FC 2019 MS4 Annual Report
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City of Falls Church, Virginia City of Falls Church Municipal Separate Storm Sewer (MS4) Permit Number VAR040065 Permit Four/Year One Annual Report July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2019 City of Falls Church Department of Public Works 300 Park Avenue Falls Church, VA 22046 Updated by: 4229 Lafayette Center Drive, Suite 1850 Chantilly, Virginia 20151 703-870-7000 CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS David Tarter - Mayor Marybeth Connelly - Vice Mayor David F. Snyder Phil Duncan Dan Sze Letty Hardi Ross Litkenhous CITY MANAGER F. Wyatt Shields REPORT PREPARED AND COMPILED BY: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Alan R. Dalton, PE, City Stormwater Engineer CONTRIBUTING AGENCIES AND ORGANIZATIONS Environmental Sustainability Council (ESC) Recreation & Parks Communications & Public Information Falls Church Public Schools (FCPS) Urban Forestry MS4 Annual Report Permit 4/Year 1 Table of Contents Signatory Authorizations ......................................................................................................................................4 Annual Report Certification ..................................................................................................................................4 1.0 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................5 2.0 Compliance with Minimum Control Measures (MCMs) ......................................................................... 5 2.1 Minimum Control Measure 1 - Public Education and Outreach .............................................................. 6 2.2 Minimum Control Measure 2 - Public Involvement and Participation ..................................................... 9 2.3 Minimum Control Measure 3 - Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination .......................................... 13 2.4 Minimum Control Measure 4 - Construction Site Stormwater Runoff .................................................. 17 2.5 Minimum Control Measure 5 - Post-Construction Stormwater Management for New Development and Development on Prior Developed Lands ...................................................................................... 18 2.6 Minimum Control Measure 6 - Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Facilities Within the MS4 Area Owned and Operated by the Permittee .............................................................................. 21 3.0 Compliance with Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Special Conditions ...................................... 25 3.1 Chesapeake Bay TMDL for Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Sediment ...................................................... 25 3.2 Local TMDLs .......................................................................................................................................... 26 Appendices Appendix A - Public Education and Outreach Materials Appendix B - Public Participation Information Appendix C - Illicit Discharge Information Appendix D - Private BMP Maintenance Summary September 30, 2019 Page 3 of 31 MS4 Annual Report Permit 4/Year 1 1.0 Introduction On July 8, 2013, the City of Falls Church (City) received authorization as an operator of a small municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) to discharge to surface waters within the boundaries of the Commonwealth of Virginia under the Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) MS4 General Permit (MS4 General Permit). The 2013 MS4 General Permit expired June 30, 2018, but was administratively continued by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) until October 30, 2018. The City continued to operate under MS4 General Permit coverage in the next permit cycle (July 1, 2018 - June 31, 2023). This report covers the City's efforts to implement its MS4 Program Plan, which was most recently updated on June 12, 2019 in order to meet the conditions of the MS4 General Permit. This report is submitted by the City, MS4 General Permit Registration Number VAR040065, for the reporting period of July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2019 or Permit Four/Year One (P4/Y1). The official version of the MS4 General Permit is found via the following link: https://law.lis.virginia.gov/admincode/title9/agency25/chapter890/. The City is required to submit an annual report to remain in compliance with the MS4 General Permit. This annual report describes the City's collective efforts in stormwater management and updates the progress toward meeting the Best Management Practices (BMPs) for each of the six (6) Minimum Control Measures (MCMs) and Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) requirements identified in the MS4 General Permit. Tasks required by the MS4 General Permit in P4/Y1 and contained in this annual report are annotated with an abbreviated BMP ID, for example, BMP 1A, and each corresponds to the MS4 Program Plan. This report places emphasis on the accomplishments made in P4/Y1 and other actions undertaken by the City to meet the stated goals. Supporting documentation is provided in the Appendices to this report. The City's June 2019 MS4 Program Plan is found via the following link: https://www.fallschurchva.gov/ DocumentCenter/View/11536/MS4-Program-Plan-for-the-City-of-Falls-Church-amended-2019. BMP evaluation results for each BMP implemented to satisfy MCM requirements, along with MS4 Program Plan associated changes, are provided below. The evaluation is intended to determine the MS4 program's effectiveness and whether changes to the MS4 Program Plan are necessary. 2.0 Compliance with Minimum Control Measures (MCMs) The six (6) MCMs in the MS4 General Permit form its backbone and make up the basics of what is required in the City’s MS4 Program and MS4 Program Plan. Each MCM requires the City to address several specific requirements throughout the MS4 General Permit cycle. Section 2 contains a summary of activities completed during the reporting period for each of the following six (6) MCMs: . MS4 General Permit compliance requirements . Description of selected BMPs and strategies . Objective/expected results . List of SOPs or policies necessary to implement BMPs (provided in Reference Library) . Department(s) responsible for implementing BMP . Measurable goal by which each BMP or strategy will be evaluated . Compliance dates/schedules . Annual reporting requirements . Method utilized to determine effectiveness September 30, 2019 Page 5 of 31 MS4 Annual Report Permit 4/Year 1 2.1 Minimum Control Measure 1 - Public Education and Outreach Minimum Control Measure 1 (MCM #1) details the expectations and requirements of the City's efforts to increase public knowledge and awareness regarding stormwater pollution, anthropogenic impacts to water quality and local water quality concerns. BMP 1A – Revise and Implement Public Education and Outreach Program Document Description of selected Revise and implement a Public Education and Outreach Program (PEOP) designed to: BMPs and strategies . Increase the public's knowledge of how to reduce stormwater pollution, placing a priority on reducing impacts to impaired waters and other local water pollution concerns; . Increase the public's knowledge of hazards associated with illegal discharges and improper disposal of waste, including pertinent legal implications; and . Implement a diverse program with strategies that are targeted toward individuals or groups most likely to have significant stormwater impacts. Annual reporting The MS4 General Permit requires that the City identify no less than three (3) high-priority requirements stormwater issues to meet the goals associated with MCM #1. The City has identified the following stormwater issues: . Bacteria impacts on water quality . Illicit discharges . Household hazardous waste (HHW) The MS4 General Permit requires the City to annually employ two (2) or more of the outreach strategies identified in Table 1 of the 2018 MS4 General Permit. The City has chosen to employ the following strategies: Strategy Activity(ies) Traditional Written Materials . Articles in Local Newspapers Alternative Materials . N/A Signage . N/A Media Materials . Northern Virginia Clean Water Partners (NVCWP) Campaign . Stormwater Website . Pet Waste Post-Cards . Automotive Mailer Speaking Engagements . City Council Meetings . Environmental Sustainability Council (ESC) Meetings Curriculum Materials . N/A Training Materials . N/A Description of Strategies and Associated Activities Each year the City performs education and outreach activities related to stormwater and water quality. As part of the MS4 Program Plan, the City distributes educational materials to the community and conducts outreach activities about the impacts of stormwater discharges on water bodies and the steps that the public can take to reduce pollutants in stormwater runoff. Public education and outreach activities conducted during the reporting year were based upon the three (3) high-priority water quality issues outlined above. September 30, 2019 Page 6 of 31 MS4 Annual Report Permit 4/Year 1 BMP 1A – Revise and Implement Public Education and Outreach Program Document The City’s Department of Public Works (DPW), working in partnership with the other City departments, citizen volunteers, and local/regional non-profit groups, conducted a variety of education and outreach activities during the reporting period. Among these are the following: Traditional Written Materials . Local Newspapers - During the reporting period, DPW staff placed an article covering three separate topics regarding watershed protection in the Falls Church News-Press (total circulation of 10,000 in the greater