Data Sci. Eng. (2017) 2:232–244

Robust Cross-Platform Workflows: How Technical and Scientific Communities Collaborate to Develop, Test and Share Best Practices for Data Analysis

1,2 2,3 2,4 2,5 Steffen Mo¨ller • Stuart W. Prescott • Lars Wirzenius • Petter Reinholdtsen • 6 7 8,9,10 11 Brad Chapman • Pjotr Prins • Stian Soiland-Reyes • Fabian Klo¨tzl • 12 13 2 2,9 Andrea Bagnacani • Matu´sˇ Kalasˇ • Andreas Tille • Michael . Crusoe

Received: 13 June 2017 / Revised: 1 October 2017 / Accepted: 18 October 2017 / Published online: 16 November 2017 Ó The Author(s) 2017. This article is an open access publication

Abstract Information integration and workflow technolo- essential to have all the flexibility of open-source tools and gies for data analysis have always been major fields of open-source workflow descriptions. Workflows in data- investigation in . A range of popular work- driven science such as computational biology have con- flow suites are available to support analyses in computa- siderably gained in complexity. New tools or new releases tional biology. Commercial providers tend to offer with additional features arrive at an enormous pace, and prepared applications remote to their clients. However, for new reference data or concepts for quality control are most academic environments with local expertise, novel emerging. A well-abstracted workflow and the exchange of data collection techniques or novel data analysis, it is the same across work groups have an enormous impact on the efficiency of research and the further development of the field. High-throughput sequencing adds to the ava- & Steffen Mo¨ller lanche of data available in the field; efficient computation and, in particular, parallel execution motivate the transition 1 Rostock University Medical Center, Institute for Biostatistics from traditional scripts and Makefiles to workflows. We and Informatics in Medicine and Ageing Research, Rostock, here review the extant software development and distri- Germany bution model with a focus on the role of integration testing 2 Debian Project, and discuss the effect of common workflow language on 3 School of Chemical Engineering, UNSW, Sydney, distributions of open-source scientific software to swiftly NSW 2052, Australia and reliably provide the tools demanded for the execution 4 QvarnLabs, Helsinki, Finland of such formally described workflows. It is contended that, alleviated from technical differences for the execution on 5 University Center for Information Technology, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway local machines, clusters or the cloud, communities also gain the technical means to test workflow-driven interac- 6 Harvard School of Public Health, Boston MA, USA tion across several software packages. 7 University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands 8 eScience Lab, School of Computer Science, The University Keywords Continuous integration testing Á Common of Manchester, Manchester, UK workflow language Á Container Á Á 9 Common Workflow Language Project, Automated installation 10 Apache Software Foundation, Forest Hill MD, USA 11 Max-Planck-Institute for Evolutionary Biology, Plo¨n, 1 Introduction Germany 12 Department of Systems Biology and Bioinformatics, An enormous amount of data is available in public data- University of Rostock, Rostock, Germany bases, institutional data archives or generated locally. This 13 Computational Biology Unit, Department of Informatics, remote wealth is immediately downloadable, but its inter- University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway pretation is hampered by the variation of samples and their 123 Robust Cross-Platform Workflows: How Technical and Scientific Communities Collaborate to… 233 biomedical condition, the technological preparation of the 2 Methods sample and data formats. In general, all sciences are challenged with data management, and particle physics, The foundations of functional workflows are sources for astronomy, medicine and biology are particularly known readily usable software. The software tools of interest are for data-driven research. normally curated by maintainers into installable units that The influx of data further increases with more technical we will generically call ‘‘packages’’. We reference the advances and higher acceptance in the community. With following package managers that can be installed on one more data, the pressure raises on researchers and service single system and, together, represent all bioinformatics groups to perform analyses quickly. Local compute facil- open-source software packages in use today: ities grow and have become extensible by public clouds, • Debian GNU/ ( is a soft- which all need to be maintained and the scientific execu- ware distribution that encompasses the kernel (Linux) tion environment be prepared. plus a large body of other user software including Software performing the analyses steadily gains func- graphical desktop environments, server software and tionality, both for the core analyses and for quality control. specialist software for scientific data processing. New protocols emerge that need to be integrated in existing Debian and its derivatives share the deb package for- pipelines for researchers to keep up with the advances in mat with a long history of community support for knowledge and technology. Small research groups with a bioinformatics packages [26, 27]. focus on biomedical research sensibly avoid the overhead • GNU Guix ( entailed in developing full solutions to the analysis problem of the GNU project that can be or becoming experts in all details of these long workflows, installed on top of other Linux distributions and rep- instead concentrating on the development of a single soft- resents the most rigorous approach towards dependency ware tool for a single step in the process. Best practices management. GNU Guix packages are uniquely iso- emerge, are evaluated in accompanying papers and are then lated by a hash value computed over all inputs, shared with the community in the most efficient way [37]. including the source package, the configuration and all Over the past 5 years, with the avalanche of high- dependencies. This means that it is possible to have throughput sequencing data in particular, the pressure on multiple versions of the same software and even dif- research groups has risen drastically to establish routines in ferent combinations of software, e.g. Apache with ssl non-trivial data processing. Companies like Illumina offer and without ssl compiled in on a single system. hosted bioinformatics services (http://basespace.illumina. • Conda ( is a package installation com/) which developed into a platform in its own right. tool that, while popularised by the Anaconda Python This paper suggests workflow engines to take the position distribution, can be used to manage software written in of a core interface between the users and a series of any language. Coupled with Bioconda [7](https://bio communities to facilitate the exchange, verification and, its software catalogue provides efficient execution of scientific workflows [32]. Prominent immediate access to many common bioinformatics examples of workflow and workbench applications are packages. Apache Taverna [38], with its seeds in the orchestration of • Brew ( is a package manager that dis- web interfaces; Galaxy [1, 11], which is popular for tributes rules to compile source packages, originally allowing the end-users’ modulation of workflows in nucleic designed to work on macOS but capable of managing acid sequencing analysis and other fields; the lightweight software on Linux environments as well. highly compatible Nextflow [8]; and KNIME [5] which has emerged from machine learning and cheminformatics The common workflow language (CWL) [3] is a set of environments and is now also established for bioinfor- open-community-made standards with a reference imple- matics routine sequence analyses [13].1 mentation for maintaining workflows with a particular Should all these workflow frameworks bring the soft- strength for the execution of command-line tools. CWL ware for the execution environment with them (Fig. 1)or will be adopted also by already established workflow suites should they depend on system administrators to provide the like Galaxy and Apache Taverna. It is also of interest as an executables and data they need? abstraction layer to reduce complexity in current hard- coded pipelines. The CWL standards provide 1 For a growing list of alternative workflow engines and formalisms, • formalisms to derive command-line invocations to see flow-language/wiki/Existing-Workflow-systems and https://github. software com/pditommaso/awesome-pipeline. An overview of workbench • modular, executable descriptions of workflows with applications in bioinformatics is in [23, 36] and [18] pp. 35–39, http:// auto-fulfillable specifications of run-time dependencies 123 234 S. Mo¨ller et al.

