The London Gazette, November 6, 1900. 6777

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The London Gazette, November 6, 1900. 6777 THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 6, 1900. 6777 County of Wigtown. South Donegal. \ The Bight Honourable Sir Herbert Eustace John Gordon Swift MacNeffl, Esq., Q>C. - Maxwell, Bart. County of Down.. IRELAND. North Down. County of. Antrim. Thomas Lorimer Corbett, Esq.. Ntirth Antrim. William Moore, jun., Esq., Q.C. East Down.' James Alexander Rentoul, Esq., Q.C. • /*/?'-/ Antrim. Robert Torrens O'Neill, Esq. (commonly called West Down. the Honourable Hubert Torrens O'Neill). Captain the Right Honourable Arthur William Hill (commonly called Lord Arthur William East Antrim. Hill). Colonel James Martin McCalrnont. South Down. South Atihim. Michael McCartan, Esq.. William Grey Ellison Macartney, Esq. County of Dublin. County of Armagh. North Dublin. ' • Jtfortb Armagh. John Joseph Clancy, Esq. Tlie Right Honourable Colonel Edward James Saunderson South Dublin. John Joseph Mooney, Esq. Mid Armagh. Jolm Brownlee Lonsdale, Ecq. Borough of Dublin. The College Green Division. Sot't/t Arinayh. Joseph Patrick. Nannettij Esq. John Campbell, Esq. The Dublin Harbour Division. • Borough of ttelfa*ti Timothy Charles Harrington, Esq. • East Belfast Division. The St. Stephen's Green Division. Gustavus Wilhelm Wolff, Esq. James M'Cann, Esq. South Belfast Division. The St. Patrick's Division. William Johnston, Esq. William Field, Esq. West Belfast Division. Dublin University. Hugh Oakeley Arnold-Forster, Esq. The Right Honourable Sir Edward Carson, Knt., North Belfast Division. Q.C. Sir James Horner Haslett, Knt. The Right Honourable William Edward Hartpole County of Curlow. ; Lecky. John Hammond, Esq. County, of Fermanagh. North Fermanagh. County of Cavan. Ed \\ard Mervyn Archdale, Esq.. .West Cavan. Thomas McGovern, Esq. South -Fermanagh. Jeremiah Jordan, Esq. East Cavan. Samuel Young, Esq. County of Gal way. Connemara. County of Clare.. William O'Malley, Esq. East Clare. North Galway. William Hoey Kearney Redmond, Esq. Lieutenant-Colonel John Philip Nolan. West Clare. \ East Galway. John Eustace Jameson, Esq. John Roche, Esq. County of Cork. South Galway. • North. Cork. William John Dufly, Esq. James Christopher Flynn, Esq. Borough of Galway. North-East Cork. Martin Henry Fitzpatrick Morris, Esq. (commonly William Abraham, Esq. called the Honourable Martin Henry Fitzpatrick Mid Cork. Morris). ' Charles Kearns Deane Tanner, Esq., M.D. County of. Kerry. North 'Kerry. East Cork. Michael Joseph Flavin,'Esq. Anthony. John Charles Donelan, Esq. West Kerry. West Cork. Thomas O'Donnell, Esq. ' ' . V., James Gilhooly, Esq. '. South Kerry.. South Cork. John Pius Boland, Esq.' ''•'.. Edward Barry, Esq.. East Kerry. South-East Cork. John Murphy, Esq. , . ' , . Eugene Crean, Esq. ."••-.• City of Cork. County of.Kildare. William O'Brien, Esq. North. Kildare. James Francis Xavier O'Brien, Esq. Edmund Leamy, Esq. ; County of Donegal, South Kildare. North. Donegal. Matthew Joseph Mincb, Esq.. -•-.-; William O'Doherty, Esq. • County of .Kilkenny. West Donegal. North Kilkenny. James Boyle, Esq. Patrick McDermott, Esq. ... East Donegal. South Kilkenny.-. Edward M. Fadden, Esq. James O'Mara, Esq. - . .-.-, ; " . • C 2.
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