October 10 2016




October 10, 2016

Table of Contents

Roll Call ...... 699

Recess into Executive Session ...... 699

Adjournment ...... 699

October 10 699 2016


The Board of Education of the City School District of the City of Cincinnati, Ohio, met in special session pursuant to notice by the Treasurer in the Board Office at the Cincinnati Public Schools Education Center, 2651 Burnet Avenue, Monday, October 10, 2016 at 6:04 p.m., President Copeland-Dansby in the chair. The pledge to the flag was led by President Copeland-Dansby.


Present: Members Bates, Bolton, Hoffman, Minera, President Copeland-Dansby (5) Absent: Members Jones, Nelms (2) Noes: None

Superintendent Mary Ronan was present.


Mr. Minera moved and Mrs. Hoffman seconded the motion that the Board recess into executive session at 6:09 p.m. to consider the Purchase of Property for Public Purposes; Sale of Property at Competitive Bidding; Pending or Imminent Court Action in Conference; and Employment of a Public Employee or Official.

Present: Members Bates, Bolton, Hoffman, Minera, President Copeland-Dansby (5) Absent: Members Jones, Nelms (2) Noes: None

President Copeland-Dansby declared the motion carried.


The meeting adjourned at 7:08 p.m.

Jennifer M. Wagner Treasurer/CFO

October 10 2016




October 10, 2016

Table of Contents

Roll Call ...... 700 Minutes Approved ...... 700 Revised Report of the Student Achievement Committee September 26, 2016 . . . 700 Revised Report of the Partnership/Public Engagement Committee of the Whole October 10, 2016 ...... 707 Presentations ...... 709 Report of the Superintendent Recommendations of the Superintendent of Schools ...... 1. Certificated Personnel ...... 710 2. Civil Service Personnel ...... 721 Revised Report of the Treasurer I. Donations ...... 727 II. Agreements ...... 728 III. Payments ...... 728 IV. Award of Purchase Orders ...... 729 V. Then and Now Certificates ...... 729 VI. For Board Information ...... 729 Inquiries/Updates ...... 730 Assignment ...... 730 Adjournment ...... 730

October 10 700 2016


The Board of Education of the City School District of the City of Cincinnati, Ohio, met pursuant to its calendar of meetings in the ILC at the Cincinnati Public Schools Education Center, 2651 Burnet Avenue, Monday, October 10, 2016 at 7:12 p.m., President Copeland-Dansby in the chair. The pledge to the flag was led by President Copeland-Dansby.


Present: Members Bates, Bolton, Hoffman, Minera, President Copeland-Dansby (5) Absent: Member Jones, Nelms (2)

Superintendent Mary Ronan was present.


Mrs. Bates moved and Mr. Minera second that the minutes of the following meetings be approved without reading, copies of said minutes having been distributed to members and made available to the public and news media on October 11, 2016.

Special Meeting – September 26, 2016 Revised Regular Meeting – September 26, 2016 Revised

Passed viva voce.

President Copeland-Dansby declared the motion carried.



The Student Achievement Committee (SAC) met on Monday, September 26, 2016 at 11:30 AM at the Cincinnati Public Schools Education Center in the Board Office Conference Room.


Student Achievement Committee Members Chairperson Eve Bolton, Elisa Hoffman, Daniel Minera

Administrators Cheryl Broadnax, Assistant Superintendent; Yenetta Harper, Director of Teacher and Principal Development and Evaluation; Dan Hoying, General Counsel; Gabriel Lofton, Assistant Superintendent; Bill Myles, Assistant Superintendent; Lauren Roberts, Internal Auditor

Cincinnati Federation of Teachers (CFT) Julie Sellers, President

October 10 701 2016


Discussion Regarding the Principles and Practices of Restorative Justice Student Achievement Committee

Deputy Superintendent Laura Mitchell and Assistant Superintendent Bill Myles reported that they met with Attorney Elaine Fink to discuss Restorative Justice and how it could fit into the District’s Vision 2020 and MyTomorrow initiatives. Mrs. Mitchell reported that Dr. Robert A. Schapiro, Director of the Child Abuse Team/Mayerson Center for Safe and Healthy Children, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, does work in the area of trauma and Mr. Myles advised that Dr. Schapiro has worked with Student Services on the District’s Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS) program and thought it would be good to include Restorative Justice.

Mrs. Mitchell reported that PBIS may not have the comprehensive impact that is needed on the present culture of the schools in the District; therefore, this would be a good time to consider Restorative Practices. Principal Battle at College Hill Fundamental has been using that term and approach to be more successful.

The Administrators agreed that due to the term “justice” relating to the penal system when it was first established, it would be better to consider the term “Principles of Restorative Practices.”

Mrs. Mitchell reported combining advisory, equity, growth mind-set and social-emotional with Restorative Practices could rebuild culture in the schools for students to be successful—academically and behaviorally.

She also reported that Restorative Justice uses a program called “circles” as a way of solving problems, which could be aligned with advisory. “Circles” allows restorative processes of mediation and provides a space for encounter among the individuals involved. Students and others that have been affected by the issue, including family members and the community, sit in circles to dialogue about the problem.

ACTION: Mrs. Mitchell proposed to the Committee that she will continue research on the program and identify and visit schools that are nationally recognized for their implementation of Restorative Practices, at all grade levels. She will then meet with those schools to assist the District in rolling out the program in a few of the District’s schools. ACTIONS: Committee member Minera advised the Administration to provide updates on what changes will be made as they move forward in implementing Restorative Practices.

Committee Chairperson Bolton advised that she would like to hear more about the Peace Education and Teaching Tolerance Curriculae that are being taught at the high schools, as well as peer mediation and conflict resolution.

Ms. Bolton also talked about the possibility of reinventing student government programs that exist at the schools to practice democratic, diverse and equitable processes.

Mrs. Mitchell informed the group that Dean Blase, Principal of Clark Montessori High School, and Monica Battle, Principal of College Hill Fundamental Academy, have both expressed an interest in Restorative Practices being available at their schools. Ms. Bolton advised to also consider James N. Gamble Montessori High School for the program. She also advised to include a school that would be considered not to change. Mr. Minera advised that Pleasant Hill Academy could also be a candidate for the program. CFT President Julie Sellers advised to consider Gilbert A. Dater High School for the program as well.

The Institute of Restorative Justice says that in schools the use of restorative practices has been shown to reliably reduce misbehavior, bullying, violence and crime among students and improve the overall climate for learning.

More information about Restorative Practices can be located at: http://www.iirp.edu/.

October 10 702 2016


Discussion on the Relationship Between the District and District Sponsored Charter Schools Dan Hoying, General Counsel; Administration

Committee Chairperson Bolton informed the Committee that the discussion is to help the Board better understand the laws for relationships between the CPS District and CPS District Sponsored Charter Schools.

General Counsel Dan Hoying reported that law permits the District to be a sponsor for charter schools and the relationships are done through a sponsorship agreement that is executed between the sponsor and the school district. He reported that there are approximately 50 to 60 laws that the District would be required to follow, e.g., transparency, financial transactions, open meetings, public records, and issues related to students with disabilities. These requirements would be included in an approximately 80-page agreement with the District and the sponsored charter school, for example, and currently, Carpe Diem and the Lighthouse. Both of those schools have boards and must abide by the same agreement.

Dr. Lofton reported that the ODE provides the District an option of accepting those schools' test scores and there does not need to be mutual agreement on acceptance of the scores. He also reported that the District accepted the schools' test scores for school year 2014-2015, but did not for school year 2015-2016 based on those schools' data.

Ms. Bolton inquired if there was a limit to the number of sponsored charter schools that a District can secure. Dr. Lofton reported that ODE will inform the District on October 15 if they will grant permission for the District to continue sponsoring its current charter schools before granting approval for additional charters. The District will also receive a report card from ODE about the current charters. The report card is being released for all sponsored charter schools in Ohio.

Upon questioning from Committee members, Dr. Lofton reported that conversation has taken place about the District having the capacity to continue sponsoring District sponsored charter schools. He informed the Committee work needing to be done as a sponsor is overwhelming and additional assistance in managing the charters is needed. After a sponsorship meeting with ODE in December 2015 via Skype, and their request of voluminous information for the District’s sponsored charters, the Superintendent may consider contracting with Fordham Institute to provide oversight of the District’s current sponsored charter schools and a potential new District sponsored charter, Phalen Leadership Academies.

Dr. Lofton also reported that any entity overseeing the charters would be required to follow the same laws as the District.