Fig. 1 Workflow specifications comprise formal references to a range of packages to be installed without specifying the execution environment. The separation between problem- specific software, and the packages a provides, is fluid

The community embracing the CWL standards provides versions of two tools together in the same release of a distribution is expected to overcome this difficulty. • tools to execute workflows in different technical The Debian GNU/Linux distribution provides base environments, i.e. local clusters and remote clouds2 systems for the Docker images and has a rich repository of • auto-installable run-time environments using light- scientific software with special interest groups for science weight isolation from the underlying in general, and additional efforts, for example Astronomy, For isolation from an operating system (Fig. 1), it is now Bioinformatics and Chemistry ( popular to adopt software container technologies such as med/tasks/)[27]. The Bioconda community provides Docker ( Increasingly, high- additional packages homogeneously for all Linux distri- performance computing sites turn to the compatible Sin- butions and macOS. Differences between these communi- gularity [21](, which is consid- ties and consequences for the specification of workflows ered to be well suited for research containerisation, as it is are described below. also for non-privileged users. The Open Container Initia- tive’s Open Container Format and Open Container Inter- face configuration files ( 3 Results and Discussion specify the contents of these containers (such as via Dockerfiles), representing an interface to the bespoke The scientific method needs scientific software to be packages of the Bioconda community and the underpinning inspectable, that is, it should be open source (https://www. base of a GNU/Linux distribution (such as that produced by the Debian project). In high-performance compute 973.html). Openness is increasingly a requirement from environments, the acceptance rate of Docker is relatively funding agencies or the policy of institutes—either way, it low due to its technical overhead and demand for special is good scientific practice. Bioinformatics is no exception, privileges ( which would not be noteworthy if there was not the vicinity production-an-history-of-failure). With the focus of this to the pharmaceutical industry and medical technology. It article being on the provisioning of software, we use the is likely that the past dispute over the public accessibility availability of auto-configured Docker images as an of the human genome has manifested the open-source example that has a low barrier to enter for new users; other principles in this community ([19] and Ewan Birney, 2002 alternative configuration and software management engines at can also be used to create setups of the same packages, e.g. day1.html). Beyond inspectability, for the exchange and Puppet, Chef or Ansible ( collaborative development of workflows, software licences intro_installation.html). Automated or programmable must allow redistribution of the software. While well- deployment technologies are also enabling for collabora- maintained, pre-compiled, non-inspectable, black-box tools tive computational environments, for example, by sharing may also be redistributable, this is also potentially unde- folders at an Infrastructure-as-a-Service cloud provider sirable for the technical reason that the pre-compiled binary (e.g. [35]or will not use the latest processor features and optimised Incompatible versions of interacting tools would disrupt external libraries to their full potential. Targeted optimi- the workflow as a whole. This motivated Dockstore to shift sation is not achievable with any centralised distribution of from dynamic image creation with Ansible to ready-pre- software since the end-users’ hardware is too diverse to pared Docker images [30]. The exact specification of ver- optimise for them all; however, only the most CPU-in- sions from, Bioconda, or unspecified tensive packages need to be optimised and this can be done centrally for various common cloud platforms. With 2 123 Robust Cross-Platform Workflows: How Technical and Scientific Communities Collaborate to… 235 scientific software distributed as source code, local incompatible changes are rare and for some languages such recompilations are relatively easy and the automated as C, there is a formal way by which they can be tracked compilation recipes that are provided by Linux distribu- and described in the shared object name and version tions facilitate that. (soname and sover, manual/html_node/Updating-version-info.html). Further, 3.1 Distribution: Getting Software from Its peer pressure and code review help avoid incompatible Developers to Its Users changes. In less mature software, in code bases that have grown organically, without the benefit of team design, A software distribution may be small. Common on tradi- refinement, regular code review, and with different pres- tional closed-source operating systems like macOS or sures on the development, keeping backwards compatibil- Windows, the developers themselves are likely to offer a ity during regular development and maintenance is harder readily installable package to download. Binaries of the and breaking changes are an unwelcome companion. executable and also binaries of the libraries the software Notably, much scientific software possesses these attri- uses are bundled. The version of the self-developed soft- butes. Maintainers of software packages in Linux distri- ware is the latest, but the versions of the libraries are butions (the largest of which have more than 2000 whatever the author knows to be compatible with a par- contributors maintaining packages) use the distribution’s ticular release. infrastructure to notify difficulties, report them to the In the philosophy of Linux distributions, common developers of the software or prepare a respective fix functions should be broken out into libraries, and libraries themselves. should only be installed once with all tools depending on Contributors to Linux distributions see a fluid transition one single installation. This philosophy developed, in part, from the code written by the program’s authors to a per- as a reaction to the problems that were experienced in petual maintenance effort to keep the program working for dealing with monolithic software systems where big, all its users within the distribution and with the current expensive computers (mainframes, minicomputers) versions of any dependent libraries, as illustrated in Fig. 2. required considerable effort from local system adminis- The shared library maintenance model avoids keeping trators to build software from source (from tape, possibly additional, redundant, separate copies of the same or only from the vendor), or by installing binary versions directly slightly different versions of a particular library. All tools from vendors. Inflexibility of solutions and a ‘‘look but in the same distribution benefit from the latest advance- don’t touch’’ policy from vendors made local tailoring and ments of that library, including security-related bug fixes. improvement in software problematic in many instances. A Through wider testing, problems are found earlier and for a key step was the creation of pre-compiled, Internet-dis- larger fraction of routines in the library. Except for the tributed Linux distributions which saved the local system possibility of newly introduced problems, this increases administrator from the tiresome task of compiling every- performance for everyone. With eyeballs concentrating on thing by hand. An important stage in the development of the same latest version, this also helps the early detection the distribution was the standardisation of which compiler of new concerns. was used, the versions of libraries that would be included, There is a consensus that in an ideal world the authors of the file locations on disk and the removal of pointless many tools and libraries indeed collaborate closely to variations between software packages [37]. Such require- ensure that shared library resources are performant, flexible ments are codified in documents such as the Filesystem and suitable for all tools that use them. In Linux distribu- Hierarchy Standard (FHS, tions, the shared library development model indeed works and Debian Policy ( well for the packages very close to the core of the distri- policy/). bution, such as the ones required to get the machine to boot Standardisation made shared libraries the norm. The and show the graphical or based on suitably shared library model of maintenance only works when the mature APIs. However, use of the shared library mainte- application programming interfaces (APIs) are stable or at nance model comes at the cost of an increased time from least not changing in backwards-incompatible ways on a software being released by its author to the time that the frequent basis. Such stability permits the use of the same software is released in a stable release of a Linux library across software both new and old. Difficulties due distribution. to incompatibilities between versions are possible and need New versions of a distribution are released periodically, to be fixed—in the library or the calling code—as part of with different user groups seeking different release regular software maintenance, and the requisite changes are cadences: desktop users might be happy with relatively communicated back to the respective authors of the soft- short cycles every 6 months (, Fedora), or perhaps ware. In mature and well-designed code bases, more stable cycles of 24 months (Debian, Ubuntu LTS), 123 236 S. Mo¨ller et al.

