammarus ischnus xxx Echinogammarus berilloni xx haemobaphes xxx Dikerogammarus villosus xxx

Invasive species are in bold characters.

were grouped according to their invasive status. Ecological traits The figure reveals that the groups were poorly Eigenvalues of the MCA on ecological traits separated, with the scatter plots of all species indicated two factors that were potentially belonging to a group strongly overlapping. The important to the structure of species description best differentiation of the three groups was data (Figure 3). The species, positioned on the achieved along the F2 axis, which corresponded factorial plane according to their ecological to parameters related to fecundity, size and life characteristics grouped according to their inva- cycle. sive status. The ecological characteristics of The dendrogram based on biological traits species allowed a separation of invasive (IS) showed that the 18 gammarid species could be and autochthonous groups (F-AS) on the F1 divided in three groups according to their bio- axis, and of IS and brackish water autochtho- logical profiles, but with a mix of invasive and nous groups (B-AS) on the F2 axis with group non-invasive species (Figure 2). The classifica- centers well-separated and minimal overlap of tion revealed no pattern related to their inva- their scatter plots. It seems that all variables sive status. In order to define which biological contributed to discriminate the three groups. traits structure the dendrogram, Kruskal–Wallis The dendrogram based on ecological traits tests showed that the three groups differ by the (Figure 4) distinguished two main groups: brack- trait ‘species size.’ We found significant differ- ish or freshwater species with salinity tolerance ences for maximum size, size distribution, up to 4 & (group 1) and strictly freshwater spe- hatching length and size at sexual maturity cies (with salinity tolerance below 2 &) (group 2). (Table 3, P<0.05 each). Finally, feeding habits Focusing on the former, a subdivision into two (presence or absence of elements in the clusters showed a clumping of brackish water spe- diet) also varied among groups, but with no cies (group 1b). The other subgroup was consti- significant differences in pairwise comparisons. tuted of all invasive species considered, and one No modality revealed different profiles between non-invasive species, the North-American Gamm- the two first groups. arus fasciatus (group 1a). Groups 1 and 2 were F2 1 -1- 1 16.4 % -1- G. tigrinus G. aequicauda

G. locusta D. villosus

G. roeselii B-AS-

G. inaequicauda E. berillioni G. pseudolimneaus E. ischnus IS F1 G. limneaus 22.6 % G. minus F-AS D. haemobaphes G. fasciatus G. troglophilus G. duebeni G. fossarum Maximum size (mm)

≤16 16<-16< ≤20

>20 G. lacustris

G. pulex

Size Mean >25 Sex-ratio- Life span <1 yr distribution (mm) fecundity F+ ≤10 >13

20<-- ≤25 F=M 1 yr 10<-- ≤13 M+ ≤20 > 1 yr

Hatching length (mm) Maximal >60 NofNumberof Diet egg number generations ≤1.5 >2 >2 omnivorous

detritivorous 30<-- ≤60 1.5<-≤22 ≤30 1 2 Sexual maturity (mm)

≤ 5.5 >6.5 0.79 -1.3 1 -0.84- 5.5<-≤6.5

Figure 1. Multiple correspondence analysis of the biological characteristics for the 18 gammarid species. The distribution of the species on the factorial plane F1–F2 is to be compared to the factorial plane of the modalities of the 10 biological variables. IS: Invasive species, F-AS: Freshwater autochthonous species and B-AS: Brackish water autochthonous species.

significantly different as regards salinity tolerance, salinity tolerant, are present in high densities, in altitudinal and upstream-downstream distribu- downstream sectors, where altitude and current tion, densities, and current velocity (Table 4). velocity are low. No modality exhibited signifi- Species belonging to the first group are more cant differences between the subgroups 1a and 1b. D. haemobaphes G. duebeni D. villosus 1 G. pulex E. berillioni G. locusta G. roeselii G. aequicauda G. troglophilus 2 G. lacustris G. limneaus G. pseudolimneaus E. ischnus G. fasciatus G. inaequicauda 3 G. fossarum G. tigrinus G. minus

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.53.0 3.5 4.0 Linkage Distance

Figure 2. Cluster analysis using results of a multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) of the biological traits array [18 speciesÂ29 Modalities], performed on the factorial coordinates of the 5 first axes of the MCA (68.9% of the total variation). Invasive species are in bold characters.

Table 3. Non-parametric Kruskal–Wallis ANOVA performed on groups constituted after the cluster analysis on biological traits.

