EIghIh SerIes, Vol. XXXIII, No.. 25, Thunldlly, December 10, 1887 AgtWuty.. 11, 1909 (Saka)

LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version)

Ninth Se~ion (Eighth Lok Sabha)

(Vol. ~ 28)


hltY : Rs. 6.00 rOriginal English proceedings included in English Version and Original Hindi proceedings included in Hindi Versions wilt be treated as authoritative and not the translation thereof.] CONTENTS

[Eighth Series, Volume XXXlII, Ninth Session, 1987/1909 (Saka)] No.2S, Thursday, December 10, 1987/Agrahayana 19, 1909 (Saka)


Oral Answers to Questions:

* Starred Questions Nos. 498 to 504 . .. 1--31

Short Notice Questions No.5 ... 31--38

Written Answers to Questions:

Starred Questions Nos. 496,497 and 505 to 515 ...38--51

Unstarred Questions Nos. 5063 to 5297, 5297-Aand 5297-8 ... 51--308

Papers Laid on the Table ... 309-328, 547--548

Amendments to Directions by the Speaker under the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in Lok Sabha (Third Edition) --laid ... 328

Message from Rajya ~abha ... 328--329

Estimates Committee-- ... 329

Fifty-first Report - presented

Committee on the Welfare of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled T ribes-- ... 329

Reports of Study Tours--/aid

.., The sign + marked above the name of a Member indicates that the question was actually asked on the floor of the House by that Member. (i) (ii)

COLUMNS Committee on Government Assurances- ... 330

Ninth Report-presented

Motion of no-confidence in the Council of Ministers- ... 330--547

Shri C. Madhav Reddi ... 331

Shri Bhagwat Jha Azad ... 347

Shri Somnath Chatterjee ... 361

Shri Jagan Nath Kaushal ... 376

Shri S. Jaipal Reddy ... 384

Shri P.R. Kumaramangalam ... 397

Shri P. KoIandaivelu ... 406

Shri Narayan Datt Tiwari ... 409

Shrimati Geeta Mukherjee ... 420

ShriR.LBhatia ... 426

Shri Oinesh Goswami ... 434

Shri K.C. Pant ... 447

Shri Arif Mohammad Khan ... 458

Shri Chulam Nabi Azad ... 477

Shri Z. R. Ansari ... 493

Shri K.P. Unnikrishnan ... 496

Shri Charanjit Singh Walia ... 545 LOK SARMA DEBATES


I ,ursday, December 10, 1987/ Agrahayana {Translation] 19, 1909 (Saka) Posting of Doctors in Andaman Nicobar The Lok Sabha met at Eleven and Lakshadweep Islands of the Oock ·498.SHRI RAJ KUMAR RAI: Will the [NtR. SPEAK[R In the chaIT} Minister of HEALTH AND FAMilY WElfARE be pleased to state: ":nglish} (a) the number of doctors about whom PROf MADHU DANDAVATf: Good orders for posting outside Delhi, such as l,orning, SIr. Andaman and N icobar Islands and lak.. c;hadweep Island were issued, b.ut are still MR. SPEAKER: PIt!dSC Sit down. Good continuing in Dr. Ram Manohar lohia \1ornmg. So-, after glvmg up hide and seek, Hospital, New Delhi; ~t us start t he work. '(b) when such orders were issued in re­ SHRI P. KOLANDAIVflU: Sir, you seem spect of these doctors; and to be very cordl~1 today. (c) the reasons for not enforcing the or.. MR. SPEAKER: I am always ... Why only ders so far? today? THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ (Interruptions) . ISTRY.OF HEALTH AND FAA1ILY WELFARE (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE)= (a) to (c). No CHS officer working in Dr. R.M.L Hospital, New Delhi is under transfer to A & N Is­ MR. SPEAKER: Shri Sriballav Pamgrahl ~ lands and lakshadweep Island. However a n )S('lll Santo I'V\anorama ~tngh - She is also Senior Medical Officer in the scale of ab~ent Rs.3000-4S00 working in Dr. R.M.L Hospi­ PROf. MADHU DANDAVATE' Sir, in tal has been selected by the UPSC for the that case, why not "itart from the last Ques­ Specialist Ct. II post of Obst.& Gynecoio­ tion? gist In the scale fo Rs. 3000-5000 on the basis of direct recruitrnent. The doctor has been offered the post on 31."3.87 in Lak .. (Interruptions) shadweep Isrands. She has however, re· quested for grant of extension in joining 1nslation} time on personal grounds.

SHRI RAJ KUMAR RAI: Mr. Speaker, Sir, MR. SPEAKER: Yes that is right. We the hon. Minister has cited the example of should try it sometime. onty one doctor in his reply. That doctor's 3 Oral Answers DECEMBER 10, 1987 Oral Answers 4 request was accepted on personal grounds. candidates is neater done on the basis of My information is that Dr. Yadulal, a Sur­ their being favourites of a particular Minis­ geon, Dr. C. K. Durga and Dr. M~rli ter or Member. We never indulge in Manohar Rao were transferred to these Is­ favouritism while posting any doctor. Peo­ lands in "1986, June 1987 and August ple selected by the Union Public Service 1987 respectively but they have not Commission for the Andaman Nicobar and reported so far and have been excusin8 lakshadweep group of islands are sent by themselves on some pretext or the other. our Ministry wherever there is a vacancy. Wherever a post falls vacant, we advertise The reason why good specialists are it and our Ministry sends the Selected per­ sent to Andaman & N icobar and other Is­ sons to these places. There is no discrimi­ lands and Union Territories is that these ar­ nation whatsoever on the part of our MiA­ eas are not deprived of capable specialists. istry. Though the doctors, I have named, were transferred keeping in view their expertise MR. SPEAKER: Was the information and special importance of the area con· about other things that he asked wrong? cerned, but even then, their transfer is held up either on personal grounds or because KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE: We shall of their being favourite of a particular Min­ check up the information regarding those ister. Is aJl this not defeating the very pur­ 2-3 doctors about whom the bon. Member pose for which these doctors were sent to has asked. We will try and convey our those' special areas 7 findings about them to the han. Member so that he remains fully informed. SHRI BAlKAVI BAIRAGI: Mr. speaker, Sir, I can rtay this much that Madam ha~, SHRI RAJ KUMAR RAI: Sir, the hon. never had any favourites. Minister's reply is so vague that I cannot understand it. The whole House wants a (Interruptions) dear answer. The hon. lady Minister wants AN HON. MEMBER: I have not under­ to evade the issue by telling us about tht stood. U.P.S.C and a whole lot of other things. I have mentioned three specific names but I KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE: It is have not received a satisfactory reply re­ good that you have not understood. lating to them. There are many such cases (Interruptions) \vhere there has been discrimination.

MR. SPEAKER: Every Member is hon­ KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE: Sir, there is ourable. Whom should I listen to? no information relating to the names he has mentioned. You have brought this to SH RI RAJ KUMAR RAI: Besides N\adam, our notice in the House and therefore we there is a senior Minister in this depart­ will try and let you know as soon as we can ment. He could be having favourites. get some information about those doctors.

THE MINISTER OF HUMAN RESOURCE SH RI. RAJ KUMAR RAI: I thank you for O[VELOPMENT AND MINISTER OF this. There are many such cases where HEALTH AND FM1ILY WELFARE (SHRI P.V. there has been discrimination. NARASIMHA RAO): I do not have any [E.nglish) favourites. SHRI P. V. NARASIMHA ~O: May I giv~ (Interruptions) a little clarification? I have gone througt this matter. I must admit that this makes KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE: Mr. rather dismal reading. There were. elev~ Speaker, Sir, I h~ve just mentioned in my posts. Ten doctors were selected by' tt reply that Dr. (Mrs.) Shobha Kaul was of­ U PSC. Only one joined and all the othei fered this post on 31 March 1987 and she wanted to be posted in Delhi. They Wet accepted the same. Actually the posting of not prepared to go even to Bombay, Kal 5 Oral Answers AGRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAM) Oral Answers 6 pur, Allahabad, Bang.re, Madras or gwen all the pertinent ~tails in thts regard Patna. It so happened that this lady was and I have told you what action has been prepared to go to Lakshadweep. In fact, taken so far. Only one has joined and ap~ she was much better than those whose pointments of the rest are being cancelled. appointments had to be cancelJed. She only wanted six months' time. That is why SHRI RAJ KUMAR RAI: I anl glad that we have been a little liberal. She did want you have given this infonnation to the to go, she was willing to go; she only House. I just want to know why no action wanted a little more time. Now It seems has been taken against them 7 that she is also dragging her feet, may be .emulating the others. N ow we are on the (Interruptions) point of cancelling that appointment also. This is not a personal matter. PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: The Ad­ mmistrators of Delhi should also be sent to {Trans/a tion } 'Kaala Paani '.

There is no question of anybody being a [fnglish] favounte. This is a very serious matter. Ten pef'Sons are appointed and only one of DR. KRUPASINDHU BHOI: Is tt a fact them is prepared to join. All of us know that the Health Ministry has already given what the specialists want today. directives to the institutes like AIIMS, PC! Chandigarh and Pondicherry to reserve the {English} quota for students coming from laksha­ dweep and Andaman and N icobar who Everybody wants posting in Delhi. wants to do post-graduation and super­ specialisation? [Translation} KUMAR' SAROJ KHAPARDE: I think, we MR. SPEAKER: Do they ask for salaries are on Question No. 498. He is asking while being at home? about some reservation.

St,RI P. V. NARASIMHA RAO: Now only (Interruptions) that ,s left. We are discussing question num~r SHRl RAJ KUMAR RAI: The hon. Minis­ 498. You are asking a different question ter has rightly said that everybody wants to which will come up later. You raise this remain in Delhi. I fully agree with what the point when that question comes. hon. Minister has said and the whole House will also agree with it. It is quite jus­ tified that people must report to places [English} where they are appointed. I want to know why the Government has not taken any DR. KRUPASINDHU BHOI: Is it a fact strict action in this matter and why their that your Ministry has given instructions? appointment has not been cancelled? [Enplish/ SHRJ CHtNTM\ANI JENA: Sir I wanted to know ... SHRI P.V. NARASIMHA RAO: Offe~ are being cancelled. About this lady also, it is (Interruptions) likely to be cancelled if she does not go.

SH RI RAJ KUfvtAR RAt: We must thank you tor this. ETr anslation J

[Translation) MR. SPEAKER: Why don't you keep yolK SHRI P.V. NARASIMHA RAO: I have hand down? 7 Oral Answers DECEMBER 10, 1987 Ora} Answers 8

IEnglish} (b) whether the emphasi~ of the work· shop was on strengthe'ning the capabilities SHRI CHINTAMANI JENA: I wanted to of personnel of SMRC countries in the know a categoric;al reply from the Hon. planning management and development Minister that whether there is any Gov­ programmes for rural women; ernment policy for the Government em­ ployees including the Government doctors (c) whether review was also ma~ to that for their personal reasons, they can evaluate women's development pro­ represent the Government for transfer to a grammes; and particular place of his or her choice on compassionate ground or whether such (d) if so, the salient features of the dis­ requests are kept in abeyance or cancelled? cussions? If so, in this particular case, when the doc­ tor has applied for six month's extension THE MINISTER OF HUMAN RESOURCE for her joining at Lakshadweep or Andanlan DEVELOPMENT AND MINlSTER OF and N icobar, why did the Government not HEALTH AND FMUlY WELFARE ('SHRI P.V. allow her to continue here 7 In case of fe­ NARASIMHA RAO): (a) Yes, Sir. male Government servants, they have fa­ cilities like mc1ternity leave etc. In this case (b) Yes, Sir. whether any such type of reason was given or noll If so, what was the reaction of the (c) Development programmes for Government? women were reviewed in general.

SHRI P.V. NARASIMHA RAO: N0"1 we (d) A statement is given below. are really going into the individual cases. I have told you the general position as It obtains today in regard to these postings. STATEMENT Since the Hon. Member has raised the question of this particular lady doctor, we The discussion in the workshop empha­ reatly got a whole suspiCIOUS about the sised the need for: who'e thing. While we were considenng to give her sometime to go and join, there (i) increasing women's access to pro­ was a proposal from the MedIC at ductIVe resources including credit and Supenntendent to say that tt)i~ lady should trainmg; be transferred to some other post and retained here. Now, that somehow put our Oi) evolving and strengthening machin­ back up, let me say, and we said, "No, ~he ery at national, regional and local levels to will have to go. It she does not go, we Witt plan, coordinate, implement and monitor have no other alternative but to cdlKel her all policies and programmes concerning appointment. " women's developnlent in all sectors;

SMRC Workshop on Women's (iii) creating supportive services for Development Programmes wonleni and

·499. DR. V. VENKATESH: (iv) establishing and strengthening link­ SHRJ BHADRESWAR TANTI: ages among SMRC countries to facilitate exchange of resource material, personnel Will the Minister of HUMAN RE ~ etc. SOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state: DR. V. VENKATESH: Mr. Speaker Sir, I am sorry to say that J am not satisfied with (a) whether one-week SAARC workshop the answer given by the Hon. Minister. was organised in October, 1987 on training of senior personnel for development ot ru­ AN HON. MEMBER: He is always dis­ ra' women ,n the South Asian countries; satisfied. 9 Oral Answers AGRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAM) Oral Answers 10

MR. SPEAKER: He is consistently dissat­ other. It was a cooperative effo)1. They just isfied. wanted to compare notes about the condi­ tion of women in all the seven countries DR. V. VENKATESH: We all know in this and to see what could be done in order to country since centuries that the women , ameliorate their condition. folk are neglecte~; t~ey are wo~e than the down-trodden people of this country. They have come up with very good About 50% population of the country are proposals. There are as many as 22 recom ... women folk. Particularly, the women folk of nlendations; I could even place them on rural areas are suffering a lot. We expected the 'Table of the HOLlse, I have no problem that I ndia would have been a leading coun­ in that. Th(" point is that it was amQng try in the SMRC meeting in respect of seven countries; we hoste.d the meeting welfare measures; but India had not taken and it was very welt organised, for four-five a.ny lead as far as the development of the days. there were indepth discussions and women folk is concerned. More number of something very useful has cOlne out. Now organisations are cOIning up in the rural it is for' the seven Government of these areas. I want to know directly from the seven countries to action them and pre­ Hon. Minister whether these women pare action programmes. It has happened organisations are going to g~t financial only one month back. This is the position. assistance and so far how much efforts have been put forth to alleviate the DR. V. VENKATESH: My point is that be­ I hardships of the women folk of this cause ndia is leading, as far as the Asiiln countries are concerned because India is country. the biggest popula~~d country and its For tnstance, in Karnataka State, the problems are nlore, why has [he Govern­ State Government has taken up certain ment of I ndia not taken up the re-al prob­ measures to alleviate the hardships of the lems of the women folk and highlighted unfortunate women folk of the country. We them. They would have also taken lead as have been giving widow pension. We have far as solving these problems is concerned. also been giving the maternity allowance for those who are working in the rural ar­ I would like to know whether the Minis­ eas: Are they going to take up such mea­ ter is a\vare that women folk of our country sures from the Governme"t of India side? are finding much diffirulty as far as privacy As far as the SMRC is concerned, are they for nature's call is concerned. going to lead this movement? SHRI P. V. NARASIMHA RAG: I think we SHRI P.V. NARASHIMHA RAO: In the are straying into a different field. But it is as

first placeJ the question was about SAARC. well as to remember that when we have an The Hon. Member is not satisfied with the international conference, firstly we do not answer about SMRC. Now I have to tell make comparisons and secondly India as a him that Karnataka did not participate in large country should not pose as it she is SMRC, India did. He will be even "lOre taking a lead. That is not correct spirit. The dissatisfied when I tell him thatt spirit is one of cooperation. Whatever we have done, we have hosted the meeting. This is a question in regard to seven we have participated in the meeting; the countries; it is not a question in regard to recommendations have come, I could not one State ... (Interruptions) ... dnd should not say as to how many of these 22 recommendations are relatable to SHRI V. SOBHANADREESWARA RAO: t ndia. This is a cumulative effort and this is Because the SMRC met'ting was held in the result. Kamataka, he is asking that question. PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: Now he SHRI P.V. NARASIMHA RAO: In the is satisfied! SAARC meeting, which was a meeting of seven countries, there is no question of a SH RJ P. V. NARASIMHA RAO: Is he sati­ comparison between one country and an- fied now? I don't know. 11 Oral An.!Wet'S D1CEMBER 10, 1987 OralAn~rs 12

SHRI BHADRESWAR TANTI: Sir, it ap­ SHRI ANANDA c.AJAPATHI RAJU: I pears from the answer of the Minister that would like to know about the scope of the the answers are very much ironical. Of protocol reJating to the SMiC. Today only course, it. is admitted that Inokl is leading very mundane affairs are discussed in the among the SAARC countries in so far as ex­ SMRC. There is no collaboration as far as ploitation of women is concerned. finance, industry, trade or transfer of tech­ nology is concemed. How will these as­ The women who have been engaged in peets be tackled in future r private and public sectors have not been paid even minimum wages till today, Fur· SHRI P.V. NARASIMHA RAO: As the ther, till today you have set up working hon. Member are aware when the first womens hostels ;n some cities only and SMRC idea came into being the idea was you have not done anything for the women not accepted by maljlY countries to start which are there in the remote places. with. So, there were certain para-meters chosen for at least starting the SMRC and SHRI P.V. NARASIMhA RAO: Sir, I have SMRC programme. Certain areas of coop­ an appeal to make to the hon. Members eration were specifically chosen and the that this question is concempd with an In­ underst~nding was that the cooperation temational-eonference. let us not put sup­ programme in the SMRC will be confined plementaries and drag into discussion, to these areas and no other until extended. what happens within this country. Let him Secondly, only unaninlous decisions will be put another question I am prepared to laken. It ("VPI1 one or two countries do not come up with all the information. agr ee with a proposal th~t proposal would not go through. This is about 4-5 years ago. MR. SPEAKER: Mr. Tanti please put the I am tatking from memory as to what was question within the para-meters of this the first understanding when SMRC came question. Please be pragmatic. There is no into being. Members would also recall that fun in having a 'sixer' here and there. It is the areas have been added to from time to not an internal problem. time, But it has not been possible to add any areas pertaining to economic matters SHRI BHADRESWAR TAN11: Amon~ the as yet. We hope that if the spirits of SMRC SMRC countries India is the ~ad;ng one. pervades for some more time, it will be You must see to your own pro~em5. May I possible for us to add those areas also. know how many delegates participated in this conference and what is the spedfic outcome of the conference? National Sports Talent Scheme

SHRI P,V. NARASIMHA RAO: I have al­ ·500. SHRI S.M.+ GURADDI: ready told that. The training of senior per­ 5HRI S.B. SIDNAl: sonnel for the development of rural women is listed at serial No.6. The technical com­ Will the Minister of HUMAN RE­ mitte~ had decided that there should be a SOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to programme of meetings and out of that at state: serial No.6 they said this is the programme that has to be organised by India. This was (a) whether the National Sports Talent done at the Institute of Rural Management, Scheme initiated by the Sports Authority of Anand fronl 12-18 October,1987. The I ndia has shown an encouraging results; brochure on the workshop gives all the de­ tails about the programme. All SMRC (b) if so, to what extent these schemes countrjes except Maldives participated in have been implemented; and the training programme. The list of the par­ ticipants is with me. It ts a long list. I have (c) the extend to which the students alsp all the details of the discussion but , have been imparted sports training 7 wonder if I could read out aU those things in ('nn~ction with the supplementary. THE MINISTER OF HUMAN RESOURCE 13 Oral Answers AGRAHAYANA 19,1909 (SAKA) 14



National Sports Talent Scheme (a) to (c). The National Sports Talent Contest (H'STC) Scheme was introduced in 1985 by the Sports Authority of India (SAl). The results of the Scheme are as follows; ..

1985-86 1986-87 1987-88

(i) Number of participating 25 28 29 States/Union Territories

(ii) Number of competitors at 1473 2254 2454 national level

(iii) Number of disciplines 8 10 10

(iv) Number of students 158 362 480 selected

2. Sports Authority of India has adopted against certain small difficyltles which nave 48 schools in which 323 children have to be got over from time to time. So, It is a been admitted. programme which has been very well con­ c~ived. But at the same time, we have to 3. Financial assistance upto Rs. 5 lakhs go ahead with the programme carefully. is given to each school adopted under the scheme for development of sports infras­ SHRI S. M. GURADDI: Out of 48 tructure and purchase of equipment. 116 schools, how many schools have been coaches have been appointed for regutar started in Karnataka? training of the selected students. SHRI P.V. NARASIMHA RAO: One is St. SHRI SM. CURADDI: The Sports Au· Joseph's Indian High School, Bangalore, thority of India has adopted 48 schools. In and the other is Mountain View High these schools, only 323 children have been School, Chikmagalur. adnlitted. It is a very small number. SHRI S.M. GURADDI: Only two? SHRI P.V. NARASIMHA RAO: The Sports Authority of I ndia has limited funds. They SHRt P.V. NARASIMHA RAO: Two from prepared the scheme for the first time and each State become 48. introduce it quite carefully in 1985. They found that the results were encouraging. SHRI e.c. SWEll: Our performance in They went on to add some more in 1986 international sports has been far disap. and then in 1987. The number of competi· pointing. There has not been any discovery tors has gone up. The number of children of any significant talent in sports so far. selected has also gone up. The number of schools has gone up to 48. Now, I am not talking about great sports nations like the USSR, the USA or I am not quite sure that we can jump to the CDR or Japan or now South Korea. But hundreds of schools straightaway. It wi~1 poor countries like Ethopic, Kenya, far un­ have to be a very carefully planned pro­ developed in trade also politically, afflicted gramme. In these 48 schools, we come up almost perennially by drough~ and famine 15 Oral Answen DECEMBER 10, 1987 Oral Answers 16 and yet these people come out of the SHRI BHACWAT JHA AZAD: Have a ,de­ mountain,s and out run with everybody in bate. (Interruptions) the world, in the long distance running, in marathons. MR. SPEAKER: Thp Government will We are a much bigger country; we have take cognisance. Why should you do like lot of money. We have Sports Authority. thi$? You sit down. Could you tell us why these poor countries are doing much better than we do 7 SHRI BHAGWhT JHA Al<\D: You give us a debate, Sir. SHRI P.V. NARASIMHA RAO: Sir, I don't want to make any comparison with otl)er MR. SPEAKER: This is not the way. countries and call them names. Whether poor or rich ~s not the question. The ques:­ SHRI BHAGWAT JHA AZAD: It rnilitates tion is that for the first time, the Sports Au·. against Stclf-respect. thority of India, after going into the cause~ of our poor periorrndnce in intemational MR. SPEAKER: Mr. Azad, I do not like it. meets, has come to the conclusion that we It is your way. You can table a motion. I will must have a programme starting from the admit that. But why do you behave like grassroots and, for the first time, catching this? the children young. These are the two pa­ rameters subjects to which this prograrnme (/nterruptions) has been under taken ...... (lnterrup- tions) ...• Therefore, the question concerPs SHRI C.C. SWELL: Sir, we are not at the the schools adopted by the SAl. same wave length.

SHRI C.S. SWE~L: You reply to my sup­ MR. SPEAKER: Well Mr. Swell, hp cannot plementary. speU out everything.

SHRI P.V. NARASIMHA RAO: I think, SHRI P.V. NARASIMHA RAO: Absolutely the causes of poor performance have been right Sir. We are not at the Sdme wave~ gone into in both the Houses of Parliament length but rny wavelength is according to in great detail. the question.

SHRI C.C. SWELl: Why poorer coun­ (Interruptions) tries are doing much better than what we do? It is my question. SHRI G.G. SWEL~: I am not quarrelling. What I am saying is according to the rule~. SHRI P.V. NARASIMHA RAO: I don't He does not have the prerogative to evade know. I really don't knew why some coun­ the answer. tries are doing better. SHRI P.V. NARASIMHA RAG: I am not SHRI C.C. SWELL: It seems we are not evading the answer. I am not supposed to on the same wave length; I say one thing tell you why any country has done better. I and the Minister says something else. am supposed to tell you why our country has not done better. We have gone into (Interruptions) the question.

MR. SPEAKER: Doesn't matter. This is SHRI C.C. SWELL: You have got to anal­ nothing. But ours is a great country. yse. You have got to do it. Otherwise, you cannot compete in international sports. SHRI P.V. NARASIMHA RAO: Abso­ You are to find out where we are placed. lutely; I entirely agree. SHRI P.V. NARASIMHA RAO: I would MR. SPEAKER: Whatever you decid~, like to protest very strongly against this will go. word. I have never evaded any question. I 17 Oral Answers AGRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAM) Oral Answers 18

cannot answer any question on which t am yet we are facing humiliation so tar as not supposed to rlnswer. , am not going to sports are concerned ...... (Interruptions). I say anything about other countries. want to tell the non. Minister that the Sports Authority spends more money on it. (Interruptions) setf than on the sportsmen. It wastes the entire funds on wages, tOUI'S and other SHRI C.C. SWEll: Does he know, things but does not spend it on the where we are placed? sportsmen. I would like to suggest that at least one such school should be provided MR. SPEAKER: There is a limit to every­ in every district so that the children there thing. may get encouragement in the field of sports. SHRI P.V. NARASIMHA RAO: Why the performance has been poor of my own MR. SPEAKER: Now please conclude. country has b~en gone into and it has been SHRI GIRDHA.RILAL WAS: There are discu5sf'd in both the Houses. above 450 districts in the country. In how many years \vill you provide such schools SHRI C.C. SWEll: Does he not know in those 450 districts? that a country like Hhopla has done much b~tter thrln ours? MR. SPEAKER: I iow can we do this? From where shall we get the money? (Interruption.)) SHRI GIRDHARI tAL VYAS: How many MR SPf AK[R: No. Nothtng doing. years will it take to make these ar­ (InterrlJPtions)*~ Not aHawed. There is no rangements? The Hon. Minister is not giv­ reason for that. YOll don't have the ing a reply. Kindly ask him to give are· monopoly of the Hous<" Mr. Swell. ply ..... (lnterruptions) .... Our country is cut­ ting a sorry figure in the field of sports. SHRr BASUDfB ACHARIA: Being a country with 760 million pf'Opkl, we should [EngHsh] do better ,n sports. I n order to improve in sports, Whclt is necessary is that we should SHRI BIRINDER SINGH: Certain disci­ draw the chitdren from the nJrai are~.80 plines which are money-earning are limited per Ct)nt of our pCQple are living in rural ar­ only to big cities. Other disciplines are eas. Has the' Government proposed to working hard but they do not get anything idf'ntify or s('t up or adopt one sports unless tht:'y attain a particular status in the school in f'Clch of thp districts of our coun­ international field. I would like to know try in future? Is tl1f~ proposal under consid­ from the ~inister whether these diSciplines eration of the Government in the near fu­ like tennis and cricket, which are only con­ ture or not?· centrated in big cities will be taken down to remote areas or not. SH RI P. V. NA.RASIMHA RAO: Yes, Sir This will have to go to the grass roots. it SHRI P.V. NARASIMHA RAO: The disci­ has started now. I am sure that within the plines which are chosen for this pro­ shortest possible time, we will be having gramme are: athletics, gymnastics, swim­ such an infrastructure going down to the ming, wrestling, football, hockey, bad­ districts and even below. minton, table tennis, volleyball and basket. ball. [Translation] [Trans/dtionj

SHRI CIRDHARI tAL VYAS: Mr. Speaker, Survey for Gold Deposits Sir, Shri Swell was fightlllg for the right cause just now. Our country is so large and I(c 501. SH RI MADAN PAN DEY: Will the ··Not recorded. 19 Oral Answers DECEMBER 10, 1987 Oral Answers 20

Minister of STEEL AND MINES be pleased 6. West Bengal: Rajagram-Duarsini area, to state: Purulia district.

(a) whether, besides. Bihar and Orissa, 7. Uttar Prad€!s/1: Siwalik belt along the Government propose to (;onduct survey for foothills of Himalaya, Son-Korwa and areas gold deposits in other parts of the country covered in Sidhi district (M.P.) and Mirza­ also; and pur distrkt, U.P. and in parts of Lalitpur district. (b) if so, the names of the places where this survey is proposed to be conducted? Beside$ conventional metho~ of gold exploration, Air borne geophysical surve)l5 [English] are proposed during 1987 -88 Field Season over parts of Kamataka and Andhra THE MINISTER OF STATE tN THE DE­ Pradesh to aid gold exploration. GIS has no PARTMENT OF MtNES IN THE MINISTRY proposal to conduc.t survey for gold in Bi­ OF STEEL AND MINES (SHRIMATI RAM har in 1987-88 field season. However CSI DULARI SINHA): (a) Yes, Sir. in recent past carried out gold investigation in Kunderkocha, lowa, Maysera etc. in (b) A Statement is given below. Singhbhum district, Tamar in Ranchi district and Sono-Karmatia in Munger district of Bihar. STATEMENT [Translation / SURVEY OF GOLD DEPOSITS SHRI MADAN PANDEY: Mr. Speaker, (b) The Geological Survey of India dur­ Sir, the hon. Minister has been kind ing 1987-88 Field Season has proposed to enough to tell us the nam~s of the places conduct survey for gold in the following where the Geological Survey of I ndia pro­ states: poses to conduct survey for gold during the year 1987-8& I want to know the places 1. Karnataka. Hutti-Maski Schist Delt, where gold reserves have been established Raichur district; Gadag Gold Field, Dharwar as a result of gold exploration. Besides district; Ajjanahalli area and Ballara, Cold when shaU the mining of gold start at these Mine, Tumkur district; Kempinkete Gold places. Mine area, Hassan distric.t; parts of Chika­ magalur and South Kanara district, Surapalli SHRIMATI RAIv1 DUlARI SINHA: I want area, east of KGF and parts of Chitradurga to tell the hon. Member that following es­ sulphide belt, Chitardurga district. timates have been made by C.S.1. regarding the gold reserves:-- 2. Andhra Pradesh: Ramagiri Cold Field, Venkatampalle and other areas in [English} Penkcherla Schist Belt; Anantpur district, Bisanattam area Chittoor district; parts of HATTI-MASKI SCHIST BELT, RAICHUR Veligallu Schist belt in Anantpur, Cuddapah DISTRICT, KARNATAKA: 0.816 million and Chittoor districts. tonnes of gold ore with 2.01 to 6.05 grammes per tonne of gold in Hutti, 0.684 3. Kerala: Manjeri area, Malappuram million tonnes with 2.0 to 23.95 grammes district. per tonne in Wandalli and 0.562 million tonnes with 2.04 to !h40 grammes per 4. Ma.dhya Pradesh: Jashpur and tonne in Uti. Dharamjaygarh Tehsil, Raigarh district. GADAQ COLD FIELDS, DHARWAR DIS­ S. Orissa; Badampahar-Sulaipat-co- TRICT, KARNATAKA. 0.569 million tonnes rumahasani area and along Bihar Orissa with 2.0 to 4.48 grammes per tonne in Ho­ Border to Mayurbhanj district sur-Champion block and tentativelv 0.47- 21 Oral AnSWet5 AGRAHAYANA 19,1909 (SAKA) Oral/tnswers 22 million tonoes with 2.3 to 6.6 grammes per promising only. After the detailed explo­ tonne in Sangli Mjne block. ration, it will be ascertained whether it is economically viable or not and then after MAlLAPPAKONDA·CHIGAROUNTA that steps will be taken in this regard. NANDYMADUQU AREA CHITIOOR DIS­ TRICT, AN DH RA PRADESH. 4.18 million SHRI M.RAGHUtvtA REDDY: I am very tonnes with 4.6 grammes per tonne in Chi­ glad to know that certain parts of Andhra gargunta and.0.65 million tonnes with 4.0 Pradesh are also surveyed. But my district gramme per tonne in Mallappakonda. is not finding a place in this surv.ey. There is a rumour that in Devarakonda Fort of Nal .. RAMGIRI GOLD FIELD, ANANTPUR gonda district, there are gold deposits. May DISTRACT, ANDHRA PRADESH. 0.70 milion I know from the Minister whether a survey tonne$ with average grade of 7.0 gramme will be conducted there also to find out the per toMe in Ompratima·Grantainappa sec· gold deposits? tor. SHRIMATI RMt\ DUlARl SINHA: As per [Trans/ationJ the Hon. Member's wish, thi, area will also be included. SHRI MADAN PANDEY: Mr. Speaker, Sir, I am greatful that efforts have been {Translation / made in also for exploring gold. But the hon. Minister has not told SHRI C. P. THAKUR: Mr. Speaker, Sir, whether gold reserves have been estab­ we had heard that the gold ore was also lished in Sitapur in Uttar Pradesh where found in Bihar. I want the hon. Minister to exploration has been conducted. Is there infonn us about any other further action any proposal to start the mining work that has been taken in this regard. there 7 The second part of my supplemen­ tary is that gold exploration is being done SHRIMATI RAM DUlARI SINHA: Mr. by the C.S.1. and the MEC~ Does the Gov­ Speaker, Sir with regard to Bihar, I would ernment propose to merge the two organ; like td tell the hon. Member that in the re­ sations? Will survey also be conducted ir\ cent past survey has been conducted in those areas also where gold reserves have Kunderkoch, lowa and Maysera in Singhb­ not yet been established? hum district, lamcher in Ranchi district and Sono-Kannatia in Monghyr district of Bihar, SHRIMATI RAM DUlARJ SINHA: So far but during this year, the survey has been as Uttar, Pradesh is concerned, I have stopped. It will start again so far as viability stated in my reply that we propose to con­ is concerned, we have not come to any duct survey in the Siwalik belt, in Sidhi conclusion. M.E.C.l. is continuing detailed (M.P.) and Mirzapur district of Uttar Pra­ exploration in Kunderkoch. desh during the year 1987-88. Some work has already been done in the Siwalik belt, SHRI UMAKANT MISHRA: Sir, Mirzapur but so far as the question of starting mining has large potential for power generation, operation is concerned, we have to see its coal mines and now we would and be Viability, that is, how much deposit is there, having gold mines in the area as well. Be .. what is the one-grade and for how long ~ides Mirzapur is rich in mineral wealth. will it last~ We think that the project is vi­ able when we find that the deposits shall MR. SPEAKER: Carpets of Mirzapur are last at least for 30 years and the metal con­ also famous. tent is 4 grammes per tonne. SH RI UMAKANT MISH RA: I would like lEnglish] to know from the hQn. Minister whether a detailed survey will be conducted in Mirza­ Presently these deposits are unde¥ re­ pur also? gional exploration. The5e will be taken up for detailed exploration by MECL if found SHRIMATI RAM DULARJ SINHA: Mr. 23 Oral Answel'S DECEMBER 10, 1987 Oral Answers 24

Speaker, Sir, J had told in reply to the main THE MINISTER OF ENVIRONMENT question that survey work is continuing in AND FORESTS (SHRI BHAJAN LAl): (a) Yes, Mirzapur and detailed survey will also be Sir . . conducted there. (b) and (c). World Bank have agreed to MR. SPEAKER: I think that Ayub Sahib is the extension in principle. perhaps trying to find it in Sikar. (d) The State Government of Kamataka SHRI MOHO. AYUB KHAN- Mr. have sought extension of the on-going Speaker, Sir, Rajasthan is rich in mineral project for two years beyond March, 1988, wealth particularly, Jhunjhunu and Sikar when the normal project period termi­ districts. We have a copper project in nates. Khetri, in Jhunjhumj district where too, gold is also found. Will the hone Minister [Translation] give the details 7 SHRI V.S. KRISHNA IYER: Sir, I am very MR. SPEAKER: You will have to ask this happy that considering the very good work separately. that is being done by the Government of Karnataka in the field of social forestry, the SHRIMATI RAM DULARI SINHA' Mr. World Bank has agreed to give the exten­ Speaker, Sir, the Bharat Gold Mines which sion, I would like to know from the Gov­ is a -Central Government undertaking ex­ ernment as to how tnuch money has been ploits copper whereas the Hatti Cold spent so far and how much has been reim­ Mines is a Karnataka State Government bursed by the Government of India. undertaking..... (InterruptionsJ .... rTrans/ationj .f\.1R. SPEAKER: If you have any informa­ tion regarding Khetri, Please pass it on. SH Rt BHAJAN LAL: Mr. Speaker, Sir, a total of Rs. 55.22 crores have been sanc­ (Interruptions) tioned for this project. Out of this amount about Rs. 40.34 crores have already been [English} spent. So far as allocation to states is con­ cerned, the contribution of Karnataka Gov­ ernment is Rs. 6.45 crores, World Bank Extension for World Bank Aided Social contribution is Rs. 26.33 crores and O.D.A. forestry Scheme in karnatak '" British contribution is Rs. 22.44 crores.

·502. SHRI V. S. KRISHNA IYER: Will the [English] Minister of ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS be pleased to state: SHRI V.S. KR1SHNA IYER: Sir, the hone Minister is aware that due to pollution the (a) whether Karnataka Government had ecology and environment of urban areas is sought extension of Rs. 55.22 crores World now very much spoiled. In view of thiS, Bank aided social forestry project by two may I know from the hone Minister years; whether the Government is agreeable to extend this social forestry scheme ttl urban (b) whether the World Bank representa­ areas also and particularly to big cities such tives have agreed to the request; as Bangalore, Bombay, Calcutta and so on?

[Translation J (c) whether the extension sought has

been given; and SH RI BH~JAN lAL~ Mr. Speaker, Sir, keeping in, view the importance of tree (d) the period from which the extension plantation programme we have made ef­ has been sought? forts to implement it more expeditiously. 25 Oral Answers ACRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (~) Oral Answers 26

The Hon. Prime Minister addressed as regarding the places where funds have conference of the Forest Ministers two been misused. We will look into it. How­ days back and he emphasised this point ever, we make reviews from time to time there. It was decided In that meeting that a and see whether the money has been survey of all the States should be con­ spent property. If the money has not been ducted by the Eighth Finance Commission spent property, we take note of it and the to be constituted during the [ighth Five State concerned is not allocated any more Year Plan and thereby ascertain as to how funds in future. much revenue the States receive from for­ est resources. The Government intends to SHRI RAfv1 PYARE PANIKA: Mr. Speaker, stop denudation of forests and compensate Sir, for the proper development in the the revenue loss to the States. The second country it is essential that 35 per cent of decision that we have taken is to plant at the total area is covered by forests. The least 40 trees in every village in the shape States have made forests, a source of their of a garden to commemorate the 40th an­ income since I ndependence. They are niversary of our I ndependence. With the earning lot of revenue from major percent­ passing of every year, one tree should be age of forest area. But the State Govern­ added to the garden to indicate that the ment are not utilising funds for the devel­ country has reached 41st or 42nd year of opment of the forests in proportion to the its Independence. We are trying to launch percentage of income they are earning this scheme in the villages dnd it will be from the forest resources. The Forest Con­ looked after by the village panchayats. Be­ servation Act, 1980 is not being implt sides, we have also decided to ask the mented. I would request the hon. Mini:t .. people to plant a tree in the backyard of to direct the States to spend at least 50 their house or any other available space to cent of the income received from forest commemorate the birth of every child in sources on afforestation. the family. Similarfy, trees will also be planted on the eve of every auspicious oc­ SHRI BHAJAN LAl: The hon. Member casion so tn~t the atmosphere is free from has expressed right apprehension. The en­ pollution. The atmosphere will remain purf:" tire revenue received from forest resources only when trees are sclved and more and should be spent on development ot forests. more trEes are planted I tuHy clgree with We ask the State Govemment to take steps you in this regard. in this regard and assistance is also given to them by the Central Government. So far [English] as the Forest Conservation Act is con­ cerned, the annual denudation of forests SH RI A. CHARLES: Sir, huge funds are has declined from 1.5 lakh hectares to being spent under the social forestry 16,000 hectares since 1980. We are trying scheme and there are complamts that our level best to check deforestation and these funds are being misused. So, May I encourage afforestation so that we can pro­ know from the hon. Mmister whether there tect ourselves from flood and drought. Be­ is any proper monitoring and whether any sides, I agree that, 33 per cent of the total information has been collected with regard area should be covered by forests in the to the survival of trees after three years of country. their planting? If not, I request that statis­ tics should be collected from each State so {English] as to know as to how many trees survived after a period of three years under this Loss of Miucrals due to Narn,ada and scheme. Sardar Sarovar Projects

[Translation] "'503. SHRI ARVIND NETAM: Win the Minister of STfEl AND MINES be pleased SH RI BHAJAN LAL' Mr. Speaker, Sir, to state: there is no use making oral accusations here. He should send written complaints (a) the detail!' of the minerals loss likety 27 Oral Answers DECEMBER 10, 1987 Oral AnsweflS 28

to be caused by the Narmada Sagar in the Govemment of Gujarat hes not gitlen Madhya Pradesh and Sardar Sarovar Multi­ much importance to it. I have stated in Ill)' purpose Project iH Gujarat, area-wise Joss reply that the Deccan Trap rocks are avail­ in quantity and the value thereof; able in plenty everywhere and tt.ese are very inexpensive. It is, therefore, not cor­ (b) whether any detailed report of the rect to say that the Government of Gujarat survey of mineral losses due to the 'said did not pay serious attention towards it. proiects has been prepared; and SHRI ARVJND NETAM: The Govern­ ment of Madhya Pradesh has reported the (c) if so, the details thereof? presence of 28 million tonnes of non Steel Melting Shop grade dolomite. I would like OF DE­ THE MINISTER STATE IN THE to know whether this huge quantity of 28 PARTMENT OF MINES IN THE MINISTRY million tonnes is located at one place or ()f STEEL AND MINES (SHRIMATI RAM scattered everywhere 7 Does the Govern· DULARI SINHA): (a) to (c). The Govern­ ment propose to extract these minerals on ment of Gujarat have intimated that the completion of this dam 7 Sardar Sarvoar Project has mainly Deccan Trap rocks under submergence and that SHRIMATI ~ DULARI SINHA: I have this rock type is inexpensive, and available already said about the minerals worth in plenty elsewhere. The Government of Rs.28 crores. I would like to inform the Madhya Pradesh have reported that the House that even though minerals worth reservoir will submerge areas which are es­ Rs. 28 crores are present in the area, but it timated to have 28 million tonnes of non i~these projects which are going to benefit Steel Melting Shop grade dolomite and from it. These projects will provide Irriga­ some quantities of clay and other minor tion, power and a number of other facilities minerals valued in all at Rs. 28.5 crores. to the States. Keeping this in view, the min­ erals are worth little. So far as completing [Translation] the dam, canal and the entire project is c( cerned, we shall go on exploiting the SHRI A~V1ND NETAM: Mr. speaker, Sir, minerals which are available there and use the Government of India has recently ac- \ them in the construction of these projects. corded its approval to Sardar Sarovar and N~r~ada Sagar Projects .. These are very (Interruptions) ambitious project5 in the country. In her repty, the hon. Minister has stated that the {English] Government of Cujarat has reported that there is nothing other than Deccan Trap MR. SPEAKE R: I can't hear anything be­ rocks in the area whereas the Government cause so much of talk is goin~ on. I do not of Madhya Pradesh has re'ported the pres­ know what is happening. It is like as if you ence of minerals worth about Rs. 28 crores. are not in a mood to work. The site of both the projects is adjacent to each other. H ow is it possible that except (Interruptions) rocks there are no other minerals in Gu­ jarat, whereas large quantity of minerals are MR. SPEAKER: It looks like that I feel. present in Madhya Pradesh. It appears that the Gov'emment of Gujarat has not con­ [Translation] ducted the survey seriously. Does the hon. Minister have such information? SH RI ARVI N D NETAM: Sir, I had put a different question. SHRIMATI RAM DULARI SINHA: would like to inform the hon. Member that (lnferrupt;ons) ;n my preliminary reply f have also stated that the Government of Madhya Pradesh [English} has admitted that clay and minerals worth Rs. 2 B crores are present in the area, but MR. SPEAKER: I can't hear a thing. You 29 Oral Answers AGRAHAYANA 19,1909 (oSAKA) Written Answers 30 are all talking amongst yourselves let us Steps taken for the protection of the Dar.. work here and talk outside. rah Wildlife Sanctuary include better pro­ tection of the animals and forests, checking [Translation] illicit grazing, prevention and control of fire, augmentation of fodder and water SHR1 ARVIND NETAM: I asked a differ­ supply. ent question. I wanted to know whether the Government will exploit the 28 million (b) The measures taken to control silta­ tonnes of dolomite before the completion tion consist of appropriate soil conserva· of the dam? It has not been clarified? tion works, afforestation and pasture de­ velopment. [English} (c) Rs.1790.83 lakhs have been spent so MR. SPEAKER: I can't hear anything. far on these measures. Can't you have any mercy on me? I am ap­ pealing to you. (d) The rate of siltation has come down.

THE MINISTER OF STEEL AND MINES SHRt JUJHAR SINGH: Mr. Speaker, Sir, (SHRI M. L. FOTEDAR): The hon. Member I would like to know from the hon. Minis­ has asked as to what will be the position ter whether there has been a continuous with regard to Dolomite. We have 16,000 reduction in the forest area since the an­ million tonnes of Dolomite available in the nouncement of Darrah Wildlife Sanctuary? state of Madhya Pradesh. This thing which Secondly, whether the hon. Minister is will get submerged in the Dam will be only aware that the number of animals \\I'hid 1 1.7 per cent of the total deposits of were already there has also declined since Dolomite in Madhya Pradesh. For the pre­ its declaration as a sanctuary{ If ~O, will he sent there is no proposal to take it out and be pleased to state the efforts rTlilde in this it takes 7 -8 years, generally for areas to get direction and the results thereof? submerged. Development of Darrah Wild Life Sanctuary SH RI BHAJAN LAl: Mr. Speaker, Sir, I do not agree with him so far as reduction ·504. SHRI JUJHAR SINGH: Wilt the in forest area is concerned, since the an­ Minister of ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS nouncement of the sanctuary. There has be pleased to state: been a constant rise in the number of sanc.. tuaries If you go by the past figures, you (a) the steps taken by Government to will observe that the number of sanctuar.. sa~ the forests and the animals of Darrah ies has gone up trom 60 in 1960 to 358 to.. Wildlife Sanctuary' in Kota district of Ra­ day. Similarly, the number of National jasthan; Parks has risen from 5 to 63. So far as de­ cline in the number of wild animals is con.. (b) the measures taken by Government cerned. I agree with hon. Member that the regarding the afforestation programme number of animals has comparatively gone along the river Chambal to control the silta­ down. It is mainly, due to large scale tion under river valley project; poaching of wild animals. We have passed the Prevention of Wildlife f~ct and taken (c) the amount spent so f~r on these other steps also to check this. We have projects; and strictly implemented these Acts. Ban on hunting was imposed to save rare species (d) the results achieved? of animals. Every effort is being made by the Government to protect the wilc1 ani .. [Tr~ns/ation J mals.

THE MINISTER OF ENVIRONMENT SHRI GIRDHARI LAl VYAS: You are AND FORESTS (SHRI BHAJAN tAL): (a) talldng of poachin& but I would like to tell 31 Oral Answers DECEMBER ·10,1987 Oral Answers 32 you that you cannot find even a single wild (a) wheHler an Expert Croup on Na~ animal in the area. tional Council for Safety in Mnes was set up; (Interruptions) (b) if so, when and with what terms of SHRI SHANTI DHARIWAL: Incidents of reference and expenditure incurred in this poaching have been talking place in the regard; area for last several years. One such Inci­ dent took place there only 4-5 days ago. (c) the recommendations of the Expert Group; (Interruptions) (d) whether the recommendations of MR. SPEAKER: It is his questio!1. tht~ Croup havf' been rejected; if so, the reasons tllerefor; (Interruptions) (e) \\+lether the decision conforms to SHRI JUJHAR SINGH: Mr. Speaker, Sir, the cornfnitrnents made by Government at the hon. Minister has said that an Act has the First Conference on Safety in l\1ines, been passed which provides for checking pspeci~llly the grounds given in the orders illicit grazing. Though it has Leen declared dated 13 November, 1 QS!; ilnd a Sanctuary by the Government, yet the animals frorQ other areas like outside Kot~ (f) if so, the manner in which Govern·· district have taken shelter in that area. , ment propose to sclfeguard the interests of would like to know whether the Forest the ernployees? department has trnplemented the Act or withheld it? Animals are corning horn THF fv\lNIS1ER Of STATf Of THE MIN­ outside and they settle there. \Vhat IS thp IS fRY Of LABOUR (SHRI P.A. SANCtv\A): Government doing in this regard? (a) to ([) A statement is given below.

SH RI BHAJAN LAL: The hon. Member Expert Croup on National Council for Safety said that animals from neighbouring dis­ in "Aines by S/Shri Basudeb Acharia and

t( IL ts graze in the sanctuary. You are aware­ Sdi(uddin Chowdhaf)' that a severe drought has stricken Ra­ jasthan. There is therefore no ban on ani­ STATEMENT mals of those districts entering other dis­ tricts. It is possible that th~re might ha\ii(' The. ir-.;;t COllieren((' on Safety In Mines been some illicit grazing, but the Covem­ held in August, 19S8 had Inter alia, n"c.om­ ITlent is trying its level best to ensure that mended that suitable schemes should be there is no grazing in the Sanctuary. We drawn up for education of mine workers have provided full protection.in this regard. and staff at all levels on t he need tor safety and the requirements of safety. In pur­ suance of the recommendation, the Na­ SHORT NOTICE QUESTION tional Council for safety in Mtnes was set up in July, 1963 as a tripartite organisation ff?glish] registered under the Sorietit~s Registration Act, 1860 to undertake, aid and prornote Expert Group on National Council for safety education in Illines. The establ~J1 .. Safety in Mines meut and the activities of the COllncil re­ ceived financial' suppon trom tht' Coal SNQS. SHRL BASUDEB ACHARIA: Mines labour Welfare Fund. With the SHRI SAIFUDDIN CHOW­ transfer of the administration of the Fund DHARY: from the l..:... bour Ministry to the Depart~ ment of Coat in 19B1-82, a decision had to Will the Minister of LABOUR be pleased be taken on contmuance of the Counc", to state: and its financing m the event of its continu- 33 Ora/Answers ACRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAKA) Oral Answers 34

ance. An expert Group was set up by the the expanc;ion of the activitie~ of the Na­ Government on 25th June, 1985 with the tional Council for Safety in Mines. An expert following terms of reference;- group ....

(a) Whether there is any justification MR. SPEAKER: What is the question? Put for continuance of the Natioo.l the question. Council for Safety In Mines; (b) If it has to continue, what should SHRI BASUDEB ACHARIA: An expert be its structure, role and working group was set ur' It was set up functions, source of finance etc. with the following terms 0 reference: "Whether there is any justltication The Expert Croup recommended that for continuance of the National the continuance of the National Council for Council for Safety til Mines;" Safety in Mines was fully justified. The re­ port was considered by Government. It It was the uijanimovs recommendation was felt that safety was primarily a man­ of this expert group, where the representa­ agement function. A substantial programme tives from the Minister of Energy, and of on mines safety had In fact been taken on labour and representatives from the trade hand by Coal India lirn.ted after the na­ unions were also ther~--they had recom­ tionahsation of coal mines. The National mended the continuance of this National Council for Safety in Mines had also not Council for Safety in Mines, and the been able to devote its attention to the un­ strength~ning of this organization, and also organised sector in mining, on account of the expansion of its activities. lack of resources. It was, therefore, decided by the Government that the National MR. SPEAKER: What is the question? Council tor Safety in Mines should be Ask the question now. Mr. Achana, I am wound up. In the organised sector, the going to close it now. Wha{is the ques­ management should the.nselxes be made tion? responsible for safety education. As regards unorganised sector, the Director General Qf SH RI BASUDEB ACHARIA: In spite of its Mines Safety should be given the respon­ unanimous recommendation, Government sibility and that the or~anisation of the Di­ has decided to wind the Council up. May I rectorate General of Mines Safety should know from the Minister: when an expert be suitably strengthened for the purpose. group which was set up, had recom"­ mended, unanimously recommended the The employees of the Council will be continuance of this Council.. .. Why has the compensated as per law, at the time of government taken a unilateral decision to winding up of the CounCIl. wind up the National CounCil for Safety in Mines? (lnc.erruptiom) SHRI BASUDEB ACHARIA: The state­ ment is rath~r disappoint1og. The task of MR. SPEAKER: You have exceeded accidents preventj~n is concerned not only everytNng. with Its technical aspect, but also with the humanitarian Safety lies in the nature of making peopl~ b~(ieve In it. The majority of (Interruptions) the milling workers, who are illiterate, should be made aware of the safety aspect. MR. SPEAf(ER: Please order. This can be done only through prop~­ ganda, publicity and seminars, with a mis­ (Interruptions) sionalY zeal. This is being done by the Na­ tional Council for Safety in Mines for the SHRI P. A. SANCMA: I have already an­ last 25 years. All these conferences on swered both the questions. safety in mining in the past had recom­ mended the utility of this Council. and also MR. SPEAKER: You repeat it. 35 Oral Answers DECEMBER 10, 1987 Oral Answers 36

SHRI BASUDEB ACHARIA: You have not, SHRI P. A. SANGMA: (3) This Council answered them. has no resources of its own.

SHRI P. A. SANGMA: Whether the SHRI BASUDEB ACHARIA: You provide Expert Committee has recommended for the money. continuance of this Council, I have said, yes, I have also said that in spite of the recolnmendations of the Expert SH RI P. A. SANGMA: It is a tripartite Committee, the Government of India has body; it is surviving hand to mouth from taken a decision to wind it up. the contribution from various departments: (Interruptions) The expenditure on establishment on . salary and on the wages of the employees SHRI BASUDEB ACHARIA: Why? comes to Rs.12 lakhs only. (Interruptions) SHRI BASUDEB ACHARIA: You don't provide that. MR. SPEAKER: Let him say why.

(Interruptions) SHRI P. A. SANCMA: And the work they . are doing is for Rs.6 lakhs. So, they are MR. SPEAKER: Look here, you have doing the work which is half of the expen­ asked why and he is going to answer why. diture which is being incurred .... (lnterrup­ tions) and the most important redsons are (Interruptions) which I have stated earlier. But I have also stated in my answer th,lt though we have MR. P. A. SANGMA: Please listen to my decided to wind it up, we will ensure that answer. (1) Though this Council has done a the workers and the employees are not vic­ good work, we already also have a Direc­ timised; whatever they have got their le­ tor-General of Mines Safety who is doing gitimate dues shall be given to them the same type of work. (Interruptions) acccording to law.

MR.SPEAKER: Let hin1 finish It. (Interruptions)

(In terruptions) SH RI BASUDEB ACHARIA: I want a categorical answer. It has been stated here SHRI NARAYAN CHOUBEY: You have that the coalmine labour welfare fund pre­ been having it all through. viously was with the Ministry of Law. Now it has been transferred to the Ministry of Energy. About this winding up decision, it (Interruptions) is a tussle between the Ministry of Energy and the Ministry of Labour. SHRI P A SANCMA: (2) It is the primary responsibility of the management to ensure PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: Is it tn.e? the safety uf the mine workers. (Interruptions) SHRI NARAYAN CHOUBEY: That has always been there. SHRI BASUDEB ACHARIA: Sir, there is a very loud protest from all sections of the SHRI P. A. SANGMA: In doing this job, it people. Will the Government :,,~view the is their responsibility to do it.(lnterruptions) decision to transfer this Council as the fund has been transferred to the Ministry of En­ ergy? MR. SPEAKER: It does not matter; \r\ ".1t­ ever is there ...... MR. SPfAKER: Why are you hanging to (Interruptions) this question? Put the question. 37 Oral Answers ACRAHAYANA'19, 1909 (SAIV\) Written Answers 38

SHRI BASUDEB ACHARIA: The Council hon. Member that they have a lot of exper­ is to be transferrpd to the Ministry of En· tise. That is why I have stated, as they have ergy. Will you consider this proposal? already got certain expertise, then, a5 far as practicable they will be absorbed in DC of SH RI p. A. SANGMA: On a question Mines Safety. It IS doing the saine type of whether there ;s any tussle between the work. We are going to absorb them. That is Ministry of Labour and the Ministry of En­ what I said. ergy, my answer is emphatically, 'No'. But the most important aspect is, after Gov­ WRIITEN ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS ernment have decided to wind it up, what would be the fate of the employees? There {Eng/ish} are 60 of them. Manning of Unmanned Railway Level 'SHRI BASUDEB ACHARIA: Not only Crossings employees, but safety of mine workers is involved. "'496 SHRI SRIBALLAV PANICRAHI : Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to SHRI P. A. SANGMA: In my answpr I state: have said that they will get their legitilnate dues according to the law. But before this, (a) Whether any study has been m~de may I assure the House, because a delega­ to assess the extent to which unmanned tion of the employees has also met me I railway crossings are responsible for the want assure the House, that as far as prac­ railway accidents; ticable the employees of this Council shall be absorbed in the DC Mines organisatirn. (b) if so, the outcome of such study and I am also taking up with the Departlnent of the details of the programme to man them; Coal that they should also absorb some of them; If there is anybody left who could not (c) the total number of unmanned rail­ be absorbed so that they could get their le­ way crossings, zone-wise as on 31 July, gitimate dues under the law. 1987; and

SHRI BASUDEB ACHARIA: Why can't (d) the number of such crossings you transfer thIs Council to the Ministry of manned during the last thr~e years, year­ fnergy wise?

SHRI SAIFUDDfN CHOWOHARY: THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ Nothing good can come from this national ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MADHAVRAO Government. It is not true that everybody SCINOIA): (a) and (b).·Study ot accidents at in tne conference of Safety in Mines level cr05sing, with a view to improving wanted the continuation of the Nat;Qnal safety has been a continuing exercise. It Council for Safety in Mines. The hon. Min­ has been observed that over the past three ister has said that it had done a good work. years, unmanned level crossings, which Then why have they decided to wind it up? constitute 58% of the total number of level He said that they will compensate the crossings, have contributed 67% of the to­ workers and the employees. It is not a tal number of accidents at level crossings. question of giVing the dues. The .question is, the expertise they have, to use it for the Arising out of a recent study, trials with safety measures in the mines. What is he one train-actuated warning device are al. going to do about that? I want a firm assur­ ready in progress. Based on evaluation of ance. If they just try to brush us aside, be­ the results thereof, a decision will be taken cause we are asking, then we shall direct regarding its adoption on a programmed them to work in the mines and they will basis, as an alternative to the present sys­ understand what it would mean. tem of manning.

SHRI P. A. SANGMA: I agree with the (c) The information is maintained finan- 39 Written Answers DECEM8ER 10, 1987 Written Answers 40 cial year·wlse. The position as on 31.3.87 was as foIlQws:·.

Central Railway 1152

Eastern Railway 734

Northern Railway 3029

North Eastern Railway 2591

Northeast Frontier RaIlway 1337

Southern Railway 2552

South Central Railway 2017

South Eastern Railway 3402

Western Railway 4606

(d) 198.J-85

1985-86 222

1986-87 90

/TranSldLlVlIj TURE IN THE MINISTRY Of- HUMAN Rl:­ SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRIMATI KR­ Teachers' Strike ISHNA SAHI): (a) and (b). There are reports from time to time about teachers going on 497. SHRIMATI MANORAMA SINGH strike in different institutions, and in differ­ Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE ent States. Detailed intormation on the rea­ DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state: sons for such strikes, their duratIon, etc., is not collected and maintained by the Cen­ (a) the names of the States where tral Government. teachers went on strike, the reasons On a call given by the All India Federa­ therefore, and the period for which such tion of University and College Teachers' strikes continued during the last two aca­ Organisations, University and College demic years; teachers in several States and Universities went on a strik-: from 4.8.87 to demand (b) wnether any arrangements were certain modifications in the Scheme of revi· made to make up the 105s of studies caused sion of their pay scales announced by the by such strikes and if not, the reasons Central Government. The Federation called therefor; off the strike on 4th September, 1987. Ac­ cording to information available, the Cen­ (c) whether the students were charged tral Universities which were affected by the tuition fee for the period of strikes and if strike have made arrangements to make up so, the reasons therefor; and the loss in teaching by working on holidays and curtailing the vacations. (d) whether Union Government have undertaken any study of this problem and if (c) I nterruptions in studies due to strike so, the outcome thereof? or other reasons are generally made good, and therefore, there have been no reports THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ of any revision in 'tuition fees on this ac­ PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION ANn CUl- count. 41 Written Answers ACRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAM) Written Answers 42

(d) The Central Government have not Minister of ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS undertaken any specific study on teachers' be pleased to state: strike. (a) the pE:rcentage of fore,t cover in the State of Kamataka; [English) (b) whether it is below the minimum Recruitment of Teachers by keqdriya required leveli and Vidyalaya Sangathan for ~orth East Region (c) if so, the steps taken to increase the torest cover in Kamataka? *505. SHRI RAHIM KHAN: Will the Mmister of HU~N RESOURCE DEVEl. OPMENT be pleased to state: THE MINISTER OF ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS: (SHRI BHAJAN LAl) : (a) (a) whether Kendriya Vidyalaya San· According to a survey carried out by the gathan has been recruitmg teachers for Forest Survey of I ndia the forest cover in posting to different States of North-East Re­ the State of Kamataka for the period 1981- gion every year and sometimes specially 83 was 16.82% of the geographical area 01 also; the State.

(b) the total number of Kendriya (b) Yes, Sir. Vldyalaya teachers of different categones recruited by the Sangathan during the pre­ (c) Large scale affort:~cation programmds cedmg three years; and have been taken up in the State under various schemes like Social Forestry in· (c) the percentages of teachers re­ eluding Rural Fuelwood Plantation, Rural crUited, who do not belong to North-East Landless Employment Guarantee Pro­ Region Vis-a-VIS those who belong to this gramme, National Rural Employment Pro­ region? gramme, Drought Prone Area Programme, Western Ghat Development Programme. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ An externally aided social forestcy project is PARTMENTS OF EDUCATIQN AND CUl· also being implemented. Creen belt pro­ TURE IN THE MLNISTRY OF HUMAN RE- gramme has been initiated in the cities. • SOURCE DEVELOPMfNT (SHRIMATI KRISHNA SAHI): la) Recruitment ot To control felling of trees on the privatE teachers is made by the Kendnya Vidyalaya lands. Tree Preservation Act, 1976 has Sangathan every year through an open all· bppn enacted. Indiscriminate diversion of I ndia advertisement. Panels are drawn up forest land for non-forest uses has been in Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Region­ checked under the Forest (Conservation) wise and not State-wise. ~pecial recruit­ Act, 1980. To curb illicit fellings and smlJg· ment for North:Eastem Region was made gling of timber intensive patroVing is being only once in 1984. undertaken by the mobile squads in the sensitive areas. (b) Appro~. 1100 teachers were re· cruited during the proceding three years for the Kendriya Vidyalayas in the North· Reservation fer SC/ST M~icaJ Graduates Eastern Region. in P.G. Entrance Examination

(c) No such statistics is maintained by *507. SHRI MOHO. MAI-tFOOZ I.' Ie KendriYi4 Vidyalaya Sangathan. ALI KHAN SHRI GANGA RAM: Forest Cover in Karnataka Will the Minister of HEAtTH AN 0 ·506. SHRI V. KRISHNA RAO : Will the FMillYWElFARE be pleased to state: 43 Written Answers DECEMBER 10, 1987 Written Answers 44

(a) whether the All India Institute of (b) Does not arise. Medical Sciences, New Delhi had decided to conduct postgraduate entrance examina­ tion in order to fill 25 per cent of the total [Translation] seats in postgraduate courses; Facility to appear in Examinations as Pri­ (b) if so, whether provisions for reserva­ vate Candidates tion of seats for the Scheduled *509. SHRI SHANT I DHARIWAl: Will Caste/Scheduled Tribe candidates for ad­ • mission in the said examination have been the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE made; and DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state·

(c) if not, tbe reasons therefor? (a) whether the system of allOWing can­ didates to appear in various examinations THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ as private students without requiring any IS'rRY OF HEALTH AND fAMILY WELfARE formal registration for studies has since (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARQ~: (a) In pur­ been discontinued all over the country and suance of the directions of the Supreme only those who atleast get themselves reg­ Court, ~he AIJ India Institute of Medical Sci­ istered for correspondence courses with an ences propose to conduot an All India En­ open University become eligible to appear trance Examination for admission to the in the examination; Postgraduate Medical/Dental Courses for 25% of the total seats in postgraduate (b) if so, whether as a result of this new courses. system poor students are depnved of the opportunity to pursue their further studies; (b) and (c)lThe Supreme Court has di­ and rected that not less than 25% of the total number of post~graduate seats Without (c) if so, whether Government propose taking into accouht any reservation validly to take any remedial measures If'! this re­ made shall be made available for being gard? filled on the basis of All India Entrance Ex­ amination. In view of this direction there THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ shall be no reservation of any kind out of PARTMENTS OF EDLJCAT'ON AND CUL­ these 25% open seats which are to be filled TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE­ solely on the basis of open competition. SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRIMATI KR­ ISHNA SAHI): (a) No, Sir. Several Universi­ ties continue to provide the facility to stu­ Revised Cost Estimate Proposal of Nhava dents to appear as private/external candi­ Sheva Port dates for specified examinations conducted by them. 111508. SHRI H. N. NANJE COWDA: SHRI G. S. BASAVARAIU: (b) and (c). Do not arise.

Will the Minister of SURFACE TRANS­ PORT be pleased to state; [English]

(a) whether Covernment have approved Open Universities and Courses offered the Revised Cost Estimate Proposal of the Nhava Sheva Port; and "'510. SHRI UTIAM RATHOD: Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVEL­ (b) if so, the details thereof? OPMENT be pleased to state:

THE MINI<;TER Of STATE Of THE MIN­ (a) the number of open universities set lSI RY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (SHKI up so far in the country and location RAJESH PILOT): (a) No, Sir. thereot, 45 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAIV\) Written Answers 46

(b) whether their courses are open to all ship of the forests and the terms on which citizens in the country; they have been entrusted to the private management? (c) whether there is no duplication in the work done by them in regard to the THE MINISTER OF ENVIRONMENT courses offered; and AND FORESTS (SHRI BHAJAN LAl): (a) Yes, Sir. (d) whether Government propose to allocate different subjects or courses sepa- (b) The ownership of the Kutlehar Jagir rately to those universities to avoid duplica­ Forests rests in the name of Govemmellt of tion of work? Himachal Pradesh. The conditions agreed to between the Government and the pri­ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ vate individual, as embodied in the Forest PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL­ Settlement Report of Kutlehar Jagir Forests TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE­ by Mr. Sheep Shank are given in the SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRIMATI KR­ Statement below. ISHNA SAHI): (a) There are at present four Open Universities in the country. These STATEMENT are: Terms and Conditions on which the Kutlehar Jagir Forests are being 1. The Indira Gandhi National Open Managed University, New Delhi. The conditions agreed to between the 2. The Andhra Pradesh Open Government and the Raja ~ to manage UnIVersity, Hyderabad. ment of Forests are also embodied in the Forest Settlement Report of Kutlehar Jaglr 3. The Nalanda Open University, by Mr. Sheep Shank. These terms and con­ Nalanda, Bihar. ditions are as under:

4. The Kota Open University, Kota, 1. The management of the forests in Rajasthan. Taluka Kutlehar will continue in the hands of Raja, subject to the recorded rights of (b) Yes, Sir. use and to the following rules.

(c) and (d). The courses and pro­ 2. The Raja shall be bound by the gen­ grammes offered by each University are de­ eral directions issued by the Forest De­ termined by the Universities themselves. partment. However, the ICNOU which is also re­ sponSible for the co-ordination of the 3. The Raja shall keep a register of all Open University system, has suggested a leaSes to break up land which have been networking arrangement among all the given by him. In all cases in which trees are Open Universities so that duplication of standing on the land he shall refer the ap­ efforts is reduced. plication with his own opinion to the For­ est Officer and shall be guided by the ad­ Kutlehar JaRir Forests vice by the latter as to the expediency of breaking up of land. No grants of Waste "'511. SHRI S. JAIPAL REDDY: Will the land for the preservation of grass or for Minister of ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS other purpose may be made without the be pleased to state: sanction of the Forest Officer.

(a) whether Kutlehar Jagir Forests in 4. Before granting permission to culti­ Himachal Pradesh are still being managed vate waste land, the Raja shall give the by private individuals; and consideration to the objections of those who have hither-to grazed or exercised (b) if so, the particulars of the owner- ')ther rights over the waste. In the Khalsa 47 Written Answers DECEMBER 10, 1987 Written Answers 48

villages of the taluqa whene\ler the Raja 5. to take the leaves of the chit for refuses an applicatio~ for permission to tinning. break-up land, he shall refer the case for the confirmation of the Deputy Commis­ 6. te take stones for grinding mills. sioner. 7. to take lime stone. 5. The Raja shall keep such registers as the Deputy Commissioner may direct· in 9. The Raja shall keep a regis~er show­ which to record the trees and bamboos ing all receipts from the sale of timber, granted to right-holders, whether free or at bamboos and other forest produce Zamindari rates. In these registers the Raja whether to zamindars or to traders and shall record all trees and bamboos cut for also the I ncome from licences under para­ the use of the State or of the Raja and his graph 7. Of this, income the Raja is entitled family. to receive three-fourth and Govt. \0 receive one fourth. 6. The Raja will continue to realise the grazing fees from gaddies at the rate fixed Centre for Research in High Altitude by the Govt. and wm pay as hereto-fore Medicines Rs.60 / - to Government on account of the Government share for fees realised in *512. SHRI P. NAMGYAL: Will the Min­ Khalsa villages provided that this arrange­ ister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE be ment is subject to revision at the land Rev­ pleased to refer to the reply given to enue Settlement. Starred Question No. 362 on 20 August, 1987 regarding study on lung functions at­ high altitude and state: 7. The Raja will dispose of applications made by traders or others for the purpose (a) when the proposed Centre for Re­ at full rates of trees, bamboos or other for­ search in High Altitude Medicines will be est prodt'ce, subject to the following condi­ set up in Ladakh; tions:-- (b) whether the details regarding site (a) He may sell tQ traders only the selection and budget allocations for the trees that have been marked for project have since been made; and this purpose by the Forest Department. (c) if not, the reasons therefor?

(b) He shalt keep the sales of THE MINISTER Of STATE IN THE MIN­ bamboos within the limits in ISTRY OF HEALTH AND fAMILY WELFARE regard to number and locality (KUMARI 5AROJ KHAPAADE): (a) to (c),. No fixed by the Forest Department. proposal is under consideration of the Government for setting up Centre for Re­ (c) He shall sell trees and bamboos search in High Altitude Medicines in at the rates approved by the ladakh. Forest Department. Incidence of Tetanus Deaths 8. The Raja may continue to give li­ censes to non-right holders:-- * 513. SH RI R. M. BHOYE: Will the Min­ ister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE be 1. to take dry wood. pleased to state:

2. to take g~s and patra. (a) whether any survey has been con­ ducted regarding the incidence of tetanus 3. to graze their cattle. deaths in the country;

4. to take taur leaves. (b) whether the World Health Organisa- 49 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 19, -1909 (SAKA) Written Answers 50 tlon has issued some directions/­ Plan ot the New Education Policy have suggestions in this regard; and been complied with by them;

(c) if so, the remedial measures Gov­ (b) the names of the State Govemm~nts ernment have taken in the matter? which have not made any efforts to imple­ ment them; and THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ ISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMilY WELfARE (c) the difficulties, if an)\ experienced by (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPAROE): (Il) No sur­ States jn implementation of the Action Plan vey has been conducted regarding the inci­ and intimated to Union Government and dence of tetanus deaths in the country. the remedial measures taken by Union However, a survey to estimate the inci­ Government? dence of Neo-na~1 tetanus (N NT) was made by the Directorate General of Health Services in 1981-82. THE MINISTER Of STATE IN THE DE­ PARTMENTS Of EDUCATION AND CUL­ (b) anu (c). The most recent recom­ TURE IN. THE MINISTRY Of HUtvtAN RE­ mendation of World Health Organisation SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRIMATI KR­ on prevention of cases and deaths due to ISHNA SAHI): (a) to (c). Implempntation of Neo-nat~1 tetanus (NNT) is contained in the National Policy on ~ducation envisages the World Health Organisation publication a sharing of responsibility between the entitled lI.prevention of Neo-natal Tetanus Union Government and the States and is a through immunisation". For countries cooperative effort which is sought to be where N eo-natal Tetanus has not yet been achieved through continuing persuasion eliminated, the World Health Organisation and inter-action with the State Govern­ has suggested conducting special surveys ments and involvement of the community to determine the incidence of Neo-natal including the teachers. The progress of the Tetanus. implementation of the N PE was reported to Parliament and copies of the document All necessary preventive and remedial entitl~d: National Policy on Education measures are being taken by the Govern­ 1986--1 mplementation Report have been ment to prevent death6 due to tetanus. A laid in both the Houses of Parliament on mass I mmunisation programme is in opera­ 28th August 1987. tion as a part of primary health care. Vacci­ nation services are available at all hospitals, While all the Sta~ Governments have dispensaries, primary health centres and demonstrated the will and determination sub-centres. Adequate quantities of the re­ to implement the policy, the pace of im­ qUired vaccine are being made available to plementation is expectedJy faster in somE' all. Besides, the health education pro­ states than others. Uniform tempo for im­ gramme has been intensified through mass plementation can only be built up over a media including Doordarshan and All India period of time in respect of large number of Radio. policy initiatives and programmes which have been taken up. This will require inter­ (Translation 1 alia institutional and structural changes, setting up appropriate mechanisms for Implementation of New Education Policy planning and monitoring and provision of by States the required resources for ensuring imple­ mentation of all policy initiatives. Almost all *514. SHRI AZIZ QURESHI: Will the State Governments/UTs have set up State Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVEL­ level mechanisms 'fbr undertal

[Eng/ish] ISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS (SHRI Z.. R. ANSARJ): (a) The Government Renewal of Railway Tracks is not aware of such studies in different parts of the country except the study car­ *515. PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: ried out in Assam on the effect of gas flar­ Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased ing on standing crops during flowering sea­ to state: son.

(a) the backlog of prjmary renewals of (b) and (c). The measures taken to re­ rail tracks at present; duce flaring of gas and its effect include:--

(b) the total amount required to clear 1. Consumers are being encouraged thi!: entire backlog; to take gas on a fallback basis when regular customers fail to lift (c) the actual amount availabl~; and the committed quantities of gas.

(d) the steps proposed to raise the nec­ 2. Regular customers are being essary resources to clear the backlog fuJly encouraged to take additional to ensure safety of rail tracks? quantities of gas for which dis­ count in price is avall ..lble. THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ ISTRY OF RAILWAVS (SHRI MADHAVRAO 3. Additional compression facilities SCINDIA): (a) About 11823 km .. as on 1-4- have been installed by which low 1987. pressure gas in ta.rger quantity is being utilised. (b) ADout Rs. 2572 crores, at current prices. 4. All the flaAng p;ts are being progressiyely covered with as­ (c) Allocation made is Rs. 667.88 crores bec;;tos te c.ontam the heat so as in 1987-88. not to affect crops surrounding the pl~ (d) With the increased allocation of funds, the pace of track-renew()ls has al­ Employmenl on Compassionate Grounds ready been accelerated substantially from in R. P. F. 1985-86 and it is planned to wipe out the arrpars by the end of 8th Five Year Plan, 506-4. SHRI KAMlA PRASAD SINGH: subject to availability of funds. Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to state: Pollution and Effects on Plants (a) the number of applications receiveCt 5063. SHRI R. P. DAS: Will the Minister for employment on compassionate grounds of ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS be on the death of the employees while in pleased to state: service in Railway Protection Force during the last three years; (a) whether Government are aware of the adverse effect of gas flaring on the (b) the number of applications offered standing crops during flowering season in employment and the reasons for not ac­ different parts of the country; cepting other applications; and

(b) if so, the measures that have been taken to cope with the situation; and (c) whether the railways have received representations in this regard and if so, the (c) the results thereof? action taken thereon 7


ISTRY OF RAILWAY~ (SHRI MADHAVRAO (b) and (c). Taking-over and upgrading SCINDIA): (a) to (c~.,lnformation is being of only Talwara-Mukerian siding is a part of collected and will be laid on the Table of approved NangaJ Dam-Talwara-Mukerian the Sabha. B.C. line project. This will be considered for taking over when the new line from Students from Pakistan Studying in India Nangal Dam to Talwara has made substan­ tial progress. There is, however, no pro­ 5065. SHRI MANIK REDDY: Will the posal for, taking-over of Talwara-Sansarpur Minister of HU~N RESOURCE DEVEL- Terrace siding. . ir" OPMENT be pleased to state: Survey of Wasteland (a) the number of students from Pak­ istan presently studying in I ndia and the 5067. SHRI CHINTAMANI JENA: Will nature of courses pursued by them; and the M",ister of ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS be pleased to state: (b) the manner in which they are meet­ (a) when the last survey was conducted ing their expen~iture on the education? to locate the land lying waste in the coun­ try; THE MINISTER Of ,STATE IN THE DE­ PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUl­ (b) whether the wasteland in the coun­ TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE­ try is on increase year after year, SOURCE DEVELOPM£NT (SHRIMATI KR­ ISHNA SAHI): (a) and (b). The information (c) If so, the reasons therefor; and is being collected and will be placed on the Table of the House. (d) the steps taken by Government to make better use of the wasteland? Mukerian-Talwara-Sansarpur Terrace Project THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ ISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS 5066. PROF. NARAIN CHAND (SHRI Z. R. ANSARI): (a) No systematic all PARASHAR: Will the Minister of RAILWAYS I ndia survey has been conducted to locate be pleased to state: land Iyi"g waste. In order to identify the ex­ tent of area under wastelands, a National (a) whether the Govemment have re­ Wastelands Identification Project has been ceived any plea for the take-over of the taken up by NWDB with the collaboration Mukenan-Talwara-Sansarpur Terrace pro­ of Department of Space and Survey of In­ ject railway and open it to public traffic by dia. It is proposed to cover 147 Districts upgrading it to the required standard of under this project by the end of 1987-88. traffic and safety; (b) and (c). Although there are indica­ (b) if so, the decision taken by the Rail­ tions that wastelands are increasing, there way Administration in this regard and the is no systematic data collection which likely date by which it would be opened to could substantiate it. traffic; (d) A number of schemes have taken up (c) if not, the likely date by which a de~ at the initiative of NWDB for development cision would be taken and the upgradation of wastelands in the country. These in­ taken in hand in view of the fact that this clude:-- (i) afforestation schemes through take-over of section already stands ap­ operation Soilwatch, rural fuelwood Plan­ proved in the proposed Nangal-Talwara tations and area development projects (ii) Railway line which is an on-going project? schemes of decentralised nurseries (iii) silvi pasture schemes and silvi culture schemes THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ (iv) Grants-in-aid to Voluntary Agencies for ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MADHAVRAO afforestation on degraded lands (v) Exter­ SCI NOlA): (a) Yes, Sir. nally aidecf social forestry projects. 55 Written Answers DECEMBER 10, 1987 Written Answers 56

Railway Passes for Journalists tion. etc. are fille ... by fresh appointment of the 'lten.bers. 5068. SH RI SU DARSAN DAS: Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to state: Recently no name from Tamil Nadu has been suggested for appointment as mem­ (a) whether his Ministry is planning and ber of the Censor Board. arrange railway passes for the journalists and the editors of recognised newspapers (b) to (d). 'n view of (a) above, question to encourage the small newspapers of the does not arise. country; and

(b) if so, the steps being taken in this Railway Over-bridge at Dalkoha Railway regard? Station (West Bengal)

THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ 5070. DR. GOLNvt YAZDANI: Will the ISTRY OF RAilWAYS (SHRI MADHAVRAO Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to state: SCINDIA): (a) No, Sir. (a) whether there is a plan to construct (b) Does not arise. an over-bridge near the level crossing at Dalkoha Railway Station in West Dinajpur Censor Board for Tamil Films district of West Bengal;

5069. SHRI N. DENNIS: Will the Minis­ (b) If so, whether any survey has been ter of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT made in this connection; and be pleased to state: (c) when the work is likely to be (a) whether a number of names have started? been suggested for nomination as mem­ bers of the Censor Board for Tamil Films THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ recently; ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MADHAVRAO SCINDIA): (a) to (c). The State Government (b) if so, the names of women sug­ are, at present, Investigating proposal for gested for nomination In the Board; provision of a road over bridge near Dalkoha Station. The complete proposal (c) whether names of former employees with the technical details, plans, estimate of the All I ndia RadiO have also been and consent to share the cost is awaited suggested for such nominations; and frorn the State Government.

(d) if so, the details thereof? Weekly Rest and Working Hours of Sta­ tion Masters/Assistant Station Masters THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL­ 5071. SHRI PURNA CHANDRA MALIK: TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE­ Will the Minister of RAilWAYS be pleased SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRIMATI KR­ to state: ISHNA SAHI): (a) Members of the Censor Board are appointed for a period of three (a) whether it is a fact that Station Mas­ years, as provided in Sec (3) of the Cine­ ters/Assistant Station Masters are required matograph Act 1952 read with rule (3) of to work 12 hours whereas roster is fixed for 'le Cinematograph (Certification) Rules 8 hours and they do not get weekly rest; 19('3. and

A retiring member or a member whose (b) if so, the measures Railways propose term of office has expired by efflux of time to take in this regard? is eligible for reappointment. Vacancies caused in the board by retirement, resigna- THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN .. 57 Written Answers ACRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (~JV\) Written Answers 58

ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MADHAVRAO THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ SCI NOlA): (a) 'Continuous' classified Sta­ ISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMilY WELFARE tion Mastel'5/Assistant Station Masters are (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPAROE): (a) and (b). rostered to work for 8 hours duty plus The num~er of institutionally qualified preparatory and/or complementary time. medical persons and the physician popula­ I n exigencies of service, staff may have to tion ratio in different States and Union Ter­ work for more than their rostered hours for ritor.~ so far as infonnation is available are which they are paid overtime allowance as given in the statement below. per rules. Weekly rest of not less then 30 consecutive hours is admissible to them (c) Already about 12,000 to 13,000 and IS normally provided by utilisation of medical graduates are being produced in relieving staff or booking of staff on over­ the country annually. Taking the projected time, except in eXigencies. Compensatory population of India as 752 million as on 31- rest in lieu of weekly rest foregone is also 12-85, the ratio of doctors with respect to allowed as per rules. population works out to 1 :2450 for the country as a whole. This ratio seems to be (b) Does not arise. qui~e adequate to meet the health needs of the population. In addition, there are also Physician Population Ratio qualified practitioners, in the indigenous systems of Medicine and Homoeopathy 5072. SHRI H. B. PATIL: Will the Minis­ spread all over the country. The problem is ter of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE be not that of shortage of doctors but of dis­ pleased to state: tribution. Public Health being a State sub­ ject, it is for the State Government to set (a) the number of institutionally quali­ fied medical persons in each State and right the imbalance by providing more jobs Union Territory; to doctors. Incentives are also being pro­ vided by various State Governments to at· (b) the physician population ratio in tract doctors to serve in rural and hilly ar­ each State and Union Territory; and eas. The commercial banks also offer actsis­ tance to medical practitioners to establish (c) the steps Government propose to practice/nursing homes in rural or semi­ take to raise this ratio 7 urban areas.


Number of institutionally qualified medical persons (Allopathic) and physician population ratio in different States and Union Territory

SI. No. Name of the No. of insti- Doctor p0Q.ulation ratio·· State/U.T. tutionally Ratio As on date qualified doctors as on 31.12.86· 1 2 -3 4 5

1. Andhra Pradesh 29483 1:2037 31.12.85

2. Assam 10032 1:11879 1.1.79

3. Arunachal Pradesh NA. 1:3913 31.12.86

4. Bihar 22887 1:4746 1.1.78

5. Gujarat 15771 1:3692 31.12.86 59 Written Answers DECEMBER 10, 1987 Written Answers 60

if 2 3 4 5

6. Haryana 726 1:6133 31.12.85

7. Himachal Pradesh N.A. 1:7514 1.1.79

8. Jammu & Kashmir 3438 1:9418 31.12.86

9. Kamataka 25618 1:10577 31.12.85

10. Kerala 14944 1:5993 31.12.86

11. Madhya Pradesh 7839 1:7329 30.6.87

12. Maharashtra 57364 1:1760 31.12.86

13. Manipur N.A. 1:2750 30.6.86

14. Meghalaya N.A. 1:5899 31.12.86

15. Mizoram N.A. 1:4718 31.12.85

16. Nagaland N.A. 1:3713 31.12.85

17. Orissa 9666 1:6640 31.12.86

18. Punjab 24312 1:5483 31.12.86

19. Rajasthan 11059 1:11273 31.12.84

20. Sikkim N.A. 1'3700 31.12.85

21. Tamil Nadu 42278 1:7470 31.12.85

22. Tripura N.A. 1:4428 31.12.86

23. Uttar Pradesh 30673 1:4095 31.12.86

24. West B'engal 45032 1:2130 31.12.86

25. A&N Islands N.A. 1:2206 31.12.85

26. Chandigarh NA. 1:632 31.12.86

27. Dadra & Nagar Havel; N.A. 1:5125 31.12.85

28. Delhi 5873 1:8569 31.12.86

29. Goa, Daman & Diu N.A. 1:972 31.12.86

30. lakshadweep N.A. 1:2095 31.12.86 61 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 19,1909 (SAKA) Written Answers 62

1 2 3 4 5 31. Pondicherry N.A. 1:796 31.12.86

Total == 356995


*1 nformation furnished by the Medical Council of India.

·*Compiled by the Central Bureau of Health Intelligence, Dte. General of Health Services, based on in-complete information received from StatesjU. Ts.

Pension Rules for Employees of Centre SHRI CHJNTAMANI JENA: for Cultural Resources and Training SHRI MOHANBHAI PATEL:

5073. SHRI B. N. 'REDDY: Will the Min­ Will the Minister of HUMAN ister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVElOP­ RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to MENT be pleased to state: state:

(a) whether the pension rules in respect (a) whether it is a fact that more than 70 of employees of the Centre for Cultural Re­ per cent population is residing in rural ar­ sources and Training have been approved eas, but the educational facilities are nor by Government; adequate there and in most of the places children have to walk a long distance to the (b) if so, whether these have been im­ schools; plemented by the Centre for Cultural Re­ sources and Training authorities; (b) the provision made to promote edu­ cational system in rural areas and particu­ (c) if not, the reasons therefor; and larly in adivasi areas under the New Educa­ tion Policy; (d) the time by which these will be im­ plemented? (c) whether there is any provision to es­ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ tablish hostels along with the schools in PARTMENTS Of EDUCATION AND CUl­ adivasi areas for the benefit of the children TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE­ of those areas; and SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRIMATI KR· ISHNA SAHI): (a) Yes, Sir. The Government (d) the special measures being taken to has approved the adoption of Pension open more schools for girls in rural areas Rules as applicable to Central Government under the New Education Policy? employees from time to time. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ (b) to (d). The question does not arise, PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUl· since at present the Centre does not have TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE­ any incumbent who has become entitled to SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHR1MATI KR pension. As soon as permanent incum­ ISHNA SAHI): (a) to (d) According fQ the bents on substantive posts become eligible IVth All India Educational Survey (1978-79) for pension, the Rules would be imple­ 92.82% of the rural population is serVed mented in their cases. with primary schools/sections within a dis­ tance of one kilometre. Since then more Promoting Education in Rural Areas schools have- been opened in the StatesjUTs and the coverage has ex­ 5074. SHRI AMARSINH RATHAWA: panded. 63 Written Answers DECEMBER 10, 1987 Written Ans.wers 64

To bring about universal provision of fa­ Indupalli station as a crossing station on cilities the POA of the N PE 1986 envisages Vijayawada-Machilipatnam Une; that State Government will ensure that all habitations with a population of 300 and all (b) if so, the reaction of Government tribal, hilly and desert areas with popula­ thereon; and tion of 200 should have a primary school. The States/UTs have been advised to aim (c) the likely date form which the Indu­ to achieve th;c; by 1990. palli Station is likely to function as crossing station? To hrillg about substantial improvement in prtmary schools a Centrally Sponsored THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ Scheme of Operation Blackboard has been ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MADHAVRAO started from 87-88. All primary schools will SCI NOlA): (a) Yes, Sir. be provided a school building of at least 2 rooms, 2 teachers and essential teaching (b) and (c). This work has not been ap­ learning material in a phased manner. State proved so far. It will be considered for ap­ Government have been advised to keep in proval in the coming years depending on mind the need for priority in coverage to availability of resources and development educationally backward areas. of traff;c.

