
QUÍMICA DOI 10.5935/2446-4775.20150006

Bioavailability of phenolic compounds: a major challenge for drug development?

Biodisponibilidade de compostos fenólicos: um importante desafio para o desenvolvimento de fármacos?

1*Jacqueline E. de Souza; 1Livia M. Casanova; 1*Sônia S. Costa

1Instituto de Pesquisas de Produtos Naturais, Centro de Ciências da Saúde, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ, Cidade Universitária, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 21941-902, Brasil.

*Correspondence: [email protected]; [email protected]

Resumo As substâncias fenólicas constituem uma importante classe de metabólitos secundários, amplamente distri- buídas no reino vegetal. Diversas atividades biológicas in vitro são atribuídas a essa classe de substâncias. Entretanto, algumas dessas substâncias não apresentam o mesmo perfil de atividade nos ensaios in vivo. Parte disso pode ser explicada pela baixa biodisponibilidade dessas substâncias. As principais razões encon- tradas para este fato podem ser a baixa solubilidade em meio aquoso, a fraca estabilidade gastrointestinal, a dificuldade em atravessar membranas e a rápida e extensa metabolização. Os metabólitos produzidos na biotransformação pela microbiota intestinal e por enzimas hepáticas poderiam explicar a baixa eficácia dessas substâncias. Em contrapartida, a biotransformação também pode originar metabólitos potencialmente mais ativos que as substâncias originais. Diante da relevância do tema, este artigo tem como objetivo abordar os impactos da metabolização das substâncias fenólicas sobre o efeito farmacológico. Adicionalmente, serão apresentadas estratégias que podem ser utilizadas para aumentar a bioeficácia dessas substâncias, e con- sequentemente, contribuir para o aproveitamento dessa classe química no desenvolvimento de fármacos de origem vegetal.

Palavras-chave: Substâncias fenólicas; atividades biológicas; metabolismo; biodisponibilidade; formulações; pró-drogas.

Abstract Phenolic substances are an important class of secondary metabolites widely distributed in the plant kingdom. Several biological activities in vitro are assigned to this class of substances. However, some of these substan- ces do not have the same profile of activity in in vivo assays. This fact could be partially explained by the low bioavailability of these substances. The main reasons for this low bioavailability may be low aqueous solubility, poor gastrointestinal stability and difficulty crossing membranes. The rapid and extensive metabolism by the intestinal flora and by some liver enzymes of phenolic substances after oral administration, may explain the poor bioavailability. In contrast, biotransformation can also lead to metabolites potentially more active than the original substances. Given the importance of the topic, this article aims to address the impacts of metabolism of phenolic substances on their pharmacological effects. Additionally, we show strategies to improve the bioeffica- cy of these substances, contributing to their use in the development of drugs of vegetal origin.

Keywords: Phenolic compounds; biological activities; metabolism; bioavailability; formulations; pro-drugs

Revista Fitos, Rio de Janeiro, Vol. 9(1): 1-72, Jan-Mar 2015 55 Introduction show the same profile when tested in in vivo models. The concentrations of these substances that reach Phenolic substances are an important class of se- the target tissues are very low when compared to the condary metabolites and are widely distributed in the concentrations used in in vitro assays. Part of this is plant kingdom (Crozier, Jaganath and Clifford, 2009; due to the low bioavailability of these substances in Cheynier et al., 2013). These substances are synthe- the gastrointestinal tract (Férriz and Vinová, 2010). sized in different parts of the plant and participate in functions such as pigmentation, attraction of pollinators, Bioavailability could be defined as the rate and extent to defense against pathogens, protection against UV ra- which an administered drug or substance reaches the diation and various signaling processes (Quideau et al., systemic circulation or tissue targets to exert a given 2011). Although present in all groups of plants, phenolic activity. Parameters such as route of administration, ab- substances present more diversity in higher plants, and sorption and metabolism of these substances, among aresubstances often found present in the formmore of diversityesters, amides in higher and glyco plants- , andothers, are oftenwill influence found in their the formeffectiveness of esters, (D’Archivio amides et sides (Boudet, 2007; Cheynier et al., 2013). The phe- al., 2010; Velderrain-Rodríguez et al., 2014). nolicand compoundsglycosides are(Boudet biosynthesized, 2007; Cheynier by the shikimate et al., 2013). The phenolic compounds are biosynthesized pathway, producing phenylpropanoids and derivatives The relation between the actual pharmacological orby by the the shikimate acetate/malonate pathway, pathway, producing as can phenylpropanoidsbe seen in effect a ndof phenolicderivatives compounds or by theand acetate/malonate their metabolites is FIGURE 1 (Quideau et al., 2011). These pathways may considered a controversial and paradoxical question yieldpathway, a wide as range can ofbe phenolic seen in substances FIGURE exhibiting 1 (Quideau a et (D’Archivioal., 2011). et These al., 2010; pathways Perez-Vizcaino, may yield Duarte a wide and diversity of structures. Santos-Buelga, 2012; Heleno et al., 2015). To raise the- range of phenolic substances exhibiting a diversity ofse structures. molecules to the status of drugs is a great challenge. Epidemiological studies have linked a diet rich in There are many obstacles, among them the paucity of studies for determining the therapeutic index values phenolic substances to protection against degene- rative diseases, cardiovascular, diabetes and cancer of these substances (Peluso and Palmery, 2015). (Arts and Hollman, 2005; González et al., 2014). Application of technology to formulation development FIGURE 1. Scheme of the biosynthesis of phenolic substances (adapted from Cheynier et al., Additionally, in vitro studies have shown that phenolic can confer great advantages such as increased solubi- compounds are of considerable importance due to lity, minimization of degradation processes, reduction of their2013) diverse. Abbreviations biological activities. of enzymes: However, anthocyanidin some of toxicitysynthase or unpleasant (ANS), taste,chalcone and control isomerase of the absorption (CHI), these substances presenting an in vitro activity do not and effectiveness of the active substance (Bonifácio et chalcone synthase (CHS), cinnamate-4- hydroxylase (C4H), dihydroflavonol reductase (DFR),