The entity overseeing the District’s sponsored charter schools can end its contract according to contract agreements. The District can also terminate the contract if the District sponsored charter school does not meet or falls short of meeting performance indicators.

Dr. Lofton reported that 98 percent of Carpe Diem students live within the District's boundaries and students attending the school that live outside the District's boundaries are not financed by the District. They are instead financed by their home district.

ACTION: General Counsel will confirm that charter schools can draw geographic boundaries and give enrollment preference to students within that boundary. ACTION: The Administration will review the Lighthouse agreement to ensure it is in keeping with Carpe Diem and current Ohio law. ACTION: The Administration will update the full Board on the status of the District’s continuation of District-Sponsored schools after receipt of ODE’s report on October 15, 2016.

October 10 703 2016


Updated Version of the HET Report Regarding Staffing Yenetta Harper, Director of Teacher and Principal Development and Evaluation Bill Myles, Assistant Superintendent

Mrs. Harper informed the group that the District is required by the ODE to do a Local Equitable Access Plan. Local Equitable Access Planning is a process through which local educational agencies (LEAs) engage in planning to ensure that poor and minority students have equitable access to excellent educators. According to ODE, equitable access is to ensure that poor and minority students are educated by excellent educators at rates that are at least equal to the rates at which other students are educated by excellent educators. The plan is not completed and Ms. Harper is working with Hanover Group to discuss analysis to ensure collecting of accurate data and looking at root causes. The plan has been extended to be completed by November 15, 2016.

Mrs. Harper will be identifying if schools are listed based upon the poverty index. She will be looking at the number of non- HQTs, new teachers, least experienced, out-of-field and out-of-licensed teachers in the high poverty schools. She is also learning that the numbers do not always fall in the high poverty schools.

Ms. Harper reported that the District passed its Highly Qualified Teacher (HGT) audit in 2015 and the corrective budget decreased from last year.

ACTION: The SAC will discuss at its October 24, 2016 meeting ODE’s Executive Summary: Ohio’s 2015 Plan to Ensure Equitable Access to Excellent Educators, which was provided at the May 23, 2016 SAC meeting. ACTION: The Committee discussed long-term subs and the Administration will provide the group with a list of long-term subs at the school buildings and discuss at the October 24 meeting. ACTION: The Administration will provide data on how student growth is affected by being taught by HQTs. ACTION: Ms. Harper will update the Committee on her Local Equitable Access Plan at the November 14, 2016 SAC meeting.

Update Regarding Preschool Enrollment by Site: Are We Meeting the Demand? Cheryl Broadnax, Assistant Superintendent

Mrs. Broadnax provided and reviewed with the Committee an Early Childhood Education Request for Service report that contained schools that have completed enrollment forms for interest in preschool programming. The report includes a list of schools that have a waiting list for preschool enrollment. Some schools on the list are schools where parents requested information about future magnet preschool enrollment.

There are currently 375 families on the list for requests of preschool service. Please find attached a copy of the list. Mrs. Broadnax reported that there is still a challenge of matching up needs with space availability. She also reported that the Community Action Agency is offering preschool at its location. Mrs. Broadnax reported that the District has added over 400 preschool seats.

Mrs. Hoffman recommended considering having preschool at the Welcome School location. There would be a challenge with outside play area due to the structure of the building.

Committee Chairperson Bolton advised the Administration to hang banners on the front of our buildings advertising Five-Star Preschool located in the school or building.

October 10 704 2016


Update on Monies Budgeted for Parent Engagement: Amounts and Source and Given Increasing Demands, is it Enough and is it Time to Invest More General Fund Dollars? Bill Myles, Assistant Superintendent

Mr. Myles reported that 400,000 of Title I dollars have been set aside for Parent Engagement and funds for parent engagement are being built into dollars with the Vision 2020 Plan and MyTomorrow budgets. This would be additional dollars for engagement.

Mrs. Mitchell and Mr. Myles attended a conference with resource coordinators and principals and they will be working on a communication plan on how to engage parents and the community. The both will also be reviewing the application that includes a budget on how they will engage the community.

Committee Chairperson Bolton inquired about the amount of funding for Leadership Scholars and Mr. Myles reported that they received $32,500 for parent engagement. Ms. Bolton inquired about confusion on how many dollars have been budgeted for Leadership Scholars.

ACTION: Mr. Myles will investigate and report to the Committee the monies appropriated to Leadership Scholars and Parents for Public Schools, because in the budget presentations it was understood that the FY16 amounts would be at least the same in FY17. ACTION: Mrs. Hoffman inquired about investments in parent engagement and how effective it is in the schools. Mr. Myles will provide a report on what engagement is taking place in the District at the October 24, 2016 SAC meeting. ACTION: Committee member Minera advised the Administration to make sure that funds being given to our partners, that those partners are held accountable to the District’s goals, and Vision 2020.

Update on Schedule E: $250,000 and Other Issues Bill Myles, Assistant Superintendent, Julie Sellers, CFT President

An issue that has been brought to the Administration by the Board for at least four years is the use of Schedule E funds for technology staff or testing coordinators. Schedule E monies should directly impact students.

Another issue is that if schools have no athletics, their share of the Schedule E monies is severely reduced.

Committee Chairperson Bolton reported that all Schedule E monies should be evaluated this year to determine the impact of those programs.

A review of how many multiple Schedule E contracts are held by only one person in schools is another issue.

ACTION: At the October 24, 2016, SAC meeting, Mr. Myles will provide a presentation on Schedule E and invite Activities Beyond the Classroom (ABC) Director Brian Leshner to attend. This report should include: dollars provided by the District to ABC; dollars raised by ABC; and how many individuals have multiple contracts. Also, ABC has become a 21st-century grantee—how has that impacted their primary mission. ACTION: Ms. Bolton recommended that a grants calendar be created.

October 10 705 2016


Update on the Review of High School Start Times Laura Mitchell, Deputy Superintendent

Mrs. Mitchell provided the Committee with a report of high school start times and reported that six have a start-time of 8:40 a.m. or later. The other schools start at 7:30 a.m. She also reported that in the past, changes to earlier start times were tried, but major concerns came from the school community.

Deputy Superintendent Mitchell reported that Clark and Aiken expressed interest in changing their school start times. There could be an issue with changing Aiken’s start time as it would clash with Carpe Diem’s start time.

Ms. Bolton recommended asking school communities about their interest in changing their start-times. Mrs. Hoffman recommended a start-time of 8:30 a.m, if that time is supported by research.

ACTION: Mrs. Hoffman advised the Committee to look at what other districts have done to make later start times work, speak with parents, and find out how the change would affect extra-curriculars. Mr. Minera advised to look at the City’s traffic schedule. The City will need to be involved to discuss routes.

ACTION: The Administration will inquire about high schools that may be interested in starting later.

Other Business

Student Forms Committee member Hoffman expressed concern about the many forms and possible duplicate forms being sent home to parents.

ACTION: The Administration will follow-up on the forms and report back to the Committee.

Mobility The Committee will add mobility to their October 24, 2016 agenda for discussion.

The meeting adjourned at 1:37 PM.

Student Achievement Committee Staff Liaisons Eve Bolton, Chair Mary A. Ronan, Superintendent, absent Elisa Hoffman Laura Mitchell, Deputy Superintendent Daniel Minera Cheryl Broadnax, Assistant Superintendent Gabriel Lofton, Assistant Superintendent Bill Myles, Assistant Superintendent

Ms. Bolton moved that the Revised Report of the Student Achievement Committee be accepted.

Passed viva voce.

President Copeland-Dansby declared the motion carried.

October 10 706 2016


October 10 707 2016



The Partnership/Public Engagement Committee of the Whole met on Wednesday, October 5, 2016 at 11:30 AM at the Cincinnati Public Schools Education Center in the Conference Room 1A.

Discussion: Policy 5120 – Assignment Within District Dan Hoying, General Counsel

Mr. Hoying informed the Committee that review of the policy is to ensure equity in admissions and enrollment, increase transparency and clarity, and to ensure that the policies are customer friendly, consistent and aligned to each other.

The Committee discussed the policy and advised the Policy Committee to include language about the Policy only applying to Pre-K-6 grades and revise language that talks about the Board reviewing school attendance on an annual basis, to language that supports reviewing school attendance on an ongoing, as-needed basis. The Committee will look at all enrollment practices upon its review. Treasurer Wagner advised the Committee to be mindful when making changes, and do it before the first application cycle begins.

Board Member Minera expressed concern about language around students being enrolled outside of families' neighborhood attendance areas, and transportation may or may not be available, and if there needs to be a process on when transportation is or is not available.