Rural population is also to be served by the scheme of Navodaya Vidyalayas in or­ der to provide good quality education in­ Projects Undertaken by Railway in cluding inculcation of cultural values. Foreign Countries Navodaya Vidyalayas will be opened on an average one in each district including the 5076. SHRI JAGANNATH PATINAIK: Adivasi/Tribal areas by 1990. Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to state: The Navodaya Vidyalayas will have hos­ tel facilities for students. Hostels and resi­ (a) the details of projects undertaken by dential schools including Ashram schools the Railways in foreign countries; tor persons belonging to SC /ST and other deprived sections are also envisaged to be (b) the number of labourers required for opened by State/UT governments on' a each project; much larger scale under the new policy. (c) whether Railways are engaging clnd In order to promote the enrolment of selecting Indian labourers direct for such girls and children of adivasi and other re­ projects; and mote Or deprived areas into the educa­ tional system, various State Govts. are giv­ (d) the criteria laid down for sending ing incentives such as free supply of books Indian labourers for these projects? and uniforms, free text-books, mid-day rneals, attendance scholarships etc. THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MADHAVRAO SCI NOlA): (a) to (d). Construction projects in foreign __ countries are bemg executed on Indupalli Railway Station on Vijayawada behalf of I ndian Railways by I ndian Railway Machilipatnam Railway Line Con5tllJction Co. Ltd. (I RCON), currently in Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Iraq, Bangladesh, 5075. SHRI V.SOBHANADREESWARA Nepal & Jordan. The total no. of employees RAO: Will t~~ Minister of RAILWAYS be engaged on these projects is about 400. pleased to state: Most of the work force required is drawn from Railways on deputation or fr:om Com­ (a) whether the railways have received pany's.. own strength, based on their suit- any representation for re~conversion of ability for the job requirements. 65 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 19,1909 (SAKA) Written Answers 66

Registered Shipping Companies THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN· ISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (SHRI RA- _ JESH PilOT): (a) The total number of regis­ 5077. SHRI C~BU: Will the Minister tered, ship-owning companies as on of SURFACE TRANSPORT be pleased to 1.12.1987 was 51 with a total tonnage of state: 5.48 MGRl. The particulars are as per statement given below. (a) the number of shipping companies registered in India and particulars thereof, (b) There are 160 cargo ships (including off-shore Supply Vessels) and 14 passenger (b) the number of cargo ships and pas­ ships, which are presently owned by Gov· senger ships owned by Government; and ernment of India.

(c) the number of ships which have be­ (c) As on 1.12.1987, 11 vessels are in come inoperative as on date? laid up condition.


The Name 0,( Registered Owning Companies:

Sl.~o. Name of Shipping Companies Number of GRT Ships

1 2 3 4 1. Shipping Corporation of India 129 2914709

2. Scindia Steam Navigation 16 254107 Company

3. Great Eastern Shipping 25 522794

4. South India Shipping Corpn. 5 125294

5. Chowgule Steamships 8 248774

6. India Steamships 16 164897

7. Ratnakar Shipping 5 122048

8. Damodar Bulk Carriers 4 113079

9. Essar Shipping ltd. 18 157509

10. Oempo Steamships 4 89738

11. larsen and Tubro ltd. 5 85249

12. Jayshree Shipping 5 67772

13. Surrendra Overseas ltd. 5 65317

14. Tolani Shipping Company 4 64332

15. Sagar Shipping Company 2 31508 67 Written Answers DECEMBER 10, 1987 Written Answers 68

1 2 1 4

16. Continental Shipping Company 1 29966

17. Varun Shipping Company 8 52486

18. Hede Navigation 2 25711

19. Mackinnon Mackenzie 2 23559

20. Poompuhar Shipping 3 83980

21. Carware Shipping 7 17382

22. Texmaco ltd. 1 16736

23. Century Shipping 5 32789

24. O.N.C.C. 33 58342

25. Southern Petrochemical 2 25226

26. Indoceanic Shipping Company 2 13469 27. Tolani Ltd. 1 13007

28. V.S.Oempo 1 12451

29. Thakur Shippin~ Co. 1 9044

30. Nirvan Shipping 2 6446

31. Ballarpur India. 2 11073

32. Steamline Shipping 2 4717

33. Maini Shipping 1 2967

34. 'Hauers line 5 1599

35. Bombay Marine Engg. 2 971

36. Ellon H inengo 3 1099

37. Mercator unes 2 1068

38. Mangala Bulk Carriers 3 4108

39. D.B.C.Cursef~ Sons 1 431

40. Seatrans Shipping 1 450

41. Hede Ferromines 1 629

42 Shaparia Dock 1 530 69 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA :19, 1909 (SAK4) Written Answers 70

1 2 3 4

43. Polaris Shipping 1 499

44. Sagar Shipping 1 483

45. Shaparia Shipping 1 483

46. Atlas Shipping 1 461

47. Underwater Services 1 482

48. Bombay Offshore 1 491

49. Transport Corporation of India 2 600

so. Aditi Shipping 1 457

51. Kerala Lines 1 400

Total: 354 5482016

{Translation J Opening of Ayurvf1ldic College in Sagar (M.P.) High Schools in Tribal Areas of Chhota Nagpur 5079. SHRI NANDLAl CHOUDHARY: Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FM-1ILY 5078. SHRIMATI SUMATI OMON: Will WE lFARE be pleased to state: the ~nister of HUMAN RESOURC~ DE­ VELOPMENT be pfeased to state: (a) whether the Ministry have received a proposal from Madhya Pradesh Govern­ (a) the number of high schools in the ment for opening of an Ayurvedic College tribal areas of Chhota Nagpur and Santhal in Sagar ( M.P.); and Pargana in Bihar at present where particu­ larly adivasi boys and girls get education (b) if so, the action taken thereon so and the number of adivasi teachers therein; far? and

(b) the number of hostels in these THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN· schools? ISTRY OF HEALTH AND FM1llY WELFARE (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a) and (b) No such proposal has been received from the Government of Madhya Pradesh. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ However, a proposal for opening of PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND Ayurvedic College at Sagar was received CULTURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN from Shri Nandlal Choudhary on 25-3- RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI","TI 1986. This was forwarded to the Govern· KRISHNA SAHI): (a) and (b) The informa· ment of M.P. on 30.. 4 .. 1986 for appropriate tion is being collected and will be laid on action as opening of Ayurvedic Colleges is the Table of the House. the responsibility of State Governments. 71 Written Answers DECEMBER 10, 1987 Written Answers 72

[English] Year Commit- Supplies Building of Ships for Defence Services ments (in numbers) at eochin Shipyard (in numbers) 1984-85 4,55,000 3,06,000 5080. SHRI MUlLAPPALlY RM1A- CHANDRAN: Will the Minister of SURFACE 1985-86 3,67,000 2,29,000 TRANSPORT be pleased to state: 1986-87 3,29,000 2,04,000

(a) whether there is any proposal for Total 11 /51 /000 7,39,OOr building ships lor Defence services at the eochin Shipyard; and Mineral Based Industries (b) if so, the1ietails thereof? 5082. SHRI HARIHAR SORfN: Will the THE MINISTER Of STATE OF THE MIN­ Minister of STEEL AND MINES be pleased ISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (SHRI RA­ to state: JESH PilOT): (a) and (b). The Indian Navy have earned out certain preliminary design (a) whether there IS a greater necessity studies for the possible construction of a to promote mineral-based industries; suitable indigenous aircraft carrier. When the on-going studies are completed it (b) if so, the emphasis given by his would be possible to select a shipyard and Ministry to set up more mineral-base{J in­ place orders for indigenous construction. dustries;

(c) the number of mineral-based indus­ Procurement of Wooden Sleepers from tries which have been set up in different State Governments States so far;

(d) the location thereof; and 5081. SHRI LAKSHMAN MALLICK: Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased (e) the number of mineral-based indus­ to state: tries proposed to be set up during the Sev­ enth Plan? (a) the amount spent by Government in procuring wooqen sleepers from various THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ states during last three years; and PARTMENT OF MINES IN THE MINISTRY OF STEEL AND MINES (SHRIMATI RNA­ (b) the target of procuring sleepers from the Onssa Forest Development Cor­ DULARI SINHA): (a) Government are en· poration, during the last three years, year- couraging establishment of mineral based industries since I ndependence through wise? successive Five Year Plans.

(b) Emphasis is being laid on comple­ THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ tion of ongoing major projects like Vizag ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MADHAVRAO Steel Plant, Orissa Aluminium Complex and SCINDIA): (a) Rs.209 crores approximately on consolidation and modernisation of ex: during the last three Sleeper Years (Sleeper isting mineral based industries. Stress is Year being from 1st November to 31st Oc­ also being laid on exploration for locating tober of the next year). and identifying mineral deposits suitable for exploitation. ( b) The Commitments as well as ap­ proximate supplies made by Orissa Forest (c) to (e) The information is being col· Development Corporation during the last lected and will be laid on the Table of the three Sleeper Years are as under. House. 73 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 19,1909 (SAKA) Written Answers 74

Training to Senior Officers of Social THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE· Services PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUl· TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE· 5083. SHRIMATI MADHUREE SINGH: SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRIMATI KR­ Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE ISHNA SAHI): (a) to (c). Some persons DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state: have been engaged on part-time basis to teach vocational subjects. However, their (a) whether senior officers in the social services may not be requj~d on a long­ services management in Centre and States term basis. Therefore, it has not been con­ do not have the requisite training specially sidered necessary to appoint them on a on subjects of women and child develop­ regular basis. ment; Survey of Single Teacher Schools (b) if so, whether this is one of the causes of unsatisfactory planning imple­ 5085. SHRI VIRDHI CHANDER JAIN: mentation and monitoring of the develop­ Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE ment projects; and DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(c) the steps proposed by Government (a) whether Government have made a to bring improvement in the situation 7 survey of single teacher schools in the country; THE MINISTER OF HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT AND MINISTER OF (b) if so, the number of such schools, HEALTH AND FMiILY WELFARE (SHRI State-wise; and P. V. NARASIMHA RAO): (a) No, Sir. (c) the steps being taken to appoint more teacher in such schools and expand (b) and (c). Training programmes like their activities? those run for the senior functionaries of the I ntegrated Child Development Services THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ (ICDS) Programme and LA.S. officers are PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL­ periodically reviewed with a view to im­ TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE­ proving the planning and implementation SOURCE DEVELOPMENT: (SHRIMATI KR­ of these programmes. ISHNA SAHI): (a) and (b). According to in­ formation available, the number of single Regular Appointment of Teachers in teacher schools in 1983-84 was 161646. Delhi Administration and Aided Schools The State-wise breall up ;s given in the statement below appended. A special sur­ S084.DR. CHINTA MOHAN: Will the vey has been conducted by State Govern­ Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVEL­ ment in 20% blocks/municipal areas taken OPMENT be pleased to state: up for implementation of Operation Black­ board during 1987-88. This will, among (a) whether it is a fact that vocational other data, give information about single subjects (other than Yoga) are being taught teacher schools. in Senior Secondary Schools run by the Delhi Administration and Government Number of single teachef schools as on aided schools for the last more than 5 years 30.9.1986 will be provided by the Fifth All by the teachers who are not on regular India Educational SurveyS. Results of these appointments; surveys are not available yer.

(b) if so, whether th~e teachers are (c) Under the scheme of Operation proposed to be appointed on regular basis Blackboard, Central assistance will be pro­ after taking into account the service by vided for appointment of one additional them; and teacher in all single teacher primary schools in a phased manner during this (c) if not, the reasons therefor? plan period. 75 Written Answers DECEMBER 10, 1987 Written Answers .76


S.No. States Number of single teacher schools in 3983-84. . 1 2 ::I

1. Andhra Pradesh ~5

2. Arunachal Pradesh 470

3. Assam 10,284

4. Bihar 13,800

5. Gujarat 5,500

6. Haryana 200

7. Himachal Pradesh 1,800

8. Jammu and Kashmir 4,600

9. Karnataka 17;859

10. Kerala nil

11. Madhya Pradesh 21,439

12. Maharashtra 16,517

13. Manipur not available

14. Meghalaya 2,280

15. Mizoram 120

16. Nagaland 37

17. Orissa 13,590

18. Punjab 1,650

19. Rajasthan 13,607 (1982-83)

20. Sikkim 32

21. Tamil Nadu 2,384

22. Tripura 365

23. Uttar Pradesh 11,249

24. West Bengal 1,200

~S. A& N Islands 40 77 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAKA) Written Answers 78

1 2 3

26. Chandigarh nil

27. Dadra & Nagar Haveli 82

28. Delhi nil

29. Goa, Daman & Diu 117

30. lakshadweep not available

31. Pondicherry 89

Total (States & U.Ts) 1,61,646

Source: Check-list-1984-85.

Commissioning of a Satellite Port at (a) the names of stations where new Madras passenger platforms were constructed during January, 1985 to September, 1987 5086. SHRI P. ICANNAN; Will the year-wise in each division of the Zonal Minister of SURfACE TRANSPORT be Railways; pleased to state: (b) the names of stations where the (a) whether there is a proposal to com­ goods/parcel platforms were converted mission a ~tellite port at Madras to help into passenger platforms year-wise in each facilitate the Madras Thermal Station which such Division of the Railways; and is under fast construction stage; and (c) the names of stations where metre (b) if so, the details thereof? gauge platforms have been converted into broad gauge platforms from July, 1984 to THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ September, 1987 in each such Division of ISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (SHRI RA­ the Zonal Railways 7 JESH PilOT): (a) Yes, Sir. THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN· (b) The proposal envisages construction fSTRY 'OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MADHAVRAO of a satellite port north of Madras to meet SCINUIA): (a) to (c). The information is be­ the coal requirements of the North Madras ing collected and will be laid on the Table Thermal Power Project at Ennore. Terms of of the Sabha. reference for preparing a detailed project report have been finalised. Details of the project would be known when the DPR is Conversion of Ahmadpur.Katwa Railway prepared. Line

5088. SH RI GADADHAR SAHA : Will the Construction of Platforms at Railway Sta­ Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to state: tions (a) the present position as to the con­ 5087. SH RI SOMJ IBHAI DAMOR: Will version of Ahmadpur-Katwa (Narrow the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to Cauge) railway line on Eastern Railway; state: (b) whether it is a fact that there is 79 Written Answers DECEMBER 10, 1987 Written Answers 80 growing demand for conversion of the line (a) whether Government have launched into a Broad Gauge line; and a new scheme "Operation Health Care" as a relief measure in drought-hit States; (c) if so, the action taken in this regard so far? (b) if so, the salient points of the scheme; and THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MADHAVRAO (c) the names of the States to be cov­ SCI N DIA) : (a) Their is no proposal for ered under the scheme, the total expendi­ gauge conversion of this N.C. rail line. ture likely to be incurred and the financial sources in case of each State? (b) The existing N.C. line meets with transportation needs of the area and there THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ is no justification for its conversion. ISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE (KUfv1ARI SAROJ KHAPARDE) : (a) to (c). A (c) Does not arise. new scheme called "Operation Health Care" has been launched by the Govern­ Non-Availability of Homoeopathic ment for expansion of medical and relief Medicine for Cataract in C.G.H.S. Dis­ activities in the drought affected areas of pensaries Rajasthan and Gujarat. The Scheme is be­ ing Implemented as pilot project in the !WO States to assess its efficacy for replicatiqn 5089. SHRI RM1ASHRAY PRASAD on a larger scal.e. Under the scheme, Rs. SINGH: Will the Minister at HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE be pleased to state: 1.05 lakhs each is provided to three medi­ cal colleges each of Rajasthan and Cujarat. (a) whether a Homoeopathic Medicine The amount has been provided to the State Cineraria Maritimil Succus of Schwabe for Governments as grant-an-aid during cataract is not available in C.G. H .5. dis­ 1987-88 under the Centrally sponsored pensaries; re-orientation of medical education sc;hem, to hold camps at work sites in drought af­ (b) if so, the reasons thereof and fected areas covered by each Primary whether any substitute of this medicine is Health Centre for Health education,for available and if so, the name of the checking health status of all workers en­ medicine; and gaged at work sites, provide immunisation and family welfare coverage to the children (c) whether Government propose to and families of the workers and also pro­ make Cineraria Maritima Succus available vide treatment where required. The ih C.C. H .5. dispensaries and if not, the assistance would be spent by each medical reasons therefor? college on three PHCs attached to it at the rate of Rs. 35,000/- for each PHC. The total THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ expenditure of this pilot scheme in both ISTRY Of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE Rajasthan and Gujarat would be ~. 6.30 (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARQE) : (a) Yes, Sir. lakhs.

(b) and (c). Cineraria Maritima Succus of Revision of Scale of Pay of Employees India make IS listed in C.C.H.S. Homoeo­ Working Under Various Research pathic Formulary and is by and large avail­ Schemes of I. I. T. Delhi able in the C.C.H.S. dispensaries in Delhi. 5091. SHRI P. SELVENDRAN: IOperation Health Care' Scheme SHRI P. KOLANDAIVELU:

5090. SHRI P. M. SAYEED' Will the Will the Minister of HUMAN Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE R£SOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to be pleased to state: state: 81 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 19,1909 (SAKA) Written Answers 82

(a) whether the scales of pay of the em­ which was unlQaded at Bom~y Port, from ployeeS holding various posts under the out of the port has been affected by a dis­ Research Schemes in Operation at the In­ put~ raised by a section of the workers un .. dian I nstitute of Technology, Delhi h~ve der the Bombay Dock Labour Boa('CI. The not been revi$ed so far in accordance with Bombay Port Trust and Dock Labour Board the recommendations of the fourth Pay authorities have discussed the matter with Commission despite· repeated representa­ the concerned interests at Bombay and the tions from the employees; Ministry of Surface Transport and the Min­ istry of Agriculture have also held discus ... (b) if so, the reasons therefor, and sion with the concerned agencies with a view to finding an amicable solution. (c) when the pay scales of these em­ ployees are propose(j to be revised? Permissible Residual Levels of Insecti­ cides THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ 5093. DR. G. VIJAYA RAMA RAO: Will PARTMENT> OF EDUCATION AND CUL­ the Minister of HEALTH AND fAMILY WEL­ TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUN\AN RE­ FARE be pleased to state: SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRIMATI KR­ ISHNA SAHI): (a) to (c). The Indian Instj­ (a) whether permissible residual levels tute of Technology, Delhi has decided to of all insecticides registered have been laid extend the revised pay scales as recom­ down for all farm products, workers blood, mended by the Fourth Pay Commission to tissues and for the general population and the Category 'B', 'e' & '0' emplyees if so, the details thereof; working under the current sponsored pro­ jects at the Institute. Category 'A' staff have (b) whether studies have been carried been given ad-hoc 20% increase in their out to know the actual levels of insecticides basic pay alongwith the DA and CCA at and the levels laid down therefor, current rates. (c) whether any authentic diet surveys Clearance of Rice Stranded at Bombay have been carried out and if SQ, the details Port thereof; and

5092. DR. B. l. SHAILESH: Will the (d) how many food samples have been Minister of SURFACE TRANSPORT be drawn and tested under P. F. A. for pesti­ pleased to state: cides during the last three years and results thereof state-wise and year-wise and action (a) whether about 11,000 tonnes of rice taken? sent from the United States under the World Food Programme for the droltght THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ affected in Mclharashtra ~ stranded at the ISTRY Of HEALTH AND FAMilY WELFARE Bombay port because of a petty labour (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a) Out of problem; and 118 registered insecticides the residual tol­ erance limit of 31 commonly used insecti­ (b) if so, the steps taken by his Ministry cides have been laid down for common and the Food Corporation of I ndia, the offi­ items of food including fann products un­ cial canalising agency for foodgrains im­ der the provision of Prevention of Food ports, to sort out the matter and ensure Adulteration Rules, 1955. early clearance. (b) and (c). A 'Food Contamination Monitoring Project' was undertaken by Di­ THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MrN­ rectorate General of Health Services in ISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (SHRI RA­ collaboration with other national institu­ JESH PilOT): (a) and (b). The movement of tions in the year 1984. A total of 1298 sam­ about 7800 tonnes out of 11200 tonnes of ples of commonly used food articles were rice under the World food Programme analysed for presence of insecticides. The 83 Written Answers DECEMBER 10, 1987 Written Answers 84 level of contamination in majority of cases Nothing adverse has bef!n found in the re.. was founcf to be not alanning. port relating to accountc; of Central Council for Research in Yoga and Naturopathy. The (d) Statewise infonnation is being col­ other reports.~re under consideration. lected. (c) Statement I showing grants released to the' Central Research institute for Yoga, Enquiry into the Affairs of Central Coun­ Vishwayatan Y08ashram and Central Coun .. cil of Yoga and Naturopathy, Central Re­ eil for Research in Yoga and Naturopathy ... Institute of Yoga and Vishwayatan during 1984~85, 1985~86 and 1986-S7 is Yoga Centre given below. Statement II showing the budget provision (BE 1987 ~88) for current 5094. SHRI SYED SHAHABUDDIN: Will financial year is also given below. the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMilY WEL­ FARE be pleased to state: (d) Copies of the composition of the Governing Bodies of CRI Yoga and CCRYN (a) whether it is a fact that an enquiry are given in the Statements III and IV be­ has been conducted by Union Government low. The official members of the Governing in the affairs of the Central Council of Yoga Body of CRt Yoga and CCRYN hold mem­ and Naturopathy, Central Research Insti­ bership by virtue of their official positions tute of Yoga and Vishwayatan Yoga Centre; in the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Human Resource Oevelopment (b) whet~er the enquiries have been (Department of Education). The non-official completed and if so, the main conclusions members of the CCRYN were nominated and recommendations made in their re­ on 26 March 1985. 2 of the 3 members of ports; the CRI Yoga were nominated w. e. f. 20 September 1986 and another member was (c) the annual grants released to each of nominated later on. these institutions during the last three years and the grants proposed for the cur­ V. Y. is a private registered society with rent financial year, and 2 representatives from the Ministry of Health and family Welfare and one repre­ (d) the composition of the Governing sentati\(e from Department of Education as bodies and the dates of their last cons,titu­ members on the Board of Trustees. Com­ tion in each case 7 position of the Board of Trustees of V. Y. is given in the Statement-V below. The Man­ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ aging Trustee V. Y. has informed that the ISTRY OF HEALTH AND fAtvUlY WELFARE present Board was constituted on 2-1-198J (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a) and (b). in a meeting of the Board of Trustees.


Release of grants to CRIY, V. Y. and CCRYN during 1984-85, 1985-86 and 1986-87:

(Rs. in lakhs)


1984-85 2Q 10.80 20

1985-86 19 8.00 15

1986-87 29.50 7.00 85 Written AnswelS AGRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAKA) Written Answers 86


Budget provision of CRIY, Wand eCRYN for 1987-88: (BE 1987-88):

(Rs. in lakhs)

Plan Non-Plan Total

CRIY 20.00 17.00 37.00

V.Y. 3.00 9.00 12.00

CCRYN 15.00 5.00 20.00


list of Members of the Governing Body of Central Research Institute for Yoga (CRIy), New Delhi:

1. Union Minister for Health and Family Welfare President

2. Health Secretary Vice-President

3. The Managing Trustee of Vishwayatan Yogashram Trust Member-Secretary

4. Financial Adviser to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Member

5. Special Commissioner (ISM & H) Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Member

6. Joint Secretary, Incharge of ISM Division, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Member

7. One Member of Parliament (to be nominated by the Deptt. of Parliamentary Affairs) Member

8--10 Three Members to be nominated by the Vishwayatan Yogashram Trust --(i) Shri Yaspal Kapoor --(ii) Shri Ved Vyas ··(i;O Shri C. Lal Bux Singh 87 Written Answers DECEMBER 10, 1987 Written Answers 88


List of Members.ofthe Governing Body of Centr;&} r.ouncil for Research in Yoga and Naturopathy (CCRYN):

1. President Union Minister for Health and Family Welfare.

2. Vice-President Union Minister of State for Health and Family Welfare.


3. Secretary, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Shri S. S. Dhanoa

4. Joint Secretary, Incharge of ISM, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Shri S. K Alok

5. Joint Secretary (fA), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Shri N. S. Bakshi


6-13. Four experts in Yog~ and Four Experts in Naturopathy:

Four Experts in Yoga:

1. Swami Geethanandji, Anand Ashram, Pondicherry.

2. Dr. Joshi, Department of Yogic Studies, Sagar University.

3. Head of Yoga Sadhana Kendra, Malviya Bhavan, .

4. Shri R. C. lall, Yogacharya and Director, Patna Yoga Vidyalaya, Patna.

Four Experts in Naturopathy:

1. Dr. Satyanarayana Murthy, Chief Medical Officer, Institute of Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences, 16th K M. Tumkur Road, Bangalore. 89 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 19,1909 (SAM) Written Answers 90

2. DR. J. M. Jassawala, Natural Therapy Clinic, 140, Cumbala Hills, Bombay-400 036.

3. Dr. Venkat Rao. C/o Nature Cure Hospital, Begum pet, Hyderabad.

4. Dr. H ira Lal, Prakritka Chikitsa Kendra, MangalWare, Unnav (U.P.).

14. One member representing the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Shri Y. N. Chaturvedi, Departmen~ of Education. Joint Seoretary.

15-16. Two experts in Modern Medicine:

1. Prof. M. M. Kapoor, Professor of Surgery, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi.

2. Dr. T. Desiraju, Professor of Neurophysiology, National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences, Bangalore.

17. Director, National Institute of Naturopathy.

18. Director of the Council Swami Dhirendra Bramachari, Member-Secretary Director, Central Council for Research in Yoga and Naturopathy, New Delhi.

19. (Smt.) Suryakanta J. Patil Member Parliament Rajya Sabha.

Membership approved by the Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs vide O. M. NO. F. 2- 10(7)85-CB dated 17-8-87. 91 Written Mswe1'5 DECEMBER 10, 1987 Written Answers 92


Constitution of the Board of Trustees of Vishwayatan Yogashram:

S. Name and Address Designation and Designation (an No. Occupation relation to Society) 1. Swami Ohirendra Brahmchari Practice and Managing Trustee A-50, Friends Colony, teaching of New Delhi. Yoga.

2. Prof.Veda Vyasa Advocate President and Trustee

3. Representative from Members

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare

4. Representative from Ministry of Member Education

5. Shri H. R. Bhardwaj Advocate Trustee

6. Shri Yashpal Kapoor Ex-M.P. Trustee

Circular Train Service in Delhi page at each stop and the speed of the train; and 5095. SH RI KNvtAL CHAUDH RY: Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to (d) the number of passengers availing state: the benefit of these trains daily in Delhi?

(a) when the circular trains started op­ THE MINISTER Of STATl: OF THE MIN­ erating in Delhi and the total expenditure ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MADHAVRAO incurred on them; SCI N DIA): (a) Circular trains with conven­ tional coaches hauled by diesel locos were (b) the profit or loss to the railways on introduced on Delhi Ring Railway in Octo­ circular train service in Delhi during the last ber 1975. These were replaced with regular tllree years, year-wise, till 31st March, EMU services in August 1982. Expenditure 1987~ incurred. About ~. 31 crores.

(c) the number of stoppages of the cir­ (b) No accounts are maintained sepa­ culartrains in Delhi, the duration of stop- rately for Circular train services in Delhi. (c) No. at stoppages 1 H stoppages between N Izamuddm and Nizamuddm.

Average duration 30 Seconds except at New Deihl of stoppages where the stoppage ranges from 1 to 4 rninutes

Maximum Booked 60 kms/hour 93 Written Answers ACRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAM) Written Answers 94

(d) About 3500 per day. under the Scheme finalised in consultation with Union Ministry of Home Affairs.

Issue of Free Passes to Special Categories (d) ~, 161, freedom fighters, who have in Western Railway been issued the complimentary card passes during the period between December, 5096. SHRI U. H. PATEL: 1986 and October, 1987 by the nine Zonal SHRIMATI PATEL Railways, including the Western Railway, RAMABEN RAMJIBHAI MAVANI: under the scheme, are availing the travel facility. Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to state: Misuse of Authority in Medical Store Depots, Bombay (a) whether Railways have given free passes to some special categories of peo­ 5097. SHRI RAM BAHADUR SING: Will ple like freedom fighters, social workers, the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY artists, writers, poets and such other cate­ WELFARE be pleased to state: gories other than Railway Employees dur­ ing 1 January, 1987 to 31 October, 1987 on (a) whether the office of the Direc­ Western Railway; tor-General of Health Servk~.s has recei­ ved several complaints of misuse of autho­ (b) if so, the details thereof; rity by Senior Officials of the vanous Go­ vernment Medical Store Depots in (c) the criteria followed for granting and Bombay, Madras and Calcutta in indentint' issuing of such free passes; and contracting with private laboratories;

(d) how many such people are at pre­ (b) if so, the details of these complaints sent on Western Railway and other Rail­ during the past four years; ways who are enjoying such facilities of free passes and the details thereof? (c) whether subsequent of these com­ plaints any of the Deputy Directors of these THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ Medical Store Depots has been transferred ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MADHAVRAO or removed; SCINDIA): (a) and (b). First Class All India Complimentary Card Passes (for which the (d) whether any enquiry was made on expenses are borne by the Ministry of the activities of those transferred or re­ Home Affairs) have been issued in favour of moved; and freedom fighte~ drawing pension from the Central Revenues with pennission to travel (e) if so, the details thereof, and if not, with a spouse/companion in the same the reasons therefor? class valid for a period of one year from the date of issue. No other categories as su(:~ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ other than freedom fighters, have been is­ ISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE sued Complimentary Card Passes during (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a) to (e). In the period by Western Railway. 1515 Card th~ matter- of mISuse of authority by the Passes have been issued in favour of free­ Senior Officials of the various Medical dom fighters by Western Railway between Stores Depots in indenting the services of 1st January, 1987 and 31st October, 1987. Private Laboratories, complaints were re­ ceived from Sh. V. John, M.P. and employ­ (c) Freedom Fighters who are drawing ees' unions. The complaints alleged that pension under the Swantantarta Sainik samples were sent outside for testing to Samman Pension Scheme from Central private laboratories which charged exorbi­ Revenues were eligible for grant of First tant fees. The complaints were examined Class Complimentary Card Passes valid for and it was found that the Covernment lab­ a period of one year from the date of issue oratoty was not able to maintain the 95 Written Answers' DECEMBER 10, 1987 Written Answers 96 time /Schedule tor release o( test reports (d) The Training and Computer Centre which was affecting the timely supply of of Botanical Survey of I ndia has been es· drugs to the needy indentors. Hence, some tablished at its Southern Regional office, samples were sent to Government ap­ Coimbatore. proved private laboratories for testing. Testing chaJ:ges are fixed by the State Drug (e) The location was decided in keeping Controllers. No Deputy Assistant Director with Government's policy of decentralisa­ General (Medica\ Stores) was transferred tion. on this account. Raising of Capital by Public Sector Revamping Botanical Survey of India Undertakings

5098. KUMARI MAMATA BANERJEE: Will 5099. SHRI PRAKASH V. PATIL: Will the the Minister of ENVI RONMENT AN D Minister of STEEL AND MINES be pleased FORESTS be pleased to state: to state:

(a) whether Government are aware of (a) whether the Public Sector Under­ the current situation and functioning of the takings under his Ministry have accepted Botanical Survey of India, Sibpur, Howrah; deposits from the public and if so, the total amount thus raised by each and the dates (b) the steps taken to save this world on which these were accepted; famous Botanical Garden, which is reeling under mismanagement and corruption; (b) III how many cases the amounts have been returned after completion of the (c) if so, the reasons for the corruption; term;

(d) whether Government propose to es­ (c) whether complaints have been re­ tablish Training and Computer Centre at cl"ived that the depositors are finding it dif­ Botanical Survey of India, Coimbatore, ficult to get back their principal amount; though the Calcutta is the headquarters and is having largest national herbarium (d) if so, the number of such cases and botanic library; and where the depositors have applied for withdrawal of their money and they could (e) if so, the reasons therefor? not be returned by each of the undertaking; and THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ ISTRY Of ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS (e) what steps are being taken to (SHRI Z. R. ANSARI): (a) and (b). Recently streamline the procedure 1 there have been some adverse reports in the Press as also some representations THE MINISTER OF STEEL AND MINES against the management of Indian Botanic (SH RI M. l. FOTEDAR): (a) Yes, Sir. The Garden. The major allegations were found Public Sector Undertakings (PSU) under to be without any basis. There were some Ministry of Steel and Mines have accepted minor lapses which have since been recti­ deposits from public. fied. There were also reports in the Press commending the achievements of Indian Such collections by both these PSUs Botanic Carden. commenced from 1980-81. During the 7-year period (upto 31.3.1987), total de­ (c) Does not arise. posits raised were--

by Steel Authority of India ltd. : Rs. 381.16 crores by H industan Zinc limited : Rs. 62.89 crores.

have been refunded / renewed after com­ (b) Number of cases where amounts pletion of teon upto 31.3.1987 are-- 97 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAK4) Written Answers 98

for Steel Authority of I ndia ltd. : 67,91:i cases

for H industan Zinc limited :11,087 cases.

(d) whether any responsibility has been (c) No, Sir: fixed in this regard; and (d) Does not arise. (e) if so, the details thereof and if not, (e) The public deposit schemes are op­ the reasons therefor? erating satisfactorily in both undertakings. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ Funding of Railway line connecting East ISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE and West Delhi (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDf): (a) Yes. Only after the consent of the volunteer is ob­ 5100. DR. DAnA SAMANT: Will the tained and after the clearance of the Ethics Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to state: Committees of the ICMR and AIIMS, such clinical tests for drugs are undertaken. (a) whether the Railways have mooted a proposal for funding from employers, offi­ (b) The patients are given such injec­ cers and other Metropolitans for the 16 tions only after explaining to them about kilometre long railway line connecting East possible side effects. and West Delhi; and (c) No such complaint has been re­ (b) if so, the details of the scheme and ceived by the Institute. the total expenditure required for it? (d) and (e). Do not arise. THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MADHAVRAO New drug for River Blindness SCINDIA): (a) No, Sir. 5102. SHRI V. TULSIRAM: Will the Min­ (b) Does not arise. ister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELfARE be pleased to state: Trial of a new Injection for protection of conception in AIIMS (a) whether a new drug for river blind­ ness has been discovered in the country; 5101. SHRIf\.1ATI GEETA MUKHERJEE: DR. V. VENKATESH: (b) if not, whether it is being imported and if so, the agency through which it is Will the Minister of HEALTH AN D FAtv\­ being imported; and ILY WELFARE be pleased to state: (c) the names of the States in the coun­ (a) whether people are subjected to try where this drug is being distributed and clinical tests for new drugs in the All India the quantity distributed State-wise? Institute of Medical Sciences; THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ (b) whether doctors of the Institute in ISTRY OF HEALTH AND fAMilY WELfARE the Gynaecological Department induced a (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a) to (c). female patient to take a new injection Covernment has no infonnation on a new which would protect her for three months drug discovered in the country for the from conception and that there would be treatment of river blindness no side effects; (Onchocerciasis). The promising new drug which ;s under different stages of clinical (c) whether many complications arose trials and other investigations abroad for after this clinical test; treatment of river blindness is Ivennectin 99 Written Answers DECEMBER 10, 1987 Written Answers 100

discovered by Mis Merck, Sharp and and Baijnathpur for dire.ct movements ot Dome in the United States. The drug Iver­ goods train; mectin, however, has already been cleared in many countries including I ndia for the (b) whether it is also a fact that there treatment of certain worm infestatiol;lS in was a direct line from Saharsa junction to animals. Baijnathpur for direct passage of trains in between the two stations i.e. Saharsa jUflC­ Enquiry against COl1dud of Medical tion and Baijnathpur; Officer of World University Service Health Centre (c) if so, whether Government propose to construct a new railway line over the 5103. SHRI SRIHARI RAO: Will the. railway land on which this railway line was Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVEL· running; OPMENT be pleased to state: (d) if not, the reasons therefor; and (a) whether an enquiry is being con­ ducted 'by University of Delhi against the (e) whether there are unauthorised en­ conduct of a Medical Officer of the World croachments on the vacant land of this University Service Health Centre; railway line, if so, the reasons therefor?

(b) whether three Pharmacists of the THE MINISTER ofSTATE OF THE MIN­ Health Centre gave evidence in the enquiry ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MADHAVRAO . that expired drugs were distributed by SCINDIt\): (a) anti (b). Yes, Sir. them on the orders of the Chief Medical Officer, (c) and (d). The land ov~r which the old railway line was existing is not available as (c) if so, the details thereof; and the entire area has now been developed by the municipality into full fledged township (d) the action taken in the matter so far? with a number of pucca structures, shop­ ping centres and hutments. The aban­ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ doned alignment between Sa­ PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL­ harsa-Baijnathpur is not suitable for the TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN proposed· bye-pa$s line at Saharsa which RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRIMATI has been sanctioned to avoid reversal of KRISHNA SAHI): (a) According to the goods stock and detention of goods trains information furnished by the University of at Saharsa. Delh~ the Enquiry Officer has conducted the Enquiry and submitted his Report to (e) The land is being used by the indi­ the University. vidual~ / municipality without any authority from the railway. (b) to (d). The University has not. yet considered the Enquiry Report. Representation from All Or~ Lower Secondary Teachers' Association Direct connection between Sonbersa­ Katcheri·Saharsa junction and 5105. SHRI SOMNATH RATH: Will the Baijnathpur Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVEL­ OPMENT be pleased to state: 5104. SHRI MAHABIR PRASAD YADAV: Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased (a) whether the All Orissa Lower Sec­ to state: ondary Teachers' Association (affiliated to AIFEA, has submitted a memorandum to (a) whether it is a fact that railway line the Prime Minister complaining that the in between Sonbersa-Katcheri and Saharsa Government of Orissa is not inclined to junction is to be directly connected to the implement the concept of Elementary Edu­ railway line in between ~harsa junction cation Pattern as envisaged in the New 101 Written Answers ACRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAJ

Education Policy adopted by Unidn . (b) The steps taken include the follow­ Government; ing:--

(b) if so, the details of their denlands; (i) The industry has been directed to and put up effluent treatment facilities. (c) the reaction of Government and action taken in the matter? (ii) The industry is to have a plain sedimentation tank. The wastes THE MINISTER OF S"{ATE IN THE DE­ will be diluted and discharged PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL· through a 'sub-marine pipeline at TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN a distance of 750 metres in the RESOURCE DEVELO~MENT (SHRIMATI sea for quick neutralisation of. KRISHNA SAHI): (a) to (c). The All Orissa acidity. Works have started. lower Secondary Teachers' Association had sent a Memorandum to the Prime Minister Film Censor Board in September, 1987, regarding unifonnity in pay scales and service conditions for all 5107. SHRI RAM BHAGAT PASWAN: teachers, pensionary benefits, constitution Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE of a School Grants Commission, and al­ DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state: location of funds for educatiQn, also stating that "so far Orissa State Government is (a) the names of the chainnan and concerned, they are not implementing the members of the Film Censor Board;' 'Elementary Education Concept' as defined. in the New Education Policy-1986". The (b) whether Government propose to re­ Memorandum has been forwarded to the constitute the Film Censor Board; and Government of Orissa. (c) if so, the details in this regard?

T~E MIt"'STER OF STATE IN THE DE- Pollution caused by Travancore Titanium PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUl­ products TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE­ SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRIMATI KR­ 5106. SH RI A. CHARLES: Will the Minis­ ISHNA SAHI): (a) The names of the Chair­ ter of ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS be man and members of the film Censor pleased to state: Board are furnished below:

(a) whether the Travancore Titanium Pro(Jucts, T ri'landrum, is posing a great Chairman: Shri Bikaram Singh threat to human life and environment, since the pollution has already affected Members: 1. Shri V.I<. Sinha several kilometres of the sea and the coastal belt of the Trivandrum city; and 2. Kum. Shanta Gandhi

(b) if so, steps taken by Government to 3. Smt. Sarayu V. Doshi face this great menace? 4. Prof. V.B. Van mali

5. Shri G.P. Sippy THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ ISTRY Of ENVIl~ONMENT AND FORESTS 6. Dr. V.S. Venkatavardhan (SHRI Z. R. ANSARI): (a) No, Sir. However, the co~line near the factory is affected 7. Smt. Shaila Parikh due to discharge of untreated efftuents from the plant. 8. Smt. Vijaya Mehta 103 Written Answers DECEMBER 10, 1987 Written Answers 104

9. Shri D. Ramanujam (KUMAR' SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a) to (d). Acc:;ording to medical experts in India, there 10. Shri C.V. Shreedhar are some broad areas in which medical fa­ cilities within the country have either not 11. Ms. Maitreyi Ramadurai developed at all or have not developed to the extent required. Broadly, these areas 12. Smt. Raji Rangachari are identified as the following:--

13. Shri Bhupen Hazarika 1. Cardio-vascular Surgery,

14. Mrs. Arpana Sen 2. Kidney Transplants,

15. Shri Samik Banerjee 3. Other Organ Transplants;

16. Shri I.S. Narasimhan 4. Joint replacements & surgery;

17. Dr. B.K. Chandrasekhar s. Bone-marrow transplant,

18. Shri P. Bhaskaran 6. Certain types of medical and oncological disorders such as 19. Shri K Ravindranathan leukemia and Neo-pl,1stic Nair conditions;

20. Shri T. Subramani Reddy 7. Microvascular surgery and Neuro­ surgery; 21. Shri l. lakshmipathy 8. laser surgery in lieu of open (b) At the moment there is no proposal surgery; to reconstitute the film Censor Board. 9. Treatment with Argon, Krypton (c) Not applicable, in view of (b) above. and YAG lasers areas in opthalmic cases; and Medical facilities available 10. Extra-corporeal stone distin­ 5108. DR. T. KAlPANA DEYI: Will the tegration by ultrasonic Minister of HEALTH AND FMAILY WELFARE shock-waves. be pleased to state: The above list is illustrative and does (a) whether Government have received not intend to cover all types of ailments for suggestions from v.arious quarters that spe­ which treatment facilities have not devel­ cialised treatment IS required in India for oped within the country. various diseases; In order to further develop the existing (b) if so, the details of these sugges­ facilities in the multi-disciplinary centres of tions; excellence, the Ministry ot Finance (Department of Revenue) have agreed that (c) whether medical facilities for spe­ a concessional loan at the rate of 10% per cialised treatment in the country are insuffi­ annum may be provided to some of the cient and ineffective; and existing multi-disciplinary centres of excel­ lence to the extent of Rs. 2 crores per insti­ (d) if so, the steps Government propose tution, through the Industrial Development to take to remedy the situation 7 Bank of India (1081).

THE MINISTER Of STATf IN THE MIN­ During the 7th Five Year Plan jt is pro­ ISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAf. WELFARE posed to finance ten (10) institutions. Ac- 105 Written AnswelS AGRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAIV\) Written Answers 106 cordingly, this Ministry has received re­ (a) whether Commonwealth students in quests for concessional loans from Appolo United Kingdom have been discriminated Hospitals, Madras (for Cardio-thorasic and against in the matter of school and coUege Renal Transplant) and Sir Ganga Ram Hos­ fees and if so, the detaiis thereof; and pital, New Delhi (for Extra-Corporeal Stone-crushing services by installiag Ex­ tra-Corporeal shock w~ve Uthotripter and (b) whether any deliberation on the is­ Renal Transplan~ion centre). The propos­ sue or any exchanges made during Com­ als from both the institutions have been monwealth Conference with U. K. Govern­ examined and recommended to lOBI. ment and if so, the details thereof? Other identified institutions have also been addressed in the matter. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ Discovery of Mineral "Ilmenite PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL­ TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN 5109. SHRI C. BHOOPATHY: Will the RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRIMATI Minister of STEEL AND MINES be pleased KRISHNA SAHI): (a) and (b). The United to state: Kingdom introduce~ the differential fees in 1967 for students from abroad, including (a) whether a mineral resource called Commonwealth countries, and moved to a Ilmenite' has been discovered in Konkan system of "full-cost" fees from overseas coastal Sea area of western Maharashtra; students from 1980. Fees calculated ;n this and way are exorbitantly high and students from the developing Commonwealth coun­ (b) if so, the efforts so far made to ex­ tries are unable to pay such high fees. As a ploit the said resources? I esult of this, the number of Common­ wealth students in British universities de­ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ clined steeply after 1980. Therefore, the PARTMENT OF MINES IN THE MINISTRY question of student mobility in the Com­ OF STEEL AND MINES (SHRIMATI RAM monwealth countries has been a subject DULARI SINHA): (a) and (b). Yes, Sir. The matter of discussions in various confer­ Geological Survey of India has carried out ences of Commonwealth Education Minis­ reconnaissance survey for occurrences of ters and Heads of Government held in the Ilmenite bearing sands off Ratnagiri, Maha­ last few years. Issues relating to tt)e Com­ rashtra in the course of sea bed mapping monwealth student mobility and coopera­ within the territorial waters off West coast, tion in higher education were specifically during Field Seasons 1976.. 77, 1978-79, included' in the agenda of the 9th Confer­ 1984-85 and 1985-86. As a result of the ence of Commonwealth Education Minis­ surve~, six potential Ilmenite bearing sand ters held in July, 1984 at Cyprus, and the zones were delienated. The National Insti­ 10th Conference of Commonwealth Educa­ tute of Oceanography has also carried out tion Ministers held in July, 1987 at Nairobi. detailed off shore surveys over a 130 kms. Apart from the increased number of awards long strip along Konkan coast of Maharash­ available under the Commonwealth Schol­ tra between Jaigarh and Vijaydurg from arships and Fellowships Scheme for study 1978 to 1984 and established substantial in United Kingdom, the pOSition regarding reserves of Ilmenite. Feasibility studies are student mobility within the Common­ under way to examine possibilities of ex­ wealth has not improved appreciably dur­ ploiting the Ilmenite reserves. ing the last few years. The Commonwealth Conference of Education Ministers has ap­ Discrimination against C~mmonwealth pealed to the Commonwealth govern­ students in U.K. ments, in both receiving and sending coun­ tries, to formulate appropriate policies with 5110. SHRI BRAJAMOHAN MOHANTY: regard to fees, awards and .other measures Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE which woulJ contribute to fostering of stu­ DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state: dent mobility within the Commonwealth. 107 Written Answers DECEMBER 10,1987 Written Answers 108

Environmental clearance of projects from wm the Minister of ENVIRONMENT AND Gujarat FORESTS be pleased to state:

5111. SHRI RANJITSINCH GAEKWAD: (a) the details of schemes identified so Will the Minister of ENVIRONMENT AN D far under the Ganga Action PIa.n; FORESTS be pleased to state: (b) out of the total sanctioned schemes, (a) whether Government of Gujarat has the schem~ completed so far under the recently sent any proposals for environ­ Ganga Action Plan; and mental clearance; '(c) when the rest of the schemes are (b) if so, the details thereof; expected to be completed?

(c) the action taken thereon;

(d) whether Union Government pro­ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ pose to provide funds to Gujarat Govern­ ISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS ment for the e~ctive implementation of (SHRI Z. R. ANSARI): (a) The CentrafGanga environmental programme in the State; Authority if' ')ctober, 1985 ~d approved a and Works Programme submitted by the three states of U.P., Bihar and West Bengal at a (e) if so, the details thereto? national cost of Rs. 292.31 crores, subject to the stipulation that the expenditure THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ during the 7th Five Year Plan will be Rs. ISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS 240 ('rores. A total of 260 schemes has (SHRI Z. R. ANSARI): (a) Yes, Sir. been identified for taking up under Ganga Action Plan in the thre.e states. The types of (b) and (c). Five proposals have been schemes identified cover the following:-- referred by the Gujarat Government for en­ vir

(d) and (e). A sum of Rs. 27.61 lakhs has (iv) Other schemes such as construc­ been sanctioned to the Cujarat Govern­ tion of electric crematoria, ment as catalytic assistance for augmenting improvement of river front the infrastructure for the implementation of facilities, biological conservation, environmental programme. A sum of Rs. monitoring of river water quality 3.33 lakhs has also been disbursed to the etc. Gujarat Pollution Control Board. Till 30t~\t:Jovember, 1987 a total of 18=1 schemes in-the three states have been Ganga Action Plan sanctioned at- -.. cost of Rs. 180. 15 croreS. The sector wise and the state wise break 5112. DR. PRABHAT KUMAR MISHRA: up of schemes sanctioned ;s as follows:-- 109 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (S~) Written Answers 110

U,P, I Total • Bihar West Beng~1 No. Cost No. Cost .cost (Rs. cr.) (1,6. cr~ No. ~.cr.) No. Cost

I ntercaption and 27 15.25 14 4.24 23 48.50 64 67.99 Diversion of Waste water.

Treatment of 6 58.86 2 0.64 5 18,87 13 78.37 waste water

low Cost 7 3.37 4 3.65 22 8.54 33 15.56 Sanitation

Other Schemes 26 6.89 7 1.60 40 9.81 73 18.30

66 27 90

(b) By and 1986-87, 5 schemes at a cost of waste water at Ramnagar near of Rs. 2.25 crores have been completed and recommissioning of two treatment which include interception & diversion of plants at Patna. 42 schemes at a cost of Rs. about 12, mid of waste water in Hard­ 19.38 crores are expected to be completed war-Rishikesh, diversion of about 2.2 mid by 1987-88, as follows:--

No. Cost fRs. ,£!;)

(i) U.P. 30 15.84

(ii) Bihar 8 1.04

(iii) West Bengal 4 2.50

2.The types of schemes will be as follows:--

No. Cost f~. crJ

(;) Interception & 23 12.06 diversion

(ii) Treatment schemes 6 3.11

(1m ~ther schemes 13 4.12

(c) It. is expected that schemes for con­ Criteria for opening a Kendriya Vidyalaya struction of electric crematoria and low cost sanitation will be completed bv and 5113. SHRI MOHANBHAI PATEL: Will 1988--89 while the major interception & the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DE .. diversion schemes and construction of VELOPMENT be pleased to state: treatment plants will be completed by end of 7th five Year Plan. (a) the criteria adopted for opening a 111 Written Answers DECEMBER 10, 1987 Written AnswefS 112 new Kendriya Vidyalaya in a particular PROjEcr SECTOR place; and 1. Concentration of at least 1000 em­ (b) whether Govemment have received ployees of the concemed public any request from Gujarat to open more Sector Undertakings. Kendriya Vidyalayas in Cujarat, if so~ the details thereof and the action taken by 2. Availability of at least 200 children Government therein 7 for admission.

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ 3. The Public Sector Undertaking con­ PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUl­ cerned should meet the entire re­ TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN curring and non-recurring expendi­ RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRIMATI ture including overhead charges of KRISHNA SAHI): (a) The criterion for the Proposed Kendriya Vidyalaya. opening of Kendriya Vidyalayas is given in the Statemen~ below. 4. The Undertaking shourd provide free of cost suitable land and (b) Four proposals were received for building for housing the Vidyalaya opening new Kendriya Vidyalayas in as well for future development or Cujarat at the following places: for equipment for the school shou'd be provided free of cost by 1. Viramgam Dic;tt. Ahmedabad. the Undertaking.

2. Sabarmati Distt. Ahmedabad. 5. Provision of suitable residential ac­ commodation for the entire teach­ 3. Gandhidham Distt. Ahmedabad. ing and non-teaching staff of Kendriya Vidyalaya at the same 4. I FFCO Gandhidham, Distt. rates prescribed for its own em­ Ahmedabad. ployees.

Out of these places, Kendriya Vidyalayas Field study groups of School of Social Sci· have been opened at Viramgam and ence Research in J.N.U. to Ladakh Sabarmati. 5114. SHRI JAGANNATH CHOUD­ STATEMENT HARY: SHRI RAJ KARAN SINtH: Criteria for opening a Kendriya VidyaJaya Civil and Defence Sectors Will the Minister ot HUJ\t\AN RE­ SOURCE DEVELOPMFNT be pleased to 1. Concentration of 1000 families of state: transferable Central Government (a) the number of field study groups employees. sent to different areas of Ladakh during the 2. At least 200 children belonging to last 3 years by the Centre in the School of Social Science at Jawaharlal Nehru Priority Category No.1. University; 3. Availability of 15 acres of land free (b) the expenditure incurred on those of cost. visits; 4. Availability of rent free temporal')' accommodation for running the (c) whether any evaluation about utility school. of such visits has been made by the Uni­ versity; if so, the outcome thereof, 5. Provision of housing accommoda­ tion to at least 50% of the staff (d) the details of any published work of posted in the school. those visits; and 113 Written Answers ACRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAJ

(e) whether Government have received (d) how much time is takeh in complet­ any report about one of the faculty mem­ ing the process of such transfers; and bers who was in those groups having sold maps and photographs of sensitive areas to foreigner; if so, the action taken thereon1 (e) whether such cases are also under consideration wherein employees/officers THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ have been applying for their in­ PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL­ ter-zonal/inter-divisional transfer for the TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN last 5 years, but the cases have not been RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRIMATI disposed off and if so, the zone-wise de­ KRISHNA SAHI): (a) According to the tails in this regard? information fumished by the Jawaharlal Nehru University, only one group of THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ students and teachers was sent (in 1986) to ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MAOHAVRAO Kargil District in ladakh region during the SCINDIA): (a) In the exigencies of service last 3 years by the Centre of Study of railway employees can be transferred from Regional Development (CSRD) in the one division/zone to another. School of Social Sciences. Requests from group 'c' & '0' employ­ (b) The total expenditure incurred on ees for inter-zonal/inter-divisional transfers this visit was Rs. 33,207.20. on grounds of special cases.of hardship are also considered as per the procedure laid (c) and (d) The visit was part of the re­ down for the purpose. Request transfers quirements of course No. 415 in MA Geog­ are allowed only in grades having an ele­ raphy. The purpose of such visits is to train ment of direct recruitment. The staff trans­ students in different methods of field work ferred at their own request are given bot­ tom seniority in the new Unit. In physical geography. The results of these practical studies, conducted by the stu­ dents, form the subject matter of field di­ Employees are also allowed in­ aries and reports. ter.zonal/inter-divisional transfers on mu­ tual exchange basis. (e) No, Sir. (b) to (e). Information is being collected [Translation] and will be laid on the Table of the Sabha.

Transfer of Railway Employees/Officers [English]

5115. SH RI KAli PRASAD PAN DEY: Will Beautification of Ulsoor Lake the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to state: 5116. KUMARJ D. K. THARA DEVI: Will the Minister of ENVIRONMENT AND (a) the provisions/rules regarding FORESTS be pleased to state: inter-zonal transfer and inter-divisional transfer of Railway Employees; (a) whether Government have any pro­ posal for the development and beautifica­ (b) the number of employees/officers tion of Ufsoor Lake in Bangalore; transferred in various Railway Zones during the last three years, year-wise, on this (b) if so, the details th~reof; and basis; (c) whether the State Government has (c) the number of employees who ap­ submitted any proposal regarding Uisoor plied for such transfers and the number of lake? employees out of them transferred and the number of cases which are still under con­ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ sideration; ISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS 115 Written Answers DECEMBER 10, 1987 Written Answers 116

(SHRI Z.R. ANSARI): (a) There is no such (c) if not, the reasons thereof? proposal. THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ (b) Does not arise. ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MADHAVRAO SCINDIA): (a) No, Sir. (c) No, Sir. ( b) Does not arise Reservation for SC/ST Medical Graduates in P.G. Courses in AI~S (c) This being an intra-urban transport scheme, responsibility for its development 5117. SHRIMATI KlSHORI SINHA: Will devolves on the local authorities /State the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WEL­ Government concerned. FARE be pleased to state: Conference on Indian System of (a) whether any weightage is proposed Medicine and Homoeopathy to be given in the selection of candidates for post-graduate courses in the All India 5119. SHRIMATI BASAVARAjESWARI: Institute of Medical Sciences for such Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY medical graduates who worked in rural WELFARE be pleased to state: areas after graduation or undertaken to work in rural areas after post-graduation; (a) whether a conference on the Indian and system of medicine and homoeopathy was held in October, 1987; (b) if so, the details thereof? (b) the subjects discussed and recom­ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ mendations made at the conference; and ISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a) and (b). (c) to what extent the recommendations Five percent of the total seats for M.D/M.S. made at the conference will be imple­ courses in AIIMS, New Delhi are reserved mented? for candidates who have served in the rural areas for more than two years or are doing THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ practice for more than two years in rural ISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE areas having less than 5000 population. (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a) to (c). No Medical Graduates of backward areas, and such conference was organised by this those who are working under the Family Ministry in October, 1987. However, con­ Welfare Programmers are also included in ferences / meetings/seminars are organised the five percent reservation. from time to time by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and the Research Proposal to introduce EM U services on Councils in Indian Systems of Medicine and New Delhi-Sahibabad route Homoeopathy. The objective of these meetings is to promote these systems and 5118. SHRIMATI USHA VERMA: Will the to create awareness about their therap~ic Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to state: use and availability, etc.

(a) whether Government propose to run Nhava Sheva Port EMU services on New Delhi-Sahibabad (Uttar Pradesh) route via Tilak 5120. SHRI HUSSAIN DALWAI: Bridge-Anand Vihar-Sahibabad-Sahadara­ DR. B.L. SHAILESH: Delhi on the pattern on Bombay local trains; Will the Minister of SURFACE TRANSPORT be pleased to state: (b) if so, the time by which it is pro­ posed to be started to help the commuters (a) what would be the capacity of the of trans-Yamuna colonies; and N hava Sheva Port for handling cargo-ships; Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SMA) Written Answers 118

(b) whether modem technology is being bulk ~rgo, mainly fertilisers and fertiliser used in bUilding this new port; raw materials.

(c) if so, the details thereof; and (b) Yes, Sir.

(d) the country from which the state-of-the art container handling equip­ (c) This new port is being equipped ment is being obtained for installation at with modem, sophisticated and computer this port? based cargo handling facilities. The broad details of the facilities are given in the THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ statement below. ISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (SHRI RA­ IESH PILOT): (a) The capacity of Nhava (d) The contracts for the supply of con­ Sheva Port would be 5.90 Million Tonnes tainer handling equipment have been including 3.00 Million Tonnes of con­ awarded to firms from South Korea and tainerised cargo and 2.90 Million Tonnes Finland.



(A) Bulk & Bas Handling equipment:

(i) Marine unloaders ·4 Nos (Garb type: 2 Nos. Continuous type: 2 Nos. 659 cum/hr capacity each).

(ii) Conveyer system 15.5 km (1400mm & BOOmm belt widths)

(iii) Scraper reclaimer ...i Nos. (575 TPH each)

(iv) Bagging machine -30 Nos. (40 TPH each weighing & stitching)

(v) Bag wagon loaderr22 Nos. (60 TPH each

(vi) Bag stacker/reciaimerJ-2 Nos. (2400 bagsjhr)

(vii) Equipment in au toga rage and stores

(viii) Complete Dust Control & Suppression System.

(ix) Fire Detection & Fighting System

(x) Power Distribution & Control System including automation

(xi) Internal & External lighting

(xii) Telecommunication & Public Address System

(xiii) Emergency Power Generation & Supply System

(8) Related Qvil & Structural Works:

(i) Construction of Bulk storage sheds -4 Nos. (approx. 500 m x 42M. each)

(ii) One storage shed -(350m x 36m) 119 Written Answers DECEMBER 10, 1987 Written Answers 120

(iii) Wagon loading platform (700m x 45m)

(iv) Drive Houses, Conveyor, Galleries & Transfer Towers etc.


(i) Quayside Gantry cranes -1 Nos. (Rated load 35.5MT)

(ii) Yard gantry cranes.....a Nos. (35.5 M.T) (tyre-mounted)

(iii) Yard gantry cranes (Rail mounted) -1 No. (35.5 MT)

(iv) Associated Electricals & Automation

(v) Telescoping/Fixed/Slewing type spreaders..,.:J 8 Nos. and cargo beams.


Tractors --38 Nos.

Trailers --136 Nos

Front end loaders Dozers --8 Nos.

(a) (.rawler type --2 Nos. (b) Wheeled rubber tyred --3 Nos.


Promotional avenues for operators in avenues for the operators an.1 other Rourkela Steel Plant employees, the manning in different departments in the Rourkela Steel Plant is 5121. SHRI SAMAR BRAHMA CHOUD­ reviewed periodically, though channels for HURY: Will the Minister of STEEL AND promotion are already well laid down. MINES be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government propose to Relaxation to Scheduled Caste Candi­ consider promotional avenues for the op­ dates for the post of Superintendent in erators to give them incentive to keep up K.v.s. the production level; and 5122. SHRI PRATAPSINH BAGHEL: Will (b) if so, the steps being taken in this di­ the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE rection? DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

tHE MINISTER Of STEEL AND MINES (a) whether the Board of Governors of (SHRI M.l. FOTEDAR): (a) and (b). Rourkela Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan in its meet­ Steel Plant has well laid down chdnnels of ing held on 31 December, 1986 provided promotion for non-executive employees in for some relaxation to Scheduled Caste different departments. The promotion candidates in experience etc. to appear at within non-executive cadre normally takes the Departmental examination for the post place as and when vacancies arise. of Superintendent (Administration) in However, keeping in vi~w the work Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan reserved for requirements and the need for promotional Scheduled Caste candidates; 121 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAIV\) Written Answers 122

(b) if so, the details thereof; Opening of Filaria Research Unit in Alleppey (Kerala) (c) the number of Scheduled Caste can­ didates granted relaxation of any kind to 5123. SHRI VAKKOM PURSHOTHA­ appear at the said Departmental examina­ MAN: Will the Minister of HEALTH AN 0 tion; FAMILY WELFARE be pleased to state:

(d) whether the candidates, who had (a) whether an announcement was qualified in the departmental examination made by GCi)Vemment on I January, 1986 have since been offered the promotional for setting up of a permanent Filaria Re­ postings; and search Unit at T.D. Medical College, Alleppey, Kerala by the Indian Council of (e) if not, the reasons therefor? Medical Research; THt MINISTER O~ STATE IN THE DE­ PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUl­ TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN (b) whether a project report for the Re­ RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRIMATI search Unit was forwarded to Union Gov­ KRISHNA SAHI): (a) No, sir. ernment on 12 September, 1986;

(b) Does not arise. (c) whether Government have taken any further action for setting up the Research (c) to (e). Applications were invited from Unit; the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan employ­ ees for one post of Superintendent (d) if so, the details thereof; (Administration) in the Regional Office of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan reserved for (e) if not, the reasons therefor; and Scheduled Caste candidate to be filled up (f) when the Research Unit is expected on the basis of departmental examination. to be set up? While inviting the applications it was indi­ cated that in case a Scheduled Caste can­ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ didate was not available, the vacancy ISTRY OF HEALTH AND FM-1ILY WELFARE would be filled up by a 5T candidate, and (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a) and (b). failing which by a candidate belonging to Yes, Sir. general category. 6 candidates (4 SC and 2 ST) were found eligible to sit in the de­ (c) to (f). The Review Committee of the partmental examination. One more Sched­ I ndian Council of Medical Research has uled Caste candidate who did not fulfil the submitted its Report and suggestt!d the condition of possessing the minimum amalgamation of the various Institutes of length of service prescribed for the post the Council in a central place. The Council was allowed to appear in the departmental is siezed of this recommendation and is examination, in anticipation of the approval processing the matter. At the moment, it is for relaxation of the condition regarding not possible to make any commitment re· minimum length of service. Since no relax­ garding setting up of a new I nstitute in ation in this regard was found possible, the Kerala. Scheduled Caste candidate who was Non-utilisation of Central Loan allowed to take the departmental Assistance provided under State Roads of examination though not fulfilling the Inter-State or Economic Importance minimum eligibility condition was not Scheme promoted to the post of Superintendent 5124. SHRI PRATAP BHANU SHARMA: (Administration) on the basis of the Will the Minister of SURFACE TRANSPORT departmental examination. A Scheduled be pleased to state: Tribe candidate who qualified in the Departmental examination has been (a) whether certain States have not promoted to that post of Superintendent utilised the Central loan assistance given (Administration). under State roads of Inter·S~te or 01 123 Written Answers DECEMBER 10.1987 Written Answers 124

Economic tmportance Scheme during Sixth THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ and Seventh Plan so far; ISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (SH RI RA­ JESH PilOn: (a) and (b). No Sir. (b) if so, the reasons therefor; (c) A statement indicating the number of (c) the details of roads sanctioned under works sanctic>ned and expenditure re­ the above scheme and actual utilisation of ported during Sixth and Seventh Plans is funds, and given below.

(d) the steps Govemment have taken (d) Monitoring is being done through for effective implementation of this periodical reports of physical and financial scheme? progress.


No. of works sanction~ and &penditure reported by States during Sixth and Seventh Plans (1980-81 to 1986-87) . I kh ) (Rs. an a s . Sl. Name of State No. of works Expenditure No. sanctioned reported

1 2 3 4

1. Andhra Pradesh 11 451.31

2. Assam 3 102.66

3. Bihar 7 145.57

4. Gujarat 9 796.28

5. Haryana 1 116.77

6. Hjmachal Pradesh 3 184.21

7. Jammu & Kashmir 2 203.65

8. Kamataka 9 448.21

9. Kerala 2 39.46

10. Madhya Pradesh 7 212.14

11. Maharashtra 13 152.62

12. Manipur 1 56.08

13. Mizoram 1 91.23

14. Nagaland 1 53.67 15. Orissa 4 410.66

16. Punjab 2 317.61 125 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 19,1909 (SAKA) Written Answers 126

1 2 3 4 17. Rajasthan 8 482.56

18. Sikkim 2 18.00

19. Tamilnadu 28 317.36

20. UttarPrad~n 22 1112.34

21. West Bengal 4 319.64

Conversion of Railway Lines in Karnataka Request for Additional Trains from Bhusaval to Varangaon and Bombay 5125. SHRI V. SREENIVASA PRASAD: SHRI M. V. CHANDRASEKHARA 5126. SHRI THAMPAN THOMAS: Will Ml)RTHY: the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be state: pleased to state: (a) whether Government have received (a) whether Government of Kamataka a memorandum from Jalgaon District, S. T. has been repeatedly requesting for a rapid and Rail Passengers Sangh about passenger conversion of trunk routes' into broad difficulties; gauge for some of the lines in Kamataka; I (b) if so, whether the Sangh has re- (b) if so, the details of the proposals re­ qu~ed for providing additional trains from ceived by Union Government in this re­ Bhusaval to Varangaon and Bhusaval to gard; and Bombay to reduc!! hardships of rail passen­ gers on these lines; and (c) the reaction of Union Government and when the task is likely to be com­ (c) if so, the reaction of Government pleted? thereto?

THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MADHAVRAO ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MADHAVRAO SCINDIA): (a) to (c). Minister of Public SCINDIA): (a) and (b). Yes, Sir. The Sangh Works Command Area Development and has requested for provision of additional Irrigation, Government of Karnataka vide trains between Manmad-Varangaon and his letter dated June 3, 1987 had requested Bhu5dval~Bombay. to expedite conversion of Bangalor~­ Mysore MG line into BG. Outlay for this (c) Due to lack of terminal facilities at project in 1987-88 has been increased from Varangaon, paucity of spare line capacity original grant of Rs. 2 crore to Rs. 3. cr~~e. on sections enroute and availabjlity of ade.. Its completion will depend on availability qu~te rail facilities between Bhusaval and of resources in the coming years. Bombay, the proposals have not been found feasible.

Requests had also been received earlier for conversion of Bangalore-Miraj MG line Expansion of Nagpur Railway Station and connected branch lines into BG. It has not been possible to take up these conver­ 5127. SHRI BANWARI tAL PUROHIT: sions in view of constraint of resources and Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased heavy commitments on hand. to state: 127 Written Answers DECEMBER 10, 1987 Written Answers 128

(a) whether it is a fact that the expan­ washable apron on Platform sion work of Nagpur Railway station is lag­ line Nos. 3 and 4. ging behind due to which commuters have to face great difficulties; (iii) Extension of foot -over-bridge to­ wards Santra Market side and (b) if so, the details of the expansion existing building side with work done during the last 6 months; and Booking Offices.

(c) the details of further expansion pro­ (iv) Extension of foot~over-bridge on gramme at Nagpur station and when the Itarsi side upto Platform No.6. task is likely to be completed? Preliminary arrangements such as THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ preparation/sanctioning of estimates, ISTRY Of RAILWAYS (SHRI MADHAVRAO finalisation of tenders/fabrication of steel SCINDIA): (a) Expansion work in Nagpur works, etc. are in process. Railway Station is being progressed as found necessary. Efforts will be made to complete all these works within 89-90 subject to avail­ (b) The following improvements/works ability of funds. have been carried out recently at Nagpur Station: Increase in Staff of Central Hindi Directorate ( i) Modernisation and expansion of base kitchen. 5128. SHRI S. THANGARAJU : Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVEL­ (ii) I mprovements to Tea Stall on OPMENT be pleased to state: Platform Nos. 1 to 7. (a) whether there is a need for strength­ (iii) Improvements to furniture in ening the staff of the Central Hindi Direc­ waiting rooms. torate in view of the increased inflow of Tamil letters in the correspondence (iv) Provision of Master Water courses; Cooller on Platforn) No ..,. (b) the steps being taken to increase the (v) Provision of AC Retiring Room number of posts of Assistant Education Of­ on 1st Floor. ficers (Tamil) both technical and non~tech­ nical; (vi) Provision of Sodium Vapour lamps on Platforms No. 1 to 3. (c) whether it is proposed to fill up the post of Technical Assistance of Tamil in the Central Hindi Directorate, which is lying (vii) Provision of Master Water vacant since 1985: and Cooler on Platforms No. 2 and 3. (d) if so, the time by which this post will be filled up? (viii) Modernisation and replacement of Public Address System. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL­ (c) The following schemes are being TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE­ taken up at Nagpur Station: SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRIMATI KR­ ISHNA SAHI): (a) Yes, Sir. (i) Extension of cover over portion of Platform Nos. 4 and 5. (b) The Government follows. a pre­ scribed procedure for creation of posts. (ii) Provision of cement concrete Proposal for creation of additional posts of 129 , Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (S~) Written Answers 130

Assistant Education Officer (T ami1) both (a) the amount aHotted to Kerala for af­ technical and non-technical in the Central forestation programme during the last Hindi Directora~ as per requirement win three years and the actual amount utilised; be considered on the same basis. and

(c) and (d). ThE! post ~iII be filled up (b) the area covered under afforestation when the ban on filling up of vacant posts programme in Kerala during the last three is lifted. years?

Afforestation Programme in Kerala THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ 5129. PROF. K V. THOMAS: Will the ISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS Minister of ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS (SHRJ Z. R. ANSARI): (a) and (b). The in­ be pleased to state: fonnation is given as unfL:.r

Year Financial Physical (Rc;. in lakhs) Allocation Expenditure Area in Hal··

1984-85 887 606.32 38,539

1985-86 1169 1528.40· 58,300

1986-87 1765 1717.50'" 75,962 .. Estimated expenditure including the releases of Govt. of India.and State hYdget allocations.

** Notionally computed @ 2000 trees per hectare.

National Theatre among other facilities. An architectural design has been selected for the IGNCA 5130. SHRI P. PENCHALUAH: Will the complex through an International Design Minister of HUrvtAN RESOURCE DE~ Competition held last year and the details VElOPMENT be pleased to state: for the buildings of ICNCA are being drawn up. (a) whether there is any proposal to set up a new National Theatre for the devel­ opment of popular art of India; and Stren~th of Students and Teachers in Indira Gandhi Open University (b) if so, the details thereof? 5131. DR. SUDHIR ROY: Will the Minis­ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THf DE- . ter of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL­ be pleased to state: TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE­ SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRIMATI KR­ (a) the number of students enrolled so ISHNA SAHI): (a) and (b). The proposal to far by the Indira Gandhi Open University; construct a National Theatre building in Delhi was first approved, in principle, in (b) the nUlnber of full time teachers so 1954. It could not be taken up for various f~r appointed; reasons including the diffi(:ulty of obtaining the site for construction. In 1985, the (c) the number of full time officers serv­ Covernment of India decided to set up the Ing the university; and Indira Gandhi National Centre f?r Arts (ICNCA) complex, which incorporates the (d) the amount of expenditure so far in­ construction of a National Thea~re building curred by the University? 131 Written Answers DECEMBER 10, 1987 Written Answers 132

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ gathan allocates the nec(j6sary funds to its PARTMENTS OF EDUCAllON AND CUl­ various Regional Offices. The Regional Of­ TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE­ fices in turn makes funds available to SOURCE DEVELOPM[NT (SHRIMATI KR­ Kendriya Vidyalayas as per norms and their ISHNA SAHI): (a) 4502 students have been needs. No earmarking of funds for individ­ enrolled in the two Diploma programmes ual schools is made at government or launched by the University in Management Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan level. and Distance Education from January, 1987. Proposal to discontinue Controls on Steel Distribution (b) Fifty six. 5133. SHRI YASHWANTRAO GADAKH (c) Eighty Five. PATIL: Will the Minister of STEEL AND MINES be pleased to state: (d) Rs.9.02 crores upto September, (a) whether Government are consider­ 1987. ing to discontinue controls on steet distri­ bution in view of improvement in the avail­ Setting up of Kendriya VKlyalayas in ability; Madhya Pradesh (b) If so, the details thereof; and 5132. SHRI SUBHASH YADAV: Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVEl­ (c) if not, the reasons therefor? OPMENT be pleased to state: THE MINISTER OF STEEL AND MINES (a) the names of districts in Madhya (SHRI M. l. FOTEDAR): (a) No statutory Pradesh which have since been selected for control on the distribution of steel exists at setting up of Kendriya Vidyalayas; present. However, the use of iron and steel has to conform to conditions governing ac­ (b) the progress made in regard to t~f' quisitions laid down in the I ron and Steel setting up of such Vidyalayas there; and (Control) Order.

(c) the funds allocated for the purpose? (b) and (c). Do not arise. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ Social Forestry Scheme in West Bengal PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUl­ TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN 5134. DR. PHUlRENU GUl-iA: Will the RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRIMAll Mtnister of ENviRONMENT AND FORESTS KRISHNA SAHI): (a) and (b). During 1987- be pleased to state: 8B,'4 new Kendriya Vidyaldyas have been sanctioned in the state of Madhya Pradp.5h at the following Places :- (a) whether the target set under social forestry schen)e in West Bengal dunng the (I) Jayant Colliery, Distt. Sidh, Sixth Five Year Plan penod has been achieved; (it) Satna, Dlstt. Satna (b) the names of the distracts in West (III) Mandsaur Distt. Mandsaur Bengal covered under the scheme during the Sixth Plan Period; (iv) GCF Jabalpur, Distt. )abalpur. (c) the targets set for the Seventh five (c) The expenditure on Kendriya Year Plan period under Social Forestry Vidyalayas is met from out of the grant re­ Scheme in West Bengal and progress made leased to Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan so far; from the N on-Plan Budget of the Govern­ (d) the ('stimated percentage of survival ment of India. The Kendriya Vidyalaya San- of these plantation; 133 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAIV\) Written Answers 134

(e) the details of central assistance given Maldah, Midnapore, Murshidabad, Nadia, to West Bengal for this purpose and ex­ Purulia, 24-Parganas, West Dinajpur. penditure incurred so far; (c) The target for afforestation is fixed (f) the progress made in reclamation of on an yearty basis. A total area of 1,26,550 wasteland in West Bengal; and ha. has been covered with afforestation during the first two years of the Seventh (g) the amount allotted to West Rengal Five Year Plan. Target for 1987-88 and for Seventh Plan period? 1988-89 is 70,000 and 85,000 has respectively. THE MIN'STER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ ISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND fORESTS (d) No systematic or scientific study has (SHRI Z. k. AI .. SARI): (a) Yes, Sir. so far been carried out for estimation of survival rate of trees planted. (b) The following districts were covered under the Social Forestry Scheme of West (e) The details of central assistance Ben~al in the 6th plan period: given to West-Bengal and the expenditure ~nk.ura, ~urdwan( Birbhum, Oarjeehng, incurred under Centralfy Sponsored Howrah, Hooghly, Jalpaiguri, Coochbehar, Schemes are as follows: (Rs. in lakhs)

Schemes Year Central Total Assistance Expenditure

National Waste­ 1985-86 106.34 104.36 lands Development 1986-87 139.36 157.93 Board Schemes

Rural Development 1985-86 1449.12 727.18 Department Schemes 1986-87 1749.89 1839.30 (NREP /RlEGP /DPAP) •

(f) Area c:;overed under all afforestation (c) whether research has been initiated schemes in West Bengal from First Plan in improving existing anti-rabies vaccine in onwards upto 1986-87 is 3,93,780 ha. view of many practical difficulties encoun­ tered in its use; and (g) The allocation of funds is done on an yearly basis. The total amount allocated to (d) whether any attempt is being made West.Sengal during the first three years of to control rabies by immunising stray dogs Seventh Plan is Rs.60.13 crores. by using any low cost method?

Oral Vaccine for Cure of Rabies THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ ISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE 5135. SHRI SATYENDRA NARAYAN (KUtv\ARI SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a) and (b). SINHA: Will the Minister of HEALTH AND No oral vaccine for curing human rabies or FAMilY WELFARE be pleased to state: canine rabies has been discovered. At­ tempts to immunize wild life species with (a) whether any oral vaccine for curing inactivated vaccines by the oral or enteric rabies has been discovered; route have been unsuccessful. Recentfy rnodified live virus vaccines for the oral (b) if not, whether any efforts are being immunisation of foxes have been devel .. made to find out such a vaccine; oped and successfully field tested in 135 Written Answers DECEMBER 10, 1987 Written Answers 136

Switzertand and Gennany. However, be .. Swami Vivekanand Govt. College, Lo­ cause of concern regarding the genetic sta­ haghat, in Pithoragarh district were re· bility and safety of live vaccines only inacti­ ceived on 5.10.82 and 13.4.82 respectivety. vated products are recommended as can­ The policy of the Govt. is not to pennit di­ didate vaccine. version of forest land for construction of buildings unless inevitable, keeping in view (c) Research conducted has resulted de· the deteriorating environment. Both the velopment of new anti-rabies tissue culture proposals have accordingly been rejected. anti-rabies vaccine in some developed Government believe that it should be pos­ countries which are effective safe and sible for the State Government to provide non-reactogenic and requires lesser num­ non-forest land for this purpose. ber of doses. Pastet;r Institute of India, Coonoor have started production of tissue (b) No, Sir. culture anti-rabies vaccine, which is under­ ~oing various standardisation. (c) Does not arise.

(d) The Government have considered a [English] proposal for live attenuated vaccine as a bait for the immunisation of stray dogs but Karur.Oindigul.Tuticorin Project did not agree to the proposed method. There is no other proposal under consider­ 5137. SHRI KADAMBUR JA· ation at the moment. NARTHANAN: Will the Minister of Mil· WAYS be pleased to state: [Translation J (a) the amount spent so f~r in the Environmental clearance to college Karur-Dindigul-Tuticorin broad gauge rail­ building in Pithoragarh District (U.P.) Way line project;

5136. SHRI HARISH RAWAT: Will the (b) whether this project is planned to be Minister of ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS compleled within the Seventh Five Year be pleased to state: Plan period; and

(a) the number of times the proposals (c) if not, the reasons therefor and the for the Construction of college building in steps taken in this regard? Pithoragarh district of Uttar Pradesh have been received for environmental clearance under the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ and the dates on which the proposal has ISTRY Of RAllW"YS (SHRI IYtADHAVRAO been received and the reasons for not SCINDIA): (a) Expenditure upto 3/87 is Rs. clearing the proposal; 40.18 crores and outlay for 1987-88 is Rs. 5.53 crore. (b) whether Government are aware that there is great discontentment among the people due to non-construction of the col­ (b) and (c). Parallel B.C. line between lege building; and Tirunelveli and Milavittan has been com­ missioned for goods tr:tffic. The new line (c) if so, the time by which clearance between Karur and Dindigul is expected to would be granted for the construction of be commissioned during the Seventh Plan, the said college building? subject to availability of funds. Considering that over Rs. 72 crore are required for THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ c.ompletion of the whole project, it will not ISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS be possible to commission the entire pro­ (SHRI Z.R. ANSARI): (a) Two proposals for ject in the Seventh Plan period. Planning College building construction, one for Commission has been requested to in­ Govt. College, Berinag and another for crease the Plan outlay for New Unes. 137 Written Answen ACRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAK4) Written Answers 138

All India Educational Survey released Rs. 55 crores as medium tenn loan to the State Government of Madhya 5138. PROF. SAIFUDOIN SOZ: Will the Pradesh for relief and rehabilitation of the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVEl­ Bhopal Gas victims. I n addition, the Indian OPMENT be pleased to state: Council of Medical Research has under­ taken a number of research projects to (a) whether the Fifth All India Educa­ study the health effects of the exposure of tional Survey has not been completed so toxic gas in Bhopal. far; and Conversion of Raj Mahal of Vijayanagar (b) if so, the time by which it would be Kings into Museum completed? 5140. SHRJ HA. DORA: Will the Minis­ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ ter of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND be pleased to state: CULTURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRJMATI (a) whether the Archaeological Survey of KRISHNA SAHI): (a) The Fifth All India Edu­ India has decided to convert the 400-years cational Survey has been taken up but not old 'Raj Mahal' Palace of the Vijaynagar completed so far. Kings into a Museum; and

(b) It is expected that most of the States (b) if so, the details thereof? wiH complete the survey by March end and the remaining by the end of April 1988. The THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ national tables for the survey are expected PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUl­ to be ready by July 1988. TtJRE IN THE MINISTRY OF HU1v1AN . RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRIMATI Medical assistance to Bhopal Gas Victims KRISHNA SAHI): (a) Yes, Sir.

5139. SHRIMATI PRABHAWATI GUPTA; (b) The Raj Mahal of Vijayanagar Kings Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMilY is a centrally protected monument at WELFARE be pleased to state: Chandragiri, District Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh. Many stone sculptures, bronzes, (a) whether victims of Bhopal Gas and coins of the Vijayanagar dynasty and tragedy are not getting adequate medical other objects were collected from the lo­ assistance; cality and neighbouring areas in the past. Therefore, it was decided to set up an ar­ (b) if so, the number of such victims chaeological museum in this monument who have died since 1984; and under the Seventh Five Year Plan. At pre­ sent organisation of the museum galleries, (c) the nature and extent of medical as­ accessioning and documenting of exhibits sistance given by Union Government to are in progress. these victims since 19847 Pollution Control Vessel for Bombay Port Trust THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ ISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE 5141. DR. A. K. PATEl: Will the Minister (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a) and (b). of SURFACE TRANSPORT be pleased to Adequate medical assistance have been/ state: are being provided to the victims of the Bhopal Gas leak disaster. The number of (a) whether global tenders were invited deaths reported as a result of exposure to by the Bombay Port Trust in 1985 for pur­ lethal gas emitted from UCC factory at chase of a pollution control vessel; Bhopal is 2850 a$ on 31 .. 10-87. (b) the cost escalation since 1985 for (c) The Central Govemment has so far acquiring the vessel; and 139 Written AnswelS DECEMBER 10, 1987 Written Answers 140

(c) the effect of pollution on the marine to plant trees on private land through insti· life in the Bombay Harbour and on others tutions; during each of the years 1985, 1986 and up to 31 October, 19871 (b) the details of scheme and the ins.titu­ tions in Thane district of Maharashtra that THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ are getting assistance and the progress ISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (SHRI RA­ made by them and actual amount given JESH PllOl : (d) Yes, Sir. and trees planted and protected by them; and (b) A vessel has not been acquired and therefore cost escalation, if any, cannot be (c) whether there is any body to super­ estimated. vise the scheme?

(c) It is not possible to determine effect THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ of pollution on marine life on year-to-year ISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS basis. (SHRI Z.R. ANSARI): (a) Yes, Sir. The Union Government are assisting District Rural De­ Proposal to provide more coaches to velopment Agency to plant trees on private Vasco-Oa-Cama-Miraj trains land of small & marginal fanners and rural poor under Social Forestry programme of 5142. SHRI SHANTARAM NAIK: Will the N.R.E.P. and R.LE.C.P. schemes of Rural Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to state: Development Department.

(a) the number of first and second class (b) No such infonnation is maintained at sleeper coaches provided on each of the national level. trains leaving Vasco-Da-Gama Station for Miraj daily; (c) Question does not arise.

(b) whether Government propose to in­ crease the number of such coaches and Survey of teprosy patients in Orissa other facilities for the passengers on this route; and 5144. SHRIMATI JAYANTI PATNAIK: Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WEL­ (c) if so, the details thereof? FARE be pleased to state:

THE MINISTER OF STAlE OF THE MIN­ (a) whether Government have made any ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MADHAVRAO survey regarding leprosy patients living in SCINDIA): (a) One I Class and three II different parts of Orissa; Class Sleeper Coaches by 205 Gomantak Passenger and two I Class coaches by 297 (b) if so, the details thereof, Mondovi Passenger are provided from Vasco-Da-Gama for Miraj daily. (c) the number of leprosy cure centres opened in the State so far, and (b) and (c). Will be considered at an ap­ propriate time. (d) the details of other treatment made available by Union Government to cure the Assistance provided to DRDA for planting leprosy patients in Orissa 7 trees THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ 5143. SHRI S.C. GHOLAP: Will the ISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAtv\ILY WELFARE Minister of ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a) and (b). be pleased to state: Survey is an inbuilt component in new case-detection of leprosy pati~nts. The (a) whether Union Government are as­ number of new cases detected in Orissa sisting District Rural Development Agency during the last four years is as under: 141 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 19, 1909 {SAM) Written Answers 142

ated during the Plan period including the Year No. of cas.es total cost of anti-leprosy drugs. Hundred per cent reimbursement of additional costs involved is also made 1983-84 36599 by the Government in the three Multi Drug Districts of Ganjam, 1984-85 31975 Puri and Cuttack.

31114 D. T.C. Railway Specials 1986-87 33303 5145. SHRI SWAMI PRASAD SINGH: (c) The infrastructure under National Will the Minister of SURFACE TRANSPORT leprosy Eradication Programme involved in be pleased to state: . the treatment of leprosy cases in Orissa is as follows: (a) whether the Delhi Transport Corpo­ ration is running Railway Specials on cer­ tain routes in Delhi; (i) leprosy Control Units (leU) --48 (b) if so, the details thereof; (ii) Urban leprosy Centres (Ule)" --16

(iii) Survey Education & Treatment (c) whether there is any proposal to link more areas in Delhi with Railway Specials; Centres (SET) --257 (iv) Temporary Hospitalisation (d) if so, the details thereof; and

Wards (THW) --11 (e) if not, the reasons therefor?