FIGUREflavanone 1 – Scheme3-hydroxylase of the biosynthesis (F3H), offlavonol phenolic substancessynthase (adapted(FLS), fromflavone Cheynier synthase et al., 2013). (FS) Abbreviations, isoflavone of enzymes: anthocyanidin synthase (ANS), chalcone isomerase (CHI), chalcone synthase (CHS), cinnamate-4- hydroxylasesynthase (IFS) (C4H), and dihydroflavonol phenylalanine reductase ammonia (DFR),-lyase flavanone (PAL) 3-h, ydroxylase4-coumaroyl (F3H),-CoA flavonol ligase synthase (4CL) (FLS),. flavone synthase (FS), isoflavone synthase (IFS) and phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL), 4-coumaroyl-CoA ligase (4CL).

56 Bioavailability of phenolics versus drug development Jacqueline E. de Souza; Livia M. Casanova; Sônia S. Costa Epidemiological studies have linked a diet rich in phenolic substances to protection against degenerative diseases, cardiovascular, diabetes and cancer (Arts and Hollman, 2005; González et al., 2014). Additionally, in vitro studies have shown that phenolic compounds are of considerable importance due to their diverse biological activities. However, some of these substances presenting

al., 2014). Given the importance of this subject, this re- The search for “phenolics” and “polyphenols” in the view aims to address important aspects of bioavailabili- site ClinicalTrials.gov resulted in 49 and 213 reports, ty of phenolic substances, focusing on metabolism and respectively, which are related to the evaluation of the impact of biological activities. However, this review the pharmacokinetic profile of phenolic as supple- does not intend to analyze the subject exhaustively, and ments, associations with drugs and formulations. will highlight only some relevant aspects. Although phenolic substances arouse great interest, the number of studies involving clinical trials is low. This can be explained by the relatively low bioavai- Materials and Methods lability and high doses required to produce in vivo the antitumor effect, which could result in increased The search in SCOPUS database (www.scopus. toxicity and adverse effects. Additionally, there are com, 16.03.2015) was carried out using the ke- other difficulties for the realization of clinical trials ywords “phenolics” or “polyphenols” and “plant” and such as the required number of patients and the was further refined with the keyword “bioavailability”. high costs (Khushnud and Mousa, 2013). Another An additional search was carried out in the site important point is the moderate interest of pharma- ClinicalTrials.gov (access on March 15, 2015) with ceutical companies in phenolic substances, despite The thesearch keywords in SCOPUS phenolics” using and the “polyphenols”. terms “phenolics" or "polyphenols"the plethora and of"plant” their activities resulted andin 34.634 interesting results. Many of these substances are not object of industrial articles. The search was further refined with the keywordinvestment “bioavailability”, because of theiraffording oral bioavailability 3401 below Results and Discussion 30% (Gao et al., 2012). The following topics will ad- publications; the earliest publication dating back to 1983. dressAmong the them, metabolism there wereof phenolic 645 review substances and its The search in SCOPUS using the terms “phenolics” impact on their pharmacological effects, as well as articlesor “polyphenols” about bioavailability and “plant” and resultedphenolics; in 34.634the first arti ones- publishedsome strategiesin 1997 a ndto 1998improve (Hollman the bioefficacy and of these cles. The search was further refined with the keyword substances. Katan“bioavailability”,, 1997; Bravo, affording 1998). In3401 the publications;last 30 years, the publications ear- involving bioavailability had a linear liest publication dating back to 1983. Among them, increase,there wereas can 645 be review seen articlesin FIGURE about bioavailability2. However, theBioavailability number of publications of phenolic related substances: to and phenolics; the first ones published in 1997 and absorption and metabolism bioavailability1998 (Hollman and andphenolic Katan, substances 1997; Bravo, is still 1998). small In the compared to the number of publications about last 30 years, publications involving bioavailability The metabolism reactions for providing bioavaila- phenolichad asubstances. linear increase, The subjectas can bearoused seen greatin FIGURE interest primarilybility to tophenolic researchers compounds, in the presentfield of in foods and 2. However, the number of publications related to formulations, begin in the oral cavity. Mastication has nutritionbioavailability and food. and The phenolic main areas substances of interest is shouldstill small reflect thean mostimportant studied role classes in food ands transformation, subclasses since the compared to the number of publications about phe- mechanical action disrupts the food structure and of phenolicsnolic substances. - anthocyanidins, The subject stilbenes, aroused greatcatechins interest and phenolicpermits acidsthe release -, substances of compounds. commonly The metabolism primarily to researchers in the field of nutrition and of glycosylated phenolic compounds can begin foundfood. in foods.The main areas of interest should