Fig. 2 The software distribution process for packages in a Linux ‘‘unstable’’ distribution can be equally fast, then with build and QA distribution such as Debian (upper) and in a smaller immediate- tests, grants users time to comment prior to the transition to testing. In availability catalogue such as Conda/Bioconda (lower). The Conda the Linux distribution, the new release will not be automatically made system renders packages immediately available across many releases available (‘‘backported’’) to the current stable release of many Linux distributions and the macOS. The arrival in Debian’s while infrastructure and large Linux installations (e.g. a software management is that both ‘‘recent’’ and ‘‘well- compute cluster) are likely to run older releases with even tested’’ are difficult to achieve at the same time. The longer release cycles (Red Hat family, 4–5 years). Com- maintenance effort is better distributed across a commu- piling new software to older releases of the distribution nity, to avoid a perpetual investment of time for updates (‘‘backporting’’) is typically not automated and, due to the that is unrewarding (both scientifically and in terms of extensive dependency trees of the shared library model, can career advancement) for the individual scientist. Thus, to make this effort quite difficult. allow for a focus on workflows with better reproducibility For a scientist, there are competing forces for their across installations, one wants recent scientific software tooling. It is the science that they care about, not the finer nonetheless readily installable as packages. details of distribution maintenance, and so the convenience The Linux distribution popularised the concept and reproducibility of the analytical environment created of storing readily executable commands for downloading by the Linux distribution should not be underestimated. At and installing packages in a public code repository (https:// the same time, the prospect of a delay in obtaining for new The research tools is not acceptable as they will not benefit approach of distributing compilation recipes rather than from new optimisations, new features or, most importantly, compiled code found broad acceptance within the Home- improved accuracy. From the perspective of the scientist, brew initiative for macOS ( together with the scientific software is special in its need to be up to date, its Linuxbrew companion ( While while the base system functionality (which may be just technically similar, for bioinformatics, the Bioconda ini- sufficiently recent to provide compatible compilers and tiative ( propelled itself to the core libraries) is a mere cumbersome consequence of the heart of the community. Since command-line instructions computational demands. Through the lens of looking for are mostly the same across Linux distributions, these build the latest tools to address a scientific problem, the Linux instructions can be shared across different execution distribution and the delays in process and QA it entails environments. There is no lock-in to one particular com- become an unwelcome barrier to code delivery. Container- munity. Further, these build instructions are often easily based deployment of tools thus offers an alluring possi- adapted to new versions of the software and are technically bility: a stable base distribution running on the hardware easy to improve or extend for anyone familiar with soft- with containers of bespoke tools deployed on top. Within ware code maintenance with git ( By the container, a domain-specific (or language-specific) reducing the scope of the integration problem to a smaller package manager can be used to install and upgrade the software domain, there is less of the overhead that delays tooling. traditional Linux distributions. The software is readily With a focus on problem-tailored workflows that are installable and suitable for automated installation into comprised of multiple tools, scientists have a desire for a pristine environments. repository that contains recent releases. However, they still The downside is that a maintenance and installation want the benefits of a curated software library in which the procedure that works nicely across distributions cannot be software is known to work. The fundamental dichotomy of deeply integrated with any distribution because the