(d) All the operational activities are un­ dertaken by the respective State Govern­ ments. Under the National leprosy Eradi­ THE MINISTER Of STATE OF THE MIN­ cation Programme, Governrnent of India ISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (SHRI AA­ provide hundred per cent reimbursement JESH PilOT): (a) and (b). DTe operates the of the cost for the new infrastructure ere- following Railway Specials:--

S.No. Route No. Destination

1 2 3 1. Rl-1 New Delhi Rly. Station Gate No. II -- Nangloi J.J. Colony-It

2. Rl-2 New Delhi Rly. Station -- D-BlockJanak Puri.

3. RI ~3 Old Delhi Rly. Station -- Mehrauli.

4. Rl-4 New Delhi Rly. Station -- Gate No. II--Vlvek Vihar.

5. Rl-6 Old Delhi Rly. Station -- D-Block Janakpuri.

6. Rl-7 Old Delhi Rly. Station -- Tughlakabad Rly. Colony.

7. Rl-8 Old Delhi Rly. Station -- Mayur Vihar Phase-I.

B. Rl-9 New Delhi Rly. Station -- Gate No. II--Nand Nagri (Trml)

9. Rl-tO Old Delhi Rly. Station -- Nanak Pura Community Centre 143 Written Answers DECEMBER 10,1987 Written Answers 144

1 2 3

10. Rl·11 Old Delhi Rly. Station - Utam Nagar.

11. Rl-12 NeW Delhi Rly. Station -.. Gate No. II--Adarsh Nagar.

12. Rl·13 New Delhi Rly. Station -- Gate No. 11--Saraswati Vihar,

13. Rl-15 Old Delhi Rly. Station - Deoli.

(c) to (e). D.T.C. proposes to introduce THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE· a new Railway Special route from Vasant PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL­ Kunj to Old Delhi Rly. Station. TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE­ SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRIMATI KR­ English Medium Schools run by Delhi ISHNA SAHI): (a) No, Sir. Administration (b) Does not arise. 5146. SHRI SWAMI PRASAD SINGH: Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE (c) No, Sir. DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state: (d) to (f). Do not arise. (a) whether the Delhi Administration to facilitate people to educate their children Opening of new CGHS dispensaries on public school tines, runs certain schools exclusively for girls in English medium; 5147. SHRIMATI D.K BHANDARI: Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WEL­ (b) if so, their locations locality-wise; FARE be pleased to state: (a) whether Government propose to (c) whether the Delhi Administration open more CGHS dispensaries under all~ also runs certain schools exclusively for pathic, homoeopathic and unani system of boys tn English medium; medicines in Delhi;

(d) if so, their k>cations also local­ (b) if so, the names of areas identified ity-wise; for this; and

(e) whether the Administration pro­ (c) if not, the reasons therefor? poses to open such more schools during 1987 and 1988 in certain other parts of the THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ city; and ISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMILY WELfARE (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a) to (c). (f) if so, the names of localities identified Following dispensaries/units are proposed for the purpose? to be opened in Delhi:--

1. Shalimar Bagh. 1 Allopathy Dispensary.

2. Pragati Vihar Complex. 1 Allopathy Dispensary.

3. location yet to be 1 Unant Unit. decided. 145 Written Answel'S ACRAHAYANA 19,1909 (SAIV\) Written Answers '46

[Trans/atron} wagons with the Railways upto the end of October, 1987; and Examination for non-technical jobs in Madras (c) the policy of the Railways regarding transportation of perishable items throue:h 5148. SHRI BAlWANT SINGH refrigerated wagons1 RA/IA 00WAll A: DR. CHINTA MOHAN: THE MINISTER Of STATE OF THE MIN­ Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MADHAVRAO pleased to state: SCINDIA): (a) No, Sir. A few refrigerated vans were manufactured in the past for (a) whether it is a fact that examination transportation of perishable items but the for non-technical jobs in Railways was held same were not sufficiently patronised. in Madras in November, 1987; (b) At present only 4 refrigerated vans (b) if so, the number of candidates ap­ are available with the Railways. peared in this examination; (c) Railways are already transporting (c) whether it is also a fact that the substantial quantum of perishable traffic question papers of this examination had like fruit and fish in brake-vans of passen­ leaked out prior to the examination; ger carrying trains, parcel vans as also in goods wagons. (d) if so, the facts in this regard; and Monopoly of Private Institutes for (e) whether Government have c~n­ Computer Training ducted an inquiry into this case and if so, the details thereof? 5150. SHRI SALEEM I. SHERVANI: Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DE­ THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ VELOPMENT be pleased to state: ISTRY OF RAilWAYS (SHRI MADHAVRAO SCINDIA); (a) Yes, Sir. (a) whether Government are aware that private institutes which conduct courses in (b) About 1,79,000 candidates were computer programmes for training com­ called for the written examinations held by puter software personnel are very expen­ Railway Recruitment Board, Madras. sive and they have a sort of monopoly in this field in the absence of Govemment in­ (c) There is no such report. stitutes training computer professionals;

(d) and (e). Do not arise. (b) if so, the steps Government propose to take in this regard; and [English] (c) if not, the reasons therefor? Refrigerated Wagons for Transportation of Perishable Food Items THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ PARTMENTS Of EDUCATION AND CUL­ 5149. SHRI VIJAY N. PATH.: Will the TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE­ Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to state: SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRIMATI KR­ ISHNA SAHI): (a) The matters relating to (a) whether Government have fixed tar­ planning computer manpower generaUy get to provide refrigerated wagons for are looked after by the Department of Elec­ quick and safe transportation of perishable tronics. On the basis of information fur­ food items during the Seventh Five Year nished by that Department, while Private Plan; 1 nstitutes conducting courses for training computer software personnel do tend to (b) if so, the number of refrigerated charge substantial fees, it is not true that 147 Written Answers DECEMBER 10, 1987 Written Answers 148 they have a monopoly in the field. There centives in the form of exemption from are around 300 Govemmtnt and Govt. capital gains tax. The Factories Act, 1948, Aided I nstitutions in the country imparting has recently been amended to incorporate computer education. . inter-alia appointment of Site Appraisal Committee by State Governments for the (b) To meet the fast growing demand purposes of permission for the initial loca­ for trained computer personnel, the de.. tion of a factory involving hazardous pro­ partment of Electronics is contemplating cess or for the expansion of such factories. the following further steps:-- (c) The number of major and medium (i) I ntroduction of computer courses category of chemical units as in the year (including new ones) for students 1984 are- and faculty members in more universities and other institutions. (i) Inorganic chemicals -- 199

(ii) Setting up of 4 tndian Institutes (ii) Organic chemicals -- 193 for I nformatics Technology in the country. 65 per cent of the above units had pro­ vided effluent treatment plants as of the (iii) Involvement of selected Private year 1984. Institutions for supplementing Government's efforts to meet Formation of National Research Cadre manpower requirements. 5152. SHRI SAIFUDDIN CHOWDHARY: (c) Does not arise. Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state: Shifting of Chemical Units (a) whether any action has been taken 5151. SHRI D.P. JADEJA: Will the Minis­ in pursuance of the letter of Minister of ter of ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS be Human Resource Development (vide pleased to state: No.F.19-26/87 -U.I(DESK), Octo.13/15, 1987) regarding fonnation of National Re­ (a) whether Government have identified search Cadre; and all the towns in the country which have chemical based factories; (b) if so, the details thereof?

(b) the steps taken to move such pol­ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ luting and potentially dangerous factories PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL­ away from the towns; and TURE IN THf MINISTRY Of HUMAN RE­ SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRIMATI KR­ (c) the details of any such study or sur­ ISHNA SAHI): (a) and (b). No, Sir. The vey done? proposal under consideration involves the revision of the rates of Research Fellow­ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ ships and Associateships, the scales of pay ISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS of Research Scientists, and other terms and (SHRI Z.R.ANSARI): (a) No, Sir. However, conditions of their service. the Central Board for Prevention and Con­ trol of Water Pollution has prepared an in­ [Translation J ventory of major and medium water pol­ luting industries including chemical indus­ Special Pay to the 4mployees for ob­ tries in the country, in which towns are servins Small Family Norm also identified. 5153. SHRIMATI CHANDRESH KU­ (b) The factories are encouraged to shift MARl: Will the Minister of HEALTH AN 0 away itom dties and towns by financial in- FAMILY WELFARE be pleased to state: 149 Written AnS\vers AGRAHAYANA 19,1909 (SAAA) Written Answers 150

(a) whetller special pay is given to the [English} Central Govemment employees for ob­ serving the small family norm; Jabalpur Rye-Pass

(b) if so, the rules in this regard and the 5154. SHRI AJAY MUSHRAN: Will the special pay given therefor; Minister of SURFACE TRANSPORT be pleased to state: (c) whether such a special pay is also given to the permanent employees of the (a) whether the complete plan for con­ State Government of Himachal Pradesh; struction of the bye-pass around Jabalpur Town has since been finalised and ap­ (d) whether this special pay is not ad­ proval in consultation with the State Gov­ missible to those permanent employees of ernment; State Governments who get appointment in the Central Government through proper (b) if so, the details thereof; and channel; and (c) if not, the reasons therefor? (e) if so, the reasons therefor and the action being taken by Union Government THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ to compensate the employees or the loss ISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (SHRI RA­ suffered on this account? JESH PilOT): (a) to (c). Of the 22.4 Km. long Jabalpur bye-pass, work of construe· THE MINISTER Of STATE IN THI: MIN­ tion of Tilwara Ghat Bridge and its ap­ ISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE proaches have since been sanctioned and (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a) and (b): the work is in progress. The alignment for Central Government employees are given a the remaining length of 16.5 Krns. has been special Increment in the form of personal finalised in consultation with the State pay, not to be absorbed in future increases Government. of pay, on their accepting permanent methods of contraception after three or Non-availability of services of Gynaeco­ less number of surviving children. logist in Emergency Ward in AIIMS

(c) The State Government of Himachal 5155. SHRI HAFIZ MOHD.SIDDIQ: Will Pradesh gives one advance increment in the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMilY WEL­ the form of personal pay on undergoing FARE be pleased to state: sterilisation operation after one to three surviving childr~n. (a) whether the Emergency Ward of the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New (d) and (e). State Government employ­ Delhi does not have the services of a Gy­ ees who are appointed on a post under the naecologist for emergent cases; Central Government on deputation basis (b) whether the same is the case With and who opt for their own grade pay plus the Emergency Wards of other Central deputation allowance, continue to draw Government hospitals in the Capital; personal pay on account of small family norm dS drawn by them under the State (c) if so, whether Government propose Government. In case they opt for the scale to provide the services of one Gynaecolo­ of pay of the post under the Central Gov­ gist on Emergency duty in All India Institute ernment, they continue to draw personal of Medical Sciences and other Central pay on account of small family nonn as Government hospitals; and long as pay in the scale of deputation post is fixed with reference to their basic pay in (d) if not, the reason therefor? their cadre post without taking into ac­ count personal pay. They continue to draw THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ this benefit even on pennanent absorption ISTRY OF HEALTH AND FMillY WELFARE in Central G9vemment. (KUt\-1ARI SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a) It is not 151 Written Answers DECEMBER 10, 1987 Written Answers 152

correct that the Emergency Ward of the Ail entered as forest land as wen as revenue India Institute of Medical Sciences does not land and allotted to cultivators by lawful have the services of a Gynaecologist for authorities over a decade back are causing emergent cases. avoidable harassment to the allottees in Kota and Jhalawar Districts of Rajasthan. (b) The services of a Gynaecologist are available on aU duty in the Emergency (b) what policy has been worked out by Wards or other Central Government hospi· the forest Department to settle such dis­ tals in the capital. putes; and

(c) and (d). Do not arise. (c) how much area and how many culti­ vators are reported to be affected by such Orthopaedic Implants lying unused in double entries? Dr.R.M.L Hospital THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ 5156. SHRI NARAYAN CHOUBEY: Will ISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WEL­ (SHRI Z.R. ANSARI): (a) to (c) Details are FARE be pleased to state: being collected from the State Government and will the placed on the Table of the (a) whether Orthopaedic implants House. worth lakhs of rupees purchased during 'NAM' are lying unused in the Orthopaedic Scheme to link development with Re­ Department of Dr.R.M.L Hospital since duction of Population then; 5158. SHRJ R.M. BHOYE: Will the Minis­ (b) if so, the reasons therefor; ter of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE be pleased to state: (c) whether any responsibility has been fixed for non-utilisation of the said im­ (a) whether Government propose to plants; launch a scheme to link up development with reduction of population; and (d) if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor; and (b) if so, the details thereof?

(e) whether the implants will be put to THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ use now? ISTRY OF HEALTH AND fAMILY WELfARE (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a) and (b). THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ No specific scheme to link up development I~TRY OF HEALTH AND FM-tILY WELFARE with reduction of population is under con· (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a) to (e). sideration of the Govemment of India. The one-man Enquiry Committee consist· ing of Dr I<.P.Mathur, a fonner Medical Su­ Award of Research FeHowships by Nehru perintendent of Dr. R.M. L. Hospital, consti­ Memorial Museum and Ubrary tuted on 9th June,1986 for the purpose of investigating equipments lying unutilised in 5159. SHRI MANIK REDDY: Will the Central Government Hospitals has not yet Minister of HU~N RESOURCE DEVEL­ submitted its report. OPMENT be pleased to state:

Harassment of land aIIottees in Raj_than (a) the number of Research Fellowships awarded by the Nehru Memorial Museum 5157. SHRI JUJHAR SINGH: Will the and Ubrary each year and at what level; Minister of ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS (b) the procedure of selecting these be pleased to state: Fellowships; and (a) whether the areas simultaneously (c) whether any Research Faculty exists 153 Written Answers ACRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (~) Written Answers 1 S4 in the Nehru Memorial Museum and li~ (b) tf so, the details thereof; brary? (c) the names of those of the said pro... THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE· motees who had been posted to Moscow PARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND CUL~ at the time of their selection; TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN R:::­ SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRlMATI KR­ (d) whether any of those have applied ISHNA SAHI): (a) and (b). There is no fixed for their return to India to join as Vice-Prin­ number of fellowships awarded during a cipals; and particular year but as and when they fall vacant, fresh selections are made. There (e) if so, the details thereof? are 26 f~lIows at present. The fellows are selected on the basis of recommendations THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ of Selection Comrrnttees constituteci by the PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL­ Executive Council and are awarded VJith TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE­ the approV'al of Executive Council of the SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRIMATI KR­ Museum and I ibrary Society. ISHNA SAHI): (a) and (b). 408 PCTs were considered by the Departmental Promotion (c) The organisation has a Research and Committee and a panel of 137 names was Publication Unit. prepared for promotion to the post of Vice Principal Central Universities during 7th Plan (c) to (e). 3 peTs viz., Shri 8.S.Sharma, 5160. SHRI MANIK REDDY: Will the R.N.'Singh and Shrimati S.Cangal were of­ Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVlL­ fered promotion as Vice-Principals subse­ OPMENT be pleased to state: quent to their joining as PCTs at Kendriya Vidyalaya, Moscow. They have declined the (a) the number of Central Universities offers of coming back to India to join as which are expected to come up in the Sev­ Vice-Principals for the present. enth Plan period; and Knowledge of Parli~men·ary System (b) the details of programmes, if any, amongst the Youth drawn up in this regard? 5162. SHRI N. DENNIS: Will the Minis­ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ ter of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUl­ be pleased to state the details of the steps TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE­ taken to promote knowledge of parliamen­ SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRIMATI KR­ tary system amongst the youth? ISHNA SAHI): (a) and (b). It is proposed to establish one Central University each in As­ THE MINISTER OF HUMAN RESOURCE sam and Nagaland. The detailed project DEVELOPMENT AND MINISTER OF reports for these Universities have not HE1lTH AND FAMILY WELFARE (SHRI been finalised. P.V. NARASIMHA RAD): The Bureau of Par­ liamentary Studies and T rajning of the lok Panel of Vice-Principal Promotees of Sabha Secretariat gives training on Parlia­ K.V.S. mentary System to the National Service Scheme Programme Coordinators in the 5161. SHRI ~NVENDRA SINGH: Will Universities and the Youth Coordinators of the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DE; Nehru Yuva Kendras to disseminate the VElOPMENT be pleased to state: same to the Naftonal Service Scheme stu­ dents and Non-students respectively. The (a) whether the Departmental Promo­ Bureau is also conducting appreciation tion Committee prepared a panel of Vice­ courses for Plofessors/Lecturers of the Principal promotees in 1987-88 session in Universities and Colleges with the expecta­ Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan; tion that they would be undertaking ,the 155 Written Answers DECEMBER 10, 1987 Written Answers 156 task of conducting Model Parliaments at ments the State Governments' efforts by their respective institutions. supplying medicines worth Rs. 2,000/- per annum for Sub-Centres, established after This Department has also issued in­ 1.4.81. In addition Govemment of India structions to the Programme Coordinators provides to State Governments drugs re­ of all the Universities to teach the National qUired under certain National Health Pro­ Service Scheme students about the Parlia­ grammes and vaccines for the vaccine pre­ ment and its function during National Ser­ ventable diseases. vice Scheme Regular and Special Camping Programmes. Manufacture of Special Type of Wagons by Industrial Complexes Knowledge of the Parliamentary system is also imparted to students through 5164. SHRI R.M.BHOYE: Will the Minis­ lessons in Social Studies. Youth parliament ter of RAILWAYS be pleased to state: competitions are also organised by the Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs. (a) whether the Railways propose to al­ low industrial complexes to use their own WHO's Cuidelin~ Re: Requirement of special type of wagons for the transport of Drugs special products like ammonia, which is unsafe to be carried in ordinary tanks or 5163. SHRI H. 8. PA1IL: Will the Mini­ other special type of wagons of the Rail­ ster of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE be ways; pleased to state: (b) if not, whether there is any proposal (a) whether World Health Organisation to manufacture such wagons at the cost of has given guidelines regarding requirement Railways and offer them to their clients; of drugs for the 'Primary health care'. and

(b) if so, the details thereof; and (c) if so, the likely bases of the charges to be levied? (c) the measures Government have taken or propose to take for the benefit of THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ rural population as two thirds of our pop­ ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MADHAVRAO ulation do not get even the most basic life SCI N DIA): (a) Yes, Sir. saving drugs? (b) Does not arise. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ ISTRY OF HEALTH AND fAMILY WELfARE (c) Does not arise. (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a) No, Sir.

(b) Question does not arise. (Translation I

(c) While the State Governments are re­ Stoppage of 137/138 Chhatisgarh Express ~ponsible for ensuring the supply of the at Ganjbasuda Station h,tsic life saving drugs and medicines for preventive and promotive health care, the 5165. SHRI RAJ KUtv\AR RAt: Will the Director General of Health Services has, in Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to state: consultation with the Directors of Health Services drawn up a list of essential (a) whether there is any proposal to medicines, which should be generally stop the 137/138 Chhatisgarh Express at available thr0ughout the year in the Pri· Canjbasuda Station on Central Railway; mary Health Centres within the funds aho­ and cated to take care of most of the common ailments reported at the Primary Health (b) if so, the time by which this facility is Centres. The Central Government supple- likely to be provided? 157 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAIV\) Written Answers 158

THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ pleased to refer to the reply given to Un­ ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MADHAVRAO starred Question No.1014 on 24 July, 1986 SCINDIA): (a) No, Sir. and state:

(b) Does not arise. (a) the breakup of the Railways Corpo­ rate Plan envisaging the construction of {English} 3'lOO Kms. of new railway lines during the period 1985-2000; Survival Rate of Trees/Saplings (b) the total addition to the railway 5166. PROF. NARAIN CHAND PARA­ network in the construction of new railway SHAR: Will the Minister of ENVIRONMENT lines during the first half of the Seventh AND FORESTS be pleased to state. Plan and net addition planned to be made in the net-work during the remaining half (a) whether Government have under­ of the plan; and taken any sample survey of the figures pro­ vided by State Governments/Central De­ (c) whether any priorities for completing partments regarding survival of trees/ any of the on-going projects have been saplings during various Van Mahotasava given in this regard for each of the Seventh, drives since they 'were launched in the Eighth and Ninth Plans, covering this pe· country; ri-od and the details thereo( Zone-wise?

(b) if so, the rate of survival of such THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ plantations of trees/saplings as revealed by ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI IVtADHAVRAC the survey for each State/Union Territory SCINDIA): (a) 3000 Kms. is an indicativt: during the Sixth and Seventh Year Plan figure and not a specific target. No detailed separately; break-up has been made so far.

(c) if not, whether such a survey would (b) and (c). New rail lines covering a be undertaken and the necessary correc­ length of 204 Km. have been commis­ tions applied; and sioned from April 1985 to September '87. Another 164 Km. are planned to be com­ (d) the likely date by whi-ch it would be missioned by March 1988. Targets for done? commissioning of new lines in the last 2 years of the Seventh Plan and ;n Eighth & THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ Ninth Plans will depend on resources that ISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS are allocated for new lines in the An­ (SHRI Z. R. ANSARI) (a) No, Sir. nual/five Year Plans to be finalised by the Planning Commission. (b) Question does not arise. History Books Prepared by ICHR (c) and (d)·. There is no proposal to take up a sample survey regarding survival of 5168. PROF. NARAIN CHAND PARA­ trees saplings planted durjng various Van SHAR: Will the Minister of HUMAN RE­ Mahutsava drives. However, it has been SOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to decided to conduct a sample survey of sur­ state: vival rate of trees planted in the last 5 years under different afforestation schemes in 5 (a) the names ot 86 Titles (of Books in States viz. Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, History) which have been prepared under Uttar Pradesh, and West Bengal. different Indian Languages under the ageis On-Going Railway Projects and New of the Indian Council of Histoncal Research Railway Lines (Corporate Plan) (I.C.H.R.), alongwith the names of the lan­ guages; 5·,67. PROF. NARAIN CHAND PARA­ SHAR: Will the Minister of RAILWAYS b~ ( b) whether the documents on the In- 159 Written Answers DECEMBER 10, 1987 Written Answers 160 dian Revolutionary Movement abroad, the beJow were selected by the Indian Council Indian National Army and the History of of Historical Research. 340 manuscripts Praja Mandai Movement have since been were prepared in different languages out of published and if so, the names of the Ian· which 63 books as per details given in the guages concerned; and statement r, below have been published and action for the publication of the rest of (c) if not, the likely date by which these the manuscripts is in progress. would be published?

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE· (b) and (c). The compilation of docu- PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL­ ments on I ndian Revolutionary Movement TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE· abroad has been completed and is being SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRltvtATI KR· processed for publication. The work on the ISHNA SAHI): (a) Under the programme of Indian National Army and History of Praja translation of textbooks or reference lit­ Mandai Movement is at different stages of erature in history for higher education for compilation. Efforts are being made by the translation into 12 Indian languages, 86 ti­ Council for the publication of these docu­ tles as per list is given in the Statement I ments as early as possible.


86 titles (of books in history) which were proposed to be Ufldertaken for translation into different Indian languages. Indication of languages into which these titles were to be translated are termed as 'A', '8' and '81' 'A' stands for 12 languages, viz. Assamese, Bengali, Gujrati, Hindi, Kanarese, Malaya/am, Marathi, Oriya, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu and Urdu.

'8' stands for 4 languages, viz, Bengali, Hindi, Marathi and Tamil.

'81' indicates the additional languages in which the titles under '8' were to be translated.

st. No. Names of Cat. of Titles Author languages

1 2 3 4 1. D.O. Kosambi A Culture and Civil1zation of AnCient India an Historical Outline.

2. D.O. Kosambi 8+81 An Introductton to the study ot India (G, P) History.

3. Hem Chandra Ray A Political History of Ancient 1ndian. Choudhuri

4. R.S. Sharma A Shudras in Ancient India (A Survey of the poSition of the lower orders down to circa A. D. 500).

5. R..S. Sharma A Aspects of Political Ideas and \\1"-1tlttJtions In Ancient India.

6. R.S. Sharma A Indian Feudalism.

7. Narendra Vagle A Society at the Time of Buddha. 161 Written Answers ACRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAM) Written Answers 162

1 2 3 4

8. Devraj Chanana A Slavery in Ancient India as depicted in Pali and Sanskrit texts.

9. Suvira Jaiswal A Origin and Development of Vaishnavism.

10. 0.0: Kosambi 8+B1 Myth and Reality. (G, P)

11. D.N. Jha A Revenue System in post-Maurya and Gupta times.

12. A.K. Narain B Indo Greeks

13. KA. N jlkanta Sastri A The Colas

14. N. Subrarrldnian A Sangam Polity

15. Romila Thapar A Ashoka and the Decline of the Mauryas

16. Romila Thapar A A History of India Vol. I

17. Bipan Chandra A Communalism and the Writing of Harbans Mukhia Indian History Romila Thapar

18. U.N. Ghoshal 8+Bl Contribution to the History (GPAM of Hindi Revenue System TCK) 19. U.N. Gf:loshal 8+B1 A History of Indian Political (GPAM Ideas. 1('11

20. KA. N ilkanta A A History of South India Sastri 21. Jetendra Nath d+Bl Development of Hindu Iconography Banerjee (I<)

22. N iharaanjan B+Bl Bengalirlrihas Ray (AO)

23. O.M. Bose Nil A concise History of Science and Bronze

24. D.P. Agarwal A The Copper Bronze Age in India

25. Yazdani A 1 he Early H islory of the Deccan, Vol. ,

26. Motichandra A Sarthavaha

27. Subba Rao A The Personality of India

28. D.C. Sircar A Indian Epigraphy 163 Written Answers DECEMBER 10, 1987 Written Answers 164

1 2 3 4

29. R.C. Dutt A The Economic History of India, Vol. I and II

30. A.R. Desai A Social Background of Indian Nationalism

31. R. Palme Dutt A India Today

32. S.N. Sen A 1857

33. S. Gopal A British Policy in India.

34. Bipan Chandra A The Rise and Growth of Economic Nationalism in India

35. A.Tripathi B+B1 The Extremist Challenge India between (K) 1890-1910

36. A. Bagchi A Private Investment in India 1900-1950

37. S. Gopal B+B1 Thp Viceroyalty of lord Irwin (U)

38. S.Gopal 6+B1 The Viceroyalty of Lord Ripon (GPU)

39 H.l. Singh B+B1 Problems and Pohcies of the (M) British Empire in India.

40. N.K. Sinha B+B1 Economic History of Bengal, (AOP) Vol. I, II and III

41. S. Bhattacharya A Financial Foundations of the British Raj.

42. M.N. Roy A India in Transition

43. D.R. Gadgil A Industrial Evaluation of India in Recent Times.

44. A.S.M. Habibulah A The Foundation of Muslim Rule in India.

45. K.M. Ashraf A life and Conditions of the People of H industan

46. Prof. M. Hatab A A comprehensive History of India, &KA. Nizami Vol. V

47. Prof. M. Habib A Political Theory of the Delhi & Saleem Khan Sultanate

48. Irian Habib A The Agrarian System of Muslim India. 165 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAM) Written Answers 166

1 2 3 4

49. M. AtharAli A The Mughal Nobility under Aurangzeb.

50. P. Saran A The Provincial Government ot the Moghals.

51. R. P. T ripathl A Svnle Aspects of Muslim Administration in India.

52. Ibu Hasan B The Central Structure of the Mughal Empire.

53. N .A. SiddiquI A Land Revenue Administration under the Mughals.

54. Moreland A India at the Death of Akbar.

55. Moreland A From Akbar to Aurangzeb.

56. Satish Chandra A Parties and Politics at the Mughal Court.

57. Tapan Ray 8+B1 Bengal under Akbar and Jahangir.. Choudhuri (AO)

58. T.V. Mahalingam A Administration and Social Life under the Vijayanagar Empire.

59. T.V. Mahalingam A Economic Ufe in the Vijayanagar Empire.

60. Jadunath Sarcar A India under Aurangzeb.

61. Jadunath Sarcar 8+81 Shivaji and his Times (CPU)

62. S. NUNI Hasan A Thoughts on Agrarian Relations in Mughal India.

63. KR. Kanungo A Shershah and his Times.

64. T.V. A South India Polity. Mahalingam

65, R. S. Sharma A Social Changes in Earty Medieval India

66. R.S. Sham1a A light on Early I ndian Society and Economy.

67. V.S. ~ga"",al A Harash ~harita EK Sanskritik Adhyana.

68. R.S. Rungta 8+B1 The Rise of Business Corporation (GTeU) in India. 167 Written Answers DECEMBER 10, 1987 Written Answers 168

1 2 3 4 69. Arnales T.ripathi B Trade and Finance in Bengal.

70. Bima! Prasad B+B1 Origins of r ndia's Foreign (KU) Policy

71. disheswar B+81 Foundations of India's Foreign Prasad (GPlJ~ Policy.

72. H.D. A Prehistory and Protohistory Sankalia of India and Pakistan

73. H.D. A Some Aspects of Prehistory Sankalia technology in India.

74. S.C: Sircar 8+B1 Bengal Renaissance and other (AGMOP) esSc:1YS.

75. S.B. Choudhuri A Civil Disturbances during the British Rule in Premutiny in India.

76. Tarachand B+Bl Influence of Islam in Indian (GM) Culture.

77. Sumit Sarcar A Swadeshi Movement in Bengal

78. Mohmed Habib A Sultan Mahmud of Chaznin.

79. R.V. Nadkami 6+B1 Rise and fall of Maratha Empire (U)

80. A. Sarda Raju B Economic Conditions in Madras Presidency.

81. Ananda A History of I ndian and Indonesian Coomaraswamy Art.

82. B.Shejk Ali B+81 British Relation with Haider Ali (KMTU) 1760-1782.

83. Mohibul Hasan B+B1 A History of Tipu Sultan. (KN\Te)

84. S.N. Sen and A A concise History of Science in India. other Editors

85. P.C. Joshi A Rebellion (1857)

86. Manoranjan j ha B Katherine Mayo and India.

Note: Abbreviations used in brackets. A _ Assamese 0- Oriya G - Gujrati p. Punjabi K - Kanarese Te - Telugu M - Malayalarn U - Urdu 169 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAKA) Written Answers 170


Books translated and published

SI. Name of the book Author's Name language No. in which translated

1 2 3 4

1. Thoughts on Agrarian S. Nurul Hasan Tamil Relations in Mughall ndia.

2. Thoughts on Agrarian S. Nurul Hasan Hindi Relations in Mughal India.

3. Social Changes in Early Medieval India R.S. Sharma Hindi

4. Social Changes in Early Medieval India R.S. Sharma Urdu

5. Myth & Reality D.O. Kosambi Hindi

6. Social Background A.R. Desai Hindi of Indian Nationalism 1st Edition.

7. The Rise and Fall of R.V. Nadkarni Hindi the Maratha Empire

8. The Origin and Suvira Jaiswal Hindi Development of Vaisnavism.

9. India at the Death V. H. Moreland Hindi of Akbar.

10. Financial Foundations S. Bhattacharya Hindi of the British Raj.

11. Problems and Policies Hiralal Singh Hindi of the British Raj in India.

12. Communalism and the Romila Thapar, Bengali Writing of Indian Harbans Mukhia, History. Bipan Chandra

13. The Early History Yazdani Hindi of Duccan 171 Written Answers DECEMBER 10,1987 Written Answer,) 172

1 2 3 4

14. India Today R. Palme Dutt Hindi

15. ~pects of Political R.S. Shanna Hindi Ideas & InstitutiOilS in Ancient India.

16. The Rise and Growth Bipan Chandra Hindi of Economic Nationalism in India.

1? Asoka and the Decline Romila f napar Hindi of Ma~ryas.

18. Land Revenue N .A. Siddiqui Hindi Administration under the Mughals.

19. Revenue System in D.N. Jl1a Hindi Post-Maurya and Gupta Times.

20. The MughaJ Nobility M. AtharAli Hindi under AurangzeL.

21. Social Changes RS. Shanna Marathi in Early Medieval India

22. Myth & Reality D.O. Kosambi Marathi

23. The Origins of India's Simla Prasad Urdu Foreign Policy.

24. land Revenue N .A. Siddiqui Urdu Administration under the Mughals.

25 Social Changes in R.S. Sharma Bengali Early Medieval India.

26. 'ndian Feudalism R.S. Sharma Bengali

27. Parties and Politics Satish Chandra Bengali at the Mughal Court.

28. Delhi Sultanate M. Habib & Hindi Vol. I K.A,Nizami

29. Delhi Sultanate do Hindi Vol. II

30. light on Early Indian R.S. Sharma Hindi Society & Economy. 173 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAKA) Written Answers 174

1 2 3 4

31. India Today R. Palme Dutt Tamil

32. Ketherine M3yo and M.Jha Marathi India.

33. Thoughts on Agrarian S. Nurul Hasan Marathi Relations in Mughal India.

34. Slavery in Ancient Dev Raj Chanana Marathi India, as depicted in Pali & Sanskrit Texts.

35. Communalism and tht Romila Thepar, Cujarati Writing of Indian Harbans Mukhia, History. Bipan Chandra

36. Social Changes in R.S. Sharma Gujarati Early Medieval India.

37. The History of B.P. Saxena Urdu Shahjahan of Delhi.

38. The Industrial D.R. Gadgil Urdu Evolution of Indian in Recent Times, 1860-1939.

39. The Rise of Business R.S. Rungta Urdu Corporations in India.

40. Social Changes in R.S. Sharma Malaya lam Early Medieval India.

41. Communalism and the Romila Thapar Malayalam Writing of Indian History

42. Financial Foundations S. Bhattacharya Bengali of the British Raj

43. The Mughal Nobility M. Athar Ali Bengali under Aurangzeb.

44. Shudras in Ancient R.S. Sharma Hindi India.

45. The Chotas KN. Sastri Hindi

46. Sultan Mahmud of M. Habib Hindi Ghaznin. 175 Written Answers DECEMBER 10, 1987 Written Answers 170

1 2 3 4

47 Social Changes)n R.S. Sharma Tamil Early Medieval India.

48. Ust on Early Indian R.S. Sharma Marathi Society & Economy.

49. Thoughts on Agrarian S. Nurul Hasan Cujarati Relations in Mughal India.

50. The Economic History of R.C. Dutt Urdu India- VoU

51. The Economic History ot R.C. Dutt Urdu India - VoUI

52~ Shudras in Ancient India R.S. Sharma Urdu

53. Political Theory of M. Habib Urdu. Delhi Sultanate. S. Khan

54. Sangam Polity N. Subramanian Kannada

55. A History of India Romila Thapar Kannada VoU

56. Land Revenue Administra- N.A. Siddiqui Bengali tion under the Mughals.

57. ute and Conditions of KM. Ashraf Bengali the People of H industan

58. A History of India- Romila Thapar Bengali VoU

59. From Akbar to W.H. Moreland Urdu Aurangzeb

60 The Cholas KA. N ilkanta Urdu Sastri

61. The Foundation of Muslim A.B.M. Habibullah Urdu Rule in India

62. Administration and T.V. Mahalingam Urdu Social Ufe under the Vijayanagar Empire

63. From Akbar to Moreland Kannada Aurangzeb

AU the books have been translated from English. 177 Written Answers ACRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAIV\) Written Answers 1 7 B

Introduction of a Superfast Train be· THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ tween Howrah and Puri ISTRY OF HEALTH AND fMtllY WELFARE (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a) and (b),' 516Y. SHRt CHINTAl'MNI JENA: Will Covernm\nt has received recently a report the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to of self-medication of Coldarin tablets, an state: Aspirin formulation, which was said to be induced by T.V.advertisement. Mis Boots (a) whether there is no superfast train Co.(lndia) Ltd., Bombay of its own has sus· between Howrah and Puri; pended T.V. advertisement of Coldarin. Government, as a measure of abundant (b) if so, whether Government propose caution, has written to State Drug Con­ to introduce a superfast train between trollers to confirm that manufacturers of As­ Howrah and Puri like Koval Express or Hi­ pirin formulations are giving the requisite malayan Queen; and cautionary and warning notes about side­ effects and non-administration of these to (c) if so, the details thereof? children below 12 years of age.

[Translation] THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ rSTRY OF RAllWAY~ (SHRI MADHAVRAO Kendriya Vidyalayas in Chhot~ Nagpur SCI NOlA): (a) Yes, Sir. Area

(b) No, Sir. 5171. SHRIMATI SUMATI ORAON: Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DE­ (c) Does not arise. VELOPMENT be pleased to state the names of the places in Chhota Nagpur Self-Medication where Kendriya Vidyalayas have been opened? 5170. SHRI JACANNATH PAITNAIK: Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ WELFARE be pleased to state: PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL­ TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE­ (a) whether Government have received SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRIMATI KR­ reports about the people indulging in self­ ISHNA SAHI): A statement indicating the medication induced by the advertisements location of Kendriya Vidyalayas in the State of some multinational companies; and of Bihar is given below. Further, during 1987-88, three more Kendriya VidyaJayas, (b) if· so, the measures Government one each at Tata Nagar, Sonepur and Kha~ have taken in this regard so far? gaul (Danapur) have been sanctioned.


SI.No. Name of existing Kendriya Vidvalayas in Bihar as on 31.3.1987

1 2 1. sect., Koyla Nagar, Destt. Dhanbad.

2. Old DVS, Building, Dhanbad.

3. Bokaro No.1, Bokaro Steel City, Distt. Dhanbad.

4. Bokaro No.2, Bokaro Steel City, Distt. Dhanbad.

5. Barauni No.1, Fertilizer Corpn.of India, Barauni, Distt.Begusarai. 179 "'ritten Answer~ DECEMBER 10, 1987 Written Answers 180 I

1 2

6. Barauni No.2, Indian OU Corpn.ltd.,Barauni Refinery Township, Distt.Begusarai.

7. Bhandaridah, Distt. Ciridah.

8. Central Coalfields ltd., Karo Special ProjPct, PO Sunday Bazar, Dstt. Giridah.

9. Bhurkunda, H;tzaribagh.

"10. Patratu, Ostt. Hazaribagh.

11 . BSF Training Centre & School, Maru Cantt. Hazari Bagh.

12. Ramgarh Cantt. Distt. Hazari Bagh.

13. Bageshwari Road, Caya No.1.

14. Gaya No.2, ASC Centre (North), Paharpur, Gaya.

15. Pyarites Phosphates & Chemicals ltd., Am;hor, Distt.Rohtas.

16. Uanapur Cantt.

1'7 Samastipur.

18. Chakradharpur, Distt.Singhbhum.

19. Hindustan Copper ltd., PO Ghatsila, Singhbhum.

20. Megha~tuburu, Distt. Singhbhum.

21. ;amalpur, Distt. Monghyr.

22. Jawahar Nagar, PO Suthihara, Distt. Sitamarhi,

23. Karkar Bagh, Patna.

24. Dipatoli, P.O. Ran,:hi-034009.

25. Heavy Engineering Corp. No.1, Jagannath Nagar, Ranchi.

26. Heavy Engineering Corp.No.II,Dhurwa Ranchi.

27. P.O.Hinoo, Ranchi.

28. Central Coalfields ltd., Dakra Bukbuka, North l(aranpura Area, P.O.Khalari, Distt. Ranchi

29. Air Force Station, Singharshi.

30. Cpo Centre, CRPF Campus, Khamehghat 181 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (S;UV\) Written Answers 182

1 2

31. Govindpur Area, Distt. Dhanbad.

32. Bhuli Township, Distt. Dhanbad.

33. Chandrapura Thermal Power Station, Chandrapura, Distt. Giridah.

34. Central Coalfields ltd., Ranch;'

35. Kedla Nagar, Kedla Nagar South Colliery, PO Kedla Undergrounds, Distt. Hazaribagh.

36. Argada Area, Gidi 'A' Colliery, Central Coalfields Ud., PO Gidi A, Distt. Hazaribagh

37. Maithon Dam, Damodar Vallay Corpn., PO Malthon, Distt. Dhanbad.

38. Namkum, Ranchi.

39. Muzaffarpur, Bihar.

40. Patna, Bihar.

41 PO Katihar, Distt. Katihar.

42. Bokaro Thermal Power Station, Distt. Giridah.

43. lakhisarai, Distt. Mungher.

Navodaya Vidyalayas in Chhota Nagpur In the Chhota Nagpur area one such Area Vidyalaya is already functioning at Village Ghaghra, District Gumla and one more has 5172. SHRIMATI SUMATI ORAON: Will been sanctioned to be established during the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DE­ 1987-88 at B.I.T. Mesra, District Ranchi. VELOPMENT be pleased to state the num­ ber of Navodaya Vidyalayas proposed to be The Navodaya Vidyalayas are proposed opened in southern areas of Chhota Nag­ to be established, as far as possible, in rural pur in Bihar under the New Education Pol­ areas to provide good quality modem edu­ icy during the Seventh Plan and the salient cation to talented children predominantly features of these schools by which the male from rural areas without regard to their and female tribal students will be bene­ families' socio-economic conditions. Efforts fited? are made to ensure that at least one-third students in each Vidyalaya are girls. Reser­ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ vation for SC/ST students has been pro­ PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUl­ vided in proportion to their population in TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN the concerned district subject to maintain .. RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRIMATI ing the national average. The Nctvodaya KRISHNA SAHI) : The Navodaya Vidyalaya Vidyalayas are co.. educational, residential Scheme envisages the establishment of, on schools where education, boarding and an average, one Vidyalaya in each district of lodging etc. is free for all students. With a the country during the Seventh five Year view to promote national integration the Plan period. Scheme provides for the migration of 20% 183 Written Answers DECEMBER 10, 1987 Written Answ~rs 184

students from each Vidyalaya to another According to information recelVea oy Gov­ Vidyalaya in a different linguistic region. ernment, the State Government of Ma?hya Pradesh had intimated to the Govemment [English] Medical Stores Depot, Bombay, about re­ ceipt of complaints regarding low stan­ Ubrary facilities for Rural Areas dards of four drugs. However as all the nledicines were duly tested for quality 5173. SHRI MUUAPPALLY RA- from Government approved laboratories MACHANDRAN: Will the Minister of HU­ this fact was brought to the notice of the MAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be Di~ctorate of Health Services, Madhya pleased to state: Pradesh.

(a) whether any libraries have been Institutions producing Vac.cines opened by or with the help of Union Gov­ ernment under the scheme of providing 5175. SHRI RAJ KUMAR RAJ : Will the better library facilities to rural public in Minister of HEALTH AND FM1ILY WELFARE terms of the new Education Policy; and be pleased to state:

(b) if so, how many such libraries have (a) the names of institutions under Gov­ been opened in the State of Kerala during ernment producing vaccines along with the current year, the details of cost of es­ name of each vaccine produced; tablishing each library and location thereof? (b) the installed capacity of each Institu­ THE MINISTER Of STATE IN THE Ol:_ tion and the actual production during the PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL­ last three years, year-wise; and TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE­ SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRIfv\ATI KR­ (c) the reasons for not achieving full uti­ ISHNA SAHI): (a) No, Sir. lisation of the capacity?

(b) Does not arise. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ ISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARf Supply of Sub-Standard Drugs b}J Gov­ (KUtvtARI SAROj KHAPARDE) : (a) to (c) ernment Medical Stores Depot, Bombay Information is being collected and will be laid on the table of the Sabha. 5174. PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE : Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY Autonomous Status to Colleges in Andhra WELFARE be pleased to state: Pradesl.

(a) whether it is a fact that the State 5176. SHRI V. SOBHANADREESWARA Governments of Madhya Pradesh and Goa RAO : Will the Minister of HUMAN RE­ have admitted through their circulars that SOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to the Government Medical Stores Depot, state: Bombay Central at Bombay under the di­ rect control of the Directorate General of (a) the number of colleges in Andhra Health Services at Delhi has been supply­ Pradesh pending approval as autonomous ing sub-standard drugs; and colleges, as on 31 March, 1987;

(b) if so, the steps taken to ensure that (b) the reasons for the long delay in such sub-standard drugs are not supplied granting approval; and by the Government Medical Stores Depot at Bombay? (c) the number of applications which have been received from Govemment as THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ well as private colleges to convert those ISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE colleges as autonomous colleges, since 31 : KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE) : (a) and (b) March, 1987? 185 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAIV\) Written Answers 186

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ 'b) The steps taken to ensure adequate PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL­ arrangements for treatment plants include TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE­ the following:- SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRIMATI KR­ iSHNA SAHI) : (a) and (b) In 1986, pro­ (i) The State Govemment is persuad­ posals were received from 9 colleges in ing the industries to instal the r/ec'essary Andhra Pradesh for autonomous status. pollt -tion control devices. These proposals were returned for review in accordance with the revised guidelines (ii) A combined effluent treatment plant for the scheme framed by the UGC in Jan­ has been established at Pali and schemE! for uary-february, 1987. similar plants at Jodhpur and Balotra has been fonnulated. (c) After the guidelines were revised, the UGC has so far received proposals from (iii) A consultant has been appointed only 9 colleges which were recommended to provide technical assistance to small by the Universities concerned, and ap­ scale industries for pollution control. proved by the State Government. The Commission has concurred in all these (iv) Court cases are being launched proposals. against the defaulting units.

Industrial Pollution in Rajasthan (c) to (e)1 No project in this regard has been submitted by the Rajasthan Govern­ 5177. SHRI VIRDHI CHANDER JAIN ment to this Ministry. However, the Ra­ Will the Minister of ENVIRONMENT AND jasthan Cover.,ment has prepared a project FORESTS be pleased to state: for development of infrastructural facilities at growth centres of Barmer and Balotra in (a) whether due to inadequate arrange~ Barrner district estimated to cost Rs. 580 ment of effluent treatment plants in dye lakhs. In this project a provision of Rs. and print un~ts in Balotra of Barmer district, 196.78 lakhs has been made for providing Jodhpur.city and Pali in Rajasthan, the pol­ a common effluent treatment plant and lution has increased to a great extent; disposal system in the 3rd phase. Works of 3rd phase have been initiated at Balotra (b) if so, the effective steps taken by and land measuring 494 bighas has been Union Government and State Government acquired. to ensure adequate arrangements of efflu­ ent treatment plants in these units; [Translation]

(c) whether Rajasthan Government has Refresher Course in Zonal Training submitted a project for Rs. 196.75 lakhs to SChool, Chandausi Union Government for. controlling the pollution from dye and industrial units in 5178. SHRI SHANTI DHARIWAL : Will Balotra in Barmer district; the Minist~r of AAllWAYS be pleased to state: (d) if so, the details thereof; and {a) whether previously the duration of (e) the action taken on the aforesaid refresher course run by Northern Railway project? Zonal Training School. Chandausi for its employees was of 35 days and no written THE MINISTER Of STATE IN THE MIN~ examination was conducted on the conclu­ ISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS sion of the course; (SHRI Z.R. ANSARI) : (a) Largely due to small scale industrial units of dyeing and (b) if so, whether Government have re­ printing in Balotra, Jodhpur and Pali in Ra­ duced the duration of this course from 35 jasthan, there has been an increase in pol­ days to 15 days and provision for written lution. examination has also been made; 187 Written AnswetJ DECEMBER 10, 1987 Written Answers 188

(c) if so, the reasons therefor and in population of any other country for any whether the aforesaid course is not com­ other disease or for AI OS 1 pleted within 15 days and employees are required to take the written examination; THE MINISTER Of STATE IN THE MIN­ ISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMilY WELFARE (d) if so, whether Government propose (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE) : (a) Yes, Sir. to withdrawn the present practice of con­ Government has seen the news item. ducting examination and to introduce the old practice under which employees were (b) and (c)/ No valid scientific data are provided knowledge relating to their work; available to indicate that any specific hu­ and man herd structure is immune to AI OS. However, results of sonle studies con­ (e) if so, by what time and, if not, the ducted in Trinidad has shown that preva­ reasons therefor? lence of AI OS among the Indians is lower than the prevalence of AI OS among other THE MINISTER Of STATE OF THE MIN­ racial groups. Results of some of the stud­ ISTRY OF RAILWAYS' (SHRI tv\AOHAVRAO ies in U.K have also indicated that some SCINDIA) : (a) No refresher course of the individuals might be genetically less sus­ duration of 35 working days was being ceptible to HIV infection. But, these studies held in the recent past. The duration of are yet to b~ confirmed. most of the courses is 12 working days. rTrans/ation] Prior to October, 1983, the trainees were required to pass oral and/or practical Priority in Railway Reservation to Corres­ test only to assess their performance. pondelllts of Newspapers However, from October, 1983, from the point of the view of safe working of trains, 5180. SHRI RAJ KUMAR RAI : Will the it was decided to subject the trainees to a Minister of RAil '.'\IAYS be pleased to state: written test after completion of the train­ ing. There is no proposal to dispense with (a) whether Government give priority to this practirp. the correspondents of newspapers in the matter of reservation in trains; and (b) to (e) Do not arise. (b) if so, whether this facility is given to correspondents of recognised small news­ [English] papers also 7

Indians Immune to AIDS due to 'Herd THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ Structure' ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MADHAVRAO SCINDIA) : (a) No, Sir. 5179. DR. C. VIJAYA RAMA RAO: Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FMULY WEl­ (b) Does not arise. FARE be pleased to state: Blackmarketing ot tickets at Bombay (a) whether a renowned US Bio-physi­ Central Railway Station cist has warned 'of Al OS holocaust creating many serious social problems; 5181. SH RI RAJ KUMAR RAt : Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to state: (b) whether as per some Indian Medical Scientists due to 'Herd Structure' Indians (a) whether there is a large scale black­ are immunp to AI OS and if so, whether this marketing in railway reservation at Bombay contention/theory has any valid scientific Central Railway Station and officials pay no basis and if so, the details thereof; and attention even to requests from V.1. Ps.;

(c) whether such 'herd structure' exists (b) if so, the reasons therefor; 189 Written Answers AGAAHAYANA 19, 1909 (~) Written Answers 190

(c) whether any concrete steps are be­ ISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS ing taken to check the blackmarketing of (SHRI Z.R. ANSARI): (a) and (b) Yes, Sir. A reservation tickets; and draft of the policy has been circulated to the State Govemment/Union Territory (d) if so, the details thereof? Administrations.

THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ ic) and (d' The Central Government ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHR1 MADHAVRAO does not propose to establish any new zo· SCINDIA): (a) and (b). No report of large ological park. The establishment of new scale blackmarketing in tickets at Bombay zoological parks is decided upon by the re­ Central has been received. Due importance spective State Governments and Union is attached to the requests received from Territory Administrations. V.I.Ps for release of reserved accommoda­ tion out of Emergency Quota. (e) The State Government of Andhra Pradesh have reported that they have no (c) and (d) Regular checks at Stations such proposal. and on trains are conducted and raids or­ ganised on premises of unauthorised Preservation of folk Songs agents with a view to detect cases of transferred reservations and apprehend 5183. PROF. NARAIN CHAND touts. The number of such checks con­ PARASHAR: Will the Minister of HUMAN ducted during the years 1985-86, 86-87 RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to and 87-88 (upto Oct '87) on the Westen I state: Railway were 3,915 resulting in detection of 18, 121 cases of transferred reservations (a) whether Government propose to and realisation of Rs. 30.50 lacs as railway launc" a programme for video taping and dues/fine. In addition, 90 touts appre­ oral recording of the folk songs of various hended were prosecuted under Section forms and folk dramas and dances so as to 114A of the Indian Railways Act. preserve them for future in view of the fast diminishing.fonns of folk-lore; [English] (b) if so, whether any coordination National Policy on Zoological Parks would be established with the academies of language, literature, art and culture of 5182. SHRI V. TULSIRM-t: Will the Min­ the concerned regions as also with the ister of ENVI RONMENT AN D FORESTS be seven zonal cultural centres established re­ pleased to state: cently;and

(a) whether Government are actively (c) if so, the nature thereof? considering to frame a national policy on zoological parks in the country; THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL­ (b) if so, whether a report in this regdrd TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE­ has been submitted; SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRIMATI KR­ ISHNA SAHI): (a) Yes, Sir. Video taping and (c) whether there is any proposal to es­ oral recording of folk songs of various tablish more zoological parks; forms and folk dramas and dances are un­ dertaken by Akashvani, Doordarshan (d) if so, the details thereof; ;tnd Kendras, Sangeet Natak Akademi and the Centre for Cultural Resources and Training. (e) whether one such park is likely to be established in Telangana Region of Andhra (b) and (c) Yes, Sir. Necessary coordina­ Pradesh? tion would be established with the agen­ cies concerned, including the Zonal Cui. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN- tural Centres, depending on the nature of 191 Written Answers DECEMBER 10, 1987 Written Answe~ 192 the folklore concerned and' ttle tap­ ISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE ing/recording thereof. (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a) and (b). Yes. The scientists from AIIMS have suc­ Pollution from Sawai Madhopur Fertiliser ceeded in isolating the virus from the lym.. Plant phocytes of 3 prostitutes found positive for HIV infection. The virus was isolated by co­ 5184. SHRI SHANTI DHARIWAL: Will cultivation' with PHA stimulated normal the Minister of ENVIRONMENT AND human lymphocytes. This technique is FORESTS be pleased to state: known as "Co-cultivation method" and has been stal)dardized in AIIMS laboratory. The (a) whether effluents from the proposed presence of virus in the cells was confirmed fertiliser plant at Sawai Madhopur will en­ by indirect immunofluoresence test using danger the flora and fauna in Ranthambore mouse monoclonal antibodies against H IV National Park; core antigens P24 and P17. These results were further confirmed by Reverse tran­ (b) whether Government have finally scriptase (RI) assay with the culture super­ accorded sanction for setting up the plant natants. The assay performed on 3rd week at Sawai Madhopur; and culture supernatants of lymphocytes from these three prostitutes was highly positive (c) if so, the steps proposed to be taken for RT activity. The presence of RT activ;!y to check/ minimise the discharge of efflu­ in culture supernatants is confirmatory. ents from the plant7 No valid scientific data are available to THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ indicate that any specific human herd struc­ ISTRY OF £NVIRONMfNT AND FORE~TS ture is immune to AI DS. However, results (SH RI Z. R. ANSARI): (a) Yes, SIr, of some studies conducted in Trinidad l1as shown that prevalence of AI OS among the (b) No, Sir. Indians is lower than the preval~nce of AI OS among .other racial groups. Results of (c) Does not arise. somE- of the studies in U.K. have also indi­ .cated that some individuals might be ge- Indians Immune to AIDS netically less susceptible to H IV infection. But these studies are yet to be confirmed. 5185. DR. C. VIjAYA RANtA RAG: Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WEL­ (c) There is no evidence that Indians FARE be pleased to state: have any herd structure that protects them from yellow fever. I n I ndia the vector (a) whether Scientists at All India Insti­ (mosquito) exists. However, the country is tute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi have free of yellow fever because the virus is not isolated AiDS virus from Indian, patients present in the ,.ndian sob-continent. Strin­ and if so, the details thereof; gent regulations regarding yellow fever vaccination and quarantine for international (b) whether some top Scientists of the travellers aftd disinfection of aircrafts have illdlan Council of Medical Research have so far been successful in keeping India free '(>cently put forward a view that Indians are from yellow fever virus infected travellers. imnlune to AI OS due to their 'herd struc­ ture' and if so, whether scientific data sup­ 243rd Anniversaqr Celebration of Sufi ports this view; and Poet Shah Abdul Latif

(c) whether 'herd structure' also pro­ 5186. OR. C. VIjAYA RAMA RAO : Will tects Indians from yellow fever and if so, the Minister of HUMAN RESOU ReE DE­ why funds are being spent on vaccination vElopMENT be pleased to state: of I ndians for protection 7 (a) whether an Intemational Seminar on THE .MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN .. 243rd Anniversary of the great Sufi Poet of 193 Written Answ~ AGRAHAYANA 19,1909 (SAIV\) Written Answers 194 erstwhile Sind, Shah Abdul Latit was or·" (KUtv\ARI SAROJ KHAPARDE) : (a) Accord­ ganised by "Mal'}Jee" in Delhi; ing to the reports appearing in the press, the fly trap developed by Prof. Odhiambk (b) whether a large number of detegates lures tsetse flies of both sexes with a re­ from Sind (Pakistan) attended; fined constituent of buffalow urine. Slow release of the substance assures continu­ (c) whether Government propose to ous supply over a long time. In addition, a encourage and assist organisations like tape recording of the contended ~ndi Maruee to undertake sirruiar cultural activi· made by happy tsetse flies attract the in­ ties; and sects. Once trapped, they are exposed to viruses that specifically attack these flies. (d) whether TV/AI R will be advised to The viral infection renders the flies sterile pay increased attention to Sindhi Language thereby exerting a check on their propoga­ in order to fost~r the hands with neigh­ tion. bouring countries? (h) No similar R&D work has yet been THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ taken up in hand in the country. PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUl­ TURE IN THE MiNISTRY OF HUMAN RE­ Modernisation of Hindustan Copper SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRIMATI KR­ Plant ISHNA SAHI) : (a) Yes, Sir. 5188. SHRIMATI MANORM4A SINGH: (b) MARUEE, New DeltM has intimated WiH the Minister of STEEL AND MINES be that 23 delegates from Pakistan attended. pleased to state:

(c) A scheme is being admmistered by (a) the amount proposed to be incurred Government of India for providing financial on the process of modernisation of H in­ assistance to registered voluntary organisa­ dustan Copper Plant at Ghatsila in Bihar' tions for organising celebration of cente­ naries/anniversaries of eminent personali­ (b) what has been the percentage of ties. Each request for financial assistance is utilisation of plan funds so far, and examined on merits. (c) whether the utilisation of funds is (d) I nformation is being collected and satisfactory, if not, the reason therefor? will he placed before the House. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE· Control of Trypnosomiasis PARTMENT OF MINES IN THE MINISTRY OF STEEL AND MINES (SHRIMATI RAM 5187. DR. C. VIJAYA RAMA RAO : Will DULARI SINHA) : (a) to (c). An amount of the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMilY WEL­ Rs. 50.85 crores has been sanctioned for FARE be pleased to state: the debottlenecking and modernisation schemes of Indian Copper Complex (ICC) (a) whethpr Trypnosomiasis is likely to at Ghatsila and Khetri Copper Complex be controlled due to Invention by an (KCC) at Khetri of Hindustan Copper lim­ African SCientists and if so, the details ot ited. Out of this a sum of Rs. 29.65 crores is the- new oevclopmenh as alternate to pes­ for work to be undertaken at the ICC, tlcides; and Chatsila, Bihar.

(b) whether any similar R&D work is in During the period 1985-88, Rs. 17.89 hand in the country to overcome diseases crores was sanctioned by Govt. for all these transmitted by various insects and if so, the schemes. Of this, the total expenditure dwils thereof? upto 31.3.88 is expected to be Rs. 13.54 crores. Out of Rs. 13.54 crores, a sum of THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ Rs. 6.55 crores is to be spent at I.C.C. ISTRY OF HEALTH AND F~tlY WELFARE which would amount to 48%, The progress 195 Written Answers DECEMBER 10, 1987 Written Answers 196 of utilisation of plan funds has been, by and steps to afforest the catchment areas and large, satisfactory. thereby promoting soil conservation; ·and

Afforestation of Catchment Areas (b) if so, the details thereof? 5189. SHRI BHADRESWAR TANll ~ SH RI BALASAH EB VI KH E PATIL: THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ DR. V. VENKATESH : ISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS (SHRI Z.R. ANSARI) : (a) and (b). Yes, Sir. Will the Minister of ENVIRONMENT The Government has a scheme of devel­ AN D FORESTS be pleased to state: opment of catchment areas. The details of achievements Under Specified Catchment (a) whether Government have taken Schemes are given in the Statement below. STATEMENT

Details of achievements under scheme implemented in specified catchments.

S.No. Name of Oepart- Name of the Period CellLral Area ment Scheme AssistanCf. treatec Released/ (in lakh Spent hd). (Rs. in crores)

1 2 3 4 ~ 6

1. NWDB Soil, Water & Sixth Plan Tree Conservation (1980-85) 26.42 1.10 in the Himalayas 1985-86 11.78 0.36 (50% grant & ·'986-87 -10.78 0.38 50% loan)

2. Department of Soil Conservation 1985-86 23.79 1.05 Agriculture in the catchments 1986-87 23.50 0.95* of River vally Projects (50% grant & 50% loan).

3. Department of Integrated Water- 1985-86 12.77 0.53 Agriculture shed Management 1986-87 '11.48 0.38* in the catchment of Flood Prone Rivers (50% grant & 50% loan)

iii Reported so far

Committee for Development and Main- tenance of Inland Waterways SHRI H.N. NANJE GOWDA:

5190. SHRI S.M. GURADDI : Will the Minister of SURFACE SHRltviATt BASAVARAJESWARI: TRANSPORT be pleased to st~te: 197 Written Answers ACRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAIV\) Written Answers 198

(a) whether Inland Waterways Authority (b) whether Union Government are also of India has appointed a high level Com· aware that certain factories are manufac­ mittee for formulating the basic Policy re­ turing fine grains of send for purpose of garding the development and maintenance adulteration in rice; and of the inland waterways in the country; and (c) if so, what rneasures are proposed to (b) if so, the details thereof? be taken to give punishment to these of­ fenders? THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ tSTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (SHRI THE MINISl ER OF SfATE IN THE MIN­ RAJ ESH PILOn: (a) No. Sir. ISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE) : (a) Available (b) Does not arise. information does not indicate any increase in the extent of adulteration of food-stuffs Central Assistance for Residential Schools in the country. However, the State and in Tribal Area.s.._of Orissa Union Territory Governments have been advised to strengthen their Prevention of 5191. SHRI LAKSHMAN MALLICK: Will Food Adulteration Enforcement machinery the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DE· for better implementation of the provisions VELOPMENT be pleased to state: of the Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954. The persons found g'Jilty of manufac­ (a) whether Government of Orissa has turing/storing on selling adulterated approached Union Governm~nt for addi· food~stuffs for human consumption are tiona I Special Central Assistance for est.-lb· punished by the courts under the law. lishment of one residential school in each Gram Panchayat in tribal area; and (b) and (c). No such case as come to the notice of Government. (b) if so, the details thereof and reaction of Union Government in this regard? Proposal for more General Coaches to Long Distance Tr~ins THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE· PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL­ 5193. SHRI SRIBALLAV PANIGRAHI TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE­ Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRIMATI KR­ to state: ISHNA SAHI): (a) and (b). No, Sir. How­ ever, in the draft Annual Tribal sub-plan (a) whether Railways have been intro­ document for 1988-89 of Orissa, there is a ducing a number' of fast/superfast, mention that the State Government of Mail/Express trains on longer routes but OrisSta proposes to provide residential fa­ the general second class coaches attached cilities at the primary level by opening one to these trains are very few thereby causing low cost hostel for 40 boarders in each great difficulties to general passengers; gram panchayat of the tribal sub-plan in a phased manner. (b) if so, the reasons for not attaching more general second class coaches to Wide-Spread Adulteration of Food Stuffs these trains;

5192. SHRI SRIBALLAV PANIGRAHI : (c) whether Government propose to in­ Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FM1ILY crease the number of such coaches in WELFARE be pleased to state: trains for the convenience of the general passengers; and

(a) whether Union Government are (d) whether there is any proposal to in­ aware of wide spread adulteration of food troduce more short distance passenger stuffs, which is largely responsible for the trains and increase the frequency of exist­ ill-health of the people; ing trains for rural passengers? 199 Written Answers DECEMBER 10, 1987 Written Answers 200

THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ (b) There is no such proposal; but some ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MADHAVRAO of the stations selected do come under this SCI N DIA) : (a) and (b). As these are mostly eategory. long distance trains and involve overnight journey, there is greater demand for (c) Does not arise. sleeping accommodation. However, ade· quate number of general coaches have also Extension of Bhagalpur.Mandar Railway been provided. Line upto Deoghar

(c) Different trains have varying number 5195. SHRIMATI MANORAMA SINGH' j of general coaches depending upon the na­ Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased ture of the service. to state:

(d) Specific proposals are examined as a (a) whether a proposal to extend 8ha­ regular measure. galpur-Mandar railway line on Easterr Railway upto Oeoghar is pending for sev­ [Translation] eral years;

MOdel Railway Stations (b) if so, the details thereof and the rea­ sons for not implementing it so far, 5194. SHRIMATI NlANORAMA SINGH: Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased (c) whether Government propose to in­ to state: clude it in the next plan keeping in view the fact that thi~ coyers backward and adi­ (a) the consideration taken into account vasi ar¢as; and while selecting model stations and the names of the stations in Bihar selected as (d), if so, the time by which the con­ model station~; strvaioJl work of this railway line is likely to be ..completed7 (b) whether Government propose to make such stations as model stations ,·THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN· which are connected with the places of ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MADHAVRAO mythological and historical importance; if SCI NOlA): (a) to (d). Survey for B. C. rail so, by what time; and link between Mandar H ill and Baidyanathdham (Deoghar) 58 krT\l was (c) the time by which a decision is likely completed in 1981. The project was esti­ to be taken in this regard? mated to cost Rs. 11.99 crores at the then prevailing prices and was assessed as fi­ THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN· nancially' unremunerative. It could not be ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MADHAVRAO considered for being taken up due to con· SCI N DIA) : (a) At least one station on each straint of resources .and heavy commit­ Division of the I ndian Railways has been ments for on·going projects. selected to be developed as Model Station. In doing so, locations like Zonal Headquar­ [English] ters, Divisional Headquarters, State Capi­ tals, District Headquarters, important Junc­ Import of DruR for Conducting tion Stations and other places of specific Myelography' importance have been considered. 5196. DR. V. VENKATESH: The following 8 stations in Bihar have SHRI BHADRESWARTANTI: been selected as Model Stations:- SHRI BAlASAHEB VIKHE PATll: Patna, Gaya, Dhanbad, Tatanagar, Ranchi, Muzaffarpur, Samastipur and Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FAM­ Katihar. ILY WELFARE be pleased to state: 201 Written Answers ACRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAKA) Written Answers 202

(a) whether Government are allowing SHRJ S/\lFUDOIN CHOW­ import of the drug or drugs required for DHARY: conducting '~Myelography"; Will the i\tinister of HUMAN RE. (b) if not, the reasons therefor; and SOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state: (c) whether GovernMent wot:t1d con­ sider to allow its impol'! to safeguard the (a) whether income limit of Rs. 6000/­ interest of patients requiring this investiga .. has been fixed for the award of National tion Merit Scholarship to students who pass SSlC/PUC; THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ ISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMilY WElFARf (b) when was this income limit fixed; (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a) Yes, Sir. and (c) in view of the revision of pay scales (b) and (c). In view of the reply to part, of Government employees and others, (a) do not arise. whether Government propose to enhance the number and amount of the Scholar­ Proposal to increase Couple Protection ships? 5197. SHRI S.M. CURADDI: THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ SHRI H.N. NANJE GOWDA: PARTMENTS Of EDUCATION AND CUL­ SHRI 5.5. SIDNAL: TURE IN THE MINJSTRY Of HUMAN RE­ SHRIMATI PRABHAWATICUPlA. SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRIMATI KR­ Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FAM­ ISH NA SAH I): (a)and (b). The income limit ILY WELFARE be pleased to state: of Rs. 6000/- per annum was fixed in 1961 under the National Scholarstlip Scheme for (a) whether the rate of annual additions the award of merit scholarships for Post­ to the population in the country would Matric studies. It was reviewed in 1967, soon exceed that of China; but the same limit was retained with some liberalisation. (b) if so, whether there is a proposal to Increase the rate of couple protection in (c) I n view of the revision of pay scales the country from the 32 per cent to 42 per of the Government employees, the pro­ cent by the end of the Seventh Plan; and posal for revisio"l of the present income ceiling is under activ~ consideration of the (c) if so, whether this target is being Government. The number of scholarships achieved? has been increased to 40,000 in 1987.. 88 which was 2400 in' 1961-62. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ ISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE Construction of an international Golf (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a) Yes, Sir. Course in langalore

(b) and (c). The 7th Five Year Plan envis­ 5199. SHRI V.S. KRlSHNA IYER: Will the ages the target of increasing ~ouple Pro· Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVEL­ tection Rate from 32% to 42% by the end of OPMENT be pleased to state: the Plan. This target is likely to be achieved by the end of 7th Plan considering that (a) whether an International Golf Couple Protection Rate of 37.5% has al· Course is under construction at ChaJ­ ready bee~ achieved by March, 1987. laghatta tank bed near airport, Bangalore

Income nmit for award ,of National Merit (b) if so, the estimated cost of the pro.. Scholarships ject

5198. SHRI V.S. KRISHNA IYER: (c) whether Government of Kamataka 203 Written Answers DECEMBER 10t 1987 Written Answers 204 has sought any financial assistance to com­ (c) Consultation with the concerned plete the project; and departments and agencies are in progress.

(d) if so, the amount asked for and sanc­ Proposal to declare Bangalore-Mysore. tioned by Union Government? Mercara-Mangalore Road as National Highway THE MINISTER OF HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT AND M:NISTER OF 5201. SHRI V. S. KRISHNA IYER: Will HEALT~ AND FAMILY WELFARE (SHRI P.V. the Minister of SURFACE TRANSPORT be NARASIMHA RAO): (a) Yes, Sir. pleased to state:

(b) Rs. 70 lakhs. (a) whether Government of Kamataka had proposed to Union Government long (c) and (d). Yes, Sir. The Government of ago that Bangalore-Mysore-Mercara-Man­ Kamataka asked for financial assist(\nce of galore (to join National Highway No. 17) Rs. 45 lakhs from the Central Government be declared as a National Highway, (Department of Tourism), but no amount has so far been sanctioned. (b) the total length in kilometres in Kar­ nataka of the proposed route;

(c) when the above proposal was re­ Resource Centre for Distance Education ceived; in Bangalore (d) whether Union Government have 5200. SHRI V. S. KRISHNA IYER: Will reconsidered their earlier decision not to the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DE­ agree for State Government's proposaJ; VELOPMENT be pleased to state: and

(a) whether Government of Kamataka (e) if so, the time frame drawn up to has requested Union Government to set up implement the proposal? a Resource Centre for Distance Education at Bangalore; THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ ISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (SHRI RA­ (b) whether Government of Kamataka JESH PILOT): (a) to (e). The Government of proposes to take the support of Canadians Kamataka have been projecting the re­ under the Canadian Aid Programme; and quirement from time to time for the decla­ ration of certain State Roads as National (c) if ~O; the reaction ot Government Highways, including the road in question thereto? from Bangalore to Mangalore (to join N. H. No. 17) running along Mysore-Mercara THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ measuring a length of 385 kms. in Kar­ PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUl­ nataka. However, owing to paucity of TURE IN THf MINISTRY OF HUtv\AN RE­ funds and other priority considerations, it is SOURCE DE\,ElOP"'~fNT lSHR1MAT' KR­ not possible for the present to include this 'SHNA SAt-H): (a) ~nd (h). 'n ;) letter, the road in the National Highways network. Chief Minister of i

(b) whether alternative sites have been THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MJN~ located for spreading lines covering the ISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS same areas and linking of the same sta­ (SHRI Z. R. ANSARI): (a) and (b). The Gov­ tions; ernment of Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh are yet to submit complete details on Re­ (c) if so, the broad outlines of the sta­ habilitation, Catchment Area Treatment, tions covered and stations deprived due to Compensatory Afforestation, Command submerging of railway hnes; and Area Development and Seismicity regarding Sardar Sarovar and Narmada Sagar Project. (d) if not, the steps propoc;ed to be .,. " taken in this regard? (c) The pr~ have been accorded clearance with the f.>roviso that environ­ THE MINISTER OF STATE Of THE MIN­ mental safeguards are to be implemented ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MADHAVRAO pari-passu with construction work. The SCINDIA): (a) to (d). Raillme between Tal­ statutory Narmada Control Authority has vadia and Khlrkiya station on Bhusawal­ been enlarged to ensure effective imple­ Itarsi section will get ~ubmerged by Nar­ mentation of the decisions. mada Sagar only. The diversion as surveyed will result in abandonmg of the existing (d) and (e). Cost of major environmental railway stations at Khaigaon, Bir, Siora, SIn­ mitigative measures has been included in gaji, Harsud and Plplanl. New Stations will the project budget. . Additional be provid~d on the diverted alignment to environmental cost, if any, will have to be serve the adJolnlllg areas. Proposal has provided in the project budget after com­ been recently recf'lved to consider an al­ plete Action Plans are ready.. ternative ahgnrnf'nt by whICh the eXisting Khalgaun station can be relallled. Narmada Sagar Project

Execution of Narmada Sagar and Sardar 5204. SHRI ARVIND NETAM: Will the Sarovar Projects Minister of ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS be pleased to state: 5203. SHRI ARVIND N[TAM: Will the Mtnister of l:NVIRONMlNT AND fORESTS (a) the area of land required for rehabili­ be pleased to state: tation of oustees in Narmada Sagar Project in Madhya Pradesh; (a) whether Government of Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh have worked out and (b) whether sufficient non-forest land IS submitted details on Rehabilitation Master available for rehabilitation; and Plan, Phased Catchment Area Treatment Scheme, Compensatory Afforestation Plan, (c) ~vhether such land has been identi­ Command Area Development and Seis­ fied by Government; if so, the details micity, etc., to Union Government regard­ thereof? ing Sardar Sarovar Project and Narmada Sagar Project; THE MINISTER Of STATE IN THE MIN­ (b) if so, the broad outltnes of the find­ ISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND fORESTS ngs; (SHRI Z. R. ANSARI): (a) An area of 40,000 ha. will be required for rehabilitation of the (c) if not, how Union Government have oustees of Narmada Sagar Project in given clearance to these Projects; Madhya Pradesh.

\d) whether cost appraisal has been (b) Yes, Sir. done without assessment of the above pOints; and (c) Madhya Pradesh Goyemment have identified non-forest land for Rehabilitation (e) if so, the details thereof? of Narmada Sagar Project oustees in the 207 Written Answers DECEMBER 10, 1987 Written Answers 208 districts of Khargon, Betul, Dewas, I$.TRY OF HEALTH AND FAMilY WELFARE Hoshangabad and Khandwa. (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a) Yes, Sir.

Shake-up in Bhilai Steel Plant (b) A copy of the suggestions and rec­ ommendations is given if} the Statement 5205. SHRI H. N. NANJE GOWDA: below. SH RI S. B. SIDNAl: SHRI G. S. BASAVARAJU: (c) These suggestions/recommenda­ tions will be taken into COIlS ide ration in the Will the Minister of STEEL AND MINES . implementation of the universal be pleased to state: Immunisation programme.

(a) whether a major shake-up in the STATEMENT Bhilai Steel Plant has taken place; Recommendations of the divisional (b) if so, the details thereof; and workshop on quality reinforcement of Im­ munization programme held on 74th-75th (c) whether this was done to improve N<.>vember, 1987 at Kalawati Saran chil­ its performance and if so, the outcome dren's hospital: New Delhi, thereof? 1. The participants recommended th~t THE MINISTER OF STEEL AND MINES collaboration should be achieved between (SHRI M. L. FOTEDAR): (a) to (c). No, Sir. Government of India and Indian Academy However, SAil has effected transfers of of ~diatncs for other activities relating to some officers from and to Bhtlai Steel Plant Child Health a1so. during the month of November, 1987. Such transfers are a part of administrative 2. Need for training programme for vari· changes which are made froln time to time ous categories of health workers, including with a view to improving the organisational pediatricians was underlined by the par­ performance and effectiveness. ticipants and it was recommended that lAP as a professional body should engage itself in drawing of suitable modules with well Workshop on Universal Immunisation defined curriculum and training methods, for training various categories of health 5206. SHRI H.N. NANJE GOWDA: workers through its members all over the SHRI S.B. SIDNAL: country and critically evaluate the existing SHRI C.S. BASAVARAJU: modules.

Will the Minister of H EALl H AN 0 3. The pediatricians and other health FM1ILY WELFARE be pleased to state: workers should play more important role in disease surveiltance, monitorrng of cold (a) whether two-day workshop on uni­ chain and in general improving not only versal immunisation which was held in the coverage but also quality of perfor­ New Delhi on 15 November, 1987 has mance of immunization programme. For recommended that a training should be this purpose, the lAP in collaboration with imparted to health workers; the Govt. of I ndia, may devise suitable short proformas to be supplied to all (b) if so, the other suggestions and re­ members of lAP and even all practitioners commendations made at the workshop; so that they could periodically report on and the performance of the immunizatiOA programme and the disease incidence and (c) to what extent Government propose deaths due to them. to implement them 7 4. Criterias for disease identification, as THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN· standardized by the Covt. of India should 209 Written Answel'$ ACRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAKA) Written Answel'! 210

be more widely disseminated to encourage nounced by Union Govemment for uniform reporting. teachers of the Central Universities have actually been sanctioned and implemented 5. A machinery needs to be set up at each by Central Universities and from which state or even at the district level to monitor date; the UIP and also to dissf'minate informa­ tion on the operational aspects of the pro­ (b) if not, the reasons therefor; gramme. the lAP should take an- active lead through its branches in association with (c) whether the new salary structure is other professional bodies like IMA to make to be adopted separately by each of the ;uch standing committees. These commit- Central Universities; ees could also function for investigation of :ases of vaccine failure or accidents. It (d) if so, which of these universities are could also provide guidance to practising yet to adopt it and implement it; and doctors and other workers regarding main­ tenance of cold chain. (e) the reasons for their delay in doing so? 6. There is need to change methods of transport of BeC. Also the MCH workers THE MINISTER Of STATE IN THE DE­ should be trajned in the methodology of PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL­ intradermal infection. TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE­ SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRIMATI KR­ 7. An immunization card or a CH IlD ISHNA SAHI): (a) to (c). The revised scales HEALTH CARD should be provided to ev­ of pay announced by the Central Govern­ ery d~ld so that proper coverage can be ment will be effective for all teachers in the ensured and unnecessary duplications may Central Unive..rues from 1.1.1986J._ How­ be avoided. ever, the provisions of the scheme have to be incorporated by each Central University 8. Immunization scheduled should be con­ in its Statutes/Ordinances before payment sidered as a part of overall strategy to con­ of salary in the revised scale is made. tain/eradicate the preventable disease. The lAP should encourage epidemiological and (d) and (e). According to information operational sttJdies to help define newer available, the process of making necessary strategies which could be incorpo'9ted in provisions in the Statutes/Ordinances has the national immunization schedule. been initiat~d by all the Central Universi­ ties. Pending completion of these formali­ 9. The evaluation of UIP should be done ties, the UGC has approved an interim on the basis of coverage of target popula­ payment of 20% of the bask pay in the pre­ tion rather than on the basis of number of revised scale of pay to teachers in all the dosage and the impact must be assessed Central Universities. by continuous reporting and periodic inde­ pendent services, car~ied out by Views of All India Teacher's COhvention professional bodies lil

(a) whether new scaJes of pay an- (c) whether Government propose to 211 Written Answers DECEMBER 10.1987 Written Answers 212 tnodify the New Education Policy in the Ratnagiri Plant would be uneconomical in light of their (.riticism? view of the economies ~f scale that under­ \·vent change, with the development of THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ technology in aluminium smelters as well PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL­ as alumina plants. In the meanwhile, the TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE­ discovery of East-Coast Bauxite Deposits SOURCE DEVElOPMENl (SHRltv1ATI KR­ brought about a sea change in the bauxite ISHNA SAHI): (a) and (b). A conference of reserve position of the country. With th~ teachers, purporting to be the All India implementation of the Orissa Aluminium Teacher's Convention, held in Delhi in Oc­ Complex based on the East-Coast Bauxite tober, 19R7 voiced its opposition to thl' f>eposits by National Aluminium Company National Policy 0n Education The speakers (NALCO), the country is going to be sur­ at the Confen!oce expl essed OpposItion to plus in both alumina/aluminium in the near the ~cheme of Navodaya Vidyalayas, Non­ future. Placed in this situation, Ratnagiri formal Edu(.-d ;on .lnd the revision of scalp" PrcjPct could not be implemented. There is of t);~Y Ol unIversity! college toP;}( It~'r~ .-"lll­ no prr)posal to revive the Ratnagiri Project. flounced by th~" Centra! C,')\ternment in june. 1f)8~·. Improvement of Bombay-Goa National Highway

5210. PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: Will the Minister of SURFACE TRANSPORT be pleased to state: 5209. Pf?OL ;\1ADHU DANDAVATE: vViiI the Mir"lister of STEEL AND MINES be (a) whether motor transport on the pleased to state: Bombay - Goa National Highway is not ad­ equate to meet the requirements of Pas~ (a) whether the plans for commissioning sengers because of the unsatisfactory maill­ the Public Sector Bharat Aluminium Project in the Ratnagiri district of the backward tenance of the highway; and Konkan region of Maharashtra have been (b) if so, whether coordinated efforts are stayed for the past several year;; proposed to be undertaken to improve the Highway so as to augment the motor (b) if so, the reasons thereof; and transport to meet the requirement? (c) whether in vie\v of the imperative THE MINISTER Of STATE Of THE MIN­ need tv accord priority to projects for the ISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (SHRI RA­ developm~nt in backward areas, the Alu­ JESH PILOT): (a) No, Sir. minium Project in the Ratnagiri district of Maharashtra will be given priority? (b) Does not arise. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ PARTMENT OF MINES IN THE MINISTRY Vasai.Diva Railway Line OF STEEL AND MINES (SHRIMATI RAM DULARI SINHA): (a) to (c). The setting up 5211. PROF. MADt,JU DANDAVATE: an Integrated Alumina/Aluminium Plant at Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased Ratnagiri for manufacture ot 50,000 tonnes to state: of aluminium per annum based on Dhangarwadi Bauxite deposite in Kolhapur (a) whether Vasai-Diva rail line of 47 District of Maharashtra was snactioned by kilometres has been completed; the~Government on 29.4.1974 after exam­ ining the viability of the project in the light (b) whether 4 railway stations on this of the then prevailing circumstances. Sub­ line have been constructed and land has sequently, a review undertaken by the also been acquired for the construction of Government indicated that the size of the some more stations on this line; 213 Written Answers ACRAHAVANA 19, 1909 (SAK4) Written Answers 214

(c) if so, how much amount has been (c) The decision can be taken as soon as spent on this project so far till August 1987; the requisite information is received. and Lead Pollution (d) the reasons for not opening this rail line for passenger traffic? 5213. DR. PRABHAT KUMAR MISHRA: Will the Minister of ENVIRONMENT AND THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ FORESTS be pleased to sti'te: ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MADHAVRAO (a) whether the smoke emission from SCINDIA): (a) Yes, Sir. Its length, however, the motor vehicles causes lead pollutior" in is 42 km. th~ atmosphere;

(b) Only one station has been con­ (b) whether any study has been made structed and land has been acquired for 2 about the extent of pollution caus~d by more stations. different brands of car; if so, the outcome thereof; and (c) Rs. 29.86 crore. (c) the corrective steps taJ

[Translation} (b) Studies of exhaust have been mad"?, but not specifically with reference to lead Environmental Clearance of Katghora­ pollution related to any particular brand 01 Ambikapur Road Project car.

5212. DR. PRABHAT KUMAR MISHRA: (c) 1 he Central Board for pre\,ention Will the Minister of ENVIRONMENT AND and Control of Water pollut.on is inter­ FORESTS be pleased to state: acting with the Oil Coordination Commit­ tee, Ministry of Petroleum and Petroleum (a) whether State Government had fur­ industry to progressively reduce the lead nished requisite information asked for by content and bring it down to 0.15 gms per Union Government about environmental litre of petrol. clearance of Katghora-Ambikapur road in Bilaspur district of Madhya Pradesh' [English]

(b) whether Government of Madhya Electrification of Railway Tracks Pradesh has taken any action in this regard; and 5214. SHRI MOHANBHAI PATEL: Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to (c) if so, when the proposal is likely to state the names of rail tracks which have be cleared? been electrified so far?

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ ISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS ISTRY OF RAILWAYS ( SHRI MADHAVRAO (SHRI Z. R. ANSARI): (a) and (b). The es­ SCINDIA): A statement is given below: sentia~ details sought from the State Gov.. ernment on 13.11.1987 regarding clear­ STATEMENT ance of Katghora-Ambikapur road in Bi­ Sections of Railways Electrified (lone-\t\t7se) laspur district of Madhya Pradesh under I. CENTRAL RAIL WAY Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 have not yet been furnished. I. Bombay-Bhusawal, Kalyan-Pune 215 Written Answers DECEMBER 10, 1987 Written Answers 216

(including suburban sections of Bombay 4. Arakkonam-Renigunta Central railway) SOUTH aNTRAL RAILWAY 2. Diva-Vasai Road 1. Gudur.. Vijayawada-Kazipet 3. Delhi-Jhansi .. Babina 2. Gudur-Renigunta-Tirupat~ II. EASTERN RAILWAY VI. SOUTH EASTERN RAILWAY 1. H owarh-MughaJsarai via Grand Chord 1. Howrah-Drug

2. Kharagpur-Midnapore 2. Seoraphuli-Tarakaswa~ 3. Waltair-Kirandul 3. Sealdah-Ranaghat-Krishnanagar City 4. Asansol-Sini 4. Dum Dum-Bongaon 5, Rajkharswan-Dangoaposi-Gua-Bole 5. Kaltnarayanpur-Shantipur nikhadan and Padapahar-Banspanl 6. Bhojudih-Mohuda-Gomoh 6. Bandel-Naihati 7. Santragachi-Bankranayabaj and 7. Sealdah-Baruipur-Diamond Harbour Domjur-Bargachia 8. Baruipur-Lakshmikantapur 8. Rourkela-Birmitrapur 9. Ballygunj-Budge Budge, 9. Garhdhrubeswar-Adra-Rukni and Sanka-joychandipahar-Adra 10. Sonarpur-Canning 10. Ramkanali-Chourashi 11. Sealdah-Belur-Dankuni-Kumarkund· u-Shaktigarh 11. Redhanagar-Damodar-Kalipahari 12. Pradhankhunta-Pathardih 12. Anera-Rukni-Bhojudih-Sudamdih-Ja U. Nichitpur-Katrasgarh madobe and Sudemdih-Pathardih

14. Gomoh-Chandrapura-Rajabera-Bha 13. Kendra-Comherria ndaridah-Chandrapura 14. Panskura-Haldia Ifi. NORTHERN RAILWAY f 15. Mohuda-Chandrapura Bokaro Steel City ( 1. Delhi-Mughalsarai [ a 2. Delhi Ring Railway including' Delhi VII: WESTERN RAILWAY R Avoiding line 1. Bombay-Ahmedabad-Sabarmati o (including suburban sections of [V. SOUTHERN RAILWAY Bombay on the Western Railway) C tt 1. Madras-Cudur 2. Vadodara-Ramganj Mandi ir 0' 2. Maclras-Villupuram 3. Godhra-Anand se G~ 3. Madras-Arakkonam-Jolarpettai 4. Mathura-Kota. 2-17 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAM) Written Answers 218

[Translation] plementation of Rural Functional Literacy Project. During the last five years 15,79,700 Steps to remove Educational Backward· adult illiterates have been covered under ness in Bihar this scheme.

52 J 'I. SHRI KAli PRASAD PANDEY: Will Voluntary agencies have been encour­ the Minister of HU~N RESOURCE UE­ aged to take up 'AduJt Education Pro­ VElOPMENT be pleased to state: grammes for women, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes particularly in low Itt­ (a) whether Government have been eracy areas. Central Government provides mak~ng special efforts for the last five years 1000/8 assistance for this purpose and 28 to remove edu~nal backwardness of voluntary agencies have been assisted to Bhiar; under-take this programme. An amount of Ri. 37,28,325 was released to these volun­ (b) if so, the details of the steps taken in tary agencies during the last five years for this regard during all those years and the running 1455 adult education centres. To results achieved therefrom so far; and ensure that neo-literates do not relapse into illiteracy the Central Government have (c) whether Government are contem­ released an amount of Rs. 57,46,840 to the plating to open new Industrial Training In­ Government of Bihar for undertaking post stitutes/Computers Centres for imparting literacy and follow up programmes. special training; and if so, the names of the places where these Centr~ would be During the last five years 2 Shararnik opened and the cost involved therein and Vidyapeeths for educational development the number of the youths to be benefited. of urban and industrial workers--one at Jamshedpur and another at Ranchi have THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ been sanctioned On and average 600 PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUl­ beneficiaries are getting education and TURE IN THE MINISTRY Of HUMAN RE­ training in different trades and vocations SOURCE DEVElOPMEN1 (SHRIMATI KR­ annually. The total amount released to ISHNA SAHI): (a) Yes, Sir. these institutions upto date is Rs. 22,79 lakhs. (b) A statement is given be Jow.