reflect the as soon as they come in contact with glycosidase most studied classes and subclasses of phenolics enzymes of bacteria in the oral cavity (Velderrain- - anthocyanidins, stilbenes, catechins and phenolic Rodríguez et al., 2014). Experiments with extracts of acids -, substances commonly found in foods. fruit rich in human saliva and phenolic substances FIGURE 2. Number of studies in the Scopus database foundrevealed for the that keywords the anthocyanins “polyphenols were and partially meta- FIGURE 2 – Number of studies in the Scopus database bolized by enzymes in oral microflora (Kamonpatana bioavailabilityfound for the” keywordsSource: www.scopus.com “polyphenols and bioavailability”, on March 03, 2015et. al., 2012). The food passage through the stomach Source: www.scopus.com, on March 03, 2015. is essential to promote the degradation of the matrix. Some substances may undergo hydrolysis during Number of publications this passage; however, many polyphenols reach the intestine in their intact forms. It is suggested that 30000 the most important process for the modification and 20000 stability of these substances is related to the reac- tions promoted by the intestinal microbiota (Correa- 10000 Betanzo et al., 2014). Many of phenolic substances 0 require structural changes for their absorption in the 1908-1985 1986-1995 1996-2005 2006-2015 gastrointestinal tract. Some ex vivo studies in rats Phenolic or polyphenols and plants Bioavailability Patents showed that absorption of phenolic acids can occur at the gastric level or in portions of the intestine, such

The search for “phenolics” and “polyphenols” in the site ClinicalTrials.gov resulted in 49 and 213 Revista Fitos, Rio de Janeiro, Vol. 9(1): 1-72, Jan-Mar 2015 57 reports, respectively, which are related to the evaluation of the pharmacokinetic profile of phenolic as supplements, associations with drugs and formulations. Although phenolic substances arouse great interest, the number of studies involving clinical trials is low. This can be explained by the relatively low bioavailability and high doses required to produce in vivo the antitumor effect, which could result in increased toxicity and adverse effects. Additionally, there are other difficulties for

as jejunum, ileum and colon (Lafay et al., 2006; Zhao which aim to make them more polar molecules, and Moghadasian, 2010). The permeability and facilitating their elimination. The biotransformation transport of polyphenolics from the gut lumen into process in the liver is divided in two well defined Onethe cytosol of ofthe enterocytes structural depend on requirements their chemical phases. for Phasean Iacceptor comprises hydrolysis molecule reactions, oxiis- the presence of a hydroxyl (OH) characteristics, such as lipophilicity, the presence of dation and reduction, catalyzed by CYP450 enzymes groups capable of hydrogen bonding, molecular wei- (Wu et al., 2011a; Lewandowska et al., 2013). The group,ght and stereochemistry capable (Tzounis of actinget al. 2008; Tianas eta nucleophile.conjugation reactions It of phaseis suggested II increase the hythat- the active site of the UDP- al., 2009; Rein et al., 2012; Kobayashi et al., 2013). drophilicity of the molecules before their elimination It is believed that the phenolic compounds are absor- (Velderrain-Rodríguez et al., 2014). glucosyltransferasebed by a passive diffusion mechanism is located or by carriers on the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum, and that the resulting present in the intestine, such as P-glycoprotein and The low oral bioavailability of some phenolic sub- cotransporters for SGLT1. These transporters are stances could be explained by the rapid glucuroni- expressed on the cell membrane, and transport dation (Wu et al., 2011a; Wu et al., 2011b). Uridine glucuronidesthe drugs into the cell interiorare (Lewandowskatransported et al., fromdiphosphate the intracellularglycosyltransferase enzymesto extracellular (UGT) compartments via efflux 2013; Zhang et al., 2013). The phenolic aglycones, are responsible for catalyzing the transfer of a sugar for example, are capable of crossing the membranes unit to acceptor molecules. One of the structural transportersof the epithelial cell. byAlthough passive diffusion the (Velderrain- mechanismrequirements is notfor an acceptorfully moleculeelucidated, is the pres it- is believed that an SN2 reaction Rodríguez et al., 2014). ence of a hydroxyl (OH) group, capable of acting as a nucleophile. It is suggested that the active site of takesNaturally part occurring in polyphenolicsthe process are found (FIGURE as es- the3) UDP-glucosyltransferase (Wu et al., 2011a; is located Wu on the et lumen al., 2011b; Chen et al., 2014). ters, glycosides, polymers, and often cannot cross of the endoplasmic reticulum, and that the resulting membranes by passive diffusion. Although the liver is glucuronides are transported from the intracellular to recognized as the main organ for biotransformation extracellular compartments via efflux transporters. Phenolicreactions, most substances glycosylated phenolic may substances also suffer Although the theaction mechanism of issulfotransfer not fully elucidated,ase it is enzymes that make the molecules