Variable Modality Kruskal–Wallis Between groups differences

P 1–3 2–3

Maximum size (mm) [0–16[ <0.001 0.02 <0.001 [16–20[ 0.04 n.s. n.s. [20)+[ 0.01 n.s. 0.01 Size distr. (mm) [0–10[ 0.01 n.s. 0.04 [13)+[ 0.03 n.s. n.s. Hatching length (mm) [2)+[ <0.001 n.s. n.s. Sexual maturity (mm) [0–5.5[ <0.001 0.007 0.02 [6.5)+[ 0.005 n.s. 0.01 Diet Detritivorous 0.01 n.s. n.s. Omnivorous 0.01 n.s. n.s. Only significant modalities (P<0.05) were presented. No differences were found between groups 1 and 2. n.s.: not significant.

Biological and ecological traits of invasive autochthonous species (B-AS), and invasive vs autochthonous gammarids species (IS).

Our 18 species could also be a priori subdivided Biological traits into three groups according to their invasive char- Among the ten variables studied, only two, acter and their ability to live in brackish water, as representing 3 modalities out of 29, showed sig- reported in the literature. The three categories nificant differences among groups (Table 5). IS, thus defined were: autochthonous freshwater spe- B-AS and F-AS exhibited different mean fecun- cies (thereafter called ‘F-AS’), brackish water dity and maximum egg number. Between group G. inaequicauda F2 G. limneaus 0.7 15.9 % -0.8 1.5 -0.8 G. locustat

B-AS G. fossarum G. roeseliio G. aequicauda

G. tigrinusi G. duebeni F1 D. haemobaphes 34.9 % D. villosusv IS E.. berillioni G. minus

E. ischnus F-AS

G. pulex G. pseudolimneaus >4‰

2-4‰ <2‰ G. fasciatuss

G..s troglophilus Salinity G. lacustris

thermophilousolo estuary psychrophilousyc 100< lentic water 0.9 >1000 100-1000 potamonmo eurythermalt -0.87 1.7 rithrono -1.9

Temperature Density (ind.m-²) Distribution

organicor a i fast <500 slow sedimentation 500<-<1000 erosion medium Altitude Microhabitat (m) >1000 Current velocity

Figure 3. Multiple correspondence analysis of the ecological characteristics for the 18 gammarid species. The distribution of the species on the factorial plane F1–F2 is to be compared to the factorial plane of the modalities of the 7 ecological variables. IS: Invasive species, F-AS: Freshwater autochthonous species and B-AS: Brackish water autochthonous species. comparisons revealed that the only difference and F-AS exhibited different salinity and current observed was a higher maximum egg number for velocity preferenda, as well as different altitudi- B-AS if compared to F-AS. nal and upstream-downstream distributions. Between group comparisons produced no evi- Ecological traits dence for differences between IS and B-AS. As a Four among the seven variables studied, repre- whole, invasive species occurred in downstream senting 9 modalities out of 22, showed significant sectors of rivers, where current velocity is low. differences among groups (Table 5). IS, B-AS Moreover, they exhibit a wide salinity tolerance D. haemobaphes D. villosus E. ischnus 1a G. tigrinus E. berillioni G. pulex G. roeselii G. fasciatus G. aequicauda 1b G. locusta G. duebeni G. inaequicauda G. fossarum G. minus G. limneaus 2 G. lacustris G. pseudolimneaus G. troglophilus

012345 Linkage Distance

Figure 4. Cluster analysis using results of a multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) of the ecological traits array [18 speciesÂ22 Modalities], performed on the factorial coordinates of the 4 first axes of the MCA (73.6% of the total variation). Invasive species are in bold characters.

Table 4. Non-parametric Kruskal–Wallis ANOVA performed on groups constituted after the cluster analysis on ecological traits.

Variable Modality Kruskal–Wallis Between groups differences

P 1a–2 1b–2

Water salinity ( &) [0–2[ <0.001 0.02 <0.001 [2–4[ <0.001 <0.001 n.s. [4)+[ <0.001 n.s. <0.001 Altitude (m) [0–500[ <0.001 0.005 0.03 [500–1000[ <0.001 0.005 0.03 Distribution Rhitron <0.001 0.03 0.01 Potamon 0.007 0.04 n.s. Lentic waters 0.02 n.s. 0.03 Density (ind/m2) [1000)+[ 0.01 0.05 n.s. Water velocity Slow 0.05 n.s. n.s. Only significant modalities (P<0.05) were presented. No differences were found between subgroups 1a and 1b. n.s.: not significant

(euryoecious species), and have an equal affinity biological or ecological traits considered indi- to each modality of this variable, while the two vidually. However, the analysis combining eco- other groups are more restricted to either fresh- logical traits demonstrated a clumping of or brackish-waters (stenoecious species). invasive species within one group. As a result, we hypothesize that a combination of several biological and ecological characteristics could Discussion lead to a better general definition of an invader profile. The results of two types of analysis Investigations of invasive gammarids highlight (combination of traits and individual traits) that the discrimination between invasive and link some species characteristics to invasiveness non-invasive species is difficult on the basis of through three hypotheses. The three hypothesis Table 5. Non-parametric Kruskal–Wallis ANOVA performed on the three groups constituted a priori according to the invasive status of species and their fresh or brackishwater origin.