ACTIONS: The Policy Committee will revise language about the annual review of attendance areas, as well as clarify that this policy only applies to grades K-6 and that a lottery will be used if there are more applications than seats.

Other Business

Assignments and Actions The Board will make the following assignments at the October 10, 2016 Regular meeting.

1. Board Member Bates reported that the Greater Cincinnati Chapter of , Inc., would like to have a tribute for at the North Avondale Montessori school. Ms. Bates will work with Pat Neal-Miller, Director of the Family and Community Engagement Department, and provide an update at the November 2, 2016 Partnership/Public Engagement Committee. 2. Ms. Bolton will assign the Administration to update the Board on what it would take to reinstate the Walking School Bus for those neighborhoods that were using and benefiting from the program. Information will include costs and what is needed to get it up and running. 3. Board Members Hoffman and Jones toured South Avondale School and learned that there is one school social worker assigned to the school, once a week. While there are other services in place to also assist children and families, it raised the question of how school social workers are assigned. Mrs. Hoffman will assign the Administration to report how school social workers are assigned. Mrs. Jones discussed the challenge for many families to get students to school on time and the need for resources to assist parents in this effort. Ms. Bolton will advise the Administration to consider dollars for an Attendance Officer to help with attendance at the schools. 4. Mrs. Hoffman asked the Student Achievement Committee to circle back to their discussions about mobility. During the next discussion, she asked to hear more about what is being done and what more could be done. She also asked that the Committee consider what kinds of disaggregated data reports the District could provide to schools with high mobility to better inform teachers and administrators of their students' progress. 5. Board President Dansby informed the Board upon touring schools to keep in mind that challenges they learn about at the school may have already been addressed, or difficult to address. Board Member Minera informed the group that Community Learning Centers (CLCs) and LSDMCs’ should be working together in solving issues that arise at school level. Mr. Minera will assign the Administration to make sure that Administrators, CLCs, LSDMCs and Resource Coordinators are working and functioning within each school CLC’s purpose and meeting set goals. 6. Ms. Bolton will assign the Administration to provide data on which teachers are using the CLCs and which are not.

October 10 708 2016


7. Deputy Superintendent Laura Mitchell reported that she and Assistant Superintendent Bill Myles have organized meetings with principals to learn about issues they need to be solved as it relates to new programming at their schools. She will update the Board about their meetings at a future Partnership/Public Engagement Committee meeting. 8. Mr. Minera reported that due to many family complaints around transportation, he will assign the Partnership/Public Engagement Committee to provide an update on what schools are majorly impacted by the change of vendors and the resolutions to complaints that have been received. The data will be reported by school, what neighborhoods are more impacted and why, are neighborhood schools more impacted than magnet schools, and if so, why. 9. Mrs. Copeland-Dansby informed the Committee about Transportation’s Customer Service phone line not being family- friendly. Parents not being able to get through to someone, and/or being on hold for long periods of time have become issues. Ms. Bates will assign the Administration to look into an automated system where parents can register their complaint or issue to make-up for capacity of individuals answering phone calls. 10. Board Meeting Calender The Board will make an assignment to conduct three regular business meetings on a monthly basis. The November 21, 2016, Regular Board meeting will be cancelled.

Board Ad Hoc Committee The Board will make an assignment to form an Ad Hoc Committee to review the Board’s Protocol. Board Members Bolton, Hoffman and Jones expressed an interest in being on the Committee.

The meeting adjourned at 12:40 PM.

Partnership/Public Engagement Committee Staff Liaisons Ericka Copeland-Dansby, President Patricia Neal-Miller, Director of Family and Melanie Bates, Vice President Community Engagement Eve Bolton Janet Walsh, Director, Public Affairs Elisa Hoffman Carolyn Jones Daniel Minera A. Chris Nelms, absent

President Copeland-Dansby moved that the Revised Report of the Partnership/Public Engagement Committee of the Whole be accepted.

Passed viva voce.

President Copeland-Dansby declared the motion carried.

October 10 709 2016


1. Five-Year Forecast – Jennifer Wagner, Treasurer




October 10 710 2016




The Superintendent regrets to report the death of the following.

Michelle F. Gwynne Teacher – S.C.P.A. September 25

B. RESIGNATION (The effective date is the first working day the employee is no longer providing services to the district. This recommendation is being made because either the employee has completed the term of their employment, or by mutual agreement.)

Angel Griffin Substitute Teacher Other Employment October 11 Agreta L. Mason Substitute Teacher Personal Reasons September 24

C. APPOINTMENT (Marks the beginning of service for newly appointed employees. Personnel actions such as transfers, promotions, changes in status may occur once an individual is appointed.)

The Superintendent recommends approval of the appointment of the following for the 2016-17 school year, subject to the possession of a teaching certificate as required by Section 3319.30 of the Ohio School Code and/or the Policies of the Cincinnati Board of Education. Salary is in accordance with the salary schedule. Funding is from the General Fund. Effective date is October 11, 2016.

Substitute Teacher - Class III – $122.98 daily per day Andrea B. Henderson Maria Rodenhizer Collette M. Smith Robert A. Moore

Substitute Teacher - Class I – $108.77 per day Kristen A. Rankin Jaclyn R. Ross

The following persons are recommended to perform responsibilities as assigned. Funding is from the General Fund. Effective date is October 3, 2016.

Daily Name Location Position Rate Eugene Smith Variable Sub Administrator 398.84

October 10 711 2016


D. ADJUSTMENT OF TIME (Provides for an increase or decrease in the percentage of time a certificated employee performs his/her duties.)

The Superintendent recommends an adjustment of time for the following. Funding is from the General Fund. Effective date as indicated.

Psychologist - Class V – (Master’s Degree plus 30 semester hours) Julie Cathey To: .70 From: .60 August 8

Teacher - Class IV – (Master’s Degree) Elise Ballinger To: 1.00 From: .90 August 15 Sarah E. Boeres .60 .50 August 17 Rebecca L. Tully 1.00 .90 August 15

Teacher - Class III – (Bachelor’s Degree with 150 semester hours) Melinda Marie Hughes To: 1.00 From: .50 August 17

Teacher - Class II – (Bachelor’s Degree) Nicholas A. Vose To: 1.00 From: .80 September 20

E. ADJUSTMENT OF SALARY (Occurs when an employee presents documentation of additional training or experience credit.)

The Superintendent recommends an adjustment of salary for the following persons based on degree or additional credit as indicated. Salary is in accordance with the salary schedule. Funding is from the General Fund. Effective date as indicated.

Teacher - Class V – (Master’s Degree plus 30 semester hours) Rhonda M. Daniels To: $47,878.79 From: $45,547.74 October 2 Daniel E. Williamson $77,109.20 $72,795.73 October 2

Speech Therapist - Class IV – (Master’s Degree) Ashleigh N. Nichols To: $56,940.95 From: $47,710.18 October 2

Teacher - Class IV – (Master’s Degree) Maria C. Aielli To: $49,476.13 From: $45,912.31 October 2 Kayla S. Brunswick $47,710.18 $44,116.75 October 2 Tymika L. Chambers $45,547.74 $42,348.53 October 2 Colleen P. Hile $45,547.74 $42,348.53 August 15 Elinore S. Malloy $74,778.15 $69,418.79 October 2 Alissa Tate $49,476.13 $47,710.18 October 2

October 10 712 2016



(Provides for employment of personnel beyond the work day or contractual work period, and administrators beyond assigned work period. Examples: workshops, evening school teaching, club sponsorship, coaching, curriculum writing.)

The Superintendent recommends approval of the following additional assignments. Assignment is subject to the possession of appropriate certification and licensure as required by the Ohio Revised Code and/or Policies of the Cincinnati Board of Education. Salary is in accordance with the salary schedule as indicated. Funding is from the General Fund and (*) denotes other than General Fund.

The following teachers are serving in Lead Teacher/Team Leader/Content Innovation positions and are recommended for annual stipends as designated by the position during the 2016-17 school year in accordance with the Collective Bargaining Agreement. Teachers working .50% are indicated by a @. Quarterly payments totaling stipends listed below.

