LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version)
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EIghIh SerIes, Vol. XXXIII, No.. 25, Thunldlly, December 10, 1887 AgtWuty.. 11, 1909 (Saka) LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) Ninth Se~ion (Eighth Lok Sabha) (Vol. ~ 28) LOt( SABRA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI hltY : Rs. 6.00 rOriginal English proceedings included in English Version and Original Hindi proceedings included in Hindi Versions wilt be treated as authoritative and not the translation thereof.] CONTENTS [Eighth Series, Volume XXXlII, Ninth Session, 1987/1909 (Saka)] No.2S, Thursday, December 10, 1987/Agrahayana 19, 1909 (Saka) CCLUMN~ Oral Answers to Questions: * Starred Questions Nos. 498 to 504 . .. 1--31 Short Notice Questions No.5 ... 31--38 Written Answers to Questions: Starred Questions Nos. 496,497 and 505 to 515 ...38--51 Unstarred Questions Nos. 5063 to 5297, 5297-Aand 5297-8 ... 51--308 Papers Laid on the Table ... 309-328, 547--548 Amendments to Directions by the Speaker under the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in Lok Sabha (Third Edition) --laid ... 328 Message from Rajya ~abha ... 328--329 Estimates Committee-- ... 329 Fifty-first Report - presented Committee on the Welfare of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled T ribes-- ... 329 Reports of Study Tours--/aid .., The sign + marked above the name of a Member indicates that the question was actually asked on the floor of the House by that Member. (i) (ii) COLUMNS Committee on Government Assurances- ... 330 Ninth Report-presented Motion of no-confidence in the Council of Ministers- ... 330--547 Shri C. Madhav Reddi ... 331 Shri Bhagwat Jha Azad ... 347 Shri Somnath Chatterjee ... 361 Shri Jagan Nath Kaushal ... 376 Shri S. Jaipal Reddy ... 384 Shri P.R. Kumaramangalam ... 397 Shri P. KoIandaivelu ... 406 Shri Narayan Datt Tiwari ... 409 Shrimati Geeta Mukherjee ... 420 ShriR.LBhatia ... 426 Shri Oinesh Goswami ... 434 Shri K.C. Pant ... 447 Shri Arif Mohammad Khan ... 458 Shri Chulam Nabi Azad ... 477 Shri Z. R. Ansari ... 493 Shri K.P. Unnikrishnan ... 496 Shri Charanjit Singh Walia ... 545 LOK SARMA DEBATES 2 LOKSABHA ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS I ,ursday, December 10, 1987/ Agrahayana {Translation] 19, 1909 (Saka) Posting of Doctors in Andaman Nicobar The Lok Sabha met at Eleven and Lakshadweep Islands of the Oock ·498.SHRI RAJ KUMAR RAI: Will the [NtR. SPEAK[R In the chaIT} Minister of HEALTH AND FAMilY WElfARE be pleased to state: ":nglish} (a) the number of doctors about whom PROf MADHU DANDAVATf: Good orders for posting outside Delhi, such as l,orning, SIr. Andaman and N icobar Islands and lak.. c;hadweep Island were issued, b.ut are still MR. SPEAKER: PIt!dSC Sit down. Good continuing in Dr. Ram Manohar lohia \1ornmg. So-, after glvmg up hide and seek, Hospital, New Delhi; ~t us start t he work. '(b) when such orders were issued in re SHRI P. KOLANDAIVflU: Sir, you seem spect of these doctors; and to be very cordl~1 today. (c) the reasons for not enforcing the or.. MR. SPEAKER: I am always ... Why only ders so far? today? THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN (Interruptions) . ISTRY.OF HEALTH AND FAA1ILY WELFARE (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE)= (a) to (c). No CHS officer working in Dr. R.M.L Hospital, New Delhi is under transfer to A & N Is MR. SPEAKER: Shri Sriballav Pamgrahl ~ lands and lakshadweep Island. However a n )S('lll Santo I'V\anorama ~tngh - She is also Senior Medical Officer in the scale of ab~ent Rs.3000-4S00 working in Dr. R.M.L Hospi PROf. MADHU DANDAVATE' Sir, in tal has been selected by the UPSC for the that case, why not "itart from the last Ques Specialist Ct. II post of Obst.& Gynecoio tion? gist In the scale fo Rs. 3000-5000 on the basis of direct recruitrnent. The doctor has been offered the post on 31."3.87 in Lak .. (Interruptions) shadweep Isrands. She has however, re· quested for grant of extension in joining 1nslation} time on personal grounds. SHRI RAJ KUMAR RAI: Mr. Speaker, Sir, MR. SPEAKER: Yes that is right. We the hon. Minister has cited the example of should try it sometime. onty one doctor in his reply. That doctor's 3 Oral Answers DECEMBER 10, 1987 Oral Answers 4 request was accepted on personal grounds. candidates is neater done on the basis of My information is that Dr. Yadulal, a Sur their being favourites of a particular Minis geon, Dr. C. K. Durga and Dr. M~rli ter or Member. We never indulge in Manohar Rao were transferred to these Is favouritism while posting any doctor. Peo lands in "1986, June 1987 and August ple selected by the Union Public Service 1987 respectively but they have not Commission for the Andaman Nicobar and reported so far and