Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, May 26, 2011 OUR 121st YEAR – ISSUE NO. 21-2011 Periodical – Postage Paid at Rahway, N.J.
[email protected] SEVENTY FIVE CENTS Discussion Flares at Westfield Council Meeting Over Signal By LAUREN S. BARR ued and that she is going to prove it She also said the current placement Specially Written for The Westfield Leader to the council. of the light added more points of WESTFIELD — At Tuesday Ms. Enculescu also stated that she conflict for pedestrians because of night’s Westfield Council meeting, had received copies of correspon- Ms. Enculescu’s driveway. a shouting match broke out between dence from Westfield and Union Third Ward Councilman Mark former councilman Sal Caruana and County regarding the project. She Ciarrocca said the town submitted a Central Avenue resident Maria said the county stated that Westfield proposed plan and the county made Carluccio over Mrs. Carluccio’s be- requested the project and the loca- the decision on the final location of havior at council meetings regard- tion of the light. the light. ing the pedestrian crossing signal on Cambridge Road resident Lisa Mrs. Carluccio said she called Central Avenue near Clover Street. Decicco said the council is “hearing three realtors and they all said the Adina Enculescu, on whose prop- but not listening” to the residents value of Ms. Enculescu’s house has erty the pedestrian light was con- regarding the placement of the light. decreased and that the number of structed, said that while “each one She asked the council what the point people who would be interested in of you have good intentions,” the was of making several of the side the home would be lower should light is “not safe for children.” She streets into cul-de-sacs once the light she try to sell it.