Variable Modality Kruskal–Wallis Between groups differences

P Invasive versus freshwater Brackish versus freshwater autochthonous species autochthonous species

Biological traits Mean fecundity [25)+[ 0.05 n.s. n.s. Maximum egg number [30–60[ 0.04 n.s. n.s. [60)+[ 0.02 n.s. 0.03 Ecological traits Water salinity [0–2[ <0.001 0.03 <0.001 [2–4[ <0.001 0.01 n.s. [4)+[ <0.001 n.s. <0.001 Altitude (m) [0–500[ <0.001 0.02 n.s. [500–1000[ <0.001 0.02 n.s. Distribution Rhitron <0.001 0.02 0.01 Potamon 0.01 n.s. n.s. Lentic waters 0.02 n.s. 0.04 Water velocity Slow 0.01 n.s. 0.05 Only significant modalities (P<0.05) were presented. No differences were found between invasive and brackishwater autochthonous species. n.s.: not significant did not converge to a global theory explaining High biotic potential is an attribute frequently invasiveness, and need to be considered sepa- shared by invasive species, but also by non- rately. For example, H1 and H2 are contradic- invasive species, and is useful but neither essen- tory hypotheses, r-strategic species being tial nor sufficient for a species to become inva- generally small. sive. H1: Invasive species exhibit a higher biotic H2: Body size influences invasion success (Roy potential than non-invasive ones (Lodge 1993; Wil- et al. 2002). In many groups, life-history features liamson 1996; van der Velde et al. 2000; bij de leading to faster population growth tend to nega- Vaate et al. 2002). Three main variables define tively correlate with body size, r-strategists being the biotic potential, i.e. a strategy for rapid colo- smaller than K-strategists. However, according to nization of the recipient ecosystem: sexual pre- Roy et al. (2002) large species are more likely to cocity, average fecundity and the number of invade than small ones, a pattern observed generations per year. The species classification re- throughout the Pleistocene. This controversial vealed that traits related to biotic potential were link between size and invasiveness is difficult to not predominant in the constitution of groups, prove, and contradictory results have been ob- which was dominated by size-related traits. tained in marine bivalves (Miller et al. 2002; Roy Moreover, the separate consideration of each et al. 2002), depending on species considered. In of these variables did not lead to a significant re- gammarids, a positive size-fecundity relationship sult. Invasive species were not significantly differ- exists within each species (Sainte-Marie 1991), ent from fresh or brackish water autochthonous but not among species, due to variations of species in biotic potential. The most significant parameters such as egg size. trend observed was a lower mean fecundity and Our results indicate that body size was not re- egg number, depending on salinity tolerance. For lated to invasiveness. Firstly, the cluster analysis, example, G. pulex and G. duebeni have similar which reflected a size gradient, result in a mix be- fecundity (Sainte Marie 1991) and number of tween invasive and non-invasive species. Sec- generations per year, but G. pulex invaded ondly, analysis of each modality showed that no Northern Ireland streams where it outcompeted significant differences existed between IS, F-AS the native G. duebeni. and B-AS. As a result, we cannot draw a conclu- sion between body size of gammarids and traits invasive ctenophore leidyi, not leading to faster population growth. observed in 2000 where salinity is less than 4.3& The role of size in the invasion process is still (Shiganova et al. 2004). Moreover, convergent unclear and comparisons with results for birds salinity conditions in donor and recipient ecosys- (Cassey 2001; Duncan et al. 2001) and plants tems is suspected to play a key role in the recent (Bazzaz 1986) are useless as adaptation specifics success of invaders found in San Francisco Bay, of invertebrate to aquatic has to be ta- the or the North American Great ken into account. For lotic invertebrates, Statz- Lakes (MacIsaac et al. 2001). In Europe, several ner (1987) pointed out that the ratios for authors hypothesized that pollution in the last production/biomass and production/respiration decades increased the ionic contents of large riv- are closely related to the maximal size achieved. ers allowing salt tolerant species to spread in new As other ecological functions are potentially indi- basins, even if some invaders also thrive in purely cated by these traits, in particular physiological fresh waters (Ketelaars 2004). Piscart et al. (2005) ones (Peters 1983), the role of body size needs to observed along a sixth-order stream section that be investigated further. an increase of anthropogenic salinity from 0.2 to H3: Invasive species are able to tolerate a wider 2.6& drastically affected the species composition range of environmental conditions (Ricciardi and of macroinvertebrate communities and promoted Rasmussen 1998). Several