Lead Teacher - $6,500.00 Annual Stipend Jenifer L. Ambrosius Mary Ann Ellis Sabrina McGill @ Kathryn Marie Arinsmier Tanya D. Ficklin Jennifer A. Miller James S. Beirne Amy E. Firis Jennifer R. Nieman @ Shannon V. Benion-Burks Chadwick M. Flaig Gloria Ononye Sandra Bennett-Poettker Sharon A. Ginter Juilane A. Patterson Lauren P. Braddock Kimberly M. Hill @ Tania L. Relyea Wanda S. Bronson Linda R. Johnson Craig E. Rush Veronica K. Cotton John C. Jung Melissa M. Sherman Debbie J. Couch @ Elizabeth A. Keener Paulette Maria Simpson Laura Coyne Mary Kay Kunkel Elizabeth Anne Singh @ Christina G. Cupp @ Angela Martin Julia M. Wiant Jaumall A. Davis Sara A. Maurer @ LaTosha D. Wright @ Bradford G. Dillman Joelle B. McConnell Tammy R. Zilliox

Lead Teacher - $6,000.00 Annual Stipend Milbeth E. Allen Carolyn C. Bucher Kimberley A. Dawson Rebecca Arlington Brenda D. Childs Tanya J. DeLeone Becky Ann Armbruster Joseph A. Ciani Kenneth J. DeMann Anne C. Ashcraft Brenda M. Clem Nico Love DiMarco Melissa L. Bailey Natalie R. Coyle Margaret E. DiMuzio Brenda D. Ball Renee M. Crawford Marie T. Dornbusch Julia Bauer Traci E. Cummings Deon R. Edwards Gertrude E. Becker Kathy Damron Ronna L. Edwards Susan E. Bilz Charlsetta E. Dangerfield-Smith Alisa Forman Stephanie P. Bisher Herman Daniels Jennifer Thompson Franzoi Dawn K. Bittner Mary E. Davis Allen E. Frecker

October 10 713 2016



Lead Teacher - $6,000.00 Annual Stipend (cont.) Randall W. Gibson Eileen Morgan-Hof Kellie S. Steele Teressa A. Glass Wadeeah Nashid Jenny C. Stehlin Jo Ann Guido Julie M. Neal Julia A. Stigler Julie Ann Hall LaVaugn J. Neal Mary E. Strohmeier-Wentz Richard D. Hand Raymond E. Nephew Deborah A. Talbert Penelope P. Harris Wanda Kay Neville Rachel K. Tapp Bernadette Higgins William S. Norman Kristina L. Taylor Linda S. Hissett Mary K. O'Donnell-Good Rebecca Thacker Rodger Donta D. Horton Jennifer Lyn Parento Elizabeth M. Thole Lisa M. Houck Sam Pogoni Diane O. Thomas Tracy Greeley Howard Carolyn W. Powers Tesheia Thomas Melinda Marie Hughes Michelle Voynovich Reiring Aimee N. Timmers Stacy W. Huxell Melissa A. Ridley Jennifer S. Toebbe Paula Jackson Diane S. Roland Kimberly A. Traylor-Lowe Amy R. Jameson John M. Rowe Lori A. Troescher Amy E. Johnson Jennifer Sabatelli Matthew J. Vale Darlene Johnson Erin C. Sanders Julie A. Warmack Juanita I. Johnson Kenya Sanders Patrick Wilde Teresa Kahmann Linda M. Sawan @ Clarice E. Williams Katie A. Kemen Holly Renee Saylor Jennifer R. Williams Brandon A. King Sinita Maria Scott Nicole N. Williams Michael J. Kraemer Darla J. Sears Shawn E. Williams Glenetta B. Krause Rita M. Seifert Alia Williams-Tolbert Nancy E. Kroeger Joseph E. Seiler Jean A. Wisniewski Jeffrey A. Lazar Paul W. Seiler Jr. Dawn S. Wolfe Amanda D. Lees @ Mary E. Shannon Gwendolyn Raleigh Womack Mary Lenning Clifford Shumar Alice P. Young Karen S. Lewis Deidre Kaye Simpson Denise Youngs Pamela J. Louis Christopher T. Sorrentino Kathryn S. Yunker Amanda Lynn Medellin-Gerst Julie L. Stallworth Karla M. Ziesmann William R. Miller

Lead Teacher - $6,000.00 Annual Stipend – (SWP) Bradley M. Cohn*

Non-Credentialed Lead Teacher - $3,000.00 Annual Stipend Jennifer M. Adamson Krystolyn L. Alfred Tanesha N. Anderson Janet E. Albright-Willis Jacqueline K. Allen Anita L. Bailey

October 10 714 2016



Non-Credentialed Lead Teacher - $3,000.00 Annual Stipend (cont.) Chyla D. Barner Erica A. Eyrich Cheryle K. Kelleher Danielle L. Battle Michael A. Feist Richard J. Knudsen Jennifer Bell Kynda R. Few George L. Kontsis Ronnie X. Black Brandi P. Foster Sonya P. A. Lackey Darwin W. Bobbitt Susan D. Foster @ Donald A. Lakes Rodney Tyrone Bowden Doreena A. Fox @ Edward T. LeBorgne Cybil S. Brown Katie A. Frankey Tara S. Litmer Michael V. Brown Anne Wilke Franklin Elizabeth J. Lloyd Nathan L. Brown Robert C. Frey Margaret A. Lytle Nancy Marie Burck Alexa Fulmer Lauren E. Martin Jerry E. Butler Jr. Patricia A. Garner Debra K. Mazzei Adrian A. Cabrera @ Richard J. Gausling @ Theresa McCall Jenna L. Calvin Susan M. Grasso Carrie L. McCarthy Gail Campbell Tiffini C. Gray Charity A. McFerron Jennifer L. Casey Jamie N. Grice Jocelyn E. McOsker Ryan P. Casey Susan T. Guetle Jane A. Moeller Brett M. Cassidy Samuel W. Guilford Mary E. Morgan Mary C. Cline Elita Hardy @ Stacy A. Morganroth-Lapham Bethany M. Cole Johanka M. Hart-Tompkins @ Mindy L. Muddiman Lynn M. Collins Dawnetta L. Hayes Ayana Najuma @ Annelise L. Connelly Maria L. Hidalgo Moussa Ndiaye Lori B. Cooper Mary Beth Hill Mitchell A. Perdrix Dawnielle N. Crooks Anthony Hollin Jennifer J. Phillips Patricia J. Cunningham Angela M. Houston Stephen E. Plachecki Marquitta V. Curry Shantel R. Howell Kristen M. Price Veda Davis Dave M. Hudepohl Treva Rene Pryor @ Zachary R. Davis Kim E. Hummons Ashley J. Randolph Nicholas E. Davis-Dewey Debra S. Hutchinson Tiffany M. Rebich Jamie L. Dell Tyler J. Idoine Shelina E. Richardson @ Jeffrey J. Denen Candace R. James Elizabeth A. Roark Sarah E. Doogan Elizabeth A. Jennings Pamela J. Roehling Paula R. Dornbusch Heather L. Jones Jasmine F. Rollins Stephen E. Duwell Kelly M. Jones James C. Roth Martha S. Edler Loucresha Jones @ Susan M. Ruhe-Hallquist Kelly Eldridge Tracey L. Jones Brock Rutledge @ Thomas C. Enneking Lisa Marie Jones-Warmack Jennifer L. Rylatt Melissa A. Estell Abigail C. Jung Edith M. Schmidt

October 10 715 2016



Non-Credentialed Lead Teacher - $3,000.00 Annual Stipend (cont.) Lynn A. Schmidt Ashley N. Storch Amie T. Wagner Elizabeth McClain Schnell Elise Suer Marcia L. Weaver Laura M. Sebastian Nola Shirley Taylor Comecko R. Webber Halla R. Shteiwi Brynn Caitlin Thomas Laura E. Wilder Gideon M. Smith @ Kimberly L. Todd Seth L. Williams Janine L. Smith Lori M. Todd Eugenie M. Woods Sarah A. Smith-Polderman Leona Tolliver Sarah M. Woodward Michael Smyth Joyce A. Trytten Darryl A. Wright Teri B. D. Spindler Caitlin R. Vagedes Debra L. Wright Valerie K. Steinhaus Kathryn Bravard Vessey Charlene Younger ShaDonn P. Stewart

Non-Credentialed Lead Teacher - $3,000.00 Annual Stipend – (SWP) Vickie J. Bisher* @ Kathie M. Siemer*

Content Innovation Specialists - $3,000.00 Annual Stipend Leighton L. Connor Gregory W. Magness Michael E. Sage Maria T. Lee-Alvarez Kari R. Mellott Mary T. Wertheimer Jason A. Leon-Guerrero Savannah R. Rabal Dorian T. White David M. Lewis Andrew A. Ramsay Lindsey Lauren Wittich