123 Robust Cross-Platform Workflows: How Technical and Scientific Communities Collaborate to… 237 integration and QA work of the package maintainer has not and their integration. The right workflow must have been been performed; when the API changes in ways that break selected for the right kind of properly formatted data. A compatibility, someone must do the integration work to new software installation needs to perform correctly and create the coherent software stack, and someone must be that should be testable by the local user and also by the prepared to apply the polish and ensure standards confor- package maintainer and integrator through QA tests. mance of the package. Yet again a forerunner is the Gentoo Modern software ships with self-tests including unit distribution with the introduction of its Prefix concept tests of functions, functional tests (for a fixed input, the ( to allow for output should not change across installations), interfacing user-defined installation at non-privileged locations [2]. tests (errors in the input should throw the expected error The method of having an ‘‘alternative root’’ prefix with a messages) and integration tests with other parts of the FHS-like file hierarchy, e.g. /alt/bin, /alt/lib, /alt/var, allows ecosystem. The Debian Project, in particular, invests a software distribution tools like Brew to have binaries and considerable effort to test every new submission to its libraries installed side-by-side with the operating system’s distribution: own libraries; in effect being a secondary software distri- • Can it be built? ( bution, bypassing library version incompatibility issues. • Can it be installed, upgraded and removed? (https:// One can consider this approach to be pioneered by the StoreAdm system [6](, which used • Does its test suite still pass? ( a file hierarchy of symbolic links to individually captured • How does that new version differ? (https://snapshot. software installations, relying on the rpath mechanism ( to modify the search path for dynamic libraries. Additionally, packages that depend on a newly uploaded Poor integration can manifest itself in a lack of docu- library are tested in the same way to prevent problems mentation (manual pages are missing from Bioconda), cascading through the software stack. Packages with self- missing resources or unusual on-disk locations for the tests conducted as part of the build process will have these included files. While documentation may be provided tests executed at build time by the build system, and after instead by command-line help in modern tools, integration the build the piuparts system will test if the package problems are harder for the user to ameliorate. In Bio- installs, upgrades and removes as it should. The continuous conda, Python modules are not installed in a system-ac- integration (CI) system will install the package and run the cessible fashion but instead with every package in a defined self-tests to verify that the packages work as separate directory and not available to the Python inter- expected when installed. Such testing is a key feature of the preter without further action by the user. While this permits distribution’s QA work and is important to verify that co-installability of package versions, access to provided newer dependencies than those the authors of the software libraries is less immediate and convenient as when the may have had available at the time the software was package is centrally managed such as in Debian. Further, released, work with the package as built. the ability to install multiple versions of the same module A workflow also needs to be tested as a whole, since the does not permit the one Python process to use these mul- exact combination of tools that determines the input of a tiple versions, even if that might be required by the overall tool cannot be foreseen by the individual authors. Build software stack. The container has not removed the need for dependencies for packages should also be minimal which integration tests and QA work on the stack, merely will constrain interface tests with other tools to static tex- attempted to reduce the size of the problem domain. tual representations—an external tool’s update with a Simple, automated deployment of bespoke analysis tools change to its default file format will not have an immediate is synergistic with the wide deployment of container effect. Like regular applications, workflow pipelines may technologies and the dynamic deployment of cloud also ship with a test suite [12]. However, there is still a instances. Both provide almost immediate access to single need to develop ways to perform tests in a package-inde- tools or complete workflows. For large projects, because of pendent manner. We may see a transition from testing for the then increasing likelihood of a failure, deployment of technical completion of a workflow towards the finding of the same packages or containers shall be performed in an regressions in the performance of the tool. The Genome in environment that detects and reacts to such outages [34]. the Bottle consortium provides a gold standard [39] for sequencing and variant calling to support respective 3.2 Shipping Confidence: A Workflow Perspective benchmarking [22]. Others have independently evaluated tools for molecular docking [15], and, generally, every new The confidence in the correct execution of a workflow has competing method will have to prove its performance in its foundation in the confidence in all its component tools 123 238 S. Mo¨ller et al. some way. The local confirmation