(c) Opening of New ITI/Computer cen­ For proper implementation, monitoring tre is within the purview of the State Gov­ and supervision of adult education pro­ erment. gramme, the Central Government has pro­ vided administrative structure both at the STATEMENT State and District levels. Twenty seven posts, at the State Directorate of adult edu­ The following steps have been taken to cation and 104 posts of various func­ remove educational backwardness of tionaries in 37 districts of the State have Bihar been s.anctiofled. An amount of Rs. 1,82,60,992 has been released by the Adult education Central Government to the State of Bihar tor meeting the expenditure on the erno­ Under the Centrally Sponsored Scheme IUlments of the staff employed at the State of Rural Functional literacy Projects cent and district levels. . ' per cent assistance is provided by the Cen­ tral Government to the States/UTs. At pre­ sent 56 Central projects of 300 Ad~t Edu­ An amount of Rs. 2~.a2 lakhs was re­ cation centres each are functioning in leased during the last 5 years to State Re­ Bhiar. During the least five years an amount source Centre at Patna which provides ac­ of Rs.11,65,83,410 have been released by cademic and technical support for Adult the Central Govt. to State of Bhiar, For ir:n- Education Programmes. 219 Written Answers DECEMBER 10, 1987 Written Answers 220

Non formal education and radio cassette recoraer etc., to schools. Under Computor Literacy and Studies in Under this Scheme grants are given to schools (ClASS) project 73 schools have State Covernments to the extent of 50% to been selected during the period 1984-87 run non-formal co-educational centres and and tvvo Micro Computers alongwith other 90% to run centers exclusively for girls. related materials have been prOVided to During the last 5 years the grants released each of them. to State Government of Bihar and the number of centres are as follows:-- In order to provide good quality mod­ ern education to the talented childem pre­ Year No.of Grants dominantly from the rural areas without re­ Centres relfased (in gard to their family's socio-economic con­ Rs lakhs) ditions, the Government of India has launched a Scheme to establish Navodaya 1982-83 5440 79.14 Vidyalayas, on an average, one in each dis­ 1983-84 17120 87.13 trict of the country during the VII Five Year 1984-85 30020 232.14 Plan period. In the State of Bihar seven 1985-86 29971 30B.83 N avodaya Vidyalayas are already 1986-87 29971 31022 functioning. Fifteen more Navodaya Vidyalayas have been sanctioned for estab­ I n order to increase the enrolment ot lishment during 1987-88 girls, a centrally sponsored Scheme of ap­ pointment of lady teachers on 80:20 shar­ Technical education ing basis was s.tarted in 1983-84 in the 9 ~... du(ationally bctckward States including Central Assistance for development is Bihar. The grants so far released to the being given through the Block allocation at Governmellt of Bihar and number of lady Plan funds to the State. In addition to that teachers appointed under this scheme is as 100% Central Assistance is being given to under:-- the various State Governments including th~ State Government of Bihar for the im· Grants No. of lady provement of the facilities in Technical ed­ released teachers ucation. The follOWing are the specific (Rs.in lakhs) scheme under which 100% central assis­ tance is being given to the State of Bihar:-- 1983-84 1.12 200 1. Modernisation and Renl0val of 1984-85 40.04 750 Obsoloscence. 1985-86 28.98 750 2. Creation of infrastructure in Area5t of Emerging Technology. School Education 3. Strengthening of facilities In Areas Under the Scheme of Mass Orientation of Weakness. ot School teachers in Bihar about 73,313 s( hoot teachers have been oriented during 4. Development ot P.C. Courses. t QS6· 87 and 1987-88. 5. Regional Engineering Colleges The Scheme for Reimbursment of Tu­ (100% Non-Recurring and sO(x. ition fee to girls in classes IX-XII has been Recurring). introduced in 1985-86 to promote girls eduction. Under Educational Technology 6. Community Polytechnics. Programme assistance is given to Bihar also : for setting up of State Institutes of Educa­ 7. I nstitutionaJ Network ScheolP. tional Technology to enable them to pro­ duce educational television programme. 8. National Technical Manpower In­ The Scheme e':!visages supply of lV sets formation System. 221 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAIV\) Written .4nswers 222

9. Central I nstitute National (b) the percentage of the amount of Institute of r oundry & Forge present grant to the total amount of grant Technology. given by the Commission to various univer.. sities during the last three years, year-wise Reservation of a few seats in various and the details of the amount proposed tc technical institutions are also being made be given in the next financial year; and by the Technical Education Bureau for the (c) the basiS on which grant is given anti benefit of the students from Bihar in the whether it is a fact that many universitie.s of fields in which the State lacks facilities of its other States have been given a large Iwn. amount of grant ignoring all nAles?

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ Under the programme of Action for the PARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND CUL­ mplementation of the National Policy on TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE­ Education, ~ number of areas have been SOURCE DEVfLOPMENT (SHRIMATI given great emphasis for improvement of KRISHNA SAHI): (a) to (c). The grants paid Quality and Standards of Technical Educa­ by the University Grants Commission to tion. The State Government should prepare Universities in Bihar and colleges affiliated their comprehensive plan to give adequatfl to them during '1985-86, 1986-87 and attention to important areas. New Plan 1987-88 (till 31.10.1987), are given in the Schemes in that context are also being for~ statement below. mulated under which "100% central assis­ tance will be extended tor the approved The UGC does not sanction develop­ projects in the State. ment grants to Universities on an annudl basis. During each plan, the Conlmlssiofi indicates the total outlay available to each Grants to Universities and Collpges in University for general development. In the Bihar Seventh Plan, all the Universities were classified into four major group, with a total 5216. SHRI KALI PRASAD PANDEY: Will outlay of Rs.12S.00 lakhs, Rs100.00 takhs, the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DE· Rs.7S.00 lakhs and Rs.SO.OO lakhs respec­ VELOPMENT be pleaspd to state: lively. These allocations are decided on the basis of the stage of development of each (a) the amount of grant given by Univer­ University, the nature and type ot pro· sity Grants Commission to each Univer­ grarnmes ol1etf>d by it, its student enrol­ ~Ity college of Bihar in the years 1985-86, ment, faculty strength, etc. The allocation 1986-87 and 1987-88 separately and de­ nlade to universities in Bihar in the Seventh tails regarding their utilization; Plan is as follows:------Patna and Ranchi Universities Rs. 125 lakhs each

Bihar, Bhagalpur and Rs. 'I 00 lakhs each Magadh Universities

K. S Darbanga University Rs.SO lakhs

The specific development proposals upnn the progress of implementation ot submitted by each University within the the programmes approved by the Coromis­ allocation were discussed by the UGC with sion. the representatives of the Universitr and the ceilings of grants for different pro­ In addition to the general development granlmes were approved. These grants are programmes, grants are sanctioned by the _..then released _~o each University dependin~ UGC for implementation of specific quality 223 Written Answers DECEMBER 10, 1987 Written Answers 224

improvemem: programmes. These include available for different purposes. GeneraHy, programmes like Centres of Advanced development grants to colleges vary be­ Study, Departments of special assistance, tween Rs.4.00 lakhs and Rs.S.OO lakhs per restructuring of courses, etc. Gra.nts are college depending upon its enrolment. approved under these programmes for dif­ Within these c~ilings, grants are released ferent Universities which are selected on for approved programmes on the basis of the basis of the criteria prescribed for the expenditure incurred by individual col- them. I n such cases also, the approved leges. . grants are released on the basis of the progress of expenditure reported by the Universities. Comparison of grants paid to univer; ties and colleges in Bihar with those pa' In the case of colleges, during the Sev­ to other Universities/colteges on the ba enth Plan, the UGC has laid down the con­ of annual disbursement wHI not therefor ditions of eligibility and the extent of grants be appropriate.


Grants to Universities and Colleges in Bi/ltar

(Rs. in lakhs) Name of Amount of grants Arnount of grantS • Amount of grants Universities given in 1985-86 given in 1986-87 given in 1987-sa .. (ueto Oct. 1987)

University College University College University College

Bhagalpur 21.27 9.45 9.54 8.32 24.61 18.36

Bihar 14.09 20.39 19.04 34.80 3.49 24.39

K.S. Darbanga2.26 5.35

Magadh 25.50 20.09 17.87 44.48 3.86 35.66

LN. Mitrnla 1.98 13.48 1.14 54.33 4.26 3-1.00

Patna 40.87 1.76 39.50 4.55 32.16 1.48

Ranchi 16.78 15.88 36.66 29.98 12.00 27.97

Note: l.N.Mithiia University has not yet become eligible for generaJ development grants.

(E.nglish] on Bombay.Ahmedabad section of West­ ern Railway; Introduction of a New Mail Train be. tween Ahmedabad.. Baroda-Bombay (b) if so, whether there is long waiting list of Bombay-bound passengers from 5217. SHRI RANJITSINCH GAIKWAD: Ahmedabad, Baroda, Surat and vice-versa; Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased and to state: (c) if so, whether a new rnail train be­ (a) whether Government are aware of tween Ahmedabad .. Baroda-Bombay is pro­ the continuous increase in passenger traffic posed to be introduced? 225 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAM) Written AnswelS 221)

THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ It is significant to mention that power ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MADHAVRAO constitutes about 40% of the cost of pro­ SCINDIA): (a) to (c). There is an increase in duction of aluminium. The power tariff tn passenger traffic on all the trunk routes of aluminiuln exporting countries is much less Indian Railways, including Ahmedabad­ as compared with India, yet the indtgenous Bombay section. However, the number of 'price of aluminium at present is close to passengers left behind after the departure the international price. of trains at Bombay, Surat, Baroda & Ahmedabad is only marginal. There is, however, po price control on prices of downstream products of alu­ Tt"tere is no proposal to introduce a new minium, which are manufactured by the mail train between Ahmedabad and large, medium as well as small scale sec­ Bombay at Present. tors.

Fixation of prices of Aluminium Pricing and Distribution of Aluminium

5218. SHRI RNvt BHAGAT PASWAN: 5219. SHRI RM1 BHAGAT PASWAN: Will the Minister of STEEL AND MINES be Will the Minister of STEEL AND MINES be pleased to state: pleased to state:

(a) whether Government propose to (a) whether Covenlment propose to order special costing for fixation of price of take over the pricing and distribution of aluminium, as the large industrial houses aluminium in the country; and have got fixed high price of aluminium through the Bureau of Industrial Cost and (b) if not, the reasons thereof? Pricing and selling their products at very high prices; and THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ PARTMENT OF MINES IN THE MINISTRY (b) if not, the reasons thereot? OF STEEL AND MINES (SHRIMATI RAM­ DULARI SINHA): (a) There is already a THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ statutory price control over primary alu­ PARTMENT OF MINES IN THE MINISTRY minium and distribution control on Electri­ OF STEEt AND MINES (SHRIfv\ATI RNv\­ cal Conductor grade aluminium metal. DULARI SINHA): (a) and (b). The prices of primary aluminium are statutorily con­ (b) Does not arise. trolled. Bureau of Industrial Costs and Prices (Blep) conducts the study of Patients requiring Surgical Treatment in aluminium industry and determine the Safdarjang Hospital, New Delhi retention prices of each primary producer taking into account the normative 5220. SHRI RAM BHAGAT PASWAN: consumption norms of raw materials and Will the Minister of HEALTH AND F~ILY utilities and reasonable return on net WELFARE be pleased to state: worth. The sale prrce is thus determined' on the weighted average retention price. Two (a) whether there is a great rush of pa­ primary producers in the private sector, tients requiring surgical treatment in Saf­ whose retention price is lower than the darjang Hospital, New Delhi and they are sale price, are contributing towards the unable to get admission earty because Aluminium Regulation Account, whereas there are only a few surgical units; and two other primary producers, one in the public sector and the other in the private sector, whose retention prices are higher (b) if so, whether Government propose than the sale price, receive the difference to increase the number of surgical units to from the Aluminium Regulation Account. six as in Dr. Ram Manohar lohia Hospital These principle have withstood judicial so that larger number of surgical patients scrutiny. could be attended to 7 227 Written Answers DECEMBER 10, 1987 Written Answers 228

THE MINISTER Of STATE IN THE MIN­ . (b) the amount utilized upto October ISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE 31, 1987; (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a) and (b). Yes, Sir. However it L'- not true that surgiCal (c) whether any objections have been cases are refused admission. All emergency received by the Ministry against the site de­ surgical cases are given immediate treat­ marcated for the setting up of the Kendriya ment. Only cases of planned surgery are Vidyalaya and if so, the details thereof; and put on waiting list and they get treatment within 4-6 weeks of the" regjstra~jon. (d) the reaction of Government thereto? There is no proposal to increase the num­ ber of surgical units. fHE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE Of PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CU Reaction of Vaccines given under TURE IN THE MINISTRY ,OF HUtvtAN R National Programme for Immunization SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRIMATI K ISH NA SAH I): (a) and (b). The expenditur 5221. SHRIMATI KISH_SINHA: Will on Kendriya Vidyalayas is met out of th the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WEL­ grant released for Kendriya Vidyalaya San­ FARE be pleased to state: gathan from the Non-Plan Budget of the Government of India. The Kendriya (a) whether the national programme for Vidyalaya Sangathan allocates the neces­ immunisation of children against common sary funds to its various Regional Offices. diseases is hampered by occasional fatal The Regional Offices in turn make funds reactions to the vaccines administered; available to Kendriya Vidyalayas as per norms and their needs. Government of (b) whether investigation in each such India do not directly sanction or rel~ase case of death has established the cause of grants to the schools. The total funds made fatality; and available to Kendriya Vidyalaya, Cannanore from the date of its opening till 31 st (c) if so, the steps taken to prevent such July, 1987 was Rs.1S.83 lakhs. happenings in future? (c) and (d). A local Sports Associ4~ion THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ has objected to the location of the school. ISTRY OF HEALTH AND FMiILY WELFARE Since the school was sponsored by the (KUfv\ARI SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a) and (I)). Ministry of Defence for catering to the edu­ Yes, Sir. cational needs of Defence and other Cen­ tral Government employees and is situated (c) Steps taken to prevent such hap­ on the land belonging to. the Ministry of penings in future include proper training of Defence, the objection of the local Associa- para-medical workers, strict supervision of tion is not tenable. . immunization work, testing of vaccines before they are released for use by the States and giving detailed guidelines to the Environmental Clearance of Hydro Elec­ States on immunization. tric Project in Kerala

Kendriya Vidyalaya at Cannanore 5223. SHR~ MUlIAPPAlLY RA- MACHANDRAN : Will the Minister of 5222. SHRI MULLAPPALLY RA- ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS be pleased MACHANDRAN: Will the Minister of HU­ to state: ~N RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state: (a) whether major hydel projects have I been denied clearance on the findings of seismological studies for the last three ~a) the funds allocated for the setting up years; of the Kendriya Vidyalaya at Cannanore in Kerala; (b) if so, the details thereof; 229 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 19,1909 (SAM) Written AnSwelS 230

(c) whether Govemment of Kerala has Extension of Howrah-Cc.chin and Cochin­ resubmitted any proposal for clearance of Cuwahati Expresses upto Trivahdrum hydro.electric project which was initiany rejected by the Ministry; and 5225. SHRI VAKKOM. PURUSHOTHA­ MAN: Win the Minister of RAILWAYS be (d) if so, the decision of the Ministry pleased to state: thereon? (a) whether Kerala-bound Passengers THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ Association, Visakhapatnam has made a ISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS request to the Railways to extend thf' (SHRI Z.R: ANSARI): (a) and (b). No, Sir. No Howrah-Cochin Express upto Trivandrum hydel project has been denJed clearance on as a daily train with two slip coaches from the basis of seismological studies. Visakhapatnam and back and also to extend Guwahati-Cochin -fxpress upto (c) Yes, Sir. TrivandnJm as the existing service of trains is greatly insufficient to meet the (d) One project, namely Sabarigiri Aug­ requirements - of Kerala and Mangalore­ mentation Scheme was resubmitted by the bound passengers; State Government. After due assessment this proposal was again rejected in May, (b) if so, the reaction of Government 19137'. thereto; and'i

Allocation for Passenger Amenities (c) how Government propose to meet the requirement of the passengers travel­ sn4. SHRI VAKKOM PURUSHO- nng from Visakhapatnam to Mangalore and THANtAN: wit: the Minister of RAILWAYS places beyond Cochin. be pleased to state: .THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ (a) the amount allocated for passenger ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MADHAVRAO amenities by the Railwa}5 for the current SCINDIA): (a) Yes, Sir. year; (b) and (c). Besides direct services be­ (b) the projects identified for the deve­ tween Visakhapatnam and CochiofTrivan­ lopment of better passengef" amenities. drum, a daily thro~gh coach is availabJe between Howrah-Mangalore via Madras. (c) the amount alJocdted for Southern People can also travel to different Railway for the purpose; and destinations in Kerala by a single changeover at Madras/Palghat/Emakulam. (d) the details of projects/programmes completed in Kerala under ~his scheme? Replacement of Old Coaches/Bogies in THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ Trains in Kerala ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MAOHAVRAO 5226. SHRI VAKKOM PURUSHO- SCINDIA): (a) Rs.17.74 crores. THAMAN: Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to refer to, the reply given to (b) Improvement to station buildings, Unstarred Question No. 2828 on 13 Waiting Halls, Drinking water facilities, August, 1987 regarding replacement of old platform covers, booking arrangements, bogies and state: toilet arrangements, etc. are some of the projects identified for development of bet­ (a) whether any steel bodied coaches, ter passenger amenities. wooden bodied I RS coaches and light utili­ sation coaches which have crossed the (c) Rs.1.95 crores. time frame for replacement are being used for the trains running within Kerala; (d) Improvements to Station buikling at Kasargod at a cost of Rs.12.34 lakhs. (~) if so, the details thereof, 231 Written Answers DECEMBER 10, 1987 Written Answers 232

(c) whether any assessment of the Pradesh for inclusion under the Central Aid age-cum-condition of the coaches was Programme of Loan Assistance for State made; roads of Inter-State or Economic Impor­ tance of 7th Five Year Plan. However, no (d) if so, when; and proposal has been received from the State Government of Madhya Pradesh. (e) whether these coaches were found fit for further use? (b) to (d). Do not arise.

THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ Upgradation of State Roads as National ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MADHAVRAO Highways in Karnataka SCINDIA) : (a) and (b). Only 12 of the fleet of 1083 no. of coaches plying on the Kerala 5228. SHRI V. SREENIVASA PRASAD region have crossed their codal time frame. SHRI M.V. CHANDRASEKHAt MURTHY: (c) and (d). Yes, Sir. This detailed as­ sessment is made once every 12 months or Will the Minister of SURFACl 18 months, depending on the type and TRANSPORT be pleased to state: service, when the coaches are overhauled in the workshop. (a) whether Government of Karnataka has been repeatedly requesting Umon (e) Only those coaches which are found Government to upgrade some of the State fit are retained in service. All the coaches in roads as National Highways; service are fit for use. (b) if so, the reactions of Union Gov­ Central Assistance for Strengthening and ernment thereto; and Repair of State Highways in Madhy.a Pradesh (c) the details of the State roads likely to be upgraded and National Highways in 5227. SHRI PRATAP BHANU SHARMA : Karnataka during the current plan period? Will the Minister of SURFACE TRANSPORT be pleased to state: THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ ISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (SHRI RA­ (a) whether Government of Madhya JESH PILOT) : (a) Yes, Sir. Pradesh has submitted certain proposals for providing financial assistance for (b) and (c). The Government is strengthening and repair of some impor­ examining the possibility ot declaring tant state highways under the Central some of the State Roads as National Scheme of Inter-State or Economic Impor­ Highways. tance Scheme;

(b) if so, the details thereof; World Health Organisation Study on Smoking of Tobacco

(c) whether the road$ have been ap­ 5229. SHRI V. SREENIVASA PRASAD: proved for providing financial assistance; SHRI BANWARI LAL PUROHIT: and Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMilY WELFARE be pleased to state: (d) if so, the details thereof? (a) whether according to the recent THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ study conducted by the World Health Or­ ISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (SHRI RA­ ganisation it has been revealed that near­ JESH PilOT) : (a) In April, 1987 proposals about 2.5 million. people d~e every year were invited from all the State and Union from diseases relating to srnoking of to­ Territory Govemments including Madhya bacco; 233 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAK4) Written Answers 234

(b) if so, the reaction of Government to the bad condition of the National High­ the outcome of study conducted by the ways passing through Andhra Pradesh. World Health Organisation; and (b) whether the width of National (c) whether any research has been con­ Highways passing through Andhra Pradesh ducted by Government to find out the ex­ is not in accordance with the prescribed act cause and the number of persons who standard; die every year in the country; and if so, the details thereof? (c) if so, whether Government of Andhra Pradesh has approached Union Govern­ ~ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ ment to provide necessary funds for the tRY OF HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE repairs and widening of National Hig~­ JMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE) : (a) Accord- ways; and 5 to the studies conducted by the World ealth Organisation, throughout th~ (d) if so, the details thereof and the re­ lorid, at least 2.5 million people die pre­ action of Government thereto? maturely from tobacco-related diseases yearly. THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ (b) Government are taking appropriate ISTRY OF SURFAC~ TRANSPORT (SHRI RA­ measures to discourage smoking and use of JESH PILOT) : (a) National Highways in other tobacco products. Andhra Pradesh are generally maintained in traffic-worthy condition. (c) It is estimated that between 6 to 10 lakh deaths in India are caused due to to­ (b) Some stretches of National High­ bacco consumption in various forms in­ ways in Andhra Pradesh have inadequate cluding deaths due to tobacco-related can­ road width. cers, cardio-vascular diseases, chronic ob­ structive lung diseases etc. (c) and (d). The National Highways be­ ing a Central subject, funds are provided keeping in view the requirements within Repair and Widening of National High­ the constraints of over-all resources to the ways in Andhra Pradesh State Government for development and maintenance including widening of 5230. SHRI V. TULSIRAN\ : Will tne National Highways. During the last three Minister of SURFACE TRANSPORT be years, the following amounts have been pleased to state: spent for development including widening and Maintenance & Repairs of National (a) whether Government are aware of Highways in Andhra Pradesh:

Year Development Maintenance including widening & Repairs

(Rs. in lakhs)

1984-85 1318.85 654.32

1985-86 1853.40 542.52

1986-87 2297.42 646.51

Cultural Exchange Programmes Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

5231. SHRI VIRDHI CHANDER JAIN: (a) whether the University Grants 235 Written Answers DECEMBER 10, 1987 Written Answers 236

Commission conducts cultural exchange (a) whether the University Grants programmes with foreign countries; Commission provides facilities of travel and maintenance grants to college teachers at (b) if so, the nonns and criteria of se­ par with their counterparts in universities lecting university teachers and the number for the purpose of collecting material of teachers selected during 1985 to July ~broad for research projects as well as for 1987, showing their status, qualificatiOJ\S, post-doctoral work; academic accomplishments vis-a·vis those rejected both subject and State-wise; and (b) if so, the number of college teachers benefited during 1986-87 and if not, the (c) the net gain to the country out of reasons therefor; and these programmes? (c) the steps taken to de away with the THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ discriminatory policy within a time frame? PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL· TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE­ THE MINISTER Of STATE IN THE DE­ SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRIMATI KR­ PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL­ ISHNA SAHI) : (a) The University Grants TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN Rf­ Commission is an implenlenting agency for SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRIMATI KR­ some items relating to higher education of ISH NA SAH I) : (a) to (c). According to in­ various Cultural Exchange Programmes en­ formation furnished by the University tered into by the Government of I nnia with Grants Commission, teachers in Humani­ foreign Governments from time to time. . ties and Social Sciences from universities and colleges are prOVided assistance to (b) The University Grants Commission visit U.K. for collecting source material for invites nomination of teachers working in their research projects. Under this scheme, universities and colleges from the the Commission meets expenditure on Vice-Chancellors of the universities who travel bothways and also provides mainte­ are requested to give wide pUblicity. About na'1ce for their stay in U. K. for a period not 1000 teachers nominated by the universi­ exceeding five weeks. Applications are in­ ties are screened by a committee of experts vited from teachers of universities and col­ constituted by the CommiSSIon out of leges and selection is made by an Exp~rt which about 100 teachers are nominated Comf!littee. The Commission does not d:s­ every year under the various programmes. criminate between university and college The procedure laid down ensures th.at a teachers in the selection. During 1986-87, candidate once nominated by the Commis­ nine teachers were selected for assistance sion for visiting abroad under a Cultural Ex­ under the scheme. Three of them were change Programme is not nominated again college teachers .. within a period of 3 years.

(c) The exchange of scholars provides Diversion of National Highway Passing the teachers usetul opportunities to inter­ through Nagpur City act with the scholars of foreign countries on matters relating to their academk work, 5233. SHRI BANWARI LAl PUROHIT and keep themselves abreast of the latest Will the Minister of SURFACE TRANSPORT developments in their fields of speciaHsa­ be pleased to state: tion as also to learn latest techniques of teaching and research. (a) whether there is any proposal to di­ vert the National Highway passing through Travel Facilities and Grants to College Nagpur City to outside the city; and Teachers (b) if so, the details thereof and when 5232. SHRI VIRDHI CHANDER JAIN the work is expected to be completed? Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state: THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE 237 Written Answel5 AGRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SMA) Written Answers 238

MINISTRY OF SURFALt TRANSPORT (SHRI (a) whether there IS a demand for intro­ RAJESH PILOT): (a) and (b). The proposal duction of a local train between Kamptee for Ring Road around Nagpur City which and Hingna Industrial Estate in Maharash~ will serve as byepass is still in a preliminary tra State; stage. It is, therefore, premature to indicate any further details at this sta~e. (b) if so, whether Government proposf to start such a local train; and Contract for Supply of Drugs to Manllfac­ turers of Sub·Standard Drugs (c) if so, by when and if not, the reasons therefor? 5234. SHRI S.C. GHOLAP : Will the ,\ nister of HEALTH AND FANtILY WELFARE THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ .: pleased to state: ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MADHAVRAO SCI NOlA) : (a) There is demand for intro­ (a) whether Government had declared a duction of a local train between Kamptee 1St of manufacturers of sub-standard drugs; and Ambajhari Defence siding which also covers H ingna Village. (b) whether Government (DGS&D) has given contract for supply of drugs to the (b) and (c). No. Sir, The siding is not fit said manufacturers even when their names for passenger traffic. Upgradation of the were in the above list; line and remodelling of Ajni Yard will in­ volve heavy expenditure which is not justi­ (c) if so, the reasons thereof; and the fiable in view of adequate road transport policy of Government in this regard; and facilities between Nagpur-Kamptee and Nagpur-Ambajhari. (d) whether some of the said manufac­ turers have submitted tenders to supply Appointment of Officers Above the Rank drugs against NMEP this year also and if so, of Assistant Commissioners in K. v.s. the action taken by Government in this re­ gard? 5236. SHRI RAMASHRAY PRASAD SI NGH: Will the Minister of HU!\MN THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to ISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE state: (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE) : (a) to (d). The State Drug Controllers are the authori­ (a) the details of the appointing author­ ties to monitor the quality of drugs manu­ ity for all posts above the rank of Assistant factured and sold in their States. As and Commissioner in Kendriya Vidyalaya San­ when samples drawn are found to be not gathan; of standard quality, investigations are made and action under the Drugs and Cosmetics (b) \vhether the incumbents to the Act and Rules is taken depending upon the posts of Assistant Commissioners are ap .. nature of defect. This is a continuous pfO~ pointed by specific designations viz Assis­ cess. Infonnation received in the DCS&D tant Commissioner (Personnel), (Admini­ and other Government Purchasing Organi­ stration), (Finacne) etc., sations is taken into consideration by their Competent Purchase OfficerfT ender Pur­ (c) whether the Commissioner, Kendriya chase Committee at the time of awarding Vidyalaya Sangathan is empowered to alter contracts to firms. the designation of any of the incumbents appointed to a definite post by Govern­ Local Train between Kamptee and ment; and Hingna Industrial Estate (d) if so, under which rule or provision 5235. SHRI BANWARI tAL PUROHIT : and if not, how the designation of the in-- Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased cumbent of Deputy Commissioner to state: (Personnel) has been changed in violation 239 Written Answers DECEMBER 10, 1987 Written Answers 240 of the appointment of another off,icer to being collected and will be laid on the the post of Deputy Commissioner Table of the Sctbha. (Personnel) 7 Renewal and Replacement of Railway THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE· Tracks PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL­ TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE­ 5238. OR. B.L SHAILESH : Will the SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRIMATI KR­ Minister of RAI LWAYS be pleased to state: ISH NA SAH I) : (a) The appointing authority for the post of Assistant Commissioner in (a) whether any long-term plan has Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan is the Com­ been prepared for the renewal and re­ missioner, Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan. placement of tracks and strengthen it to For posts of and above the rank of Deputy cope with the needs of the high-speed Commissioners in the Kendriya Vidyalaya trains particularly on the trunk routes in the Sangathan the appointing authority is the near future; Government of India. (b) No, Sir. There is only one post of As­ (b) if so, its broad outlines; sistant Commissioner which is designated as Assistant Commissioner (Administra­ (c) the total length of the Indian Rail­ ways' track-B.G. and M.G. due for renewal; tion). However, there are 5 posts of and Deputy Commissioners which are desig­ nated as under:- (d) the portion out of it which has been overhauled and that remains to be replaced 1. Deputy Commissioner (Administration) 2. Deputy Commissioner (Personnel) and renewed? 3. Deputy Commissioner (Academic) THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ 4. D~puty Commissioner (Training) 5. Deputy Commissioner (Finance) ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MADHAVRAO SCINDIA) : (a) Yes, Sir. The work of track (c) and (d). The posts having the same renewal is a continuous process and is un­ recruitment rules are interchangeable. The dertaken on age-cum-condition basis. incumbents of the posts of Deputy Com­ missioner (Administration) and Deputy (b) The 7th Plan envisages total track Commissioner (Personnel) which have the renewal of 21,000 km. Priority is being ac­ same recruitment rules have been inter­ corded for rene~val on trunk routes. changed once keeping in view administra­ tive convenience and exigencies of work. (c) About 19,550 km. at the beginning of 7th Five Year Plan. Passenger Amenites and Modernisation of Railway Stations in Kerala (d) 3578 km. and 3978 km. of track re­ newals were carried out in 1985-86 and 5237. ·PROF. KV. THOMAS : Will the 1986-87 respectively. About 18,200 km. is Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to state: due for renewal as on 1-4-1987. New Medical Colleges in States (a) the steps taken to provide more fa­ cilities for the passengers of the railway sta­ 5239. SH RI LAKSHMAN MALLICK: Will tions in Kerala; and the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WEL­ FARE be pleased to state: (b) the amount spent for the modernisa­ tion of railway stations in Kerala during the (a) whether a number of medical col­ last three years? leges have been opened in various States during the last three years; THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ ISTRY Of RAILWAYS (SHRJ MADHAVRAO (b) if so, the names and places where SCI NOlA) : (a) and (b). The information is the medical colleges were opened; 241 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAM) Written Answel'S 242

(c) how much assistance has been given THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ by the University G~nts Commission and ISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE the Union Government to each college; (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE) : (a) and (b). (d) whether any demand has been re­ According to the information obtained from ceived from the State of Orissa for opening the Medical Council of India , the following medical colleges in that State; and medical colleges have been opened in various States without the prior approval of (e) Jf so, the details thereof and the ac­ the Medical Council of -' India/Central tion Union Government have taken or Government. propose to take in this matter?

'"ate Name of the college Year of establishment ,ndhra 1. Deccan College of 1Q85 'radesh Medical Sciences, Hyderabad.

Tamil Nadu 2. Sri Ramchandra College of 1985 Health Sciences, Porur, Madras

3. Salem Medical College, 1985 Salem.

4. P.S.G. Institute of 1985 Medical Sciences, P.S. Govindaswamy Naidu . and Sons' Charities, P~elamedu, Coimbatore

5. Medical College, 1985 Annamalai Maharashtra 6. Rural Medical College, 1984 Loni.

7. Krishan I nstitute of Medical Sciences, Karad, (Distt. Satara) 1984

8. Amarawati Medical College, 1984 Amarawati

Karnataka 9. J.S.S. Medical College, 1984 Mysore'

10. Sri Adichunchanegiri 1985 Medical College, Javaranahalli, Vellur Mandya Distt.

11. Sri Devraj Urs Medical College 1986 Tamka, Kolar

12. AI-Ameen Medical College, 1984 Bijapur

13. h.LD. Medical Colleee. 243 Written Answers DECEMBER 10, 1987 Written Answers 244

(c) No dSsistance has been given by 257,269 tonnes in 1986-87, on account of either the University Grants Commission or shortage in power supply. the Union Govt. to any of the medical colleges. (b) An additional capacity of 218,000 tonnes of aluminium per annum is being (d) No, Sir. added with the implementation of National Aluminium Co. ltd. project (under con­ (e) Does not arise. struction) with its own captive power pl~nt of 600 MW. In order to ensure steady Opening of Primary Health Centres in power supply, Bharat Aluminium Company Tribal Areas of Orissa ltd. is setting up a captive thennal power plant of 270 MW. Hindustan Aluminium 5240. SHRI LAKSHMAN MALLICK: Will Corporation Ltd. is serviced by Renusagar the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WEL­ PCM'er Company, which is a capl~ power FARE be pleased to state: plant of 270 MW, where they are installing an additional generatmg set of 67.5 MW. (a) the targets fixed to be achieved dur­ ing the Seventh five Year Plan regarding From being a net importer of aluminium opening of Primary Health Centres in Tribal metal, India will become a surplus pro­ areas of Orissa; ducer of alummium by 1988-89.

(b) to what extent success has been Less Wages Paid to Women achieved? 5242. DR. PHUlRENU CUHA : WiU the THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ Minister of HUrvtAN RESOUCRE DEVEL· ISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMilY WELfARE OPMENT be pleased to state: (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE) : (a) and (b). According to information given by the State (a) whether Government are aware that Covernment a target of opening 60 Primary women are being exploited by the contrac­ Health Centres in Tribal areas had been tors because equal pay for equal work is fixed for Orissa during the Seventh Plan. not ~ven to them; However, so for 91 Primary Health Centres had been set up till 31 st March, 1987. (b) if so, whether Government proposE to remove this discrimination; and

Lo~ in Production of Aluminium (c) if so, the details thereof?

5241. DR. PHULRENU GUHA : Will the Minister of CIVIL AND MINES be pleased THE MINISTER OF HUMAN RESOURCE to state: DEVELOPMENT AND MINISTER OF HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE (SHRI P.V. (a) whether the production of alu­ NARASIMHA RAG) : (a) to (c). The Equal minium has decreased during the last three Remuneration Act, 1976, which provided years; and for the payment of equal remuneration to men and women workers and for the pre­ (b) if so, the steps being taken to in­ vention of discrimination, on the ground of crease the productton? sex, against women in the matter of em­ ployment and for matters connected THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ therewith or incidental thereto, has been PARTMENT OF MINES IN THE MINISTRY extended to all establishments and all sec­ OF STEEL AND MINES (SHRtMATI RAM ... tors of employment. Contractors' estab­ DU LARI SI N HA) : (a) Yes, Sir. There has lishments are also covered. As 'and when been some decrease in the production of violations of the provisions of the Act are primary aluminium from 276,492 tonnes in detected, action is to be taken in accor­ .1984-85 to. 264, 826 tonnes in 1985-86 and dance with the provisions of the Act . 245 Written Answers ACRAHAYANA 19,1909 (SAKA) Written Answers 246

Cosure of Delhi College of Engineering (a) whether it is a fact that raihlyay em­ ployees killed by terrorists if) PJ,lniab are 5243. SHRI P.M. SAYEED: Will the Mi~­ not getting any compensation as the Rail­ ister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVElOP­ ways are yet to frame rules in this re~ard; MENT be pleased to state: (b) if so, how many railway employees (a) whether the Defh1 College of Engi­ have been killed in Punjab or elsewhere by neering was dosed following some unto­ the terrorists and the nature of compensa­ ward incidents; tion given to each; and

(b) if so, the details thereof; (c) whether Government propose to formulate rules in this regard so that these (c) the number of days for which the employees are adequately compensated? )lIege was closed; and THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ (d) whether the dispute, if any, has ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MADHAVRAO since been amicably settled? SCINDIA): (a) and (c). Railway employees working in Punjab are eligible for the same THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ compensation as applicable to other Cen­ PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUl­ tral Govt. employees in that area. In case of TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE­ death/disability as a result of attack by SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRIMATI KR­ extremists, anti-social elements, etc. liber­ ISH NA SAH I): (a) Yes, Sir. alised pensionary benefits have been ex­ (b) On November 12, 1987 out of eigh­ tended to Central Govt. employees in­ teen students of a Group of Final Year Me­ cludmg Railway employees. Any further lib­ chanical Engineering students of the Col­ eralisation in compensation by Central lege, only two students attended a class Covt. will also be extended to Railway em­ and the remaining sixteen abstained. After ployees killed by terrorists. However, in the class was over, the students who ab­ individual cases based on merits liberal ad­ sented themselves from class accosted the hoc compensations are being granted. two students and beat up one of them. As a disciplinary measure, the College authori­ (b) Information is being colleeted and tIes suspended teaching for those sixteen will be laid on the Table of the Sabha. students until further orders. On November 13, 1987 as d protest Identification and Isolation of AIDS Virus against the suspension order, a group of at AIIMS New Delhi about hundred students staged a violent demonstration in the Principal's room and 5245. SHRI PRAKASH V. PATIL: damaged some college property. SHRI P.M. SAYEED: SHRI P. PENCHALlIAH: (c) The college was dosed for five days from November 16th to 20th, 1987 Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE be pleased to state: (d) The group of sixteen students apolo­ gised and the suspension order has been (a) whether at the All 1ndia Institute of withdrawn. The other part of the dispute Medical Sciences, New Delhi the virus of invo~ving the demonstration on 13 AI DS disease could be identified and iso­ November, 87 is in the process of being lated; settled. Compensation of Railway Employees (b) if so, whether this will help to find killed by Terrorists out the medicine that can cure it; and

5244. SHRI PRAKASH V. PATIL: Will the (c) whether any steps have been taken Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to state: to find out the medicine? 247 Written Answers DECEMBER 10, 1987 Written Answers 248

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ ISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE Name of States Cases Deaths (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a) The refer­ ral centre for AIDS at the All I ndia Institute Andhra Pradesh 23 12 of Medical Sciences Ne", .pelhi have suc­ ceeded in isolating H IV froQ'l 3 prostitutes Bihar 384 122 from Madras. The virus has been isolated from the lymphocyst by co-cultivation Karnataka 33 9 method and confirmed by indirect immune fluorescence test and reverse transcriptase Uttar Pradesh 50 32 . assay. Further characterisation is necessary to know whether it is HIV-I or HIV-II or a Tamil Nadu 379 161 new strain. West Bengal 676 213 (b) and (c). Global efforts are on to find out a suitable medicine for AIDS. It has not Total 1767 662 yielded yet any satisfactory result though drugs like Azidothymidine are being used. (c) Japanese Encephalitis is endemic 10 The same has been found prolonging the I ndia and is being regularly reported from life of the AIDS patients. Several other one or the other parts of the country. drugs are also being experimentally tried. However, isolation of the virus will help in The following specific measures are be­ future clinical trials of medicines in Indian ing taken to control the spread of the dis- context. ease: 1. Insecticidal spray with DDT /BHC Spread of Encephalitis ;n an area 2-3 Km. around a case wherever reported. 5246. SHRI PRAKASH V. PATIL: Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMilY WELFARE 2. National Institute of Virology, be pleased to state: Pun(', School of Tropical Medicine, Calcutta, All India I nsti­ (a) whether in many States the disease tute of Hygiene & Public Health, of encephalitis has made its appearance in Calcutta and National Institute of a deadly forn:a; CommuOicable Diseases, Deihl are involved in the programnle for (b) if so, the number of persons affected a advice/diagnosis of cases. and killed during the last six months, State­ 3. BHe/DDl are supplied by NMEP wise; and for control of Japanese Ence­ phalitis. (c) the cause for reappearance of the 4. Fogging/U LV machines are sup­ disease and the steps being taken to pre­ plied by NMEP to the affected vent it? States. 5. Health education on Japanese THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ Encephalitis has been intensified ISTRY OF HEALTH AND FM1ILY WELFARE and necessary guidelines have (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a) and (b). been issued to all States/Union Yes, Sir. As per reports received from the Territories to contain the disease. State Health authorities the number of cases and deaths due to Japanese En­ Transport Facilities in Bharuch District cephalitis during the last six months (June­ (Cujarat) November, 1987) is as under: 5247. SHRI U.H. PAl tl: Will the Name of State Cases Deaths Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to state:

Assam 222 113 (a) whether Samni-Dahej narrow gauge 249 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAKA) WrittenAn~e~ 250

railway route in the Bharuch district of Cu­ (ii) A scheme on development and jarat on Western Railway is the only mode rrlodernisation of blood banking of transport available for 35 villages of this and transfusion servit"es. district; A scheme on Development and (b) whether Railways have terminated Modernisation of blood banking and this narrow gauge line for the last 8 months transn .sion services in the country is being permanently; implemented during Seventh Five Year Plan period. The salient features of the Scheme (c) if so, whether the Railways have are: proposed any other alternative railway line in place of this narrow gauge line; and 1. Augmentation of voluntary blood collection through publicity, educa­ (d) if so, the details thereof and if not, tion and motivation in the available the reasons therefor? mass media.

THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ 2. Adequate utilisation of blood by cell ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MADHAVRAO component separation and Plasnla SCI NOlA): (a) No, Sir. Fast bus services are fractionation; available in the areas, from Bharuch for Dahej and Vagra Stations on this section. 3. Development of blood banking and Other stations can be connected by buses transfusion services upto distrjct by introducing feeder services. level in a phased manner;

(b) Train running is suspended. 4. Development of manpower.

(c) No, Sir.

(d) Samni-Dahej railway line is one of Industrial Pollution the uneconomic branch lines recom­ mended for closure by the Railway Reforms 5249. SH RI A. CHARLES: Will the Committee. Minister of ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS be pleased to state: New National Health Programmes (a) the number of Public Sector under­ 5248. SHRI MANIK REDDY: Will the takings which have been identified as pol. Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE lution causing units; be pleased to state: (b) the action that has been taken (a) whether Government propose to against these units; and start any new National Health Programmes in future; and (c) the outcome thereof?

(b) if so, the details thereof? THE MINI~TER Of STATE IN THE MIN­ ISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE (SHRI Z.R. ANSARI); (a) to (c). Information MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMilY is being collected and will be laid on the . WELFARE (KUJ\1ARI SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a) Table of the House . Yes. (b) (i) National AIDS Control Programme: Inaccuracies in History Text Boob

A National AI DS Control Programme 5250. SHRI SATYENDRA NARAYAN hac; been formulated during the Seventh SINHA: Will the Minister of HUMAN RE­ Five Year Plan which is awaiting final SOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to clearance from the Govemment state: 251 WI;ff"n Answers DECEMBER 10, 1987 Written Answers 252

(a) whether the golden jubilee session [Translation] of the Indian History Congress has called for changes in text books on History to in­ Environmental Clearance of kimtoli. culcate correct national and secular per­ Raur.al Motor Road spective; 5251. SHRt HARISH RAWAT: Will the (b) whether Government are aware of Minister of ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS many inaccuracies and even factuany be pleased to state: wrong statements in history text books even now; (a) whether Government have cleared thf Kimtoli-Rausal MoI;,or road in Pithora (c) whether any effort would be made to garh distnct of Uttar Pradesh from en\ prescribe well written history text books fonmental angle; and with a scientific attitude towards history; and (b) if not, when it will be cleared?

(d) whether experts have underlined the THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THt MIN­ lack of sociological content in history text ISTRY OF FNVIRONMENT AND FORESTS books which show history merely as a suc­ (SHRI Z.R. ANSARI): Proposal of the State cession of kings, wars and invasions? Government to divert 0.327 hectare forest land for Kimtoli-Rausal motor road in THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ Pithoragarh District of Uttar Pradesh was PARTMENTS Of EDUCATION AND CUL­ approved on 23.3.1985. TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE­ SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRIMATI KR­ (b) Does not arise. ISHNA SAl-H): (a) Yes, Sir. Rehabilitation of People Residing on (b) School Education is looked after Forest Land primarily by the State Covts. It is for the State Govts. and their Boards of Secondary 5252. SHRI HARISH RAWAT: Will the Education to frame and prescribe the Minister of ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS scheme of study, syllabus, curriculum, text be pleased to state: books etc. at the School Stage. At the na­ tional level the NCERT has frafTIed model (a) whether it has been decided to re­ CUrriculum, syllabi and text books, includ­ habilitate the persons who have been r~­ ing in history, which the State Govts. are siding on th~ forest land beyond a certain free to adopt/adapt. period, an some other alternative land in some States; NCERT has continuously striven to eliminate irraccuracies and factual errors (b) if so, the names of the States in re­ from its text books. It has undertaken a spect of which such a decision has been systematic work of evaluation of school taken. text books brought out by it and other agencies from the standpbint of National (c) whether Government have prepared Integration. any special scheme to rehabilitate those persons who are illegally residing on the (c) and (d) NCERT has been making forest land; and efforts to prepare history text books with a scientific attitude towards history. The so­ (d) if so, the details thereof? do-cultural approach for writing history text books h3S also been introduced by THE MINISTER OF STATE LN THE MIN· NCERT since mid sixties. Text books for the ISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS state system have however to be writ­ (SHRI Z.R. ANSARI): (a) People residing on ten/prescribed by the state agency con­ forest land fall in three broad categories cerned. namely legally settled persons, sfaifting· 253 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 19,1909 (SAM) Written Answers 254 cultivators and encroachers. Legally settled (a) the number of persons killed and people are seldom shifted. Shifting cultiva­ injured by the Delhi Transport Corporation tors are rehabilitated on non-forest land buses during the last three months and the wherever possible. There are no scheme figures for the same during the corre­ for rehabilitation of encroachers. sponding period-of last year, (b) to (d). SRecial schemes have been formulated for rehabilitation of shiftil}g cul­ ('-l) the reasons for the increase in the tivators in the States of Andhra Pradesh, rate of accidents; and Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Orissa and (c) the amount of compensation paid to· Tripura. A provision of Rs.1S crores has the families of those killed and to the in­ been made for continuing the schemes jured? during 1987-88 and 25,000 families are ex­ pected to benefit.

{English) THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ Accidents Involving Ole Buses ISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (SHR1 RA­ JESH PILOT): (a) The number of persons 5253. SHRI KAN\lA PRASAD killed and injured in accidents Hlvolving SINGH: DTe buses during Sept., October and SHRI P. PENCHAliIAH: November, 1987 and during the corre­ Will the Minister of SURFACE sponding months of the last year 'are as TRANGPORT be pleased to state: under:

Months No. of persons killed No. of persons injured

1987 1986 1987 1986

September 20 5 165 184

October 25 12 125 154

November 15 17 99 144

(b) The rate of accidents per 1 lakh Kms. Arrest of R.P.F. Constables and, others for has shown a decline as indicated below:- teasing women passengers in trains and platforms Months Rate of accident per 5254. SHRI KAtvtLA PRASAD SiNGH: 1 lakh 1<.11)5. Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased 1987 1986 to state: September 1.42 1.68 (a) the number of Railway Protection Force constables and others arrested for October 1.17 1.76 t~asing women passengers in trains and on platfonns during the last 12 months; and November 1.45 1.53 (b) the details of action taken to prop­ (c) Compensation becomes payable on erly train and educate the force so as to be award by the Motor Accidents Claims Tri­ useful to the public and not to be anti-so­ bunal on the claims preferred. As the cial element? claims in respect of recent accidents are not received, no compensation has been THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ paid in respect of the cases pertaining to ISTRY Of RAILWAYS (SHRI MADHAVRAO September,1987 to November, 1987. SCINDIA): (a) Two Constables of the Rail .. 255 Written Answers DECEMBER 10, 1987 Written Answers 256 way Protection Force were aYrested by GRP authorities of the universities for for teasing wOlT)en passengers during the . implementation. last twelve months'. Information in respect fhe Central Universities excepting AIi­ of 'others' is not maintained by Railways. garh Muslim University have, by clnd large, adopted the UCC guidelines in respect of (b) The training programme for all ranks reservation for Scheduled Castes and of RPF lay special emphasis on discipline Scheduled Tribes. The universities estab­ and public service. During Suraksha Sam­ lished under the Acts of State legislatures melans (meeting with staff members) by are generally guided by the reservation superior officers, the members of the forc~ policy and instructions issued by the re­ are instructed to be' courtious and polite specLlve State Governments who are pri­ with the travelling' public and are warned marily responsible for the imPlementatiO! that severest action would be taken in case of reservation policy in these universitie of indecent behaviour. The Ministry/University Grants Comml sion have been impressing upon the uni­ Implementation of SC/ST Reservation versities from time to time to ensure that~ Orders by Universities Institutions the guidelines regarding reservation for Receiving Grants from UGC Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes are implemented in full. 5255.SHRI . BANWARI LAL PUROHIT: Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE Implementation of Accepted Detnand5 of DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state: Doctors of Central Health Services 5256. SHRI BRAJAN\OHAN MOHANTY: (a) whether it is obligatory for all grant Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY receiving universities/deemed universi­ WELFARE be pleased to state: ties/institutions to follow the Government directives relating to reservation for Sched­ (a) whether any of the demands ot doc­ uled Castes/Scheduled Tribes in services; tors of Central Health Services has been accepted by Government and if so, the de­ (b) if so, whether these orders are being tails thereof; and ,,,;emt'nted by all such universities and ( b) whether any such accepted demand Itutions; and has been implemented and not, the rea­ sons thpreof? (c) if not, the steps taken by Govern­ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ ment to ensure the minimum required level ISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMilY WELFARE of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes in (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE:): (a) and (b): services of such institutions? The demands of the doctors inter-alia in­ cluded higher scale of pay at the entry THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ point, three time bound promotions, PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL­ N _P .A. @ 50 percent the revised pay scale TURE IN THf MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE­ without ceiling and the sanle to be treated SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRIMAtl KR­ as part of pay for all purposes pertaining to ISHNA SAHI): (a) to (c). The University Government service, grant of Conveyance Crants Commission have issued guidelines Allowance Administrative Allowance, Risk to lHlIversitles/deemed universities that In Allowance: Special pay and Professional clppointment to non-teaching posts 15% of Allowance enhancement of retirement age the posts should be reserved for S<:heduled from 58 to 62-65 years and a unified cadre Castes and 7.S'Yo for Scheduled Tribes in of Central Health Service instead of four accordance with the procedure prescribed Sub-cadres. After examining all the de­ by the Government. The same percentage mands a package was offered. Action taken of the posts should be reserved for these to implement the prOVisions o~ th~ b~nefits communities in the teaching posts at the contained in the package IS indicated level of lecturer. As the universities are below:-- statutory bodies, the UCC guidelines are required to be adopted by the appropriate (i) Orders relating to Non-Practising 257 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAKA) Written Answers 258

Allowance and Conveyance allow· 5 years of service and in the scafe ance have been issued. of Rs 4500-5700 after 9 years of service in Specialist Crade II. This (ii ) Action to issue orders retating to involves amendment of the exist­ Annual Allowance is being pur­ ing provisions of Central Health sued and orders are expected to Service Rules, 1982. Action in this soon. regard is already at the advanced stage. (iii) Promotion orders of Medical offi­ cers who have completed 5 years (ix1 Action has also been initiated for of service have already been is­ placement of Associate Professors sued. to the scale of ·Rs. 4500-5700 on the basis of seniority-cum-fitness. Ov) Inter-departmental Comnlittee Action is being pursued to amend has been set up to look mto the the existing provisions of CHS cadre structure of Central Health Rules, 1982. Service, Railway Medical Service and Medical posts under Central (x) Demands for higher start and Police Organizations. The Com­ three time bound promotions mittee has already comrnenced its have been referre.i for considera­ work. tion of Group of Ministers.

(v) Posts of Senior Medir.al Officers (xi) \s regards the demand for raising to be upgraded as Chief Medical tf te age of retirement, the same Officers have been identified. Ac­ was to be considered in the con­ tion to ~eek relaxation of the ex­ text of general policy of the Gov­ isting provisions of Central Health ernment with regard to the retire­ Service Rules, 1982, in order to ment age for various categories of promote Senior Medical' Officers Central Government ernployees. to the grade of Chief Medicar Of­ At present, however, there is no ficpr is already at advanced stage. proposal to raise the retirelnent age. (vi) 16 Assistant Professors· with a 3 years of service as Assi~tant Pro­ Tan-gets Achievements for Sterilisation fessors have already been pro­ during 1987-88 State.. wise motC'd as Associate Professors. Rernaining Assistant Professors 5257. SHRl SOMNATH RATH : Will the who have completed 3 years ot Minister of HEALTH AND FM-illY WELFARE service will be promoted after the be pleased to state: exic;t ing provision of the ratio ot 1: 1 between AssIstant Professors (a) whether any target has been fixed and Associate Professors is re­ for different States and Union Tenitories laxed. Action In this direction is al­ "or sterilisation for the year 1987-88 and if ready at advance stage. so, the details thereof, State-wise ar1d Union Temtory-wise; (vii) 35 post-.-_; in Supertime Grade have been created (25 as a result of (b) the achievements of different States package benefits and 10 as a re­ and Union Tenitories; and sult of reco.nmendations of Fourth Central Pay COlnmission). (c) whether any alnount is given to indi­ viduals to motivate for sterilisation 7 (viii) Action has already been initiated for placement of Specialists Rs. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN .. 3000-5000 in the newly intro­ ISTRY OF HEALTH AND fM--tILY WELFARE duced scale of Rs 3700-5000 after (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE) : (a) The Ster- 259 Written Answers DECEMBER 10, 1987 Written Answers 260

Dilation targets-fixed for different States (c) Government of India pays compen­ and Union Territories for the year 1987-88 sation money per case of sterilisation to the are given in Statement-I below. States /Union Territories. Miscellan~oU; purposes fund forms a part of compensa­ (b) Statement-II gives State/Union Ter­ tion money and this includes motivation ritory-wise Proportionate Targets and fee payable to the motivators. Achievements for Sterilisation upto Octo­ ber,1987.


Targets of Sterilisation-1987-B8

S. No. State/U.T./Agency Target , 2 3

I. MAlOR STATES (Population 1 crore or more)

1. Andhra Pradesh 600,000

2. Assam 205,000

3. Bihar 600,000

4. Gujarat 300,000

5. Haryana 105,000

6. Karnataka 350.000

7. Kerala 215,000

8. Madhya Pradesh 450,000

9. Maharashtra 570,000

10. Orissa 225,000

11. Punjab 125,000

12. Rajasthan 300,000

13. Tamil Nadu 560,000

14. Uttar Pradesh 650,000

15. West Bengal 500,000


1. Himachal Pradesh 35,000

2. Jammu & Kashmir 60,000

3. Manipur 7,000 261 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAIV\) Written AnSwet5 262

1 2 3

4. Meghalaya 700

5. Nagaland 1,000

6. Sikkim 1,000

7. Tripura 10,000

8. A & N. Islands 1,500

9. Arunachal Pradesh 500

10. Chandigarh 3,500

11. 0& N. Haveli 1,000

12. Delhi 40,000

13. Goa, Daman & Diu 4,740

14. Lakshadweep 60

15. Mizoram 3,000

16. Pondicherry 6,000


1. M/D Defence- 30,000

2. M/D Railways 40,000

All India 6,000,000

STATEMENT .. II -- Sterilisationsf S. No. State/Union Territory / Propor- Achievement Percentage Agency tionate during achievement target for 1987-88 of propor- 1987-88 (April to tionate Oct., 87) target during 1987-88 (April to Oct., 1987)

1 2 3 4 5 L MAJOR STATES (Population 1 crore or more)

1. Andhra Pradesh 270,000 240,690 89.1 263 Written Answers DECEMBER 10, 1987 Written Answers 264

1 2 3 4 5

2. Assam 92,250 41,098 44.6

3. Bihar 270,000 63,502 23.5 ... Gujarat 135,000 89,348 66.2 5. Haryana 47,250 30,565 64.7

6. Kamataka 157,500 166,960 106.0

7. Kerala 96,750 95,257 98.5

8. Madhya Prad.esh 202,500 69,884 34.5

9. Maharashtra 256,500 190,616 74.3

10. Orissa 101,250 63,347 62.6

11. Punjab 56,250 50,397 89.6

12. Rajasthan 135,000 51,048 37.8

13. Tamil Nadu 252,000 227,984 90.5

14. Uttar Pradesh 292,500 120,624 41.2

15. West Bengal 225,000 107,255 47.7


1. Himachal Pradesh 15,750 4,993 31.7

2. Jammu & Kashmir 27,000 6,826 25.3

3. Manipur 3,150 2,427 77.0

4. Meghalaya· 245 337 137.6

5. Nagaland 450 316 70.2

6. Sikkim 450 393 87.3

7. Tripura 4,500 3,111 69.1

8. A. & N. Islands 675 812 120.3

9. A¥unachaIPradesh· 175 483 276.0

10. Chandigarh 1,575 843 53.5 265 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAJV\)' Written Answers 266

1 2 3 4 5

11. D. & N. Haveli 450 490 108.9

12. Delhi 18,000 14,895 82.B

13. Goa, Daman & Diu 2,133 2,180 102.2

14. Lakshadweep 27 15 55.6

15. Mizoram· ... 840 916 109.0

16. Pondicherry 2,700 3,340 123.7


1. M/O Defence 13,500 9,143 67.7

2. M/D Railways 18,000 9,986 55.5

All India 2,699,370 1,670,071 61.9

Figures provisional.

... Target and performance upto September.

1(1 .. Target and performance upto August.

Railway Fly-over-bridge at Margao (Goa) sponsored proposal in this regard to the Railways. 5258. SH RI SHANTARAM NAI K: Will the Minister of RAI LWAYS be pleased to state: Extension of Bombay Suburban Section upto Palghar (8) whether there wa.c, a proposal for constructing a railway fly-over bridge over 5259. SHRI S. C. GHOLAP: Will the the main railway crossing gate at Margao, Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to 5tate: Goa; (a) whether demands have been made (b) if so, whether the proposal has been to extend Bombay suburban Zone upto dropped; and Palghar which is only 100 kms. from Bom­ bay; and (c) if so, whether Government propose to reconsider their decision? (b) if so, the reaction of Government thereon? THE MINISTER-DF STATE OF THE MIN­ ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MADHAVRAO THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ SCINDIA): (a) Yes, Sir. IS1 RY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MADHAVRAO SCINDIA): (a) Yes, Sir. (b) and (c). The State Government dropped the proposal in the year 1972 in (b) The proposal is not feasible due to view of the problem of land acquisition. change from DC to AC traction at Virar and The State Government has not, thereafter, other operational factors. 2.67 Written Answers DECEMBER 10,1987 Written Answers 268

Stoppage of 13/14 Balsar Express at socia-economic factor to nutritional mor­ Dadar bidity, among the vulnerable groups have rece;ved due attention. 5260. SH RI S. C. GHOLAP: Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to state: Research Conducted by Indian Institute of Forest Management, Bhopal (a) whether the Palghar Central Railway Passenger Association has requested to 5262. SH RI C. SAMBU: Will the Minister provide a stoppage of 13 On and 14 Up of ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS be aalsar Express at Dadar ~ it was done be­ pleased to state: fore' October, 1987; and (a) whether research studies and tral (b) if so, the reaction of Government ing programmes have been conducted thereto? the Indian Institute of Forest Managemt in Bhopal; if so the details thereof; THt MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN· ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MADHAVRAO (b) the number of them sponsored b\ SCINDIA): (a) Yes, Sir. the foreign agencies;

(b) The stoppage of 13 Dn Express at (c) the major findings of the abovl Dadar is being restored from 15.12.1987. studies; and

Setting up of Regional Medical Research (d) when the institute is to move to its Centre in Andhra Pradesh perl'lMlnent buildings?

5261. SHRI C. SAMBU: WiU the Minister THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE be ISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS pleased to state: (SHRI Z. R. ANSARI): (a) Yes, Sir. 14 short­ term training courses have been conducted (a) whether Government propose to set and work on 2 research studies has been up a Regional Medical Research Centre un­ initiated by the I ndian I nstitute of Forest der the I ndlan Council of Memcal Research Management in Bhopal since 1985·86, in Andhra Pradesh; (b) One course namely on land use (b) if so, by when; and plannjng for 3 weeks in November, 1986 was sponsored by the USAID. (c) if not, the reason therefor? (c) Work on research studies under­ THF MINISTER Of SJJ\TE IN THE MIN­ taken is going on and the findings are ISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAM1LY WELFARE awaited. (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a) No, Sir. .:, ~) TM Lnstitute is expecteQ to move to (b) The question does not arise. its permanent buildings by the eRd df cur­ rent financial year. (c) The Indian Council of Medical Re­ search atready has a permanent I nstitute of Allocation of Funds out of Cenkal Road Nutrition, Hyderabad, along with two Fund other centres viz. Food and Drug Toxico- 'logy Research Centre and laboratory Ani­ 5263, SHRI V, SOBHANADREESWARA mals Information Service Centre which are RAO: Will the Minister of SURfACE located in the NIN, Hyderabad. The opera­ TRANSPORT be pleased to state: tional research with regard to delivety of nutrition services and identifying and quan­ (a) the amount allocated to' Andhra tifying the contribution of non-nutritional Pradesh out of Central Road Fund for factors like infection, diarrhoeal diseases, 1987-88; 269 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 19, ,1909 (SAAA) Written Answers 270

(b) whether the existing criteria fol .. to four lanes Vijayawada-Cuntur-Ongole lowed in arriving at the quantum of Central Section at a cost of Rs. 60.00 crores. The Road Fund to be allotted to any State has work will be taken up in phases depending become obsolete in view of the present upon inter-se priority of various projects price of motor spirit; and availability of resources.

(c) if so, whether Union Government Railway Passes to Religious Missionaries propose to adopt new norms to fix the Central ~oad Fund amount to be allotted to 5265. DR. A. K. PATEl: Will the Minister a State; and of RAILWAYS be pleased to state:

(d) the time by which a decision is likely (a) whether complimentary passes have to be taken in this regard? been issued to Christian Missionaries in I ndia for travelling in the country; what are THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ the details of the concessions pennitted or ISTRY Of SURfACE TRANSPORT (SHRI RA­ are to be allowed; JESH PilOT): \a) Rs. 90.on lakhs. (b) the names' of the persons with na­ (b) to (d). The need for mobilisation of tionality to whom such passes have been additional resources for the road sector in­ issued and justification for prOViding such cluding augmentation of Central Road Fund passes in each case; and has been felt. The issues need to be gone into taking into account a total view of re­ (c) whether 'similar facilities have been sources and the likely impact of the in­ provided to other religious preachers in In­ crease in the prices of the petroleum prod­ dia, if so, their names, status and ad­ ucts and the potential of the Petroleum I n­ dresses? dustry to absorb it. In view of above, no time limit can be sttpulated at present. THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN .. ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MAOHAVRAO Widening of Vijayawada.. Guntur Portion SCINDIA): (a) No All India Complimentary of N. H. No. 5 Card Passes have been issued to Christian Missionaries, as such. One All India Com.. 5264. SHRI V. SOBHANADREESWARA plimentary Pass has, however, been issued RAO: Will th~ Minister of SURFACE to the Missionaries of Charity, Calrutta, TRANSPORT be pleased to state: headed by Mother Teresa in view of her distinguished social work and which is (a) whether the Vijayawada-Guntur por­ recognised worldwide for which she has tion of NationaJ Highway No. 5 is the been awarded the prest~ious Nobel Prize. heaviest traffic corridor in Andhra Pradesh; On the Card Pass, extra luggage, as per re­ quirement is permitted to be carried. As re­ (b) whether there is a proposal to gards the details of other concessions, 10 widen Vi;ayawada Guntur portion to four cheque passes per year for specified jour­ lapes; and ' neys ex-Calcutta and back with permission to carry extra luggage have also been al ... (c) if so, the detaHs thereof and the lowed to Missionaries of Charity. Iilrely date by which the work will be taken up for its widening? (b) and (c). Do not arise.

THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ On-Going RaHway Projects ISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (SHRI RA­ JESH PILOn: (a) This stretch of the High­ 5266. SHRI HARIHAR SOREN: Will the way carries very heavy traffic. Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to state:

(b) and 1c). Yes, Sir. In the Seventh Five (a) the names and the number of on­ Year Plan there is a provision for widening going railway projects in the country; and 271 Written Answers DECEMBER 10, 1987 Written Answers 272

(b) the year when these projects started through the mother tongue should be and the cost of each project? n\ade if 60 studeftts..in the last four classes and 15 in each class desire $0. The State THE MINISTER Of STATE Of THE MIN­ Govts. hav~ accepted this and are generally ISTRY Of RAILWAYS (SHRI MADHAVRAO inlplementing it. SCI NOlA): (a) and (b). Details, including name and cost of on-going railway pro­ World Railway Games jects, which are very large in number, are given in the 'Pink Book' forming part of 5268. DR. T. KAlPANA DEVI: Will the Budget Documents for 1987-88. These Minister of RAIL.WAYS be pleased to state: projects were included in the Railway Bud· get.c; of different years. (a) whether the Railways had organised. World Railway Games in October, 1987; Teaching Mother Tongue as First Language (b) if so, the,details thereof;

5267. SHRI SYED SHAHABUDDIN: Will (c) w'hether the staff and officers were the Minister of HU~N RESOURCE DE­ chosen to man these games without any VELOPMENT be pleased to state: norms;

(a) the names of States/Union Territo­ (d) whether no prior selection circular ries in which mother language is taught as was issued by the Ministry; the first Language to children belonging to linguistic minorities at the primary and sec­ (e) whether the majority of staff and of­ ondary level and the conditions, if any, ficers chosen to man the World Railway placed thereon; Games were the same who were during the Asianl Ganles, 1982; and (b) the names of States/Union Territo­ ries in which Mother Tongue is the (f) if so, the steps Government propose medium of instruction at the primary level to take to ensure opportunities to all em.. for children belonging to linguistic minori­ ployees in future? ties and the conditions, if any, placed thereon; and THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MADHAVRAO SCINDIA): (a) Yes, Sir. (c) the names of States/Union Territo­ ries which have framed rules or guidelines (b) The International Railways Champi­ for educational institutions established by onships in Basketball, Volleyball and Tennis minori')' communities? were held at Talkatora Indoor Stadium, I n­ dira Gandhi I ndoor Stadium and THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ Gymkhana/DLTA Grounds respectively PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL­ from 3rd to 8th October, 1987. TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE­ SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRIMATI KR­ (c) The officers and staff selected for ISHNA SAHI): (a) to (c). Government of In­ technical conduct of the Games were those dia's Policy regarding teaching of languages with adequate technical qualifications. has been that the mother tongue should be Those who fonned the Organising Com­ the medium of instruction at primary stage. mittee had adequate managerial back­ For linguistic minorities, the policy of the ground. Government has been that instruction in the medium of mother tongue should be (d) As the officers and staff on Technical provided where at least 40 students in a Committee and Organising Committee school and 10 in a class desire so at the were not on deputation, selections were primary stage. Similarly at the secondary made based on knowledge of those expe­ stage arrangements for the instruction rienced in the conduct of such games. 273 Written Answets AGRAHAYANA 19,11909 (SAKA) Written Answers 274

(e) Staff and officers selected for techni­ (c) whether Government propose to set cal conduct were those who had the nec­ up some more mini hospitals in other parts essary technical qualifications approved by of State during 1987-1988; and the national federations of their respective sports discipline. They also included some t(d) if so, the' names of places selected officials who had officiated at the Asian for this? . Gamest 1982. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ (f) Opportunities were ensured to rail­ ISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE waymen with adequate qualitications and (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a) and (b). the same procedure will be followed in fu­ The following Hospitals are functioning ture too. under CCHS Delhi:- 1. R. K. Puram Maternity & Gynae Mini Hospitals for CGHS Beneficiaries Hospital

5269. DR. T. KAlPANA DEVI: Will the 2. Ayurvedic Hospital~odhi Road ~Unister of HfALTH AND FAMilY WEL.FARE 3. Rajpur Road Police Hospital be pleased to state: 4. Kingsway Camp Police Hospital

(a) whether certain mini hospitals have 5. Maternity Hospital, Srinivaspuri been set up for Central Government 6. Maternity Centre, Kalkaji I Health Scheme beneficiaries in States; Details of services provided are given ir (b) if SOt the names of places with de­ the statement below. tails of services provided by these hospi­ tals; (c) and (d). No Sir.


Type of Facilities Available at CGHS Hospitals

Rajpur Road Police Hospital

1: Outdoor/I ndoor treatment facilities. Consultation-Medical Specialist, Skin Specialist, laboratory facilities, ECC, X-Ray (by 2. using Delhi Admn. Plan).

Kingsway Camp Police Hospital

1. OutdoorIindoor treatment facilities.

2. Consultation--Medical Specialist, Skin Specialist, laboratory Facilities, ECG.

3. Dental.

Ayurvedic Hospital, Lod; Road

1. Panckkarma facilities.

2. Indoor Ayurvedic treatment of all problems. ·275 Written Answers DECEMBER 10, 1987 Written Answers 276

Kalkaj; Maternity Centres:

1. Minor Operation.

2. Forecep delivery.

3. Diafl;nostic CtKrSttage (0 & C)

4. Diagnostic endometrial biopsy (0 & E)

Srinivaspuri Maternity Hospital

1. N ormal delivery.

2. M. T. P. facilities.

3. Anti-natal Clinic.

4. Immunization Post natal.

Maternity & Cynae Hospital, R.K Puram

1. Wide spectrum of anti-natal, intranatal, Post-natal and Cynae Services includmg facilities for operation theatre, labour room, small and laboratory.

2. O.P.D. Services including M.T.P. clinic every day.

3. Well Baby Clinic--Twice a week.

4. Immunization.

Reimbursement for Tooth Crown and (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARUt): (a) and (b). Spectacles to CGHS Beneficiaries Yes, Sir. Re-imbursenlent is allowed to CCHS beneficianes for taking treatment 5270. DR. T. KAlPANA DEVI: Wi" the from non recognised Hospitals in emer­ Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE gency, depending on the merits of each be pleased to state: case.

(a) whether GOYemment provide reim­ (c) and (d). No, Sir. Re .. imbursement for bursement to Central Government Health tooth crown and spectacles etc. is not Scheme Beneficiaries in certain cases; permissible under CS(MA) Rules, which are the relevant rules for re-imbursement. (b) if so, the criteria of reimbursement; Proposal for regularisation of Formula­ fc) whether Government provide reim­ tions and Production of Drup bursement to this beneficiaries for tooth crown, spectacles and similar other re­ 5271. DR. T. KAlPANA DEVI: Will the quirements; and Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELfARE be pleased to state: (d) if not, the reasons therefor? (a) whether there is any proposal for the THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ regularisation of formulation and produc­ ISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMItY WELFARE tion of drugs; 277 Written Answers ACRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAKA) Written AnswetS 278

(b) whether there is any plan for im­ (b) if so, the details thereof, and posins ban on ineffective, irrational and harmful fonnulations of drugs flooding the (c) if not, the reasons therefor? market; THE MtNtSTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ (c) whether there is any proposal for the ISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (SHRI RA­ establishment of National Drug and Phar­ JESH PilOn: (a) No Sir. maceutical Authority at the Centre; (b) Does not arise. (d) if so, the details thereof, and fc) Various factors are under study. (e) if not, the reasons therefor1 Und-:r utilisation of Iron-Ore handling THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ capacity at New Mangalore and Paradip ISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMilY WELFARE Ports (KUMARI ~ROJ KttA~AROE~ (a) Under the Drugs & Cosmetics Rules, State Drugs 5273. SHRI YASHWANTRAO CADAKH Controllers are required to licence only the PAJIl; Win the Minister of SURFACE formulations which are safe and effective. TRANSPORT be pleased to state: Government has taken steps to make guidelines for introduction of new drugs as (a) whether the Iron·Ore handling ca­ statutory. pacity continues to be under-utilised at New Mangalore and Paradip Ports; (b) and (d). Government has constituted a Committee of experts to examine from (b) if so, the details thereof and the rea· time to time fonnulations moving in the sons therefor, and market from the angle of safety, effective­ ness and rationality. As a result of this exer­ (1:) the lossEtS caused as a result thereof? cise, Government has already banned 26 categories of drugs including combinations THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ of drugs which will cover about 3,000 for­ ISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (SHRI RA. mulations. JESH PllOn:(a) Yes, Sir.

(c) Under the Measures for Rationalisa­ (b) As against a designed capacity of 4 tion, Quality Control and Growth of Drugs milUon tonnes at Paradip Port and 7.5 mil­ & Phannaceutical Industry in India an­ lion tonnes at New Mangalore Port, the ac­ nounced by the Government in December, tual quantities of iron ore handled at these 1986, there is a proposal for establishment Ports during 1985-86 and 1986-87 are as of a National Drug and Phannaceutical Au· follows: thority at the Centre by the Ministry of In­ dustry, Department of Chemicals and Petro-chemicals. Year Traffle handled at Paradip New (e) Does not arise. Mangalore (in million tonnes) 1985-86 1.87 2.26 Single Statutory Body for Major Ports 1986-87 2.08 3.87 5272. SHRI YASHWANTRAO CADAKH PATIl: Will the Minister of SURFACE The less quantum of iron ore handled at to state: TRANSPORT be pleased the above ports can be attributed mainly to the less demand for import of iron ore by (a) whether a decision has since been the foreign buyers. taken to set up a single statutory body to oversee the activities of the major ports; (c) The losses caused cannot be qu~. 279 Written Answers DECEMBER 10, 1987 Written Answers 280 fled as a number of agencies and a number ISTRY Of SURFACE TRANSPORT (SHRI RA­ of variables are involved. JESH PilOT): (a) A Statement showing the details of existing vacancies of Chairman Vacancies of Chairman and Senior level and Heads of Departments at various Ma­ Officers at Major Ports jor Port Trusts is given below.

5274. SHRI YASHWANTRAO GADAKH PATll: Will the Minister of SURFACE (b) and (c). Appointment to the posts of TRANSPORT be pleased to state: Chairman and Deputy Chairman are made by Central Government from the eligible (a) The details of the vacancies of and willing officers belonging to All India Chairman and Senior level Officers existing Services and Major Port Trusts. Appoint­ at various Major Ports; ment to the posts of Heads fo Depar ments are made by the Central Coven (b) the reasons for not filling up the va­ ment in consultation with Chainnan of t: cancies; and concerned Port Trust. Filling up of posts dependent on several factors indudint (c) when these are expected to be filled availability of suitable persons. While tht up? process of selecting suitable persons is un derway, it is not possible to specify th( THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- dates by which these will be filled up.


Name of Port Trust Name of Post 1. Bombay Port Trust i) Chief Personnel and Industrial Relations Manager ii) Chief labour Officer iii) Chief ~w Officer and Advocate

2. Calcutta Port Trust i) General Manager, Ship Repairs Complex ii) t.c-bour Adviser and Industrial Relations Officer iii) b~uty General Manager (Haldia)

3. Madras Port Trust Deputy Chairman

4. Cochin Port Trust Deputy Chairman

5. Visakhapatnam Port Trust i) Deputy Chainnan ii) Director (R & P)

6. Morrnugao Port Trust i) Chainnan (A person has been selected) ii) Director (Planning and Management Services)

7. Kandla Port Trust Traffic Manager

8. Paradip Port Trust i) Deputy Chairman (Officer is on training abroad) ii) Chief Engineer iii) T raffle Manager iv) Secretary (officer is on training abroad) v) Chief Medical Officer 281 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 19,1909 (SAIV\) Written Answers 282

Name ot Port Trust ~ame of Post

9. Tuticorin Port Trust Deputy Chairman

10. New Mangalore Port Trust Deputy Chainnan

11. N hava Sheva fYort Trust Manager tstate (1 he Port Trust has proposed the abolition of this post)

Location of C.C.H.S~ Dispensaries in functioning in States; and States (b) if so, the location thereof Statewise7 12.75. SHRIMATI O.K BHANDARI: Will Minister of HEALTH AND FAMilY WEl­ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ .. f be pleased to state: ISTRY OF HEALTH AND F.MAllY WELFARE (KUtv1ARI SAROJ KHAPARO[)' (a) Yes Sir. ~a) whether some allopathic, homoeo­ lie and Unani CGHS dispensaries are (b) A Statement is given below. STATEMENT

Enclosed With Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 5275 for 10.12.87

States Allopathic H omoeopathic Unani dispensaries dispensaries / dispensaries / Units Units. 1 2 3 4

ANDHRA PRADESH 11 2 2 Hyderabad

BIHAR 5 1 Patna

CUjARAT 3 1 Ahmedabad

KARNATAM 9 1 Bangalore

MAHARASHTRA Bombay 27 3 Nagpur 9 1 Pune 7 2

RAJASTHAN jalpur 5 1

TAIv1IL NADU Madras 13 1

UTrAR PRADESH Allahabad 7 1 Meerut 6 , 283 Written Answet5 DECEMBER 10, 1987 Written Answers 284

1 2 3 4

Kanpur 9 2 5 1 1

WEST BENGAL Calcutta 17 1

UNION TERRrrORY Delhi 80 13 3

Total 213 32 6

Treatment of CGHS Beneficiaries in Dis· Hospitals is reimbursed by the concerned pensaries and Hospitals of State CCHS Deputy Director/Chief Medical Governments Officer.

5276. SHRIMATI D.I<. BHANDARI: Will Selection of Incumbents of Ex-cadre the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WEl­ Posts FARE be pleased to state: 5277. SHRIMATI D.K BHANDARI: Will (a) whether Government have issued the Mirrister of RAilWAYS be pleased to instructions to enable CGHS beneficiaries state: to get their treatment in aU dispensaries and hospitals under State Governments; (a) whether it is a fact that incumbents of majority of ex-cadre posts in the Ministry (b) if so, the details thereof and location are working without any selection for sev­ of such dispensaries and hospitals, State­ eral years; wise; and (b) if so, the details of such ex-cadre (L) what procedure has been laid down posts Director-wise and reasons for allow- tor re-imbursement to CCHS henef.-:raries ing ad-hoc arrangements for years to­ for treatment in dispensaries and hospitals gether, under State Government in Delhi or out­ side Delhi? (c) whether it is aJso a fact that In the majority of cases incumbents of ex-cadre THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN .. posts working without selection have been ISTRY OF HEALTH AND FMillY WELFARE selected against posts held by them for (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a) to (c). several years; Orders have been issued permitting CGHS beneficiaries to take treatment from the (d) if so, the reasons for holding selec­ State Government hospitals in the city tion of these incumbents in a formal man­ where CGHS is functioning. No orders ner; and h~ve been issued allowing CGHS beneficia­ ries to take treatmeRt from the State Gov­ (c) the steps proposed to be taken for emment dispensaries as the CGHS are filling up of such vacant ex-cadre posts having their own dispensaries in the these within three mOAths in future? cities. In case the CGHS beneficiaries are referred to the State Government hospital, THE MINISTER Of STATE OF THE MIN­ the payment of bills is made by the con­ ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MADHAVRAO cerned CGHS' Deputy Director/Chief SCINDIA): (a) and (b). No, Sir. Ex-cadre Medical Officer to the State Goverrunent posts are filled up by staff drafted from the Hospital. Any expenditure incurred by a Zonal Railways/Railway Board, having spe­ CCHS beneficiary in the State Covemment cialised qualificatIOns, after a due process 285 Written Answers. AGRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAKA) Written Answers 286 of selection. However, pending such selec­ (d) Assistants are also ~ing sent on tion, in the interest of efficient working of deputation to these undertakinss. the system ad-hoc arrangements have to be resorted to in some cases till the duly selected candidates become available. As [Translation] on date, about 120 out of about 440 posts are being manned on an ad-hoc basis, in the Directorates of Trafflc, Statistics, Sig­ Hiring of ore buses by Political, Cultural nalling & Telecommunications, Planning, and Social OrgUlisations Efficiency Research, Operation Information ~lVice, Establishment, etc.

-, and (d). While filling up such posts 5279. SHRI BAlWANT SINGH Itt-hoc basis, it is ensured that suitabil­ RAM 0 OWALI A: )f the candidates is taken care of. Regu­ DR. CHINTA MOHAN: posting of candidates against such ex- dre posts is done only if they fulfil the Will the Minister of SURFACE 'gibility conditions. TRANSPORT be pleased to state:

(e) Efforts continue to be made to fill up (a) whether the Delhi Transport Corpo­ <-cadre posts on regular basis, but being ration buses were hired by pOlitical, cul­ ex-cadre and to be filled up ,on a tenure ba­ tural and social organisations from time to sis, these efforts have to be of a continuing time during the last one year, nature. (b) if so, the number of buses hired by Deputation of Railway Employees in each such organisation; Railway Undertakings (c) the names of the organisations against which the amount of hire is out­ 5278. SHRIMATI D.K BHANDARI: Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to standing; state: (d) whether the Corporation made any special arrangements for the convenience (a) whether it is a fact that the deputa­ tion of staff and officers of the Railways to of the commuters after hiring out the buses the undertakings under the Ministry has to these organisations; and been without following any nonns; (e) if so, the number of buses included (b) if so, the reasons for not framing any mthe fleet of the Delhi Transport Corpora­ rules in this regard so far, tion from outside at that time 7

(c) whether it is also a fact that now stenographers and officers have been taken on deputation tO'these undertakings; anfl THE MINISTER Of STATE Of THE MIN. ISTRY Of SURFACE TRANSPORT (SH RJ RA­ (d) the reasons for not sending the as­ JESH PILOn: (a). Yes, Sir. sistants on deputation to such undertak­ ings? (b) and (c). A statt'ment is given below.

THE MINIs:rER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MADHAVRAO (d) No special arrangements are made SCINDIA)~ (a) No, Sir. o~ such occasion as the buses are mostly hired out to private parties during lean (b) Does not arise. hours.

(c) Yes, Sir. (e) Does nat arise. 287 Written Answers DECEMBER 10. 1987 Written Answers 286


S.No. Name of the Party No. of Date of Hire buses service charges demanded outstanding and pro- (Amount in vided rupees) during 1986-87

1 2 3 4 5

1. Begum Abida Ahmed. 85 10.4.86 Nil

2. Shri Azeez Qureshi .. 30 30.4.86 3836,00

3. Executive Director 300 8.11.86 Nil for National Cultural Festival.

4. Co-ordinator, Environ- 112 14/19.11.86 Nil mental ProgrammelNational Cultural Festival.

5. Manila Kalyan Samiti 5 19.11.86 Nil (Regd.), Sewa Karyalaya Ber Sarai, New Delhi.

6. Executive Director, 1024 2.11.86 to Nit National Cultural Festival, 29.11.86 Delhi Society. ., Congress (I) Party in 2 19.11.86 Nil Parliament.

B. Gandhi Darshan Samiti 4 22.11.86 Nil Rajghat, New Delhi.

9. Delhi Pradesh Congress 502 25.11.86 Nil Committee (I).

10. Delhi Pradesh Congress 431 28.11.86 Nil Committee (I).

n. Gandhi Samiti & 47 28/30.1.87 Nil Darshan Samiti, Tees January Marg.

12. Directorate of SOCial 47 April, 86 Nil Welfar~.

13. -do- 30 May, 86 Nil

14. .. do- 25 June, 86 Nil 289 Written Answers ACRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAIV\) Written Answers 290

1 2 3 4 5

15. -do- 26 July, 86 Nil

16. -do- 23 August, 86 Nil

17. -do- 22 September 86 Nil

18. -do- 24 October 86 Nil

19. -do- l 3-11-86 432.00

[English} (a) whether it is a fact that ninety two villages had been acquired for the purpose Supply of Spurious Glycerine to Hospitals of establishment of National Project of and Dispensaries Rourkela Steel Plant and allied and ancillary industries where specific notification under 5280. SHRI THAMPAN THOMAS: Will certain plea was made under the provi­ the Minister 0; HEALTH AND FM-1ILY WEL­ sions of sub-section (II) of Section 3 of the FARE be pleased to state: Orissa Act XVIII of 1918; and

(a) whether it is a fact that several firms (b) whether it is also a fact that 37 vil­ have been supplying "spurious glycerine" to lages have been surrendered and mad~ hospitals and dispensaries all over the over to the Orissa Government for return­ country; ing to the original land owners and tribals who traditionally occupied their habitual (b) whether it is also a fact that these territories in this state? "spurious" drugs were supplied by two firms from Bombay and Calcutta; and THE MINISTER OF STEEL AND MINES (c) whether the drug controllers (States) (SHRI M.l. FOTEDAR): (a) No, Sir. How­ have raided any of these firms? ever, a notification under sub-section (I) of Section 3 of the Orissa Act, XVIII of 1918, THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ had been published for acquisition of land ISTRY OF HEALTH AND FM1JlY WELfARE of 33 villages. I n pursuance of this notifica­ (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a) to (c). Ac­ tion, lands in 10 villages were fully acquired cording to information available,M/s AI­ and lands in 23 villages were partly ac­ pana Pharma, Nanded had supplied non quired by the Orissa State Government and medicinal glycerine which caused deaths in the possession of th~ same was handed Maharashtra Hospital. The Commissioner, over to Rourkela Steel Plant. Food & Drugs Administration initiated ac­ tion under the Drugs & Cosmetics Act and (b) No, Sir. However, a few patches of the State Government of Maharashtra had land from 10 villages have been handed appointed a Commission of Enquiry over by Rourkela Steel Plant back to the headed by Mr. Justice B. lentin. The State Government for various public pur­ Commission has submitted its report on 1 poses. 30.11.1987 to the State Government of Absorption of Employees on Deputation Maharashtra. to Rail India Technical and Economic Acquisition of Landfor setting up R.S.P. Service 5282. SHRI VISHNU MODI: Will the 5281. SHRI SAMAR BRAHMA Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to state: CHOUDHURY: Will the Minister of STEEL AND MINES be pleased to state: (a) whether employees of the Northern 291 Written Answers DECEMBER 10, 1987 Written Answers 292

Railway, on deputation to the Rail India essential qualifications experience etc. was Technical and Economtc Service (RITES) granted to the candidates called for inter­ have been permanently absorbed there; view; and

(b) if so, the details thereof indicating (c), if so, (ne details of relaxatioll granted the dates of their absorption; to different candidates for the said post with justification thereof in each of these (c) whether for their permanent absorp­ cases, and the reasons therefor? tion in Rail India Technical and Economic Service they werp. required to seek retire­ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE· ment from the Railways in the public inter­ PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL­ est, if so, whether all their dues like gra· TURE IN THE MINJSTRY OF HUMAN RE­ tuity, provident fund, leave encashment, ar­ SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRIMATI KR­ rears accruing because of the implementa­ ISHNA SAHI): (a) No, Sir. Interviews for tion of the recommendations of the Fourth the post were held on 27.6.1987. Pay Commission, have been cleared if not, the reasons therefore; and (b) No, Sir.

(d) the number of cases still pending (c) Does not arise. with Rly. B.d.? Expenditure on opening of Navodaya THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ Vidyalayas ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MADHAVRAO SCINDIA): (a) Yes, Sir. 5284. PROF. PARAG CHALlHA: Will the Minister of HU~N RESOURCE DEVEL­ (b) to (~). Railway employees are OPMENT be pleased to state: absorbed in RITES only after (among other things) obtaining and accepting their (a) the total expenditure incurred till resignation from the railway service. 30th November, 1987 on the opening of However, such employees are deemed to Navodaya Vidyalayas; and have retired from service from the date of such resignation and they are granted the (b) the estimated annual budget per retirement/terminal benefits as admissible institution? under the ~xtant rules applicable to such cases. THE MINISTER OF -STATE IN THE DE· PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND Details of the employees of N orthem CUlTUR~ IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN Railway absorbed in RITES upto 30.11.1987 RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRIMATI and the position regarding payment of set­ KRISHNA SAHI): (a) The total expenditure tlement dues to them are being collected upto 30th November, 1987· is ~.22.28 and will be laid on the Table of the Sabha. crores.