are metabolized in the small intestine by the action believed that an SN2 reaction takes part in the pro- of intestinal cell membrane hydrolases (e.g. lactase cess (FIGURE 3) (Wu et al., 2011a; Wu et al., 2011b; morephlorizin hydrophilic,hydrolase) and enzymes facilitating of the intestinal their Chen elimination et al., 2014). (Chen et al., 2014). In addition to the glucuronides microbiota. These first passage reactions occur in the intestine, allowing the prior metabolism of subs- Phenolic substances may also suffer the action tances, which, in turn, promote absorption. The colo- of sulfotransferase enzymes that make the mole- andnization sulfated of the gastrointestinal metabolites tract is considered, high an concentrationscules more hydrophilic, of facilitatingO-methylated their elimination metabolites can be observed. An in important step as it modulates the beneficial effects (Chen et al., 2014). In addition to the glucuronides of (Selma, Espín and Tomás-Barberán, 2009). These and sulfated metabolites, high concentrations of vitrosubstances study are absorbed showed from the that colon andthe distribu catechol- O-methylated-O-methyltransferase metabolites can be observed. (COMT) An in is responsible for the production ted via the bloodstream by plasma proteins or trans- vitro study showed that the catechol-O-methyltrans- ported to the liver by the portal vein. Concentrations ferase (COMT) is responsible for the production of ofof substances3'-O-methylated in the bloodstream derivative depend mainly onfrom 3’- catechinsO-methylated derivative and procyanidins from catechins and pro(Weinert- et al., 2012). the absorption and structural changes during the cyanidins (Weinert et al., 2012). metabolism. Plasma proteins such as albumin carry phenolic substances and their metabolites (Bolli et In general, the large and extensively conjugated al., 2010). In the liver, the phenolic substances can metabolites are eliminated in the bile, whereas still undergo further biotransformation reactions, small conjugated metabolites, such as monosulfate

FIGURE 3. Glucuronidation of flavonoid naringenin by UGT. FIGURE 3 – Glucuronidation of flavonoid naringenin by UGT.

58 Bioavailability of phenolic compounds: a major challenge for drug development? Jacqueline E. de Souza; Livia M. Casanova; Sônia S. Costa In general, the large and extensively conjugated metabolites are eliminated in the bile, whereas small conjugated metabolites, such as monosulfate derivatives are preferably excreted in the urine

(Manach et al., 2004). The glucuronide conjugates and other metabolites may also be impacted by

β-glucuronidase enzymes affording free aglycones. These can be reabsorbed from intestinal lumen due to enterohepatic recirculation resulting in an increase in its half-life time (Marier et al., 2002;

Wu et al., 2011b). A summary of the important events in the bioavailability of phenolic substances is shown in FIGURE 4.

FIGURE 4. Summary of steps involved in bioavailability of phenolic substances in humans.

Abbreviations of enzymes: lactase phlorizin hydrolase (LPH), uridine diphosphate

FIGUREglycosyltransferase 4 – Summary ofenzymes steps involved (UGT), in bioavailability catechol-O of-methyltransferase phenolic substances (COMT) in humans. and Abbreviations sulfotransferases of enzymes: lactase phlorizin hydrolase (LPH), uridine diphosphate glycosyltransferase enzymes (UGT), catechol-O- methyltransferase(SULTs). (COMT) and sulfotransferases (SULTs).