of such an evaluation software that is directly retrieved from the developers, with would yield the highest possible confidence in a workflow. all its redundancies, or instead the coherent and curated The common workflow language (CWL) project has presentation via their Linux distribution. A Linux distri- published a standard to describe command-line tools for bution cannot and should not provide all possible software the integration in workflows. The CWL community pro- for all user communities. However, the software engi- vides its own workflow engine for reference and develop- neering lessons learned in maintaining large distributions ment use. This reference executor can be used as an should be adopted as much as possible and the effort interface from workflows to command-line tools, e.g. for towards minimal redundancy and maximal testing can be the Apache Taverna workflow engine, it may substitute an shared within the community. earlier tool wrapper [20] and is also finding acceptance by Software catalogues and registries have a key role in the Galaxy community. It could also be the means to facilitating cooperation and synchronisation of communi- exchange ways to evaluate the performance of tools and ties, in that these refer to workflows using a particular tool whole workflows independently of any distribution. and propose means to install the software, with all the user Successful transfer of experience from one community feedback known from regular ‘‘app stores’’. Resource to another needs a mapping of software packages across identifiers (RRID) [4] offer to act as a common reference distributions. Source package matching can be performed point also for scientific software which further strengthens based on the package name, which should be very similar if cross-platform activities and reproducibility, albeit not not identical, and the home page at which the tool is pre- without semantic deficiencies: Sharing the same RRID is sented. Each way is not without difficulty, both for very both (1) a early version of the tool Bowtie that is still young and very old tools. To the rescue come registries of maintained for aligning short reads and (2) a newer version software like Bio.Tools [17], and the resource identification of Bowtie used for new technologies that provide longer initiative ( expands the reads. (However, this situation is not a problem when the same concept well beyond software. For sharing whole tool identifier (like RRID) is combined with a desired workflows, myExperiment ( version.) The registries OMICtools [14] and Bio.Tools [17] well-established repository used by multiple workflow have begun to integrate Debian’s curated package systems and research communities [10], complementing descriptions into their catalogues. With Debian, all control more specific workflow repositories like CWL Viewer [33] over the packaging is with the individual package main- (, Galaxy’s ToolShed (https:// tainers, but the scientific packages are commonly team-, and Dock- maintained, which facilitates mass changes like the intro- store [30]. duction of references to catalogues from Debian in analogy to references to publications that are already offered today. 3.3 How Distributions Meet Bulk retrieval of any such edited annotation is possible via the Debian database and its API ( Recipes for the execution of data analysis tools and bidirectionally maintain links. Bio.Tools is also collabo- workflows refer to a basic image of a Linux distribution rating with the community of [24], and it plus a series of additional packages to install. When can be reasonably predicted that further coordination will combined with lightweight containers such as Docker or develop. Once catalogues also serve workflows and best Singularity, the recipe becomes directly installable (Fig. 2) practices with example data, pan-package testing can [28]. It needs to be left to the users’ opinion where to draw become routine, which will be of interest to all users of any the line between traditional distribution-provided packages of the tools involved. that are already used to communicate with the kernel and Another aspect of such registries is their approach to the end-user packages of the given scientific discipline, describe their collections of computational tools, and the which are often redundantly available from the Linux implications that such characterisations entail. While the distribution and a Linuxbrew/Bioconda community, or OMICtools registry leverages a tailor-made taxonomy that other repositories like Bioconductor [9](http://bio tags each tool and enables researchers finding the most There are advantages to each approach, as pertinent tool for their data analysis task, the Bio.Tools shown in Table 1. registry employs the EDAM ontology [16]. Terms from By way of example, Debian already provides many EDAM (a collaboratively and openly maintained ontology) packages for the R statistical analysis suite. The setup time can describe a tool in terms of its topic, operation, data, and for the container could be much reduced by pre-installing format, thus providing a multifaceted characterisation: those into the container prior to cloning and use; the flex- tools can be grouped by functionality, and compatible data ibility to do so is left to the user’s discretion. On every formats. Within the scope of sharing workflows, and computer, local or remote, users have the choice to use enhancing testing and reproducibility through workflow 123 Robust Cross-Platform Workflows: How Technical and Scientific Communities Collaborate to… 239