Content Innovation Specialists - $3,000.00 Annual Stipend – (SWP) Patricia M. Acus* Jessica G. Hartman* Monica K. Montgomery* Janet L. Baxter* Amanda J. Hendricks* Alexandra R. Naim* Napola M. Bryant* Irma Jeannot* Beth S. Newell* Karlene R. Buerger* Teresa M. Jones* Kathleen M. Radley* Kelly Bullock* Dagmar Cybel Jovet* Stephanie D. Reed* Jennifer M. Calcara* Elizabeth A. Kaye* Cathleen Ann Rucker* Morgan R. Chapman* Kristine L. Ketcham* Aisha N. Rudolph-Nurredin* Leslie Cohen* Ashley L. Kinamore* Aaron N. Schmidt* Lisa M. Colbert* Kathie Klodell* Andrea L. Sponsler* Andrew R. Cone* Jessica R. Kreitzer* Kimberly L. Thomas* Dorian A. David* Leslie R. Lyles* Tiffany R. Thomas* Robin S. Day* Amy S. Merz* April A. Thompson Julie Luree Dellecave* Nancy R. Monak* Amber N. Williams* Djuana A. Duncan*

October 10 716 2016



Content Innovation Specialists - $3,000.00 Annual Stipend – (Title IIA) Casey M. Croslin* Tracey J. Peters* Allison M. Wolff*

The following teachers are serving in Lead Teacher/Team Leader/Content Innovation positions and are recommended for annual stipends as designated by the position during the 2015-16 school year in accordance with the Collective Bargaining Agreement. Teachers working .50% are indicated by a @. Quarterly payments totaling stipends listed below.

Non-Credentialed Lead Teacher - $3,000.00 Annual Stipend – (Fund 011) Alicia C. Creighton* Heather R. Wiesmann*

The following are recommended for a stipend of $7,500 to be paid in quarterly amounts for the 2016-17 school year. Those working .50% are indicated by a @.

Pear Assistance Review Panel (PARP) Facilitator Paul J. Daniels @ Beth Ann Schnell @

The following are recommended for a stipend in the amounts indicated for the 2016-17 school year.

Peer Leadership Facilitator - $2,239.08 Danielle L. Battle Leslie M. Hattemer Aris L. Quatkemeyer Danielle N. Cargile Jessica Lynn Huffman Heather M. Ranford Ronnda D. Cargile Kimberly A. Kilby John Robert Rieman-Klingler Anna Lee Davis Megan A. Korengel Diane S. Roland Maria I. Davis Jennifer Lewis-Thornton Rachel N. Roman Linda Flohr Jocelyn E. McOsker Elizabeth McClain Schnell Bianca C. Gay Kari R. Mellott Britt T. Smith Brenda Gold Mackenzie J. Metcalf Andrea Lee Spenny Julie P. Hamilton Brett J. Newton Dayahn K. Thomas Penelope P. Harris Glenda C. Nix Joshua J. Vogt

The following are recommended for a stipend in the amounts indicated for the 2015-16 school year.

Peer Leadership Facilitator - $1,276.78 Lennex Cowan Leslie M. Hattemer Brett J. Newton Anna Lee Davis Sandra F. Horine Kimberly I. Price Bianca C. Gay Marsha McDonald-Wheeler

October 10 717 2016



Coordinating Teacher - $36.18 per hour (in-service rate) SLIFE Professional Development – OSLA – (Title III) – hours as indicated Christine A. Erskine* Magdalena M. Lang* Carola M. Romanos* Maria L. Hidalgo* Lea J. Mason*

K-3 Literacy Preparation – Early Childhood – (Title I) – 30 hours Jerry W. Moore*

Training ALEKS to Non-Public Teachers – Auxiliary Services – (Auxiliary) – 50 hours Julia M. Wiant*

Teacher - $36.18 per hour (extended employment rate) Provide Assistance for Intervention Specialist – Student Services – (IDEA-B) – 20 hours Cheryl D. McBee

Nurse Training/Mentoring – Auxiliary Services – (Title I) – 50 hours Jennifer K. Boles*

Technology Coaching – Auxiliary Services – (Title I) – 75 hours Jennifer L. Wagner*

Planning for Opening School Convocation – John P. Parker – (SWP) – 8 hours Susan Arbogast* Rondale J. Dixon* Alisha F. Setta* Jamie Lynn Blessing*

Teacher - Tutor - $29.50 per hour (extended employment rate) After School Tutor – Sayler Park – (Title I) - 54 hours except as indicated Nancy R. Hodges* John J. Martella* 27 hrs Aaron N. Schmidt* Steven M. Lewis* Patrick E. Mills* 27 hrs

After School Tutor – Virtual High – (Title I) - 88 hours Robert W. Birk* William R. Miller* Kimberly I. Price* P. RoAnn Carter* James W. Noeth* Julie A. Rachford-Sullivan* Tamara S. Johnson* Denise N. Penn* Deron B. Saylor* Tracey M. Lewis*

Home Instructor - $29.50 per hour (extended employment rate) Trudy O. Cochran 25 hours Kellie Nycole Hawkins-Hyde 12 hours Keir M. Griffith 30 hours H. Coleman Henderson 60 hours

October 10 718 2016



Home Instructor - $29.50 per hour (extended employment rate) (cont.) Burt L. Hill Jr. 20 hours Tiffani S. Wills 40 hours Yolanda Bunch Smith 45 hours

Home Instructor - $29.50 per hour (extended employment rate) – (IDEA-B) Kelsey R. Bartsch* 20 hours Tracey M. Lewis* 50 hours Djuana A. Duncan* 20 hours Lindsey M. Nieberding* 30 hours Patrick J. Good* 30 hours Angela L. Steagall* 60 hours H. Coleman Henderson* 15 hours

Home Instructor - $29.50 per hour (extended employment rate) – (SWP) James R. Compton* 42 hours

In Board proceedings of 9/26/2016, an additional assignment was approved for Cheryl D. McBee as a Home Instructor. This action should be rescinded.

In Board proceedings of 9/12/2016, an additional assignment was approved for Jerry M. Moore for K-12 Literacy Preparation. This action should be rescinded.

The following teachers are recommended to receive supplemental contracts for the school year 2016-17. Payment will be as provided under the Athletic and Co-curricular Activities of Schedules E and F of the Professional Salary Schedule for the amount shown as maximum salary. Salaries that include a 10% longevity increment are indicated by a number sign (#) and @ indicates 50% time. Funding is from the General Fund. The supplemental limited contract shall state that the Board of Education gives notice of non-reemployment for the ensuing school year.

Name School Position Amount Kendra Alexander Riverview East Middle School Test Coordinator $934.20 Heather L. Allentuck Roselawn/Condon MS Boys Head Track Coach $1401.32 Madeline Aufmann Aiken Sr Hi Varsity Cross-Ctry Coach $1557.02 Wesley L. Barnfield North Avondale Elem Student Newspaper Sponsor $311.40 @ Wesley L. Barnfield North Avondale Elem Instrumental Director $685.08 # Wesley L. Barnfield North Avondale Elem Choral Director $685.08 # Beth E. Baumgartner AWL Elementary Test Coordinator $934.20 Rebeka P. Beach Taft High School Sr Hi Res Cheerleader Coach $1167.77 Timothy J. Berndsen Oyler Sr Hi Asst Athletic Director $2335.52 Anthony Bonno Aiken MS Hd Football Coach A $3168.54 # Demarco M. Bradley Taft High School Sr Hi Asst Var Football Coach $1909.69 @ John F. Caliguri Walnut Hills MS Orchestra Director $1027.62 #