have been excusin8 lakshadweep group of islands are sent by themselves on some pretext or the other. our Ministry wherever there is a vacancy. Wherever a post falls vacant, we advertise The reason why good specialists are it and our Ministry sends the Selected per sent to Andaman & N icobar and other Is sons to these places. There is no discrimi lands and Union Territories is that these ar nation whatsoever on the part of our MiA eas are not deprived of capable specialists. istry. Though the doctors, I have named, were transferred keeping in view their expertise MR. SPEAKER: Was the information and special importance of the area con· about other things that he asked wrong? cerned, but even then, their transfer is held up either on personal grounds or because KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE: We shall of their being favourite of a particular Min check up the information regarding those ister. Is aJl this not defeating the very pur 2-3 doctors about whom the bon. Member pose for which these doctors were sent to has asked. We will try and convey our those' special areas 7 findings about them to the han. Member so that he remains fully informed. SHRI BAlKAVI BAIRAGI: Mr. speaker, Sir, I can rtay this much that Madam ha~, SHRI RAJ KUMAR RAI: Sir, the hon. never had any favourites. Minister's reply is so vague that I cannot understand it. The whole House wants a (Interruptions) dear answer. The hon. lady Minister wants AN HON. MEMBER: I have not under to evade the issue by telling us about tht stood. U.P.S.C and a whole lot of other things. I have mentioned three specific names but I KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE: It is have not received a satisfactory reply re good that you have not understood. lating to them. There are many such cases (Interruptions) \vhere there has been discrimination. MR. SPEAKER: Every Member is hon KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE: Sir, there is ourable. Whom should I listen to? no information relating to the names he has mentioned. You have brought this to SH RI RAJ KUMAR RAI: Besides N\adam, our notice in the House and therefore we there is a senior Minister in this depart will try and let you know as soon as we can ment. He could be having favourites. get some information about those doctors. THE MINISTER OF HUMAN RESOURCE SH RI. RAJ KUMAR RAI: I thank you for O[VELOPMENT AND MINISTER OF this. There are many such cases where HEALTH AND FM1ILY WELFARE (SHRI P.V. there has been discrimination. NARASIMHA RAO): I do not have any [E.nglish) favourites. SHRI P. V. NARASIMHA ~O: May I giv~ (Interruptions) a little clarification? I have gone througt this matter. I must admit that this makes KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE: Mr. rather dismal reading. There were. elev~ Speaker, Sir, I h~ve just mentioned in my posts. Ten doctors were selected by' tt reply that Dr. (Mrs.) Shobha Kaul was of U PSC. Only one joined and all the othei fered this post on 31 March 1987 and she wanted to be posted in Delhi. They Wet accepted the same. Actually the posting of not prepared to go even to Bombay, Kal 5 Oral Answers AGRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAM) Oral Answers 6 pur, Allahabad, Bang.re, Madras or gwen all the pertinent ~tails in thts regard Patna. It so happened that this lady was and I have told you what action has been prepared to go to Lakshadweep. In fact, taken so far. Only one has joined and ap~ she was much better than those whose pointments of the rest are being cancelled. appointments had to be cancelJed. She only wanted six months' time. That is why SHRI RAJ KUMAR RAI: I anl glad that we have been a little liberal. She did want you have given this infonnation to the to go, she was willing to go; she only House. I just want to know why no action wanted a little more time. Now It seems has been taken against them 7 that she is also dragging her feet, may be .emulating the others. N ow we are on the (Interruptions) point of cancelling that appointment also. This is not a personal matter. PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: The Ad mmistrators of Delhi should also be sent to {Trans/a tion } 'Kaala Paani '. There is no question of anybody being a [fnglish] favounte. This is a very serious matter. Ten pef'Sons are appointed and only one of DR. KRUPASINDHU BHOI: Is tt a fact them is prepared to join. All of us know that the Health Ministry has already given what the specialists want today. directives to the institutes like AIIMS, PC! Chandigarh and Pondicherry to reserve the {English} quota for students coming from laksha dweep and Andaman and N icobar who Everybody wants posting in Delhi. wants to do post-graduation and super specialisation? [Translation} KUMAR' SAROJ KHAPARDE: I think, we MR.