 Impact of the metabolism of phenolic compounds on the biological activity derivatives are preferably excreted in the urine Positive impact of the metabolism (ManachThe number et al., of2004). publications The glucuronide on bioactive conjugates substances of plant origin is growing, with special and other metabolites may also be impacted by The intestinal and hepatic biotransformation may β-glucuronidase enzymes affording free aglycones. lead to more or less active metabolites depending emphasis on phenolic substances. Given the importance of phenolic bioavailability studies, many These can be reabsorbed from intestinal lumen on the substrate and the products formed. The hy- due to enterohepatic recirculation resulting in an drolysis reactions of glycosides sometimes lead to increaseresearchers in its have half-life dedicated time (Marier their et attention al., 2002; to Wu kinetic potentiallystudies of more phenolic active compounds metabolites as(Lambert, well as Sang the et al., 2011b). A summary of the important events in and Yang, 2007; Williamson and Clifford, 2010; Lu thepharmacological bioavailability of phenolicpotential substances of the isrespective shown in metaboliteset al., 2013). (Crozier Lignans,, Riofor example,and Clifford need to, be2010; bio - FIGURE 4. transformed by gut microflora to be biologically ac- Williamson and Clifford, 2010; Wu et al., 2011a;tive. Wu Some et al., authors 2011b use; Rubióthe term et mammalian al., 2014) lignans. The to specify the lignan metabolites with estrogenic Impactrelationship of the between metabolism bioavailability of phenolic and biologicalactivity. activity Studies is considered performed incontroversial. an artificial Somestomach compounds on the biological activity model reveal that lignans are stable at gastric pH authors believe that the study of the biological effectsbut are of metabolizedpolyphenolic bys anaerobicin cell lines bacteria should such use as The number of publications on bioactive substanc- Bacteroides prevalis present in the distal part of the esmetabolites of plant origin (conjugates) is growing, produced with special in inemphasis vivo assays bowel.at concentrations The lignan secoisolariciresinol achieved in biological diglucoside fluids is on phenolic substances. Given the importance of hydrolyzed and converted by intestinal bacteria into phenolicand tissues bioavailability (nanomolar) studies, to providemany researchers an accurate estimationthe aglycone of thesecoisolariciresinol effects (Tomás (SECO).-Barberán The and de - have dedicated their attention to kinetic studies of reactions lead to enterodiol, which, in phenolic compounds as well as the pharmacological Andrés-Lacueva, 2012; Santos et al., 2014). turn, is oxidized giving rise to enterolactone (Clavel potential of the respective metabolites (Crozier, Rio et al., 2006; Landete, 2012). Of the two classes of and Clifford, 2010; Williamson and Clifford, 2010; metabolites formed, the enterolignans are mostly Wu etPositive al., 2011a; impact Wu o fet the al., metabolism 2011b; Rubió et al., produced and absorbed in the colon (FIGURE 5). A 2014). The relationship between bioavailability and pharmacokinetic study of diglucoside isolated from biologicalThe intestinal activity and is consideredhepatic biotransformation controversial. Some may leadlinseed to more was or performed less active in metaboliteshealthy postmenopausal depending authors believe that the study of the biological effects women with single doses of 86 and 172 mg. The experiments showed that independently of the ad- ofon polyphenolics the substrate in and cell thelines products should use formed metabolites. The hydrolysis reactions of glycosides sometimes lead to (conjugates) produced in in vivo assays at concen- ministered dose, the aglycone SECO was detected trations achieved in biological fluids and tissues in plasma 5-7 hours later, but enterolactone and (nanomolar) to provide an accurate estimation of enterodiol were detected in urine only after 2-5 days. the effects (Tomás-Barberán and Andrés-Lacueva, The presence of the aglycone in the plasma and of 2012; Santos et al., 2014). the two other metabolites in urine corroborates the

Revista Fitos, Rio de Janeiro, Vol. 9(1): 1-72, Jan-Mar 2015 59 potentially more active metabolites (Lambert, Sang and Yang, 2007; Williamson and Clifford,