October 10 719 2016



Athletic and Co-curricular Activities (cont.) Name School Position Amount John F. Caliguri Walnut Hills Sr Hi Orchestra Director $1712.73 # Richard J. Canter Walnut Hills Sr Hi Band Director $3114.02 Richard J. Canter Walnut Hills MS Band Director $934.20 Anna Grace Colyer Western Hills Sr Hi Reserve Volleyball Coach $1557.02 Gregory R. Conwell Riverview East Sr Hi Hd Varsty Football Coach $5605.72 # James Crook Hughes STEM Sr Hi Asst Var Football Coach $3819.37 Reina Dickey Walnut Hills MS Choral Director $934.20 Charles T. Ferrara Walnut Hills Sr Hi Band Director $3425.42 # Charles T. Ferrara Walnut Hills MS Band Director $1027.62 # Kelly Jo Fink Dater High MS Volleyball Coach $1401.32 Brandi P. Foster Aiken Sr Hi Varsity Volleyball Coach $2335.52 Samantha Gerwe-Perkins Walnut Hills Sr Hi Newspaper Advisor $1712.72 # Christopher A. Gibson Walnut Hills Sr Hi Orchestra Director $1557.02 Tyrone W. Gilbert Woodward Sr Hi Varsity Cross-Ctry Coach (Girls) $1557.02 # Tyrone W. Gilbert Woodward MS Head Cross-Country Coach (Boys) $1541.45 # Tyrone W. Gilbert Woodward MS Head Track Coach $1401.32 Elise M. Gleberman Oyler MS Head Cross-Country Coach $1401.32 Jamie N. Grice Western Hills MS Volleyball Coach $1401.32 Kara Haddix Western Hills Sr Hi Varsity Volleyball Coach $2335.52 Penelope P. Harris Riverview East Sr Hi Club Advisor (National Honor Society) $622.80 Penelope P. Harris Riverview East Sr Hi Yearbook Advisor $2396.85 # John B. Hiatt Western Hills Sr Hi Varsity Soccer Coach $2335.52 Lauren M. Hope Western Hills Sr Hi Cheerleader Coach $1401.32 Rodger Donta D. Horton Aiken Sr Hi Reserve Football Coach $3154.82 # Monica M. Hoyles Clark Montessori Sr Hi Varsity Soccer Coach $2335.52 Bobby J. Jenkins Shroder MS Special Sports Coach $1027.62 # Gregory A. Jones Riverview East Sr Hi Asst Var Football Coach $4201.31 # Chuck Knight Withrow MS Asst Football Coach $1868.42 Nancy E. Kroeger Oyler Middle School Test Coordinator $934.20 Edward T. LeBorgne Walnut Hills MS Band Director $1027.62 # Edward T. LeBorgne Walnut Hills Sr Hi Assistant Band Director $2055.26 # David M. Lewis Riverview East Sr Hi Boys Ast Var Basketball Coach $1089.90

October 10 720 2016



Athletic and Co-curricular Activities (cont.) Name School Position Amount David M. Lewis Riverview East Middle School Test Coordinator $934.20 Gregory W. Magness Oyler High School Test Coordinator $1089.90 Solana F. Maschinot Sayler Park MS Club Advisor (ELL Coordinator) $622.80 Brian C. Miller Walnut Hills MS Special Sports Coach $934.20 Brian C. Miller Walnut Hills Sr Hi Asst Res Football Coach $2335.52 David C. Miller Gamble Montessori Sr Hi Athletic/Artistic Dir $6311.36 # Robin E. Morton Taft High School Sr Hi Varsity Volleyball Coach $2335.52 Lonie L. Murtland Sayler Park MS Volleyball Coach $1401.32 Nathan D. Myers Withrow Senior High Reserve Soccer Coach $1557.02 Raymond E. Nephew Oyler Sr Hi Varsity Cross-Ctry Coach $1557.02 Raymond E. Nephew Oyler Sr Hi Boys Varsity Track Coach $335.52 Anthony E. Nims Walnut Hills Sr Hi Choral Director $1557.02 Anthony E. Nims Walnut Hills MS Choral Director $934.20 Vince A. Pescatrice Withrow Sr Hi Varsity Soccer Coach $2335.52 Jeremy D. Pflug Aiken Sr Hi Hd Varsty Football Coach $5096.11 Marjorie D. Platt Walnut Hills Sr Hi Yearbook Advisor $2178.96 S. David Price Western Hills MS Hd Football Coach A $2880.49 Helen Raymond-Goers Walnut Hills Sr Hi Dramatics $934.20 Eric M. Rothwell Walnut Hills Sr Hi Varsity Soccer Coach $2569.07 # Brian J. Saylor Oyler Sr Hi Newspaper Advisor $1557.02 Elizabeth Schnell Riverview East Sr Hi Dramatics $934.20 W. David Scholl Oyler Sr Hi Athletic/Artistic Dir $6311.36 # W. David Scholl Oyler Sr Hi Yearbook Advisor $2396.85 # Michael R. Sherman Walnut Hills Sr Hi Producer/Dir Annual Show (Sr Pay) $1089.90 Michael R. Sherman Walnut Hills Sr Hi Producer/Dir Annual Show (Spring Play) $1089.90 Britt T. Smith Riverview East MS Hd Football Coach A $3168.54 Alan J. Spell-Morris Clark Montessori Sr Hi Asst Var Football Coach $3819.37 Emily Ann Spring Withrow Sr Hi Varsity Soccer Coach $2335.52 Susan Squires Sayler Park Middle School Test Coordinator $934.20 Paul T. Tran Clark Montessori MS Head Cross-Country Coach $700.66 @ William R. Valenzano Walnut Hills Sr Hi Varsity Cross-Ctry Coach $1712.73 # Michael D. Wade Withrow Sr Hi Band Director $3425.42 # Elena V. Wahl Oyler MS Choral Director $934.20

October 10 721 2016



Athletic and Co-curricular Activities (cont.) Name School Position Amount Gerald K. Warmack Shroder Sr Hi Hd Varsty Football Coach $5605.72 # Carl J. Wiers Clark Montessori Sr Hi Varsity Cross-Ctry Coach $1712.13 Carl J. Wiers Clark Montessori MS Head Cross-Country Coach $700.66 @ Fredrick Willis Riverview East Sr Hi Athletic/Artistic Dir $6311.38 # Lindsey Lauren Wittich Riverview East Sr Hi Varsity Volleyball Coach $2335.52 Lindsey Lauren Wittich Riverview East Sr Hi Reserve Volleyball Coach $1557.02


A. RETIREMENT (Indicates that the employee’s application for retirement has been approved by SERS, effective the first day of the month.)

The following employees have made application to the School Employees Retirement System in accordance with the statutes of the State of Ohio.

Vickie Byrd Paraprofessional October 1 Laverne Swain Food Service Helper June 1

B. RESIGNATION (Results from the employee submitting a separation of service form delineating the reason(s) for leaving the district. The effective date is the first working day the employee is no longer providing services to the district.)

The following resignations have been received to be effective on the dates indicated.

Victoria Curtis Security Assistant 1 Personal Reasons September 28 Willie Donald Paraprofessional Other Employment September 9 Gabriel Gales EMIS Assistant Other Employment October 5 Warren Johnson Paraprofessional Personal Reasons October 5 Quinton Smith Security Assistant 2 Personal Reasons October 16 Luke Wollet Paraprofessional Personal Reasons September 13

October 10 722 2016


C. SERVICES COMPLETED (Marks the end of a temporary assignment.)

The services of the following, temporarily appointed, have been completed effective as indicated.

Cecelia Power Food Service Helper October 11

D. DISMISSAL (Action necessary to terminate a non-administrative employee.)

The Superintendent recommends that the dismissal of the following employee be confirmed.

Chantay Carradine Custodian 1 October 11 Lea Robertson Assistant School Community Coordinator October 11

E. APPOINTMENT The Superintendent recommends the appointment of the following on the dates indicated and at the appropriate rate of pay calculated pursuant to the current salary schedule. These appointments are in compliance with Civil Service Rules and Regulations. Positions involving co-curricular activities were filled in compliance with Section 3313.53 of O.R.C. Funding is from the General Fund, except as otherwise noted by an asterisk (*).

Lunchroom Manager (Classified) Haley Inskeep $19.06 hr. Iowa Avenue October 11

Custodian 1 (Classified) Quentin Griffin $1152.23 bwk. Iowa Avenue October 11

Paraprofessional (Unclassified) Gabrielle Allen $14.83 hr. Gamble Montessori October 11 Allison Banks $14.83 hr. Parker Woods Montessori October 11 Muzette Britt $15.24 hr. Sands Montessori October 11 Angela Crew $15.24 hr. Taft Elementary October 11 Christian Drye $15.24 hr. Rising Stars @ Vine October 3 Annalisa Horine $14.83 hr. Woodford September 13 Valerie Mackey $15.24 hr. Westwood October 11 Anita Mumphrey $15.24 hr. Parker Woods Montessori October 11 Lisa Stevens $14.83 hr. North Avondale October 17 Renee Thomas $14.83 hr. Rising Stars @ Vine October 3 Tess Warner $15.24 hr. Parker Woods Montessori October 11 William West $14.83 hr. Hays-Porter September 28

October 10 723 2016



Student Services Assistant (Unclassified) India Everage $12.69 hr. Pleasant Ridge Montessori October 11 Yudora Flack $12.69 hr. Woodford October 12 Judith Karas $12.69 hr. Rising Stars @ Vine September 28

Substitute Food Service Helper Shemeka Craig* $10.74 hr. Various October 11 Justice Lightner* $10.74 hr. Various October 11 Keyona Wiley* $10.74 hr. Various October 11

Special Duty Police Howard Moy $31.00 hr. Various October 11

Athletic and Co-curricular Activities Salaries that include a 10% longevity increment are indicated by a number sign (#) and @ at 50%.