Table 1 Features in Linux distributions and cross-distribution package providers Linux distribution Brew/Conda

Common Tests provided by software developers are executed at build time Recent releases find early entry into the distribution Positive Strict adherence to file system standards Compatible across all Linux environments Rich annotation of packages Immediate availability of the software Building across several architectures (e.g. ARM and PowerPC64) Integration with GitHub Test of effect of new library release on correctness of tools using that library Available also for macOS All software is tested to build Acceptable to deploy a trusted binary directly Offers popcon usage statistics Negative Difficult to install several versions of the same tool without using software containers man pages missing Immediate availability of new software only if manually backported Redundancies wrt libraries Redundant installation for multiple users

modularity, such features can make the difference between html#SoftwareRequirement). Debian packages reference enabling users to manually build their own computational the same catalogues to support the matching. pipelines, and assisting users in recommending them per- The installation procedure of Bioconductor in Table 2 is tinent tools to automate constructing them. A controlled trusted, and the rest performs in an automated manner. vocabulary of terms or a structured inference-ready ontol- Version information can be retrieved at run-time. For the ogy can already provide ground for automated or semi- user who desires to always have the latest released version automated decision-making system. of a bespoke tool, the distribution providing backported The CWL CommandLineTool standard describes tools versions is a significant advantage. While technically and at a very syntactical level. While these CWL-based tools socially difficult to undertake en masse, automated back- descriptions may be optionally earmarked with EDAM of much scientific software is possible, and efforts annotations, there is no generic direct transfer possible to provide such packages either officially within the dis- from the command-line interface to any such semantic tribution ( or through external annotation. repositories ( will continue to grow The Docker configuration shown in Table 2 illustrates in importance. how a base system from a Linux distribution can be pre- A yet unresolved issue with Bioconductor and other pared, and then further code can be deployed within the tools and frameworks that provide their own packages is container by adding-in external resources. The recipe that they have their own release scheme of highly inter- described by Table 2 demonstrates vividly that users may connected packages which do not synchronise with an not explicitly care about the particular version that is underlying Linux distribution. This issue is, albeit to a installed, either of the operating system or the installed lesser degree, shared with the rolling Conda and GNU Guix library, with the only specification being that it should be distributions. GNU Guix does allow multi-versioning of the ‘‘latest reliable’’. It is not uncommon to just refer to the packages and their dependencies, but the main software latest version released by a trusted maintainer, but this trust distribution typically only includes recent releases of can only be earned by solid testing against a good refer- software. Currently, no software packaging system dis- ence, and at best any such test environment is available tributes the same software with many versions, e.g. com- locally to confirm the installation. Tables 3 and 4 show a patibility with R version 3.4 and with a particular earlier readily usable implementation from the EBI Metagenomics version of this established statistics environment as [25] workflow. It was initially prepared for Docker but was requested for a Bioconductor release. The community has adjusting to allow for a regular distributions package via not yet found an answer to this problem though Conda the SciCrunch Research Resource ID of the tool infernal channels can be used to achieve this. For GNU Guix a and the CWL’s SoftwareRequirement specification (https:// similar ‘‘channels’’ system is being considered for sup- porting older software packages.