Relaxation granted to CarKlidates for the (b) Initially, at the time of the opening post of,PCT (English) of a Vidyalaya Rs.l0.00 lakhs is prOVided for a full academic year. In the subsequent 5283. SHRI MANVENDRA SINGH: Will years, the budget estimates vary depending the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DE­ on thE' number of students admitted in VELOPMENT be pleased to state: each 'Vlctyalaya and the number of classes run in each Vidyalaya. (a) whether interviews for the post of peT (English) were held by Assistant) MOU Signed by SAIL Commissioner, Kendriya Vidyalaya San­ gathan (Delhi Region) in July·August, 1987~ 5285.. SHRI MUlLAPPALLY RA .. MACHANDRAN: Will the Minister of STEEL (b) if so, whether any relaxation in age, AND MI NES be pleased to state: 293 Written Answers ACRAHAYANA 19,1909 (SAK4) Written Answen 294

(a) th~ details of the Memorandum of and supply of charts etc. The consetVancy Understanding signed by the Steel Au­ charges payable to Bangladesh Govern­ thority of India ltd. (SAil) with the Min­ ment, as agreed upon are 90 lakh Takas for istry; the first year and 100 lakhs Takas for the second year for maintenance of two wa­ (b) the expected effects of this Memo­ terway stretches in Bangia_desh which are randum on the powers and functions of primarily used by Indian vessels. SAIl; and Theft of Degree forms from Delhi (c) whether such Memoranda have University been signed with any other public sector undertakings; if so, the details thereof'? 528,7. SHRI HUSSAIN DALWAI: Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DE­ THE tvllNISTER OF STEEL AND MINES VELOPMENT be pleased'to state: (SH RI M. l. FOTEDAR) (a) and (b). The MOU for 1987-88 signed by SAil with the (a) whether about 3000 blank degree Ministry has been based on mutually ac­ forms were stolen from the Examination cepted parameters of production per­ Branch of Delhi University; formance and certain specified areas of autonomy. This has led to a dearer defim­ (b) if so, the action taken in the matter; tion of the obligations of SAl L and the Gov­ ernment. SAl L has also been given greater (c) whether this sort of pilferage has flexibility in their operations together with been going on for the past several years accountability for achieving the perfor­ and the attention of University authorities mance levels specified in the MOU. has aJso been drawn to it; and

(c) MO~ has not been signed with any (d) if so, what action was taken in this other public sector undertaking under the regard? Ministry of Steel and Mines. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ Indo-Bangladesh Protocol 00 Inland PARTMENTS Of EDUCATION AND CUL­ Navigation and Conservancy Charges TURE IN THE MINtSTRY OF HUMAN RE­ SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRIMATI KR­ 5286. SHRI YASHWANTRAO GADAKH ISHNA SAHI): (a) to (d). Accorarnrz to the PATIL: Will the Mtnister of SURFACE information fUrnished by the uethi Umver­ TRANSPORT be pleased to state: sity, certain discrepancies ;n the mainte­ nance of the record of original blank de­ (a) whether protocol on inland Jlaviga­ gree certmcates have come to the notice of tion and conservancy dtarges has recent~y the University and they have instituted an been s.igned with Bangladesh; and inquiry into the matter. Further action, if any, wiJI be determined by the University in (b) if so, the details thereof? the light Qf the findings of the inquiry.

THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ Employment of persons evicted to set up ISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (SHRI RA­ R. s. P. JESH P1LOT): (a) and (b). Yes, Sir. The pro­ tocol between I nOla and Bangladesh has 5288. SHRI ~R BRAHMA CHOUD­ been signed on 4.11.1987 renewing the ar­ HURY: WiU the Minister of STEEL AND rangements for a further period of 2 years MINES be pleased to state: from 4th October, 1987 to 3rd Odober, 1989 under which each country will main­ (a) whether the empltyment of the dis-. ~in the river routes falling within its terri­ placed persons of f'(ourkela is totally tory In a navigable condition and provide banned despite the policy decision of Gov­ an the essential pilotage and conservancy ernment with regard to aforesaid displaced services including hydrographic surve~ persons; 295 Written Answers DECEMBER 10, 1987 Written Answers 296

(b) if so, whether the Union Govern­ (d) whether it is a fact that Govemment ment within the jurisdiction of national have nothing to do with the selection of laws and regulations adopt special mea­ teachers and research staff even though the sures to ensure protection with regard to Government provide funds; and recruitment and conditions of employment of displaced persons concerned so long (e) if so, how Government propose to they are not in a position to enjoy the pro­ deal with the situation arising out of unfair tection granted by law to workers in gen­ selections made in these Government eral; and aided research institutes?

(c) the number of displaced persons THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ from amongst the workers who have been PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL­ disJodged and discharged from TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE- jobs/services since the inception of the o SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRIMATI KR­ Rourkela Steel Plant? ISHNA SAHI): (a) Yes, Sir. A number of re­ search centres/institutes have been estab­ THE MINISTER OF STEEL AND MINfS lished outside the university system and are (SHRI M. l. FOTEDAR): (a) No, Sir. being funded by various Ministries and De­ partments of the Central Government. Re­ (b) The Government instructions pro­ search Centres/institutes established by vide for imparting education and training to the State Governments or private agencies the members of the dispossessed families also receive financial assistance from the to enable them to qualify themselves for concerned Ministry or Department of the employment in the projects through nor­ Government of India. mal channels of recruitment. (b) As far as the (Department of Educa­ (c) Rourkela Steel Plant do not maintain tion in the) Ministry of Human Resource separate statistics category-wise of persons Development is concerned, 20 social sci­ discharged from service. Therefore, it is not ence research institutes were sanctioned possible to indicate the number of dis­ finanCial assistance totaling Rs.472.01 lakhs placed persons in this context. for the period of three years from 1983-84 to 1985-86 for maintenance and develop­ ment by the Indian Council of Social Sci­ Financial Assistance given to Research ence Research. Centres/Institutions outside University System (c) The Indian Council of Social Science Research supports social science research 5289. SHRI VIRDHI CHANDER JAIN: institutes only on a selective basis. Most of Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE the research institutes supported by the DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state: ICSSR are also funded by the concerned State Governments on a matching basis. (a) whether Government provide funds The ICSSR had visualised the establishment to research centres/institutes falling out­ and development of atleast one good social side the university system including those science research institute in every State. run by the State or Central Government; (d) and (e). The appointment of re­ (b) if so, the details about the number of search staff in these institutes is made on such centres and total financial assistance the recommendations of Selection Commit­ given so far to these institutes from 1984 to tees constituted in accordance with the 1986; provisions made in their respective Memo­ randum of Association and Rules. Generally (c) the rationale behind encouraging the these Committees consist of, among oth­ mushroom growth of such centres under ers, a representative of the Indian Council the Societies Act when similar centres are of Social Science Research also. The ap­ already operating in the Universities; pOintment of research staff is !tubject to the 297 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAIV\) Written Answers 298 approval of the Governing Bodies of these paresthesia were observed. 22 per cent or Institutes, which have the nominees of the OP exp?Sed workers had mascular changes ICSSR on them. in the eyes.

Labourers affected by Pesticidt; 22 workers exposed to Feothion and OP insecticides showed headache, giddi~ 529Q. SH RI LAKSHtv1AN MALLICK: Will ness, locular symptoms and paresthesia the Minister of HEALTH AND FMAILY WEL­ with changes in cholinesterase enzym~s. fARE be. pleased to state: Sufficient medical facilities are available in the country for treatment of the abo"e (a) whether Government have received mentioned diseases. reports that labourers employed for spray­ mg various pesticides over the years are af­ Biosphere Reserves flicted with various diseases such as eye­ defects, muscular degeneration etc.; 5291. SHRI SOMNATH RATH: Will the Minister of ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS (b) whether Government are aware of be pleased to state: the findings of research work carried out by the I ndian Toxicology Research Centre, (a) the location and the estimated cost Lucknow in this regard; at which the 13 Biosphere reserves are to be set-up; and (c) If so, the details of the findings and recommendations made; and (b) the number and names of species of (d) the action Government have taken fauna found ;n these reserves? to ensure that health of the agncultural labourers is not affected? THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ ISTRY Of ENVIRONMENT AND fORESTS ISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE (SHRJ Z. R. ANSARI): (a) location of the (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a) No, Sir. thirteen potential sites identified for setting up of Biosphere Reserves in the country is (b) Yes, SU" shown in the statement below. One out of these, viz Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve has at· (c) and (d). Scientific Report of the In" ready been set up. An amount of Rs. 600 lakhs has been approved for the scheme in dian Toxicology Resear~h Centre of 1981- 84 has stated that 29 DDT exposed work­ the Seventh five Year Plan. ers showed impairment of visuomotor functions. 40 per cent of these had Electro~ encephalograph changes. DDT residues in (b) Inventorisation of the fauna is one aT them was 8.5 times higher than the con~ the Important items of the programme to trois. be undertaken in the Biosphere Reserves. The exact number and name of the species In another study in spray workers ex­ will be available only after the Biosphere posed to OP pesticides, synlptoms like Reserves are set up and inventorisation is headache, giddiness, locular symptoms and completed.


Location of 13 Potential Sites Identified for Setting up of Biosphere Reserves in the Country

Site States

1. Nilgiri Karnataka, Kerala & Tamil Nadu· 299 Wljtt~n Answers DECEMBER 10,1987 Written Answers 300

Site States

2. Namdapha Arunachal Pradesh

3. Nanda Devi Uttar Pradesh

4. Uttarkhand Uttar Pradesh

s. North Andaman Islands Arldam~n & N icollar Islands

6. Gulf of Mannar Tarnit Nadu

7. Kaziranga Assam

8. Sunderbans West Bengal

9. Thar Desert Rajasthan

10. Manas Assam

11. Nokrek Meghalaya

12 Kanha Madhya Pradesh

13. Rann of Kutch Cujarat

* already set up in September. 1 'l8b.

Navodaya Vidyalaya for Goa Safety Devices in Chemical,Petrochemi­ cal and Pharmaceuticals units 5292. SHRI SHANTARMA NAIK: Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DE­ 5293. SHRI SRIBALLAV PANIGRAHI: VELOPMENT be pleased to state; Will the Minister of ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS be pleased to state: ~a) whether Government propose to es­ tablish a Navodaya Vidyalaya in the newly (a) the measures taken by Government created North Goa District in the State of for improvement of safety devices in Coa; and. chemical, petrochemical and pharmaceuti­ cal units in pursuance of the report of the '. (b) if so, ",here the same i5, proposed to lnter·Minj~leriaJ Croups; and be established and from what date 1 (b) if so, the details in this regard?

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ ISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ (SHRI Z~ R. ANSARI): (a) and (b). A State­ PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL­ ment is given below. TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE­ SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRIMATI KR­ STATEMENT tSHNA SAHI): (a) and (b). Yes, Sir. A Navo­ daya Vidyalaya has been sanctioned for es.. ' The following me.-sures are taken: tablishment at Village V~lop1 in Satt.cui Taluka, North Goa District during 1988.. 89. 1. Responsibilities relating to all the 301 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAKA) Written Answers 302

aspects of management of haz· THE MINISTER OF HUMAN RESOURCE ardous chemicals have been en· DEVELOPMENT AND MINISTER OF trusted to vario~ agenciec; in the HEALTH AND FM1ILY \\,ElFARE (SHRI P.V. country NARASIMHA RAO): (a) to (c). The main f~a­ tures of the proposed comprehensive cen­ 2. The States have been requested tral legislation to prevent the conlmission to constitute Coordination Com­ of Sati and its glorification have been dis­ mittee under the chairmanship of cussed with opposition leaders and the Chief Secretary to ensure that the Bill will be (ntroduced in Parliament each designated agency dis­ shortly. charges its role effectively. Social Security to Women 3. A scheme of assistance of Rs.2.66 crores has been introduced in the 5295. SHRJ SWAMI PRASAD SINGH: Seventh Plan to be given to the Wilt the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE designated agencies. DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

4. A training programme in regard to (a) whether incidents of selling of hazard and risk analysis and risk women have increased during the last manag~ment has been started. three years; and

5. Assessment of the impact on (b) if so, the steps Government propose environment is done in case of to take to ensure sociaJ security to women 7 each industry which needs an in­ dustrial license from the Govern­ ment and necessary safeguards THE MINISTER OF HUMAN RESOURCE are prescribed. DEVELOPMENT AND MINISTER OF HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE (SHRI P.V. 6. A draft comprehensive list of haz­ NARASJMHA RAO): (a) and (b). The Im­ ardous chemicals has been pre­ moral T raffle (Prevention) Act, 1956 as pared. amended in 1978 and 1986 is applicable to all the States and Union Territories. The Act 7. Detailed guidelines have been IS­ prohibits among other things (i) living on sued to the State Governments the earning of prostitution (ii) procuring, for preparation of CrisIs inducing or taking women or girls for the Management Plan. sake of prostitution and (in) detaining a woman or girl on premises where prostitu­ Legislation on Sati tion is carried on.

5294. PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE The Act also provides for the setting up DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state: of 'PrGteLtive Homes' in which women and girls, who are in need of care and protec­ (a) whether no draft proposal for a tion may be kept under this Act and where comprehensive Central legislation banning appropriate technically qualified persons, the evil practice of sati and its glorification equjpment and other fadlities are has been circulated as yet among the op­ provided. By the amendments made to this position parties as well as representati.ves Act in 1978 and 1986, the penal provisions of women's organisations; contained therein have been made more stringent and effective. (b) if so, the reasons thereof; and

(c) what will be the time-frame within It is for the State Governments and which the Central legislation on Sati will be Union Territory Administrations to imple­ enacted? ment the Act meaningfully and effectively. 303 Written Answers DECEMBER 10, 19~7 Written Answers 304

stantial ditterence now in the amount of [Translation J the scholarship;

Scholarship to Scientists (d) if so, whether GoverJ1ment are t~k­ ing any steps to remove this difference; and 5296. DR. CHANDRA SHEKHAR TRI­ PATHI: Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELfARE be pleased to state: (e) if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor? (a) whether a lot of discontentment is prevailing among the Scientis~ of All India THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ Institute of Medical Sciences on the issue ISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE of scholarship since the recommendations (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a) The Ph.D of the Fourth Pay Commission; students of the All India Institute of Medical Science!' have been agitatmg tor revision of (b) if so, whether the amount of schol­ their scholarships. arship was equal for everyone prior to the recommendations of the Fourth Pay Com­ (b) and (c). The amount of scholarship mission; including all allowances being paid to Ph.O students at present and before 1-1-1986 in (c) if so, whether there has been a sub- the AIIMS is as follows:

At present Before 1-1-86

I year Rs.1,300 p.m. 1256 p.m.

II year Rs.1471 p.m. 1327 p.m.

III year Rs.1,553 p.m. 1398 p.m.

(d) and (e). It has been decided to give (b) the quantum of goods, item-wise an interim relief of Rs.250 p.m. to Ph.D exported in the last three years; and students till a final decision to taken. (c) the torelgn exchange earned there­ from?

[English] THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ ISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (SHRI RA­ Exports from Mormugao Harbour JESH PILOT): (a) to (c) .The type and quan­ tum of goods exported from the Mormugao @@ 5297. SHRI SHANTc\RAtvt NAIK: Port during 1984-85, 1985~86 and 1986-87 Will the Minister of SURFACE TRANSPORT are given in the statement below. The exact be pleased to state: figures of foreign exchange earned are not available. However, the F.O.B. value of the (a) the type of goods exported from the cargo which broadly indicates the foreign Mormugao Harbour in Goa; exrhange earned has been indiWed. 305 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAIV\) Written Answers 306

~~ c: (I) c: c.. o ~ -0:::: "0"0 ~ c: 1/'1 ra :::5 1/1 o :::5 ,...... LI") ..cO ~ co ,- \0 -J \0 "'1" co Lf') ,...... r::...... co a:i ~ 0 co 0 \..0 ,.... IJ') c: c: Otij 0"1 Z co M co JJ .::> LI")" N'" ,...... : .. ~... ,- ,.... co u.. ,...... L/') ._C(I) ;:, O'a N ~ 0"1 O'a "'-'_ ,- M .... LI")'" c: ra N N ~> Q'cri -0 ,...... -J co N N ,...... I .c"O M ,...... N u.. ~._ d) a.n N lJ') 0 ..... 1::: 0"1 Z ,.... :;, 0 M"" ~... 0' 0- ,.... ,.... X QJ

,...... 1..0 Q.J \..0 M ...J 0 ..,. ,- 0 ex:> cci ::::s \0 ex:> co,.... "" \..0 ~ O'tij N LI") Z M M LA 0'" ~- ",,'" M~ ""M" 00 u...: > ..c'" ,- C'I M co t, ,- N ,.... ~... \[)- .... N N .....Z ~ ,...... ,...... s:: Ln I.t") ...J 0"1 C'I .... .c--o M "T ..,. "" M ra '';; ~ 0 N Z M ~ ::::s 0 "T... ~... CI'l 0' 0- ,.... ,.... cuX

,...... ,...... LI") cu "T 1.0 l/") 0 l/") 0 co cci ::::s 0 N lI"l co co Lf') ,.... ,.... .,. \..0 ~ ~ ora ~... M M ...,.... co u...: ::> ,.- l/")'" M'" N'" 0'" ..J5 C'\ ,- ,- M 0 0"1 \[) ,... co'" ,... ,... N'" M'" "" ,.- N ,.... _,. I M M M N 0 c""O ,...... l/") C:._ Q.J ~ "" ,- N 1.0 M ra"'t: 1.0 M ,... :;, 0 N'" M- Ci 0- ,.- ,.- >

[Translation] TURE IN THE MINISTRY Of HUMAN RE­ SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRIMATI KR~ News Captioned "leahar Dha Sakti Hain ISHNA SAHI): (a) and (b). The University Ye Khatarnak Chhatain" Grants Commission has formulated a scheme on Coaching Classes for Competi­ 5297-A. SHRI VIlAS MUTIEMWAR: Will tive Examinations for weaker sections the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY amongst minority communities. The WELFARE be pleased to state: coaching programmes are meant to pre­ pare students to compete in various com­ (a) whether his attention has been petitive examinations for recruitment to drawn to the news item appeared in the services under the Central and State Gov­ Jansatta dated 29 August, 1987 under the ernments, public underta~ings etc. at v~ri­ caption "Kahar Dha Sakti Haineye Khatar~ ous levels. While the universities are largely nak Chhatain" responsible "for organising coaching classes for all I ndia services and services at the (b) if so, the reasons for allotment of State level, the colleges are responsi~le to these quarters in spite of their being de­ organise coaching classes for other clared unsafe by the C.P.W.D.; and ~ examinations. At present the scheme is in operation in 20 Universities and 15 coUeges (c) the time by which persons living in the country. there will be provided altemative accom­ modation somewhere else1


(b) and (c). Out of 91 quarters at Jaswan MR.. SPEAKER: Shri Vengal Rao. Singh Road, Oleant for the employees of Safdarjang Hospital, 51 quarters are tying PROf. MADHU DANDAVATE (Rajapur): vacant. There quarters were allocated in Sir, a notice of No Confidence Motion must 1980 and, thereafter, no allotment has be given priority over everything. been made. A proposal has already been initiated for renovation of these quarters in MR. SPEAKER: It is coming. I will come consultation with Chief Architect and to it. C.P.W.O. PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: According [English] to your directions, a No Confidence Motion gets priority over even Papers Laid. Special Coaching Facilities for Minorities MR. SPEAKER: It is coming. Just wait. 5297-8. SHRI VAKKOM PU- First let me finish Papers laid. RUSHOTHAMAN: Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be (Interruptions) pleased to state:

(a) whether any scheme for special SHRI SAIFUDDIN CHOWDHARY coaching for minorities to enable them to (katwa): I have something to say... take All India competitive examinations is being devised; and (Interruptions)

(b) if so, the details thereof? MR. SPEMCER: Please sit ~own. I have THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ not allowed him. PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL- 309 Papers lAid AGRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAIV\) Papers Laid 310

12.01 hrs laying the papers mentioned at (1) above. [Placed in Library. See No. LT- PAPERS lAID ON THE TABLE 5252/87]

Report of the Comptroller and Auditor (3) A copy each of the following papers General of India for 1986·.. Union G0- (Hindi and English versions) under vernment (Commercial)-.Part-V.-Resume sub-section (1) of section 619A of the of Company Auditors' Reports Compaoies Act, 1956:-

THE MINISTER OF INDUSTRY (SHRI J (a) (i) Review by the Govemment on VE N GAL RAO): I beg to lay on the Table , the working of the North copy of the Report (Hindi and English ver­ Eastern Regional Agricul­ sions) of the Comptroller and Auditor Cen­ tural Marketing Corpora­ eral of India for the year 1986--Union Gov­ tion limited for the year emment (Commercial--Part-V--Resume of 1986-87. the Company Auditors' Reports and com­ ments on Accounts of GovernmeRt Com­ (ii) Annual Report of the North panies under article 151 (1) of the Constitu­ Eastern Regional Agricul­ tion. [Placed in Ubrary

(Hindi and English versions) under year 1986-87 along with Au­ subkection (1) of section 619A of the dited Accounts and the com­ ColOpanies Act, 1956:- ments of the Comptroller and Auditor General thereon. (a) (i) Review by the Government on [Placed in library. See No. LT· the working of the H industan 5258/87] Steel Works Construction lim­ ited, Calcutta, for the year (e) (i) Review by the Government on 1986-87. the working of the Manganese Ore (India) limited for the year (ii) Annual Report of the Hindus­ 1986-87. tan Steelworks Construction limited, Calcutta for the year (ii) Annual Report of the Man­ 1986-87 along with Audited ganese Ore (1 ndia) Limited for Accounts and the comments of the year 1986-87 along with the Comptroller and Auditor Audited Accounts and the General thereon. [Placed in li­ comments of the Comptroller brary. See No. LT-5255/87] and Auditor General thereon. [Placed in library. See No. LT- (b) (i) Review by the Government on 5259/87] the working of the 'v"isakhap­ atnam Steel Project (Rashtriya (f) (i) Review by the Government on Ispat Nigam limited) for the the working of the Sponge YE-ar 1986-87. I ron India limited for the year 1986-87. (ii) Annual Report of the Visakha­ patnam Steel Project (Rashtriya (ii) Annual Report of the Sponge Ispat Nigam Limited) for the I ron I ndia limited for the year year 1986-87 along with Au­ 1986-87 along with Audited dited Accounts and the com­ Accounts and the comments of ments of the Comptroller and the Comptroller and Auditor Auditor General thereon. General thereon. [Placed in li­ [Placed in Library. See No. LT- brary. See No. LT-5261/87] 5256/87] Review on the working of and Annual (c) (i) Review by the Government on Report of Housing and Urban Develop­ the working of the Vijayanagar ment Corporation, New Delhi for 1986·87 Steel limited for the year 1986-87. THE MINISTER OF URBAN DEVELOP­ MENT (SHRIMATI MOHSINA KIDWAI): I Oi) Annual Report of the Vijayana­ beg to lay on the Table a copy each of the gar Steel limited for the year following papers (Hindi and English ver­ 1986-87 along with Audited sions) under sub-section (1) of section Accounts and the comments of 619A of the Companies Act, 1956:- the Comptroller and Auditor General thereon. [Placed in li­ (1) Review by the Government on brary. See No. IT-5257/87] the working of the Housing and Urban Development Corporation, (d) (i) Review by the ~overnment on New Delhi, for the year 1986-87. the working of\he Sharat Re­ fractories limited for the year (2) Annual Report of the Housing 1986-87. and Urban Development Corpo­ ration, New Delhi, for the year (ii) Annual Report of the Bharat 1986-87 along with Audited Ac­ Refractories limited for the counts and the comments of the 313 Papers Laid AGRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAIV\) Papers /.aid 314

Comptroller and Auditor General ISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (SHRI RA­ thereon. [Placed in Library. See JESH PilOT): I beg to lay on the Table I- No. IT-5260/87] (1) A copy of the Visakhapatnam Har­ Review on the working of and Annual bour Craft (Amendment) Rules, 1987 Report of India Tourism Development (Hindi and English versions) pub­ Corporation Ltd. for 1986·87 ' lished in Notification No. G.S. R. 875 (E) in Gazette of India dated the 28th THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ October, 1987 under sub-section 28 ISTRY OF CIVIL AVIATION AND MINISTER of section 6 of the Indian Ports Act, OF STATE OF THE MINISTRY OF TOURISM 1908. [Placed in library. See No. IT- (SHRI JAGDISH TYTLER): I beg to lay on 5264/87] Table a copy each of the following papers (Hindi and English versions) under sub-sec­ (2) A copy each of the following papers tion (1) of section 619A of the Companies (Hindi and English versions) under Act, 1956:- sub-section (1) of section 619A of the Companies Act, 1956: (1) A statement regarding review by the Government on the working (a) (i) Review by the Government on of the I ndia Tourism Develop­ the working of the Cochin ment Corporation limited for the Shipyard Limited for the year year 1986-87 1986-87.

(2 Annual Report of the India (ii) Annual Report of the Cochin Tourism Development Corpora­ Shipyard limited for the year tion Umited for the year 1986-87 1986-87 along with Audited along with Audited Accounts and Accounts and the comments of the comments of the Comptroller the Comptroller and Auditor and Auditor General thereon. General thereon. [Placed in li­ [Placed in Library. See No. IT- brary. See No. IT-5265/871 5262/87] (b) (i) Review by the Government on Railway Protection Force Rules, 1987 the working of the Central I n­ land Water Transport Corpora­ THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ tion limited for the year 1986- ISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (SH RI RA­ 87. JESH PilOT): On behalf of Shri Madavrao Scindia, I beg to lay on the Table a copy of (ii) Annual Report of the Central the Railway Protection Force Rules, 1987 Inland Water Transport Corpo­ (Hindi and English versions) published in ration limited for the year Notification No. G.S.R. 95i, (E) in Gazette of 1986-87 along with Audited India dated the 3rd December, 1987 under Accounts and the comments of sub-section (3) of section 21 of the Railway the Comptroller and Auditor Protection Force Act, 1957. [Placed in li­ General thereon. [Placed in li­ brary. See No. LT-5263/871 brary. See No. IT-5266/871

Visakhapatnam Harbour Craft (c) (i) Review by the Government on - (Amendment) Rules, 1987 and.Reviews on' the working of the Shipping the working of and Annual Reports of Corporation of India limited Cochin Shipyard Ltd., for 1986.87, Cen· for the year 1985-86. trallnland Water Transport Corporation Ltd., for 1986-87 etc. (ii) Annual Report of the Shipping Corporation o.f I ndia limited for the· year 1985·86 along THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN· with Audited Accounts and the 315 Papers Laid DECEMBER 10, 1987 Papers Laid 316

comments of the Comptroller Notifications under Smugglers and For­ and Auditor General thereon. eign Exchange Manipulators (Forfeiture of Property) Act, 1976, Customs Act, (3) A statement (Hindi and English ver­ 1962 and Central Excise Rules, 1944. sions) showing reasons for delay in laying the papers mentioned at (c) of item (2) above. [Placed in library. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN· See No. LT-5267/87] ISTRY OF FI NANCE (SH RI JANARDHANA (4) (i) A copy of the Annual Report POOJARY): I beg to lay on the Table __ (H indi and English versions) of the Cochin Dock labour Board, Cochin for the year (1) A copy of the Appellate Tribunal for 1986-87 along with Audited Forfeited Property.(fees) Rules, 1987, Accounts. (H indi and English versions) pub­ lished in Notification No. S.O. 1035 (E) in Gazette of India dated the 2nd (ii) A copy of the Review (Hindi ant. December, 1987 together with an English versions) by the Gov­ explanatory memorandunl under ernment on the working of the sub-section (3) of section 26 of the Cochin Dock Labour Board, Smugglers and Foreign Exchange Cochin for the year 1986-87. [Placed in library. See No. LT· Manipulators (Forfeiture of Property) 5268/87] Act,1976. [Placed in library. See No. IT-5271/871

(5) (i) A copy of the Annual Report (Hindi and English versions) of the Kandla Dock Labour (2) A copy of Notification No. S.D. 1030 Board, for the year 1986-87 (E) (Hindi and English versions) pub­ along with Audited Accounts. lished in Gazette of tndia dated the 30th November, 1987 together with (ii) A copy of the Review (H indi and an 'explanatory memorandum re­ EngUsh versions) by the Gov­ garding rev1sed rates of exchange for ernment of the workiRg of the corwersion of French Francs, Italian Kandla Dock Labour Board, lire and Japanese Yen into Indian eochin for the year 1986-87. currency or vice-versa under section [Placed in library. See No. LT- 159 of the Customs Act, 1962. 5269/87] [Placed in Library. See No. LT- 5272/87J

(6) (i) A copy of the Annual Report (Hindi and English versions) of the Calcutta Dock labour (3) A copy each of Notification Nos. Board for the year 1986-87 260/87-CE to 262/87-CE (Hindi and along with Audited Accounts. English versions) published in Gazette of India dated the 9th De· (ii) A copy of the Review (Hindi and cember, 1987 together with an ex­ English verSions) by the Gov­ planatory memorandum regarding ernment on the working of the changes in the additional excise duty Calcutta Dock Labour Board structure on man-made fabrics, is­ for the year 1986-87. [Placed sued under the Centra~ Excise Rules, in Library. See No. LT- 1944. [Placed in library. See No. LT- 5270/87) 5273/87] 317 Papers Laid AGRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAIV\) Papers Laid 318

[Translation] Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh, for the year 1985-86. NotUwcations under Rampur Raza Library Act, 1975, Asiatic Society Act, 1984 and (ii) A copy of the Review (Hindi and Annual Accounts of National Institute of English versions) by the Govemment Foundry and Forge Technology, R~chi on the working of the Aligarh Muslim for 1986-87, Annual Report and Review University, Atigarh, for the year 1985- on the working of Aligarh Muslim I!Jniver­ 86. sity, Aligarh, for 1985-86 etc. etc. (5) A statement (Hindi and English ver­ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE· sions) showing rasons for delay in laying PARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND CUl­ the papers mentioned at (4) above. [Ptaced TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE­ in library. See No. IT-5277/87] SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRIMATI KR­ ISHNA SAHI): I beg to fay on the Table +- (6) (i) A copy of the Annual Report (H indi and English versions) of the (1) A copy each of the following Notifi­ Technical Teachers' Training Insti­ cations (Hindi and English versions) tute, Bhopal, for the year 1986-87 under sub-section (4) of section 28 of along with Audited Accounts. the Rampur Raza Library Act, 1975:.,.. (ii) A copy of the Review (Hindi and (i) The Rampur Raza library (Board English versions) by the Government Meetings) Regulations, 1987 pub­ on the working of the Technical lished in Notification No. f. 8- Teachers' Training Institute, Bhopal 4/RRl/84 in Gazette of India for the year 1986-87. [Pfaced in li­ dated the 8th August, 1987. brary. See No. IT-5278/87]

(ii) The Rampur Raza library (Administration) Regulations, (n (i) A copy of the Annual Report 1987 published in Notification (Hindi and English versions) of the No. F. 8-4/RRl/84 in Gazette of Technical Teachers' Training Institute India dated the 8th August, 1987. (Northern Region), Chandigam, for [Placed in library. See No. IT- the year 1986-87 along with Audited 5274/87] Accounts. (ii) A copy of the Review (Hindi and (2) A copy of the Asiatic Society Rules, English versions) by the Govemment 1987 (Hindi and EngliSh versions) on the working of the Technical published in Notification No. G.S.R. Teachers' Training Institute 889 (E) in Gazette of India dated the (Northern Region), Chandig~rh, for 3rd November, 1987 under sub-sec­ the year 1986-87. [Placed in library. tion (3) of section 15 of the Asiatic See No. IT-5279/87] Society Act, 1984. [Placed in library. See No. IT-5275/87] (8) (i) A copy of the Annual Report (Hindi and English versions) of the (3) A copy of the Annual Accounts (Hindi Technical Teachers' Training Insti­ and English versions) of the National tute, Madras, for the year 1986-87 Institute of Foundry and Forge Tech­ along with Audited Accounts. nology, Ranchi for the year 1986-87 together with Audited Report (ii) A copy of the Review (Hindi and thereon. [Pla<:ed m library. See No. English versions) by the Govemment IT-5276/87] on the working of the Tectmical Teachers' Training Institute, Madras, (4) (i) A copy of the Annual Report for the year 1986-87. [Placed in li.. (Hindi and English versions) of the brary. See No. IT-S280/87] 319 Papers Laid DECEMBER 10, 1987 Papers Laid 320

(9) (i) A copy of the Annual Report the year 1986-87. [Placed in library. (Hindi and English versions) ot the See No. IT-5284/871 Technical Teachers' Training Institute (Eastern Region) Calcutta for the year (13) (i) A copy of the Annual Report 1986-87. (Hindi and English versions) of the Board of Apprenticeship Training (ii) A copy of the Audited Accounts (Southern Region) Madras, for the (Hindi and English versions) of the year 1986-87, along with Audited Ac­ Technical Teachers' Training Institute counts. (Eastern Region) Calcutta, for the year 1986-87. (ii) A copy of the Review (Hindi and English versions) by the Govemment (iii) A copy of the Review (Hindi and on the working of the Board of Ap­ English versions) by the Government prenticeship Training (Southem Re­ on the working of the Technical gion), Madras for the year, 1986-87. Teachers) Training Institute (Eastern [P!aced in Library. See No. LT- Region) Calcutta, for the year 1986- 5285/87] 87. [Placed in library. See No. LT- 5281/87] (14) (i) A copy of the Annual Report (Hindi and English versions) of the (10) (i) A copy of the Annual Rep6rt Board of Apprenticeship Training (Hindi and EnJ;lish versions) of the (Western Region) Bombay, for the l

(11) (i) A copy of the Annual Report (15) (i) A copy of the Annual Report (Hindi and English versions) of the (Hindi and English versions) of the University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, Board of Apprenticeship Training for the year 1986-87. (Northern Region) Kanpur, for the year 1986-87 along with Audited Ac­ (ii) A copy of the Review (Hindi and counts. English versions) by the Government on the working of the University of (ii) A copy of the Review (Hindi and Hyderabad, for the year 1986-87. English versions) by the Government [Placed in Library. See No. LT- on the working of the Board of Ap­ 5283/87] prenticeship Training (Northern Re­ gion) Kanpur, for the year 1986-87. (12) (i) A copy of the Annual Report [Placed in Library. See No. LT­ (Hindi and English versions) of the S287/87] Indian Institute of Management, luc­ know, for the year 1986-87 along (16) (;) A copy of the Annual Report with audited accounts. (Hindi and English versions) of the Board of Practical Training (Eastern (ii) A copy of the Review (H indi and Region), Calcutta for the year 1986- English versions) by the Government 87 along with Audited Accounts. on the working of the I ndian I nsti­ tute of Management, lucknow, for (ii) A copy of the Review (Hindi and 321 Papers Laid AGRAHAYANA 19,1909 (SAM) Papers Laid 322

English versions) by the Government Regional Engineering College, on the working of the Board of Prac­ Warangal for the year 1986-87. tical Training (Eastern Region) Cal­ cutta, for the year 1986·87. [Placed (ii) A copy of the Review (Hindi and in Library. See No. LT-5288/87] English versions) by the Government on the working of the Regional Engi~ (17) (i) A copy of the Annual Report neering College, Warangal, for the (Hindi and English versions) of the year 1986.. 87. [Placed in Library. See Regional Engineering College, Srina­ No. LT~5293/87] gar, for the year 1986·87. (22) (i) A copy of the Annual Report (ii) A copy of the Review (Hindi and (Hindi and English versions) of the English versions) by the Government Regional Engineering College, Kuruk­ on the working of the Regional Engi­ shetra, for the year 1986-87. neering College, Srinagar for the year 1986-87. [Placed in Library. See No. (ii) A copy of the Review (Hindi and Ll -5289/87] English) versions by the- Government on the working of the Regional Engi­ (18) (i) A copy of the Annual Report neering College, Kurukshetra, for the (Hincti and English. versions) of the year 1986-87. [Placed in Library. See Sardar Vallabbhai Regional College of No. IT-5294/87] Engineering and Technology, Surat, for the year 1986-87. (23) (i) A copy of the Annual Accounts (Hindi and English versions) of the (ii) A copy of the Review (Hindi and North Eastern HiH University, Shil­ English versions) by the Government long, for the year 1985-86 together on the working of the Sardar Vallab­ with Audit Report thereon. bhai Regional College of Engineer­ ing and Technology, Surat for the (24) A statement (Hindi and English year 1986-87. [Placed in Library. See versions) sho~ing reasons for delay No. l T-5290/37] in laying the papers mentioned at (23) above. [Placed in library. See No. IT-5295/87] (19) A copy of the Annual Accounts (Hindi and English versions of (25) (i) A copy of the Annual Report the Regional Engineering Col­ (H indi and English versions) of the lege, Calicut, for the year Regional Engineering College, 1986-87 together with Audit Rourkela, for the year '1986-87. Report thereon. [Placed in Li­ brclry. See No. IT-5291/87] (ii) A copy of the Review (Hindi and English versions) by the Government (20) (i) A copy of the Annual Report on the working of the Regional Engi­ (Hindi and English versions) of the neering College, Rourkela, for the Maulana Azad College of Technol­ year 1986-87. [Placed in Library. See Jgy, Bhopal, for the year 1986-87. No. LT-5296/87]

- (ii) A copy of the Review (H inru and (26) (i) A copy of the Annual Report English versions) by the Government (Hindi and English versions) of the on the working of the Maulana Azad Visvesvaraya Regional CoJlege of En­ CoHege of Technology, Bhopal, for: gineering, Nagpur, for the year 1986- the yea.- 1986-87. [Placed in Library. 87. See No. IT.5292/87] (ii) A copy of the Review (Hindi and (21) (i) A copy of the Annual Report English versions) by the Govemment (Hindi and English versions) of the on the workine: of the Visvesvaraya 323 Papers Laid DECEMBER 10, 1987 Papers Laid 324

Regional College of Ensineering, Reviews on the working of and Annual Nagpur for the year 1986-87 Reports of Bharat Cold Mines Ltd. for [Placed in Library. See No. l T- 1986-87, aharat Aluminium Company Ltd. 5297/87) for 1986-87 and Mineral Exploration Cor· poration Ltd. for 1986-87 (27) (i) A copy of the Annual Report (Hindi and English versions) of the THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE· Re~1 Institute of Technology, PARTMENT OF MINES IN THE MINISTRY Jamshedpur, for thlYear 1986-87. OF STEEL AND MINES (SHRIMATI RAM DULARI SINHA): I beg to lay on the Table a (ii) A copy of the Review (Hindi and copy each of the following papers (Hindi English versions) by the Government and English versions) under sub-section (1) on the working onhe Regionallnsti .. of section 619A of the Companies Act, tute of Technology Jamshedpur, for 1956-- the year 1986-87. [Placed in library. See No. IT -5298/871 (a) (i) Rev~w by the Government on the working of the Bharat Cold Mines limited for the year 1986-87. (28) A copy of the Annual Accounts (Hindi and English versions) of the (ii) Annual Report of the Sharat Gold Regional Engineering College, Mines Umited for the year 1986-87 Warangal, for the year 1986-87 to­ along with Audited Accounts and the gether with Audit Report thereon. commehts of the Comptroller and [Placed in Ubrary. See No. l T- Auditor General thereon. [Placed in 5299/871 Library See No. IT-5301/87]

(English] (b) (i) Review by the Government on the working of the Bharat Aluminium A hhual Report of and Review on the Company limited for the year 1986- Working of Central Social Welfare Board 87. New Delhi for 1986-87

(ii) Annual Report of the Bharat Alu­ THE MINISTER OF HUMAN RE- minium Company Umited for the SOURCES DEVELOPMENT AND MINISTER year 1986-87 along with Audited Ac­ OF HEALTH AND FAMilY WELFARE (SHRI counts and the comments of the P.V NARASIMHA RAO): On behalf of Shri­ Comptroller and Auditor General mati Margaret Alva, I beg to lay ....on the thereon. [Placed in Library. See No. Table IT-5302/87]

(1) A copy of the Annual Report (Hindi (c) (i) Review by the Government on the and English version) of the Central working of the Mineral Exptoration Social Welfare Board, New Delhi, for Corporation Limited for the year the year 1986·87 along with Audited 1986-87. Accounts.

(ii) Annual Report of the Mineral Ex­ (2) A copy of the Review (Hindi and En­ ploration Corporation Limited for the glish versions) by the Government year 1986-87 along with Audited Ac­ on the working of the Central Social counts and the comments of the Welfare Board, New Delhi, for the Comptroller and Auditor General year 1986-87. [Placed in library. See thereon. [Placed in library. See No. No. IT-5300/87] l T.5303/87) 326 325 Papers Laid AGRAHAYANA 19,1909 (SAIV\) Papers Laid

and Family Welfare, New Delhi, Reviews on the working of and Annual for the year 1986-87 Reports of Hospital Services Consultancy Corporation (India) Ltd., for 1986-87, (ifi) A copy of the Review (Hindi and Hindustan Latex ltd., for 1986-87, Na­ English versions) by the Govern­ tionallnstitute of Health and family Wei. ment on the working of the Na.. fare, New Delhi for 1986-87, etc. tional I nstitute of Health and Family Welfare, New Delhi, for THE MINISTER Of STATE IN THE MIN­ the year 1986·87. [Placed in li­ ISTRY Of HEALTH AND FM1ILY WELFARE brary. See No. IT-5306/87] (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE): I beg to lay on the Table- (3) (i) A copy of the Annual Report (Hindi and English versions) of the (1) A copy each of the following papers National Institute of Mental Health (Hindi and English versions) under and Neuro Sciences, for the year sub-section (1) of section 619A of the 1985-86 along with audited ac­ companies Act, 1956- counts. (a) (i) Review by the Government on (ii) A copy of the Reviewr(Hindi the working of the Hospital Ser­ and English versions) by the Govern­ vices Consultancy Corporation ment on the working of the Na­ (India) Limited for the year 1986- tional Institute of Mental Health 87. [Placed in library. See No. LT- and Neuro Sciences, for the year 5304/87) 1985-86. [Placed in Library. See No. LT-5307/87] (ii) Annual Report of the Hospital Services Consultancy Corporation (4)A statement (Hind; and Engltsh ver­ (India) Limited for the year 1986- stons) shOWing reasons fOF delay in B7 along with Audited Accounts the mentioned (3) and the comments of the laying papers at above. [Placed ill Libra,),. See No. Comptroller and Auditor General LT-5307/87] thereon.

(b) (i) Review by the Government on (5) (i) A copy of the Annual Report the working of the H industan la· (Hindi and English versions) of tex limited for the year 1986-87. the Natio'lallnstitute of Ayurveda, Jaipet, for the year 1986-87. (ii) Annual Report of the Hindustan latex limited for the year 1986-87 (ii) A copy of the' R~iew (H1ndi and along with Audited Accounts and English versfbAs) by the Govern­ the comments of the Comptroller ment on the working of the Na­ and Auditor General thereon. tional Institute of Ayun-eda, [Placed in Library. See No. LT- Jaipur, for the year 1986·87. 5305/87] [elaced in Ubrary. See No. LT- 5308/87]

(2) (i) A copy of the Annual Report (Hindi and English versions) of the (6) A statement (Hindi and English ver­ National Institute of Health· and sions) explaining the reasons for not Family Welfare, New Delhi, for the laying the Audited Accounts of the year 1986-87 together with Audit National I nstitute of Ayurveda, Report thereon. Jaipur, for the year 1986.. 87 within the stipulated period of nine months 'Hi) A copy of the Annual ~ccounts after the dose of the Accounting (Hindi and English verftons) of year. [P1aced in Ubrary. See No. LT- the National Institute of Health 5308/87) 327 Papers Laid DECEMBER 10, 1987 Message from R.S. 328

(7) (i) A copy of the Annual Report (i) Review by the Government on the (Hindi and English versions) of the working of the Andaman and Nico.. Cancer t nstitute, Madras, for the year bar Islands Forest and Plantation 1986-87 along with Audited Ac­ Development Corporation Umited, counts. Port Blair, for the year 1986-87.

(ii) A copy of the Review (Hindi and (ii) Annual Report of the Andaman and English versions) by the Govern­ Nlcobar Islands Forest and Planta.. ment on the working of the Can­ tion Development Corporation lim­ cer 'I nstitute, Madras, for the year ited, Port Blair, for the year 1986-87 1986-87. [Placed in Library. See along with Audited Accounts and the No. IT-5309/87] comments of the Comptroller and Auditor General thereon. [Placed in (8) (i) A copy of the Annual Report Library. See No. LT-5313/87] (Hindi and English versions) of the Pasteur Institute of India, for the year 1986-87 along with Audited Ac­ counts. 12.13 hrs

(ii) A copy of the Review (Hindi and AMENDMENTS TO DIRECTIONS BY THE English versions) by the Govern­ SPEAKER UNDER THE RULES OF PROCE­ ment on the working of the Pas­ DURE AND CONDUCT OF BUSINESS IN teur I nstitute of I ndia for the year LOK SABHA (THIRD EDITION) 1986-87. [P~aced in library. See No. IT-5310/87] [English]

(9) A copy of the Annual Accounts (H Ind. SECRETARY-GENERAL: J beg to lay on and English versions) of the Cujarat the Table a copy of the amendments to DI­ Cancer and Research Institute, rection 124A (Hindi and Engtish versions) Ahmedabad, for the year 1986-87 to­ issued by the Speaker under the Rules of gether with Audit Report thereon. Procedure and Conduct of Business an lok [Placed in Ubra,y. See No. LT- Sabha. 5311/87]

(10) A statement (Hindi and English versions) explaining the reasons for not laying the Annual Report and Au­ MESSAGE FROM RAjYA SABHA dited Accounts of the National Insti­ tute of H omoeopathy, Calcutta, for [English] the year 1986-87 within the stipu­ lated period of nine months after the SECRET ARY-CEN ERAL: Sir, I have to re­ dose of the Accounting year. [Placed port the follOWing message received from In Libra,y See No. IT-5312/87] the Secretary-General of Rajya Sabha:-

Review of the working of and Annual Re­ "In accordance with the provisIons of ports of Andaman and Nicobar Islands sub-rule (6) of rule 186 of the Rules of Forest and Plantation Development Cor· Procedure and Conduct of Business in poration Ltd., Port Blair for 1986-87 the Rajya Sabha, I am directed to return herewith the Comptroller and Auditor THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ General's (Duties, Powers and Condi­ ISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS tions of Service) Amendment Bill, 1987, (SHRI Z.R. ANSARI): I beg to lay on the which was passed by the Lok Sabha at Table a copy each of the following papers its SItting held on the 30th November, (Hindi and English versions) under section 198it and transmitted to the Rajya 619A of the Companies Act, 1956 :- Sabha for its recommendations and to 329 S. C. & S. T. Welfare AGRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAIU\) Motion of No-confidence 330 Committee Report in the Council of Ministers

state that this House has no recom­ COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT ASSUR­ nlendations to make to the lok Sabha in ANCES regard to the said Bill." [English] Ninth report

PROF. NARAIN CHAND PARASHAR 12.14 hrs. (Hamirpur): I beg to present the Ninth Re­ port (Hindi and English versions) of the ESTIMATES COMMITIEE Committee on Government Assurances.


Fifty-First Report

SHRIMATI CHANDRA TRIPATHI 12.16 hrs (Chandauli): I beg to present the Fifty-First Report (Hrndl and English versions) of the MOTION OF NO-CONFIDENCE IN THE [~timates Committee on Action Taken by COUNCIL OF MINISTERS Government on the recommendations con­ tained in the Forty-fourth Report of the IEnglish] Committee (8th Lok Sabha) on the Plan­ ning Commission System and Procedure + MR. SPEAKER: I have to inform the for appraisal of Plan schemes. House that I have received 3 identical no­ tices of Motion of -No-Confidence in the Council of Ministers under Rules 198 from Sarvashri C. Madhav Reddy, Basudeb 12.15 hrs Ac.haria, Mohd. Mahfooz Ali Khan, Dinesh G05wami, Piyus Tiraky, Prof. Madhu Dan­ COMMITIEF ON THE WELFARE OF davate, Sarvashri Indrajit Gupta, H .A. Dora, SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED V. Kishore Chandra S.Deo, Mewa Singh TRIBES Gill, Bhai Shaminder Singh, Dr. Datta Samant, Shri N.V.N. Somu, Dr. A.K. Patel [English] and Shri C. Janga Reddy. Reports of study tours S~ri C. Madhav Reddy is the first signa­ tory In all the three notices. The Motion SHRI RAfv\ RATAN RAM (Hajipur): I beg reads as follows: to lay on the Table a copy each of the fol­ ~wing Reports (Hindi and English ver­ "This House expresses its want of confi­ sions) of the Study Tours of the Conlmittee dence in the Council of Minsters." on the Welfare of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes:- May I request those Members who are in favour of leave being granted to this Mo­ (i) Report of the Study Tour of Study tion to rise in their places. Croup I of the Committee on its visit to Bombay, Bangalore, Coimbatore, As not less than 50 Members have risen Ooty, Mysore and Hyderabad during in support of the Motion, leave is granted. October, 1987. The discussion may be taken up immedi­ (ii) Report of the Study Tour of Study ately. Group 11 of the Committee on its THE MINISTER OF- PARLlM1ENTARY visit to Guwahati, Shillong, Imphal AFFAIRS AND THE MINISTER OF FOOD and Calcutta during October, 1987. AND CIVIL SUPPLIES (SHRI H.K.L BHA~ GAT): The Government want that we 331 Motion of No. DECEMBER 10, 1987 Council of 332 Confidence in the Ministers [Shri H. K. L Bhagat1 MR. SPEAKER: let us have sensi&le dis­ cussion. Why are you unnecessarily should proceed with the Motion of No­ shouting? I will control it. Let us be seost­ Confidence straightway. (/nt~,uptions) ble. SHRI DtNESH GOSWAMI (Guwahati): SHRI H.K.L BHACAT: May I make a I What is the duratioc, of the disCuss4,on? submission to my Members not to inter­ MR. SPEAKER: About 6 hours. Now it is rupt any speaker whatsoever? And I hope, 12.15. So it will be upto 6.15 p.m. others will also follow this practice. (Interruptions) (Interruptions) SHRI C. MADHAV REDOI (Adi1abacf): All those who have given notice, should be SHR1 C. MADHAV REDDI: There is no lHawed. need for the opposition Members to I nter­ rupt the speeches because we have a very SHRI H.K.L BHAGAT: I would suggest strong case and we depend only on the that let it be 8 0 clock or 8.15. facts. Let us settle our accounts. (Interruptions) (Interruptions)

[Translation] Sir, it is a painful duty becau5e three years ago this Government come to the of~ SHRI NARAYAN CHOUBEY flee with high ~pectations. With a mas­ (M&dnapore): Mr. Speaker, Sir, you sh9uld sjve mandate, it came to power and the kindly allow a little but more time. They people expected a lot of things from this are not going to fall so eas~ Government. But what do we see today? It ily ... (Interruptions) is a very painful thing to find that this Gov­ ernment is under a shadow of several acts MR. SPEAKER: You may kindly resume of commission and omission about which your ·seat. .. (In terruptions) the entire ... (Interruptions)

[English] MR. SPEAKER: Please let him speak. You can answer on your behalf. Don't in­ THE MiNISTER OF DEFENCE (SHRI terrupt. K.C. PANT): let us know: is there anything :.>ositive on which they agree? We know SHRI C. MADHAV REDOI: You have to :hat they agree on this ... (/nterruptions) hear so many things.

MR. SPEAKER: Why are you taking the [Translation] jme of the House? I would like to submit that a true thing PROF. MAOHU DANDAVATE (Rajapur): is always bitter, but you will have to drink Ne agree that the Government must go. this bitter medicine today.

SHRI C. tvtADHAV REDOI (Adilabad): I [English] leg to move: Sir, I am known to be a soft-spoken UThat this House expresses its want of Member in this House. But the occasion :onfidence in the Council of Ministers." today is such that I may have to use certain strong language. I would only request the I rise to move this motion to perfonn a Members to bear with me in their own in~ )ainful duty of the opposition. It is painful terest to know what the opposition is )ecause for the last three years, the 0PPo.. feeling ,what the countrymen are feeling .ition never thought of bringing a no-confi~ about this GQvemment ... \Interruptions) .

I fence motion against this Ministry. Interruptions) We have to settle our ac­ Shri H.K.LBHACAT: Sir, I would appeal :ounts. (Interruptions) to all the Congress Members to P~~ 333 Motion of No- AGRAHAYANA 19, 1909(~) Council of 334 Confidence in the Ministers keep quiet. I am glad that he is as~ing tor (Trans/ation] my assistance for that purpose askinS me to keep them quiet. But please ask those MR. SPEAKER: Would you not listen to ~eople also to keep quiet. .. (lnterruptio~~). me. (Interruptions) Kindly allow him to speak. let him have his say. Do not create 1Trans/ation ] disorder. If you do not listen, why would they listen 7 MR. SPEAKER: Bhagatji, you please sit down. (Interruptions) Choubeyji, you [English] ·piease sit down. You may atso please sit down. Mr. Dora, you may kindly reume SHRI C. MADHAV REDDI: Sir, I strongly your seat. Please listen. If you want that feel that it is the duty of the Prime Minister this discussion should go on sm6"othly and who is occupying the first bench here, peacefully, you may kindly have some pa­ which are ocaap;ed earfier by Jawaharlal tience. (Interruptions). This is wrong. Why. Nehru, by Shastri Ji and by Indira Ji. It is Can't you remain silent just for two min­ his duty to silence his Members, not for the utes? Is thefe any trident below your seat? Minister of Pariiamentary Affairs. And that shows his style of functioning as Prime Minister. [English] (Interruptions) I want to say it to ali ... THE PRIME MINISTER (SHRI RAjIV (Interruptions) GANDHI): Mr. Speaker, Sir, I would just like to point out that the hon. Member MR. SPEAKER: Whatever it is, you can from the Opposition has only had a mark rebut it. I will give you a chance. It wi" left on his memory by three Prime Mini­ be frPe for ali ... sters.

(Interruptions) SHRI C. MADHAV REDDI: What a 5hadow of substancef I have seen, Sir, in MR. SPEAKER: Again you are misinter­ this Huuse Prime Minister Jawaharlal preting it. .. Nehru functioning as a Prime Minister. What a great man he was when he used to (Interruptions) come to the rescue of the Oppositlonl And here is the Prime Minister who always finds MR. SPEAKER: Please sit down. It is not fault with the OppOSition and who gets up a free for all fight., it is a free for all speech. only to slight the Opposition, to insult the Opposition. That is his style of functioning PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: You can as Prime Minister. Sir, it is in sharp contrast expunge your remark, Sir! to the Prime Ministers earlier who were . the defenders of democracy and freedom am not that it is MR. SPEAKER: I saying and who were the defenders of the tradi­ going to be a free for all fight, I am going to tions of this House. say that it is free for all debate. lt is free: dom of expression. But if you just butt in The Prime Minister rarely comes to this ~ke this, there is going to be nothing ex- House, and whenever he comes to this cept chaos. So, I do not want to do that. House, he comes only to interfere, to see let it be a free for all debate, not free for all the Opposition is slighted. That is the fight. So simple it is. Please listen now feeling of the Opposition. and behave more properly, just like the hon. Members that you are. I would like to tetJ you, Sir, how many hours he sat in this House. I am yet to see SHRI C. MADHAV REDOI: Sir, I strongly a Prime Minister who has so little respect feel that it is the'dutv... (/nterruotions). &._ _ .L t _ ". ~ •• ., • ".., I , 335 Motion of No_ DECEMBER 10, 1987 Council of 336 Confidence in the Ministers [Shri C. Madhav ReddiJ when he goes to the States ruled by the Opposition Parties? The only object with like this come, it is for the Leader of the which he goes-"'hen€'v~rhe goes, whether House to give a lead to the entire H OU5e, it is to supervise the drought conditions, not only to the Members of his Party, but whether it is to attend any meetings, what also to the Members of the Oppbsition. does he do? His only object is to slight the How many times did you do that? How Chief Ministers, to criticis'e the Chief Minis­ many times did you rebuke your own ters openly in the public meetings and also Members, Your Ministers, for trying to in press conferences. (Interruptions) Is it slight thE' Opposition? becoming of a Prime Minister who is also the President of the Congress Party? I Sir, coming to the style of the Opposi­ know that he has got dual functioning. But tion ... (lnterruptions). Sir, it is a no-confi­ his main function is, he is the leader of the dence motion against the Council of Minis­ country, he is the Prime Minister. When he te~ in which the Prilne Minister is in­ speat.-.s, naturally, the whole nation listens cluded. I am within my rights to make to him. Why should he decry the Chief comments on the style of functioning of the Minister when he goes there? Recently he Prime Minister. went to Tripura. What did he say there? He said, the Tripura Government, the Chief (Interruptions) Minister of Tripura failed to stop the insur­ gency. And then, he did not say this to the SHRI RAJ IV CANDHI: Mr. Speaker, Sir, I Chief Minister, calling him to his chamber. would request my Members not to inter­ I could have appreciated, had he called the vene and interrupt the hon. Member from Chief Minister to Delhi and told him so. the Opposition. I have appreciated very But then, he chose the occasion, when he much the first significant point that he has was addressing the Press Conference at the raised this afternoon and that is, he wants airport, so that it might be flashed in the , the Government should rescue the Opposi­ papers and the Chief Minister is belittled~ tion from their predicament. I have appre· he is put in a tight corn~r. As a Prime Min­ ciated that point, I will definitely keep it in ister, you have rnisused your powers as the mind, I will request my Members also to Prime Minister and accused the Chief Mi~ make a point of it and keep it in mind. ister who is a Constitutionany elected per­ son. Now, Similarly when you went to (Interruptions) West Bengal, what did you do? You de­ dared openly that the West Bengal Gov­ SHRI C. MADHAV REDDI: Sir, we never ernment is diverting the funds which were said that the Prime Minister should rescue allotted for drought relief. the Opposition. SH RI BASUDEB ACHARIA (Bankura): It PROf. MADHU DANDAVATE: We do is untrue. not function at the mercy of the Leader of the House. SHRI C. MAOHAV REDOI: Well, it is un­ true. But even if it is true, is it becoming of (Interruptions) you to say so publicly and openly! How do you know it? it is the duty of the bureau­ SHRI C. MADHAV REDOI: Please let me crats and the officials; they could have gone speak, I can defend myself. there and they could have investigated the matter. You could have asked the officials As a Prime Minister he is the leader of to go there to investigate it confidentially the nation, he is not just the leader of the before you announce this to the public. Congress Party. Whatever he Speaks, Once some information came to you from whatever he does inside and outside this your partymen you thought it fit immedi­ House, it has got a great significance. As a ately to announce on the spot that this is leader of the nation he has to rise above all being done and the funds are being di­ the controversies, but what does he do verted 337 Motion of No­ AGRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAK4) Council of 338 Confidence in the Ministers Sir, you went to Andhra Pradesh. You PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: They did the same thing there. Everywhere the have a right to say that he has not learnt. accusations are made and you never coop­ erated with the State Governments and the SHRI C. MADHAV REDOI: And what did Chief Minister., ruled by the OpposKion he learn? He has turned the Indian politics Parties. This is the charge. Today the into an amphitheatre of confrontation. Why Chief Ministers of the Opposition Parties is this confrontation politics? What did you who are ruling in the different States of the gain out of this? Why do you listen only to country are in large number. Today it is a the people of your Party in the State? You plural democracy. Several States are al­ get the brtefs from them frrst, whenever ready in the Opposition fold. Now, almost you go there, before you meet the State half of the country IS under their control. Chief Minister. And then, your entire ap­ The State G

(Translation] SHRt INDRAJIT GUPTA (Basirhat): There is your photograph. THE MINISTER OF HOME AFFAIRS (5. BUTA SINGH): Please resume your seat MR. SPEAKER: How am I concerned? and then speak. [fng/ish] SHRf C. MAOHAV REDOI: I am a heart patient. I have yet to say a lot of things. I SHRI C. MADHAV RED~: Whatever hav~ to speak about you. When I look at was the context of the speech he made, you, it makes me laugh. what did he say about the Supceme Court and the High Courts1 He said, "The (Interruptions) Sup-=eme Court has become a heaveA for 343 Motion of No_ DECEMBER 10, 1987 Council of 344 Confidence in the Ministefs [Shri C. Madhav Reddi] MR. SPEAKER: That is what meant. Why do you say, "I have been"? Say, "I am". black-marketeers, a heaven for smugglers, a heaven for the ... ".(lnterruptions) PROF. tvtADHU DANDAVATE: Now we realise that it is a free for all. AN HON. MEMBER: Unfit to be in the Council of Ministers. SHRI C. MADHAV REDOI: , was happy also when Mr. Gadgil formed the Congress SHRI C. MADHAV REDOI: He said that Socialism Forum - rather revived' because it he was telling that in the historical context. was already there. You remember I am not concerned with any context. 'socialism' when you are in difficulties. You These were the remarks coming from a use the word 'socialism' when there is a Minister and that too from the Law Minis­ criticism against the Government for liber­ ter who has to take care of the legal system alisation of the economic policies. When in the country. I see the long ann of Mr. there was a criticism about giving conces­ Shiv Shankar in every state, in every judi­ sions to the monopolists, about giving con­ ciary, in every High Court. The Prime cessions to the big business, then you Minister may not be knowing about it, but I thought that this was the time to revert know how much interference is there with back to ·socialism. All right, when you are the judiciary and how he is trying to abuse in difficulties, you to go socialism, but again the judiciary to see that the political ends you have forgotten because you feel that are met. Is it right? So far, the judiciary was you are no longer .n difficulties. You are never touched by the executive. It was ab­ mistaken. You have forgotten again your solutely independent. But today we see socialist principle. I am very sorry for Mr. that the Chief Justices are being transferred Gadgil, not only for the fire accident in at will from place to place. well, you have which he was involved recently but sorry the right to transfer a Chief Justice, but because he lost his job twice ... when you are choosing the Chief Justice, you choose people in such a way that that SH RI S. JA1 PAL RfDDY (Mahbubnagar): Chief Justice is going to be utilised by you In trying to guide through socialism. to destabilise ... (lnterruptions) (Interruptions)

SHRI RMt'\ SINGH YADAV (Alwar): The matter is pending in the SupreMe Court. SHRI C. MADHAV REDDI: The Congress Party is no longer interested in SHRI C. MADHAV REDOI: What is the Sociahsm and Socialist Forum ... matter pending in the Supreme Court? PROF. K. K. TEWARY (Buxar): He lost it PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: Judiciary like your Mr. Reddy who lost his job as a is pending with Mr. Shiv Shankar. That is Minister. the trouble. SHRI C. MADHAV REDDI: Regarding SHRI C. MADHAV REDOI: There has electoral reforms, several times promises been a lot ot talk about socialism, of late, in have been made on the floor of the House this House and outside the House. I am that there will be electoral reforms, that a very happy, I have been a socialist all Bill is going to come. But we have yet to along ... see the Bill. In spite of the fact that the Election Commission has written to the MR. SPEAKER: Not now? Government that there should be electoral reforms and a draft Bill has also come, but SHRI C. MADHAV REDOI: Even now. I this Government is taking more than one said .. all along" . I am a Socialist by year to examine this and so far there is no conviction. trace of electoral reforms. The States 345 Motion of No- ACRAHAYANA 19,1909 (SAKA) Council of 346 Confidence in the Ministers where the elections are being conducted, Telugu language. can only guess who the States where the 0pp0s4tion parties are wrote this speech. If the fence starts eat­ rulin& you accuse those States that they ing the crop, then who can help? Nobody are interfering in the election machinery. can help. You want a judicial commission to be ap­ pOinted. You want the elections to be PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: Not even postponed and so on and so forth. When Defence. we say that there should be a stare funding of elections, you criticise; you bring a Bill SHRI C. fvtAOHAV REDOI: And he fur­ and we will aft support it; but you hesitate. ther said - it is very historic speech, it is But when one State comes forward and very well written and it was the speech brings a Bill and is prepared to introduce which could be read by every body several the electoral reforms at least to the extent times to know what is the .importance of of local bodies, you criticise that. This is this speech in the present context; your policy with regard to elections. You do not want this present election set up to "Making a painful self-introspection of be changed. You do not want the present the Congress, Mr. Gandhi observed election laws to be changed so that it gives that, 'the Party had shrunk because it you enough scope to manipulate, to ma­ had lost touch with the masses. It may noeuvre to use the money power to con­ still win the elections. But in the pre­ trol the machinery. Sir, not only the draft occupation with the Government it has Bill with regard to electoral reforms, there lost touch with the toiling millions. The are several such Bills which are pending in ordinary Congress workers are still en­ this House. Two years ago or two and a thusiastic. But they are handicapped a.c; half years ago, there was a Bill here before the brokers of power roll on their backs/ this House on the lok Pal. What hap­ dispensing patronage to convert a mass pened to that Bill? It is referred to a Select movement into a feudal oligarchy. The Committee and the Select Cornmittee is life-style and the self-aggrandisement, not;n a position to finalise this Bill for two their corrupt way, linkages with vested years? You are not interested. You are not interests have reduced the Congress interested in the Bill because you brought it into a shell from which this spirit of ser­ with a different motive at that time. But vice has been emptied', Mr. Gandhi now, you are taking time; your Minister of painfully observed." Law comes to the Committee, of which I am a Member, and then the Minister of The brokers of powers are riding on the Law never supports that Bill. That means backs. Who are those brokers of powers? you do not want that Bill; you do not want We have the right to know who are those the Bill because you do not want to include brokers today? Who are those people? the Ministers, you do not want the Prime Minister to be included. SHRI RAjIV GANDHI: Sir, I think, the Hon. Member wants to know. Som~ of them are with him, at the moment. Coming to the question of various de­ fence deals and scandals, I do not want to SHRI C. MADHAV REDOI: You have go into details of all these because my said this for hour own Members, not for us. friends here would like to go into them in greater detail. But Sir, I am reminded of SHRI S. JAIPAL REDDY: Many of them the Prime Minister's speech again because are with him, Sir. I had been following all his speeches very carefully. While addressing the Plenary SH-RI RAJ IV CAN DH l: Mr. Speaker Sir, I Session of Alec in Bombay, what did he am not talking about his Members, , am say? He satd, "If the fence starts eating the talking about the Members who have crops who can save this country?" I do not joined him. know that such an expression is there in English language. It is, of course, there in (Interruptions) 347 Motion of No_ DECEMBER 10, 1987 Council of 348 Confidence in th~ Ministers PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: They are ga~ Andhra Pradesh or Tripura, he criticises the breakers of power, not the brokers of the State Governments, that is why he has power, that is the difference. brought this motion, he has also said that when there was drought,. he talked of (Interruptions) seeking the co-operation, but he did not accept the co-operation from any of the SHRI C. MADHAV REDOI: Who are opposition parties and therefore, they have those brokers of power? Why is this at­ brought the motion against the Govern­ tempt to cover up several things? Very ment. Party functions and the Government successfully you are covering up several work is going on together and that· is one things, we know. The cover~up operation of the reasons for bringing this motion. is going on for the last four months and They have also said that in the economic day-in and day-out you are trying to cover front, there is zero growth and debt situa­ up several brokers of power who are riding tion is very bad. They have also spoken on the backs of 750 million people. And about the Press, though they did not refer we have the right to demand that these to the name of any newspaper. The oppo­ brokers of power should be removed from sition has only one friend and that is the backs of th..e people of this country. "Indian Express". The opposition was very kind to us that it did not refer to the name (Trans/avon] of any newspaper.

MR. SPEAKER: Shri Bhag'NatJha Azad. They say that they are not consulted in the matter of transfer of judges and that is SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA: My dear why they have brought this motion. They brother, speak in H indL say that as we are not socialists, as we are capitalists and know nothing about social­ SH~I BHAGWAT JHAAZAD (Bhagalpur): ism and as the socialism IS only the English or Hindi? Mr. Speaker, at the re­ monopoly of the B.J. P., the Telugu Desam quest of Shri Indrajit Gupta, the hone and the Janata Party. It is for these reasons Leader of the Opposition party, I would that they have brought forward this motion like to speak in Hindi today. nf non-confidence.

SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA: I said this in Mr. Speaker, Sir, now the question is the interest of English language. whether they are right? Are all these charges levelled against the Government SHRI BHAGWAT JHAAZAD: My English proper? The question is very clear. It is rendering would be like that of Bengalis. correct that we are not able to do anything Mr. Speaker Sir, No confidence motion in a for the scattered, divided and defeated democratic set up is brought forward on a Opposition and we agree that it is our very big or major issues. In a democracy, it fautt. We accept it is to be our fault that is the last weapon in the annory of opposi­ we are not able to do anything in this tion when they totally differ on economic, matter. foreign or social policies of the Govern­ ment. The hon. Member who has moved ~~ing he has not said and which he the motion has mentioned one of its rea­ ought to have said and which our friends sons that his opinion and the opinion of from the CPI and CPI(M) will say later that the people of the country is one and the the huge gathering of people in the rally same and such an opinion is against the yesterday have demanded that Shri Rajiv Government and that is why, he has Gandhi should resign and that is why they moved this motion. He has also said that have brought fOlWard this no-confidence the Prime Minister continuously ridicules motion. and condemns him and therefore, he has moved this no confidence motion. He has 13.00 hrs. also said that when the Prime Minister vis .. its various States .. whether it is West Ben .. Mr. Speaker, Sir', a democratically 349 Motion of No- AGRA,HAYANA 19, 1909 (SAJG,4\) Council of 3SC Confidence in the Ministers elected Government cannot be removed by through the process of ballot but by creat­ merely mobilising a large crowed. If the is­ ing unstable conditions in the country sue is to be decided by the strength of the which are against the norms of the democ­ rally, let the hon. Member tell the strength racy. Now you are mobilising the crowd for of the rally and give us the same opportu­ the purpose. nity we can arrange twice or thrice of that number and they would say that they have You are interested only in the Bofors is­ full faith in the Prime Minister. I can assure sue and you ~ant to disaJss it all the time. you, if we fail to nluster this much of the You did raise the issue of Planning once but strength, we shall quite. Well you agree to you have never made a demand for discus­ this proposal? If it is done then sion in this regard. You have always de· .. .(lnterruptions) ... manded subjects like Fairfax and Bofors to be taken in the House. You are well aware I was just asking you to accept this con­ of the Fairfax Report... (Interruptions). dition first ... (lnterruptions). SHRI BHACWAT JHA AZAD: In this loi< SHRI SAIFUDDIN CHOWDHARY Sabha your efforts at creating instabilit) (Katwa): We accept it ... (lnterruptions). started from the Fairfax issue. Your first at­ tack started from here. You said that a lot SHRI BHACAWAT JHA AZAD: Then say of irregularities were involved in the Fairf.vc again that you want elec.. affair. In accordance with your opinion, tions ... (Interruptions). two Supreme Court Judges were appointed to look into this matter. Friend, you are upset by just a light blow, what will happen when a heavier SHRI BASUDEB ACHARIA: We nev blow comes 7 Therefore, just listen to what demanded. I am saying. Your statement that ~people share your views is incorrect. If it was cor­ SHRI BHACWAT JHA MAD: You never rect then our member would not have had the courage to make such a demand. been 400 in the House and yours so less. You knew very well that your demands During the next elections also we shall se­ were not right. We ourselves instituted cure the same number of seats and your that Commission of inquiry to expose you progress will be the sa"!le as today. and your move. Now the fairfax Commis­ sion has submitted its report. It is clearly We want to tell you that we do not mentioned in that report that whatever ac­ want politics of confrontation and our Hon. tion the then Finance Minister, the Rev­ Prime Minister is also against such politics. enue Secretary and the Director of En­ A clear example, of our stand is proved by forcement had taken in this matter was the fact that we have made efforts, to con­ dangerous for the security of the country. sult you on big issues but you do not have What else can be more serious? "OU never faith in consensus. said that Fairfax was a threat to the security of the nation, but there were a lot of irreg­ Once by chance you got the taste of ularities. power, you are leaving no stone untumed to fonn the Government again. But I can DR. DATTA SAMANT (Bombay South assure you that there is no possibility as Central): Has the theft been detected7 such. SHRI BHAGWAT JHA AZAD: It has be­ I charge you for creating instability in come clear as to who were the reat thieves. the country by attempting to unseat th~ According to the r~port, the hiring of the democratically elected Government and re­ Fairfax agency was a threat to the security sorting to raising of false issues like the of the country and you had hired the ser­ Fairfax, Bofors etc. in the House for this vices of such a person who... purpose and to malign our image. You (Interruptions)... I will speak if he allows want the Government to be dismissed not me to, otherwise there will be interruptions 351 Motion of No_ DECEMBER 10, 1987 Council of 352 Confidence in the Ministers the 'rightists and the leftists' have come to.. [Shri Bhagwat Jha Azad] gether. I want to tell my friends in the from both the sides. You listen to me, I will Congress party that the crowd which had listen to you. It is offending to you, when assembled yesterday was not meant for us Mr. Madhav Reddi was speaking, there but was meant to frighten the B.J. P. people were interruptions from this side also, but so that they too join the CPI, CPI (M) now you kindly listen. I want to say that league. We are not afraid of you exercise great pressure to make the this ... (/nterruptions). We know that it will Government unstable, to destroy democ­ have little effect on the Congress, it will put racy and socialism. The worst possible al­ pressure on the B.J.P., the Janata Party and legation was about Fairfax. But now the the Telugu Desam. The Rightists and the Commission has submitted its report and leftists should first make a settlement according to it, the hiring of the Fairfax among themselves, and then they can talk agency by the then Minister of Finance, the about unseating the ruling party. Revenue Secretary and the Director of En­ forcement was dangerous for the security Therefore, I want to submit that their of the country and you say that the action effort from the very beginning was to make of the Government was wrong. This is a the people convince that the country is not clear example of how you take things. It making any progress and their crowd was stated that the services of such an pulling tactics was also for that purpose. agency was hired to detect the amount de­ Our friends han. Shri Madhav Reddi is vel)' posited by the I ndian in foreign banks, but soft spoken and there cannot be any doubt no such record is there in the fi1es. One of in what he said that we go to the States his friend, Mr. Gurumurthy, the great per­ and speak against the State Governments. sonality, the great scholar, the doyen of the The Prime Minister belongs to the whole r ourth Estate, came to meet the Revenue country, be it Andhra Pradesh, West Ben­ Secretary and Mr. Rai. He influenced them gal, or any other State. His duty is to say for entrusting the responsibility of con­ whatever he feels right for the economic ducting enquiry to a person who himself situation, the development and progress of said that he has links with the C.I.A. and the country. Is it the duty of the Prime provided informations to the C.I.A. from Minister to praise the State Government time to time. The three reputed scholars of \'V'hile he is touring those States without this country hired the services of that man any basis? On the one hand, it is the re­ without consulting the Hon. Prime Minister sponsibility of the Prime Minister to pro­ or the Union Cabinet. vide maximum assistance to meet the drought situation which he has done. Sub­ I am saying this to remind you that the stantial help was provided to meet the l!1St debate when this issue had come up drought situation in Andhra Pradesh and and I had stated at that time also that Mr. the floods in West Bengal. But the Prime Herschman is a C.I.A. agent, and that is Minister has certainly said this and he must there in the records. Everyday our dear say and must say it again and again and it friend, whose name is 'Madhu' which should be enquired into whether the assis­ means honey, but whose work does not tance and relief which is being given to the match his name, kept on raising the issue States for dealing with the situation of of Fairfax. I am giving major illustration of drought and relief is not diverted to other how you are trying to create instability in works. If this is the charge, then I accept it the country by raising the Fairfax issue, and you are free to move your motion, but now and then. You mentioned the Bofors the Prime Minister must say this again and even in your speech just now. In these 27 again. We have ourselves demanded in hours and 55 minutes duration of the pre­ this House that whichever may be the sent lok Sabha, consumed regarding dis­ State - whether it is opposition ruled Stat-e cussions on Bofors, if you had discussed or Congress ruled State, whether it is West Planning even for half that length time or Bengal Government or Bihar Govemment - even socialism, it would have been more when assistance is granted to these Gov­ useful. You are the real socialists now, as emments, it must be enquired into. All of 353 Motion of No­ ACRAHAYANA 19,1909 (SAM) Council of 354 COnfidence in the Ministers us are of one view in this regard. If the est ebb, then how 'Can we say that we do Prime Minister has said anything in this re­ not rave any difficulties. But comparatively gard in Andhra Pradesh then it is a good on the economic front, our country is far thing and correct thing. Madhav Reddi ji, if ahead of other countries. The ~rget of the you say that the Prime Minister had criti­ Seventh Plan ;s to achieve a growth rate of cised your Chief MinisterJ then should he 5 per cent and 'actual growth is not that has praise him? Should we say that he is doing been stated by Reddi ji. As a matter of fact, a very commendable job? The number of the average growth of the last three years ins~rgents is increasing in Tripura these is 4.9 per cent and we are not behind the days and they are posing a threat to the Plan targets. The target of· 5 per cent people and the Chief Minister of the State which we fix every year has been 4.9 per has himself felt this difficulty. Therefore, cent this year due to drought and the whether it is West Bengal or Tripu(a and floods ... (Interruptions). No, Sir. It would whether it is Andhra Pradesh or Bihar and not be zero. It has been 1.6 per cent so whether it is Kamataka or Madhya Pradesh far. But I would like to ask as to who is to and whether it is congress ruled State or blame for this 7 Are you responsible for opposition ruled State - when the Prime this, or am I responsible for this or are both Minister provides the assistance and of us responsible for it? All right I am re­ speaks about progress and development, sponsible for it, because Government have then it is his duty to ask as to who is cre­ brought water and floods from above. I am ating hindrances. Therefore, this point of to blame for this and they a~ not to blame yours is wrong. If his criticism is wrong, at all. You do not appreciate these facts then it makes some points. Therefore, I and figures even though the country had to want to submit that it is the requirement of suffer due, to drought and the floods. There the country these days that the financial would be a decline of 12 to 14 million targets which are shown on the ~aper tonnes of food grains in the Kbarif crops must be translated into assets in real terms and with a little bit improvement in the and the Prime Minister is laying stress on Rabi crops, the actual decline would range this thing. I support this view-point of the between 10 million tonnes to 15 million Prime Minister that merely financial targets tonnes of foodgrains. They are not going should not be looked into. 700 crores of to appreciate it. Whafshould we do? The rupees' were spent in Bihar. Sir, I am not difficulty is that they do not want to accept mentioning your name lest you might get this fact there is decline in the Gross Na­ annoyed. I am not referring to Bengal, I tional Product due to unprecedented am referring to Bihar. The Prime Minister drought which had not occurred in the should see as to which of the assets have country during the last 100 years. Ra­ been created after spending Rs. 700 crores jasthan and Gujarat are continuously under there. Until this is done, the country can­ the grip of drought for the last four years, not .move forward. Therefore, what the but we are thankful to the Hon. Prime Prime Minister says is for your benefit. Minister that he dealt with such a grim sit­ Whatever funds are allotted to Andhra uation of drought as also floods in four Pradesh and West Bengal must be ac­ States with a great courage. But our friend counted for. This is the reply of your sec­ Madhav Reddiji complains that he did not ond question. seek the cooperation of the opposition. He did not seek cooperation from whom 7 The third point you have raised is that The Prime Minister visited the entire coun­ the economic growth of the country has try and all the States including Andhra come to naught. It is wrong, baseless, not Pradesh. The Chief Ministers accompanied based on statistics and facts. Mr. Speaker him. He held talks with all the M.L.As. Sir, the economic growth of this country is whether they belonged to Congress or the quite healthy and is continuous. I must, of Opposition parties. But the opposition course, add that there are certain difficul­ Members in lok Sabha did not come to ties in this task. When the dollar which know whether they should extend their was supposed to be the strongest in the cooperation or not. Their cooperation was world is touching the unprecedented low... sought repeatedly, but they were bent 355 Motion of No .• DECEMBER 10, 1987 Council of 356 Confidence in the Ministers (Shri Bhagw~t Jha Azad) was spent in the last dwee yeats fur thia 15 per ~ent tatpt. 1am sayinI this, beeaute It upon only one thing that some how thiS is said apin and again that the Plan as be­ Government should be removed. When ing curtaHed and there an! no resoutces we object to it, then they get annoyed. and nothing is belns done. The reply to When they commit even murders no men­ that is that resources are available and tion is made. but when we even take a sigh there is no cut in the plan. Despite floods we are called rebels. The charge against us and drought, the Plan is maintaining its fast is that we are indulging in a lot of wrong pace. If you take the Central Plan, we have deeds. If you compare the today's growth spent 70 per cent of total plan outlay of the rate with that of the year 1980, you would Central Plan in three years, whereas only find that the current growth rate is better. 56 per cent could be made available during The growth rate of industrial production the corresponding period in the Sixth Pian. was 8.6 per cent In 1984-85, which rose to Therefore, the statement that resources ate 8.7 per cent in 1985-86 and it is 8.9 per not available or there is any cut in the Plan cent in the current year of 1986-87. The is totally false. In the public sector, H.B.J. average growth rate in the first three years Pipe line, Steel Plant in Andhra Pradesh, of the Seventh five Year Plan has been 8.7 Nelco in Maha~htra and Bongaingaon per cent and despite drought the rate of Flare Complex are coming up very fast in growth of industrial production during the the next few years. There is no obstacle in first quarter of this year has been 11.5 per any way. What would they think about it? cent, but they say that it has come to zero. Could it be a reason for a no confidence ? Now you tell us, what should we say to - Why is so much progress taking place 7 them? Due to so much progress, Congn:ss Party would again win the elections. Therefore, Similarly, you may take the infrastruc­ we think that this no confidence motion ture. In the Railways, the growth rate was ... (/nterruptions) Shri Somnath Chatte~ee 9:.4 per cent in 1984-85, it was 5.4 per cent is a good lawyer. He has great love for the in 1985-86 and in 1986.. 87 it has been 6.3 Courts, but if tomorrow court delivers per cent. You may compare it with that of some judgement, then what will he say? the year 1979 when it was only 3.1 per There is "my lord" there and here People cent. You may take coal also. The growth are "my lord". There is difficulty on both rate of coal production in 1984-85 was 4.6 sides. We understand this fact. per cent, it was 7.5 per tent in 1985-86 and this year it has been 9.3 per cent and if SHRI SOMNATH CHAll'ERJEE (Bolpur): you compare it with 1979-80, you would I do not say "my lord" here. find that it was only 3 per cent at that time. Now you may take power. The growth SHRI BHACWAT JHA AZAD: People rate of power has been 8.4 per cent, ~Id be called "my Iord". We are not say­ whereas dunng the Janata regime in 1979- "' that you should call us "my lord". The 80, It was 5.9 per cent only. How can you Prime Minister would not like that anybody say then, that the country is not making should call us "my lord". "My lord" may be any progress? Whether is Power sector, used in a Party where there is monopoly of Coal sector or Power stations, industrial a person; no elections and like that. We do progress IS taking place in all the sectors. not use word "my lord". We say"Rajivji". It you take the question of Plan's imple- mentation, I may say a lot of things, but I Similarly, if you want to assess the will restrict myself to one of the main progress or performance of a Covernment things and that is during the past three then Poverty Alleviation Programme c;hould years of the Seventh Plan, 1,17,000 crores be assessed. Under Poverty Alleviation of rupees have been spent and 65 per cent Programme, whether it is N.R.E.P. Or of resources have been generated. I.R.D.P. or any oth« proparnme, a SUft'a of ... (/nterruptions) Is. 1400 crores was spent in 1985.. 86 but this year i.e. in 1987-88, an amount of RI. The total allocation of the entire Plan 2000 crores is beins spent. Is it a fault on 357 Motion of No- ACRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAIV\) Council of 358 , Confidence in the Ministers our part t,bat the poor be uplifted and SHRI SOMNATH CHATTERJEE (Bolpur): money be spent on ~m. If it is wrong, What is going on, Sir? then your no confidence motion is in the right direction and you may beat the MR. SPEAKER: I do not know what they drums. I would like to say that Poverty aI· are doing. leviation programme are being imple.. mented to uplift the poor. You may for a [Translation] moment leave aside the economic policies. Narasimha Raoji has tried to shape his ed· SHRI BHACWAT JHA AZAD: I do agree ucation policy accordingly, because two that the prices are rising ... (Interruptions). technological commissions - one for the Mr. Speaker, Sir, if they are thirsty, if they drinking water and the other for literacy do not appreciate my speech or find them­ campaign are in the same direction. Even selves unable to follow it, they may go out in Navodaya Vidyalayasl emphasis is being and take tea. laid on this point that the children of the poor who cannot afford to study in Modern Mr. Speaker, Sir, I want to say some­ Schools and in Public Schools should bf' thing about the prices to which my brother given an opportunity to study in these Shri Madhav Reddi did not make a mention schools. of the prices have gone up. In. wholesale price Index, there was an increase of 8.4% Are all these works a force? If they on 14th November, but it is much less as think so, then my friends in opposition compared to 1979-80, when it was 21.4. It should open their eyes and ears and they is slightly more as compared to last year should go and see whether these works when it was 5.30%. I agree, but there are are being undertaken or not. It is only after reasons for it. There were unprecedented that t~y can say here in this House that floods and drought in the country. Traders these works are not being undertaken. assumed of shortage and they piled up stocks, and the consumers also purchased He has referred to exports, to balance more than they required under the appre­ of payments position. The export had hension that the prices may further go up. been 14% in 1986-87 and now in Septem­ This is one of the reasons for short­ ber, 1987 it is 26 per cent. It is true that it age... (Interruptions) Mr. Janga Reddy, is short by 500 crores during the first six certain Members in this House hjlve months: The reason is the drought and proved to be prophet of doom and you are floods. If we compare it with Cross Do­ also one of them. mestic Product, then it is not less in any way. We will discuss it later on. I agree that there are the difficulties, I further agree that they may increase, prices (English] may rise. But, I would like to Say that the reason is the unprecedented flood and MR. SPEAKER: What are you doing Mr. drought. To bring down the prices, I Panika ? would like to suggest two, three measures. I would like Mr. Bhagat to consider my SHRI BHAGWAT JHA AZAD: /4s regards suggestions. While I was .ncharge of tl)e Shri Madhav Reddi's contention that there Ministl)' of Food then, during my stay for is no economic progress, figures have two years there, Prime Minister asked me proved that he is not correct. I will also the price of'the oil,·of the cooking medium, refer to one of the most important thing he I replied, Rs. 11/- the Prime Minister also has referred to. Shri Somnath Ch~tterjee enquired the prices of the levy sugar, the and odlers will also refer to it, and that is sugar in open market and of wheat .nd price rise? Myself, want to say something rice. I quoted the prices. about it. (fng/ish] Bhagwatjj, public distribution· system MR. SPEAKER: Will the hon. Members needs to be strengthened and strong steps listen to Shri Azadl are required to be taken against the hoard- 359 Motion of No_ DELtMBER 10, 1987 Council of 360 Confidence in the Ministers ter have been making efforts in this direc. (Shri Bhagwat Jha Azad1 tion; but you people do not take initiative ers and the blackmarketeers. Thos! who in this regard. This is the problem. are found reSponsible for increasing the prices, they should be strongly dealt with. Mr. Speaker~ Sir, I agree that the nation These measures are required to be adopted is passing through difficult days, but for this to curb the price rise. I appreciate that the not only the ruling party but the opposition Covemment is importing edible oils in ad­ is equally responsible. You may try your e,,1uate quantity in order to bring down the best and exercise utmost pressure to make pri,':eS. But, the imported commodities the Government resign, but you will not should not be made to auction like that of succeed. The Government is not going to imported sugar. There was a procedure of oblige you, we are not going to resign. We voluntal'Y cuts in prices adopted in your will continue for five years and complete Ministry to stabilize the prices throughout the ~enure of the mandate given by the the country. The same procedure should people to us. We will make efforts to curb now be enforced. My friends did not make the price rise, we will not shirk the respon­ a mention of it, no matter, I have done it. sibility entrusted to us. We are not like This is the economic position. Janata Party which could stay only for three years. You try to follow: As regal"CIs social legislations, the. Gov­ ernment during the period of 2 .. 1/2 years "Laghuta Mein Bhi Krishan Aaj Sampon have brought forward a number of such Se Bahut Bana Hai legislations and they are now being imple­ Vishdhar Mat Dol Ki Mera Aasan Bahut mented. The Government has enacted Kara Haj" laws regarding dowry abolition, regarding equal status to women in order to make We are not going to quit: With these them self dependent. I can quote two words I oppose the motion for no dozens of such legisL"4tions. All these leg­ confidence. islations Me aimed to help or uplift the weaker sections of the society. This aspect [English] is very clear in all these amendments and laws and in their implt~mentation these are THE MINISTER Of PARLIAMENTARY being enforced. I wou,'d, therefore, like to AFFAIRS AND MINISTER OF FOOD AND say that the Govem ment has proved CIVil SUPPLIES (SHRI H.K.L BHACAT): progress in economic as well as in social May I propose that the House may adjourn fields. and reassemble at 2.30 P.M.

An atmosphere is being created by cer­ MR. SPEAKER: There is no problem. let tain members that everywhere there is in- us adjourn for lunch and reassemble at justice In the country and the Government 2.30 P.M. must be ousted. The opposition is not united and a disunited opposition cannot 13.31 hrs. form the Government, this is not possible. The Lok Sabha adjourned for lunch till thirty I agree that there may be certain weak­ minutes past fourteen of tQe clock. nesses and faults also. But despite all this, our Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi and his party is thousand times better than you people and YO!Jr groups.