ecological parameters the establishment of salt-tolerant exotic species. taken into account are related to euryoeciousness: As mentioned for our first hypothesis, a com- water salinity and temperature, current velocity, bination seems essential. Wide salinity tolerance altitude and microhabitat. For most of them, no increased the probability that a species would differences could be observed among groups. The disperse and establish itself in new ecosystems, variable that best discriminates the a posteriori but it should be combined with other traits to ecological groups obtained by the cluster analysis define an ecological profile specific to invasive is the range of salinity in which a species can live species. Moreover, the presence of G. fasciatus,a and reproduce. This particularity is not specific to North-America gammarid, in the same ecological invasive species and some non-invasive species cluster than invasive species point out that the also present broad environmental tolerance. factors we considered are not sufficient to charac- Among them, G. duebeni exhibits the highest eur- terize precisely invasiveness. yhalinity (0–48&, Hynes 1954), yet it is not In conclusion, for gammarids, ecological char- known for its invasive potential. However, this acteristics appear to efficiently discriminate inva- trait discriminates invasive species in the cluster sive species, contrary to biological ones. This analysis as well as when traits were considered implies that a high biotic potential (described by individually (Kruskal–Wallis test, P<0.001 for biological traits) may contribute to the rapid the three modalities). spread of an introduced species, but also that, Salinity tolerance is a primordial feature that prior to spreading, species cannot become estab- conditions the potential shift between saline and lished without wide environmental tolerance (de- freshwater habitats (Lee and Bell 1999). In the scribed by ecological traits). In this sense, Baltic Sea, a hot spot of xenodiversity, the whole ecological attributes are necessary, though bio- salinity gradient from up to 22 to less than 2& logical features favored the invasion, but are offers a wide range of hospitable conditions. The accessory to its success. Despite these trends, the western Baltic region is more salted and more in- definition of a specific biological profile is com- vaded than the inner Baltic (Leppa¨koski et al. plicated by the variations in the biotic context of 2002), and highly euryhaline species of both mar- the recipient area. ine and freshwater origin already established in Finally, while none of the three main hypothe- adjacent water bodies are considered as potential sis investigated can be rejected, taken individu- invaders of the brackish Baltic (Leppa¨koski ally they are not sufficient to fully explain the 2004). In the , the salinity could have invasive character of gammarids. The invader constituted a natural barrier to the spread of the profile consists of a combination of features that allow a species to disperse, establish and densely Ketelaars HA (2004) Range extension of Ponto-Caspian populate a recipient ecosystem. aquatic invertebrates in continental Europe. In: Dumont H, Shiganova TA and Niermann U (eds) Aquatic Invasions in the Black, Caspian and Mediterranean Seas, pp 209–236. NATO Science Series, Kluwer, Dordrecht Acknowledgments Kolar CS and Lodge DM (2001) Progress in invasion biology: predicting invaders. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 16: 199–204 We thank Maı¨a Akopian for help in collecting Lee CE and Bell MA (1999) Causes and consequences of recent data, Philippe Usseglio-Polatera and Chad He- freshwater invasions by saltwater . Trends in Ecol- witt for helpful comments on the manuscript and ogy and Evolution 14: 284–288 Anna Cartier for linguistic corrections. This Leppa¨koski E, Gollasch S, Gruszka P, Ojaveer H, Olenin S study was supported by the ‘Ministe` re de l’Ecol- and Panov V (2002) The Baltic – a sea of invaders. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 59: ogie et du De´veloppement Durable,’ as part of 1175–1188 the INVABIO – Biological Invasions 2003-2005 Leppa¨koski E (2004) Living in a sea of exotics – the Baltic program. case. In: Dumont H, Shiganova TA and Niermann U (eds) Aquatic Invasions in the Black, Caspian and Mediterra- nean Seas, pp 237–255. NATO Science Series, Kluwer, Dordrecht References Lloret F, Me´dail F, Brundu G, Camarda I, Moragues E, Rita J, Lambdon P and Hulme PE (2005) Species attributes and Barnard JL and Barnard CM (1983) Freshwater of invasion success by alien plants on Mediterranean islands. the world (2 volumes). Virginia, Hayfield Associates Journal of Ecology 93: 512–520 Bazzaz FA (1986) Life history of colonizing plants: some Lodge DM (1993) Biological invasions: lessons for ecology. demographic, genetic, and physiological features. 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