2010; Lu et al., 2013). Lignans, for example, need to be biotransformed by gut microflora to be biologically active. Some authors use the term mammalian lignans to specify the lignan metabolites with estrogenic activity. Studies performed in an artificial stomach model reveal that lignans are hypothesisstable at ofgastric the lignan pH hydrolysis but are indicated metabolized in the in by effectanaerobic (Marques bacteria and Souza, such 2012; as BacteroidesHajirahimkhan, prevalis present vitro experiments (Setchell et al., 2014). Dietz and Bolton, 2013). in the distal part of the bowel. The lignan secoisolariciresinol diglucoside is hydrolyzed and Another positive interface of the metabolism for ac- Negative impact of the metabolism tivating substances can be exemplified by the study ofconverted anxiolytic activityby intestinal of flavonoids bacteria kaempferol into the and aglyconeIn some secoisolariciresinol cases, the phenolic compounds (SECO may). exhibitThe dehydroxylation quercetin orally (p.o.) and intraperitoneally (i.p.) ad- high absorption, but, in spite of this, low bioavailability ministered. Kaempferol (1) and quercetin (2) showed due to extensive metabolism reactions. To exemplify anxiolyticreactions activity lead when to orallyenterodiol, administered. which, However, in turn,this is recurrentoxidized difficulty, giving one rise can tomention enterolactone the case of (Clavel et al., the same flavonoids proved to be inactive by i.p. resveratrol, a phenolic substance found in wine. Many route.2006; This Landete, result led the2012). authors Of to suggestthe two that classesthe biological of metabolite activities ares formed,related to thisthe substance, enterolignans es- are mostly anxiolytic activity of flavonoids is related with their pecially antitumoral, neuroprotective and anti-diabetic 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (3) and p-hydroxy- properties (Santos, Veiga and Ribeiro, 2011). phenylaceticproduced andacid (4)absorbed metabolites in producedthe colon by (theFIGURE 5). A pharmacokinetic study of diglucoside isolated intestinal microbiota during the metabolism. Given In order to evaluate the distribution of trans-resver- thefrom different linseed effect was observed performed in the two inadministration healthy postmenopausal atrol (5) in the womenbody after with oral singleadministration, doses theof 86 and 172 mg. routes, the activity of 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid substance was 14C labeled and administered to a and p-hydroxyphenylacetic acid was investigated by group of volunteers (dose: 25 mg). The concentra- i.p.The administration. experiments These showed two substances that independent showed lytion ofof thethe substance administered in the plasma dose, reached the aglycone 2 uM SECO was anxiolytic activity. Additionally, the anxiolytic activity after 1 hour. Very low concentrations of resveratrol ofdetected both flavonoids in plasma was 5 - 7not hours observed later, butwhen enterolactone orally intact and highand concentrationsenterodiol were of plasma detected metabo in- urine only after administered in rats that had undergone prior ster- lites were observed showing that this substance is ilization of the intestinal microflora. These studies extensively metabolized (Walle et al., 2004). Vitrac support2-5 days. the hypothesis The presence that the biotransformationof the aglycone of inand the collaborators plasma and (2003) of observed the two a similar other behavior metabolites in urine flavonoids by bacterial intestinal flora is the key step in Balb/c mice administered with resveratrol. The for anxiolytic activity (Vissiennon et al., 2012). plasma concentrations of resveratrol found in both corroborates the hypothesis of the lignan hydrolysisstudies were indicated very low when in compared the in vitroto the concenexperiments- (Setchell Soy isoflavones also become active after biotransfor- trations used in in vitro pharmacological tests (Tomé- mation;et al., 2014).the metabolism is favorable to the pharma- Carneiro et al., 2013). The sulfated metabolites of cological activity. These glycosidic isoflavones have trans-resveratrol (6) showed little cytotoxic potential proven effective for treating certain symptoms of in breast cancer cell lines, compared to resveratrol menopause, constituting an alternative to hormone (Miksits et al., 2009). The glucuronides also showed replacement. However, they need to be metabolized little cytotoxic activity in colon and lung cancer cells by the intestinal microbiota, which releases the free (Lu et al., 2013). The replacement of OH functions aglycone,FIGURE consequently, 5. The biotransformation producing the therapeutic of lignans of resveratrol by gut microfloraby glucuronide resulting or sulfate groups in a couldbioac tive metabolite

FIGURE(enterolactone), 5 – The biotransformation according of to lignans Clavel by gut et microflora al., 2006. resulting in a bioactive metabolite (enterolactone), according to Clavel et al., 2006.

