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Defence lawyer is known for tough questioning

National Post Thu Nov 27 2014 Page: A10 Section: Source:

Already considered a rising star in the criminal justice system, has cemented her position as one of the most high-profile defence lawyers in with her decision to represent disgraced CBC radio host .

Ms. Henein appeared next to Mr. Ghomeshi on Wednesday, when the broadcaster, who has been charged with sexual assault, faced a scene of media chaos outside the Toronto courthouse where he made his first appearance.

Before she took Mr. Ghomeshi's case, Ms. Henein raised eyebrows with an off-colour joke at a gala where she was speaking: "As criminal lawyers we represent people who have committed heinous acts. Acts of violence. Acts of depravity. Acts of cruelty. Or as Jian Ghomeshi likes to call it, foreplay."

On Wednesday, speaking to reporters outside the courthouse, she took a decidedly less flippant tack. "It is not my practice to litigate my cases in the media," she said. "We will say whatever we have to say in a court of law. We will not be making any further media statements."

Ms. Henein may not only be one of the best-known defence lawyers in Canada - she may also be one of the best shod. Her confidence about her cases are often reflected in her footwear, it has been reported: When things are going well, she opts for Manolo Blahnik stilettos.

Called to the bar in 1992, the lawyer has represented an impressive array of some of Canada's most famous and infamous clients.

She was part of the team that defended Robert Latimer, who killed his severely disabled pre-teen daughter in 1993. She also defended Daniel Weiz, who was acquitted of beating a teenager to death in a Toronto Park in 1999. Before that she aided in the defence of Gerald Regan, a former premier, against sexual assault charges dating back to his time in office.

In 2009, she successfully defended former Ontario attorney-general Michael Bryant against a criminal negligence charge in the death of bicycle courier Darcy Allan Sheppard.

A graduate and adjunct professor at Osgoode Hall Law School, Ms. Henein has been described as "hardworking, dedicated and extremely tenacious" by leading defence lawyer , whose firm hired her after she was called to the bar.

Records show she has a penchant for being tough on witnesses. For example, when she defended hockey coach David Frost on charges of exploitation, the lawyer grilled a female witness as to why she had failed to notice a "plum-sized blood sac that appears like a third testicle" when she claimed to have performed oral sex.

The witness had alleged she was coerced into multiple threesomes between Mr. Frost and her boyfriend, one of his players, when she was 16. Mr. Frost was acquitted. © 2014 Postmedia Network Inc. All rights reserved.

Edition: National Story Type: News Length: 451 words