You should have referred to certain fun­ The Lok Sabha reassembled after lunch at damental points. You should have referred Thirty-two minutes pas't FouTteen of the to planning. There are certain points, in Oock which a consensus is needed in the coun­ try. The Government and the Prime Minis- (MR. DEPUlY-SPEAKER in the G11airj 361 Motion of No­ AGRAHAYANA 1~1909 (~) Council of 362 o,nfidence in the Ministers MOTION Of NO-CONFIDENCE IN THE t!rations, who prefers gimmicks to COUNCIL OF, MINISTERS-·Contd. achievements. Expertise and experience are not necessary concomitant of youth nor they are acquired by dynastic bequest. OtJr [Eng/ish] Prime Minister constantly watches and says, "we have to see", but seldom per­ MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Now Mr. Som­ forms, and when he performs, people suf­ nath Chatterjee. fer. H is weakness and fascination for ev­ erything foreign have brought havoc to this SHRI SOMNATH CHATIERJEE (8olpur); country; and the very principle of self-re­ Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I rise to support liance so assiduously reared and nurtured the Motion moved by Shri Madhav Reddi. by Pandit Jawaharlaf Nehru has been totally The Opposition inside the House is jettisoned. Even the precarious balance in charged with the duty to the nation, to get the Center-State relations that has been this Government out of power, so that the existing for so long - maybe of a tenuous people can be saved from the rampage of a nature - has now been totally destroyed; corrupt and, at the same time, inept and and the Prime Minister thinks that the State inefficient administration. Governments are his fiefs. He pays lip ser­ vice to democracy. I n spite of his perora­ It is in discharge of that solemn duty, tion at Bombay Congress, how does he and to articulate the mood of millions of practise this democracy? There is no elec­ our countrymen, that we have been com­ tion in the party to which you all belong. pelled to move this motion, which gives The Prime Minister has achieved dubious expression to the true feelings of the peo­ fame by his abrasive attitude towards se­ ple in this country, and to demonstrat~ t~at nior officers of the government. You know this House, with the temporary maJonty the way in which Mr. Venkateshwaran was that the ruling party has, no longer cor­ treated and Mr. Murwah was asked to go rectly represents the people's views, and on leave very recently. His weakness for -their urges and aspirations. entering into accords - most of which have not been implemented and some of them Mr. Bhagawat Jha Azad - I have known are dangerous to the peoples' interest - has him and heard him from the 5th lok Sabha created more problems than solved them. so rnany times - made a very laboured I do not know who is the next Minister and speech today, because obviously he was who is the present Minister. They are having a guilty conscience. He ridiculed at changed like almost daily-wage labourers; the small size' of the Opposition. But peo­ they always seem to be on probation. Ev­ ple of this country cannot fo~et that with ery Ministry, during these last three years, all your 420 - I believe - members, you has at least half a' dozen Ministers. No one have not got more than 49% of the votes. is able to formulate policies and then im­ Therefore, you have got a minority support plement them. I hope our good Commu­ in tl,is country, and the majority is with us. nications Minister is not changed. I want some of the young Ministers to remain For the past three years particularly this there; they are trying to do their best; but country is passing through crisis after crisis don't indulge too much in sycophancy. Mr. created not so much by compulsion ~ of Reddi has correctly emphasised on the a~­ events but by total malfunctioning and senca of the leader of the House from this non-functioning of this govemment as also session of the Pariiament. He has always by anti-people policies adopted by them. shown steady indifference to Parliament;­ Sometimes the people in this country and by remaining absent, he prefers to lead wonder whether there is any government by the rear not by the front; and that is why I at all in New Delhi trying to rule the on so many occasions, when his presence country. should have been here, the whole brunt had to be borne by our gracious Minister of We have a leader of the govemme~t State in the Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs who seems to lead by hunch not by. de'~b- like ye§terday. 363 Motion of No. DECEMBER 10, 1987 Council of 364 Confidence in the Ministers [Shri Somnath Chatterjee] the Center and they have now at the same time rejected with contempt the mean Sir, never in this country before, we methods adopted by the Prime Minister to of have witnessed mise,ry of the common seek to bribe the voters with promises people of greater intensity as of now with all sorU of financial bonanzas. This is no rising prices - thanks to Mr. Azad, it saves politics. (Interruptions) my time to go on that, he has admitted S~RI BIPIN PAL DAS (Tezpur): I object thattbeyond the reach of common people with galloping unemployment, closure of to thIS expression, Prime Minister bribing factories and working places, escalation of the voters. It is an insult to the voters be­ communal riots and attacks on Scheduled cause 0l4[ voters cannot be bribed by any­ Castes and Scheduled Tribes, more and body. (Interruptions) more atrocities on women, accentuation of fundamentalism, obscurantism and seces- PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: It is an . sionism in this country and last but not thE accepted expression.. He has only said bribes and promtses. Nothing wrong in it. least atl pe~ading corruption in the highest levels of thIS Government and in every mat­ ter - none of these can be disputed I am (Interruptions) sure - it is the interests .of the common people and interests of the nation which SHRI SOMNATH CHATTERJEE: This is have been at the receiving end. Never not politics. With no politics, or notion of before the unity and integrity of this coun­ principle in politics, the Prime Minister as try have been under greater strain than !he I~~der of .this Government has indulged what we see today. That is why millions of In glv1ng baits to the people which the people have rejected unceremoniously. people, commo~ people, working people, peasants, not hIred labour or hired per­ sons, came from all over, all comers of In­ Sir, this Government, the other day, the dia yesterday and assembled at the Capital worthy law Minister of this Government to give a strident call for the dismissal of for whom I have a soft comer, I do noi this useless and anti-people Government, know, why ... (lnterruptions) and for a tr:esh election to seek the man­ date of the people not on the basis of the SHRI S. JAIPAl REDDY: That is one of sentiment of a funeral pyre. your refrains. (Interruptions) SHRI SOMNATH CHATIERJEE: I We do not have to 1abour hard to prove thought his duty was to protect the judi­ the point that the people are dissatisfied ciary and whatever the system that we wand that the results of the last Parliamen­ have until he improves them. He de­ tary election were wholly unreal because scribed the judiciary as the heaven of anti several by-elections which were held and social FE RA violators, smugglers, bride the elections held in three major States in burners, etc. (Interruptions) this country, West Bengal, Kerala and Haryana, have shown that THE MINISTER OF PLANNING, MINIS­ ... (Interruptions) ... TER OF PROGRAM~AE IMPLEMENtATION AND MINISTER OF LAW AND JUSTICE AN HON. MEMBER: What about Naga­ (SHRI P. SHIV SHANKER): I have ex­ land? plained my position in the other House. If you want, I can explain. PROF. MADHU OANDAVATE (Rajapur): Out of four they have won in one! (Interruptions)

SHRI SOMNATH CHATIERJEE: It SHRI SOMNATH CHATTERJEE: I am not shows that the people in no unmistakable asking for any explanation from you. You terms have voted against the ruling party at would have spoken the ultimate truth if liS Motion of No­ ACRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (~) Council of 366 ConfIdence in the Ministers you had substituted the word the Govemment, and Y

SHRI SOMNATH CHATTERJEE: In the SHRI S. JAIPAl REDDY (Mahbubnagar): matter of formulation of the plan - I do not This is a case of charming disagreement. know how many of them have read the Constitution: I am sure, the Prime Minister KUMARI MM-tATA BANERJEE has no time to read the Constitution - what (Jadavpur): Sir, let him see how many lady is the rule of a State Government under our members are on our side and how many Constitution 7 What is the status or stand­ are from his party ... (Interruptions). ing of a State Government? Do the State Governments have any say in the Planning SHRI SOMNATH CHATTERJEE: Sir, the Commission which has not even a consti­ very fact that Mrs. Dikshit has controverted tutional set up, not even a statutory set up. me shows that she cannot act according to They issue dictates on the basis o! their her conscience so long as she IS there. We own ipse dixit and those have to be Imple­ had the shameful... mented. I would have supported even this lopsided method of formulation of plan if it (Interruptions) . resulted in the betterment of the people SHRI DINESH GOSWAMI (Cuwahati): and the welfare of the people. With the She has a whip on herself also. end of every plan more and more unem­ ployed people are there on the register of employment. With the end of every five­ SHRI SOMNATH CHATTERJEE: Sir, we year plan, there are more and more people have seen the shameful situation where a young girl was being bumt alive in a State below the poverty line. With the end of ruled by the Congress(l), and for three every plan there is greater and greater dis­ parity among the people of this country weeks the Prime Minister could not find with fewer and fewer people becoming time to condemn that barbaric act... (Interruptions) richer. This is so obvious that I do not have to give statistics. You may not like to read the writings on the wall. It is for you AN HON. MEMBER: Dynamic Prime Mr. Kumaramangalam. But these things Minister. cannot be avoided. Nobody can deny that. How the future of this country will be SHRI SOMNATH CHATTERJEE: And maintained? What about the people's t"ere was chunri or some ceremony... "nit" 2n'" i"tptJritv? How fundamentalism (Interruptions) 369 Motion of No· AGRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAIV\) Council of 370 Confidence in the Ministers KUMAR I MAMATA BANERJEE: Sir, the . SHRI SOMNATH CHATTERJEE: Sir, in wholeRtouse condemned it. We con- 1983, the number of sick and closed under­ demned it. .. (Interruptions) takings was 80,110 ill 1984 it was 93,282, and in two years of this benign dispensa­ MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Please order... tion, what is the position? In 1985, it came to 1,19,606 and in 1986 it has reached (Interruptions) 1,47,740. Therefore, in three years, 67,630 more units have become sick or closed. MR. DE PUTY·SPEAKER: Please let him This is the achievement of this Govem­ speak. Why are you interfering? ment...

SHRI SOMNATH CHATIERJEE: Sir, (Interruptions) when we look at the mass media • now presided over by my very good friend Mr. SHRIINDRAJIT GUPTA: For generating Ajit Kumar Panja - what is being projected? employment. .,. (Interruptions) ... SHRI SOMNATH CHATIERJEE: And, Sir, AN HON. MEMBER: Ajit Kumar Panja. this Government is absolutely callous about the effect of closure of so many undertak­ SHRJ SOMNATH CHATTERJEE: The ings on the eco·nomy of this country and on whole mass media is being utilised for the the fact that lakhs of workers and their projection of one person in this country. families today are facing starvation. What And when we are told ... (/nterruptions) more is there to show the apathy of this Government? The striking example is that SHRI BIPIN PAL DAS: Sir, even yester­ ABl, which is one of the best-run units in day the whole rally \vas projected. this country and which has been able to produce boilers required by our thermal KUMARI MAMATA BANERJEE: Sir, how power ,stations, is lying closed. Seven can a Member call Ajit Kumar Panja as thousand workers are on the street. The 'panda'7 ... (lnterruptions) . Bengal pottery - Well, I thank Mr. Aso~e Kumar Sen for taking up a good cause In MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: At what spite of the criticism of his State Congress stage? .. President and others.

(Interruptions) 15.00 hrs. SHRI SOMNATH CHATTERJEE: Sir, being one of the very few intelligent mem­ Therefore, this Bengal Potteries is an in­ bers in the Treasury Benches, witie all re­ stance and i~ has been charged on the floor spect, I hope he keeps his job. o~ this House to which no reply has been given, namely, with a view to set up a fac­ This country has earned the dubious tory at Amethi the pennission to re-open distinction of having about 1,40,000 sick or Bengal Potteries has not been given. This closed undertakings - large, medium, small­ is the. position. which have thrown lakhs of people, Mr. Kumaramangalam, out of job, and this Sir, not only closure of private sector Government is only a silent spectator and undertakings or sickness of private under­ is giving sermons only... (Interruptions) takings, we have the dangerous situation that Government's own industrial units SHRI ASUTHOSH LAW (Dum Dum): have been dosed down, which never hap.. How many are in West Bengal? pened In the ,.,ast. Three ~ovemment of ... (Interruptions). India Presses at Calcutta, Santragachi and Shimla, owner is the Government De AN HON. MEMBER: West Bengal is a partment, not even Corporations or Public part of I ndia, don't forget. Companies, bUt the Covemment 371 Motion of No_ DECEMBER 10, 1987 C.ouncil of 372 Confidence in the Ministers [Shri Somnath Chatterjee] ;sen by 14.7 per cent till the end of 1986 over 1985; in one year there is a rise in the Department is the owner-three Presses number of unemployed. And, Sirt the total had been directed to be wound up or number of job seekers on the live reg~ters closed down. of Employment Exchanges rose to 301.31 KUMARI MMtATA BANERJEE: No, Sir; lakhs .. over three crores - in 1986 as com­ they are not closed down. pared to 262.70 lakhs in 1985 and out of them only the placement was 3.51 lakhs. (In terruptiQns ) The number of educated job-seekers SHRI SOMNATH CHATTERJEE: And Sir, rose from 139.76 lakhs at the end of 1985 we raised the matter, we protested - I am to 150.881akhs at the end of June 1986. In thankful to Mr. Priya Ranjan Das Munsi, he six months time there is an increase of 11 had to do that because Assembly ,election lakhs. The number of Sd~duled Castes was very near then, he opposed also along and Scheduled Tribes, for whom you are with us, he also went to Mrs. Kidwai and every day shedding crocodile tears, job said, they should not be closed down, and seekers was 41.31 lakhs till the end of June only the decision has been kept it:' 1986 against 38.32 lakhs at the end of abeyance. No final decision has been 1985. (Interruptions) taken to continue it and to withdraw the closure decision. Sir, on the closure of the Sir, while the number of women who Stationery Office at Calcutta, what is the wanted jobs rose from 44.48 lakhs at the fault of these 1200 workers and employees end of 1985 to 50.98 lakhs at the end of and their families? 'asked' the Minister 1986, in six months' time it showed a rise when I met her. 'Is it your complaint that of 14.6 per cent. Sir, this is the tragic situa­ the workers are responsible for this, that tion faced by the young men and women of the employees are not working there? Is it this country who have nothing to live or because of their obstinacy or their failure look for under the leadership of a young the Stationery Office is not running prop­ Prime Minister. erly?' She said, 'I have no complaint against the workers.' Then I told her, I had While the Government offices are being become sentimental, I said then: 'Why are closed and the Government servants are you throwing your children on the streets thrown to the streets, what is the position of Calcutta and elsewhere when they are of monopoly houses in this country? 20 not at, fault?' The gracious lady is here, I monopoly houses have increased their as­ know she is affected by this decision, but sets by Rs. 2674 crores. In the year 1~86 she is helpless, the Cabinet has over-ruled alone, if we take the figure of Rs. 15,549 her. I believe so. This is the position. Sir, crores in 1984, then in two years, the in­ I would like to know whether there have crease is to the order of Rs. 7262 crores. been such instances in the past and I You say, this shows the buoyancy of the would like to know whether this Govern­ Indian economy? It shows the GOP to ment has any responsibility to its workmen which Mr. Bhagwat Jha Azad has refen ed or not. What will happen to these people? to 7 But where is the benefit going? Is it As a result, 7000 people of these Presses percolating to the common people? Is it and the Stationery Office have no future, creating jobs for the unemployed youth in their families have no future or alternative this country? What is their crime? What is employment in this country. Sir, this Gov­ the disability they are suffering from except ernment has dismally failed to provide that they are born in India? Have you got fresh employment. On the other hand any responsibility for those people? There people who have jobs and who thought is no answer on this matter. that their future was secure because they had Govemment jobs, they are losing jobs Glibly they will talk of viability; they will in this country. talk of technological development;' they will talk of computer, and they will talk of pro­ Sir, the number of unemployed has fessional management. Human element 373 Motion of No- ACRAHAYANA 19,'1909 (~) Council of 374 Q:)nfidence in the Ministers has no value in this country. The humanity the Department Secretary could not white­ is at a premium in this country. This is the wash it. Then, it has gone to their penna.. position. We cannot but say that this Gov­ nent rescuer, CSI. Now the CSI will give a ernment has totally failed to govern; it has white-washing report and it will be cere­ no locus standi; it cannot face the people of moniously placed at 5.00 p.m. or probably this country. Merely relating contrived on Monday, I do not know, and then, well, statistics will not help the people. That is everything is exonerated. They are exoner­ why, you cannot face them. Mr. Bhagwat . ated. Mr. Bhagwat Jha Azad had great Jha Azad says, 'Well, give us a chance, we pleasure, today with great glee he referred will hold a bigger rally there'. Well, com· to the Fairfax report. He said "That shows pete with us, I do not mind, if you think, it that there was no basis on the charges and is a .good competition - do it. But let the allegations made." people's views be judged by proper man· nero If you have courage, if you have got We had requested all the opposition political honesty, go to the people in this parties, and leaders h~d written to the hon. country and seek their view. That is the Prime Minister. The very basic issue which best method of ascertaining what people of was troubling the people of this country this country think. and the Parliament is the extent of accu­ mulation of Indian money in foreign coun­ SHRI BHAGWA.T JHA AZAD: Wait for tries, in Swiss accounts, and how to get it two years more. We will go. back to this country so that the stationery office was not to close down. That money SHRI SOMNATH CHATTERJEE: This would have avoided imposition of fresh Government has failed to provide where­ taxes. That money would have been made withals to the people of this country who available to the State Governments to meet are groaning in misery. But one thing is the cost of expenses on drought relief and clear. The Government seem to have per­ flood relief. No. They will be left intact fected institutional ising corruption in this there. The Committee was not asked to country. Sir, Bofors Gun deal represents a find out. The Commission was not to find monumental scandal which remains still out and the hone Prime Minister said "No. unresolved. Now, there is an admitted po­ no. Those matters cannot be looked into." sition that commission was given; there This report has come and I am sure, our were kickbacks. This Government, this good friend, the Law Minister is having un­ mighty government, with so many Mem­ easy feelings about the manner in which bers, who remind us every day, with their the Commission has functioned. Persons support to the people, with their entire have been held guilty with the clearest vi­ administrative machinery, cannot find out olation of the Commission of Enquiry Act. I who have taken the money. Sir, a Commit­ am very sorry to say that. That is why, tee ~as been formed of some hone Mem· when the Fairfax Commission 'was an .. bers of the Parliament, of this House and nounced, we had requested the hon. Chief the other House. Even those admitted Justice of the Supreme Court not to spare bribe givers .. Chairman or whoever he was judges. "Don't bring them into this arena." of Bofors .. came all the way and they were given WI P treatment. But they were not HON. MEMBERS: Don't comment. allowed to disclose the names to the Committee. This is nothing but an affront SHRI SOMNATH CHATTERJEE: That is to the House. That is why, we said, 'We not a judicial pronouncement. I can criti­ will not, we cannot join this Committee cise it, which I shall do at the appropriate because, this is a committee to which no time, if they have the courage to bring it for proper respect will be paid". It will be a discussion. Therefore, this Fairfax report, still-born child almost. whoever has been found to be guilty, they can look after themselves and when dis­ Sir, so far as the submarines deal is con~ cussion comes in this Hpuse, we shall dis­ cemed, another white-washing repo'1 will cuss it. We are not running away from that. come, I understand, very soon. Now, even Even yesterday, when we discussed the 375 Motion of No_ DECEMBER 10, 1987 Council of 376 Confidence in the Ministers [Shri Somnath Chatterjee1 expenditure will be incurred for the pur­ pose of enjoying the salubrious climate of violation of FERA, whatever may have hap­ Sariska very soon. pened here, how the debate was regulated and all that, I am not going into it, you may Sir, I would like to know as to what are take me amiss, but very serious charges are the Government's projections on these. there and the people of this country are What would be the expected nature of the not sadsfied with the cryptic reply given by budgetal)' deficit in this country? What are Mr. Gadhvi. Mr. Narayan Datt Tewari finds the steps that are going to be taken by the it too nominal a matter to come to the Government? Who is suffering? Those House to reply. A law like the Foreign Ex­ who are suffering are tile common working change Act is being violated, one by one, people of this country. So far as their in­ specially by big business houses, proximity tere~t is concerned, it is anathema to this to which of the ruling party is well known. Government. They do not look after the interests of the common people, the Therefore, I charge that this Govern­ working people, the peasantry, the land­ ment is also privy to the violation of the less labours, the unemployed youth. Their Foreign Exchange Regulation Act. constituency is only the FERA violators and monopoly houses and nobody-else. MR. DEPUTY·SPEAKER: Wind up. You Therefore, this Government has no right have taken nearly 40 minutes. to continue for a minute more and it will be doing a public service if they go out imme­ SHRI SOMNATH CHATIERJEE: Won't diately lock-stock-and-barrel. you give me more time? SHRI JAGAN NATH KAUSHAL MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: No. You wind (Chandigarh): Mr. Deputy-Speaker, Sir, up. If everybody takes time like this, what when the Mover of the Motion Shri Mad­ will happen ? hav Reddi started his speech, he said that he would come with facts and figures; he SHRI SOMNATH CHATIERjEE: Today would deal with the economy of this coun­ we have an economy where the real cur­ try; he would deal with what steps the rency is not accounted for. The black­ Government has taken to remove poverty money is ruling our economy in this coun­ from the country. But I am sony to say that try. As a result, the position with regard to he never came with facts and figures be­ the deficit ;n our Budget has reached astro­ cause facts and ft&ures do not support him. nomical proportions of Rs. 5,680 crores He, on the other hand, said: "We are an­ and it is expected to go up by another Rs. noyed with the Prime Manister because the 1,000 crores. Today theAlfPlan is going to be Prime Minister when he goes to those sacrificed because they cannot find money. States which are ruled by the Opposition So far as the effect of the Budget defidt is Parties, the Prime Minister speaks against concerned, Dr. Raja Chelliah, a Member of the Chief Ministers of those States". And he the Planning Commission and a well­ said that this probably is the main reason known public finance expert, he has for them to bring forward the Motion of warned. He issued a warning that this in­ No-Confidence. creasing budget deficit will bring serious pressure on the Indian economy. He has SHRI M. RAGHUMA REDDY warned that the Indian Government was (Nalgonda): There are many other r~asons going the same way as the U.S.A. and said also. that urgent corrective steps should be taken to balance the Budget, if the econ­ (Interruptions) omy was to be placed on the path of sus­ tained development. I n spite of that, the SHRI JAGAN NATH KAUSHAL: I have expenditure is taking place in this country not followed the logic. I would expect. .. either for the purpose of foreign journey or for trips to Andaman and near-about or the (Interruptions) 377 Motion of No... AGRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAKA) Council of 378 Confidence in the Ministers SHRI SOMNATH CHETTERJEE: We tairs of the cou~try. We are placing it be­ should not disturb him. fore the nation and we wilt place it before the nation at the appropriate time also. SH RI JAGAN NATH KAUSHAI.; At least, I But for the Opposition to ¥Sume that they never int.eriere. . are the only custodians of the rights of the common people, I have never understood SHRI SOMNATH CHATTERJEE: He is that. I have never appreciated that. I am one of the very rare species. He is a very reminded of what was said at one time by good person. President Roosevelt of America. He . said, "When I hear the Opposition's SHRI JAGAN NATH KAUSHAl: I am s,.,eeches in the House, I feel that nobody tHankful to Mr. Somnath Chatterjee. in the country is with me, but when I go to the people, I find that the voter is with me SHRI SOMNATH CHATIERJEE: I have and the Opposition is not". all respect for him. Prof. Madhu Dandavate, for whom we SHRI IN~RAJIT GUPTA: Because you all have great regard, said, "Do not put these belong to legal fraternity. questions to us now; put these questions to us when we come to powe..... I assure SHRI JAGAN NATH KAUSHAl: I would you, Prof. Madhu Dandavate, in spite of all be thankful to all Members, if they give me your learning, you will n~t come back to a few patient minutes. He was annoyed, power... probably his party was annoyed/ over the attitude of the Prime Minister and the only PROF. f\.1AOHU DANDAVATE: We will fault he found was: why should the Prime come to power, not with your blessings but Minister ask those States or the Chief Min­ with the blessings of the voters. isters of those States whether public money is well-spent or not. I thought to SHRI P.R. KUMARAMANGALAM quote his own words: ''The Prime Minister (Salem): You win never come back to is the le(ader of the Nation". And the power. Once bitten twice shy. leader of the 1'1ation owes the responsibility to the nation to see that public funds are PROF. MADHU DANUAVATE: In 1977 properly spent for the welfare of the peo­ your blessings were not there. ple. This is no reason for them to say that a~ Opposition Chief Minister will go on SHRf JAGAN NATH KAUSHAl: The squandering the funds and the leader of . country knows what you did to the country the nation will not ask as to how he is in 1977, and we are quite sure that that spending the funds which are meant for mistake will never be repeated. You are the welfare of the people. It is a very now making all efforts again to combine · strange logic. The Prime Minister, as any together, but it is a sony, dismal state of member of any political party, has the right affairs. You cannot come together, you will to ask any Chief Minister whether he is never come together, because your main conducting the affairs of the State in the object is to secure a few seats for your­ constitutional manner. West Bengal is also selves and not to work for the welfare of being ruled by an Opposition Party. The the nation. You have no common pro­ same may be true of that Government. gramme. The programme which we have, These matters have been discussed a num­ the programme which we place before the ber of times on the floor of this H Quse and nation and which we will again place be­ they can always be discussed. But the fore the nation, is reflected by facts and fig­ question is this. Is the Opposition justified ures. As Mr. Somnath Chatterjee's knows, in ~ringing ~ vote of no-confidence against when w(" have a weak case, we shout' slo­ this Government whose reco~ I 'Nill place gans and when we have a strong case, we before the entire nation, a record of per­ give facts and figures. formance, how the economy is functioning, how this Govemment is managing the af- I will give the facts and figures to you 379 Motion of No_ DECEMBER 10, 1987 Cound/of 380 Confidence in the Ministers [Shri Jagan Nath t

(Interruptions) Now I will give the figures in respect of export growth. In 1986-87 it was 14 per SHRI JAGAN NATH KAUSHAl: The infla­ cent and in 1987-88 it is 26.5 per cent. tion "rate, about which our friends are talk- This is our performance so far as the eco­ ~ing, is; in 1985-86, 3.8% in 1986-87, 5.3%; nomic sector is concerned. and in spite of the drought and the infla­ tionary pressures which the drought has Now I come to the programmes of the brought about, it is 8.4% upto the end of Government to remove the poverty or to ~ovember 1987. Therefore, to say that in­ improve the standard of the under-dogs. flation is beyond control unfortunately is a May I bring to the kind notice of the House wrong slogan. that this government's consistent policy is to bring those schemes forward which I come to the industrial sector perfor­ raise the standard of living of the poor per­ mance. The industrial sector's pertor­ sons? The focus in the 20-point pro­ mance is; in 1984-85 the growth was 8.6%; gramme has been mainly concentrated on in 1985.. 86 the growth was 8.7%; in 1986- these schemes. Povprty alleviation pro.. 87 the growth was 8.9%. So, the three gramme aims at expansion of rural em­ years average is 8.7%. This is a very very ployment and improvement of producti,!ity remarkable growth from any standards. and production; then housing for the rural The first quarter of 1987-88 has shown a poor and scheduled castes and energy for growth of e.S% and yet they have the the villages, provision of safe drinking wa­ temerity to say that ~he country is not ter for all villages. These are some of the showing progress. The country is showing matters on which we are concentrating. progress in spite of -t should not use any Then I do not know who ridiculed the idea, 381 Motion of No .. AG~HAYANA 19, 1909 (5.AiG'\) Council of 382 Con.fidence in the Ministers two technoloJy missions have been set up emment for women, for child labour, for for very good purposes. One mission is for weaker sections of the society - mostly for­ eradication of illiteracy and the second is women • and whether women in this coun­ drinking water for all villages. try are really being looked after, whether their interests are looked after? .. The new education policy which has (/nt~ruptiC)n$) ••• What I was going to say, been discussed and adopted by this House Sir, I have got a list of the Bills which have has a tremendous possibility of reatty im­ been pass~ by this House. I thought any proving the human resources. That is why Covernment could be proud of the social now the main purpose of education is how legislation and the legislation for the pur­ to make the numan resoUrces improve in pose of the downtrodden people. Any such a manner that the real talent of a man Government can be proud of it. If you comes folWard. Under that policy the main want, I can place the list for the .benefit of schemes are: Five lakh teachers have to be the House. Otherwise, the House knows trained every year. Where there was single it. You have yourself passed these legisla­ school teacher now there will be in every tions. How powerful women are, Mr. school two teachers. Then there is pro­ Chatterjee should take it in the lighter vein. gramme for non-formal education at the el­ He knows it to his cost also. ementary stage and one national commis­ sion has been appointed on self-employed 'SHRI SOMNATH CHATTERJEE: I have women. Then there is immunisation pro­ lost to funeral pyres. gramme. A Commission on rufC\1 labour has also been set up. SHRI JACAN NATH KAUSHAl: You lost against a woman, you know, unfortu­ SHRI NARAYAN CHOUBEY nately... (Interruptions) ... (Midnapore): What is the percentage of il­ literacy in India? It is 64 per cent after 40 So far as the judiciary is concemed, on years of Independence. that matter, I can speak from my own ex­ perience also. I had the fortune to be a [Translation) law Minister of this country for three years.

SHRI JAGAN NATH KAUSHAl: Mr. SHRI SOMNATH CHATTERJEE: We are Choubey. unfortunate that you are no longer.

SHRI NARAYAN CHOUBEY: You were SHRI JAGAN NATH KAUSHAl: But to saying, therefore, I asked. You are elderly. say that the Government is in any way try­ ing to interfere with the independence of SHRI JAGAN NATH KAUSHAl: I am the judiciary is a charge which I strongly saying that keeping in view of the policies repudiate. Govemment has as much inter­ and the performance of the Govemment est in the independence of the judiciary as during the last three years is tl)ere ar.y jus­ anybody else can. tification in moving the motion for no­ confidence? With regard to the policy about trans­ fers and appointments, aU are made in SHRI NARAYAN CHOUBEY: That is no consultation with the Chief Justice of India. answer to my question. Why our friends are ignoring that very im­ p.ortant safeguard for safeguarding the in­ SHRI JAGAN NATH KAUSHAl: It will terests of the judiciaty? replied when ... (/nter~upt;ons) Now with regard to the fact that some [English) Chief Justices are transferred, I may again, for the benefit of Shri Madhav Reddy, say May I now remind the House regarding that no Chief Justice is transferred without the various legislations which this House the approval of the Chief Justice of India. has adopted at the instance of the Gov- We have never done it. It is not being 383 MOtion of No_ DECEM8ER 10, 1987 Co'uncil o~ 384 Confidence in the Ministers (Shri Jagan Nath lCaushall Now, to say that bnbes nave Deen promised .. unfortunately, I am not used to done even today. The Chief Justice of India say such things. If anybody promised invariably asks the Chief Justice of the local bribes, it was in the election held in High Court before he transfers. To say ~t Haryana. Those were the bribes which we are trying to weaken the judiciary in any were promised. We don't promise bribes. manner, with respect, is a basel~ charge. We promise programmes, we promise tt should not be repeated because to what we shall do. weaken the judiciary is not in the interest .f an.yone. Judiciary is the ultimate arbiter Therefore, I appeal to the House (hat of the fate of any of us. We are not inter­ there c;e-ems to be no substance in this al­ ested in weakening the judiciary. legation that the country has not pro­ gressed under this regime. Without fear of With regard to saying that some cases contradiction, we can say that our pro­ are decided this way or that way, obvi­ grammes have contributed mainly for the ously, cases have to be decided on their welfare of the common man, for the wei... own facts according to the law and some­ fare of the Scheduled Castes, for the wel­ times, as Judges say it, according to the fare of the tribal people. Nobody worries laws presented. · Sometimes they are not more for them than us. This Motion should properly assisted. Therefore, if you level be outright rejected. this charge, again I say, against the very . concept of independence of judiciary, you SHRI S. JAIPAl REDDY: Mr. Deputy will not be able to cite an instance where Speaker Sir I rise to support the Motioa this charge can be substantiated. . tabled by Shri Madhav Reddi. This IS per­ fectly justified because of the enormeus Therefore, my very respectful appeal to change that has come about in the mood the House is that this Motion of No-Confi­ and view of the people of the country as is dence is not brought forward with any se­ evidenced by. the results of the various riousness. This is as they tried to bring the elections that were held in 1986 and 1987. Motion of No-Confidence again~t the hon. Any dispassionate observer is bound to be Speaker also. Since they could not criticise struck by the sheer contrast and the world rtny of his rulings in the House, they of difference in the mood of the nation be­ \t~ought to bring the Motion of No-Confi­ tween January 1985 and December 1987. dence but the overall picture, overall con­ It is instructive for us to recollect and note duct and performance, either of the hon. that the Government at that time seemed Speaker or the Government is not kept in strongest because the ruling party had se­ view. With regard to... (Interruptions) ... cured the 'argest ever support in the You don't like so many things. But unfor­ House. At that time our Prime Minister tonatefy, Shri Rajiv Gandhi continues to be seemed fairest as he was the freshest en­ the leader of the nation. To think other~ trant in to Government and politics. It wise is only a wishful thinking. Otherwise, looked as though our Prime Minister has I have no doubt in my mind and I am re­ been blessed with a Midas touch and minded of a well-known saying, i.e., a critic would not only conjure away the chronic is a legless person who wants to run very and cataclysmic crisis of Punjab but would fast. Unfortunately, ~u go on criticising.... in fact, pilot the country into the 21 st cen~ (Interruptions) ... Now, one thing was said tury. But one is pained to note that these that the Prime Minister in his election high dizzy hopes have proved to be sp~c::t.es had been promising a number of damned dupes and that sweet dream has refOnns if his party comes to power. I now given way to a nightmare. thought that was the most legitimate way recognised by law. Why do we issue our Before we proceed to dissect the election manifesto 7 These election mani­ nightmare, we must analyse how in the festoes are for the purpose of saying that if first place this sweet dream was induced. a particular party comes to power, they will The nation was subjected to emotional do this and that for the nation. . btackmail following the tragic kill,ng of 385 Motion of No- ACRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAKA) Council of 386 Confidence in the Ministers Shrimati Indira Gandhi for securing the concemed with its qualitative dimensions. largest-ever support in the House. The .\o1ay I start with our Italian connection? blank record of Mr. Rajiv Gandhi as a politician was projected as a dean slate. Sir, there is one Italian Company, Snam Even good looks of the face were allowed Progetti. That Company is the prime con­ to be happily confused with the grey mat­ sultant and the sole contractor of fertilizer ter of the head. companies in this country whose total es­ timated value exceeds Rs. 8,000 crores. Those who set fire to Punjab have been portrayed and painted as a fire brigade. It THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ is easy to fetch seats through correct tactics ISTRY OF COMMERCE (SHRI P.R. DAS but it is not so easy to solve problems. The MUNSI): Sir, if I may draw your attention, nemesis of neglected and complicated this has been debated earlier and if the problems overtakes not only the exploiters hon. Member wants to bring some per­ but the exploited too. This is how the na­ sonal allegations and charges, it is not ap­ tional firmament has now been darkened preciable. let him confine to the points for not only by one cloud, but many a gather­ which the motion is moved in this ing cloud. The record of this Government House.... (Interruptions) has not only been unproductive, but in fact, counter-productive. It came to power on Sir, if the cap fits Shri P.R. Das Munsi, I the sole slogan of resolving the problem of cannot help it. I earlier talked of non-resi­ Punjab. Punjab was then burning. It is dent Indians ana resident non-Indians. important for us to note that it has since The most prominent resident non-Indian in been reduced to ashes. The Sikh psyche at the country is Mr. Quatrochhi. He wields that time was merely hit by the Bluestar more clout, more power, more prestige operation, but it has since been wounded, than the whole Cabinet put together. Sir, it I hope not incurably, by the November has been admitted by the Chairman of the massacre whose perpetrators have not Bofors Company itself that Rs. 62 crores only gone scot free but have been en­ were paid as commission and this Gov­ sconced in positions of high visibility and ernment is not bothered to know as to large profitability. If this Government has who got the commission. Sir, the repre­ any sense of shame, the monumental mis­ sentatives of Bofors were treated as VI Ps in handling of Punjab alone suffices for this this country. Sir, they have passed on the Government to go lock, stock and barrel. names of three foreign companies which received the commission, has been re­ ferred to the Government spokesmen who As the Government got India bogged desented it as a piece of substantial infor­ more and more in the morass of Punjab, mation. Three months have since elapsed. the image of our Prime Minister as enfant But this information has not been passed terrible, the wonder child, had got trans­ on to Shri Shankaranand, who made a formed into Theory Alice in the blunder great sacrifice of the Ministership to head land of South Block. But Alice is known the Committee. both for ignorance and innocence; how­ ever, this is only a hybrid version of Alice. Sir, may I now come to Shri Win It is a case of ignorance sans innocence. Chadha? Mr. Win Chadha was in India un­ til second week of May and our Govern­ The Government is today synonymous ment and our Prime Minister knew that, at with scandals, corruptibility and dishon­ least by 25th April, 1987 that Mr. Win esty.· There was corruption in the country Chadha was one of those concemed with in the Governments of States and the Cen­ this. He was allowed to run out of this tre before, but may I humbly submit that country. Sir, I charge that the powers that conuption has now assumed new danger. be connived with the convenient escapade ous and international dimensions. One is of Mr. Chadha. Sir, may I tell you that Mr. not merely bothered about the quantum Chadha was not the only share holder of jump of corruption, but one must also be the Anatronics General Corporation. His 387 Motion of No_ DECEMBER 10, 1987 Council of 388 Confidence in the Minist(."rs [Shri P. R. Das Munsij S. BUlA SINGH: See the records' wife was the Director of this Company. Hts daughter-in-law and his son, Harsh SHRI S. JAIPAL REDDY: I will come to Chadha, were all Directors, May I bring to that right now my dear! You had better your notice and place on record that the speak in Guntur and not in Lok Sabha. wife of Mr. Chadha is right now in India? The daughter-in-law of Mr. Chadha is right S. BU1A SINGH: You consult your now in India. And they are doing business PreSident, Shri Chandrasekhar. You ask him first. with this Government through Anatronics General Corporation. SHRI S. JAIPAL REDDY: Yes, here are people who know a little better than you. SHRI SOMNATH CHATIERJEE: They must immediately resign. PROF. NtADHU DANDAVATE: Well, you also consult your party President. SHRI S. JAIPAl REDDY: In the other place, Bofor's counter purchases were dis­ cussed but what was not touched upon SHRI S. JAIPAL REDDY: I would like to was the fact that there were no counter know as to what the Prime Minister did af­ purchases. What was really done, I vant ter r~ceiving the cable on 25 r ebruary the Government to come tOl'\Alard and dar­ 1987. Between 25 February 1987 and 12 ify, if they have the moral courage. What April 1987, what did the Prime Minister do? was really done was that the export made Did the cable have a soporific effect on to some other companies in Sweden has him? Did it serve as a lullaby to put him to since been credited to the account of the slee-p 1 What happened to it? What initia­ tive did he take? Bofors Company. There was no export whatever. It was a fraud and farce. Sir, everybody knows who the share­ Sir, now I will come to the submarines holders are In the Clobetech International, which were allowed to be submerged be­ a company connected With the purchase of tween fairfax and Bofors. Sir, on 25th the submannes. Ie; it not a matter of shame february 1987, our Ambassador in Bonn that a former Naval Chief of thlC:; country sent a cable not only to the then Defence has bee-n allowed to bf' cln ernploye-e of a Minister, Shri V.P. Singh but also to our foreign company? May I tell you that the Prime Mimster that a commission of Rs. 30 tormer NaVdl Chief Mr. Nanda IS not In In­ crores had changed hands tor the purchac:;e dia and hiS 'ion l\I\r. Hprsh Nand.\ IS also of two HOW submarines. Mr. V.P. Singh not In Indlcl? was then faulted by none other than Shn Buta Singh, the Home Minister right in th~ THf MINISTER OF O[FfNCE (SHR: House that ne had made the ic;sue public K C. PANT)' I would lake to clarify that the And Shri V.P. Singh had to go. No hon~(jt other day h£' WdS prec;ent In the Naval Day man can stay in this Government He IS Function. gone and I have no tears to shed for that.. • THf MINISTER OF STATE or I HE MIN THE MINISTER OF HOME AFFAIRS (S. ISTRY OF SlJRfAC[ TRANSPORT (SHRI RA­ SUTA SINGH): He became honest after J[SH PIL01)' Do not Ollslead the House tor leaVing us. everything

SHRI S. JAIPAl REDDY: No. We railed SHRI GHUlAI\1 NABI AZAD: He must him honest when he was With you. He apologIse. was the only honest man and h~ could not stay with you (Interruptions)

SHRI V. KISHOR~ CHANDRA S. DEO SHRI K.C. PANT: The information given (Parvath'puram): Yes. We have gone on to th~ House should always be corrcct. It record. should be vetlhed fir5t. That is (1ft. ~8g Motion of No­ AGRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAM) Council of 390 Confidence in the M,,..IIsters SHRI S. JAIPAL REDDY: Sir, in my state­ MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Order please. ment sometime back, I said that Mr. Nanda and tlls son also left I ndia. And Hindu also 16.00 hrs. reported this afterwards that they were not to be found in India. Since then, if they SHRI RAJESH PILOT: He has given ci had come back, let the Government inform wrong Information. It is wrong. It should be expunged. us ... (Interruptions) (Interruptions) SHRI GHULAM NABI AZAD: He has not THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ withdrawn it. ISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (SHRI RA­ JESH PILOT): When he gives some infor­ PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: He has mation or makes allegations, he must first withdrawn it. verify them. SHRI RAJESH PILOT: He has not with­ (Interruptions) drawn It

SHRI K.C. PANT: Now direct informa­ MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: I would request tion is gIVen that I met him in person. the hon. Members one thing. When the persons are not here, the Members should SHRI S JAIPAL REDDY: When the sub­ be very careful while mentionmg their manne scandal was hrst busted, he left names India. (InterruptIons) SHRI GHUI.AJ\1 NABI AlAD: Now he IS giving a different interpretation. SHRI CHULAM NABI AZAD. He must say that "I withdraw". SHRI S. JAIPAl REDDY: I do not stand on prestige. (Interruptions)

(Interruptions) SHRI S. JAIPAL REDDY: I had with- drawn It. I do not stand on prestige. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ ISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI (Interruption§) SONTOSH MOHAN DEV): Sir, It IS against a formet naval chief. It should not go on PROF MADHU DANDAVATE: He says record. It will affect the morale of our that flif your infonnation is correct that ne Navy. has come back, I will withdraw foy words". (Interruptions) (Interruptions)

SHRI ~. JAIPAL REDDY: If he has since SHRI K.C. PANT: Are you questioning rome bac~ I withdraw the statement. But my statement? I am getting up and telling it IS true that he had left I ndia at that time you that t saw hIm. I met him. Why say all and his son had also left India. It IS true at that? Are you supporting him? that time. (Interruptions) SHRI SONTO$H MOHAN DEV: It must be expunged. PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: Not at all. On the contrary he has just confirmed SHRI GHUlM1 NAB I AZAD: It should it. be expunged. SHRI K.C. PANT: What does he mean (Interruptions) by that? (Interruptions) 391 Motion of No_ DECEMBER 10, 1987 Council of 392 Confidence in the Ministers PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: Why are Scindia was the Director of three foreign they heckling him 7 conrpanies for six long years without the prior permission of RBI. He was the Direc­ (Interruptions) tor of F. H. Schule of West Germany; Radley Cotton Mills, Canada and Sri Lanka Fort In­ SHRI K.C. PANT: Protessor, I think we vestments. May I further mention to you, owe it to each other to believe each other. he has since not got any ex post facto ap­ I tell you, I saw him. There is no question proval either. May I further bring to your of that. notice that the Estate Duty problem of his family has been allowed to hang fire for the PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: That is last thirteen long years in the Supreme all right. Court. Am I to blame the Supreme Court or the Government which is conniving at (Interruptions) this whole process?

PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: He has You were all referring to Nusli Wadia of accepted it. Bombay Dyeing. Do you know who has more holdings in Bombay Dyeing-Nusli (In terruptions) Wadia or Madhavrao Scindia? It is Mr. Sdndia and he continues to adorn the MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: He has alrec:ldy Ministry with all the brilliance and splen­ accepted it. He has withdrawn it. dour that ex-Maharajas are capable of.

(Interruptions) Shri Somnath Ji referred to the latest en­ terprise of another non-resident Indian Mr. SH RI S. JAI PAL REDDY: Sir, I have great M.S. Pathak. This, of course, is a very priv­ regard for Shri Pant. He is never wrong in ileged, exclusive species in this country. regard to technical and formal facts. We Though his proposal was shot down in this discussed the overseas properties of Mr. House when Mr. K.K Tewary was the Ajitabh Bachchan. There was documentary Minister for Public Enterprises, it has once evidence to the effect that the five room again been resurrected. It is again surfac­ apartment in Montruex had been pur­ ing in a new incarnation; and he is allowed chased even before he left India and to have 51 % shares in this joint venture reached Montruex. The date of purchase non-resident Indian company. But our six of this property is a relevant factor. Yester­ giant public sector undertakings, of which day, our Fmance Mmister Mr. Gadhvi said we are all legitimately proud, would only that Ajitabh Bachchan is co-operating~ I do have 49%. Can there be anything more not know who is co-operating with whom. shameful? Is the Government proud of this I can see that this Government is co-oper­ feat? I would like to know. ating with Ajitabh Bachchan. If this Gov­ ernment has not been able to take action After a spate of scandals that inundated against Mr. Ajitabh Bachchan in spite of the country in the last few months, Gov­ solid documentary evidence over the last ernment has adopted the attitude of four months, it means that Ajitabh brazening out the whole thing. It is now Bachchan knows too much for the Gov­ an incarnation of impudence. Last month - ernment to feel comfortable. This Gov­ Mr. N. D. Tiwari is not here; I hope he will ernment is not only vulnerdble to the note it - the Finance Department issued a blackmail of Chadhas, Bofors, but even to notification No. 254/87 dated 25th that of Ajitabh Bachchan. Not only the se­ November 1987. This notific.ation was nior leaders of the Government but even placed on the Table of the House, at S.30 the junior Ministers have their own interna­ in the evening. Imagine the expeditious tional connections. In this House, I had promptitude with which the Government more than one occasion to refer to the fact functions. This Government really works which was admitted by the Minister here, faster, but works faster only for the com­ Mr. Brahm Dutt, that Mr. Madhavrao panies - the corporate class in this country. 393 Motion of No- AGRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAM) Council of 394 Confidence in the Ministers What was done through this notification? tax evasion of the order of Rs. 150 cr ores. The excise duty has been reduced for high­ Under the law, the Reliance Company quality fabrics: big, vertically integrated would, therefore, be liable for a penalty of producers like Bombay Dyeing, Reliance Rs. 700 crores. The Reliance is getting a and leading weavers of man-made fibres greater patronage than Tatas. r like Orkays, Garden Silk, Modis, Birlas and Mafatlals stand to gain this. (Interruptions) THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ 15% excise duty has been reduced on PTA ISTRY OF COMMERCE (SHRI P.R. DAS which is required for the production of syn­ MUNSI): If the han. Member Shri Reddy thetic fibre. Import duty has been reduced wants to have information from the gov­ on Caprolactum. Because of this notifica­ ernment, the government will be happy to tion, the cotton textile industry will be fur­ provide but as to when the additional sup­ ther hit. It is, in fact, a declaration of war plementary licence to Reliance was granted on all low-cost fabrics. For instance, the to the tune of Rs. 30 crores, who was that duty on blended shirting costing Rs. 21 per very honest man who presided to release metre has gone up by 387% .. that licence? (Interruptions} It is for the edification of the members on the other side, I would SH RI S. JAI PAL REDDY: It is the gov­ repeat: the duty on blended shirting cost­ ernment which is in the dock. ing Rs. 21 per metre has gone up by 387%, whereas the duty on a suiting costing Rs. (Interruptions) 120 per metre and above has been reduced by 60%. SHRI P.R. DAS MUNSI: Can you en­ lighten us on this? I am only holding up the nlirror. This has been called rationalization of tax struc­ SHRI S. JAIPAL REDDY: If the Prime ture. It is indeed a cla~sic illustration of Minister could not prevent the Minister capitalist rationalization. from doing this, let the Prime Minister go.... (Interruptions) The appointment of May I now refer to the concessions that Mr. Modi as MD of TISCO has not been Reliance has extracted from this Govern­ confirmed because the Tata Company has ment in the Idst few months? The F-series been charged with evasion of Rs. 20 crores of non-convertible debentures have been excise ... (Interruptions) allowed to be converted into shares, Yielding a profit of Rs. 33 crores to Reliance We are, of course, facing the biggest Company. May I indulge in a bit of specu­ drought of the century. But in the midst of lation. 'G' series of debentures which are this drought, we have royal extravaganza of non-convertible are right now in the pro­ our Prime Minister. Our Prime Minister cess of being converted, which will yield a goes in Air India I; Air India I and another profit of Rs. 47 crores to Reliance Com­ Jumbo Jet 747 was grounded. Never in the pany. history of the country, - never in the history of the country - was a second plane The LAB Project of Reliance requires in­ grounded for a Prime Minister. Sir, our dustrial kerosene from a refinery though it Prime Minister has paid a visit to the was allowed to be located at a distance of United States for a third time. I have no 60 kms. from the oil refinery. The Reliance objection to such visits Company management has been exempted from utilisation of Indian industrial (Interruptions) kerosene; it has been allowed to import N Paraffin, a substitute for industrial kerosene. May I further add? The import PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: Sir, he is

duty on this N Paraffin has been reduced under the impression that I Prime Minister' resulting in a profit of Rs. 40 crores to Re­ is unparliamentary. liance Company. The Reliance Company has been charged by this government with (Interruptions) 395 ""otion of No .. ~ DECEMBER 10, 1987 Council of 39b Confidence in the Ministers SHRI P.R. KUMA~NGAl.A.M MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Please wind up. (Salem): Mr. Deputy-Speaker, I object to this. Is ~peaking in 1 amil unparlialnentary? SHRI P.R. KUMARAMANGAl.M1: Such (InterruptIons) low quality IS not required in Parliament. You can do it outside. (Interruptions) SHRI S. JAI PAL REDDY: The Prime Min­ ister visited the United Statps and I am for SHRI S. JAIPAl REDDY: Let me now improvement of relations with the United corne to the biggest diplomatic and military States. I would like to know why our misadventure of free I ndia under the lead­ Prime Minister crumples like cl piecf' of pa­ ership of Shri Rrljiv Gandhi. I would like to p('r in the White House. Can't h{~ stand lip know, as to how rllany Indian soldiers have and speak to President Reagan? .. died in Sr 1 L.anka. I would like to know \vhcther It I::' cl fact that rnore people have (InterruptIons) died in Sri Lanka than the soldiers who SHRI P.R. KUIv\ARlWtANGAlAM: Have died an 1 q71 Bangladesh operations. you difference of opinion with tvir. Madhav Reddi? SHRI AJAY MUSH RAN: No, that is wrong \Vhat are you tdlking? SHRI S. JAIPAL REDDY: The Prime Mm­ ister, the other·day, paid a visit to Harvard SHRI S. JAIPAl RfDDY: SUo, let the Gov­ University to tdlk to undergraduates. Sir, a ernment S3Y that. I am COining forward Ptinle Minister who failed to makt' the with my f ..lCtS. May I also know further, grade in one Cambridge tnpd to mak(· It up whether more money is being spent today in the other Cambridge. I would now 011 the situation In Sri Lanka thcln on the come to ... (Interruptions) biggest drought ot t he country III thf1 country. SHRI P.R. KUMARAMANCALAJv\: ~'r, he has been going on too long ... (Interruptions) ~~HRI ""C. f'AN1: It IS all nght now. MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKE R: If rt IS an allegd- tion, it will not go on record. - S~ 1RI S. JAI PAL R!::DDY: I \vould likE to know as to why this Government invited Mr. Jaipal Reddy, wind up now. Mr. Jayewardene as the Chief Guest. (interruptions) There were many communal (Interruptions) riots in thi~ country in the last forty years. But, may' bring It to your notice that no SHRI S. JAIPAL REDDY: Let me now auvf'rse interndtlonal Amnesty Report was come to the biggest diplomatic "nd military made earlier. misadventure of the Government In Sn lanka. (Interruptions)

MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Please conclude MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Your tio)e is now. Order, order. over.

(Interruptions) SH 1<1 S. JAI PAL REDDY: But, Sir, it is a matter of shame and ... (Interruptions) MR. DEPUTY~SP[AKER: If it is unparlia­ mentary, it will not go on record, that is all. MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Please wind up now. (Interruptions) SHRI S. JAIPAL REDDY: Two minutes SHRI P.R. KUMARA!v\ANCAlAM: This is more, I am concluding. uncivilised. You have to be a civilised hu­ man being. (Interruptions) (Interruptions) '~97 Motion of No­ ACRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAM) Council of 398 Confidence in th{.'1 Ministers MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: He is taking a their mandate should not be ridiculed b~( long time. That is the problem. Wind up. anybody in this House. It is obvious that rny friend Mr. Jaipal Reddy feels that even SHRI S. jAIPAL REDDY: Sir, it IS only the mandate that he got has been obtained during the regime of Mr. Rajiv Gandhi that by dubious methods. for the first time, International Arrtne~ty Rf'pol1 made an adverse comment on the SHRI S. JAIPAL REDDY: I am for going situation in thp country. Today this country back to the people~ IS finding Itself in a multi-dimensional mess. This Government is not only identified with SHRI P.R. KUMARNv1ANGAI..MA: Why H !malayan bungling, but may I say Sir H i­ don't you? malayan swmdlings. Mr. Clean in the last three years has been turned to Mr. Unclean Mr. Deputy-Speaker Sir, what is the im­ 511' ... (Interruptions) The blank record of Mr. provement during the last three years? R,')jiv Gandhi has been tran;;;formed into a How the Gove-rnment have functioned? black ret ord Has it functioned to the extent, where there is justification for such a motion even Dl PU lY-SPf AK[ R: Mr Kumara- to consider, let alone be voted upon. mangald? ... (/nterrLJptions) ..• i-., th(> final Wt\.Jpnn thdt an Oppo~ltion h~~) [xcu~,e me. I am not using bad language or and (an use III a ckmocracy. It IS used only trying to do anything uncouth. If that is all \\ h("n the pol,! Ical and ~conomil situation that you can achieve, then that IS all the re­ hac; rp;:)chpd "iuch i stdgf> that tht· opposi. o;;pect you gf't from the people also. tlon te~I~, the Govprnment should be re­ (ailed and askpd to facf' elpctorate. 16.24 Jus.

Normally, d (.._l<:,C IS madp Dill baseu on rSHRI SOMNATH RATH If) (he l"~ha/f] statistics dnd Justification. But till now, all the ~pp(lkers have bf:'en just adopting Vf'r­ Mr. Chair man Sir, the iSSUf> that comes bose rhetorl( drld have bpen at times usmg up is Wh ..lt about the Industrial growth, l.1nguag(' which can at b~st bfJ' called un­ Have we had good industrial growth or truth. I am esteernly fond Mr. Jalpal Rpddy not? and I am 3 little ashamed and taken abdck that today he deemed It tit to go down to The least that we can say from figures is the level to which he did in his debate. He that It has been robust; - in the year 1984- has, in addition to exp('\sing a bit of his 85 - B.t) per cent; 1985-86 - 8.7 per cent; iealousy about looks of others, gone further 1986-87 J.9 per cent and the average in to ridicule the people of India in their the last three years - 8.7 per cent. choice of Government. To say that the' people of India can be blackmailed emo­ Yes, it is partly true that there has been tionally shows, the amount of respect he Sickness In Industry. We have seen that III has in democracy and in the judgement of more than 60 per cent of the cases the the people of India. cause of sickness has been because of si­ phoning of funds by various private man­ Mr. Deputy-Speaker Sir, it is undoubt.. agements. We brought in a law to take edly true that the people of I ndia did give very stern action against anybody who the mandate with full force to Shri Rajiv siphons the funds and management which Candhi and the Congress Party. They did it is responsible to make the industry sick, is in the interest of integrity of the nation, for liable not just to be blacklisted but further the progress of the nation and for the penal action is provided to be. taken hopes and aspirations to be fulfilled, and against that person or group of persons. 399 Motion of No_ DECEMBER 10, 1987 Council of 400 Confidence in the Ministers [Shri P. R. Kumaramangalam] anti-poverty programmes, in1985-86 we spend Rs.1400 crores and now it exceeds We have introduced legislation to improve Rs. 2000 crores. These figures justify that the industrial climate. But, however, cer­ the Government IS keeping Its promises to tain friends 00 the other side, who talk the people. Unfortunately, what is it that loudly of unemployment and closure, what has created a situation and emboldened do they do to ensure that the industries do the opposition to bring this no-confidence not fall sick? Do they cooperate? No. On motion? I t is what they have done them­ the contrary, they encourage, incite, misdi­ selves. They have steadily during this year, rect... (Interruptions) Those who speak starting with Fairfax and going to Bofors, about unemployment, about industrial clo­ started a vilification campaign, a de-stabili­ sure, they have been the only sections in sation campaign. What are they trying to the labour leaders who encourage closures do 7 They are trying to thwart the will of for their own vested interest in order to th~ people by means of, if I may submit, project their political outlook. verbose slogan mongering. When they (Interruptions) What is interesting is that spoke of Fairiax, we said: ·'AII right, we will when they cannot reply to facts and figures have a commission of two sitting judges of and when it hurts them, they resort to un­ the Supreme Court." They welcomed it. civilised methods. Even grand-fathers be­ When the Report reveals that the whole come uncouth in their language when they Fairfax episode is one of the cogs in their refer to their grand-son. And this has be­ wheel of destabilisation - it is not a politi­ come the order of the day. cian who is saying it, it is not a political body Which is saying it, it is an inquiry let us look at the infrastructural sector. commission consisting of two sittings How have we performed there? If one judges of the Supreme Court - that they are takes the percentage average of railway not willing to recognise. And it is not just freight, coal and power including thermal the ruling party's views which were noted, power, in 1985-86 our performance is 16.1 in fact, Mr. Somnath Chatterjee's com­ per cent, 86-87 12.4 per cent and in 1987- ments on the floor of the House have been 88 with all the drought that we have faced, taken into account in the Report. one of the worst droughts of the century, there is a 16 per cent growth. If one looks Another relevant point is are we going at the plant load factor of power, it has to decide by rallies whether the people are steadily gone up from 51.1 per cent to 53.3 supporting us or not supporting us. If we per cent. These figures are not unrealistic. are, then let Mr. Azad's challenge be taken That is one of the reasons why till now the up. We have thrown the gauntlet. We opposition has not come forward to justify challenge them to take it up. If they have their statements and allegations and ver­ held a rally of five lakhs, we will prove to bose rhetoric with any statistics at all. In them that even those bolstered figures reality they have been using terminology which they have got would come nowhere which at the best can be called unparlia­ near the rally which we can organise to mentary. Sometimes, they are using termi· show that people do support us. We are nology which cannot even be used in any aware of what the two leftist governments civilised society. have done to collect money for this rally ...

SHRI SURESH KURUP (Kottayam): Ex­ (Interruptions)·· cept Parliament! MR. CHAIRMAN: The interruptions will SHRI P.R. KUMARAMANGALAM: On the not go on record. Please proceed. plan implementation, Mr. Azad gave the figures. In the first three years 70 per cent SHRI P.R. KUMARAtvtANCAl.AM: Now I of the total outlay has been provided in the come to the cillegation made by Mr. Jaipal Seventh Plan. This is not a joke. In the Reddy: I think when he talked about the

•• Not recorded. 401 Motion of No­ AGRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAJQ\) Council of 402 Confidence in the Ministers Accord, he failed to note that two Accords ot which I do not think need to be re· have been clearty successful to the com­ peated. He, therefore, knowing of the plete extent - Assam Accord and the Mizo­ judgement and knowing of the observa. ram Accord. Can they raise their finger? tions of the Court, and the indictment, has Even the Accord on Sri Lanka has been very categorically said that in States there is hailed by one and all. Even my friend Mr. corruption. We also know of instances in Kolandaivelu - the hone Member from Go­ West Bengal. One does not have to list bichettipalayam - will say that the Accord them out. There are actually proofs and was welcomed by him. He may have a evidence against many Opposition States, grouse or two, according to him, on im­ those which are ruled by OppOSition par­ plementation, but he would welcome the ties, where corruption charges have been Accord. Of course, there are certain friends proved, but when it comes to the Central who will not. rhat is a separate question. Government, we have Fairfax. Here is a We know where their vested interests lie. Commission which gives a Report, which they would like to ignore If given an Another question which has been raised opportunity. is that Punjab is burning and has been re­ duced to ashes. If I may quote Mr. Jaipal Mr. Chairnlan, Sir, if one talks of impu­ Reddy, Punjab today.... it is admitted by one dence, we definitely do not have that level and all - is in a far better situation - sorry of arrogance which the Opposition has. for using double superlative but it is only to Without having the mandate of the people, expose that the terminology used by Mr. they stand in this House and claim to Jaipal Reddy follows these lines than it w~s speak on behalf of the people just because earlier... they have had a small rally in Boat Club. These rallies of equal size and With more (Interruptions) * * Sincerity have been organised by workmen for their justified demands. SHRI P.R. KUMARAMANGALAIvt: Sir, is It going on record? Sir, with regard to the matter of the Prime Minister going by plane, my friend MR. CHAIRMAN: No interruptions will Mr. Kuppuswamy, the han. Member from go on record. I have already said that. Any Coimbatore, very sweetly gave a fitting re­ Interference or interruptions are not to go ply when he asked whether the Prime on record. I have called you, not others. Minister would walk down. Of course, we Please go on. would lake to know when his party was in power, did its Prime Minister walk down to PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: Sir, at America. Of course, he did believe in least your remarks should go on record. naturopathy. But I don't think he went to the extent of walking down to America. MR. CHAIRMAN: You tell me later when you find it is not there in the proceedings. Mr. Chairman, Sir, looks have become a disqualification. I only wish I had the physical advantage which Mr. Reddy has. SHRI P.R. KUtv\ARAlv\ANGAl_M..1: Sir, we Of course, I am short. That is a bit of an have heard all t'le charges of corruption. advantage but not enough in Jaipal Reddy's In fact, in passing, Mr. Jaipal Reddy spoke eyes. According to Mr. Jaipal Reddy, good of corruption in the States and in the Cen­ look seems to be a disqualification. Unfor­ tre. I am sure, he being totally an impartial tunately, the people of India do not agree person, must have- been speaking of all the with it. That is another misfortune. Sir, States, including the State from which he Mr. Reddy's speech in totality has been a has been elected. He would be in agree­ verbose rhetoric full of vocabulary. Vocab­ ment with the judgement of the High Court ulary is .something which many of us can of Andhra Pradesh, I am sure the contents pick up. But the issue in Parliament today

.... Not recorded. 403 Motion of No .... DECEMBER 10, 1987 Council of 404 Confidpnce in the Ministers rShri P. R. Kumaramangalaol] I am sure that they will be even nlore ver­ bose and even more emphatic. is No Confidence Motion and~ll is not a No Confidence Motion on the English lan­ (/ntelruptions) guage. It is not a No Confidence Motion on the ability to understand English. But it Mr. Speaker, Sir, then- are certain alte~ is a No Confidence Motion dealing with gations of nlrllfunctioning and non-func­ the performance of the Government. I tioning, thpre art:' allegations that we had would have expected figures from hirn. My only 49 per cent of the votes when we friend spoke about Relianct~. But 'Alhen it canlC to thIS ~ louse. I ~t the same speaker, was brought to his notice about suppJe~ Mr. Somodth Chatterjee look illto his ac­ mentary licences and who gavf' it, Hwre count dnd "e~ how much percentage of was conveni(l'nt evasion by him. Naturally volf"S his f\uty has recently, \vhen they have polled. because It IS very embarrassing

Mr. Chairman, Sir, ont" cannot but f(l'el a Sir, rf"cent Iy there have been speeches little taken aback over the fact when 1\1r. about dynastic bequ~dth. I think it is time Somnath Chitterjee spoke about the Sev­ that the Opposition realised t h ..lt Shn RallV enth Schedule of t he Constitution of India Gandhi wa~ not eleJcctlon.

SHRI P.R. KlII\MRAMANGALAM: "fhey 16.07 hrs. talk of multlrl.ltlonal(_, bt~lng en( ourdgf'd WhICh Government W('llt for pnv,ltisJtlon SHRI P. KOLANDAIVElU of public sector tu"St? 1 he West Hen[;.ll (Goblchf'ttipalayam): Mr. Sppaker, Sir, as Governmpnt. \Nh;tt else? ... (lntcrrurtIOIl')). far dS no-confidence Inotion IS concenled, They sold the publtc sector shdn"\~ to the It is the I~t wpapon in the hands of the multinationals. 0ppo,)ltlon. When w~ u~e the last ""caponi \'\e rnu;;,t see thdl whethf."r we are prott_,( t(·d first, \vhat are tfa" arms, they are havln£ 011 tl H~ otht!f ~Idt:. Wf?' hav€' to see Mr. Spe...tkpf, Sir, tiler ~ay, every Flve­ t113t. V\l!thoul sePlllg (ill these things, if one Yf'ar PI - for gf't the 'itat 1<'­ ctUtorn.!tlc111y he wlil fclil. H~rf?' is a No­ tiC s to e.-;tahlrsh It - then whdt th("y are Conhden( t" Motion 'wh,ch has been sdying i~ ba~e'e ... <;. But in r r"allty, on the brought In hert." hy the Opposition Parties fl("ld, we know, II» the last 40 ye,u-;" what ex(.cp' tile AIAUt\1K ,lnd till' Natlondl we have achIeved and wh;;}t we Ildve not Contel PIH e ach'evt>d. It IS easy to ca~t d<;perslons and alleg.1tions. It 15 ea'iy to uc;e verbose SHRI SlJRlSH KURUP: Is AIADMK an rhetonc. But we know what thC'y had done Opposition Party? when they were In Governmpnt, the P.uty to which Mr. Jalpal Reddy belongs, ruled SHRI P. KOlANDAIV£lU: 1 herefore, the ('ount.)'. Whclt are the results they had automatl( ally tht"y an~ gomg to fail in their produced? rven at a glance, you will fllld venture. that In 1979-80, the mflatlon rate was 21.4 ro. We the Members on the Congress side With regard to this No-confidence mo­ are extremely unhappy with an inflation of tion, v.... hat are th~ POlilts they have raised, 8.6%, even with the drought, one of the except to say this Government has not worst droughts that the ct>ntury has seen. done anythmg so far for the last three We have been saying that prices have to be years? What are the disqualifications for controlled. But when 21.4% was the infla­ the Prime Mlntster or for the Council of tion, what were they doing? They were Ministers that the Mmisters in the Cabinet saymg, "No, it does not matter". What only should not be there and that they must be mattered was their own personal inflation ousted once for all? What are the points by means of individual corruption. It is how made by the Opposition? We have to they progressed. fv\r. Speaker, Sir, let us think of thi~. look at what were their figures in those years, when they were In power. Of Next thing is, what is the alternative to course, they are on record and I would not Congress-I? I put it in the words of Mr. like to refer to them in detail. 1 heir lovely Hegde, who is a non-Congress Chief Min­ rolling plan rolled away. ister, who is rulIng Kamataka. He has 407 Motion of No_ DECEMBER 10, 1987 Council of 408 Confidence in the Ministers Minister or the Congress-I Government [Shri P. Kolandaivelu] have received the money? What made the stated not only in the United States but Opposition not to join the Parliamentary also in India, there is no other alternative Committee which has been constituted to Congress-lor to Mr. Rajiv Gandhi. That under your direction? is what he has said. When such is the po­ sition, how the Janata Party joined hands PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: Only with Telugu Desam and CPM and CPI? names are to be identified.

SHRI NARAYAN CHOUBEY SHRI P. KOLANDAIVElU: The main (Midnapore); What he said was, it was, not point is, who has received the commission. now. It was the past tense. Now we are let the Opposition come out and say who talking of the future tense. has received it. When they are unable to point out anybody, how can they say that SHRI P. KOLANDAIVELU: What do you commission has been received by the say about the words of Mr. Hegde1 You Congress people? They pointed out Fairfax are joining with Mr. Hegde now. But the and all those things. What happened yes­ very same Hegde says, "There is no other terday? The Fairfax committee report has alternative" . been laid on the Table of this House.\ Why are they not say anything with regard to The opposition is bringing this No-con­ Fairfax now? Why are they keeping mum? fidence motion when they know fully well I know fully well that our Prof. Madhu that it is going to fail not only here, on the Dandavate and other party leaders wanted floor of the House but outside Parliament to constitute parliamentary committee in also. I know it fully well. March. After constituting a parliamentary committee, they have not joined in the let me tell you that after our Prime parliamentary committee. Why? They Minister Mr. Rajiv Gandhi has taken charge know fully well that there is no commission of this country, there are some radical involved. They know fully well that no changes in various fields. No one can deny commission has been paid or received by that. As soon as he occupied the Chair of the Congress people or by the Congress the Prime Minister, within a period of two Government. That is why, they have not years, he brought in three agreements and joined the parliamentary committee. Is it accords. Nobody has done it earlier. let not so? me compare the last three years period with the Janata period 1977 to 1979 or As far as foreign policy is concerned, af­ 1980. ter Prime Minister Shri Rajiv Gandhi has taken charge, some radical changes have PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: There taken place with regard to the foreign 001- was no trouble in Punjab. icy. As Chairman of the Non-aligned movement, as Chainnan of the SMRC, he SHRI P. KOLANDAIVElU: Unfortunately made many changes and the cordial rela­ we have committed a mistake at that time. tionship between the countries is being (Interruptions). We know fully well that maintained and he has followed in the almost all the senior leaders in the country footsteps of Shri Jawaharlal Nehru in for­ have tried their level best to change the eign policy. Government. Even in the last one year, I can see many Opposition parties tried in As far as the economic policy is con­ various forms to oust the Government by cerned, Rs. 2,000 and more crores have saying Bofors, Fairfax and all those things. been allotted under the NREP, RlECP and What happened? Are they able to make a I RDP for the upliftment of the poor. Much substantive motion against the Govern­ more employment opportunities have been ment and say "Here is Bofors. You have re­ prOVided only during the period of two ceived the money." Have you got any years. What are the points they have made record or evidence to show that the Prime now, in order to disqualify a Government, 409 Motion of No- AGRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SA~) Council of 410 Confidence in the Ministers in order '0 oust Cabinet, in order to say the alternative Govemment? May I, in all much against even the ruling party? There humility, ask my dear friend and old col­ are no points at all. There is no substance league, the leader of the Telugu Desam in the points that they have been raising. Party, one thing! I know he is a very soft­ spoken Parliamentarian. He said and very PROF. tvtADHU DANDAVATE: Why correctly said that for the last three years, don't you get a seat on that side 7 they nave not moved any No Confidence Motion. I think it was an appropriate step SH RI P. KOLAN DAIVElU: Sir, What I that they have taken ... request the Government is that there are so many plans and programmes and they MR. SPEAKER: Mr. Tiwari, do you want have to be implemented as early as possi­ to deprive me of the company of so many ble. That has to be done. With regard to good friends? the inequalities which exist among the various States, they have to be gone into SHRI NARAYAN DATI TIWARI: No, .. I first and the Government has to find out mean I want one of them to become the where actually the shoe pinches and more leader of the Opposition, if they can elect allotment should be made for the States one? which are doing better. That is all I can say. Moreover, actually with regard to this THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ Motion, I am opposing it and I am sup­ ISTRY OF CIVil AVIATION AND MINISTER porting the ruling party. OF STATE OF THE MINISTRY OF TOURISM (SHRI JAGDISH lYTlER): Prof. Dandavate (Interruptions) is a good choice.

THE MINISTER OF FINANCE AND MIN­ (Interruptions) ISTER OF COMMERCE (SHRI NARAYAN DATI TIWARI): Mr. Speaker, Sir, I have lis­ MR. SPEAKER: I have so many good tened with utmost attention to the com­ friends now ... ments and the points made out by the vet­ eran leader of the Opposition. With re­ SHRI NARAYAN DATI TIWARI: Only gard to this 'No Confidence Motion, As a when they have a Leader of the Opposition student of Parhamentary Democracy and they can at least claim to sometime fonn an Parliamentary Practice and Procedure, I am alternative Government. There is no alter­ reminded of a dialogue between Gladstone native Government in prospect in this and Disraeli when with a thin margin, Dis­ House. Therefore, it w~ correctly said by raeli proposed to move a vote of No Con­ Mr. Madhav Reddi-ji when he said fidence Motion and when they were talking that... (Interruptions) MadhuJl, you are informally- in the House of Commons' Madhu, like honey. lobby, then Disraeli told Gladstone: "My dear friend, I am going to propose a vote of No Confidence Motion against you. Even PRO_F. MADHU DANDAVATE: My sec­ though I have a very thin margin, I am go­ ond intervention on this point. In the Fifth ing to move. I know I will lose because Lok Sabha there was no Leader of the Op­ you have disciplined Members. I am, of position. But in the next Lok Sabha, there course, going to move this No Confidence was a Government of the Non-Congress Motion". And what did Gladstone reply? Party. Don't forget that. He said: "You may do that, but My dear friend, do you have confidence in yourself?" SHRI JAGDISH lYTlER: They went That was the Gladstonian reply. I would down the gutter. not venture to report that to my distin­ guished leaCiers sitting here. But I would SHRI NARAYAN OATT TIWARI: certainly in all humility advise them first to thought I would have the fullest attention elect the Leader of the Opposition. Where of my colleague Madhuji. I know that he is is the alternative Prime Minister? Where is a honeyed man. But of course honey tastes 411 Motion of No_ DECEMBER 10, 1987 Council of 412 Confidence in the Ministers (Shri N;lrayan Datt 1 iwan) prices come down in the other half of In­ dia? (Interruptions) bitter when it has Parliarnentary pertection. But I always find the honeyed taste in his SHRI NARAYAN DATT TIWARI: I have Parliamentary repartees. been groomed in parliamentary practice. I have been listening very patiently. Always I keep low of I do not PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: I may profjle nlyself. speak out unnecessarily. Therefore, I say this. have honey. But you can have honey­ moon. Carty-on. let us show, even in this momentous de­ bate, the required parliamentary patience. 17.00 hrs. That is the ess~nce of parliamentary prac­ tice and procedure. That is what t say. SHRI NARAYAN DATI TIWARI: Thank (Interruptions) you. But I was mentioning that it was cor­ rect That no 1\10 at No--Confidcnce Motion was moved during the last three years be­ My charge is primarily Economic Affair.; cause the Opposition was in full knowl­ and Finance. In all humility, I say that it is a edge o~ the situation. 1 here vI/as no pros­ very difficult charge

SHRI BASUDEB ACHARIA: Whose con­ Therefore, in all humility I 'Nould advise trol is there? my senior friends that when we go back to Ol'r respective States, let us advise our SHRI NARAYAN DATI TIWARI: I may State Governments to open price control tell my friends, when we take technical rooms in every districts and bigger cities for collaborations, when we want a new tech­ monitoring prices. Consumer Movement nology, it is not a surrender to monopo­ has to be organised. Let us develop a con­ lists; it is getting a new technology in the sensus to fight inflation and price rise. That interest of the nation, in the inh"rest of the is what should be done instead of having common man. If this axiom is true for motions of confidence and no-confidence. China, it is tru~ for India also. We want I think it is better that we develop a con­ new technologi~s. It is not a question of sensus in this regard. deviation from our industrial policy. I wel­ come setting up of HaJdia Petrochemicals We all say that there is an unprece­ in West Bengal; even though it has about dented drought. What does it nlean? That eleven foreign collaborations, I welcome it. means a definit~ fall in agricultural produc­ I will support it. Let me tell through you tion. It also means fall in the supply of Shri Son"math Chatterjee, my dear veteran, power. Take for example Kamataka. There that I think in the near future the sanctions is such a fall in the generation of power will be considered. Th~re is no question there. Year after year there have been whether it is West Bengal or Kerala or droughts. It would certainly affect produc~ Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh or Maharash­ tion, it would certainly lead to paucity in tra, wherever it may be. the fund of commodities that is available for the national kitty. Therefore, it is in­ SHRI SURESH KURUP: West Bengal is evitable that the demand and supply posi­ .] part of India. tion is affected and Y?U need more com­ modities to be imported. Therefore, SHRI NARAYAN DAn- TIWARI: It is a through a mechanism of demand and sup­ part of the I ndian nation and the necessary ply management, we are trying our level 5anction will be issued. Of cours~, there best to tiugment supplies even by imports ~r~ formalities and considerdlions regard­ whl.'rever the necessity arises. Ing the shares and all that; but there is no question of Haldla Petrochemicals not be· Our infrastructure is doing very well. mg set up ultimately. The railway freight that is carried has gone up by 6.3 %. Coal production has gone up (Interruptions) by 9.3%. With regard to power generation, even though the hydel power was not We are talking of intlation, rise in prices available to the desired extent; it has gone and the economic situation. May I, In all up by 8.4%. The plant load factor of ther­ humility ask a question myself? Has any mal plant~ has gone up to 53.2% - a record country in the world in recent years faced of sorts. The nett kilometres per wagon this type of unprecedented drought and movement has gone up to 3090. All the the natural calamities that India has this infrastructural p,lr~meters of industrial in­ year? Would this have no impact on pro­ frastructur~ are showing S..1tiSf.:lctOry duction and prices? I also complement the results. State Governments for their efforts to meet the situation. I may tell you that if all the SHRI BASUDEB ACHARIA: Unenlploy­ State Governments, including the non­ ment too. Congress Governrnents, duly momtor the prices every day, action IS taken by them SHRI NARAYAN DATI TIWARI: Of ilgainst hoarders and black marketeers, it course, there is unemployrnent. There is public distribution systt'm is efficient, we unemployment in West Bengal also. There 415 Motion of No_ DECEMBER 10, 1987 Council of 416 Confidence in the Ministers rShri Narayan Datt Tiwari) increased to 3952 lakh mandays under NREP and 30541akh mandays under RlEGP is unemployment, I agree. But if you take a respectively. Today under the drought re­ spectrum of the plans from Rural Employ­ lief programme 47 lakh labourers are cur­ ment Guarantee Programme to the Urban rently working on 93,269 relief works Credit Programme and the Programme for throughout the country. A giant pro­ the Self-Educated then you find that mil­ gramme is underway. I also compliment lions of jobs have been created. The public some of the State Governments. They sector has been strengthened. have to do more but for whatever they are doing let us compliment them. But I may There is no question of down-grading also assure the House on another eount. the public sector. Public sector will con­ There was some doubt expressed that lIIll­ tinue to remain at the commanding heights der drought relief programme funds wilt of our economy. We have set up recently not be released. Funds will be released but many new units in the public sector. let them spend money according to the programme approved by them. Whether it My friend Shri Bhagwat Jha Azad has al­ is a Congress or Non-Congress govern­ ready referred to the NAlCO unit of the ment, all governments will be funded ac­ public sector, a giant public sector com­ cording to the drought relief programmes pany. programmed for themselves but let them spend money. We are releasing funds as SHRI SOMNATH CHAlTERJEE: You are and when asked for according to the limits denigrating Shri Vasant Sather sanctioned by the High Power Committee of the Planmng Commission and the Agri­ SHRI NARAYAN DATI TIWARI: What culture Department. else is the giant HBJ gas pipeline project if not in the pUblic sector? One similar pro­ Now there has been some reference ject is the gas cracker plant at Magathane. made by our friend Shri Madhav Reddi re­ The public sector is going to retain the garding debt and interest. let me say that commanding height of our economy there the figures that Shri Reddi has given are should be no doubt about that. The Indus- cumulative figures. They are not for one ridl Policy adumberated and elaborated by year. While 15,000 crores borrowing is for Jawahar lal Nehru will continue to be im- one year the Rs. 10,000 crores interest on plemented. (Interruptions) Apart from that outstandmg loan is for aU the years ever a few words about the question of anti­ since we began borrowing. So we cannot poverty programmes. We have seen that compare the two. If you deduct the inter­ Rs. 2000 crores are being spent every year est that the Government of India will be under this programme. We also see that receiving then the net interest is only 30 the total of the Plan outlay as spent has per cent of the borrowing programme. It is been for the first three years 70 per cent of not more. It is not 75 per cent or 80 per the original Seventh Plan outlay as com­ cent of the borrowing. It is only 30 per pared to targetted 58 per cent in the first cent of the borrOWing. Tell me which three years of the Sixth Plan. So whatever country in the world does not borrow. I parameters you take either of per capita in­ will be beholden to my distingUished come or of industrial growth or gross do­ friends if they can name one country which mestic product you will find except for the does not do borrowing. I may also assure distortion that this drought has brought that we are very cautious about foreign about the economic parameters are very borrowing. We will not allow our country satisfactory. I hope with the blessings of to be under that kind of debt as some the hon. Members we will continue to other countries in the worfd are and that is forge ahead and meet the requirements of why India's credibility in the international the situation. credit market today is very high. If we want to borrow we can borrow thousands of If you come to employment mandays crores of money but we will not do that in­ the number of employment mandays has discriminately. We will only borrow very 417 Motion of No- AGRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAIV\) Council of 418 Confidence In the Ministers selectiVely and only for productive pur­ PROF. MAOHU OANDAVAT£: Tomor­ poses. That is our determination. I require row, if we refer to any American multina­ the blessings of this House to do that and tional, that doesn't mean we are referring that is what the Pr:ime Minister has di­ to any individual. He referred to a particu­ rected us to do. lar organisation.

SHRI S. JAIPAl REDDY: Co on borrow~ SHRI NARAYAN DATI TIWARI: I do not ing morel say that he mentioned any person. But what would happen when some people SHRI NARAYAN DAlT TIWARI: Some somewhere in this vast coUntry might dis.. examples have been given regarding this tort what he had said in this House. They duty and that duty. I am on the homs of a might say Italian connection. When the dilemma. I require the guidance and direc~ world is going international, when we are tion of my friends here. On the one hand, talking of the Delhi Declaration, when we there is a consistent talk of high cost ~cci~ are talking of Perestroika and Glasnost, let nomy. When we have to bring down the us not accuse each other on personal mat­ prices, then what to do? The high costs of ters. Our forefathers nurtured the concept Industrial production have to be brought of vasudhaiva kutumbakam. Our Prime down. Credit has to be made available for Minister is attached on a personal basis working capital to the small scale industries without any rhyme or reason. This sort of and to other industries. thing should not be allowed. Enough of it. I am very sure that our leaders of the Op­ Then again, we have to have an excise position will not allow such things to go structure which is not so heavy as to raise unchallenged. I request of them, I beseech the prices. Therefore, we have to achieve a of them not to generate this sort of vicious balance. In order to achieve that balance, I climate: look around us. Only India is in seek your protection. If we try to reduce totality a vibrant parliamentary and consti­ the cost structure, to rationalise the cost tutionat democracy in this whole area structure or to liberalise economy I would What other developing country has this request your support and blessings not to type of democratic fur\ctioning. I also be said that we have favoured this or that thank you of the opposition for that. You Industry. Whether it is the private sector, have also cooperated. We have also done whether it is the joint sector, whether it is our best. The Congress with its glorious the cooperative sector, whether it is the history of more than 100 years has tried to publi~ sector, some companies will get do its best. Many amongst you have been benefit of any measures we adopt. There­ veteran Congressmen of 1942 days. The fore, let us not in this august House band}' nation owes a gratitude to Y01J. What I say unconfirmed charges on each other. is let us together build the edifice of consti­ Somehow an impression is being created tutional democracy in a very responsible that all are corrupt. let us not make a manner, in the spirit of constitutional competition in accusing each other. Our democracy. I am reminded of an Urdu parliamentary democracy is already fragile. Couplet: let us search our conscience. Only politi­ cians are being blamed and blaming each Ali Dost Bata Do~ya Phark Mujhme other that 'they are corrupt'. The people TlIjhme, ' will say everybody is corrupt. What would Tera Dard Darde Tanha, Mera Dard happen tQ democracy? If we hammer at Darde jamana the very vitals of our parliamentary 'demo~ cracy, how will constitutional democracy be So let us forget petty things. let U5 get protected? We might have no~confidence together and fonn a consensus. I think, motions against each other. But please do the best way of having a consensus, which not hit on a personal basis. I was very even my dear friend Shri Madhav Reddi much hurt by the words 'Italian connec­ has talked about, ;s to withdraw this mo­ tion', this connection... What do we mean? tion of no-confidence. Let us have a new (Interruptions) slate. · Let us try to rule this country 419 Motion of No_ DECEMBER 10, 1987 Council of 420 Confidence in the Ministers [Shri Narayan Datt Tiwari] MR. SPEAKER: Thert is no question on that. I have got everything in order. together, whether in the States or at the Cenb·e with a national consensus as we PROf. MADHU DANDAVATE: Is the have done in the case of Seventh Plan. I Prime Minister out of the city? Has he in­ would suggest to my hon'ble friend, Mr. formed you? Madhav Reddi, to withdraw this no­ confidence motion. MR. SPEAKER: Yes. That;s what r am telling you. (Interruptions) SHRI NARAYAN DATI TIWARI: Rectified PROF. tvtADHU DANDAVATE: That is notification has been issued yesterday. all right. That means you are confirming will send you a copy of it. that the Prime Minister is out of the city V\/hen the No-Confidence Motion is going (Interruptions) • on. MR. SPEAKER: First you have to seek MR. SPEAKER: There is no difficulty. my permission and then you have to speak. Now sit down. S. BUTA SINGH: I do not know why he • is upset What is wrong about it? Gov- PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: I rise on ernment is here. We, the Council of Minis­ a poi~t of order. Is it true that when the No-Confidence Motion debate is going on ters, are here. the Prime Minister is out of the capital? It MR. SPEAKER: There is no pOint of has been the convention of the House that ordpr when the debate is going 011, the Prime Minister cannot go out of the capital, not SHRIMATI CEETA MUKHERJEE even out of the Pariiament. I would like to (Panskura): I ese to support the No-Confi­ know that. Let the hon. Minister infonn us dence Motion tabled bv the hon. ~.tembers about that. through Shri Madhav Reddi. Just now, the S. SUTA SINGH: There is nothing hon. Finance Minister while talking about wrong in it. There have been debates the No-Confidence Motion described when the Prime Minister has been abroad. Glasnost and Perestroika and asked us Why is he misleading the House? whether we have confidence in ourselves. t would like to submit humbly that Tiwari­ MR. SPEAKER: That is all right. There is ji... I say that Tiwariji has described Hamlet no point of order. without the Prince of Denmark. We have enowgh confidence in the masses. If there would be a miqterm poll, all these balances PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: Earlier will be upset. That is the reality and there when the Prime Minister went abroad, the we have our confidence in the masses. If House was informed about it. They are anybody has any objection, let them go the evading the answer. Is the Prime Minister poll and see what happens. in the city or not? MR. SPEAKER: If there is no hope, what (Interruptions) will happen to us? MR. SPEAKER: Even Mrs. Gandhi was away when we took up the No-Confidence SHRIMATI GEETA MUKHERJEE: Sir, Motion. now our Prime Minister who is the leader of the House and the leader of the PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: At that Congress Party is a master of accords time s~e had infonned the House. They may be successful or become failures. (Interruptions) let us look at the Punjab accord whose

• Not recorded 421 Motion of No· ACRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (.5.AK4) Council of 422 Confidence in the Ministers implementation is still to come and we These are a few illustrations of the have already lost 130 workers of our party thrust of our new poficies, but on substan­ to the terrorists. But, Sir, I am not going tive grounds, I want to go to one or two into t~ese accords. 'charge 'him with vio·· policies of the Government, but befere I go lating the most sacred accord that he en.. to that, I would just say a few words on the tered into with the people of our country question of confidence and no-conftdenc-e during the last general electiuns when he etc. got 'two-thirds majority and that accord was that he would give a Covernment that It is true that after the !ast general elec­ works and a Govemment that is cle~, It is tions, in aU the elections excepting Naga.. here that the accord has been thoroughly land, the Congress Party lost. In Nagaland, broken and smashed and it is here that the it is rather interesting and with all respect peoples' minds are agitated. Therefore, we to Nagaland people, 31 members are in the challenge you to face the peoples' minds. ruling party there in the legislature and in What is the situation with the Government ordpr to have a Government. twenty-two that works? of them had to be made Ministers and one is Speaker and the rest will be Chairmen of [Translation] one Corporation or the other.

