KATHIE SHEARER: Adam, you said yesterday this is what you're planning, this is what you want to do, you want to win before the end of the year, this week and the . You played great today. : I played good today, it's a good start, and you

need four good days to win I believe. It's a good start, I didn't take advantage of my good play on my first 9 holes but I certainly did on my back 9, so that made up for it. That was a good score out there for

me today, really low, but very happy with my start.

It's going to keep me in touch with everybody I think, even if someone does go low, at least I'm on my way there. KATHIE SHEARER: Great. Questions please ladies and gentlemen? Sam? QUESTION: What was the main difference that helped you score so well in your second 9 compared to your first? ADAM SCOTT: I just made a few putts. The front 9 I just hit a few shots in there nice and close and had some chances but lipped out the putts, and then missed a real short one on 18, out of frustration I think, but then got it together around the turn and made a great putt on 2 and another good one on 4. Then I was rolling from there, hit a couple of nice shots and had a couple of short birdie chances too, so it was all really solid stuff, drove the ball well today. QUESTION: Does ending your round like that bode well for

tomorrow do you think?

ADAM SCOTT: Yeah, hopefully I won't be chasing too much of a score down but you never know, not until the

afternoon tomorrow and guys get 36 holes to play before

.TALISKER MASTERS 2012 1 KINGSTON HEATH GOLF CLUB ADAM SCOTT 15/11/12 I tee off, so I could be five, six shots back by the time I tee off and I'll have to go out and play another solid round to keep in touch. QUESTION: What could it have been?

ADAM SCOTT: Look, today was a perfect day. The course's defences were down today, there was no wind and the greens were soft and not very fast. Realistically, I felt 9 or 10 was possible for the way I played today if everything went my way. I'm not complaining, it's a good start. QUESTION: Your longest putt?

ADAM SCOTT: I made two pretty long ones. I made a long one on the second, it must have been over 40 feet, and I made a 35-footer probably on the 16th. QUESTION: Before you rolled in that putt you obviously had

a couple of chances. When you're in that sort of situation, how do you put those little 8 footers that lip out behind you? ADAM SCOTT: Well, I was struggling to because I was kind of

saying to myself, "Here we go again". It's much like Singapore, that's just how I played up there, but you've just got to stick with it. I wasn't hitting bad putts, they were just hitting

the edge of the hole and coming out and then that one went in and it settles you down. You just have to be patient. Although I wanted to take advantage of the conditions, it's still 72 holes, and I was only 7 in so at that point, a lot of time. QUESTION: Is that one of the main improvements in your

game, like mentally, that you can just compartmentalise that and walk away?

.TALISKER MASTERS 2012 2 KINGSTON HEATH GOLF CLUB ADAM SCOTT 15/11/12 ADAM SCOTT: I don't think so. I think I've always been a fairly smart player in that respect, but I guess some experience helps. I've been out here a long time, I've been doing it a long time and you figure things out as you go along and realise that not everything has to go your way all the time to be in contention. QUESTION: Adam, I know scheduling has become very important

to you and it's probably been the reason for your greater consistency over the last couple of years. How long do you think it now takes you to peak? Do you feel like after the two events in Asia you're now ready

to peak this week?

ADAM SCOTT: No. I prepared to peak in HSBC and Singapore and here. I feel like I set my schedule to play

100 per cent every time I play. I don't feel like I

need warm-up tournaments. You can certainly get into a tournament rhythm, and I feel like I'm definitely in that after playing eight rounds in the last two weeks. I got myself ready to play Thursday in HSBC and I

was ready, I shot 7-under the first round back after five weeks off. I've just got a much better preparation plan for my time when I'm not on the tour and how to get myself ready for a tournament. QUESTION: In those five weeks you have away do you play a lot or do you practice a lot? How do you get that balance? ADAM SCOTT: It can vary. I've got to do what I'm going

to get the most productivity out of. I actually played a lot in that five weeks. I played a lot of golf with my mum and dad and my friends, just 9 holes. I didn't put the clubs away for more than a week really. Then

.TALISKER MASTERS 2012 3 KINGSTON HEATH GOLF CLUB ADAM SCOTT 15/11/12 in the week leading into I hit a few more balls, I've worked on the short game a bit harder and just started tightening things up. That's very different than how I spend a few weeks before a Major. The few weeks before a Major is a lot of hard work on the range. It's not about playing, it's about grooving an action that's going to hold up to four days of Major play, so it varies at different times. QUESTION: Adam, how did you rate Gossie's game?

ADAM SCOTT: I'm very impressed. He didn't have his best

day off the tee certainly, but just managed to make from everywhere today. It was impressive. He's got a lot of talent obviously and a tidy little short game too, so he's going to have a good future for sure. QUESTION: Do you recall your first time when you were in a

marquee group just like that?

ADAM SCOTT: Yeah, it could have even have been here at the Australian Open in 2000. I played with Baddeley for sure, I know that, and it could have been another good player as well, might have been Allenby or something

like that. That was early days.

He handled it pretty well out there today, hit a lot of nice shots. I'm sure he'd like to tone it up a little bit off the tee but he knows how to get it around obviously and that's something that's a good asset to have at a young age. QUESTION: Adam, yesterday you talked about the ball and how

far the ball goes these days. Using Kingston Heath as an example, how different does the Heath play, or did it play today to when you played here in 2000 in the Australian Open?

.TALISKER MASTERS 2012 4 KINGSTON HEATH GOLF CLUB ADAM SCOTT 15/11/12 ADAM SCOTT: I think they may have lengthened a couple holes since then, I'm not sure, maybe 18 for sure. QUESTION: In terms of how you played the in terms of what shots you play based around the distance the ball goes? ADAM SCOTT: Not too much different, that's the beauty of this course. It's a big risk to try and overpower Kingston Heath. There's a lot of trouble you can drive

your ball in. In saying that, the wind was down today

and I'm driving the ball well. I did hit a few more drivers and left myself some really short clubs into holes, so there is an opportunity to do that for sure, where in the past I probably wouldn't have even done that at all.

Like I said, it's a little easier to hit it 300 yards now than it was 12 years ago, there's no doubt about that. If you can put a fairly controlled swing on it, and it goes 300 straight, you're going to be in a good spot around a course of this length. KATHIE SHEARER: Tim?

QUESTION: Adam, you've had a very consistent year and a consistent couple of weeks. Golf's all about consistency. How close do you feel you are to being in complete control of your game? You seem like you are, but is there room for improvement still? How close are you to playing your best? ADAM SCOTT: I've got to hope there's room for improvement.

I think there are certainly areas I can work on, but I've lifted the level of all parts of my game over the last couple of years I think and it's showing in some

.TALISKER MASTERS 2012 5 KINGSTON HEATH GOLF CLUB ADAM SCOTT 15/11/12 good consistent play. I'm really just trying to take myself to that level where Rory seems to have lifted himself to over the last couple of years where he's a threat week in, week out. I believe I've got a game that can match his, and he's the benchmark at the moment and that's kind of what I'm striving for. KATHIE SHEARER: Any more questions ladies and gentlemen?

No, thank you.

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