Name School Position Amount John Baucke Shroder Sr. Hi Res Football Coach $2868.02 Joseph Bilz Gamble Montessori Sr. Hi Var Soccer Coach – Boys $2335.52 Christopher Bishop Shroder Sr. Hi Asst Var Football Coach $4201.31# Zachary Blyberg Gamble Montessori MS Head Football Coach $2880.49 Stacy Bogg Walnut Hills Sr. Hi Volleyball Coach $1557.02 Jeffrey Cargile Taft High Sr. Hi Head Var Football Coach $5096.11 Kelli Combs Withrow Sr. Hi Cheerleader Coach $1401.32 Kelli Combs Withrow Sr. Hi Res Cheerleader Coach $1167.77 Thomas Cox Withrow MS Special Sports Coach $ 934.20 Thomas Cox Withrow Sr. Hi Intramurals Coach $1557.02 William Dean Aiken Sr. Hi Asst Var Football Coach $1909.69 Johnathan Deible Aiken Sr. Hi Asst Var Football Coach $1909.69 Jerald Dixon Clark Montessori Sr. Hi Var Soccer Coach – Boys $2335.52 Kenneth Dale Shroder MS Head Football Coach $2880.49 Elizabeth Finnegan Walnut Hills Sr. Hi Cross Country Coach $1167.77 Elizabeth Finnegan Walnut Hills MS Volleyball Coach $1557.02 Jared Grayson Withrow Sr. Hi Asst Res Football Coach $2335.52 Tanea Green Withrow Sr. Hi Asst Var Volleyball Coach $1167.77 Gregory Hatch Walnut Hills Sr. Hi Res Soccer Coach $1167.77 Tyler Hise Western Hills MS Asst Football Coach $1868.42 Jermaine Holley Riverview East Sr. Hi Asst Var Football Coach $1909.63@ Roosevelt Howard Hughes MS Asst Football Coach $1868.42

October 10 724 2016



Athletic and Co-curricular Activities (cont.) Salaries that include a 10% longevity increment are indicated by a number sign (#) and @ at 50%.

Name School Position Amount Edward Jackson Riverview East Sr. Hi Asst Var Football Coach $3819.37 Jamel Johnson Aiken Sr. Hi Asst Var Football Coach $1909.69 Justin Kimber Withrow Sr. Hi Asst Var Football Coach $3819.37 Hobert Klein Walnut Hills Sr. Hi Golf Coach $1557.02 Jordan Lanham Riverview East MS Asst Football Coach $1868.42 Caleb Lipsey Withrow Sr. Hi Res Football Coach $2868.02 Tonya Luckey Aiken Sr. Hi Cheerleader Coach $1401.32 Marsha Mackey Aiken MS Volleyball Coach $1401.32 Daniel Manning Walnut Hills MS Musical Director $311.40 Daniel Manning Walnut Hills Sr. Hi Marching Band $2055.26# Zachary McClurg Clark Montessori Sr. Hi Freshman Soccer Coach $1401.32 Ryne McCormick Aiken Sr. Hi Asst Var Football Coach $1909.69 Sean McCormick Aiken Sr. Hi Asst Var Football Coach $1909.69 Scott McEvoy Walnut Hills Sr. Hi Marching Band $1284.55# Michele Plummer Walnut Hills MS Club Advisor – Cheer $622.80 Gordon Powell Taft High MS Intramurals Coach $1557.02 Robert Rachel Gamble Montessori Sr. Hi Head Var Football Coach $5096.11 Susan Reinke Walnut Hills MS Volleyball Coach $1401.32 R. Thomas Reuss Hughes Sr. Hi Asst Freshman Football Coach $1868.42 Amber Saddler Walnut Hills Sr. Hi Volleyball Coach $1401.32 Jeffrey Scott Shroder MS Asst Football Coach $1868.42 Sdori Sims Gamble Montessori Sr. Hi Head Var Volleyball Coach $2335.52 Asa Smith Clark Montessori Sr. Hi Res Football Coach $2868.02 Jonathan Smith Aiken Sr. Hi Asst Var Football Coach $1909.69 Khristine Smith Shroder Sr. HI Var Volleyball Coach $2569.07# Samantha Stant Clark Montessori Sr. Hi Freshman Soccer Coach $1401.32 Michelle Stephenson Clark Montessori Sr. Hi Var Volleyball Coach $2335.52 Paul Sweeney Walnut Hills MS Cross Country Coach $1401.32 Annette Taul Shroder Sr. Hi Res Volleyball Coach $1557.02 Billy Thomas Shroder Sr. Hi Head Fresman Football Coach $2880.49 Jeremy Triggs Shroder Sr. Hi Asst Freshman Football Coach $1868.42 Kevin Wallace Aiken Sr. Hi Asst Var Football Coach $1909.69 Eric Walker Hughes Sr. Hi Asst Var Football Coach $3819.37 Michael Walker Taft High Sr. Hi Asst Var Football Coach $3819.37 Larry Walton Withrow Sr. Hi Head Fresman Football Coach $2880.49

October 10 725 2016



Athletic and Co-curricular Activities (cont.) Salaries that include a 10% longevity increment are indicated by a number sign (#) and @ at 50%.

Name School Position Amount Stanley Warrenhuffman Walnut Hills Sr. Hi Res Football Coach $2868.02 Malykia Wheaton Riverview East Sr. Hi Cheerleader Coach $1401.32 Nicholas Wickiser Gamble Montessori Sr. Hi Asst Var Football Coach $3819.37 Jasmine Wilks Walnut Hills MS Cheerleader Coach $934.20 Christian Williams Shroder Sr. Hi Asst Res Football Coach $2335.52 Trammell Williams Walnut Hills Sr. Hi Asst Freshman Football Coach $1868.42 Trammell Williams Walnut Hills MS Special Sports Coach $934.20 Barry Wilson Hughes MS Head Football Coach $2880.49 Arthur Woods Withrow MS Head Football Coach $2880.49 Tommie Wright Clark Montessori Sr. Hi Asst Freshman Football Coach $1868.42 Trestan Young Aiken Sr. HI Asst Var Football Coach $1909.69

F. CHANGE IN STATUS (A movement from one position to another, but not considered a promotion.)

The Superintendent recommends approval of a change in status for the following. Funding is from the General Fund, except as otherwise noted by an asterisk (*).

Food Service Helper (Classified) From Danielle Davis* $13.58 hr. Dater Mont Sub Food Serv Helper $10.74 hr. October 11 Valencia Davis* $13.58 hr. Winton Hills Sub Food Serv Helper $10.74 hr. October 11 Yvette Johnson* $13.58 hr. Ethel Taylor Sub Food Serv Helper $10.74 hr. October 11 Ebony Lewis* $13.58 hr. West High Sub Food Serv Helper $10.74 hr. October 11 Josephine Scudder* $13.58 hr. Roberts Sub Food Serv Helper $10.74 hr. October 11 Sheila Wall* $13.58 hr. Covedale Sub Food Serv Helper $10.74 hr. October 11 Taqata Whittaker* $13.58 hr. West High Sub Food Serv Helper $10.74 hr. October 11

G. ADDITIONAL ASSIGNMENT (Provides for employment of personnel beyond the work day or contractual work period. Examples: club sponsorship, coaching.)

The Superintendent recommends approval of the following additional assignments. Positions involving co-curricular activities were filled in compliance with Section 3313.53 of O.R.C. Funding is from the General Fund, except as otherwise noted by an asterisk (*).

October 10 726 2016



Athletic and Co-curricular Activities Salaries that include a 10% longevity increment are indicated by a number sign (#) and @ at 50%.