123 240 S. Mo¨ller et al.

Table 2 Example for the configuration file for a Docker container. It combines an Ubuntu basic image with packages retrieved from Biocon- ductor, Bioconda or a static web address. (,

Seed minimal system FROM ubuntu:latest MAINTAINER Parts by Eugene de Beste, Kamil Kwiek, Long Yee

Additions the distribution provides RUN apt-get update -y && \ apt-get install --no-install-recommends r-base-core -y && \ apt-get install -y build-essential \ wget zlib1g-dev libblas-dev \ liblapack-dev gfortran libssl-dev

Additions from a community repository RUN printf "source(’’)" > script.R RUN printf "biocLite(’crlmm’)" >> script.R RUN Rscript script.R RUN rm script.R

Installation of Conda RUN apt-get update && \ apt-get install -y wget bzip2 libxext6 libsm6 libxrender1 libglib2.0-0 # Based on RUN echo ’export PATH=/opt/conda/bin:$PATH’ > /etc/profile.d/ && \ wget --quiet \ -O ~/ && \ /bin/bash ~/ -b -p /opt/conda && rm ~/ ENV PATH /opt/conda/bin:$PATH

Installation of QIIME with Conda RUN /opt/conda/bin/conda create -y -n qiime1 python=2.7 \ qiime matplotlib=1.4.3 mock nose -c bioconda RUN /opt/conda/bin/conda install psutil ENV PATH /opt/conda/envs/qiime1/bin:$PATH

Installation of a binary from the web as an alternative to the Debian package RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y unzip wget RUN wget && \ unzip -d /usr/bin/ RUN rm -rf

Installation of a Debian package from the web RUN apt-get install -y curl grep sed dpkg && \ TINI_VERSION=‘curl | \ grep -o "/v.*\"" | sed ’s:^..\(.*\).$:\1:’‘ && \ curl -L "${TINI_VERSION}%tini_${TINI_VERSION}.deb" \ > tini.deb && \ dpkg -i tini.deb && rm tini.deb && apt-get clean