60 Bioavailability of phenolic compounds: a major challenge for drug development? Jacqueline E. de Souza; Livia M. Casanova; Sônia S. Costa reduce the permeability of these substances in the formulations as a way to improve their pharmacoki- cells (Miksits et al., 2009). netic profile or their bioefficacy. Bioefficacy could be defined as the amount of compound absorbed and Another interesting example are the catechins converted into its active form. present in green tea (Camellia sinenesis). These phenolic compounds have an important range of Some substances with therapeutic potential have pharmacological activities, such as the in vitro anti- been the object of formulation studies, such as stil- tumor activity (Yu et al., 2014). However, they have benes, flavonoids and tannins (Anand et al., 2007; low bioavailability because their wide biotransforma- Kidd, 2009; Santos, Veiga and Ribeiro, 2011; Singh tion into glucuronides, and methylated and sulfated and Pai, 2014). Some strategies for improving the derivatives. Catechins can also be metabolized by bioavailability and efficacy of these substances will the intestinal microbiota resulting in 5-(3’,4’,5’-tri-hy- be presented in the next topics. droxyphenyl) γ-valerolactone (7) and isomers thereof (Van der Hooft et al., 2012). The metabolites (7) and Formulations methoxylated derivatives were not active in in vivo inflammation models (Lambert et al., 2005). The utilization of formulations is a good strategy for modulating the bioavailability of certain components. Curcumin (8) is the main active component of The various barriers that phenolic substances have Curcuma longa rhizomes, notable for having anti- to face to reach the target present major challenges -inflammatory, antioxidant and antitumor activities. in the development of herbal products. Among the However, its potential as a candidate drug is ham- delivery systems applied to plant extracts and subs- pered by the low bioavailability. As shown in previous tances are liposomes, phytosomes, cyclodextrins examples, curcumin is also extensively biotrans- inclusion and nanoparticles (Kidd, 2009; Rein et al., formed leading to inactive metabolites (Anand et 2012;). Some of these options will be shown. al., 2007). The metabolite tetrahydrocurcumin (9) showed weak activity in the inhibition of tumor growth Nanoparticles or nanocarriers are submicron colloi- when compared to curcumin. In this case, since the dal systems with particle size of about 1-100 nm. activity depends on the antioxidant potential; without From a technological point of view, the nanoparticles conjugated double bonds to extend the resonance are easily produced on an industrial scale. There throughout the molecule, tetrahydrocurcumin is not has been a growing number of studies depicting able to stabilize free radicals in the same manner as successfully and efficiently the incorporation of phe- curcumin (Sandur et al., 2007). nolic substances into nanocarriers (Soppimath et al., 2001; Bonifácio et al., 2014; Li, Z. et al., 2015). The In a clinical phase II trial, patients with pancreatic use of nano-based formulations has become promi- cancer were treated daily with doses of 8 g curcumin sing due to the advantages of physical and chemical orally. Only glucuronides and sulfated metabolites stability, increased solubility and bioavailability, were detected (Dhillon et al., 2008). These results protection against toxicity and concentration in the are consistent with other studies that have observed target tissue. In some studies, coating nanoparticles only the conjugated metabolites in plasma (Vareed et were used as a protection against oxidation, some al., 2008). The free curcumin in plasma was detected other degradation reactions and glucuronidation only at higher doses, which does not reflect the actual in the gastrointestinal tract. This strategy was em- concentration on the target, which makes difficult to ployed in stability studies with encapsulated catechin determine a safe and effective dose (Lao et al., 2006; nanoparticles (Curcio et al., 2012; Li, Z. et al., 2015). Gota et al., 2010). Some authors propose the use of Nanoparticles were used for the coating of resvera- phenolic substances only as food supplements be- trol applied to HIV control (Singh and Pai, 2014). A cause of the difficulty of establishing the efficacy and recent study developed a nanoemulsion formulation the therapeutic index (Peluso and Palmery, 2015). base, using as excipient a substance inhibitory to glucuronidation, to avoid extensive metabolism of resveratrol. In vivo pharmacokinetic studies with the Strategies to increase the bioefficacy of formulation containing labrasol, a glucuronidation phenolic substances inhibitor, showed a dose-dependent inhibition by increasing the concentration of resveratrol in its free Given the difficulties in the bioavailability of this form in the circulation. This type of strategy is inte- class of substances, some studies suggest the resting for phenolic substances that are substrates development of structural changes in molecules or for UGT enzymes (Zhou et al., 2015)

Revista Fitos, Rio de Janeiro, Vol. 9(1): 1-72, Jan-Mar 2015 61 Some natural products when co-administered with glycosyl isoflavones present in soy extract (Glycine phenolic compounds were able to increase the bio- max L.) need to be biotransformed to become active. availability. The term bioavailability enhancer is used However, their bioavailability is highly variable, due to designate a compound co-administered with drugs to changes in the microbiota and intestinal dysbiosis. to increase the bioacessibility and efficacy. The The prior hydrolysis of these substances in the ex- use of bio-enhancer is an old tradition in Ayuverdic tract using a β-glucosidase enzyme was the solution medicine. Among drug facilitators described in the proposed (Marques and Souza, 2012). literature, there are inhibitors of efflux pumps like P-glycoprotein (Sousa and Bernkop-Schnürch, Pro-drugs 2014). Capsaicin and piperine, for example, are known to interact with the CYP450 enzyme system The pro-drug strategy is used in some studies to and other metabolism enzymes. In vivo experiments increase the oral bioavailability of some substances for determining the kinetics of curcumin associ- that have limitations in some stage of the bioavail- ated with piperine pointed to a higher availability ability process, in order to increase the concentration of the phenolic substance in plasma (Suresh and of the substance in the target tissue without caus- Srinivasan, 2010). ing any toxicity (Bansal et al., 2013; Biasutto and Zoratti, 2014). Pro-drugs are precursors showing The preparation of silibinin (10) in phytosomes (sili- favorable kinetics in the biological system, permitting phos®) was the first commercial application of this regeneration of the original substances. Hydrolysis technology, which has been used to promote the reactions may be involved in this process (Biasutto aqueous solubility and intestinal absorption of this and Zoratti, 2014). Through chemical reactions it is phenolic substance. This flavolignan is the major possible to protect groups susceptible to undergoing constituent of Silybum marianum, whose extract reactions during metabolism which would result in wasbiotransformation already used by (Lambert the ancient et al., Greeks 2006). to A treat more sophisticatedloss of activity strategy obtaining proposes substances the transformation which will act some disease symptoms. The silibinin complexed as pro-drugs. In the case of phenolic substances, toof a the phytosome phenolic presents substances a wide into range a pro of-drug, pharma which- is theassociated hydroxyl withgroups a nanoare moreformulation. susceptible In ato recent phase cological activities (antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, II and oxidation reactions; however, sometimes the antitumorstudy, curcumin and hepatoprotective). was transformed Among into thea pro vari-drug- bypresence conjugation of these with groups hyaluronic is an important acid through structural a ous clinical indications for this formulation, the use requirement for pharmacological activity. For this in liver diseases is probably the most important carbodiimide reaction. This combination makes curcuminreason, more strategies soluble for and protection protect sof the hydroxyl OH group groupss, (Semalty et al., 2012). have deserved the attention of researchers (Biasutto and Zoratti, 2014). (-) Epicatechin 3-gallate (11) has Awhich different is the strategy major structuralwas used requirement in the develop for antioxidant- low bioavailability activity (Li, J.due et toal .,extensive 2015). metabolism and ment of the phytomedicine Aglycon-soy® by instability in medium and alkaline pH conditions. Apsen and Steviafarma Pharmaceuticals. The Structural changes can improve the physicochemical