Name School Position Amount Pat Auciello Riverview East MS Club Advisor – 8th grade $622.80 Dondi Britten Taft High Sr. Hi Asst Var Football Coach $1909.69 Derron Brooks Clark Montessori Sr. Hi Asst Res Football Coach $2335.52 Charles Dukes Oyler Sr. Hi Var Volleyball Coach $2335.52 Sallie Elliott Clark Montessori Sr. Hi Freshman Tennis Coach – Girls $1401.32 Kenton Estill Gamble Montessori MS Head Volleyball Coach $1401.32 Kathleen Glasmeier Riverview East MS Club Advisor – 7th Grade $622.80 LaVette Grayson Aiken Sr. Hi Res Volleyball Coach $1712.73 Jessica League Gamble Montessori Sr. Hi Var Cheerleader Coach $1401.32 Greg Pickett Clark Montessori Sr. Hi Head Var Football Coach $5096.11 Isiah Richmond Riverview East Sr. Hi Asst Football Coach $1909.63@ Stevonne Spivery Withrow Sr. Hi Var Volleyball Coach $2335.52 Donnitta Thomas Shroder Sr. Hi Cheerleader Coach $1541.45# Ricky Thomas Oyler Sr. Hi Asst Softball Coach $1167.77 Ricky Thomas Oyler MS Volleyball Coach $1401.32 Ricky Thomas Oyler Sr. Hi Asst Var Volleyball Coach $1167.77 Terrance West Withrow Sr. HI Asst Var Football Coach $3819.37 Guy Westmoreland Shroder Sr. Hi Asst Var Football Coach $3819.37 George Williams Shroder Sr. Hi Asst Var Football Coach $3819.37

H. PROMOTION (Indicates that the employee is being recommended for a position with greater compensation and responsibilities.)

The Superintendent recommends approval of a promotion for the following. Funding is from the General Fund, except as otherwise noted by an asterisk (*).

Lunchroom Manager (Classified) From Dianna Matthews* $19.06 hr. Iowa Avenue Food Serv Helper $13.58 hr. October 11 Juanita Milner* $19.06 hr. Iowa Avenue Food Serv Helper $14.01 hr. October 11

Mary A. Ronan Superintendent of Schools

Mrs. Bates moved and Ms. Bolton seconded the motion that The Report of the Treasurer be approved.

Ayes: Members Bates, Bolton, Hoffman, Minera, President Copeland-Dansby (5) Absent: Members Jones, Nelms (2) Noes: None

President Copeland-Dansby declared the motion carried.

October 10 727 2016







That record is made of a donation from the following Donors:

Donor/Grant Name Amount Location Fund Deposited

(A.) Korean Education Center $19,000.00 Gamble Montessori High Fund 019 – Other Grants School Purpose: To be used for the enrichment of Korean Language classes and cultural events at Gamble Montessori High School.

(B.) The Greater Cincinnati $1,000.00 Western Hills High Fund 019 – Foundation School Other Grants Purpose: To assist graduate Thomas Allen Stedman with his college costs in the coming school year.

(C.) Gaines United Methodist Women $150.00 Shroder High School Fund 018 – Public School Support Purpose: To be used at the principal’s discretion.

(D.) Data Recognition Corporation $870.00 ABLE Fund 012 – Adult Education Purpose: To be used at the program administrator’s discretion as a donation from student participation in pilot testing for the TABE test.

(E.) Sands Montessori Parent $322.00 Sands Montessori School Fund 300 – Student Organization Activities Purpose: To cover the costs of a field trip bus for Rooms1002 & 2002 at Sands Montessori to be used by June 1, 2017.

(F.) Sands Montessori Parent $322.00 Sands Montessori School Fund 300 – Student Organization Activities Purpose: To cover the costs of a guest speaker for Rooms 1003 & 2008 at Sands Montessori to be used by June 1, 2017.

October 10 728 2016



That the Treasurer be authorized to enter into an agreement with the following Vendors/Consultants:

Vendor/Consultant Name Amount Not to Agreement Dates Funding Source & Exceed Description

Assistant Superintendent (A.) Dream Builders University, $100,000.00 10/11/2016-6/30/2017 General Fund LLC Purpose: to provide behavior support and social emotional development at A2S/A2E.

(B.) Time II Advocate for Children $95,550.00 10/11/2016-6/30/2017 General Fund and Families Purpose: to provide anger management and social skills program at Gamble Montessori, Woodford, Roselawn and Mt. Washington.

Facilities (C.) That the Treasurer be authorized to grant an easement to Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. for the relocation of an underground gas line at Riverview East Academy.


That the Treasurer be authorized to approve payment to the following Vendor(s)/Consultant(s):

Vendor/Consultant Name Amount Not to Exceed

(A.) AXA Equitable Life Insurance Company $360,000.00 Purpose: Remit payment for Basic Life Insurance for all benefits eligible employees for 2016-17 fiscal year. The amount in based on their union negotiated terms.

(B.) Ohio Department of Jobs and Family Services $120,000.00 Purpose: Remit payment for CPS’s unemployment compensation expenses for the 2016-17 fiscal year.

(C.) Unify HR LLC $50,000.00 Purpose: Remit payment for the processing of our 1095-C’s forms that go out each year. This company is an Affordable Care Act Compliance Administration Services Company.

(D.) Bethesda Health Care $480,000.00 Purpose: Remit payment for CPS’s Wellness Works Program for the 2016-17 fiscal year.

October 10 729 2016



The Treasurer recommends approval be given for the following purchase orders, charged to the appropriate fund:

SCHOOL WIDE 598 A. License Imagine Learning Inc Westwood School $34,000.00 Explanation – Software licensing for Imagine Learning, an online learning system.


That the Treasurer be authorized to pay the following Then and Now Certificates:

Confirm Vendor Amount Funding Source CPS Location Purpose of Purchase

Assistant (A.) University of Textbook reimbursement for CPS $3,044.74 General Fund Superintendent’s Cincinnati student taking AP classes Office


That the Treasurer be authorized to enter into an agreement with the following Vendors/Consultants:

Vendor/Consultant Name Amount Not to Agreement Dates Funding Source Exceed

Assistant Superintendent (A.) Advance Education $15,000.00 10/11/2016-6/30/2017 General Fund Purpose: Conduct external, readiness, and STEM reviews of CPS high schools so that they may acquire AdvancED accreditation during the 2016-17 school year.

Jennifer M. Wagner Treasurer/CFO

Ms. Bolton moved and Mr. Minera seconded the motion that The Revised Report of the Treasurer be approved.

Ayes: Members Bates, Bolton, Hoffman, Minera, President Copeland-Dansby (5) Absent: Member Jones, Nelms (2) Noes: None

President Copeland-Dansby declared the motion carried.

October 10 730 2016


Thanks to Deputy Superintendent and Head of the My Tomorrow Initiative at Cincinnati Public Schools, Laura Mitchell; and Cincinnati Public Schools Chief Information Officer, Sarah Trimble-Oliver. talked about the digital divide and how to help more students gain access to technology in an era where internet and technology use are so common, it may be surprising that many have little or no access to either. The digital divide, or the gap between students who have access to technology and those who don't, is widening. However, schools and programs, such as the Digital Curriculum through My Tomorrow at Cincinnati Public Schools, are working to close that gap.


Please note the following assignments:

1. Partnership/Public Engagement Committee –There is ininterest to have a tribute by the Greater Cincinnati Chapter of Tuskegee Airmen, for two individuals who attended North Avondale School. This should be brought to the PPE Committee for further discussion. Patricia Neal-Miller, Director of the Family and Community Engagement Department, will provide background information. 2. Student Achievement Committee- How are Social Workers assigned? 3. Student Achievement Committee – Questions of Mobility. What is working? What still needs to improve? What kinds of disaggregated data reports to look at from either the school or the district level that could help inform us of what is being done well and what still needs improved. 4. Administration – to update the Board on what it would take to reinstate the Walking School Bus for those neighborhoods that were using and benefiting from the program. Information should include costs and what is needed to get it up and running. 5. Administration – to make sure that Administrators, CLCs, LSDMCs and Resource Coordinators are working and functioning within each school CLS’s purpose and meeting set goals. 6. Administration – to provide data on which teachers are using the CLCs and which are not. 7. Deputy Superintendent Laura Mitchell – reported that she and Assistant Superintendent Bill Myles have organized meetings with principals to learn about issues they need to be solved as it relates to new programming at their schools. She will update the Board about their meetings at a future Partnership/Public Engagement Committee meeting. 8. Partnership/Public Engagement Committee – to provide an update on what schools are majorly impacted by the change of vendors and the resolutions to complaints that have been received. The data will be reported by school, what neighborhoods are more impacted and why, are neighborhood schools more impacted than magnet schools and if so, why. 9. Administration – to look into an automated system where parents can register their complaint or issue to make-up for capacity of individuals answering phone calls. 10. Board – to conduct three regular business meetings on a monthly basis. The November 21, 2016, Regular Board meeting will be cancelled. 11. Board – to form an Ad Hoc Committee to review the Board’s Protocol. Board Members Bolton, Hoffman and Jones expressed an interest in being on the Committee.


The Board adjourned at 7:54 p.m.

Jennifer M. Wagner Treasurer/CFO