123 Robust Cross-Platform Workflows: How Technical and Scientific Communities Collaborate to… 241

Table 3 Example CWL tool descriptions from EBI Metagenomics distributions. The EDAM annotations are a prime candi- workflow ( date to make this transition from Debian or software cat- cwl/) which the first provides the tool, and the second file lays out the alogues into the source tree. interface. The first file is no longer included by the tool description but the software dependency is specified via an external catalogue [4] We have presented Conda-based packages as a cross- distributional resource of readily usable software packages. File tools/infernal-docker.yml: There is an ongoing need for a traditional Linux distribu- class: DockerRequirement tion underneath, of which the focus in this article lies on dockerImageId: infernal dockerFile: the Debian distribution as a point of comparison with $include: infernal-Dockerfile Conda. Philosophical differences between these efforts File tools/infernal-cmscan.cwl: persist, especially towards the avoidance of redundancy cwlVersion: v1.0 between packages. We did not explore here other package class: CommandLineTool label: search sequence(s) against a covariance model database managers such as GNU Guix and Brew. These four doc: "" package managers together represent the full range of free requirements: ResourceRequirement: and open-source software in use today and can be installed coresMax: 1 ramMin: 1024 # just a default, could be lowered on one system without interfering with each other, each hints: providing some level of convenience, robustness and SoftwareRequirement: packages: reproducibility. infernal: By placing a high value on standardisation, policy specs: [ "" ] version: [ "1.1.2" ] compliance ( #- $import: infernal-docker.yml and quality assurance, it is understood that immediate inputs: participation of newcomers in Debian maintainership is covariance_model_database: type: File rendered more difficult; contributions are undoubtedly inputBinding: more difficult than a pull request on GitHub which the position: 1 secondaryFiles: Conda initiatives requests. The Debian community is - .i1f - .i1i moving towards technologies with lower barriers to entry, - .i1m but its focus on using tools to develop a free - .i1p operating system [29, 31], and a strict adherence to cor- query_sequences: type: File rectness and policy will keep this barrier relatively high for streamable: true the foreseeable future. inputBinding: position: 1 With a focus on the exchange of workflows, we need to format: find ways to eliminate hurdles for an exchange of experi- - edam:format_1929 # FASTA ... ences between distributions of scientific software. For- $namespaces: edam: mally, this can be performed by an exchange of tests/ s: benchmarks of tools and complete workflows alike. This is $schemas: - a likely challenge for upcoming informal meetings like a - Codefest [26]. s:license: "" Workflow testing and modularisation can highly benefit s:copyrightHolder: "EMBL - European Bioinformatics Institute" from a more homogeneous characterisation of all available software tools. The EDAM ontology provides such descriptors, but its terms have to be associated manually, and their precise attribution highly depends on the very knowledge of the ontology itself. The lack of a protocol 4 Conclusion formalising whether the developer or the package main- tainer has to provide them brings, however, ground for both We have discussed the many efforts at different levels that communities to decide whether to channel their efforts are contributed by volunteers. User-installability in HPC towards a better tool description enrichment. environments is provided by containers like Singularity or We have experimented with packages of the Bioconda the Prefix concept of Gentoo. Every distribution needs to software infrastructure for Debian to reduce the overhead provide proofs for the reliability of their packages by for users of Debian and derivative distributions, e.g., themselves. Conceptional differences remain in the degree Ubuntu, to add Bioconda-provided packages to their of manual curation. Via cross-distributional efforts like workflows. Conversely, it would be feasible to add a bit of AppStream, a good part of this curation may be shifting to extra logic to the Conda infrastructure to install system the upstream source tree, to be equally used by all packages if those are available and the user has the 123 242 S. Mo¨ller et al.

Table 4 Example CWL workflow from EBI Metagenomics using the of the publication process. What is needed to complete the tool infernal as described in Table 3 reproducibility is the analysis tooling. This holds for any size of data, including local findings of a pre-clinical study File workflows/cmsearch-multimodel.cwl: or remote big data such as from physics or astronomy. #!/usr/bin/env cwl-runner Hence, researchers need well-established transitions cwlVersion: v1.0 class: between arbitrary research environments that render our research the most productive, and an environment that may requirements: be reliably installed across many clinical environments. ScatterFeatureRequirement: {} This is a long-term goal that we had better all start working inputs: towards now. We are approaching it with the CWL, and query_sequences: File seeing the CWL as an integral part of a Linux Distribution covariance_models: File[] clan_info: File with all the distributions’ established policies and infras- tructure to assess correctness and reliability, will be ben- outputs: eficial for all. matches: type: File outputSource: remove_overlaps/deoverlapped_matches Acknowledgements The authors thank Fabien Pichon, Stephan Struckmann and Georg Fuellen for their review and comments to the steps: manuscript. This work has been supported by funding from the cmsearch: European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme run: ../tools/infernal-cmsearch.cwl under H2020-PHC-2014-two-stage Grant Agreement 633589 ‘‘Age- in: ing with Elegans’’ and H2020-EINFRA-2015-1 Grant Agreement query_sequences: query_sequences 675728 ‘‘BioExcel CoE’’. In addition, the project has benefited from covariance_model_database: covariance_models EU ICT COST Action ‘‘cHiPSet’’ (IC1406). This publication reflects only_hmm: { default: true } only the authors’ views, and the commission is not responsible for any omit_alignment_section: { default: true } use that may be made of the information it contains. search_space_size: { default: 1000 } out: [ matches ] scatter: covariance_model_database Compliance with Ethical Standards

concatenate_matches: Conflict of interest AT, MRC, SM and PR received travel grants by run: ../tools/concatenate.cwl Debian for participating in a Debian Med Sprint. MRC and SSR are in: members of the CWL Leadership Team at the Software Freedom files: cmsearch/matches Conservancy. out: [ result ] Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the remove_overlaps: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://crea run: ../tools/cmsearch-deoverlap.cwl, which permits unrestricted use, in: distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give cmsearch_matches: concatenate_matches/result appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a clan_information: clan_info out: [ deoverlapped_matches ] link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.

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