FIGURE 6. Chemical structures of phenolic compounds cited in the text. FIGURE 6 – Chemical structures of phenolic compounds cited in the text.

62 Bioavailability of phenolic compounds: a major challenge for drug development? Jacqueline E. de Souza; Livia M. Casanova; Sônia S. Costa Conclusion

Bioavailability studies of phenolics are an important step for the drug development with these

bioactive compounds. The lack of therapeutic efficacy in clinical trials, sometimes attributed to

extensive intestinal or hepatic metabolism, constitutes a controversial topic that invites a deeper

investigation. When the problems involved in the various stages of the bioavailability process are

better understood, strategies can be developed to overcome these barriers and increase the

concentration of the substance in the target organ. Thus, phenolic-based formulations can be

developed, and new medicines from vegetal origin can be proposed.

properties and avoid a rapid metabolization. Studies BIASUTTO, L.; ZORATTI, M. 2014 - Prodrugs of led to peracetylation of catechins to enhance the hy- quercetin and resveratrol: A strategy under develop- drophobicity and make hydroxyl groups unavailable ment. Current , v. 15, p. 77-95. for biotransformation (Lambert et al., 2006). A more sophisticated strategy proposes the transformation BOLLI, A.; MARINO, M.; RIMBACH, G.; FANALI, of the phenolic substances into a pro-drug, which is G.; FASANO, M.; ASCENZI, P. 2010 - Flavonoid associated with a nanoformulation. In a recent study, binding to human serum albumin. Biochemical and curcumin was transformed into a pro-drug by conju- Biophysical Research Communications, v. 398, p. gation with hyaluronic acid through a carbodiimide 444-449. reaction. This combination makes curcumin more soluble and protects the OH groups, which is the BONIFÁCIO, B.V.; SILVA, P.B.D.; RAMOS, M.A.D.S.; major structural requirement for antioxidant activity NEGRI, K.M.S.; BAUAB, T.M.; CHORILLI, M. 2014 - (Li, J. et al., 2015). Nanotechnology-based drug delivery systems and herbal medicines: a review. International Journal of Nanomedicine, v. 9, p. 1-15. Conclusion BOUDET, A.M. 2007 - Evolution and current status of Bioavailability studies of phenolics are an important research in phenolic compounds. Phytochemistry, v. step for the drug development with these bioactive 68, p. 2722-2735. compounds. The lack of therapeutic efficacy in clini- cal trials, sometimes attributed to extensive intestinal BRAVO, L. 1998 - Polyphenols: Chemistry, dietary or hepatic metabolism, constitutes a controversial sources, metabolism, and nutritional significance. topic that invites a deeper investigation. When the Nutrition Reviews, v. 56, p. 317-333. problems involved in the various stages of the bio- CHEN, Z.; ZHENG, S.; LI, L.; JIANG, H. 2014 - availability process are better understood, strategies Metabolism of flavonoids in human: A comprehensi- can be developed to overcome these barriers and ve review. Current Drug Metabolism, v. 15, p. 48-61. increase the concentration of the substance in the target organ. Thus, phenolic-based formulations can CHEYNIER, V.; COMTE, G.; DAVIES, K.M.; be developed, and new medicines from vegetal ori- LATTANZIO, V.; MARTENS, S. 2013 - Plant phe- gin can be proposed. nolics: Recent advances on their biosynthesis, genetics, and ecophysiology. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, v. 72, p. 1-20. Acknowledgments CLAVEL, T.; BORRMANN, D.; BRAUNE, A.; DORÉ, J.E.Souza and L.M.Casanova thank CAPES and J.; BLAUT, M. 2006 - Occurrence and activity of hu- CNPq for their PhD fellowships, respectively. man intestinal bacteria involved in the conversion of dietary lignans. Anaerobe, v. 12, p. 140-147.

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