SHRIMATI VI DYAVATI CHATURVEDI PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: And (KhajurahO): \Ve will.face, when the situa- there is a demand for five speakers also. tion arises. We won't run away like you ... (Interruptions) SHRIMAll CEETA MUKHERJEE: Is this the kind of thing that should be done? At [English] best you can have that in Nagaland, but the 'iaSt millions of people will not submit to SHRIMATI CEETA MUKHERJEE: I am so such humiliation as you did with the Na· friendly with my friends here, and I will re­ gaJand people. quest them not to disturb me. But if they do, that time may please be deducted from Now, about the substantive policy. It is the time given to me. very interesting. Just now, Tiwariji men.. tioned about Perestroika and Glasnost and S. BUlA SINGH: It is to back you up. said what is wrong if Glasnost is going on here. I do not know where it is going on. SHRIM,\Ti GEETA MUKHERJEE: Sir, the But the new industrial policy, as everybody present Government has gone for many knows, has welcome foreign multinationals new policies and new thrust in those poi•• galore, not one, two ~r three, but many. des. In fifteen minutes, I cannot go into an thosp policies, but I will only take one or Mr. John Gunther Dean, Ambassador of two policies by way of example. First, USA said the other day. there is the education policy. When we do not have black boards in many schools, we "I n the past two years, America in­ are going in for computers. Surely a new vested more in I ndia than they had thrust! There is no training policy; we in the entire preceding decade. t1 have not been able to train our administra­ tors here and, therefore, we must send Allen Bradley, Allied Signal, du Port, them to Harvald. This is another thrust. FoxbQro, General Electric, General Foods, Then textile policy. Our poor people are Hewlett Packer, Honey well, MQlex, NCR, not supposed to wear handloom cloth any Prime Computer, United Technologies, Xe­ more. They must, therefore, wear the rox, and not to speak of. Pepsi Cola" polyester and synthetiC and for that the han. stan jalpal Reddy has come out with a Now, Sir, aU Congress men are sitting lot of explanation and has indicated to and I belieVe they are an prestroika. Can what difficulties our textiles industries are they put their hand on their heart and tell faced with. that they believe that these multinational 423 Motion of No_ DECEMBER 10, 1987 Council of 424 Confidence In the Minister; rShrimati Geeta MukherjeeJ tiona! companies also want. They are try .. ing to take away your monopoly in chis you American companies will serve the good field. So, the point is that want to aim of the old Congress days? Can they serve an elite section of the population. That is the drive and that is the new ttuu,t help in the industri~ development justifi­ in your economy. But that you did not ably? The Chainnan of tile Pepsi Cola, Mf: Donald Kindal is the mart who is instru­ spell out at the time of elections. mental for the fall of Allaunde's Chilean Government because his bottle industry Sir, if this -is the situation in the indus­ trial field then let us see how we stand in was in danser. Do you believe that this is the perestroika, that you are going in for? other fields also. Just now Shri N.D. Tiwari The Soviet Union with their huge industrial mentioned about the price and he said that base can afford to invite the foreign com­ the State Governments. are concerned with panies. Can you with your feable industrial this, and they will take necessary steps. I base afford to do such a thing? Our econ­ thought that we are one in I ndia. The price problem is one such thing which cannot he omy will be devoured by these multina~ tional companies. Sir, this is the pere­ delayed and some effective steps need to stroika. I do not believe in heavens but be taken towards this ~nd immediately. you believe. So, let heavens -help you. Last time a lot of women voted in f~vour About Glasnost the less we say the bet­ of the Government. I do not know exactly ter it is. So, I will not go into the detail of why, may be because of the good looks or this. because of the sympathy, whatever it is l do not want to go into the details. But may Now, I would like to say about the re­ I ask whether you have bothered about structuring of our foreign capital. What ac­ thefn after that? Have you asked about tually is being done is that we are import­ their feelings with regard to the price situa­ ing things to a greater extent and some tion1 Do you know how mad they are get­ time even at the cost of our own public ting about the rising prices 7 Because of the sector undertakings. Just now Tiwariji high prices, when the housewife goes to said, "who says that the public sector un­ the market, she absolutely loses her head dertakings are not enjoying commanding every day. So, this is the situation created heigh~1" I do not knQw who else has said by you as far as prices are concerned. You so but I being a poor soul would like to may say that the price situation has got ac­ submit that the public sector is no more centuated because of the drought condi­ enjoying commanding heights. I do not tions. But I say that because there is know why you should allow the profiteer­ drought, it is all the more necessary that ing multinational companies into such core you controlled the price situation in a bet­ industries like power, off-shore drilling ter way. And what are you doing to etc.? Is this the way to strengthen our strengthen our pU.blic distribution system 7 country's economy? Is this the promise Don't you feel ashamed to auction im~ that you made during the last general elec­ ported edible oil to the highest bidder tion? here, when our people are standing in long queu~ before the shops for edible oil? If As far as other industrialists, both inside you give it to the highest. bidder in the as well as ,outside the country, are con­ action, whose interests are you serving? cerned, I would like to know what exactly is being done for them? The fact is that MR. SP~KER: Please wind up. they are not making any profit. You want both the old and new indigenous industries SHRIMATI GEETA MUKHERJEE: I will to die. Your policy seems to be to retrench not take more than two or three min~Jtes. I more and more workers and to deploy the will try to finish as quickly as possible. existing investment in more lucrative chan­ nels so as to serve the elite section. That is As far as unemployment is concerned, your drive. That is what these multina- everybody knows that the 'Situation is ex- 425 Motion of No- AGRAHAYANA 19,1909 (SAKA) Council of 426 Confidence in the Ministers tremely bad. Shri Tiwari just now said that concemed, they are in the worst possible they have created so much employment. position despite all the laws that you en­ But is it not true that the growth rate of acted. employment is standing at 'zero' nowl In the private sector with whorn you are so Lasdy, I would like to say a few words enamoured, employment opportunities are about your foreign policy, the only area getting less and less every year. The situa­ which all of us supported you. Even there, tion in the countryside is worse. You ac­ you have not done well. You are making cuse the left Front Govemment of this rep,ated visits to the Western Countries. lapse and that lapse. May I know what Th(\ other day, the Prime Minister has your record is as far as land reforms are come back from his foreign visit and said concerned? I may tell for your information that CIA was not responsible for destabilsa­ that out of the 13 la~h acres of land dis­ tion .. Here so much hullabaloo was created tributed to the poor people throughout the over CIA and then it gives thiS certificate. country under land reform laws, West Ben­ By doing so, they will now act quietly. gal alone accounts for 8.5 lakh acres. Why should there not be a similar situation in MR. SPEAKER: Please conclude. Other­ those states ruled by you? You have given' wise nothing will go on record. land reforms as a go by. SHRIMATI CEETA MUKHERJEE: After You have spent so much nloney on schemes like NREP The Rural Develop­ that they have given this aid to Pakistan me-nt Department conducted a survey and without caring two-boots for that. If this is the situation how are your new thrusts of it has bE-en revPdl~d that 16 to 24 per cent of the beneficiaries are well above the stip­ your new policies and not only the anti­ ulated Income level and they are not enti­ people policies ... tled for such assistance at all. In the exist­ MR. SPEAKER: Please conclude. ing structure over which you are presiding, how much f'mployment can you generate under the' NR(P and other such schemes? SHRINtATI CEETA MUKHERJEE: These are now clear deviation from th~ national exchequer'S policies also. We have had As far as the conditions of the rural poor many differences there... are concerned, even now more than two lakh villages have no drinking water sup­ MR. SPEAKER: Nothing goes no record. ply. ThiS is the situation. What have you done to help the biggest electorate that (Interruptions)·· voted you to power?

About the weaker sections, the less said the better. Everybody knows that in the [Trans/ation] recent years, the number of. attacks on poor agricultural labourers, the Scheduled SHRI R.l. BHATIA (Amritsar): Mr. Castes and the Scheduled Tribes IS gone Speaker, Sir, No-confidence mot.on has up. As far as women are concerned, in been brought several times in this House, Delhi itself dowry deaths which numbered but I am really surprised to see the points about 837 in the year 1986 now went upto raised this time .. (/nterruptions) .. Shri Mad .. 1319 in 1987. Why should the Ministers hav Reddy has been the opening batsman indulge in extravaganzas when their daugh­ of the debate, but after hearing his speech, ters' marraages take place? If you encour­ I felt as if he is out LBW. age more and more consuming habits and convert marriage into a commercial trans... MR. SPEAKER: lPW or lBW ? action, how will you be able to solve this dowry issue 1 Today, as far as women are (Interruptions)

•• Not recorded 427 Motion of No_ DECEMBER 10, 1987 Council of 428 Confidence in the Ministers SHRI RJL BHATIA: In his speech.he said note that the numbf:r of the de~isions that the motion has been brought because taken by his Government has never ex­ Prime Minister does not give adequate time ceeded ever before. in the HOuse, because does not have any regards for the OPfosition. He further said 17.44 hrs. that Pt. Jawaharla Nehru, Shrimati Indira Gandhi and Shri lal Bahadur Shastri al­ (MR. DEPUlY SPEAKER in the Chair) ways paid due regards to the Opposition. I would like to reta" that was the time when Mr. Rajiv Gandhi pays a full regard to the. e were stalwarts in Opposition, they you. How do YQu call .his poticy as policy were very good Parliamentarians; They of confrontation when he has taken deci­ , had, always taken debate, discussion and sions regarding Assam, Mizoram and Pun­ retort in real academic sen~e of the term. jab problems. Not even a single opposi­ They unlike you people did never believe in tion Government has been dismissed in the hunabaloo, sitting on I dhama' and walk out last three years. It is a policy of conciliation from the House almost everyday. It is, rather than that of confrontation. therefore, the Government has no regards for you You change your habits, we will Fourthly, he has referred to the eco­ give all regards to you. You people have nomic situation. He said that the Covern­ sat on 'dharna' many a time. once it hap­ ment is doing nothing to control the price pened that you reached the Speaker's rise . You cannot assess the gravity and the podium and tned to pull him out. effects of the drought. Only we know it. He also said that the opposition has not (Interruptions) brought any No-Confidence Mcticn during the last three years. I want to say that they [English] have brought it after three years, there must be some definite reasons. PROf. tvtADHU DANDAVATE: It has never happened, it will nev~r happen. rEnglish)

[Transla tion] You have been conceiving for three years, and producing noth~ng. SHRI R.l. BHATIA: You are happy when the ruling is in your favour and walk-out [Translation J when it is not so. You change your habits, you will automatically be respected. . Shri Somnath Chatterjee claims that we have attained temporary majority. I would The other thing he has mentioned is like to ask him as to which party, except that whenever the Prime Minister visits the three years, has ruled for the last forty non-congress ruled States, be in his state­ years. Have wt,a been in temporary major. ments criticises the Chief Minister of the ity in 80 and 84? If you are interested, we concerned State. The thing is that the will show you our majority even in 1989. State Government has to make an equal contribution to the Head under which allo­ PROF. ~DHU DANDAVATE: Some­ cation has been made by the Centre in the times casual workers work for twenty Plan. Now if, the State does not spend the years. full amount, then certainly they will be questioned what to do if the State is criti­ SH RI R. L. BHATIA~ Rather, Prof. Madhu cized in this process. If the amount is di­ Oandavate achieved temporary majority in verted to some other head, the centre is 1977 for three years. They packed up in reqUired to ask for it. 1980. Mr. Dandavate has made a remark to one of my friends tRat he will raise up The third point Mr. Reddy has raised is this issue when will he in power. How do that ~r. Rajiv Gandhi is persuing a policy of ypu expect to come in power. Are you confrontation. I would like to urge you to dreaming? Analyse the history of last forty Motion of Ncr AGRAHAYANA 19; 1909 (SAM) COuncil of 430 Confidence in the Ministers years, who has beet') in power and who will [Translation 1 be? It is your mistake to think that only you and not the Congress party would at­ Five interPretations have be~n provided tain power. Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru so far. The Third group demands for a ruled tor seventeen years, Smt. Gandhi for territory in the northern part of I ndia where fifteen years and Shri Rajiv Candhi will for they can see the light of independence. next twenty years. You cannot. do anything In this regard. I was surpr;s~d to listen Shri [Eng/ish} Jaipal saying that it is a vote of no-confi­ dence. InsteatJ of speaking on some policy Again, this is an undefined thing. or programme, he has brought the debate to quite a low level. I think, you might also [Translation] be feeling ashamed and I hope that you will rnake him convince, outside of this What type of freedom is it? Is there no House, not to have done like that. He freedom in West Bengal? Is it in kamataka stressed that he has brought the motion or somewhere else where freedom is lack­ due to change in the mood of the masses ing? What sort of freedom they want? Due 10 their favour against the congress. What to this, Akali Party could not take decision. do you know about the mood of masses? It has always been endeavour on the part You have entered the Partiament for the of the Congress Party that the problem is first time and got familiar with their mood solved by making accord and in fact, an ac­ Ju.st within three years. People will reveal cord was reached between Rajiv Gandhi thl!fr mood themselves and you will come and longowal. But what fate did he meet? to know dbout It dunng elections. We He was shot dead. At that time, longowaI need not know their mood. We will go to had told that the all AkaU's factions were the people at an appropriate time and then with him and their acceptance had been you will come to know as to what their obtained before reaching accord. But what mood is. He ha5 referred to Puniab prob­ happened actually? A fierce battle started lem in details. I don't think Mr. Reddy ever between Samala and Bada,l to capture visited Punjab and if it is so power, as a result of which the accord be­ came redundant. Who approached Dar­ shan Singh? Our Government did not tell [English] anyone to approach him but some Swamiji on his own talked to him to find some solu­ J can correct myself. tion to it. If two religious men find out some solution, the Government may ac­ [Translation] cept it, but he was too thrown out of the takht. We supported Bamalaji, he too was He has never watched the Punjab situa­ excommunicated from Sikhism. No one tion closely, never met the people and' re­ knows whose tum is next. It has been alised their agony. A number of people suggested that we must have dialogue with have been murdered, killed and harassed. them. If we talk to Badal, he too will be Had Mr. Jaipal visited Punjab, he must excommunicated from Sikhism. How Akali have known the problems of people and Party is divided in itse4f is evident from the what really is the Punjab problem. Only fact that out of its seven members in this Akali Oal is entirely responsible for the ad­ H o~e,. three claims to be its leader and verse circumstances in Punjab since they the applications of the remaining three could not deci~e as to what did they want. members claiming for leadership have been One section claims to gain power through lying pending, due to which position has constiwti(.oal means, the other section become so fluctuating that today someone favours Anandpur Sahib Resolution. is leader and after six months or so some­ one else will take his place. In the remain­ [Eng/ish] ing two years period of the present lok Sabha, no one knows how many leadE'f'S It is a very vague resolution. will be changed When such situation is 431 Motion of No_ DECEMBER 10, 1987 Council of 432 Confidence in the Ministers [Shri R. L Bhatia) of the affairs going on in Andhra Pradesh and what 'is the reaction of the pUblic prevailing in Punjab, with whom dialogue thereto. But Jaipalji, however, raised the is started~ The fact mentioned by Jaipalji isSue of corruption. I would like to tell him Reddy is tota11y ,,:rong. They are not united. th~t what charges were levelled by Shri No fruitful purpose will be served by hav­ Reddy, his own Minister. If this thing is also ing dialogue with anyone. They are quarel­ discussed by him, only then I will under­ ling among themselves, as a result therof; stand that he is actually interested in hav­ situation is deteriorating. In view of the sit­ ing discussion about corruption; only. then uation prevailing in the State, Congress he has moral right to raise the issue of cor­ Party launche d a public contact programme ruption. Gttaji left the House. She too has with a view to gaining public sympathy. stated that in NaJlaland out of 31 Members Terrorists are also being liquidated. I hope belonging to Congress Party, 22 Members that we will further succeed in our attempts have been made Minister. This is the sys­ of liquidating them and a solution will be tem of the Part;amentary democracy. In found to this problem. Allegations have this system, the Chief Minister has preroga­ been made to the effect that two aero­ tive to appoint or remove as many minis­ plan~ have been provided for the security ters as he likes. of the Prime Minister and heavy expendi­ ture is being incurred on his security. But it is not prudent on their part to level such SHRI SOMNATH CHATTERJEE (Bolpur): charges, specially keeping in view the inci­ Here, let 420 Members be r.lade Ministers. dence of murder of Smt. I ndira Gandhi, then Prime Minister, and attempts on the SH RI Rll. BHATIA: Let it be seen in life of our present Prime Minister twice. Haryana al to how many Ministers ha~ How they dare utter such thing that the been made there. So, objection should not heavy expenditure is being incurred on the be raised by him on this count. If we be­ security of the Prime Minister, they should lieve in Parliamentary democracy we be ashamed of it. should not level such allegation. She fur­ ther said that during the last election, ma­ [English] jority of the votes of ladies had gone in favour of the Prime Minister but later on he He IS the only man who is the symbol of could not care for them. Perhaps, our unity and integrity of this country. There­ hon'ble sister is not aware of the fact that fore, he must be protected .. (Interruptions) our Prime Minister paid visit to each and every drought stricken villages, met with [Transidtion] women there and at many places he ad­ dressed them. At each and every place, he A limousin was boarded into an aero­ heard the agony of women and expressed plane and taken to U.S.A. from Moscow for his sympathy. May I venture to ask the security of Mr: Corvachove. whether there is any other leader of All I n­ dia standing who has done something like SHRI JAGDISH TYflER: This is also a this?, Did Chandrashekharjj or Atal Bihari wrong information. Not only one but nine. Vajpayeeji go there? Of course, Atal Bihari Vajpayeeji went to Punjab but for the pur­ SHRI ~.l. BHATIA: Nine limousins were pose of collecting money. First of all, he boarded into aeroplanes and taken to went to ludhiyana, followed by Amrjtsar U.S.A. from Moscow for the s(:curity of Mr. and now he is scheduled to go to Gorvachove. Pathankot. In the first instance, we thought that he was perhaps collecting Here, why lalpalji is having g '"lJdge on money for assistance to the families and keeping only two aeroplanes? Jaipalji has the children of the persons killed by the raised the issu~ of corruption. Madhav terrorists, but later on, we came to know Reddiji is wise enough that he could not that he has, now, come back to Delhi be­ raise theJssue of corruption, as he is aware cause the elections in Delhi was round the 433 Motion of No- AGRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAM) Council of 434 Confidence in the Ministers comer. That money is to be utilised here. with the world econof!lY. World economy If this is the state of affairs of their national has direct bearing with our economy. So, leader, what justification they have to raise in view of our production and infrastruc· fingers on others? Whether there is any tural facilities created by us, I understand other national leader who has any sympa­ that we are ip a very comfortable position. thy for the people. I n so far as question of law and order is Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, here, a lot of concerned, we, the people of Punjab, are discussion was made about price rise. Al­ really thankful to the Prime Minister for though, Bhagwat Jha Azad has already making definite improvement in the condi­ replied it and our Finance Minister has tion in Punjab whkh was far-far worst ear­ proved his point with the help of qata. Not Jier. As a result of which, people are feeling going into the details of the data given by a bit relieved of their anxiety and despair. the Minister, I would only like to say that if, Our service personnel, police & para.mili­ at all, there is rise in prices in our country, tary forces have done a good job there and it is because of unprecedented drought and faced the situation with couraae, giving a flood condition in the country. It can be good fight. As a result of it, law & order seen that how our economy was sound situation has improved. So, while paying two years ago, our production was in­ my gratitude to the Prime Minister, I would creasing but our condition became worst like to tell upon them that their argument due to floods and drought. It was not man has no weight, I have heard all of them. As made calamity but it was a nature's a Opposition member, they are bound to calamity. But despite all these things if you justify it because motion is moved by see our progress, you will find that it is in,,", them. They thought that they did nothing creasing day by day. We ar~ making for three years, now it is time to do some· progress in every field, be it industrial pro­ thing. But it is my sincere advice to them dUction or infrastructural facility. We can that they should withdraw this motion, as hope from it that our economy will be our friend Madhav Reddyji is a very wise good in the future. In order to further man. strengthen it, we have taken many con­ crete steps and adopted measures. First of With these words, I oppose this mo­ all, we have made effective buffer stock of tion. foodgrains, so that people could not face any difficulty. This has made a dent on 18.00 hrs. price rise. Secondly, we have tried to strike a balance by importing essential comrnodi­ [English] ties whose prices have soared up. Public distribution system has been strengthened. SHRI DINESH GOSWM11 (Guwahati): Now, it is up to State Governments to see Mr. Deputy-Speaker, Sir, I am in full agree­ as to how they implement it, as it is their ment with some ot the Members of the responsibility to make the essential com­ treasury bench, who have said that the No­ modities available to the needy people. confidence Motion is an important and a We have given instructions in dear terms sacred weapon in the hands of the opposi. that action be taken against the tion and it should be sparingly used. In hoarders and it be ensured that foodgrains, fact, it has been most sparingly used, be­ sugar and oil be reached to the poor men. cause for the first time after three years the Besides this, our export has also increased. motion has been brought before this Our export has increased from 14 per cent House. in 1986-87 to 25 per cent at present. It is hoped that the condition will be further My friend Shri Bhagwat Jha Azad, in his improved in future and the situation will be speC!"ch imputed motives to the opposition better. that the opposition have brought this mo.. tion with the hope that they may sit oppo­ As you are aware that th~ economy of site. I think that ambition is a justified am­ India is not independent but it is linked bition to any opposition in any political sys- 435 Motion of No_ DECEMBER 10, 1987 Council of 436 Confidence in the Ministers Shri Dinesh Coswamil see that tlle floods and droughts are con­ trolled? Assam has seen five floods this tem. tn any political system, the opposi­ year. · For the last three years, we have tion will always try to occupy the treasury been pleading in this House that there are bench and the treasury bench will try to re­ tw Brahmaputra Board, which is a Central being a small regional party, we will con­ Government Institution has failed, and for tinue to sit and occupy the position which the last three years what is the response? we are occupying now and will offer con­ When I raised this point in the debate, the structive suggestions to the Government, Agricultur~ Minister came and said: "Well, but also will criticise the Government this is a point which should be tackled by whenever we feel that the criticism is due. the Water Resource Ministry. I will pass your suggestion to, the Water Resource Mr. Deputy.Spea~r, Sir, why have we Ministry." If you do not have the capacity to appended our signature to this No-Confi­ deal with the act of God, leave to the God dence Motion? We have appended our the right of Govemment. signature to the No~Confidence Motion because we feel that the ruling party have failed to fulfil the promises made, through Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir" the second which they got the mandate. What were promise was march towards the twenty the promises made by the Prime Minister first century. What has been the march to the country immediately after the elec­ towards the twenty first century? Two c.ion7 There were four broad promises. days from no\\, on Monday, this House The first promise was the promise of better will pass probably the Sati Act. I hang my life to the I ndian people, the second was head in shame that in the good year of the cleaner public and political life, the 1987, we shall have to pass the Sati Act. third was protection of democratic institu­ This House will go, back to 1829 instead of tions :tnd the fourth was march to 21 st marching to 21 st century and on Monday, century. If it can be established that in all we will create a scene of 1829, a scene thes~ four counts, the Government have veiled more than one hundred and fifty succeeded, then our No-Confidence Mo­ seven years back. A Sati Act which was tion should fail. But if we can establish that promulgated in 1829 in Bengal will have to on aU these four counts, the Government be promulgated throughout India and the have failed totally, then I think, our No- people of the world will see that we are . Confidence Motion must succeed. Let us marching towards the 21st century by take one by one. passing an Act by which we are preventing sati burning. What a march towards 21st The Prime Minister promised better life. centuryr Why has this happened? This has I do not want to go into the statistics, but I happened because this Government has am sure that in this House, if the wife of compromised with the fundamentalists. the hon. Members should have been given We pointed this out the day when the the right to vote, this Govemment would maintenance of Muslim Women's Bill was have gone, because no housewife in this passed that this is the first compromise country today ('.an tolerate this type of infla· with the fundamentalists and that this tion that this country is facing. My friend compromise will lead to more compro· was saying that 'what can we do?" My m;ses. This House, a number of times, friend Mr. Bhatia has said that drought and have passed legislat.ons to do away judg­ floods are acts of Cod. The drought and ments of the courts. I feel a proud partner floods are acts of God, but are there no that I was one in this House when it preventive measu~ possible? Is it not the passed the Privy Purses Abolition Bill. I feel \duty of the Government to take recourse to a proud. partner that I was one in this 437 Motion of No- ACRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAKA) Council of 438 Confidence in the Ministers House when it passed the law giving pri­ it, do you think the foundation of .democ­ macy to.. the Directive Principles over the racy will survive1 Fundamental Rights. But this is the first time in the history of Indian Parliament that I have seen today a very very peculiar a progressive legislation was negated by news item that all the District Magistrates this Parliament under the 'rime Minister, of the country have been called to a con­ who talks of marching towards the 215t ference. 'would like to know how the Dis­ century. Instead of marching towards the trict Magistrates can be calJed by the Prime 21st century we are marching backward. Minister over the head of the States. Is it And that is the second complaint which I because there is a policy going on that the have got against this Government. The re­ Centre wiU have President IlJle in the sult is communalism and fundamentafism States destroying the federal polity, with are raising their ugly heads. Communalism the help of lAS officers? This is where ac­ has become multi-faceted. We see the tually the confrontation between States and communalism of Hindu Muslinls. For the the Centre has taken place. first time, we see communalism of Hindu Sikhs. We see Christian Hindu communal­ Let us talk about clean public life. Wben Ism. Never before in the history of India this motion was tabled, I went to the li­ we have seen such a rampant communal­ brary to find out as to what was said in the ism and fundamentalism. last three Presidential Addresses. In 1985 it was said that "for a clean public life we SHRI GIRDHARI LAl VYAS (Bhilwara): are going to brin~ in a legislation for elec­ \Nhat about A.!:san'? toral reforms", In 1986 again it was said IIfor a clean public life we are goint to bring SHRI DINESH GOSWAMI: Assam is also in a legislation for electoral reforms". In a part of India. As an intervention has 1987 again it was said "for a clean public been made regarding Assam, let me point life we are going to bring in a legislation for out that during the last Id day the Home electoral reforms." If the legislation for Minister had to send warnings to different electoral reforms cannot be brought for States that there may be a communal trou­ three years, what are the grounds? ble, but Assam was one of the States where the Home Minister did not have to send A mention has been made about Naga­ any warning signal because he knew that land elections. But I would like the hon. there was no danger of any communal Prime Minister to put his hand on hiS heart trouble there. and say: Is he happy about the play of money power that has been spent in 'the Nagaland elections? The entire foundation What about the democratic institutions? of the democracy is likely to topple If the The motion of Prof. Madhu Dandavate on money power is given such a pnmacy in the presidential question and article 78 is the elections. My learned friend spoke still pending. What is the relationship with about Fairfax. I am going to refer to the the judiciary? It is for the first time that a Fairfax for' the first time. I am not holding Minister of the Cabinet had the guts to caU any brief for V. P. Singh. I do not belong to the judges telis rambo/is. If Pandit Jawa­ his party. On many matters I am closer to harlal Nehru could have been the Prime the ruling party than even to my friends Minister, that Minister would have had to here, like the friends of the Left. Now the pack his suitcase and go back home next fClirfax Report is here. It may b~ that this day. But he was tolerated. And the Law Report is not tenable and justified. But I, Minister had made a statement criticising take it for a moment that this Report is jus­ the judiciary. If the parliamentary democ­ tified. What has this Report said? This Re­ racy is to function, then there is a mutual port, at pages 289 and 290, has said· I will respect among the executive, the legisla­ read out only two comments of this Report: ture and the judiciary. Supposing, the judi­ ..... the Government and even the Prime ciary tomorrow starts Criticising the legisla­ Minister were totally in the dark about ture in the same manner we have criticised these sensitive matters.... ;" and 'What steps 439 Motion of No. DECEMBER 10,1987 Council of 440 Confidence in the Ministers [Shri Dinesh Goswami] The question of Bofors has already been discussed.. I do not want to go into that. may be called for is for the Government to What has happe'led to the fligllt of money deliberate upon and decide ,so that what, to Switzeriand, to Hong Kong? The inter· has happened does not ha-ppen in future. national agencies have reported but noth­ And the Nation is not exposed to the risks ing has been done so far to solve this it has been exposed to." V.P. Singh is not a problem. Minister from the Opposition in the Trea­ sury Benches. Is it that the Fairfax debate My friend spoke about Punjab. I do not was initiated by the Treasury Benches? The know why, but for three years, Punjab situ· Fairfax debate was initiated by the Opposi­ ation bas remained where it was. I am not tion, and to my dear friend, the Minister for against the security of the Prime Minister Petroleum, I will say that this Report has but I am against being subjected to indig. proved that he misled the Parliament. I am oified behaviour by anyone. Today, in pointing out this because the Report says Delhi you cannot move ~ith dignity, and that there was a note from the Defence that is the objection I have got. Today, in Minister on 11.3.1987 saying that Fairfax Delhi, the capital of the biggest demotracy was engaged, and in the debate on in this world·-I do not know about the 31.3.1987, the Minister of Petroleum cate· Ministers··no individual can move with gorically said in answer to a question of dignity. The way the se~urity people treat mine that fairfax has not been engaged. I you on the streets, that is something which would like to say that V.P. Singh was a even in the highly dictatorial countries you Minister in Rajiv Gandhi's government from do not find. I have been to many countries 1984 to 1986, holding the most important which are not democratic, but you do not portfolio of finance and holding the most find this experience there. Is it necessary impol1ant portfolio of Defence when the for the security of this country that an ordi· country was facing a crisIs from Pakistan. If nary citizen should be treated in the nlan· he did lead this country to such risks, then ner that he is treated? Many Members of it does not lie in the mouth of the Prime Parliament are prevented from attending Minister to say that he is not responsi~e, committee meetings, stopped one mile because the responsibility is collectiye. He away, and asked to go by foot. I canle to is responsible for the actions of his Minis­ Parliament on that day. I was not allowed ters, and if this Report is to be given cre­ to take my car this way. Does the Prime dence, then the Prime Minister must apol­ Minister's security mean that all the institu­ 'Ogise to this country also for running a tions will go under the carpet in the name Government in which he has such Minis­ of security? After all, the Prime Minister ters that they expose the country to risks. and the political personalities in this coun­ Mr. K. C. Pant is the Defence Minister. try or elsewhere have not been killed by Supposing tomorrow he passes on the se­ political personalities. No political person· crets to the CIA and then day after tomor· ality in this way has been martyred by an­ row he is removed, can the Prime Minister other political personality. I do not know say that in spite of the collective responsi­ whether security is a greater threat to the bility, he is not responsible? The Prime Prime Ministers in many Countries than the Minister is responsible for every action of political personalities. Therefore, this Gov. his government, and particularly when the ernment's electoral promise of better life, action leads to risk. Therefore, if you give whether on economic matter or other mat­ credence to this Report, the Government ter, has that promise come true? In regard and the Prime Minister cannot escape the to Assam Accord, I do not want to discuss. responsibility. They have to account for to There was a promise of refinery. Three the country what they have got to say from years have passed. No refinery. There are 1984 to 1986. Therefore, they should not promises of dealing with river Brahmapu­ feel happy that they will be able to be~t the tra. Year after passes. Nothing. I do not Opposition with the fairfax. It is a double· want to go into the details of the matters. I edged weapon which may hit them also only want to point out that there are the very badly. red signals for the Government. But I do 441 Motion of No­ ACR)\HAYANA 19, 1909 (SAIG-\) CouncHof 442 Confidence in the Ministers not know whether the Govem~ent heeds this debat~, in spite of ,all the effosts made to this red sign,al or ignores it as red warn­ you could not muster enough spirit and en­ ings. It is for them to take the decisiO(l. .thusiaslV' I can understand this" factor. I The choice ukimately, Mr. Deputy-Speaker, was liste,ning to all the Members and I was IS theirs and theirs alone. listening in particular to the opening speaker, Shri Madhav Reddy: Many of my THE MINISTER OF DEFENCE (SHRI K.' hon. f~nds have already ·pin.pointed the C. PANT): Sir, Shri Dinesh G~ami rightly fact. He seems to base his case on the emphasised the importance of the No Prime Minister criticising the State Cov­ Confidence Motion. It is the ultimate in­ ernments. Now, I would try to follow the strument in our parliamentary democracy logic of this argument and the -Centre-State to censure the Government and I thougbt relations are a delicate plant to be nurtured that normally it is taken very seriously. But and all of us know how to approach this in this case, I find that day before yester­ Centre-State relations. But the Prime Min­ daV, the Opposition had tabled a motion of ister has a dual responsibility as he himself No Confidence against the Government. said. He is certainly the leader of the Cen­ And then they withdrew those motions, tral Government and he is also the national apparently the confidence returned. leader. He is today the elected le~der of a party which has come with such large PROf. Iv\ADHU DANDAVAT.f: No, it did numbers in this House. He is answerable not. (Interruptions) to the people and as such it is only right that he should try to apply correctives SH RI K C. PANT: No, it did not? where ever he can even in the States whether they jlre ruled by the Congress or PROF. ~DHU DANDAVATE: By mis­ Opposition. I think that there can be no take wrong date is put. disputing this basic fact ~nd in this context Shri Goswami just now said: why is it that SHRI K. C. PANT~ By mistake wrong the Prime Minister is meeting the OMs? date is put. This is the seriousness with Now, here in this House time and again, which you talk in regard to No Confidence M Ps made one important criticism. They Motion. (Interruptions) say that policies and programmes are all right, but implementation is weak. Now, if S. BUTA SINGH: Typical of their unity. implementation is weak, it is weak in spite of the State Governments and if the Prime SH RI K. C. PANT: You have devalued a Minister takes their criticism seriously No Confidence Motion. That IS your own enough to call the District Magistrates for a los5, if I may say so. meeting, to try to understand where the weaknesses lie. Is that something to be AN HaN. MEMBER: That is your con­ objected to? I would have thought that he ception. would have welcome the Prime Minister taking the interest in this matter to that ex­ st-rR1 K. C. PANT: Yes, that is my con­ tent. (Interruptions) ception, otherwise you would not have withdrawn it day before yesterday and SHRI SOMNATH CHATIERJEE: He is brought it back today. That shows that you meeting and giving directions to the Dis· are not taking this very seriously. But I un­ tncts Magistrates, not to the Ministers of derstand full the weaknesses of your posi­ the States. tion betause you have no alternative to of­ fer. Therefore, ultimately you know, as Mr. (Interruptions) Dinesh Goswami has said, that a{J:ei aU the talking is done, you cannot upsetl this Gov­ SHR4 K. C PANT: It is not as though the c:-mment by vote. You cannot upset even Prime Minister does not meet the Chief by arguments although you may think oth­ Ministers. It is not as though the Prime erwise. So, the real weakness of your posi- Minister does not meet the Ministers. thiS tion is fundamental and that is why even in is an open democracy. (Interruptions). 443 Motion of No_ DECEMBER 10, 1987 Council of 444 O>nfidence in the Ministers (Shri K C. Pant) SHRI K. C. PANT: I am not trying to throttle your Chief M.nister at all. I think Therefore, this meeting is not at the cost of all of us have the freedom of speech. He those other meetings. l~ is not as though can say what he likes, but he says things because he meets the O.Ms. he does not against the Centre '" order to conceal his meet the Chief Ministers. (Interruptions). own weaknesses or his own failures. Then Sir, he has a taste for Mamata. I do not it is our right to expose that. That is the real cru~ of the matter and that is why the want you to become my Mamata. shoe pinches, whether it is West Bengal or whether it is Andhra Pradesh. WheR your !/nterruptions) weaknesses are exposed, then the shoe starts pinching and then you object. Oth­ SHRI SOMNATH CHATTERJEE: I think erwise, every-thing is an right, the Chief he should behave like an adult. Ministers can say what they like, and the (Interruptions). It is neither a joke nor a Chief Ministers <..an come and hold meet· humour. ings in Delhi and why not? This is a free country. I mean, you may take Inspiration (Interruptions) from countries which do not have this freedom, but this is a free country and till they live in this free dernocfacy, if ley ha\'e SHRI K.C. PANT: I think are cer­ t~re every right to speak. tain soft spots even in yoc (Interruptions) Sir, the other point which Shri Madhav Reddi made was that the Prime Minister SHRI MiAl DAnA (Diamond Harbour)' should not criticise the Chief I\1imsters. To maintain ou, own freedom we have to We have never said that the Chief Minis­ go to those countries? Think before you t~rs should not criticise us. Has he ever talk. seen the speeches of his own Chief Minis­ ters, who goes or ndes all over the country SHRI K. C. PANT: Therefort:, you ag-ree .lnd criticises the Central Government and to what I say basically. I am surprised ... ~ h{: Pnrne Minister? Day in clnd day out he does ItI we have not objected. (Interruptions) PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: Who SHRI AMAt DAnA: What do you say? started? Do we have- to go to those countdes to mamtain our freedom? You SdY again and (Interruptions) again that we have freedom. \'v'hat do you mean? SHRI K. C. PANT: No, no. I am not ob~ (Interruptions) jecting. I ~ay it is a free democracy, there is freedom of speech, he is entitled to make whatever statements he likes. But is it not MR. DEPUlY -SPEAKER: Amal Dattaji, partisan to say that he should speak what take your seat. he Cdn, but the Central Government should be very restrained in its speech? Vntt-f!lJpllons}

SHRI C. MADHAV REDOI: What I said SH RI K. C. PANT: I have not sF!Jeclfied was that the Prime Minister started, all the the Communist countries. (Interruptions). Chief Ministers could also react. Does the cap fit you?

THE MINISTER OF HOME AFFAIRS (S. (Interruptions) aUTA SINCH): It is the other way round. SHRI MMl DATIA: You are saying two (Interruptions) things at a time and professing to be 445 Motion of No­ AGAAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAKA) Council of 446 Confidence in the Ministers frien~. (Interruptions). What kind of peo­ not say things like that. They are self-de­ ple you are? . feating, because facts speak against you.

(Interruptions) PROf. MADHU DAN oAVATE: There. fore, you agree that it is going to be SHRI K. C. PANT: Sir, the third point coUnter-productive. that Shtj Madhav Reddi made, if , under­ stood him, was that we at the Centre put SHRI K C. PAtiT: Take Assam. Shri Oi .. partisan interes~ above national interests. nesh Goswami ju~t mentioned the Assam I think this is the sum and substance of Accord. He mention~d some spedfic what you said and this is the sum and s':lb~ points and those specific points, his Gov­ stance of what Shri Somnath Chatterjee ernment takes up with the Centr-e. And said, that we put partisan interests above fortunately, you will agree with me that our national interests. Now, I would only there is good equation between the Centre like to submit that this Government and and the State Government. Fortunately, af­ this Prime Minist~r have time and again ter the Accord is being signed, the old situ­ proved that they put natiQnal interests ation in Assam has changed overnight. above partisan interests. I will give you an There was a time, when it looked as example. Shri Somn~th Chatterjee said though the turbulance in Assam would de­ that the accords have not worked, they teriorate into alienation of the entire gen­ have not been implemented. But you look eration of the young peop'le. That is what back at the whole history, of the compli­ it looked Jik~. But today; normalcy is re­ cated issues some of them which have turned and today there is a Government been tackled through the accords. Take there, again not of Congress. Please re­ Punjab, about which Shri Bhatta spoke at member, there is a Government of an Op­ length, I do not want to repeat all that, but position Party. And when the elections the crux of the matter is that in the Punjab were held, there was every chance that the a certain situation had developed which af­ Government would be of an Opposition ter the accord changed, and an election Party. But that did not come in the way of could be held, a Government could be decision. The Accord was entered into formed and that Government was not a knowing fully weU that this would happen: Congress(l) Government. It was a. Gov­ So, where is the question of putting our ernment of the Opposition. And anybody partisan interest over national interests? w,hb understancts polity understood at that These are serious matters, weighty matters time that the Go~ernment cannot be a which you must take into account. Congress Govemment in those drcum­ staQces; it will be an Opposition Govern­ Take the case of Mizoram. What hap. ment. Yet, because the Prime Minister and pened in Mizoram where for years and his Government put national interest over y~ars, there was insurgency, Viole'lL insur. partisan interest, we held the elections, we gency. People were killed day in and day brought back normalcy in Punjab. Then, out. There was an Accord which has other things happened; the situation did brought peace to Mizoram. And again, the not men~. as quickly as was expected; Congress-I not ~or)ly brought in Mr. other things have happened. But, you go Ulldenga, earlier it Had made him the Chief back to that pOint of time, when the Accord Minister when it had the majority in the As­ was~ned. sembly. Please remember this. And them, thereafter, the elections were held-, he formed the Covernment, not the Con... SHRI V. SOBHANADREESWARA RAO gress-I. It WdS well-known at that time, af­ (Vijayawada): For the sake of Haryana elec­ ter so rnany years out in the jungle etc., tion$, you have sent Mr. Bamala out, you they would rrol-,ably get the support of the have thrown Mr. BarnaJa. people. They got the suppot:t at the peC).. pie; they formed the -Government. Are SHRJ K. C. PANT: Who has won tbe these instances partisan politiCS or putting Haryana elections? Therefore, Please do the partisan interests above national inter- 447 Motion of No_ DECEMBER 10, 1987 CoundJof 448 Confidence in the Ministers [Shri K.C. Pantl stock prices c~hed. All 'Of you know that, the way the dollar cras~ in the intema.. ests7 So, I strongly refute the basic thrust tionaJ workJ. You know that. Even the in the arr.ments of Mr. Madhav Reddi al1d strongest of the economies IS sometimes Mr. Somnath Chatterjee I thin~ these facts subjected to such pressure. Ours is much dispute what they have said. I would more fragi.le in relation to that and yet this strongly urge that this kind of arguments drought came and hit us and along with does not strengthen their case at all, be­ that, floods, and yet we managed to remain cause I presume, they are as interested as stable on our feet and why don't we take we are .. in seeing that nonnalcy is restored credit for this? States and the Centre were in all these sensitive are~. And that it has together towards this end. It will give been done at the cost of ' the Congress.-I greater confidence to our people. Instead electoral fortunes is of no consequence to of that, should we cavil at small points? I this Government or to the Prime Minister. feel it is to the credit of all the Members of That goes entirely to the credit of the Prime this House that we have got over this; Minister--the signing of the Accord and drought as successfully as we have done. normalcy returned. Why should not we collectively take credit for this and give the people confidence? THE MINISTER OF ENERGY (SHRI VAS­ ANT SATHE): Nation above self. There were soffiJ! points which have a f

SHRI K. C. PANT: How do you know? I ThIS has been taken due notice of by begged you to be Members of that Com: the investigative agenCy. So, in this con­ mlttee. All of you. But you did not become text, to secure the maximum pOSSible in­ Members and by not bemg Members you formation for a very early finalisatlon of en­ have denl~d yourself information which quiry, the Government has recently de­ you would have had. I am not gomg to puted a group of officers representing the obhge you. (Interruptions) If you want to Directorate of Enforcement, the CBI, the become a Member, I Will, even today, Income Department and the Ministry of Fi­ make room for you. You fmd out. nance.

SHRI JAGOISH TYTLER: Mr. Jaipal SHRI S. JAIPAL REDDY: Have you sent Reddy, you say yes. them to SWItzerland?

SHRI K. C. PANT: A reference was made SHRI K C. PANT: To the Federal Re­ to the purchase of the submannes from public of Germany from where we have West Germany. In the Lok Sabha, a state­ purchased the submarine. ment was made by the former Raksha Rajya Mantn on Apnl 15th. I do not go mto the SHRI S. JAIPAL REDDY: They should details of that statement. But he had, I have gone to Switzerland. think, given broadly the three enquines whICh were instItuted at that tIme by the SHRI K. C. PANT: That was another Directorate of Enforcement, Ministry of Fi­ group. nance for investigation of Violation of For­ eign Exchange RegulatIon Act by the Cen­ SH RI S. JAI PAL REDDY: The same group tral Board of Direct Taxes for Violation of should have been sent. the Income-l ax Act; by the Economic Intel­ ligence Bureau, Mintstry of Fmance for a SH RI K. C. PANT: That has nothing to systematic study of the modus operandi of do with this. So, this group which went to all the agents; and a Similar Committee un­ West Germany has since submitted its re­ der the Defence Secretary to go into the port. Then, SIr, we took up the matter-­ modus operandi of agents in respect of the the Government took up the matter - with Defence deals. So these, broadly, were the the FRG Government. They, took the posi­ four Committees and thiS Committee the tion that the matter can be clarified only fourth one which is the Defence Ministry through the direct contact with the HOW has been set up on April 14 and is about to and they asked H OW to cooperate with complete Its work. This is point one. The the Indian Government in the matter. So, other point is that where does the matter we approached HOW. The HOW said that stand now? My implication is what hon. the allegations regarding the payment of Members wanted to know. I think Prof. Commission has surprised them very Dandavate seems to think that investiga­ much. H OW reported that and I quote: tions ha~e been stopped or have come to "This information is not corr~ct and can 451 Motion of No_ DECEMBER 10,1987 Council of 452 Confidence in the Ministers [Shri KC. Pant] THE MINISTER OF ENERGY (SHRI VAS­ ANT SATHE): Don't depend too much on only have been caused by misunderstand­ Hershman. ing. Negotiations under the contr~ct dated December 11, 1981 for the delivery 9f SH RI K C. PANT: Mr. Jaipal Reddy re· submarines and material packages were ferred to Glo~tech. (Interruptions) Now, held directly between Indian Government he referred to Globetech. Again, I will just, and H DW and the German Government give him the facts, as I have them and as I respectively without any agent being en­ have already given to the other House on gaged" When the matter was further pur­ August 31, 1987, I quote from my state­ sued with the H OW, they intimated: "That ment in the other House: "According to no commission was paid to any I ndian or information furnished by HDW, the Com­ non-Indian agent in India or abroad". pany engaged this Corporation, this Glo­ betech Intemational Corporation through SHRI S. JAIPAl REDDY: In the German an agreement effective from lune 1, 1982 Parliament, the Government of West Ger­ on payment of 6,000 Deutschmarks per many agreed that payment was made. month for providing support services and other activities for the tulfilment of the (Interruptions) contract. It should be noted that this Agreement became eff~ctive from June 1, SHRI K. C. PANT: No ... I have already 1982, while the contract for supply of sub­ told you that investigations are continumg. marines was signed by the Government of I am not coming to any conclusions. India on December 11, 1981. It has been further stated that the Globetech I nterna­ SHRI S. JAIPAl REDDY: But you have al· tional Corporation have no authority to act ready told this in the other House ... or negotiate tor or on behalt ot HOW. Ac­ cording to the information turnished by SHRI K. C. PANT: I am telling that is H OW, no commission was paid to this what the position is. I am telling you what Corporation in regard to the contract for they have said. I think you wanted to the supply of submarines. This mformation know. I have not come on my own. I is also the 5uoject-matterof the inquiries in won't have brought anything forward my­ progress. It is unfortunate that unwar­ self but you wanted to know. ·Professor ranted aspersions are being cast while the Madhu Dandavate moved an Adjournment inquiries are still in progress. Motion and he has been, in fact, pressing We are committed to conduct a thor­ for this information. Are you objecting to it? ough inquiry into this matter, and I can as­ sure the hon. Members that, under no cir­ cumstances whatsoever, shall the security SH RI S. JAI PAL REDDY: No, no ... But of the country be compromised. the enquiry will go on ... Now, with regard to the I PKF, I would SH RI K. C. PANT: I thought you are his not go into this matter in any detail, but I Supplementary Question. But you have am constrained to say something because become the main que<;tion now. He was Shri Jaipal Reddy made an amazingly wrong Starred Question and you are the Supple­ statement in the House. He said, if I heard mentary Question. him right, that "the number of casualties in Sri lanka hac; neen greatpr than the num­ PROF. MA.DHU DANDAVATE: Yours is ber of casualties in the 1971 war" ... 5-starred! SHRI S. JAIPAL REDDY: No I said, "In (Interruptions) 1971 operations in Bangladesh" not in 'war'. I did not refer to 'war'. SHRI K. C. PANT: Sir, he mentioned ... SHRI VASANT SATHE: What a distinc­ (Interruptions) tion! 453 Motion of No­ AGRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAJV\) Council of 454 Confidence in the Ministers SHRI K. C. PANT: In the 1971 opera­ not ha~e been don~. I ask them, "Alright; tion, the number of casualties was ten there IS a clean slate; you tell me what times higher than that in Sri Lanka. should have been done". But nobody Therefore, one should be very careful. I comes up with an answer,because it is un­ know Shri Jaipal Reddy for a very long ~erstandable. You have the Tamil's aspira­ number of years. I have great affection for tIons on the one hand; the legitim~te him. But let him not be carried by his own Tamil's aspirations must be satisfied. You eloquence. I know he has a certain com- have the Sri lanka as a country, whose ter­ mand of the language. I know he is a good ritorial integrity has to be preserv~d. And sculptor of words. But that is not enough. you have the security interests of this coun­ He must have his facts right because what try which are directly relate~ to many mat­ he says here has an impact on the rest of ters in that country. I don't want to spell it the country. Therefore, it is very necessary out; but all of you know it. in these matters to be very careful about making statements like this. They are apt When you have to reconcile these three to be mis-interpreted and to be taken ad­ vantage of by our enemies. So, I would re­ objectives with the kind of historical back· quest him, on defence matters particularly, ground of Sri Lanka - both the ethnic and the historical background - then one can to be extremely careful about facts. I know understand that it is not easy to find a solu­ that sometimes we slip up in these mat­ ters. I hope he does not misunderstand tion. But I can tell you that the solution my taking the libp.rty of telling him this. that was found reconciles the historical and ethnic background with these three objec­ The I PKF has, in fact, exercised self-re­ tives which will serve the interests of this straint and they have, in their quest to keep country and that of Sri Lanka. the civilian casualties down and the de­ struction of civilian property down, cer­ Therefore, it is very necessary for us in tainly suffered greater casualties than they this House to be clear-headed in this mat­ would have otherwise. This is sonlething ter. To be wea~-kneed is not the way to for which they should be praised, not con­ win battles. If we are going to get the Ac­ demned. (Interruptions) I do not find him cord implemented in all respects, which I clapping. I am surprised. They are your think is very much in the interest of this own galldnt soldiers. This is not a Party country, the continued support of all sec­ matter. Therefore, I would request you to tions of this House will be a very plus in fu­ lend your full support to them. They are ture. going to further the country's policy - as a part of the country's policy - and your sup­ port is going to strengthen them. Not only our support, but it will strengthen them to I would only like to add here that we know that all of us, whichever side of the have to keep the interests of Tamils in House we sit in, strengthen them and want mind. When the LTIE takes a position them to succeed in what they are doing. which is likely to jeopardise the interests ot That is why, I think that it is their due to the Tamils, it is for the LITE - which has get your support in full, your wholehearted brought this on itself - to realise this. After support, in this matter. all, at one stage the interim administration was almost firm with the l TIE in a majority. After all, here again as in relation to the They chose to give up that chance. I still other Accord which I mentioned earlier, I fail to understand the rationale as to why it would request you to consider the situation did so. But anyway they chose to do it. as it was when this Accord, this historic Ac­ And then a new chapter began. Then the cord, was signed. If it had not been there, ceasefire was there some time ago, again what would have been the situation 7 That they chose not to take advantage of it. So, is for you to consider today. I have met this particular problem has to be viewed in many 'friends who have said that this the broader perspective and in the inter­ should not have been done, that should ests of the Tamils as a whole. 455 Motion of No_ DECEMBER 10, 1987 Council of 456 Confidence in the Ministers SHRI N.V.N. SOMU (Madras North): In Motion is against the Government, not the presence of Shri K. C. PANT, Shri against the I ndian troops. 1ayewardene offered Rs. 10 lakhs for Shn Prabhakaran's life. He kept quiet on that (In terruptions) occasion. SHRI VASANT SATHE: That is true to SHRI K. C. PANT: Whatever Shrj your patriotism. Jayewardene does in his country is his business... (Interruptions)... Yes, in my PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: But it is presence also. I did not make him the too late in the day, Shn Vasant Sathe, to President of Sri Lanka... (Interruptions) ... It learn patriotism from you. is his business, I have not made him the President. SH RI K. C. PANT: Sir, I "You1d like now to Wind up. I have already taken a long SHRI S. JAIPAl REDDY: But you were in­ time. A reference was made to the leftist vited as the Chief Guest. parties rally yesterday. Some days ago there was a confederation of the regional SH RI K. C. PANT: Since you have raised parties also. Now from what I could un­ this issue, I will tell you two things. Firstly, derstand from Mr. Chatterjee's speech is he talked of this whole amnesty and he that he said thts rally is enough to throw said 'I withdraw the amnesty'. Later on he out this Government. said that if the conditions improve and if l TIE again comes back to the way of SHRI SOMNATH CHATIERJEE: I never peace, he will think of restoring the said that. (Interruptions) amnesty. That· is the one important point he made. The second point he made in the SHRI K. C. PANT: Good but the point ;s same Press Conference was, he said 'if the that my friends will have to walt for the IPKF had not helped me, if the Indian ballot box if they want to throw us out. I Prime Minister had not helped, then there am sorry to disappoint you because I do would have been chaos in Sri Lanka, there not want to disappoint you. After all every­ would have been economic ruin in Sri one has illusions. Why should I shatter lanka'. These were the phrases he used. your illusions? So, I think, you have to wait And he said 'if today the I PKF goes back, for the elections and while you pat yourself again there will be chaos in Sri Lanka'. on the back for having won some of the These were his words. Therefore, one has elections in the past none of you took no­ to keep a certain balance and a certain per­ tice of what happened in Nagaland. spective in these matters. SHRI BASUDEB ACHARIA: How much money you spent there? Though thiS point has not been raised, I would like to say only one word about (Interruptions) Slachen-Glacier incidents. I would like to say this only because our soldiers fighting at these heights in impossibly difficult con­ SH~' K. C. PANT: Sir, if I follow the logic ditions have fought gallantly and success­ of my fnt'lds then the CPI(M) has given fully. (Interruptions) I don't think the money in West Bengal and Keraia. The thrust of the No-Confidence Motion would AGP has given 11'loney in Assam. I have be compromised if they cheer the Indian trust in my people and I will not accept this troops. insult of the Naga people. This is an insult to the Naga people. You have had this PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: We will election in Nagaland and then although do it on our own; not at the whip of Shrj you would not like me to say it but I have Vyas. to talk of Guntur. (Interruptions) There was, I think, eight Ministers in that con­ SHRI K. C. PANT: The No-Confidence stituency. 457 Motion of No­ AGRAHAYANA 19,1909 (SAM) Council of 458 Confidence in the Ministers SHRI V. SOBHANADREESWARA RAO: trospection like that? I challenge you. Can How many Union Ministers had gone you quote anything like that from any party there? (Interruptions) leader anywhere ... (lnterruptions)... If that is not an example of- introspection, then SHRI K. C. PANT: Certainly our Minis­ what is? So I would like you to do some ters were also there. The serious point that introspection and to realise that here we you have to consider is that who was there have come with people's confidence. That in Nagaland? Which national party apart has brought us here. Your expressing no from the Congress (I) was there? Was confidence is not going to have any impact there any national party which fought those on that. Till you have won the people's elections? This is what you have to con­ confidence, you cannot hope to sit here. sider very seriously. There was neither ~he Please remember that. Janra party nor the CPI or the CPI(M). None of these parties was there. MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Shri H.K.l. Bha­ gat, it is already 7 o'clock. For how much SHRI BASUDEB ACHARIA: BJP was time we have to extend this debate be­ there. cause I have to seek permjssion of the House? SHRI K. C. PANT: BJP was there. I am happy he remembers BJ P. I thought he has THE MINISTER Of PARLIAMENTARY forgotten BJP. AFFAIRS AND MINISTER OF FOOD AND CIVIL SUPPLIES (SHRI H.K.L. BHAGAT): Then we talk of Cuntur. My hon. The time of this House be extended till friend's party in power came a g00d sec­ 8.30. If It is over earlier, we wm rise earlier. ond. They got a reasonable number of votes. Which was the third party? It was MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: I want to know CPl. What was the percentage of votes the sense of the House.' I think the House they got? I am not making a debating will accept that we ~tef!d the time up to point out of it. What I am saying is you 8.30. have to look at each of these things. I was there in Kerala elections. How many par­ MANY HON. MEMBERS: Yes. ties were there? So wherever you see from Nagaland to Kerala to Jammu and Kashmir MR. DEPUlY-SPEAKER: Now Shri Arif the only national party which fights these Mohammad ... elections is th~ Congress (I) party. Today the only party which can under-pin the (Interruptions)

unity of this country politically is I the Congress party. No conglomeration of MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Please order. motley group of Opposition parties with no common programme can replace it. [Translation]

f say this with regret because I would like that there should be a second party in SHRI ARIF MOHAMMAD KHAN this count~. But it is not for us to make (Bahraich): Mr. Deputy-Speaker, Sir, I am that party. It is not our responsibility. You grateful to you for providing me an oppor· have to do some introspection here. You tunity to speak on this motion of no-confi­ have to see. I want to tell you that unless dence. you do this introspection ... SHRI GIRDHARILAL VYAS (Bhilwara): You are great! (Interruptions) SHRI BASUDEB ACHARIA: You also do. SHRI ARIF MOHAI\t\~AAD KHAN: Sir, SHRI K. C. PANT: We have clone it. You have I said anything that makes thetlJ have quoted the Prime Minister's speech at laugh? Sir, First of all, I would like to say Bombay. Has any of you ever made an in- something about the pedantic and effica- 459 Motion of No_ DECEMBER 10, 1987 Council of 460 Confidence in the Ministers [Shri Arif Mohammad Khan] speeches which 'he used to be delivered as a leader of opposition in the U. P. Assem­ cious speeches delivered by Shri Bhagwat bly. As he concluded his speech with the Jha Azad, Shri R.L Bhatia and Shri Narayan recital of a Urdu couplet, I would also like Datt Tiwari. There is no denying the fact to recite a Urdu couplet. that one is bound to be impressed with their splendid manner of defending the 'Vayaz ka har. ek ershad Baza, government, particularly by Shri Bhagwat Takrir bahut di/chasp magar, Jha Azad and Shri R. L. Bhatia, who happen Ankho me surure isk nahin, to be General Secretaries to A.I.C.C. earlier. Chehre pe yakin ka nUT nahin". Now, I at least to believe t~at the splendid manner in which they put forward the case Sir, I am to submit that of Government in the House, will be re­ warded by way of issuance of necessary di­ "Ankho me SUTure isk nahin, rections by the leader of the House to the Chehre pe yakin ka nUT nahin". office bearers of his party that no disre­ spect would be shown to ex-General Secre­ Sir, so there was lack of confidence taries of A.l.e.C. while issuing statements somewhere. Sir, as I know that Shri Tiwar­ by them. The nlanner in which they are iji is a very sensitive and good man in the being insulted ... (Interruptions) Cabinet. I have least doubt in my mind that Shri Tiwariji belongs to that category of Sir, I would not mind it, because he is a men who are much pained when values new Member and he is not aware of the and principles of Congress Party are vio­ parliamentary practice and procedure. lated. This is because he is a man who was jailed and suffered for the cause of free­ Sir, I am saying this because they belong dom. He fought for freedom. So he to that category of persons who fought for wanted to preserve that freedom. independence and did sacrifices for the na­ (Interruptions) tion but when a new appointment was made in his party... (/nterruptions) PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: Ministers do not raise point of orders. SHRI JAGDISH lYTLER: What are you looking (upward) please look at us. You (Interruptions) stabbed in the back. SHRI ARIF MOHAMMAD KHAN: Mr. (Interruptions) Deputy-Speaker, Sir, while hon. Shri Mad­ hav Reddi was speaking on the motion SHRI ARIF MOHAMMAD KHAN: Sir, at which was moved in the morning, some­ such occasion, not only our senior leaders one interrupted him but whatever he said like them feel it very much, but even ordi­ was not so distressing. However, at that nary members of the party and persons rnoment han. leader stood up and said outside the party also feel it so, atleast in future, such statement may not be made. [English]

I was tonunate enough to work under "Some of the power brokers have gone the leadership of Shri Narayan Datt Tiwari to the other side". in the U. P. legislative Assembly when he was the leader of opposition there. Today, (Interruptions) he concluded his speech with recital of a Urdu couplet. As I have told earlier that he [Translation] delivered a pedantic speech in his usual manner and it was befitting with his expe· SHRI ARIF MOHAMMAD KHAN: Mr. rience. I have a hlgh regard for him. But Deputy Speaker, Sir, It has become a habit today his speech is lacking something with him. Whenever he interrupts, I will somewhere the style and gravity of his keep quiet. Therefore, let him speak. I 461 Motion of No- AGRAHAYANA 19,1909 (SAKA) Council of 462 Confidence In the , Ministers want to submit through you that the power SHRI JAGDISH lYTLER: He is not telling brokers cannot ha\(e the courage to chal­ the truth. lenge a despotic Government. These power brokers do never rise against autoc­ [Eng/ish] racy . ... (/nterruptions) ... Sir, those who have got the courage to challenge the authority MR. DE PUlY-SPEAKER: No interrup­ are known as the harbingers of charge and tions, please. pioneers of a movement. The power bro­ kers, according to the pure Pavlovian tradi­ [Translation 1 tions, are bound by their name, their na­ ture of work and culture to do such work SHRI ARIF MOHAMMAD KHA~: I am (Interruptions). If you want to stand up not talking about anyone else, but the and say something then I will sit down. manner in which hon. Shri Vidya Charan Sir, at present the political atmosphere is Shukla was arrested, and the matter was such that if ever anywhere, there are politi­ referred to the Privileges Committee by the cal differences, efforts are made , not for a Chair and it was agreed to that the Prima political solution, but to suppress the dis­ Facie case is there, breach of Privilege is sent with a feeling of revenge and by use of there, is nothing but the fadst tendencies. violent means threats and misuse of au­ Finally, what I want to say is this that we thority ... are a democracy and in a democracy there are certain norms. The leaders of the na­ SHRI DINESH GOSWAMI: This is what tional movement have made sacrifices to a they are doing, efforts are being made to great deal to establish a democratic system cow down a person who is speaking. in this country and to create a feeling for democracy among the people. Nobody is SHRI ARIF MOHAMMAD KHAN: This empowered to destroy democracy, not matter IS such that these people cannot be even those who are in power. Sir, I want blamed. If our Hon. Prime Minister can say to say that Instead of threatening to teach while addressing a rally and I quote "unko lessons to others, the Han. Prime Minister lt nani yaad dela denge , if the Prime Minister should remember his maternal grandfalher of India can use this kind of language, al­ and learn a lesson from him and develop a though I fully appreciate that he may have sense of respect for democracy. We may done so by mistake , he has not been to a remember Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru ... Hindi Medium School. But, it is unfortu­ nate that he has developed fascist tenden­ (Interruptions). cies after that speech.

SHRI R,AJAESHWAR NEEKHRA (Interruptions) (Hoshangabad): I want to remind the hon. Member that the Han. Prime Minister was [English] talking about teaching a lesson to Pak­ istan ... (lnterruptions) MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: No interrup­ tions, please. [English]

[Translation J SHRI ASUTOSH LAW: Sir, we are dis­ cussing the No-Confidence Motion. He is SHRI ARIF MOHAMMAD KHAN: And as attacking the Prime Minister. He is not a result of which, and I can say it with full talking to the point. He cannot speak like responsibility that all those people who this. have political differences with the Govern­ ment were attacked in their hOllses. Shri (Interruptions) Arun Nehru's residence was attacked, Shri Vishwanath Pratap's house and my house MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Mr. Khan you were also not spared and ... continue your speech. 463 Motion of No_ DECEMBER 10, 1987 Council of 464 Confidence in the Ministers SHRI ARlf MOHM1MAD KHAN; Sir, if has been said about it here, Shri Dinesh they will keep on disturbing me like this, Goswami has gone into details about the how can I continue my speech? Sir, I can­ Fairfax Report. I do not want to say much not fight with them. about it, but I want to ask one question re­ garding fairfax as to how the entire contro­ MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: You cannot ex­ versy started? What was the context in pect absolute silen~e in the House. When which this debate began? If so happened a discussion is on, some members may be that cert~in cases of FERA violation and speaking here and th~re. (Interruptions) economi~ offences had come up. In that one point was raised as to whether it had (Translation] been right to engage the Fairfax or not. Today I want to ask a question ... SHRI ARIF MOHAMMAD KHAN: Sir, the (Interruptions) . people of this country voted the Congress to power wit~ an outstanding major­ [English] ity ... (/nterruptions) ... It is all right. They are saying that the p~ple had voted for Shri SHRI ARIF MOHAMMAD KHAN: Sir, I Rajiv Gandtu, I accept it totally, that Shri cannot continue like this, If they will keep Rajiv Gandhi was responsible for this land­ on disturbing me, how can I continue? slide victory. He is the Prime Minister, the people had elected him. But I want to (Interruptions) subtnit one point... (Interruptions) SHRI DINESH GOSWAMI: You are not Actually Sir, the problem with him is as saying a single word to the other side. it is found in our scriptures that Motter rides on a donkey... (Interruptions) ... let (/nteauptions) him speak fi~t, then I will speak. Thus, people are afraid to approach the Mother, PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: You pull so they approach the donk~y and the mo­ them up. ron, animal thinks it to be his credit. During 1984 elections, we went to the people with MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: I am telling ev­ Shrimati Indira Gandhi's martyrdom as our erybody to cooperate: Trumpcard. We got their sympathy votes because of that and also for maintaining PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: Who is the unity and integrity of the country. We disturbing the House? Are you not seeing? promised in our election manifesto to con­ tinue the traditions set by Mahatma Gandhi (InterruptIons) and Shrimati Indira Gandhi and that we shall not compromise with communal and SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA: You do not say . disruptive forces. We said that we shall a single word to them. rather sacrifice our lives than compromis­ ing with them. But, what have we done af­ MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: I am telling ev­ ter coming to power? Is there any com­ erybody. munal party with which we have not com­ promised? You have compromised even PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: The with those Political Parties which raise Slo­ Prime Minister may have to speak at some gans of separatism and make every effort to stage. Don't forget. Then ... (Interruptions) organise riots and then spread the poison of communalism in this country. You have SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA: Just SE'e their even compromised with those elements behaviour Sir. which have tried to destroy the unity and integrity of this country. [Trans/ation]

We promised a dean administration. SHRI RAjKUMAR RAI (Ghosi): Mr. JBut what is happening today? A great deal Deputy-Speaker, Sir, a !ittle while ago, Shri 465 Motion of No­ ACRAHAYANA 19,1909 (SAIV\) Council of 466 Confidence in the Ministers Bhagat gave an explanation regarding straints that· we are not able to complete decorum and decen~ in the House ... our tasf<. But these people are satisfied in (Interruptions) ... How• it is being refused. our reply about excu~es of resource con­ He issues the party whip, why is he silent? straints. When the educated son or grand­ he has given an explanation to the Hon. son of the poor villages reads out from the Speaker ... (Jnterruptions)... Today he is newspaper to him that Government has silent. not provided drinking water in the villages but Rs.1300 crores have been deposited in SHRI ARIF MOHAMMAD KHAN: Sir, the foreign banks, then what "will be his reac­ election promises which we had made tion? Rs. 200 crores were received in whether relating to the Communal prob­ commissiGm in the Bofors deal or in the lem or to the unity and integrity of the submarine deal. What will be the effect on ::ountry, I was speaking in that context. I poor man, whose wife has to walk atleast Nanted to raise the same question about 10 Kms carrying a pitcher on her head to the Fanfax issue. All right, I accept the Re­ fet<;:h water, can only be imagir.ed ... port. You say that the Fairfax agency was (Interruptions) ... wrongly engaged. I want to tell you that even if it-was wrongly engaged, what hap­ SHRI JAI PRAKASH AGARWAL (Chandni pened to these guilty people? Will any ac­ Chowk): He appears to have soft corner for tion be taken against them? Have you ac­ the poor after having left the party... quired any information in that regard? Or (Interruptions) ... are you among those people who are little bothered about anythang outside their JU­ SHRI ARlf MOrlAN\MAD KHAN: If I had risdiction. For example, if a person after not seen the condition of the poor, I would committing a murder enters a train com­ not have left the party. My difference partment from one side and escapes from started on that very day when poor inno­ another and the Station Master writes a re­ cent women were deprived of their rights ... port that so and so person crossed the (Interruptions) railwdY tracks illegally and legal action should be initiated against him. Regarding murder, the Station Master states that he [English 1 was not concerned about it and that it is the job of the Police. SHRI ARlf MOHAMMAD KHAN: Shri­ man, please tell Shri Hansraj Bhardwaj not Similarly, IS your interest an the matter to direct me to finish my speech. He is limited to examining as to whether the nobody to direct me. Fairfax agency was engaged rightly or wrongly or is it also to inquire about large (Interruptions)"'''' sums of foreign exchange deposited in for­ eign banks by our people? For this pur­ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THI MIN­ pose, even if Inquines were conducted pn­ ISTRY OF LAW AND JUSTICE (SHRI H.R. vatelYt it does not matter. In the report is­ BHARDWAJ): Sir, he has mentioned my sued by the Swiss Banks, it was stated that narne. He has contested his elections·· Rs.1300 crores have been deposited there illegally. Sir, I want to submit, through you, I know I can prove it. that the matter may be regarding Rs.1300 crores which have been Siphoned abroad, MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: No, no. No or of Bofors or of the Submarine deal, but please. Not allowed. even after 40 years of independence, we SHRI DINESH GOSWAMI: ~ir, if he have not been ablE' to provide drinking wa­ knew it, why did he tolerate it till this time? ter to the people liviFlg in the rural areas Why rUd the Government tolerate him till and we tell them ... (Interruptions) ... We tell he reSigned? Why did the Prime Minister them that it is due to the resource con- tolerate him?

**Not recorded. 467 Motion of No_ DECEMBER 10, 1987 Council of 468 Confidence in the Ministers SHRI H. R. BHARDWAJ: I can name the correct, I will not only resign from the lawyer House but I will retire from politics and if his allegation is found to be incorrect. .. SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA: He made a personnel allegation SHRI H.R. BHARDWAJ: I will resign, if it is not found correct. (Interruptions) (Interruptions) PROF. tv\ADHU DANDAVATE: Sir, in the presence of the Prime Minister, he is mak­ [English] ing the allegation. SHRI H. R. BHARDWAJ: Mr. Deputy~ SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA: You approve of Speaker, Sir, I accept this challenge. I can his behaviour, I suppose. give you the names. I will produce it per~ sonally. (Interruptions) SHRI ARIF MOHAMMAD KHAN: His SHRI SOMNATH CHATTERJEE: Y(.'1 problem is that while dealing with the , have no right to be here. Union Carbide, he has become obsessed with the multinationals. (Interruptions) (lnteft uptions, SHRI INDRAJIT CUPTA: He is not a Member of this House. SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA: He is the .... and talking big things here. PROF. MADHU OANDAVATE: He does not know anything ... (Interruptions)

MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: He is a Minister. SHRI H. K BHARDWAJ: I will tell you everything. I know every bit of his past. I SHRI SOMNATH CHAITERjEE: He will accept this challenge. never contested the elections. '(interruptions) MR. DEPUTY-SPEAK~R: Please try to PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: He was avoid the- pxchange of personal allegations. directly inducted into the Cabinet. (Interruptions) [Translation 1 MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: I request the Members to avoid personal allegations like SHRI ARIF MOHAMMAD KHAN: I am this . . not among those who express their reac­ tion as expressed by Shri Hansraj Bhard­ (Interruptions) waj. However, I would like to tell you that how baseless and wrong thing has been PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: You send said by Shri Hansraj Bhardwaj. I do not him back to Tis Hazan Court. want to go into its merits, but one thing which I would like to say is that I am not (Interruptions) among those who would like to deny it by saying that he is stating a wrong thing. I SHRI ARIF MOHAMMAD KHAN: I am would like to request that eithe"r this matter asking my colleagues not to get angry be­ may be referred to the Committee of Privi­ cause I sympathise wit~ him. His term is leges or enquired into by some any other coming to an end after two months, in the agency, as you may think proper and if the allegation made by Shri Bhardwaj is found other House. (Interruptions) ··Not recorded. 469 Motion of No­ ACRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAJV\) Council of 470 Confidenre in the Ministers. SHRI ARIF MOHAMMAD KHAN: Please [Trans/ation] go and make as many wild allegations as you like. I am on record, I am saying this, if SHRI ARIF MOHAMMAD KHAN: Sir, anything which you have said is proved, I hon'bte Defence Minister was referring to am ready to suffer any punishment. Bofors iss~. A lot of tilings have already been said abo.ut corruption. Sir,' have MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: The personal nothing to add in it. However, I would like allegations will not go on record. to say one thing. Recently, five days ago, when the Chairman and other high officials SHRI SOMNATH CHATIERJEE: Why he of Bofors Company visited I ndia in connec­ has come here 7 tion with Bofors issue, it was published in the news-papers that a sum amounting to PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: It is only Rs.200 crore was given to some three for­ because he is a Minister. We have to toler­ eign companies for this deal. Earlier it was ate him. known to the people of I ndia that a bribe amounting to Rs.53 or Rs.56 crore only was [Translation] given for this deal. It has not been contra­ dicted by anyone. SHRI ARIF MOHAMMAD KHAN: If I say that he is talking about multinationals. Sir, I may submit that the ultimate Now I have no such contract pertaining to sovereignty ot the country is vested in thp Air India which I could award the same to people ar.d its elected representatives are other country. sitting here. This is a deal concerning the security of borders of the country. Who are [EnglisnJ those foreigp companies who are influ­ encing the deals concerning defence of our (Interruptions) borders and received commiSSion amounting to Rs.200 crore in our defence MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Wind up, Mr. deal? Arif. Sir, I am not talking with a point of view (Interruptions) Qf corruptiof\. I am not making any allega­ tion also. But people of I ndia are very SHRI ARIF MOHAMMAD KHAN: Sir, I much concerned about this. Sir, as you really enjoy this hooting .. know, a burnt child dreads the fire, this country lost its freedom in the hands of a foreign company. Sir, at that time, the En· (Interruptions) glish people had not come here with their bands of army. This country lost its fr~e­ MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Wind up. Your dom in the hands of a commercial com­ 25 minutes are over, Mr Arif. Already the pany. Let it be known as to who are these time is over. (Interruptions) three foreign companies who are influenc­ ing our defence deals. During the last days SHRI ARIF MOHAtviMAD KHAN: Out of of Moghuls ... the 25 minutes, they have taken 20 min­ utes. I cannot be held responsible for the (Interruptions) din they have created. [English) MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: No; I cannot allow. That is not the point. MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Next Mr. Chu­ lam Nabi Azad. SHRI ARIF MOHAMMAD KHAN: How can I be held responsible? (Interruptions)

MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Please wind up. MR. DEPUn'-SPEAKER: I have given you .471 Motion of No_ DECEMBER 10, 1987 Council of 472 Confidence in the Ministers [Mr. Deputy Speaker] SHRI ARIF MOHAMMAD KHAN: How can I speak, Sir, when they don't let me? sufficient time. No; no. Please wind up. (Interruptions) (Interruptions) MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Wind up; please SHRI ARIF MOHAMMAD KHAN:. Sir, wind up. (Interruptions) they are giving their time to me. (Interruptions) SHRI PIYUS TIRAKY (Alipurduars): How much time of mine is there, Sir? MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: I cannot allow (Interruptions) it; try to wind up. MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Already he has SHRI ARIF MOHAM~D KHAN: Sir, I exhausted the whole of his time. know i~. Yesterday, we have seen that (Interruptions) Mr!Tiraky, the time for you when a certain appeal was made to you, comes only to two minutes - according to you were kind enough to revise your ruling. the time allotted. We have seen. You were very kind, Sir. (Interruptions) MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: No; I had never given tne ruling. You are very wrong. I MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: You take 1'vo never gave any ruling yesterday. I only minutes. gave some suggestions. (Interruptions)

SHRI ARIF MOHAMMAD KHAN: I am not going into details. I am only saying you SHRI ARIF MOHAI\t\MAD KHAN: They are very kind. (Interruptions) are all giving their timp to me. After that, you can ask them to reply. You can check [Transla tion J up with the Secretary-General whether the time of the othpr members can be trans- Sir, the question is this that who are ferred. these three foreign companies who are in­ terfering In our Internal affairs. (Interruptions)

Sir, I would like to remind my col­ MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: How can I say 7 leagues that during the last days of Moghuts when the Britisher took Delhi and (Interruptions) rest of the country in their control, the King was very much present In the Red Fort. At SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA: Has he beconle that time, somebody had offered foll'.)wing the Speaker or the Deputy Speaker? Who ·comments - is he? (Interruptions)

"Khalk Khuda Ka, Mulk Bhadshah Ka, MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Don't waste the Hukumat Company Sarkar Ki." time?

Who are these comparues who are rul­ SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA: Don't behave ing today? Today, they have been given like this. (Interruptions) sums amounting to Rs.200 crores, tomor­ row other documents relating to our de­ [Translation 1 fence deals would reach them. Then it will SHRI ARIF MOHM1MAD KHAN: Sir, pose a danger to the secunty of our coun­ any reference with regard to Bofors and the try. submarine deals .is bound to evoke such [English 1 type of reaction. It is natural. Where one is gUilty conscious, and one feel gUilty in his MR. DEPUTY·SPEAKER: Wind up, Mr sub-conscious, a voice must come from Arif. there. After all, it is a matter concerning 473 Motion of No- ACRAHAYANA 19, 1909'(SAM) Council of 474 Confidence in the Ministers the security of our country. If they have can understand their attitude and have committed some mistakes, their conscious full sympathy with them. mind must be repenting. I understand your difficulty ... (Interruptions) ... I would like to make one more submis­ sion. The country is facing severe drought. Sir, once again, I repeat, I am not mak­ We are taking loans from foreign countries ing any allegation, that till 31 st December, and affecting cuts in our expenditure. But 1984, the Prime Minister was himself the ~ir, tnrough you I would like to ask as to Defence Minister of th~ country but in Jan­ who was the Minister of Water Resources uary, 1987, when there was likely danger of when the country experiencpd severe foreign invasion on the country, Prime drought? Shri Shankaranand was the Min. Minister handed over the charge of the ister of Water Resources and the people i'i Defence Ministry to one of his colleagues. the country were clamouring for watef. The Prime Minister took over the charge of More than half of the country was affected some other Ministry in such a critical situa­ by drought. At that time Shri tion. Sir, generally leader of a Government Shankaranand was made to resign and take shoulders bigger responsibilities at the time over as the Chairman of the Bofors Com­ of danger, but I find for the first time that mittee. I fail to understand whether Gov­ responsibility has been shifted to a junior ernment was interested. in the drought re­ colleague at this cntlcal time. As such in lief work or 10 hushing up the Bofors issue. the matters of secunty his approach ... I am unable to follow it~ (Interruptions)

[English] Sir, I told one thing at the beginmng that the people of this country feel that the Mr. Patel has also given his time to me. confidence they had expressed 3 years ago has now been betrayed. (Interruptions) (Interruptions) MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKFR: Including that, [English] 30 minutes are over. MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: You are audtble to me. You go on speaking. (InterruptIons) (Interruptions) SHRI ARlf MOHAMMAD KHAN: What can I do it they do not allow me to speak? SHRI SOMNATH CHATTERJEE: Why don't you tell him 7 This is not the way... MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: That is not an excuse. (Interruptions)

(Interruptions) SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA: Where is Mr. Bhagat's willp? (Interruptions) SHRI ARIF MOHAMfv\AD KHAN: I am finishing wlthm five minutes. SHRI SOMNATH CHAnERJE~: Who is heckling? Why he is not being asked to (Interruptiora stop? (Interruptions)

MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: I cannot give SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA: This is the dis­ you five minutes. You please wind up. cipline your party is shOWing. They do not Nobody will be able to speak even If you have the courage to stop this ... take ... (Interruptions) (In terruptions)

[Translation] MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: What do you want me to do? SHRI ARIF MOHAMMAD KHAN: Sir, I (Interruptions) 475 Motion of No­ DECf".. ~BER 10, 1987 Council of 476 Confidence in the Ministers MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: have already visiting the same counfry and negotiating told the menlbers to be silent. some peculiar deal with them. It is alright if ~ne has liki'1g for foreign goods. They (Interruptions ~ may get the imported beds fixed ;n the aeroplanes, imported towels from abroad, Mit DEPUTY-SPEAKER: I cannot allow use imported cnappals and one member to go on speaking like this. spoons... (Interruptions)

(Interruptions) But do not say go bye to the principles and ideals. I know these people since the SHRI V. SOBHANADREESWARA RAO: time I tendered my resignation from the Why don't you tell them to remain silent? Ministr,t. TheY'were telling something ~se (Interruptions) to me privately and some other thing here. I am not going to pronounce the name of [Translation] anyone of them. (Interruptions) This dis­ cussion took place for 2 to 3 days. My se­ SHRI ARIF MOHAMMAD KHAN: nior colleague as well as Senior Minister, (Interruptions) Shri Shiv Shankar passed S9r.ne, derogatory remarks against the Supreme Court. After At present the common man of this going through the Fairfax report it was re­ country feels ~hat he has been betrayed. vealed that Shri Shiv Shankar was referring The ideals and principles inherited from the to Thakkar - Natrajan Commission Report time- of freedom struggle in the country and not the Supreme Court. The economic have been given a go bye. offenders against whqm the action was ini­ tiated ... (lnterruptions) ... I am summing up. We were born after the 'independence. Why lose tempers over Fairfax re­ But we have read in the books that our port ... (Interruptions) leaders used to say SwaraJ is Swadeshi. If the government is sincere action They felt pride in being an Indian using In­ should be taken on the basis of Fairfax re­ dian goods and promoting the spirit of In­ port. I am sure that the Fairfax report will dianness. When swadeshi slogan was meet the same fate as other judicial institu­ given, top leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, tions which are used for political gains as in Pandit Motilal Nehru, Pandit Jawaharlal case of State Commission. Because usually Nehru, Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri, Moulana these Commission are set up to harass the Azad, Sardar Patel burnt the foreign goods political rivals with a motive to take re­ and foreign clothes on the roads. Pandit venge -against them. (Interruptions) Jawaharlal Nehru was the first Prime Minis­ ter, Emperor of this country without This report has been prepared to harass meaning a crown. When he used to say the political rivals and misuse power. that he will continue to remain the Prime Minister of the country for life, the people I shall conclude with the following cou­ would say that he may continue as such plet. with pleasure. In spite of this much popu­ larity and so much strength he travelled by ''Tumhin Dilvar, Tumhin Katil Ho, a car made in India. His car did not go out Tumhin Munsif Thahre of order so after while coming to office Akarba Mere, Khun Ka Dava Karun from his residence ... (Interruptions). Be­ Kls par" cause the car was made in India, it 'Could have gone out of order frequently. The The Government is misusing power. Prime Minister of India used to travel by a But the people of this country will no car made in India with a view to create a longer tolerate. They will not hesitate to feeling of Pride for Indian goods. To-day make any sacrifice to save the democracy, we find that gifts of cars are being received the secularism, the self·reliance of this daily. After a couple of days we know fram country and the foreign policy of Pandit the newspapers that Shri Jagdish Tytler is Nehru. 4n Motion of No­ ACRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAM) Council of 478 Confidence in the Ministers SHRI GHUI.M1 NABI AZAD (Washim): [Eng/ish] Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, empty vessels make much noise! The vote of 'no-confi­ SHRI C. MADHAV RED~: On a point of dence' today has been moved by the op­ order.. The hon. Member is referring to position. One regrets that those very peo­ certain matters which are sub judice in ple who have themselves always been Andhra Pradesh High Court. It is not in against socialism, are today speaking in order. He cannot mention it... favour of it. Mr. Madhav Reddi, whom I (Interruptions) hold in high esteem has blamed Congress in his speech, that it has forgotten Social­ [Translation) ism. But perhaps he has forgotten how much faith does the hon. Chief Minister SHRI CHULAM NABI AZAD: May I ask himself has in Socialism, who is raisang slo­ whEither the Telugu Desham Government gans in favour of it in Andhra Pradesh. Is it has not changed the na'TIe of assistance not a fact that even today he owns half-a­ being given by the Central Government dozen Cinema halls and studios ... under N.R.E.P. and R.l.E.C.P. to the states. Mr. Madhav Reddi has saiti a very appro~ (Interruptions) priate thing in his speeCih : I would like to tell him that Abraham lincoJn had placed a [English] principle before the whole world. SHRI M. RAGHUMA REDDY (Nalgonda); I am on a point of order. This [English] is No-Confidence Motion agamst the Gov­ ernment of India. Government for the people, of the peo­ (Interruptions) ple and by the people. SHRI GHUlAM NABI AZAD: At least he owns and his son owns four theatres a~d [Translation] four studios. But is it not a fact that in Andhra PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: He can­ Pradesh an almost. similar slogan is being not refer to the Chief Minister in this raised now-a-days VIZ. House ... (Interruptions) [English] SHRI GHULAM NABI AZAO: He is the Government for the family, of the family leader of the State leg'slatlure ... (Interruptions) and by the family.

MR. DEPUTY-SPEAK~R: Mr. Azad, do SHRI M. RAGHUMA REDDY: What not mention about the Chief Minister. about Congress? This is what is going on in the Congress. (Interruptions)

[Trans/atlon] [Trans/a tion] SHRI GHUl..M\ NABI AZAD: You should remember that those living in glass-houses SHRI GHUL 1 NABI AlAD: Our C.P.M. should not throw stones on others. When colleagues have leen criticising Congress Rs.s thousand were given annually to every Party and have been asking for the Hon. Minister and Chief Minister in Andhra Prime Minister's reSignation for the past Pradesh, then may I ask that there** few months Statements are being Issued I every part of India that the Prime Minis­ ttr should resign and elections should be (Interruptions) held again, but when even the smallest hNot recorded. 479 Motion of No_ DECEMBER 10,1987 Council of 480 Confidence in the Ministers [Shri Ghulam Nabi Azad] West Bengal is only zero conlmunism, ~n thing' is said from our side or by Hon. the- basis of which they have come In power. They have only one sole aim that Prime Minister. that the development work is not progressing well in a particular state, somehow they should come in power. then we are blamed for that it will not be They do not mind even if the~ have to commit a .political tnurder to achieve shQrt an exaggeration if I say that no Govern­ end. which were eco­ ment worth its name exists in Bengal, be­ leftist Policies, nomic-based and socialist-based, are trying cause a government which is un~ble to keep its secretariat dean, has no nght to to come i~ power by forgetting all those policies. (Interruptions) renlain in power. Our Janata Party colleague, was criticis­ (Interruptions) ing the Government and finding faults by using bombastic terminology selected by SHRI BASUDEB ACHARIA: What has he him from the dictionary. What to say about said about the secretariat? Janata Party? "Janata" has already slipped out of their hands, and it seems that the SHRI GHULAM NABI AZAD: Mr. Deputy nallle of "Party" which is still going on, will Speaker, Sir, while in the Ministry of Food, also vanish witbin the next two years. But I when I went to meet the hon. Chief Minis­ would like to remind him what he and ter of West Bengal in his secretariat, I saw some of his companions narrated today that the fans installed there were full of and a few months back, that the Congress­ cobwebs and while passing through that Party had exploited the emotions which place my dress was spoiled by c_obwebs. I were prevailing after Mrs. Gandhi's death, had to tell the State Minister of Food that In order to come in power. for heaven's sake these cobwebs may be got removed from the ho~. ~hief Mints~e~'s AN HON. MI::MBER: This IS very true. Secretariat. The Chief Ministers or Minis­ ters who are incapable of getting the cob­ SHRI CHULAM NABI AZAD: There is no webs removed from the Chief Ministers' doubt that Mrs. Indira Candhi was mur­ Secretariat, cannot nJn the government of dered. I would like to repeat here that the West Bengal. .. (Interruptions) leader of Janata Pa~ \vhether Mr. Morarji Desdi or Mr. Chandrashekhar, they gave You should see the condition of the their statements that a lot of expenditure is roads, buses and administration in Bengal, being incurred on the security of the hon. no government worth its name exists Prime Minister and I wOllld like to remind there ... (Interruptions) you Mr. Reddy, that it was people like you, who always said that Mrs. Gandhi speaks [English] of a threat to her life, only to divert the at­ tention of the people, and it is because of SHRI BASUDEB ACHARIA: Four hun­ your speeches that Mrs. Candhi did not get dred persons 'have died in Orissa du{' to the security which she deserved. starvation. At present the rnembers. 01 Janata Party, SHRI GHULAM NABI AZAD: That was whether Mr, Morarji Desai or Mr" Ch~n­ enough for you. Now let me speak. drashekhar say that a lot of money IS beang spent on Mr. Rajiv Gandhi. Should we [Translation] conclude from this that they hav~ not g?c:>d intentions about the present Pnme MiniS­ I do not oppose' the policy of C.P.M. ter too? Do they want that on the hon. The leftist POlicies had always been based Prime Minister of India... (Interruptions) on economics. They alwayS had a feeling of seNing the people. But unfortunately, [English 1 today there is no Communism in our coun­ ~HRI CHUlAM NABI AZAD: I am not try, the so-called communism running in yielding. 'am not going to yield. 481 Motion of No· AGRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAKA) Council of 4B2 Confidence in the Ministers [Translation) SHRI ARIF MOHAMMAD KHAN: I can- not distract my eyes from your face. . I may tell this House, that I suspect their intention that regarding the security of SHRI CHUlAM NABI AZAD: That's your the hone Prime Minister... (/nterruption~) ... Because they tried their best during the last old h~bit to star~ at beautiful people. three years, and even before that. Even SHRI ARIF MOHAMMAD KHAN: This is today they want to come in power some­ good, atleast you appreciate it; how, but they have succeeded in coming to power and even now their desire is that SHRI GHULAM NABI AZAD: Mr. the security of India's hone Prime Minister Deputy- Speaker, Sir, our friend is associ­ may decrease, but their intentions will ated with that group which has neither any never be fulfilled. policy nor programme..

