Shane Wells From: Alison Leake Sent: Friday, 17 August 2018 9:49 AM To: Phil Barker Subject: FW: Comment: Prosser Plains Raw Water Scheme Tasmania (EPBC 2017/7927) Kind regards, Alison Leake Accounts North Barker – Ecosystem Services 163 Campbell Street Hobart TAS 7000
[email protected] 62 319788 From: Ben Waining <
[email protected] > Sent: Wednesday, 15 August 2018 1:33 PM To: Alison Leake <
[email protected] > Subject: Comment: Prosser Plains Raw Water Scheme Tasmania (EPBC 2017/7927) To whom it may concern, I am writing to provide comment on the proposed action by the Glamorgan Spr ing Bay Council to construct and operate a 3000 megalitre capacity water storage on the Tea Tree Rivulet. My concerns are related specifically to the risks posed by this development to the population viability of the critically endangered swift Parrot. T he swift parrot has been listed as critically endangered under the EPBC Act. The conservation advice issued by the Threatened Species Scientific Committee, established under the EPBC Act lists habitat loss and alteration as one of the key threats facing th e survival of the Swift Parrot. The proposed removal of known swift parrot habitat is an action that will have a direct impact on this critically endangered species. The proposed offsets do not alleviate this impact, as it still remains that there would b e a net loss of available habitat if this dam proposal was to go ahead. It is further noted with concern that the offset areas are not finalised. To further endanger a critically endangered species for the purposes of installing a dam shows a fundamental disregard for the sustainable management of our land.