Ifnglishi , AN HON. MEMB~R: It's not a party, it is just hotch-potch. SHRI S. JAIPAl REDDY: Sir, I am on a personal clarification. You were in the SHRI ARIF, MOHAMMAD KHAN: It is Chair when I spoke. Did I refer to any ex­ penditure incurred on the security of the better than those who spoke against I n­ Prime .Minister? No. He is putting the draji in 1978, joined the Government of Chaudhry Saheb and then again joined this words in my mou~. I only talked of the expendirtJre. Govemment.

(Interruptions) ... (In terruptions)

SHRI GHU~ NABI AZAD: Here Gov­ MR. DEPUTY·SPEAKER: You have ob­ ernment and leader were severely criti­ Jected, that is all. cised ... you sit down. But he is associated with those countrymen, •• Vishwanath . SHRI S. JAIPAl REDDY: He must apolo­ Singhji who was involved in the Fairfax ... gise. (Interruptions) (Interruptions) MR. DEPU fY-SPEAKER: You have al­ [Eng/ish] ready said that you have not said so. That is all. SHRI S. JAIPAl REDDY: Sir, he is not a [Translation] Member of this House. (Interruptions)

SHKI GHUlAM NABI AZAD: Mr. SHRI CHUlAM NABI AZAD: He W~ a Minister here. I am talking of the previous Deputy·Speaker, Sir, some leaders of old and some others of new Parties have ex­ Minister. (interruptions) pressed their views. "Bade Miyan So Bade Miyan, Chote Miyan Subhan NJah" new . MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: He was a former Minister and he is referring to him. Muslim convert in the bigg~st communal. He tries to assert his position by speaking I~der and louder so tha~ people may be­ (Interruptions) lieve that he is a new Muslim convert. On the same- lines while making fiery speeches 20.00 h.,s. Shri Arif Mohammad Khan, friend of new muslims, though addressing the hon. SHRI S. JAIPAl REDDY: You r~d the Speaker, but was actually trying to impress Rules of Procedure. You need to be edu­ upon the press people for pub'icity. cated .

•• N ot recorded. 483 Motlon of No_ DECEMBER 10, 1987 Council of 484 Confidence in the Ministers MR. DEPUlY-SPEAKER: Don't edu~te SHRI S. JAiPAL REDDY: Even then he me, you educate yourself first and then cannot use these unparliamentary terms. come to the House. Educate yourself. (Interruptions)

(Interruptions) SHRI BASUDEB ACHARIA: You don't follow Hindi, Sir. SHRJ S. JAIPAl REDDY: We are not go­ ing to tolerate that. ~R DEPUTY-SPEAKER: t' can follow it. The Interpretation is there. I can follow (Interruptions) don't wony. I

MR. DEPUlY-SPEAKER: Please order. (Interruptions) Please listen to me. If he says he was a fonner Minister, how can I deny the oppor­ SHRI CHULAM N~I AZAD: Mr. tunity to him to say sQ1 If he makes any Deputy·Speaker, I will not take his name, I pe1-sonal allegation, I will expunge it. will say 'hero of Fairfax.'

(Interruptions) [Translation]

MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: If he makes any Can there be any other shameful thing personnel allegation or anything, then only for the country. Commission has said I cannot allow. If he says he was a fonner about hero of Fairfa.'C', their leader that Minister, how can I deny him the opportu­ when he was the Finance Minister, the nity to say that? companies were under the control of Min­ istry ~f Finance ... (/nterruptions) ... Mr. (Interruptions) Deputy-Speaker, Sir, how shameful it is for the country that when he was Defence SHRI ARIF MOHAMMAD KHAN: Sir, I Minister.... (lnterruptions)... In India we am on a point of order. have always lauded rile rQie 'Of Defence forces and have praised our weapons but (Interruptions) today our head bows down in shame when a former Defence Minister of India says MR. DEPUTY·SPEAKER: What is your that. our weapons are useless ancf i'1ferior.. point of order? In my view there cannot be anything worst than this for the people of India ... SHRI ARIF MOHAMMAD KHAN: Sir, the (Interruptions) ... purpose is, since the term which has been used is in Urdu, the term which has been Mr. Deputy-speaker, will these state­ used is •• means·· and·· ments not be having demoraliSing effect on means·· our Defence Forces. Can't we say that as the Ex-Defence Minister Whatever he said Can you allow these terms to go on about the quality of weapons, if comes to record? the notice of soldiers fighting enemy in the battle field, will have adverse affect on their morale. This statement had been made by DEPUlY-SPfAKER: it is MR. If unparliamen­ none else than leader of Jan Morcha. tary, I will expunge it. There can be no serious danger than this SHRI ARIF MOHAIV\tv\AO KHAN: He is for the people and forces of India. the person who is not present here, who is (Interruptions) ... If this pinches them then not a Member of this House ... I will say about another leader of Ja~ Mor­ chat your friend, your leader Mr. Nehru. MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: If it is unparlia­ He is a member of this august H~e. mentary, I will expunge it. What else1 Can't we say about him .

•• Not recorded. 485 Motion of No­ ACRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAIV\) Coundlof 486 Confidence in the Ministers THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN .. [English] ISTRV OF lAW AND JUSTICE (SHRI H.R. BHARDWAJ): He is behind alt this SHRI K.P. UNNIKRISHNAN (Badagara): .\. (Interruptions) ... That thing cannot be said either directly or indirectly to him. SHRJ GHUl..M4 NABI AZAD: Mr. Deputy Speaker, now they are talking of honesty SHRI ARIF MOHAMMAD KHAN: Even if and integrity. When Mr. Arun Nehru was a you want to make an allegation, you have Member of the ruling party, was it not said to refer to the Member in respect of the by these press and opposition people.•• term. You can refer to the rules. Unfortu.. Did they not used to say •• did they not nately, they are suffering from ... INani yael used to say that he prevents people from dilayen' ... meeting the Prime Minister, he is·· be­ tween people and the H on. Prime Minister (Interruptions) ... (/nterruptions). ~ MR. DE PUTY-SPfA\

(Interruptions) THE MINJSTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ ISTRY OF CIVil AVIATION AND MINfSTER I am quotmg the rules. J am on a point OF STAlE OF THE MINISTRY Of TOURISM of order. Mr. Nun Nehru is an han. Mem .. (SHRI JACDISH TYTLER): Teach a lesson to ber of this House. And Mr. Ghulam Nabi P.akistan. .. (Interruptions) ... Azad who was in the past, a member in the Council of Ministers should be consdous of SHRI CHUl.M4 NABI AlAD: He is dis· the parfiamentary conventions and eti­ tressed about the companies. His friepd quettes. He sajd something in Urdu. I has more infonnation about his companies. would not like to translate it M,\ to English. (Interruptions) [Translation] SHRI SHRIPATI MISHAA (Machhli­ Can anyone use unparliamentary lan­ shahr): Suppose, they have become hon­ guage- in this House 1 (Interruptions) est... (Interruptions)

SHRI 'YCHULAM NABI AZAD: After [English] crossing over they have become honest. When they were with us, till then ••. He was speaking in Urdu. You please put it. It will be for you to understand the After crossing over he has become translation. honest. If my friends have over this [Translation 1 ... (lnterruptions) ... I would like to read a Shri Arun Nehru who is an hon. Mem­ couplet in Urdu for my friend ... ber of tbis August House. They used to say "Itn; Na lW:Ja Pakiay Damo I(J Hikayat. about Mr. ANn Nehru. Mr. Arun Nehru •• was ..... Dam~n Ko lara Dekh bra Bande Kuba Dekh,· (Interruptions) (Interruptions·)

• It! Not recorded. 487 Motion of No_ DECEMBER 10, 1987 :ounci/of 488 Confidence in the Ministers [Eng/ish) tees. On the other hand members of the C.P.I.(M) and Jan Morcha have been visit­ SH RI NvtAl OAITA: You can ask him to ing rural areas of the country and conspir­ finish his speech now. ing to topple the government. Is thjs not a matter of shame? They shed crocodile SHRI NARAYAN CHOUBEY: He should tears. They say one thing in the House and finish it now. another thing in public. T~ey talk of drought, flood and relief in the House. (Interruptions) May I ask what the Oppos:tion parties were domg when the COtlgress govern­ MR. DEPUTY~SPEAKER: Vvho are you to ment and the Congress party were en­ tell him? gaged in drought relief work in the entire country. They were organising rallies SHk. NARAYAN CHOUBEY: I am a throughout the country and provGking member of this House. people against the governmeQt. They should be ashamed of themselves. On one MR JEPUTY-SPEAKER: You can come hand leaders of Janta MorchC\ accuse the and ask me. I '..viii answer it. Congress of being miserly but on the other hand the same Janta Morcha leaders travel (Interruptions) around in taxis and spen~ Rs. 5 lakhs to Rs. 10 lakhs on just one rally. And now they MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: He is not are talking of morality. I want to say that speaking from your Party time. When all of immorality is not restricted to monetary you offered, I have given him time. Now, matters alone; mental immorality is the the Congress Party is offering him time. worst kind of immorality. Corrupt jon exists in the whole world and Dot in India alone. (Interruptions) Corruption can be reduced. It a person is mentally immoral there IS no remedy. But SHRI GHUt_M,\ NAB. AZAD: That is members of the Janta Morcha are so im­ none of your business. That IS for Mr. moral that they do not agree with our poli­ Deputy-Speaker. I am taking my party's cies, they have no faith in the leader of the time. Congress party and in our Prime !\1inister but on the other hand when it comes to SHRI Nv1Al DAnA: Your party has no voting they press the button and vote in more time. our favour, in the favour of our policies. But in public they condemn us. Is this not MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: He is having immorality? This is the worst kind of im­ time. morality. I shall say that Shri Hardwari lal is. ten times better than him. When Shri SHRI Ml\AL DAnA: It is a mistake. Hardwan Lal has differences with his party on its leadership he tenders his resignation MR. DEPUlY-SPEAKER: I know how and then fights for elections. If he has any much time is to be allotted. Therefore, he morals left in han) he should resign from can take the time. I will allow. Don't the Congress and say that he has no faith worry. in the Congress leadership.

[Translation] [English]

SHRI GHUlAN\ NABI AZAD: Mr. SHRI ARIF MOHAMMAD KHAN: He has Deputy-Speaker, he pointed out that nO' demanded my resignation and I have to a!isistance was provided when there was make submission. drought in the country. We had converted district Congress Committees and Pradesh SHRI CHULAM NABI AZAD: I am not Congress Committees into relief CO~Tt~ mentioning Mr. Anf Mohammad Khan in 489 Motion of No- ACRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAICA) Council of 490 Confidence in the Ministers particular. I am talking about all those who stood up because I am prepared to re· are talking against the Congress party and spond to what you have said. Congress leadership but still sticking to~ (Interruptions) Congress me~bership. (English] (Interruptions) MR. DEPUlY-SPEAKfR: Please take your SHRI S. JAIPAl REDDY: Sir, you please seat. Order please. pull him up. (Interruptions) MR. DEPUTY·SPEAKER: It will not go on I you record. told already. MR. DEPUlY-SPEAKER: Nothing will go (interruptions) on record. I am not allowing. MR. DFPUTY-SPEAKER: That word has already been expunged. (Interruption)· *

(Interruptions) MR. DEPUTY·SPEAkER: Order please. I told you in the beginning itself that any SHRI ARlf MOHAt\tMAD KHAN: Sir, personal allegation will not go on record. please ask him to use Parliamentary lan­ Nothing will go on record. Please sit guage and not Doon School English. down. (Interruptions)·· (Interruptions)

[Trans/ation] MR. DE PUTY .. SPEAKE R: May I request hon. Members to take their seats first? SHRI GHUlAM NAB I AZAD: Sir, I shall not say It publicly to Shri Arif Mohammad (Interruptions) Khan. SHRI ARIF MOHAMMAD KHAN: Sir, Jan (Interruptions) Morcha is not registered as a political party. It is not registered with the Lok [English] Sabha Secretariat. Why is he suffering? Is he suffering from some fear of Jan Morcha? SHRI V. KISHORE CHANDRA S. DEO He is obsessed with Jan Morcha. Jan Mor­ (Parvathipuram): What about the two cha will fight against all the evil forces. Members who joined from our Are party. (Interruptions) they not defecton: 1 What about them 7

(Interruptions) [Translation]

SHRI RAM DHAN (Lalganj): What is the SHRI GHULAM NABI AZAD: You are difference between Janta Morcha and Jan also a party ... (Interruptions). You are also Morcha7 ... (Interruptions) one of the defectors ... (Interruptions). Birds of the same feather flock together. You SHRI RAJ KUMAR RAI: We have come also belong to the same category. here to protect the interests of the masses. We have been sent here by the masses, not [Trans/ation] on someone's mercy... (Interruptions). We are not here on someone's mercy. We are SHRI ARIF MOHAMMAD KHAN: I have representatives of the people.

"·Not recorded. 491 Motion of No_ DeCEMBER 10, 1987 Coundlof 492 Confidence in the Ministers SH'RI RAM DHAN: What is the differ.. SHf

S. SUTA SINGH: We will see today how SHRI RAJ KUMAR RAI: These people they vote. talk like this ... (Interruptions) (Interruptions) SHRI GHULAM NABI AZAD: I was not trying to save you. You do not de6elVe to MR. DEPUlY-SPEAKER: It will not go on be saved. I was trying to save him. record. SH RI RAM DHAN: I have made his­ (Translation 1 tory ... (Interruptions)

SHRI RAJ KUMAR RAI: He is teaching SHRI GHULAM NABI AZAD: Shri Ram us .. He is ,here on someone's mercy. We Dhan, why do you talk like this? If one are not like that. .. (Interruptions) commits any offen'ce, he has to go to Jail. When a man commits a wrong he is certain [fnglish] to go to jail. No gentleman goes to jaif. I was saying this much to save you. Why are MR. DEPU1Y.·SPEAKfR: Mr. Raj Kumar you getting angry? I said that the party you Rai, are you going to take your seat or not? chose to go to made you its first target. I go on requesting you to take your seat. leaders of your party have said that only Take your seat first. Why are you shouting? those who are Members can stand in elec· Take your seat. tions and not those Who are merely office· bearers. In the very beginning they have [Trans/ation] made you a martyr so why are you getting angry..• (Interruptions) This is what I mean SHRI GHUlAM NABI AZAD: Mr. to say. Deputy-Speaker, Sir. what can I do if they feel otherwise for my $tatements based on SHRI ARIF MOHAMMAD KHAN: Mr. facts. After all it is his colleagues who have Deputy.Speaker Sir, unlike him, he is not revealed the truth and truth is very bitter. so much interested in elections as to leave Our elderly friend Shri Ram Dhan talks too his home State and go to another State. much. But he has become the first casualty in his party because the leaders of his SHRi GHULAM NABI AZAD: I will not party... (Interruptions) Kindly have some say anything about Mr. Ant.' He does not patience... (Interruptions) get angry. We talk with each other in 493 Motion of No· ACRAHAYAHA 19, 1909 (.sNG-\) Coundlof 494 ConfIden(e In the Ministers lighter way. He is In the habit of changing behaviour he is disowned by his family. parties. He has already changed 6 parties. will not make haste in disowning them. Mr. Deputy-Speaker. Sir, I was only symp~­ thiZlng with Shri Ram Dhart. I was only (Interruptions) making him aware of some of our friends. We both are well-acquainted with an old SHRI RAJ KUMAR RAt: Mr. Deputy­ friend like Shri AIjf. At this young age he Speaker, Sir, how is he speaking under has served 6 parties. I pray to God that as which rule have you allowed him to speak? he grows older he S4KVe5 12 more parties ... (/ntenvptions) (Interruptions ) [English] SHRI ARIF MOHAMMAD KHAN: I have not even stood in 6 elections. I am not contra­ MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: I never called dicting your point. Some people mention upon you to speak. I only called upon Shri statistics in support of w~t they say while Z. R. Ansari. If you go on talking like this I he is using them for iIIuminatiQn. I have cannot tolerate... (Interruptions)... Don't stood in one. Assembly election and one obstruct the proceedings. I cannot listen Parliament one., .. to you. Please take your seat. .. (Interruptions) ... Nothing will go on record. SHRI GHULAM NABI AZAD: I am talk­ The Han. Members speech will not go on ing of parties and not of electioQs ... record ... (Intenuptions) ...•• (Interruptions) What is troubling you? I am talking to Shri Anf. [Translation]

SHRJ ARIF MOHM1MAD KHAN: My SHRI Z. R. ANSARI: Mr. Deputy­ deposit has not been forfeited in any elec­ Speaker, I want to point out onl¥ one tbing tiol'\. When you stood for elections in that within a span of 50 years, our country Kashmir your deposit was forfeited, not has established some democratic conven .. mine. I never got 110 votes in any elec­ tions in the world.(/nterruptions) Just listen tion. to me, I have never interrupted or dis­ (Interruptions) turbed anybody. Our country has estab· lished some healthy democratic conven­ SHRI GHULAM NABI AlAD: His deposit tions from 1936 till date. When elections is not forfeited because in every election he were held for the first time in 1936..... finds a new Piloo Mody. He being,an op­ portunist can use any tactics, so how will SHRI RAM DHAN: Mr. Deputy-Speaker, his deposit be forfeited ... {Interruptions) I he is wrong, first elettion was held in 1937. oppose this vote of no-confidence. (Interruptions)

THE MINISTER OF STATE I~, THE MIN­ SH RI Z. R. ANSARI: That you so much. ISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT ANb FORESTS (SHRt Z. R. ANSARI): Mr. Deputy-Speaker SH RI RAM DHAN: A pact between Sir, I do not want to take part in this de­ Congress and Muslim league was also bate. I have listened to the arguments of Signed at that time. my two nephews. It has become impera­ tive for me to express my view. Mr. ....{Interruptions) Deputy-Speaker Sir, there are two things in teachings of Islam· one is divorce and the SHRI Z. R. ANSARI: Mr. Hafiz Ibrahim other is disowning by family members. was elected on Muslim league ticket in When a woman has to be divorced it is those elections. Congress Government ac­ called divorce. If a son indulges in waaton cepted Mr. Hafiz Ibrahim in the Covem-

•• Not recorded 495 Motion of No. DECEMBER 10, 1987 Council of 496 Confidence in the Ministers [Shri Z. R. Ansari) SHRI H.KL BHAGAT: Sir, the time of the House be extended upto 10 p~m. ment in spite of the failure of any compro­ MR. DEPUlY-SPEAKER: Is it the pleasure mise regarding Congress-Muslim league of the House that the time of the House be Coalition Government. extended upto 10 p.m. 7 SHRI DHAN: So Pakistan came RAM SEVERAL HON. MEMBERS: Yes. into being... (Interruptions) ... SHRI K.P UNNIKRISHNAN (Badagara): SHRI Z.R. ANSARI: Why are you dis­ Mr. Deputy-Speaker, ,Sir, it is my misfor­ turbing me and when I have never dis­ tune today to speak after the redoubtable turbed you. You can interrupt if I am Maulana and more so to speak after my es­ wrong. teemed friend, Shri Ghwam Nabi Azad, whose area of inquiry ranged from ethics I was giving you an example that public and morality with which, of course, he is morality prevailed at that time. Hafiz much familiar, to ordinary mundane things Ibrahim immedw.tely resigned from the Ac;­ and to plain abuse' sembly seat, again fought election on Congress ticltet. Again Congress and Mus­ Now before I appeal to the House to lim league reached an agreement and he support this motion, I shall begin ~ith an was elected and then joined the Govern­ appeal to the Prime Minister who IS also ment. After that when elections were held the leader of the House and to the great in 1946 ... (lnterruptions) After 1946 elec­ Government whip, that if they want to tions, Socialist Party got separated from the maintain a level of debate in this House, Congress in 1948. Acharya Narendra Dev they should choose their own spokesmen along with some of his friends also re­ with certain amount of care he happens to signed from the Assembly and Parliament be the spokestnan of a party, that too the at this. General Secretary ot the ruling party, and I presume his words carry certain meaning I only want to say that although at pre­ and conviction at least for those who do sent the standard of morality has gone so not }

[Translation] MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Point of order means you have to ... SHRI SHAMINDER SINGH: He is right. You have said this in a number of (Interruptions) meetings in Punjab. S. SUlA SINGH: Because the other day [English] when this Motion came before the House, it was in the name of Mr. Unnikrishnan. It SHRI GHULAM NABI AZAD: I have not is a matter of record that when this Motion said in any of the public meetings. was taken up by the han. Speaker, it was mentioned that the hon. Member was ab­ SHRI K. P. UNNIKRISHNAN: I can send sent. Therefore, it is a matter of fact. If the the press cuttings of all the national dailies hon. Defence Minister stated that it is a which have reported his observations from matter of fact, that is, he stated that he had Chandigarh. Well, if he has not said so, it not made any allegations against Mr. Un­ is .tli right. (Interruptions) I am not yielding nikrishnan. The only thing is that I said ca­ because we have heard enough of non­ sually that how this very important region sense. We have also heard enough of wild of the Parliamentary democracy was abuse from you. Therefore, there is no treated by Mr. Unnikrishnan. This is how question ot yielding. you treat the Parliamentary democracy in our country.. (Interruptions)

PROf. MADHU DANDAVATE: (Interruptions) 'Nonsense' is parliarnentary. SHRI K. P. UNNIKRISHNAN: It is a cav­ SHRI P. R. KUMARAMANGAlAM: That alier manner. When the No-Confidence is not allowed. Motion is to be moved against the Council of Ministers headed by the Prime Minister, SHRI K. P. UNNIKRISHNAN: You refer when it is admitted in this House, it is to the rules, Sir. nothing but contempt of the House for the ,Prime Minister to have moved out of Delhi. (Interruptions) It had never happened. it is an unprece­ dented thing. I will have to complete my MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Order, order. formulation ...

SHRI K P. UNNIKRISHNAN: Unfortu­ MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Already the nately I was not here when the Hon'ble Speaker had given an example. Previously Defence Minister made some reference to there was a precedent. last time, when me and talked about my cavalier attitude to the No-Confidence Motion was moved, the House, about the no-confidence mo­ madam was not here. She had got the tion. There was something. I don't know permission from the Speaker in writing. what exactly he said. Certainly it is. for the Opposition to decide who should move a SHRI K. P. UNNIKRISHNAN: My ques­ .motion of no-confidence if we agree among tiofl is on \-\'hat has been raised by some ourselves. and when we should do this. of the friends speaking from the other side. 499 Motion of No. DECEMBER 10, 1987 Council of 500 Confidence in the Ministers [Shri K.P. Unnikrishnanl Please ask yourself, ask your con.. Science, put your hand on your chest and What is the meaning of this No-Confiden­ ask: Has this Government and its leader an ce? It has been variously labelled from a iota of credibility left? Ask anyone in the ritual to an anti-national act. Sir, before I street, in Maharashtra or Jammu and come to the substance of this Motion, I Kashmir, Kerala and Assam in town or city, would like to point out and remind the north or south or wherever you go, ask the House that three long years' have passed rich or the poor, the illiterates or the intel­ since this Government came to power with lectuals, whether they have any faith left in an unprecedent mandate. Three long bar­ this Government, this performing circus ren years in the history of this country have called Government of India, headed by Shri passed I afte'r this Government was ush­ Rajiv Gandhi? Has it any design or purpose ered in not merely with a mandate but with left other t~an to live from day to day, fronl fervent hopes and prayers, though there hour to hour? t,ave been doubting Thomases' like me. Even then we kept quiet. We thought that The institutions are in decline. If we a new leaf would be turned, a new chapter look to the Parliament, with deep regret I in the history of India, led by a young man, must say that it is almost sought to be whatever may be his inadequacies. Inade­ made into a hand-maiden; similar is the quacies were in plenty his background lack case with the judiciary an~ the press -- if of experience. Inspite of that it was hoped the Defence Minister would forgive me -­ that he would help to heal the old wounds by the cavalier attitude of a T ughlakian by turning a new leaf and open a new glo­ Prime Minister! He (Iefended his disre­ rious chapter. Now, where is that eupho­ spectful treatment of the former President ria? Where is that fervent hope 1 It is not of India by saying tnat he was just being merely that it has been crushed to the unconventional. It was not bdng uncon­ ground but there has been a breach of faith ventional, it was being uhcivil and uncon­ with the electorate. That is my charge to­ stitutional or botht What was sought to b'e day and that is the substance of this Mo­ developed as a personal style, was a tion. We know the fate of this Motion. It is iughlakian style of this arbitrary Govern­ not that we are unaware of the fate of this ment, I repeat a Government with no re­ Motion considering what my friend, Mr. spect for norms; of any accountabmty, what Arif Mohammad Khan spo~e about some the democratic Government is all about. friends across and their political behaviour No respect for the concept of rule of law, pattern. Therefore, no magic is expected • no respect of the Constitution. In short, it no body expects because of this Motion, has developed in~o an amoral Government this Government would collapse. So the by a ceterie. Such a Government has to go, promises remain a mirage. Programmes such a Government cannot remain anathat have been reduced to empty slogans. The is the message of this no-confidence m, nation has been brought to the brink of a tion. precipice of a political and economic col- lapse. That is my charge today. There is an Whatever be the fate of this motion, the aU-round deterioration in the national life people will have to be mobilized through­ and a moral collapse and consequently, out the COUJ.ltry to bring down this Gov­ there is a national mood of despondency if ernment. The contradiction we have is that not of despair. It is in response to this you have a majority a massive mandate, but mood of the nation that this no-confidence you cannot govern! That is the national motion has been brought. It is to answer a contradiction today. call of vital national duty, when the uni~ and integrity of the country is threatenetf Shri Madhav Reddi when he moved his when the social equilibrium is upset, and motion today this moming spoke about the the national economy is pushed behind by way the Prime Minister treats the opposi­ at least a decade and passed over to the tion Governments in States, the way this giant multinationals and other parasites itinerant Prime Minister walks into his ja: when they want to defend. girs a~d mostly out of tum speaks as. to 501 Motion 01 No- AGRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAIV\) Coundlof S02 Confidence In the Ministers how they ought to have obeyed him, his States. What a strange and sudden con~ commands; just as he told the Eelam vergence of views. In Vancouver he talked Tamils: Why didn't you, and why don't you of a lot more than what you Io)ow hap­ obey, after aU a command is a command? penir18 in Indo·U.S. relations.

May I say that the style of our Prime SHRI INDRAjIT GUPTA: Yes, now we Minister befits the style of any nawab of are seeing it. the 19th or even 18th century and not even a new modem monarch ? SHRI K.? UNNI1

back, what is it? It is not merely a slide me out on this I no confidence motion I back, it is a throw back. It is something There has been a systematic assault over which we cannot accept. the last three years on the regulatory framework inherent in the planning pro­ PROF K.K. TEWARY (Buxar): As! .. Mr. cess and cQncepts and tools of self-re-· Danaavate what his party was doing. He liance. In the name of upgradation of tech­ made a statement that he would not re­ nology, the salesmen of multinationals are main in his party if Mr. Kalvi is allowed to building perfect cartels. I can give a dozen continue in the party, Now, Kalvi has been examples, but I would quote only one re­ forgiven by his party and YOl' have joined cent example the latest that has surfaced in hands with the Janata Party. Do you have the newspapers the other day, viz., that of the face to charge us with obscurantism 7 BAT A. A habitual economic offender - and an international shoe monopoly with Rs. (Interruptions) 250 crores of turnover in I ndia having 85 per cent of the total market share in India MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Prof. Tewary, with 1500 retail outlets. please take your seat.

(In~rruptjons) 21.00 hrs_

PROF. TEWARY: They are encour· K..K. It is w,ith the support - I regret to say aging the worst kind of obscurantist forces the collUSIVe support - of certain elements in country ... (lnteT1uptions) . the in the Minist.JY of Industry and the Prime Minister's Secretariat that Bata is seeking MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order please. introduction of a new brand name of 'ADIDAS' to completely corner the shoe SHRI KP. UNNIKRISHNAN: Now if market and completely snuff out an the Prof. T ewary \_¥ants to. equate his leader small scale I ndian enterprises. This is not and the Prime Minister with some Katyan even in the core sector. Such a situation 505 Motion of No- AGRAHAYANA 19,1909 (SAKA) CounciJ of 506 Confidence in the Ministers home of U.S capitalism - would have been we had of building up POll... in the public impermissible. There such an attempt sector ot FEDOS in FACT in Kerala have would be inimical to (he spirit of 'Ant; been totally nullified and they have become secondary contractors of no consequence. Trust' laws. Th~re would have been a pre­ sumption of clear illegality. If anybody If I say this there will again be a furore. crosses a percentage of to1al capacity.- Mr. Bhardwaj, , hope you are familiar with the T"en comes the question of HBJ, It was Anti Trust Laws, even in the Ullited States, awarded to SPI E-CAPAC. There was a it would raise a presumption of clear ille­ question of a consolation prize for SNAM gality. But here what is going on now, I PROCEnl - SfPEM which had been left am sorry my respected leader and fripnd out. Then begins an attempt for a new Mr. Vengal Rao is not here. Then there is a project an off-shore pipeline project of story of SNAM PROGETII which is well another 1000 crores. They wantE'd if to be known. in the defence sector. Then global tenders were invited and were withdrawn. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ What is the role of Mr. Quattrocchi and ISTRY OF COMMERCE (SHRI P. R. DAS SNAM PROGETII in this whole exercise, I MUNSI): Mr. Unnikrishnan, I may help you would like to know.? (Interruptions) This is regarding your information on Bata :- the very important. Therefore I would say as a West Bengal Revolutionary Government is result and as a consequence of this sell-out helping them to expand their empire in . of our vital industries and public sector, Jalpaiguri publicly. there has been demoralisation among sci­ entists' and technologists' community. SHRI K P. UNNIKRISHNAN: I would leave it to you, the wasteful effort - my Many of the public sector undertakings dear Priyo - to sort out this problem with are topless. And they are treated as para­ them - whether it is West Bengal Govern­ sites of the national economy. Dressing­ ment or whoever is helping them ~ policy is down lectures are only given to the Chair­ policy and policy cannot be changed. You men of public sector units. But what is are doing it. You certainly don't oblige being done ... Socialism, Well; that is an them in otller ways. You do not have to qbscene word. let us forget about it. oblige a multi-national to oblige West Ben­ gal Government this way. This SNAMTOP­ What is sought to be built up today is SOE combination has been given a free run what is known Marcos' Philippines as over by our fertilize,. industry. Even a study crony capitalism.'" Bachchan brothers' en­ made by the Ministry of fertilizers on 200 terprise is a classic case in point. When I tonnes per day to 600 tonnes per day fer­ - said that Bachchan brothers have cornered, tilizer plants have shown that SNMi TOP­ in various names, import licences worth SOE combination has been cheating the more than R:s. 100 crores our former collea­ exchequer and the Indian entrepreneurs, gue just said that it was incorrect ... consistently with the help of the Govern­ ment of India. It is a proven case. The lat­ SHRI H. K. L. BHAGAT: Sir, he has spo~ est case is that of Gujarat State Fertil­ ken already for forty minutes How can he izer Corporation. The Union Ministry of go on like this? Mr.. Unnikrishnan, you are Fertilizers put pressures to see that their just two per;.C' os in the House. global tenders were not opened so that (Interruptions) quotations of various international compa~ nies would come out and expose SNAN\. MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Try to finish, Mr. Unfortunately may I say, no question was Unnikrishnan. allowed to be admitted here although over (Interruptions) 100 questions have been answered in this very House on CSFC in the past. No ques­ SHRI K. P. UNNIKRISHNAN: I saw the tions. No discussions. This loot goes on discussion, again yesterday. This is the merrily. With the result that the ho·pes that only forum. 507 Motion of No DECEMBER 10, 1987 COURcii of 508 Confidence in the Ministers (Shri K. P. Unnikrishnan] PROF. K. K. TEWARY: Sir, ask him to re­ sume his seat. I am on a point of order. He must yield, because I am on a point.. of What about the Kandla free trade order. Zone? Between November 1984 when our distinguished Prime Minister came into of· Si4RI P. R. DAS MUNSI: If Mr Unnikr­ flee and June· 1987, the Bachchan brothers ish nan wants to challenge it. .. in Kandla Free Trade Zone alone have cor· nered licences worth Rs.23.S crores, and (Interruptions) exported value added for Rs. 33 crores. (Interruptions) I am not talking now about MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Now Prof. the other licences they have cornered Tewary. through certain corrupt elements in the Ministry of Commerce. I would want the PROF. K K. TEWARY: Under the rules of Prime Minister to have an enquiry about the House, any han. Member who wants the activities of the Bachman brothers, not to leyel charges against the Government or merely on FERA violations, but also on im­ against indiViduals present in the House or port licence scandals. (Interruptions) outside the House, has to submit the list of charges to the Speaker, so that the charges MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Please wind up. could be verified from the Government before they are levelled in this blatant SHRI P. R. DAS MUNSl: I would like to fa.~hion. Therefore, I would like to have a submit only one thing on this point. These ruling on this - whether Mr. Unnikrishnan, questions were raised three times. We before levelling these charges, has submit. have answered them on the floor of the ted a list of charges against individuals House - both Written and Starred Ques­ named in his speech. I wouJd like to know tions. What he is stating ;s absolutely your ruling on this . . wrong, and he is trying to overwhelm us by using certain words. We have answered MR. DEPUTY·SPEAKER: For any specific this question; he has himself put the ques: charge, he has to ask for it. tion. We have answered this. He can quote Jhe answer himself. This is not a (Interruptions) fact. ' SHRI K P. UNNIKRISHNAN: What is wrong ? Tell me. (Interruptions) PROF. K. K. T-£WARY: Because what he has said has no basis. He should know the SHRI P. R. DAS MUNSI: We have an~ rules of the House. He caRnot straight­ swered the question you had put earlier. away make irresponsible and slanderous We have proved it earlier. All these norms charges .... (In terruptions) of v~ue-addition had been examined i.e according to the nonns of letter of approval and licences. We have replied. No fault THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMENTARY was there. AffAIRS AND MINISTER OF FOOD AND PROF. K K TEWARY: Sir, I am on a CIVil SUPPLIES (SHRI H. K l. BHAGAT): point of order. If he wants to make specific charges and he has not given any notice and if he has said MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: What is your some such thing, then it should be ex­ point of order? (Interruptions) punged. SHRI K. P. UNNIKRISHNAN: Sir, now that this gentleman, this amateur of a Min.. ister is chal:enging me, I must reply to his MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: I will go point. What I said was about the discus .. through the record. sion. What was answered was .. , (Interruptions) (Interruptions) 509 Motion of No­ AGRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (~) Council of 510 Confidence in the Ministers SHRI K. P. UNNIKRISHNAN: In two minutes I shall explain it. SHRt K. P. UNNIKRISHNAN: I would (Interruptions) have skipped it O¥er. Now I am not going to skip it over. The Minister of State in the let the matter be referred to a Commit­ Ministry of Commerce has said hat he had answered an Unstarred Question. That is tee of Privileges. true. I did not say he 'did not. I sought a discussion which had" not been allowed. SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: There are rules by which the House has to be run. Why? Because what he had said on the Floor of this House was a·· (Interruptions) (Interruptions) K. SHRI P. R. DAS MUNSI: No. I challenge SHRI P. UNNIKRISHNAN: Let the matter be referred to a Committee of Priv­ it. You are speaking a··. I will prove it. With aJl the responsibility I say that he ileg:s. (Interruptions). He is nobody to sit is telling a ...... (Interruptions) . ~n Judgement (Interruptions) Who is he?

THE PRIME MINISTER (SHRI' RAJIV (Interruptions) GANDHI): If my Minister hacl spoken a·· on the floor of this House, I wiH make him There is an institutional set up. resign. I would request Mr. Unnikrishnan (Interruptions) to give me information which proves that he had spoken a""· or else resign himself. I accept this challenge. I will prove it in (Interruptions ~ two minutes. (Interruptions)

PROF. K. K !EWARY: The rules provide that the Chair will restrain a member from SHRI K P. UNNIKRISHNAN: I wiH levefling irresponsible charges if he has not send it. (Interruptions) already submitted his charges to the Speaker. I want a ruling on this. You have MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: That is unpar­ to restrain a member from levelting slan­ Uamentary and it, will not go on record. derous charges without ever submitting them to the .chair. The rules are very dear. (Interruptions) I want a ruling from you.

MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: I will gwe my SHRI RAJtV GANDHI: I would like to ruling. The rule reads as follows: have a commitment from Shri Unnikrish­ nan saying that he will resign if he cannot prove it. "~o . allegation of a defamatory or in­ crimInatory nature shall be made by a (Interruptions) member against any person unless that member has given a previous intimation to the Speaker and also to the Minister . SHRI K P. UNNIKRISHNAN: You re­ concerned so that the Minister may be sign on Bofors. (Interruptions) able to make an investigation into -the. matter for the purpose of a reply." SH RI RAJ IV CAN DH I: Do I understand that what the hon. Member has said on PROF.. K. K. rEWARY: That is what I the Floor of this House is a commitment raised. that he will resign? SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: According to (Interruptions) what you have' read like , said earHer. I •• Expunged as ordered by the Chair. 511 MotionofNo_. DECEMBER 10, 1987 Council of 5'12 Confidence in the Ministers [Shri Rajiv Gandhi] should resign." But, Sir, in tbis case the matter cannot be decided by the Prim~ stand by what my Minister has said. If he Minister and may be referred to the Privi .. had said an untruth or a·· or whatever leges Committee. Let the Privileges Com­ you want to call it, I will see tha't he should mittee decide it. It should not be left to the resign. let the hon. member give me leader of the -H ouse. whatever ·he has got so that I will get it in· vestigated; and if there is no truth in it, then let him commit that he will resign MR. DEPUTY·SPEAKER: I know. I re­ from this House. quest Mr. Unnikrishnan, if he is' making any­ allegation - whatever thing - why can't he (Interruptions) give it in writing beforehand ?

PROF. K. K. TEWARY: The charges made SHRI K. P. UNNIKRISHNAN: I am without any substance have to be expun'­ talking about Government Policies. ged from the proceedings of the House. Rules cannot· be violated whether it is SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: Mr. Deputy Unnikrishnan or anybody else in this spea~er, let the hon. Menlber giv~ a com­ t~ouse; and if anything goes against the mitment to this House that if hfs charge is rules, that has to be expunged froln the found''false he will resign. We will take it to proceedings. the Privileges Comm1ttee. (Interruptions) SHRI K. P. UNNIKRISHNAN: We will agree to the Privileges Committee and not SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA: In such a 111at­ to you. ter as "to whether the Minister has misled the House or not, the Prime Minister can­ SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: But first let him not be the judge. The judge has to be say that he will resign if it turns out to be somebody else. It has to be the Privileges untrue. let him give that commitment. Committee. The Minister has misled the !ouse. Who is going to judge it? The PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: If the al· "rilllC Minister? legation is against the Government, not against any individual let the matter go to the Privileges Committee. It is none of the SH RI RAJ IV CAN DH I: I was not going job of the Prime Minister to sit on judge­ to be the judge. I was only saying tha~ if my Minister has told an untruth, and you ment. show it to me, whatever that is available to MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Please order. you, you show it to me, I will make him re­ sign. (Interruptions) (interruptions) SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: Mr. Deputy speaker, I understand, that is what I heard PROf. MADHU DANDAVATE: I am on over the interruptions as they call, I under­ a point of order. (Interruptions) I rise on a stand that the hon. Member has accepted point of order. The point of order is re­ that if the Privileges Committee finds that garding the procedure. The leader of the what he provides is not true, he will resign. House got up in the House and said " that let us put that on record. there was a controversy, something was stated by my Minister and if Mr. Unnikrish­ SH RI K P. UN N IKRISH NAN: Privileges nan brings it to my notice what is the truth, Committee, not to you. Please move that in that case it ~e is found to be wrong, he the matter be referred to the Privileges will resign, if he is found to be wrong he Committee. •• Not re-corded, 513 Motion of No­ ACRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAJV\) Council of 514 Confidence in the Ministers SHRJ RAJIV GANDHI: You say that "I SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: We will take It accept the challenge". not. We will vote it now. let the Member commit on the floor of the House that he SHRI K. P. UNNIKRISHNAN: Please will resign. The fact is that he is not telling move that the matter be referred. the truth.

SHRI RAJ IV GANDHI: Our party .... (In terr~ptions)

SHRI K. P. UNNIKRISHNAN: No party.. 21.20 hrs.

SH RI RAJ IV CAN DH I: Our party will [MR. SPEAKER in the Chair] support the reference to the Privileges Committee provided that the hon. Member MR. SPEAKER: O.K Settled. Settled. Ev­ accepts that if his charges fail, he will re­ el=Ylhing settled now. The matter will go to sign. the Privileges Committee.

SHRI K. P. UNNIKRISHNAN: You SHRI K. P. UNNIKRISHNAN: Yes. Yes. ~ease move the Privileges Committee. Let it go to the Privileges Committee.

SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA: I think what (Interruptions) Mr. Unnikrishllan is saying is that he ac­ cepts your challenge provided that the SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: There is one matter is judged by the Pnvileges Commit­ condition. We put a condition that the tee, not by you. han. Member will resign if the Privileges Committee finds his charges not true and SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: Mr. Deputy the han. Member has agreed to resign. I Speaker, let rue try and understand what would like that to be confirmed. has transpired. The matter will be put to the Privileges Committee the charges that (Interruptions) the han. Member has made against my Minister. Please listen ...... (Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER: O.K. Yes, you have The charges that the hon. Member has agreed. Please sit down. made against the Minister will be put to the privileges Committee. If the Privileges (Interruptions) Committee finds that the Charges that the han. Member has made are false, the hon. SHRI K. P. UNNIKRISHNAN: I repeat I Member will resign. accept the challenge.

AN HON. MEMBER: By whom? (Interruptions)

MR. SPEAKER: O.K. Look here. There is SHRI K. P. UNNIKRISHNAN: The Priv­ a question of acceptance on both the sides. ileges Committee. (Interruptions) It is a mutual agreement that is what I un­ derstand. Now the question ;s first I have MR. DfPUlY-SPEAKER: I want to give a to satisfy myself what the matter is going to piece of information. be referred? If you both refer it to me, I will refer it to the Privileges Committee as SHRI C. MAOHAV REDOI: I want to agreed by the House. Secondly, you have say... (Interruptions) also agreed whosoever is found guilty will be dealt with according to the promises MR. DE PUTY-SPEA"ER: First of all, he made on the floor of the House. Right. has to give notice for this. After the notice is given, giving the allegation, it will be re­ (Interruptions) ferred to the Privileges Committee only by the Speaker. SHRI K. P. UNNIKRISHNAN: I am pre- 515 Motion of No. DECEMBER 10, 1987 Council of 516 Confidence in the Ministers IShri K. P. UnnikrishnanJ [Translation ] pared to accept to what he says. MR. SPEAKER: You please sit down, I (Interruptions) will do it Mr. Panika take your seat. Don't be angry. MR. SPEAKER: You both have agreed. (Interruptions) (Interruptions) [Eng/ish] SH RI RAJ IV CAN DH I: Mr. Speaker Sir, I would just like to hear these words from MR. SPEAKER: Mr. Unnikrishnan, have the hon. Member. you heard him?

(Interruptions) SHRI K. P. UNNIKRISHNAN: I have a counter. [Translation] MR. SPEAKER: Now what is your posi­ MR. SPEAKER: They can take care of tion? themselves. I will talk to them. SHRI K. P. UNNIKRISHNAN: I accept [English] his challenge, but I do not want him to drop the Minister. They· can take care of themselves. (Interruptions) (Interruptions) [Translation] MR. SPEAKER: I don't want any advo· cate. I can only refer to Mr. Unnikrishnan MR. SPEAKER: Why are you interrupt· on this point. ing? Mr. Ramadhan, Please take your seat. I do' not need any advocate SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: Sir, the hon. Member is dodging the question I and not [English] saying it on the floor of the House. let him please say that he will resign if it is proved (Interruptions) What this man is do­ that his charges are false. ing? ... (Interruptions)

(Interruptions) SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA: Mr. Unnikrish· nan has accepted the challenge. . SHRI K P. UNNIKRISHNAN: You can't hear ... (Interruptions) (Interruptions) L1 ransJation J MR. SPEAKER: Please order. Order. Simple. (Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER: Kindly, listen to me. [fnglish] SHRI K P. UNNIKRISHNAN: Sir, thp Prime Minister has been told a number of SHRI K. P. UNNIKRISHNAN: I do not times. Everybody has heard it. want the Prime Minister to drop Mr. Priya Ranjan Oas Munshi, but I want action (Interruptions) against Bachchan brothers. That is the MR. SPEAKER: Please order. commitment I want from him .... (Interruptions) .. let me hear.. Why are you (Interruptions) ... The commitment that I talking unnecessarily? ... (lnterruptions) I will want is that he will take artion against handle jt. Please let me handle it. Bachchan brothers and not dropping Mr. Priya Ranjan Das Munshi. (Interruptions) (Interruptions) 517 Motion of No· AGRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAIV1) Council of 518 Confidence in the Ministers MR. SPEAKER: One minute. [Trans/ation]

[Translation] MR. SPEAKfR: You have accepted the challenge that you will also resign ... No interruptions please, let me speak. (lnterruptions) .... Why are you interrupting? (Interruptions) (Interruptions) [Eng/ish] SHRI K P. UNNIKRISHNAN: I have ac­ MR. SPEAKER: I am only referring to cepted it. Fifteen times I have said it. one matter... (Interruptions) No Extraneous (Interruptions) matter. That we will take it later on. MR. SPEAKER: Mr. Unnikrishnan, you (Interruptions) have accepted the challenge that if you are proved false, then you will also resign. SHRI K. P. UNNIKRfSHNAN: The mat­ ter is same. SHRI K. P. UNNIKRJSHNAN: Yes. Yes. That is the point. (Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER: Right. MR. SPEAKfR: I want only this matter first to be settled. Right tell me ... (Interruptions) (Interruptions)

[Translation 1 PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: If he is found to be correct, will the Prime Minister Why are you interrupting? resign? (Interruptions)

[English] MR. SPEAKER: No, the Minister. It is so sinlple. SHRI RAIIV GANDHI: Mr. Speaker Sir, the hon.Member has still not said the SHRI K. P. UNNIKRISHNAN: Action words that he will resign if h,s charges are against Bachchan brothers ... (lnterruptions) proved false. I want to hear him to say these words .... (InterruptlOns) .. He has not MR. SPEAKER: No, look here. Please lis­ said it. let hIm say. Let him say it again if I ten ... (Interruptions) have not heard him. [Trans/ation] (interruptions) No interruptions, please. Please, no ques­ [Translation] tions. Kindly, do not disturb. I request you, not to interrupt. Whatever you have sc;tid, MR. SPEAKER: You go on. that is related to the first issue. If ther~ 'is some other issue, I will take it up later on ... (Interruptions) (Interruptions) (English] [English 1

SHRI K.P. UNNIKRISHNAN: He put a The first thing is first and the second is ex­ challenge to me. I have said I accept your traneous to this matter. cha1lenge and I 'wm resign ... (lnterruptions) If he docs not have the capacity to under­ [Translation) stand, I can't help it. What you have said... (Interruptions) Why (Interruptions) are you interrupting? let me speak, Mr. 519 Motion of No_ DECEMBER 10,1987 Council of 520 Confidence in the Ministers [Mr. Speaker] listen. I want to know whether it is related to the Question only not to anything else... Unnikrishnan understands. I also under­ (Interruptions) stand him. I will talk to him. We are talk­ ing about the same proj~t about ~hich he [Eng/ish] replied and you tt'rmed It as a~ Incorrect. (Interruptions) Kindly let me finish. What­ There is no other subject. .. (Interruptions) ever you said, he replied to it and your ob­ jection is that the reply is incorrect. Isn't SHRI K. P. UNNIKRISHNAN: We are it? This is related to the same. not discussing GSAs.

[Translation] (Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER: Why don't you listen to [English} me? I do not need any advocate, Mr. Jagdish. How should I handle him. SHRI K. P. UNNIKRISHNAN: I made certain allegations. [English]

I will tell you ... (lnterruptions) SHRI C. MADHAV REDDI: There is nothing in the rules about challenge and PROf. N.C. RANGA (Guntur): He was counter-challenge. Why are you insisting not prepared to tell you the cOlTect thing. on that? He said that the hon.Member has ..... (Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER: I am not insisting. It is a mutual thing. I am only getting it clarified ... (Interruptions) If it is not, then there is no [Translation] fun in telling him... (Interruptions) I know that. It is only mutual. There is nothing in This is what I am saying. I was moni­ the rules which I am pursuing now. It is toring all the time. I have taken note of.. challenging and counter-challenging and acceptance of this is just a question of mu­ (Interruptions) tual thing. I am not forcing them. I have not been forcing this matter. But I only PROF. N. C. RANGA (Cuntur): I aln on said that the matter should not be taken a point of order. Is it correct for any lightly by anybody, whatever is said on the hon.Member to accost another Member floor of the House. and then say that he has * -1 Can he say that? PROf. K. K. TEWARY: I am on a point of order. That matter is settled now. Ask Mr. MR. SPEAKER: No, he cannot say that. Unnikrishnan to proceed.

PROF. N. C. RANGA: He said it. And he MR. SPEAKER: That is what I have must withdraw that. said ... (Interruptions)

MR. SPEAKER: I know that he cannot PROf. K. K TEWARY: Do not reopen it. say that word because that is unparliamen­ I t is settled. tary. MR. SPEAKER: It is your mutual [Trans/ation] thing ... (lnterruptions) I do not want any­ thing. Your pOint of order is related to that what next, .... (Interruptions) Why don't you (Interruptions) • •• Expunged as ordered ~y the Chair. 521 Motion of No­ AGRAHAYANA 19,1909 (SAK4) Council of 522 Confidence in the Ministers MR. SPEAKER: I have not allowed this [English] hon. Member. MR. SPEAKER: You sit down gentlemen. (Trans/ation) I want, to proceed now. The matter be­ twee., you and Mr. Munshi is a personal What more you want to matter and you are honour bound. Now say ... (lnterruptions) Mr. Jagdish Tytler you proceed further... (Interruptions) please have some patience (Interruptions), what ybu are saying is quite right. Do not (Interruptions) be angry, Sir. If they mutually agree MR. SPEAKER: You have taken too then ... I much of time. Now five minutes more for you. [English) SHRI M. RAGHUMA REDDY: What is SHRI M. RAGHUMA REDDY: How can your ruling to the challenge, Sir? you create a new precedent in this House? MR. SPEAKER: It is a personal thing, lot mine ... [Translation] (Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER: I am not saying this. fail to understand your actions. MR. SPEAKER: It is a personal matter, Mr. Reddy, not mine. (Interruptions) [English] SHRI M. RACHUMA REDDY: Let the personal matter be settled outside,Sir. SHRI M. RACHU.MA REDDY: They may say anything. How can you AN HON MEMBER: How can personal ... (Interruptions) matters be brought here, Sir ...

MR. SPEAKER This is a very serious mat­ (Interruptions) ter. MR. SPEAKER: Mr. Madhav Reddy, SHRI M. RAGHUMA REDDY: I can raise please ask your members to behave. anything .... SH RI RAJ IV CAN DH I: Mr. Speaker, Sir, MR. SPEAKER: How can you do I realise that the Opposition seems to have that? ... (/nterruptions) lost its confidence in the No .. Confidence Motion. But I would request them to con­ SHRI C. MADHAV REDOI: Let him give tinue with the Motion, Sir. notice. MR. SPEAKER: Yes, please carry on ... MR. SPEAKER: If they are willing, I can­ not force them... (Interruptions) Sit down: (Interruptions) do not get excited. MR. SPEAKER: Order, order. Please sum (Interruptions) up now ....

(Interruptions) [Translation] SHRI K P. UNNIKRISHNAN: let us see I do not understand why are you doing who has the last laugh. illl these things. MR. SPEAKER: Mr. Unnikrishnan Ji, you (Interruptions) please refer to me. 523 Motion of No_ DECEMBER 10, 1987 Council of 524 Confidence in the Ministers SHRI K P. UNNIKRISHNAN: Sir, I am contempt of Parliament has been commit­ very happy while accepting the Prime ted. Minister's challenge. I am very happy that a Prime Minister, who does not want him· SHRI H. K. l BHAGAT: Sir, he is casting self to be included in the purview of the a reflection on the conduct of the Commit­ Lokpal Committee has thrown up chal­ tee. He cannot do that ... (Interruptions) lenge. A Pri~e Minister, who seeks certifi­ cates from all and sundry ... (Interruptions) SHRI K. P. UNNIKRISHNAN: I dare say that General Maya Das Committee which is MR. SPEAKER: You sunl up your points the only committee which was competent please. and which has evaluated the Howitzer sys­ tems had again by 16: 1 refused to accept PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: This is Bofors gun as the first choice. That is why one of the summing up, Sir. we wanted at the terms of reference stage itself that this specific charge shoul(J be in­ MR. SPEAKER: Yes, come on. cl_uded. Now it is for the Government spokesrnan, for the Prime Minister to ex­ SHRI K P. UNNIKRISHNAN: Yes. You plain this odd situation. The Committee are not going to shunt me out. This is a No­ has said that the sturdiness and reliability Confi~ence Motion. of this gun is suspect. ... (Interruptions)

MR. SPEAKER: You will help me also. SHRI S. JAIPAL RE:DDY: What is he reading, SIr,... (Interruptions). I am Qn a pomt ot order, ~Ir. Where IS he reading SHRI K P. UNNIKRISHNAN: Yes, cer­ from? tainly. (Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER; I am your representative here. I will like you to help me in main· SHRI S. JAIPAl R[DDY~ Sir, I am on a taining the equilibrium also among all the point of order. Sir, what is he reading out? people, and I must also give you time that I want to know what is the document. The is yours, not others. document should be made available to us. I am on a substantive point of order SHRI K P. UNNIKRISHNAN: Sir, it is (Interruptions) an important point. The Prime Minister has been going about saying that he has been cleared. But cleared by whom? A SHRI K. P. UNNIKRISHNAN: I will lay'" committee of the House is seized of the it on the Table of the House. Yes, I know matter. I do not know about Bofors. 1s it the rule. If you want to quote, you have to by Antonio Samos, the notorious drug lay it on the Table. It must be laid on the peddlar who owned SVENSKA Inc. to Table of the House. (Interruptions) whom payment has been made? I do not know. But what I am concerned about and which , would also appeal to you - is that SHRI S. JAIPAL REDDY: He is read­ the Defence Ministry cannot be allowed to ing out from the report of the Maya Dass screen the witnesses before the Joint Committee. So a copy of it must be laid on Committee nor select the witnesses and the Table and the hon. Member 1s compe­ the material to be placed before them. For tent to authenticate it. He is quoting from example, Gen. Maya Das who headed the the report of the Committee. only committee for evaluation of Howitzer systems has not been asked to appear be­ fore the Committee till this date. A grave (Interruptions)

• As the Speaker did not subsequently ac cord the necessary permission, the pa per/ document was nOt treated as, laid on the Table. 525 Motion of No­ AGRAHA.YANA 19, 1909 (SAKA) Council of 526 Confidence in the Ministers MR. SPEAKER: I will have to examine it. from that document and if it is the Gov­ ernment document which has not been (Interruptions) placed on the Table of the House, then it is incumbent on the part of the hon. Member THE MINISTER OF ENERGY (SHRI VAS­ to submit a copy of that report. ANT SATHE): Sir, under the rules if an hon. (Interruptions) You see the rules. He can­ Member wants to quote from a document, not quote unless he submits the report. he must first give intimation to you that he is going to quote from the document and (Interruptions) then that document can be alJowed to be laid on the Table of the House. He can't abruptly start reading from the document MR. SPEAKER: It is my job. and some other hon. Member says that document which cannot be placed on the (Interruptions) Table of the House is liable to be placed on the Table. (Interruptions) PROF. K. K. TEWARY: Please give your ruling on this. MR. SPEAKER: He will have to authenti­ cate and take responsibility for the correct­ MR. SPEAKER. Prof. Tewary, straightway ness and then he can give it to me. Then I he will have to authenticate the report ..... will see it. PROF. K. K. TEWARY: No, No, Sir. It is (InterruptIons) to be submitted in advance.

(Interruptions) SHRI K. P. UNNIKRISHNAN: Gen. Maya Dass Report says under para 7:- MR. SPEAKER: look, I can read out the "(e) The gun does not fold into the jack­ rule. I can refresh your memory. knite position tor travelling, thereby "368. If a Minister quotes in the HOllse pre~enting a long train while being towed." a despatch or other State paper which has not been presented to the House, Then, again it says - he shall lay the relevant paper on the Table: "(k) For prOduction of the gun in India under licence, 5% items are proprietorv Provided that this rule shall not ap­ items for which technical know-how will ply to any documents which are stated not be available initially." by the Minister to be of such a nature that their production would be inconsis­ Now, this fact has been hidden also tent with public interest." fr~m the joint Conlmittee. So, Sir, ... (Interruptions) PROF. K K. TEWARY: I have a point of order Sir, I want to make a submission. The point of order that I want to raise is SHRI VASANT SATHE: Then he cannot that you will appreciate ... quote before it is authenticated. Otherwise it will lose all sanctity. Firstly, it is not a MR. SPEAKER: If the rule is there, I will public document. Sir, tomorrow if he gets see to it. I have to decide it. hold of secret document, can he quote it without informing you, before authentica­ (Interruptions) tion. That is the meaning of the word I authentication I PROF. K. K. TEWAR'V: Mr. Speaker, Sir, any hon. Member who points out ~ docu­ ment from somewhere and start quoting (Interruptions) 527 Motion of No_ DECEMBER 10, 1987 Council of 528 Confidence in the Ministers MR. SPfAKER: You are faUing into prey SHRI VASANT SATHE: Any document of some misrepresentation or certain other will not form part of the record without. ... things. A man has to give me the copy of the document to see if they are containing (Interruptions) any altegatory or defamatory matter. MR. SPEAKER: No. I have to see. That PROF. K. K. TEWARY: I am talking of a will form part later on. It says like that. classified document. (Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER: That is why he is re­ sponsible for it. PROF. K K TEWARY: If it is a classified document, it will not form part of the (Interruptions) record. (Interruptions) SHRI VASANT SATHE: How can he au­ thenticate prior to his reading? SHRI DINESH GOSWAMI: Sir, I have a point of order to make. Will you kindly (Interruptions) listen to my point of order?

(Transla tion] SHRI K. P. UNNIKRISHNAN: If I may remind you, a precedent has been laid MR. SPEAKER: Do not be excited Mr. down with Mr. Feroze Gandhi the Sathe, kindly read it. distinguished father of the Prime Minister.

(Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER: If you go down again, it says: MR. SPEAKER: let him complete it, why 1'(1) (i) I certify from my personal I are you interrupting? knowledge that this is the original which is authentic. [English] I (ii) I certify from my personal I "Direction 118 says: knowledge that this document is a true copy, of the original "(1) If a private member desires to lay a paper or document on the Table of the whkh is authentic. House, he shall supply a copy thereof to (iii) I Certify that the contents the Speaker in advance so as to enable of this document are correct him to decide .... " and based on authentic information. "(2) (i) If in the course of his speech, a member wishes to lay a paper or docu­ 2. If the paper or document consists of ment on the Table without preViously more than one page, the Member supplying a copy thereof to the Speaker, should put his Signature and date on he may hand it over at the Table but it every page thereof." will not be deemed to have been laid on the Table unless the Speaker, after SHRJ BHAGWAT JHA AZAD: That is not examination, accords the necessary the point. The Minister will say whether it permission." is a classified document or not.

He can lay it, but I have to do it later (Interruptions) on. SHRI DINESH COSWAMI: I am on a PROF. K K. TEWARY: But it will not point of order on this. form part of the record. vnterruptions) (Interruptions) 529 Motion of No~ AGRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAKA) Council of 530 Confidence in the Ministers SHRI BHAGWAT JHA AZAD: The MR. SPEAKER: I have gone through it. MinistQr will say whether it is a classified document or not. SHRI DJNESH GOSWAMJ: Please, listen to my point of order. (Interruptions) PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: Mr. speaker, Sir, I am· on a point of order. MR. SPEAKER: look here. Regarding Speaker's Direction 118, it says: (Interruptions) "If in the course of his speech, a member wishes to lay a paper or MR. SPEAKER: Order Please. Please sit document on the Table without down. I am taking care of it. Mr. Sathe, preViously supplying a copy thereof to you have to apply your mind. Only one the speaker, he may hand it over at the sentence will clarify everything. Table" and a" that. If in the course of his speech, he is on I give a precedent, SIr. In this very his legs, he is making a speech. And in the House Shrj H.V Kamath had quoted from a course of his speech, at that moment, I can CSI report regarding the corruption '" (Interruptions) episode in Orissa and when he quoted that, he said that 'I am prepared to lay it on At that moment, I can only allow him the Table of the House.' At a later stage he but later on, it can only be laid on the Table sought the permIssion and he WdS allowed of the House, that I have gone through. So to lay that document 011 the Tahle of the simple it is. House. That IS the precedent I am quoting, and you are perfectly right ill SHRI VASANT SATHE: That is right, Sir. ruling that he can refer to it provided Whether you can allow him to quote or afterwards he gives an authenticated (Opy not, it is your discretion, not his right. of the docunwnt and lays it 011 the 1 able ot the House. MR. SPEAKER: I have got several instances. I have got several cases. (Interruptions) (Interruptions) SHRI K. P. UNNIKRISHNAN: Sir, I refer to page 833 of Kaul and Shakdher'c; book in THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE which it IS stated: DEPARTMENT OF DEFENCE PRODUCTION AND SUPPLIES IN THE itA member can ordinanly quote from a MINISTRY OF DEFENCE (SHRI SHIVRAJ V. document that IS treated by PATIL): I would like to make a submission. Government as secret or confidential and which the Government have not This provision is there in the niles to disclosed in public interest. There is a see that the documents which are possibility for sllch it document to be produced in the House are reliable obtained through leakage" etc. etc. documents. NOV~/, what is happening here is, that document is referred to, some I will read the whole thmg, if you want. quotations from the document are given (Interruptions) Sir, I will again read. and later on, the document is produced before the hon. Speaker. Supposing the (Interruptions) hon. Speaker comes to the conclusion that SHRI VASANT SATHE: Sir, I will quote document is not admissible--but he has from Kaul and Shakdher page 839 from the quoted the document, it has become part heading "Papers laid by Menlbers" and parcel of the record--what happens? That is why, the rule requires, before the A Member can also lay a document orta document is referred to or quotations are paper on the Table, but only with th~ given from the document, the hon. Speaket'" previous pennission of the Speaker. has to satisfy ... 531 Motion of No_ DECEMBER 10, 1987 Council of 532 Confidence in the Ministers MR. SPEAKER: Mr. Patil, in that case, if SHRI K. C. PANT: You know me. the document proves to be false, he will be . never challenge his ruling. Let me guilty of the breach of privilege and complete it. He has given me permission. contempt of the House. You know that the JPC, Joint SHRI SHIVRAJ V. PATIL: That is one Parliamentary Committee has been set up thing. But the damage done would be to look into this very matter. Now, the undone. han. Member gets up and quotes from supposedly classified document, as far as I MR. SPEAKER: Whatever may be, I have know. I do not know, what he is quoting to go according to the rules. I wil1 not from. If it is a classified document, break the rules. I am going by the whether he should bring it to the House or precedents. I am going by the Book. That not, it is for him to decide. Ordinarily, I is what I have said. think, Defence documents should be treated with some sanctity. But I will leave (Interruptions) that to him. (Interruptions)

MR. SPEAKER: If it is wilfully done, [Translation 1 taking the House for a ride, that is punishable. MR. ~PEAKER: Why are you interrupting? What are you doing?, SHRI VASANT SATHE: What is the use of punishing him later? The damage will be [English 1 done. SHRI S. JAIPAl REDDY: What about MR. SPEAKER: But I cannot do it. kickbacks?

SHRI VASANT SATHE: Publicity will be SHRI K. C. PANT: But Sir, the seriou~ given to something, which is a secret aspect of the matter is that when this document, classified document. It WIll House has appOinted a Committee to go cause tremendous damage to the whole into the matter~-there are several reports system. (Interruptions) and this is not the only report. There are other reports. They have to come to a MR. SPEAKER: No. Ihis is not my conclusion. I n the meantime, if the precedent. This is the precedent. document is quoted that will prejudice the opinion of the Members and the country as (/n terru ptions) a whole. Do you say, No? It would be highly unfair to the work of the Committee. SHRI VASANT SATHE: While giving It is open to the Member to refer this to permission ... (Interruptions) the Committee. It is open to the Member also to ask a Committee to call this MR. SPEAKER: My ruling stands particular gentleman. It is not the House but the Committee will look into it. If the House does not honour and respect its (Interruptions) own Committee, then I am afraid that the Committee will not be treated with the MR. SPEAKER: No. Over-ruled. dignity itself. This is the point we should consider. THE MINISTER OF DEFENCE (SHRI K. C. PANT): May I say something? I am sure, PROf. K. K. TEWARY: I have to this is an aspect which \'Vill be taken into supplement what Mr. Pant has said. The account by Mr. Unnikrishnan also. observation made by Mr. Unnikrishnan from the supposedly authentic document AN HON. MEMBER: Are you which is definitely a classified paper should challenging it? not form part of the proceedings until you 533 Motion of No­ ACRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAK4) Council of 534 Confidence in the Ministers have decided the matter, its admissibility or Therefore, the only condition precedent ;s that he should certify. Supposing he does otherwise. not, MR. SPEAKER: That is natural, Mr. T ewary. If the validity and the exactness is "In case the Member is not prepared to not correct, naturally, it will be taken that give a certificate in these terms and way and the Member shall be punished. insists on quoting froln such a document, the Speaker may find out PROF. K. K. TEWARY: It will have from the Government about the publicity throughout the country and, authenticity of that document and the therefore, the whole cause of this will be facts placed by the Government before the Chair will be final in determining prejudiced. whether that documents is genuine or MR. SPEAKER: Mr. Tewary, I did not not. Where the Government declines to admit or deny the correctness of the make these rules. alleged copy, the Speaker allows the Member to proceed and it is for the Government to give such answer as PROF. K. K. TEWARY: My submission is they deem fit." ti;lat this should not form part ~f the lceedings until you have given your Therefore, there are two possibilities. One :ision. that the Member must certify. . If the t~ (Interruptions) Member does not certify, you will ask him to proceed but you will not deny ...

SH RI K. C. PANT: Is it your ruling that SHRI SHIVRAJ V. PATIL: I will crave when a Parliamentary Committee is seized your indulgence for a short time. I will of the matter, there can be simultaneous read the rule itself and the rule makes it discussion on the same. point in the clear what it relates to. It relates to laying House? of the document on the Table of the House and not quoting the document. The rule PROF. K. K. TEWARY: We are merely reads: subm~tting that it is going to have very far­ reachmg consequences to the functioning "If a Private Member desires to lay a the Government about the entire system ?( paper or a document on the Table of In the country. Therefore, we submit it. the House, be shall supply a copy We are not challenging your rule. thereof to the Speaker in advance as to enable him to decide whether the S~RI DINESH GOSWAMI: Will you permission should be given to lay the permit me? I am asking you. This point paper or the document on the Table. If has been clarified in basic terms in Kaul the Speaker permits the Member to lay and Shakdher. Let me read:- the paper or the document on the Table, the Member may, at appropriate "where the Government cannot be time, lay it on the Table." compelled to admit or deny the correctness of any alleged copy of a If he wants to lay the paper on the Table, document which is certified as secret or the position is one. If he wants to quote confidential it is necessary for the from the documents, the position is Member who quotes from such a different. document to certify that he has verified from his personal knowledge that the SHRI RAJIV CANDHI: May I, with your d~cument is a true copy of the original permisSion, speak, Sir? Sir, one point with the Government and he will do so nobody seems to dispute and that is that if on his .own responsibility. The Speaker the document is not laid on the Table of accordangly would permit him to the House, it cannot be quoted. This is aU proceed." 535 Motion of No_ DECEMBER 10, 1987 Council of 536 Confidence in the Ministers [Shri Rajiv Gandhi]' previously supplying a copy thereof to the Speaker, he may hand it over at the right. There is no argument about this Table but it will not be deemed to have aspect. been laid on the Table unless the Speaker, after examination, accords the (Interruptions) necessary permission."

SHRI SURESH KURUP (Kottayam): So, it can only be deemed to have been There is no such rule. laid, after the Speaker has examined it and okayed it. And you cannot quote from it· (Interruptions) unless it is laid on the Table of the House.

SHRI RAJ IV GANDHI: No, I am just ... (Interruptions)

(Interruptions) PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: Firstly, the leader of the House has not PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: Sir, he contradicted what you have said. has agreed to authenticate the document. .. (Interruptions) As required under Rule 118, (Interruptions) he has agreed to authenticate the )u document. Therefore, he can lay it on the MR. SPEAKER: I only want precedents Table of the House. Please sit down.

(Interruptions) (Interruptions)

MR. SPEAKER: I would like to point out MR. SPEAKER: It says: ..... he may hand one thing. There seems to be some ... it over at the Table but it will not be deemed to have been laid on the Table (Interruptions) unless the Speaker, after examination, accords the necessary permission ... " SHRI RAJIV GANDHI: Sir, let me finish? With your permission, Dandavate ji, let me (Interruptions) just read the same rule that you had read out. But I would like it to be heard MR. SPEAKE R: Please sit down. Why undisturbed - Direction 118 (2) (i) ... can't you be silent for a minute? 'A/hat are YOll doing there? I want this thing. You (Interruptions) also listen. What does this mean? It says: "he may hand it over at the Table" ... MR. SPEAKER: It is all right. What is this you are doing? Please sit down. (Interruptions)

(Translation) SHRI K. P. UNNIKRISHNAN: Mr. Speaker, Sir, I have a record of tabling What happens to you? Why do you maximum number of secret documents in behave like this? this House. I hold the record. It began, this precedent began with' the (Interruptions) distinguished father of our present Prime Minister, i.e. Mr. Feroz Gandhi who sought [English] to lay on the Table of the House the Vivian Bose Commission Report. Then, the SHRI RAJ IV GANDHI: Sir, it says: Speaker Shri Mavalankar and subsequently Shri Anathasayanam Iyengar had given "If in the course of his speech, a these rulings. We have been follOWing it. member wishes to lay a paper or Now, there cannot be another rule. The document on the Table without ruling as well as precedents - not one but 537 Motion of No.. AGRAHAYANA 19,1909 (SAIV\) Council of 538 Confidence in the Ministers countless. f hold this record in all humility, [Eng/ish] may I say, for having laid the maximum number of secret documents on the Table PROf. MADHU DANDAVATE: You of the House. We are familiar with the stand by the ruling which you have given rules. Now, if the Prime Minister has any already. other rule to quotp, t am willing to listen. (Interruptions) (Interruptions) SHRI VASANT SATHE: May I have a SHRI CHANDRA PRATAP NARAIN word? After all, the Directions are only in SINGH (Padrauna): Sir, I want to remind keeping with the Rules. Therefore, we you and Mr. Unnikrishnan that in 1980 it must first go to the Rules and if we go to was stated about the Centurian Tank. Mr. the Rules, we will find Rule 368 and Rule Unnikrishnan raised this subject in the lok 369. Rule 368 is about a Minister wanting Sabha... (Interruptions) Mr. Speaker, Sir, I to quote from any paper. Rule 369 reads: want to draw your attention ... (Interruptions) Mr. Speaker, Sir, may I "A paper or document to be laid on the speak? ' Table shall be ... "

22.00 hrs The Rule talks only of laying of the papers because quotation can be done only if Mr. Unnikrishnan had raised in 1980 laying is allowed ... the issue regarding the Centurion Tank... SOME HaN. MEMBERS: r~~), no. AN HON. MEMBER: What is the point of order? SHRI VASANT SATHE: There is no other rule which talks of laying on the SHRI CHANDRA PRATAP NARAIN Table ... (Interruptions) Unless there is a SINGH: Please listen first. What rule which allows, per se, a private happened was that earlier, in the Rajya Member, you cannot go to the Direction. Sabha another Member, a lady Member And the only rule is this. raised the issue. It went to the Privileges Committee where the hon. lady Member (Interruptions) .retraced from her statement saying, I did .. not say this against Mr. Minister - that was, me. But the press published it and it went SHRI H.K.l. BHAGAT: Sir, I move that against the Government and me. So, a the House be extended by another half an document which is of the Defence Ministry hour... and which is a classified document, betore it is laid, gets a human being who is also a MR. SPEAKER: . Why only half an hour? Member of Parliament and the May I take the sense of the House that the Government into trouble. Mr. Pant was House be extended by one and a half also there on the other side. He should be hours more? very careful when a paper like this is lakf. It involves the security of the nation and SEVERAL HaN. MEMBERS: Yes. our Members of Parliament whom, Mr. Speaker, you are supposed to protect. MR. SPEAKER: The House is extended by another one and a half hours. Now, (Interruptions) what I have gathered from all these - this is from the Manual on Business and [Translation] Proredure... (Interruptions)

MR. SPEAKER: let me see it [Translation 1 (Interruptions.) Please take your seat. I will see to it. MR. SPEAKER: What are you doing? I 539 Motion of No_ DECEMBER 10, 1987 Council of 540 Confidence in the Ministers [Mr. Speaker] [Trans/ation] do not know why are you doing like this. MR. SPEAKER: Let him say. What he When I say things which you like, then it is wants too. Kindly ask Jaipal Singh to sit OK. But it is otherwise why do you object down. Why are you worried? Why do you to it? (Interruptions) interrupt? I will take decision, whatever is right, I will decide. [Eng/ish] [English] SHRI SHIVRAJ V. PATIl.; This will be a very important ruling and we will go by SHRI P.V. NARASIMHA RAO: This may whatever you say. It is not relevant to this be any Motion; it makes no difference. I paper only but it is gOing to be relevant to am only pointing out for your consideration the papers which will be laid on the Table that a POUlt has been speCifically raised of the House later also. Therefore, may I that a Comrnittee is seized of the same request you to consider it, and we will also subject, the docum~nt should in the first make our submissions in the Chamber... instance normally go through that Commlttpe rather than coming here. If MR. SP~AKER: I have given a complete there are precedents where thiS hclS been thought; I have seen all the papers ... allowed, I h21v{' nuthlng to say. While giving your ruling ... (/nterruptions) .. SHRI SHIVRAj V. PATIL: It is based on a precedent. MR. SPEAKE R: When I call upon you, you also say. (Interruptions) SHRI P. V. NARASIMHA RAO: If then- IS MR. SPEAKER: I shall not create a new any instance of a Committee havlIlg been precedent. appointed by the House which IS seized of the matter and the same matter IS brought SH RI P. V. NARASIMHA RAO: There is anto discussioll through .a document and if one aspect which has been raised by the It has been allowed before, I have nothing Defence Minister and which has, as far as I to say; if It has" not been allowed

SHRI P. V. NARASIMHA RAO: Please let me have my say. "A paper or docunlf'nt to be laid on tile Table shall be duly aulhf"nticdteo by the (Interruptions) memb~r prec..enting it PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: There All papers and documents laid Oil ttl£' are precedents like Feroz Gandhi's Mundra Table shall be considpred Public." episode, the. CSI report read by Shn Kamath. Beyond that there IS no. oth.~r nile And AN HON. MEMBER: This is a No­ read along with that, Directions 11 7 and Confidence Motion. 118. Direction 117 begins with: 541 Motion of No­ AGRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAKA) Council of 542 Confidence in the Ministers "A private member may lay ... LAW AND JUSTICE (SHRI P. SHIV (Interruptions) ... Sir, read the whole thing SHANKER): May I make a submission? together, you cannot read it in isolation ... (Interruptions) ... (Interruptions)

MR. SPEAKER: Please take your seat. SHRI SOMNATH CHAlTERJEE: Sir, the M:";ster is challenging your ruling. SHRJ VASANT SATHE: 'would crave your jndulgence. Direction 117 says: "A private member... (Interruptions) SHRI P. SHIV SHANKER: May I make a submission? One of my colleagues had PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: How raised the question about the pendancy... many times it has been read I (Interruptions) ... MR. SPEAKER: Now please sit down ... WiII you take your seat now? [Trans/ation) (Interruptions) How many times should it be read? Please sit down now... MR. SPEAKER: Why are you (interruptions) ... interrupting? I will look into it. You sit down, please. Don't interrupt. [Transla tion] [fng/ish] I have seen. Kindly sit down, Now please take your seat. SHRI P. SHIV SHANKER: I would like to be heard. You can rule me out if I am (Interruptions) wrong. What I am tr:ying to submit is that the matter is subjudice before a committee. MR. SPEAKER: I have gone through it completely. Out of context also. I have SOME HaN. MEMBERS: What is seen it. I have gone through what Shri subjudice? H ow it is subjudice? Rao has said. According to the decision ... (Interruptions) [English] SHRI P. SHIV SHANKER: Will you He shall not ordj,)arHy ask for infonnation kindly listen to me? Mr. Speaker, Sir, may I on matters which are under consideration draw your kind attention to Rule 270. let of a Parliamentary Committee. He shall me read Ru1e 270. not ask questions. He shall not ask proceedings of a Committee which have (Interruptions) been placed before the House by a Report from the Committee. This is what has MR. SPEAKER: I have heard you, Let been pointed out. me hear him also.

Secondly, I have got clear instances, Mr. SHRI fNDRAJIT GUPTA: The Cabinet Rao. This Manual on Procedures says that members are challenging your ruling. private members are permitted to refer to or quote from confidential or secret (Interruptions) documents in their possession. I have not done it first time, I have not done it second "A Committee shall have power to send time, it has been done umpteen times for persons, papers and records: before .. .(lnterruptions) ... Provided that if any question arises THE MINISTER OF PLANNING, whether the evidence of a person or the MINISTER Of PROCIWvtME production of a document is relevant for IMPLEMENTATION AND MINISTER OF the purposes of the Committee, the 543 Motion of No_ DECEMBER 10, 1987 Council of 544 Confidence in the Ministers [Shri Indrajit Gupta] come to us or teU us or give us papers and we throw it in the waste paper basket. question shall be referred to the Therefore, I shall authenticate this Speaker whos~ decision shall be final: document as per the requirements under the Rules and nothing more and nothing Provided further that Government may less. decline to produce a document on the ground that its disclosure would be SHRI VASANT SATHE: Under Rule 118. prejudicial to the safety or interest of the State." SHRI K.P. UNNIKRlSHNAN: Yes. I am very much familiar Mr. Sathe. Therefore, I If this is the proviso under which even do not want to take' much of'your time. the Comnlittee cannot catl for a The point I was just trying tQ make was this document ... (Interruptions) Committee had specifically said certain things. I had repeated it during the debat~ MR. SPEAKER: No. This is not relevant. on Demands for Grants for Defence last Please proceed Mr. Unnikrishndn. year. The Defence MiAister had refused to answer any of my questions but went on PROf. K K TEWARY: Sir, I rise on a saying that "by far stringent procedures pOint of order. have been laid down over quality and technical parameters of equipment (Interruptions) procured," Now the point in my quoting was that there was not even the vie~ of an MR. SPEAKER: ThiS is closed. This is evaluation Committee of the Forces and final. this has beeR hidden from the Committee itself. The Committee has not been given SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA: Sir, the an opportunity to go into this question. Ministers only today are reading the rules. They do not know anything about the I would earnestly urge upon you to give rules. a direction. You are entitled to give a direction to that Conlmit)ee. SHRI K. P. UNNIKRISHNAN: Sir, I understand their concern and anxiety over MR. SPEAKER: I don't think the a report which is of vital and crucial Committee will feel helpless in getting any significance which has been kept hidden information which it desires. I t has not even from the Joint Parliamentary been denied, to my notice, so far. Committee when 16 out of 17 members of the official committee - I repeat the only SHRI K.P. UNNIKRISHNAN: I am evaluation committee which went into the bringing it to the notice of the House and evaluation of Howitzer gun had been kept to you. hidden for their own reasons. I am not going into it. Nor shall I mention other MR. SPEAKER: There i~~, no names. I am as much toncerned as the presumption. The Conlmittee might bp Defence Minister, the Prime Minister or having it already. anybody else about our security, but then lie has to be nailed. SHRI K.P. UNNIKRISHNAN: So, Sir, here is a no-confidence motion which we SHRI K. C. PANT: You would be in have brought on the basis of our call of trouble. national duty. Catapulted into position of power by a strange quirk of history and SHRI K.P. IJNNIKRISHNAN: I have laid fate, this Prime Minister and his cronies many documents as I said and now I will have violated every norm of civilised not quote from any document which I Governments, reduced accountability of cannot authenticate. As Members ot the Parliament to a force and meaningle!'s Parliament were are all aware that peoplt· rituals and destroyed all the vak.tes. 545 Motion of No- AGRAHAYANA 19, 1909 (SAM) Council of 546 Confidence in the Ministers Therefore, while commending this motion Vishwanath Pratap Singh was there when for acceptance by this House, I appeal to such things happened. He was a part of my friends across to join us in this mission the Government. We are discussing this and look to their conscience and revolt and No-Confidence motion against the vote for this motion. Government, against the Government of Prime Minister, Shri Rajiv Gandhi. If Shri 22.17 hrs. Vishwanath Pratap Singh was in that Cabinet, it was the collective responsibility SHRI CHARANJIT SINGH WALIA of the Government. You cannot just blame f (Patiala): Sir, I have stood up to support him, because he has left the Congress and the no-confidence motion tabled in the is with the friends on the other side. House by my friends in the Opposition. Our worthy Prime Minister came into The second thing for which our worthy power by the massive mandate of the Prime Minister is known and sometimes people about three years ago. At that time, has got applauds also is that he has tried to the people had high hopes froln him sign accords, whether it was Assam accord, because he came to be known as 1M R. whether it was Mizoram accord or CLEAN' in the beginning. But after three longowal accord. years of his regime, he has engulfed and shrouded by various scandals like Bofors, So far as longowal accord is concerned, fairfax or the submarines deal. we did not doubt the intentions at that time, but what we h~ve seen after signing My honourable friend, Shrt K. C,,, Pant, the .accord is that it is nowhere. Our Defence Minister, had said that the worthy Prime Minister signed it and the non-Congress Chief Ministers, whether he other person who Signed is, Shri LongowaI is from Andhra Pradesh or from any other is no more. It is, therefore, the moral State, criticise the Central Government just responsibility of our Prime Minister to to cover up their failures. My worthy implenlent that accord and to bring peace friends, Shn Tiwari, Shri Kumaramangalam, in Punjab, but he has failed miserably. He 5hri Ghulam Nabi Azad, criticised the could not implement the .accord and that is non-congress State Governments whether the reason why the present position in of West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh or Punjab is. Karnataka or of any other State just for small things. Shri Azad was sayrng that the The present Covernment at the Centre Secretariat building is not properly cleaned. is in the habit of delaying and lingering on These are pretty matters. I would have the things and thus complicating ,the appreciated them if they, instead of matters. I allege that this is all being done criticising the non-Congress State for narrow political considerations. Governments, had highlighted the achievements and performance of the let U5 now tal~ of the recent Sri lanka Central Covernment. accord. We have unnecessarily involved My friend, Shri Ghulam Nabi Azad was ourselves and hundreds of our army men telling that the Secretariat of the West and officers have been killed. We should Bengal Government is not clean. This is not have involved ourselves in it. No the height of our level of discussion in the doubt, we have done it keeping in view the House. The people had high hopes of our sentiments and aspirations of the Prime Minister and the Government. The Tamilians, but no logical conclusion is in Prime Minister, who was slated Mr. Clean sight. in the very beginning is surrounded, is engulfed by the so-called scandals, which I n the last three years of the present we have listened so many times in the Government's regime, there have been so House, whether it be Bofors, Fairfax or many communal clashes in almost all parts Submarine deal. Some of my friends from of the country, be it Gujarat, Delhi, Uttar the Treasury Benches have told the House Pradesh or Bengal. Prior to their rule, the that the former Financp Minister. Shri cit. I~tinn w=-c: nnt ~n h~rI hilt nnw the IlECD.&R 10.. 1981

~ the 10lIl Decelliber.. 19&7 lDged-=r will an ecpbi"" ...... ea&lllJtion 10 equiipnIenI and sIIftS''''-18 inlBKIed far' systans and 5IIb- systems d the .....aII:d QIiiIhI Mi _5 to be cku eloped ..... the ...... ad Now I .. CIJIIIe to the rise in pria5. QIided M-;& Der...... p".w ~ Sir.. the pria5 ~ soainK sky ...... the d the Ccwemnws...... in the Mia..., Gcuu.iiiEIIllus tODIIpIet'" failed to arRSt d OeIutee __ the whoII! • the ..." the rise in pria5 bec;;;w .... the Gowcl.elll euise IewUbk ~ issued ..... the is .....::isi:C the pe«II* lespollsible for CenbaI Exdse ~ 19M.. the rise.. ~ tIR nat .... ~ to WIl!IMIh IIIadt -leY ...... those (Pbced in liAIy- See No.. LT-5314/111 .. ) peiiple ...,. tIR ...... panIeI~. eoJIlOIIiif-

On the aapIurnent front also. the THE MINISTER OF PARlMMENTMr pab.... 1Cr of the Cowa.a.ietll: is AFFAIRS AND MlNISIU Of FOOD AND .... t1isA'··f.. OYIL SUPPlIES (Slim H ..ItL ~1): Sir, I iIICJR dIiII the I-Iouse IIUIf be 1his Gowc...... IIiiI5 t.iIed in all its e:xb:itded fur two iIKJIe .. on MonIbay sptdb and .... is the m&Jn why I vay .... TuesdiIy. sIa.. ..., 51...... die "No ConideIICe MoIion".. MR. SPEAICER: I hope it ~ the CQlISei&lS of the House.


MR. SPEAICER: 1he I-Iouse wiI sit on PAPERS lAID ON mE TABLE-Conrd MonIbay and TuesdiIy_ the 14th and 15th d Dea!niler, 1W7..

.1 ,_ ..... _... CBIInII t:.:he -..Irs, Now the tIousr. sIiai" ~ ~ ~.11 .. 00~ IOnIOiIOW.. 19M.

THE MINISTER OF STAl( IN THE MlNISTIrt Of nNANCE (StIRi Jhe LoIc s.bIu then ~ ,. rteltf!l )ANt\IDHt\NA POOJARI): I be& to bIy on « the Clod on Iiiday, Det:a,Jbrr 11, the T~ .. c:upJ of N"'''4ion No. 1987/~20.., 191J9~ 263/87/~ E.. iP5 (Hinli and English vusions) "'.wled in GPrnr d ...